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A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

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A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connec6ng the unconnected via small cells 3 rd March 2015 18/03/2015 1 © Real Wireless Ltd. 2015 Rural villages Military Public safety Disaster Recovery / humanitarian Remote industrial Special events Transporta6on
Page 1: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

A  $1  trillion  opportunity:  Business  drivers  for  connec6ng  the  unconnected    via  small  cells    3rd  March  2015  

18/03/2015   1  ©  Real  Wireless  Ltd.  2015  

Rural  villages  


Public  safety   Disaster  Recovery  /  humanitarian  

Remote  industrial  

Special  events  


Page 2: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

About  Real  Wireless  •  Leading  wireless  advisory  firm,  bridging  the  

gap  between  wireless  experts  and  wireless  users  

•  Team  of  independent  experts  with  deep  technology  and  broad  business  experience  

©  Real  Wireless  Ltd.  2015  18/03/2015  

Some  Clients  

Some  Places   Some  Technologies  


Page 3: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Small  Cell  Business  Cases  •  Commissioned  by  Small  Cell  Forum  but  conducted  independently  by  Real  Wireless  •  A  highly  referenceable,  credible  starLng  point  for  product  and  scenario-­‐specific  analysis  •  These  are  public:  but  many  specific  exercises  conducted  for  real  world  cases  

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Urban   Enterprise   Rural  &  Remote  


Page 4: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Study  seHng  –  Who  are  rural  and  remote  users?  

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Rural  Community  Coverage  for  underserved  community  beyond  range  of  normal  service  

Remote  Industrial  Coverage  for  community  of  workers  at  a  site  hard  to  reach  from  exisLng  infrastructure  

Public  Safety  Coverage  for  emergency  services  &  first  responders.  

Disaster  Recovery  /  Humanitarian  Rapid  reinstatement  of  coverage  aRer  extensive  damage  to  mobile  infrastructure,  and  support  for  ongoing  humanitarian  efforts.  

Special  Event  Services  for  temporary  planned  gathering  

Military  Service  for  military  personnel  

Transporta6on  Services  for  passengers  and  operaLonal  needs  on  all  classes  of  shipping,  aircraR  and  trains  

Page 5: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Tradi6onally  these  users  are  poorly  served  

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•  Alphonzo  Samuels,  CTO  of  Telekom  South  Africa,  recently  highlighted  that  urban  populaLons  take  up  just  2%  of  landmass  but  provide  for  operators  [1]:  

•  50%  of  revenue  •  80%  of  profit    

•  Natural  tendency  to  target  urban  so  more  cost  effecLve  rural  soluLons  needed.  

•  Even  markets  with  high  cellular  penetraLon  have  a  gap  between  urban  and  rural  user  mobile  experience    (as  per  Ofcom  figure  on  right).  

•  GSMA  esLmate  average  unique  subscriber  level  79%  in  developed  countries  but  only  41%  in  developing  countries  [3].  

•  Implies  main  subscriber  growth  will  come  from  rural  and  developing  areas.  

•  But  key  barriers  for  operators  are:  •  Deployment  costs  •  Closed,  bespoke  equipment  ecosystems  

•  Can  small  cells  overcome  these  barriers?  

The  difference  in  the  call  comple6on  rates  across  UK  operators  between  rural  and  urban  users  from  Ofcom  [2]  

Mobile  adop6on  versus  rural  popula6ons  from  GSMA  [3]  

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Key  Findings  •  Rural  and  remote  users  increasingly  need  mobile  •  MoLvaLons  for  mobile  differ  but  there  are  

common  mobile  soluLon  requirements    •  Small  cells  fit  these  common  requirements  

excepLonally  well  technically  •  Operators  can  tap  into  capLve,  previously  

untapped  markets  via:  •  Lower,  more  granular  deployment  costs  •  Enabling  more  flexible  ecosystems  with  varying  

levels  of  operator  involvement  

•  Small  cells  challenge  the  assumpLon  that  there  is  necessary  divide  between  urban  users  and  rural  and  remote  users    

•  The  economic  and  social  benefits  from  serving  this  market  segment  are  compelling  too  

A  trillion  dollar  opportunity!  18/03/2015   6  ©  Real  Wireless  Ltd.  2015  


Market  drivers  




Market  drivers  




Sector  customisaLons  

Sector  customisaLons  

Core  small  cell  capabiliLes  

Small  cell  ecosystem  

Mobile  industry  

Small  cells  are  the  “glue”  across    apparently  disparate  rural  and  remote  applica6ons  

Rural  villages   Transport   Remote  industrial  

Special  events  

Public  safety  

Disaster  recovery  /  humanitarian   Military  

Page 7: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

R&R  markets  need  mobile  and  are  big  markets  •  In  developing  naLons  

•  Mobile  only  means  for  medical  assistance,  employment  and  finances  in  some  areas.  •  Mobile  access  higher  than  basic  sanitaLon  in  some  sub-­‐Saharan  countries  [3].  •  10%  improvement  in  mobile  gives  1.4%  increase  in  GDP  [3].  

•  In  developed  naLons  •  Increased  recogniLon  of  the  importance  of  mobile  by  regulators  •  Teleworking  rising  –  80%  increase  in  US  from  2005  to  2012  [5]  •  Operators  differenLaLng  on  user  experience    1.6  billion  subscribers  could  be  added  via  small  cells  worldwide  by  2017  -­‐  rural  populaLons  are  key  

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Rural  communi6es  

o  Huge  capLve  audience:  2.98  billion  air  passengers  in  2012  (and  growing)  with  54.9  million  flight  hours  [6]  

o  Passengers  expect  mobile  –  poor  Internet  second  biggest  stress  factor  for  business  passengers  [7]  

o  Morale  networks  for  staff  key  for  staff  retenLon  o  OperaLonal  benefits  and  addiLonal  revenue  for  transport  companies  o  Growing  M2M  tracking  freight  o  Access  to  on-­‐shore  markets  in  mariLme  case  


Page 8: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

R&R  markets  need  mobile  and  are  big  markets  •  Worldwide  military  expenditure  of  $1.75  trillion  in  2013  [8].    •  Move  from  bespoke  to  cellular  due  to:  

•  Reduced  costs  of  COTS  •  Increased  funcLonality  •  Shorter  procurement  cycles  

•  More  hi-­‐tech  banlespace  needs  bener  wireless  support  •  SituaLonal  awareness  •  LogisLcs  and  operaLonal  communicaLons  •  Remote  control  of  vehicles  and  remote  devices  

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•  In  US  in  2013  alone  $9.7  billion  spent  on  public  assistance  [9].  •  155,000  LTE  public  safety  basestaLons  forecast  globally  by  2020  with  4  million  subs  [10].  •  Big  transiLon  to  cellular  driven  by:  

•  Drive  for  bener  interoperability  •  Reduced  costs  and  increased  funcLonality  of  COTS  •  Emergency  responses  becoming  more  hi-­‐tech  as  in  military  but  also  open  GSM  cells  to  locate  

survivors  and  public  relying  on  cellular  in  incidents  more  

Public  safety  

Page 9: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

R&R  markets  need  mobile  and  are  big  areas  •  Between  2000  and  2009  2.2  billion  people  impacted  by  4,484  natural  disasters  [11]  •  Increasing  problem  due  to  global  warming  and  unplanned  urbanisaLon  [12].  •  Growing  recogniLon  that  wireless  is  key  in  operaLons  with  groups  like  Vodafone  

FoundaLon  and  Télécoms  Sans  FronLères.    •  SituaLonal  awareness  via  video  and  images  and  open  cell  features  to  locate  survivors  

in  addiLon  to  voice  aiding  operaLons.  •  Increased  reliance  on  mobile  by  survivors  •  Increased  internaLonal  awareness  of  management  of  relief  efforts.  

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Disaster  recovery  

•  London  2012  was  esLmated  to  anract  nine  million  spectators  and  300,000  athletes,  officials,  media  and  workforce  [13].  

•  Increasing  operaLonal  communicaLons  requirements:  •  CCTV  •  Wireless  payment  systems  •  Public  safety  networks  

•  Spectators  expecLng  connecLvity  to:  •  Give  live  feedback  on  events  and  share  experiences  •  Review  event  related  staLsLcs  and  info.  

Special  events  

Page 10: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

R&R  markets  need  mobile  and  are  big  markets  •  Move  from  PMR  to  cellular  in  this  area.  •  Forecast  that  by  2015  $8  billion  will  be  spent  on  oil  and  gas  mobile  applicaLons  [14].  •  Mobile  is  the  2nd  highest  priority  for  CIOs  in  this  area  aRer  cyber  security  [14].  •  Drivers  include:  

•  Improving  operaLonal  efficiencies  via  remote  working  and  situaLonal  assessment  •  Improving  staff  retenLon    •  Being  high  value,  hi-­‐tech  environments  

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Remote  industrial  

•  Key  common  drivers  •  Higher  expectaLons  from  consumers  and  workers  of  

connecLvity  everywhere  •  Working  environments  becoming  more  hi-­‐tech  •  Increasing  interest  in  cellular  from  specialist  usersg  more  hi-­‐tech  as  in  

military  but  also  open  GSM  cells  to  locate  survivors  and  public  relying  on  cellular  in  incidents  more  

Page 11: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Why  don’t  operators  serve  these  needs  be\er?  •  Operators  perceive  that:  

•  Deployment  challenges  make  them  complex  to  address  and  not  cost  effecLve  with  macrocells  

•  The  ecosystems  are  unfamiliar  to  operators  with  a  closed  set  of  players  who  know  the  market  needs  well  

•  But  our  analysis  and    stakeholder  feedback  suggest  these  applicaLon  areas  could  be  very  interesLng  to  operators:  •  CapLve  markets  with  good  brand  and  differenLaLon  opportuniLes.      •  Some  high  value  lucraLve  applicaLon  areas  with  extra  subscriber  recruitment  

opportuniLes  in  specialist  environments.  •  Opportunity  to  generate  significant  social  and  economic  value  •  Opportunity  to  leverage  exisLng  investments  in  small  cells  •  Knock  on  operaLonal  benefits  of  network  resilience  and  responding  to  network  

outages  18/03/2015   11  ©  Real  Wireless  Ltd.  2015  

Page 12: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Small  cells  fit  these  common  requirements  excep6onally  well  technically  •  Small  cells  have  special  characterisLcs  

of:  •  Being  low  cost,  low  power  and  small  

form  factor  soluLons  •  Providing  support  for  a  range  of  

backhaul  and  power  opLons  •  Providing  targeted  local  coverage    •  Providing  dedicated  capacity    •  Delivering  cellular  services  and  COTS  

standards  based  equipment  •  Providing  easy  installaLon  and  retrofit    •  SupporLng  rapid  deployment  and  self-­‐

organising  features    

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Small  cells  using  a  range  of  backhaul  solu6ons  –  Vodafone  open  SureSignal  uses  premise’s  broadband  (leb),  Altobridge/iDirect  using  Satcom  backhaul  and  Airspan  4G  outdoor  picocell  with  integrated  point  to  mul6  point  backhaul  (right)  

Femtocells  illustra6ng  the  small  form  factor  of  small  cell  products  

Page 13: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Even  though  drivers  for  mobile  differ  there  are  common  solu6on  requirements  

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Key  Requirement   Rural  town  /  villages  

Transport   Military   Public  safety   Humanitarian  /  disaster  recovery  

Special  events   Remote  industrial  

Low  cost   ü   ü   ü  

Support  for  a  range  of  backhaul  

ü   ü   ü   ü   ü   ü   ü  

Targeted  local  coverage  

ü   ü   ü   ü   ü   ü   ü  

Low  power   ü      

ü   ü   ü  

Small  form  factor   ü   ü   ü   ü      


Delivers  cellular  services  

ü   ü   ü  

COTS  standards  based  equipment  

ü   ü   ü  

Easy  installa6on  and  retrofit  

ü   ü   ü   ü   ü   ü  

Rapid  deployment   ü   ü   ü   ü  

Self-­‐organising   ü   ü   ü   ü  

Dedicated  capacity   ü   ü   ü   ü   ü  

Rugged  form  factor   ü   ü   ü   ü   ü  

Many  common  requirements  suit  small  

cells  well  

Page 14: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells


•  Small  form  factor  •  Low  power  •  Dedicated  capacity  •  Dedicated  coverage  in  small  areas  

•  Easy  install  and  self  organising  features  •  Wide  range  of  backhaul  


But  various  levels  of  customisa6on  are  s6ll  needed  

18/03/2015   14  ©  Real  Wireless  Ltd.  2015  

Rural   Remote  Temporary   Dedicated  Moving  

Feature   Op6ons  

Backhaul   Satellite,  residenLal  broadband,  fibre,  microwave,  NLOS  

Power  supply   Solar  panels,  banery,  vehicle  power  supply,  generator,  mains  

Cell  size   Village,  plane,  ship,  disaster  area,  special  event  venue  

Regulatory   Emission  levels,  spectrum,  antenna  height  

Add  standard  R&R  product  features  for  the  categories  of  characterisLcs  that  target  market  exhibits  

Start  with  exisLng  outdoor  small  cell  products  

Core  small  cell  offering  

Customise  for  final  market  segment  

•  Branding  •  Ruggedize  •  Packaging  

•  Integrate  with  other  systems  •  Sector  safety  standards  and  


•  Integrate  with  bespoke  services  and  applicaLons  

•  EncrypLon  and  security  

Special  events  Rural  villages   Transport  –  Mari6me,  avia6on  and  trains   Military   First    

responder  Disaster  recovery  Humanitarian  

Remote    industrial  

The  path  to


Page 15: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Small  cells  have  proven  themselves  already  in  these  areas    

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•  Some  example  case  studies  given  here  but  many  more  in  the  report  

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Example  social  and  economic  benefits  from  small  cells  in  R&R  markets  

•  Rural  developing  naLons  [3]:  •  Mobile  advisory  services  increased  farmers’  incomes  by  50%  •  Mobile  has  saved  one  million  lives  in  sub-­‐Saharan  Africa  •  Enables  novel  services  like  mobile  money  and  Azuri  pay  as  

you  go  solar  power  

•  Disaster  relief,  humanitarian  and  public  safety  •  Mobile  in-­‐field  communicaLons  saves  lives  •  Locals  clearly  benefit  in  immediate  and  on-­‐going  recovery  •  Importance  demonstrated  by  one  Vodafone  FoundaLon  

Instant  Network  carrying  264,104  calls  over  47  days  when  deployed  to  support  Red  Cross  in  Kenya  [16].  

•  Remote  industrial  •  PotenLal  economic  impact  of  mobile  and  internet  via  oil,  

metal  and  mineral  extracLon  industries  expected  to  exceed  $100  billion  annually  by  2025  [17].  

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Page 17: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Lower,  more  granular  deployment  costs    

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Illustra6ons  of  the  small  form  factor  of  some  small  cells  that  ease  deployment  barriers    –  Alcatel  Lucent  small  cell  in  a  Virgin  Media  trial  in  Newcastle,  UK  (top  right)    –    Altobridge/iDirect  deployments  in  remote  communi6es  in  Malaysia  (leb)  and  to  remote  enterprises  (bo\om  right)  

•  Small  cells  ease  deployment  costs  by:  •  Reducing  the  iniLal  CAPEX  investment  

to  enter  a  new  market  or  area    •  Opening  up  more  backhaul  opLons  in  

remote  areas  •  Reducing  on-­‐going  OPEX  in  remote  

areas  •  TargeLng  small  concentrated  pockets  

of  users  

Page 18: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Comparing  costs  

•  Small  cells  are:  •  5%  –  10%  of  macrocell  capex  •  10%-­‐25%  of  macrocell  opex  

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Page 19: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Small  cells  challenge  macrocells  even  on  cost  per  km2  

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•  Cost  benefits  of  small  cells  are  further  strengthened  if  users  are  concentrated  in  clusters  such  as  villages.  •  Here  the  cost  per  subscriber  benefit  with  small  cells  will  be  greater  than  in  this  cost  per  km2  comparison.  •  This  makes  mobile  more  affordable  for  low  ARPU  levels  and  low  populaLon  densiLes.    •  For  current  ARPU  levels  our  analysis  indicates  the  following  break  even  populaLon  densiLes  for  the  above  

assumed  small  cell  costs:  •  4.1  to  8.7  subscribers  per  km2  for  developing  naLons  •  1.2  to  2.5  subscribers  per  km2  for  developed  naLons.  

Worst  case  needs  only  46  people  in  the  small  cell  area  to  break  even  

Page 20: A $1 trillion opportunity: Business drivers for connecting the unconnected via small cells

Deployment  costs  for  real  popula6on  distribu6ons  

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•  We  have  analysed  real  populaLon  distribuLons  at  a  resoluLon  of  populaLon  data  commensurate  with  small  cell  range.  

•  We  apply  a  macrocell  and  small  cell  placement  algorithm  to  this  populaLon  database  to  obtain  cost  comparisons  for  different  mobile  extension  strategies.  

•  Example  graph  for  Germany  on  right  compares  the  total  cost  of  extending  mobile  coverage  from  60%  to  the  level  indicated  on  the  x  axis  for:  

•  A  macrocell  only  strategy  •  A  small  cell  strategy  with  small  cells  at  varying  cost  

levels  compared  with  macrocells  

•  This  shows  with  small  cells:  •  95%  of  the  populaLon  could  be  covered  for  half  the  

total  cost  of  ownership    •  Or  for  the  same  Int$2  billion  investment  an  extra  3%  of  

coverage  could  be  gained.  

•  But  Germany  is  a  densely  populated  medium  sized  country  so  does  this  benefit  translate  to  other  countries?  

95%  coverage  achieved  at  ½  the  cost  with  small  cells  at  today’s  prices  

Total  cost  of  ownership  (20  year  NPV)  to  extend  coverage  for  Germany  

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Every  country  in  our  analysis  benefits  from  small  cells  

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•  Have  analysed  for  rural  populaLons  in  countries  across:  •  Europe  •  Africa  •  LaLn  America  •  The  US  •  South  East  Asia  

•  Placed  small  cells  at  ‘best’  locaLons  to  increase  mobile  broadband  populaLon  coverage  from  current  levels  towards  100%    

•  Within  this  we  have  :  •  Analysed  215  countries  and  US  states  •  Considered  2.86  billion  people  •  Spent  7,500  hours  of  simulaLons  

•  Regional  maps  shows  the  addiLonal  coverage  achieved  for  the  same  investment  via  small  cells  over  macrocells  i.e.  the  benefit  of  small  cells.  

•  We  conservaLvely  assume  small  cells  at  15%  of  macrocell  costs  in  line  with  today’s  prices  

Every  country  analysed  benefits  although  the  extent  varies  with  distribu6on  of  gaps  rela6ve  to  popula6on  

Benefit  of  small  cells  –  increase  in  popula6on  coverage  for  same  investment  

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Every  country  in  our  analysis  benefits  from  small  cells  

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Benefit  of  small  cells  –  increase  in  coverage  for  same  investment  

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Small  cells  have  a  huge  poten6al  impact  globally  •  We  extrapolate  our  results  for  

the  countries  analysed  to  a  worldwide  result  for  the  benefit  of  small  cells.    

•  650  million  addi6onal  people  poten6ally  benefiHng  from  mobile  via  small  cells  worldwide.  

•  This  9%  increase  in  coverage  equates  to  $1  trillion  increase  in  GDP  worldwide.  

•  Number  of  people  benefixng  increases  sharply  as  small  cell  costs  fall.  

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Popula6on  benefi6ng  from  small  cells  globally  for  different  small  cell  cost  levels  

650  million  people  benefiHng  worldwide  

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Key  Findings  •  Rural  and  remote  users  increasingly  need  mobile  •  MoLvaLons  for  mobile  differ  but  there  are  

common  mobile  soluLon  requirements    •  Small  cells  fit  these  common  requirements  

excepLonally  well  technically  •  Operators  can  tap  into  capLve,  previously  

untapped  markets  via:  •  Lower,  more  granular  deployment  costs  •  Enabling  more  flexible  ecosystems  with  varying  

levels  of  operator  involvement  

•  Small  cells  challenge  the  assumpLon  that  there  is  necessary  divide  between  urban  users  and  rural  and  remote  users    

•  The  economic  and  social  benefits  from  serving  this  market  segment  are  compelling  too  

A  trillion  dollar  opportunity!  18/03/2015   24  ©  Real  Wireless  Ltd.  2015  


Market  drivers  




Market  drivers  




Sector  customisaLons  

Sector  customisaLons  

Core  small  cell  capabiliLes  

Small  cell  ecosystem  

Mobile  industry  

Small  cells  are  the  “glue”  across    apparently  disparate  rural  and  remote  applica6ons  

Rural  villages   Transport   Remote  industrial  

Special  events  

Public  safety  

Disaster  recovery  /  humanitarian   Military  

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Contact  Real  Wireless    PO  Box  2218  Pulborough  West  Sussex  RH20  4XB  United  Kingdom  


Tel:  +44  (0)  207  117  8514    Web:  www.realwireless.biz  Blog:  realwireless.biz/blog    Email:  [email protected]  Twiner:  twiner.com/real_wireless  

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