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7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets

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  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    Mistake 1 Not Drinking EnoughWater

    The Fundamental principle to good health

    Too many people fail to reach theirrecommended daily quota of water


    Water makes up 70-75% of the planet earthand the atmosphere.

    The human body is predominately water.The blood cells, muscle, brain tissue, kidney,liver etc, that make up the human body, allrequire a constant, steady, balanced amountof water to function adequately and keep

    the body in homeostasis (balance).

    Water is composed of hydrogen andOXYGEN (a vital ingredient for life), whichis why humans cannot live too long withoutwater; it houses the breath of life.

    Not drinking enough water in any one day will have adverse effects on your health.Dehydration hinders the job of the cells and organs and prevents the body fromexcreting waste properly. Some of the long term problems that can be derived fromdehydration are Constipation, Circulatory Disorder, Memory Loss, Kidney damage and

    loss of energy.

    Calculating your personal required daily water consumption

    Your Weight (lbs)

    2= Your Daily Intake Of Water (. oz)

    Your weight (in pounds) divide by two (2). The result is the amount ofuid ounces you should drink daily to avoid dehydration.

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    Ten tips to help you increase your daily water consumption

    1. Start as soon as you get out of bed in the morning; drink at least 2 glasses ofwater.

    2. Include one-two young coconut/s water into your schedule best drunk in themorning.

    3. Reward yourself e.g. Treat yourself to a juice - only after drinking 1 litre of water,(or 4 glasses) not before.

    4. Use your phone or a gadget to set alarm reminders, 1 glass of water every hour.

    5. Ask a water drinking friend/associate to remind you when they drink water.

    6. Always try to carry a bottle of water, especially before long trips.

    7. Use a water carrier to keep on your person.

    8. Drinking fresh lemon juice or cayenne pepper mixed with water will help to cleansethe body and aid the circulatory system.

    9. Increase your water based foods, fruits, water melon etc.

    10. Use a simple but effective water lter jug.

    Just one or more of the tips givenabove, will go a long way to savingyour organs from dehydration andconsequently organ dis-ease. It is

    also important to drink your waterin stages. Stagger your intake asopposed to gulping plenty down atonce. Doing this will avoid placingexcess pressure on the bladder andprevent you from having to rush tothe toilet so often. As with everythingin life, moderation is required,because one can damage the bodyby over eating and/or drinking. Use

    the calculation method noted on the previous page to calculate the amount of wateryour body requires to prevent dehydration. Note that if you are exposed to the sunor hot temperatures you will require more water as your body will constantly perspireuids. Eventually you will become more in tune with your body and be receptive toits language telling you when and how much water to drink.

  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    Mistake 2 Eating A HeavyBreakfast

    Breakfast or breaking your fast is the rst meal of the day and for most people thisis consumed well before noon (12pm), in order to make sure this meal as well asothers are productive and not taxing on the body it is essential to understand how thebody works, the human body goes through three (3) cycles:

    12pm (noon) - 7pm

    This is the period to eat your heaviest meal of the day, (ideally between 12 and3pm). You may eat foods that build, such as Vegetables, Grains, Beans, Provisions,Animal esh etc.

    7pm 4amThis is the period where the body uses any available nutrients it can get from thefoods consumed in the day to rebuild areas of the body such as the hormones,

    immunity, stimulate glands etc.

    4am 12pmAfter the body has been building, it now eliminates waste. This period is the

    time that most of us break our fast (rst meal), so as a natural rule, it is bestto eat in accordance with what the body is currently trying to do. By eating aheavy breakfast of foods such as Provisions, Grains, Fried food such as eggs,

    and animal esh before 12pm (noon), we are actually going against the currentelimination cycle of the body. This causes stress for the body and interferes withthe elimination process, which in the long term causes many ailments/conditionsranging from Constipation to Cancer. Your morning meal should consist of light

    foods such as fruits that help to cleanse the body. Other light foods in moderationsuch as oats, nuts, seeds, salads etc can also be consumed.

    Ackee & Fried Dumpling

  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    1. Drink your two glasses of water when you wake up.

    2. Try to keep citrus and sweet fruits in the house consume throughout themorning.

    3. Replace heavy foods with Oats or Cornmeal Porridge rst, and then move ontofruits.

    4. Prepare fruit porridge, sweet fruits, wheat germ or bran (whole), ax, pumpkin,sunower seeds should be added. Use a processor, do not add water. Consume themixture as soon at its taken out of the processor. It will be a lovely, thick consistency.

    5. Carry fruits and a handful of nuts with you to work etc.

    6. Know that your heavy meal time will soon be ready. Patience, reward yourself.

    7. Leaving at least four (4) hours between meals is always best for digestion andelimination.

    Tips to help you avoid a heavy breakfast

    In many cases, its not the feeling ofhunger that causes us to eat a heavy mealin the morning. Its due to habit, and thedigestive system has become used to theheavy weight in the mornings. When thisweight is not felt in the digestive tract, wemistake this for hunger. However, oncelight and easily digestible nutritious mealsare consumed in the morning, the bodygets used to these meals, and that feeling

    of hunger for something heavy in time willdisappear.

    When it comes to eating, its always bestto think light and nutritious as opposed to heavy and full.

    Eating a heavy breakfast interferes with the elimination process, and thereforecontributes to constipation, a very dangerous condition.

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    Mistake 3 Eating Too Late

    As mentioned above, the human bodyhas been programmed with a veryintelligent plan. And to go againstthe plan of the designer (GOD)usually means the design will notperform efciently and will eventuallymalfunction.

    The period for digestion is between12pm (noon) and 7pm. During this

    time, the body is at its peak of energyand can break down food adequately,as well as carrying out other dailyfunctions.

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    Tips to help you avoid eating late

    1. Plan your daily meals as much as possible, think ahead.

    2. Eat your heaviest meal earlier (after 12pm) in the day, rather than later.

    3. Drink plenty water in between meals.

    4. Become accustomed to drinking green juices, theyre alkaline, cleansing, act as anantioxidant in the body and much more. Mix water with chlorophyll powder or juicegreen leafy vegetables such as celery, spinach, kale, cucumber or broccoli. Add alittle ginger or an apple for taste.

    5. Ensure you eat your last meal at least 4 hours before rest/sleep.

    6. If you have to eat late, fruits and salads are best.

    Eating late (after 7pm) also interfereswith the bodys natural cycle andtherefore has consequences, such asslow digestion, constipation, organstress & halitosis (bad breath);constipation accommodates intestinal

    parasites and/or worms, which furtherdeteriorates the body.

  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    Mistake 4 OvercookingVegetables

    This is something that many of us havebecome so accustomed to doing.

    The thing to note here is that the SunCooks The Food In The GrowthProcess. The sun is the greatest of rescreated by GOD to nurture and ripen alllife forces on the planet Earth. When afood is ripe, this means its healthy andready for human consumption, not before

    (under ripe) or after (over ripe).

    In order to get the best benet from afood, we need to consume the food whennature says it is ready (ripe). Science teaches us that when we place a ame orheat to a substance it alters its molecular structure and reduces moisture. When wereduce moisture, we reduce the breath of life - OXYGEN!

  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    Tips to help you not to overcook your vegetables

    1. Be careful not to cook or over boil your vegetables, steam or par boil them toretain vital nutrients.

    2. Make vegetables the last thing you cook when preparing food. Aim to keep thevegetables crunchy and with natural avour = Nutrients.

    3. Use a strainer to steam vegetables lightly over some hot water.

    4. When preparing soup, drop the vegetables in for the last 2-3 minutes.

    Vegetables house the life force; the healing force which is the breath of life in theform of moisture and house many minerals. They also act as a buffer to gently placethose minerals into the human body without any stressful impact upon the body.

    Vegetables hang around in the body providing nice and slow energy for us, and atthe same time assisting metabolism by helping other foods such as grains and animal

    esh to move on through the digestivetract.

    When we cook vegetables, we destroythe minerals; the living and healing force.Drinking the water that the vegetablesare cooked in does not solve the problem

    because the minerals are dispersed. Thesolution is to eat them live (raw) or steamthem lightly. Anything outside of thiscauses a decit.

    Remember: Vegetables are a crucialsource of nutrition, to gain thehighest nutritious content consumethem in their most natural state, (raw)or lightly steamed. DO NOT OVERCOOK YOUR VEGETABLES.

  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    Mistake 5 Consuming HeatedCooking Oil

    Most oils on the market today areextracted by way of a heated process.This process makes the oil much moreharmful to the body. Heated oil distortsthe red blood cells and clogs thecirculatory system.

    Oil is usually isolated and concentratedfrom corn or seeds. As an isolatedsubstance, it now falls into the category

    of rened foods and will rob the bodyin order to make itself whole (the bodyonly knows natural wholesome food fordigestion) resulting in a nutritional debt.

    How many of us place OIL in a metalpan/pot and heat it up? Heat changesthe structure of the substance. Would wedrink the oil straight from the pan/pot?Probably not. Would we take a scoop of

    oil out of a hot car engine and swallowit? NO, Im sure we wouldnt. But wehave been so accustomed to eating oilthat has been heated in our kitchens andplacing food including fruits (plantain/ackee) in the pot to soak up the oil. Thefood receives a crispy coat of hardenedoil which we then place into our bodies,

    and then we wonder how we harden

    our arteries (atherosclerosis), distortour blood cells (sickle cells), clog ourcirculatory system, (thrombosis) slowdown our blood (poor circulation), whichin turn leads to heart attacks, strokes,Alzheimers and many more lethaldiseases.

    Frying food (such as chicken ordumpling) places a crispy coat around

    the food. It now becomes a foreignsubstance to the body, so it takesextra time for the body to struggle andbreak down the crispy oily coat aroundthe food. During this time, the fooddecomposes and creates excess waste inthe system. This type of diet contributesto many of the life-threatening maladieswe all too often hear about, such asheart attacks, strokes, diabetes andarthritis.

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    Tips to help you refrain from eating heated oil

    1. Steam (sh), roast or grill your animal esh.

    2. Use water and natural avourings for moisture; such as garlic, onion, lemon juice,cayenne pepper, herbs etc. Be creative.

    3. Minimise visits to fast food shops, or takeaway restaurants. These establishmentstend to use vast amounts of hydrogenated (heated) oil.

    The commercial OIL sold in the storeshas already been heated during itsextraction process, and some renersadd sugar to the oil for the purposesof making their oil addictive, (after alleverybody wants you to buy again).

    The safest oils are oils that have beenextracted by way of a process calledcold pressed. This process extracts

    the oil from its source without heating- usually manually, hence this is nota highly protable method and mostsupermarkets are stocked with the cheapheat-extracted oils, for they are muchmore protable.

    Cold press oils are the safest; however they are still not without problems, for theyfall back under the category of renement (processed) again. When we process a

    food and then eat it, the food will process you(the natural body) to make itself whole again. Thiscreates a nutritional debt in the body.

    In order to obtain the necessary nutrients from oils,one should consume them in the way the creatormade them, which is in the protective form of seedsand nuts. When you blend seeds such as ax,sunower, pumpkin and sesame seeds with fruits,you can see and taste the natural oil from the seedsin the meal mixed with all of the natural minerals itwas created with. You see it in a tribal form, which

    is the protective form the creator meant for us toconsume oils. They are essential in the diet, soeat them whole or blend them with your fruits orvegetables for a great benet.

    Steam Fish

  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    Mistake 6Eating Junk (Under

    Nutrition) Food andExercise

    A very common belief is that if we eat junk food

    we can go to the gym and burn it off, this is a big

    fallacy, in fact when the body is affected by junk/

    waste/manure, exercising causes it to circulate

    around the system at a faster rate speeding up the

    deteriation of the body and its organs.

    There is no right way to do wrong things, the

    body requires adequate fuel to perform its duties

    and exercise is also one of those duties, the body

    was made to move and we should therefore move

    it and exercise the internal organs, stimulating

    the movement of the life force oxygen around

    the body. Eating an under nutrition diet actually

    hinders the exercise process and enhances the

    deciency in the body.

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    Tips to avoid further stress on the body

    1. The body was made to consume nutrition; under nutrition food is Junk food.

    2. Incorporate more raw (fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) foods into your diet.

    3. Do not over eat; get to know your bodys limit.

    4. Eat when relaxed and chew your food properly.

    5. Consume plenty benecial liquids, avoid or minimise processed drinks.

    6. Allow meals to digest properly, four (4) hours is an ideal time span between meals including


    7. Do not drink and eat at the same time, the uid interferes with digestive enzymes.

    8. After a fast, (including sleep) toxins are left in the body, use cleanser foods (fruits) in the

    morning to break your fast (breakfast) and cleanse the body.

    Like any other mechanism that has to work or be very

    active, your body needs adequate fuel or nutrition. Junkfood is under nutrition food, and therefore it will cause the

    body to be under excessive strain in its daily activity much

    less in a strenuous exercise regime.

    When the body is given sugars in the form of rened

    bleached white rice, bleached white our and rened

    sugar, these substances rob the body of vital nutrients

    creating a nutritional debt. A work out in the gym will not

    pay the debt. In fact, the work out will place more strain on the already weakened body and

    speed up the damaging effect. Therefore, the common mistake is that to partake in exercise

    regularly creates a t and healthy person.

    The correct way of becoming both healthy and t is to eat

    nutritious food (remain healthy) and exercise (remain t). The two

    are connected however very much isolated activities. Both nutrition

    and exercise are required for optimum health and strong immunity.

  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    Mistake 7 Consuming HomeMade Junk Food

    Most of us see Junk food as a substance

    that we purchase on the high street from

    these fast food outlets, and its no secret

    that these substances are oily, fattening,

    sugary and simply under nutritious.

    What many people dont know is that when

    we go to the stores and purchase white

    rice, white our, table and sea salt, white

    pasta, cooking oil, manufactured salt-

    based seasonings, cheese, MSG, etc and gohome and combine these substances in a

    process we call cooking, we make non-food

    substances such as fried and boiled dumpling, fried chicken or sh, macaroni cheese, bleached

    white rice, with all the poisonous additives we are directly and categorically creating our own

    Home Made Junk Food

    When we go to a store and buy a ready-made slice of white bread, with so called cheese,

    tomatoes and sugar called a pizza; because we place it in our own oven at home it is sometimes

    perceived not to be junk food.

  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    1. Get in the habit of reading the list of ingredients on labels

    2. Buy whole foods; brown rice, whole-wheat our and pasta, etc.

    3. Use natural herbs such as dill, oregano, garlic, cayenne pepper, onion to season food as

    opposed to salt based packet seasonings.

    4. Rened sugars in any colour will rob the body, try unrened Stevia leaf.

    5. You can mix brown rice with white rice (50/50) as a cross over strategy.

    6. Become familiar with health stores. Even when not purchasing, browse.

    7. Read about true healthy food. Even a page a week will help. Use the internet where possible.

    8. Attend health festivals and seminars, listen to radio health programmes.

    9. Gradually implement the tips in this Ebook to increase energy.

    Tips to help you buy and consume whole foods

    The so called cooking practices mentioned above

    have been taught to the people of African Descent(the black race) during the displacement process

    known as the transatlantic slave trade.

    The process of frying food alters it from a food to a

    non-food substance that the body fails to recognise

    and therefore ends up clogging the circulatory

    system. When cooking your food, try to avoid frying

    at all costs. It is best to bake, steam, roast, or grill

    any food you want to cook.

    White rice, our, pasta and rened sugars overwork

    the pancreas causing diabetes. They rob the body

    of the nutrients, contributing to nerve damage,

    arteriosclerosis, (hardening of arteries), liver

    damage, weak immunity, organ starvation, (high

    blood pressure), low energy, constipation and

    cancer. It is essential that we eat whole-foods, not

    partial (rened) foods. Brown rice and whole-wheat

    our is best. Brown sugar is usually white sugar

    with a colouring, hence equally dangerous. Honey is

    also a moisture absorber and will therefore absorb

    moisture from the vessels. Stevia leaf is a safer

    sweetener. Also, as a golden rule, increase your

    consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • 8/22/2019 7 Biggest Mistakes We Make With Our Diets


    We trust that this E-book will serve you well in preventing

    disease or further deterioration, do share the information and

    lets keep this current wave of health awareness growing, its a

    new day!

    Dr. Khensu I-Em-Hotep

    For more information, please visit:


    You were made with nutrients andONLYnutrients will maintain and


    The contents of this Ebook are for educational purposes only. It is not intendedto be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We

    strongly suggest the supervision of a professional health care practitioner is always

    employed when making any changes to your diet and or health.
