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80 Days Walkthough

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  • 8/15/2019 80 Days Walkthough


    80 DaysFAQ/Walkthrough

    by Brian Pendell ([email protected])

    Revision Historyv 1.0 (9 May 2015) initial FAQ and walkthrough.Version 1.01 Incorporated new trade items and routes.Special thanks is given to VadeX of the touch arcade forumsfor the bulk of the new route information.Version 1.02 (11 Oct 2015) Incorporated the "Season 2" update created inSeptember and October of 2014, including many more cities and routes.

    Welcome to 80 days, Inkle's retelling of Jules Verne's classic story"Around the World in 80 days" . You will play the part of the intrepidvalet Passepartout as he escorts Mr. Fogg around the world.

    While this walkthrough is expected to cover most of the cities,

    journeys,and adventures in the game, it is not comprehensive. Soenjoy the exploration, delight in any new discoveries, and please besure to let me, the author, know of them!

    Table of Contents

    1. What is the objective of this game? [1AA]2. What endings are possible? [1AB]3. What attributes and items can I carry? [3AA]4. Do you have any basic, general guidelines? [4AA]5. Do you have any scurrilous, ungentlemanly cheats? [5AA]6. How do I travel? [6AA]7. What do I do in town? [7AA]8. What do I do on a trip? [8AA]9. How do I acquire money? [9AA]10. How do I manage Mr. Fogg's health? [10BB]11. Can you advise on a general route or plan? [11BB]12. What is a valet? [12BB]Appendix 1: Cities And Routes [CAROBC]Appendix 2: Adventures [ZAB00]A2.1: Polar Expedition [ZAB01]A2.2 The Imposter of Irkutsk [ZAB02]

    A2.3 Pirates of the Caribbean [ZAB03]A2.4 German Pirates [ZAB04]A2.5 Roving Reporter [ZAB05]A2.6 Artificer of Bucharest [ZAB06]A2.7 Center of the Earth [ZAB07]A2.8 The Ruins of Belgrade [ZAB08]A2.9 Venetian Glass [ZAB09]A2.10 Portal to the Past [ZAB10]

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    A2.11 Bears [ZAB11]A2.12 Slavic Dancer [ZAB12]A2.13 The Runaway Princess [ZAB13]A2.14 Red Sea Pirates [ZAB14]A2.15 20000 Leagues [ZAB15]A2.16The Spy Who Loved Smyth [ZAB16]A2.17 The Russians Are Coming (To Waltair) [ZAB17]A2.18 Indian Revolution [ZAB18]A2.19 Circus of Yokohama [ZAB19]A2.20 Murder on the Pacific (Not available on first playthrough) [ZAB20]A2.21 Mutiny at Sea [ZAB21]A2.22 Siege of Acapulco [ZAB22]A2.23 Boxing Championship [ZAB23]A2.24 The Slavers of Timbuktu [ZAB24]A2.25 Sisters of Didacus [ZAB25]A2.26 Poisoner of Dakar [ZAB26]A2.27 Goland [ZAB27]

    A2.28 The Boy Automaton [ZAB28]A2.29 Bullet Train [ZAB29]A2.30 The Crooked Marshal [ZAB30]A2.31 From Earth To The Moon [ZAB31]A2.32 Port Moresby [ZAB32]A2.33 Whisky Traders [ZAB33]A2.34 The Black Rose [ZAB34]

    Appendix 3: Items [ZBC01]

    1. What is the objective of this game? [1AA]

    To travel the world, going east, starting and returning to London before12AM on day 81.

    Backtracking is not allowed ; only onward journeys are permitted. So onceyou leave Paris you may not return to Paris. Also, if the only way toreach a given city was through Paris, you will be unable to reachthat city during this playthrough.

    2. What endings are possible? [1AB]

    There are at least four possible endings:

    2.1 Success!

    Arrive back in London before the appointed hour. Professor Foggwill win 20,000 pounds. Your final balance will be your current balance plus16,000 pounds -- the winning bet of 20,000 minus the 4,000 pounds youstarted with -- minus whatever money you withdrew from banks alongthe way.

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    In addition , there are some subtle variations on the final ending:

    * Mr. Fogg will react to Passepartout depending on his level of affection.At the highest level He will embrace Passepartout and proclaim "I could nothave done it without you, dear Passepartout!" Cooler responses can includeshaking your hand or complimenting you. I have never deliberately provokednegative reactions from Mr. Fogg and so cannot say how he will react if youhave spent the duration of your trip antagonizing him. The worse I have beenable to get from him is a remark on my mediocrity as a servant.

    * You may be greeted by one or more people you met on your travels, whohave followed you to London.

    * A club butler may take an item from your luggage as a souvenir to placeon the mantlepiece.

    2.2 Failure.

    Arrive back in London on day 81 or later. Your bank balance will lose20000 pounds, resulting in a negative balance, ruining Phileas Fogg.

    2.3 Death

    Phileas Fogg or Passepartout die. There are at least two ways toprematurely end the journey in this fashion.

    2.4 Separated

    In at least two journeys, it is possible for Passepartout and Mr. Foggto part company to pursue adventures elsewhere.

    3. What attributes and items can I carry? [3AA]

    3.1 Attributes

    Time: This is the most important metric, of course, displayedprominently at the top center of the screen.

    Money: The amount in English pounds. You will need a minimum

    of 11,283 pounds to travel the world but start with only 4,000.16,000 to 20,000 is the amount I usually spend. Some playersreport completing the game spending less than 4,000 pounds but Inever have.

    Fogg's Health (lower right hand corner) ranging from 0 to 100.A low health score will not kill Mr. Fogg, but it will preventhim from embarking on a new journey until he has recovered.

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    Luggage: In the lower left hand corner and also opened whenvisiting a town market. Passepartout starts with one luggagecase in which he may carry items, and can purchase additionalsuitcases for approximately 8 pounds.

    While luggage may be acquired without limit, all journeys havea fixed space for luggage. The most generous allowance I have seenis 10 cases on some luxurious trains, while the smallest allowanceis the airship from New York to Reykjavik, which allows no luggageat all!

    As a rule, steamships allow the most luggage (up to 10 cases),trains and airships allow 3 to 4 cases, and cars have extremelylimited cargo space, only one or two cases. Also, as a rule,it is very difficult to purchase additional space on a car so,

    if you plan to travel by car, plan on taking no more than twocases.

    Passepartout's character: This is summarized as an adjective of theform 'bright', 'courageous', 'sharp', 'shabby', and similar adjectives.Different states can open up different conversation branches.

    Passepartout's relationship with Mr. Fogg: Never revealed as a number,this can be strengthened or weakened depending on how well one isattending to Mr. Fogg and seeing to the fulfillment of his wishes.This appears to have some effect on the ending but little else.

    3.2 Items

    A more thorough discussion will be seen in the items table, but thiswill suffice for a general outline: Items are carried in the luggage and fallinto several general categories:

    * Trade goods. These are items whose primary purpose is to be soldfor extravagant sums. A bottle of Chateau d' Yquem winebought in Paris, for example, might sell for 2300 pounds in Berlin.Intelligent trading of these goods are the key to a rapidcircumnavigation of the world with minimal delay.

    Trade good availability is randomized. So you cannot be certain, forexample, that a black tulip bulb will be available in Amsterdam or thatit will sell in Izmir. But the goods are available often enough thatif you plan your route around visiting cities with trade goods, youshould find enough of them to finance your journey.

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    Examples of trade goods include: Hunting rifles, Persian Pottery,Astrolabes, and Faberge Eggs.

    There are two types of trade goods: Common trade goods, whichare randomized in terms of where they are bought and sold.These are often sold all over the world, but rarely fetchmore than a few hundred pounds.

    The second type of trade good is the Premiere Trade Good.These are found only in a few cities, and typically sellin exactly one other city for thousands of pounds.The exact city where it is found or sold may vary toa certain extent, but with much less frequency than acommon trade good.

    For brevity's sake, all trade goods listed in theRoutes appendix are premium goods.

    * Recuperation items. These items do not restore health, but theydo prevent its loss during journeys. For instance, traveling onthe Trans-Siberian Railway may cost Mr. Fogg 52 Health due to coldweather, but a pair of mittens would reduce this health loss to 47.

    Examples of recuperation items include: Desert Goggles, Mittens,Panama Hat, and Salve of Arnica.

    Recuperation items often come in sets which will multiply theeffect if the set is complete. For instance, each item inthe Cold Climate Gear set will protect against cold weather,but both items together will provide much greater protection.

    * Negotiation Items. These items allow the altering of traveldeparture times at lower cost than would be asked if these items werenot present. For example, It might cost 2500 pounds to alter thedeparture of the freight train from Tsaritsyn to Merv, but owning aUshanka might cut the cost to 530. Owning the complete RussianGentleman's outfit (Ushanka and Fur Coat) would cut this cost to 0.

    Some negotiation items double as recuperation items. As withrecuperation items, negotiation items come in sets whichmagnify the effect. Examples of negotiation items include

    Cowboy boots, railway whistles, and pocket altimeters.

    * Conversation items. These items are used during conversationsto continue a discussion which the speaker is ready to terminate.These items are noted as of being of interest to certain types ofpeople.For example, whisky is noted as being of interest to aristocraticpeople. Different objects appeal to different types of

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    travellers. For instance, one traveller might be partial to a glassof whisky, while another would be thrilled to play a game of cards,and still a third might wish to read a Gideon's Bible.

    It is also possible to have a conversation with Mr. Fogg. In this dialog,any of the above items may serve to improve Mr. Fogg's health if usedas an option during the conversation.

    A fuller discussion of items will be seen below, both in the item tableand in the discussion of funding.

    4. Do you have any basic, general guidelines? [4AA]

    * Do not ever visit the bank if you can possibly help it. It willdelay your trip and every pound borrowed from the bank isdeducted from your ending balance.Pay attention to trade goods which sell for thousands of

    pounds and plan your trip around selling those artifacts.

    * Travel by airship whenever feasible and the cost is lessthan about 3000 pounds. Some journeys can cost 15000-16000 pounds and should be avoided by all but the trulydesperate. Almost all of these premium journeys haveslower alternatives which cost a few hundred pounds.

    * Be very cautious of any option which risks blowing up a vehicle'sengines, or running out of fuel, because it is extremelylikely to happen. Be especially careful of any mechanical fiddlingPassepartout does himself. Better luck, however, may be hadif the operation is done by the vessel's crew themselves. For example,speeding the boat from Amsterdam to Munich should be done under thepilot's supervision.

    In any case, Careful planning and prudence will get you around theworld in 80 days without the need for such heroics.

    * Plan your journey in advance and purchase completekits which will assist this journey. For instance, on arailway journey attempt to procure a railwayman's cap anda rail whistle. This will allow you to modify journey

    start times without charge.

    * Use the "converse" option to make routes available before youarrive in the departure city. This will save you four hoursof exploration time in each city.

    * To improve your relationship with Mr. Fogg, do everythinghe asks you to, anticipate his wishes, make no mention of anyone's

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    weaknesses or shortcomings, and take an optimistic attitudetowards all your experiences.

    * As a rule, the game takes a sharply anti-colonial attitude.Your writer has yet to discover an evil rebellion, or a goodempire, in the context of the game. While it is possible tocomplete the game as a full imperialist, I suspect that choosingor at least sympathizing with the locals will improve theadjective used to describe Passepartout's character.

    * Some adventures or options are only available if youenter a city via a specific route. For instance, theRuins of Belgrade adventure is only available if you enterVienna by rail directly from Paris. So if you havedifficulties finding a specific item in a city,try entering it from another route.

    5. Do you have any scurrilous, ungentlemanly cheats? [5AA]

    Cheating is a dastardly action which no true gentleman would ever do.That is why Mr. Fogg has hired you, Passepartout, to do for him theungentlemanly things he would never dream of doing himself.

    During a conversation branch, if the result turns out to be notto your liking, or if you simply want to explore all your optionswithout having to start a new playthrough, there is a way to abortthe action. Before you close the conversation dialog box, exit the80 days applications. If you are using android (as I am), navigate tosettings/apps on your interfaceand find the "80 days" application. Force stop the application. Nowrelaunch the game. It will reload at the beginning of the conversationbranch, and you can repeat it from the beginning. Continued repeatingof this process will allow you to explore all branches of a dialog treeWITHOUT having to replay the entire game.

    There is a cheat related to travel times as well, discussed insection 6.1.

    6. How do I travel? [6AA]

    There are 196 cities on the map, and a typical journey will visit perhaps21 of them.

    In each available city there will be at least one route onwards.

    These routes may be found by:* Conversing with other passengers during a trip.* VERY occasionally, reading the paper while on a trip.

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    * Purchasing a time table in a city market. When a time tableis in your possession, all maps of the appropriate transportationtype for the listed area will be revealed. However, these will onlyremain visible so long as the timetable is in your possession. Sellingor dropping the timetable will cause the routes to disappear uponarrival at the next city, and will have to be re-discovered usingsome of the methods here.

    * Exploring a city.* Adventures may open up trip avenues which would otherwise

    be unavailable.

    Once you have found a route, select it and you will learn:

    * The cost of the route. This ranges from 0 pounds to 16000 pounds.The higher the price, the longer and faster the route. Typicalprices are around 230 pounds.

    * The type of vehicle you will travel in.

    * When the vehicle departs. The route will be highlightedin yellow if you can depart immediately and red otherwise.A red journey may have a delay from 1 to 6 days. A delaymay be adjusted with the application of funds. As discussedabove, the use of negotiation items will greatly reduce the priceof such an adjustment.

    * When it will arrive at its destination.

    After you have selected a route, you will be presented with the option tocontinue the journey IF Mr. Fogg has sufficient health AND you are notcarrying too many luggage cases.

    In the event Mr. Fogg is unwell, you may either purchase a recuperative itemrelevant to the conveyance or you must allow Mr. Fogg to rest.

    In the event you have too much luggage, you may be given the option to buyadditional luggage space. If this option is exhausted you will have nochoice but to 'open luggage', then sell and rearrange possessions in yourcases until you have been able to get down to the appropriate number.

    If the town you are in does not have a market or an item is not saleable,you will be forced to drop it anyway, losing it without recompense.

    After this dialog is complete, you will embark on the journey until youreach the next destination.

    7. What do I do in town? [7AA]

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    The options in town are as follows:* Access Luggage. Allows you to rearrange items in your suitcases

    and drop or sell items. If you are in a town with a market,items may be sold through this interface even when the markets areclosed.

    * Market (between 7 AM and 7 PM, closed on Sundays). Accessing thisfunction allows buying and selling goods. Goods that sell for aparticularly high price will be marked with yellow labels, whileobjects that sell at the normal price are marked in white.

    * Bank (variable; opens anywhere between 9 AM and 12 PM)The bank opens later in the day and a visit will always requireprecisely two hours. In addition to any additional optionsunlocked in the course of the story, the bank will always offer theopportunity to borrow money.

    Borrowing money will acquire additional time, depending on the amountrequired. As a rule, one can withdraw 1000 pounds on the next day,1500 pounds in two days, or 4500 pounds in a week. After the allotedtime has passed, the player must return to the bank and spend anothertwo hours to pick up the requested sum.

    Finally, any money borrowed from the bank will be deducted fromyour ending total.

    * Explore/Hotel

    Exploration is available before 5 PM on one's first visit to a city.Exercising this option will reveal almost all routes leaving the cityfor other destinations. It may also open conversation branches whichwill provide clues to the way ahead, allow one to acquire otherwiseunavailable goods, or provide additional options for the road ahead.

    Hotel is available after 5 PM on all days and allows the player torecuperate overnight. The player will spend 100-200 pounds andMr. Fogg will regain 5 health points.

    Normally, there are also three options available at this time:

    * Afford Mr. Fogg every service. This will increase Mr. Fogg'shealth by 10 points and improve his relationship withPassepartout.

    * Run errands / help kitchen staffThis option allows Passepartout to work around the hoteland earn some additional money, typically under 100 pounds.

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    * Stretch my legsThis option sends Passepartout into the streets of the city.In early playthroughs, this will provide many clues abouttrade goods and potential routes. However, there is alsothe option of being pickpocketed or getting into fights,ungentlemanly behavior which will cause Mr. Fogg toever so slightly frown. As the player makes more playthroughs,this option will become less and less attractive.

    If the characters do not have enough money to pay for a hotel,or they do not exercise the option until 1 in the morning, theywill not be able to stay in the hotel but will have to "sleeprough" , a polite way to describe living like a homeless vagrantin the street. I have not explored this option in great detail,but I suspect doing so will save Mr. Fogg the cost of a room butwill cost him some health points. From a roleplaying perspective,

    a gentleman NEVER sleeps in the rough if it is at all avoidable.

    If the player rests in the city without exploring it, the explorationoption will be available starting at 6:30 AM the next day and remainavailable until it is used. Once used, it will not be availablein this city again for the duration of the playthrough.

    * Plan / Depart

    This option is only available if at least one departure route is knownfrom this city. See section 3 for details on finding routes.

    Once this option is available, it will show all currently known routes,along with their costs, their departure and arrival times, and theroom for luggage. Routes that may currently be used are marked inyellow, while routes which do not take place today are marked in red.The icon will be labelled "Depart" if there is at least one tripleaving today, otherwise it will be labelled "Plan".

    Select a city with a triangle departure icon to select that destinationand depart on the next leg of your trip!

    6.1 Altering trip timesWhen a trip is unavailable today, if the user wait a few secondsthe Fogg Icon in the lower right hand corner will indicate whetherthe listed departure time is available for "discussion", which inthis instance means "spending money". Click on the discussionconversation bubble and you will be given options to decrease thetravel time, typically in one or two day increments. If Mr. Fogghas nothing save his good self to recommend him, these options can

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    be very expensive -- as much as 5200 pounds!

    The options may be reduced or even completely eliminated by use ofthe appropriate negotiation items. Even one item will drasticallyreduce the price of a trip change, and a completed set will eliminatethe cost altogether. For example, the completed English wardrobe (wool suits, wool trousers, evening jacket) will make a change to theOrient Express free, while a completed American suit (Stetson Hat,Cowboy boots) will make changes to American trips free.

    No trip may be advanced to earlier than later the same day. Forinstance,If the trip is scheduled to depart in 2 days at 8 AM and itis now 10 AM, the earliest the trip can be rescheduled for is tomorrowat 8 AM. By contrast, if it is 10 AM and the trip is scheduled todepart in 2 days at 5 PM, the earliest possible departure time is5 PM today.

    CHEAT: Don't bother with the second , more expensive option. Instead,take the first option, then return to the city, then go back to thescreen. You will again have a set of options to move the time again.Again take the first option. Following this method you maylittle by little advance your scheduled departure time to theabsolute minimum necessary.

    8. What do I do on a trip? [8AA]

    There are three basic functions on a trip:

    5.1 WaitPassepartout will read a newspaper to gain information on theworld. This will give clues as to adventures in other towns,and sometimes will unlock a previously unknown route. However,"converse" is a much better option for discovering onward routes.

    5.2 ConverseConverse allows Passepartout to speak to another person on thevehicle. If there are no other people on the vehicle, ornone have yet been introduced, Passepartout will speak to Mr. Fogg.

    Speaking to passengers allows Passepartout to ask about citiesand routes ahead. A passenger may either confirm the route ispossible, say the route is not possible, or change the subjectaltogether. Intelligent use of this option is the key to knowingthe next leg of your travel before you have even entered the nextcity, thus saving you four hours of exploration time. Youmay also discover what trade goods sell well in which citiesin this playthrough.

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    After a few options have been discussed, the other traveller willbe prepared to end the conversation. This is where conversationitems come in. If Passepartout has an item of interest to theother traveller (whisky, say, or dominoes), you may choose touse this item and the conversation will continue for anotherfew options. These items are not consumed by use; you mayre-use them as often as you like. Note that not all travellersare interested in all conversation items.

    Speaking to Mr. Fogg may occasionally give a clue as to onwardroutes, but as a gentleman Mr. Fogg is quite naive and thereforehas little of use to say. You may also be allowed to use itemsof various kinds on Mr. Fogg to improve his health.

    5.3 FoggThis option allows Passepartout to see to Mr. Fogg's needs,

    providing him with tea, clipping his mustaches, and in generalensuring his well being. This attention is sufficient to improveMr. Fogg's health by 5 points. This option is critical on long,wearisome journeys, especially if Mr. Fogg lacks recuperation itemsto ease the discomfort of the journey.

    5.4 Dialog optionsYou will be presented with many dialog options during the courseof the trip. These options are additional conversation andaction items. Pay close attention, as some options will allowyou to receive free trade goods or open new routes. Alternatively,poor choices may delay your trip or get you kicked off of trains!

    9. How do I acquire money? [9AA]

    A trip around the world will cost a fair amount of money; I have neverbeen able to do it for less than 14000 pounds and sometimes spend upto 26000 or even 30000 pounds. You only have 4000 to start with, soyou must therefore find some way to acquirethe additional funds.

    There are a number of ways this can be done:

    6.1 TradingTrading is the single best way to earn money. Many of the citiespossess trade items, some of which sell for many thousands of pounds.Theseare the bread and butter of your trip; planning should be madeto ensure at least some of these are picked up and sold in orderto continue the journey without delay.

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    So it is important to determine the nature of the trip and prepare inadvance by purchasing the appropriate items. Planning a trip through coldareas? Mittens and fur coats will help greatly. Going to sea? Pick upoilskin so'westers and galoshes.

    On every day of the trip Mr. Fogg will gain 5 health points and losea certain number. If your recuperation bonus equals or exceeds the journey's burden, Mr. Fogg will end the trip in better shape than hestarted!

    While travelling, the "Fogg" option will allow you to improveMr. Fogg's health by 5 points over and above the normal 5 pointbonus. This is also necessary on long trips so that Mr. Foggis fit to travel when he reaches the other side.

    In every hotel you will receive the option to"afford Mr. Fogg every service", if Mr. Fogg's health is

    above about 20 poihts. This will improve hiswell being by 5 points and increase his relationship withPassepartout.

    If Mr. Fogg's health is below this threshold Passepartout willreceive the option to call a doctor. The doctor will provide one of twooptions: Either restoration to full health after a period of several days,or a lesser number of health points immediately. The second option isusually the better choice, especially if you can arrange easy journeyswith the appropriate recuperation items. The first option may be ofinterest, however, if you are already required to wait in town for aperiod of days for a bank withdrawal or a trip departure.

    Finally, an overnight stay in Honolulu will dramatically improveMr. Fogg's health, at least if the option of a tour istaken. His health will improve by approximately 50 points.

    11. Can you advise on a general route or plan?

    But of course! For the most part We will discussconventional routes, making little mention of unusual journeys such as matter transmitters or polar expeditions.

    11.1 EuropeYour journey starts in Europe, which is highly civilized.As a result trade goods abound and so does transportation;practically every city is linked to every other city.Use your time to visit various cities to pick up tradegoods which you can sell further on to finance your trip.Good cities for valuables include Amsterdam, Copenhagen,

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    Stockholm, Berlin, Rome, and Athens. Amsterdam inparticular always seems to have a black tulip bulb or aLost Rembrandt for sale, and so is well worth a visit.

    Your trip through Europe is likely to end at one of threecities: Moscow, Istanbul, or Cairo. Moscow allows one to travelacross Russia, while the other two cities provide access to theMiddle east and thus to India. Cairo also provides optional tripsto Africa as well.

    With the advent of the second season a fourth "European" citybecomes available for departures: Tunis, in North Africa.Airships departing Tunis travel to Beirut and Luxor, representinga significant savings of time as the "Blue Line" from Nice allowsTunis to be your second stop after leaving Paris.

    11.2 Africa

    Africa travels due south, and is thus a detour with littlevalue so far as the main quest is concerned. However, thereare two journeys which may make this trip valuable. First,there is an airship in Antanarivo in Madagascar whichis unlocked by the Zululand adventure. This airshipwill carry you directly to Rangoon, bypassing India.There is also a second adventure in Bhayi, 20000 Leagues,which will open a submersible route to Batavia, completelybypassing hIndia and Asia to arrive at the western coastof the Pacific.

    11.3 Russia

    Russia is a land of railroads; almost all your trips will beby train with the occasional airship or hydrofoil thrown in.

    Russia is a fast trip provided you have the money to pay the fareand you acquire the Russian Gentleman's costume to adjust traveltimes. The simplest way across is to travel the Trans-Siberian toVladivostok. Unfortunately Vladivostok is closed to non-militarypersonnel, and if you do not depart the city immediately withouteither exploring or using the hotel, you may bethrown in jail for multiple days.

    It is, however,possible to gain unfettered access through an adventurein Omsk (see the adventure The Spy Who Loved Smyth) , in which caseone can simply sail directly to Yokohama from Vladivostok.Absent this option one could exit the railroad at Irkutskand take either the caravan to Urga (where an airship can flyyou to Yokohama) or the railroad to Beijing. Another alternativeis to exit the line at Karimskaya, and take trains onward fromthere to Beijing or Pyongyang.

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    There are also a number of routes which will take one south,to the middle east and the Indian route east.

    Trade goods are somewhat rare in Russia, but are frequentlyavailable in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Ekaterinburg. However,these goods are often sold in India or the Middle East, and thusare often not useful for a straight trip through Siberia.

    Travel through Russia will lead to one of the major Pacific ports.

    11.4 India

    India is also a land of railroads supplemented by palanquins.There are also airship routes, the most significant of whichwhich fly from Karachi to Delhi and Bombay,

    The Bombay route will take you by rail through Bangalore toMadras, where one can then either travel south to Colomboand the excellent airship to Singapore there, or northtowards Waltair and Calcutta.

    The railway from Bombay to Allahabad is cut about 3/4 ofthe way along; from there one must seek alternate transportto Calcutta which is NOT cheap.

    The Delhi route leads by land to the city of Agra, and fromthere to Calcutta, it and Colombo are themajor staging points for travel to the Pacific.

    From Calcutta one can choose between two major routes:The steamship route which has stops at Singapore and HongKong, or the route to Pangsau Pass, which connects withair routes to Beijing and Canton, thence to the Pacific.

    Colombo is also a hub for airships, the most significantof which is the airship to Singapore. Be advised, however,that this airship is frequently delayed so it may beadvisable to acquire an Air-Traveller's Outfit to cheaply adjustthe travel time.

    11.5 Pacific

    There are three major staging points in the Pacific: Yokohama,Manila, and Brisbane.

    From Yokohama routes extend south to Manila, east to Honolulu, anda final route to San Francisco. As detailed in the adventure Mutiny

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    At Sea, this trip is expensive, very slow, and prone to diversion.Thus, the direct route to San Francisco is best avoided.

    Manila is a much better option, providing a direct airship flightto Honolulu and from there to Acapulco in North America.

    Brisbane allows two flights via the southern route to Lima, onedirect, and one a flight through Auckland which maybe diverted to Panama City.

    With the advent of the second season it is now possible to travelfrom Batavia to Pitcairn Island or to Auckland from whichonward journeys can be found which lead to Lima or Santiagoin South America.

    11.6 North America

    North America is entered through Acapulco or San Francisco. In earlyplaythroughs, there is no direct line from San Francisco to New York,and therefore you must travel through New Orleans in order toget to the Atlantic coast. Thus the trip from Acapulco to NewOrleans is most efficient; if you travelled here by airship fromManila, you can step directly into a caleche to New Orleans, andfrom New Orleans to New York or Washington, the major departurepoints.

    Washington allows onward flights Ponta Delgada and from there one cantravel either directly to London or to London via Lisbon. There isalso an artifact one can acquire in Washington which may besold in Ponta Delgada or Lisbon.

    New York has a direct flight to London but it is extremely expensive.An alternate connection is from New York to Reykjavik but there is noluggage space available at all. One must sell everything one has totake this trip, then use the bank to gain a further connection toLondon. The adventure The Center Of The Earth allows travel fromReykjavik to Snowden, UK , for free, and from there by carriage toLondon.

    With the advent of the second season, there are new routes available

    through Canada and the southern United States. The Canadian railwaysystem can be accessed over the pole or from San Francisco,and parallels the American one. There are easy transfersbetween the two at Chicago and New York. There is also a new AtlanticPort -- Quebec City. This city provides airship connections toGreenland and Reykjavik; from there it is a short hop toLondon.

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    11.7 South America / The Caribbean

    There are two major routes through South America,: One starts atLima and ends at Belem, from which one can take airship toWest Africa. Alternatively one can travel to Panama City or Caracas.Caracas allows access to Port-Au-Prince and West Africa, whilePanama City also has routes which lead to Port-Au-Prince (at a costof 10000 or more pounds) or, via Bogota, to Caracas or Belem.

    Port-Au-Prince is a major hub at which there is usually an artifactor two available through adventuring. Port-Au-Prince allows travelto Washington (and thence to North American departures), toPonta Delgada (and so to London), or to Caracas and West Africa.

    The second major route, available in the second season, is thesouthern route; Rail lines lead from Lima and Santiago eastacross the heart of the continent to Buenos Aires, Rio De Janeiro,

    and Salvador. Connectios are available from these ports to allthree ports in West Africa.

    8.8 West AfricaWest Africa is entered through Freetown, Dakar, and Porto Novo. PortoNovo, if entered from Belem, is a trap as one must either join aslave-taking expedition toTimbuktu (see: The Slavers of Timbuktu) or else travel to Freetownfor an exorbitant fee. With the advent of the second season, it isnow possible to travel to Porto Novo from another city , and in thiscase the slave-trading expedition is unavailable while the Freetownairship is much reduced in price.

    Dakar and Freetown allow a slow trip to Timbuktu (although theSisters of Didacus adventure may make this option attractive).

    Other than that, airships are available from both cities to Marrakesh,although the Dakar flight may be diverted to Ponta Delgado.Marrakesh leads to Tangier and a direct (but expensive -- 11000+ponds) flight to London, or else by car from Lisbon and thence toLondon.

    Travelling by airship can allow the trip to be completed in under

    60 days, giving one ample time for side quests and exploration.

    12. What is a valet?

    A valet is responsible for the upkeep and wellbeing of a well-bred human

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    being. You will see to it that your employer remains healthy, well-fed,well-dressed and in all aspects presentable. A valet is a combinationmother, babysitter, porter, and bodyguard.

    In addition to seeing to the needs of his/her employer , a valet mustexemplify cleanliness and professionalism at all times. The valet is areflection of his/her employer, and so must be dressed and maintained just as well as the employer him/herself.

    Appendix 1: Cities And Routes [CAROBC]

    NOTE: While this list is quite thorough it is not guaranteed tobe exhaustive; additional routes and options may exist. For the sake ofbrevity any trade good listed in this table is a premiere trade good.Also note that all times should be within a day of accurate, butthis guide will not be responsible if a trip listed as one day actually

    takes two. We can, however, almost guarantee it won't be three or more!

    ENGLAND1 LondonAccommodations: Fogg's Apartment (gives some free items at game start)Adventure: The Black Rose Journeys:London-Paris(Submersible train 1 day)London-Cambridge(carriage 1 day; not available until fourth playthrough).

    2 Cambridge (Multiple playthroughs required)Accommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Coleridge's Poems (Europe) JourneysCambridge-Kristiania (gyrocopter, 1 day)Cambridge-Paris (tell the man you want to go east, gyrocopter, 1 day)

    EUROPE3 ParisAccomodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: Roving ReporterAdventure: The Black RoseTrade Good: Chateau d' Yquem wine / Berlin

    Journeys:FIRST PLAYTHROUGH:Paris-Amsterdam (car) 1 day.Paris-Nice (train) 1 day.Paris-Munich (Train 1 day) connects to: Vienna 2 days)sECOND PLAYTHROUGH:Orient Express unlocked through BucharestTHIRD PLAYTHOUGH

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    Orient Express unlocks southern route to VeniceSUBSEQUENT PLAYTHROUGHS:Paris-Munich (train) 1 day connects to: Vienna Budapest Bucharest IstanbulParis-Venice (train) 1 day connects to Sofia Istanbul.Paris-Zurich (train) 1 day

    4 ZurichAccomodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Swiss Cuckoo Clock (Africa/Middle East)Adventure: From Earth To the Moon Journeys:Zurich-Warsaw (Train, 2 days)Zurich-Vienna (Train, 2 days)NOTE: These rail journeys will be quickly disabled if you donot take them immediately.After three days a "Mysterious appointment" will become available.Zurich-Tunis (Bullet Rocket 1 day)

    5 NiceAccomodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: The Black Rose JourneysNice-Rome (Ferry 1 Day)-Tunis (3 days)Nice-Venice (Car 1 Day)

    6 VeniceAccommodations: Bank Market HotelTrade Good: Zouave Braid (Eastern Europe/Middle East). TakeFiamatta's Gondola and agree with everything she says.Trade Good: Scoula medallian. Take the automaton gondolaand agree with everything he says. In addition to sale, itmay also be used in Rome when encountering the Scoula. Maybe sold in Rome.

    Trade Good: Carnivale Mask (sell in Egypt, Mideast) JourneysVenice-Budapest (Goods wagon 1 day)Venice-Vienna (Car 1 day)Venice-Sofia (Train 1 day)

    Venice-Athens (Ferry 1 day) (May encounter Sophos)Venice-Rome (Carriage 1 day)Venice-Dubrovnik (Car 1 day)

    7 TunisAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: The Black Rose Journeys:

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    Tunis-Beirut (Airship 3 days)Tunis-Luxor (Airship 2 days)Trade good on both trips: Tunis Rose Wine (Sell in Africa/Mideast).On the first day, go to the porthole and observe people boardingthe train.When Mr. Fogg complains about the surface, go to the front cabinand speak to the guard. Find out who is in there.At the next opportunity, go stand on the rail and meet a woman.Ask if she is one of the front-cabin passengers, then let her knowyour opinion of "First class service" on this tub. She willhave a word with someone, and service will not only improve, youwill also receive a bottle of wine to trade as you wish.

    8 RomeAccommodations: Bank Market HotelTrade Good: Marble Bust (Europe Russia Mideast) Journeys

    Rome-Dubrovnik (Airship 1 day) - Thessaloniki (Airship 1 day)(Robbed while boarding)Rome-Athens (Airship 1 day) (May encounter Sophos)Rome-Bucharest (Airship 1 day) (Unlock in conversation: Befriendthe terrorist and accompany him, either by conversation or bysimply showing him the Zouave Braid you may have acquired inVenice).Rome-Izmir (Airship 2 days) (Unlock by chasing after the terroristbomber and turning him in to the Scuola; when asked if you needanything in return, mention your journey).Rome-Tunis (Steamship 1 day)

    9 AmsterdamTrade Good: Black Tulip Bulb (sell in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe)Trade Good: Lost Rembrandt (only sold in Munich)Amsterdam-Kristiania (Ferry, 2 days)Amsterdam-Copenhagen (Car, 1 day)Amsterdam-Berlin (Car , 1 day)Amsterdam-Munich (River Barge, 2 days may be shortened to 1 byenlisting the ship's pilot orlengthened to 3 by trying to speed itup and blowing the engine).

    10 Berlin

    Accommodations: Bank Market HotelTrade Good: Music Box (Eastern Europe, Africa)Trade Good: Sixty-three toothed gear (Eastern Europe, Africa) JourneysBerlin-Prague (unlocked by exploration) (car 1 day) continuing to:Budapest 2 days Bucharest 3 daysBurlin-Munich (steam carriage 1 day)Berlin-Stockholm (airship 1 day)

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    Berlin-Warsaw (train 1 day). Due to theextreme punctuality of the railway, you may be delayed 1 day. Thisdelay can be avoided if you drove from Munich to Berlin andwere warned by the driver to have a ticket, then choose"attempted to plan ahead" option. An "astute" personality may help.This delay can also be avoided by, when the train door closes,tap on the glass urgently. Mr. Fogg looks startled, wait for the rightmoment, and leap onto the train! Flatten yourself and wait throughthe tunnel, find your master's compartment, and sit down as ifnothing had happened.

    11 MunichAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: German Pirates Journeys:Munich-Berlin (steam carriage 1 day) (may divert to Prague; see GermanPirates adventure)

    Munich-Vienna (car 1 day)Munich-Venice (car 1 day)

    12 CopenhagenAccommodations: Bank Market HotelTrade Good: Drinking Horn (Russia) JourneysCopenhagen-Berlin (Airship 1 day)Copenhagen-Stockholm (Ferry 1 day) (Possible divert to Helsinki at a costof 1 extra day: While aboard the boat go up to the bridge and adjust thestylus guiding the ship onto a different course).

    13 PragueAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: The Imposter of IrkutskTrade Good: Sixty-three toothed gear (Eastern Europe, Africa) JourneysPrague-Odessa (Airship 1 day)Prague-Cairo (Airship 3 days)

    14 ViennaAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: The Ruins Of Belgrade, Bullet Train

    Trade Good: Mechanical Brass Woodlouse ( Russia)Trade Good: Zauberflote (adventure before day 5) Journeys:Vienna-Warsaw ( by train) 1 dayVienna-Budapest(Car) 1 day connects to: Istanbul ( train / Orient express)Vienna-Venice (Car 1 day)Vienna-Belgrade(only available if you came here directly fromParis / train 1 day).

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    15 BudapestAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Absinthe (Russia, Middle East)Trade Good: Scarab (have dinner, have it explode, searchthe ruined tureen and pocket the item) (Sell: Africa) JourneysBudapest-Thessaloniki (Train (Oriental Express) 1 day)continues to: Athens 1 dayBudapest-Bucharest (Train (Oriental Express) 1 day) continues to:Istanbul 1 day

    16 BelgradeAccomodations: None.Adventure: The Ruins of Belgrade. Journeys:Belgrade-Sophia (cart 1 day) free

    Belgrade-Istanbul (train 1 day) free

    17 DubrovnikAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market Journeys:Dubrovnik-Thessaloniki (Airship 1 day)Dubrovnik-Meteora Valley (carriage 1 day)Duborvnik-Sofia (Carriage 1 day)

    18 Meteora ValleyAccommodations: None. Journeys:Meteora Valley-Thessaloniki (carriage 1 day)Meteora Valley-Athens (carriage 1 day)

    19 BucharestAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: Artificer of BucharestTrade Good: Penny Black (Africa, very rare)Trade Good: Preparation of Paraffin (unlocked by adventure)Trade Good: Artificer's medallion (unlocked by adventure) JourneysBucharest-Odessa (train 1 day) (converse, bribe official or just

    talk to him. If you give him alcohol,take train with anchor painted on the side)Bucharest-Minsk (Train 2 days) (Take the journey to Odessa, give theofficial alcohol, board the ship painted with a steel fish)

    Bucharest-Thessaloniki (train 1 day)Bucharest-Istanbul (train Orient Express 1 day)

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    Adventure: Slavic Dancer JourneysMinsk-Odessa (Steam Carriage 1 day)Minsk-St. Petersburg (Train 1 day)Minsk-Moscow (Train 1 day)

    SCANDINAVIA AND THE POLAR REGIONS26 KristianiaAccommodations: Hotel (Explore during day to find a good hotel;failing to do this means staying in an abandoned hotel, which can cost50 health due to the cold, although this can be softened by the use ofa fur coat).Adventure: Center Of The EarthTrade Good: Chess Set (Europe) JourneysKristiania-Tromso (airship 1 day)Kristiania-Stockholm (airship 1 day)

    Kristinia-Copenhagen (airship 1 day)

    27 StockholmAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Viking Drinking Horn (Sell: Russia) JourneysStockholm-Helsinki (Ferry 1 day) continues to: St. Petersburg 2 daysStockholm-Warsaw (Ferry 1 day)

    28 HelsinkiAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: BearsTrade Good: Kalevala (Sell: Middle East) JourneysHelsinki-Tromso (Train 1 day)Helsinki-Minsk (Train 1 day)Helsinki-St. Petersburg (Ferry 1 day)

    29 TromsoAccommodations: Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Walrus Tooth JourneysTromso-Helsinki (Train 2 days)

    Tromso-Smeerenburg (Hot Air Balloon 1 day)

    30 SmeerenburgAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: Polar Expedition JourneysSmeerenburg-North Pole (Icewalker 7 days)WARNING: Mr. Fogg can die on this trip and end your

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    journey prematurely!

    31 The North PoleAccommodations: UNKNOWN JourneysThe North Pole-Gastown (Left Airship approx. 2 days) ORThe North Pole-Winnipeg (Left Airship approx. 2 days)The North Pole-Reykjavik (Right Airship approx. 2 days)

    THE MIDDLE EAST, OTTOMAN EMPIRE, PERSIA, AND CENTRAL ASIA32 IstanbulAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: The Runaway Princess.Adventure: German Pirates.Adventure: The Boy AutomatonTrade Good: Khanjar dagger (in bazaar: Sell in Middle East, Africa,or India)

    Trade Good: Harem silks (possible to receive these if stay overnight;sell in Africa or the Middle East). Journeys:Istanbul-Odessa (hydrofoil 1 day)Istanbul-Novorossiysk (ferry 3 days)Istanbul-Izmir (car 2 days)Istanbul-Antalya (car 2 days)(if you are traveling with an automatonand refuse to wind him up, you will be delayed 1 day).Istanbal-Beirut (balloon 3 days) (Available if participate in the riotand speak with the student over coffee afterwards).Istanbul-Tehran ( train, 7 days) connects to: Herat ,Kabul

    33 AntalyaAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: Venetian GlassAdventure: The Boy AutomatonTrade Good: Venetian glass (unlocked by adventure). JourneysAntalya-Beirut (Steamship 1 day) continues to: Alexandria 2 days Cairo2 days.Antalya-Baghdad (airship 1 day) (Unlocked by Adventure: The Boy Automaton)

    34 Izmir/Smyrna

    Accommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: The Boy Automaton JourneysIzmir-Istanbul (Car 1 day) potential divert to Antalya (talk to driver,say you have never been to Istanbul, ask where his parents live, sayyou want to go there now)Izmir-Antalya (Fishing trawler 1 day)

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    35 BeirutAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: Venetian Glass JourneysBeirut-Manama (Airship 1 day; unlocked by adventure see entry) TradeGood: Artificer's Medallion (received from Sophos under at leastsome conditions).

    Beirut-Baghdad (Car 1 day)Explore ruins on routeLeft Path: Trade Good: Human Skull (sell in Central Asia, India, fora minimal sum)Right Path: Trade Good: Bronze Ring (Sell in India)Beirut-Alexandria (Ship 1 day) continue to: Cairo 2 daysBeirut-Ha'il (Airship 1 day)

    36 Alexandria

    Accommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: Portal to the Past JourneysAlexandria-Cairo (Car 1 day)Alexandria-Suez (Ship 1 day)

    37 CairoAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketAdventure: Portal to the PastAdventure: Roving ReporterAdventure: Venetian GlassTrade Good: Beaten Gold Ring (Middle East/Central Asia)Trade Good: Mechanical Lily (Middle East/Africa) (Acquired bysuccessfully completing the adventure Venetian Glass) JourneysCairo-Suez (Car 1 day)Cairo-Ha'il (Airship 1 day)Cairo-Luxor (Train 1 day) continues to: Aswan 1 day.

    38 SuezAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market JourneysSuez-Jeddah (Steamship 3 days) Continues to: Aden (5 days)

    Bombay (14 days)While there is no offical stop in Jeddah, the crew maybe convinced to put you off via conversation.Trade Good: Penny Dreadful on later stage of journey. Sell in Far East.However, it is only worth 100 pounds or so.

    Suez-Khartoum (Airship 1 day) (Unlocked by conversation: Eavesdropon an argument and Talk to the man).

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    Suez-Jeddah (Mechanical Camel 2 days delayed 1 day if welose the race) (Unlocked by conversation:Eavesdrop on an argument and talk to the woman, watch the race,and speak to her afterwards).

    39 LuxorTrade Good: Filmy Glass ShardAccommodations: HotelAdventure: Portal to the Past JourneysLuxor-Aswan (Train 1 day)Luxor-Manama (Airship 1 day) (Unlocked as part of adventure Portalto the Past)

    40 AswanAccommodations: Bank HotelAdventure: Roving Reporter

    JourneysAswan-Wadi Halfa (Ship 1 day)

    41 Wadi HalfaAccommodations: NothingAdventure: Roving Reporter JourneysWadi Halfa-Khartoum (train 1 day)

    42 JeddahAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market Journey Jeddah-Riyadh (Car 1 day)

    43 AdenAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market JourneysAden-Stone Town (Ship 2 days)Aden-Bombay (Steamship 7 days)Aden-Muscat (Ship 2 days decrease to 1 by speaking to crew)

    44 Ha'ilAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market

    JourneysHa'il-Baghdad (Car 2 days)Ha'il-Riyadh (Desert Caravan 6 days)Ha'il-Rub' Al Khali (Desert Caravan 14 days WARNING: This trip isextremely taxing. Invest in recuperative items for desert travel orhot climates).

    45 Riyadh

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    Accommodations: Bank Hotel Market JourneysRiyadh-Muscat (Carriage 3 days)Riyadh-Manama (Car 1 day)Riyadh-Ha'il (Desert Caravan 6 days)

    46 Rub' Al Khali (The Empty Quarter)Accommodations: Nothing. JourneysRub' Al Khali-Calcutta (Matter transmitter INSTANT step left)Rub' Al Khali-Bhayi (Matter transmitter INSTANT step right)Rub' Al Khali-Omsk (Matter transmitter INSTANT step forward)Rub' Al Khali-Lahore (Matter transmitter INSTANT step backward)

    47 MuscatAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketAdventure: Red Sea Pirates

    JourneysMuscat-Dubai (Pearl Cart 1 day)Muscat-Karachi (Pirate ship 1 day) WARNING: It is possible to be robbedon this journey! See Adventure: Red Sea Pirates.Trade Good: Ball Bearing (Sell: India)Trade Good: Pirate's Cutlass (Sell: India)

    Muscat-Dvarka (unlocked by conversation) (Airship 2 days possibledivert to Bombay 1 day if you cooperate with the British authoritiesto arrest the pirates).

    48 DubaiAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketWARNING: Staying or exploring town risks costing you either an itemor a pocket-picking. To lose the item , get lost and get a monkey.To get picked get lost otherwise. YOu can avoid bothby being spat on by a camel.Trade Good: Natural Pearl (India) JourneysDubai-Muscat (Pearl Cart 1 day)Dubai-Bandar Abbas (Gulf Ferry 1 day)

    49 ManamaAdventure: Portal to the PastAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market JourneysManama-Dubai (Fishing Boat 1 day) continues to: Muscat 2 days.Manama-Riyadh (Car 1 day)Manama-Bombay (Ship 3 days)Manama-Karachi (airship 1 day) (unlocked by successfully completing

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    Portal to the Past)

    50 BaghdadAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Cursed Dagger (Sell in India) (The dagger is an automaton, notcursed, and it has no evil effect whatsoever).Trade Good: Ancient Stone Head (sell in India) JourneysBaghdad-Tehran (Balloon 2 days) (Unlocked by Conversation)Baghdad-Manama (Car 2 days)

    51 Bandar AbbasAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Diamond Bracelet (India) JourneysBandar Abbas-Tehran (Airship 1 day)Bandar Abbas-Dubai (Gulf Ferry 1 day)

    Bandar Abbas-Karachi (Ship 2 days)

    52 TehranAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Broken Shard (Sell in Russia, India) (Overnight, ask about skillsof valet, comment on automatons not having properly waxed hair)Trade Good: Persian Pottery (Sell in India) JourneysTehran-Herat( train 1 day) connects to: Kabul (2 days)Trade good on trip: Pashmina Scarf (India).Tehran-Bandar Abbas (Airship 1 day)

    53 HeratAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: The Russians are coming (To Waltair)Trade Good: Clockwork Monkey (Unlocked by conversation; speak to theToymaker, asks him what he will do if war comes again, when hecomments about nothing in the back room, respond "I didn't ask" --NOT the one with punctuation, just straight.)

    Journeys:Herat-Quetta (Palanquin 2 days) continues to: Lahore (3 days)Herat-Kabul (train 1 day)

    Herat-Waltair (Khodunki powered walker 6 days ; Unlocked byThe Russians are coming (To Waltair). After about 3 days you can divert toDelhi or Agra instead. See the adventure entry.)

    54 KabulAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketAdventure: The Spy Who Loved Smyth Journeys

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    Kabul-Omsk (airship 1 day potential divert to Moscow; see adventure)Kabul-Lahore (palanquin 1 day) connects to: Delhi (2 days) Agra (2 days)

    SUB-SAHARAN EAST AFRICA55 KhartoumAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Sheet of Mirror Glass (Middle East) JourneysKhartoum-Ujiji (Airship 2 days)Khartoum-Stone Town (Airship 1 day)Khartoum-Aden (Airship 1 day)

    56 UjijiAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market JourneysUjiji-Quelimane (Airship 1 day)

    Ujiji-Nsenga (Motorized Canoe 1 day)Ujiji-Stone Town (Airship 1 day)

    57 Stone TownAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Elephant Ivory Goblet (Sell in India)Trade Good: Rhino Horn (Sell in Far East)Adventure: Arrive in this town from Sudan and talk to a clerk to findhis story. Stay overnight to find the clerk with an extremely young girl.Confront him, and he will offer you a bribe of money, though I wouldn'ttake it! JourneysStone Town-Ujiji (Airship 1 day)Stone Town-Quelimane (Airship 1 day)Stone Town-Aden (Ship 3 days)Stone Town-Nsenga (Airship 1 day)

    58 NsengaAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market JourneysNsenga-Quelimane (Airship 1 day)Nsenga-Lusaka (Car 4 days mandatory divert to Ulundi)

    59. QuelimaneAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Fresh Tea (India) JourneysQuelimane-Ulundi (Airship 1 day)Quelimane-Bloemfontein (Airship 1 day)

    60. Lusaka (Inaccessible)

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    61. UlundiAccommodations: None.Adventure: Speaking to the Emperor here and asking to travel toAntananarivo will unlock an additional journey from Antanarivoif the town of Antanarivo is explored. JourneysUlundi-Antanarivo (Conversation unlock) (Airship 1 day)Ulundi-Bhayi (Conversation Unlock) (Airship 1 day)

    62. BloemfonteinAccommodations: Hotel MarketTrade Good: Elephant Ivory Goblet (sell in far east) JourneysBloemfontein-Ulundi (Airship 1 day)Bloemfontein-Bhayi (Airship 1 day)

    63. BhayiAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketAdventure: 20000 LeaguesTrade Good: African Lunar Mask (sell Far East) JourneysBhayi-Antananarivo (Airship 1 day)Bhayi-St. Denis (Submersible 6 days) mandatory divert to Batavia(13 days) OR Columbo (16 days) (See adventure). Trade Good:Coral Calculator (sell in Americas)

    64. AntananarivoAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market JourneysAntananarivo-Colombo (Airship 4 days) Continues to: Madras 5 daysAcquire Trade Good: Massive Pearl.Offer to join the crew and help them at the refueling buoy, then keeptheir secret.Antananarivo-Rangoon (Airship 2 days) (to unlock, visit Ulundi first.Impress the Emperor and tell him you wish to go to Antananarivo, go there,then explore the city).

    65. Saint Denis (Inaccessible)

    RuSSIA AND CENTRAL ASIA62. St. PetersburgAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Faberge Egg (Middle East, Central Asia) JourneysSt. Petersburg-Smeerenburg (Hot Air Balloon, 5 days)St. Petersburg-Moscow (Train 1 day)St. Petersburg-Minsk (Train 1 day)

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    66. MoscowAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: Bullet TrainTrade Good: Gzhel Ceramic Plate (Russia, Central Asia) (explore marketsvisit the distinctive stall)Trade Good: Chateau d' Yquem wine (perhaps others) (explore marketsplain stall)Item: Revolutionary Pamphlet (explore kremlin, visit woman handingout pamphlets)

    Moscow-Tsaritysn (train 1 day) connects to Astrakhan (2 days)Moscow-Ekaterinburg Trans-Siberian Express (Train 3 days)continues to: Omsk (4 days), Irkutsk (7 days) , Karimskaya (10 days),Ussuriysk (12 days), Vladivostok (13 days).Vladivostok is restricted to authorized personnel only.

    The Trans-Siberian express may be accelerated via the adventure, tothe following times:

    Option 1: Full speed:Moscow-Ekaterinburg (Train 3 days) continues to: Omsk (3 days)Irkutsk (6 days) Karimskaya (9 days) Ussuriysk (9 days) Vladivostok(9 days), a savings on the full route of 4 days.

    Option 2: Half Speed:Moscow-Ekaterinburg (Train 4 days) continues to: Omsk (5 days)Irkutsk (8 days) Karimskaya (8 days) Ussuriysk (11 days),Vladivostok (11 days), a savings on the full route of two days.

    WARNING: Interfering with the romance on the Trans-Siberian may get youejected from the train at Irkutsk, forcing you to travel to Urga orBeijing.

    67. EkaterinburgAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: BearsAdventure: GolandAdventure: Bullet TrainTrade Good: Western Star (Sell: India)

    Trade Good: Bear-Armour (see adventure: Bears) JourneysEkaterinburg-Omsk (Rail Trans-Siberian Railway 3 days) continues to:Irkutsk (5 days) Karimskaya (8 days) Ussuriysk (10 days)Vladivostok (11 days)See Moscow entry for potential accelerations and warnings on this route.Trade Good: Balalaika (Sell: Pacific) (Explore train, play the instrument)Trade Good: Foxskin Cap (Sell: Noth America)

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    Accommodations: Hotel, Market JourneysUssuriysk-Vladivostok (Fishing boat, 1 day) NOTE:This is an illegal journey.

    72. VladivostokRESTRICTEDWith military papers, pass without issue.If without papers, if you either explore it or stay in a hotel,you will be caught and held in jail for four days before beingreleased. Mr. Fogg will also lose a great deal of health.Being caught with revolutionary material will mean you willbe held in jail for FIVE days instead of four.Accommodations: Bank Market Hotel JourneysVladivostok-Yokohama (steamship 2 days, shortened to 1 with military

    papers or for a fee of about 800 pounds)Vladivostok-Pyongyang (Fishing yacht 2 days)Vladivostok-Beijing (fishing boat 1 day)

    73. NovorossiyskAccommodations: Market Bank HotelAdventures: Runaway Princess, Slavic Dancer Journeys:Novorossiysk-Tsaritsyn (khodunki powered walker 2 days)Novorossiysk-Tehran (airship 1 day potential divert to Mt. Elbrus)

    74. TsaritsynAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market Journeys:Tsaritsyn-Moscow (train 1 day)Tsaritsyn-Astrakhan (train 1 day)

    75. AstrakhanAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market Journeys:Astrakhan-Baku (hydrofoil 1 day) -> Tehran (2 days, divert to Baku)Astrakhan-Ekaterinburg (train 1 day)

    76. BakuAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Jar of Oil (India, Russia) Journeys:Baku-Krasnovodsk (ferry 1 day)Baku-Tehran (hydrofoil 1 day)

    77. Mt. Elbrus

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    Accommodations: NothingAdventure: Slavic Dancer JourneysMt.Elbrus-Karachi (Underground Phaeton 1 day)Mt.Elbrus-Kabul (Underground 1 day)Mt.Elbrus-Ekaterinburg (Underground 1 day)

    78. KrasnovodskAccommodations:Hotel onlyAdventure: The Russians Are Coming (To Waltair) JourneysKrasnovodsk-Merv (This is a false trip; in fact, it is a trainthat diverts to Herat ; 2 days)Krasnovodsk-Ekaterinburg ( airship 1 day ; this journey is unlockedby conversation in town)

    79. Merv (Inaccessible)


    80. QuettaAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market JourneysQuetta-Lahore (Carriage 1 day)Quetta-Karachi (Carriage 1 day)

    81. KarachiAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market JourneysKarachi-Quetta (Train 1 day) (May be separated from Mr. Fogg on this journey; on a previous playthough I was halted in this city byseparation but it has never happened again; it may have been fixedin an update)Karachi-Delhi (Airship 1 day)Karachi-Bombay (Airship 1 day)

    82. DvarkaAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Diamond Bracelet (Burma) Journeys

    Dvarka-Karachi (Airship 1 day)Dvarka-Bombay (Gyrocopter 1 day)

    83. BombayAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Block of Henna (sell in Chittagong, Rangoon, Canton)Trade Good: Sitar (sell in Calcutta, Burma, Canton)

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    JourneysBombay-Bangalore (train 1 day) continues to: Madras 3 days.NOTE: It does not appear possible to actually lose your passporton this journey.Bombay-Allahabad (train 2 days)Bombay-Nova Goa (Airship 1 day)Bombay-Agra (Airship 1 day) (Unlocked by showing artificers medallion inthe post here, and asking about transportation. When they mention Agra,protest there is no way there, and they will provide you an airship forthe trip).

    84. Nova GoaAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Didacian Cross (Explore, allow the nun to bless you).(Sell the cross in Chittagong, Burma, Canton).Adventure: Sisters of Didacus Journeys

    Nova Goa-Bangalore (Airship 1 day)Nova Goa-Columbo (Ship 1 day)

    85. BangaloreAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Cricket Ball (unlocked by playing Cricket) JourneysBangalore-Nova Goa (Airship 1 day)Bangalore-Madras (Carriage 1 day)

    86. MadrasAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: Sisters of DidacusTrade Good: Jar of Turmeric (Sell: Burma)Trade Good: Block of Henna (sell in Chittagong, Rangoon, Canton)Trade Good: Silver Chest (Unlocked by adventure; see that entry)(sell : Far East)

    JourneysMadras-Columbo (Airship 1 day)Madras-Waltair (Airship 1 day) continues to: Calcutta (2 days)

    87. Columbo

    Accommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market JourneysColumbo-Madras (Airship 1 day)Columbo-Chittagong (Airship 3 days)Columbo-Singapore (Airship 4 days. WARNING: This route will cost youalmost all your health).

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    88. WaltairAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Blue-Eyed Charm (Acquire by explore or hotel option,listen to the story, then go with Madame Bhanu and agree to righta love letter -- if you can stand to help someone break their marriagevows, that is).Trade Good; Carved Animals JourneysWaltair-Madras (ship 1 day)Waltair-Rangoon (Ship 2 days)

    89. LahoreAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Handwoven Carpet (China, Asia) Journeys:Lahore-Benares (Airship 1 day) (unlock by exploring, speak to poet, beas sympathetic as possible, remind him he is alive, ask him if he has

    given up on independence, he will offer you a ride with a friend).Lahore-Delhi (Palanquin 1 day)

    90. BenaresAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market JourneysBenares-Calcutta (Mechanical Elephant 5 days 4000+ pounds)Benares-Waltair (Train 1 day)

    91. DelhiAccomodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Astrolabe (Sold in Chittagong, Canton)Trade Good: Mechanical Brass Woodlouse (Sell: Pacific) JourneysDelhi-Agra (palanquin 1 day)Delhi-Madras (palanquin 3 days)Delhi-Hong Kong airship (3 days, 10000+ pounds). (This is unlockedby conversation with Savarkar; tell her you are travelling around theworld for a bet).

    92. AllahabadAccomodations: Hotel Journeys

    Allahabad-Benares (Donkey Cart 2 days)Allahabad-calcutta (Mechanical Elephant 3 days 1600 pounds)

    93. AgraAccomodations: Bank Hotel Market:Trade Item: Ferrotype (Conversation; say yes to photographer when asked). JourneysAgra-Calcutta (Mobile city 2 days)

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    94. CalcuttaAccomodations: Bank Hotel Market JourneysCalcutta-Chittagong (1 day steamship) Connects to:Singapore ( 5 days), Hong Kong (10 days)

    95. ChittagongAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: Indian Revolution JourneysChittagong-Guwahati (train 1 day).(this route is tricky; First you will need to acquire an Indian traintimetable and keep it in your inventory until you reach Chittagong.Once there, do NOT use the hotel or explore. Instead, simplyadvance time, sleeping rough if necessary, until the traindeparts on the same day. You can, however, negotiate the travel time

    as normal).Chittagong-Yadanabon (Monastic caravan 1 day)WARNING: Arriving in Chittagong from Calcuttawill close off the option to continueto Singapore/Hong Kong on the steamship. However, you can stilltravel on the steamship if you arrived in Chittagong from Columbo.Chittagong-Imphal (Military airship, 1 day) (Unlocked as part ofadventure "Indian Revolution")Chittagong-Bangalore (Revolutionary Caravan, 1 day) (unlocked aspart of adventure "Indian Revolution") (acquire Trade Good: BuddhistRobes, sold in Pacific and Honolulu)Chittagong-Singapore (5 days) continues to: Hong Kong (10 days)potential divert to:

    96. GuwahatiAccommodations: Hotel JourneysGuwahati-Pangsau Pass (side with British) (Military Horse Train 3 days)

    97. ImphalAccommodations: Nothing Journeys

    Imphal-Pangsau Pass (Horse train 2 days)

    98. Pangsau PassAccommodations: Nothing.Adventure: Siege of Acapulco

    JourneysPangsau Pass-Canton (Airship 2 days) (available if sided with British or

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    neutral in Chittagong) (see adventure: Siege of Acapulco)Pangsau pass - Beijing (Airship 1 day) (available if sided with Burmeseor rebels)

    BURMA AND THE SOUTHWEST PACIFIC99. RangoonAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Buddha's Tooth JourneysRangoon-Batavia (airship 1 day)Rangoon-Yadanabon (hired chinthe 1 day)Rangoon-Pangsau Pass (airship 1 day)

    100. YadanabonAccommodations: Bank, Hotel JourneysYadanabon-Pangsau Pass (Hired Chinthe 1 day)

    Yadanabon-Rangoon (Hired Chinthe 1 day)

    101. SingaporeAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Betel Nut Box (sell: Australia/New Zealand) JourneysSingapore-Batavia (ship 1 day) (Trade Good: Dragon's Eye unlocked byconversation; see Batavia entry)Singapore-Manila (ship 1 day) Trade Good: Chinese Parasol. Speakto the captain and asks if she will take a parasol for herself. Saythat frivolity is sometimes its own reward. Later,state that a gentlemen is always presentable. In at least somecircumstances, she will then hand you a parasol which can be soldin the Americas.

    102. Batavia (modern Jakarta)Accommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Rebel Flag (explore or stay overnight; hire a carriageto the city and venture south. Do NOT return to safety when troublestarts. Instead, when a woman falls onto your cab protect her fromthe Dutch soldiers. She is a rebel leader and will give you herflag). Journeys

    Batavia-Singapore (Ship 1 day) Trade Good: Dragon's Eye (Sometimes occurswith Courageous Passepartout; Decide the crew are decent men offortune, befriend them, inquire about their immortal souls,tell the Captain his men's jokes are no matter, and acceptthe proposition. He will sell you the Dragon's Eye for 300 poundsand it may be possible to haggle, though this is untested. Itcan, of course, be sold for thousands of pounds in the rightcity, but be advised it is most likely stolen).

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    Batavia-Manila (Ship 3 days)Batavia-Auckland (Submersible 7 days) DIVERT TO: Port Moresby 5 days.Batavia-Brisbane (Submersible 4 days) Trade Good: Coral Sphere.Dive on the great barrier reef to acquire it. Itmay be sold in the Americas.

    103. Port MoresbyAccommodations: None.Trade Good: Painted Pot. (Join the potters, attempt andfail to make a pot.) (North America/South America)

    Journeys:Port Moresby-Auckland (Canoe): 3 daysPort Moresby-Pitcairn Island (Canoe) : 4 days

    104: Pitcairn Island

    Accommodations: None. Journeys:Pitcairn Island-Santiago (Submersible 3 days)(available if traveled here from Port Moresby)

    Note that, if you arrive here from Auckland by airship,you cannot rebaord and must travel to Santiago by submersible.

    105. BrisbaneAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Didgeridoo (Sell in Central or South America)Adventure: If you explore here, you will encounter a submarinerhere who has broken her foot. It is not possible to save her;the most you can do is locate the newspaper for her. Unfortunately,there IS no competent doctor available, and she will die fromcomplications of the surgery.

    JourneysBrisbane-Auckland (Balloon 5 days)Brisbane-Lima (Airship 8 days) Trade Good: Sketch of Fogg(Sell in Atlantic)

    106. Auckland

    Accommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAuckland-Pitcairn Island (Airship 3 days) - Lima (6 days)If you continue to Auckland, you may divert to Panama Cityfor 4000+ pounds and a 6 day trip.Tell the captain you are going around the world after you discover sheis deaf, balk at her first offer but accept her second. You CAN accepther first offer, but why pay 10000+ pounds when you can pay 4000+? Youstill have half a world to cross, after all.

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    107. UrgaAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: GolandTrade Good: Mongol Chanzy (sell in Far East) JourneysUrga-Beijing (Train 1 day) continues to: Hong Kong (4 days).Urga-Yokohama (Airship 3 days)(Go to Zuun Khuree temple complex. If you are on theGoland adventure, show them the Mongol Sulde. There may be otherways to get it done).

    108. CantonAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market

    JourneysCanton-Hong Kong (bicycle) 1 day

    109. Hong KongAccommodation: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Jade Figurine ( north america)Adventure: Circus of Yokohama JourneysHong Kong-Beijing ( train 1 day)Hong Kong-Yokohama (airship 4 days)Hong Kong-Manila (airship 1 day; on the steamship route from Singapore,hide the sick man in your cabin. The next day, greet him and hewill unlock this route)

    110. BeijingAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Jade Figurine ( North America) JourneysBeijing-Hong Kong (train 1 day)Beijing-Vladivostok (sailing ship 2 days)

    111. Pyongyang

    Accommodations: Bank Hotel Market

    JourneysPyongyang-Manila (Steamship 1 day) (You will be kicked off the boatif you claim to be Americans)Pyongyang-Vladivostok (Steamship 2 days)Pyongyang-Yokohoma(Steamship 3 days) (You will be kicked off the boatif you claim to be Americans)

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    112. YokohamaAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade good: Sketch ( North America) (unlocked by conversation; stay overnightand must not have arrived her during the Circus of Yokohama adventure).Trade good: Katana ( North America)Adventure: Yokohama CircusAdventure: Mutiny at SeaAdventure: Murder on the Pacific JourneysYokohama-Manila (steamship 1 day)Yokohama-Honolulu (not available on first playthrough hovercraft 7 days may beextended to 8 )San Francisco )Yokohama-San Francisco (potential divert to honolulu steamship/submersibleTo honolulu : 12 days

    Potential continued journey to sf from honolulu with submarinehelp: 4 days. Total: 16 daysWithout help: 5 days total 17 days)

    113. ManilaAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market Journeys

    Manila-Singapore (Steamship 1 day)Manila-Batavia (Steamship 2 days)Manila-Honolulu (Airship 3 days) Connects to: Acapulco 6 days potentialdivert to Panama City additional day or two)Manila-Acapulco Trade Good: Conch Shell. "Linger to last minute" whilerefueling in Honolulu to acquire it (sell in North America).Manila-Pyongyang (Steamship 1 day) (you will be kicked off the boatin Manila if you claim to be American)

    NORTH AMERICA AND THE PACIFIC114. HonoluluAccommodations: Bank Market HotelTrade Good: Penny Black (North America)Trade Good: Smith & Wesson (North America)

    Trade Good: Cotton Flower (North America)Trade Good: Accordion (Caribbean, North America)Trade Good: Iron Ore (North America)Trade Good: Take tour, acquire Conch Shell (North Amercia) JourneysHonolulu-Panama City (Trade ship 2 days)Honolulu-San Francisco (4 days)Honolulu-Acapulco (3 days divert to Panama City additional day or two)

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    115. San FranciscoAccommodations; Bank Market HotelTrade Good: Buffalo Hide (North America) JourneysSan Francisco-Acapulco airship 1 daySan Francisco-Burlington (4 days train) continuing to: New York (5day not available on first play through)San Francisco-Gastown (Gyrocopter 2 days)116. San Diego (Inaccessible)

    117. AcapulcoAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Sixty-three toothed gear (Caribbean)Adventure: Siege of Acapulco JourneysAcapulco-Panama City (Caleche 3 days)

    Acapulco-San Pedro (Airship 1 day)-San Francisco (Airship 2 days)(Unlocked by conversation)Acapulco-New Orleans (Caleche 3 Days) (Unlocked by conversation)

    118. San PedroAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Buffalo Hide (North America)Trade Good: Cotton Flower (North America)Trade Good: SugarCane (Caribbean) Journeys:San Pedro-Las Vegas (train 1 day)-Salt Lake City (train 3 days)San Pedro-San Francisco (fishing boat 1 day)San Pedro-Albuquerque (train 1 day)-Dallas (2 days)-New Orleans (3 days)

    119. New OrleansAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: Boxing ChampionshipAdventure: Pirates of the CaribbeanTrade Good: Trombone (Ponta Delgada, Lisbon) Journeys:New Orleans-Havana (airship 1 day diverts to Port Royal)New Orleans-Port Au Prince (airship 1 day diverts to Port Royal)New Orleans-Atlanta(train 1 day)-Washington (train 2 day)

    continuing to: New York (3 days)

    120. Las Vegas (Inaccessible)

    121. AlbuquerqueAccommodations: Market HotelTrade Good: HammerAdventure: The Crooked Marshal

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    Journeys:Albuquerque-Dallas (Train 1 day)

    122. DallasAccommodations: Bank Market HotelAdventure: The Crooked Marshal Journeys:Dallas-Houston (Train 1 day)Dallas-New Orleans (Train 1 day)

    123. Salt Lake CityAccommodations: Bank Market Hotel Journeys:Salt Lake City-Cheyenne (1 day)-Omaha (2 days)-Burlington (3 days)-Chicago (4 days)-New York (5 days) (train/transcontinental railroad).

    Salt Lake City-Albuquerque (railcart 1 day)

    124. CheyenneAccommodations: Bank Hotel Journeys:Note: Cannot reboard transcontinental railway from here.Cheyenne-Omaha (Caleche 1 day)Cheyenne-Dallas(train 1 day)

    125. OmahaAccommodations: Bank Market Hotel Journeys:Note: Cannot reboard transcontinental railway from here.Omaha-Chicago (Caleche 1 day)

    126. BurlingtonAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market Journeys:Burlington-New Orleans ( steamboat 4 days - increased to 5 days if youpush the engines. The boiler will explode and you will drift).Burlington-New York ( train 2 days)

    127. Chicago

    Accommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Hammer (eastern North America) Journeys:Chicago-New York (train 1 day/Transcontinental Railway)Chicago-Duluth-Winnipeg (train 2 days)Chicago-Atlanta (train 1 day)

    128. Duluth (Inaccessible)

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    129. TorontoAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Walrus Tooth Journeys:Toronto-Ottowa (Car, 1 day)

    130. WinnipegAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market Journeys:Winnipeg-Winisk-Ivujivik (Car 3 days)Winnipeg-Ottawa (train 2 days)-New York(3 days)

    131. Winisk (Inaccessible)

    132. IvujivikAccommodations: Bank

    Journeys:Ivujivik-Nanortalik (1 day)

    133. OttawaAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market Journeys:Ottawa-Quebec City (Car 1 day)Ottawa-New York (Train 1 day)Ottowa-Winnipeg (Train 1 day)

    134. Quebec CityAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market Journeys:Quebec City-Nanortalik (Airship 1 day)Quebec City-Reykjavik(Airship 1 day)

    135. New YorkAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade good: Penny Black ( Ponta Delgada, Lisbon) Journeys: .New York-London ( 3 days 3500 - 5000+ poundsFor 6000 additional pounds travel time can be shortened to 2 days)New York-Washington (train 1 day).

    New York-Reykjavik (airship 2 day no luggage)

    136. WashingtonAccommodations: Bank Hotel MarketTrade Good: Baptist Bible (Follow the man to church) Journeys:Washington-Ponta Delgada (Airship 2 days) (can increase thespeed by a matter of hours by speaking to the crew and

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    paying several thousand pounds). Potential divert to: London3 days (speak to the crew, ask to go to London, tell themthey must carry spare fuel, ask what his price is or that youwill abide by his decision in the matter of safety.Pay 4000 pounds. The airship will divert, run out of fuel,and crash off the coast of England. You will be fished outby the coast guard and travel the rest of the way to Londonby gyrocopter.).

    Washington-New York (Train 1 day)

    137. HoustonAccommodations: Bank Hotel Market JourneysHouston-New Orleans (Caleche 1 day)

    138. GastownAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market Journeys:Gastown-San Francisco (Gyrocopter 1 day)Gastown-Calgary (Train 3 days)-Regina (5 days)-Winnipeg(6 days)-Ottowa (7 days)-New York (10 days)

    139. CalgaryAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Walrus ToothTrade Good: Mystery device (Dropped during fight if youexplore the city) Journeys:Calgary-Toronto (airship 4 days) POTENTIAL DIVERT TO: Quebec City.Calgary-Regina (Train 1 day)-Winnipeg (2 days)-Ottowa (3 days)-New York (6 days)

    140. ReginaAccommodations: Hotel, Market Journeys:

    Regina-Winnipeg (Train 1 day)-Ottowa (2 days)-New York (5 days)Regina-Toronto (Airship 1 day)

    141. MiamiAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: From Earth To the MoonMiami-Atlanta (train 1 day)Miami-Nassau (Unlocked by Earth To The Moon adventure) (Boat 1 day)

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    142. NassauAccommodations: None.Adventure: From Earth To The Moon Journey:Nassau-Ponta Delgado (7 days).NotE: You will lose ALL your money,ALL your luggage, AND Mr. Fogg. From here the only realisticroute onward is a free trip to London , conveniently unlocked forthe purpose).

    143. AtlantaAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Hammer (can be purchased through conversation) Journeys:

    Atlanta-Miami (train 1 day)Atlanta-Washington ( train 1 day)Atlanta-Chicago (train 2 day)


    144. Panama CityAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Dinosaur Jawbone (sell in West Africa) JourneysPanama City-Acapulco (Caleche 3 days)Panama City-Port Au Prince (1 day 4500+ pounds) (unlocked by conversation)Panama City-Bogata (Steam Shovel 2 days) continues to: Tabatinga 4 days)(unlocked by conversation) Traveling the entire distance to Tabatingaproduces Item: Sturdy Stick. However, it appears to be valueless.

    145. Port Au PrinceAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Zannimoto (Steal during conversation options)Trade Good: Otomoto (Buy during conversation options or, if youtravelled here from Panama, the pilot can be talked into giving youone for free).

    JourneysPort Au Prince-Caracas (Airship 1 day)Port Au Prince-Washington (Hot Air Balloon 2 days)Port Au Prince-Ponta Delgada (Airship 2 days 4000+ pounds)Port Au Prince-Port Royal (Ship 1 day)

    146. Port RoyalAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market

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    JourneysPort Royal-Port Au Prince (Ship 1 day)Port Royal-Havana (Ship 1 day)

    147. HavanaHavana-Port Royal (Ship 1 day)Havana-Houston (Ship 3 days 1 suitcase)Havana-Miami (Ship 1 day)

    SOUTH AMERICA148. LimaAdventure: GolandAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Peruvian Beryllium (Sell in West Africa)Trade Good: Tureen of Guano (Sell in West Africa) JourneysLima-Tabatinga via Macchu Pichhu (Gyrocopter 3 days)

    Trade Good: Photograph (Sell Atlantic)Lima-Panama City (Gyrocopter 2 days)Lima-Santiago (Steamship 3 days)Lima-Asuncion (Train 3 days)-Rio De Janeiro (5 days*)

    149. Macchu Picchu (Pass through)

    150. TabatingaAccommodations: NothingTrade Good: Barrel of Rubber (Conversation; steal it.) (Sell Atlantic)Trade Good: Vial of Tree Frog Poison (see adventure, sell West Africa)Adventure: Poisoner of DakarTabatinga-Bogota (Gyrocopter 2 days)(Unlock by staying 3 nights in Tabatinga)Tabatinga-Belem (Steamship 6 days)

    151. BogotaAccommodations: Bank, Hotel JourneysBogota-Caracas (Airship 1 day)Bogata-Belem (Airship 5 days)

    152. CaracasAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market

    Trade Good; Diamond Chronometer (West Africa) JourneysCaracas-Port Au Prince (Airship 1 day)Caracas-Bogata (Airship 1 day)Caracas-Freetown (Airship 3 days)

    153. SantiagoAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market

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    Journeys:Santiago-Buenos Aires (Train, 3 days)Santiago-Asuncion (Train, 4 days)

    154. BelemAccommodations: HotelAdventure: Poisoner of Dakar JourneysBelem-Dakar (Airship 3 days) (may force you to proceed to Timbuktu:See adventure)Belem-Freetown (Airship 3 days)Belem-Porto Novo (Airship 1 day) WARNING: This is a trap! If youtravel here you must either pay 4000+ pounds to fly to Freetown,or take a slow trip to Timbuktu, to say nothing of the horrorsthat trip involves).

    155. AsuncionAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, Market JourneysAsuncion-Rio De Janeiro (Ship, 4 days)Asuncion-Rio De Janeiro (Caleche, 2 days)Auncion-Salvador (Caleche, 3 days)

    156. Rio de JaneiroAccommodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketTrade Good: Sugarcane (Africa) JourneysRio De Janeiro - Freetown (Airship 3 days)Rio De Janeiro - Salvador (Ship, 1 day)

    157. SalvadorAccommodations: Bank, Hotel Journeys:Salvador-Porto Novo (Airship 2 days)Salvador-Belem (Gyrocopter 1 day)

    158. Buenos AiresAccommodations: Bank, Market

    Adventure: The Black Rose Journeys:Buenos Aires-Rio De Janeiro (Ship, 4 days)Buenos-Aires-Dakar (if you are able to enter the artificer levelsof the city). (Gyrocopter/Automated City-ship, 7 days)

    Approach the base of the tower. Identify yourself as Passepartout,Valet to Mr. Fogg, and you will gain

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    access to the upper levels of the cities, controlled by artificers.


    159.NanortalikAccomodations: None.Adventure: Polar Expedition Journeys:Nanortalik-Reykjavik (Airship 1 day)

    160. ReykjavikAccomodations: Bank, HotelAdventure: Center Of The Earth

    JourneysReykjavik-London (Airship 2 days)Reykjavik-Snowden (Unlocked by Center of The Earth, underground boat, 1 day)

    161. SnowdonAccommodations: Hotel JourneysSnowden-London (Private carriage 1 day)

    162. Ponta DelgadaAccomodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: From Earth To The Moon JourneysPonta Delgada-London (Airship 3 days 5000+ pounds)Ponta Delgada-London (Airship 1 day free - unlocked byEarth To The Moon adventure. However, as mentioned, youhave no money, no luggage, and no Mr. Fogg).Ponta Delgada-Lisbon (Gyrocopter 1 day)

    163. LisbonAccomodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure:The Ruins Of Belgrade


    164. TangierAccomodations: Bank, Hotel, Market JourneysTangier-Lisbon (Car 1 day)Tangier-London (Airship 1 day 11000+ pounds) (Explore/hotel,

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    go to shadowy bar, toast "Journeys and their end").

    165. MarrakeshAdventure: Sisters of DidacusAccomodations: Bank, Hotel, Market JourneysMarrakesh-Tangier (Carriage 1 day)

    166. TimbuktuAdventure: Sisters of Didacus JourneysTimbuktu-Marrakesh (Ghazal (Car) 6 days) Trade Good: Aissatous' Shard(Atlantic)

    167. Freetown

    Accomodations: Bank, Hotel, Market

    JourneysFreetown-Dakar (Gyrocopter 1 day)Freetown-Marrakesh (Airship 1 day)Freetown-Timbuktu (Car 5 days) (Unlocked by conversation)

    168. DakarAccomodations: Bank, Hotel, MarketAdventure: Poisoner of DakarItem: Delphine's Parcel (not for sale) (Adventure item) JourneysDakar-Marrakesh (Airship 1 day) divert to Ponta Delgado 3 days(unlocked by conversation, borrow captain's telescope, look tothe northwest, spot a pirate, sound the alarm. It appears that thisdiversion will happen anyway, but it can be prevented by taking theship's telescope apart).Dakar-Tangier (Ship 1 day) (unlocked by adventure) divert to Lisbon1 day: Investigate workings of ship, say you have lost time, askhow to persuade the captain, see the captain and ask to goto Lisbon. Say it is for a wager, ask for her help, then pay4000 pounds. She will divert the ship and you will get toLisbon in just a few more hours than it would have taken to travelto Tangier.

    Dakar-Timbuktu (Gyrodyne 1 day) (Unlocked by adventure)

    169. Porto NovoAdventure: The Slavers of TimbuktuAccomodations: Hotel, Market JourneysPorto Novo-Freetown (Airship 1 day)

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    Porto Novo-Timbuktu (Slave-hunting caravan 4 days) (this is onlyavailable if you arrived in Porto Novo on the slave ship from Belem).

    Appendix 2: Adventures [ZAB00]

    A2.1: Polar Expedition [ZAB01]

    Mr. Fogg and Passepatout depart Smeerenburg aboard an Icewalker boundfor the North Pole, little realizing the danger they are in.

    This is one of the few places in the story where Mr. Fogg can actuallydie. If he does, Passepartout will head out into the snow and neitherof them will ever be seen again.

    To avoid this fate, on the first leg of the expedition, Passepartoutshould make as many friends as he can.

    The first step is Saloman Andree, the designer of the supportballoon. Assist him to stow away on the expedition, perhaps byfeigning illness in the galley. It is a matter of life and death!

    Next, when a trumpet blast sounds, leave your shaving water and seewhat the commotion is. This will allow you to join the hunters intheir work. You don't actually have to do anything , your presenceis enough to win points with them.

    Next step, join Monsier Jokinen in a little picnic lunch. While romanticoptions are given, mere friendship will suffice.

    A bit later the navigator and pilot will quarrel. Eavesdrop.

    Investigate the unplanned detour and pay an apprentice navigator to keephis eyes out.

    Poke your head into the navigation room to witness another argument. Askif there has been tampering. Step between them to get punched and therebyinflict a guilty conscience on the Chief Navigator, which may be usefullater.

    All of this leads up to the moment the Icewalker is destroyed.

    Now it's time to call in all those favors to keep Mr. Fogg alive. Thedifference between life and death for Mr. Fogg appears to be how muchhelp he gets from the other survivors. If he doesn't get enough assistance,it does not matter what his health score says, he will die.

    Do NOT choose any option referring to Mr. Fogg's health in a negative way.

  • 8/15/2019 80 Days Walkthough


    He will be somewhat healthier if this is done.

    When someone walks into the snow, do not follow or think of following.

    Choose the optimistic and hopeful entry over the pessimistic onewhenever it is offered.

    Time to call in a favor. I choose to call in Monsieur Mezensky of thehunters. He will provide a thick fur to keep Mr. Fogg warm.

    Next favor, head to the hot air balloon and speak to Monsieur Andree.He will contribute some tins of broth if you
