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  • 8/13/2019 79418 CMS Report


  • 8/13/2019 79418 CMS Report


    -2-Proposed AuthorizationsStaff anticipates thattw ocontracts exceedingth e City Administrator 's authority mustb eapproved d uring the sum m er recess, and is seeking the City Cou ncil 's approval to proceed. Staffreports andresolutions regardingth e following contracts will appearon the Mayor 's SummerRecess agendas.Services Agreem entThe following services agreemen t exceeds the $300,000 limit, will be ready for approval duringthe C ouncil recess, and has implications if not approved tim ely during the recess:From: DepartmentofHu m an ServicesResolut ion AuthorizingTheCity Adminis t ra to r ToEnter IntoAServicesA gr e e m e n t WithTheOaklandUnified SchoolDistrictIn AnEstimatedA m o u n t Of$510,862.00To FundMe a su r eY Violence Prevention Programs, Specifically Conflict Resolution ProgramsAndSecond Step Cur r icu lum Implem enta t ion , D ur ingThe 2005-06 SchoolYearWithTwoOne-Year Options ToRenewAt AnEs ti m a te d A m o un tOf$510,862 PlusCostOf LivingA d j us t m e n t A n n ua l l y Wi t ho u tFurther Counc i l ApprovalThis resolution w ill allow the O akland Unified School District to begin implementation ofMeasure Yfunded program s during the 2005-06 school year. Specifically, $235,782 wasallocated forpeer conflict resolution programsin 12 to 15midd le schools. A nadditional$275,080 was allocated for Head Start and OUSD K-8 implem entation of the Second Stepviolence prevention curriculum . The general terms of this contract were approved b y CityCounci lwhen itadoptedstaff MeasureY recommendationsonJune 7,2005.The total amount of $510,862funds a contract beginn ing July 1, 2005 through Jun e 30, 2006with two one-year options to renew pending the demonstration of successful outcomes. Thecontractis not yetreadyfor theJuly City Council meeting,a nddeferringthecon tract approvaluntilSeptember wouldn otal low OUSDtohirestaffand bereadyfo r implementation in the2005-06 school year.

    ProcurementContractThefollow ing contractforprocurementofsupplies or services exceeds th eC ity A dm inistrator 's$500,000 authority, willb eready fo rapproval duringthesum mer recessand hasim plications ifnotapproved tim ely.From: Public Works AgencyResolut ion Authorizing the A w a r d Of AContractToLovett &LovettRoof ing Com pany,The Lowest Responsible Bidder,In AnA m o u n tNot ToExceed FiveH und red Sixty EightT ho usa n d Four Hundred Seventy Seven Dollars ($568,477.00)For AOne-Year TermContractIn Accordance with Specificat ions Dated November 5,2004For Roof ingAndWaterproofing Instal lat ion At Various City-Owned Facilities,Reject ingAllOtherBids andAuthor iz ing a1-year Extens ion Underthe SameTermsand Condi t ionsin anA m o u n t N o t-

    ItemFinance&Managemen t Com mit teeJuly 12 ,2005

  • 8/13/2019 79418 CMS Report


    -3-To-Exceed Five Hundred SixtyEightThousand FourHundredSeventy Seven Dollars($568,477.00)WithoutFurtherCouncil ApprovalThe R esolution w ill authorize the City to award a one-year contract to the low est responsiblebidder (Lovett &Lovett Roofing Company)forroofing repair andretrofiton an asneeded basis.TheOffice of Contract Com pliance evaluated the Lovett & Lovett proposal and determ ined thatitmeets 100% L/SLBE participation.Costof the contract isbasedon theunit pricesfor anestimated amount of different roofingsystems that may n eed repair during the course of the contract. C ity main tenan ce crews are notstaffed, nor dothey have th eexpertisefo rmajor roof retrofits.The contract is in accord with the Standard Specifications for Public W orks Con structionContracts, asm odif iedby the City of Oakland's Modifications and Special Provisions;

    Thecontractis for adurationof oneyearan d for amaximumof $568,477.00, whicheveroccurs first. Upon requestof theContractor,theCity Adm inistrator m ayextend th econtract for oneadditionalyearwith terms and conditions remaining the same.Contract award must be expedited as Oakland's normal rainy season starts by mid-November.Several of theroofs includedfor repair,asfunded by theC ity Council, currently leak during rain.Earlyaward of the con tract will allow Pu blic Work s to complete the most u rgent roof repairsbefore startof therainy season.

    Staffreports and resolutions for the above projects will be prepared during the recess and appearonthe M ayor 's Sum mer Recess Agenda.ectfully submitted,

    Jy^JDGE&LYCity Administrator

    Prepared by:Jayne BeckerAssistant to the Ci ty A dm inis t ra tor

    ItemFinance &M anagement CommitteeJu ly 12 ,2005

  • 8/13/2019 79418 CMS Report



    JiTr'V' T v C 1/BtotePUTY CITY ATTORNEYO F F I C E i . : ; ; i2 0 K J U N 3 0



    RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO TAKE ACTION ONPROCUREMENT OF THE FOLLOWING SUPPLIES ANDSERVICES EXCEEDING$500,000 AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS EXCEEDING $300,000DURING THE AGENCY/COUNCIL 2005 SUMMER RECESS:a) Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Enter Into A Services AgreementWithThe Oakland Unified School District In An Estimated Amount Of$510,862.00To FundMeasure Y Violence Prevention Programs,Specifically Conflict Resolution Programs AndSecond Step Curriculum Implementation, DuringThe2005-06 School Year WithTwoOne-Year Options To Renew At An Estimated Amount Of $510,862 plus Cost of LivingAdjus tmentAnnually WithoutFurtherCouncil Approvalb) Resolution Authorizing the Award Of A Contract To Lovett & Lovett RoofingCompany, The Lowest Responsible Bidder, In An Amount Of Not To Exceed Five HundredSixtyEight Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Seven Dollars ($568,477.00)For A One-YearTerm ContractInAccordance with Specifications Dated November5,2004ForRoofingAndWaterproofing Installation At Various City-Owned Facilities, Rejecting AllOtherBids andAuthorizing a1-yearExtensionUnderthe SameTermsandConditionsin anAmount Not-to-exceed Five Hundred Sixty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Seven Dollars($568,477.00) WithoutFurtherCouncil ApprovalWHEREAS,contractapproval limitsfor theCity Administratorduring theannualsummerrecessofth eCityC ouncil havesetexpen diture limitso f$500,000.00fo rprocuremento fcertainsuppliesand services and$300,000.00for professional services contracts; andWHEREAS, thereare two contractsthat exceed these expenditure limitsthatwouldbereadyforapproval during the Council recessand may have implications if notapprovedtimely;andWHEREAS, these itemsare:1. Anagreementwiththe OaklandUnifiedSchoolD istrict ( District )toprovideM easure Yfunding in an estimated amount of five hundred ten thousand eight hundred sixty two dollars($510,862.00) for the District's Violence Prevention Programs, specifically the Conflict

  • 8/13/2019 79418 CMS Report


    Resolution and Second Step Curriculum Implementation programs, during the2005-06 SchoolYear with tw o one-year options to renew at an estimated amount of five hundred te n thousandeight hundred sixtytwodollars ($510,862.00) plus annual costof living adjustments; and2. A City-wide, one-year term contract fo rroofingandwaterproofing installation with Lovett& Lovet t Roofing Company in an amount not-to-exceed five hundred sixty eight thousand fourhundred seventy seven dollars ($568,477.00) in accord with specifications dated November 5,2004 fo r Roofing and Waterproofing Installation atCity fac ili t ies, with a 1-year extension underth esame terms andconditions in anam oun t not-to-exceed fivehundred sixty Eight thousand fourhundred seventy seven dollars ($568,477.00); andWHEREAS: a com petitive b id was conducted for roofing and w aterproofing installation w orkandLovett&Lovet t Roofing Co m panyw asdeemedth elowest responsible bidderan dmeets 100%ofthe City's L/SLBE participation requirements;andWHEREAS,the services agreements identified hereun derare temporary and of a professional,technical or scientific nature; andWHEREAS,for the construction agreements identified herein theCity lackstheequipmentandqualifiedpersonnel to perform the necessary w ork, and the City Council findsthat performance ofthe construction agreements identified herein is in the public interest because of economy, andservices under these agreements wil l be temporary; andWHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the performance of any of theprofessional servicesorconstructionagreements identified hereinshall notresultin the loss ofemployment or salary by any person having permanent statusin the competitive service; now,therefore, be itRESOLVED: That the City Council hereby authorizes the City Administrator to enter intoanagreement w ith the Oakland U nified School District ( D istrict ) in an estimated amount o f fivehundred ten thousand eight hundre d sixty two dollars ($510,862.00) tofund Measure Y ViolencePrevention Programs provided by the District , specifically the Conflict Resolution and SecondStep Curriculum Implementation programs, during the Districts 2005-06 school year, andauthorizingtwoone-yearoptionalrenewalsat anestimatedamount offive hundred ten thousandeight hundred sixty tw o dollars ($510,862,00) plus annual cost ofl iving adjustments , wi thou tfurther Counci l approval , dur ing th e City of Oaklandand Redevelopment Agency2005SummerRecess; and; be itFURTHER RESOLVED:That thattheCity C ounci l hereby author izestheC ity A dm inistratortoaward a contract to Lovett & Lovett Roofing Company, the lowest responsible bidder , in anamount not-to-exceed five hundred sixty eight thousand four hundred seventy seven dollars($568,477.00) for a one-year term contract in accordance with specifications dated November 5,2004forRoo fingand Waterproofing Installation at Various City-owned Facilities, and authorizinga 1-year extension under th e same termsandcondi t ionsin an amount not-to-exceed fivehundred

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    sixty eight thousand four hundred seventy seven dollars ($568,477.00) without further Councilapproval, duringtheCityo fOakland andRedevelopment A gency2005 Summer Recess; and,be itFURTHER RESOLVED: That th e City Administrator shall publish and approve separateresolutions throughtheCity Co uncil/Redevelopment Agency recess agenda processfor anycontractsauthorized hereunder prior to execution of the contract; and, be itFURTHER RESOLVED: That th eapproval sought under this Reso lution fo r item 2requires atwo-thirds voteo f the Council members.344371




    City ClerkandClerkof theCouncilof the City ofOakland, California
