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OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY, BOURBONNAIS, ILLINOIS SPRING 2009 WWW.OLIVET.EDU page 17 page 7 page 4 Periodicals Postage Paid at Bourbonnais, Illinois 60914, and additional mailing offices VOL. 76, NO. 4
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VOL. 76, NO. 4 SPRING 2009 WWW.OLIVET.EDU Periodicals Postage Paid at Bourbonnais, Illinois 60914, and additional mailing offices OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY, BOURBONNAIS, ILLINOIS ETHICS TOP PRIORITY FOR GRAD SCHOOL page 4 CANADA ROCKS FOR GEOLOGY STUDENTS page 7 WALLENFANG SCORES 1000 page 17

V O L . 7 6 , N O . 4 S P R I N G 2 0 0 9 W W W . O L I V E T . E D U





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O L I V E T N A Z A R E N E U N I V E R S I T Y , B O U R B O N N A I S , I L L I N O I S



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Nearly 100 high schoolseniors, plustheir families, were pleasantly surprised by a performance of the ONU drumline during Purple and Gold Days, March 20.

The School of Education hosted children’s author Laura Crawford and an audience of local elementary students, March 23.

Drum roll, please

By thebook

Styleson ice

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Editor The Olivetian

Olivet Nazarene University One University Ave.

Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345


(ISSN 0891-9712)

EditorHeather (Quimby) Day ’02

Contributing WritersMichael Benson Casey Manes Kate Morgan

DesignerDonnie Johnson

Additional DesignMatthew Moore ’96

Monique (Cartier) Perry ’03

Editorial ConsultantRev. Gordon C. Wickersham ’47

PhotographyImage Group Photography,

or as credited

Class Notes EditorMartha Thompson

Cover PhotoAdriana Espinoza ’09 teaches

Spanish to first graders at Thomas Edison Primary School

(Amy Meents ’09)

Olivet Nazarene University

PresidentDr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./

’06 D.Div.

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Gregg Chenoweth ’90

Vice President for Student Development

Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/ ’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div.

Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D.

Vice President for FinanceDr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/

’95 M.B.A., Litt.D.

Dean, School of Graduate and Continuing Studies

Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 M.B.A.

The Olivetian is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing Communications

under the direction of the vice president for Institutional Advancement.

Reproduction of material without written permission is strictly prohibited.

Copyright © 2009 Olivet Nazarene University

One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345


Students prided themselves in taking tacky to a whole new level during “Thrift Store Prom” at the Oak Orthopedics Ice Arena and Gala Lanes, March 20.

Hall of Fame catcher Carlton Fisk(right, with Senior Development

Officer Jeff Domagalski) was one of 82 golfers at the Winter

Golf Outing in Orlando, Fla., February 26 through March 1.

The event was Olivet’s most successful golf outing to date,

raising more than $38,000 for student scholarships. The

combined annual goal for Larry Watson Memorial Golf Series

events is $100,000.

Puttin’ with Pudge

Spring 2009 The Olivetian 3perspectives

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I am very particular about time — being on time, starting on time and ending on time. I suppose my office staff and the administra-tors with whom I work most closely would tell you that the word is not “particular.” They contend I am a bit “compulsive” about time. Okay, maybe just a little. In fact, I wrote a doctoral dissertation on the subject of time management, so maybe they have a point.

Because of my interest in time, I also have an interest in clocks and watches. A few years ago, I was strolling through an an-tique shop and spotted what appeared to be a fine old watch. I recognized the name on the face and was surprised at the very low price. I asked to see the watch and was told that it was very rare, but because the market for such a watch was so limited, the price had been reduced. I bought the watch.

A few days later, I was surprised and disappointed when the watch stopped running. I took it to a local jeweler and learned that the inner workings of the watch were not from the fine watch company that had made the case. The inner workings had been replaced by a very poor mechanism that could not be repaired and would never keep good time.

This experience reminded me how important all of the inner workings of a watch really are. Appearance doesn’t matter much if the watch doesn’t run with precision and consistency. It is what’s inside that counts — what is rarely seen determines true quality and dependability. It is often what you don’t see that makes the difference.

The same is true for a University. Behind the scenes, every day, there are a myriad of movements that combine to create the University that is seen and experienced in public. To highlight this, a group of Olivet students spent the day on March 25, 2009, documenting “A Day in the Life of ONU.” They took hun-dreds of photographs of what they observed throughout the University. In this issue of The Olivetian, you will find a sampling of their work.

The fine work being done here at Olivet is truly a team effort, and we have a great team. These are men and women who embody and express the mission of the University on a daily basis. They make the place “tick.”

I am also aware that in addition to the individuals who are part of the daily life of the campus, there are thousands of others who support Olivet with their financial gifts, their prayers and en-couragement. Thanks to all of you — the seen and the unseen — who keep Olivet running with precision and dependability.

The Alma Mater puts it this way: “The time we spend within these walls will n’er forgotten be.” In reality, it is that time, Olivet time, that I am most passionate about. This time is linked to eternity!

Gotta run … don’t want to be late for my next meeting.

It is often what you don’t see … that makes the differenceBy Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., University President

olivet news

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Beyond the buzz:Olivet launches Center for Ethical Leadership and Executive Development

B y K a t e M o r g a n

“As I was going through my e-mail at work in January 2002, my interest was peeked by a post concerning a particular company known as Enron, “ writes Ryan Spittal, dean of the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. “At that mo-ment, as I sat at my desk and read that small bit of news, I thought this information would be of little consequence to my life. “Little did I know that that morning (I was em-ployed at the time as a CPA at Arthur Anderson) the decisions made by a few individuals would have such tragic and far-reaching effects. Not only did their decisions lead to my departure at Arthur Anderson, but also to the job loss of more than 70,000 other individuals at my firm and countless others at Enron.” For Ryan Spittal terms like “corporate re-sponsibility” and “ethical leadership” aren’t sim-ply buzz words, but terms that deserve serious discussion in today’s business culture. “Although this was a painful experience to live through, this hardship proved to me how critical ethical behavior is in leadership,” Spittal says. “While people in leadership roles are plentiful, leaders with character and integrity are often in limited supply.” In the years following the fall of Enron and Arthur Anderson — and even more so within the last year — headlines have been dominated by lapses of character and ethical decision-making. “You can’t pick up a paper, watch a news story or listen to the radio without hearing about a politician who failed to act or a broker who di-verted funds,” says Michael Stanfa, who serves as director of Olivet’s new Center for Ethical Leadership and Executive Development. Believing an emphasis on ethical leadership is of utmost importance, Olivet launched the

Center for Ethical Leadership and Executive De-velopment through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies in March. The Center will provide a broad range of learn-ing opportunities designed to meet the needs of the global community it serves. Utilizing re-sources of the School of Graduate and Continu-ing Studies, the Center will aspire to provide and enhance leadership training. “A Center rooted in Christian belief will fill a need on a local, national and international level for ethical reinforcement in behavior and leader-ship,” Stanfa says. Learning opportunities, set to take place across the Chicagoland region, will include semi-nars headlined by high-profile speakers and train-ing and development courses. The Center will also focus on targeted outreach and consulting, as requested. During the Center’s launch events on the Bourbonnais campus and at the Chicago Re-gional Center, more than 120 community lead-ers participated in the training session, “The Four Disciplines of Execution,” led by members of Franklin Covey. “As a University, our mission is not simply to award degrees or prepare people for future employment and advancement; our responsibility is to provide a sound Christ-centered educational experience as the foundation on which to build one’s character,” Spittal says. “We are continually committed to improving the School of Graduate and Continuing Stud-ies to ensure that our graduates’ thought and decision-making processes will positively impact the future because of their faith in God and their strength of character.”

More than 120 community leaders participated in two sessions titled, “The Four Disciplines of Execution,” led by trainers from Franklin Covey.

Spring 2009 The Olivetian 5

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GIVE TODAY. ChANGE TOMORROW.815-939-5171 | www.olivet.edu | [email protected]

Music has always been part my life. It’s something I’m extremely passionate about.

“People who know me would probably say if I’m not talking, I’m either singing or playing the piano.

“I received an ONU Foundation scholarship and it has made it easier, the burden a little lighter.

“Olivet is preparing people to go out to impact the world. I’m pretty sure most people would agree the world needs it.”

music education major, Flossmoor, ill.

excerpt From the 2008 annual report online video

JAsPEr TAylOr ’10

Maestroof Ministry

University president

olivet news

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6 6

Holinessand HighCountry

In March, the Olivet community had the privilege of host-

ing a Holiness Summit on our campus. Simply put, it was an amazing time.

For two-and-a-half days, we gave ourselves to prayer, inspirational worship and the preaching of the Word. This was not a conference. It was not a seminar. There were no notebooks or materials distributed. These Holiness Summits are a celebration of the central biblical message of holiness of heart and life.

Nine preachers were charged to bring to us the Word as God had laid it upon their hearts.

◼ JOhN BOWLING, president, Olivet Nazarene University

◼ MARk QUANSTROM, professor, Olivet Nazarene University

◼ MARk FULLER, senior pastor, Grove City, Ohio

◼ LOUIS BUSTLE, director, World Mission

◼ NINA GUNTER, general superintendent, Church of the Nazarene »»»»»»»»»»

◼ FRANk MOORE, ONU professor and director for the Center for Faith and Culture

◼ TOM hERMIz, general superintendent, Churches of Christ in Christian Union

◼ hOWIE ShUTE, field strategy coordinator, horn of Africa

◼ J. k. WARRICk, general superintendent, Church of the Nazarene

We have received many reports on the positive results of the holiness Summit.

◼ One local pastor sent an e-mail to his whole congregation telling them that they had a “new pas-tor” as a result of the summit.

◼ Orpheus Choir traveled this weekend. One of the choir members told me that nearly all of the student testimonies focused on how much the holi-ness Summit had helped them.

◼ I read a student’s spiritual autobiography yesterday. he dedicated three pages of small print detailing how much the

holiness Summit had settled the matter of holiness in his life.

◼ here’s a quote from another student paper: “Just recently something else happened which I would like to mark on my calen-dar of spiritual events. On March 24, 2009 at the holiness Sum-mit, I was entirely sanctified.”

◼ And another: “I am incredibly thankful for the way the Spirit moved in my life through the Summit. The experience and assurance of my complete consecration to God and his entire sanctification and fill-ing of my life with his Spirit took place last night. I fully accept my call to preach.”

Only God knows the long-range effects of this Summit for his kingdom.

By Universit y Chapl ain MiChael Benson



Watch for more InformatIon on www.olivet.edu and in the fall issue

of The Olivetian.

featUrInG: Acclaimed Christian comedian and recording artist

Mark Loweryi

celebratInG reUnIons: Classes of 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999 and 2004, plus Golden Grads (anyone who graduated prior to 1959)


students featured in this issue of The Olivetian are recipients of the following scholarships:

“Education with a Christian Purpose” is made possible for our students because of your generosity.

To establish a student scholarship, or to contribute to

an existing Foundation scholarship, e-mail the Office of Development

at [email protected] or call 815-939-5171.

Spring 2009 The Olivetian 7

w w w . o l i v e t . e d u

Jeff ALexAnDer*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Baseball» nazarene Church scholarship» olivet nazarene University

resident assistant» W.l. silvers scholarship» a.J. Frank scholarship» rev. Joseph t. & Connie h. Myers

scholarship» harold W. & Maybelle e. reed


Tim ALLen*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Baseball

COLin ArnOLD*» olivet nazarene University

nazarene scholarship» olivet nazarene University

art scholarship» Kalamazoo First Church scholarship» nazarene Church scholarship

PAuL PerGAn» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Baseball

STePhAnie BerTOLOzzi*» olivet nazarene University

nazarene scholarship» nazarene Church scholarship

KeLLie BOnOGOfSKy*» Joseph & esther nielson scholarship» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: softball

JOSiAh Bremer» olivet nazarene University

pastor’s Child scholarship

rACheL BurKe*» Friends of olivet scholarship

eLizABeTh CAmPBeLL*DreW COLLeTTe*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: track and Field» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Cross Country

rACheL COmOGLiO*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: softball

JOy DieriCKx*» olivet nazarene University

resident assistant» heather Wagoner scholarship» harold W. & Maybelle e. reed

scholarship» nazarene Church scholarship» nazarene District scholarship» olivet nazarene University

District scholarship Match

AmAnDA DuerrWAeChTer*

KierSTen eLLiS*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: track and Field

AnnA enGeLBreChT*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: tennis

eriCA enGeLBreChT*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: tennis» Fred e. Douglas endowment» perry a. & Florence l. Cook


BeThAny enGLiSh*» Marjorie l. McCoy & harold e. phillips


JOeL fLOyD» olivet nazarene University

pastor’s Child scholarship

AShLey fOzKOS*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: track and Field

KAThryn friAS*» olivet nazarene University

nazarene scholarship

LiLy GOnzALez*» Gary & Bonnie Floyd scholarship» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: tennis

KATie hAnnAGAn*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: softball

niCOLe JOhnSOn*niCOLe KLein*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: track» lynnae yvonne ruzich

Memorial scholarship

JOAnnA KnePPer*» olivet nazarene University

Marching Band scholarship

JeSSiCA KOrTAS*KenneTh macDOnOuGh*» olivet nazarene University

nazarene scholarship» Detroit First Church scholarship» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: track and Field» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Cross Country

AnTOniO mArShALL*» olivet nazarene University

nazarene scholarship» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Basketball

CASey mAST*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Baseball

AnDreA mcCAnn» olivet nazarene University

pastor’s Child scholarship» nazarene Church scholarship

Amy meenTS*fAiTh minGuS» olivet nazarene University

pastor’s Child scholarship» James h. Crawford Memorial

scholarship» olivet nazarene University

Bible Quiz scholarship» nazarene District

Bible Quiz scholarship» olivet nazarene University

Bible Quiz Match

rAShAD miTCheLL*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Basketball

LiSA PeAvenTO*» olivet nazarene University

art scholarship

KAThryn PeuGh*» olivet nazarene University

Music scholarship

ALLen POSey*» richard h. & v. aline Mchie


AArOn reeD*reBeKAh reGenfuSS*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: track and Field» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Cross Country

JOe reiSinGer*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: track and Field» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Football

AuBrey SArnA*» olivet nazarene University

Music scholarship» olivet nazarene University

Marching Band scholarship

PeTe SmiDT*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Baseball

JACOB SmiTh*» olivet nazarene University

pastor’s Child scholarship» northwest illinois saMs scholarship

eLiJAh SmurThWAiTe*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Baseball» olivet nazarene University

nazarene scholarship

TimOThy STePhAnSen*JASOn TezAWA*KenDALL ThOmAS*» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: Football» olivet nazarene University

athletic scholarship: track and Field

mAriTzA vALenTin*TiffAny veGh*» lester & susan Gustin scholarship» Dennis & Georgia hess scholarship» nazarene Church scholarship

TrACey WAnGLer*» Better Day scholarship

LinDSAy zAviTz*

*General Olivet schOlarship Or Grant

“How do you describe an ocean to some-one who has never seen it?” asks physi-cal science professor Priscilla Skalac. “You can try to describe it; you can talk about the way it tastes. But until some-one has been to the ocean, they can’t truly understand it.” She asks the question to illustrate the importance of field work for Olivet’s ge-ology and science education students. “Field work is critically important to the study of geology. A picture is one thing. But to be able to be there and experience it, to measure it and analyze it, that’s everything. You just learn so much.” This school year, students trekked through two countries, seeing the best of Silent Lake Provincial Park, killbear Provincial Park, Chutes Provincial Park — all in Ontario — and Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park in Michigan. Whether exploring abandoned uranium mines, examining rocks millions of years old or running down sandy hills, every experience was an opportunity for learning. “It’s really like a moving lecture, a moving lab,” says Dr. Skalac. “They gather the material and then can bring it back to the classroom to analyze. It’s extremely helpful.” The trip allowed students to have a bet-ter understanding of the natural complexity of geology in the field and of how geologists do field work.

Led by Skalac, Dr. kevin Brewer and Dr. Charles Carrigan, learning excursions weren’t limited to the planned stops. In transit, stu-dents would pile out of their cars, instruments in hand. While curious motorists drove by, they examined, measured and collected data from a myriad of roadside geological formations. “The real world is the best teacher we have,” Dr. Brewer says. “Actually seeing rocks, miner-als, structures, geomorphology, in the field is different than seeing a picture in a textbook, using a map or working with a small sample in a lab.” To get the most out of his students, Dr. Brewer has crafted a “Field Trip Attitude”: “There is no substitute for field experience for the geologist. The better geologists have looked at more rocks. Take the most advantage of every opportunity you have to be in the field. It takes a lot of your (and possibly other’s) time and effort to get you there. Work hard and cher-ish your time in the field.” The field trip is just one example of how geology students are preparing themselves with the use of supervised field work. Locally, stu-dents take advantage of the geological wonders that appear in and around kankakee County. Eventually the department hopes to develop a field camp course in which students gain an even deeper knowledge of the skills necessary for the applied science. “Field work is more than a complement or supplement to textbook knowledge,” says Dr. Skalac. “There are things you learn being there that I don’t think there’s any other way to learn. You ask new questions and possibly begin to answer those questions. You’ve really just got to be out in it; you just do.”



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Ian Cole • Patrick Cole • Drew Collette • Anthony Collier • Phillip Colling • Tiffany Collins • Jessie Colon • Lauren Comfort • Rachel Comoglio • Kendra Compton • Matthew Compton • Simone Compton • Gina Condich • Victoria Conley • Lisa Conner • Paul Conzen • Amanda Cook • Chad Cook • Elizabeth Cook • Jordan Cook • Kaitlin Cook • Kreigh Cook • Spencer Cook • Amy Cooke • Andrew Cooke • Anna Cooke • Mary Cooke Jones • Lyndsay Coombs • Kennedy Coopwood • Benjamen Coots • Bethany Copley • Derek Corcoran • Aaron Cordle • Alaina Corfits • Christian Cornish • Evelyn Cota Vargas • Meghan Coulter • Melissa Coulter • Melissa Cox • Stephanie Cox • Stephanie Crabtree • Nicola Craig • Nolan Crain • Alyssa Cramer • Jordan Cramer • Kendall Cramer • Caitlin Crandall • Nathaniel Crandell • Carly Craven • Joshua Crawford • Dale Crawley • Hannah Cripe • Hank Crofford • Brandon Crombar • Ryan Crombar • Machel Cromwell • Keegan Crosby • Sarah Cross • Joia Crossley • Rebecca Crouch • Robert Croumlich • Benjamin Crowley • Jacob Crowley • Joshua Crowley • Caitlyn Crum • Melanie Crump • John Crupper • Nicole Cruz • Courtney Cryer • Alicia Cullen • April Culver • Philip Culver • Robin Curley • Heidi Curtis • Norman Curtis • Ogden Curtis • Tiffany Dace • Ryan Dahl • Paul Dallaire • Stephen Dalton • Joshua Dampf • Traci Damptz • Melanie Daniels • Samantha Daniels • Caleb Danner • Sara Danner • Ashley Darby • Justin Darden • Randall Darden • Nicholas Darland • Matthew Daugherty • Timothy Daugherty • Amanda Daughtry • Kayla Davenport • Keilyn Davenport • Kent Davenport • Amy Davis • Cornelius Davis • Michelle Davis • Sarah Davis • Jaclyn Davisson • Rachel Dawson • Stephanie Dawson • Jason Day • Christopher Dean • Katelyn Dean • Brenda Dearth • Chelsea Deaton • Josh DeBoer • Aubrey Dee • Matthew Dees • Julia Degnan • Mary DeGroot • Tyler DeLaBarre • Kenneth Delaney • Maria Deligiannides • Kristina Delost • Christopher DeMerell • Laura DeMerell • Sandra Demzik • Kyle Denault • Brittany Denhart • Renee Denning • Jason Dennis • Matthew Dennis • Michael Denny • Christine Denton • Hope Denton • Tamara Der • Michelle Derdzinski • Joshua Derocco • Jeffrey DeRuiter • Tricia Deter • Jennifer Detrich • Jonathan Detrich • Elizabeth Devine • Jami Dewey • Shannon Dexter • Allysa DeYoung • Kara DeYoung • Ryan DeYoung • Sarah Di Monte • Emma Diaz • Jenna Dickey • Joy Dierickx • Cassie Dignan • David Dignan • James Dill • Jordan Dillard • Nigel Dillard • Jesse Dillman • Stefanie DiLoreto • Juliana DiRienzo • Ethan Dixon • Amber Doan • Tyson Dodd • Caitlin Dodge • Tyler Doersam • Rae Marie Donaldson • Kelsey Dopson • Abigail Doran • Seth Doran • Synthia Dorsey • Tyler Dossett • Sarah Doty • Abigail Doud • Chelsey Downs • Katlyn Downs • Christine Doyle • Paul Drace • Amie Drain • Reagan Drebenstedt • Jessica Dressler • Caitlin Driscoll • Michael Dubois • Stephanie Duby • Amanda Duerrwaechter • Nora Duffy • Logan Dugger • Tate Dugger • Jamie Dumelle • Noelle Dumey • Lynette Duncan • Brandon Dunham • Cameron Dunlop • Shellise Durante • Sarah Durazo • Jessica Dushane • Stephanie Dusing • Mackensie Duvendack • Courtney Eanes • Brittany Earle • Keith Earnest • Shirley Easter • Heather Eby • Kathryn Eccles • Ashley Eckle • James Eckstein • Elizabeth Eddy • Jenna Edgecomb • Angela Edwards • Kenneth Edwards • Lauren Edwards • Miriam Edwards • Jordan Eggleston • Preston Eilders • Stephanie Eis • Olivia Ekema • Stephanie Ekema • Jordan Ekhoff • Joseph Ekhoff • Kaitlain Ekhoff • Melissa Eller • Michael Eller • Christine Ellis • Cindy Ellis • Kiersten Ellis • Jessica Ellison • Valerie Ellsworth • Christopher Elmore • Shane Emaus • Amy Enderli • Rebekah Engbers • Anna Engelbrecht • Erica Engelbrecht • Bethany English • Kristen Erdahl • Sally Erickson • Caleb Erway • Sophia Erzumiah • Hannah Escalante • Alejandro Escobar • Isaac Escobar • Rachel Escobar • Keren Escoto • Adriana Espinoza • Andres Esquetini • Gianne Estocado • Sarah Evenson • Corrie Everson • Natasha Evins • Andrew Faber • Kayla Fain • Amanda Fairchild • Amanda Falligan • Amy Farber • Stephen Farr • Ashley Farris • Danielle Fase • Tiffany Fatchaline • Robert Favela • Benjamin Fay • Jamie Fearon • Megan Feeney • Aaron Feigen • Kyle Fellows • Almaz Fere • Dana Ferguson • Elizabeth Ferguson • John Ferrantino • Jennifer Ferreira • Jessica Ferreira • Felicia Fett • Melissa Fett • Jessica Fetzer • Krista Fiala • Benjamin Fifield • Janel Filbeck • Noelle Fillmore • Lauren Finney • Rachel Fiorenza • Michael Fiorenzo • John Fischer • Rachel Fisher • Paul Flack • Ryan Flanary • Justin Flatter • Ainsley Fleetwood • Jonathan Flenaugh • Laura Fleschner • Stephanie Fleschner • Camille Fletcher • Aaron Florian • Michael Flowers • Caleb Floyd • Joel Floyd • Katelyn Flynn • Lauren Fogwell • Rachel Foley • Robert Foley • Sarah Foley • Ashlee Folsom • Ryan Forneris • Hayley Forrestal • Mary Forshee • Brittnie Foster • Elizabeth Foster • Kelly Foster • Peter Foster • Whitney Foster • Jealyn Foston • Nathaniel Fouch • Donald Fox • Ashley Fozkos • Nicholas Fraizer • Jarryd Frakes • Marshall Fraley • Lukas Frame • Trevin Frame • Brian Frampton • Rebecca Francis • Staci Francis • Joshua Franklin • Luke Franklin • Roy Franklin • Nathaniel Frantz • Nathan Frazer • Chelsea Freed • Claire Freiburg • Krista Frels • Kathryn Frias • Francesca Fricano • Katie Friedman • Brittany Frost • Rory Fry • Zachary Frye • Antonio Funches • Courtney Fuqua • Brittany Gaffney • Meghan Gage • Anthony Gaiter • Candice Galvan • Tammy Galvan • Francis Gantner • Urbano Garcia • Laura Gardner • Justin Garrelts • Lawrence Garton • DeeAnn Garvin • Melissa Garwood • Cassandra Garza • Michael Garza • William Gay • Alyssa Gee • Kesner Gee • Kailey Geiselman • Gregory Gennaro • Larry George • Benjamin Gerboth • Micah Gerhart • Jessica Gerretse • Jordan Gerstenberger • Jennifer Gessner • Reetu Ghotra • Meghann Giarraputo • Alyssa Gibson • Andrea Gibson • Danielle Gibson • Jeremy Gibson • Caitlin Gidcumb • Clarissa Gidcumb • Bryan Giesige • Philip Gifford • Rachel Gifford • Jon Gilbert • Hilary Gilkey • Brittnee Gilleylen • Kelsee Gilleylen • Joel Gilmartin • Nathanael Gilmore • David Ginn • Angela Giordano • Sarah Giove • Jonathan Glenn • Kyan Glenn • Lauren Glenn • Kenton Glover • Michael Goad • Allison Goedhart • Jill Goerne • Molly Goldbach • Aaron Golden • Anthony Gongaware • Julieanne Gonzales • Ana Gonzalez • Liliana Gonzalez • Julia Goodman • MacKenzie Gordon • Maggie Gorecki • Emily Gorman • Tyler Graham • Stacy Granger • John Grant • Collin Graves • Alexander Green • Lauren Green • Mark Green • Kevin Greene • Travis Greene • Andrew Gregory • Katie Gremar • Brandee Grenda • Gladys Griffin • Rodney Griffin • Cole Griswold • Sebastian Grochowski • Elizabeth Groover • Brittany Gross • Erica Grossman • Matthew Groves • Amy Grubbs • David Grundy • Renata Guerrero • James Guffey • James Guinan • Lana Guinn • Kathryn Gunderson • Stephanie Gunnerson • Trenton Gunter • Jerika Gutter • Geneva Guy • Mikayla Guy • Jorge Guzman • Rachel Haan • Jana Hacker • Jasen Hackman • Casey Hadley • Justin Hagel • Bethany Hagenberg • Cory Hainlen • Scott Hale • Morgan Haley • Ben Hall • Christian Hall • Dan Hall • Erica Hall • James Hall • Rose Hall • Timothy Hall • Brittany Haller • Jordan Hamann • Philip Hamilton • Stephen Hamilton • Lauren Hamlet • Alaina Hamlin • Christopher Hammett • Sarah Hamminga • Shannon Hancock • Desmond Handson • Katherine Hannagan • Rebecca Hanners • Amanda Hanson • Victoria Harden • Megan Harmon • Melissa Harmon • Lindsey Harms • Milan Harper • Adrienne Harris • Brittany Harris • Brittany Harris • Darius Harris • Jessica Harris • Martha Harrouff • Laticia Harshman • Mallori Hartke • Danielle Hartley • Tara Hartley • Kathleen Hartsell • Zachary Harvey • Alexander Hassel • Jacob Hasselbring • Faith Hatalla • Joy Hathaway • Kate Hausken • Emily Hay • Jared Hay • Paul Hayes • Ryan Hayes • Lance Hays • Rebekah Hazen • Jacob Heaton • Courtney Hehn • Alexandria Heinold • Alison Heinold • Michael Heinold • Benjamin Heintz • Derek Heinz • Jessica Heisey • Shaun Heitzman • Sarah Helmker • Chad Hemphill • Caren Henderson • Jonathan Henderson • Jerry Hendrickson • Brittany Hengesh • Laura Henke • Sarah Henning • Hayley Henry • Tessie Herbert • Elizabeth Hernandez • Johnita Herndon • Robert Herr • Ryan Herr • Todd Hespell • Angela Hess • Melinda Hess • Rachael Heubner • Elizabeth Hiatt • Michael Hickman • Thomas Higgins • James High • Samantha Hightower • Michael Hileman • Sarah Hileman • Austin Hill • Emilee Hill • Darrell Hinch • Adam Hines • Jeffery Hinkley • Joshua Hjort • Tyler Hoaglun • Sarah Hobbs • David Hodak • Kellie Hodge • Kyle Hodson • Candy Hoekstra • Grant Hoekstra • Gregory Hoekstra • Loren Hoekstra • Stacey Hoekstra • Timothy Hoekstra • Adam Hoffman • David Hoffmann • Teresa Hoffmeyer • Amie Hoffner • Dustin Hogan • Kelly Holcomb • Keisha Hollis • DeAndre Holmes • Rachel Holmgren • Erich Holsten • Corey Holtz • Lana Hoogstraat • Crista Hooven • Rachel Hoover • Jason Hopkins • Merideth Hoppe • M Horine • Kristie Hornstein • Zachary Horvat • Zachary Hosick • Alison Hoskins • Andrew Hotle • Michael Hoult • Caleb House • Lindsay Houseman • Patrick Howard • Jerremy Howell • Joshua Howells • Shang Hsu • Kenneth Huber • Jadon Huddleston • Holly Huff • Annastacia Hughes • Jeremy Hughes • Rebecca Hughes • Ann Hugo • Caleb Hugo • Tyler Hull • Brittany Hulse • Andrea Humrichouser • Katrina Hurt • Aisha Hushaw • Megan Hutchison • Maurice Hutton • Maria Huyser • Bethany Hyde • Emely Ibanez • Kelle Ill • Young Im • Michelle Imig • Kristy Iperlaan • Kristophor Irish • Cortney Irle • Brittany Irvin • Nicholas Irvin • Callie Ivey • Nathan Iwema • Ben Jackson • Cameron Jackson • Cynthia Jackson • Jacob Jackson • Jennifer Jackson • Lisa Jackson • Paul Jackson • William Jackson • Jamie Jacobs • Marissa Jacobs • Emily Jacobson • Codi Jaeger • Camilyn Jahn • Brooke Jamerson • Ashley James • Emily James • Durrell Jamison • Kayla Jasman • Jared Jaymes • Timothy Jefferies • Whitney Jenkins • Christina Jensen • Cole Jensen • Kelli Jensen • Rebecca Jensen • Wesley Jetton • Jonnyve Jimenez • Alyssa Johnson • Amy Johnson • Andrew Johnson • Brock Johnson • Cara Johnson • Dennis Johnson • Joshua Johnson • Latrice Johnson • Matthew Johnson • Mitchell Johnson • Nicole Johnson • Stephanie Johnson • Stephen Johnson • Danielle Johnston • Julia Johnston • Kathleen Johnston • Angelina Jones • Denee Jones • James Jones • Jessica Jones • Jessica Jones • Justin Jones • Kedric Jones • Kelsi Jones • Nicholas Jones • Terri Jones • Elizabeth Jostenski • Stephanie Jungles • Joy Jupp • John Michael Jurica • Elizabeth Juris • Isabella Kaburu • Kristen Kalinski • Zipporah Kapambwe • Emily Karas • Jayme Karenko • Evan Karg • Mitchell Kaufmann • Sumer Kazlauskas • Johanna Kearney • Matthew Kearney • John Keating • Elizabeth Keck • Matthew Kee • Amy Keen • Racheal Keen • Josiah Keffer • Kristen Kehl • Jeremy Keller • Rachel Keller • Dawn Kelly • Erin Kelly • Tasha Kelly • Sarah Kendall • Anna Kendrick • Joshua Kennedy • Adam Kennell • Melody Kennell • Chester Kepler • Andrea Kerouac • Jennifer Kershaw • Peter Kershaw • Dillan Ketcham • Kirstin Ketterman • Hannah Keys • Courtney Kidd • Rebekah Kidd • Stephanie Kidle • Erin Kifle • Taylor Kiger • Allen Kilburn • Min Kim • Soo Kim • Erica Kimmel • Jon Kinczyk • Amanda Kindle • Caleb King • Darcy King • Kirstie King • Nicole King • O’Malley King • Danette Kinnison • Bradley Kirby • Melissa Kirby • Jeannette Kirchner • Matthew Kirkpatrick • Katherine Kirsch • Laura Kirst • Jenna Kirts • Edward Kish • McCall Kitchel • Austin Kizzee • Nicole Klein • Joel Kline • Nicholas Klomstad • Kalyn Klontz • Ashley Klossing • Ryan Knapp • JoAnna Knepper • Pamela Knepper • Aaron Knight • Andrew Knol • Jonathan Knol • Randall Knowles • Dayna Knox • Jerad Koch • Tracy Koch • Cory Koehn • Erin Koehn • Randall Koehn • Corrine Koepsell • Christopher Koerner • Kaylyn Kohler • Anna Kolber • Bethany Kolber • Amanda Kollmann • Laura Konopack • Megan Koop • Sarah Kooy • Jessica Kortas • Brian Kosek • Kayla Koury • Matthew Krajec • Kelly Kraker • Greggory Kraly • Jordan Kramer • Katherine Krause • Nathan Krause • Mark Kreiss • Kendra Krestan • Samantha Krestel • Suzanne Kring • Heather Krisher • Jennifer Krob • Douglas Krop • Jessica Kroymann • Steven Krueger • Kaley Krull • Hannah Kruse • Kathleen Kujawa • Katherine Kulchar • Jonathan Kundrat • Tricia Kundrat • Sarah Kunkes • Anthony Kupchek • Betsy Kurtz • Kayla Kusterman • Au’drea Lacey • Christian Lacher • Marc LaFaber • Nathan LaLone • Stephanie LaLone • Kristin Lam • Felicia Lamb • Nikki Lamb • Renee Lambert • Kyle Lambright • Hannah Lamp • Jeffrey Lamping • Meagan Lamping • Matthew Lang • Jessica Langellier • Andrew Langlois • Rachel Langlois • Rebecca Lankford • Franklin Lapaz • Allison Lash • Morgan Lathrop • Kody Lathus • Tiffany Latko • Irisha Latting • Chrissy Latunski • Kenneth Lautenbach • Christy Lawrence • William Lawrence • Christopher Lawson • Jonathan Laymon • Lilyanne Leach • Mildred Lechuga • Therasa Ledesma • Megan Ledyard • Aaron Lee • Angela Lee • Molly Lee • Tory Lee • Jennifer Legg • Susan Leib • Rebecca Leibold • Elizabeth Leigh • Charles Leimann • Dan Leimann • Scott Leis • Stephanie Leitner • Kalen Leive • Claude Lemmer • Gregory Lengel • Carlie Lengerich • Ryan Lennon • Sara Lennon • Alisa Leoni • Bethany Lesh • Stephanie Leth • Kevin Letta • Brittany Letzkus • Emily Lewis • Christina Liakopoulos • Derek Liechty • Lamere Lillard • Reuben Lillie • Elizabeth Lindenbaum • Christina Lindsay • Courtney Lindsay • Casey Locke • Emily Lockwood • Mark Lockwood • Luke Loeber • Amy Loeffler • Andrew Loftin • Terek Lofton • Ryan Logan • Jon Lohrenz • Marjorie Lonberger • Kristin Long • Timothy Long • Adan Longoria • Spencer Loomis • Cynthia Lopez • Jessica Lopez • Steven Lopez • Tanya Lopez • Alexandria Lord • Jeremy Lord • Melanie Loulousis • Neil Love • Ryan Love • Rebecca Lowery • Alexandra Lowry • Anne Lowry • Calla Lowry • Kyle Lowry • Ben Lucas • Jacob Lucas • Bradley Luchene • Andrew Luiten • Elizabeth Lumpkin • Alisha Lundmark • Joel Lunsford • Lydia Lustig • Matthew Lyle • Sondra Lynn • Michael Lyon • Kenneth MacDonough • Joshua Macharia • Amber Maddack • Jennifer Madison • Stacey Mahuna • Andrea Maines • Laura Maiolo • Jessika Maldonado • Christine Malmer • Elliot Maloney • Tina Maltese • Nobuhle Mamba • Sarah Manchester • Alex Mandeville • Megan Mann • Michael Mann • Blaine Manning • Taylor Manning • Robert Mansfield • Grace Mantarian • David Mantel • Shayna Marin • Tabatha Marks • Reynard Marquez • Bryan Marquis • Michelle Marquis • Ashli Marrier • Sara Marrs • Kristen Marsh • Antonio Marshall • Staci Martens • Ashlee Martin • Emily Martin • Jerett Martin • Katherine Martin • Margaret Martin • Myra Martin • Olivia Martin • Ryne Martin • Samuel Martin • Virginia Martin • Andrew Massengale • Cynthia Massie • Lorne Massie • Casey Mast • Natalea Mast • Kristin Mathias • Larry Mathias • Thomas Matson • Ian Matthews • Jennifer Matthews • Jordan Maurer • Matthew Mausehund • Simbarashe Mawoza • Stacey May • Amanda Mazzaro • Christopher McAndrews • Lauren McBride • Laura McCague • Andrea McCann • Wade McCann • Christopher McCarty • Jayme McClellan • Brandon McClure • Meghan McClure • Kellie McClymonds • Elizabeth McConnell • Katie McCooey • Kayla McCormick • Amber McCrary • Hilary McDaniel • Britni McDonald • Katherine McDonald • Kristen McDonald • Emily McDowell • Janet McDowell • Katelin McElroy • Michelle McFadden • Kate McGill • Alex McGrath • Cody McGraw • Morgan McGreevy • Allison McGuire • Ashley McGuire • Janelle McInerney • Melissa McInerney • Ashlie McIntire • Anna McIntosh • Marcia McIntyre • Katie McKeighan • Brittney McKenzie • Megan McKinley • Joseph McLaughlin • Kelsey McLaughlin • Thomas McMichael • Caitlin McNeil • Michele McNett • Chelsea Meadows • Lindsey Mecum • Christina Meddaugh • Paige Medearis • Rachel Medley • Zachary Meeks • Amy Meents • Donnamarie Meents • Stephanie Meid • Megan Meierer • Doug Meister • Lucas Mellinger • Kristen Memenga • Jessie Mendez • Matthew Mendez • Janina Mengarelli • Kevin Mensinga • Georgia Merki • Philip Merki • Kara Merriman • Nicole Merry • Victor Mesquita • Laura Messenger • Kristi Messina • Brandon Metzger • Sarah Metzger • Amy Meyer • Brandi Meyers • Stella Meyers • Timothy Mezera • David Michaels • Jonathan Mikhail • Andrew Miller • Cory Miller • David Miller • Joel Miller • Joni Miller • Megan Miller • Michaela Miller • Nancy Miller • Nicole Miller • Poppy Miller • Ryan Miller • Shelbi Miller • Zarah Miller • Bradley Millikan • Stephanie Millikan • Leah Mills • Amy Millsap • Faith Mingus • Leah Mingus • Luke Mingus • Nicholas Minnich • Shawn Miranda • Lauren Mitchell • Matthew Mitchell • Matthew Mitchell • Rashad Mitchell • Vincent Mkhwanazi • Frank Modica • Jan Moeller • Erika Moeschke • Andrew Mohler • Kyle Mohler • David Mohr • Rebecca Moisio • John Molenhouse • Kristen Moller • Joshua Mondy • Rachel Monkemeyer • Allyse Moore • Benjamin Moore • Bradley Moore • Chase Moore • Colton Moore • Elizabeth Moore • Laniece Moore • Meaghan Moore • Diana Mora • Jelissa Morales • Susan Moran • Charlotte More • Kelsey Moreau • Athina Morehouse • Ashley Morgan • Lance Moring • Hugo Moriya • Beverly Morris • Janae Morris • Lisa Morris • Julia Morrison • Bradley Morse • Erin Mossman • Alec Motley • De Ann Motz • Austin Mounts • Michael Mroz • Dana Mulder • John Mullen • Jillian Munjoy • Nandi Munson • Matthew Murdick • Kelli Murphy • Michael Murphy • Shawn Murphy • James Murray • Kimberly Murray • Kristin Murray • Ryan Murray • Alexander Murrell • Eric Murrell • Katherine Myatt • Jessica Myers • Jacob Naldi • Michelle Nancarrow • Leeanna Neeley • Courtney Neil • Kathryn Nelson • Matthew Nelson • Ryan Nelson • Kathleen Nemec • Lacey Newton • Whitney Newton • Karyn Nichols • Kevin Nichols • Rebekah Nichols • Andrew Nielsen • Andrew Nielsen • Douglas Nielsen • Emily Nielsen • Jessica Nielsen • Jon Nielsen • Luke Nixon • John Nolan • Kinsey Nolan • Dana Nontell • Monica Nontell • Heather Norden • Jarrid Norden • Elena Norman • Carly Norris • Jeremy North • Keith Nunez • John Nutter • James Nuxoll • Jennifer Nyder • Elise Nygard • Rowel Ocampo • Megan Ochs • Charles Oehmke • Erin Oesch • Kensie Ogden • James O’Hearn • Misti Ohrt • Sarah Okeefe • Meagan Olds • Daniel Oliver • Rebecca Oliver • Sara Oliver • Staci Oliver • Carter Ollervidez • Andrew Ollis • Luke Olney • Michael Olson • Michelle Olson • Steve Olson • Elizabeth O’Neal • Sarah O’Neal • Alex Onyett • Jennifer Ooten • Brady Oring • Vanda Osbourne • Krystal Ostrowski • Gretchen Oswalt • Kelsey Outler • Nichole Ovington • Dawn Owen • Debra Owen • Jacquelyn Owens • Matthew Ozment • Andrew Pacholski • Nicholas Pacholski • Emilie Padgett • Rachel Page • Katrina Pageloff • Sarah Palm • Cassie Palmer • Brittany Pals • Lindsey Pals • Sarah Pare’ • Allison Park • Elizabeth Parker • Vierra Parker • David Parsons • Brandon Pastorel • Sheena Patel • Azucena Patterson • Danielle Patzel • Heather Pavlik • Donte Payne • Isaiah Peachey • Kyle Peachey • Kyle Peacock • Abigail Peard • Vanessa Pearson • Allison Peck • Cynthia Pecka • Michael Pendergrass • Stephanie Penev • Zacari Pennington • Audrey Penrod • Lauren Penrod • Michael Perez • Mirko Perkusich • Ian Perrotte • Ryan Person • Lisa Pesavento • Andrea Peters • Brooke Peterson • Eilene Peterson • Brittany Petree • Leah Petrusich • Jessica Peugh • Kathryn Peugh • Elisabeth Peulausk • Holly Pflederer • Rachel Phelps • Derek Phillips • Katherine Phillips • Mary Phillips • Matthew Phillips • Timothy Phillips • Christopher Pickering • Emilie Pickering • Nicholas Pickering • David Picone • Jana Pierce • Amanda Pierson • Farris Pierson • Ashley Piggush • Andrew Pihl • Danielle Pipal • Jason Piper • Abby Pleasant • Patricia Podguski • Emily Poling • Michael Polley • Brian Ponce • Elisabeth Pond • Mary Porcaro • Caitlin Porter • Jessica Porter • Allen Posey • Mariah Potts • Jeffrey Poucher • Nelson Pouliot • Trisha Powell • Kylee Powers • Thomas Powers • Travis Powers • Tori Prentice • Amy Preston • Ashlee Prewitt • Crystal Pribyl • Amy Price • Jared Prince • Martin Pritchett • Billie Proehl • Calebb Proehl • Dusstin Proehl • Jaclyn Puroll • John Quandt • Daniel Quanstrom • Emily Queen • David Quimby • Jessica Raatz • Sonya Rabatine • Timothy Rabe • John Rachan • Kevin Rader • John Radzimanowski • Morgan Radzimanowski • Neil Rago • Brennan Ragon • Joshua Raines • Christopher Rakoczy • Rebekah Rakoczy • Megan Ralston • Rachael Ramer • Joel Ramirez • Jennifer Ramsay • Remington Ramsey • Shannyn Randle • Diane Rankin • Carrie Ratcliff • Billy Ratthahao • Brandon Rattin • Emily Rattle • Elyse Rawley • Adam Ray • Alexander Raymond • Koree Read • Adam Reader • Luverta Reames • Kelsi Rector • Blake Reddick • Aaron Reed • Allison Reed • Bradley Reed • Megan Reed • Angela Reedy • Alyssa Reeves • Rebekah Regenfuss • Deborah Reid • Gerald Reid • Jennifer Reierson • Nicholas Reierson • Lauren Reimers • Jacqueline Reinhardt • Joseph Reisinger • Dustin Rennewanz • Jill Retoff • Joshua Revor • Gregory Rexroth • Paul Reyes • Jordan Reynolds • Maria Reynolds • Matthew Reynolds • Nichole Rhodes • Nathan Rhule • Aaron Rice • Andrew Rice • Richard Rice • Crystal Richards • Jason Richards • Heidi Richardson • Darin Riddle • Sarah Riddle • Charles Rideout • Carrie Riegle • Charlia Riley • Jesse Ringer • Alex Ripberger • Karen Ritter • Sandra Ritter • Angela Rivas • Sal Rivera • Amanda Roach • Christopher Roach • Martha Roach • Brianna Robbins • Marissa Robbins • Jason Roberts • Kirsten Roberts • Brianna Robins • Meagan Robins • Cara Robinson • Jordan Robinson • Kelsey Robinson • Kent Robinson • Lacey Robinson • Tanya Robinson • Jonathan Robison • Merrick Robison • Krista Robyn • Alex Rodriguez • Christina Rodriguez • Daniel Rodriguez • Kathleen Rojek • Kayla Rolling • Adrienne Root • Polly Root • Morgan Rorer • Lindsay Rosales • Joshua Rose • Kendra Rose • Cherise Rosenberg • Kandy Rossi • Gregory Rothacker • Whitney Rothney • Lauren Rothrock • Tanicia Rouse-Nelson • Katharine Rowe • Jennifer Rowley • Thomas Rubarts • Jessica Ruddle • Samantha Ruehl • Beth Ruff • Jonathon Runyan • Randall Rupert • Amy Rushing • Mary Russo • Sarah Rutledge • Daniel Ryan • Matthew Ryba • Kyle Rybolt • Shane Saathoff • Joshua Sabinas • Daniel Saffell • Kyle Saffell • Jordan Saller • Jace Salm • Erin Salzman • Matthew Samples • Scott Samuelson • Aline Sanchez • Jamie Sandefur • Christen Sanders • Erin Sandoz • Anna Sansom • Olivia Santiago • Scott Sargent • Aubrey Sarna • Rachel Sarver • Zachary Sassman • Jorden Satterwhite • Natalie Sauch • Geoff Sauter • Bonnie Savage • Joe Savage • Bethany Sayles • Kelly Saylor • Bo Sayre • Brett Sayre • Stephanie Scannapieco • Emily Schaack • Drew Schaafsma • Cody Schaefer • Travis Schaffer • Laura Schaumburg • Julie Schell • Jerry Scheller • David Scherer • Jessica Schewe • Adam Schick • Angela Schiefelbein • Megan Schield • Andrew Schimp • Michael Schimp • Daniel Schindel • Christopher Schkerke • Anne Schmelzer • Emily Schmidt • Jacob Schmidt • Tara Schmidt • Janel Schmitt • Andrew Schmitz • Brittany Schoppen • Nathan Schott • Brian Schrock • Sarah Schrock • Desiree’ Schroeck • Jonathan Schultz • Aubrey Schumacher • Holly Schumacher • Catherine Schutt • Jyssica Schutz • Mary Schwarz • Lyra Schweiger • Megan Schwind • Alyse Scott • Britni Scott • Hannah Scott • Maya Scott • Rachel Scott • Rebekah Scott • Sara Scott • Brittany Scruggs • Erin Sebero • Sabrina Seed • Clara Selm • Austin Senior • Brenna Settle • Danielle Seufert • Joshua Severs • Garrett Sevigny • Jared Sexton • Cheryl Shackleford • Adam Shalley • Leah Shankster • Brodie Sharp • Cassandra Shattuck • Ann Shaughnessy • Grant Shaw • Lauren Shaw • David Shay • Charles Sheets • Stephen Sheets • DeJuan Shelby • Emily Shelton • Haley Shelton • Megan Sherman • Sarah Shilvock • Jason Shipman • John Shoffstall • Daniel Shomali • Justin Shonamon • Tyler Shore • Zachary Shore • Hannah Short • Hilary Short • Jared Short • John Short • Jacob Shreffler • Jonathan Shreves • Jessica Shumaker • Stephanie Siadak • Dawn Sickles • Daniel Sidler • Mark Sidler • Heather Sieg • Kristin Sieg • Amanda Siems • Amanda Sifuentes • Terry Sigler • Erin Sikora • Drew Silver • Anthony Sims • Michelle Sims • Sara Sims • Jeeten Singha • Derek Sinko • Sarah Sinn • Lauren Sinwelski • Emily Sipe • Robert Siscoe • Thiphaphone Sivilay • Krista Skelton • Stacey Skelton • Jason Skidgel • Kendra Skodak • Matthew Slimmer • Whitney Slusher • James Sly • Courtney Smallwood • Samuel Smidt • Anna Smit • James Smit • Abigail Smith • Alexandra Smith • Ashley Smith • Colleen Smith • Colton Smith • Colton Smith • Ian Smith • Jacob Smith • Jalisa Smith • Jessica Smith • Justin Smith • Justin Smith • Kaitlin Smith • Kelsey Smith • Kristin Smith • Mary Smith • Nicholas Smith • Robert Smith • Ryan Smith • Scott Smith • Stephanie Smith • Thomas Smith • Travis Smith • Elijah Smurthwaite • Alexander Sniegowski • Drew Snyder • Jeremy Snyder • Kelcey Snyder • Matthew Sobotka • Kristine Sokarda • Melisa Sokarda • Jane Sommer • Dayna Sommers • Adriene Sonnenschein • Christopher Sorensen • Faith Sorenson • Amanda Soukup • Brooklin Soulia • Rachella Southerland • Shara Southerland • Kelsey Sowards • Jessica Sowden • Paul Sowden • Courtney Spagnoli • Allison Spalding • Logan Spangler • Ashley Sparenberg • Bradley Speck • Tara Speelman • Rebecca Spence • Wesley Sprague • Emily Spunaugle • Tayler St Aubin • Sarah Staal • Alyson Staats • Michael Staley • Jade Stanlick • Sarah Stapleton • Jeffrey Stark • Jennifer Stark • Lyell Stark • Josh Stauffenberg • John Steckman • Stephanie Steele • Rachel Steen • Chad Steinborn • Kori Steiner • Kyle Steinke • Andrew Stembridge • Sarah Stephansen • Timothy Stephansen • Madelyn Stephens • Kyle Stephenson • Megan Sterk • Rebeckah Sterns • Adam Steveley • Alek Stevens • Bryan Stevens • Roxanne Stevens • Tara Stevens • Carol Stevenson • Sarah Stevenson • Brett Stewart • Brygette Stewart • Caleb Stewart • Joshua Stewart • Rachel Stewart • Daniel Stiff • Kenneth Stiverson • Jennifer Stob • Ilija Stojcevski • Daniel Stombaugh • Clara Stone • Dale Stoops • Tania Stott • Gretchen Stout • Rachel Straub • Ellen Street • Brandon Streets • Shannon Streets • Sean Streff • Ashlee Strickler • Erin Strom • Andrew Strombeck • Marcia Strong • Stephanie Strong • Mallory Studniarz • Lisa Sullan • Elen Sultan • Samuel Summerlin • Cara Sunberg • Christa Sunberg • Nicholas Sunberg • Mario Sunta • Steve Suominen • Cynthia Suparman • Alyssa Swan • Debra Swanson • Aaron Swart • Kristi Sweeney • Caitlin Sweet • Amy Swihart • Bradley Sytsma • Emily Tadla • Ethan Tamez • Melissa Tanner • Aimee Tarr • Lauren Tassone • Whitney Tatman • Brandie Taylor • Brooklyn Taylor • Daniel Taylor • David Taylor • Debra Taylor • Jasper Taylor • Megan Taylor • Reagan Taylor • Sara Taylor • Tyreze Taylor • Amanda Ter Beest • Heather Terhorst • Angorit Terrell • Ray Terrell • Christopher Terrill • Jason Tezawa • Dallas Tharp • Sarah Thoeming • Allison Thomas • Brittany Thomas • Cambria Thomas • Joel Thomas • Kendall Thomas • Abby Thompson • Ashley Thompson • Cassandra Thompson • Elizabeth Thompson • James Thompson • Kristin Thompson • Nola Thompson • Kaitlynn Thorne • Jonathan Thornton • Jordan Thorse • Kristin Tiarks • Nathan Ticknor • Quinten Tigner-Parker • Joshua Tijerina • Victoria Tillman • Ryan Timm • Victoria Timm • Alyssa Tipping • Andrew Todd • Caitlin Todd • Christopher Tolbert • Danielle Tolbert • Joshua Tornstrom • Felix Torres • Danek Torrey • Jason Tower • Tarshawa Townsend • Joshua Tracy • Sarah Trainor • Carl Trank • Jaclyn Travnik • Samantha Treece • Mayra Trejo • Rayanna Tressler • Sarah Trice • Christopher Triebold • Nina Trisilla • Alexis Troglio • Jon Troglio • Paul Trotter • Christopher Tudor • Sarah Tudor • Brianne Tuinstra • Muluneh Tulu • Michael Tuttle • Elise Tyma • Katherine Ufkin • David Ulrich • Christiana Underdown • Amanda Unger • Brandon Upchurch • Matthew Upshaw • Clayton Urbanick • Danielle Urfer • Joshua Vadeboncouer • Maritza Valentin • Nancy Valentin • Christa Van Bruggen • Katy Van Donselaar • Michelle Van Doorne • John Vance • Rebecca Vander Naald • Danielle Vander Schaaf • Kami Vander Velde • Michael Vanderhei • Dustin Vanderhoof • Amanda Vanderpool • Scott Vandersteen • Julie VanDeWoestyne • Brittany Vantrease • Craig Vantrease • Julia Vargo • Casey Vaughan • Jenny Vaughn • Emily Vaught • Tiffany Vegh • Emily Vellutini • Keith Venhuizen • Sarah Vershowske • Lauren Versweyveld • Craig Vickey • Kristen Victorson • Katie Vietti • Jose Villa • Andrea Villar • Nathan Villotti • Elizabeth Virt • Georgiana Voicu • Emily Volling • Cory Vollmer • Desiree VonWerder • Benjamin Voss • Elizabeth Voss • Jessica Voss • Christina Vrba • Jayna Vroman • Rachel Waage • Emily Wade • Andrew Wahler • Caroline Wainwright • Kasey Waite • Kevin Wakefield • Alanna Waldvogel • Christopher Walker • Daniel Walker • James Walker • Kyle Walker • Matthew Walker • Mathew Wallace • Tyler Wallenfang • Kathryn Waller • Nathaniel Waller • Victoria Wallin • Kevin Walsh • Kristin Walstra • Emily Walters • Abigail Waltrip • Hannah Waltrip • Rachel Waltz • Nicholas Wangler • Tracey Wangler • Sara Wantz • Ember Ward • Lindsey Ward • Luke Ward • Ana Warren • Jacqueline Warren • Phillip Warren • Emily Waskow • Isaac Watson • Julie Watson • Kristen Watson • Paige Watson • Laura Wayteck • Anna Weaver • Sarah Webb • Joseph Weber • Nathan Weeden • Lauren Wegley • Scott Weiderman • Todd Weiderman • Brittanie Weimer • Abigail Weisel • Luke Wellman • Angela Wells • Emily Wells • Brian Welter • Heather Wenzel • Audra Werntz • Glenn Werry • Corrie Wessman • Aaron Westerfield • Timothy Weston • Bryan Whalen • Aaron Wheeler • Adrienne Wheeler • Chelsey Wheeler • Houston Wheeler • Matthew Wheeler • Andrew Wherley • Casie Wherley • Joyce Whitchurch • Anastasia White • Elizabeth White • Kasie White • Paul White • Constance Whiteside • Michael Whiteside • Justin Whitlow • Jessica Whitt • Sarah Whitten • Maggie Whittington • Keitha Wickey • Ethan Widecan • Jeremy Wielgat • Michael Wiencek • Daniel Wiens • Holly Wiersema • Diann Wilbur • Anthony Wild • Jenna Wiley • Laura Wilkens • Jennifer Wilkerson • Joshua Wilkinson • Amber Willard • Megan Wille • Adam Williams • Alex Williams • Angela Williams • Angela Williams • Ashley Williams • Demetrius Williams • Devin Williams • Erin Williams • Jon Williams • Linda Williams • Tabitha Williams • Tim Williams • David Williamson • Kathryn Williamson • Kyle Williamson • Heather Willoughby • Bethani Wilson • Catherine Wilson • Christen Wilson • Courtney Wilson • Kristen Wilson • Felicia Wimberly • Steven Windberg • Kristin Wininger • Chelsea Winn • Samuel Winters • Kelsey Wiseman • Julie Wittmer • Stephen Wolfe • Sarah Wolford • Joseph Wood • Ashley Woodburn • Courtney Wooding • Alissa Woods • Brittany Woods • Joshua Woods • Rowan Woolsey • Anson Workman • Robert Workman • Amanda Wrede • Andy Wright • John Wright • John Wright • Kristen Wright • Mark Wright • Megan Wright • Melissa Wright • Sean Wright • Emily Wynstra • Janet Wynstra • Kent Yamane • Sarah Yanchick • Ashley Yeager • Todd Yeoman • Josh Yokley • Brittiny York • Dana Yost • Andrew Young • Ashley Young • Heather Young • Joseph Young • Meredith Young • Samantha Young • Elizabeth Youngman • Steven Zaborowski • Cameron Zajc • Chase Zajc • Magdalena Zajkowski • Ryan Zalewski • Heidi Zamecnik • Michael Zamecnik • Anna Zanel lato • Danae Zarbuck • Michael Zar ing • L indsay Zavi tz • Jenni fer Zelhar t • Sarah Zelhar t • Heid i Z immerman • Er ica Z iver ts • Nicole Z iz ic • Susanna Zwirkoski • Ben Zwol inski

one chapel. one chair. one moment. Changes everything.

6 8

w w w . o l i v e t . e d u

Behind every one of these names, there is a student. And during any given Chapel service, one-quarter of these students are missing because there is simply not enough room. The new Chapel will provide us the oppor- tunity to gather as one community.

The Gospel will be proclaimed with simplicity and love. The Bible will be taught with clarity and passion. There we will pray and learn how to pray. We will worship and sing and testify. There, in the context of chapel, we will confront the complex issues of the day — TOGEThER.

the new olivet chapel at olivet will be used

to transform lives of olivet students and their spouses and their children and their workplaces and their churches and their communities and the long reach of all the places they touch.

To learn more about this important project and how you can provide seats for the new Chapel, contact the Office of Development at 815-939-5171 or go online to www.olivet.edu.

olivet online

student 4 student, a new student-led initiative to raise scholarship funds, organized a concert, game show and other special events during “Tuition Free Day” Wednesday, April 8. The day, which marked the point in which 82 percent of the school year had been completed, raised awareness about the 18 percent of operational costs covered through the generosity of ONU supporters.

Become an ONU insider! E-mail us at [email protected] to subscribe to Alumni & Friends E-news featuring the latest headlines, photos, events, and stories from Olivet Nazarene University.

for the latest news about Olivet Nazarene University.


◉myth buster: understanding the eSL degree

◉GlimmerGlass garners state awards

◉high level of trust leads to ‘Best Christian Workplace’ certification

◉Students go miA for Spring Break

◉Strickler unveils new nASA images, celebrates international year of Astronomy

Visit www.olivet.edu and

click “news and events”

tuition Free Day

to learn more, visit www.olivet.edu and select “The Olivetian” from the Quick Links menu.

shine.Fm and Word recording artist meredith andrews gave students an up close and personal concert.

Gregg ’90 and tammy (salyer) ’90 hosted onu's version of the price is right.

senior class president Brandon crombar ’09 headed up the efforts for tuition Free day.

Spring 2009 The Olivetian 9

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w w w . o l i v e t . e d u

on that day.

The following is their diary. A snapshot in

time. A brief glimpse into the life and mission

of our students, faculty and staff as seen

through the camera lens.

The following is a “Day in the Life of ONU.”

10 cover story

midnightM a r c h 2 5 , 2 0 0 9 › › 1 a.m. 2 a.m.

still on her computer in Williams hall, emily spunagle ’12 admits, “We should be in bed” | Klein

nelson pouliot ’10, Joy Jupp ’09, and lily Gonzalez ’09 in the Fish Bowl, finishing a marketing plan for their promotions and Marketing for athletics class | BReMeR

student employee Caleb Floyd ’09 checks gauges in the boiler room | BReMeR

the eternal Flame lights the main entrance | PeugH

two weeks after it was first placed there, this birthday cake is still adorning the counter- top in a male apartment | ZaRing

peter Foster ’10 and Melissa Marmon ’10 enjoy a game of parcheesi in the lobby of hills hall | Klein

What is a “typical” day like at Olivet Nazarene University?

The answer to this question varies as widely as the number

of people being asked.

A living, breathing, assembly of people and programs,

the life of the University extends beyond the 8 to 4:30 work

hours, and far beyond the campus acreage.

We chose a date at random, March 25, 2009, and then

simply asked our students to document what they observed

12:10 a.M.

12:26 a.M.

12:46 a.M.

12:37 a.M.

1:07 a.M.

4:35 a.M.

Chris tudor ’09 models for a Figure studies Class | dueRRWaecHteR

emily shelton ’11 working at the circulation desk in Benner library | Reed

General superintendent J.K. Warrick, along with several district superintendents, delegates to General assembly, and onU faculty members, meet to discuss a proposed rewording of the Church of the nazarene’s article of Faith 10: entire sanctification | dueRRWaecHteR

Cherly prairie makes sure Common Grounds coffee shop is stocked following the morning rush | WangleR

Spring 2009 The Olivetian 11

w w w . o l i v e t . e d u

3 a.m. 4 a.m. 5 a.m. 6 a.m. 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 9 a.m.

Megan skinner ’01/’08 Mol (coordinator of faculty and student services), Joan Bishop ’82/’08 Mol and Dennis seymour ’82 (director of information technology) work out in the fitness center | dueRRWaecHteR

Building services’ eric hoffmeyer readies the athletic facilities for a new day | PeugH

students in olivet’s hong Kong-based Master of arts in professional counseling program gather to study | alice

(4:02 P.M. hong kong STANDARD TIME)

Major Jason Creek encourages rotC cadet Kedric Jones ’09 as he prepares for the critical apFt, or army physical Fitness test | dueRRWaecHteR

Williams hall for freshman women | FRias

arlene Woods already hard at work on the day’s meals | PeugH Kelley prayer Chapel | PeugH

the sun rising over the Warming house and Watson Field | aRnold

◀rotC students on a 3-mile run as part of early morning pt, a.k.a. physical training | dueRRWaecHteR

Kay anderson sorts morning mail in the onU post office | dueRRWaecHteR

student employee Urbano Garcia ’11 dust mops the lower level of ludwig Center | dueRRWaecHteR

student musicians lead worship for chapel services | BeRtoloZZi

students, faculty and staff flock through red square toward Chalfant hall for Wednesday morning chapel services | aRnold


3:02 a.M.

8:59 a.M.

9:03 a.M.

9:06 a.M.

5:05 a.M.

5:31 a.M.

12:46 a.M.

6:16 a.M.7:19 a.M.

7:30 a.M.9:29 a.M.

6:16 a.M.

6:03 a.M.

9:30 a.M.

9:38 a.M.

6:44 a.M.

9:38 a.M.

Multitasking is no problem for biology major Brittney McKenzie ’10 | Mccann

10 a.m. 11 a.m. noon 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m.

w w w . o l i v e t . e d u

12 cover story CONTINUED, FrOM PrEvIOUs PAgE

Jamie Dewey ’09 is a student teacher for fourth grade students at King Middle school | Meents

10:19 a.M.

recent renovations to Benner library and resource Center provide space for students to work on individual and group projects | BeHning

andrew Butler ’12 and stefanie Diloreto ’12 water plants in the Greer Greenhouse for a Biology ii project | BuRKe

housing and environmental design major hilary Gilkey ’10 works on a redesign for Chicago northside Church of the nazarene | BeHning

the red room is a convenient dining option for students on the go | BeHning

andrea McCann ’10 snaps photos in the Judy Coomer dining room | dueRRWaecHteR

Zoology major amanda Christensen ’10 is one of several caretakers for Kami the bearded dragon | engelBRecHt

Brittany Frost ’09, member of olivet’s tau theta chapter of the sigma tau Delta national english honor society, prepares a poster for the society’s national conference | VegH

admissions ambassador emily James ’09 gives a campus tour to a high school student and her family | Floyd

pam Knepper ’11 plays pool in lower level ludwig | KnePPeR

Biology major sarah Clark ’09 is also working toward eMt certification from Kankakee Community College through her training at provena st. Mary’s hospital | stePHansen

nick Darland ’10 and lauren Comfort ’12 team up for their intro to Graphics class | Mccann

sodexo’s aaron piercy prepares one of 90 pizzas that will be served as an option throughout the day | BReMeR

Cody Cholwea ’10 makes pharmacology flash cards for his 4 p.m. test | BuRKe

sarah thoeming ’11, seth athialy ’11, and Caitlin Mcneil ’10 take a quick break in the quad | PesaVento

Brent anthony ’10 works on his exegesis in Benner library | PesaVento

olivetians for life members Megan Koop ’12 and andrew Massengale ’10 prepare diaper bundles at the Kankakee pregnancy resource Center | englisH

◀ assistant track coach tori Gaumer helps a student stretch | Floyd

◀ Glen hoevet prepares the landscaping for spring | caMPBell

Justin Beuthin ’09 and Wade McCann ’09 head across campus following their 2 p.m. class | Mccann

art majors Michelle McFadden ’09 (front) and Corrie Wessmen ’09 hard at work in ceramics class | PesaVento

10:51 a.M.

10:55 a.M.

11:19 a.M.

1:51 p.M.

2:06 p.M.

2:23 p.M.

2:28 p.M.

2:41 p.M.11:23 a.M.1:01 p.M.

1:54 p.M.11:02 a.M.

11:04 a.M.

11:50 a.M.

12:25 p.M.

1:50 p.M.

1:50 p.M.

2:04 p.M.

2:05 p.M.

2:52 p.M.

2:56 p.M.

5 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 9 p.m. 10 p.m. 11 p.m.

all of the images featured in “day of the life of onu” are the work of onu photography students.

We would like to thank professor Bill Greiner for assisting us in this project, as well as the following student photographers:

colin arnold ’12 stephanie Bertolozzi ’10 josiah Bremer ’10 rachel Burke ’10 elizabeth campbell ’10 michael carlson ’11 stephanie crabtree ’09 amanda duerrwaechter ’10 anna engelbrecht ‘09Bethany english ’09 joel Floyd ’09 Kathryn Frias ’12 nicole johnson ’10 nicole Klein ’12 joanna Knepper ’12 jessica Kortas ’11 andrea mccann ’10 amy meents ’09 Faith mingus ’11 lisa pesavento ’10 jessica peugh ’09 allen posey ’09 aaron reed ’12aubrey sarna ’12jacob smith ’09 timothy stephansen ’10 jason tezawa ’10 maritza valentin ’12tiffany vegh ’09 tracey Wangler ’09michael Zaring ’11lindsay Zavitz ’10

Spring 2009 The Olivetian 13

w w w . o l i v e t . e d u

sports management major Kendall thomas ’09 throws a discus during afternoon track practice | Floyd

infant daughter of a Kankakee pregnancy resource Center client who benefits from the volunteer work of olivetians for life | englisH

Music major eric Barkman ’09 practices with the orchestra | KnePPeR

testament men’s choir prepares for an away concert | Floyd

art major Beth anderson ’09 at work in the painting studio | englisH

teammates erica engelbrecht ’11 and Claudia voicu ’10 prepare for tennis practice | engelBRecHt

Future educator James hall ’10 illustrates a creative method for teaching molecular science to elementary students | Valentin

olde oak resident Director rob Gibson ’04 and Jon robinson volunteer for shine.FM’s spring pledge drive | englisH

laura Messenger ’11 visits with residents of provena st. Mary’s nursing home as part of her volunteer work with evangels ministry | KoRtas

Baseball practice with coach todd reid | FRias

students enjoy the sunny weather, knowing more cold days are in the forecast | aRnold

laura Gardner ’10 uses andy Warhol as inspiration for her graphics project | teZaWa

Guitar ensemble members luke Mingus ’10, Jeremy Gibson ’09, Geoff sauter ’12 and Matt Daugherty ’11 practice for thursday’s “night of Jazz” | ZaVitZ

Mastering skills at volleyball practice | saRna

Catcher shelley Durante ’10 stays alert for a throw to home | JoHnson

Megan Mann ’10 volunteers with the Wednesday night youth group at the salvation army | Posey

Grad students within the school improvement leadership program meet with their instructor, Dr. phil smith | Meents

Kristin lam ’09 and Brad systsma ’11 act out a scene from the curious savage during evening rehearsals | Floyd

Jamie Jacobs ’09 greets students arriving for the parlor worship service at College Church of the nazarene | englisH

Jerry teter, second shift public safety officer, unlocks rooms for evening classes in the basement of Burke | dueRWaecHteR

Backstage at one of their final practices for the curious savage, friends Zarah Miller ’11 and emily Burns ’09 take time out for silliness | caRlson

◀ Joshua tornstrom ’09 has enough faith in high-flying rory Fry ’09 to allow him to practice this move for tiger Champion Wrestling, a.k.a. tCW | Posey

Matthew Murdick ’11 hopes for a strike during Dollar night at Gala lanes | BeRtoloZZi

Katie Gremar ’10 hanging out with her host family after the first day of classes in Grecia, Costa rica. | suBMitted By Katie gReMaR

onlIne gallery

Hundreds of photos were

taken over the course of this project. To see more selected

photos not included in this

print edition, visit www.olivet.edu and click on the link for “Flickr Photo Gallery.”

3:01 p.M.

4:27 p.M.6:00 p.M. 7:15 p.M.

8:04 p.M.

8:49 p.M.

6:07 p.M.

4:59 p.M.3:14 p.M.

3:46 p.M.

5:11 p.M.

5:53 p.M.

6:49 p.M.

9:09 p.M.

3:13 p.M.4:58 p.M.

6:06 p.M.

4:11 p.M.

4:14 p.M.

5:15 p.M.

5:16 p.M.

6:32 p.M.

7:00 p.M. 10:07 p.M.



Alumni& frienDS

w w w . o l i v e t . e d u

14 general assembly

While in Orlando, join Olivet Nazarene University and 30,000 of your closest friends during the Church of the Nazarene’s General Assembly!


Interactive experience in the exhibit hall,• including giveaways, ONU representatives, and music and more from Shine.FM

Daily social gatherings• with performances by Olivet students, faculty and alumni at the Peabody hotel


Visit www.olivet.edu and select “Online Store” from the Quick Links menu.

Call the Office of Alumni Relations at 815-939-5258.

Complete the form below and mail it to: Olivet Nazarene University, Office of Alumni Relations, One University Ave., Bourbonnais, IL 60914.



Alumni and Friends Breakfast* Saturday, June 27, 8 a.m., Peabody Hotel Total adults attending _______ x $20 per adult = $ _________

O.N.You! for Kids Breakfast and Games*Saturday, June 27, 7:45 to 10:15 a.m., Peabody Hotel Total children attending ______ x $5 per child = $ _________

Kids’ names and ages:





Cell phone number where a parent/guardian

may be reached while in Orlando: _________________________

MAIl-IN rEGIStrAtION • Alumni & Friends Breakfast • June 27, 2009 • Orlando, Fla.


Name ________________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

City, State, ZIP ________________________________________________________________________

E-mail _________________________________________ Daytime Phone ______________________

☐Pay by credit card ☐ Check Enclosed (payable to Olivet Nazarene University)

Type of Card ☐ ] ☐ i ☐ t

Credit Card # ___________________________________________________ V-Code # ____________

Expiration Date _____________ Total to be charged $ _________________


Office of Alumni Relations, Olivet Nazarene University, One University Ave., Bourbonnais, IL 60914

Questions? Call the Office of Alumni Relations at 815-939-5258

registration forms must be postmarked by Friday, June 12, 2009


Alumni & Friends •Breakfast, with Dr. John C. Bowling and the music of Orpheus Choir and the ONU Gospel Choir

Games, •entertainment and breakfast for the youngest Olivetians, ages 2–10, during O.N.You! for Kids

Spring 2009 The Olivetian 15

w w w . o l i v e t . e d u

Class Notes

19 70sDennis J. Crocker ’75 was appointed vice president for academic serv ices at Bethel College in Mishawaka, Ind. From 1986 to 2008, he was professor of music and chair of the Division of Fine Arts at MidAmerica Nazarene University in Olathe, kan. he earned the DMA in conducting in 1985 from the Conservatory of Music at the University of Missouri/kansas City and the MM from the University of Michigan School of Music in 1977. he has served as a pastoral staff member at Nazarene Churches in Michigan, Missouri and kansas. In 2002, he was honored as the Ministerial “O” Award winner at ONU. Dennis has been married to Jeannie (Cone) ’77 since 1977. They are the parents of three children; Nicki ’04, DJ and Tori.

19 80s

Dr. Jo Williamson ’87 has co-authored a book for educators titled, Technology Facilitation and leadership standards: what Every k-12 leader should know and Be Able to Do. The book is grounded in both her academic preparation and practical work experience. The book is co-authored by a colleague, Dr. Traci Redish. Dr. Williamson holds an M.A. from University of kansas and a Ph.D. from University of Illinois. Both degrees are in curriculum and instruction, with a focus in instructional technology. Prior to her work at kSU, she served as the director of technology for Waukegan, Ill., public schools, director of Area One Learning Technology hub for the Illinois State Board of Education, and the director of technology & media division for the Georgia Department of Education. Dr. Williamson and her husband, Brent Ewers, live in kennesaw, Ga. She is currently an assistant professor at kennesaw State University (kSU), where she teaches graduate education courses in educational leadership and instructional technology. Brent is the executive director of the Northwest Cobb YMCA.

19 90sCurtis Christopher ’92 was named Coach of the Year for 2008–09 in the NCCAA Mid-East Region Men’s Basketball. Curtis coaches at Ohio Christian University, where he is also employed as vice president of operations.

Brad ’94 and marissa Jones: A girl, Virginia “G i nn y ” Fa i t h , N o v e m b e r 5 , 2008. She joins big brothers Jackson, 3 and Will, 2. Brad is a sales operations manager at Ford Motor Company and

Marissa is a stay-at-home mom. They reside in Ashburn, Va.

michael and Brooke (Blight) Amash ’96: A girl, Olivia Grace, February 2009. Brooke works as a probation officer and Michael is a loan officer. They reside in San Diego, Calif.

onu alumniUPcomInG eVents

anD comInG to a cItY near YoU …

Debra (Pratt) ’96 and Doug Biggs: A girl, Audra Leigh, January 11, 2009. Debby is a designer at The Cabinetree of Wis. and Doug is the western sales manager and marine sales manager for The U-line Corp. They reside in Grafton, Wis.

Danny Goddard ’96, m.C.m. has accepted the senior pastorate of New Castle First Church, on the Indianapolis District after 11 years as senior pastor of First Church of the Nazarene, Yukon, Okla. his first book, Pastoral Care in Times of Death and Dying, has just been released by Beacon hill Press. Danny and Sandie have one son, Tommy, a senior at Southern Nazarene University.

heather (Perdue) ’97 and Steven G. Smith: A girl, kindi Noelle, September 7, 2008. She joins brother Spencer, 3. heather is a pediatric d iabetes educator /dietitian at Provena St. Joseph Medical Center in Joliet, Ill. Steve farms

and works at Peddinghaus, Corp. They reside in Saint Anne, Ill.

Jodi (Dennis) ’98 and robert Loyd: A boy, kelvin Robert Lee, February 18, 2009. Jodi is a nurse at Jewish hospital in Louisville, ky., and Robert is a full time student. The family resides in Jeffersonville, Ind.

20 00sJ o e l ’ 0 0 a n d Stephanie newsham: A boy, Wesley Grider, December 21, 2008. he joins brother Levi, 1. Joel is the music teacher of Pleasant Grove Elementary, and Stephanie is a stay-at-home mom and CPA tax accountant at R.D. Stone, CPA. They reside in Greenwood, Ind.

Danielle (Pospisil) ’01 and Adrian Perez: A girl, Isabella hope, January 13, 2009. Adrian is a shift coordinator with the Casa Youth Shelter in Dallas and Danielle works with the Institute for Creation Research as the Tour Coordinator. They reside in Flower Mound, a suburb of Dallas.

melissa (Leatherman) ’03 and Brian hyma: Adopted a girl, Nora kate, February 10, 2008. Melissa is a physical therapist and Brian is the athletic t ra in ing educat ion program director at Olivet. They reside in Bourbonnais, Ill.

mallori Lesh ’05 and Jonathan Demildt were married on July 19, 2008 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mallori is in her fourth year teaching world history at Prairie high School. Jonathan is a

graduate of LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas, and works as an aviation engineer at Rockwell Collins. The couple currently resides in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Bryanna (hill) ’05 and nick Tanner: A girl, Alexis kate, December 12, 2008. Bryanna works part time as a medical insurance biller and Nick works in advertising for Christianity Today, International. They reside in North Aurora, Ill.

Jordan Bumgarner ’06 and Jennifer Lucrezio were married in Cambridge, N.Y., August 2, 2008. Jennifer works as a credit

compliance consultant for Rabobank, and Jordan is the director of church relations for 89.7 Shine.FM. Both perform in the Christian rock band Lucrezio. They reside in Chicago, Ill.

Bethany (Denhart) ’06 and Andrew Wright ’10: A girl, Raegan Nicole, December 22, 2008. Bethany teaches pre-kindergarten in hopkins Park, I l l ., and Andy is finishing his degree in youth ministry. They reside in Bourbonnais.

Simone mulieri ’06/’07 m.A. and Andrew Twibell ’06/’07 m.A. were married May 17, 2008. Simone serves as the associate pastor for hispanic Ministries at kankakee First

Church of the Nazarene. Andrew works as resident director in ONU’s Nesbit hall. They reside in Bourbonnais.

Georgia english ’09 and nathan merki ’07 were married December 29, 2007, in Bushnell, Ill. Nathan is attending graduate school at Olivet and working at Shine.FM as a graduate assistant. Georgia is completing her undergraduate course work at Olivet. They currently reside in Bourbonnais.

Curtis Christopher

Olivia Amash

Virginia Jones

Dennis Crocker Audra Biggs

Kindi Smith

Nora Hyma

Wesley Newsham

Isabella Perez

Mallori and Jonathan Demildt

Alexis Tanner

Jennifer and Jordan Bumgarner

Raegan Wright

Georgia and Nathan Merki

Simone and Andrew Twibell


Bears Training Camp Golf Outing at kankakee Country Club

Prime Time Day Featuring Dr. John C. Bowling and music by the Toler Brothers

Night at the Ballpark: West MICHIgan WHIteCaps vs. WIsConsIn tIMBer rattlers at Fifth Third Ballpark, with fireworks to follow

Night at the Ballpark: InDIanapolIs InDIans vs. norFolK tIDes at Victory Field, with fireworks to follow

Alumni & Friends Breakfast plus O.N.You! for Kidssee pg. 14 for details

Alumni & Friends Gathering: Following camp meeting services at the eastern MICHIgan FaMIly CaMp

JULY 24,


SEP 25,








Flor ida

MAY 30, 2009

jUNE 12, 2009

jUNE 27, 2009

jUlY 19, 2009 Michigan


Barbara was a long time member of Detroit First Church of the Nazarene lo-cated in Farmington hills, Mich. She was the “unofficial greeter,” always smiling and greeting people with a warm hello. Barbara will be buried alongside her husband in Plymouth, Mich. Those desir-ing may wish to make a donation to the Alzheimer’s Association in her memory.

rev. Gordon W. Dawes ’56 passed away on December 18, 2008. his wife, Frances V. (Turner) Dawes passed away on January 30, 2009. The Dawes served the Lord in pastoral minis-try for 61 years in the Nazarene Church. They were dedicated to the local ministry and to missionary work around the world. Gordon and Frances were married for 73 years.

19 70s

rev. Donald Lee messer ’70 died Tuesday, February 17, 2009. Rev. Messer was the pastor of the First Church of the Nazarene for the past 2½ years. he and his wife served as missionaries through the International Church of the Nazarene World Missions. he also served in missions for 26 years in zambia, Malawi, kenya and South Africa. he was a 1965 graduate of Oskaloosa Iowa high School and a lifelong member of the Church of the Nazarene. Born January 26, 1947, in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, he was the son of Gil-bert Grant and Florence Marie Johnson Messer. he married Barbara Andrews on July 20, 1968, at the Church of the Nazarene in Oskaloosa, Iowa. She survives.

Dr. ruth elizabeth mitchell-Pitts ’73 passed away February 1, 2009, after a 16-month battle with cancer. Ruth was born June 19, 1951, to the Rev. Dr. Thomas Crichton and Eliza-beth Mitchell in Pais-ley, Scotland, the Coats & Clark suburb of Glasgow. Ruth’s family lived in vari-ous cities where her father, a minister of the Church of the Nazarene, held pastoral and, later, teach-ing posts. Ruth was married to Dr. Brent A. Pitts of Raleigh, N.C. The couple had two daughters.

19 40s

reuhama e l l en “reu” foote ’47 passed Saturday, Oc-tober 4, 2008. She was born November 16, 1917, in Gloust-er, Ohio. She married William G. Foote, June 5, 1948, in South zanesville, Ohio. Mrs. Foote had been a primary school teacher in kansas, Michigan and Illinois, retiring after 50 years of service. She had taught first grade at Mark Twain Elemen-tary School for 25 years. She was a mem-ber of College Church of the Nazarene, where she was a member of the Chancel Choir for 38 years. She was also a mem-ber of the kankakee Valley Garden Club, the kankakee kultivators, the Sauk Trail Rose Society, and the American Rose Society. Obviously, she was a rose en-thusiast. In 1981, her husband William surprised her with 16 rose bushes. And in her own words, “They have been a joy ever since.” Reu’s roses have been awarded ribbons, decorations, and the highest honors throughout the Midwest. Some of her favorites were the First Prize rose, the Sheer Bliss rose, and her all-time favorite, the Olympiad.

ruth Anne (Griffith) Sparks ’49 went to her heavenly home August 21, 2008, following a short illness. She was born in N. Vernon, Ind., and, as a young child, she gave her heart to Jesus. In 1941, she en-tered Olivet Nazarene College, earning a de-gree in music educa-tion. On Olivet’s cam-pus, she also met the man who would become her beloved hus-band of over 63 years, the Reverend C. kenneth Sparks. Even though she was a member of the Class of 1945, she had to postpone graduation until 1949.

16 onu alumniIn MemoriamOlive faye milby, wife of the now deceased James harlan Milby, passed away on March 6, 2009. The couple was married for 76 years. Fay was born on April 30, 1913 in Olive hill, ky. From 1957–1961, harlan raised $5,000,000 for Olivet Nazarene University to build five buildings in memory of their son, Tom.

Paul Christensen, a loyal and dedicated employee of Olivet for 40 years, passed away Friday, April 10, 2009. Mr. Christensen served within the University’s Building and Grounds Department as a ground-skeeper from 1968 until September of 2008. David Pickering, director of business services at Olivet, reflects on the impact of Mr. Christensen. “Paul not only cared about his work at Olivet, making the place look as good as he could, he also had that same ministry outside of work. he was always willing to help people with their yard work or other du-ties. Paul cared for those around him. “Paul demonstrated to me that as Christians we can have an impact and make a difference. We can do things in a quiet way, maybe without anyone noticing, on a daily basis. Paul impacted the lives of others in a great way, leading by example through actions rather than words.”

Ruth Ann served alongside her hus-band in ministry for over 60 years, serving in nine churches in four states. In her final years, she and ken attended First Church of the Nazarene in Anderson, Ind.

19 50s

Lloyd edward mitchell ’50 passed away on December 21, 2008, after a lengthy illness. he was born February 19, 1920. On August 31, 1946, he married Ade-laide Taylor. Lloyd and Adelaide had eight children. Lloyd attended Olivet, singing in both the Vikings Men’s choir and also in a men’s quartet. The Mitchells were commissioned in 1947 as song evangelists by the Pittsburgh District of the Church of the Nazarene. After graduation from Olivet, they went into full-time evangelism and traveled for 25-plus years. While in evan-gelism, they were known as “The Musical Mitchells.” Their work included evangelis-tic services, youth camps and boys and girls camps.

rev. robert f. Styers ’52, of Circleville, Ohio, passed away October 15, 2008. he was born March 15, 1929, in New-ark, Ohio. he mar-ried Dorothy Gilbert ‘53, who survives, on June 24, 1951, in hillsdale, Mich. he was an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene serving the church for over 55 years, retiring in 2007. he pastored five churches on the Cen-tral Ohio District. Under his leadership, four of the churches completed major building programs or property acquisi-tions for future expansion. he served for many years on the Central Ohio District Advisory Board, as well as Mount Vernon Nazarene University Board of Trustees. his ministry to children spanned two gen-erations of central Ohio Nazarenes. he ministered to thousands of children on the Central Ohio District at summer boy’s camps, district camp meeting children’s services and children’s revivals, present-ing the Gospel to children using magic tricks and ventriloquism.

Barbara m. (Thompson) Davis ’55 of Grand Blanc, Mich., formerly of Plymouth, Mich., age 76, died peacefully Saturday, April 11, 2009. Barbara resided at Clare Bridge of Grand Blanc. Barbara was born July 29, 1932, in Elgin, Ill., to Monroe and Eleanor Thomp-son. She was the youngest of five girls. After graduating from Olivet Nazarene Col-lege with a degree in education, Barbara married Edward Davis on December 22, 1955. They lived in Grand Rapids, Mich., for several years before moving to Plym-outh. Following a short teaching career, Barbara was a secretary and homemaker. She enjoyed needlework, gardening, an-tiquing and traveling with friends.

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We’d lOve tO heaR FROM YOU! Send us your news and pictures. please submit alumni news, less than one year old, in the format printed in this section. Be sure to include all in for mation, including

class year. Due to space constraints, not all pictures will be used, and content may be edited. news should be sent via e-mail to [email protected], at www.olivet.edu or through the mail to the Olivetian, olivet nazarene University, one University avenue, Bourbonnais, il 60914. pictures must be sent through e-mail or uploaded online. For detailed Class notes guidelines, visit www.olivet.edu and select “the olivetian” from the Quick links menu.

Reuhama "Reu" Foote

Ruth Anne Sparks

Rev. Gordon Dawes

Rev. Donald Messer

Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell-Pitts

Rev. Robert Styers

CORRECTION: In the 10 Questions feature of the winter 2009 issue, The Olivetian incorrectly stated that kent and Beth Olney are teaching Olivet’s first-ever course on marriage. It should have read, “first ever husband and wife team-taught course on marriage.”

Spring 2009 The Olivetian 17onu sports

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mid-season invitational at olivet, april 18, 2009

“I started running in junior high. I really look up to my older sister, and she is a runner. I’m not very coordinated, so running worked well for me,” she laughs. After the injuries started becoming a little too common, Bekah concedes she felt really frustrat-ed. “I kept asking God, ‘Why is this happening?’ But he doesn’t always answer that question,” she shares. “It was my goal to keep going and not give up. In high school and here at Olivet, there are always other injured people around you lifting weights and cross training. It has been an opportunity for me to encourage them and the rest of the team. I re-ally got to know others who were struggling with injuries, and we were there for one another.”

hiTTinG The STreeTS runninG When winter hit with dipping temperatures and slick conditions, Bekah formulated a game plan after her fourth stress fracture occurred. “Running on the indoor track was too hard on my shins, so I decided to run outside to stay in shape and condition. There were definitely days

it was way too cold and I was like, ‘I think I’ll run on the treadmill instead!’ “But for the most part, knowing I was going to be competing in the indoor season kept me motivated and sticking with it when no one else was around.”

GeTTinG her SeCOnD WinD Like many athletes, a strong sense of Bekah’s identity comes from being a runner, but she feels this season of trial by injury has shaped her. “I am an athlete. I think in the past, I did iden-tify myself as a runner. And despite asking God many times why this happens, I think he wanted more for me. he wanted to show me I’m more

than just a runner; to show me I shouldn’t put my sole purpose in running or any other thing. “It’s an ongoing lesson I have to keep going back to, to keep my priorities straight.” A personally rewarding time for Bekah was seeing her hard-core winter runs pay off in successfully qualifying for the indoor track nationals in the 1500m.

rOunDinG The BenD Recently discovering her body’s tendency toward low bone density has given some clarity to her injuries, but even doses of calcium may not pre-vent the inevitable.



M E N ' S B A S K E T B A L L

Wallenfang joins 1,000-point club

› Basketball forward Tyler Wallenfang ’10 recently joined the University’s 1,000-point

club. He became the 36th member of the club after chipping in 29 points in a Jan. 24 contest against Robert Morris College. After an 18-point effort in the final game of the season, Wallenfang fin-ished the year with 1,212 career points, placing him 28th on the Tigers’ all-time scoring list. He is also cur-rently 14th all-time in career free throw attempts with 371 and 18th all-time in free throws made with 247.

W O M E N ' S S O F T B A L L

ritchie reaches milestone

› Softball head coach ritchie richardson reached a coaching milestone during the

team’s spring break trip to Florida this year. He earned his 600th career victory with a 5-4 win over No. 18 Biola University. His current record is 610-230. Putting together an over-all winning percentage of .726, Richardson has lead the Tigers to seven Chica-goland Collegiate Athletic Conference regular season championships, eight CCAC tournament cham-pionships, five NAIA Region VII titles and made five NAIA World Series appearances. In 2003, the Tigers earned a third place finish at the World Series. Richardson has coached 31 CCAC All-Conference players, 12 CCAC Players of the Year, 11 NAIA All-Americans and 10 NAIA All-American Scholar Athletes.



W O M E N ’ S T R A C K


B y

C A S E y


“I’m controlling what I can and being careful with the rest,” she shares. As Bekah delves into the outdoor track season, she reflects on the most rewarding moments of her time spent on the ONU track team. Ironically, it doesn’t have much to do with running. “I have looked up to past captains of our team, for their faith and accomplishments. The relation-ships I have with the girls on the team are great, and it is encouraging getting to know them. They are all such great girls,” shares Bekah, who hap-pens to be this year’s team captain. Through the disappointments accompanying athletic injury, track and field coach Mike McDowell sees Bekah as a standout, not just for her athletic ability but for her character and perseverance. “Even though she hasn’t been able to run or compete the way she is capable of, her team-mates voted her captain for cross country and track and field,” shares coach McDowell. “kudos to Bekah for overcoming adversity and being a true champion.”


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18 onu sportsmIrror ImaGes theY ’re not. Flanking ei-ther side of second base, the two senior captains are more of a study in contrasts. Pete Smidt ’09, his blond locks sneaking out from underneath his hat, shifts his weight from one foot to the other, rhythmically pounding his right hand into his mitt. As he waits for the pitcher to wind up, the short-stop is in constant motion. Meanwhile, Jeff Alexander ’09, stands at attention — stoically, almost — until the pitcher steps back to hurl a fastball across home plate. Turns out, you can learn a lot about a man by the way he waits for the wind up.

one DaY at a t Ime |Coming into the season, the captains had a shared goal. “Our team expectation is to win conference,” they say in sync. Last year, with a new coach and a core of returning players, the teammates thought they’d eventually find themselves in the College World Series. But after a hot start, the team cooled in the final weeks of the season, falling short of their goals. While the season didn’t end the way they had en-visioned, the experience helped shaped the way they would approach their last season together. “We realize it takes a lot of work to get to that level; you can’t just expect it,” Pete says as Jeff nods in agree-ment. “This year we’re taking it one step at a time.

the oDD coUPle | “As captains, we need to set the tone,” Jeff says. “It’s important for us to set the tone of urgency to get us to the level where we want to be this year.” To do that, the two infielders take two completely different approaches. “Jeff’s very calm, very collected — and that makes him a good captain,” Pete says. Jeff agrees, but quickly points out Pete’s greatest strength. “I’m more business like with a lot of things

that we do, but Pete is the more personable captain.” “For example,” offers Pete, a smile already forming in the corners of his mouth, “Let’s say a pitcher is on the mound and is having a horrible game. One of us may call time out to calm down the pitcher. “Jeff would go up there and be like, ‘We have one out. Let’s get through the inning.’ he’ll calm the pitcher down. I would go up there and say something like, ‘hey, this batter, his fly is undone,’ or ‘hey, this batter has a crush on your mom.’”

W h at ' s h a P P e n I n G | While the two employ different personality quirks and leadership styles, the Starsky and hutch routine keeps the team energized and focused through the grueling 46-game regular season. “Pete and Jeff have been ideal leaders for our pro-gram,” says head coach Todd Reid. “They are differ-ent, sure, but what makes them effective leaders is that they are both well respected by their coaches and teammates. “They are both honest and transparent, which makes their teammates trust them both on and off the field.” And as the season rolls on, they’re trusting each other to help make a final push into the postseason. “It’s a long season and it makes you really ex-hausted,” Pete says. “But we just need to stay strong throughout the season and come the stretch, anything’s possible.”

TIGERtRaCKSSoftball After an incredible run last season that ended with a trip to the NAIA National Championship, the softball team found themselves ranked No. 9 in this year’s preseason NAIA poll. The young team has hovered slightly over .500 for most of the season with a 24-18 record, 9-3 in the Chicago-land Collegiate Athletic Conference, through 42 games. Rachel Comoglio ’10 has led the team with a .382 batting average, seven home runs and 44 RBIs. Marisa Baker ’10 has a team-leading 51 hits and 40 runs. Katie Hannagan ’12 has earned nine wins for the Tigers, with Kellie Bonogofsky ’10 posting a 2.20 ERA and 66 strikeouts in 76.1 innings.

Baseball Under head coach Todd Reid, Olivet’s baseball team is looking for its 11th consecutive winning season and second-straight 30-win season. The Tigers are balancing a vet-eran infield and a young pitching staff as they’ve gone 18-12, 7-7 in the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference, through the first 30 games. Out for eight games because of an injury, Pete Smidt ’09 still leads the team with a .407 batting average through 30 games. Elijah Smurthwaite ’12 has batted .404 with a team-leading 36 hits, while Tim Allen ’09 had a team-leading three home runs and Paul Bergan ’09 chipped in a team-leading 29 RBIs. On the mound, Casey Mast ’12 has a team-leading four victories with a 4.1 ERA and 24 strikeouts and posted a 3.29 ERA in 10 appearances.

Men’s Track The men’s track and field team began their outdoor season after a fifth place finish at the NCCAA National Championship. Only two meets into the season, four members of the team have already qualified for the NAIA Na-tional Meet. Drew Collette ’10 has qualified in the 5,000 with a time of 15:07.64 and Kenny MacDonough ’11 has quali-fied for the 10,000 with a time of 32:07.07. In the field, Joe Reisinger ’12 qualified for the shot put with a throw of 15.48 meters in the shot put and Kendall Thomas ’09 qualified for the hammer throw with a toss of 52.79 meters.

Women’s Track After a seventh place finish at the NCCAA Indoor Championship, the women’s track and field team headed into the outdoor season. With two meets com-pleted, the Tigers’ best finish has been an eighth place effort at the Chicagolands Classic at the University of Chicago. Ashley Fozkos ’11 placed first in the pole vault with a jump of 3.65 meters, while Kiersten Ellis ’11 placed third in the 200 meter dash with a time of 26.01 at the event. Fozkos has already qualified for the NAIA National Meet in the pole vault with a leap of 6.5 meters.

Men’s Tennis With three wins in the fall season, the men’s tennis team has posted a 7-5 record through the first 12 games of the spring season. Their season includes wins over In-diana Institute of Technology and William Jewell University, both teams that were receiving votes in the NAIA poll, and NCAA D-I Chicago State University. Mirko Perkusich ’10 has led the way in singles action.

Women’s Tennis Building on a 7-1 fall season, the women’s tennis team is cruising through the spring season. They’ve won seven of their first nine matches, including shut-outs against Indiana Institute of Technology and University of St. Francis. They also shut out Aquinas College in the regional finals. Jessica Raatz ’12 (nine wins), Erica Engelbrecht ’11 (11 wins) and Lily Gonzalez ’09 (seven wins) have led the way in singles matches.

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Wallenfang named nAiA honor-able mention All-American: TYLER WALLENFANG ’10 was named an NAIA hon-orable Mention All-American. he averaged 15.5 points, 7.0 rebounds, and shot .560 from the field this season. he also sits 27th all-time on the career scoring list for Olivet with 1,212 points.

marshall named freshman of the year; four named all-conference: RAShAD MITChELL ’10 and TYLER WALLEN-FANG ’10 were named to the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic First Team All-Conference squad, while CORY hAINLEN ’11 and ANTO-NIO MARShALL ’12 earned honorable men-tion all-conference honors. Marshall also became the first Tiger Freshman of the Year since Phil French in 2005. Mitchell averaged 10.9 points and 6.6 rebounds in conference play and recorded 19 steals. Wallenfang av-eraged 16.3 points and 7.2 rebounds in CCAC games, scoring in double digits in nine of 10 conference games. hainlen averaged 10.8 points and 3.9 rebounds in conference

play, while Marshall averaged 10.2 points and 3.8 rebounds. he also registered 41 assists to only 24 turnovers.

Seven hoopsters take weekly con-ference award: POPPY MILLER ’09 was a two-time winner of the Chicagoland Col-legiate Athletic Conference Player of the Week honors, while CORY hAINLEN ’11, COURTNEY hEhN ’09, ANTONIO MARShALL ’12, RAShAD MITChELL ’10, BROOkE PETERSON ’09 and TYLER WALLENFANG ’10 each won the award once. Miller earned her first award Dec. 14 after a 16-point, eight-rebound, three-assist performance against huntington University. She also won the award March 2 after racking up 44 points, 24 rebounds, three blocks and 16 steals in two games. hainlen took home the award Jan. 19 after averaging 15.5 points, 3.5 rebounds, 4.5 assists and two steals. hehn captured her title on Nov. 10 after putting up 33 points on an 11-19 shooting performance from behind the arc. Courtney also scored 22 points versus Trinity Chris-tian College and 18 against Aquinas Col-lege, giving her a total of 73 points on the week. Marshall won Dec. 1 after a 19-point, 10-assist effort against huntington Univer-

sity. Mitchell took home the award after av-eraging 16.5 points, 10.5 rebounds, three assists and two steals in two games the week of March 2. Peterson took the honor after avering 13.5 points, six rebounds, two assists and two steals in only 40 total minutes. Wallenfang won the honor after a two-game stretch of 35 points on 15-21 shooting and 12 rebounds.

Comoglio, Bonogofsky and han-nagan earn weekly honors: RAChEL COMOGLIO ’10 has taken the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference Player of the Week honors twice this season, while kELLIE BONOGOFSkY ’10 and kATIE hANNAGAN ’12 have each earned Pitcher of the Week honors. Comoglio won her first award March 16 after batting .421 with eight hits and 13 runs in nine games. She won again on April 6 after going 9-18 in six games with nine RBIs, including three home runs, for a 1.111 slugging percentage. Bonogofsky earned pitching honors March 12 after winning three games with a 1.86 ERA. hannagan took home the honors April 6 with three wins and only three earned runs in 21 innings.







Spring 2009 The Olivetian 19

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ten questions

my same big sister. The overwhelming peace and joy I felt during that mo-ment confirmed that the Lord wanted me at Olivet.

2 What are some of the areas you’ve become involved

with at Olivet? During the past two years, I have been a part of Residential Life, serving as an RA to freshman girls in Williams hall. I also have been a part of Asso-ciated Students Council. Last year, I served as class vice president, and this year I am serving as class representa-tive. Also, this past spring break, I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to haiti through ONU’s MIA program.

3 How many girls are you responsible for as a resi-

dent assistant? Does it ever get overwhelming? I am responsible for 27 girls. The only time it gets overwhelming is when I allow it to get that way. If I am not staying on top of personal things to take care of myself and my relationship with Christ, then everything seems to get overwhelming.

4 What has been the most re- warding experience as a rA?

There have been so many reward-ing experiences. If I had to choose just one, I would say having the opportu-nity to build close relationships with the girls on my floor and being able to witness them growing in the Lord. It has been through these types of rela-tionships that the Lord has stretched me and taught me many lessons.

5 Are you typically up late, or do the girls let you catch

some Zs? Typically I am up late hanging out with my girls — girls who have become more friends to me than a responsi-bility. Whether it’s doing homework together, watching TV or making late night runs to the store to get items to make puppy chow, I enjoy staying up late and hanging out with them.

6 Any humorous stories to share from dorm life?

Where to begin?! My girls have been so much fun! One story that sticks out involves clean-room checks. As RAs, we are asked to do these weekly. I told the girls on my floor I would send an e-mail a day or two before I actually do the checks so they have time to prepare. A few weeks after the first clean-room check, two of my girls thought it would be funny to put a note on everyone’s door saying there would be clean-room checks that day at 4 p.m. Of all 28 of my girls, at least 20 of them took the note seriously and cleaned their rooms. Since then, little pranks have been pulled left and right. Between the marker fights, t-ping of my room, and hiding in my closet to scare me, my girls always keep me on my toes!

7 What do you most look for- ward to beyond college life?

Since being an RA in Williams for two years, I have a huge desire to be a RD for freshman girls once I graduate. The Lord placed a calling in my life during my sophomore year of high school to come to Olivet and study ministry. Through Olivet, I have found out that the ministry is everywhere around us. I would love to be specific and tell you that I have a certain dream job for my future, but all I know is that my sole purpose in life is to be used by God. Wherever he calls me, I want to be willing to go. I also have a huge desire to one day raise a family and be the best example of a godly mother to my children.

8 What challenges in your life would you like to share to

encourage others? Through the challenges of my life, the Lord has always taken care of me. During the end of my junior year of high school, my parents decided to move out of state. I was left with a decision to either move with them or stay and finish out my senior year. I felt the Lord leading me to stay and finish school. Through that year of not having my parents around, the Lord became my Father and took care of my every need.

It’s so true that if you keep your eyes fixed on Christ and cling to his promises, he will always take care of you. There are times when I worry so much about where the money is going to come from for my school bill, or how I was going to afford to go to haiti on a mission trip, but the Lord has always provided. I still have no idea where half of the money came from. The recur-ring truth I have learned is that God will always provide if I am obedient to his will.

9 What has been a class that has really helped train you

well for your Christian education major? I really enjoyed taking Spiritual For-mation with Professor [Fred] Meadows. Through that class, I learned a lot about spirituality and a lot about myself. I re-member working on a project where I had to put together a type of spiritual retreat. I decided to direct mine to-ward teenage girls. While working on that project, I realized just how much of a passion I have for ministering to youth.

10 the semester is wind- ing down. What is

the first thing you’ll do for the summer? I am planning on going to Cedar Point with a few friends of mine!

10 Questions with Resident Assistant

christian Education

Major, Sparta,




DIERICKX1How did you end up at

Olivet? My older sister Jesi (Dierickx) Myers ’00 was a freshman at Olivet when I was in the fourth grade, and I will never forget visiting ONU for the first time. Although I was really young, I knew I wanted to be a student here some day. Senior year of high school came along, and Olivet was the only place I applied. I remember sitting in Chalfant for a freshman orientation lunch with


… little pranks have been pulled left and right. Between the

marker fights, t-ping of my room, and hiding

in my closet to scare me, my girls always keep me on my toes!






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freShmAn OrienTATiOnS: ▶JUNE 11–13, 2009▶JUNE 18–20, 2009▶AUGUST 22, 2009

freShmAn OrienTATiOnS: ▶JUNE 11–13, 2009▶JUNE 18–20, 2009▶AUGUST 22, 2009




