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7. test.ppt

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  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    Chapter 14

    Understandingand Using



    Viewing recommendations for Windows: Use

    the Arial TrueType font and set your screen

    area to at least 800 by 00 pi!els with "olors

    set to #i "olor $% bit&'

    Viewing recommendations for (acintosh:

    Use the Arial TrueType font and set your

    monitor resolution to at least 800 by 00

    pi!els with "olor )epth set to thousands of


  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,-


    Standardized tests

    Using standardized tests

    for accountability purposes:

    #igh1sta2es testing

    Standardized testing and technology

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,3

    "haracteristics of standardized tests

    )esigned by people with specialized 2nowledge and

    training in test construction

    4/ery person who ta2es the test responds to the same

    items under the same conditions

    The answers are e/aluated according to the same

    scoring standards

    The scores are interpreted through comparison to the

    scores obtained from a group that too2 the same test

    under the same conditions or through comparison to a

    predetermined standard

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,+

    "riteria for e/aluating standardized tests

    5eliability , Stability in test performance

    Validity , Test accuracy

     , "ontent /alidity6 predicti/e /alidity6 construct /alidity

    7ormed e!cellence , 7orm group representation compared to the general


    4!aminee appropriateness ,  Appropriateness for a particular group of students

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,


    "ontent /alidity e/idence

     , #ow well a test9s items reflect a particular body of

    2nowledge and s2ill

    redicti/e /alidity e/idence

     , #ow well a test predicts a student9s future


    "onstruct /alidity e/idence , #ow well a test measures some internal attribute

    of a person

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,

    Types of standardized tests

     Achie/ement tests

     , 5e/eal how much of a sub;ect or s2ill has

    been learned  Aptitude tests

     , 5e/eal how much 2nowledge and s2ill a

    student could ac

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,=

    Types of achie/ement tests

     Assesses one9s competence in selectedbasic s2ill areas> often ta2en to graduate'

    "ompetency test

    Single1sub;ect test designed to identify

    specific strengths and wea2nesses'

    )iagnostic test

     Assesses how much one has learned in

    multiple school sub;ects'

     Achie/ement battery

     Assesses how much one has learned in a

    particular school sub;ect'


    achie/ement test

    DescriptionType of Test

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,8

    7orm1referenced tests

    and criterion1referenced tests

    7orm1referenced test

     , Test where one9s performance is e/aluated

    with reference to a norming group "riterion1referenced test

     , Test where one9s performance is e/aluated

    with reference to some standard orcriterion

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,?

    @nterpreting standardized test scores

    rade e

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,%0

    The normal probability cur/e

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,%%

    5elationship among z scores6

    T scores6 and percentile ran2s

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,%-

    ercentage of cases

    in each Stanine

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,%3

    What is high1sta2es testingB

    #igh sta2es testing isC

    using standardized test scores6 either by

    themsel/es or in con;unction with other data6 todetermine whether students get promoted to the

    ne!t grade or graduate from high school6

    whether teachers and administrators recei/e

    financial rewards or demotions6 and whetherschool districts recei/e additional state funds or

    lose their accreditation'

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,%+

    "urrent status

    of high1sta2es testing

    Type of test used $4ducation Wee2

    on the Web6 -00%&

     , +0 states use criterion1referenced testsin 4nglish

     , 3+ states use criterion1referenced tests

    in math

     , 5emaining states use norm1referenced

    tests in these sub;ects

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,%

    "urrent status

    of high1sta2es testing

    Use of test scores $4ducation Wee2 on the Web6

    -00%& , %% states hold schools accountable for student learning solely

    on the basis of students9 test scores , -0 states pro/ide financial rewards to schools whose students

    perform at an acceptable le/el

     , %+ states can close6 restaff6 or o/erhaul schools with low test


     , %8 states re

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,%

    roblems with high1sta2es

    testing programs

    The place of tests in educational reform

    "haracteristics of standardized tests

    5elationship of tests to state standards

    Dreadth of assessment

    Use of test results to support remediation

    Use of test results to support impro/ements in


    @mpact on curriculum and instructional methods

    4ffects on students

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    "opyright * #oughton (ifflin "ompany %+,%=

    Standardized testing

    and technology

    Using technology to prepare students for


    Using technology to assess masteryof standards , e'g'6 American "ollege Testing $A"T&> ro;ect 4ssay

    rade $4&

    "omputer adapti/e testing $"AT& , computers determine se

  • 8/18/2019 7. test.ppt


    4nd of 

    Chapter 14Understanding

    and Using

