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©COPYRIGHT MAXINE’S BURN 2013 www.maxinesburn.com.au How does the plan work? You’ve got a big event coming up. You’d love to shed a few kgs quickly or drop a dress size. Is that possible? Well try our Maxine’s 7 Day Rapid Shape-Up Plan and you’ll be amazed at the results. Whatever your motivation, this Rapid Shape up Plan will help you do it – but you must stick to this plan strictly for it to work. Here’s what to do. For 7 days you will replace all your daily meals except one with Maxine’s BURN shakes. The one meal you do eat will be balanced and healthy. For most people this will mean you are having perhaps 3 or 4 shakes and one balanced meal each day. We will explain your balanced meal options shortly. A typical day will look something like this: 7 DAY RAPID SHAPE UP PLAN 7.00am 10.30am 1.00pm 4.00pm 7.00pm Maxine’s BURN Protein Thermogenic Shake Maxine’s BURN Protein Thermogenic Shake Maxine’s BURN Protein Thermogenic Shake Maxine’s BURN Protein Thermogenic Shake Balanced Meal

©COPYRIGHT MAXINE’S BURN 2013 www.maxinesburn.com.au

How does the plan work?

You’ve got a big event coming up. You’d love to shed a few kgs quickly or drop a dress size. Is that possible? Well try our Maxine’s 7 Day Rapid Shape-Up Plan and you’ll be amazed at the results. Whatever your motivation, this Rapid Shape up Plan will help you do it – but you must stick to this plan strictly for it to work.

Here’s what to do. For 7 days you will replace all your daily meals except one with Maxine’s BURN shakes. The one meal you do eat will be balanced and healthy. For most people this will mean you are having perhaps 3 or 4 shakes and one balanced meal each day. We will explain your balanced meal options shortly.

A typical day will look something like this:


7.00am 10.30am 1.00pm 4.00pm 7.00pm

Maxine’s BURN Protein Thermogenic Shake

Maxine’s BURN Protein Thermogenic Shake

Maxine’s BURN Protein Thermogenic Shake

Maxine’s BURN Protein Thermogenic Shake

Balanced Meal


©COPYRIGHT MAXINE’S BURN 2013 www.maxinesburn.com.au

There are a number of points you must stick to for this weekly program to be effective:

• It’s very important that you have a Maxine’s BURN Protein Shake for breakfast every day, even if you don’t usually eat breakfast. This will kick start your metabolism and keep fat burning at optimum levels.

• Spread your Maxine’s BURN Protein Shake out evenly during your day to keep your metabolism high. Aim to have a shake about every 3 hours or so.

• We recommend 3 or 4 Maxine’s BURN Protein Shake and one balanced meal each day

• While on this 7 Day Plan we recommend adding about 1 Teaspoon / 5 mls of olive oil to 1 or 2 of your daily shakes. This will make you feel fuller and also encourage your body to BURN your Fat to Boost your Energy.

• Don’t go hungry. If you get hungry during the day, simply have another Maxine’s BURN Protein Shake. It’s quite ok to have 4 or even 5 Shakes per day. After a few days your appetite will stabilise and you probably won’t feel as hungry, so you may be able to go back to 3 – 4 Shakes.

• We want you to drink plenty of water each day. We recommend at least 2 litres spread out over your day, drink more if you are exercising or the weather is hot.

• Some people can become constipated while on this rapid shape-up plan. Ensure you are having a good serving of non starchy vegetables with your balanced meal. You can also try adding a dessert spoon of psyllium husks (a natural fibre available in supermarkets and health food stores) to 1 - 2 of your daily Maxine’s BURN Protein Shakes.

• Don’t use this plan for any longer than about 5 - 7 days.



©COPYRIGHT MAXINE’S BURN 2013 www.maxinesburn.com.au


Getting Started

The first step – choose a day to get started and go for it! It’s usually best to start any diet and exercise program when you can stay on it with minimum temptations and distractions.

Don’t start your program when you’re about to go away on holidays, or you have a busy social calendar coming up. These extra distractions often mean it’s almost impossible to stay on track.

Monday morning is a good time to start or even have a Balanced Meal on the Sunday night.

Before starting it’s worth taking some measurement to monitor your results. Take some before photos of yourself in your underwear or tight fitting gym gear. Measure your weight and take your body measurements including waist, hips, bust, upper arms and upper thigh. At the end of your 7 days repeat these measurement.

You won’t go Hungry

It’s a big transition going from a “normal” diet to our 7 Day Shape-Up Plan and many people worry that they will be constantly hungry just drinking 3 or 4 shakes a day and one meal. The good news is that the special dairy proteins in Maxine’s actually make you feel full for several hours.

And because they are naturally low in carbohydrates, they don’t stimulate your appetite like sugary and more processed foods. In fact they actually have an appetite suppressing action! Most people are pleasantly surprised because they rarely feel hungry.


©COPYRIGHT MAXINE’S BURN 2013 www.maxinesburn.com.au

Your Balanced Daily Meal

Along with your Maxine’s shakes you will be eating one balanced meal each day for 7 days. These meals will consist of a healthy protein portion accompanied by a selection of fresh, non starchy vegetables. Some examples include:

• Grilled chicken breast with stir fried garlic, broccoli, snow peas, red capsicum, onion, carrots and baby corn. Season with black pepper, soy sauce and ginger.

• Baked fish fillet (bake in lemon juice, white wine, oregano, cracked pepper & olive oil) with fresh garden salad of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, capsicum, and avocado with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing

• BBQ’d lean beef fillet with steamed seasonal vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, squash, carrot, string beans, etc.)

• 2 – 3 egg omelette with sautéed mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach.


Protein Food Guidelines

Protein is normally associated with animal sources like steak, chicken and eggs however proteins occurs naturally in many foods including vegetables, rice and pasta. The quality of protein is measured in a number of ways, but basically it is a gauge of how well we humans use it to repair and grow tissues in our bodies such as muscle, skin, hair and nails.

Animal sources generally rate higher than vegetable sources. Incidentally, pure whey protein, the main constituent of Maxine’s BURN, has the highest rating of any Protein available.

Most animal protein like meat, eggs and even fish generally contain some fats, so it is important not to over indulge in these foods. For females an uncooked serving size of about 100 - 150g is recommended. This will vary a little based on your size and metabolism. As a general rule, each portion should be about the size and thickness of the palm of your hand.

For a list of good protein foods please refer to the Protein Table on the website


©COPYRIGHT MAXINE’S BURN 2013 www.maxinesburn.com.au

Vegetable GuidelinesThe general rules for choosing vegetables are to select the fibrous and leafy vegetables like broccoli, celery, spinach and capsicum, but reduce or avoid the starchy vegetable like potatoes, pumpkin and peas. This is because these starchy vegetables contain relatively high levels of carbohydrates, which is what you are trying to reduce.

There is still a huge selection of vegetables to choose from, so with a little imagination and some good recipes, you can make delicious and nourishing range of vegetable dishes to accompany your protein serve. You will find a list of vegetables that are good choices on our website.

This is not a complete list as there are many other vegetables available. Just ensure the choices you make don’t include starchy vegetables. If you don’t know, it’s best to avoid the vegetable until you can find out.

Raw vegetables in salads are probably the healthiest way to eat, however when cooking your vegetables make sure you don’t overcook or you will lose a lot of the goodness they contain.

Steaming, microwaving and stir frying are the recommended ways to cook. You can season with herbs and garlic and use a little olive oil, but go easy as it is fattening if you use too much. The quantity of these vegetables you can eat is generally unlimited, unless otherwise stated.

You should try to have at least three cups of vegetables daily. As a general guide, your dinner plate should be about ¼ protein food (chicken, steak, fish) and ¾ vegetables.



©COPYRIGHT MAXINE’S BURN 2013 www.maxinesburn.com.au


What about fruit?Fruits are generally very healthy food choices; they are loaded with vitamins, fibre and other important nutrients. However, during this 7 day rapid shape up plan, we suggest you avoid eating fruit simply because all fruits contain a fair amount of sugar, and we are trying to minimise the amount of sugar we are eating for this 7 day plan.

If you move on to a more moderate diet, like our Maxine’s “6 Weeks to a New You” plan we recommend you include fruit as part of your balanced meals or snacks.

How will I feel on this Program?

This 7 Day Shape-Up plan will change the way your body uses energy. After about 3 – 4 days your body will run low on stored carbohydrates and it will begin to change from burning mostly carbohydrates for energy to burning mostly fat.

At this stage some people find their body will resist this change. You may find you have a desire for sweet or starchy food. You must try to resist this and stay on track as it will only last a day or so. This is a great moment to have another shake – bingo the feeling is gone.

You may also feel a little tired or lethargic. In a few cases you may feel a little under the weather, like you are coming down with a cold or flu. These symptoms are all pretty normal and are a good sign your body is really starting to switch over to Fat BURNing mode.

This transition usually only lasts a day or 2 so hang in there. Drink plenty of water, keep taking your Maxine’s BURN Protein Shakes and you should start feeling good by about the 4th of 5th day.

about ¼ protein food (chicken, steak, fish) and ¾ vegetables.

What can I expect from this Program?

The 7 Day Shape-Up Program is quite strict and most people can expect to see a significant Fat BURN and subsequent weight loss. Generally, the more fat your body is carrying, the more you are likely to lose. If you are only a few kgs over a healthy weight, you will probably see less dramatic results.

Having said that, most people who can stick to this program strictly will generally lose 2 – 3 kg in 7 days. Some lose a bit more, and others a bit less. Usually, about half of your weight loss will be fluid, but the other half will be mostly fat!


©COPYRIGHT MAXINE’S BURN 2013 www.maxinesburn.com.au

Summing up

This 7 Day Shape-Up Plan is relatively straight forward way to help you burn fat and lose weight quickly. You just need to decide that you are going to do it, then get started. Most people get great results if they stick to the program closely. If you cheat, even a little, you will probably be disappointed with the results. So give it your best shot, stick to it and best of luck!


What do I do at the end of the 7 Day Shape-Up Program?

After completeing the 7 Day Shape–Up Program you should have BURNed off a good amount of fat. You may be happy with this or you may want to continue your journey. This is a great time to switch over to Maxine’s BURN “6 Weeks to a New You” program. Click here to see this program.

If you decide you want to simply try to maintain the weight you have achieved we have a great weight maintenance program you can follow. You can view it by clicking here.

Whatever you do decide to do, remember these key points:

• If you go back to your old way of eating when you finish this program you will probably gain all of the weight you have just lost

• In general, try to eat less than half the amount of carbohydrate foods you used to eat, this will help you maintain a healthier weight

• Seriously cut back on processed and refined foods like foods made from white flour, sugary and starchy foods like breakfast cereals, biscuits, potato chips and sweets

• Reduce or eliminate sugary foods and drinks including soft drinks, juice and milk from your diet

• Try to avoid fatty greasy foods, or foods that contain lots of cream, butter or oil.

• Limit your intake of takeaway and fast foods

• Reduce your intake of alcohol, especially mixed drinks

Following these simple guidelines will help you maintain your new body
