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7 Most Underrated but Crucial Muscle Building Principles

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Why is it that some guys just can't gain weight no matter how they train? Check out this list of 7 underrated but ESSENTIAL muscle building principles you may have neglected which can make or break your muscle building goals!
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This report is going to cover what I feel are the most underrated but most crucial

principles for gaining muscle mass for ectomorphs.

Why underrated?

Because I believe these principles are common knowledge, meaning most

ectomorphs who go to the gym already know them.

However, they neglect/take them for granted.


Because these principles seem so simple, and because everyone sees and

interprets things differently.

However, these underrated principles are usually the most crucial principles of

muscle building.

They are your foundation to muscle building.

Do you want to build your foundation on sand, or on solid ground?

Before we being, I would just like to point out the muscle building formula:

Eat Well + Rest Well + Train Right = Muscle Growth

Without further ado, let’s get right into it!

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Muscle Building Principle 1

Your Calorie Intake Must Exceed Calorie Expenditure

It’s simple, if you don’t eat enough, you will NOT grow even with the best

personal trainer or with the best equipment in the world.

It just doesn’t happen.

And that’s why I put this tip as the number 1 on my list.

It’s the golden rule for muscle building ectomorphs must adhere to.

This is also the number one reason why

most skinny guys can’t gain muscle


I dare say most people know that they

have to eat more than their calorie

expenditure, but they don’t.

Because it’s tough eating a lot!

To get around the problem, one of my

friends actually drank protein drinks 3

times a day. And he was surprised that he wasn’t gaining any weight.

Another one of my friends consumed commercial weightgainers and wondered

why only his tummy was getting bigger!

There is really no shortcut or easy way to eating for muscle gains.

Supplements and weightgainers are overrated!

It’s best if you can calculate your daily calorie needs, but if you don’t, it’s alright.

Eat 6 meals a day, and eat clean.

If you feel like you aren’t eating enough to see any muscle gains, then eat more.

If you feel that you are gaining more fats than muscles, then eat less.

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If you think that you are eating enough but still aren’t gaining any muscle weight,

then the cold hard truth is you aren’t eating enough.

Extra Resources

This link will teach you how to gain weight for ectomorphs

This link will give you 4 homemade weightgainer recipes

Check out the anabolic cooking program’s 200 delicious, easy and fast to make


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Muscle Building Principle 2

Consume Good Calories

Not all calories are created equal.

The amount of calories (muscle building principle 1) will determine whether you

gain or lose weight, and the quality of calories will determine whether you put

on weight in the forms of muscles or fats.

So don’t feast on

potato chips, fast

food, processed food

and all that crap stuff

with lousy/empty

calories in an attempt

to gain weight!

The 3 main food

groups are as follows:

1. High quality


Protein is the macronutrient your body use to repair muscle tissues and build new

ones. It is the most important macronutrient for building lean muscle mass.

Sources: Lean meat, fish, poultry, skim milk, cottage cheese, peanuts, whey

2. Natural, high fiber carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates help your body absorb protein, are the main energy sources for

your body, and they help to regulate the hormonal balance in your body.

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Sources: Choose unrefined, high fiber sources such as oatmeal, brown rice, whole

grain, potatoes, yam, fresh fruits.

3. Healthy, unsaturated fats:

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) increase your testosterone levels (anabolic hormone,

meaning it helps build muscles) and they keep you healthy.

Extra Resources

This link will show you the good, healthy food to eat to gain muscle weight

This link will show you the unhealthy food to avoid to gain muscle weight

If you want a comprehensive list of good macronutrient sources and a list of the

top bodybuilding foods, do join my inner circle where I share these resources. It’s


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Muscle Building Principle 3

Drinking Enough Water

Definitely the most underrated muscle building principle of all.

80% of your body

is made up of


85% of our brain

is made up of


70% of our lean

muscle mass is

made up of water.

How does water affect our muscle building progress?

1. A 3-4% drop in your body’s water levels can lead to a 10-20% decrease in muscle


2. Water helps to prevent injuries.

e.g Water lubricates joints and form a protective “cushion” around them, especially

important because high intensity training brings about a lot of stress on your joint.

3. Water helps to transport nutrients around the body more efficiently.

4. Water helps your liver flush out toxins and unwanted chemicals.

Drink (your body weight in pounds) x (0.6) ounces of water daily.

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Muscle Building Principle 4

Tracking Your Progress

Very crucial yet underrated principle.

As with all things in life, it is essential to record what you’ve have been doing and

to progress from there.

It is the only tangible way

to measure your progress


If your progress is

unsatisfactory, then you

will know when and what

to change.

If you are progressing

well, you can then take

note of what it is that

you are doing right and to stay on the right track!

The importance of a training journal

Muscles can only grow through progressive overload.

And that’s why you have to track your workout progress to go from strength to


It will also tell you whenever you hit a weight lifting plateau.

The importance of a meal planner

Tracking your calories intake is essential as well.

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If you find that you aren’t gaining muscle weight proportionate to your gym

training, then eat more.

If you are gaining more fats than muscles, then adjust accordingly and eat less!

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Muscle Building Principle 5

Intensity and Duration

These 2 principles are inversely related.

They are also one of the most important muscle building principles you must know.

The shorter and more intense a workout, the more effective it is.

Apply this principle to your workout today and I am pretty sure the effectiveness

of your workout will increase by at least 50%!

Most ectomorphs ignore this, why?


They feel they have to work out for at least an hour before they can target

their muscles effectively.

They don’t know how the duration of workouts affects their body’s

hormonal balance.

Ego lifting - they take long rest periods so as to be able continue lifting at

the same weight and not be seen as wimpy.

They go to the gym with friends or they go to the gym to make friends.


They don’t understand the meaning of intensity and its effects.

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The Correct Duration

Keep your workouts between 30 minutes to an hour, with 45 minutes being the

optimal timing.


Because the release of anabolic (muscle building) hormones peaks at about 27

minutes and falls at around 45 minutes.

At this time, catabolic (muscle destroying and fat storing) hormones are then


Your mental focus will fade as well.

Finally, a short workout will save you your precious calories.

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The Correct Intensity

Intensity is such a subjective idea that it’s not easy to explain.

Someone who feels sore but who takes extremely long rest periods within sets is

not doing an intensive workout.

Intensity doesn’t mean you have to train to failure too.

Always training to failure leads to CNS burnout and increased chances of injury.

So what is the correct intensity?

Fast (as in short duration), and tough, with a consistent rest period in between

sets and reps.

When your workout is intense, you will feel knocked out at the end of your


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Muscle Building Principle 6

Rest to Avoid Overtraining

I think overtraining is the number 1 mistake all the guys who I help to train make.

As I train ectomorphs, most of them just can’t wait to gain muscle mass fast after

enduring taunts of “skinny”/“bag of bones” for years.

They want it now, and

they want it big.

I understand, because I

was once like that.

And as a result, I hurt

my shoulders and my

lower back.

It just doesn’t work this


Overtraining is like charging straight at the wall.

You are simply going to crash, take time to recover and find yourself back to

square one.

How to Avoid Overtraining:

1. Keep your workout below an hour

2. Don’t do more than 3 sets per exercise, and limit yourself to 10-15 sets per


3. Limit your training frequency for each muscle group.

4. Don’t go to the gym for more than 3 or 4 days, with 3 being optimal.

5. Don’t go to the gym if you haven’t fully recover!

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6. Understand your body well - how it works, how it reacts, and then help it by

giving it the best stimulus to recover and don’t overwork it.

One VERY Important tip:

It’s not possible to always keep strictly to a workout schedule.


Because to gain muscles, you have to overload progressively.

As you do a higher volume of work, your muscles will require more time to


So control your temptation and don’t go to the gym when you know you have not

fully recovered.

First, you will be wasting your time as you will be doing lighter weights


Second, you are setting yourself up for injuries

Thirdly, muscles only grow when you rest, so this is counterproductive.

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Muscle Building Principle 7

Consistency And Application

Underrated. Period.

You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you don’t apply them on a

consistent basis, you won’t be able to achieve the results you want!

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Rome wasn’t built in a day.

All the buffed or ripped guys you have come to be jealous of or respect did not do

it in just months.

I’m pretty sure it took them years.

Time to learn the knowledge.

Time to train, test it out and understand their body.

And finally time to make improvements and consolidate the knowledge they’ve

learned and experience they’ve gained.

There is no magic pill.

The formula for success is still the same -> hard work and determination.

Although society has evolved, psychologically, we haven’t.

Our inner instincts, or what Sigmund Freud calls the Id in his psychoanalysis theory

remains the same.

We are inherently lazy, cynical and greedy.

As a result we love to take shortcuts.

We chase that magic workout routine or magic supplement.

And in that process, we lose focus of the fundamentals, because they seem so

simple (cynical) yet so tough to implement (lazy).

For every one of my clients who doesn’t make his desired muscle gains, I see those

self-sabotaging qualities manifesting.

That is why I’ve decided to come up with a report on the most underrated but

crucial principles you must know.

I hope you find them very beneficial in helping you refocus on certain issues.

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Here, I would like to share a quote with you guys.

“Life is hard when you live it the easy way, and easy if you live it the hard way”.

If you are committed to making the muscle gains you deserve, then do join my

inner circle.

It is where I share more advanced content and tips to help skinny guys accelerate

your muscle progress.

It is free, for now.

And it is my way of giving back and making a difference by helping the truly

deserving people who are really committed.

Hope to see you there!


Wayne Griffins
