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7-Day Personal TransfromationDear Friend,Congratulations on taking a giant leap towards a life ofexcellence, joy and fulfillment by choosing the program,7-Day Personal Transformation!

I am committed to support you design your greatest life.You can challenge the obstacles that have been stopping youfrom achieving your ideal goals and producing your results onthe way to lead a life of your dreams.

People from all walks of life, of all ages, of any back groundcould able to use the fundamentals of excellence and producedout-standing results. And the exciting news is that we are goingto explore those techniques, principles and strategies ofexcellence in next seven days and apply to your life to manifestthe results you want. No matter whom you are, if you useright numbers in correct keys of input you can login toexcellence.Imagine the most important results you want to produce inyour life….May be you wanted to build healthy, energetic and vibrantbody,

May be you wanted to feel great about your own life filled withpassion,

May be you wanted to get a job or increment or promotion tonext level,

May be you wanted to build your own business,May be you wanted to buy a new house,May be you wanted to plan a family visit to tourist place,May be you wanted to spend more time with your loved ones,

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Whatever the result you want…Whatever the size of theresults…small or large, you can start taking measurable,massive unstoppable action to produce those results byapplying principles we will discuss in next seven days.

HOW THE 7-DAY PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION WORKS?I have developed wonderful transformational self-learning

lessons for seven days for you to kick-start your personaltransformation. Going through these fundamentals followedby disciplined practice enable you to live your life with purposeand fulfillment. This could be your first of its kind personaltransformation experience that you have ever explored.1. For the next 7 days, I request you to read the lessons I

offer and practice the activities or exercises given eachday.

2. Each activity may take about 15 minutes to an hour toread and practice

3. These meaningful exercises will help you to:a. Explore what you wantb. Identify the road-blocks on the way to your life

transformationc. Develop plan of action moving forward towards your

important life priorities and dreamsd. Release yourself and enjoy the freedom to create the

life you want.4. Be sure to schedule specific time each day to experience

transformation by doing activities. The best way is to startyour day with these activities immediately after your dailychores and before you go out for your day (for work orstudies).

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5. Spend at least three minutes of mindful moments andcontemplate the centering thought of the day for threetimes. Think, feel, thank and bring more such ‘aha’moments in your life.

This is life-transforming step-if you put your body (physicalpresence), mind (intellect), heart (love) and soul (spirit) intoit, I guarantee that you’ll achieve incredible results.

I can’t wait for us to get started... So let’s get started…Here’s your lesson for today, Day 1 of 7-Day PersonalTransformation:

“Taking first step towards personal transformationis the only way to manifest it.”

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Personal Transformation Day 1: YOU ARE A MIRACLE

Meditation is wonderful vehicle that takes you to the fieldof pure potentiality. It helps you keep your mind and body in aperfect balance and harmony and hence you will be able tobring about the inner resources that you have ever dreamedof possess.

Research has shown that meditation offers many benefits,including regulating your stress and energy levels, improvingyour creative thinking and helping to contribute to professionaland personal success. And remember—the more you meditate,the more likely you are to reap the positive benefits ofmeditation even when you are not actively meditating. Studieshave shown that people who participate in mindful meditationtraining sessions for as little as 4 days have shown positivechanges in their brain function. These changes occur for peoplewith no prior experience in meditation and are related toincreased relaxation, sense of well-being and mental focus.Assignment 1 - Practice meditation-15 Minutes1. Find comfortable place where you will have peaceful,

uninterrupted space to practice. Sit on a chair or sofa inyour comfortable position with your hands open. Keepyour hands on your lap

2. Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths and releasenormally. Then take slow deep breaths and observe yourbreathing. Keep focus how the air travels on its way.

3. Don’t worry about thoughts. Let the thoughts come andgo like clouds. You be life a space. In stillness.

4. Observe your breathing for 5 to 10 minutes

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5. When you are done. Just relax and open your eyes whenyou feel comfortable.

Assignment 2: Reading, writing and reflection

1. Go to worksheet in next pages and read it. If you want toprint a copy, please do that for your convenience.

2. Write down 5 things you’d like to transform in your life(This is important for tomorrow’s lesson.)

3. Please use the following magical sentence and write downthe list from your own life experiences.My life is a miracle, because…..Write at least 10 reasons. If you don’t make any sense,please do read the page below (Assignment 2) again

Centering thought for the day:My life is a miracle, I live in excellence.I look forward to guiding you through your personaltransformation!

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Worksheet 1: You are a miracleDAY 1 - Assignment 2: Reading, writing and reflectionLife is a greatest celebration. How you and me participate andcreate our celebration is up to us. To live every moment of lifemeaningfully, to make more out of your life energy and lifetime, to leave this world a better place, we need to makesome conscious choices and adopt progressive habits. This7 – Day Personal Transformation can be one of suchexperiences to empower your life with new awareness,accelerate your excellence through new set of decisions,actions, choices and responses to your day-to-day conditionsor situations of life.Before we go anything further, I want to ask you one question.Are you a miracle?Yes you got it right. My question is: Are you a miracle?If your answer is “Yes’’, I am glad that you got it right. If yousay, “No”, I am curious to know why you got a doubt about it.I request you to erase your doubt forever. You are absolutemiracle.

The miraculous nature-beautiful sky, wonderfulrivers, marvelous mountains, super snow, soothing breeze,loving earth, sun warmth, moon light-All these are greatestgifts available to you since the time of your birth and stillthe resource are available for youThe miraculous living beings-Singing birds, the

wonderful animals, the volumes of creatures, trees, plants,lovely flowers, fruits, varieties of flora and fauna- All thesebeautiful gifts are available for you without any costm The miraculous people-People from different places,having different food preferences, different culture, different

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in shape, color, size, the kind of perspectives they hold, skillset and mastery they bring to fellow human being - Eventhough there are more than 720 crores of such nice people ,the nature has given you a human life again, in fact withoutyou asking for it

That’s why you must understand that you are a miracle.Make the most out of this miraculous life. Be the excellenceyou can be. To create what you want, to attract the life of yourdreams, you have to claim your birth right - Excellence. Tounderstand the greatest value of your life, you must understandyou are a miracle and take conscious effort to make most outof it

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Personal Transformation Day 2:YOUR LIFE - YOUR RESPONSIBILITY

Hi Friend,Welcome to Day 2 of your 7-Day Personal TransformationSeries!Yesterday I asked you to read the Introduction. I also believethat you also should have written down five things you’d liketo change in next 12 months. We will discuss and work on those five things listed in amoment. Here are today’s activities.Assignment 1: Practice Meditation-15 minutesAssignment 2: Reading, Writing and reflection-ONETHING HOLDING YOU BACK – Worksheet 2 & 3 (Find innext pages)1. Go to page below and read it. If you want to print a copy,

please do that for your convenience.2. Using the list of the five things you identified yesterday,

complete the worksheet.Centering thought for the day:I am a miracle and I live in excellence.

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Worksheet 2: ONE THING HOLDING YOU BACKDAY2 - Assignment 2: Reading, writing and reflectionBefore we go further, I love to ask you one important questionmy friend. And here it is:What would you say is the ONE THING that’s holdingyou back?

Disturbing friends?Unsupportive teachers/ lecturers, colleague?The business environment or government policies?Your parents, spouse?A lack of time, guidance, resources, skills or knowledge?If your answer is the same or similar to any of the above,

I humbly suggest you’ve got it wrong. THE ONE THING HOLDING YOU BACK IS YOU!

I don’t mean to sound harsh or judgmental. It’s true for allof us. Almost 100% of the time, we are our own biggestobstacle-and when you learn how to get out of your own(useless!) way, the path to excellence will be clear. The greatnews is, since you’re the biggest obstacle, YOU have 100%total control over it and you also have the power to changeit. In fact, you are the only one who can. Stop excuses!“Excuses are the creative responses of intelligentpeople, those who don’t use intelligence where it isneeded.”

Excuses are nothing but your own illusions that youanswered to someone. But real life starts when youanswer yourself in truth.

To create the life you want, you are going to have to accept100% responsibility for everything that happens to you.That

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means giving up all your excuses… all your victim stories…all your blaming conversations… all the reasons why you can’tand why you haven’t up until now… and all your blaming ofouter world (people, situations, things, circumstances or pastexperiences).

It’s not your friends’ fault.It’s not the teacher or lecturer’s fault.It’s not your parents’ or spouse’s fault.It’s not because you don’t have the time or the money tomake it happen. You have to eliminate such thoughts from your mind-forever. Anything that is repeated will be part of your life. Excusesalso, if repeated become part of your life. Someone once saidrepetition is the mother of skill mastery. Imagine what will bethe possible skill you develop, if you repeat excuses instead offocusing on producing results? You just become master ofblame – game. YES. One of the worst games any one canplay is blame-game; it drains you off all your greatest energieswhich will otherwise bring wonderful results.So I invite you to use this information and do the exerciseswith the worksheet 3, “WHO IS HOLDING YOU BACK”. Bythe end of the exercise, you will have learned how to transformyour excuses into solutions. You will move yourself to state ofblame-game to a state of progressive action.This could be the most important step YOU ever take.I cannot overstate the importance of this activity. By learninghow to take 100% responsibility for your life, you give yourselfthe power to change it.

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The ability to create the ideal life is entirely within your grasp!Tell yourself today’s centering thought:I am a miracle and I take 100% responsibility for mylife.Worksheet 3 - WHO IS HOLDING YOU BACK – WritingpartDAY2 - Assignment 2: Reading, writing and reflection

The results Iwant to produce

in my life

My biggestexcuses that havebeen holding meback in the past

How my excusesand past actionsstopped me from

taking action?

What am I goingto do to producethe result I want?

List the top 5 thingsthat you would like to


List all excuses thatyou used in the past tojustify why you haven’tcreated the result you


Be fair with yourselfand list how your ownactions stopped youfrom achieving result

you want

List immediate actionsthat you can take to

produce the result youwant

Example: I want tomake more money

Economy isnot goodGovernment isnot ensuringproper policiesBanks are notlending loans

I waited till myBusiness timebecomes goodFailed to explorenew stream ofincomeNot able to testnew market orapproach

Improve financialeducation anddevelop skillsDevelop a powerfulrevenue strategyor learn newmarket strategiesAdd new valueto existingchannelsTake a consultantservice

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Personal Transformation Day 3 :NEW CHOICES – NEW LIFE – NEW RESULTS

Hi Friend,Welcome back to 7- Day Personal Transformationseries! I’ve got a great gift to share with you today – but first:How did yesterday’s homework go? If you completed the “WHOIS HOLDING YOU BACK” orksheet, congratulations!

You now have a list of concrete actions you can take tocreate the change you most want to see in your life. If youexperienced any challenges completing this exercise, don’tworry – you’re not alone. It may be extremely difficult to letgo of excuses you have spent a lifetime nurturing.… especially when those excuses involve other people or eventsthat are beyond your control.Do you feel like you’re a victim of circumstance?Maybe you had a tough upbringing, with parents who didn’tteach you the lessons you needed to learn to create a successfullife. Maybe your spouse has been holding you back bydismissing your ambitions or attacking your self-esteem.Ormaybe government cuts or lay-offs resulted in the loss of yourjob, business or career. If you have experienced any of thesesituations in your life, I feel for you. But the time has come tolet them go.It’s time to stop playing “THE BLAME GAME” The only thing you truly have control over in this life is YOU.And the sooner you stop wasting energy on blaming otherpeople or events for your circumstances, the sooner you canreclaim that control and create the life you truly want.

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Blame can be a hard thing to let go of-but understand howmuch power you’re giving to the people or events you’reblaming. You’re letting THEM prevent you from moving forward.Is that what you want? To help you regain total control overyour life, here are the activities for today:Assignment 1: Practice Meditation-15 minutesAssignment 2: Writing and reflection: New Choices-NewLife-New Resultsa. Create a list of 5-10 blaming behaviors you are going to

eliminate from your life from this point forward. (E.g., “I’mno longer going to blame my parents for my lack of successin life.”)

b. Create a list of NEW behaviors you are going to use toreclaim total power over your own life. (E.g., “Whenever Ifeel resentment towards my parents, I’m going toconsciously practice love and gratitude instead.”)

Centering thought for the day:I have 100% control over my life. I live my best life.This last step is especially powerful… when you use mindfulmoments with your intentions you are far more likely to makethem a reality.

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Personal Transformation Day 4:Acknowledge Your Blessings

Hi Friend,Welcome to Day 4 of your 7-Day Personal Transformation.

Today you’re going to discover a surefire method to gainconfidence, boost your resolve, and feel empowered to achieveanything you truly want. But first, Did you finish yesterday’shomework?

If so, congratulations! You have identified the top “blaming”behaviors that have been holding you back from claiming yourtrue power—and taken steps to defuse their power over you.Hope you might understand by this time that new choices opensof new avenues for new life and hence new results.This is really powerful stuff! But doing that kind of deep internalwork can take a lot out of you.That’s why today’s activity has been designed to recharge yourbatteries and boost your confidence and determination.IT’S TIME TO CELEBRATE.You have accomplished incredible things in your life. And todayyou’re going to take stock of your past successes and usetheir power to fuel you on your journey toward future success.So today’s big question is: What amazing things have youachieved in your life?Maybe you were the placed first in school competition.Maybe you joined the in one of the best schools.Maybe you have achieved your graduation in your career.Maybe you put yourself through university, traveled theworld, or taught yourself a lucrative skill.May be you took responsibility of family at an earlyage.

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Maybe you survived a horrible childhood or overcame a majorpersonal setback. Maybe you challenged the crowd and startedliving on your passion. Maybe you married the love of your lifeand have raised incredible children. Whatever successes you’veachieved or challenges you’ve overcome-now is the time toacknowledge and celebrate them. ACKNOWLEDGE YOURBLESSINGS. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR POSITIVE RESULTS.Research shows over and over that the more you acknowledgeyour past successes, the more confident you’ll become in takingon new challenges. And the more successfully you’ll accomplishthem. That’s what successful people do. They confidentlyseek out and accept new opportunities for advancementbecause they have confidence based on a lifetime of smallerachievements. And from now on, this is something you’re goingto do as well.Assignment 1: Practice meditation-15 minutesAssignment2: Reading, Writing and reflection:Acknowledge Your Blessings1. Take a separate print out of worksheet “Acknowledge

Your Blessings.” And write down the biggest successes,all blessings that you’ve accomplished during the threestages of your life.

2. Read them out loud and allow yourself to feel deeppride for what you have accomplished.

Centering thought for the day:I am a miracle and I attract great life.Keep this list handy and refer back to it whenever you need areminder that you have the ability to achieve success atanyendeavor. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish ifyou believe in yourself!

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From _____to _____years







From _____to _____years




You can list many successes using this format in your diary

Worksheet 4 – Acknowledge Your Blessings

Day 4 - Assignment 2: Writing and reflection

Divide your life into three equal time periods. For example ifyou are 35, your three time periods would be 1-11years, 12 -23 years, 24-35years. List three successes you have had foreach time period. Then continue to grow the list as you dwellin the process. I suggest you to hit the 100 (century) successes!

From birth to _____years

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Hi Friend,You’re about to learn the ONE thing you need to change in anysituation in order to guarantee a favorable outcome. But first,I was wondering if you’ve done your homework from yesterday.Acknowledging your past successes is a powerful way togenerate the confidence you need to fuel your progress towardfuture success.When you see how much you’ve alreadyaccomplished in your life, you realize that you can achieveanything you set your mind to!All right, let’s move on to today’s activity… You’re about todiscover a simple equation that’s going to have a revolutionaryimpact on your life.Here it is: Situation + Response = ResultWhat it means is, every outcome you experience is the resultof how you responded to an earlier situation/event. Let’s sayyou’ve gained 15 kilograms over-weight in the past year.Maybe that Result came about because you overindulged inunhealthy junk/ street food (Response) as a way to copewith stress at work (Situation).Or maybe you just got passed over for a promotion atwork again (Result) because when a co-worker tookcredit for your hard work (Situation), you didn’t speakup about it (response).Of the three variables in this equation:SITUATION + RESPONSE = RESULT… there is only one that you have control over. Andthat’s your RESPONSE to the situations that happen inyour life.

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It doesn’t matter what those situations are…A struggling economyYour spouse cheating on youGovernment cutbacksA serious illness… the only way you can generate a more positive outcome isto change your response. Here’s how to make it happen.Assignment 1: Practice meditation – 15 minutesAssignment 2: Writing and reflection: CHANGE RESULTSWITH BETTER RESPONSES1. As you listen, write down one recent outcome you weren’t

happy with and consider how a different response mighthave resulted in a better situation.

2. Think of an upcoming event that you’re worried about andconsider the different responses you can make. Which oneis most likely to lead to the outcome you desire most?

Centering thought for the day:I choose the best responses, I create the great life.

To improve your chances of creating the favorable outcome,please share the upcoming event and your planned responsewith a loved one. When you put it out there in the world,you’re much more likely to receive it!

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Personal Transformation Day 6:UNLEASH YOUR LIFE PURPOSE

Hi friend,Today you’re going to unleash your life purpose and visualizeyour goals. But first, did you finish yesterday’s activity? If not,I suggest you schedule time to do that soon. Knowing how tochange your response to situations or events in order to createpositive outcomes is one of the biggest steps you can taketoward success.We only have two days left so let’s make the most ofthem! All right, let’s move on to today’s activity 1:THE POWER OF VISUALIZATIONVisualization is the act of creating vivid and compelling picturesin your mind so you can “see” your success before ithappens. This might sound simple – but it’s one of the mostpowerful and underutilized success tools out there.Visualization accelerates your path to success in 3 key ways:1. It activates the creative powers of your subconscious mind2. It programs your brain to notice available resources that

you may not have noticed before3. It attracts to you the people, resources, and opportunities

you need to reach your goalVisualization trains the brain to achieve more.Successful athletes and business people have known thisfor years.

The team at NASA who put the first man on the moon inthe late 1960s used visualization to reach their history-defining goal two years ahead of schedule!

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Olympic gymnast Peter Vidmar credits visualization as oneof the main reasons he and his team won the gold medal in1984.Legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar has said that he takesthe time to clearly visualize every match he plays – beforehe actually plays it.

How to use visualization to make your success a realityThe process is simple. All you have to do is close your eyesand see your goals as complete. The more detail you includein your visualization, the greater the chance that it will cometrue – exactly the way you envisioned it.UNLEASH YOUR PURPOSEAre you still trying to figure out “what you want to be whenyou grow up?” If so, you’re not alone…Over the years I’ve met many people who are still searchingfor their life’s true purpose including some successfulbusinesspeople who created lots of wealth but still struggle tofind joy and meaning in their lives!Discovering your life’s purpose is the most important journeyyou’ll ever take – and the most rewarding. Today I’m going tohelp you accelerate your progress on that journey. Thesepowerful visualization and meditation techniques will be keyto helping you manifest your purpose. Now, let us move on totoday’s activity 2:WHAT EXACTLY IS YOUR TRUE PURPOSE IN LIFE?Here’s how I define it:To live your life’s purpose means doing the work for whichyou strongly feel that you are on this earth, what

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you love to do, what you’re good at, andaccomplishing what’s important to you.When you truly are “on purpose,” the people, resources, andopportunities you need to fulfill your purpose will naturallygravitate toward you. Everything seems to fall into place.But when you’re not living your true purpose, it’s like sailingwithout a compass. You never know quite where you’re goingand the journey can often take you miles from where you trulywant to be.How do you discover your purpose?The good news is, you don’t have to research a bunch ofdifferent career paths or take endless personality tests.You were born with an “inner guidance system” that tells youwhen you’re living your life on purpose-based on the amountof JOY you experience.The more joy you feel, the more you’re in alignment with yourtrue purpose!Share your life purpose with your friends, in a relevant publicforums and your dearest family members. No matter what.Announcing your life’s purpose in a supportive public forum,you imbue your purpose with power. You’ll be amazed at howquickly you attract the people and resources you need to livein alignment with your true purpose. Here’s the processes thatyou can follow to better use of how to put your inner guidancesystem to work for you:

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Activity 1: Practice Meditation – 15 MinutesActivity 2: Practice VisualizationActivity 3: Unleash Your Life Purpose

Read my articles on life purpose at the following links



Write your life purpose as discussed in the articlesCentering thought for the day:I visualize and attract the greatest lifeRemember: if you can “see” it with your mind’s eye, you canmake it a reality.

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Worksheet 6 – Practice Visualization – Produce theResults You WantDay 6 - Assignment 2All you have to do is set aside a few minutes a day.The best times are when you first wake up, after meditation orprayer, and right before you go to bed. These are the timesyou are most relaxed.Go through the following three steps:STEP1:Imagine sitting in a movie theater, the lights dim, and thenthe movie starts. It is a movie of you doing perfectly whateverit is that you want to do better. See as much detail as you cancreate, including your clothing, the expression on your face,small body movements, the environment and any other peoplethat might be around. Add in any sounds you would be hearing-traffic, music, other people talking, cheering. And finally,recreate in your body any feelings you think you would beexperiencing as you engage in this activity.STEP 2:Get out of your chair, walk up to the screen, open a door in thescreen and enter into the movie. Now experience the wholething again from inside of yourself, looking out through youreyes. This is called an “embodied image” rather than a “distantimage.” It will deepen the impact of the experience. Again,see everything in vivid detail, hear the sounds you would hear,and feel the feelings you would feel.STEP3:Finally, walk back out of the screen that is still showing thepicture of you performing perfectly, return to your seat in thetheater, reach out and grab the screen and shrink it down to

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the size of a cracker. Then, bring this miniature screen up toyour mouth, chew it up and swallow it. Imagine that each tinypiece- just like a hologram-contains the full picture of youperforming well. Imagine all these little screens traveling downinto your stomach and out through the bloodstream into everycell of your body. Then imagine that every cell of your body islit up with a movie of you performing perfectly. It’s like one ofthose appliance store windows where 50 televisions are alltuned to the same channel. When you have finished this process-it should take less than five minutes-you can open your eyesand go about your business. If you make this part of yourdaily routine, you will be amazed at how much improvementyou will see in your life.Create Goal PicturesAnother powerful technique is to create a photograph or pictureof yourself with your goal, as if it were already completed. Ifone of your goals is to own a new car, take your camera downto your local auto dealer and have a picture taken of yourselfsitting behind the wheel of your dream car. If your goal is tovisit Paris, find a picture or poster of the Eiffel Tower and cutout a picture of yourself and place it into the picture.Use Affirmations to Support Your VisualizationAn affirmation is a statement that evokes not only a picture,but the experience of already having what you want. Here’san example of an affirmation: I am happily vacationing 2months out of the year with my family. Repeating an affirmationseveral times a day keeps you focused on your goal,strengthens your motivation, and programs your subconsciousby sending an order to your crew to do whatever it takes tomake that goal happen. Expect Results Through writing down

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your goals, using the power of visualization and repeating youraffirmations, you can achieve amazing results. Visualizationand affirmations allow you to change your beliefs, assumptions,and opinions about the most important person in your life —YOU! They allow you to harness the 18 billion brain cells inyour brain and get them all working in a singular and purposefuldirection. Your subconscious will become engaged in a processthat transforms you forever. The process is invisible and doesn’ttake a long time. It just happens over time, as long as you putin the time to visualize and affirm, surround yourself withpositive people, read uplifting books and listen to audioprograms that flood your mind with positive, life-affirmingmessages. Repeat your affirmations every morning and nightfor a month and they will become an automatic part of yourthinking... woven into the very fabric of your being.

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Personal Transformation Day 7:DEFINE WHAT YOU WANT

Hi Friend,Welcome to Day 7 of your Transformation Series.Today you’re going to get clear on what you REALLY want fromlife. But first complete your yesterday’s task.Once you unleash your life purpose, you just need to workaround activities around it. You’ll need to do that soon...Because today you’re going to decide what that success willlook like.Get clear about what exactly you want in your life.DEFINE WHAT YOU WANTIn order to achieve any sort of success in life, you have toknow what exactly it is you want to accomplish. It’s not enoughto think, “I want more success in my career,” or “I want tomake a living off my art.” You need to be more specific.Your success goals need to be clearly defined andmeasurable.For example, instead of thinking “more money,” think a specificdollar amount achieved by a certain date.(E.g., Rs15,00,000 in the bank by December 31st of this year.)You’ll find it much easier to reach your goals if you have aclear vision of what they are.Ready to make that happen?Activity 1: Practice MeditationActivity 2: Read, write and reflection: DEFINE WHATYOU WANT

Read the and record your goals using worksheet template

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Set a time line, specific date by which you will completeyour goals— then create a plan to achieve them

Be sure to read through your list of goals (Iin my terms, yourlife priorities) every day. Use the power of visualization to getyour goals crystal clear in your head and to program in yourmind. This will give you the motivation you need to carry yourgoals forward – and attract inner and outer resources such asbehavior choices, thinking patterns, the people, resources, andopportunities you need to make them a reality.Have fun with this exercise… I can’t tell you how powerful it is.I am sure, you will be amazed with the process. No moreprocrastinating – NOW is your time to live your best.Be the excellence YOU can be.Cebtering thought for the day:I choose the best. I live in excellence.

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Worksheet 7 - DEFINE WHAT YOU WANTTo accomplish your ideal life, you have to be clear about twothings – where you are and where you want to get to. Thefollowing exercise is designed to help you get that clarity ofyour vision. In order to get deeper answers that will serve youbetter, close your eyes and ask your subconscious mind togive you images of what your ideal life would look like if youcould have it exactly the way you want it, in each of the followingcategories. I have provided sample questions to get youractivity move further.What is your ideal vision of your body and your physicalhealth? Are you free of all disease?How long do you live to? Are you open, relaxed, in an ecstaticstate of bliss all day long? Are you full of vitality? Are youflexible as well as strong? Do you exercise, eat good food, anddrink lots of water?Visualize your financial life. What is your ideal annualincome? What does your cash flow look like? How much moneydo you have in savings and investments? What is your totalnet worth? What does your ideal home look like? Where is itlocated? Does it have a view? Walk through your perfect house,filling in all of the details.At this point, don’t worry about how you’ll get that house.Don’t sabotage yourself by saying, “I can’t live in Malibubecause I don’t make enough money.” Once you give yourmind’s eye the picture, your mind will begin to solve the “notenough money” challenge. Simply be honest with yourself aboutwhat you truly want.

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Now think about your ideal job or career. How doesyourideal job or career look like? Where are you working? Whatare you doing? With whom are you working? What kind ofclients or ustomers do you have? What is your compensationlike? Do you own the business?Imagine, what is your relationship with your family like?Who are your friends? What is the quality of the relationshipswith your friends? What do those friendships feel like? Arethey loving, supportive, empowering? What kinds of things doyou do together?What does your recreation look like? How much of it doyou have, and what do you do with your family and friends inthe free time you’ve created for yourself? What hobbies areyou pursuing? What kinds of vacations do you take? What doyou do for fun?What about the personal excellence arena of your life?Do you see yourself going back to school, getting training,attending workshops, seeking therapy for a past hurt, orgrowing spiritually? Do you meditate or go on spiritual retreats?Do you want to learn to play an instrument or write yourautobiography? Do you want to run a marathon or take an artclass? Do you want to travel to other countries?What would you contribute to this world? How does yourideal community look like? What kind of community activitiestake place there? What about your charitable work? What doyou do to help others and make a difference? How often doyou participate in these activities? Who are you helping?Now you can share your vision with somebody. This can bevery uncomfortable. Don’t get nervous on this. In fact, mostpeople say, “I can’t share that! It’s too personal. It’s too crazy.”

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But the truth is half the people you talk to will want the verysame things. Everyone wants wealth, loving relationships,supportive family and friends, a healthy body and time to helpmake a difference in our world. But too few of us readily admitit. Sharing your vision helps your subconscious mind becomeaccountable to make it happen.Once you know your purpose, determine your vision and clarify what your

needs and desires are, you have to convert them into specific measurable

goals and objectives and then act on them. Take a look at the examples

below, then write your top 3 visualized goals in the format below or in yourjournal.

Why I want thisWhat I want , by whattime I want


I will be at my idealweight of 60kilogramsby December 1, 2014.

I will complete my lasereye surgery procedure bySeptember 30, 2014.

I look better and moreconfident without glasses.

I will need to eat better andwork out to reach 178.

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By December 31, 2015, Iwill be earning Rs 10,00,000By June 30, 2020, I will buymy dream home measuring300 Sq Yards

To give best future for mychild and family

To give a greatest livingspace for my family

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I will start my own ITconsulting business bySeptember 1, 2014.

I will develop at least tenclients for the business byDecember 1, 2014.

I want to be free to earn asmuch as possible.

I want to develop a stableincome quickly.

I want to expand, but onlyusing outside resources

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Why I want thisWhat I want , by whattime I want


I will re-establishcommunication with myaunty and uncle bySeptember 19, 2014.

I will begin holding stafftrainings every weekstarting on July 15, 2014.

This will help the businessgrow in reputation.

This will empower the staffand lessen my stress.

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Starting January 2015, I willtake off 3 weeks in May and3 weeks in October.

I will register for groundschool Aug 15, 2014 and getmy private pilot’s license byAug 31,2015.

I have missed too much oftime with family and this willmake my connection withfamily better.

It’s always been a dream topilot my own plane.

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I will enroll in Vision BoardWorkshop by December 3,2014

I will attend the September23, 2014 one-day trainingon negotiating skills.

I will being yoga four timesa week, beginning June 15,2014.

I wanted to make use of thiswonderful technique workfor me.

I would like to be moreconfident when negotiating.

I believe I will feel morerelaxed and connected withlife

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I will regularlycontribute10% of my grossincome by Jan. 6, 2015.

I will volunteer mentor atleast one social welfareactivity

I believe giving helps mereceive back ten-fold.

I wish I had a veteranentrepreneur help me.

I believe matching giftsboosts employee loyalty.
