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7. 2008/09 Revenue Outturn Report - SSDC Homepage. Revenue outturn... · 2008/09 Revenue Outturn...

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DE District Executive – 11 th June 2009 7. 2008/09 Revenue Outturn Report Executive Portfolio Holder: Cllr. Robin Munday Head of Service: Donna Parham, Financial Services Lead Officer: Jayne Beevor, Principal Accountant, Financial Services Contact Details: [email protected] or (01935) 462320 Purpose of Report 1. To inform Members of the actual spend against budgets for the 2008/09 financial year. Recommendations 2. Members are RECOMMENDED to: (a) Note the outturn position of £19,419,739 including the LSP (an under spend of £314,881) and explanation of variances from budget holders for the 2008/09 financial year as shown in paragraphs 8-14; (b) Approve the carry forwards listed and recommended for approval by Management Board in Appendix B into the 2009/10 budgets; (c) Approve all overspends are funded from general balances; (d) Note the use of the specific reserves in paragraph 27 and general fund balances in paragraph 28; (e) Note the transfers to and from balances outlined in paragraph 31; (f) Note the position of the Area Committee balances in paragraph 34; (g) Approve the virements reported in paragraph 36; (h) Note the stock write-offs outlined in paragraph 37. Background 3. Full Council approved the 2008/09 budget on 21st February 2008. The responsibility for monitoring and controlling budgets is delegated down to individual Area Committees and District Executive. Heads of Service had the responsibility for the day-to-day monitoring of budgets and reporting variations to the appropriate Committee. 4. All Committees have received regular budget monitoring reports throughout the year that have highlighted variances from budgets and comments from the budget holder. 5. All budgets are split between ‘above’ and ‘below’ the line with Committees only being responsible for ‘above’ the line items. Above the line budgets include all of the items considered to be under the manager’s control and include such things as employee costs, supplies and services, income etc. Meeting: DE01A 09:10 13 Date: 11.06.09
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District Executive – 11th June 2009

7. 2008/09 Revenue Outturn Report Executive Portfolio Holder: Cllr. Robin Munday Head of Service: Donna Parham, Financial Services Lead Officer: Jayne Beevor, Principal Accountant, Financial Services Contact Details: [email protected] or (01935) 462320 Purpose of Report 1. To inform Members of the actual spend against budgets for the 2008/09 financial

year. Recommendations 2. Members are RECOMMENDED to:

(a) Note the outturn position of £19,419,739 including the LSP (an under spend of £314,881) and explanation of variances from budget holders for the 2008/09 financial year as shown in paragraphs 8-14;

(b) Approve the carry forwards listed and recommended for approval by

Management Board in Appendix B into the 2009/10 budgets; (c) Approve all overspends are funded from general balances; (d) Note the use of the specific reserves in paragraph 27 and general fund

balances in paragraph 28; (e) Note the transfers to and from balances outlined in paragraph 31; (f) Note the position of the Area Committee balances in paragraph 34; (g) Approve the virements reported in paragraph 36; (h) Note the stock write-offs outlined in paragraph 37.

Background 3. Full Council approved the 2008/09 budget on 21st February 2008. The

responsibility for monitoring and controlling budgets is delegated down to individual Area Committees and District Executive. Heads of Service had the responsibility for the day-to-day monitoring of budgets and reporting variations to the appropriate Committee.

4. All Committees have received regular budget monitoring reports throughout the

year that have highlighted variances from budgets and comments from the budget holder.

5. All budgets are split between ‘above’ and ‘below’ the line with Committees only

being responsible for ‘above’ the line items. Above the line budgets include all of the items considered to be under the manager’s control and include such things as employee costs, supplies and services, income etc.

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6. Below the line budgets will include recharges, capital charges and deferred charges. As every item of expenditure and income is above the line somewhere in the Council’s accounts, only above the line items are reported to Committee for budget monitoring purposes.

7. The total cost of the service is established by adding the above and below the

line items together. Overall Picture of Revenue Budgets 8. The overall outturn for SSDC Services in 2008/09 was £314,881 under spent (or

1.6%). The table below sets out the overall picture of the ‘above the line’ revenue budgets that will form part of the annual Statement of Accounts that is required to be approved by the Audit committee in June 2009 before being audited by the Audit Commission.

(F=favourable variance, A=adverse variance)



Movement During the


Outturn Budget


Actual Spend



£’000Strategic Management 1,183.8 (254.6) 929.2 804.6 (124.6) FFinancial Services (858.6) (0.5) (859.1) (1,398.4) (539.3) FLegal Services 1,022.3 97.3 1,119.6 1,448.2 328.6 AHuman Resources 1,441.8 (869.1) 572.7 487.1 (85.6) FCommunications 182.4 (34.1) 148.3 105.1 (43.2) FPolicy & Performance 108.3 (9.5) 98.8 40.6 (58.2) FProcurement 292.7 (23.6) 269.1 166.0 (103.1) FCustomer Services 657.2 (3.2) 654.0 576.0 (78.0) FE Government &Technology

1,526.8 54.2 1,581.0 1,557.4 (23.6) F

Development & Building Control

548.2 54.2 602.4 678.9 76.5 A

Economic Development, Planning & Transport

2,155.8 14.5 2,170.3 2,249.6 79.3 A

Revenues & Benefits 326.8 23.5 350.3 212.8 (137.5) FCountryside, Tourism & Heritage

631.2 103.7 734.9 776.7 41.8 A

Environmental Health & Community Protection

1,179.8 76.1 1,255.9 1,255.0 (0.9) F

Housing & Welfare 1,065.4 0.1 1,065.5 1,222.6 157.1 ASport, Art & Leisure 1,286.4 139.2 1,425.6 1,416.4 (9.2) FEngineering & Property 111.6 55.7 167.3 307.1 139.8 AStreetscene 1,717.0 101.4 1,818.4 1,824.0 5.6 AWaste & Recycling 3,116.1 52.1 3,168.2 3,426.6 258.4 AArea East 668.3 176.2 844.5 762.6 (81.9) FArea North 362.0 30.6 392.6 361.1 (31.5) FArea South 484.4 (3.2) 481.2 478.4 (2.8) FArea West 480.7 63.3 544.0 518.0 (26.0) FTotal 19,690.4 (155.7) 19,534.7 19,276.4 (258.3) F

Note that all figures in brackets are under spends.

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9. The LSP budget shown below was under spent in the year although it has been almost fully committed. This budget is "ring fenced" as in 2008/09 it was jointly funded between SSDC and SCC. The under spent amount will therefore be carried forward to 2009/10.




Movement During the


Outturn Budget





£’000LSP 44.5 155.4 199.9 143.3 (56.6) FTotal All Spend 19,734.9 (0.3) 19,734.6 19,419.7 (314.9) F

10. Under the Financial Procedure Rules specific under/over spends may be carried

forward to the following year with the approval of District Executive. If members agree the carry forwards listed in Appendix B the financial position will be as follows:

Out turn



Carry Forwards


Actual + Carry

Forwards £’000


£’000Strategic Management 929.2 50.0 854.6 (74.6) FFinancial Services (859.1) (1,398.4) (539.3) FLegal Services 1,119.6 6.0 1,454.2 334.6 AHuman Resources 572.7 487.1 (85.6) FCommunications 148.3 105.1 (43.2) FPolicy & Performance 98.8 40.6 (58.2) FProcurement 269.1 166.0 (103.1) FCustomer Services 654.0 576.0 (78.0) FE Government &Technology

1,581.0 1,557.4 (23.6) F

Development & Building Control

602.4 13.0 691.9 89.5 A

Economic Development, Planning & Transport

2,170.3 2,249.6 79.3 A

Revenues & Benefits 350.3 212.8 (137.5) FCountryside & Tourism 734.9 8.2 784.9 50.0 AEnvironmental Health & Community Protection

1,255.9 1,255.0 (0.9) F

Housing & Welfare 1,065.5 1,222.6 157.1 ASport, Art & Leisure 1,425.6 1,416.4 (9.2) FEngineering & Property 167.3 307.1 139.8 AStreetscene 1,818.4 1,824.0 5.6 AWaste & Recycling 3,168.2 3,426.6 258.4 AArea East 844.5 85.9 848.5 4.0 AArea North 392.6 30.2 391.3 (1.3) FArea South 481.2 5.0 483.4 2.2 AArea West 544.0 33.3 551.3 7.3 ATotal 19,534.7 231.6 19,508.0 (26.7) FLSP 199.9 56.6 199.9 - -Total All Spend 19,734.6 288.2 19,707.9 (26.7) F

Note that all figures in brackets are underspends.

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11. The net expenditure of £19,419,739 including the LSP was financed as follows:

£’000 % Revenue Support Grant (RSG) 1,326.0 6.8 National Non-Domestic Rates 9,525.0 49.1 Council Tax 8,553.7 44.0 Use of Reserves and Balances 15.0 0.1 Total 19,419.7 100.0

2008/09 Outturn 12. The table in Appendix A shows the budget, actual expenditure and income,

variance between budget and actual together with an explanation of the variance from the Head of Service and the carry forwards requested under the financial procedure rules.

13. The Services with significant variations (over £50,000) are as follows:

Service Service Head

Variance£’000 Budget Holders’ Comments

Strategic Management Phil Dolan (74.6) F

The under spend is mainly due to staff vacancies within the Lean Project Team, these have now been filled.

Financial Services

Donna Parham (539.3) F

The under spend has mainly arisen due to interest received being higher than budgeted rates.

Legal Services Ian Clarke 334.6 A

Land charge searches have fallen by 60% when compared to 2008/9 numbers so income budgets have not been achieved. Salary budgets have overspent due to the difficulty in recruiting legal staff and the need to use agency staff. It is planned that the reliance on agency people is reduced within the next six months.

Human Resources

Mike Holliday (85.6) F

Under spent on salaries and projects.

Policy & Performance

Sue Eaton (58.2) FUnder spent as the department has run throughout the year with staff vacancies.

Procurement Gary Russ (103.1) F

Under spend has arisen from the vacant procurement officer post and the rolling renewal of PCs having been put on hold during the year.

Customer Services

Rina Singh (78.0) F

Vacant posts and secondments account for the under spend.

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Development & Building Control Simon

Gale 89.5 A

Under achieved income budgets for both Building -£123k & Development Control-£81k have been somewhat offset by holding staff vacancies. A lean process is currently being conducted and efficiencies from this process should cover the downturn in the market.

Economic Development, Planning & Transport Andy

Foyne 79.3 A

Savings have been made in Planning Policy due to staff vacancies. This has somewhat offset the £104k overspend on concessionary fares which is due to the shortfall in Government financial support for the scheme.

Revenues & Benefits Ian Potter (137.5) F

Early realisation of the Lean work programme accounts for the underspend.

Housing & Welfare Ian Potter 157.1 A

Bed & breakfast budgets were over spent by £61k but the rate did slow in the second half of the year. Savings were not achieved from cross boundary working-£30k and although Careline’s customer growth target was exceeded the income budget had a shortfall of £40k.

Engineering & Property

Brian Tufton 139.8 A

Falling car park income (£87k) and increased energy costs (£37k) are the main contributors to the over spend.

Waste & Recycling

Vega Sturgess 258.4 A

A significant element of the over spend is from the bring bank service which is still operated by SSDC. Costs of cleansing and repairs have spiralled due to vandalism at the sites,

Note that figures in brackets are under spends. 14. In 2008/09 the budget for treasury management income was £2,114k whereas

the actual investment income earned was £3,049k an additional £935k. This was principally due to actual interest rates being higher than the budgeted rate of 4.25%, which improved returns by approximately £573k. The amount available for investment was more than anticipated and this increased returns by approximately £362k.

Outturn and Performance 15. The following table shows budget and other performance information for SSDC


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Service Revised

Budget £’000





Performance Measure Target

Performance Measure Target

Performance Measure Actual

Development and Building Control

602.4 678.9 76.5

Major Planning applications determined in 13 weeks Major planning applications determined in 8 weeks Other planning applications determined in 8 weeks







Revenues and Benefits

350.3 212.8 (137.5)

Proportion of council tax collected Proportion of business rates collected





Financial Services


(1,398.4) (539.3)

Benchmark rate of return on investments



Countryside, Tourism & Heritage

734.9 776.7 41.8

Number of visits/usage of museums per 1,000 population



Customer Services

654.0 576.0 (78.0)

% of customers either satisfied or very satisfied with the call centre service



Environmental Health & Community Protection

1,255.9 1,255.0 (0.9)

Inspection of 1,200 food premises. No of jobs carried out by Handyman Service on essential repairs





Housing and Welfare

1,065.5 1,222.6 157.1

No of affordable homes delivered. Average length of stay in B&B accommodation. Average length of stay in hostel accommodation


max 6 weeks

max 15 weeks


max 4.9 weeks

max 9.2 weeks

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Sport, Art & Leisure


1,416.4 (9.2) No of new Goldenstones membership sales No of Swim School membership sales





Engineering and Property

167.3 307.1 139.8

% of public conveniences cleaned at least once per day. Responses to fixed penalty notice appeals within 7 days Rent arrears over 90 days as a percentage of income







Waste and recycling

3,168.2 3,426.6 258.4

Residual waste per household % household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting






1,818.4 1,824.0 5.6

Levels of litter, detritus, graffiti, and fly posting



Delivery of Gershon Savings 16. From 2008/09 the Department for Communities & Local Government require all

Councils to achieve cashable efficiency targets and South Somerset has set a target of 3.5% (3% for South Somerset plus ½% through Pioneer Somerset). The achievement of the targets for South Somerset District Council (SSDC) are shown in the table below;


Target £’000

SSDC Actual



£’000 1,056 1,132.5 76.5

17. Appendix E to this report details the progress of all savings that were taken in the

2008/09 budget setting process and during the year. External Partnerships 18. Some partnerships such as the LSP and SWAP (South West Audit Partnership)

are monitored within SSDC’s overall budget as SSDC is classified as “the accountable body” for those partnerships. It is important however to include other partnerships that have a financial impact on SSDC and the following partnerships

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specifically will be included within the budget monitoring process although they are managed and run by other bodies;

Crewkerne Aqua Centre The initial out turn figures for the aqua centre show a reasonable surplus however this is less than the surplus that the centre budgeted for. Wincanton Sports Centre Due to the pool closure the initial out turn figures for the sports centre report a deficit of £15,380. Further year end adjustments are still to be finalised and the Manager predicts that there will be a breakeven position for the financial year. South Somerset Voluntary Community Action (SSVCA) The year end accounts are still being completed but the forecast at the end of February was for a £25,000 surplus.

19. The out turn positions of the partnerships for which SSDC is the accountable

body are detailed in the table below;

2008/09 Budget


2008/09 Actual£’000

Variation £’000

2008/09 Reserve Balance/Surplus/

Carry forward South West Audit Partnership

(31.6) (11.8) 19.8 (11.8)

Local Strategic Partnership

199.9 143.3 (56.6) (56.6)

Yeovil Vision 0 0 0 (13.7)Chard Regeneration 0 0 0 (144.8)Mendip and South Somerset Community Safety Partnership

0 0 0 (4.5)

South Somerset Consultative Forum

- - - -

Carry Forwards 20. In the Financial Procedure Rules, Heads of Service can request that specific

under spends (within a minimum of £5,000 for any specific purpose) may be carried forward to the following year. However, those rules also state that District Executive may waive this depending on corporate need. It is recommended that there is no carry forward to 2009/10 other than those recommended as necessary by Management Board.

21. For grants, the accounting rules require the grant to be accounted for in the year

it is actually paid and not when it is committed. Therefore, the carry forward on the grant budgets reflects the commitments to pay grants that have been made by the various committees.

22. Specific carry forward requests amounting to £350,150 are shown at Appendix B

and members are recommended to approve only £288,150 as requested by Management Board.

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23. Under the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules, District Executive can approve an overspend of a maximum of £25,000 to be carried forward into the following year unless District Executive agree that they are funded from General Balances. The service areas that would need to carry the overspend forward would have difficulty finding savings to compensate and therefore it is recommended that no overspends are carried forward to 2009/10.

Financial Management 24. Members are aware of the efforts and investment that have been made over

previous years to improve the quality of financial management. The District Auditor has reported on our improved procedures and performance. At an overall level spend against budget has remained relatively consistent since 2004/05 as follows:


(Under)/Overspend £’000

(Under)/Overspend %

2004/05 (232) (1.4) 2005/06 (322) (1.8) 2006/07 (159) (0.8) 2007/08 (132) (0.6) 2008/09 183 0.9 Note the above figures have had the effect of treasury management investments removed to make them more comparable.

Total Cost of Services 25. The CIPFA accounting regulations requires all expenditure to be allocated to front

line services. This means that all support service budgets have to be apportioned as required by the Best Value Accounting Code of Practice. This is set out in Appendix F.

Reserves, Balances and Contingency 26. In addition to the funds available in the Revenue Budget, the Council also has

certain reserves, balances and a contingency fund. 27. Reserves are amounts that have been set aside from annual revenue budgets to

meet specific known events that will happen in the future. An example of such a reserve is the amount set aside annually to cover the cost of South Somerset District Council elections that occur every four years. The complete list of specific Reserves and the current balance on each one is provided at Appendix D. The Appendix shows all transfers in or out of each one that has been actioned under the authority delegated in the Financial Procedure Rules. Transfers out of specific reserves that require reporting to District Executive for noting are as follows:

Reserve Balance



Transfers In£

Transfers Out


Balance at31/03/09

Reason for Transfer


Capital Reserve 1,256,551 194,076 1,450,627 Revenue Contribution for Octagon (£40k) Finance Leases (37k) and Fivehead MUGA (£6k),

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Planning Delivery Grant contribution to Brympton Way reception (£18k) and allocation of PDG to capital (£93k)

Car Park Income VAT Reserve

687,921 (687,921) 0 Reserve no longer required as incorporated into VAT account

LABGI (Local Authority Business Growth Incentive)

96,490 111,875 (15,746) 192,620 Transfer of LABGI funding into reserve (£112k) less transfers to Economic Development revenue budget (£16K)

Yeovil Vision 3,577 13,650 17,227 Transfer from Yeovil Vision revenue budget

Historic Buildings 86,556 (51,654) 34,902 Grants to various historic buildings

Bristol to Weymouth Rail Reserve

35,874 (2,023) 33,851 Contribution to Bristol to Weymouth Rail Partnership

Save to Earn Scheme

52,400 (2,400) 50,000 Funding for cash machines

Equipment Replacement Workplace Nursery Reserve

8,592 (1,070) 7,522 Contribution to revenue budget for replacement of nursery equipment.

Replacement of CCTV Cameras

7,104 (511) 6,593 Funding of CCTV equipment

Housing & Planning Delivery Reserve

411,476 42,439 (197,332) 256,583 Contributions to revenue budget for reports and studies

Risk Management 13,153 1,000 12,153 Contribution towards a chemical hoist at Goldenstones

Voluntary Redundancy/ Early Retirement Fund

287,840 415,231 (240,239) 462,832 Funding of reserve less transfers to revenue budgets for funding of redundancy and retirement. Capitalisation of redundancy granted by the Secretary of State (£260k)

Elections 16,820 37,010 53,830 Increase reserves for 2011 elections

(figures in brackets denote a reduction in the reserve) 28. General Fund Balance represents the accumulated revenue surpluses. Within

the total, however, are amounts that have been earmarked by the District Executive for specific purposes. The table below shows the current position on the General Fund Balance compared to that previously reported.

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As at01.04.08


General Fund Balances

Movements During the

Year £’000

As at31.3.09


2,730 Balances as at 1 April 2008 0 2,730Less Use of Balances 410 410

(410) Carry forwards to services 2008/09 0 (410)2008/09 budget once off use of balances (330) (330)Under/Overspends on 2008/9 revenue budgets

(315) (315)

Carry forwards to services approved per appendix B

288 288

Earmarked for specific purposes: • allocated to Committees:

(109) - Area East 35 (74)(87) - Area West 29 (58)(57) - Area North 0 (57)(30) • Building Control Trading Balance 30 0

(7) • IT Replacement Committed Balance 0 (7)(42) • Economic Development Balance 0 (42)

(300) • Job Evaluation 300 01,688 Unallocated General Fund Balance at

31 March 2009 447 2,135

(figures in brackets denote a reduction in the reserve) A memorandum account has now been set up to record Building Control

surpluses and deficits on the chargeable work. On a rolling three year basis the total cost deficit is £238,160.

29. A review of balances and reserves has been carried out at the year end taking

into account the outturn position and the risks to balances in 2009/10 as shown below:

Potential Risks

Risk Score

Weighting Financial Exposure


Balances Required



Sustainability of Base Budget

2 0.50 370 184 1% of Gross Expenditure less Housing Benefits

Reduced Income

2 0.50 500 250 Estimated at 5% of major income mainly fees & charges but less housing benefit subsidy and interest plus 1% for miscellaneous income streams

Reduced Investment Income

3 0.75 190 142 Allocates the possible loss of variable interest if rates reduce to 0%. There is also a reserve of £500,000 to mitigate

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losses of a reduction to 1%

Civil Emergencies

1 0.25 187 47 The Bellwin Scheme cuts in at this level however an additional sum has been added based on the findings from the emergency in Gloucestershire.

Litigation 2 0.50 950 475 Costs of unforeseen litigation e.g. planning appeals

Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP)

3 0.75 863 647 Risk associated for future changes to the base budget not allowed for in MTFP as yet 1% for general budgets, and specific allowances for waste, concessionary fares, homelessness and job evaluation.

Assets & Property

1 0.25 50 12 Assessed as possible £1m emergency work - this is the revenue interest lost.

Bad Debts 2 0.50 75 37 Based on 5% of sundry debts of £1.5m however already a bad debt provision made annually.

Housing Benefits

2 0.50 385 193 Based on 1% of benefits paid in 2008/09.

Additional Use of Capital Funds

2 0.50 50 25 Estimated at £1 million at 5% interest

Risk of Bank Failure

1 0.25 225 56 Risk of bank failure and medium to long term loss of interest of £6 million

Risk Based Minimum Level of General Fund Reserves


Balances as at 31/3/09 2,135 Surplus/(Deficit) in Reserves 65.7

Risk Scoring Weighting 1 Low 0.25 2 Reasonable 0.50 3 Medium 0.75 4 High 1.00

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30. The review shows that SSDC currently has sufficient balances to cover major areas of financial risk. This includes a significant increase to both litigation and MTFP risks.

31. The following transfers from balances are for noting by this Committee, as they

have been undertaken under delegated authority:

Reserve Balance at 31/12/08


Transfers In£

Transfers Out


Balance at31/03/09

Reason for Transfer

£ Non-Earmarked Balance

1,687,050 330,250 2,161,750 Returned from Building Control Reserve and Job Evaluation Reserve

Building Control Reserve

30,250 (30,250) 0 No longer required – returned to non-earmarked balances

Job Evaluation Reserve

300,000 (300,000) 0 No longer required – returned to non-earmarked balances

Area East Reserve

84,870 (11,080) 73,790 Community Planning funding

Area West Reserve

59,820 (1,980) 57,840 Free Christmas parking contribution

(figures in brackets denote a reduction in the reserve) 32. The 2008/09 approved Revenue Budget included a Contingency Budget of

£80,230 that was available for the District Executive to meet unplanned expenditure. This was a fixed amount and a similar amount is not included in future years’ Revenue Budgets in the MTFP.

33. The year-end position on the Contingency Budget is as follows:

Approved Committed £’000

Spent £’000

Opening Balance at 1 April 2008 80 Allocated Funding: • Members’ Allowances July 08 49 49 • Yeovil Innovation Centre Feb 09 20 20 Amount Committed 69 Amount Spent 69 Funding Remaining 11

Area and Group Balances 34. Each Area and District Executive have balances that can be used during the

year, the position of the Areas and District Executive balances at 31/3/09 and any movement within the year is as follows:

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East £

Area North £

Area West £

Total £

Position at start of financial year 109,290 56,910 86,560 252,760 Allocations to/(from) reserve during year

(35,500) 0 (28,720) (64,220)

Position at end of financial year 73,790 56,910 57,840 188,540 Less commitments not yet spent (63,330) (32,990) (27,290) (123,610) Unallocated balance available 10,460 23,920 30,550 64,930

35. The table shows that overall balances have reduced by £64,220 and there is a

further £123,610 committed. This still leaves an overall £64,930 uncommitted. Allocations of the Area Reserves are detailed in Appendix C.

Budget Virements 36. Under the Financial Procedure Rules, Heads of Service can authorise virements

within each individual service of their responsibility (as defined by Appendix B of the Annual Budget Report) and up to a maximum of £25,000 between services within their responsibility providing that the Head of Finance has been notified in advance. Portfolio Holders can approve virements between services within their areas of responsibility, up to a maximum of £25,000 per virement and £50,000 in any one financial year. These virements should be approved by the Head of Finance and reported to District Executive. All virements exceeding these limits need the approval of District Executive. All virements between different Services, irrespective of value, need approving by District Executive. The virements that require noting as they have been approved by the Head of Finance are listed in Appendix G. Those requiring approval are detailed in the table below.


£ From To Details

19,070 Service Training Budgets

Strategic Management

Transfer of training budgets

Stock Write Offs 37. Under the Financial Procedure Rules any adjustments to stock or stores

accounts shall be reported to Committee. Following stock checks on the 31st March the following corrections have been made:


£Stock Item Detail

54 Maps & gifts Tourist Information Centre- Maps £48 and various small item gifts £6

38 Craft items at Resource Centre

Written off craft items £10, discrepancy of craft items £28

Meeting: DE01A 09:10 26 Date: 11.06.09

Page 15: 7. 2008/09 Revenue Outturn Report - SSDC Homepage. Revenue outturn... · 2008/09 Revenue Outturn Report Executive Portfolio Holder: ... and explanation of variances from budget holders


Risk Matrix




Key Categories Colours (for further detail please refer to Risk

management strategy) R = Reputation CpP = Corporate Plan Priorities CP = Community Priorities CY = Capacity F = Financial

Red = High impact and high probability Orange = Major impact and major probability Yellow = Moderate impact and moderate probability Green = Minor impact and minor probability Blue = Insignificant impact and insignificant

probability Background Papers: None Appendix A - Area Committees & District Executive detailed budgets out turn

position 2008/09 Appendix B - Carryforwards 2008/09 Appendix C - Area Reserves Appendix D - Usable Reserves Appendix E - Efficiency Savings 2008/09 Appendix F - Total Cost of Services 2008/09 Appendix G - Virements for Noting Qrt 4 2008/09

Meeting: DE01A 09:10 27 Date: 11.06.09
