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8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such...

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52214116 NEGRONI DE GB NL TR MF12122017 Montageanleitung Handleiding voor de montage Assembly instructions Montážní návod PL Instrukcja montażu Инструкция по монтажу FR IT RU Istruzione di montaggio Notice de montage SK RO CZ HU Návod na montáž Instrucţiuni de montaj Szerelési útmutató Montaj talimatı USA ES PT Instruções de montagem Instrucciónes de montaje 8 MAX 3 Kg MAX 20 Kg 2,5 h MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg
Page 1: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.








Handleiding voor de montage

Assembly instructions

Montážní návod

PL Instrukcja montażu

Инструкция по монтажу



Istruzione di montaggioNotice de montage



Návod na montáž

Instrucţiuni de montaj Szerelési útmutató

Montaj talimatı


ESPT Instruções de montagem Instrucciónes de montaje


MAX 3 Kg

MAX 20 Kg

2,5 h

MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg

Page 2: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

UK USA Safety instructions



Durante il montaggio del mobile, il triangolo segnala i seguenti avvisi.

Avvisi di sicurezza

Non superare i limiti di carico suggeriti, per evitare ildanneggiamento del mobile.8

Non urtare le superfici o bordi di vetro.9

Tenere lontano dai bambini pezzi di ferramenta come viti,copriviti ecc. per evitare un eventuale soffocamento.12

Seguire scrupolosamente lo schema di montaggio.13

Prima della foratura posizionare una tavoletta sotto il pezzoper garantire un foro pulito.14

Il montaggio deve essere effettuato da persolane qualificato. Se non viene effettuato correttamente, il prodotto può ribaltarsi o cadere, danneggiando persone o cose. Poiché ci sono pareti di materiali diversi, le viti per il fissaggio alla parete non sono incluse. Per scegliere gli accessori di fissaggio adatti, rivolgiti a un rivenditore locale.


DEDas Dreieck erinnert Sie während der Montage an die folgenden Hinweise.


Überschreiten Sie nicht die angegebenen Maximalbelastungen.Andernfalls kann das Möbelstück beschädigt oder zerstörtwerden.8

Stoßen Sie nicht mit harten Gegenständen an die Glasflächenoder Glaskanten.9

Achten Sie darauf, daß Kinder keine Kleinteile, wie z. B. Muttern,Abdeckkappen oder Ähnliches in den Mund nehmen. Siekönnten sie verschlucken und daran ersticken.12

Gehen Sie bei der Montage des Artikels sorgfältig vor undhalten Sie sich an die Montageanleitung.13

Legen Sie ein Holzstück unter das zu durchbohrende Teil, umHolzausriße am Bohrloch zu vermeiden.14

Fachkundige Montage erforderlich. UnsachgemäßeMontage kann zu Unfällen führen. Da es viele verschiedeneWandmaterialien gibt, sind Schrauben für die Wandbefestigungnicht beigepackt. Ggf. sollte man sich beim Eisenwarenfachhan-del nach geeignetem Befestigungsmaterial erkundigen.


The triangle reminds you during the installation of the following notes.

Do not exceed the maximum loads specified. Otherwise, thefurniture may sustain damage or be irreparably damaged.8

Do not bump glass surfaces or edges with hard objects.9

Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts,caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and chokeon them.12

When assembling the product, please proceed with cautionand comply with the assembly instructions.13

Before drilling place a slab under the piece to ensure a cleanhole.14

Assembly should be carried out by a qualified person, because wrong assembly may lead to that the furniture will topple over and cause injury or damage. As wall materials vary, screws for fixing to wall are not included. For advice on suitable screw systems, contact your local specialised dealer.


Во время монтажа треугольник служит напоминанием для следующих указаний.

Правила техники безопасности

Не допускается превышение указанных максимальных нагрузок. В противном случае возможно повреждение или разрушение мебели.8

Не допускайте ударов твердыми предметами по стеклянным поверхностям или по их краям.9

Следите, чтобы мелкие детали, например гайки, крышки и т. п., не попали в рот ребенка. Дети могут их проглотить и задохнуться.12

При монтаже изделия будьте внимательны и соблюдайте инструкции по монтажу.13

Положите брусок под деталь, в которой следует сделать отверстие, чтобы избежать разрывистой поверхности вокруг отверстия14

Монтажът трябва да бъде извършен от специалист, тъй като неправилният монтаж може да доведе до прекатурване и да причини нараняване или повреда.Поради разнообразието от стенни материали винтовете за прикрепяне към стената не са осигурени. Свържете се със специализиран доставчик за съвет относно подходящи прикрепващи механизми.


Page 3: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

CZ FRTrojúhelník vám během montážepřipomene následující pokyny.

Bezpečnostní pokyny

Nepřekračujte uvedená maximální zatížení. V opačném případě může dojít k poškození nebo zničení nábytku.8

Nenarážejte tvrdými předměty do skleněných ploch nebo hran.9

Dbejte na to, aby děti nedávaly do úst žádné drobné díly jako např. matice, krytky a podobně. Mohly by je spolknout a udusit se.12

Při montáži výrobku postupujte pečlivě a dodržujte pokyny uvedené v montážním návodu.13

Vložte kus dřeva pod části, kde vrtáte, aby se zabránilo trhlinám ve dřevě v místě vrtání.14

Montáž by měla být provedena kvalifikovanou osobou - nesprávné provedení může vést k převrhnutí nábytku a způsobit úraz nebo destrukci. Pro různé zdící materiály nejsou šroubky a uchycení obsaženy v balení. O vhodném připevnění se poraďte s odborným prodejcem.


Ces avis vous seront rappelés durant le montage par ce triangle.

Avis de sécurité

Ne pas dépassez la charge maximum indiquée celaendommagerait irémédiablement votre meuble.8

Veillez a ne pas heurter avec des objets durs les surfaces et lebords des parties en verre.9


Durant le montage de votre meuble veuillez procéder avecprudence et respecter les instructions de montage.13

Pour percer sans endommager les surfaces utilisez unecontre partie en bois que vous placez sous la pièces à percer.14

Le montage doit être effectué par une personne compétente. Un montage mal effectué peut provoquer la chute du meuble et blesser quelqu’un. Les vis et ferrures pour fixer le meuble au mur ne sont pas incluses. Choisissez des vis et ferrures adaptées au matériau de votre mur. En cas de doute, demandez conseil à un vendeur spécialisé.


TRDurante a montagem do móvel, o triângulo indica as seguintes advertências.

Güvenlik uyarıları

Belirtilen azami yük değerini aşmayınız, aksi taktirde mobilya parçası zarar görebilir veya kullanılamaz hele gelebilir.8

Cam yüzeylere veya cam kenarlara sert cisimlerle temas etmemeye dikkat ediniz.9



Delikte ahşap çatlaklarını önlemek için delinecek parçanın altında bir tahta koyunuz.14

Montaj, yetkili bir kişi tarafından yapılmalıdır. Yanlış montaj mobilyanın düşmesine ve yaralanma veya hasara yol açabilir.Duvar yapı malzemeleri farklılık göstereceğinden duvar montajı vidaları dahil değildir. Uygun bir vida sistemi için ilgili araç-ger-eçleri satan dükkanlara başvurunuz.


SKTrojuholník vám počas montážepripomenie nasledujúce pokyny.

Bezpe č nostné pokyny

Neprekročte uvedené maximálne zaťaženia. V opačnom prípade sa môže nábytok poškodiť alebo zničiť.8

Nenarazte s tvrdými predmetmi na sklené plochy alebo hrany.9

Dbajte, aby si deti nemohli dať do úst drobné diely, ako napr. matice, krytky alebo podobne. Mohli by ich prehltnúť a zadusiť sa.12

Pri montáži výrobku postupujte obozretne a dodržujte návod na montáž.13

Vložte kus dreva pod časti, kde vŕtate, aby sa zabránilo trhlinám v dreve v mieste vŕtania.14

Pohištvo naj sestavlja za to usposobljena oseba, saj se lahko nepravilno sestavljeno pohištvo prevrne in povzroči telesne poškodbe ali materialno škodo. Ker se stenski materiali razlikujejo, vijaki niso priloženi. Za nasvet glede primerne vrste vijakov se obrnite na najbližjo specializirano trgovino.


Çocukların somun, muhafaza kapakçıkları ve benzeri küçük parça ları a ğı zları na a lmama larına dikka t ediniz. B unla rı yutabilirler ve boğulabilirler.

Montaj esnasında büyük bir itinayla çalışınız, ürünle dikkatlice çalışınız ve mutlaka montaj talimatına uyunuz.

Tenir éloignés les enfants pour éviter qu’ils ne mettent pas depetites pièces dans leur bouche , ils pourraient les avaler et étouffer.

Page 4: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.



De driehoek herinnert u tijdens de installatie von de volgende meldingen.


Overschrijd de aangegeven maximale belastingen niet.Anders kan het meubelstuk worden beschadigd of vernield.8

Stoot niet met harde voorwerpen tegen de glazenoppervlakken of randen.9

Zorg ervoor dat kinderen geen kleine stukken, zoals moeren,afdekkapjes of dergelijke in de mond nemen. Ze kunnen zeinslikken en daardoor stikken.12

Ga bij de montage van het artikel zorgvuldig te werk en houd uaan de handleiding voor de montage.13

Leg een stuk hout onder het onderdeel waarin een gat moet worden geboord, zodat barsten in het hout aan het geboorde gat worden vermeden.14

De montage dient te worden uitgevoerd door een vakbekwaam iemand. Foutieve montage kan ertoe leiden dat het meubel omvalt, waardoor er persoonlijk letsel of schade kan ontstaan. Omdat er veel verschillende wandmaterialen bestaan, zit er geen wandbeslag bijgesloten. Voor advies over geschikt wandbeslag, neem contact op met de vakhandel.


Wskazówki bezpieczeństwa

Nie wolno przekraczać podanych maksymalnych wartości obciążenia. W przeciwnym razie mebel może zostać uszkodzony lub zniszczony.8

Nie uderzać twardymi przedmiotami w szklane powierzchnie i krawędzie.9

Należy dopilnować, aby dzieci nie bawiły się lub też brały do ust żadnych drobnych części mebla, takich jak np. nakrętki, zatyczki itp.. Mogłyby je połknąć i udusić się nimi.12

Podczas montażu proszę postępować z należytą uwagą i zgodnie z instrukcją montażu. Artykuł może być montowany tylko przez osoby z odpowiednimi kwalifikacjami.13

Podłożyć pod przewiercaną część kawałek drewna, aby zapobiec ewentualnym pęknięciom wokół wierconej dziury.14

Montaż powinien być przeprowadzany przez wykwalifikowaną osobę, ponieważ złe zmontowanie może spowodować zniszczenie mebla lub może wyrządzić szkodę domownikom. Ponieważ w każdym pomieszczeniu ściany mogą być wykonane z innego materiału, komplet nie zawiera żadnych wkrętów ani umocowań. Aby zasięgnąć porady w kwestii wyboru odpowied-nich wkrętów skontaktuj się z lokalnym sklepem specjali-stycznym.


Triunghiul vă atenţionează să ţineţi cont în timpul montajului de următoarea indicaţie

Instrucţiuni referitoare la siguranţă

Nu depăşiţi solicitările maxime specificate. Altfel puteţi să deterioraţi sau să distrugeţi piesa de mobilier.8

Evitaţi impactul suprafeţelor sau a marginilor din sticlă cu obiecte dure.9

Supravegheaţi copiii pentru că pot să introducă în gură piesele mici, cum ar fi de exemplu piuliţe, capace sau altele similare. Ei pot să le înghită şi se pot asfixia.12

Procedaţi cu atenţie la montarea produsului şi respectaţi instrucţiunile de montaj.13

Introduceţi o bucată de lemn dedesubtulelementului de găurit, pentru a evitafisurarea lemnului în dreptul găurii.14

Se recomandă ca montarea să fie realizată de o persoană calificată; asamblarea greşită poate determina desprinderea mobilierului, deteriorarea lui şi chiar producereade accidente. Întrucât materialele din care sunt construiţi pereţii variază, şuruburile pentru fixarea pe perete nusunt incluse. Contactează dealer-ul tău local pentru consiliere.


HU Biztonságtechnikai





Fektessen egy fadarabot az átfúrandó rész alá; megelőzve, hogy a furat szélének faanyaga kitöredezzen.14

Az összeszerelést ajánlatos képzett szakemberre bízni, mert a helytelen összeszerelés következtében a bútor felborulhat és sérülést okozhat. Mivel a fal anyaga lakásonként / otthononként eltérő lehet, a rögzítéshez szükséges csavarokat a csomag nem tartalmazza. A megfelelő csavar kiválasztásáért kérj tanácsot az áruházban a szakképzett személyzettől.

Tartsa be az engedélyezett maximális terhelhet séget /teljesítményt. Különben a bútor és annak alkatrészeimegsérülhetnek, tönkre mehetnek.

Gondoskodjon arról, hogy a gyerekek ne vehessék a szájukbaa kis alkatrészeket, pl. az anyákat, a fed kupakokat stb.Ezeket lenyelve megfulladhatnak.

Atermék összeszerelésekor körültekint en járjon el, és tartsamagát a szerelési útmutatóban foglaltakhoz.

Védje az üvegfelületeket és azok éleit az ütõdésektõl.


Trójkąt przypomina o następujących wskazówkach dotyczących montażu.

A háromszög a szerelés közben akövetkező utasításra emlékezteti.

Page 5: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

Não ultrapasse os limites de carga recomendados, para evitar danos no móvel.8

No golpee las superficies o bordes del cristal .9

Mantenha longe do alcance das crianças todo o tipo de peças pequenas como parafusos e outras, para evitar o risco de sufocamento.12

Siga escrupulosamente o esquema de montagem. 13

Antes de la perforación colocar una tableta en la piezapara asegurar un agujero limpio.14

Montaje a realizar por montador autorizado, pues un montaje erróneo puede resultar en una caída del mueble, causando daños a personas o cosas. Como hay muchas clases de materiales de pared, no se inclueyn los tornillos de montaje. Para sugerencias sobre sistemas de colocación adecuados, ponte en contacto con tu especialista más cercano.


No exceder los límites de carga aconsejados, para evitar daños al mueble.8

Não bata as superfícies ou bordas do vidro .9

Mantener alejado de los niños piezas de herramientas como tornillos, ecc para evitar una eventual asfixia.12

Seguir escrupulosamente el diagrama de montaje. 13

Antes da perfuração colocar um comprimido em peçapara garantir um buraco limpo.14

A montagem deverá ser realizada por uma pessoa qualificada, porque uma montagem incorrecta pode ocasionar que o móvel caia e cause lesões ou estragos. Como os materiais de parede variam, os parafusos para fixar à parede não estão incluídos. Para obter conselho sobre o sistema de parafusos adequado, consulte o seu retalhista local especializado.


PT ESDurante el montaje del mueble, prestar atención al triángulo que informa sobre los siguentes avisos.

Avisos de seguridadDurante a montagem do móvel, o triângulo indica as seguintes advertências.

Avisos de segurança

Page 6: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

6 /1

12 FE9404

66 x SPL001

14 x FE9728 3x25

42 x FE9403 3,5x16

24 x FE9134 7x50

38 x FE9205A

44 x FE2429

44 x FE9604

14 x FE9729

1 x FE9573A

15 x FE2819

15 x FE9755

6 x FE96858 x FE9655 4x30

4 x FE2583 3.5x13

4 x FE9302 4MAx22,5

16 x FE9392 4x15

4 x FE9696

16 x FE9455

2 x FE2391

8 x FE2515A

6 x FE2836

Page 7: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

7 /1

2 x FE26382 x FE2639

2 x FE27992 x FE2800

4 x FE2697

1 x FE2845

2 X FE2582

Page 8: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

8 /1

3 cm

3,2 cm

3 cm3,2 cm



186.5 cm

3 cm3,2 cm



3,2 cm

3 cm

165 cm

21.5 cm

77 c


21.5 cm

4 x FE2697



2 x FE2391

Page 9: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.
Page 10: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

10 /1

Code Qt. Dimensions Box1 4 800x284x16 2-12 2 626x284x16 2-13 2 626x284x16 2-14 2 767x264x16 2-15 3 397x160x16 2-15 1 397x160x16 2-26 2 397x348x16 2-17 2 397x348x16 2-1FI3650 2 782x337x3 2-1FI3651 2 303x782x3 2-1SP0629 4 380x194x4 2-2

Service • Dienstverlening • Serwis • Servis • Сервисная служба • ServizioName • Naam • Nazwa • Isim • Название • Nom • Nome

Nr. • No. • Номер • Nu.

Typ • Type • Tip • Тип • Tipo







3 7




Page 11: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

11 /1


16 x SPL001

8 x FE2819

8 x FE2429




Page 12: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

12 /1

8 x SPL0012x





8 x FE9604 2x



Page 13: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

13 /1

16 x FE2429


2x8 x FE9604

180° 1

Page 14: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

14 /1

2 x FE2638 2 x FE26398 x FE9655 4x30







8 x FE9604



Page 15: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

15 /1

6 x FE9685

6 x FE9403 3,5x16 16 x FE9205A




Page 16: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

16 /1






8 x FE975516 x FE9403 3,5x16

2 x FE2799

2 x FE2800


Page 17: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

17 /1


2x MAX 15 Kg8

16 x FE9455

16 x FE9392 4x15








Page 18: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.
Page 19: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

19 /1

Code Qt. Dimensions Box15 1 1200x180x16 2-216 1 1200x180x16 2-2

Service • Dienstverlening • Serwis • Servis • Сервисная служба • ServizioName • Naam • Nazwa • Isim • Название • Nom • Nome

Nr. • No. • Номер • Nu.

Typ • Type • Tip • Тип • Tipo



Page 20: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

20 /1


2x SPL001


2 X FE25822 x FE2515A4 x FE2583 3.5x13




Page 21: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

21 /1

8MAX 3 Kg


4 x FE9134 7x50



Page 22: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

22 /1

Page 23: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

23 /1

Code Qt. Dimensions Box17 1 1800x382x16 2-218 1 192x382x16 2-219 1 192x382x16 2-220 1 192x362x16 2-221 1 1797x202x16 2-222 1 1800x402x16 2-223 1 1800x402x16 2-224 3 160x402x16 2-125 2 600x382x16 2-1

Code Qt. Dimensions Box26 2 600x382x16 2-126 1 600x382x16 2-227 2 368x382x16 2-128 1 368x382x16 2-128 1 368x382x16 2-229 2 597x403x16 2-2FI3613 2 581x382x3 2-1FI3653 1 1781x206x3 2-2

Service • Dienstverlening • Serwis • Servis • Сервисная служба • ServizioName • Naam • Nazwa • Isim • Название • Nom • Nome

Nr. • No. • Номер • Nu.

Typ • Type • Tip • Тип • Tipo







21 17








Page 24: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

24 /1

6 x FE9729

6 x FE9728 3x25



3 x FE2819

Page 25: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

25 /1




12 x SPL001



Ø = 6mm


Page 26: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

26 /1


6 x FE9134 7x50

6 x FE2429






Page 27: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.


27 /1

12 x SPL001



232 x FE9604



2xØ = 6mm



6 x FE2836

Page 28: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.


28 /1



4 x FE9604



6 x FE2429


6 x FE2836

Page 29: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

29 /1


6 x FE9134 7x50



6 x FE9604


Page 30: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

30 /1


10 x FE9205A

4 x FE281916 x SPL001





Page 31: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

31 /1

8 x FE9729

8 x FE9728 3x25 8 x FE2429








Ø 6mm



Page 32: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

32 /1


8 x FE9134 7x5028









268 x FE9604


Page 33: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

33 /1

12 x FE9205A



4 x FE96964 x FE9302 4MAx22,5

Page 34: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

34 /1

4 x FE9755

8 x FE9403 3,5x16



6 x FE2515A




Page 35: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

35 /1

1 x FE9573A

6 x FE9403 3,5x16



3 x FE9755

6 x FE9403 3,5x16 1 x FE2845

MAX 20 Kg8

Page 36: 8 MAX 15 Kg MAX 15 Kg MAX 3 Kg - d.otto.de · Ensure that children do not put any small parts such as nuts, caps or the like in their mouth. They could swallow and choke 12 on them.

DE PflegehinweiseBitte nur mit einem Staubtuch oder leicht feuchtemLappen reinigen. Keine scheuernden Putzmittelverwenden.Schützen Sie Ihre Möbel generell vor Wasser(z.B. beim Wischen oder Blumen gießen). DieFeuchtigkeit kann in das Möbelstück eindringenund es beschädigen.

TR BakimLütfen sadece bir toz beziyle veya hafif nemliyumuşak bir bezle siliniz. Aşindirici temizlikmalzemeleri kullanmayiniz.Genelde mobilyalarinizi sudan koruyunuz (örneğin,yerleri paspaslarken veya çiçekleri sularken). Nem,mobilya parçasina nüfuz edebilir ve zarar verebilir.

UK USA Care tipsPlease only clean with a duster or a damp cloth.Do no use any abrasive cleaners.In general, keep water away from your furniture(e. g. when mopping or watering plants). Themoisture may penetrate the furniture and damage it.

IT Avvisi di manutenzionePulire solamente con un panno umido, non utilizzaresolventi.Proteggere i mobili dal contatto con acqua.L’infiltrazione dell’acqua potrebbe rovinare il mobile.

NL ReinigingsnotitiesReinig alleen met een stofdoek of een lichtjesvochtige doek. Gebruik geen schurendepoetsmiddelen.Bescherm uw meubelen doorgaans tegen water(bijv. bij het dweilen of als u de bloemen watergeeft). De vochtigheid kan in het meubelstukdringen en het beschadigen

FR Conseil d'entretient

Nettoyer avec un plumeau ou un chiffon humide.Ne pas utiliser de dissolvants.En général, garder l'eau loin de vos meubles (parexemple lors de lavages, ou bien pour l'arrosage des plantes). L'humidité peut pénétrer les meubles et les endommager.

PL Wskazówki dotyczące pielęgnacjiCzyszczenie należy wykonać wyłącznie zapomocą ściereczki lub lekko nawilżonegoręcznika. Nie stosować środków czyszczących doszorowania.Mebel należy chronić przed wodą (np. podczasczyszczenia lub podlewania kwiatków). Wilgoćmoże wniknąć w mebel i uszkodzić go.

CZ OšetřováníČistěte prosím jen prachovkou nebo lehcenavlhčeným hadrem. Nepoužívejte drhnoucí čisticíprostředky.Chraňte váš nábytek před vodou (např. při utíráníprachu nebo zalévání květin). Vlhkost může donábytku proniknout a poškodit ho.

RU ОбслуживаниеОчищайте от пыли тряпкой или слегка влажнойветошью. Не допускается применениечистящих средств, не предназначенных дляухода за мебелью.Предохраняйте мебель от попадания воды(например, при вытирании или поливкецветов). Не допускайте попадания влаги намебель, чтобы предотвратить ее повреждение.

SK OšetrovanieNa čistenie používajte len prachovku alebo zľahkanavlhčenú utierku. Nepoužívajte žiadne drhnúcečistiace prostriedky.Chráňte váš nábytok celkovo pred vodou (napr. priutieraní alebo polievaní kvetín). Vlhkosť môževniknúť do nábytku a poškodiť ho.

RO Indicaţii de întreţinereVă rugăm să utilizaţi la curăţare exclusiv o cârpă deşters praful sau o cârpă uşor umezită. Nu utilizaţisubstaProtejati întotdeauna mobilierul contra apei (de exemplu la stergere sau la udarea florilor).Mobilierul poate fiastfel expus umiditatii si se poate deteriora.nţe de curăţat abrazive.

HU Ápolási tanácsokKérjük, csak portörlő kendővel vagy enyhén nedvesronggyal tisztítsa. Ne használjon dörzshatásútisztítószert.Védje a bútort a víz ellen (pl. a letörlések során, ill. anövények öntözésekor). A nedvesség behatolhat abútorba és azt tönkre teheti.

ES Alertas de mantenimientoLimpie sólo con un paño húmedo, no utilicedisolventes.Proteja sus muebles de contacto con el agua.La infiltración de agua podría arruinar los muebles.

PT Alertas de manutençãoLimpe apenas com um pano úmido, não usesolventes.Proteja sua mobília de contacto com a água.A infiltração de água pode arruinar o mobiliário.
