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A 5.2 GHz BFSK Receiver With on-Chip Antenna for Self-Powered RFID Tags and Medical Sensors

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A 5.2 GHz BFSK Receiver with On-Chip Antenna for Self-Powered RFID Tags and Medical Sensors Peter H. R. Popplewell, Victor Karam, Atif Shamim, John Rogers, and Calvin Plett Department of Electronics, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6 Email: [email protected]  AbstractA completely inte grate d rec eive r desi gn suita ble for shor t range wirele ss appli catio ns is pre sente d. The circuit re pr ese nts one hal f of an SoC solution that mak es use of an on-chip antenna, and consumes 5.5 mW while receiving. A thin lm ultr acapac ito r and a sol ar ce ll can be stacked on top of the chip to supply powe r to the radio ; yie ldi ng a completely integrat ed soluti on. The re ce iv er make s us e of a PLL to initially lock an RF VCO which is then allowed to be injection- lock ed to an incomi ng FM si gnal. An integrat ed ante nna prov ides adequate gain give n the short range radio ’s intended applications. The solution has a communication range of 1.75 m which can be increased at the expense of the bit-rate, increased power consumption in the receiver, or by using off-chip antennas.  Index T erms - Injection Locked Oscillator, Integrated Antenna, Medical Sensor Readout, RFID, Self Powered Circuit. I. I NTRODUCTION The increasing adoption of RFID technologies by merchant corporations has fuelled much research into new, more power ef ci ent, siz e ef ci ent , and ult ima tel y mor e cost ef ci ent methods of radio communication. Applications for RFID tags include asset tracking and merchandize scanning where a low communication range is acceptable, but the cost of a particular solution directly dictates its success. A completely integrated and self -po wered SoC solution is small and cost effective, precluding the need for off-chip components such as passives, a battery, and an antenna which increase the system size and cost considerably. Surp risi ngly , the requ irements for an RF dev ice that can communicate the data from medical sensors can best be met by a device that is similar to an RFID tag, although the cost of the solution may be somewhat less important. In the treatment of cancer patients by means of radiation, dosimeters are used to measure the dose of radiation experienced at different locations on the bod y . Cur ren t gen era ti on dos imeters are wir ed and can be bot h cumber some and det riment al to the tre atment process as the metal in the wire can block the radiation. As such, a short range radio for transmitting the output data from the sensor would be benecial. Unfortunately, most wireless devices require batteries which typically contain elements of high atomic mass number and would scatter radiation. Thus, having a self-powered solution with no battery is critical for this application. The rec ei ve r pre sented in this pap er rep res ent s one hal f of a completely integrated SoC solution which is fabricated in a 0.13 µm CMOS pro cess on a sta ndard, lo w res istiv- ity sil ico n sub str ate. The sol uti on mak es use of an on- chi p antenna, and can be powered by an ultracapacitor and solar cell which are fabricated on top of the chip. If the receiver is always on and searching for an incoming signal (allowing a transmitter to transmit efciently), it consumes 5.5 mW of power . Con vers ely , if the recei ver is communic atin g with a transmitter that is always on then the receiver can be enabled only intermittently , dropping its average power consumption considerably. II. ON-C HI P ANTENNA DESIGN The use of an on-chip antenna allows for a very compact and cost efcien t shor t range communic ation solu tion . Pre vious studies, [1], [2], have demonstrated successful use of inductive integrated antennas, but these antennas typically rely on high resistivity substrates. Here we use an inductive design which is fabricated on the same low resistance silicon substrate as the receiver’s circuits. The antenna is a rectangular single turn loop with an outer diameter of 825 µm by 675 µm, a metal width of 100 µm, a feeding gap of 100 µm, and having room for the active circuitry of the receiver to be placed in the center. A square loop is typically not the best choice for an on-chip inductor because it has sharp 90 o bends which increase the series resistance of the structure and therefore decrease the Q when compared to an octagonal geometry, yet the sharp bends in the square loop tend to increase the radiation resistance and consequently the gain of the antenna. The peak gain of the antenna was measured in an anechoic chamber to be -22 dBi. The measured input impedance of the antenna is Z in = 9.6 +  j 58.0 at 5.2 GHz, corresponding to an inductance of 1.8 nH with a Q of 6. III. RECEIVER DESIGN  A. Overall Topology The receiver topology is based on a traditional 3 rd order PLL with a static divide ratio and a second order on-chip loop lter. Unique to the design is that the loop can be opened and closed to allow the VCO to be injection-locked by the incoming FM signal, while the divider, phase-frequency detector (PFD), and a second charge pump (CP) work together to demodulate the baseband signal. The basic topology is shown in Fig. 1. The rece i ver loop is init ia ll y cl os ed to se t the ce nt er fr equ enc y of the osci lla tor to 5.2 GHz, which is 64 ti mes the 81.25 MHz reference. The loop is then opened, and the oscillator is injection-locked to the incoming FM modulated signal being broadcast by the transmitter. The on-chip antenna 1-4244-0530-0/1-4244-0531-9/07/$20.00 2007 IEEE 2007 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium 669 Authorized licensed use limited to: Michigan State University. Download ed on August 13,2010 at 21:29:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Page 1: A 5.2 GHz BFSK Receiver With on-Chip Antenna for Self-Powered RFID Tags and Medical Sensors

8/8/2019 A 5.2 GHz BFSK Receiver With on-Chip Antenna for Self-Powered RFID Tags and Medical Sensors

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A 5.2 GHz BFSK Receiver with On-Chip Antenna

for Self-Powered RFID Tags and Medical Sensors

Peter H. R. Popplewell, Victor Karam, Atif Shamim, John Rogers, and Calvin Plett

Department of Electronics, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6Email: [email protected]

Abstract— A completely integrated receiver design suitablefor short range wireless applications is presented. The circuitrepresents one half of an SoC solution that makes use of anon-chip antenna, and consumes 5.5 mW while receiving. A thinfilm ultracapacitor and a solar cell can be stacked on top of the chip to supply power to the radio; yielding a completelyintegrated solution. The receiver makes use of a PLL toinitially lock an RF VCO which is then allowed to be injection-locked to an incoming FM signal. An integrated antennaprovides adequate gain given the short range radio’s intendedapplications. The solution has a communication range of 1.75 m

which can be increased at the expense of the bit-rate, increasedpower consumption in the receiver, or by using off-chip antennas.

Index Terms - Injection Locked Oscillator, Integrated Antenna,Medical Sensor Readout, RFID, Self Powered Circuit.


The increasing adoption of RFID technologies by merchant

corporations has fuelled much research into new, more power

efficient, size efficient, and ultimately more cost efficient

methods of radio communication. Applications for RFID tags

include asset tracking and merchandize scanning where a low

communication range is acceptable, but the cost of a particular

solution directly dictates its success. A completely integrated

and self-powered SoC solution is small and cost effective,precluding the need for off-chip components such as passives,

a battery, and an antenna which increase the system size and

cost considerably.

Surprisingly, the requirements for an RF device that can

communicate the data from medical sensors can best be met by

a device that is similar to an RFID tag, although the cost of the

solution may be somewhat less important. In the treatment of

cancer patients by means of radiation, dosimeters are used to

measure the dose of radiation experienced at different locations

on the body. Current generation dosimeters are wired and

can be both cumbersome and detrimental to the treatment

process as the metal in the wire can block the radiation. As

such, a short range radio for transmitting the output data fromthe sensor would be beneficial. Unfortunately, most wireless

devices require batteries which typically contain elements of

high atomic mass number and would scatter radiation. Thus,

having a self-powered solution with no battery is critical for

this application.

The receiver presented in this paper represents one half

of a completely integrated SoC solution which is fabricated

in a 0.13 µm CMOS process on a standard, low resistiv-

ity silicon substrate. The solution makes use of an on-chip

antenna, and can be powered by an ultracapacitor and solar

cell which are fabricated on top of the chip. If the receiver

is always on and searching for an incoming signal (allowing

a transmitter to transmit efficiently), it consumes 5.5 mW of

power. Conversely, if the receiver is communicating with a

transmitter that is always on then the receiver can be enabled

only intermittently, dropping its average power consumption



The use of an on-chip antenna allows for a very compact and

cost efficient short range communication solution. Previous

studies, [1], [2], have demonstrated successful use of inductive

integrated antennas, but these antennas typically rely on high

resistivity substrates. Here we use an inductive design which

is fabricated on the same low resistance silicon substrate as

the receiver’s circuits. The antenna is a rectangular single turn

loop with an outer diameter of 825 µm by 675 µm, a metal

width of 100 µm, a feeding gap of 100 µm, and having room

for the active circuitry of the receiver to be placed in the center.

A square loop is typically not the best choice for an on-chip

inductor because it has sharp 90o bends which increase the

series resistance of the structure and therefore decrease the Qwhen compared to an octagonal geometry, yet the sharp bends

in the square loop tend to increase the radiation resistance and

consequently the gain of the antenna. The peak gain of the

antenna was measured in an anechoic chamber to be -22 dBi.

The measured input impedance of the antenna is Z in = 9.6 +

j 58.0 Ω at 5.2 GHz, corresponding to an inductance of 1.8

nH with a Q of 6.


A. Overall Topology

The receiver topology is based on a traditional 3rd order PLL

with a static divide ratio and a second order on-chip loop filter.

Unique to the design is that the loop can be opened and closedto allow the VCO to be injection-locked by the incoming FM

signal, while the divider, phase-frequency detector (PFD), and

a second charge pump (CP) work together to demodulate the

baseband signal. The basic topology is shown in Fig. 1.

The receiver loop is initially closed to set the center

frequency of the oscillator to 5.2 GHz, which is 64 times

the 81.25 MHz reference. The loop is then opened, and the

oscillator is injection-locked to the incoming FM modulated

signal being broadcast by the transmitter. The on-chip antenna

1-4244-0530-0/1-4244-0531-9/07/$20.00 2007 IEEE 2007 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium669

Authorized licensed use limited to: Michigan State University. Downloaded on August 13,2010 at 21:29:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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Fig. 1. Receiver topology.

is impedance matched to the input of a low noise amplifier

(LNA), which has a gain of 20 dB, and couples the FM

modulated input into the spectrum of the initially free-running

oscillator. If the coupled signal is strong enough and if the

instantaneous frequency of the FM input is always within the

locking bandwidth of the oscillator, the oscillator is injection-

locked to the incoming signal.

B. Adler’s Equation for Locking Bandwidth

The amplitude of an injected signal required to injection-

lock an oscillator was analyzed and quantified by [3], and

the topic was recently re-visited by [4]. Assuming that the

amplitude of the injected voltage (V inj) is much smaller than

the amplitude of the free-running oscillator (V osc), the locking

range can be approximated by

ωL ≈ω0


V injV osc


where QU is the quality factor of the oscillator’s unloaded

tank circuit, ω0 is the center frequency of the free-running

oscillator, and ωL is the single sided locking bandwidth, i.e.,

the oscillator can be locked from ω0 − ωL to ω0 + ωL.

C. Receiver Sensitivity

The oscillator has a free-running differential peak to peak

swing of 1.0 V and a tank inductor with Q = 5. The Q of the

VCO’s tank circuit is purposely reduced, by adding parallel

resistors, in order to increase the injection-locking bandwidth

defined by (1). The receiver is required to process a BFSK

input signal that switches between 5.1995 GHz and 5.2005

GHz, requiring a one sided locking bandwidth of greater than

500 kHz from the receiver’s VCO. Working backwards from

(1), an injected signal of V inj = 1.16 mV results in a one

sided locking bandwidth of over 600 kHz. As the LNA circuit

has a voltage gain of greater than 20 dB, this corresponds to

a minimum required signal of 116 µV from the conjugately

matched antenna.

D. Coupled LNA and VCO Design

At the heart of the receiver is the coupled LNA/VCO

circuit shown in Fig. 2. The differential input to the LNA

is conjugately matched to the differential output impedance of

the antenna, i.e., 9.6 + j 58.0 Ω. The output of the LNA is

lightly coupled to the tank of the complimentary cross coupled

Fig. 2. Coupled LNA/VCO circuit.

VCO circuit using capacitors that are small relative to that

of the varactors in the VCO so as not to disturb the tank

resonance. A programmable tail current in the VCO helps to

limit the peak to peak output swing of the VCO to only 1

V such that the VCO can be injection-locked based on thecalculations of section III-C.


In order to quantify the system’s theoretical communication

range, an analysis must be performed that takes into account

the gain of the transmitter and receiver antennas, the power

at the terminals of the transmitter antenna (P T ), and the

free space losses to predict the power at the terminals of

the receiver’s antenna (P R). The maximum communication

range is determined by the sensitivity of the receiver. The

Friis equation [5] is traditionally used for this budgeting

purpose. The Friis equation, assuming a conjugate match toboth antennas, can be written as





where GT and GR are the gains of the transmit and receive

antennas respectively, λ0 is the signal’s wavelength in free

space (λ0 ≈ 57.7 mm at 5.2 GHz), and r is the distance

between the two antennas. A typical communication system

could have one transceiver making use of the on-chip antenna

with a gain of -22 dBi while communicating with another

transceiver which uses a 6.7 dBi patch antenna. Knowing

the power at the terminals of the transmitting antenna, andrecalling the required signal at the terminals of the receiver’s

antenna, one can work backwards from (2) and determine that

a communication range of 1.75 m is possible. Similarly, if

on-chip antennas are used with both transceivers the range

decreases to 6.5 cm. Fig. 3 shows the test setup that was used

in an anechoic chamber to verify the system’s communication

range. Fig. 4 summarizes the communication ranges that are

possible using two on-chip antennas, or using one on-chip

antenna communicating with a patch antenna.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Michigan State University. Downloaded on August 13,2010 at 21:29:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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Fig. 3. Communication range measurement made in an anechoic chamber.

Fig. 4. Communication range vs. antenna configurations.


Recall from section III-A that the receiver’s PLL serves to

pre-tune the VCO to 5.2 GHz before the loop is opened and

the VCO is able to injection-lock to the incoming FM signal.

An important aspect of the design is that the control voltage

of the VCO remain constant during open loop operation

or the VCO will drift from 5.2 GHz and injection-locking

will be impossible. There are three aspects to the designwhich maintain the control voltage long enough to enable

the reception of data, namely the use of a unity gain loop

buffer, the loop switch design, and the primary CP design.

The loop buffer serves to prevent the bleeding off of charge

on the loop filter during open loop operation through the

VCO’s varactors. Having unity gain is important such that the

characteristics of the loop are not altered. The loop switch

is a standard CMOS transmission gate with dummies that

prevent channel charge from the switch’s transistors from

altering the charge held on the loop filter at the moment the

loop is opened. Due to the switch’s finite impedance, the

primary CP is disabled when the loop is opened to further

prevent charge on the loop filter from bleeding off throughthe CP. Once the VCO is injection-locked, the rest of the loop

components in the receiver, namely the divider, PFD, and the

secondary CP attempt to compensate for the now modulated

VCO by producing a voltage signal that, if connected to the

VCO, would counter its frequency/phase change. Note that by

switching the up/down connections between the PFD and the

secondary CP the output bitstream is now equal in phase to

the original data. Fig. 5 shows the spectrum of the VCO while

injection-locked to the BFSK input signal and Fig. 6 shows

the input bits to the BFSK modulated source and the measured

output bits from the receiver for a bit-rate of 1 kb/s. The noise

on the receiver’s baseband output results from cycle slips at

the PFD inputs which occur at the beat frequency between the

reference signal and the divider output. Interestingly, this beat

frequency is also what determines the maximum bit-rate the

receiver can tolerate.

Fig. 5. VCO injection-locked to BFSK input.

Fig. 6. Measured bitstream out of the receiver.

A. Tradeoffs Between Power, Range, and Bit-Rate

When there is a frequency shift of the injection-locked VCO

signal, corresponding to a transition in the bitstream, the time

required for the receiver loop to demodulate is dependent on

the phases of the inputs to the PFD, namely the reference

(F REF ) and the divider output (F DIV ). In open-loop demodu-

lation, the PFD will behave as a frequency detector/comparator

because F DIV is either higher (representing a logic high) or

lower (representing a logic low) than F REF . The solid line

in Fig. 7 illustrates the PFD’s behavior seen at the output of the CP for the case when F REF > F DIV . The initial phase

difference is assumed to start at point A. The phase difference

(θREF − θDIV ) increases with time, passing through points

B and C until the phase difference equals 2π (or multiples

thereof) where a cycle slip occurs because the phases of F REF and F DIV are aligned (point D). This pattern repeats without

bound towards point Z.

If there is a transition in the bitstream, then F REF < F DIV and the time required for the CP to begin reversing the


Authorized licensed use limited to: Michigan State University. Downloaded on August 13,2010 at 21:29:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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Fig. 7. CP output vs. phase difference at PFD.

direction of current flow through the loop filter depends on the

phase difference at the PFD inputs. If the transition happens

when the phase difference is 0 radians (or multiples of 2π),

indicated by point A (or point D), then there is no delay before

the CP begins reversing current. If, however, the transition

happens when the phase difference is slightly lower than 2π(point C), then the phase difference would begin decreasing,

passing through point B and onto point A where the CP finally

begins reversing the current. The worst case delay until the

current reverses occurs when the phase difference is slightly

lower than 2π at the time of a bit change, and the length of thedelay is inversely related to the beat frequency between F REF and F DIV . The period of this beat frequency is also the time

between cycle slips. Here we have used a reference frequency

of 81.25 MHz in the receiver, a bit-rate of only 1 kb/s, and a

∆f = 500 kHz. These settings were chosen such that the

maximum delay between a bit change (and corresponding

frequency change) at the input to the PFD in the receiver and

the resulting bit change at the output of the receiver’s CP is

≈ 12 % of the bit length. The beat period at the input of the

PFD is given by


∆f /N =


500 kHz/64= 128 µs (3)

Increasing ∆f would clearly decrease this wait time, but as (1)

suggests, this would require greater received power to keep the

receiving VCO injection-locked. Recalling (2) we see that P Rcan be increased with a decrease in range, or increased antenna

gain. Thus there are many trade-offs that can be made.

A microphotograph of the receiver is shown in Fig. 8.


Developments in the design and manufacturing of ultra-

capacitors have made it possible to meet the power supply

requirements of small integrated circuits without using a

battery. Typical 100 µm thick nanostructured electrode devices

can give up to 1 F/cm2 [6], [7], which is ample charge storageto power the circuits discussed in this paper. A complete

transceiver chip measuring 2 mm by 2 mm, of which the

integrated antenna and the circuitry occupy one quarter, allows

for three 1 mm by 1 mm ultracapacitors to be manufactured

on top of the remaining three quadrants of the chip without

covering up the antenna which would decrease its gain. This

results in a 30 mF capacitance which is capable of ≈ 4.2 µAhr

or ≈ 5 mA for three one second bursts between chargings.

Standard integrated capacitors are fabricated in the regular

Fig. 8. Receiver test chip microphotograph.

CMOS process below the ultracapacitors and serve as local

charge storage devices because they can deliver charge quicker

than the ultracapacitors which recharge them. Finally, a solar

cell can be manufactured on top of the ultracapacitors to trickle

charge the ultracapacitors using ambient light.


A completely integrated 5.2 GHz BFSK receiver with an

on-chip antenna has been presented. If the receiver is always

on, the measured power consumption is 5.5 mW, enabling

the corresponding transmitter to power up only intermittently

and to save power. The communication range is 1.75 m when

one transceiver uses an on-chip antenna to communicate withanother transceiver using a patch antenna. The receiver uses a

PLL to pre-tune a VCO, and the loop is then opened to allow

the VCO to be injection-locked to the incoming FM signal.

The remaining loop components serve to demodulate the

signal. The architecture is well suited for use in inexpensive

RFID tags, and wireless radiation sensors where solutions with

no battery (that would scatter radiation) are desirable.


[1] R. N. Simons, D. G. Hall and F. A. Miranda, “RF telemetry system for animplantable bio-MEMS sensor,” in IEEE MTT-S International MicrowaveSymposium Digest , June, 2004, pp. 1433–1436.

[2] R. N. Simons, D. G. Hall and F. A. Miranda, “Spiral chip implantable

radiator and printed loop external receptor for RF telemetry in bio-sensorsystems,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference,September, 2004, pp. 203–206.

[3] R. Adler, “A study of locking phenomena in oscillators,” Proceedings of the IRE , vol. 34, pp. 351–358, June, 1946.

[4] B. Razavi, “A study of injection locking in oscillators,” IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 1415–1424, September, 2004.

[5] H. T. Friis, “A note on a simple transmission formula,” in Proceedingsof the IRE , May, 1946, pp. 254–256.

[6] A. Burke, “Ultracapacitors: why, how, and where is the technology,” Journal of Power Sources, vol. 91, pp. 37–50, 2000.

[7] R. Kotz and M. Carlen, “Principles and applications of electrochemicalcapacitors,” Electrochimica, vol. 45, pp. 2483–2498, 2000.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Michigan State University. Downloaded on August 13,2010 at 21:29:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
