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79047 CMS Report

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  • 8/13/2019 79047 CMS Report



    TO: Office of the City Adm inistratorATTN: Deborah EdgerlyF R O M : Budget OfficeDATE: January25, 2005RE: Reso lution Authorizing the City Adm inistrator to Execute a Contract withFrancisco & Associates for a Two-Year Amount Not to Exceed $31,339 toPerform District Engineering Services For the Violence Prevention andPublic Safety Act of 2004 (Measure Y) for Fiscal Years 2005-06 and2006-07

    S U M M A R YStaffrecom mends that the City Coun cil approve the attached resolution, wh ichaccomplishes th e following:1. Autho rizes the City Administrator to execute a contract w ith Francisco & Associates,Inc.for FY2005-06 and FY2006-07, fo rmandated district engineering services fo rMeasureYparcel assessments, in anamount not-to-exceed $31,339.2. Designates Francisco & Associates, Inc. as the Enginee r of Work for the Violen cePrevention and Public SafetyAct of2004 (Measure Y).3. Determinesacontract per iod ofJanuary 1,200 5 through December 31,2006.FISCALIMPACTSThe total cost of this two-year contractis not to exceed $31,339, including a base contractamount of $30,000 and out-of-pocket e xpenses of $1,339. Funding for this two-yearcontract, includingthethree percent contract compliancefee of $1,001 (foratotalof$32,340 for the two fiscalyears), willbeincludedin theViolence Prevent ion an dPublicSafety Act --M e asureYFund (org 02811 ,fund 2251) budge t for FY 2005-07. CKGROUNDDistrict andSpecialTaxLevyOverviewThe voters of theCityof Oakland approved the ViolencePreventionand Public SafetyAct (Measure Y) in 200 4. This special parcel tax levy is projec ted to generate $12 .17mil l ionrevenuein FY 2005-06. (Addi t ional revenue from th eparkingtaxsurchargeisexpectedto generate $7.75 million.) The Actuti lizes bene fit assessments an dprovidesafunding sourceto theCityofOakland fo rspecific activities, including:

    Communityandneighbo rhood policing Violen ce prevent ion services, wi thanemphasisonyouth

    ItemF inance an dM anagemen t Co mmit t eeJanuary 25, 2005

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    Resolution toAwardMeasure YDistrictEngineeringContract Page 2

    FireservicesThis Act was approved by over two-thirds of Oakland voters in the November 2004General Election. It willsunsetonJanuary 1,2015unlesstheCityCouncilsubmitsanordinanceto thevotersof theCityofOakland extendingthe tax and the voters approvethis extension.Contractor SelectionProcessResolut ion 78899 C.M .S. passed by theCity Councilat itsNovember 16,2004 mee t ingauthorizesacontract with Francisco andAssociates toprovidetheCity with districtengineer ingservices for the fol lowing special districts and tax levie s for FY 200 5-06 andFY2006-07:

    LandscapingandLighting A ssessment District Wildfire Prevention Assessment District Eme rgency M edical Services Retent ionAct of1997 (MeasureM) Paramedic ServicesAct of1997 (MeasureN) Library Services Rete ntionandEnhanceme ntAct of2004 (M easureQ) Rock ridge Library Com muni ty Facilit ies Districtof 1992

    (Please seeAppendix 1 for acopyof the resolution.)Francisco and Associates, Inc. has been the C ity of Oakland's District Engine er for theLLAD,MeasuresM, N and O(nowQ) and theRockridgeLibraryCommunityFacilitiesDistrictsince FY 2001-02. In FY 2003-04, Francisco & Associates developed themethodologyof bene fit for theW ildf i re Pre ve ntion Assessment District and prepared itsfirst Engineer 's Report. Inaddition,Francisco &Associates determined th e methodologyof benefit for the Violence Prevent ion and Publ ic Safety Act of 200 4,Overthepastfouryears,Francisco &Associates,Inc.has done a commendable job as theCity 's D istr ict Engineer . Theteamhascompleted th epast scopes ofworkin at imelymanner ,delive ring superior results in accordance with the City requirem ents and withinbudget. Thefirm hasprove n thatit canprovidetherequisite prope rty assessment datatoth eAlam eda Co unty Assessor in the shortest amount of time and at the least c ost, givenitsfamiliarity withthedata. Thisaspect ofF rancisco& Associates ability is critical, asAlameda County allows for noe xcept ion in amu nicipal i ty 's submit tal of itsfinal revisedassessment ro ll .Staff requests that the City Council w aive therequ i r emen tfor com petit ive reque st forproposalsandauthorizetheCity Administratortonegotiateande nter intoaprofessionalservicesagreementwithFrancisco&Associates, Inc. Staffbelievesthat economies ofscalewill be achie ved if the C ity Counci l authorizes the C ity Adm inistrator to ente r into acontract with the same vendor for the same services asdetailedabove for the ViolencePreven t ionan d Publ ic SafetyAct of2004 (Measure Y)for fiscalyears2005-06 and 2006-07. Goingo utwi thano therRFPprocessfo r Measure Y is not bel ievedto b e effectivegiventheabovefacts,and mayresultindelaysin theMeasure Yparcelassessmentprocess, which ideally should begin early in the third quarter ofFY 2004-05.

    t e m _____F inanceandM anagemen t Co mmit t eeJanuary 2 5 ,2005

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    Resolution toAwardMeasureY District EngineeringContract Page 3

    PROJECTDESCRIPTIONAprofessional engineer shouldberetainedtodetermine th e landusesa nd assessmentrates for each parcel subject to this special tax le vy, to develop theAssessmentRollannuallyfor theCounty Assessor, and toassist withan y informational requests requiredby the City or any citizen or prop erty owne r relating to the districts.Itmu st be noted that the possibili ty of desig nating a City employ ee as the DistrictEngineerof Work w as considered in previou s years for which contract services wereeventually secured. There is no in-house staffwith the specific skills to accomplish therequiredwork. Further, uti l izingaconsulting assessment engineer for thedistrictsprovidesa perspect ive based on impartial engineering judgm ent . An independentengineercan moree ffect ively act as an arbitrator or mediator, providin g impartialdecisionsa ndrecomm endations toresolve assessment disputes.Once the contractor completes the Engine er's Re ports for this special tax levy, theOaklandCity Council w ill hold a public hearing to provide an opportunity for anyinterested pe rson to be heard At the conclusion of the publichearings,the Ci ty Counci lcan adopt legislation conf irming the levy ofassessments as proposed in the Engineer'sReports,or asmodif ied . Following thisformal process, th eEngineer wi l lberesponsiblefo r preparingand filing afinal Assessment Roll witht he Alameda County Assessor ' sOffice for the FY2005 -06and FY2006-07ta x rolls, respectively.Thefinal Assessment Rollfor FY2005-06is due to the County inAugust of2005 ,an dFY200 6-07 rol l inAugust of2006. Tomeet this deadline, th ee ngineer begins workinJanuaryof the same year. This process follows the process for other local assessments,suchas Measures M, N and Q andWildfireD istric t .

    SUSTAINABLEOPPORTUNITIESEconomic: Up to 20percentof thecontract willbesubcontracted to ace rt i f ied smalllocalbusine ss enterprise, thereby directly creating economic opportunity within theOaklandcommuni tyEnvironmental : Measure Y procee ds wi ll be used to enhance the Ci ty ' s pol ic ing,violenceprevention andfireprotection services, wh ich will in turn enhance the health,safetyand w elfare of all Oakland reside nts.SocialEquity: Thefundingprovided by Measure Y enables the City of Oakland toexpand after-school and in-school programs for youth and children, as well as makesavailabledom est ic violence and c hi ld abuse counselors.DISABILITIES ANDSENIOR CITIZENACCESSMeasureY isintendedto make Oaklandsafer for allresidents, including seniorsan dpersons w ith disabili t ie s.

    t e mF inance and M anagemen t Co mmit teeJanuary 25 , 2005

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    Resolution toAward Measure YDistrict Engineering Contract Page 4

    RECOMMENDATION AND RATIONALEAwarding a contract for engineering services for the Violence Prevention and PublicSafetyAc t of 200 4 is time sensitive. In order to file the Assessment Roll for placem entin the FY 200 5-06 p roperty tax roll in August 2005, the engineering services mu st beginas soon as possible after the start of the calendar year.Staff recommends thattheCity Council approveth e resolution authorizing th eCityAdministratortoexecute th econtractual agreement with Francisco &Associates, Inc .f oratwo-year amountnot toexceed $31,339 toperformengineeringservicesfor theViolence Prevention and Public Safety Act of 2004 (Measure Y) for Fiscal Years 2005-06a nd2006-07. This recommendationisbasedonFrancisco an dAssociates' succe ssfulproposal submitted for the recen t district engineering services R FP for the LLAD,WildfirePrevention Assessment District, Rockridge Community Facili t ies District andMeasures M , N, and Q.

    Respectfully submitted,


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    OAKLANDJSITYSOUNCIL7 8 g 9 9RESOLUTIONNO. c. M. s.ResolutionAuthorizingtheCityAdministratortoR enewandExecuteaContractwithFrancisco&Associatesfor aTwo-YearAmountNot toExceed 122,000to PerformDistrictEngineering Services For theLandscapingandLightingAssessmentDistricttheWildfirePreventionAssessmentDistrict,theEmergencyServicesRetention Act of 1997(Measure M), the Paramedic Services Act of1997(Measure N), theLibraryServicesRetentionand Enhancement Act of2004(MeasureQ), and theRockridge Library CommunityFacilities Districtof1992,for FiscalYears

    2005-06and2006-07W HEREAS,theCity Councilandlocal voters approved theLandscapingandLighting Assessment District in1989,the WildfirePrevention Ass ess ment Districtin2004,the Emergency Services RetentionAc tof1997 (MeasureM ), theParamedic ServicesAct of1997 (MeasureN),the Library Services Retention and Enhancement Act of 2004 (MeasureQ),and the Rockridge Community FacilitiesDistrict( Districts );andWHEREAS,aprofessional engineer mustberetainedfor theaboveAssessmentDistricts to delineate the parcels included within the

    boundaries, to determine the land uses and assessment rates for eachparcelinordertodeveloptheAss ess ment R oll annuallyfor theC ountyAssessor ,and as sist with any informational requestsrequiredby the C ityrelatingto theDistricts;andWHE R E AS, it is in theCity's best interesttocontinue toutilizeaconsulting assessmentengineerwho canprovideaperspectivebasedonimpartial engineering judgm ent, who c an represent an interest notass ociated withtheCityor theaffectedproperty owner,and whopossessesexpertisenotcurrently resident withintheexisting City staff;andWHEREAS, Francisco&Ass ociates, Inc.hasdonea commendablejob as the District E ngineer for the Districts over the past four fisc al years

    andwasdetermined afinalistof acompetitive selection proc ess followingthe issuanceof aR equestforProposals (R FP);andW H E RE AS,F rancisco&Ass ociates, Inc.c anprovidethe requisitedatain theshortest amountoftimeand at theleast c ost, given itsfamiliaritywiththeCityofO aklandand thedata;andW H E R E A S ,F rancisco&As soc iates, Inc.was theonly candidateto

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    havemet theCity's minimum participation requirementfor Small/SmallLocal Business Enterprises; andWHEREAS, Francisco&Associates, Inc.met theother performancerequirements outlined in the Request for Proposals notice issued by theCity in summer 2004; andWHEREAS,Francisco & Associates, Inc. is agreeable to a contractunderthetermsandconditions agreeableto theCity;andWHEREAS, engineering services are required immediately todevelopthe FiscalY ear2005-2006 Annual Engineer's Reports for the

    Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District and for the WildfirePreventionandAssessmentDistrict,prepare datafor theAlameda CountyFY 2005-06 Assessment Roll, and respond to requests relative to the othernamed Districts and Special Tax Levies; and

    WHEREAS,theCity Council finds thattheserviceisprofessional,scientificortechnical, istemporaryinnature,andshallnotresultin thelossof salary or employment by any person having permanent status in thecompetitive service;

    N OW ,THEREFORE,BE ITRESOLVEDby theCouncilof theCityofOaklandthattheCity desirestocontinuewiththepreparationandactsnecessaryfor the Districts and Special Tax Levies; and be it further

    R E S O L V E DthattheCity Administratorisauthorizedasfollows:1. Renewandexecutea contract withFrancisco&Associates,Inc.for

    FY 2005-06 and FY 2006-07, for mandated district engineeringservices in an amount not-to-exceed $122,000.2. Designate Francisco & Associates, Inc. as the Engineer of Work fortheLandscaping andLightingAssessment District (LLAD), theWildfire Prevention AssessmentDistrict, theEmergency MedicalServices Retention Act of 1997 (Measure M), the ParamedicServicesAct of1997 (MeasureN), theLibrary Services RetentionandEnhancement Act of 2004 (Measure Q), and the RockridgeCommunity Facilities Districtfor FY2005-06and FY2006-07.3. Determine a contract period of January 1, 2005 through December31,2006.4. DirectFrancisco & Associates,Inc.tofileanannualreport for theLandscaping and Lighting Assessment District with the City Clerk in

    accordance withtheprovisionsof theLandscaping andLightingActof1972, specifically Section 22622 of the California Streets andHighwaysCode.

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    5. Direct Francisco&Associates, Inc.to file anannual reportfor theWildfire Prevention Assessment District with the City Clerk inaccordance withtheprovisionsofSection50078of the CaliforniaGovernment Code,per theOaklandFireSuppression, PreventionandPreparedness District Ordinance (2003).

    Andbe itfurtherR E S O L V E Dthat funding for the contract will come from the followingsources:

    LandscapingandLightingAssessmentDistrict(Fund2310): $41,785WildfirePrevention Assessment District(Fund2320): 25,893MeasureM -EmergencyMedicalServices RetentionAct(Fund 2412): 8,358MeasureN -Paramedic ServicesAct(Fund 2250); 8,358Measure Q -Library Services RetentionandEnhancement Act(Fund2240): 31,339RockridgeLibrary Community Facilities District (Fund5130): 6,267

    Total: $122,000

    , with the three percent contract compliance fee, which equals $3,660,split proportionally among the district, and be it furtherRESOLVED that Francisco&Associates,Inc. ishereby directedtofileanannualreportfor theLandscaping andLightingAssessment District with theCityClerkinaccordance withtheprovisionsof theLandscapingandLightingAct of1972, specifically Section 22622of theCalifornia StreetsandHighways Code;and be itfurtherR E S O L V E Dthat Francisco&Associates,Inc. ishereby directedtofilean

    annual reportfor theWildfire PreventionAssessmentDistrict withtheCity Clerkinaccordance withtheprovisionsofSection 50078of theCalifornia GovernmentCode,per theOakland Fire Suppression, PreventionandPreparedness DistrictOrdinance(2003),and be itfurtherR E S O L V E DthattheCityAttorneywill reviewthecontractas toformandlegality,and acopyofsuch executed contractwillbeplacedonfileat theCityClerk's Office.


    CEDAFLOYDCityClerkandClerkof the Councilof theCityo fOakland, California

  • 8/13/2019 79047 CMS Report


    O F F I C E C F 'H E C I T V C L E R KOAKLAND CITY COUNCIL2 5 J A N I3 ' -PH 8 = 1 9RESOLUTIONNo. c. M . s.

    Resolution AuthorizingtheCityAdministratortoExecuteaContractwith Francisco& Associates for aTwo-Year AmountNot toExceed$31,339toPerformDistrictEngineeringServicesFor the Violence

    PreventionandPublicSafetyAct of2004(MeasureY) forFiscalYears2005-06and2006-07

    WHEREAS,the City Council and local voters approved the ViolencePreventionandPublic SafetyAct of2004 (MeasureY) in the November2004General Election by greater than a two-thirds majority vote; and

    WHEREAS, a professional engineer should be retained for theMeasure Y to delineate the parcels included within the boundaries, todetermine the land uses and assessment rates for each parcel in order todevelop the Assessment Roll annually for the County Assessor, and assistwithany informational requestsrequiredby the Cityrelatingto the specialparceltax levy; and

    WHEREAS, it is in the City's best interest to continue toutilizeaconsulting assessment engineer who can provide a perspective based onimpartial engineering judgment, who can represent an interest notassociated with the City or the affected property owner, and who possessesexpertise not currently resident within the existing City staff; and

    WHEREAS, Francisco & Associates, Inc. hasdonea commendablejob as the District Engineer for the Districts over the past four fiscal yearsan dwas awarded a contract to provide district engineering services for theLandscapingandLighting Assessment District,theWildfire PreventionAssessment District, the Emergency Medical Services Retention Act of1997 (Measure M), theParamedic ServicesAct of1997(MeasureN), theLibrary Services Retention and Enhancement Act of 2004 (Measure Q),and the Rockridge Library Community Facilities District of 1992 for FiscalYears 2005-06and2006-07 afteracompetitive selection process followingtheissuanceof aRequestforProposals (RFP);and

    WHEREAS,Francisco & Associates, Inc. can provide the requisitedatain the shortest amount of time and at the least cost, given its familiaritywith the City of Oakland and the data; and

    WHEREAS, Francisco&Ass ocia tes,Inc. meetsthe theCity'sminimum participation requirementforSmall/Small Local BusinessEnterprises; and

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    W H E R E A S ,Francisco&Associates, Inc.isagreeableto acontractunderthetermsan dconditions agreeableto theCity;andWHEREAS,engineeringservicesarerequired immediatelytodevelop prepare datafor theAlameda County F Y2005-06 Assessment

    R oll, andrespondtorequests relativetothis Special ParcelT axLevy;andWHE R EAS, theCity Council finds thattheserviceisprofessional,scientific ortechnical, istemporary innature,andshallnotresultin thelossofsalaryoremploymentby anyperson having permanent status in thecompetitiveservice;NOW, THEREFORE,BE ITRESOLVEDby theCouncilof theCityofOakland thattheCity desirestocontinuewiththepreparationandactsnecessaryforthis Special PropertyT axLevy;and be itfurtherR E S O L V E DthattheCity Administratorisauthorized asfollows:

    1. Executeacontract with Francisco&Associates, Inc. for FY2005-06 and FY 2006-07,formandated district engineering servicesinanamount not-to-exceed $31,339.2. Designate Francisco&Associates, Inc.as theEngineer ofWorkfor

    theViolence PreventionandPublicSafetyAct of2004for FY2005-06 and FY2006-07.3. Determine acontract period ofJanuary 1,2005through December31,2006.

    And be itfurtherR E S O L V E Dthat fundingfor thecontractwillcome fromthe ViolencePreventionandPublic SafetyAct --MeasureYFund (org 02811, fund 2251),withthethree percent contract compliance fee of$1,001for atotalof $32,340;and be itfurtherRESOLVED, pursuanttoO.M.C. Chapter 2.04, Section 2.04.051.B, theCityCouncil finds anddetermines thatit is in thebest interestsof theCitytowaivetherequirementforcompetitive requestsforproposalsandauthorizetheCityAdministratortonegotiateandenter intoaprofessional services agreementwith FranciscoandAssociates, Inc.toprovide district engineering servicesfor

    MeasureYparcel assessmentsin anamount not toexceed thirty-one thousand,three-hundredandthirty-nine dollars ($31,339.00); and,be itfurther

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    R ES O LV ED tha ttheCity Attorney will reviewthec ontract as toformandlegality,and acopyofs uch exec uted con tract wil lbeplaced onfileat theCityClerk's O ffice.



    City Clerk and Clerkof the Counci lof theCityof Oakland, California
