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9 Pests, Diseases and Weeds Kenneth G. Rohrbach and Marshall W. Johnson Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA Introduction Several recent in-depth reviews of pineapple pests and diseases have been published (Lim, 1985; Rohrbach and Apt, 1986; Broadley et al. 1993; Rohrbach and Schmitt, 1994). The focus of this chapter is on the interactions of populations of pineapple pests, disease pathogens and weeds with the pineapple production cycle. High population densities of pineapple pests, diseases and weeds occur at different times in the pine- apple life cycle (shown by varying bar inten- sity for each insect and disease pathogen in Figs 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3), and therefore have varying impacts. Understanding the inter- actions of these pests and disease pathogens with their pineapple host is critical to an integrated pest, disease and weed manage- ment (IPM) programme. Several characteristics of the pineapple plant and commercial pineapple production systems contribute to the severity of several pest and disease problems. The commercial- ization of pineapple required large capital investments in land and processing facilities, which has resulted in long-term monoculture. Long-term monoculture has contributed to severe nematode problems in many produc- tion areas and this has required the imple- mentation of nematode-control strategies. The pineapple plant is most productive under a xerophytic environment where low rainfall is supplemented by irrigation in well- drained soils. The adventitious roots arising from the lower portion of the pineapple stem are the only ones that become soil roots. Once the root system is damaged or destroyed, it does not regenerate significantly. Indices for pineapple-plant diseases are the proportion of the plant population affected (incidence) and the effect of disease on each plant (severity). Severity may range from a reduction in growth rate, as indicated by a reduced plant size or weight, to a reduced fruit yield. Pineapple pest indices applicable to IPM systems have been devel- oped for mealybugs, ants and mites. In order to understand the epidemiology of pineapple-plant diseases and to develop management strategies, the probability of disease occurrence (frequency) and the level of disease occurring (incidence and severity) must be considered. Indices for fruit disease severity are shown in Figs 9.4 and 9.5. Factors of importance are the presence or absence of the causal organism, susceptibility of culti- vars and optimum environmental conditions. Fallow Period (Intercycle) Intercycle pests Nematodes, mealybugs and ants In a monoculture pineapple production system, the fallow period or intercycle has historically ranged from years to as little as a © CAB International 2003. The Pineapple: Botany, Production and Uses (eds D.P. Bartholomew, R.E. Paull and K.G. Rohrbach) 203
Page 1: 9 Pests, Diseases and Weeds - CABI.org9 Pests, Diseases and Weeds Kenneth G. Rohrbach and Marshall W. Johnson Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR, University of Hawaii

9 Pests, Diseases and Weeds

Kenneth G. Rohrbach and Marshall W. JohnsonPlant and Environmental Protection Sciences, CTAHR, University of Hawaii

at Manoa, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA


Several recent in-depth reviews of pineapplepests and diseases have been published(Lim, 1985; Rohrbach and Apt, 1986;Broadley et al. 1993; Rohrbach and Schmitt,1994). The focus of this chapter is on theinteractions of populations of pineapplepests, disease pathogens and weeds with thepineapple production cycle. High populationdensities of pineapple pests, diseases andweeds occur at different times in the pine-apple life cycle (shown by varying bar inten-sity for each insect and disease pathogen inFigs 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3), and therefore havevarying impacts. Understanding the inter-actions of these pests and disease pathogenswith their pineapple host is critical to anintegrated pest, disease and weed manage-ment (IPM) programme.

Several characteristics of the pineappleplant and commercial pineapple productionsystems contribute to the severity of severalpest and disease problems. The commercial-ization of pineapple required large capitalinvestments in land and processing facilities,which has resulted in long-term monoculture.Long-term monoculture has contributed tosevere nematode problems in many produc-tion areas and this has required the imple-mentation of nematode-control strategies.

The pineapple plant is most productiveunder a xerophytic environment where lowrainfall is supplemented by irrigation in well-

drained soils. The adventitious roots arisingfrom the lower portion of the pineapple stemare the only ones that become soil roots. Oncethe root system is damaged or destroyed, itdoes not regenerate significantly.

Indices for pineapple-plant diseases arethe proportion of the plant populationaffected (incidence) and the effect of diseaseon each plant (severity). Severity may rangefrom a reduction in growth rate, as indicatedby a reduced plant size or weight, to areduced fruit yield. Pineapple pest indicesapplicable to IPM systems have been devel-oped for mealybugs, ants and mites.

In order to understand the epidemiologyof pineapple-plant diseases and to developmanagement strategies, the probability ofdisease occurrence (frequency) and the levelof disease occurring (incidence and severity)must be considered. Indices for fruit diseaseseverity are shown in Figs 9.4 and 9.5. Factorsof importance are the presence or absence ofthe causal organism, susceptibility of culti-vars and optimum environmental conditions.

Fallow Period (Intercycle)

Intercycle pests

Nematodes, mealybugs and ants

In a monoculture pineapple productionsystem, the fallow period or intercycle hashistorically ranged from years to as little as a

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few weeks. Prior to the discovery of soilfumigants for nematode control, the fallowperiod was an important nematode-controlstrategy, particularly for the root-knot nema-tode. The fallow period is also important for

the control of ants and mealybugs which areassociated with mealybug wilt. Tillage mustbe thorough and frequent enough for thedecomposition of the previous crop and itspests and for the elimination of weed growth

204 K.G. Rohrbach and M.W. Johnson


Planting Growth Forcing Flowering Harvest



Bud moths



Fruit mite

Red mite


White grubs

Fig. 9.1. Illustration showing typical frequencies of infestation of the most significant pineapple pests inrelation to a plant-crop pineapple cycle. Darker area indicates higher frequencies.


Planting Growth Forcing Flowering Harvest

Mealybug wilt


Butt rot

Heart rot

Root rot

Yellow spot

Fusarium stem rot

Bacterial heart rot

Fig. 9.2. Illustration showing typical disease intensities of the most significant pineapple diseases in relationto a plant-crop pineapple cycle. Darker areas indicate higher intensities.

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during the fallow period. Weeds present dur-ing the fallow period may provide a carry-over host for nematodes and mealybugs.Thorough tillage can also eliminate antswithin the fallowed field.

Ants present in intercycle fields are thebig-headed ant, Pheidole megacephala (F.)(Plate 22), the Argentine ant, Iridomyrmexhumilis (Mayer), and the fire ant, Solenopsisgeminata (F.) (Rohrbach and Schmitt, 1994).

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Planting Growth Forcing Flowering Harvest Consumer

Black rot

Penicillium/Fusarium fruitlet core rot


Pink disease

Fruit collapse

Marbling disease

Internal browning

Fig. 9.3. Illustration showing typical pineapple fruit disease intensities of the most significant pineapple fruitdiseases in relation to a plant-crop pineapple cycle. Darker areas indicate higher intensities.

1 = 1–2% 2 = 3–5% 3 = 6–10%

4 = 11–25% 5 = 26–50% 6 = 51–100%

Fig. 9.4. Pineapple disease index used to measure external disease severity (e.g. black rot) based on theproportion of fruitlets per fruit that show symptoms.

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With deep, frequent intercycle tillage, mostant colonies can be eliminated.

Nematode populations during the fallowperiod will decline significantly if soil mois-ture is adequate. However, the presence ofsoil moisture increases the need for weedcontrol. Dry fallow is not as effective atreducing the reniform nematode populationas is wet fallow (Caswell and Apt, 1989).

Economic thresholds for nematodes arenot well defined. Soil sampling is importantbecause the qualitative occurrence of reni-form, root-knot or root-lesion nematodes isgenerally interpreted as a potential problemthat requires control (Caswell et al., 1990;Stirling and Kopittke, 2000).

Souring beetles

Small nitidulid beetles (c. 4.5–8.0 mm),known as souring beetles, sap beetles ordried-fruit beetles, are attracted to decom-posing pineapple plant material (termedpineapple trash) following knock-down ofthe previous crop. The adult beetles arehard-bodied and dark brown (Hinton, 1945).

Several different species may infest trash oroverripe pineapple fruit, of which Carpophilushumeralis (F.), Carpophilus hemipterus (L.) (Fig.9.6), and Haptoncus ocularis (Fairm) are themost common (Carter, 1967; Py et al., 1987).Fertile females may lay more than 1400 eggsand live as many as 115 days (Carter, 1967).Eggs usually hatch within 2 days after depo-sition. Hinton (1945) indicates that the lifecycle of C. humeralis from egg to adult isabout 21 days. While the larvae typicallyfeed on decaying fruit, the adults may attackpineapple plants at every stage of growth(Hinton, 1945). They may congregate on seedplants placed in the field and feed on theexposed butts and starchy stalk material.However, the injury to the plant is not eco-nomically significant. Chang and Jensen(1974) have identified these beetles as beingpossible vectors of the fungus Chalara para-doxa (De Seynes) Sacc. (syn. Thielaviopsisparadoxa (De Seyn.) Hohn) (telemorphCeratocystis paradoxa (Dade) C. Moreau)which causes black-rot disease.

Souring beetles are more of a social nui-sance than an agricultural one, because they

206 K.G. Rohrbach and M.W. Johnson

1 = 1–2% 2 = 3–5% 3 = 6–10%

4 = 11–25% 5 = 26–50% 6 = 51–100%

Fig. 9.5. Pineapple disease index used to measure internal disease severity (e.g. internal browning) basedon the proportion of fruitlets per fruit that show symptoms.

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often land on humans in the vicinity ofknocked-down fields and fruiting pineappleplantings. This has been a problem in placessuch as Hawaii, where recreational andtourist activities (e.g. golf) are enjoyed nearpineapple-production areas. It has beenreported (R. Heu, personal communication)that a single Maui resort company lost$50,000 weekly due to problems stemmingfrom swarms of adult souring beetles. Giventhat these beetles do not have a significantimpact on pineapple production, it is noteconomically feasible or environmentallydesirable to control them with pesticides.However, to reduce their nuisance factor, theparasitic wasp Cerchysiella (= Zeteticontus)utilis Noyes (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) wascollected in Israel and released in Hawaii in1977 to control the immature larval stages ofthe beetles that infest rotting pineapple trashand fruit (Funasaki et al., 1988). The waspestablished populations on the HawaiianIslands of Oahu, Maui and Lanai (C.Nagamine, personal communication). Theadult female parasitoid deposits her eggsinto beetle larvae and the parasitized larvaemummify (i.e. turn hard and stiff) after 9–11days. Fifteen days after egg deposition, anadult C. utilis emerges from the parasitizedbeetle. Souring-beetle numbers have beenreduced somewhat, but the beetles stillremain a problem in some areas.

Intercycle cover crops

While intercycle cover crops have not beenutilized to any degree in commercial pine-apple production, they offer some potentialfor controlling erosion and reducing nema-todes (Ko and Schmitt, 1993). Their use hasbeen uneconomic because adequate rainfallor irrigation is necessary to sustain covercrops in dry production areas.

Seed Material – Collection, Handling andStorage

Pineapple is vegetatively propagated, utiliz-ing crowns, slips or suckers (Fig. 9.7). In gen-eral, these ‘seed materials’ are infested withthe same pests as were present on themother plants. The movement of seed mate-rials from field to field or country to countryhas been the primary means of spread of themajor pineapple pests and diseases(Rohrbach, 1983). Common pests infestingseed materials are mealybugs, scale andpineapple red mites. In addition to thesepests, the diseases termed butt rot andFusarium stem rot may be major problemswhen handling, storing or planting freshseed materials. In the past 10 years, twotypes of plant viruses have been identified inpineapple, a closterovirus and a bacilliform

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Fig. 9.6. Souring beetle, Carpophilus hemipterus L.

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(Gunasinghe and German, 1989; Thomson etal., 1996). These viruses have been shown tooccur in most pineapple plants with or with-out symptoms of mealybug wilt in severaldifferent countries (Sether and Hu, 1998).Recent evidence indicates that the closter-ovirus may actually consist of a group ofviruses (J. Hu, personal communication).The role of these viruses in mealybug wilthas not been conclusively defined. Pest- anddisease-free seed materials are critical tomaintaining uniform and optimum plantgrowth throughout the pineapple cycle.


The mealybug species associated withmealybug wilt are commonly found onpineapple seed material in most major pro-duction areas of the world. In order ofimportance worldwide, they are: pinkpineapple mealybug, Dysmicoccus brevipes(Cockerell) (Plate 23), grey pineapple mealy-bug, Dysmicoccus neobrevipes Beardsley (Plate23), and long-tailed mealybug, Pseudococcusadonidum (L.) (= Pseudococcus longispinus

(Targioni-Tozzetti)). Insufficient mealybugcontrol can lead to whole pineapple plant-ings being lost due to mealybug wilt, result-ing in lost fruit production (Carter, 1933).The most common species found in Hawaii’spineapple plantings are D. brevipes and D.neobrevipes. Plantings may be infested withonly one mealybug species or multiplespecies (Gonzalez-Hernandez et al., 1999).These species are not equally distributedworldwide. The pink pineapple mealybugmay be found in all major pineapple-growing areas. In contrast, the grey pine-apple mealybug has not been reported onpineapple in Africa, Australia, India, most ofsouth Asia (except Thailand (G. Jahn, personalcommunication)), or the Mediterraneanregion (Beardsley, 1993).

The pink pineapple mealybug is com-monly found on the lateral roots of thepineapple plant just below soil level. It canalso be found on the aerial parts of the plant,mainly in the leaf axils and on the develop-ing fruit. In contrast, the grey pineapplemealybug is never found on the pineappleroots, but may overlap the distribution of thepink pineapple mealybug on the aerial por-tions of the plant. In Hawaii, only the greypineapple mealybug has both female andmale individuals in the population, while thepink pineapple mealybug only has females.The male grey pineapple mealybugs spinwhite, silky cocoons before becoming small-winged insects, which seek females to mate.Mealybugs feed on plant sap in the phloemof their host plants. They produce honeydew(sweet, sticky liquid) as a by-product of theirfeeding. The honeydew often accumulates inlarge quantities around groups of mealybugsand may support the growth of sooty mould,Capnodium sp. Adult mealybugs are elliptical-shaped (top view), soft-skinned insects withwaxy secretions, which give their body sur-faces a chalky appearance. They also havewhite, waxy filaments of various lengths(depending on the species) extending fromthe lateral margins of their bodies. Althoughcapable of movement, these insects are nor-mally quiescent and congregate together ingroups (e.g. > 20 individuals). The first-stage(or first-instar) crawlers (0.6–0.7 mm) aretypically the most active stage, and they

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Fig. 9.7. Cross-section of a crown, slip and suckerused as ‘seed materials’ for pineapple propagation.

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move around the plant host seeking a placeto settle down to feed. After settling down,they do not normally move any great dis-tance, unless disturbed or relocated by antspecies (e.g. big-headed ant) that tend themfor their honeydew.

The long-tailed mealybug and the citrusmealybug, Pseudococcus citri (Risso), may befound on pineapple, but do not cause signifi-cant injury. The adult of the former species haslong filaments protruding from its posteriorend, these are slightly longer than the lengthof the mealybug’s body. The immature stagesof the citrus mealybug are similar in appear-ance to immature pink pineapple mealybugs,but the adult stage produces a fluffy wax masswhich holds its golden-coloured eggs.


The pineapple scale, Diaspis bromeliea(Kerner), is likely to be found on pineappleleaves and fruit worldwide (Plate 24) (Waite,1993). Frequently, it builds up on the crown ofthe developing fruit and, at harvest, the seedmaterial may be heavily infested. Other hostslikely to be found in areas where pineapple isgrown include species of Agave, Billbergia andBromelia (Petty, 1978b). Unlike mealybugs, theimmature and adult female stages of scaleinsects do not move around except in thecrawler stage, which is responsible for disper-sal of the insect (Beardsley and Gonzales,1975). Adult male scales have wings but flyonly to locate females for mating. Thecrawlers commonly disperse by active wan-dering and wind currents. The newly hatchedcrawlers emerge from underneath the protec-tive scale covering of their mothers.

Seed material should be as clean as possi-ble, because scale densities can increase tohigh numbers (especially if infested plantingmaterial is piled up) and desiccate the plant-ing material, thereby making it unusable(Waite, 1993).

Butt rot

Butt rot or ‘top rot’ of pineapple can beserious on pineapple ‘seed materials’ and

occurs wherever pineapple is grown(Rohrbach, 1983). The causal fungus, C.paradoxa, is widespread in the tropics onpineapple, coconut and other palms, sugarcane as ‘pineapple disease’, cacao as ‘podrot’, and banana as ‘black-head disease’ onrhizomes, suckers and roots, and as ‘stem-end rot’ on fruit (Dade, 1928).

The symptoms of butt rot are a soft rotand blackening of the basal portion of thestem tissue of vegetative seed material (Fig.9.8). If infected seed material is kept wet, asin a pile of crowns, the infection mayprogress to rot the entire seed piece (stemand leaves) or even the entire pile. Severelyrotted seed material is normally discardedprior to planting. Slightly to moderatelyinfected seed material may be planted, butgrowth will be slow and plants will bestunted, due to loss of stem tissue, whichcontains carbohydrate reserves and the ini-tial roots.

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Fig. 9.8. Cross-section of crown showing pineapplebutt rot caused by Chalara paradoxa and the loss oftissues from which adventitious roots arise.

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When uncured or untreated seed materialis planted in soils with high inoculum levelsof C. paradoxa, butt rot levels may reach 100%.Inoculum levels in pineapple soils in Hawaiivaried from an average of 2630 propagulesg�1 following field preparation to 280propagules g�1 of soil at the end of the cropcycle. At planting, inoculum levels varied byfield from a high of 12,969 to as low as 31propagules g�1 of soil (Rashid, 1975).

Fusarium stem rot

Fusarium stem rot is caused by the fungusFusarium subglutinans (Wollenw. & Reinking)Nelson, Tousson & Marasas comb. nov.(Matos, 1999). Recently, O’Donnell et al.(1998) renamed the pathogen Fusarium gutti-forme Nirenberg & O’Donnell based on DNAsequence analyses of members of theGibberella fujikuroi complex. Despite its obvious affinities with G. fujikuroi, no tele-omorph has been reported for thispathogen.

In Brazil, the disease causes major lossesin the three major cultivars, ‘Perola’, ‘Jupi’and ‘Smooth Cayenne’ (Rohrbach, 1983).Levels of plant infections vary from 2 to 30%(Laville, 1980). Disease levels in commercialexperimental ‘Smooth Cayenne’ plantingshave been so high that foreign investmentsin pineapple production in Brazil have notdeveloped, although attempts have beenmade (L. Cooksey, personal communication).

The disease is associated with the fruit-rotphase termed ‘fusariosis’. Stem infections ofseed materials occur at leaf bases, withresulting rosetting and/or curvature of theplant, due to portions of the stem being gir-dled or killed (Fig. 9.9; Laville, 1980).

Once the developing fruit is infected, sec-ondary infections can occur on the develop-ing slips or suckers. The infected seedmaterial is then distributed to new plantingareas, thus infesting new sites. Soils canremain infested for several months. Spreadwithin infested fields is primarily by insectsbut may also be by wind (Laville, 1980). Freeconidia of Fusarium subglutinans can survivefor 6–13 weeks in soil, depending on mois-ture and temperature, with survival being

highest in dry soils. Survival in infectedpineapple tissue in soil is less than 10months (Maffia, 1980). Optimum tempera-tures for growth are 25°C, with a range of5–35°C (Camargo and Camargo, 1974).


Several mite species have been recorded onpineapple worldwide. Because of this, somemites have more than one common nameand some names have been applied to morethan one mite species. To reduce the confu-sion in the discussion below, the variouscommon names applied to each mite specieshave been provided.

The pineapple red mite (also known asred spider or false spider mite), Dolicho-tetranychus (= Stigmacus) floridanus (Banks)(Acarina: Tenuipalpidae), is the largest mitefound on pineapple and is conspicuous enmasse because of its bright orange to redcolour (Fig. 9.10). According to Jeppson et al.

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Fig. 9.9. Cross-section of a pineapple suckershowing Fusarium stem rot caused by Fusariumsubglutinans.

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(1975), it only occurs on pineapple and isfound in Florida, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama,Honduras, Mexico, Central America, Hawaii,the Philippine Islands, Japan, Okinawa andJava. The adult mite is approximately0.3–0.4 mm long and 0.1 mm wide. Whenpresent on the plant, the mite is alwaysfound on the white basal portion of theleaves, where it feeds, particularly on thecrown. When pineapple red-mite popu-lations build up under dry conditions, themites are most commonly on the basal leavesof the crown and on stored seed material(Petty, 1975, 1978c).

The blister mite (also called pineapplefruit mite), Phyllocoptruta (= Vasates) saki-murae Kiefer (Acarina: Eriophyidae), isreportedly the smallest mite (0.1 mm longand 0.033 mm wide) found on pineapple inHawaii (Carter, 1967). Individuals are chalkyin colour and only have two pairs of legslocated near the head. They may be found ondetached crowns that are stored for planting.They originate from prior infestations on theripe fruit from which the crowns werederived. They normally disappear after thecrowns are planted, but may be found lateron fruit after the flat-eye stage of fruit devel-opment (Carter, 1967). Jeppson et al. (1975)

suggest that the mite originated in SouthAmerica.

The pineapple mite, Schizotetranychusasparagi (Oudemans) (Acarina: Tetra-nychidae), is widely distributed and hasbeen recorded in Hawaii, continental USA,Germany, Portugal, The Netherlands andPuerto Rico (Jeppson et al., 1975). In colderclimates, it may be found on asparagus fernsgrown in greenhouses or lathhouses. Inpineapple-production areas, it may frequentlycause severe damage to recently establishedplants in the field. Plants that are infested inthe early stages remain small and fruit pro-duction is either curtailed or non-existent.Heavily infested plants may die before pro-ducing fruit. The best management action isto plant only mite-free seed-plant material(Jeppson et al., 1975).

The pineapple tarsonemid mite (alsoknown as pineapple mite, pineapple fruitmite, pineapple false spider mite),Steneotarsonemus ananas (Tryon) (Acarina:Tarsonemidae), may be found infestingpineapple later in the plant’s phenologicalcycle (see discussion below) (Fig. 9.11).

Management of pests and diseases on seedmaterial

Pest- and disease-free seed materials are criti-cal to preventing the establishment of insectsand pathogens in newly planted pineapplefields. The presence of mealybugs, scales andmites, as well as Fusarium-infected seed mate-rials, must be monitored at the seed sourcebefore transport for planting, in order toimplement effective controls. The pineapplered mite (D. floridanus) will only become aproblem on stored seed under dry conditions.Mealybugs, scales and the red mite can becontrolled by dipping seed in an approvedinsecticide, such as diazinon (Petty andWebster, 1979). Red mites can also be con-trolled by orientating seed material in its nor-mal vertical position, so that the leaf axilscollect natural rainfall or dew, or by methylbromide fumigation of the seed material(Osburn, 1945). The blister mite (P. sakimurae)can be controlled by dipping seed materials inan approved miticide, such as endosulphan.

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Fig. 9.10. The pineapple red mite,Dolichotetranychus floridanus (male left, femaleright).

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Fusarium-infected seed has been hot-water-treated at 54°C for 90 min with benomyl at50 g 100 l�1, but growth was retarded andup to 50% of the plants were killed (Maffia,1980). Resistance to F. subglutinans occurs inAnanas and Pseudoananas (Laville, 1980).Resistant cultivars are being developed(Cabral et al., 1997).

Butt rot is controlled by harvesting seedmaterial during dry weather and curing it onthe mother plants, where there is good aircirculation and exposure to inoculum-infested soil is minimized (Fig. 9.12). Wheremechanization has permitted immediateplanting of freshly removed seed material,thus eliminating the time required for

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Fig. 9.11. Illustration of the pineapple tarsonemid mite, Steneotarsonemus ananas (male left, female right).

Fig. 9.12. Curing (drying) ‘seed material’ (crowns) on the mother plants and storage until collected forplanting.

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curing, seed must be dipped in an approvedfungicide, such as benomyl or triadimefonewithin 12 h of removal from the fruit or, inthe case of slips, from the plant (Fig. 9.13;Rohrbach and Schmitt, 1994).

Cultivars vary in susceptibility to butt rotwith the ‘Red Spanish’ types being moreresistant than ‘Smooth Cayenne’ (Smoot etal., 1971). Hybrid cultivars have also shown awide range of susceptibility (K.G. Rohrbach,unpublished results).

The strong association of a complex of atleast two closteroviruses with pineapplemealybug wilt indicates that virus-free seedmay be important for wilt control (Setherand Hu, 1998; Melzer et al., 2001).Elimination of the virus from pineappleplants has been attempted with heat treat-ments (Ullman et al., 1991, 1993). Tissue-culture techniques have eliminated virusinfection (Sether et al., 2001). Genetic engi-neering for virus resistance is also beingattempted (Rohrbach et al., 2000).

Some pineapple insects and disease organ-isms may become quarantine issues if seedmaterials are transported between countries orproduction areas where pest organisms arepresent and areas where they are not estab-lished. With the increasing importance of low-acid, fresh-fruit cultivars for niche fresh-fruitmarkets, the potential for international move-ment of seed materials presents some signifi-cant quarantine issues, when specific pestsand diseases are not established in the import-ing country. Potential quarantine insects anddiseases because of limited distribution are thepineapple bud moth, Thecla basilides (Geyer),from Central America and the pineapple stemborers from South America and the Caribbean(Castnia icarus (Cramer), Metamasius ritchiei(Marshall) and Paradiophorus crenatus(Billberg)), Erwinia chrysanthemi (Burkholder etal.), causing bacterial heart rot, and F. subgluti-nans from South America, causing stem andfruit rot. Seed materials originating in areaswhere these pests and diseases are reported tooccur should be excluded from areas wherethey are not established or should be quaran-tined before planting in production areas(Rohrbach, 1983).

Planting and Early Growth (First 3Months)

Uniformity of early growth is critical to uni-form forcing and harvest. Incipient butt-rotinfections may severely affect early plant-growth uniformity (Plate 25). Depending oninitial populations of root pathogens at plant-ing and the soil environment, nematodes,symphylids and root-rot pathogens maybegin to attack the newly developing root sys-tem by the end of the first 3 months ofgrowth. Seed material infested with mealy-bugs and/or scale at planting provides asource of pests that only requires ants to beginto establish damaging mealybug populationsthroughout the field and the potential fordevelopment of mealybug wilt. Additionally,during early growth, plants are especially sus-ceptible to the fungal and bacterial heart rots.

Above-ground symptoms of potentialroot health problems will not generally beevident during early plant growth. However,

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Fig. 9.13. Pineapple dipping equipment for treatingseed materials with fungicides for butt-rot control orinsecticides to control scale or mealybugs.

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nematode populations will begin to increase.Ants, if uncontrolled, will begin to move intothe field from adjacent areas or from in-fieldcolonies that were not destroyed by fallow-ing practices and will begin to expand. Withincreases in ant infestation, mealybugs willincrease and, if uncontrolled, will have thepotential to cause mealybug wilt.

The above-ground symptoms of root rotare similar to any symptom resulting fromloss of a functional root system (e.g. mealy-bug wilt, nematodes, symphylids, root rotand water stress). Infected plants arestunted, show signs of stress and may ormay not be easily pulled out of the soil.Thus, symptoms must be associated withevidence of poor soil drainage for fungalroot rot, nematode galls for the root-knotnematode, and ants and mealybugs formealybug wilt. Soil and root sampling fornematodes should be done to confirm theirpresence during this period.


Weed management in pineapple is especiallyimportant during early growth, because

weeds compete for water, nutrients and light,are hosts for pineapple pests and viruses andinterfere with production operations. Weedmanagement includes soil tillage, mulches,and the use of pre-emergence (applied priorto weed-seed germination) and post-emergence herbicides (Fig. 9.14; Kasasian,1971; Glennie, 1991). The efficiency of thepineapple weed-management system isaffected by plant density, the degree ofmulch cover, soil type and natural rainfalland/or the method of irrigation. Because thepineapple plant is relatively slow in estab-lishing a complete ground cover, eliminatingweed cover may result in high levels of soilerosion (El-Swaify et al., 1993).

Prior to the introduction of pre-emer-gence herbicides in the 1950s, weed manage-ment was primarily physical removal bytillage. The introduction of pre-emergenceherbicides revolutionized weed control inpineapple, particularly the grasses. In gen-eral, the perennial grasses are much moredifficult to control than the broad-leavedweeds. Important pineapple herbicides havebeen diuron, bromacil, amytryn, atrazineand paraquat (Glennie, 1991). No one herbi-cide will control all weeds in all situations.

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Fig. 9.14. Application of pre-emergence herbicide or postplant nematocides or fungicides to youngpineapple plants.

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Each production area has its own particularspectrum of weeds, sometimes determined byhistorical weed-control practices (St. John andHosaka, 1932; Barbier and Trapin, 1956; Py,1959; Silvy, 1962), e.g. wild sugar cane(Saccharum spontaneum L.) in the Philippines(Sison and Mendoza, 1993). Species that areparticularly difficult to manage are Panicummaximum var. maximum, Sorghum halepense andthe paspalums, Paspalum dilatatum andPaspalum urvillei. The sedge Cyperus rotundus(nut grass) is also a serious pest. Significantbroad-leaved weeds are the morning glories,Ipomoea cairica, Ipomola plebeia, Ipomola indica,Ipomola purpurea and Ipomola triloba. Perennialweeds (e.g. S. spontaneum, S. halepense, Imperatacylindrica) are destroyed by deep ploughing.

Pre-emergence herbicides are used mostcommonly in pineapple production. Effective-ness is dependent on proper seed-bed prepa-ration, including no live weeds, adequate soilmoisture, complete soil coverage and no sub-sequent soil disturbance following application(Dalldorf, 1985). Split applications of pre-emergence herbicides may be made to pre-mulched or mulched and postplanted fieldsto ensure adequate pre-emergence protectionthrough the preplanting/planting period.Weed ‘escapes’ during the first crop are con-trolled with bromacil at 2–4 kg ha�1 ordalapon at 6–10 kg ha�1. C. rotundus andPanicum repens appearing in the next croppingcycle are controlled with bromacil at 2–4 and10 kg ha�1, respectively. Other weeds (I.triloba, Mimosa invisa, Crotalaria mucronata,Digitaria sanguinalis, Eleusine indica, Paspalumconjugatum) are controlled by pre-emergencesprays of bromacil at 1–2 kg ha�1, diuron at0.75–1.5 kg ha�1, ametryne or atrazine(Mendoza, 1979). A summary weed-controlprogramme is identified for Brazil (Reinhardtand Cunha, 1999).

Once plants begin to grow, herbicideapplications should be directed away fromthe plants and on to the soil and developingweeds. This is particularly true with herbi-cides such as bromacil (Dalldorf, 1985).


Preventing grasses from producing seed bothin the field and on field borders is critical to

economically effective weed management.The adage of ‘1 year’s seeding means 7 years’weeding’ holds true (Broadley et al., 1993).

Broad-leaved weeds

In contrast to grasses, broad-leaf weeds arerelatively easy to control. However, somebroad-leaved weeds, such as Emilia sagittata,may cause secondary damage in low popu-lation densities as alternative hosts for theyellow-spot virus.


Four species of nematodes have been associ-ated most frequently with, and caused themost damage to, pineapple: the root-knotnematodes, Meloidogyne javanica ((Treub)Chitwood) and Meloidogyne incognita ((Kofoid& White) Chitwood), the reniform nematode,Rotylenchulus reniformis (Linford & Oliveira)and the root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchusbrachyurus (Godfrey Filipjev & SchuurmansStekhoven) (Caswell et al., 1990).

Root-knot nematodes

The most obvious symptom of root-knotnematodes, M. javanica and M. incognita, onpineapple is the terminal club-shaped gallresulting from infection of the root tip (Fig.9.15). Less obvious symptoms include stunt-ing of plants and water stress, with the ter-minally galled root resulting in poor plantanchorage. Nematode egg masses survivefor relatively short periods (hours) in desic-cated soils. Egg masses in galls may surviveseveral days. Juveniles may survive severalweeks to years in desiccated soils. Second-stage juveniles infect the pineapple root tipand become sedentary after 2–3 days.Vermiform males and saccate, sedentaryfemales go through several moults. Surviv-ing nematodes can tolerate a wide range ofsoil temperatures and pH.

Reniform nematode

The reniform nematode, like the root-knotnematode, causes stunting of plant growth,

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with infected plants appearing to be underwater stress, much the same as in drought,mealybug wilt or root rot. Symptoms aremost severe in ratoon crops and may result inthe total collapse and death of the plants. Aswith root-knot, above-ground symptoms arenot diagnostic. In contrast to root-knot, how-ever, pineapple plants infected with the reni-form nematode have excellent anchoragebecause of the lack of terminal galling.Infected primary roots continue to grow butsecondary root growth is severely limited.Infected roots appear to have nodules, whichare actually soil clinging to the gelatinousmatrix of females embedded in the roots (Fig.9.16; Caswell and Apt, 1989). Reniform nema-tode eggs hatch when stimulated by root exu-dates of host plants. Second-stage juveniles inthe soil undergo 3 moults without feeding,ending as either adult males or preadultfemales. The preadult females infect the root,where they establish sedentary feeding,become swollen mature adults and start pro-ducing eggs. The male does not feed.

Root-lesion nematode

The infection sites of the root-lesion nema-tode, P. brachyurus, are characterized by ablack lesion that progresses along the root asthe nematodes move for feeding. Secondaryroots and root hairs are also destroyed.Initial inoculum comes from infested rootfragments in the soil or infected roots oninfested seed material. Once the plant isinfected, the entire life cycle can be com-pleted within the pineapple root.Reproduction is by mitotic parthenogenesis,with males being rare. Optimum soil temper-atures are 25–30°C and populations do bestin acid soils. In the highly acid Ivory Coastsoils, the root-lesion nematode displaces theroot-knot nematode. A combination of root-lesion nematode and Pythium species resultsin greater damage than either alone(Guerout, 1975).

Other nematodes

Spiral nematodes – Helicotylenchus, Scutel-lonema and Rotylenchus spp., have beenreported as problematic in South Africa(Keetch and Purdon, 1979). In Bahia, Brazil,Aorolaimus spp. have been reported to causestunting (Costa et al., 1998).

Ants and mealybugs

Mealybug wilt of pineapple, with its leaf-tipdieback and plant yellowing and reddening,is a symptom associated with the feeding ofmealybugs (Plate 26). The actual cause hasnot been conclusively demonstrated, but oneor two closteroviruses have been implicated(Sether and Hu, 1999). Mealybug wilt is auniversal problem; the only exception maybe in parts of Thailand, where wilt does notoccur even though mealybugs are present.Mealybug wilt is clearly one of the mostdestructive diseases of pineapple plants, andfield controls must be initiated during thefallow period and continued to harvest.High mealybug populations are required tocause wilt. Ants are necessary for popu-lations of mealybugs to develop and repro-duce in pineapple fields, where mealybug

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Fig. 9.15. Root-knot nematode galls on pineappleroots caused by Meloidogyne javanica.

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parasitoids and predators are present. Atleast three species of ants are associated withmealybugs in Hawaii: the big-headed ant,the Argentine ant and the fire ant (Rohrbachand Schmitt, 1994). Two other species – thelong-legged crazy ant, Anoplolepis longipes(Jardon), and the white-footed ant,Technomyrmex albipes (Fr. Smith) – are clearlyassociated with mealybugs in pineapplefields and, although not demonstrated to beassociated with wilt, may have a rolebecause they clearly tend mealybugs (G.Taniguchi, personal communication). Theant association with mealybugs involvesprotection from predation and parasitism,removal of excess honeydew, which in-creases mealybug mortality and movementof the mealybugs into new areas. Preventingthe establishment of new ant colonies in newplantings is critical to preventing mealybugwilt (Rohrbach and Schmitt, 1994).


Symphylids are wingless, soil-inhabitingarthropods (6–10 mm in length), which aredistantly related to insects. Whereas adultinsects typically have six legs, symphylids

have more than six legs in the adult stage(normally adults have 12 pairs of legs, withlarvae having six or seven pairs) (Borror andDe Long, 1971; Py et al., 1987). Symphylidadults are white, with relatively long anten-nae projecting from the head. Several speciesare found in pineapple plantings: Hanseniellaunguiculata (Hansen), Hanseniella ivorensisJuberthie Jupeau and Kehe, Scutigerellasakimurai Scheller, and Symphylella tenellaScheller (Carter, 1967; Py et al., 1987; Waite,1993). Previously, some species weremisidentified as being pineapple pests:Hanseniella caldaria (Hansen) Symphylellasimplex (Hansen), and Scutigerella immaculata(Newport) (Carter, 1967). Additionally,Carter reports that, in Hawaii, S. tenella isbasically a scavenger, while H. unguiculata isa root feeder. S. sakimurai tends to be lesscommon.

These organisms are blind, avoid thelight, absorb water from their environmentand typically move through the naturalcracks and crevices found in soils (Py et al.,1987). Symphylids are only important inspecific areas that are favourable to theirreproduction and survival (Py et al., 1987).They proliferate in well-aerated soils withhigh organic-matter content. They are most

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Fig. 9.16. Pineapple root system showing soil sticking to reniform nematode egg masses (arrow) and thelack of secondary roots.

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common in volcanic calcareous tufa orgravelly soils possessing a high percentageof clay. Easily compacted, sandy and clayey–sandy clay soils do not usually support largesymphylid populations. Soil temperatureinfluences daily movement of symphylids inthe soil, whereas soil humidity affectsseasonal migrations to more humid areas.These organisms may survive for up to 4months without food if the humidity issuitable. They are also cannibalistic if theirpreferred foods are absent.

Those symphylids that are importantpineapple pests feed on plant root tips andhairs (Carter, 1963; Py et al., 1987). Injuryfrom their feeding disturbs the roots’ abilitiesto absorb nutritive elements, which de-presses plant growth and development(Plate 27). Where they do damage crops, theycan cause dramatic yield decreases(Lacoeuilhe, 1977; Kehe, 1979). They havetheir greatest impact where soil humidity is alimiting factor, and plants cannot recoverfrom the inflicted injury even if symphylidfeeding is curtailed.

Depending on the age of a plant, differenteffects will be observed from symphylidfeeding on roots. Usually, younger roots inthe meristem region are preferred. Feedingon these tissues can lead to the formation ofa ‘witches’ broom’ appearance in the roots(Kehe, 1979). Long-term feeding on the rootscan make the root tips appear clublike. Iffeeding is intense on very young plantswhen roots are just emerging (within the first2 months of planting), the roots will notgrow more than a few centimetres. Whereintense feeding occurs, roots will have a‘bushy’ appearance around the stem base,have poor anchorage (an element of croplogging) (see page 144, Chapter 7, thisvolume) and not function efficiently (Kehe,1980). Plants may lodge due to the lack ofroot support. Symphylids may also be prob-lematic 4–5 months after planting when asecond flush of roots appear (Kehe, 1979).Symphylid-inflicted injury to the roots mayalso provide entrance to ‘wound’ pathogens,which can destroy the root (Sakimura, 1966).

Approved insecticidal controls (e.g.lindane) applied at planting are the bestmanagement tool at present available for

symphylids (Py et al., 1987). If an infestationis verified, action should be taken to reducesymphylid densities, especially when rootsare flushing. Very dry and wet periods dolimit symphylid growth, but at other timesare suitable for reproduction and survival(Py et al., 1987).

White grubs

The white grubs (i.e. larval stage) of severalbeetle species in the family Scarabaeidaecommonly infest the roots of pineappleplants. Scarab species reported feeding onpineapple roots include, in Australia: thesouthern one-year canegrub (also known asrugulose canegrub, nambour canegrub),Antitrogus mussoni (Blackburn), Christmasbeetle, Anoplognathus porosus (Dalman),rhopaea canegrub, Rhopaea magnicornisBlackburn, squamulata canegrub, Lepidiotasquamulata Waterhouse (= Lepidiota darwiniBlackburn, Lepidiota leai Blackburn, Lepidiotarugosipennis Lea), noxia canegrub, Lepidiotanoxia Britton, and Lepidiota gibbifrons Britton(Waite, 1993); in South Africa: Adoretusictericus Burmeister, Adoretus tessulatusBurmeister, Trochalus politus Moser andMacrophylla ciliata Herbst; and in Hawaii:Chinese rose beetle, Adoretus sinicusBurmeister, and Anomala beetle, Anomala ori-entalis Waterhouse (Carter, 1967). The speciesHeteronychus arator (Fabricius) is found inAfrica and Australia, where it is referred toby the common names black maize beetle(Petty, 1976a) and African black beetle(Waite, 1993), respectively. The species abovevary in the levels of damage they cause topineapple. Additional scarab species thatattack pineapple may also exist in theseareas and other locations where pineapple isgrown. Scarabs are not limited to pineapplein their feeding habits and may attack a widerange of plants. The various species of bee-tles can be separated in both the larval andadult stages by morphological characters onthe body (Carter, 1967; Petty, 1977a).

In most cases, adult scarabs do not signifi-cantly damage the pineapple plant, if at all.Many species do not feed on pineappleplants as adults. However, exceptions do

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exist, such as the adult stage of H. aratorwhich occurs in Australia, New Zealand andSouth Africa (Waite, 1993; Petty, 1977a) andbores into the lower stems of the pineappleplant. Adults of A. sinicus in Hawaii mayriddle or completely destroy pineappleleaves, while the larvae rarely attack theroots (Carter, 1967). Fortunately, adult A.sinicus infestations are typically spotty in anarea. On the other hand, adults of A.orientalis typically remain in the soil and laytheir eggs in the vicinity of where theydeveloped (Carter, 1967).

Adult scarab females are free-flying andchoose the locations where they will lay theireggs in moist soil. Egg deposition prefer-ences for soil conditions and type varyamong scarab species (Waite, 1993). Eggs areoval in shape and, after hatching, the first-instar larvae feed on organic matter in thesoil. Older scarab larvae develop within thesoil among the roots of their host plants (e.g.pineapple). They feed upon organic matterwithin the soil as well. Although white grubsare not immobile, they do not disperse farfrom where the eggs were laid. White grubsare easily identified by their white or ivory-coloured, ‘C’-shaped bodies, which are softand plump. The posterior quarter to third ofthe larval abdomen is commonly a darkblue-grey colour, due to the contents of thedigestive system. Grubs have three pairs oflegs near their anterior end and a tan to darkbrown head capsule (Waite, 1993). They mayinjure pineapple plants by: (i) feeding on theroots, which interferes with nutrient andwater uptake and transport (Carter, 1967;Petty, 1978a; Waite, 1993); (ii) weakening ordestroying the roots that anchor the plants inthe soil (Waite, 1993); and (iii) woundingplant tissues, which enables secondary plantpathogens to enter the plant (Carter, 1967). Ifinfestations are severe, a crop may be lost,especially in the ratoon crop (Waite, 1993).The length of the scarab developmental cyclevaries among species and climatic con-ditions, but generally they grow slowly com-pared with most insect pests and mayrequire 1–2 years to complete developmentto the adult stage (Waite, 1993).

Recognition of white-grub infestations isdifficult until significant injury to pineapple

plants becomes obvious, commonly in theratoon crop (Waite, 1993). Plants maybecome stunted, wilted and chlorotic (Petty,1978a). Severely affected plants are easy topull out of the ground (Waite, 1993).Additionally, pathogens, such as Pythiumfungus and root-knot nematode, may infectthe plant (Carter, 1967). Areas designated forpineapple plantings should be inspected forthe presence of white grubs prior to plantingthe seed crop. Larvae in the soil may beuncovered using a spade or found duringcultivation of the soil (Waite, 1993). Adultbeetles may be monitored using light traps(Petty, 1977a). Thorough cultivation of thesoil will reduce white-grub populations. Apreplant soil treatment with long-term resid-ual activity is appropriate for areas wherewhite grubs are historically a recurring prob-lem (Waite, 1993). Given the long productioncycle of pineapple (i.e. seed crop and ratooncrops), the long-term effectiveness of chemi-cal soil treatments is limited. Discoveries ofwhite-grub infestations after planting areproblematic because of the difficulty in con-trolling them. Delivery of chemicals to theinsects is a challenge. Natural enemies ofthese pests do exist (insect predators, para-sitoids and pathogens, as well as birds,toads, wild pigs and rodents), but the levelsof control are not typically adequate (Carter,1967; Petty, 1976b). Petty (1976b) reviewsother control methods, but none appearoverly successful or practical.


Pineapple scale, D. bromeliea, varies in itsimpact on pineapple. In some places (e.g.Australia), it does not typically reduce fruityield directly, but affects fruit appearance sothat the value is reduced (Waite, 1993). Inother places (e.g. Hawaii, South Africa, etc.),high scale densities kill plants (Carter, 1967;Petty, 1978b; Py et al., 1987). Scales normallyoccur on leaf undersides but may be foundon the upper leaf surfaces if plants areshaded. Yellow spots may develop on leaveswhen scale densities are low. Scales havetheir greatest impact on the ratoon crops,where suckers and fruit may be damaged if

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shaded. Heavy pineapple scale infestationsmay weaken and stunt plants, producing agrey appearance and foliage dieback. Scaleinfestations may be found on the bottomeyes of mature fruit and all over lodgedratoon fruit (Waite, 1993). Cracks betweenfruitlets may develop when fruit are highlyinfested (Linford et al., 1949; Py et al., 1987).Volunteer plants that emerge next to ratoonplants may exhibit high scale densities.

In addition to chemical controls, this pestmay be biologically controlled by naturalenemies (Waite, 1993). Tiny wasps, includingAphytis chrysomphali (Mercet), Aphytisdiaspidis (Howard) and Aspidiotiphaguscitrinus (Craw) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae),parasitize the scales, resulting in scale death(Zimmerman, 1948). Ladybirds, such asRhyzobius lophanthae Blasid. and Telsimisnitida Chapin (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae),also prey upon the scales (Carter, 1967;Waite, 1993). Routine monitoring pro-grammes should be implemented to detectpineapple scale throughout the crop cycle(Waite, 1993).

Other scales have been reported infestingpineapple but these are not normally a prob-lem. The brown (or red) pineapple scale,Melanaspis bromeliae (Leonardi), is similar inappearance to D. bromeliea (pineapple scale),but it is a chocolate-brown colour with anelevated centre (Carter, 1967). The Boisduvalscale, Diaspis boisduvalii (Signoret), may befound on numerous plant hosts and has beenreported in Latin America, West Africa,Hawaii, Sri Lanka and Taiwan (Py et al.,1987). Nigra scale (also known as black-coffee scale), Parasaissetia nigra (Nietner),may be found on pineapple (Zimmerman,1948).

Rutherglen bug and grey cluster bug

The Rutherglen bug, Nysius vinitor Bergroth,and the grey cluster bug, Nysius clevelanden-sis Evans (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae), are foundin most production areas where pineapple isgrown, except Hawaii (Waite, 1993). Theseinsects are similar in appearance. They are4 mm in length in the adult stage, havenarrow bodies and two pairs of transparent,

shiny wings and are attracted to lights. Theadults may lay as many as 400 eggs on theflowers and seeds of their crop hosts andweeds. Eggs hatch about 7 days after de-position. The immature nymphs are winglessand pass through five developmental stages(instars) before becoming adults, in about 4weeks. If their food source diminishes priorto reaching the adult stage, the nymphs maycrawl about 99 metres in search of acceptableplant hosts. Pineapple is not one of their pre-ferred host plants (Waite, 1993).

These insects typically increase in num-bers in the springtime, and that is when theyare a problem (Waite, 1993). Populationsinitially develop in weeds during the winterand move into pineapple as weeds die off.Rutherglen bugs may be visible on roadsideweeds before moving into pineapple planti-ngs. The bugs suck sap from pineappleleaves, which exhibit severe yellow spotting(almost blistering) of the leaf surface. Undersevere feeding pressure, leaves may wilt anddie. Damaged fruit may exhibit gummosis.

Weather can have an impact on bug pop-ulations, and chemical controls are not nor-mally needed (Waite, 1993). High densitiesare generated during periods of wet wintersand hot, dry springs. However, heavy rainscan decimate populations.

Good control of host weeds reduces thechances for problems from these bugs(Waite, 1993). Crops should be routinelymonitored for these species, especially iflarge numbers of adult bugs are attracted tohouse lights at night in the area. Severe infes-tations may be suppressed with conven-tional insecticides (Waite, 1993).

Root rots

Root rots may be caused by Phytophthora cin-namomi and various Pythium species, withPythium arrhenomanes Drechs. as the mostcommon (Klemmer and Nakano, 1964).Initial symptoms are a reduction or elimina-tion of growth, with subsequent reddeningof the leaves, the leaf margins turning yellowand eventually becoming necrotic. With P.cinnamomi, which causes heart and root rot,the root-rot phase results in reduced plant

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growth and yields and, in cooler environ-ments, can result in a total loss of the ratooncrop. Root-rot symptom development is rela-tively slow in comparison with heart-rotsymptoms. Disease from both pathogens ismost severe when soils are cold and poorlydrained. If environmental and soil con-ditions become dry following the infectionperiod, affected plants may appear reddish,as if under severe drought stress. Plantanchorage in the soil is very poor followingloss of roots.

Early root-health management

With the discovery of the soil fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene, 1,2-dichloro-propane, (DDmixture) pineapple nematodes were easilyand economically controlled during the earlystages of pineapple plant growth (Carter,1943; Keetch, 1979; Johnson and Feldmesser,1987; Caswell and Apt, 1989). Today, earlynematode control is accomplished by cleanfallow, preplant soil fumigation withdichloropropene at 224–336 l ha�1 (Fig. 9.17 )and postplant application of an approvednematocide (e.g. fenamiphos and oxamyl) bybroadcast sprays or drip irrigation (Fig. 9.18;

Rohrbach and Apt, 1986; Caswell et al., 1990).Effective soil fumigation requires goodplant-residue management and soil prep-aration (Fig. 9.19). The discovery and use ofthe inexpensive DD control may haveaffected the development of other methodsof nematode management for pineapple,such as cover crops, crop rotation and host-plant resistance. Crop rotations and resis-tance have been examined but notresearched in depth or used (Caswell andApt, 1989; Caswell et al., 1990). The root-knot, reniform and root-lesion nematodeshave relatively large host ranges. Thus, croprotations are of value only if crop susceptibil-ities are known.

Root rots are controlled by improving soilwater management, including raised beds,deep cultivation and improving surface-water drainage. The fungicide fosetylaluminium has shown good control of P.cinnamomi root rot (Rohrbach and Schenck,1985). The soil fumigant mixture of DD(Telone) was shown to reduce root rotcaused by P. arrhenomanes (Anderson, 1966).

Mealybug wilt is readily managed by controlling ants, which tend and protectmealybugs, with an approved insecticidebait (e.g. hydramethylnon) (Rohrbach et al.,

Fig. 9.17. Nematode control using preplant soil fumigation under plastic mulch.

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1988). The use of bait stations in an IPMapproach increases the efficiency of insecti-cide use and reduces environmental impacts(G. Taniguchi, personal communication).

Fungal and bacterial heart rots

Fungal heart rot

Fungal heart rots (‘top rot’ in Australia), aswell as root rot of pineapple, are diseasesassociated with wet environmental con-ditions. P. cinnamomi Rands requires coolconditions and heavy, wet, high-pH soils.Heart-rot mortality can range from 0 to100%, depending on the soil type, pH andrainfall. The economic impact of heart rotresults from a reduction in plant densitiesdue to plant mortality. However, adjacentplant mortality is partially compensated forby increased exposure of the remainingplants and subsequent increased fruit size(K.G. Rohrbach, unpublished results).

Heart rot can be caused by Phytophthoranicotianae B. de Haan var. parasitica Dast.Waterh., frequently called Phytophthora para-sitica Dast. in the pineapple literature, P. cin-namomi Rands and Phytophthora palmivora(Butler) Butler. Heart-rot symptoms are thesame, regardless of the Phytophthora speciescausing them. The most widely distributedspecies are P. cinnamomi and P. nicotianae B.de Haan var. parasitica (Rohrbach, 1983;Rohrback and Apt, 1986). P. palmivora proba-bly has a much more limited distribution(Boher, 1974; Rohrbach, 1983). Descriptionsof the three pineapple pathogens can befound in Waterhouse (1963) and there is auseful key to identification in Newhook andStamps (1990).

As pathogens of pineapple, P. nicotianaevar. parasitica, P. palmivora and P. cinnamomiare not normally found together. P. nicotianaevar. parasitica and P. palmivora are found atlower elevations in Hawaii and in the low-land tropics, where optimum temperaturesfor disease development are in the range of25–36°C. In contrast, heart rot from P.cinnamomi is found under cooler conditions,such as the higher elevations of Hawaii andthe cooler pineapple-production areas, suchas Australia, where optimum soil tempera-tures for disease development are 19–25°C.

An initial heart-rot symptom is the failureof the young leaves to elongate. Later symp-toms are yellowing to bronzing of the youngleaves, which may then lean to one side ofthe plant (Fig. 9.20). A slight pull on theyoung symptomatic leaves will remove themfrom the plant, confirming the presence ofthe disease. Phytophthora infections are lim-ited to the stem and basal white portion ofthe leaves.

The primary inoculum of the threePhytophthora species is chlamydospores,either alone or in infested plant debris in thesoil, where they can survive for years.Chlamydospores of P. cinnamomi have beenquantified in pineapple soils by sieving(McCain et al., 1967). Inoculum levels of fiveto ten chlamydospores per gram of soil haveresulted in approximately 100% infectionsin non-pineapple hosts (Mitchell andKannarischer-Mitchell, 1983). Sporangia pro-duced from chlamydospores can be dissemi-

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Fig. 9.18. Postplant drip irrigation and applicationof postplant nematocides.

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nated by splashing soil or by aerial wind dis-persal. Infection by zoospores of P. nicotianaevar. parasitica is most common through theleaf axils of the crown during the first 3–4months following planting (H. Klemmer,unpublished results). Infection by P.cinnamomi is mostly through the roots, pro-gressing up the root to the stem apex, caus-ing the heart-rot symptom. With P.cinnamomi, germinating chlamydospores orzoospores from sporangia primarily infectroot tips. Infection may also occur throughthe leaf axils. Little evidence exists for sec-ondary spread from infected crowns(Chellemi et al., 1988).

Very little is known about the effects ofsoil moisture on infection. Infection by P.nicotianae var. parasitica is probably lessdependent on high moisture than that by P.cinnamomi (Hine et al., 1964). In citrus, theduration of saturated soil conditions is moreimportant than the frequency. High soil mois-ture (poor drainage) increases infection by P.cinnamomi but also reduces root growth. H.Klemmer (unpublished results) claimed thatinfections in the field can take place throughleaf axils from soil splashed there and mois-ture from dews. Soil moistures below 15%reduce germinability of P. cinnamomi chlamy-dospores (McCain et al., 1967).

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Fig. 9.19. Good (left) vs. poor (right) soil preparation prior to fumigation. Poor soil tilth with large clodsresults in significant loss of soil fumigant and ineffective nematode control.

Fig. 9.20. Phytophthora heart rot caused by Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica.

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Bacterial heart rot

Bacterial heart rot of pineapple is caused bythe facultative anaerobe E. chrysanthemiBurkh. et al. The disease was first reported inMalaysia but has more recently been reportedin Costa Rica (Chinchilla et al., 1979), Brazil(Melo et al., 1974), and the Philippines (K.G.Rohrbach, personal observation). The diseaseis of major importance in Malaysia but not asimportant as fruit collapse, caused by thesame organism. Recently the disease hasbecome a major problem in the Philippines(K.G. Rohrbach, personal observation).

In Malaysia, bacterial heart-rot incidencevaries from 0 to 10% in the ‘SingaporeSpanish’ cultivar and is as high as 30% in the‘Gandul’ cultivar (Lim, 1985). Incidence inthe ‘Smooth Cayenne’ cultivar is less becauseit is more resistant than the ‘Spanish’ types.Because the plant usually survives infection,the economic loss is attributed to ‘out-of-cycle’ fruiting on the lateral shoot, whicharises from the remaining stem tissue. Inmechanized production systems, this ‘out-of-cycle’ fruit is usually lost.

E. chrysanthemi is a pathogen of a widerange of plants in the tropics and subtropics.This may be due to its ability to grow athigher temperatures than the other soft-rotbacteria. Virulence is related to the ability ofE. chrysanthemi strains to produce largequantities of endopolygalacturonic trans-eliminase (Perombelon and Kelman, 1980).

Bacterial heart rot is characterized first bya water-soaked lesion on the white basalportion of the leaves of the central whorl. Theinfection may spread to include the entirebasal portion of all leaves of the centralwhorl. Spread may occur into the green mid-portion of the leaves, resulting in an ‘olive-green’ leaf colour and a bloated appearance(Plate 28). If the infection of the green portionof the leaf is arrested, a dark infection borderforms (Lim, 1985). Symptoms of fungal heartrots can be distinguished from those of bacte-rial heart rot by the absence of extension ofthe infection into the mature green areas ofthe leaf (see Plate 28).

The main source of inoculum is thought tobe infested juice from collapsed fruit. Infestedseed material is probably not a major source

of spread because bacteria do not survivelong on leaf surfaces (Lim, 1985). Accordingto Lim (1985), infection takes place throughthe stomata and the bacteria can be transmit-ted to the infection site by insects, most com-monly ants (the big-headed ant and theArgentine ant), and by wind and wind-blown rain. Souring beetles (H. ocularis andCarpophilus foveicollis) have also been shownto be vectors, but are of minor importance(Lim, 1985). In the Philippines, the pineappletarsonemid mite, S. ananas, has been associ-ated with bacterial heart rot. Feeding by themite probably produces wounds, becausemechanical wounding is observed to increasedisease (K.G. Rohrbach, personal observa-tion). In Australia, urease in dirty waterbreaks urea down to NH4OH, which causesburn and provides a point of entry for thebacteria (D. Bartholomew, personal commu-nication). Plants that are 4–8 months oldappear to be the most susceptible to infection.The plant crop is also more susceptible thanthe ratoon (Lim, 1985). Susceptibility appearsto be related to the rate of plant growth,because low leaf water status slows the rateof infection (Perombelon and Kelman, 1980).When environmental conditions are opti-mum for disease development, the entire dis-ease cycle may occur in 1–2 weeks (K.G.Rohrbach, personal observation).

Management of heart rots

Prior to the development of modern fungi-cides, any method of improving soil drainagewas used to reduce disease. Raised beds,ranging from a few centimetres to 25 cm ormore, have been used. Improvements in sur-face drainage, whereby depressions aredrained by cutting of ditches or filling to elim-inate standing water, have reduced diseaselevels (Pegg, 1969). Cultural practices such aspineapple-trash mulch have generally, but notalways, increased disease incidence.

The addition of elemental sulphur to soildecreased heart rot when the soil bacteriaThiobacillus was present to oxidize the sul-phur (Pegg, 1977). The addition of sulphurdrastically lowers soil pH (below 3.8), whichresults in reduced sporangial formation and

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an explosion of Tricoderma sp. Various copperfungicides have been tried for heart-rot con-trol, but, due to the sensitivity of pineappleto elemental copper, have not been used.

Early organic fungicides used for heart-rot control were fenaminosulf (Dexon®),captan and the dithiocarbamates (Pegg,1969). More recently captafol (Difolatan®),metalaxyl (Ridomil®) and fosetyl aluminium(Allette®) have been used (Rohrbach andSchenck, 1985). Currently, fosetyl aluminiumis used very effectively as a preplant dip atrates of 2.24 kg active ingredient (a.i.) 935 l�1

(see Fig. 9.13). Initial control from the pre-plant dip can be extended by foliar applica-tions with rates of 6.72 kg ha�1 in 2805 l ofwater at intervals of 3–6 months. Becausefosetyl aluminium acts systemically in thepineapple plant, excellent control of P. cin-namomi root rot can be obtained (Rohrbachand Schenk, 1985; Rohrbach and Apt, 1986).

The active ingredient of fosetyl aluminiumis phosphorous acid, which will result in com-parable control to the parent material(Rohrbach and Schenck, 1985). In Australia, aformulation of phosphorous acid (Phos-for-pine® or Fosjet 200®) is used. Because manygrowers do not have dipping equipment, pre-harvest sprays are used to systemically protectcrowns for planting following fruit harvest (D.Bartholomew, personal communication).

The fungicide metalaxyl has also beenshown to be very effective for heart-rot con-trol as a preplant ‘seed-piece’ dip (Rohrbachand Schenck, 1985). Postplant foliar applica-tions of metalaxyl, although effective, havenot been recommended or registered becauseof the possibility of development of resistantstrains of Phytophthora.

Several cultivars resistant to Phytophthorawere developed at the Pineapple ResearchInstitute of Hawaii (PRI). The cultivar desig-nated ‘53–323’ with resistance to P. cinnamomiwas a cross between ‘Smooth Cayenne’ andF-236. F-236 was an introduced native vari-ety from Columbia called ‘Pina de Castilla’,which was collected for PRI by Harold StJohn. The cultivar ‘53–323’ is highly resistantto P. cinnamomi but highly susceptible to P.parasitica. A second cultivar, designated‘59–656’, is resistant to both P. cinnamomi andP. parasitica. Both cultivars have fruit charac-

teristics and quality similar to those of‘Smooth Cayenne’ and yields at least equalto ‘Smooth Cayenne’ when that variety isgrown without occurrence of heart rot orroot rot (Pineapple Research Institute ofHawaii, unpublished results).

Sanitation is an important factor in pre-venting initial low incidences of bacterialheart rot from causing an epidemic. Infectedplants should be destroyed or removed fromthe field, as they may provide a source forsecondary inoculum. Crowns or slips fromplants with symptoms of fruit collapse orfrom an area having high a incidence of fruitcollapse should not be used as seed material.Mechanical leaf damage, such as occurs whenentering a field for crop logging, should beminimized during periods of susceptibilityand when low levels of disease are present(K.G. Rohrbach, personal observation).

Partial control of bacterial heart rot hasbeen obtained with miticides (e.g. endo-sulphan) and insecticides in the Philippines(K.G. Rohrbach, personal observation).Bordeaux mixture has resulted in variablecontrol (Lim, 1985).

In subtropical climates, where the diseaseis a problem, the resistant ‘Smooth Cayenne’cultivar might be used rather than the muchmore susceptible ‘Spanish’ types (Lim, 1971).However, in the lowland tropics, ‘SmoothCayenne’ is difficult to force and may havepoor fruit quality, thus limiting its use.

Yellow spot (tomato spotted-wilt virus)

Yellow spot of pineapple occurs in all produc-tion areas of the world, with the exception ofpeninsular Malaysia (Lim, 1985). Infection bythe tomato spotted-wilt virus always kills thepineapple plant. Therefore, vegetative propa-gation does not transmit the virus to subse-quent plantings (Rohrbach and Apt, 1986).

Pineapple yellow-spot disease, caused bythe tomato spotted-wilt virus, was firstobserved in Hawaii as a distinct disease in1926 (Illingworth, 1931). During the next 4years, the disease spread and became a seri-ous problem, with considerable rotting offruits in the field.

The initial symptom is a slightly raised

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yellowish spot, with a darkened centre, on theupper surface of the leaf. Shortly after for-mation of the initial spot, a characteristic chainof secondary spots develop and progress intoa basal leaf and stem rot. Frequently, particu-larly on young plants, the rotting and cessa-tion of growth on one side of the stem causethe plant to bend severely, eventually killingthe entire plant (Plate 29). The disease canoccur on the developing crown, with the rotprogressing into the fruit and frequently caus-ing distortion of the fruit (Illingworth, 1931).

Infection occurs most frequently on pine-apple plants during early growth. On oc-casion, crowns on developing fruit may alsobecome infected (Linford, 1943). The trans-mission of the yellow-spot virus by the onionthrips, Thrips tabaci (Lindeman), was shownin 1932 by Linford. Pineapple is not a pre-ferred host of thrips, but the thrips still moveinto pineapple fields from adjacent weedhosts and probe the plants, leaving the virusin the tissue (Linford, 1932). Later, the yellow-spot virus was shown to be identical to thetomato spotted-wilt virus (Sakimura, 1940).


As many as 39 species of thrips have beenreported worldwide in and around pineapplefields (Sakimura, 1937; Carter, 1939; Petty,1978d). Wind currents may carry many indi-viduals of these species from their host plants(e.g. domestic crops, ornamentals, weeds) intoadjacent pineapple plantings (Carter, 1939).However, most of the thrips do not normallyfeed or reproduce on pineapple. Sakimura(1966) only reports six thrips species com-monly living within Hawaiian pineappleplantings. These include the onion (or potato)thrips, T. tabaci (plant feeder), leaf thrips,Frankliniella sulphurea Schmutz (flower feeder),Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) (flower feeder),Aleurodothrips fasciapennis (Franklin) (predatoron scales), Haplothrips melaleucus (Bagnall)(predator on scales) and Haplothrips gowdeyi(Franklin) (flower feeder). Species reported asvectors of tomato spotted-wilt virus, whichcauses yellow spot on pineapple, are the onionthrips and the common blossom thrips (alsoknown as kromnek thrips, cotton-bud thrips,

yellow-blossom thrips), Frankliniella schultzei(Trybom) (Sakimura, 1963; Petty, 1978d). Py etal. (1987) state that one of the vectors of yellowspot, the tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca(Hinds), is established in Hawaii (based on areference by Sakimura, 1966) but this is incor-rect (D. Tsuda, personal communication).Additionally, the western flower thrips,Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), is estab-lished in Hawaii (as indicated by Py et al.,1987), but has not been reported as a vector ofyellow spot on pineapple.

Pineapple yellow spot can be controlledby maintaining a weed-free production sys-tem to eliminate the weeds that serve as virusreservoirs. Adjusting the timing of operationsof adjacent crops as well as pineapple to min-imize the movement of thrips vectors into thepineapple fields aids in the reduction ofinoculum (Rohrbach and Apt, 1986).

Three Months to Forcing


Depending on weed species present andrainfall during the first 3 months of growth,a second broadcast spray may be applied(e.g. diuron, ametryne). Most weed problemsduring this period are escapes from theinitial application at planting and the 3-month application. Escapes are usually con-trolled by spot applications (Glennie, 1991).


The root-knot nematode may cause signifi-cant root damage during the first fewmonths of root growth. Initial infectionsoccur at the root tip in the meristematicregion and result in termination of growth ofthe primary root. Unless plants are subjectedto water and/or severe nutrient stress,above-ground symptoms of early nematodeinfection will not be evident (Caswell et al.,1990). Severely infected plants can be pulledfrom the soil and terminal galls will beevident on primary roots.

Root infection by the reniform nematodedoes not cause termination of primary root

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growth, as does root knot, but affects second-ary root growth. Thus, symptoms ofreniform infection will not become evidentuntil 6 or more months of growth and againonly under water and/or nutrient stress(Caswell et al., 1990).

In Australia, yield losses occurred whereroot-knot nematodes were detected from 9 to15 months following planting, suggestingthat sampling may be important in deter-mining the need for postplant nematocideapplications (Stirling and Nikulin, 1993).While soil sampling during plant growth (toestimate nematode populations) should beimportant for nematode management, inpractice postplant nematode control is fre-quently applied as ‘insurance’, based onqualitative data, along with historical yieldand nematode population information. Thenon-volatile nematiocides, such as oxamyland fenamiphos, may be applied postplantas foliar sprays or through drip irrigationsystems (Caswell and Apt, 1989).

Ants and mealybugs

Where adequate mealybug biological con-trols exist (see section above on mealybugs),

controlling ants results in control of mealy-bugs and therefore mealybug wilt. Mealybugwilt is readily managed by controlling antswith an approved insecticide bait (e.g.hydramethylnon) (Rohrbach et al., 1988).Baits are primarily applied to field bordersand only inside fields when ants havebecome established. The use of bait stationsin an IPM approach to control increases theefficiency of insecticide use and reduces theenvironmental effects (G. Taniguchi, per-sonal communication).

Forcing to Flowering

Because of the anatomy and morphology ofthe pineapple inflorescence and fruit, a widerange of microorganisms can be found onthe surface of the developing inflorescenceand, following anthesis, inside the develop-ing pineapple fruitlet (see Plate 30). Initially,the developing inflorescence is essentiallysterile. As the inflorescence enlarges andextends out of the vegetative growing pointor ‘plant heart’, the entire surface becomescontaminated with a multitude of micro-organisms and fauna (Fig. 9.21) (K.G.Rohrbach, unpublished results).

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Fig. 9.21. Commercial stages of pineapple inflorescence development denoted as 1.3 cm open heart,2.5 cm open heart, early cone, mid-cone and late cone (left to right). Each stage is approximately 1 week’sgrowth from the previous one.

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Fruitlet core rot, leathery pocket andinterfruitlet corking

Three strains of Penicillium funiculosum havebeen reported associated with pineapplefruitlet core rot (FCR), leathery pocket (LP)and interfruitlet corking (IFC) and have beenfound on withered flowers, the plant heart,pineapple trash and insects and mites foundin pineapple fields (Lim and Rohrbach, 1980).

The disease cycle of P. funiculosum startswith the presence and build-up of thepineapple tarsonemid mite, S. ananas, in theplant heart during growth. Mites feed on thedeveloping trichomes on the basal portion ofthe leaf in the plant heart and on bracts andsepals of the developing flowers on the in-florescence. Mite populations peak at 6–7weeks following forcing when the inflores-cence is emerging (Plate 30; Fig. 9.21). Thevirulent strain (P1) of P. funiculosum must bepresent by 1 week following forcing in orderto colonize the mite-injured trichomes andhave sufficient inoculum potential to growinto the unopened flower. Infection occursthrough the developing flower at 1–2 weeksprior to normal anthesis (Fig. 9.22; Rohrbachand Apt, 1986). The optimum temperaturefor infection is 16–21°C during the 6 weeksfollowing forcing. Moisture does not appearto be critical during this period (Petty,

1978c). Following infection, the fungusdevelops in the internal flower parts.

F. subglutinans is a soil fungus, but, like P.funiculosum, may also colonize the heart ofthe growing pineapple plant. F. subglutinansmay survive for up to 12 months in pineap-ple tissues. In contrast to P. funiculosumgrowing into the unopened flower, infectionby F. subglutinans apparently takes place onlythrough the open flower, although coloniz-ation in the heart of the plant and on theinflorescence must occur prior to openflower (Ventura et al., 1981).

Cultivars vary in their symptomresponses to infection by Penicillium andFusarium. In Hawaii, the ‘Smooth Cayenne’cultivar generally has relatively low levels ofFCR but high levels of IFC and LP fromPenicillium infection. In contrast, the hybrid‘53–116’ (‘NCGR No. 159’) has high LP andIFC but low FCR. The hybrid cultivar‘58–1184’ (‘NCGR No. 160’) has very littleIFC and high FCR, especially when in-fections are caused by Fusarium.


The pineapple tarsonemid mite, S. ananas,only infests pineapple plants (see Fig. 9.11;Jeppson et al., 1975). It occurs universally on

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Fig. 9.22. Cross-section of Penicillium funiculosum-infected flower showing rotting of internal flower partsand beginning of leathery pocket in locules (arrows).

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the growing plant, developing inflorescence,fruit and crown. The pineapple tarsonemidmite is most abundant from just prior toflower induction (forcing) through the 12.7mm and 25.4 mm open-heart stages of inflo-rescence development (see Fig. 9.21) and flow-ering. It is grey in colour and the body of theadult mite is oblong, 0.125 �0.25 mm and flat.The life cycle is 7–14 days, depending on tem-perature. Pineapple tarsonemid mites feed ondeveloping trichomes on the white basal-leaftissue and flower bracts and sepals, causinglight brown necrotic areas. Mites may alsoenter the infected flower and feed on internalflower parts. The young developing inflores-cence cone seems to be the preferred feedingsite (Petty, 1975, 1978c; Rohrbach and Schmitt,1994).

Very high populations of pineapple redmite, D. floridanus, are always associatedwith epidemics of Fusarium fruitlet core rotin Hawaii (see Fig. 9.10; K.G. Rohrbach, per-sonal observation). The association betweenthe pineapple red mite and F. subglutinansFCR is not understood. No cause-and-effectassociation has been demonstrated.

Control of the pineapple tarsonemid miteis important to the control of P. funiculosum-induced FCR, LP and IFC. Endosulphan(Thiodan®) applications at 3 weeks prior toand 1–5 weeks following forcing haveresulted in the best control of P. funiculosum-induced diseases (Le Grice and Proudman,1968; Le Grice and Marr, 1970; Rohrbach etal., 1981). Petty (1990) also reported reduc-tions in the incidence of disease symptoms(leathery pocket) caused by P. funiculosumfollowing applications of the miticide endo-sulphan, which suppressed the pineappletarsonemid mite in South African pineappleplantings. Jeppson et al. (1975) observed thatspecies in the genus Steneotarsonemus are nottypically controlled by sulphur but showgreat susceptibility to organophosphate aca-ricides or the halogenated thioether group.

Flowering to Harvest

The pineapple flower is a primary portal forthe entrance of several fruit-disease patho-gens (Fig. 9.23). At anthesis, openings occur

via the stylar canals and nectary ducts intothe locules and nectary glands, respectively.These openings become the primary sites forinfection by the bacterial and fungal fruit-dis-ease pathogens. The susceptibility of theseinfection sites depends on environmental con-ditions, as they affect the predisposition of theflower and the occurrence of the pathogen onthe flower. Occurrence of the pathogen on theflower may be dependent on an insect vectoror development of the pathogens on the inflo-rescence prior to anthesis.

The multiple requirements for flowerinfection are: (i) a means of getting thepathogen to the susceptible flower; (ii) asusceptible flower at the right time; and (iii)optimal environmental conditions for diseasedevelopment for each factor. These multiplerequirements have resulted in complexaetiologies and very sporadic occurrence ofthe fruit diseases.

Pink-disease, fruit-collapse and marbling-disease bacteria

Pink disease

Pink disease is of little importance in freshfruit, but can be a very serious sporadic prob-lem in processed fruit because of the lack of

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Fig. 9.23. Pineapple inflorescence at mid- to lateflower.

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detection prior to canning. It was first reportedin Hawaii by Lyon (1915) and is now knownin Australia, the Philippines, South Africa andTaiwan (Rohrbach, 1983). Cultivars vary intheir susceptibility (Rohrbach and Pfeiffer,1975). At least three genera of bacteria havebeen reported to cause pink disease: Erwinia,Gluconobacter and Acetobacter (Rohrbach,1976a; Kontaxis and Hayward, 1978). TheErwinia herbicola species has recently beenredescribed as Pantoea citrea, based on an iso-late from the Philippines (Cha et al., 1997).Species of the remaining genera are the aceticacid bacteria Gluconobacter oxydans andAcetobacter aceti (Plate 31; Cho et al., 1980).

Pink-disease bacteria are vectored to thepineapple flowers by insects and mites,probably attracted to the nectar. Honey-beesmay play a role as important vectors ofGluconobacter and a lesser role for Acetobacter(Gossele and Swings, 1986). The nectar isthought to provide a nutrient source for thesurvival of the bacteria until they becomelatent in the nectary gland or stylar canal orlocule. Gossele and Swings (1986) suggestthat the bacteria may actually overwinter inhoney-bee hives. Once the bacteria are insidethe flower, they remain latent until the fruitmatures, sugar concentrations increase andtranslucence occurs.

Fruit collapse

Bacterial fruit collapse, caused by E. chrysan-themi Burkh. et al., is only economicallyimportant in peninsular Malaysia, althoughthe bacteria have been reported elsewhere onpineapple (Melo et al., 1974; Chinchilla et al.,1979; Rohrbach, 1983). The disease is thoughtto be indigenous to Malaysia (Lim andLowings, 1979b). The economic importanceof fruit collapse in Malaysia is probably dueto the use of the much more susceptible‘Singapore Spanish’ cultivar (Lim, 1985).

Symptoms of fruit collapse usually appearon maturing fruit 2–3 weeks prior to normalripening (Plate 32). Infected fruit are character-ized by exudation of juice and release of gas,as evidenced by bubbles. Fruit shell colourbecomes olive-green. Dissection of completelyinfected fruit shows only cavities within theskeletal fibres of the fruit (Lim, 1985).

Bacterial fruit collapse is caused by E.chrysanthemi Burkh. et al., and the initialinoculum comes from other infected fruit.Insects such as ants, beetles and flies, arevectors of the bacteria, transporting them toflowers from other collapsed fruit or fromplants with bacterial heart rot. Ants, as wellas other insects, are thought to be attractedto the nectar available there. Open flowersare the infection site where the bacteria enterthe developing fruit. The bacteria remainlatent in the ovary until 2–3 weeks beforenormal ripening when sugar levels begin toincrease rapidly and polyphenoloxidaselevels decline (Lim and Lowings, 1978).

Marbling disease

Marbling disease is a sporadically occurringpineapple disease of the hot, humid, low-land tropics. Symptoms include a browngranular appearance (Plate 33). Marblingdisease is caused by the acetic acid bacteriaAcetobacter peroxydans Visser ‘t Hooft and E.herbicola var. ananas (Serrano) Dye. As inpink disease, infection by marbling bacteriaoccurs through the open flower (Rohrbachand Pfeiffer, 1974). Infection has also beenreported within 7 weeks of harvest throughgrowth cracks in the fruit (Yow and Wu,1972), although this was not confirmed inHawaii (Rohrbach, 1989). Speculation existsthat the bacteria are vectored to the flowersby insects, as in pink disease (Serrano, 1928).The fact that application of surfactants priorto and during flowering significantlyincreases disease in Hawaii without inocula-tion indicates that the bacteria are ubiqui-tously present on the plant and that thelimiting factor is whether they get into theflower. Once in the flower, as with pink dis-ease, they apparently remain latent untilapproximately 1 month before fruit maturity.Symptoms develop during the last month offruit maturation (Rohrbach, 1989).

Management of bacterial diseases throughflowering to harvest

Pink disease has been controlled with insec-ticides, which are thought to control insect

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vectors. Where pink disease occurs sporadi-cally, insecticide applications have not beeneconomic. In the Philippines, where pink-disease epidemics are seasonally predictable,pink disease has been controlled with appli-cations of disulphoton. Disulphoton at 0.83kg a.i. ha�1 per application starting at thered-bud stage and with three additionalapplications at 5-day intervals (throughoutflowering), has resulted in the highest levelof control (Kontaxis, 1978).

Applications of ethephon to inhibit floweropening and reduce nectar flow haveresulted in partial but significant control offruit collapse (Lim and Lowings, 1979a) andpink disease (K.G. Rohrbach, unpublishedresults). Forcing plantings, so that floweringdoes not coincide with fruiting in adjacentplantings, which may have fruit collapse, canreduce disease development. Applications ofBordeaux mixture have resulted in variablecontrol (Lim, 1985). Any treatment thatreduces bacterial heart rot may reduceprimary inoculum levels for floweringplants. Sanitation is an important factor ininitial low incidences of fruit collapse.Infected plants and fruit should be destroyedor removed from the field, as they may pro-vide a source for secondary inoculum.

Currently, no known controls of marblingexist. When epidemics occur, infected fruitcan be detected and excluded prior to goingthrough the cannery by external appearanceand a test to measure fruit firmness, such assticking a knife into the fruit. If incidencesare extremely high, all fruit must be dis-carded. In contrast to pink disease, infectedfruit tissues that are not discarded beforeprocessing can be discarded before packingin cans.

Lepidopterous stem and fruit pests

Bud moth, pineapple borer

The bud moth (also known as pineappleborer, pineapple caterpillar), Thecla basilides(Geyer), is found throughout Central andSouth America wherever pineapples aregrown (Py et al., 1987; Sanches, 1999). WhileThecla is a tropical species, it could cause

problems if imported into the southern USA,particularly Florida, because it has beenobserved to feed on maize, cacao, Heliconiaand several other bromeliads (Rohrbach,1983).

The adult stage of the bud moth depositsits eggs on the inflorescence prior to anthe-sis. The larva infests the fleshy parts of thebracts and feeds inside the developing inflo-rescence. Buds and open flowers are entereddirectly, with larvae penetrating developingfruit and digging out holes of varyingdepths. This results in malformed fruit,which is unmarketable (Py et al., 1987). Inresponse to the actions of the larvae, thepineapple fruit forms an amber-colouredgum (gummosis), which exudes and hardenson contact with the air (Fig. 9.24). Thisresembles the resin exuded by pine trees(sometimes called ‘resinous’ by Brazilians).When secondary infections are due to F.moniliforme var. subglutinans, the exudate ismore fluid and glassy, characteristic of fusar-iosis disease. The pathogen can penetrate the

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Fig. 9.24. Fruit showing multiple Thecla basilidesinfestations and resulting gummosis.

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inflorescence without the bud-moth larva,but the bud moth makes it easier to do so.Adult bud moths may help disperse thepathogen when visiting healthy plants aftervisiting diseased ones. Following a 13–16-day feeding period, the larvae emerge andpupate in the leaf axils. Control with insecti-cides is relatively easy if flowering is uni-formly induced with forcing agents.Predators exist in Trinidad, including thevespid wasp Polistes rubiginosus Lepeletierand a predator of larvae, Heptamicra sp.Another predator reported is Metadontiacurvidentata. No organized biological-controlcampaign has been undertaken for the budmoth (Py et al., 1987).

Fruit-piercing moth

There are numerous species (> 90) of moths inthe lepidopteran family Noctuidae in whichthe adult stage (i.e. moth) pierces many typesof fruit with a specially adapted proboscis(Banziger, 1982). The well-known pest calledthe ‘fruit-piercing moth’, which attackspineapple. is Eudocima (= Othreis) fullonia(Clerck) (also known as Ophideres fullonica L.).It does not limit its adult feeding to pineappleand may attack numerous fruits (e.g. oranges,guavas, star fruit, mangoes, bananas, coffee,passion-fruit, lychee, etc.) if available(Waterhouse and Norris, 1987). It may befound in many areas where pineapple isgrown (Australia, Asia, Hawaii). The larvalstages of the moth do not feed on pineapple,and outside the Pacific Basin they attack atleast 30 species of creepers belonging to theplant family Menispermaceae. Within thePacific Basin, the larvae are normally foundfeeding on coral trees in the genus Erythrina(Fabaceae) (Cochereau, 1977). They may befound on a creeper, Stephania foresteri, which isnow rare in New Caledonia. The larval stagesfeed on the foliage of their host plants, wherethe yellowish green eggs are also laid. Anindividual female moth may lay as many as750 eggs, either singly or in batches of up to100–200 eggs (Waterhouse and Norris, 1987).Several generations are possible during ayear.

Injury to fruit is caused by strongly scle-rotized appendages (maxillae) at the end of

the approximately 25.4 mm proboscis. Thetips of the maxillae are equipped with aseries of teeth and spines, which enable theadult moth to rasp a hole through the toughskin of the pineapple fruit. The act of pierc-ing the fruit requires little time, from severalseconds to a few minutes (Cochereau, 1977).

Controlling E. fullonia is difficult, withpesticides normally being ineffective, sincethe larval stages of the pest are not withinthe pineapple crop. Pesticides applied to theripe fruit can also cause human-health con-cerns, due to the presence of toxic residues(Waterhouse and Norris, 1987). Severalapproaches have been tried for the control offruit-piercing moth, but none are especiallyeffective or, if so, they are impractical orexpensive to implement. These include useof poison baits for control of the adult stage;confusing searching adults by masking fruitvolatiles in orchards with smoke; use ofpotential repellents; orchard sanitation toreduce quantities of decaying or fallen fruit;early harvest of fruit; hand-capturing andkilling of moths; bagging of fruit; usingfloodlights to disrupt moth flight behaviour;and eradication of host plants (Baptist, 1944;Cochereau, 1972a; Banziger, 1982). Wherenatural enemies exist and conditions arefavourable, biological control has provedeffective in New Caledonia (Cochereau,1972b, 1977). Natural enemies include para-sitoids and predators of eggs and larvae, aswell as a fungal disease of the eggs (Fusariumsp.). Egg parasitoids in the genera Ooencyrtus(Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and Trichogramma(Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), as wellas the larval–pupal parasitoid Winthemiacaledoniae Mesnil (Diptear: Tachinidae), areexcellent candidates for introductions intoareas where biological control of the pest ispoor. Additionally, reduction in the abun-dance of the larval host plants could helpsuppress adult numbers within an area(Waterhouse and Norris, 1987).

Giant moth borer

The giant moth borer, Castniomera (= Castnia)licus (Drury) (Lepidoptera: Castniidae), isfound in South America (e.g. Brazil), whereit is a minor pest of little economic conse-

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quence on pineapple (Collins, 1960). Themature larvae of this species live up to theircommon name and are about 7.6 cm inlength. Larvae may enter the stem of thepineapple plant and burrow vertically intothe peduncle, which supports the fruit. Thisaction disrupts fruit production (Collins,1960). Adult moths have a wing spread ofabout 12.7 cm.

Pineapple stem borer

An additional lepidopterous pineapple stemborer, Castnia penelope (Schaufuss) (= Castniaicarus (Cramer)) (Lepidoptera: Castniidae), isreported to occur in several localities inBrazil on pineapple and banana (Sanches,1981, 1999).


The blister mite, P. (= V.) sakimurae, may befound on fruit after the flat-eye stage andmay eventually become abundant on ripefruit (Carter, 1967). It prefers to feed withinthe narrow spaces deep in the interfruitletgrooves, where it attacks hard epidermaltissues. Individuals possess a tiny but power-ful piercing stylet and sap is evidentlysucked from pierced cells, but no scars areproduced (Carter, 1967). These mites can dis-perse to the pineapple crowns, which areeventually used for seed material (see sec-tion above on seed material).

Other stem borers

The larva of the weevil M. ritchiei (Marshall),found in the Caribbean, can bore into thepineapple stem of young suckers and emergefrom the fruit, completely destroying theplant (Carter, 1967). Another weevil found inSouth America, P. crenatus (Billberg), can causepineapple stem damage (Sakimura, 1966).

Harvest to Consumer

Most symptoms of pineapple fruit diseasesare exhibited following harvest. Many fruit

disease symptoms have been described onpineapple (Collins, 1960; Rohrbach and Apt,1986). The ‘Smooth Cayenne’ cultivar is rela-tively resistant to most pineapple fruit dis-eases. Historically, only black rot and thechilling injury termed ‘internal browning’ or‘black heart’ have been of sufficient eco-nomic importance and occurrence to warrantcontrol practices. In a study of disorders ofpineapple coming into the New York marketbetween 1972 and 1985, black rot was themost common problem, occurring in 70.3%of the shipments. Severity in affected ship-ments varied from 11% to 50% rot. Brown rotor fruitlet core rot occurred in only 6.5%.Internal browning occurred in 19.5% of theshipments (Cappellini, 1988). In developingcountries, pineapple losses can be as high as70% (Salunkhe et al., 1991).

As with the pineapple plant diseases, fruitdiseases are measured by seasonal frequency(occurrence of disease), incidence (presenceor absence of disease in a single fruit) andseverity (degree of infection or number ofaffected fruitlets in a single fruit). An indexscale (Fig. 9.4) has been developed to quanti-tatively measure pineapple fruit diseases(Rohrbach and Taniguchi, 1984). The scale isbased on the high economic impact of rela-tively low blemish levels on losses in thecannery, the need to discard severelyinfected fruit tissue, to increase labour toremove low to moderate blemish levels fromfruit cylinders prior to or following slicingand to downgrade the remaining product.Thus, a single blemish in one fruitlet of thefruit cylinder (index value of 1) may down-grade the entire slice from a fancy wholeslice to chunks or crush and require addi-tional labour to remove the blemish. Ratingsof 2 or 3 essentially eliminate all of the eco-nomically more valuable fancy slices fromthe fruit. Ratings of 4–5 essentially cause theentire fruit cylinder to be discarded. Thisdisease index has been used for all majorfruit diseases.

The frequency and incidence of fruit dis-eases are extremely variable with high levelsoccurring only sporadically. The sporadicoccurrence has severely limited the ability todo research on the aetiology and control of allthe fruit diseases. In Hawaii three techniques

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have been used to increase the frequency, inci-dence and severity of the major pineapplefruit diseases for research purposes. First,hybrid cultivars have been identified whichare more susceptible to the test pathogensthan the relatively resistant ‘Smooth Cayenne’cultivar. Secondly, multiple forcing at 2–4-week intervals are used in any single test toincrease the probabilities of having suscepti-ble stages of the inflorescence and flowers attimes of optimal environmental conditions.Thirdly, inoculations with the test pathogenprior to or at anthesis are made. These tech-niques have greatly increased the frequencyof test conditions and have added consider-ably to the information about the aetiology ofthe major pineapple fruit diseases.

Black rot

Black rot, also called Thielaviopsis fruit rot,water blister, soft rot or water rot, is causedby the fungus C. paradoxa (De Seynes) Sacc.(syn. T. paradoxa (De Seyn.) Hohn (telemorphC. paradoxa (Dade) C. Moreau). The disease isa universal fresh-fruit problem but normallynot a problem with processed fruit, becausetimes from harvest to processing are tooshort for infection. The severity of the prob-lem is dependent on the degree of bruisingor wounding during harvesting and pack-ing, the level of inoculum on the fruit andthe storage temperature during transporta-tion and marketing. Black rot does not occurin the field unless fruit is overripe or injured.

Black rot of the pineapple fruit is charac-terized by a soft watery rot, which usuallystarts at the point of detachment of the fruit(Fig. 9.25). Diseased tissue turns dark in thelater stages of the disease because of the dark-coloured mycelium and chlamydospores.

Infection of the pineapple fruit occursthrough wounds resulting from harvestingand postharvest handling. Susceptibilityvaries, with the ‘Red Spanish’ types beingmore resistant than ‘Smooth Cayenne’.Under conditions of high humidity, conidiamay readily be produced on pineappleresidue and be disseminated by wind to theunharvested fruit. Inoculum levels on fruit atharvest vary according to the environmental

conditions prior to harvest (Rohrbach andSchmitt, 1994). The high correlation betweenmoisture (rainfall duration) prior to harvestand disease following harvest has resulted inthe name ‘water rot’. Infection occurs within8–12 h following wounding. Refrigeration at9°C during transportation will slow develop-ment of the disease, but, when fruit arereturned to ambient temperatures, diseasedevelopment will resume (Rohrbach andPhillips, 1990).

Fruitlet core rots (black spot)

FCR (Oxenham, 1962; Rohrbach and Apt,1986) or black spot (Keetch, 1977) (also calledfruitlet brown rot and eye rot (Snowdon,1990)) is a descriptive term for a brown toblack colour of the central part of an individ-ual fruitlet (Fig. 9.26). FCR is caused by aninfection by a pathogen or, more commonly,a group of pathogens. Botanically the centralarea of the fruitlet core is the septa (invertedY) between the three seed cavities or locules(Fig. 9.27).

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Fig. 9.25. Cross-section of fruit showing black rotcaused by Chalara paradoxa at the broken peduncleand through a bruise on the side of the fruit.

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Because individual or mixtures of patho-gens may be associated with the FCR symp-tom, there is considerable confusion in theliterature. The Penicillium and Fusarium fungi(Rohrbach and Apt, 1986), the round yeasts(M. Okimoto, unpublished results) andbacteria (D. Gowing, H. Spiegelberg, I.Yanagihara and J. Darroch, unpublishedresults) have been associated with the FCRsymptom. In addition to the multiplepathogens, two mites have also beenreported to be associated with the occurrenceof FCR epidemics (Rohrbach and Apt, 1986;K.G. Rohrbach, unpublished results).

Two additional symptoms – IFC (Fig. 9.28)and LP (Fig. 9.29; Hepton and Anderson,1968; Petty, 1977b) – are clearly associatedwith FCR caused by Penicillium infection(Rohrbach and Apt, 1986). The degree towhich these symptoms develop appears todepend on the time of infection, the pathogenor mixture of pathogens present, the cultivarand environmental conditions. The IFC symp-tom can also be caused by boron deficiency inwhich case the symptoms are indistinguish-able (K.G. Rohrbach, personal observation).

Two distinct levels of FCR occur in com-mercial production of ‘Smooth Cayenne’

Fig. 9.26. Pineapple fruit slices showing fruitlet core rots caused by Penicillium funiculosum (left) andFusarium subglutinans (right).

Inverted ‘Y’






Non-carpellaryfruit tissue





Fig. 9.27. Diagram of a cross-section of a pineapple fruitlet showing the internal parts.

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(K.G. Rohrbach, personal observation): (i) avery low incidence of one to five fruitlets per100+ fruits; (ii) a true epidemic, in whichevery fruit will have at least some FCR andmany fruits will have multiple fruitletsinfected (25 or more). It is theorized that thevery low levels are the result of botanicalmalformations of individual fruitlets causedby disruptions in the normal phyllotaxis ofthe fruit (Kerns et al., 1936). Malformation ofthe fruitlet allows infection of the stylarcanals and nectary ducts by a range ofpathogens. In contrast, true epidemics resultfrom the coincidence of optimum environ-mental conditions resulting in predisposedflowers, production of inoculum of thepathogen(s) and transport of the inoculum topotential infection sites.

Each major pineapple production areaappears to have characteristic pathogensassociated with the FCR symptom, probably

as a result of the environmental conditions ofthe area (Rohrbach, 1980). For example, inHawaii, Penicillium and Fusarium species aremost commonly associated with FCR(Rohrbach and Apt, 1986). In South Africa,Penicillium species are most commonly found(Keetch, 1977), while, in Brazil, Fusariumspecies are most commonly associated withthe FCR symptom (Bolkan et al., 1979).

FCR and associated symptoms are ofmajor economic significance only as epi-demics, not at endemic levels. Fortunately,true epidemics are relatively sporadic in the‘Smooth Cayenne’ cultivar and in the majorcommercial pineapple areas of the world. Thedisease could become more important if someof the more susceptible, low-acid ‘SmoothCayenne’ cultivars and hybrid cultivars aregrown commercially for fresh-fruit markets.

The FCR symptom is generally character-ized by browning of the inverted ‘Y’ tissues

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Fig. 9.28. Interfruitlet corking caused byPenicillium funiculosum infections of the pineappleflower and subsequent reduction of growth of theindividual fruitlet (could also be symptoms of borondeficiency).

Fig. 9.29. Leathery-pocket symptoms caused byPenicillium funiculosum in pineapple fruit cylinder.

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(septa) between the locules (Fig. 9.27). Thedegree of discoloration may vary from a veryslight brown to dark brown or black. As men-tioned previously, the FCR complex involvesthe fungi P. funiculosum and F. subglutinans,and the round yeast Candida guilliermondi.The pineapple tarsonemid mite, S. ananas,and the pineapple red mite, D. floridanus, arealso associated with the FCR complex. Whileall of these organisms have been associatedwith the FCR symptom, little information hasbeen published on the role of the yeasts aspathogens and the role of the pineapple redmite in Fusarium FCR. Considerable informa-tion is known and published on thePenicillium- and Fusarium-induced fruit dis-eases and the role of the pineapple tarsone-mid mite (Rohrbach and Pfeiffer, 1976b;Rohrbach and Taniguchi, 1984).

FCR symptoms produced by Penicilliumspecies are dark to medium brown in colour,usually with a grey, water-soaked centre(Fig. 9.26). The colouring may extend intothe non-carpellary tissue. Blue-green sporu-lation is frequently observed in the loculeson the ovules (see Fig. 9.22). FCR symptomscaused by Fusarium species vary in colourfrom light through medium to dark brownand extend partially to completely down thefruitlet core (Fig. 9.26). FCR caused byFusarium species is usually a ‘dry’ type of rot,in contrast to the moister and softerPenicillium and yeast rots. Inoculations of fruitwith Fusarium at different stages of develop-ment result in different symptoms. Very earlyinfections result in light brown colour, whiledark brown colour results from late infections(K.G. Rohrbach, unpublished results). Whiteto pinkish mycelium frequently occurs in theseed cavities (indication of sporulation) (K.G.Rohrbach, personal observation).

FCR symptoms from yeast infections areusually light brown. The same yeasts caus-ing FCR are associated with glassy spoilage(discussed below).


Fusariosis is caused by the fungus F. subgluti-nans which is the conidial stage of G. fujikuroiEdwards. Whether or not F. subglutinans in

Brazil is the same as the Fusarium speciescausing FCR is not definitive in the litera-ture. Laville (1980) considers F. subglutinans adistinctly different species from the Fusariumcausing FCR. Other authors have attributedFCR to F. moniliforme (Oxenham, 1962;Guerout, 1974; Rohrbach, 1983). The disease,first described in Argentina in 1954, was firstreported in Brazil in 1964 and within 10years had spread over the entire country(Laville, 1980; Rohrbach, 1983).

The fruit symptoms at low severity levelsare similar to those of FCR, which vary fromlight through medium to dark brown,extending partially to completely down thefruitlet core. FCR from Fusarium sp. is usu-ally a ‘dry’ type of rot (see Fig. 9.26). InBrazil, the symptom is not limited to a singleinfected fruitlet, as in typical FCR reportedin other pineapple production areas. Fruitsymptoms involve multiple fruitlets, withthe infected area of the fruit surface appear-ing off-colour initially and later becomingsunken, with profuse pink sporulation andexudation of gum (Fig. 9.30). Gum exudationcan be confused with the exudation fromThecla wounds (see Fig. 9.24; Laville, 1980).

In Brazil, the disease causes major lossesin the three major cultivars, ‘Perola’, ‘Jupi’and ‘Smooth Cayenne’ (Rohrbach, 1983).Levels of fruit infection can vary from 5 to75% (Laville, 1980). Infection is thought tooccur through open flowers, although majorlevels of disease also occur from inoculationsto the developing inflorescence (Ventura etal., 1981). Infection of the inflorescence andfruit also occurs from injuries caused byinsects, particularly the bud moth, T.basilides. Once the developing fruit isinfected, secondary infections can occur onthe developing slips or suckers. The infectedseed material is then distributed to newplanting areas, thus infesting new sites. Soilscan remain infested for several months.Spread within infested fields is primarily byinsects but may also be by wind (Laville,1980). Free conidia of F. subglutinans can sur-vive for 6–13 weeks in soil, depending onmoisture and temperature, with survivalbeing highest in dry soils. Survival inpineapple tissue in soil is less than 10months (Maffia, 1980). Optimum tempera-

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tures for growth are 25°C, with a range of5°C to 35°C (Camargo and Camargo, 1974).

Control of fusariosis is most effective byplanting disease-free seed material and bycontrolling insects, particularly the bud moth(Laville, 1980). Fungicides, such as captafolat 700 g a.i. ha�1, starting at differentiationthrough harvest at 20-day intervals, havegiven good control of the fruit-rot phase inBrazil (Bolkan et al., 1978).

Pink fruit

Pink disease can be found at very low levelsin most pineapple production areas of theworld (Rohrbach, 1983). However, economi-cally significant epidemics are only known tooccur in Hawaii, the Philippines and Taiwan.When epidemics occur in Hawaii and Taiwan,the highest incidences occur in February,March and April. In the Philippines, however,epidemics occur from August to September(Hine, 1976).

Pink disease of pineapple fruit is character-ized by the typical symptom of brown to blackdiscoloration of the fruit tissue when heatedduring the canning process. Depending on thebacterial strain and the severity of the disease,symptoms in uncooked fruit may be com-pletely absent or may include extremelysevere fruit translucence, light pinkish tobrownish colour of the fruit cylinder, and/or a‘cantaloupe-like’ odour (Rohrbach and Apt,1986). E. herbicola in uncooked pineapple fruitis essentially symptomless and very difficultto detect. G. oxydans in uncooked fruit inducespinkish brown to dark brown discolorationsand may have a ‘cantaloupe-like’ odour. A.aceti – more recently classified as Acetobacterliquefaciens (Gossele and Swings, 1986) inuncooked fruit with only a few fruitletsinfected can be symptomless. However, inmoderately to severely infected fruit (manyfruitlets infected), symptoms range from pink-ish brown to dark brown (Rohrbach andPfeiffer, 1976a; Kontaxis and Hayward, 1978).The symptom is reported to be caused by thebacteria producing 2,5-diketogluconic acid,which reacts with amino acids to form brownto black pigments (Buddenhagen and Dull,1967). Strains of the acetic acid bacteria, suchas A. liquefaciens, have been reported to pro-duce browning and rotting of apples andpears and to have been isolated from guava,mango and Surinam cherry (Gossele andSwings, 1986).

In contrast to the other fruit diseases, theeconomic significance of pink disease is theinability to detect diseased fruit prior to pro-cessing, with the result of brown to blackslices in a sealed can. Thus, quality controlduring processing is critical to detection oflow levels and management of diseased fruitin the cannery (Rohrbach and Apt, 1986). Infresh-fruit production, low levels of pink dis-ease are not of major economic importance.However, when high incidences occur, withstrains having symptoms prior to cooking,economic loss can occur.

Marbled fruit

Marbling disease is caused by the acetic acidbacteria A. peroxydans Visser ‘t Hooft and E.

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Fig. 9.30. Pineapple fruit in Brazil showingfusariosis caused by Fusarium subglutinans.

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herbicola var. ananas (Serrano) Dye. Marblingdisease has been reported in essentially allpineapple production areas of the world(Rohrbach, 1983). However, epidemic levelsoccur only in the lowland tropics, where tem-peratures remain above 21–27°C during fruitdevelopment (Rohrbach and Apt, 1986). Inproduction areas such as Thailand, wheredisease incidence is high, from 5 to 20% ofthe slices in the cannery will be marbled. InThailand, the incidence and severity of mar-bling can be high enough in October andNovember to close down processing opera-tions (K.G. Rohrbach, personal observations).In Hawaii, highest levels occur in April andMay although the disease may occur at anytime. Low fruit acid and brix are also associ-ated with high levels of the disease.

The fruit disease of pineapple termed‘marbling’ is represented in the literature bya wide range of symptoms. The most com-mon symptom is a yellowish to reddishbrown to very dark dull brown discolorationof the infected fruit tissue. Infected tissuesgenerally become hardened, granular andbrittle in texture, with colour variation in theform of speckling (Rohrbach and Apt, 1986).The disease may affect individual fruitletsbut more typically affects a group of fruitletsor the entire fruit. Frequently, the speckledappearance will occur in vascular tissues inthe core of the fruit. The diseases reported asbacterial fruitlet brown rot (Serrano, 1928)and fruitlet black rot (Barker, 1926) have gen-erally been considered to be a variation ofmarbling. An additional symptom, termed‘brown and grey rot’, has also been associ-ated with marbling disease. The causalorganism of brown and grey rot will alsocause marbling symptoms. In general, muchless is known about marbling disease thanabout pink disease.

Currently, no known controls of marblingexist. Differences in cultivar susceptibilityhave been noted, with the ‘Smooth Cayenne’variety being moderately resistant (K.G.Rohrbach, unpublished results). When epi-demics occur, infected fruit can be detectedand excluded prior to going through the can-nery by external appearance and a test tomeasure fruit firmness, such as sticking aknife into the fruit. If incidences are extremely

high, all fruit must be discarded. In contrast topink disease, marbled-fruit tissues can be dis-carded before being packing in cans.

Internal browning

Internal browning, also termed endogenousbrowning or black heart, is a physiologicaldisorder of pineapple fruit. The disorder is ofmajor significance in Australia, Taiwan,Kenya and South Africa, where fruit aregrown and harvested at or near frost con-ditions (0–10°C). The disorder is also veryimportant in the marketing of fresh fruitwhen refrigeration is used to extend shelf-life.

Internal browning is of economic impor-tance only where fruit are grown under verycool conditions or are refrigerated for longperiods through marketing channels prior toconsumption (Paull and Rohrbach, 1985).

Internal browning is characterized initiallyby a small greyish translucent zone begin-ning at the base of the fruitlet (see Fig. 9.31)adjacent to the fruit core. This zone laterdarkens, becoming brown to black. Whensymptoms are severe, the entire internal fruittissues are brown to black, thus giving rise tothe name ‘black heart’ (Fig. 9.31; Paull andRohrbach, 1982).

No organisms have ever been shown tobe associated with the internal browningsymptom. Internal browning is thought tooccur from increased polyphenol oxidaseactivity (Teisson, 1979; Paull and Rohrbach,1985). Low ascorbic acid levels have beenassociated with symptom expression (Paulland Rohrbach, 1985).

Symptoms may develop in fruit that hasmatured in the field at low temperatures inthe range 5–10°C. Symptoms may alsodevelop within 4 days of ambient tempera-tures following refrigeration at commoncommercial shipping temperatures of 7°C(Rohrbach and Apt, 1986).


Severe damage when fruit mature underdrought conditions may cause death of the

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basal crown leaves, thereby affecting fresh-fruit quality and enhancing the potential forquarantine examinations (Rohrbach andSchmitt, 1994).


Normally, in Hawaii, pineapple scale is not amajor problem in the field, probably becauseof scale parasites and predators. However,because of the quarantine requirement tohave fruits insect-free, even low levels ofpineapple scale at harvest may present quar-antine problems.

Miscellaneous Fruit Diseases, Pests andDeformities

Numerous pineapple fruit diseases andblemishes of minor occurrence and impor-tance have been noted and described, much

of it in unpublished form. The minor impor-tance of these symptoms and abnormalitiesresults from their sporadic occurrence andlack of economic effects on pineapple pro-duction. Thus, little has been done to deter-mine the cause and aetiology of thesesymptoms and abnormalities.

Yeasty fermentation

Yeasty fermentation is caused by the yeastspecies Hanseniaspora valbyensis (M. Okimoto,unpublished data) and can be a major prob-lem in overripe fruits. A dry yeast rot has beenattributed to Candida intermedia var. alco-holophila (M. Okimoto, unpublished data).Occasionally, the disease will occur in greenfruit, having severe interfruitlet corking symp-toms with associated fruit cracking (K.G.Rohrbach, personal observation). The diseasehas also been associated with high incidencesof fruit sunburn (Lim, 1985). Losses can beminimized by reducing sunburn and harvest-ing fruit before they are overripe.

Glassy spoilage

Glassy spoilage is caused by infections withthe yeast C. guilliermondii and may be associ-ated with fruitlet core rots (M. Okimoto,unpublished data) caused by mixed in-fections of yeast and Penicillium or Fusariumspecies As with yeasty fermentation, lossescan be minimized by harvesting before fruitare overripe.

Acetic souring

Acetic souring is caused by bacteria and ischaracterized by an offensive odour similarto that of a mixture of organic acids, includ-ing acetic acid. Juice of infected fruit may bevery viscous and cloudy with bacteria. Nocontrols are known.

Miscellaneous fruit rots

Fruit rots caused by Aspergillus flavus,Botryodiplodia theobromae and Rhizopus oryzae

Fig. 9.31. Internal browning, a physiologicaldisorder caused by chilling injury.

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or Rhizopus stolonifer have been reported aspostharvest diseases (Snowdon, 1990). Afruit rot caused by Hendersonula toruloidea(Natt.) has been reported by Lim (1985) onthe Mauritus cultivar. Green fruit rot causedby Phytophthora species occasionally causeslarge losses of lodged first-ratoon fruit inAustralia under very wet conditions. Thesepathogens generally require some form ofwounding for infection. Commercially, thesediseases are of very minor importance.

Miscellaneous physiological fruit diseases

Woody fruit

Woody fruit is a disease of unknown cause.The disease is characterized by brown streaksdistributed throughout the fruit tissue, whichis very woody and hard in consistency. Thedisease is associated with certain clones of‘Smooth Cayenne’ and therefore is assumedto be of genetic origin. Roguing at harvest isused to eliminate seed material from plantsshowing symptoms.

Sun scald and frost injury

Sun scald is characterized by a discolorationof the fruit shell, which ranges from yellowto tan or black on the side of the fruit ex-posed to the sun. The internal tissues areusually a pale grey colour, but, when severe,the affected area becomes sunken and desic-cated. Fruits that fall into an exposed orreclining position are much more suscepti-ble. On clear, calm days, temperatures of50–54.4°C have been recorded in exposedfruit (K.G. Rohrbach, unpublished results).Where sun scald is a problem in summermonths (e.g. Australia, South Africa, Taiwanand Brazil) straw, weeds or shredded papermay be used to cover the exposed side of thefruit for control (Lim, 1985). Sprays of a 4 : 1mixture of talc and bentonite are used bylarger growers in Australia to reduce inci-dence of injury.

Frost injury occurs occasionally in someareas in Australia. Symptoms are shell dis-coloration and cracking between the eyes.

Fasciation/multiple crowns

Multiple crowns (two or more) developwhen young fruit are exposed to high tem-peratures early in the development stage.Because nothing is known about the stage offruit development most susceptible to hightemperatures, no controls are available. Theproblem is mainly important where fruit areto be sold fresh with the crowns attached. InAustralia, multiple crowns are trimmed toone to improve appearance and to facilitatepacking in boxes.

Fasciation is an abnormal development ofthe inflorescence and crown, resulting in aflattening of the upper part of the fruit withmultiple crowns ranging from two to many.Fasciation has been associated with geneticand environmental conditions, although Py(1952) has indicated that the phenomenon isnot hereditary. Cultivars such as the ‘SmoothCayenne’ are less susceptible than the‘Singapore Spanish’. Within the ‘SmoothCayenne’ cultivar, certain clones are muchmore susceptible than others.

Trephritid fruit flies

Prior to 1953 methyl bromide was used totreat pineapple imported into continentalUSA. Since then, it has been demonstratedthat ‘Smooth Cayenne’ pineapple cultivars(low- and high-acid types, with at least 50%‘Smooth Cayenne’ parentage) are not hostsfor the tephritid fruit flies: Mediterraneanfruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedermann),melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae (Coquillet), andthe oriental fruit fly, Dacus dorsalis Hendel(Bartholomew and Paull, 1986).

Management of postharvest diseases and pests

Black rot is commercially managed by mini-mizing bruising of fruit during harvest andhandling, by refrigeration and with chemi-cals. Fruit must be dipped in an appropriatefungicide within 6–12 h following harvestprior to packing and shipping (RohrbachPhillips, 1990).

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Internal-browning symptom developmentcan be reduced by waxing with paraffin-polyethylene waxes at wax-to-water ratios of1:4–9 (Rohrbach and Apt, 1986). Waxing hasbeen shown to increase internal CO2 concen-trations, thereby lowering O2 concentrations,which results in reduced polyphenol oxidase(Paull and Rohrbach, 1985).

The Penicillium-induced FCR, LP and IFCfruit diseases have been reduced by applica-tions of endosulphan (3.35 kg a.i. ha�1 in2338 l water) at forcing and 3 weeks follow-ing forcing. Reductions have been significantbut only under low to moderate diseaselevels (Le Grice and Marr, 1970; Rohrbachet al., 1981; Rohrbach and Apt, 1986).Fungicides, such as benomyl, have not beeneffective unless applied directly into theopen heart as the inflorescence emerges(K.G. Rohrbach, unpublished results).

Control of typical FCR induced by F. sub-glutinans has not been demonstrated. Controlof fusariosis is most effective by plantingdisease-free seed material and by controllinginsects, particularly the bud moth (Laville,1980). Hot-water treatment of seed material at54°C for 90 min with benomyl at 50 g 100 l�1

is effective for disinfestation but will retardgrowth and kill up to 50% of the plants(Maffia, 1980). Fungicides, such as captafol,at 700 g a.i. ha�1, starting at differentiationthrough harvest at 20-day intervals, havegiven good control of the fruit-rot phase inBrazil (Bolkan et al., 1978). Resistance tofusariosis occurs in Ananas and Pseudoananas(Laville, 1980).

Scale can be controlled relatively easily bypreharvest applications of an appropriateregistered insecticide, taking into considera-tion last application to harvest residuerestrictions.

Ratoon Crops

In general, control of weeds, insects (ants,mealybugs, scales), nematodes and diseases(root rots, fruit diseases) in ratoon crops isvery much dependent on the efficiency ofcontrols that were applied during the devel-opment of the plant crop. Postplant applica-tions of nematocides (e.g. fenamiphos)

following plant-crop harvest have notresulted in yield increases in Hawaii buthave increased yields in Ivory Coast(Caswell et al., 1990).

Integrated Pest Management

Environmental and food-safety concernshave focused attention on IPM. The conceptof IPM is to employ several techniquessimultaneously to solve specific pest anddisease problems for the long term ratherthan in the short term. Success relies on anin-depth understanding of the pineappleproduction system and the ecology and biol-ogy of each pest or disease and associatedorganisms (e.g. vectors, natural enemies).Emphasis must be placed on the importanceof each pest or disease from an economic,biological and ecological perspective (Pedigo,2002). In order to evaluate the importance ofthe pest or disease, efficient techniques areneeded to monitor changes in populations ofpest and levels of diseases or pathogen pop-ulations. The changes must be correlatedwith yields and quality.

In most pineapple production systemsthroughout the world, mealybug wilt mustbe controlled by the management of ants andmealybugs. Severe infestation may have animpact on the production system and thefinal product in several ways. As a directpest, feeding reduces plant growth, fruitquality and yield. The presence of mealy-bugs on fresh fruit may become a quarantineissue, as well as a quality issue when presentin the canned product. The indirect effectand the most severe impact are the resultingmealybug wilt, with high rates of field infes-tation.

Ants play a major role in the impact ofmealybugs and mealybug wilt on pineapple.Soil tillage during fallow eliminates essen-tially all in-field ants, and new infestationsmust move into the newly planted field fromfield border areas. The rate of establishmentof permanent ant colonies and mealybugwilt is relatively slow (Beardsley et al., 1982).When ants are controlled, the parasitoidAnagyrus ananatis Gahan (Fig. 9.32) andother biological control agents can maintain

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populations of the pink mealybug belowdamage thresholds in Hawaii. The use ofAmdro® is efficacious, allowing natural bio-logical control agents to function whilereducing overall insecticide usage.

Techniques for monitoring ants, usingtrap stakes, have been developed (Fig. 9.33;Beardsley et al., 1982). Recommendations areto use trap stakes baited with peanut but-ter/soybean oil at intervals of 30 m (100 ft)along field borders of new plantings.

Trapping must be done in late afternoon,with data being taken after darkness occurs.The first monitoring should start at 3 monthsfollowing planting and be repeated at 3-month intervals thereafter. When ants aredetected, they may be controlled with site-specific applications of ant baits or insecti-cides. Other monitoring techniques, such aspit-fall traps, honey-vial traps and pine-apple-juice traps, have also been used.Threshold levels of ants have not been verywell defined and the presence of any ants isconsidered problematic.

Populations of mealybugs have beenmonitored with sticky tape placed in thelower part of the pineapple plant (Fig. 9.34;M.W. Johnson, unpublished results). Rela-tively high levels of mealybug are requiredfor mealybug wilt. Diagnosis of mealybugwilt virus-infected seed material can be donerapidly and inexpensively, using a tissue-blot immunoassay system (Hu et al., 1993), inorder to establish virus-free plantings.Evaluation of the impact of virus-free plantson growth and yield has not been completed,but studies are under way (D. Sether, per-sonal communication).

Reniform and root-knot nematode thres-hold levels at planting for pineapple produc-tion in Hawaii have not been well defined.

Pests, Diseases and Weeds 243

Fig. 9.32. The parasitoid Anagyrus ananatis on apink pineapple mealybug, Dysmiococcus brevipes.

Fig. 9.33. Field sampling for ants using white stakes with the base painted with honey/water (50 : 50) orpeanut butter/soybean oil and placed out from 3 to 6 p.m. and read at 7–10 p.m.

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Reniform nematode populations in soil staylow until 6–9 months following planting andthen peak at 12 months (Sipes and Schmitt,1994). The field history of nematode popula-tions and their impacts on yield is importantin nematode management.

Nematodes are currently managed pri-marily by soil fumigation and postplantnematocides. A clean fallow period is alsoused to reduce populations. Crop rotationwas used in the early part of the century inHawaii but has not generally been practisedsince the discovery of soil fumigants. Croprotation has not been practical in recentyears, because of the high cost of plantingand maintaining (irrigation) the rotationcrop, along with the inability to developmarketable rotation crops. Non-host covercrops, either within the growing crop or dur-ing fallow, have been studied with varyingdegrees of success (Caswell et al., 1991).Cover crops may be feasible only in high-rainfall areas. Fumigation efficacy is influ-enced to a major degree by the soil-tillagepractices prior to fumigation and soil mois-ture during tillage and at fumigation(Caswell and Apt, 1989). The use of plasticmulch reduces fumigant losses to the atmos-phere, as well as reducing the amounts ofherbicides required. Efficient nematode con-trol integrates all the above strategies.

Phytophthora heart rot and root rots ofpineapple are diseases limited to fine-textured, high-pH soils under wet environ-mental conditions. Control strategies involveimproving surface and internal soil drainage.

Raised planting beds have provided goodcontrol under wet conditions but poorergrowth under dry conditions. Fosetyl alu-minium and ridomil are very effective aspreplant dips. Fosetyl aluminium also pro-vides good heart-rot control as a foliar appli-cation at 3–6-month intervals and excellentcontrol of P. cinnamomi root rot (Rohrbachand Schmitt, 1994). Resistant cultivars toboth P. cinnamomi and P. nicotianae var. para-sitica exist but are not commercially viable,due to low yields or poor fruit quality(Rohrbach and Schmitt, 1994).

Both pineapple butt and black rot arecaused by the fungus C. paradoxa. The sever-ity of the problem in fresh fruit is dependenton the degree of bruising or wounding dur-ing harvesting and packing, the level ofinoculum on the fruit and the storage tem-perature during transportation and market-ing. Currently, these diseases are controlledby dipping the crown or fruit in a fungicideprior to planting or shipping of the fruit(Cho et al., 1977). Treatment must be done in12 h or less from the time the crown or fruitis removed from the plant (Rohrbach andPhillips, 1990).

Inoculum levels on fruit at harvest varyaccording to the environmental conditionsprior to harvest. The high correlationbetween moisture (rainfall duration) prior toharvest and disease following harvest hasresulted in the name water rot. Storing seedmaterial on the mother plants during dryweather, where there is good air circulationand minimal exposure to inoculum-infested

244 K.G. Rohrbach and M.W. Johnson

Tape on acetate strip

Mealybug crawlerAnts

Fig. 9.34. Sampling technique for mealybugs using acetate strips with double-sided sticky tape placed onleaves in the middle and lower sections of the pineapple plant (M.W. Johnson, unpublished data).

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soil, provides excellent control. However,stored seed results in poor uniformity ofearly plant growth and can reduce cropyields. Planting fresh planting materialresults in more rapid uniform growth.Freshly removed seed material for immedi-ate planting must be dipped in a fungicidewithin 12 h of removal. Currently, seed mate-rials are dipped in triadimefon.

Black rot is commercially controlled infresh fruit by minimizing bruising of fruitduring harvest and handling, by refrigera-tion and with chemicals. Fruit must bedipped in a fungicide within 6–12 h follow-ing harvest prior to packing and shipping.Currently fruit can be dipped in triadimefon.The ‘Red Spanish’ cultivar is generally moreresistant to C. paradoxa than ‘SmoothCayenne’, but, due to low yields and poorquality, this is not an economically viablecultivar.

Pineapple scale only becomes a problemwhen the balance of biological control isupset, for example by the application of resi-dual, broad-spectrum insecticides (Sakimura,1966). Quantitative monitoring techniqueshave not been developed. While a monitor-ing technique has been developed for the tar-sonemid mite (Fig. 9.35), correlation with thePenicillium-induced fruit diseases has notbeen well enough established to predict dis-ease.

IPM for pineapple production systemshas met with varying success and has notbeen broadly implemented for several reasons. First, less expensive alternatives are still available. The annual application ofAmdro® for ant control in pineapple is muchless expensive than the labour required for adetailed ongoing monitoring programme.As long as other alternatives are available,farmers will not learn and implement moni-toring activities. Second, in Hawaii, theimportation and development of biocontrolshave essentially reached a standstill becauseof environmental concerns for non-targetspecies. Until agriculture is forced by eco-nomic or regulatory incentives to implementIPM, traditional pest and disease strategies

will be used. Thirdly, IPM does not gener-ally reduce pest and disease levels lowenough to meet quarantine requirements,thus requiring other pest- and disease-con-trol strategies.

In Hawaii, an IPM verification pro-gramme has been established, which wasmodelled after the national IPM protocol forpotatoes. Multidisciplinary teams, includingmembers from industry, research and exten-sion, identify pests and diseases and recom-mend IPM practices. IPM protocols aredeveloped based on establishing the bestmanagement approaches. Verification of pro-ducer practices is done by farm visits andreview of records, in order to assign points inrelation to each IPM protocol. High scoresallow producers to use IPM as a marketingtool and to better educate farmers and con-sumers as to the value of products grownunder IPM principles (A. Hara and R. Mau,personal communication).

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Fig. 9.35. Sampling for pineapple fruit mites bywashing heart leaves in 70% ethanol. Samples canthen be stored and counted.

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