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A Application Form

Date post: 02-Nov-2015
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Application Form March 2015 Project title Lead Beneficiary Priority axis no. Specific objective Type of project (soft/hard Application Form for !"T#$$#% &'A $omania'B l)aria Pro)ramme Project registration [to be filled in by the Joint Secretariat] Project n mber* ++++++++++++++++ (filled in by the Joint Secretariat) $e)istration n mber and date* ++++++/+++++++++++ (filled in by the Joint Secretariat) $e)istered by* ++++++++++++++++++ P$,'#T- -ode* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1

Application Form

Project title

Lead Beneficiary

Priority axis no.

Specific objective

Type of project (soft/hard)

Application FormforINTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme

Project registration [to be filled in by the Joint Secretariat]Project number: ________________(filled in by the Joint Secretariat)Registration number and date: ______/___________(filled in by the Joint Secretariat)

Registered by: __________________PRO-ETC Code: _________________________________

OPIS of the Application Form and annexes

No.Form codeDocumentFrom pageTo page

1. A.0.Application Form

2. A.1.Declaration of submission

3. A.2.Legal documents of the applicants

4. A.3.Mandates of delegation

5. A.4.Declarations of Eligibility

6. A.5.Declarations of Commitment

7. A.6.Partnership declarations

8. A.7.Cost-Benefit Analysis

9. A.8.Documents certifying the right of property/concession/administration/rent/loan on the land and/or building (if the case)

10. A.9.Feasibility studies / equivalent technical documents (if the case)

11. A.10.Urban planning permit (if the case)

12. A.11.Environmental agreement (if the case)

13. A.12.Environmental Impact Survey (if the case)

14. A.13.Traffic study (if the case)

15. A.14.Environmental Impact Study (if the case)

Note: additional documents relevant for project assessment can be added!1. Project identification1.1. Project Full Name

Acronym (short title or abbreviation)

Programme priority axis

Programme priority specific objective

Lead Beneficiary (LB)

Number of beneficiaries (including LB)[maximum 5!]

Project duration (number of months)

1.2. Project summaryPlease give a short overview of the project (in the style of a press release) and describe: the problem youre addressing the objective youre aiming for, budget how you are going to achieve the objectives (main activities) the result youre going for (and how is that related to the Programme indicators)

[max. 1500 characters]

1.3. Applicant informationRole of the beneficiary in the project [Lead beneficiary / Beneficiary]

Organization name in native language and abbreviation

Organization name in English and abbreviation

Legal Status[public law body /private law body]

Type of beneficiary





Post Code

Complete name of the Legal representative (First name(s) and last name(s))

Legal representative (Position)

Contact person(Name)





Fiscal Code

Is your organization entitled to recover VAT based on national legislation for the activities implemented in the projects?No/yes/partly

If partly, please indicate the activities for which VAT is recoverable

Object of activity[max. 500 characters]

Relevance of the beneficiary for the field addressed by the project Which are the applicants thematic competences and experiences relevant for the project? [max. 750 characters]

Previous EU financing experience of the beneficiary list all projects relevant for the field addressed by the project, if any (only projects started after 1 January 2007)

CBC Programmes 2007-2013For each project:1. Programme that awarded the financing2. project name3. project MIS code/reference number

Other EU funded projectsFor each project (maximum 3):1. Programme that awarded the financing 2. project name3. project MIS/SMIS code/reference number4. Start date and end date of the project5. Project partners6. Project objectives and activities 7. Total eligible value in euro (for finalized projects: total eligible value after project implementation - financial execution; for ongoing projects: total contract eligible value)

Please repeat the table for each project beneficiary!

2. Project description2.1. Problems to be tackledWhat are the common territorial challenges that will be tackled by the project? Please describe the relevance of your project for the programme area in terms of common challenges and opportunities addressed.

[max. 1500 characters]

2.2. Project objectives and expected results Project main objective(s) and expected result(s)Contribution to Programme result indicators

Specify the project main objective(s) and expected results [max. 500 characters]Describe the link with the relevant programme result indicatorProgramme result indicator your project will contribute toContribution to the achievement of programme result indicator

[max. 300 characters][Name - from the list of programme results indicators corresponding to the selected programme priority axis][max. 500 characters for quality indicators / just indicate the contribution for quantitative indicators]

2.3. Project activities Activity NumberActivity titleActivity start monthActivity end monthActivity responsible beneficiaryInvolved beneficiaries

A1Project preparationPP1, PP2,PP3PP1, PP2, PP3

Please describe the resources each beneficiary used for this project activity. [max. 500 char/partner]

Present the activity - explain why it is necessary for the project.[max. 1000 char]

Activity NumberActivity titleActivity start monthActivity end monthActivity responsible beneficiaryInvolved beneficiaries

A1, A2, An - continuous (please note that information and publicity is a mandatory activity)1, 2, 3Month 1-month of signing the financing contract1, 2, 3

Please describe the resources each beneficiary is planning to use for implementing this project activity. [max. 500 char/partner]

Description of the activity (explain why it is necessary for the project; explain the necessity of envisaged costs for implementing this activity - for necessary equipment, services and works detail according to the table below; for other necessary costs provide explanation)

[max. 2000 char]

Description of the main equipment and services purchased (if the case)

Crt. no.Name of the equipment/serviceDescriptionResponsible beneficiaryQuantity

E1, E2 Continuous numbering at project levelEquipment[one row for each equipment, repeating per partners, if the same equipment is purchased by more than one partner]Please list all technical specifications and permits (if the case) required for the purchase of the equipment, according to the national legislation. If they are available, attach them to this Application Form; otherwise indicate when you expect them to be available.[max. 1000 characters]

S1, S2Continuous numbering at project levelServices[one row for each service repeating per partners, if the same service is purchased by more than one partner]List the planned contracts with external experts and service providers, and describe their links to project activities. The need for external experts and services needs to be duly justified. [max. 1000 characters]

Description of the work (if the case)

Crt no.Name of the workDescriptionResponsible beneficiary

W1, W2continuous numbering at project levelInvestment[one row for each investment, repeat per partners, if the same type of work is carried out by more than one partner]Please provide an overall description of the work, including technical documentation as annex.Explain the need for the investment to achieve project objectives and results. Describe clearly the cross-border relevance of the investment. [max. 1000 characters]

LocationLocation of the physical investment; concrete address where the investment will take place (if possible) [max 100 characters]

Risks associated with the investmentDescription of the risks associated with the work, go/no-go decisions, etc. (if any)[max. 1000 characters]

Investment documentation(incl. specification and requirements)Please list all technical specifications and permissions (e.g. feasibility study, technical project) required for the work according to the respective national legislation. Attach the complete Feasibility study (or the equivalent technical documents) to this Application Form!! [max. 1000 characters]

OwnershipWho owns the site where the work is located?Who will retain ownership of the work at the end of the project?Who will take care of maintenance of the work? How will this be done?[max. 1000 characters]

Please repeat the table for each activity! Please make sure all costs in the budget are reflected in the description of activities (why these costs are necessary, how they contribute to the implementation of activities and thus to the project).

Activities outside the programme area[footnoteRef:2] [2: All activities to be carried out outside the fund eligible area should be described (including activities by partners located inside and partners located outside the programme area). In line with Art 20 ETC Regulation, the benefits of any activity carried out outside the programme area need to be justified.]

If applicable, please list activities to be carried out outside the programme area. Describe how these activities will benefit the programme area.

Max. 1500 char.

Total budget of activities to be carried out outside the programme area (indicative)Total EURmanually inserted



2.4. Project outputs:Contribution to programme outputs

Please describe how will you contribute to the achievement of the programme output indicator(s)Choose the programme output indicator(s) to which the activity will contributeContribution to the achievement of programme output indicator

[max. 500 char][from programme output indicators relevant for the priority axis/specific objective]Quantify your contribution

[max. 500 char][from programme output indicators relevant for the priority axis/specific objective]Quantify your contribution

2.5. Target groups: Which are the target groups that will benefit from project results and outputs? Select only relevant target groups Indicate size andlocation of selected targetgroupsHow does the project tackle the needs of selected target group?

(e.g.: Individual citizens, Private companies, NGOs, Public sector, Educational and research intuitions)[one row for each target group chosen][max. 750 char]

2.6. Project coherence with other programmes/strategies/projects 2.6.1. How does the project contribute to the wider strategies and policies?Please describe the projects contribution to relevant European, national, regional or local strategies and policies; in particular, those concerning the project or programme area.

Indicate if the project contributes to the following strategies and describe in what way.

EU 2020 Strategy|_|[max. 300 char]

EU Strategy for the Danube Region|_|[max. 300 char]

Blue growth Strategy|_|[max. 300 char]

Other EU/national/regional/local programmes/strategies/initiatives|_|[max. 300 char]

2.6.2. Does the project build on available outputs and results of other implemented initiatives? Are there synergies with past or current EU and other projects or initiatives the project makes use of?Please describe the experiences/lessons learned the project draws on, and other outputs and results of past implemented initiatives the project capitalises on, if they exist.

[max. 1500 char]

2.7. Project coherence with horizontal themesPlease indicate which type of contribution to horizontal principles applies to the project, and justify the choice.

Type of contributionDescription of the contribution

Equal opportunities and non-discrimination[Choose from: neutral, positive effects][max. 1500 char]

Equality between men and women [Choose from: neutral, positive effects][max. 1500 char]

Sustainable development[Choose from: neutral, positive effects][max. 1500 char]

2.8. Revenue generation

Is your project revenue generating? Yes / NoIf yes, please offer relevant details, including analysis and amount resulted as revenue generated (using maximum 2 decimals). [max. 2500 char]

3. Financial information

Application Form March 2015


3.1. BudgetPlease choose one of the two tables below to fill in, according to the type of project hard or soft.The table will be filled-in in Euro, using maximum 2 decimals.The nationality of each beneficiary must be selected (choosing from RO or BG) and amounts will be filled-in for each beneficiary for each of the following categories of expenditure: Travel and accommodation; External expertise and services, with mentioning separately the amounts for external expertise and services related to the project management (including external expertise related to the organisation of the public procurements for the project, services related to the financial and technical reporting for the project), if any; Equipment; Infrastructure and works and Project preparation. The other cells in the table will be generated automatically based on your inputs in the table.Amounts filled-in in the budget will exclude net revenues, in case of revenue generating projects.Amounts will include VAT corresponding to eligible expenditure, if eligible. Please observe the list of eligible expenditure from the Applicant Guide and the maximum Ceilings for expenditure included in Annex C to the Applicants Guide!

3.2 Non eligible expenditureLead BeneficiaryBeneficiary 2Beneficiary 3Beneficiary 4Beneficiary 5

Non-Eligible expNon-Eligible expNon-Eligible expNon-Eligible expNon-Eligible expTotal Non-Eligible exp


Explanations for the non-eligible expenditure, if such expenditures exist (including correlation with the Feasibility study, where applicable)texttexttexttextText

Maximum 2 decimals will be used!

3.3. Financing history3.3.1. Has this project been submitted before for financing in another programme either as such, parts of it or as part of a bigger project? Yes / No

If Yes, please fill in the table below:Programme

Source of Financing

Date of submission

Current status (under evaluation / approved / rejected)[max. 500 char]

Other relevant information[max. 1000 char]

4. Exit/continuation strategy Sustainability and transferability of project output and resultsPlease describe what impact your project may have five years after the project has ended. The kind of follow-up actions that are planned (i.e., exit/continuation strategy) and what are the chances for them to be achieved should be also stated here. In general, it is expected that the results of a project would outlive the lifetime of the project itself. Based on the results of this projects, the applicants should estimate what other projects or activities can be developed in the benefit of the communities in the cross-border area. [max. 3000 characters]

AnnexesThe following documents will be uploaded in the system (scanned versions of the documents)Indicative list: 1. Declaration of submission of the application form 2. Legal documents of the applicants 3. Mandates of delegation (in case the application form is not signed by the legal representative of the Lead Beneficiary) 4. Declarations of Eligibility 5. Declarations of Commitment 6. Partnership declarations 7. Cost-Benefit Analysis (if the case) 8. Documents certifying the right of property/ concession/ administration/ rent/ loan on the land and/or building (if the case) 9. Feasibility studies / equivalent technical documents (if the case)10. Urban planning permit (if the case) 11. Environmental agreement (if the case) 12. Environmental Impact Report (if the case) 13. Traffic study (if the case) 14. Environmental Impact Study (if the case) 15. Other relevant documents (e.g. price offers )


HARD PROJECTSROBGHARD PROJECTSTOTALVerification allertsLead BeneficiaryBeneficiary 2Beneficiary 3Beneficiary 4Beneficiary 5BGROBGROBG! Amounts will exclude net revenues - for revenue generating projects!Percentages and rates (%)Total Net Eligible Expenditure% from total budget at project levelNet eligible expenditureNet eligible expenditureNet eligible expenditureNet eligible expenditureNet eligible expenditureTravel and accommodation10.0094.34%10.00External expertise and services0.000.00%Out of which external expertise and services related to the project management0.000.00%Equipment0.000.00%Infrastructure and works0.000.00%TOTAL (calculation basis) 10.0094.34% preparation (maximum 10% of calculation basis)10.00%0.000.00%OKStaff costs - flat rate of maximum 15% of calculation basis for soft projects and maximum 5% of calculation basis for hard projects, calculated according to the Applicant Guide 5.000.504.72%0.500. and administrative costs flat rate of 5% of calculation basis for soft projects and 1% of calculation basis for hard projects1.00%0.100.94% project net eligible budget10.60100.00%!!Below minimum allowed10.600.

Total ERDF9.0185.00%ERDF9. National Cofinancing, out of which:1.3813.00%National Cofinancing, out of which:1.380. RO State Budget0.00RO State Budget BG State Budget 1.38BG State Budget 1.380. Own Contributions0.212.00%Own Contributions0.


HARD PROJECTSROBGSOFT PROJECTSTOTALVerification allertsLead BeneficiaryBeneficiary 2Beneficiary 3Beneficiary 4Beneficiary 5ROBGBGROBG! Amounts will exclude net revenues - for revenue generating projects!Percentages and rates (%)Total Net Eligible Expenditure% from total budget at project levelNet eligible expenditureNet eligible expenditureNet eligible expenditureNet eligible expenditureNet eligible expenditureTravel and accommodation1,000.0083.33%1,000.00External expertise and services0.000.00%Out of which external expertise and services related to the project management0.000.00%Equipment0.000.00%SOFT PROJECTInfrastructure and worksTOTAL (calculation basis) 1,000.0083.33%1, preparation (maximum 10% of calculation basis)10.00%0.000.00%OKStaff costs - flat rate of maximum 15% of calculation basis for soft projects and maximum 5% of calculation basis for hard projects, calculated according to the Applicant Guide 15.00150.0012.50% and administrative costs flat rate of 5% of calculation basis for soft projects and 1% of calculation basis for hard projects5.00%50.004.17% project net eligible budget1,200.00100.00%!!Below minimum allowed1,

Total ERDF1,020.0085.00%ERDF1, National Cofinancing, out of which:156.0013.00%National Cofinancing, out of which: RO State Budget156.00RO State Budget BG State Budget 0.00BG State Budget Own Contributions24.002.00%Own Contributions24.
