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93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning

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  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Career Planning andCareer Planning and

    Succession PlanningSuccession Planning

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Career planning is the process by which oneCareer planning is the process by which oneselects career goals and the path to these goals.selects career goals and the path to these goals.

    Career Planning is the formal process throughCareer Planning is the formal process through

    which someone becomes aware of his or herwhich someone becomes aware of his or her

    personal skills,personal skills,



    motivations andmotivations and

    other characteristics, acquires information aboutother characteristics, acquires information about

    opportunities and choices, identies career-related goals,opportunities and choices, identies career-related goals,and establishes action plans to attain specic goals.and establishes action plans to attain specic goals.

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    he !oal" #atchinghe !oal" #atching

    $ndividual and$ndividual and

    %rgani&ational 'eeds%rgani&ational 'eeds

    Individual andIndividual and

    Organizational GoalsOrganizational Goals

    The Employees RoleThe Employees Role The Organizations RoleThe Organizations Role



  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    (mployer Career ()orts today(mployer Career ()orts today

    HR Activity Traditional Focus Career DevelopmentFocus


    naly&es obs, skill, tasks-present and future.Proects need. sesstatistical data

    dds information aboutindividual interests,preferences, and the liketo replacement plans.


    and selection

    #atching organi&ation/s

    needs with qualiesindividuals.

    #atches individual and

    obs based on variablesincluding employees0career interests andaptitudes.

    raining anddevelopment

    Provides opportunities forlearning skills,information and attitudesrelated to ob.

    Provides career pathinformation. ddsindividual developmentplans.


    +ating and1on rewards dds development plansand individual goal setting.


    and benets

    +ewards for time,

    productivity, talent, andso on.

    dds study reimbursement

    plans, compensation fornon- ob related activities

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    %bectives of Career%bectives of Career

    PlanningPlanning ttract and retain talent by o)ering careers, notttract and retain talent by o)ering careers, not


    se human resources e)ectively and achievese human resources e)ectively and achieve

    greater productivitygreater productivity

    +educe employee turnover+educe employee turnover

    $mprove employee morale and motivation$mprove employee morale and motivation

    #eet the immediate and future human resource#eet the immediate and future human resourceneeds of the organi&ation on a timely basis.needs of the organi&ation on a timely basis.

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    FigureFigure HRs Role in Career DevelopmentHRs Role in Career Development

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    FigureFigure Balancing Individual and Organizational NeedsBalancing Individual and Organizational Needs

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    Figure 5.A1Figure 5.A1 Combinations of Career InterestsCombinations of Career Interests

    and Skillsand Skills

    ExploreExplore PursuePursue

    AvoidAvoid evelopevelop


    #o$ %igh






  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Figure 5Figure 599 Stages of Career DevelopmentStages of Career Development

    "tage '( #ate Career )ages ''*retirement+("tage '( #ate Career )ages ''*retirement+(Remain produ,tive in $or-. maintain sel/0esteem. prepare /or e//e,tiveRemain produ,tive in $or-. maintain sel/0esteem. prepare /or e//e,tive


    "tage 2( Mid,areer )ages 23*''+("tage 2( Mid,areer )ages 23*''+(Reappraise early ,areer and early adulthood goals. rea//irm or modi/y goals.Reappraise early ,areer and early adulthood goals. rea//irm or modi/y goals.

    ma-e ,hoi,es appropriate to middle adult years. remain produ,tive1ma-e ,hoi,es appropriate to middle adult years. remain produ,tive1

    "tage 4( Early Career )ages 5'*23+("tage 4( Early Career )ages 5'*23+(#earn 6o7. learn organizational rules and norms. /it into ,hosen o,,upation#earn 6o7. learn organizational rules and norms. /it into ,hosen o,,upation

    and organization. in,rease ,ompeten,e. pursue goals1and organization. in,rease ,ompeten,e. pursue goals1

    "tage 5( Organizational Entry )ages 89*5'+("tage 5( Organizational Entry )ages 89*5'+(

    O7tain 6o7 o//er)s+ /rom desired organization)s+. sele,t appropriate 6o7 7asedO7tain 6o7 o//er)s+ /rom desired organization)s+. sele,t appropriate 6o7 7asedon ,omplete and a,,urate in/ormation1on ,omplete and a,,urate in/ormation1

    "tage 8( Preparation /or :or- )ages 3*5'+("tage 8( Preparation /or :or- )ages 3*5'+(evelop o,,upational sel/0image. assess alternative o,,upations. developevelop o,,upational sel/0image. assess alternative o,,upations. develop

    initial o,,upational ,hoi,e. pursue ne,essary edu,ation1initial o,,upational ,hoi,e. pursue ne,essary edu,ation1

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Process of Career PlanningProcess of Career Planning



    and aspirations



    Aligning needs



    A,tion plans


    periodi, revie$

    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Step 4

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Career nchorsCareer nchors

    2ive anchors are"2ive anchors are"

    Managerial competenceManagerial competence

    Technical functional competenceTechnical functional competence SecuritySecurity


    Autonomy independenceAutonomy independence

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    ools used for careerools used for career



    $ndividual counseling$ndividual counseling

    $nformation services$nformation services (mployee assessment programmes(mployee assessment programmes

    (mployee development programmes(mployee development programmes

    Career programmes for specialCareer programmes for specialgroupsgroups

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Succession PlanningSuccession Planning

    The process of ensuring a suitableThe process of ensuring a suitable

    supply of successors for current andsupply of successors for current and

    future senior or key jobs arising fromfuture senior or key jobs arising from

    business strategy, so that the careersbusiness strategy, so that the careers

    of individuals can be planned andof individuals can be planned and

    managed to optimie themanaged to optimie the

    organiations needs and theorganiations needs and theindividuals! aspirations"#individuals! aspirations"#

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Succession Planning is a systematicSuccession Planning is a systematic

    approach to "approach to "

    3uilding a leadership pipeline1talent pool to3uilding a leadership pipeline1talent pool to

    ensure leadership continuityensure leadership continuity

    4evelop potential successions in way that best tr4evelop potential successions in way that best tr

    their strengths.their strengths.

    $dentifying the best candidates for categories of$dentifying the best candidates for categories of


    Concentrating resources on the talentConcentrating resources on the talent

    development process, leading to greater +%$.development process, leading to greater +%$.

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    3enets3enets Prepare current employees to understand key role.Prepare current employees to understand key role.

    4evelop talent and long term growth.4evelop talent and long term growth.

    $mproves workforce capabilitities and overall performance$mproves workforce capabilitities and overall performance

    $mprove employee commitment and therefore retention$mprove employee commitment and therefore retention

    #eets the career development requirement of e5isting employees.#eets the career development requirement of e5isting employees.

    $mproves support to employees throughout their employment.$mproves support to employees throughout their employment.

    Counters the increasing di6culty of recruiting employees e5ternally.Counters the increasing di6culty of recruiting employees e5ternally.

    2ocuses on leadership continuity and improved knowledge sharing2ocuses on leadership continuity and improved knowledge sharing

    Provides more e)ective monitoring and tracking of employee prociencyProvides more e)ective monitoring and tracking of employee prociency

    levels and skill gaps.levels and skill gaps.

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Several factors critical for theSeveral factors critical for the

    success of Succession planningsuccess of Succession planning #anagement is involved in the process#anagement is involved in the process

    #anagement holds themselves accountable for growing#anagement holds themselves accountable for growing


    (mployees are committed to their own self development(mployees are committed to their own self development

    Succession planning is based on a business case for longSuccession planning is based on a business case for long

    term needs.term needs.

    Succession is linked to strategic planning and investmentSuccession is linked to strategic planning and investment

    in the future.in the future.

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Process of SuccessionProcess of Succession

    mgmt.mgmt.Identify the shortage ofleadershipskills and dening therequirement

    Identify potential successors for critical positions

    Coach and room the !TAR!

    !ecure top mgmt"s commitment and


  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Succession Planning #odelSuccession Planning #odel

    7.4eterminethefunctions 8when theposition willbe available

    9. $dentify

    initialcompetencies required foreach position :.

    Competency!ap nalysis

    ;. 4esign4evelopmental%ppportunities for each setofCompetencies

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Step 1: Determine the functions and when position will be available.Step 1: Determine the functions and when position will be available.

    Revie! t"e associated functions and anticipated future !ork re#uirements$Revie! t"e associated functions and anticipated future !ork re#uirements$

    %ull& understand "o! real and anticipated c"ange in functions and ne! tec"nologies !ill%ull& understand "o! real and anticipated c"ange in functions and ne! tec"nologies !ill

    impact t"e future 'ob re#uirements$impact t"e future 'ob re#uirements$

    Step 2 : Determine initial competencies required for each positionStep 2 : Determine initial competencies required for each position

    Determine t"e skill( )no!ledge( abilit&( aptitude( values( motivation( initiative( selfDetermine t"e skill( )no!ledge( abilit&( aptitude( values( motivation( initiative( self

    control( !ork st&les and attitudes t"at contribute to e*emplar& 'ob performance$control( !ork st&les and attitudes t"at contribute to e*emplar& 'ob performance$

    Step 3: Competency Gap analysisStep 3: Competency Gap analysis

    Identif& t"e 'ob competencies t"at !ill be re#uired for future position in t"ee organsiationIdentif& t"e 'ob competencies t"at !ill be re#uired for future position in t"ee organsiation

    Determine t"e t&pe of tools used to gat"er data on !"et"er current emplo&ees possess t"eDetermine t"e t&pe of tools used to gat"er data on !"et"er current emplo&ees possess t"e

    competencies t"at !ill be re#uired for t"e identifies positions$competencies t"at !ill be re#uired for t"e identifies positions$

    +nal&ze t"e difference bet!een current emplo&ee competencies and future organisation+nal&ze t"e difference bet!een current emplo&ee competencies and future organisation


    Document t"e finding$Document t"e finding$

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Step Desi!n developmental opportunities for each set of competenciesStep Desi!n developmental opportunities for each set of competencies

    ,ailor opportunities to develop eac" competenc& and future !ork re#uirement,ailor opportunities to develop eac" competenc& and future !ork re#uirement

    Step ": Develop and maintain a talent #oolStep ": Develop and maintain a talent #ool

    +c#uire volunteers+c#uire volunteers

    Conduct individual gap anal&sisConduct individual gap anal&sis

    -repare individual development plans-repare individual development plans

    Reassess and track individual progressReassess and track individual progress

    Step $: %eassess and trac& overall pro!ress and maintain a s&ills inventory.Step $: %eassess and trac& overall pro!ress and maintain a s&ills inventory.

    Continuall& monitor kills and needs to determine an& gaps( and develop plans to meetContinuall& monitor kills and needs to determine an& gaps( and develop plans to meet


    ,rack individual progress overtime to use for reporting and determining( adding or,rack individual progress overtime to use for reporting and determining( adding orc"anging developmental opportunities$c"anging developmental opportunities$

    .aintain an inventor& of current and future needs along !it" t"e information for.aintain an inventor& of current and future needs along !it" t"e information for

    individual and group developmentindividual and group development

  • 7/25/2019 93610680 Career Planning and Succession Planning


    Pros and Cons of 4isclosingPros and Cons of 4isclosing

    succession planningsuccession planning

    #nrealistic e$pectation

    andimplied contracts

    Retention !trategy

    High %erformersmayleave the

    organi&ation'unsure of theirfuture

    Allo(s )e$i*ility as*usiness needschange


    D- .-T


    DI!AD/A.TA+! AD/A.TA+!
