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712 Spatial analysis Values of a variable observed over a delimited geographic area form a regionalized 13.1 Structure functions Ecologists are interested in describing spatial structures in quantitative ways and testing for the presence of spatial autocorrelation in data. The primary objective is to: either support the null hypothesis that no significant spatial autocorrelation is present in a data set, or that none remains after detrending (Subsection 13.2.1) or after Regionalized Excerpt from Chapter 13 of: Legendre, P. and L. Legendre. 1998. Numerical ecology, 2nd English edition. Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam. xv + 853 pages.

712 Spatial analysis

Values of a variable observed over a delimited geographic area form a regionalizedvariable (Matheron, 1965) or simply a surface (Oden et al., 1993; Legendre &McArdle, 1997) if the sites where the variable has been observed may be viewed as asample from an underlying continuous surface. The second family of methods, calledsurface pattern analysis, deals with the study of spatially continuous phenomena. Thespatial distributions of the variables are known, as usual, through sampling at discretesampling sites. One or several variables are observed or measured at the observationsites, each site representing its surrounding portion of the geographic space. Theanalysis of continuous surfaces, where pixels cover the whole map (including dataobtained by echolocation or remote sensing), is not specifically discussed here.

Surface pattern analysis includes a large number of methods developed to answer avariety of questions (Table 13.1). Several of these methods are discussed in the presentChapter. General references are: Cliff & Ord (1981), Ripley (1981), Upton &Fingleton (1985, 1989), Griffith (1987), Legendre & Fortin (1989), and Rossi et al.(1992). The geostatistical literature is briefly reviewed in Subsection 13.2.2. Thecomparison of surfaces, i.e. univariate measures over the same area repeated at two ormore sampling times, has been discussed by Legendre & McArdle (1997).Section 13.7 provides a list of computer programs available from researchers; mostmethods for surface pattern analysis are not available in the major statistical packages.

Geographers have also developed line pattern analysis which is a topologicalapproach to the study of networks of connections among points. Examples are: roads,telephone lines, and river networks.

For a point pattern, heterogeneity refers to the distribution of individuals acrossspace; one often compares the observed density variation of organisms to that expectedfor randomly distributed objects. For a surface pattern, heterogeneity refers to thevariability of quantitative or qualitative descriptors across space. Dutilleul & Legendre(1993) provide a summary of the main statistical tools available to ecologists toquantify spatial heterogeneity in both the point pattern and the surface pattern cases.Dutilleul (1993) describes in more detail how experimental designs can beaccommodated to the spatial heterogeneity found in nature; spatial heterogeneity maybe a nuisance for the experimenter, or a characteristic of interest. The analysis ofspatial patterns is the study of organized arrangements of [ecological] heterogeneityacross space.

13.1 Structure functions

Ecologists are interested in describing spatial structures in quantitative ways andtesting for the presence of spatial autocorrelation in data. The primary objective is to:

• either support the null hypothesis that no significant spatial autocorrelation is presentin a data set, or that none remains after detrending (Subsection 13.2.1) or after



Line pattern

Excerpt from Chapter 13 of:

Legendre, P. and L. Legendre. 1998. Numerical ecology, 2nd English edition. ElsevierScience BV, Amsterdam. xv + 853 pages.

Structure functions 713

controlling for the effect of explanatory (e.g., environmental) variables, thus insuringvalid use of the standard univariate or multivariate statistical tests of hypotheses.

• or reject the null hypothesis and show that significant spatial autocorrelation ispresent in the data, in order to use it in conceptual or statistical models.

Tests of spatial autocorrelation coefficients may only support or reject the nullhypothesis of the absence of significant spatial structure. When significant spatialstructure is found, it may correspond, or not, to spatial autocorrelation (Section 1.1,model b) — depending on the hypothesis of the investigator.

Table 13.1 Surface pattern analysis: research objectives and related numerical methods. Modified fromLegendre & Fortin (1989).

Research objective Numerical methods

1) Description of spatial structuresand testing for the presence ofspatial autocorrelation(Descriptions using structurefunctions should always becomplemented by maps.)

2) Mapping; estimation of values atgiven locations

3) Modelling species-environmentrelationships while taking spatialstructures into account

4) Performing valid statistical testson autocorrelated data

Univariate structure functions: correlogram,variogram, etc. (Section 13.1)

Multivariate structure functions: Mantelcorrelogram (Section 13.1)

Testing for a gradient in multivariate data:(1) constrained (canonical) ordination between themultivariate data and the geographic coordinatesof the sites (Section 13.4). (2) Mantel test betweenecological distances (computed from themultivariate data) and geographic distances(Subsection 10.5.1)

Univariate data: local interpolation map; trend-surface map (global statistical model) (Sect. 13.2)

Multivariate data: clustering with spatialcontiguity constraint, search for boundaries(Section 13.3); interpolated map of the 1st (2nd,etc.) ordination axis (Section 13.4); multivariatetrend-surface map obtained by constrainedordination (canonical analysis) (Section 13.4)

Raw data tables: partial canonical analysis(Section 13.5)

Distance matrices: partial Mantel analysis(Section 13.6)

Subsection 1.1.1

714 Spatial analysis

Spatial structures may be described through structure functions, which allow one toquantify the spatial dependence and partition it amongst distance classes.Interpretation of this description is usually supported by maps of the univariate ormultivariate data (Sections 13.2 to 13.4). The most commonly used structure functionsare correlograms, variograms, and periodograms.

A correlogram is a graph in which autocorrelation values are plotted, on theordinate, against distance classes among sites on the abscissa. Correlograms (Cliff &Ord 1981) can be computed for single variables (Moran’s I or Geary’s cautocorrelation coefficients, Subsection 1) or for multivariate data (Mantelcorrelogram, Subsection 5); both types are described below. In all cases, a test ofsignificance is available for each individual autocorrelation coefficient plotted in acorrelogram.

Similarly, a variogram is a graph in which semi-variance is plotted, on the ordinate,against distance classes among sites on the abscissa (Subsection 3). In thegeostatistical tradition, semi-variance statistics are not tested for significance, althoughthey could be through the test developed for Geary’s c, when the condition of second-order stationarity is satisfied (Subsection 13.1.1). Statistical models may be fitted tovariograms (linear, exponential, spherical, Gaussian, etc.); they allow the investigatorto relate the observed structure to hypothesized generating processes or to produceinterpolated maps by kriging (Subsection 13.2.2).

Because they measure the relationship between pairs of observation points locateda certain distance apart, correlograms and variograms may be computed either forpreferred geographic directions or, when the phenomenon is assumed to be isotropic inspace, in an all-directional way.

A two-dimensional Schuster (1898) periodogram may be computed when thestructure under study is assumed to consist of a combination of sine waves propagatedthrough space. The basic idea is to fit sines and cosines of various periods, one periodat a time, and to determine the proportion of the series’ variance (r2) explained by eachperiod. In periodograms, the abscissa is either a period or its inverse, a frequency; theordinate is the proportion of variance explained. Two-dimensional periodograms maybe plotted for all combinations of directions and spatial frequencies. The technique isdescribed Priestley (1964), Ripley (1981), Renshaw and Ford (1984) and Legendre &Fortin (1989). It is not discussed further in the present book.

1 — Spatial correlograms

For quantitative variables, spatial autocorrelation may be measured by either Moran’s I(1950) or Geary’s c (1954) spatial autocorrelation statistics (Cliff & Ord, 1981):





Structure functions 715

Moran’s I: for h ≠ i (13.1)

Geary’s c: for h ≠ i (13.2)

The yh’s and yi’s are the values of the observed variable at sites h and i. Beforecomputing spatial autocorrelation coefficients, a matrix of geographic distancesD = [Dhi] among observation sites must be calculated. In the construction of acorrelogram, spatial autocorrelation coefficients are computed, in turn, for the variousdistance classes d. The weights whi are Kronecker deltas (as in eq. 7.20); the weightstake the value whi = 1 when sites h and i are at distance d and whi = 0 otherwise. In thisway, only the pairs of sites (h, i) within the stated distance class (d) are taken intoaccount in the calculation of any given coefficient. This approach is illustrated inFig. 13.3. W is the sum of the weights whi for the given distance class, i.e. the numberof pairs used to calculate the coefficient. For a given distance class, the weights wij arewritten in a (n × n) matrix W. Jumars et al. (1977) present ecological examples wherethe distance–1 or distance–2 among adjacent sites is used for weight instead of 1’s.

The numerators of eqs. 13.1 and 13.2 are written with summations involving eachpair of objects twice; in eq. 13.2 for example, the terms (yh – yi)

2 and (yi – yh)2 areboth used in the summation. This allows for cases where the distance matrix D or theweight matrix W is asymmetric. In studies of the dispersion of pollutants in soil, forinstance, drainage may make it more difficult to go from A to B than from B to A; thismay be recorded as a larger distance from A to B than from B to A. In spatio-temporalanalyses, an observed value may influence a later value at the same or a different site,but not the reverse. An impossible connection may be coded by a very large value ofdistance. In most applications, however, the geographic distance matrix among sites issymmetric and the coefficients may be computed from the half-matrix of distances; theformulae remain the same, in that case, because W, as well as the sum in the numerator,are half the values computed over the whole distance matrix D (except h = i).

One may use distances along a network of connections (Subsection 13.3.1) insteadof straight-line geographic distances; this includes the “chess moves” for regularly-spaced points as obtained from systematic sampling designs: rook’s, bishop’s, orking’s connections (see Fig. 13.19). For very broad-scale studies, involving a wholeocean for instance, “great-circle distances”, i.e. distances along earth’s curved surface,should be used instead of straight-line distances through the earth crust.

I d( )

1W----- whi yh y–( ) yi y–( )

i 1=


∑h 1=


∑1n--- yi y–( ) 2

i 1=



c d( )

12W-------- wh i yh yi–( ) 2

i 1=


∑h 1=



n 1–( )------------------ yi y–( ) 2

i 1=



716 Spatial analysis

Moran’s I formula is related to Pearson’s correlation coefficient; its numerator is acovariance, comparing the values found at all pairs of points in turn, while itsdenominator is the maximum-likelihood estimator of the variance (i.e. division by ninstead of n – 1); in Pearson’s r, the denominator is the product of the standarddeviations of the two variables (eq. 4.7), whereas in Moran’s I there is only onevariable involved. Moran’s I mainly differs from Pearson’s r in that the sums in thenumerator and denominator of eq. 13.1 do not involve the same number of terms; onlythe terms corresponding to distances within the given class are considered in thenumerator whereas all pairs are taken into account in the denominator. Moran’s Iusually takes values in the interval [–1, +1] although values lower than –1 or higherthan +1 may occasionally be obtained. Positive autocorrelation in the data translatesinto positive values of I; negative autocorrelation produces negative values.

Figure 13.3 Construction of correlograms. Left: data series observed along a single geographic axis(10 equispaced observations). Moran’s I and Geary’s c statistics are computed from pairs ofobservations found at preselected distances (d = 1, d = 2, d = 3, etc.). Right: correlograms aregraphs of the autocorrelation statistics plotted against distance. Dark squares: significantautocorrelation statistics (p ≤ 0.05). Lower right: histogram showing the number of pairs in eachdistance class. Coefficients for the larger distance values (grey zones in correlograms) shouldnot be considered in correlograms, nor interpreted, because they are based on a small number ofpairs (test with low power) and only include the pairs of points bordering the series or surface.






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Distance










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Distance






etc. etc.

d = 1


yComparison offirst neighbours

9 pairsMoran's I = 0.5095Geary's c = 0.4402


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Geographic axis

Comparison ofthird neighbours


7 pairsMoran's I = –0.0100Geary's c = 0.7503

d = 3

d = 2

Comparison ofsecond neighbours



8 pairsMoran's I = –0.0380Geary's c = 0.9585









of p


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Distance

Structure functions 717

Readers who are familiar with correlograms in time series analysis will bereassured to know that, when a problem involves equispaced observations along asingle physical dimension, as in Fig. 13.3, calculating Moran’s I for the differentdistance classes is nearly the same as computing the autocorrelation coefficient of timeseries analysis (Fig. 12.5, eq. 12.6); a small numeric difference results from thedivisions by (n – k – 1) and (n – 1), respectively, in the numerator and denominator ofeq. 12.6, whereas division is by (n – k ) and (n ), respectively, in the numerator anddenominator of Moran’s I formula (eq. 13.1).

Geary’s c coefficient is a distance-type function; it varies from 0 to someunspecified value larger than 1. Its numerator sums the squared differences betweenvalues found at the various pairs of sites being compared. A Geary’s c correlogramvaries as the reverse of a Moran’s I correlogram; strong autocorrelation produces highvalues of I and low values of c (Fig. 13.3). Positive autocorrelation translates in valuesof c between 0 and 1 whereas negative autocorrelation produces values larger than 1.Hence, the reference ‘no correlation’ value is c = 1 in Geary’s correlograms.

For sites lying on a surface or in a volume, geographic distances do not naturallyfall into a small number of values; this is true for regular grids as well as random orother forms of irregular sampling designs. Distance values must be grouped intodistance classes; in this way, each spatial autocorrelation coefficient can be computedusing several comparisons of sampling sites.

Numerical example. In Fig. 13.4 (artificial data), 10 sites have been located at random intoa 1-km2 sampling area. Euclidean (geographic) distances were computed among sites. Thenumber of classes is arbitrary and left to the user’s decision. A compromise has to be madebetween resolution of the correlogram (more resolution when there are more, narrower classes)and power of the test (more power when there are more pairs in a distance class). Sturge’s rule isoften used to decide about the number of classes in histograms; it was used here and gave:

Number of classes = 1 + 3.322log10(m) = 1 + 3.3log10(45) = 6.46 (13.3)

where m is the number of distances in the upper triangular matrix and 3.322 is 1/log102; thenumber was rounded to the nearest integer (i.e. 6). The distance matrix was thus recoded into6 classes, ascribing class numbers (1 to 6) to all distances within a class of the histogram.

An alternative to distance classes with equal widths would be to create distanceclasses containing the same number of pairs (notwithstanding tied values); distanceclasses formed in this way are of unequal widths. The advantage is that the tests ofsignificance have the same power across all distance classes because they are basedupon the same number of pairs of observations. The disadvantages are that limits ofthe distance classes are more difficult to find and correlograms are harder to draw.

Spatial autocorrelation coefficients can be tested for significance and confidenceintervals can be computed. With proper correction for multiple testing, one candetermine whether a significant spatial structure is present in the data and what are thedistance classes showing significant positive or negative autocorrelation. Tests ofsignificance require, however, that certain conditions specified below be fulfilled.

718 Spatial analysis

The tests require that the condition of second-order stationarity be satisfied. Thisrather strong condition states that the expected value (mean) and spatial covariance(numerator of eq. 13.1) of the variable is the same all over the study area, and thevariance (denominator of eq. 13.1) is finite. The value of the autocorrelation functiondepends only on the length and orientation of the vector between any two points, noton its position in the study area (David, 1977).

A relaxed form of stationarity hypothesis, the intrinsic assumption, states that thedifferences (yh – yi) for any distance d (in the numerator of eq. 13.2) must have zeromean and constant and finite variance over the study area, independently of thelocation where the differences are calculated. Here, one considers the increments of thevalues of the regionalized variable instead of the values themselves (David, 1977). Asshown below, the variance of the increments is the variogram function. In layman’sterms, this means that a single autocorrelation function is adequate to describe theentire surface under study. An example where the intrinsic assumption does not hold is

Figure 13.4 Calculation of distance classes, artificial data. (a) Map of 10 sites in a 1-km2 sampling area.(b) Geographic distance matrix (D, in km). (c) Frequency histogram of distances (classes 1 to 6)for the upper (or lower) triangular portion of D. (d) Distances recoded into 6 classes.

(a) 0.00 0.52 0.74 0.20 0.31 0.29 0.72 0.72 0.59 0.23

0.52 0.00 0.27 0.41 0.27 0.75 0.52 0.25 0.45 0.53

0.74 0.27 0.00 0.58 0.44 1.00 0.74 0.37 0.70 0.67

0.20 0.41 0.58 0.00 0.15 0.49 0.76 0.65 0.63 0.12

0.31 0.27 0.44 0.15 0.00 0.59 0.68 0.51 0.57 0.26

0.29 0.75 1.00 0.49 0.59 0.00 0.76 0.90 0.64 0.50

0.72 0.52 0.74 0.76 0.68 0.76 0.00 0.40 0.13 0.87

0.72 0.25 0.37 0.65 0.51 0.90 0.40 0.00 0.39 0.77

0.59 0.45 0.70 0.63 0.57 0.64 0.13 0.39 0.00 0.74

0.23 0.53 0.67 0.12 0.26 0.50 0.87 0.77 0.74 0.00

D =












0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0Distances

Class 12 3



3 —

5 2 —

1 2 4 —

2 2 3 1 —

2 5 6 3 4 —

5 3 5 5 4 5 —

5 1 2 4 3 6 2 —

4 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 —

1 3 4 1 1 3 6 5 5 —

D =




Structure functions 719

a region which is half plain and half mountains; such a region should be divided in twosubregions in which the variable “altitude” could be modelled by separateautocorrelation functions. This condition must always be met when variograms orcorrelograms (including multivariate Mantel correlograms) are computed, even fordescriptive purpose.

Cliff & Ord (1981) describe how to compute confidence intervals and test thesignificance of spatial autocorrelation coefficients. For any normally distributedstatistic Stat, a confidence interval at significance level α is obtained as follows:


For significance testing with large samples, a one-tailed critical value Statα atsignificance level α is obtained as follows:


It is possible to use this approach because both I and c are asymptotically normallydistributed for data sets of moderate to large sizes (Cliff & Ord, 1981). Values zα/2 orzα are found in a table of standard normal deviates. Under the hypothesis (H0) ofrandom spatial distribution of the observed values yi , the expected values (E) ofMoran’s I and Geary’s c are:

E(I) = –(n – 1)–1 and E(c) = 1 (13.6)

Under the null hypothesis, the expected value of Moran’s I approaches 0 as nincreases. The variances are computed as follows under a randomization assumption,which simply states that, under H0, the observations yi are independent of theirpositions in space and, thus, are exchangeable:



Pr Stat zα 2⁄ Var Stat( )– StatPop

Stat zα 2⁄ Var Stat( )+< <( ) 1 α–=

Statα zα Var Stat( ) Expected value of += Stat under H0

Var I( ) E I2

( ) E I( )[ ]2


Var I( )n n

23n– 3+( ) S1 nS2– 3 W

2+[ ] b2 n

2n–( ) S1 2nS2– 6W

2+[ ]–

n 1–( ) n 2–( ) n 3–( ) W2

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

n 1–( )2


Var c( )n 1–( ) S1 n

23n– 3 n 1–( ) b2–+[ ]

n n 2–( ) n 3–( ) W2

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =

+ 0.25 n 1–( ) S


2 3n 6– n2

n– 2+( ) b2

–+[ ]– W2

n2 3– n 1–( ) 2–( ) b

2+[ ]+

n n 2–( ) n 3–( ) W2


720 Spatial analysis

In these equations,

• (there is a term of this sum for each cell of matrix W);

• measures the kurtosis of the distribution;

• W is as defined in eqs. 13.1 and 13.2.

In most cases in ecology, tests of spatial autocorrelation are one-tailed because thesign of autocorrelation is stated in the ecological hypothesis; for instance, contagiousbiological processes such as growth, reproduction, and dispersal, all suggest thatecological variables are positively autocorrelated at short distances. To carry out anapproximate test of significance, select a value of α (e.g. α = 0.05) and find zα in atable of the standard normal distribution (e.g. z0.05 = +1.6452). Critical values arefound as in eq. 13.5, with a correction factor that becomes important when n is small:

• in all cases, using the value in the upper tail of the zdistribution when testing for positive autocorrelation (e.g. z0.05 = +1.6452) and thevalue in the lower tail in the opposite case (e.g. z0.05 = –1.6452).

• when c < 1 (positive autocorrelation), using the value in thelower tail of the z distribution (e.g. z0.05 = –1.6452).

• when c > 1 (negative autocorrelation), usingthe value in the upper tail of the z distribution (e.g. z0.05 = +1.6452).

The value taken by the correction factor kα depends on the values of n and W. If, then ; otherwise, kα = 1. If the test

is two-tailed, use α* = α/2 to find zα* and kα* before computing critical values. Thesecorrections are based upon simulations reported by Cliff & Ord (1981, section 2.5).

Other formulas are found in Cliff & Ord (1981) for conducting a test under theassumption of normality, where one assumes that the yi’s result from n independentdraws from a normal population. When n is very small, tests of I and c should beconducted by randomization (Section 1.2).

Moran’s I and Geary’s c are sensitive to extreme values and, in general, toasymmetry in the data distributions, as are the related Pearson’s r and Euclideandistance coefficients. Asymmetry increases the variance of the data. It also increasesthe kurtosis and hence the variance of the I and c coefficients (eqs. 13.7 and 13.8); this

S112--- whi wi h+( ) 2

i 1=


∑h 1=



S2 wi+ w+ i+( ) 2

i 1=


∑= where wi+ and w+i are respectively the sums of row i andcolumn i of matrix W;

b2 n yi y–( ) 4

i 1=


∑ yi y–( ) 2

i 1=




Iα zα Var I( ) kα– n 1–( ) 1–=

cα z α Var c( ) 1+=

cα z α Var c( ) 1 kα n 1–( ) 1––+=

4 n n–( ) W 4 2n 3 n– 1+( )≤< kα 10α=

Structure functions 721

makes it more difficult to reach significance in statistical tests. So, practitioners usuallyattempt to normalize the data before computing correlograms and variograms.

Statistical testing in correlograms implies multiple testing since a test ofsignificance is carried out for each autocorrelation coefficient. Oden (1984) hasdeveloped a Q statistic to test the global significance of spatial correlograms; his test isan extension of the Portmanteau Q-test used in time series analysis (Box & Jenkins,1976). An alternative global test is to check whether the correlogram contains at leastone autocorrelation statistic which is significant at the Bonferroni-correctedsignificance level (Box 1.3). Simulations in Oden (1984) show that the power of the Q-test is not appreciably greater than the power of the Bonferroni procedure, which iscomputationally a lot simpler. A practical question remains, though: how manydistance classes should be created? This determines the number of simultaneous teststhat are carried out. More classes mean more resolution but fewer pairs per class and,thus, less power for each test; more classes also mean a smaller Bonferroni-correctedα' level, which makes it more difficult for a correlogram to reach global significance.

When the overall test has shown global significance, one may wish to identify theindividual autocorrelation statistics that are significant, in order to reach aninterpretation (Subsection 2). One could rely on Bonferroni-corrected tests for allindividual autocorrelation statistics, but this approach would be too conservative; abetter solution is to use Holm’s correction procedure (Box 1.3). Another approach isthe progressive Bonferroni correction described in Subsection 12.4.2; it is onlyapplicable when the ecological hypothesis indicates that significant autocorrelation isto be expected in the smallest distance classes and the purpose of the analysis is todetermine the extent of the autocorrelation (i.e. which distance class it reaches). Withthe progressive Bonferroni approach, the likelihood of emergence of significant valuesdecreases as one proceeds from left to right, i.e. from the small to the large distanceclasses of the correlogram. One does not have to limit the correlogram to a smallnumber of classes to reduce the effect of the correction, as it is the case with Oden’soverall test and with the Bonferroni and Holm correction methods. This approach willbe used in the examples that follow.

Autocorrelation coefficients and tests of significance also exist for qualitative(nominal) variables (Cliff & Ord 1981); they have been used to analyse for instancespatial patterns of sexes in plants (Sakai & Oden 1983; Sokal & Thomson 1987).Special types of spatial autocorrelation coefficients have been developed to answerspecific problems (e.g. Galiano 1983; Estabrook & Gates 1984). The paired-quadratvariance method, developed by Goodall (1974) to analyse spatial patterns ofecological data by random pairing of quadrats, is related to correlograms.

2 — Interpretation of all-directional correlograms

When the autocorrelation function is the same for all geographic directionsconsidered, the phenomenon is said to be isotropic. Its opposite is anisotropy. When avariable is isotropic, a single correlogram may be computed over all directions of the


722 Spatial analysis

study area. The correlogram is said to be all-directional or omnidirectional.Directional correlograms, which are computed for a single direction of space, arediscussed together with anisotropy and directional variograms in Subsection 3.

Correlograms are analysed mostly by looking at their shapes. Examples will helpclarify the relationship between spatial structures and all-directional correlograms. Theimportant message is that, although correlograms may give clues as to the underlyingspatial structure, the information they provide is not specific; a blind interpretationmay often be misleading and should always be supported by maps (Section 13.2).

Numerical example. Artificial data were generated that correspond to a number of spatialpatterns. The data and resulting correlograms are presented in Fig. 13.5.

• Nine bumps — The surface in Fig. 13.5a is made of nine bi-normal curves. 225 points weresampled across the surface using a regular 15 × 15 grid (Fig. 13.5f). The “height” was noted ateach sampling point. The 25200 distances among points found in the upper-triangular portion ofthe distance matrix were divided into 16 distance classes, using Sturge’s rule (eq. 13.3), and

Figure 13.5 Spatial autocorrelation analysis of artificial spatial structures shown on the left: (a) nine bumps;(b) waves; (c) a single bump. Centre and right: all-directional correlograms. Dark squares:autocorrelation statistics that remain significant after progressive Bonferroni correction(α = 0.05); white squares: non-significant values.

(a) Nine bumps






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Distance classes




Distance classes




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16-1.0-0.8-0.6-0.4-

(c) Single bump

(b) Waves

Geary's correlogramsMoran's correlograms

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16-1.0-0.8-0.6-0.4-

Distance classes







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Distance classes



c0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Distance classes





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Distance classes




Structure functions 723

correlograms were computed. According to Oden’s test, the correlograms are globallysignificant at the α = 5% level since several individual values are significant at the Bonferroni-corrected level α' = 0.05/16 = 0.00312. In each correlogram, the progressive Bonferronicorrection method was applied to identify significant spatial autocorrelation coefficients: thecoefficient for distance class 1 was tested at the α = 0.05 level; the coefficient for distance class2 was tested at the α' = 0.05/2 level; and, more generally, the coefficient for distance class k wastested at the α' = 0.05/k level. Spatial autocorrelation coefficients are not reported for distanceclasses 15 and 16 (60 and 10 pairs, respectively) because they only include the pairs of pointsbordering the surface, to the exclusion of all other pairs.

There is a correspondence between individual significant spatial autocorrelation coefficientsand the main elements of the spatial structure. The correspondence can clearly be seen in thisexample, where the data generating process is known. This is not the case when analysing fielddata, in which case the existence and nature of the spatial structures must be confirmed bymapping the data. The presence of several equispaced patches produces an alternation of

Figure 13.5 (continued) Spatial autocorrelation analysis of artificial spatial structures shown on the left:(d) gradient; (e) step. (h) All-directional correlogram of random values. (f) Sampling grid usedon each of the artificial spatial structures to obtain 225 “observed values” for spatialautocorrelation analysis. (g) Histogram showing the number of pairs in each distance class.Distances, from 1 to 19.8 in units of the sampling grid, were grouped into 16 distance classes.Spatial autocorrelation statistics (I or c) are not shown for distance classes 15 and 16; see text.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Distance classes











cy (

n. p



(g) Histogram

(d) Gradient

(f) Samplinggrid (15 × 15)

(e) Step

(h) Random values

Geary's correlogramsMoran's correlograms








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Distance classes










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Distance classes





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Distance classes







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Distance classes



c0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Distance classes

724 Spatial analysis

significant positive and negative values along the correlograms. The first spatial autocorrelationcoefficient, which is above 0 in Moran’s correlogram and below 1 in Geary’s, indicates positivespatial autocorrelation in the first distance class; the first class contains the 420 pairs of pointsthat are at distance 1 of each other on the grid (i.e. the first neighbours in the N-S or E-Wdirections of the map). Positive and significant spatial autocorrelation in the first distance classconfirms that the distance between first neighbours is smaller than the patch size; if the distancebetween first neighbours in this example was larger than the patch size, first neighbours wouldbe dissimilar in values and autocorrelation would be negative for the first distance class. Thenext peaking positive autocorrelation value (which is smaller than 1 in Geary’s correlogram)occurs at distance class 5, which includes distances from 4.95 to 6.19 in grid units; thiscorresponds to positive autocorrelation between points located at similar positions onneighbouring bumps, or neighbouring troughs; distances between successive peaks are 5 gridunits in the E-W or N-S directions. The next peaking positive autocorrelation value occurs atdistance class 9 (distances from 9.90 to 11.14 in grid units); it includes value 10, which is thedistance between second-neighbour bumps in the N-S and E-W directions. Peaking negativeautocorrelation values (which are larger than 1 in Geary’s correlogram) are interpreted in asimilar way. The first such value occurs at distance class 3 (distances from 2.48 to 3.71 in gridunits); it includes value 2.5, which is the distance between peaks and troughs in the N-S and E-W directions on the map. If the bumps were unevenly spaced, the correlograms would be similarfor the small distance classes, but there would be no other significant values afterwards.

The main problem with all-directional correlograms is that the diagonal comparisons areincluded in the same calculations as the N-S and E-W comparisons. As distances become larger,diagonal comparisons between, say, points located near the top of the nine bumps tend to fall indifferent distance classes than comparable N-S or E-W comparisons. This blurs the signal andmakes the spatial autocorrelation coefficients for larger distance classes less significant andinterpretable.

• Wave (Fig. 13.5b) — Each crest was generated as a normal curve. Crests were separated byfive grid units; the surface was constructed in this way to make it comparable to Fig. 13.5a. Thecorrelograms are nearly indistinguishable from those of the nine bumps. All-directionalcorrelograms alone cannot tell apart regular bumps from regular waves; directionalcorrelograms or maps are required.

• Single bump (Fig. 13.5c) — One of the normal curves of Fig. 13.5a was plotted alone at thecentre of the study area. Significant negative autocorrelation, which reaches distance classes 6 or7, delimits the extent of the “range of influence” of this single bump, which covers half the studyarea. It is not limited here by the rise of adjacent bumps, as this was the case in (a).

• Linear gradient (Fig. 13.5d) — The correlogram is monotonic decreasing. Nearly allautocorrelation values in the correlograms are significant.

There are actually two kinds of gradients (Legendre, 1993). “True gradients”, on the onehand, are deterministic structures. They correspond to generating model 2 of Subsection 1.1.1(eq. 1.2) and can be modelled using trend-surface analysis (Subsection 13.2.1). The observedvalues have independent error terms, i.e. error terms which are not autocorrelated. “Falsegradients”, on the other hand, are structures that may look like gradients, but actually correspondto autocorrelation generated by some spatial process (model 1 of Subsection 1.1.1; eq. 1.1).When the sampling area is small relative to the range of influence of the generating process, thedata generated by such a process may look like a gradient.

True, falsegradient

Structure functions 725

In the case of “true gradients”, spatial autocorrelation coefficients should not be tested forsignificance because the condition of second-order stationarity is not satisfied (definition inprevious Subsection); the expected value of the mean is not the same over the whole study area.In the case of “false gradients”, however, tests of significance are warranted. For descriptivepurposes, correlograms may still be computed for “true gradients” (without tests of significance)because the intrinsic assumption is satisfied. One may also choose to extract a “true gradient”using trend-surface analysis, compute residuals, and look for spatial autocorrelation among theresiduals. This is equivalent to trend extraction prior to time series analysis (Section 12.2).

How does one know whether a gradient is “true” or “false”? This is a moot point. When theprocess generating the observed structure is known, one may decide whether it is likely to havegenerated spatial autocorrelation in the observed data, or not. Otherwise, one may empiricallylook at the target population of the study. In the case of a spatial study, this is the population ofpotential sites in the larger area into which the study area is embedded, the study arearepresenting the statistical population about which inference can be made. Even from sparse orindirect data, a researcher may form an opinion as to whether the observed gradient isdeterministic (“true gradient”) or is part of a landscape displaying autocorrelation at broaderspatial scale (“false gradient”).

• Step (Fig. 13.5e) — A step between two flat surfaces is enough to produce a correlogramwhich is indistinguishable, for all practical purposes, from that of a gradient. Correlogramsalone cannot tell apart regular gradients from steps; maps are required. As in the case ofgradients, there are “true steps” (deterministic) and “false steps” (resulting from anautocorrelated process), although the latter is rare. The presence of a sharp discontinuity in asurface generally indicates that the two parts should be subjected to separate analyses. Themethods of boundary detection and constrained clustering (Section 13.3) may help detect suchdiscontinuities and delimit homogeneous areas prior to spatial autocorrelation analysis.

• Random values (Fig. 13.5h) — Random numbers, drawn from a standard normal distribution,were generated for each point of the grid and used as the variable to be analysed. Random dataare said to represent a “pure nugget effect” in geostatistics. The autocorrelation coefficients weresmall and non-significant at the 5% level. Only the Geary correlogram is presented.

Sokal (1979) and Cliff & Ord (1981) describe, in general terms, where to expectsignificant values in correlograms, for some spatial structures such as gradients andlarge or small patches. Their summary tables are in agreement with the test examplesabove. The absence of significant coefficients in a correlogram must be interpretedwith caution, however:

• It may indicate that the surface under study is free of spatial autocorrelation at thestudy scale. Beware: this conclusion is subject to type II (or β) error. Type II errordepends on the power of the test which is a function of (1) the α significance level,(2) the size of effect (i.e. the minimum amount of autocorrelation) one wants to detect,(3) the number of observations (n), and (4) the variance of the sample (Cohen, 1988):

Power = (1 – β) = f(α, size of effect, n, )

Is the test powerful enough to warrant such a conclusion? Are there enoughobservations to reach significance? The easiest way to increase the power of a test, fora given variable and fixed α, is to increase n.

s x

726 Spatial analysis

• It may indicate that the sampling design is inadequate to detect the spatialautocorrelation that may exist in the system. Are the grain size, extent and samplinginterval (Section 13.0) adequate to detect the type of autocorrelation one canhypothesize from knowledge about the biological or ecological process under study?

Ecologists can often formulate hypotheses about the mechanism or process thatmay have generated a spatial phenomenon and deduct the shape that the resultingsurface should have. When the model specifies a value for each geographic position(e.g. a spatial gradient), data and model can be compared by correlation analysis. Inother instances, the biological or ecological model only specifies process generatingthe spatial autocorrelation, not the exact geographic position of each resulting value.Correlograms may be used to support or reject the biological or ecological hypothesis.As in the examples of Fig. 13.5, one can construct an artificial model-surfacecorresponding to the hypothesis, compute a correlogram of that surface, and comparethe correlograms of the real and model data. For instance, Sokal et al. (1997a)generated data corresponding to several gene dispersion mechanisms in populationsand showed the kind of spatial correlogram that may be expected from each model.Another application concerning phylogenetic patterns of human evolution in Eurasiaand Africa (space-time model) is found in Sokal et al. (1997b).

Bjørnstad & Falck (1997) and Bjørnstad et al. (1998) proposed a splinecorrelogram which provides a continuous and model-free function for the spatialcovariance. The spline correlogram may be seen as a modification of thenonparametric covariance function of Hall and co-workers (Hall & Patil, 1994; Hall etal., 1994). A bootstrap algorithm estimates the confidence envelope of the entirecorrelogram or derived statistics. This method allows the statistical testing of thesimilarity between correlograms of real and simulated (i.e. model) data.

Ecological application 13.1a

During a study of the factors potentially responsible for the choice of settling sites of Balanuscrenatus larvae (Cirripedia) in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Hudon et al. , 1983), plates of artificialsubstrate (plastic laminate) were subjected to colonization in the infralittoral zone. Plates werepositioned vertically, parallel to one another. A picture was taken of one of the plates after a 3-month immersion at a depth of 5 m below low tide, during the summer 1978. The picture wasdivided into a (10 × 15) grid, for a total of 150 pixels of 1.7 × 1.7 cm. Barnacles were counted byC. Hudon and P. Legendre for the present Ecological application (Fig. 13.6a; unpublished in op.cit.). The hypothesis to be tested is that barnacles have a patchy distribution. Barnacles aregregarious animals; their larvae are chemically attracted to settling sites by arthropodinesecreted by settled adults (Gabbott & Larman, 1971).

A gradient in larval concentration was expected in the top-to-bottom direction of the platebecause of the known negative phototropism of barnacle larvae at the time of settlement(Visscher, 1928). Some kind of border effect was also expected because access to the centre ofthe plates located in the middle of the pack was more limited than to the fringe. These large-scale effects create violations to the condition of second-order stationarity. A trend-surfaceequation (Subsection 13.2.1) was computed to account for it, using only the Y coordinate (top-

Structure functions 727

to-bottom axis). Indeed, a significant trend surface was found, involving Y and Y2, thataccounted for 10% of the variation. It forecasted high barnacle concentration in the bottom partof the plate and near the upper and lower margins. Residuals from this equation were calculatedand used in spatial autocorrelation analysis.

Euclidean distances were computed among pixels; following Sturge’s rule (eq. 13.3), thedistances were divided into 14 classes (Fig. 13.6b). Significant positive autocorrelation wasfound in the first distance classes of the correlograms (Fig. 13.6c, d), supporting the hypothesisof patchiness. The size of the patches, or “range of influence” (i.e. the distance between zones ofhigh and low concentrations), is indicated by the distance at which the first maximum negativeautocorrelation value is found. This occurs in classes 4 and 5, which corresponds to a distance ofabout 5 in grid units, or 8 to 10 cm. The patches of high concentration are shaded on the map ofthe plate of artificial substrate (Fig. 13.6a).

In anisotropic situations, directional correlograms should be computed in two orseveral directions. Description of how the pairs of points are chosen is deferred toSubsection 3 on variograms. One may choose to represent either a single, or several of

Figure 13.6 (a) Counts of adult barnacles in 150 (1.7 × 1.7 cm) pixels on a plate of artificial substrate(17 × 25.5 cm). The mean concentration is 6.17 animals per pixel; pixels with counts ≥ 7 areshaded to display the aggregates. (b) Histogram of the number of pairs in each distance class.(c) Moran’s correlogram. (d) Geary’s correlogram. Dark squares: autocorrelation statistics thatremain significant after progressive Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05); white squares: non-significant values. Coefficients for distance classes 13 and 14 are not given because they onlyinclude the pairs of points bordering the surface. Distances are also given in grid units and cm.




























































































































































0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Distance classes










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Distance classesG





Distance in grid units0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Distance in cm0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Distance classes



cy (

n. p





728 Spatial analysis

these correlograms, one for each of the aiming geographic directions, as seems fit forthe problem at hand. A procedure for representing in a single figure the directionalcorrelograms computed for several directions of a plane has been proposed by Oden &Sokal (1986); Legendre & Fortin (1989) give an example for vegetation data. Anothermethod is illustrated in Rossi et al. (1992).

Another way to approach anisotropic problems is to compute two-dimensionalspectral analysis. This method, described by Priestley (1964), Rayner (1971), Ford(1976), Ripley (1981) and Renshaw & Ford (1984), differs from spatialautocorrelation analysis in the structure function it uses. As in time-series spectralanalysis (Section 12.5), the method assumes the data to be stationary (second-orderstationarity; i.e. no “true gradient” in the data) and made of a combination of sinepatterns. An autocorrelation function rdX,dY for all combinations of lags (dX, dY) in thetwo geographic axes of a plane, as well as a periodogram with intensity I for allcombinations of frequencies in the two directions of the plane, are computed. Detailsof the calculations are also given in Legendre & Fortin (1989), with an example.

3 — Variogram

Like correlograms, semi-variograms (called variograms for simplicity) decompose thespatial (or temporal) variability of observed variables among distance classes. Thestructure function plotted as the ordinate, called semi-variance, is the numerator ofeq. 13.2:

for h ≠ i (13.9)

or, for symmetric distance and weight matrices,


γ(d) is thus a non-standardized form of Geary’s c coefficient. γ may be seen as ameasure of the error mean square of the estimate of yi using a value yh distant from itby d. The two forms lead to the same numerical value in the case of symmetricdistance and weight matrices. The calculation is repeated for different values of d. Thisprovides the sample variogram, which is a plot of the empirical values of variance γ(d)as a function of distance d.

The equations usually found in the geostatistical literature look a bit different, butthey correspond to the same calculations:


γ d( ) 12W-------- whi yh yi–( ) 2

i 1=


∑h 1=



γ d( ) 12W-------- whi yh yi–( ) 2

i h 1+=


∑h 1=

n 1–


γ d( ) 12W d( )------------------ yi yi d+–( ) 2

i 1=

W d( )

∑= γ d( ) 12W d( )------------------ yh yi–( ) 2

h i,( ) dhi d≈

W d( )


Structure functions 729

Both of these expressions mean that pairs of values are selected to be at distance d ofeach other; there are W(d) such pairs for any given distance class d. The conditiondhi ≈ d means that distances may be grouped into distance classes, placing in class dthe individual distances dhi that are approximately equal to d. In directional variograms(below), d is a directional measure of distance, i.e. taken in a specified direction only.The semi-variance function is often called the variogram in the geostatistical literature.When computing a variogram, one assumes that the autocorrelation function applies tothe entire surface under study (intrinsic hypothesis, Subsection 13.1.1).

Generally, variograms tend to level off at a sill which is equal to the variance of thevariable (Fig. 13.7); the presence of a sill implies that the data are second-orderstationary. The distance at which the variance levels off is referred to as the range(parameter a); beyond that distance, the sampling units are not spatially correlated.The discontinuity at the origin (non–zero intercept) is called the nugget effect; thegeostatistical origin of the method transpires in that name. It corresponds to the localvariation occurring at scales finer than the sampling interval, such as sampling error,fine-scale spatial variability, and measurement error. The nugget effect is representedby the error term εij in spatial structure model 1b of Subsection 1.1.1. It describes aportion of variation which is not autocorrelated, or is autocorrelated at a scale finerthan can be detected by the sampling design. The parameter for the nugget effect is C0and the spatially structured component is represented by C1; the sill, C, is equal toC0 + C1. The relative nugget effect is C0/(C0 + C1).

Figure 13.7 Spherical variogram model showing characteristic features: nugget effect (C0 = 2 in thisexample), spatially structured component (C1 = 4), sill (C = C0 + C1 = 6), and range (a = 8).

Distance0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10














γ ( d)

11 12 13 14 15


C1Sill ( C)

Range (a)

730 Spatial analysis

Although a sample variogram is a good descriptive summary of the spatialcontiguity of a variable, it does not provide all the semi-variance values needed forkriging (Subsection 13.2.2). A model must be fitted to the sample variogram; themodel will provide values of semi-variance for all the intermediate distances. Themost commonly used models are the following (Fig. 13.8):

• Spherical model: if d ≤ a; if d > a.

• Exponential model: .

• Gaussian model: .

• Hole effect model: . An equivalent form is

where a' = 1/a. represents the value

of γ towards which the dampening sine function tends to stabilize. This equation wouldadequately model a variogram of the periodic structures in Fig. 13.5a-b (variogramsonly differ from Geary’s correlograms by the scale of the ordinate).

Figure 13.8 Commonly used variogram models.

Distance0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10













γ ( d)

11 12 13 14 15

Linear Gaussian



Hole effect

Pure nugget effect

γ d( ) C0 C1 1.5da--- 0.5


3–+= γ d( ) C=

γ d( ) C0 C1 1 exp– 3 da---–


γ d( ) C0 C1 1 exp– 3 d





γ d( ) C0 C1 1ad( )sin


γ d( ) C0 C1 1a' d a'⁄( )sin

d------------------------------–+= C 0 C1+( )

Structure functions 731

• Linear model: where b is the slope of the variogram model. Alinear model with sill is obtained by adding the specification: if d ≥ a.

• Pure nugget effect model: if d > 0; if d = 0. The second partapplies to a point estimate. In practice, observations have the size of the sampling grain(Section 13.0); the error at that scale is always larger than 0.

Other less-frequently encountered models are described in geostatistics textbooks. Amodel is usually chosen on the basis of the known or assumed process havinggenerated the spatial structure. Several models may be added up to fit any particularsample variogram. Parameters are fitted by weighted least squares; the weights arefunction of the distance and the number of pairs in each distance class (Cressie, 1991).

As mentioned at the beginning of Subsection 2, anisotropy is present in data whenthe autocorrelation function is not the same for all geographic directions considered(David, 1977; Isaaks & Srivastava, 1989). In geometric anisotropy, the variation to beexpected between two sites distant by d in one direction is equivalent to the variationexpected between two sites distant by b × d in another direction. The range of thevariogram changes with direction while the sill remains constant. In a river forinstance, the kind of variation expected in phytoplankton concentration between twosites 5 m apart across the current may be the same as the variation expected betweentwo sites 50 m apart along the current even though the variation can be modelled byspherical variograms with the same sill in the two directions. Constant b is called theanisotropy ratio (b = 50/5 = 10 in the river example). This is equivalent to a change indistance units along one of the axes. The anisotropy ratio may be represented by anellipse or a more complex figure on a map, its axes being proportional to the variationexpected in each direction. In zonal anisotropy, the sill of the variogram changes withdirection while the range remains constant. An extreme case is offered by a strip ofland. If the long axis of the strip is oriented in the direction of a major environmentalgradient, the variogram may correspond to a linear model (always increasing) or to aspherical model with a sill larger than the nugget effect, whereas the variogram in thedirection perpendicular to it may show only random variation without spatial structurewith a sill equal to the nugget effect.

Directional variograms and correlograms may be used to determine whetheranisotropy (defined in Subsection 2) is present in the data; they may also be used todescribe anisotropic surfaces or to account for anisotropy in kriging(Subsection 13.2.2). A direction of space is chosen (i.e. an angle θ, usually byreference to the geographic north) and a search is launched for the pairs of points thatare within a given distance class d in that direction. There may be few such pairsperfectly aligned in the aiming direction, or none at all, especially when the observedsites are not regularly spaced on the map. More pairs can usually be found by lookingwithin a small neighbourhood around the aiming line (Fig. 13.9). The neighbourhoodis determined by an angular tolerance parameter ϕ and a parameter κ that sets thetolerance for distance classes along the aiming line. For each observed point Øh inturn, one looks for other points Øi that are at distance d ± κ from it. All points found

γ d( ) C0 bd+=γ d( ) C=

γ d( ) C0= γ d( ) 0=



732 Spatial analysis

within the search window are paired with the reference point Øh and included in thecalculation of semi-variance or spatial autocorrelation coefficients for distance class d.In most applications, the search is bi-directional, meaning that one also looks forpoints within a search window located in the direction opposite (180°) the aimingdirection. Isaaks & Srivastava (1989, Chapter 7) propose a way to assemble directionalmeasures of semi-variance into a single table and to produce a contour map thatdescribes the anisotropy in the data, if any; Rossi et al. (1992) have used the sameapproach for directional spatial correlograms.

Numerical example. An artificial data set was produced containing random autocorrelateddata. The data were generated using the turning bands method (David, 1977; Journel &Huijbregts, 1978); random normal deviates were autocorrelated following a spherical modelwith a range of 5. Pure spatial autocorrelation, as described in the spatial structure model 1b ofSubsection 1.1.1, generates continuity in the data (Fig. 13.10a). The variogram (without test ofsignificance) and spatial correlograms (with tests) are presented in Figs. 13.10b-d. In thisexample, the data were standardized during data generation, prior to spatial autocorrelationanalysis, so that the denominator of eq. 13.2 is 1; therefore, the variogram and Geary’scorrelogram are identical. The variogram suggests a spherical model with a range of 6 units anda small nugget effect (Fig. 13.10b).

Besides the description of spatial structures, variograms are used for several otherpurposes in spatial analysis. In Subsection 13.2.2, they will be the basis forinterpolation by kriging. In addition, structure functions (variograms, spatial

Figure 13.9 Search parameters for pairs of points in directional variograms and correlograms. From anobserved study site Ø1, an aiming line is drawn in the direction determined by angle θ (usuallyby reference to the geographic north, indicated by N ). The angular tolerance parameter ϕdetermines the search zone (grey) laterally whereas parameter κ sets the tolerance along theaiming line for each distance class d. Points within the search window (in gray) are included inthe calculation of I (d), c (d) or γ(d).

Aiming line







Structure functions 733

correlograms) may prove extremely useful to help determine the grain size of thesampling units and the sampling interval to be used in a survey, based upon theanalysis of a pilot study. They may also be used to perform change-of-scale operationsand predict the type of autocorrelation and variance that would be observed if the grainsize of the sampling design was different from that actually used in a field study(Bellehumeur et al., 1997).

4 — Spatial covariance, semi-variance, correlation, cross-correlation

This Subsection examines the relationships between spatial covariance, semi-varianceand correlation (including cross-correlation), under the assumption of second-orderstationarity, leading to the concept of cross-correlation. This assumption(Subsection 13.2.1) may be restated as follows:

• The first moment (mean of points i) of the variable exists:


Its value does not depend on position in the study area.

Figure 13.10 (a) Series of 100 equispaced random, spatially autocorrelated data. (b) Variogram, with sphericalmodel superimposed (heavy line). Abscissa: distances between points along the geographic axisin (a). (c) and (d) Spatial correlograms. Dark squares: autocorrelation statistics that remainsignificant after progressive Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05); white squares: non-significantvalues.













γ ( d )

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Geographic axis



d. a




d va



E yi[ ] 1n--- yi

i 1=


∑ m i= =

734 Spatial analysis

• The second moment (covariance, numerator of eq. 13.1) of the variable exists:


for h, i dhi ≈ d (13.13)

The value of C(d) depends only on d and on the orientation of the distance vector, butnot on position in the study area. To understand eq. 13.12 as a measure of covariance,imagine the elements of the various pairs yh and yi written in two columns as if theywere two variables. The equation for the covariance (eq. 4.4) may be written asfollows, using a final division by n instead of (n – 1) (maximum-likelihood estimate ofthe covariance, which is standard in geostatistics):

The overall variance (Var, with division by n instead of n – 1) also exists since it isthe covariance calculated for d = 0:


When computing the semi-variance, one only considers pairs of observationsdistant by d. Eqs. 13.9 and 13.10 are re-written as follows:

for h, i dhi ≈ d (13.15)

A few lines of algebra obtain the following formula:

for h, i dhi ≈ d (13.16)

Two properties are used in the derivation: (1) ∑yh = ∑yi , and (2) the variance (Var,eq. 13.14) can be estimated using any subset of the observed values if the hypothesisof second-order stationarity is verified.

The correlation is the covariance divided by the product of the standard deviations(eq. 4.7). For a spatial process, the (auto)correlation is written as follows (leading toeq. 13.1):


C d( ) 1W d( )--------------- yh yi

h i,( ) dhi d≈

W d( )

∑ mhmi–=

C d( ) E yh yi[ ] m2–=

sy hyi

yh yi∑n

------------------yh yi∑∑

n n--------------------------–


------------------ mhmi–= =

Var yi[ ] E yi mi–[ ] 2C 0( )= =

γ d( ) 12---E yh yi–[ ] 2


γ d( )yi

2∑ yhyi∑–

W d( )------------------------------------- C 0( ) C d( )–= =

r d( ) C d( )shs i

-------------- C d( )Var yi[ ]--------------------- C d( )

C 0( )--------------= = =

Structure functions 735

Consider the formula for Geary’s c (eq. 13.2), which is the semi-variance divided bythe overall variance. The following derivation:

leads to the conclusion that Geary’s c is one minus the coefficient of spatial(auto)correlation. In a graph, the semi-variance and Geary’s c coefficient have exactlythe same shape (e.g. Figs. 13.10b and d); only the ordinate scales may differ. Anautocorrelogram plotted using r (d) has the exact reverse shape as a Geary correlogram.An important conclusion is that the plots of semi-variance, covariance, Geary’s ccoefficient, and r(d), are equivalent to characterize spatial structures under thehypothesis of second-order stationarity (Bellehumeur & Legendre, 1998).

Cross-covariances may also be computed from eq. 13.12, using values of twodifferent variables observed at locations distant by d (Isaaks & Srivastava, 1989).Eq. 13.17 leads to a formula for cross-correlation which may be used to plot cross-correlograms; the construction of the correlation statistic is the same as for time series(eq. 12.10). With transect data, the result is similar to that of eq. 12.10. However, theprograms designed to compute spatial cross-correlograms do not require the data to beequispaced, contrary to programs for time-series analysis. The theory is presented byRossi et al. (1992), as well as applications to ecology.

Ecological application 13.1b

A survey was conducted on a homogeneous sandflat in the Manukau Harbour, New Zealand, toidentify the scales at which spatial heterogeneity could be detected in the distribution of adultand juvenile bivalves (Macomona liliana and Austrovenus stutchburyi), as well as indications ofadult-juvenile interactions within and between species. The results were reported by Hewitt etal. (1997); see also Ecological application 13.2. Sampling was conducted along transectsestablished at three sites located within a 1-km2 area; there were two transects at each site,forming a cross. Sediment cores (10 cm diam., 13 cm deep) were collected using a nestedsampling design; the basic design was a series of cores 5 m apart, but additional cores weretaken 1 m from each of the 5-m-distant cores. This design provided several comparison in theshort distance classes (1, 4, 5, and 6 m). Using transects instead of rectangular areas allowedrelatively large distances (150 m) to be studied, given the allowable sampling effort. Nestedsampling designs have also been advocated by Fortin et al. (1989) and by Bellehumeur &Legendre (1998).

Spatial correlograms were used to identify scales of variation in bivalve concentrations. TheMoran correlogram for juvenile Austrovenus, computed for the three transects perpendicular tothe direction of tidal flow, displayed significant spatial autocorrelation at distances of 1 and 5 m(Fig. 13.11a). The same pattern was found in the transects parallel to tidal flow. Figure 13.11aalso indicates that the range of influence of autocorrelation was about 15 m. This was confirmedby plotting bivalve concentrations along the transects: LOWESS smoothing of the graphs(Subsection 10.3.8) showed patches of about 25-30 m in diameter (Hewitt et al., 1997, Figs. 3and 4).

c d( ) γ d( )Var yi[ ]---------------------

C 0( ) C d( )–C 0( )---------------------------------- 1

C d( )C 0( )--------------– 1 r d( )–= = = =

736 Spatial analysis

Cross-correlograms were computed to detect signs of adult-juvenile interactions. In thecomparison of adult (> 10 mm) to juvenile Macomona (< 5 mm), a significant negative cross-correlation was identified at 0 m in the direction parallel to tidal flow (Fig. 13.11b); correlationwas not significant for the other distance classes. As in time series analysis, the cross-correlationfunction is not symmetrical; the correlation obtained by comparing values of y1 to values of y2located at distance d on their right is not the same as when values of y2 are compared to valuesof y1 located at distance d on their right, except for d = 0. In Fig. 13.11b, the cross-correlogramis folded about the ordinate (compare to Fig. 12.9). Contrary to time series analysis, it is notuseful in spatial analysis to discuss the direction of lag of a variable with respect to the otherunless one has a specific hypothesis to test.

5 — Multivariate Mantel correlogram

Sokal (1986) and Oden & Sokal (1986) found an ingenious way to compute acorrelogram for multivariate data, using the normalized Mantel statistic rM and test ofsignificance (Subsection 10.5.1). This method is useful, in particular, to describe thespatial structure of species assemblages.

The principle is to quantify the ecological relationships among sampling sites bymeans of a matrix Y of multivariate similarities or distances (using, for instance,coefficients S17 or D14 in the case of species abundance data), and compare Y to amodel matrix X (Subsection 10.5.1) which is different for each geographic distanceclass (Fig. 13.12).

• For distance class 1 for instance, pairs of neighbouring stations (that belong to thefirst class of geographic distances) are coded 1, whereas the remainder of matrix X1contains zeros. A first Mantel statistic (rM1) is calculated between Y and X1.

• The process is repeated for the other distance classes d, building each time a model-matrix Xd and recomputing the normalized Mantel statistic. Matrix Xd may contain 1’s

Figure 13.11 (a) Spatial autocorrelogram for juvenile Austrovenus densities. (b) Cross-correlogram for adult-juvenile Macomona interactions, folded about the ordinate: circles = positive lags, squares =negative lags. Dark symbols: correlation statistics that are significant after progressiveBonferroni correction (α = 0.05). Redrawn from Hewitt et al. (1997).

Distance classes (m)










0 20 40 60 80 100

(a) Austrovenus < 2.5 mm


















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

(b) Macomona >10 mm × Macomona < 5 mm

Distance classes (m)

Structure functions 737

for pairs that are in the given distance class, or the code value for that distance class(d), or any other value different from zero; all coding methods lead to the same valueof the normalized Mantel statistic rM.

The Mantel statistics, plotted against distance classes, produce a multivariatecorrelogram. Each value is tested for significance in the usual way, using either

Figure 13.12 Construction of a Mantel correlogram for a similarity matrix S (n = 10 sites). The matrix ofgeographic distance classes D, from Fig. 13.4, gives rise to model matrices X1, X2, etc. for thevarious distance classes d. These are compared, in turn, to matrix Y = S using standardizedMantel statistics (rMd). Dark symbols in the correlogram: Mantel statistics that are significantafter progressive Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05).

1.00 0.56 0.35 0.55 0.71 0.76 0.39 0.40 0.29 0.75

0.56 1.00 0.71 0.48 0.75 0.37 0.55 0.79 0.38 0.54

0.35 0.71 1.00 0.47 0.63 0.15 0.38 0.65 0.34 0.44

0.55 0.48 0.47 1.00 0.69 0.43 0.31 0.34 0.46 0.73

0.71 0.75 0.63 0.69 1.00 0.50 0.43 0.56 0.39 0.78

0.76 0.37 0.15 0.43 0.50 1.00 0.36 0.25 0.27 0.56

0.39 0.55 0.38 0.31 0.43 0.36 1.00 0.65 0.60 0.27

0.40 0.79 0.65 0.34 0.56 0.25 0.65 1.00 0.41 0.35

0.29 0.38 0.34 0.46 0.39 0.27 0.60 0.41 1.00 0.29

0.75 0.54 0.44 0.73 0.78 0.56 0.27 0.35 0.29 1.00

S =

3 —

5 2 —

1 2 4 —

2 2 3 1 —

2 5 6 3 4 —

5 3 5 5 4 5 —

5 1 2 4 3 6 2 —

4 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 —

1 3 4 1 1 3 6 5 5 —

D =

0 —

0 2 —

0 2 0 —

2 2 0 0 —

2 0 0 0 0 —

0 0 0 0 0 0 —

0 0 2 0 0 0 2 —

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 —

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 —

X2 =

rM2 = 0.42007

0 —

0 0 —

1 0 0 —

0 0 0 1 —

0 0 0 0 0 —

0 0 0 0 0 0 —

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 —

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 —

1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 —

X1 =

rM1 = 0.53847



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Distance classes


tel s



r M)

738 Spatial analysis

permutations or Mantel’s normal approximation (Box 10.2). Computation ofstandardized Mantel statistics assumes second-order stationarity. As in the case ofunivariate correlograms (above), one is advised to use some form of correction formultiple testing before interpreting Mantel correlograms.

Numerical example. Consider again the 10 sampling sites of Fig. 13.4. Assume that speciesassemblage data were available and produced similarity matrix S of Fig. 13.12. Matrix S playedhere the role of Y in the computation of Mantel statistics. Were the species data autocorrelated?Distance matrix D, already divided into 6 classes in Fig. 13.4, was recoded into a series of modelmatrices Xd (d = 1, 2, etc.). In each of these, the pairs of sites that were in the given distanceclass received the value d, whereas all other pairs received the value 0. Mantel statistics werecomputed between S and each of the Xd matrices in turn; positive and significant Mantelstatistics indicate positive autocorrelation in the present case. The statistics were tested forsignificance using 999 permutations and plotted against distance classes d to form the Mantelcorrelogram. The progressive Bonferroni method was used to account for multiple testingbecause interest was primarily in detecting autocorrelation in the first distance classes.

Before computing the Mantel correlogram, one must assume that the condition of second-order stationarity is satisfied. This condition is more difficult to explain in the case ofmultivariate data; it means essentially that the surface is uniform in (multivariate) mean andvariance at broad scale. The correlogram illustrated in Fig. 13.12 suggests the presence of agradient. If the condition of second-order-stationarity is satisfied, this means that the gradientdetected by this analysis is a part of a larger, autocorrelated spatial structure. This was called a“false gradient” in the numerical example of Subsection 2, above.

When Y is a similarity matrix and distance classes are coded as described above,positive Mantel statistics correspond to positive autocorrelation; this is the case in thenumerical example. When the values in Y are distances instead of similarities, or if the1's and 0's are interchanged in matrix X, the signs of all Mantel statistics are changed.One should always specify whether positive autocorrelation is expressed by positive ornegative values of the Mantel statistics when presenting Mantel correlograms. Themethod was applied to vegetation data by Legendre & Fortin (1989).

13.2 Maps

The most basic step in spatial pattern analysis is the production of maps displaying thespatial distributions of values of the variable(s) of interest. Furthermore, maps areessential to help interpret spatial structure functions (Section 13.1).

Several methods are available in mapping programs. The final product of moderncomputer programs may be a contour map, a mesh map (such as Figs. 13.13b and13.16b), a raised contour map, a shaded relief map, and so on. The present Section isnot concerned with the graphic representation of maps but instead with the way themapped values are obtained. Spatial interpolation methods have been reviewed byLam (1983).
