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  1. 1. Course: Technical Report Writing Course Instructor: Maam Noshaba Faraz BS-IV Presentation
  2. 2. Zakia Rehman Huma Iqbal Anum Zulfiquar Hamnah Abid 324- F12 325- F12 330- F12 328- F12
  3. 3. Everyones worried about stopping terrorism. Well, theres really an easy way: Stop participating in it. By Noam Chomsky
  4. 4. S. # Title 01. Executive Summary 02. Introduction 03. Purpose 04. Scope 05. Assumption 06. Methodology 07. Limitations 08. History 09. Experts Opinions
  5. 5. S. # Title 10. Public Opinion 11. Confusions 12. Causes of Terrorism 13. Losses & Sacrifices by Pakistan in WAT 14. Worlds Behaviors against Pakistan in WAT 15. Possible Solution & Recommendations 16. Visual Proof 17. Appendix 18. Questionnaire 19. References
  6. 6. The early morning attacks on New York City and Washington, DC, blasted American security and drove the country into the type of grief and fear. Who had committed this act of terrorism? How quickly could we respond? How soon would justice be served? Policies of Musharraf at 9-11 and its actions against Lal Masjid are a big reason for terrorism in Pakistan. Executive Summary
  7. 7. 9/11 Commission Report is a lie. After the incident of 9/11 America took steps to fight a war against terrorism in the whole world (global war on terror) and started a campaign against the Taliban in Afghanistan. If we want to make our country free of terrorism then we should always keep it in mind that, Think and work for Pakistan Executive Summary (contd)
  8. 8. Introduction Terrorism in whole world is increasing so rapidly. When the incident of 9/11 happened in America, the USA government declared that it is Pakistan who did this all. We will discuss in this report the history, causes and solution for terrorism and 9/11 incident.
  9. 9. Purpose The purpose of this report is to discuss and give solutions to counter terrorism in our country and the real cause of 9/11 incident.
  10. 10. Scope In this report, we will discuss the following topics: Terrorism. Suggest viable solutions to counter terrorism in Pakistan. Who had committed the act of terrorism (9/11)? What experts are saying about this incident? What is the publics opinion?
  11. 11. Assumptions My assumptions are based on three recommendations: Plane crash was not the sole cause of the collapse of the building. Explosives were used to demolish the building. How can objects made of steel and concrete crash and fall on the ground as fast as objects falling through the air? It is USAs so called propaganda that Pakistan is terrorist country.
  12. 12. methodology Information for this report comes from print and online sources, interviews and a survey of almost 50 students of IIUI and social networking sites. I chose to survey Two-thirds of the students in my sample were juniors and seniors; 32% were from MS level.
  13. 13. limitations My research has some limitations. First, I surveyed students at IIUI only. Secondly, on-spot survey could not be done because of time, money and geographical constraints. Thirdly, the source of entire findings is based on various reports, interviews, opinions and ultimately deriving conclusions using common sense
  14. 14. 1990s: Pakistan Supports Taliban 2001:Pakistan joins war against terrorism 2003: U.S. & Pakistan Cooperate, but "Talibanization" increases in Pakistan
  15. 15. 2004-2005: U.S. Aborts Plan to Capture Al Qaeda Heads 2006-2007: Pressures on Musharraf Rises as Pursuit of Taliban Continues 2008: Musharraf Departs, Militants Become Focus of U.S. "War on Terror
  16. 16. VAN ROMERO Vice President of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,
  17. 17. HYMAN BROWN World Trade Centres Construction Manager
  18. 18. Odigo-The Instant messaging Service declared that two of its workers received messages about the WTCs attack just two hours before the incident. American Police remarked that a student spoke of attacks before September11. An eyewitness told media that he heard some cop saying that this building was going to come down soon but he had no idea that how that cop knew that. Wake-up Americans was a campaign launched by some American students to disclose the facts to public and tell them never to believe American Government who has been lying to its nation for the past many years. PUBLIC OPINION
  19. 19. It was declared by media that half of Americans believe that American Government had foreknowledge about 09/11 attacks but did not act accordingly. Quick Vote was arranged in which 90% Americans voted that Government had covered up all the issue. An American Woman said that, Most of my friends wonder about the attack and we are surprised on President Bushs reaction. Thus total evidence are of prior knowledge. PUBLIC OPINION (Contd)
  20. 20. 01. Free fall method Twin towers came down in free fall speed. North Tower collapsed in less than 10 sec, which means 10 floors per second but we find that entire building collapsed in 8.4 seconds only. It means that if we had thrown any rock from 94th floor it would have hit the ground in 8.4 sec. 94th Floor
  21. 21. How can objects made of steel and concrete crash and fall on the ground as fast as objects falling through the air? Speed of the collapse of initial floors where the plane was hit should have been higher than the rest of the floors. So, its rest of the floors should have been collapsed with an average speed of 01 floor per second and 110 seconds were then required for the collapse of whole tower. No such heavily built massive structure can ever fall down so rapidly by just being hit by a plane carrying 10,000 gallons of fuel only.
  22. 22. None of five major news agencies were talking about it; it explains that Govt. has itself created it. Some news agencies said, They are afraid to report crimes committed by Govt. News agencies tried to manipulate the emotions, rather than providing facts to the public. 02. News agencies
  23. 23. 03. Other facts Fire was too less to kill the firemen. Then how did it cause the entire building to collapse. Fire in the south tower was so small that it never spread to other side of the tower. The fireman in south tower were relaxed and using their hand held radios.
  24. 24. Almost all the Jews working in those towers were not present on that very day. Despite so many threats given on phone calls, the security was loosened. Number of Guards on duty was decreased. Even bomb sniffing dogs were removed from the building before the attack. 03. Other facts (contd)
  25. 25. Effects of 9/11: Religious Aspects: Foreign Hands: a) USA & West: b) India: c) Russia: d) Israel: Poverty:
  26. 26. The founder of Pakistan Quaid-E-Azam Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah said: UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL
  27. 27. The first thing for war is that We should put our own house in order. We should solve our personal problems in this time and meet together for this country. All parties conference should be called because we are under the condition of war. We should prepare a common agenda for this war. There should be a national government of consensus with all parties.
  28. 28. We should make parliament active and polices should be presented in parliament for approval and implementation with true heart. Our national unity plays a great role in this condition because if we recall our History we find that When incident of East Pakistan 1971 took place there were two big faults in our policy; 1. We were fighting against mukti bahani 2. At the same time India was preparing to fight. So we were internally divided and at that time India got a walkover.
  29. 29. We should continue political process in affected areas along with military operation and also negotiate with people in order to gain their confidence. We should take swat and Waziristan as two separate operations and should not mix them. We should form a board of Ulama so that they may give religious education and Islamic concepts about suicide bombing to people of tribal areas. We should make our intelligence and security system effective to counter terrorism.
  30. 30. The people of the FATA region are very poor and this area due to was left over from the any government concern which lead to the present situation. Hence to counter the present condition of this area proper development in the following fields: I. Education II. Health III. Water Supply & Rural Development IV. Agriculture and Livestock V. Water Management and Power VI. Roads and Bridges VII.Institutional Strengthening We need Islamic democracy at this time not western democracy. Western democracy is not for humanity but Islam is for humanity.
  31. 31. Policies of Musharraf at 9-11 and his actions against Lal Masjid are a big reason for terrorism in Pakistan. A leader was required at that time to take assertive decision. When the movement of crunch came the chips were down he chicken out. So government should trial the responsible persons mainly General Musharraf for the incident of Lal Masjid to gain the confidence of people of tribal areas.
  32. 32. Go against USA in UNITED NATIONS and OIC due to drone attacks. We should get access to Russia with the help of China so that Americans could realize that other options are also open for us. We should consult with Iran. We should bring the people of tribal areas on table because Americans are also talking with Taliban. We have to take steps to stop drone attacks in tribal areas.
  33. 33. Some characteristics of people of Tribal Areas: 1. They are always revengeful against enemy. 2. If they provide refuge to a person then protect his life at any coast. 3. They are committed to faith and possess no fear of any kind except only Allah. 4. They never compromise on their freedom or traditions.
  34. 34. The main reason for the fight that people of tribal areas have is drone attacks by America in Pakistan . We should make steps to stop these drone attacks listed in last page. When relatives of a man die in a drone attack he becomes angry. Indian and American agencies use his anger against Pakistan in the form of suicide bombing. So we should tackle the prevailing scenario. These people cannot go back to their homes until they take revenge from enemy.
  35. 35. We have to understand the Pashtoon valley. This Pashtoon valley is older than Pakistan. They say ; we will take revenge from enemy at any cost. This is a very unique nation and it is difficult to understand them. We have to understand the behaviour and minds of people of tribal areas and talk to them to counter terrorism.
  36. 36. The high authorities of Pakistan Army and Government should try their best to sit together with the terrorist leaders through third person (common friend) and come to terms. Make some compromises just for the sake of peace. Government should take steps to stop drone attacks.
  37. 37. Thinkandworkfor Pakistan
  38. 38. Visual proof:
  39. 39. Appendix: rawsurvey data Major (Grouped by College) Finance 7 (5%) Mathematics 11 (7%) Physics 35 (23%) Statistics 15 (10%) Economy 41 (27%) Biotechnology 23 (15%) Shariah & Law 18 (12%) 3rd Semester 15 (10%) 4th Semester 34 (23%) 6th Semester 47 (31%) 8th Semester 54 (36%)
  40. 40. Questions Strongly Disagree Disagr ee Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree 01.Do you think Pakistan is a terrorist country? 60% 10% 0% 20% 10% 02.Do you think Pakistan supports terrorism? 55% 13% 25% 07% 0% 03.Do you have any special interest in Politics? 05% 10% 60% 10% 15% 04.Do you think ISI is creating terrorism in our country? 85% 10% 05% 0% 0% 05.Can terrorism bring positive change in our country? 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 06.Is our youth deeply involved in terrorism? 55% 15% 0% 20% 10%
  41. 41. 07.Do you think that Afghanistan is basic home place for Terrorists? 05% 20% 35% 13% 27% 08.Do you know the 9/11 incident deeply? 0% 8% 12% 70% 10% 09.Do you think that USAs government is involved? 0% 0% 43% 25% 32% 10.Do you think that Pakistans government is involved? 85% 10% 2% 3% 0% 11.Do you think that it was a pre- planned act by allies? 0% 0% 13% 75% 12% 12.Do you think Afghan Mujahideen are terrorists? 76% 12% 5% 7% 0%
  42. 42. 66
