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hmR THE SCOTTSVILLE SUN ' THURSDAY, JANUARY 3,1951 _, .---------------------- ~--------------::..:.-----__:- tyranny. It is reverting back outT'he Scottsville SUi1 ' th United states and to vir- there.has put it, "He is bent uporn,making the supreme effort of Ius to . es~ tl' the same kind of of a form of governmen .w

t hi d "A d i . I rut h b I' gmla exac y the. people. are the master .andA·ND' TH' E' NEIGHBORING COMMUNITIES IN ALBE. career a avert a t ir war. n It IS Cear r tee ieves ment that existed here be- t t. h do . govern '" -public em:?loyees the servan In 0MARLE, FLUVANNA AND BUCKINGHAM COUNTIES e can 0 It. ~ fore 17'76. 'a form of government where the

SERVING THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN OF SCOTTSVILLE In working toward this great goil, Mr. Churchill is aided i Let us lo;>kback into the adop- public employee is the master andEditor' , - J. .Bernard McDearmon Wby.altcabinet

d°hf exthraor.dinadryquality. Anthony fEden, .Lo

hrd I :a~atlOnJ~;/~d~~~de~~e;:in It IS the citizenry is the ser~ant. ~tnl;

M . Ed" Eli b h W' 0) on, an ,t eat' er top eputIes are all men 0 the hlg est i e on , 'f the substan- a restoration of despo sm<lnagtng itor 0 0 a, iza et imer 1l1tegrity and ability, and their knowledge of world problem. established a; ;ne


DeclaratIOn way ,hat you look mt it. . ICharlottesville Manager ~ .; Lindsay' Mount. b bl h c! h h d tial- reason 0 E member of the GeneraOffi' '.. IS pro a y unmatc e anyw ere. The Labor government a.', t : "He has erected a multitude very .., d ~f theI ce M~n~ger .: Mrs. Annie Clements Melton t ' itl I . . r tna . hither IAssembly of vtrgtrua an

\ none 0 compare WIt 1 t rem On these scores. The British gov- Iof new offices, and sent. 1 f t:h United StatesSub Iptl p' f M CI h'II' . f' fit harass our, Congress 0' escri IOn rice ernrnenj 0 1'. lure 1 15a very dif erent thlllg from that 0 swarms of offtcers 0 " II pend some time In

$~.50.a y'.ear in Albemarl.e,Fluvanna, BUCki;.gham,l8..nd·Ne.lson,Counties: M 'tl I d eat out thelr sub- could we s. r ..n.. ee. peop e, an, h t t d d review of the basl'C.can-

.' $3.00 a year outside of these "ounties. - I stance" And that ~s ~:ac~~hwo:r I~e~t~ ~~ our Republtcan form of····,Publishedwee.kly.every ,T.hursdayof t.he YelaT "", Th PI' B ' I "V'e are returmng 0 .. I' t If they will 8'0 do

-'. "e e'op e S USlneSS .federal and state governments. 1governmen . nderstand thatEntered as second-class matter at the' post office aJt Scottsvilte, th ....ederal and state they will better u' As of NOVfmbe1' 29 1951 In bo 'Our.L . . t ke laws andVirg'in.ia,October 5, 1951. ' " , ents multitudes of new their functwn IS 0 ma .

The Govenunent has taken in $ 18,422,445,873 ~;f:~::nhave been created wit:, not to vote away the Iaw.~~~~~The Government has spent. 25,102,994,699 officehol~e's to hr· power of the people. They

swarms og . - ~ t. ally voting usThe Public D.ebt is -- -------. ------- _ __259,539,081,828 ass the people and eat out th~ir refrain frOr; fCo~:: down the ri~Each Citizen Owes ------------------.- ._________ 1,662.95 ~ Isubstance; to lessen average llVl~ further an u ent by decree

ing standard of the pe?, e. ver into governm - - . ·1 ~!..-....------::::'- .....-- ....-':""...,.--.....---...,- ....--.~,throug:-I taking their earmngs· And every ODe of our leglS.aC t L . r I' I mber tllat he SItsaun rv awye through taxation. Even worse tors should reme ~

I these appointees in public hold in the legislative body to rep~e----------- th 1 Ie that sent hIm. . . I tremendous power in ,both 'e aw- sent the ,eop

By 'Valter' Johnson have faIled mIserably m the past I making and judicial fields. T:1ey there. He should look to them forA.s we start into the new yeal: deca_de 'or two. Thoeyhave not establish standards of conduct for ,"instructions; 'he should endeavor

i of 1952' we will see two great made our laws for us. Instead. of 'the eo Ie to foHow and they a'd- to cany out their wiII. in 50 farJ leg'islative bodies come into ses- so doing they have' been stead~ly J jUdi:ateP their own law. as it can be determined. He who; sian arid get to work again. In I passing legi~lativ~ and. jUdiC.lall Man ca.l1this 'liberalism" but goes into the General AssemblyCongress the two bodi€s of·which I Dower over to the Ex-Gcnt.wcit isn'tYat all. Instead it is reac- or into Congress and l'Ooks toit ,is comprised will tackle ~he I bral1'ch. Tl1eyhave been restormg! tionary; it Its oppression; it is (Comtinued onl' pagel ~x)legislative problems of the nation . _~ ....._._._ ..~__as a WHole In Richmondjthe VIr-Igmia General Assembly, l!koewlse ,'"Composeduf two houses, wlll meet IIto conSIder and act upon the pro-

I ble~s of the coml~onwealth of i: Virginia. ·1

I The really big .question is I\ whether 'Or not these legi~lative II bodies will ..meet and functlOn asthey were inttendeed to and tbey Im'ast function if we ~re to retair: IOur' form 'Of goV'eTnment.Both J

.;;;::::;=====r 'r:z:BJSLE' COMME NT'~l- - - I - , • r-~ ~ ~

In Ephesus,'Paul.l'~I·Made ~oJ!tC~~~~rJ:sl

r And Bitter Enem•. 1~.~ ,-..,,"..-,r~ _,r

LAST week we discussed Paul!s :ViSit in Corinth. where. he I

stayed to1' a year and a,haU:~,"::'.. I" Paul's next journey ",as, to r

Ephesus' and there he spent twp IChurchill Raises Hopes years alld three, months, '"',As'J.!p_ ..' Corinth, he ran mto str-Ong,oIm~In January, doughty old Wmston ChurchIll WIll come s!tion When,he spoke in the,syn".

to Washington on what may be a mission of historic signifi. so.gue andrafter three mO,!tI\s,the. . . . I fr""tlOnwllSsuch that he wlth ~

cance. A~cordlng to the ~est mfo,med comment:'1'tors, Mh I ",'ith the phristian .disciples: , .Churchill s dnvmg purpose IS to form a much closer Anglo-: 'I D~terrjllned t~ c?nt!nue his ,~'=- I

. . . '. I CUSSlOnsof Chflsttamty, he 'dlSo'lAJr.cncan partnershIp thah has ever eXIsted In the past, ..as a 1 puted d,jib" in the~school of ~!lI!I'mems of bringing Russia to terms assuring a long period otl TyrannU~'-Where he met b<l.!hI

. ' . . . . . '.Jews and reeks alltl made mal'llworld peace, and strengthenIng the 'shaky Bl'ltlsh economy. ; ;tonverts, .N!iracles~~,heall,!galsPi

ThIS IS a very large order Indeed. It has been the goal of spread aul s fame. So mlghb!.Y11. . . . , grew' the, word of the Lord an~Brttbh and Amencan statesmen ever smce the ~,ast great war Plle~ailed;:\ . ;_:\,t ~ "'~;,;.' ': :

ended, and, ill of them failed. The international situation' II Trouble arose,!.however. when Id . d' .. '.' local silversmitbs' who had a llrof~ ihas . etenorate WIth almost mcredIble speed. The RUSSIans Itable trade ma~tbg silver shrines'

have made 'enormous gains at the expense of the West without fOr the- worship ,'Of the Goddessj. . 'h TI b'll" ".. d l:>i.na found theirll)uslness falling1f!-nga .5, at. 1e 1 lOllSwe sent to ~nt1an un er the MarShall! ott. ,They tracect.·~the reason, t.o iplan served only as temporary palliatives-Mr. Churchill has Paul an.d,sjlr:ed ull)a mob of peo- I

. h . d . .. h' I . b' . b !lIe ,gall",t hIm As.;a result Paul II~ ente' a new economIC CrISIS'W IC1 IS every It ~s ad as {OU,?ditl~dv.lsai¥e to go to M. 0

tnose WhICh .occurred before, and It IS extremely unlIkely that d.onr~.).1') \\~..,,-:--::~l;-,-=~"::Congress WIll appwv.e much more aId on SImIlar terms. Mr. r'ItI":'a~tbIS,IllWde~\alOne.tll~tl. . . . . .. macle It cessary for Paul to J0l\1'.,; ,~hur(hlll IS the cockswam of a boat whICh 1s so .1'eakyas to be I ney/on f~r he hOd oun~'liltle nee.a I

In danger bf smkmg. . ~ , to.(defend~ lmself against th~ ".?!,tI' . . ! Ofjrebuk lhat co~ronted ~llYet, despIte all these somber consIderatIOns, the return of Corinth(,{ll ~t-\~~._"~ I

Mr. C.hurchlll to power has raised high hopes that he can pull a For (an/allequate ,impression 01 IJ b· f h h d ., h' h '. ,the. C!~Ch! at 'Coriitith we mustra), Itwm te at an ac leve t e neaf-lmposslble-preClsely turn thebEPisUe,to th.e.. EPh~-1

~s he dId durmg the black days of the war when England was ans.V,l-..'\.\' \ \"_\~ ,_~.I""next to defenseless ancl besieged by an enormously powerful I 'it, ~e PiStle'-dOOlethalls'~rrb~ocatuJje", ... . 'j EpJstle to'thc Cpnnt Jans\ ~epemy. CertaInly, no one now hvmg has Mr. Churchill's pres. both,' 'fron;W;he inner ~xp~cl-tlge or record of accomplIshment Ltnclerstress and age has not ence) of man, deleply mo teadnc~d· .. ' - his {own crsotla ClrCUrl!S 1. unmed hIS energy, hIS e1oq!lence, or hiswjll·to-do. .anclfthe ,i> ,werj~, the'thris! ""h ,

In the words of John Harriman of the North American lnsplred/l l:·. _ .':...__2.-__ . __ . 'Newspaper Alliance, Mr: Churchill believes that whitt the West -;=-=-=-=;""~===-=.....ne.e~ls "is._the, infusion of a new idea, a new concept into amIlItary sItuation that is marking time and an economic situa-tIOn that is acttrally cleteriorating. i

"Qhurchill is the one man to do this, He, and he alone.can put the naked facts of the cold war to the west'ern world as.he put the facts of World War II to the British people in hisfamous speech offering blood,' sweat· and tears." •

In his Washington meetings with President Tmman andothers, Mr. Churchill will deal with such controversial'questions i

as Our a1[~bases 111BrItIan, the .command of the North Atlantictland Mediterranean fleets, and so on. These are important mat :ters and they must be settled. But they are details. There i~ ~reason to believe that Mr. ChurchiJl has in mind some grand iplan for handling the Russian me~ace, As Illtelligene-e Digest j

r::-"""";;~",-,"H'r' ,E_A_M_E_R_I-...C_A_N_W_A_Y--.-J


< ~.lS, ,.! !;; ~,.;r.,: ~(:": \ ,;.,)'""~' :~~:~/

ij®[email protected]~

~\ MUD-) 5~,AR>



3 great new linksin a mighty chain


Here We Go Again!

kANAWHA KIVU PLANT of Appalachian Electric Power Company(Glasgow. w. Va.). First 200,'OOO_kilowattunit 'low under·con.struc:tion. AnQlher 200,OOO·kilowott unit scheduled for comple-tion in February, 1953.MU5KlNGUM IlIV~1I PLAN' of The Ohio P.ower Company (Beverly,Ohio). Fir$'QOO,OOO-kiiowatt unit now under (?nltrllction. Another200,OOO-kilowoit unit sCheduled lor completion June. 1953.tANNERS nUK PLAN', ,of, Indicma & Michigan Electric .Camp?,n)''(lowrenoeburg. Ind.). First 150,OOO_kilowoft un!t now In servIce.Another of some ,opacity scheduilld for operotlon_~ September,

• 1952 ...

These three power plants Clre important to your' com-munity even though they may be many miles away.

.They Clre the three newest links in a great chain of plantsand power1ines that stretches from lake Michigan to the-North Carolina border, This chain is the American Gasand Electric .Company System, an interconnected powernetwork joining the facilities of your local J?ower com·pony with those of its six affiliates.

When new facilities come into peing anywhere on thisSystem, the_benefits are· felt throughout the whole 7-state area the System serves. Among these _benefits arethe new ana better iobs electricity creates, the befferliving electricity brings and the greater productivityelectric power makes possible. And that means that elec~tri{ity 1s vital, too, to the building of our national de.fense, which concerns us alt.

To spread these benefits, .American G.as cnd ElectricSystem companies have 'doubled their power-producingcapacity in the past ten years. They are adding 1,400,000more kilowatts of capacity between 1951 and '53, tob~ing total system capacity to 3,739,000.

like these ,three new plants, all the facilities and re.sources of the A.G.&E. System back up the power 50m.pony that serves you. Remote as they seem, they helpmake electricity more abund.ant, more dependable, moreeconomical, right here.

AppalachianElectric Power Company

.1i.~.I\iI .•'••i.iii •• I•.•I.D.·'C.i.j.i?,.i&".I ••-~Yse you'Ll..""""'OMI, I, W"",SM!'J<T UHOF ME Tl:1 ATTEND "" ..THJl\'T SI'.LE! ~ ,


Serve Chili Co~'('ar~;~for-D~nertimevarretY'I! PATTERNOFTHEWEEK iI 'I . .15956I' SIZES,I 12 - 42I »>:


Count on zesty ehili eon e fwhen menus become a Ianni arne or welcome mealtime varietyeating satisfaetion, thisPpopui::f:;~b1d'!" Hearty and full of goodof a sal~d,bread and tall glasseso~mId1Shbneeds but the additionand deltclous meal. co eer to make a complete

Eas~ to make, chili combines

I~ed kidney beans and groundeef simmered in a highly sea-

I soned t?mato sauce. Spicy and

I,ftlling, It needs the accompani-ment of foods with light, re-freshing flavor.

I Try the. canned chili too, forI a tlme-savmgemergencysupperi dish to serve family or guests.

Dress .W'. the table by servingthe chill In a gay casserole andadd a festive touch by pouringthe beer into tall pilsenerglasses....... I

Chill ConCame1 medium onion, chopped1 garlic clove, minced1 green pepper, diced

2 to 3 tablespoonsfat or .oil1 pound ground beef2 cups canned tomatoes2 CU~S canned red kidney .beans2 to 3 tablespoonschili pow-

der (or to taste)2 teaspoons sugar2" teaspoonssaltBrown onion, garlic and green

pepper in fat or oil.Addgroundbeef and cook, stirring ceca-sionally, until beef Is lightlybrowned. Add tomatoes kidneybeans, chili powder, sugar and I

salt. Cover and let simmer an !

hO~;-1adding a little water if the lchill seems dry. Serve pipinghot. Serves 4. ~

-- ' l



1948 4 Door Chevrolet Stylemaster H1948 2 Door Chevrolet Fleetline R&H1948 Chevrolet FleetmaslJer, 4 Dr,1938 Ford Coupe, Rough1937 Chevrolet 2 Dr., Rough

TRUCKS '1949 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery, H1948 Chevrolet 1 1-2 Ton Pickup, H1948 Chevrolet 1 1-2 Ton LWB1947 1 1-2 t~n Dodge Dump .1947 1 1-2 ton Studebaker, SWB1946 1-2 ton Ford Panel

1946 Chevrolet 1 1-2 Ton LWB .A few new Cars and Trucks for

immediate deliverySALES"" ,ERVleE

Smith Chevrolet Sales, Inc.Scottsville Phone 2

Guaranteed 24 Mo.


! CODlPlete--line ofJr. \ Automobile Parts

Real Estate I and AccessoriesWestern. Auto

Associate StoreOwned and Operated

byJohn F. Williamson


FOR AN AmRNOON DRESSWITH ATOUCH OF PARIS, choose Advancepatterra #5956. a slimming S$W'-eoS)'dreK with, Q novel bUlio"-occenteciIeey-hole neckline- which drapes rho;,bodice and turns into the collar. ftM,sldrt is moderatel.,- flttted to carry thestimmer line. Sizes 12 'to 42 _..3:;.:TO ORDER ADVANCE ·PAnEiNS M...t35c In coins (no stamp') for "cn pm-tern, with size, name and addreu,designati'r19 which pattern you wantby its rwmber.

Send to ATLAS PATTERN DEPT. 445,6455 Sunset 81., LClSAngeles 28, Calif.


S. A. Spencer,

Fannl' -- Homes


Office 113

Home 86F12Scottsville, Virginia



Thursday and Friday,January 3-4


Katherine GraysonHoward KeelAva Gardner

Joe E. BrownSaturday, January 5"Do1.lble Cross Bones"

withDonald O'Connor

Sunday and Monday,January 6-7

"Angels In TheOutfield"£tarring

Paul DouglasJanet Leigh

, ,___ FIVERyalls~Willis I·of- N.eLson-c~untY.--~ie~ suddenly 1 Columbus died at Valladoltd.

, f M;o.y at hIS horne In Madison' Spain in 1506.M1SS Evelyn .Iosephme Willis Heights. I ~--..;.;..;.:::.---------

a,n'dCecilWhite Ryallsweremar- H~was a molder for the Gla-'ned '?n December21 at the Bybee morgan Pipe arid Foundry Com-!Baptist parsonage by the Rev.H. pany in Lynchburgfor 26 years 1

Wadde'llWaters. and W8J! a veteran of WorldWa; IThe bride is the daughter of I. having served for eight-years \ I~' ~,',

Mrs. James J. Suddarthand the with the Army and Navy. I " .....late W. D, Willis, of Scottsville, He was born near LovingstonI '. •Mr. Ryalls' parents are Mr. .and May 30, 1897. Besidesius wife I ,'. .T...~ftl"G ••

Mrs, William Marcus RyaHs,of the former Miss Mehssa Perdue I .~ GARY .Shows,' Clements.he is survivedby two COOPE R

The bride's white wool dress brothers, Alma and Levie Nash, I' ,

was street length, fashionedWit-It both of Lynchburg,and two 51B-a full.skirt ~nda tight bodice with ters, Mrs. SamuelSnoodyof Ma- MARl ALDON lMHllroi'''.:NM'nNR/JLKIN~.

\ ' 'a Peter Pan collarand leg o'mu"- diBonHeights and Mrs J P I 1I1t'll7'''' _ ......, , ." ......Q _. '1/I1BlSIIJffiP1C1lllffi YllJl/lllIIIIliton sleeves. Her accessorieswere Ja.cobs of Hopewell. -- - -navy blue and she wore a cor- The funeral was held at 3 0'-

sage of purple orchids.' cloCk Thursday atternoon . from

I The receptionwas held at ~the MadisonHeights Baptist Church,_I home of the bride's brother and and intermentfollowedin Meade's Starts 'Sunday

sister-In-law, Mr. and Mrs, Dab: Cemetery,' I Charlottesville, Va.ney Willis, Scottsville, after the , .;.'"7"'-------~-.:..-:.:.:.:.~....::.:.:.:....:.:.:.-r;ceremony. I

Mrs. Ryalls was graduated'from the Scottsville High School.

~Mr. Ryalls was-graduated fromIthe,Fluvap.naCountyH,ighSchool.Both Mr, and Mrs. RyaHs areemployedby the Virginia Tele-phone andITelegraphCompanyinCharlottesville.

'!'hey are now at homeScottsville.




IJames BeverleyNash, a native

Try our delicious sandwiches and hot drinksJames B. Nash

JONES,STORE,Scottsville I Phone 122




I, Overhau.l For

• ht This OverhaulWe Will Install

N~w RingsGrind and 'Reface ValvesCheck Valve GuidesChe'Ck Valve Spring'TensionAdjust Connecting Rod BearingsCheck Main BearingsAdjust TappetsCheck CarburetorCheck Fuel LeverAdjust CarburetorClean Carburetor ScreenCheck MagnetoCheck Spark PlugsCheck Spark Plug WiresAdjust Clutch /Adjust Pulley BrakeAdjust' Differential BrakesGrease Fan BearingAiljust Front Wheel BearingsCheck Radiator HosesReplace' Necessary GasketsCheck Cooling SystemChange OilInstall Oil Filter Element'Check Transmission OilCheck Air FiltersCheck TimingCheck Oil PressureCheck Motor SpeedClean TractorPick' Up acnd Deliver Tractor

, (Parts Extra)Paint and Letter $25.00

Other ModelsProportionately Low

• • • shelter and proteetlOllfor all outsidedoors.

Good·bye 10 stickingscreen and stormdoor•...•no more rotting or swoll...door casings.

TROY SUNSHADEDOOR CANOPIES, ' of lasting rustproof...

steel .•. will outlast th. 'house.

Beautifultoo ••• ond thelowcostwillsurpriseyoul

JUST CALL JEFFERSON MILLSw. F. Paulett &. Son I Scottsville, Va.ScottsviUe, Va. /.:....,.__ ...; .;P.;h;;;o~n;;;e..;;;8J;;.... _


____ T_H_URSD.(\Y;JANUARY ~~1_9_51_

\. Th· M . d' 1 birds, and Crows, with. only one were delighted to have seen this.\" •e e.an erer Phoebe, one Shrike, Red-breasted Red-tail.Nuthatch (and that at our feed- The buds on the winter jasmine


The year has 'come in like a er-), and one Red-tailed Hawk . are getting big enough now solamb, quiet and mild and warm. We were fascinated with its cry. that if springs are taken in 'theAnd the second day of the year He sat on top 'Of a tree screaming house, they will bloom in no time.looks to be a replica of the first. 1 at a group of Crows that were It seems odd to think of havingIts a fine beginning to the year'. \ 'deviling him. The cry is a regu- spring-like flowers in the houseMaybe old man weather has such \lar squ~al, and he all~wed us to blooming alongside of Christmasbad things in store for us that get ratt-ly close to htm then he greens still up. It's about time

1 he's trying to make a good tm- squealed at US. . . - ~ that the Christmas t.ree carnepression by at l:ast starting I The Red-tai~eu. ueiong's to the down, and. the wreath disappearedthings out right. . ...-- [class of Buteos. These are big soar- I from the door. It takes alm'O.stNew Years Day found us tak-] ing hawks, larger than Crows. as :much time to r~move th~ deco-

tng to the field to see what birds The birds of this group 'have rations .of the holidays as It duesI were about.. Spring definitely broad wings and broad rounded to get them up in the rtrst place .

Iwas in .the air, and the song of tails which they often spread likethe Carolina Wrens made Spring a fan. They are great destroyers RABIES OUTBREAK


Iseem just around the corner. We Iof rodents, and today most well-were rewarded too with hearing: in-formed sportsmen and farmers. (~()I,IltinUed frOID page one)a regular chorus 'Of White-crown- Ino longer kill hawks, for they IOn. I

led Sparrows in ...their same favo-[ krrow what a val.ua'ble role they II state' ~ealth of.ficials, however,rite place along the stream bank. play in keeping the balance of have been watching with \Con?ern

I We hadn't heard them singing nature. Only those who are tgnor- 1 a recent outbreak of rabies in tnesince before it really got cold. ant and destructive shoot nnem.] fox-hunting country of FauquierBut they were rejoicing, on New but unfortunately rne-e. ;lr~ SLi~l\ a.nd . L~udoun Counties. Thirty-Years Day, We saw nothing. re.al- j so many people WITO are blOlOgI- j flVe :t;ables cases have cropped up

'ly unusual-many ,~ardinals, ~ots 1 cally illiterate that some birds of I in Fauqu,ier and seven in; Lou~of Juncos (sll'owbrld.!:l), Mockmg- i prey have grown very scarce. vVe, doun. .,

. - -.-'

;;IX THE SCOTTSVILLE SUN_ ._-- --:----- ---ClassifieD

; .• IlE &uRNSSEIlJOUS ~

Classifieds are sold at the rate oftwo cents a word, 35 'cents mini-mum. Display classifieds 60 centsan inch.

COOD HEALTH-' ----,--=:::'



W, R. prITS




~.:.... .- -.~ ...




3 miles East of~Scottsville, Rout'€ 61Answer to Question No.1:. . f!)Od handlers to have periodicMin~r burns are painful and physical check-ups, some com-

annoymg aItd should be proper- munities provide courses where1y . cared for. If large areas of workers are taught sanitationskm are burned it is apt 10 be to protect both themselves and...ery serious and sometimes fatal. customers, as well as care oflTheil expert medical attenlion is food 10 prevent spoilage. !requIred. Modern methods and A to Q II Nnew drug. make it possible. to ns,,:er. u~ on o. 3: ,lave, ~any who are badly burn- ,Chl1dr~n shll can .conlra~t Ied. With burns an ounce o'f pre .. diphtheria, but the disease 15ve1,1tion is. worih a ton ~f cure. largely controlled. In 1~21the~e I'It IS espec18l1y important to see y.rere 206,?39 cases of diphtheria Ith~t children cannot reach heat. In,the Umted Stat.es as compared:

. ed. grates. hot ftat irons. and ket- wIth 5,931 cases m 1950, lowest,, ties full of hot ftuids.. tlg'!re of ,any year on. record. ;

. 'ThiS gratIfymg reduction has I·Auwer to Q• ..uoa No.%: been achieved by Ushots." better'

It is important Ihat Ihe public quarantines and greater vigil-I~ ! health service in every commun. ance of doctors, parents. school I

(Continued from page twO) I ity check food handlers in res. nurses, and teachers. For a sore 1some boss-man 4s not c"arrymg I taurants, groceries, and butcher throat, especially in children,!

shops, for they can transmit dis.. c-?nsult .8 doctor. It may· be, I'

out the WIll of th'e people : eases such u the' common cold diphtheria. iAnd we the people, are not I !,eadUl;, and possibly mbre.s~r. (CopyrJght 1951 by Health tnrorma·1 1

talring. the affirmative part we i lOU! diseases. Besides requiring tion Foundation) I

should in our government. We 1--'- . " I !are ton apt to select legislators on II Farm Notes \facturing will have top billmg on I Ithe basis of things other than tpe , I[ the llst of subJects for dlSCUSSlOn 1

principles upon which they stand. I (. at the schoQols. ! iNow we are tremendously. con-I . (.JODr-in~ed tJum pa.-e one) I The foresters point out thalt the I

'cerned over slick tricks in Wash- logIcal S'oclety. and Watsotl: said low-grade hardwood '- problem I IiIJ-gton wherein such tliings as several me::nbers o: ..that national faces many small sawmIll opera-

• 'I group are expected to attend to Im.lollk coats,_ deep frelezers, enter- Th V P I at d _ . . rs throughout the 'Country. T:let. t d ' e .,. u ent speakmg t th 1 d Iammen an tommission!';l have I "ntest 'II be th t . opera aI's em.se ves caul help I

• ...0 WI, ano' er feaure on 1 hbeen, mvolved. Many 'of us b~ame 1M'Onday night. Awaros to contest so ve t e problem by reducing fo II

PreSIdent Truman for this sltua-I wl·nner d to. . '8. minimum the volume of low-.. . s, an Wlnners of the d I be..J!-on. He l~ blame and, ne ~an- '.Appalachian Quality Apple Club gr~ e urn r produced, by more j'

not be excused. But the Umted I contest will be made Tuesda caref1l1 selection ,of trees to be cut,states is also to blame. In filling night. Y and by careful sawing of the logs I Ithose upper lewl federal jobs the to develop the highest possible I i

. Presdent n!Qwinates to the advice ,t?CHOOLS FOR SAWMILL' grades. Sawing of trees in the I I

and consent of the Senate. OPERATORS PLANNED ·woods to get the best possible I !lengths and quality of logs, and I I

When the Senate confirms so Tent t· . Iff I_., . I a lVe pans or a senes 0 proper manufacture of the logs at Ilong as the nommee IS not afflr- schoQols for sa ...... ...,to'• 1 ... Wffiln oper""...ors, the mill to develop the best grades I

matlve~y shown to be a norse thIef forest land wn d th-the Senate is not- doing its job, . -0 ers, an 0 ~rs ~ould be a long step forward.

Th t. ttl are bemg made by ExtenSIOn Research 1'0 find additional out-

a IS wha he S'enate has been f t t '=1 \ ..' . . ! ores era a vir. lets for low-grade hardwoo'ds alsodOl~g. It s~oUld now S.h!ft. ItS \ The forE!sters say the schools ts suggested.pOlley. and reject all nommabons I.will be held in lOCalities wher~ in- . I~herem it IS not. affi~1.at!vely I terest is shown, and that requests I The seVien wonders of the mod-IS.lOWn that the n~ mnee is a per~ \ should ~ routed to he forestry \ ern world are rt-.lhJeairpla.ne, rad- Ison, r~asonably h~~h.•moral stan-I department· at VPI, Blacksburg. lum, ,antisepUcs, antitoxins. X-ray, ~daids m both the \Vhl~'cHouse and Grade-sawing 'and lumber manu- radio and the telephone. \the Senate. \ ' ... -. .......- .. _.L .. _ ... __ -~-~ I


AID TAUT LIPS. And now,felit.w Vbangi's. we will recite,:"Pctec Piper picked a peck of .• :' i

* * '!I IObe~::e men and women, pledged I

. to helping abe another diet, havelforme(l a .Fatties Anonymous Club,in N. Y. C. How about a clubcalle'.\ "Anonymous Anonymous" Ifor lJeople 'addicted to writing Ianonymou£ 1etters and poetry? I

... :1J >II .

A turn of the century belief wasthat "barber's itch" could be curedby "massaging the scalp with spit ...tle and the ash of a Havana cigar." I


\,came off without a single scratch Iafter damaging one enemy plane.The Yanks wenl into the tlghl I6-10-1 underdogs but the Reds 1

went home si;k,,~ve::..one•. _'.~'~.~-':'!1-. \

A Knoxville, Tenn.,~ studentIlurse basketbal1 team routed Ii Iquintet. oC male In..terns. OUelllljthe boy~' team lleedS~s011l! dpoo 1

toriDS· upl _ ~<'.~~~~~',;;f.. -.r:.. •. II


9 to 12 O'clock




Countrv Lawye;

'0 Halt"Mud;'WIlhhi'Chinese·mounlalns

8Deml-104 .'10 Brltl.h Island·1!;Parlor .ame \ 41 Clip .I~Brld.. ,- 42 Row ,15Accomplish ;' 43 Bloomiii8'\n\Caseous ' 44 Thai thing., 1.lement I, 83 Upright 1"'"~. }45Yawn84,AdvanH: ,35 Come in _,;:J46Unoccupleli ;.' 'llIIard, 1i!' : 361luPlllled wlth47 Wanl ,I25 Past (\ .. . ehQes . 02Live '-- I28Household god· 40Unusual" -. (ab,)

:)i ) ..5+-11-1-4~t'I, "

:.i.~nl" '110 ull penon1,11 bill)' .tull),IUnter .. 'c114Smell/'10 Press \1

~o EntrealY,'10Drhiktot •excess


,20Observe' "II Near '.

112 TQward(,,·i230hhlps \i27.Criminal";· .~80MohammeclaI tille f,31Exist" 1'32K. isa-'34 Entrances

.1 fenoes·37 Either _3BNewHam·, shire (ab,)30 ImpUdent42Neat46 To the InSl ., I .....I~/;;rt-+.;.~6Blemish 1 :T:g~c~it / . Ilfl!~~:...j~1--51 GrOUps\ _ \:'53 Drafl anl1Tlall, (Aust.) . \00Abrasive. ., 1io-t-lI-+--l\1li!Ibo+--l-.o....jI--l@iJ;,l,.-II-.l--I--l66~~~~~J r··1~rn-t-+-fu,F.r-+-... ~H;j;i,f;ti4-,5_0+--t-~..JI', I TeS' . ~ • 5~ \'l ,j

~ Scope." . I. '...,1lCompsnYJ,lil I .1

" ~I ._- ••• __ • _

(Hubby, to wife: "Put away Iheashtrays; 'Itchy' Jone$ ·is comingfo:!:' dinner." .,~~~.

• • • _~,'t"., -:..;

Four U. S, jets fought w~th 24Rus$iim-built jets over Itorea and

1£ candles were you·r only·source of light,and this were your last candle, you would

find little .comfort in the glimmer of its dyinglight, When the candle burns low, darkness i~too near.Light has for centuries been a symbol of man'sspiritual resources. But in the lives of some of usthe candle is burning· dangerously low •• ,One bright Sunday-a month, or a year, or a decadeago-we felt sure of unlimited spiritual resources •Today we pause and wonder. In this frighteningworld faith flickers, and the rays of hope don't al-ways penetrate the waIls of despair. -The candle need not go out! With an urgencymatching the seriousness of our lifetime, theChurch cans us to replenish the Light of ourlives, A new candle ••• deeper faith •••braver courage, •• brighter hope ••• theseawait us each Sunday in Church.

. . .::':,-.. ,~

·-i1:.,·:..::.r.-·.4ffi[.t:' ~'_ .\ ".~,


The Church J. 'thtor on ea,th f h8greatesl fac:.or. t • buildin fcharacter and good cltizenshi g 0~i~h~to:.houseof spiritualvar~e!~de u a Itrong Church. neUher

mocracy nor civUizaUon c:m.survive. There are four 80reasons why every person shoidattend services regularly and .u d .port the Ch h .up.F . ute. They are: (1)or hIS own lake (2) F .

children's sake. (3) For th:r.a~·of his community and notion •For the soh oJ the Ch h' (4)wh.lch needs hi, moral~ dltsell,lEmal SUpport. Plan toano mo_church regularly' and dO toBibl. daily. rea you:

. Book' Chapter VersesSunday. ' •• _Proverbs 20 18.30Monday •••• Matthew 25 -1.13Tuesday .... Psaltna 141 1-10Wednesday. I John I J-I0Thursday, ... t John 2 1-11Fridax-.•••• Proverbs 27 1.10Saturday ... II TJmothy.J 10..17

'. CoPynlh'1951,K';II.. Ad•. S•••k., S,... b~'I, VL •..._-_.__ ._-------

The Hub. Inc:-------~~~-·ScOtt~ille Flour MillsClothing For All the Family Blue Bird Flour

Scottsville For Perfect BakingFeed for All Lh:estockBruce-Dorrier Motor Co.Ford - Sales & Service

ScottsvilleW. F. Paulett & Son

Building Materials and Har·dwarePhone SCottsville 47C. R. Dorrier·& Co.The Quality StorePhone Scottsville 1

W.alton·Radio & Appliance CenterRefngerators - Televisions & WashersCharlottesville - Scottsvillp • Columbia

Alberene Stone CorporationOf Virginia

Schuyler, VirginiaUnited States Rubber Comp.any

Scottsville PlantScottsville,

Smith Chevrolet Sales, Inc.Chevrolet .Sales & Service

ScottsvilleThacker Bros. Funeral Home

Ambul:ince ServicePhone Scottsville 43J
