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A 2 The Key Atomic Bomb Events of the Cold War, class 2, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012

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The events of the Cold War including the civilian "Duck and Cover", propaganda film and the many books and movies about the Cold War. Discussion of Nuclear Arms Race and Nuclear Treaties and current status of Nuclear Weapons Stockpiles. Lists of the Nuclear Tests and the damages an Atomic Bomb can cause. Adjunct Professor Joe Boisvert
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Russian History -The Key Events of the Cold War Class 2 Joe Boisvert Adjunct Professor – Gulf Coast State College
  • Russian History -The Key Events of the Cold War
    Class 2
    Joe Boisvert
    Adjunct Professor
    Gulf Coast State College
  • The Public was Buried in Information About the Cold War
    The Cold War has been an extremely Important topic that cut across all forms of entertainment , TV, Spy Novel, Mysteries, Movies.
    The public was buried in Information about the Cold War everyday in the News on TV Documentaries in Newspapers and in documentary shorts shown in Movie theaters and in schools.
  • Many Movies About the Bomb
  • Everyone Learned to Fear the Atomic Bomb
    In School I was taught all about Duck and Cover, in case of Atomic Attack.
    I went to elementary school in the fifties and we were fed lots of incorrect information about Nuclear Contamination and we all had a genuine fear of the Bomb
    The Government and the Civil Defense were sincere in their desire to prepare the public for the pending attack. However staying away from windows and ducking under a desk was not much protection from the effects of a Atomic Bomb Attack.
  • Rising Fear of Attack by the Soviet Union
    Released at the onset of theCold Warera, the pamphlet was in line with rising fears that theSoviet Union would launch anuclear attackagainst the United States, and outlined what to do in the event of an atomic attack.
  • Six Survival Secrets For Atomic Attacks from Propaganda Training Films 1950s
    Always Put First Things First And
    1. Try To Get Shielded If you have time, get down in a basement or subway. Should you unexpectedly be caught out-of-doors, seek shelter alongside a building, or jump in any handy ditch or gutter.
    2. Drop Flat On Ground Or Floor To keep from being tossed about and to lessen the chances of being struck by falling and flying objects, flatten out at the base of a wall, or at the bottom of a bank.
    3. Bury Your Face In Your Arms When you drop flat, hide your eyes in the crook of your elbow. That will protect your face fromflash burns, prevent temporary blindness and keep flying objects out of your eyes.[
  • Never Lose Your Head And (17)
    4. Don't Rush Outside Right After A Bombing After an air burst, wait a few minutes then go help to fight fires. After other kinds of bursts wait at least 1 hour to give lingering radiation some chance to die down.
    5. Don't Take Chances With Food Or Water In Open Containers To prevent radioactive poisoning or disease, select your food and water with care. When there is reason to believe they may be contaminated, stick to canned and bottled things if possible.
    6. Don't Start Rumors In the confusion that follows a bombing, a single rumor might touch off a panic that could cost your life.
  • After the Atomic Bomb
    was Dropped on Japan
  • The area of the destruction caused by the bomb was about 4 square miles. In this area an estimated 48,000 buildings were completely destroyed. More damage occurred from the fires generated by the explosion over the next several days. Japan 1945
  • Radioactive Fallout
    One of the effects of nuclear weapons detonated on or near the earth's surface is the resulting radioactive fallout.
    Immediately after the detonation, a great deal of earth and debris, made radioactive by the blast, is carried high into the atmosphere, forming a mushroom cloud.
    The material drifts downwind and gradually falls back to earth, contaminating thousands of square miles. This page describes the fallout pattern over a seven-day period.
  • Nuclear Test Sites
    1949 to 1990
    Top Secret
    • Johnston Island (US) -- 12 tests
    • Christmas Island (UK & US) -- 30 tests
    • Malden Island (UK) -- 3 tests
    • Fangataufa Atoll (France) -- 12 tests
    • Mururoa Atoll (France) -- 175 tests
    • Nevada (US) -- 935 tests
    • Colorado (US) -- 2 tests
    • New Mexico (US) -- 2 tests
    • Mississippi (US) -- 2 tests
    • South Atlantic Ocean (US) -- 12 tests
    • Algeria (France) -- 17 tests
    • Alaska (US) -- 3 Tests
    Russia (USSR) -- 214 tests (many at Novaya and Zemlya)
    Ukraine (USSR) -- 2 tests
    Kazakhstan (USSR) -- 496 tests
    Uzbekistan (USSR) -- 2 tests
    Turkmenistan (USSR) -- 1 test
    Pakistan (Pakistan) -- 2 tests
    India (India) -- 4 tests
    Lop Nur (China) -- 41 tests
    Marshall Islands (US) -- 66 tests
    Australia (UK) -- 12 tests
  • Since 1945 there have been a total of 2,057 known nuclear tests worldwide. The United States and the former Soviet Union conducted the majority of these with the U.S. performing 1,030 tests from 1945 - 1992
    The Soviet Union carrying out 715 between 1949 and 1990.
  • Nuclear Armed States NWS with Treaties
    China:About 240 total warheads.
    France:Fewer than300 operational warheads.
    Russia:Approximately 2,400 operationalstrategic warheads, approximately 2,000 operational tactical warheads, and approximately 7,000 stockpiled strategic and tactical warheads.
    United Kingdom:Fewer than 160 deployed strategic warheads, total stockpile of up to 225.
    United States:5,113 active and inactive nuclear warheads and approximately 3,500 warheads retired and awaiting dismantlement. The 5,113 active and inactive nuclear warhead stockpile includes 1,968 strategic warheads, approximately 500 operational tactical weapons, and approximately 2,645 inactive warheads.
  • NWS without Treaties
    India:Up to 100 nuclear warheads.Israel:Between 75 to 200 nuclear warheads.Pakistan:Between 70 to 90 nuclear warheads.
  • Nuclear warhead stockpiles of the United States and the Soviet Union/Russia, 1945-2006. These numbers are total stockpiles
    The high for the USA is 32,040 in 1966; the high for the USSR is 45,000 in 1986
  • The End of Cold War
    The Soviets were not helped by their aged leadership either: Brezhnev, virtually incapacitated in his last years, was succeeded by Andropov and Chernenko, neither of whom lasted long.
    After Chernenko's death, Reagan was asked why he had not negotiated with Soviet leaders. Reagan quipped, "They keep dying on me".
  • Gorbachev reformsMikhail Gorbachev,perestroika,andglasnost
    Despite initial skepticism in the West, the new Soviet leader proved to be committed to reversing the Soviet Union's deteriorating economic condition instead of continuing the arms race with the West. 1987
  • Nuclear Deterrence.
    The military strategic implications of atomic bombs were closely related to the general East-West climate and the development of two hostile blocs of countries.
    The Soviet Union continued its occupation of Eastern Europe and the United States decided to become the leading country to contain Soviet power.
    In the military realm, the Strategy of Containment was closely related to nuclear deterrence.
  • Repercussions of Cold War
    Division of East and West
    Berlin Air Lift
    First US vs. USSR Tanks in Berlin
    Then Across Iron Curtain
    Almost 40 Years of Eyeball to
    Eyeball Confrontation
  • Some Major Cold War Events
    Korean War
    Cuban Missile Crisis (Kennedy vs Khrushchev)
    Bay of Pigs
    Viet Nam
    Afghanistan (Russia vs. the Taliban) CIA helping the enemies of the USSR
    Gary Powers Spy Trial
    Spying from Outer Space via Satellites
    Space War
    Arms Race
  • The End Class 2
