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70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and...

Date post: 16-Oct-2019
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Foreword Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this collection, Craig A. Penfield has provided three of each, including both hymn-based and original works. While postludes are likely to be the primary time to use most of these pieces, some of the compositions are also suitable as preludes or offertories, such as Trompette Melodious or Toccata Française. e Publisher Contents Première Fanfare ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Fanfare Fantasia on “Duke Street” .................................................................................................................... 4 duke street Fanfare Joyeux...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Trumpet Tune on “Royal Oak” .......................................................................................................................... 8 royal oak Trumpet Tune in C major ................................................................................................................................ 10 Trompette Melodious........................................................................................................................................ 13 Gigue Toccata..................................................................................................................................................... 16 Toccata on “St. Anne” ....................................................................................................................................... 19 st. anne Toccata Française............................................................................................................................................... 22 2 70/2185L-2
Page 1: 70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this

ForewordFanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this collection, Craig A. Penfield has provided three of each, including both hymn-based and original works. While postludes are likely to be the primary time to use most of these pieces, some of the compositions are also suitable as preludes or offertories, such as Trompette Melodious or Toccata Française.

The Publisher

ContentsPremière Fanfare ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Fanfare Fantasia on “Duke Street” .................................................................................................................... 4 duke street

Fanfare Joyeux ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

Trumpet Tune on “Royal Oak” .......................................................................................................................... 8 royal oak

Trumpet Tune in C major ................................................................................................................................ 10

Trompette Melodious ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Gigue Toccata ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

Toccata on “St. Anne” ....................................................................................................................................... 19 st. anne

Toccata Française ............................................................................................................................................... 22



Page 2: 70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this



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∑No Ped.



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4 Fanfare Fantasia on “Duke Street”Craig A. PenÞeld

© 2019 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION

www.lorenz.com LL

Sw. Reed ChorusGt. Foundations 8, 4, MixturePed. Foundations 16, Gt. to Ped.

Page 3: 70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this





.œ- œ. œ. .œ- œ. œ.

.œ- œ. œ. .œ- œ. œ.∑

Tempo joyeux


œ. œ. œ. œ. .œ- œ. œ.œ. œ. œ. œ. .œ- œ. œ.

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6 Fanfare JoyeuxCraig A. PenÞeld

© 2019 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION

www.lorenz.com LL

Sw. Reed ChorusGt. Full to Mixtures, Sw. to Gt.Ped. Full 16, 8, Gt. to Ped., Sw. to Ped.

Page 4: 70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this








f‰ jœœœ œœœ œœœ‰ Jœ œ œ


{Gt. (detached)

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œ œ .œ œ œœ œ œ


‰ œ œ œPed. Flutes 16, 8

œ œ œ œœn œ œ# œ


8 Trumpet Tune on “Royal Oak” Craig A. PenÞeld

© 2019 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION

www.lorenz.com LL

Sw. Trumpet 8Gt. Full to MixturesCh. Flutes 8, 4Ped. Full to Mixtures

Page 5: 70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this






œ œ œ.

úúú œœœ.∑

Allegro exuberanteSw.


Fœ œ œ.

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10 Trumpet Tune in C major Craig A. PenÞeld

© 2019 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION

www.lorenz.com LL

Sw. Trumpet 8Gt. Full to Mixtures, Sw. to Gt.Ch. Soft Foundations 8, 4Ped. Full to Mixtures, Sw. to Ped.

Page 6: 70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this







œ. œ. .œ Jœwwú ú

Lyrically, with a relaxed tempo



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9 œ. œ. .œ Jœwwú ú

F.œm œ .œ. œ. œ œ


ú ú

Œ œ .œ Jœwwú ú

.œm œ .œ. œ. .œ. œ. œ-ww

ú ú


13Trompette Melodious Craig A. PenÞeld

© 2019 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION

www.lorenz.com LL

Sw. Trumpet 8 (Sw. box half open)Ch. Soft 8Ped. Flute Douce 16, Ch. to Ped.

Page 7: 70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this


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œ jœ œ jœ œ jœ œ jœnon legatoGt.


No Ped.

œ œ œ .œn œ œ œ œ œ .œ ?


# ## #

3 œ Jœ œ jœ œ jœ œ jœ.ú .ú

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# ## #

5 .œ œ œ œ œ œ .œ œ œ œ œ œ.œ .œ .œ .œ

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# ## #

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# ## #

9 .œ œ œ œ œ œ .œ œ œ œ œ œ.œ .œ .œ .œ


.œ œ œ œ œ œ .œ œ œ œ œ œ

.œ .œ .œ .œ{Sw.


16 Gigue Toccata Craig A. PenÞeld

© 2019 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION

www.lorenz.com LL

Sw. Foundations 8, 4Gt. Full to MixturesPed. Full to Mixtures

Page 8: 70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this






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19Toccata on “St. Anne” Craig A. PenÞeld

© 2019 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION

www.lorenz.com LL

Full Organ

Page 9: 70-2185L Fanfares, Trumpet Tunes, and ... - …Translate this page Fanfares, trumpet tunes, and toccatas have long been some of the church organist’s favorite musical forms! In this



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œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ# Œ

Allegro con brio


No Ped.

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œœœœ. ‰FSw.


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œœœœ. ‰


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12 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ

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œœœœ. ‰

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œ œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

Jœœœœ# > ‰ Œ Œ Jœœœœ. ‰


22 Toccata Française Craig A. PenÞeld

© 2019 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OF THIS PUBLICATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION

www.lorenz.com LL

Sw. Flute 8, String 8, String CelestesGt. Flutes 8, 4Ped. Flute 16, Sw. to Ped.
