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    paps 1 o f11 . E D T 6267 149 4 ENGINEERING D ATA TRAN SMITTA L

    2. To : (Rece i v i ng Organ i za t i on )Distribution5. Proj./Prog./Dept./Div.:

    3 . From: (O r ig in at in g Organ iza t ion) 4. Re la ted EDT No.:83100/TWRS Upgrades \/A

    7. Purchase Order No.:. Design Au tho r i ty / Des ign Agent lcog.Project W-420

    13 . Pe rm i t /Pe rm i t App l i ca t i on No.:14. Re qu ire d ResDonse Date:I N/A

    Engr.: JH Bussell N/A8. Orig inator Remarks:W-420.Attached is the Year 2000 Compliance Assessment for Project

    11. Re ceiv er Remarks: 11A. D esig n Ba se lin e Document? [ ] Yes [XI No

    9. Equip./Component No.:I O . .Sys tem/BLdg. /Fac i l i ty :12. M aj or Assm. Dwg. NO.:

    N/AYear 2000/241-G


    Approval Designator IF1 Reason for Transmittal IG )E, S, Q, D or NIA 1. Approval 4. Reviewbee WHC-CM-3 -5 . 2 . Release 5 . Post-ReviewSec.12.71 3. Information 6. Oist. (Receipt Ackn ow. Required)Disposition (HI& (I)1 . Approved 4. Reviewed nolcomment2. Approved wlcommen t 5. Reviewed wlcomrnent

    3. Disapproved wlcomment 6. Receipt acknowledged



    21. DOE APPROVAL (ife q u i r e d )11 Approved11 Approved wlcomnents11 Disapp roved w lcomen ts

    C t r l . No.

    for Receiving Organization Cognizant Manager

  • 8/8/2019 797672 Ocr


    s ' HNF-4072,Rev. 0PROJECT W-420 VENTILATION STACKMONITORING SYSTEM YEAR 2000 COMPLIANCEASSESSMENT PROJECT PLANJ. I.ussellN yM ~ + C CRichland, WA 99352US. Departmentof Energy Contract DE-AC06-96RL13200

    Org Code: 83100 Charge Code: io6597b~ioEDTIECN: 626714 UC: 2030

    Code: EWO2J123 Total Pages:Keywords: Year 2000, YZK, Project W-420

    Abstract:This document contains a limited assessment of Year 2000 compliance forProject W-420. Additional inform ation is provided as a road map t oproject doc uments and other references that may be used to verify Year2000 compliance.

    TRADEMARK DISCLAIMER. Reference herein to any specifc commercial pro ow t. process, or service by trade nametrademark. manufacturer. or otherwise. do es not necessarily co nstdne or mp y tts endorsement, recommendation. orfavoring oy the Un'ted States Government or any agency thereof or its contractors or subcontractors.Prrnted .n the LniTed States of Amerfca. To obtain copies 01 tn's oocument contact: Document Conlrol Services,P 0. Box 950, Ma i slop H 6-08 R'chland WA 99352. Phone (509) 372-2420; Fax (509) 3764 98 9

    -Release'Approval Date


    Release Stamp

    Approved For Public ReleaseA-6400-073.1 (10197)

  • 8/8/2019 797672 Ocr


    HNF-4072 R e v 0


    Prepared by:J. H. BussellNUMATEC HA NFORD CO.

    July 13, 1999

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    HNF-4072 Rev0


    1.0 SCOPE ........................ ........................................... 42.0 GENER AL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .................................... 4Stack R eplacements and Renovations ................................................................ 52.1.IStack Instrumen tation .................................................................................... 52.1.2 Stack Sam pling Probes .................................................................................. 52.1.3 Stack Sam ple Probe Inspection and Flow M easurement Ports ..................... 62.2 Generic Effluent Monitor System2.2.1 Vacuum Pumps .............. ...............2.2.2 Record Sam ple Filter Holder ................. ............................... 62.2.3 CAMS .............................2.2.4 Data Acquisition and Co2.2.5 Miscellaneous lnstrumen



    3.0 ASSESSM ENT OF YEAR 2000 (Y2K) COMPLIANCE .........3.1 Procu reme nt Specification .......3.2 System Dates and Date Relat3.3 System Software for the GEMS ............................................... : ........................... 73.4 Year 200 0 (Y2K) C ompliance of the PLC ............................................................. 73.5 Year 2000 (Y2K) Com pliance of the Supplementary Com puter ........................... 73.6 Year 200 0 (Y2K) C ompliance of the Alpha and Beta CAMS ................................ 8

    .......................... 7

    3.7 Year 20 00 (Y2K) C ompliance of Miscellaneous Instrumentation3.8 Assessm ent of Potential Year 2000 (Y2K) Problems 884.0 TEST PLAN .......................................... ............................................................. 85.06.0 SCHEDULE ................................................YEAR 2 000 (Y2K) ACTIVITIES, M AJOR MILESTONES , AND DELIVERABLES ....87.0 Key Project Docum ents ..............................

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    HNF-4072 R e v 0These facilities are described as follows:

    Four Double Contained Receiver Tanks (DCRTs), which are sm all(approximately 16,300 to 31,000 gal, or 62 to 117 m3) anks used for transferringliquid radioactive wastes. These facilities are designated as 244-A, 244-BX,244-S, and 244-TX. They are normally maintained in an em pty state (except forthe non-pum pable heel) when a transfer is in progress. These DCR Ts will beused for saltwell pumping through 1999 and may be used for waste re trievalthrough 2024. Upgrades to their stack monitoring systems will support thesemissions.

    0 The 244-CR V ault is now used prima rily as a double contained receiver tank(DCR T) for transferring liquid radioactive wastes from the 241 C Tank Farm.The re are four tanks in the vault, of which two are isolated and inactive, and oneis used as a drain tank. The fourth is a 15,000-gal (57 m3) tank that is in activeservice. The 244-CR Vault will be used to support saltwell pumping through1999 and may be used for waste retrieval through 2018. Upgrading the stackmo nitoring system will support this mission.The P-16 exhauster is used to maintain the waste temperature in Tanks C -I0 5and C -I0 6 within TSR l imits. In 1999, Tank C -I0 6 will have a separateexhauster ins talled and the waste will be partially retrieved, decreasing the heatload in the tank. The P-16 exhauster will remain in service indefinitely a s abackup ventilation system. Upgrading the stack monitoring system will supportthis mission.


    The basic intent of the upgrades is to replace existing s tack mon itoring systems withsystems that are fully compliant with current regulatory and authorization basis (AB)requirements, and to preserve any existing facility or equipment functions that may beaffected in the process.2.1 Stack Replacements and RenovationsVen tilation exhaus t stack being replaced or renovated are circular ducts and consist ofthree different diameters, 6 inches, 16 inches, and 18 inches. The height of the stacksrange from 12 to 60 feet.2.1.1 Stack InstrumentationStack instrumentation w ill consist of a flow measurement element and a n associatedflow measurement transmitter, a stack p ressure transmitter, a stack temperatureelement and a n associated temperature transmitter.2.1.2 Stack Sampling ProbesA sampling probe will be installed in each stack to provide an air sam ple stream for arecord sample filter and a sampling probe will also be installed in each stack to provideair sample stream to alpha andlor beta continuous air monitors (CAMS ).

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    HNF-4072 Rev02.1.3 Stack Sample Probe Inspection and Flow Measurement PortsInspection ports and measurem ent ports will be installed in each stack to permitinspection of the sample probes and to permit manual flow measurem ents. Th einspection ports are 2-inch or 3-inch capp ed openings in the side of the stack. Themeasurem ent ports are %-inch or I-i nc h capped openings. Manual stack flowmeasurem ents are done on a periodic basis to validate the stack flow instrumentation.2.2 Generic Effluent Monitor SystemThe G eneric E ffluent Monitor consists of five parts:

    (1) Vacuum Pumps to draw air samples from the stack through a record sample(2) A Record Samp le Filter Holder(3) Alpha andlor Beta CAMs to provide warning of airborne radioactive

    filter and the CAM s

    contamination and to provide a signal to shut down the facilities ven tilationsystem(4) Data Acquisition and Control System(5) Misce llaneous Instrumentation such as flow controllers for each sample stream,e.g. record sample filter holder

    2.2.1 Vacuum PumpsTwo vacuum pumps will be provided in the GEMS. One of the vacuum pumps will beoperating while the other vacuum pump will be in reserve. The reserve vacuum pumpwill start on failure of the ope rating pump. The control system will detect the loss of thevacuum and initiate the startup of the reserve vacuum pump.2.2.2 Record Sample Filter HolderThe reco rd sample filter holde r will ho ld a 47-mm diameter filter and will haveprovisions for an Iodine collection cartridge (activated charcoal or silver zeolite). Therecord sam ple filter is changed o n periodic basis to comp ly with regulatoryrequirements.2.2.3 CAMSA beta CA M will be provided for each GEMS a nd an alpha CAM w ill be installed inlocations where alpha contamination is a concern. An Eberline AMS4@ as beenselected and qualified for use as the beta CAM and an Eberline ALPHA-GA@has beenselected and qualified for use as the alpha CAM.2.2.4 Data Acquisition and Control SystemThe data acquisition and control system will consist of an Allen B radley@ rogramm ablelogic controller (PLC) from the SLC-500@amily. An additional computer may be usedfor data storage. A provision for a future interface with TMACS will be provided butconnection to TMACS is not within the scope of Project W-420. Alarm relay outputs willbe provided for alarm annunciation purposes and for other interlock purposes.

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    HNF-4072 Rev02.2.5 Miscellaneous InstrumentationFlow controllers will b e provided for each sam pled stream, e.g. the record sam ple filterholder and each of the CAMS. Other temperature measurements and differentialpressu re measuremen t points are located in the GE MS cabinets.

    3.0 ASSESSMENT OF YEAR 2000 (Y2K) COMPLIANCE3.1 Procurem ent SpecificationA detailed procuremen t specification was p repared for the GEMS (Bussell, 1998)Section 4.1 n the procuremen t specification requires the S eller to provide a Y2Kcomp liant system. The specification also requires the Seller to provide Y2KCom pliance C ertification.3.2 System Dates and Date Related FunctionsIt is not completely known how system dates will be processed in the control system inthe GEMS. One of the PLCs in the Al len Bradley SLC 500 @ fam ilywill be used. Asupplementary computer may be incorporated to provide the required capab ility tostore a l imited history. This computer may process da te ss nd da ted related functions.3.3 System Software for the GEMSThe Seller is respon sible for the providing the PLC software (ladder logic) and anyother software that is necessary. The procurement specification requires softwaredesc ription documents, software verification and validation p lans, and test repo rt to beprepared for the PLC software and other system software (Bussell, 1998). Th e S ellermay use third party software to deve lop the system software. In this case, theprocuremen t specification req uires that the seller provide Y2K certification from thethird party.3.4 Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance of the PLCAllen B radley@ laims that the SLC-500@amily of PLCs does not contain clocks. Inother words, the SL C5 00 @ fam ily f PLCs does not contain a real-time clock (RTC).The refore,'the product does no t have any date-specific functionality and is not affectedby changes in dates. Y2K comp liance information was obtained from links conta inedon h t t p : / / w . a b . c o m . The Allen B radley@ osition is that the SLC-500@ am ily of P LCsdoes n ot contain rea l time clocks and therefore there is not Y2K issue3.5 Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance of the Supplementary Com puterIt is unknown at this time whether the GEM S will have a supplem entary computer inaddition to the P LC. It is also unknown what type of computer the seller may use. W edo not anticipate a Y 2K compliance problem because of the requirements in theprocurement specification.

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    HNF-4072 Rev0

    3.6 Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance of the Alpha and Beta CAMSTh e Eberline ALPHAGA@CAM a nd the E berline AMS4@CAM are Y2K compliantaccording to the m anufacturer. Y2K compliance information on the Eberline AMS4@ rthe Ebe rline ALPHA-GA@was obtained from Eberline Instruments web site,http://www.eberlineinst.com.3.7 Year 2000 (Y2K) Compliance of Miscellaneous InstrumentationMiscellaneous instrumentation in the GEMS is provided by the Seller as described inthe procurem ent specification (Bussell, 1998). It is expected that the miscellaneousinstrumentation will not contain real-time clocks. Therefore, there sho uld be no Y2Kproblems with these instruments. If smart instruments with real-time clocks a reprovided with the GEMS , the Seller is required to provide Y2K certification.3.8 Assessment of Potential Year 2000 (Y2K) ProblemsThe schedule delivery d ate for the GEMS is during the fall of 1999. The G EMS will beinstalled during last part of 1999 to early part of 2000. W e do not anticipate a problemwith Y 2K problems because of the requirements contained in the procurementspecification. W e will requ ire the Seller to include the required test suite in thefactory acceptance test. The procurement specification req uires that the factoryacceptance plan to b e approved by the Buyer.4.0 TESTPLANThe test plans for the Project W-420 will be contained in project acceptance test plans,operational test plans, and factory acceptance test plans.5.0 YEAR 2000 (Y2K) ACTIVITIES, MAJOR MILESTONES,AND DELIVERABLESY2K activities, m ajor milestones, and deliverables are contained w ithin the projectdocum entation. The primary Y2K activities are related to the procuremen t of th eGEMS. Other Y2K activities, while not explicitly shown in project docum entation, arecontained in operational acceptance tests.

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    . . .6.0 SCHEDULE

    HNF-4072 R e v 0

    Y2K a ctivities for the GEMS are for most part contained within the GEMS procurementon the project schedule. Other Y2K activities are contained within operationalacceptance tests.7.0 Key Project DocumentsBussell, J.H., S pecification or G eneric Effluent Monitoring System Procuremen tSpecification, HNF-S-0400 REV. 1, 1998, Numatec Hanford Co., Richland ,WA.Carpenter, K.E., 1998, Quality Assurance Plan for Project W-420, HNF-3285, RE V. 0,Numatec Hanford Co., Richland, W A.Carpenter, K.E., Renade, D.G., 1999, Project W-420 Stack Monitoring SystemUpgrades (Project E xecution Plan), HNF-3011, REV. 0, Numatec Hanford Co.,Richland, WA.Tuck, J.A., 1998a, Project W-420 Stack Mon itoring System Upgrades Conceptua lDesign Report, HNF-SD-W420-CDR-001, REV. 1, Numatec Hanford Co.,Richland, W A.Tuck , J.A., 1998b , Func tional Design Criteria for Project W-420 Stack Mon itoringSystem Upgrades, HNF-SD-W420-FDC-001, REV. 1, Numatec Hanford Co.,

    Richland, WA.
