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8th grade fighting the revolution

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Fighting the Revolution Important Battles and People
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Fighting the RevolutionImportant Battles and People

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A New Government:

After declaring independence, the 2nd Continental Congress

created The Articles of Confederation to be the first

government of the United States giving control to the


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Early Years

Washington and his troops faced many struggles:

1) Basic supplies were scarce (uniforms, shoes, food and weapons)

2) Troops were untrained and unprepared

Britain won many victories in the beginning of the war

Britain also hired German mercenaries called Hessians to fight the war

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Battle of Bunker Hill (a.k.a. Breed’s Hill) June 1775

The Continental Army was heavily outnumbered

They dug in and fought hard against the British

Having limited supplies, Gen. Prescott order his soldiers not to fire “until you see the whites of their eyes!”

The British won the battle but with heavy losses and realized that this war would not be over quickly

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Why do you think Americans continued to fight even though they faced many struggles and lost battles early in the war?

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The Battle of Trenton

On Dec. 25, 1776, Washington planned a surprise attack on the Hessian troops at Trenton

The attack was successful and became an important victory:

1) Gave hope to the Patriots

2) People gained more trust in Washington’s leadership

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Battle of Saratoga 1777

Even with Washington’s victory at Trenton, Britain still underestimated the Patriots, thinking of them as “ignorant farmers”

Determined Americans, like Wentworth Cheswell, helped win an important victory at Saratoga

Became the TURNING POINT of the war

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Help From Foreign CountriesSaratoga showed the world we could win the war

Benjamin Franklin convinced France to support us with:

Supplies and a Navy

Spain directed Bernardo de Galvez to protect New Orleans and Florida from the British to help protect America from a westward or southern attack

Marquis de Lafayette of France and Baron von Steuben, of Germany, came to America to help train our soldiers

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Why do you think France and Spain agreed to help America fight Britain, a very powerful enemy?

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Winter at Valley Forge The winter of 1777 - 1778 was VERY harsh:

1) Due to low supplies soldiers suffered from frostbite, starvation and sickness

2) Many soldiers began to desert (run away)

Washington used this time to train his soldiers and turn them into a strong army

Marquis de Lafayette became a close friend of Washington’s and a general in the Continental Army

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American Patriots Help

Haym Solomon, a wealthy Jewish Patriot, loaned money to the government to help fight the war

Esther DeBerdt Reed raised money to buy linen so she and other women could sew shirts for the soldiers

Martha Washington, Catherine Littlefield Greene and other officer’s wives helped to feed and care for wounded soldiers

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American Patriots Help

James Armistead, a free black man, was a Patriot spy for General Lafayette who pretended to be an escaped slave to gain information from the British

Deborah Sampson dressed like a man in order to fight as a soldier during the revolution

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American Patriots Help

Molly Ludwig started out carrying pitchers of water to thirsty soldiers earning the nickname “Molly Pitcher” but eventually started fighting alongside them

Abigail Adams wrote to her husband John Adams, while he served in the Continental Congress, urging him to “remember the ladies” and take care of rights for women

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Which of the following statements best describes the contributions of women and minorities during the American Revolution?A. They were left out of important events and battles

B. Due to the social climate of the time they were restricted from being able to contribute to the revolutionary cause

C. Women and minorities made significant contributions despite being excluded from important roles in the Continental Army

D. Women and minorities had to be wealthy in order to make a difference during the revolutionary war

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The War at Sea

John Paul Jones, remembered as the Father of the US Navy, was captain of the small American navy made up of mostly merchant ships in the early years

After France began to support America, they gave him new ships including his own warship, the Bonhomme Richard

John Paul Jones won an important victory against the more powerful British ship, Serapis in 1779 making his famous quote “I have not yet begun to fight!” early in the battle when it seemed he would be defeated

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Battle of Yorktown 1781The Continental Army trapped the commander of the British forces, Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown

French ships blocked any support or hope of a British escape by sea

Washington’s army blocked the British by land and after a tough battle, the British were forced to surrender

Yorktown was the last major battle of the Revolution convincing the British government to give up the fight

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Factors of the American Victory:

1) Americans were fighting for their way of life, their homes and on their own land (Homefield Advantage)

2) Americans used unconventional tactics like guerrilla warfare against the larger British forces

3) Americans had more support from local colonists

4) Americans had strong leadership that gave them confidence: Washington, Lafayette

5) Support from foreign allies: France - money, supplies, navy, Spain - protected New Orleans and Florida

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Treaty of Paris 1783

➢ Formally ended the American Revolution

➢ Recognized American Independence

➢ Set the boundaries of the United States: West at the Mississippi River, North at the Great Lakes and South at Florida

➢ Britain agreed to remove all British soldiers from America
