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A book about conspiracy theories and the Bible

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JFK, the moon landing hoax, and 9/11. They have all been dogged by conspiracy theories from day one, but they always come out with better and more sophisticated "debunking" of these theories. Why the constant need to cover up things and debunk conspiracy theories, unless there is something true about them?
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“Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?” – John 38:37-8 This exchange perfectly demonstrates the conflict between the state and truth that we witness to this very day. Being a monopoly on legitimate violence, which is maintained by violence, the state imposes its version of truth on the people through violent force, thus Christ was crucified. Christ came to bear witness to the truth. When confronted with the Truth Himself, the state had no recourse but to question the very nature of truth. What is truth? This question is almost a cliché in the sense that philosophers are always thought of as asking it. The question is key to the way that philosophy undermines truth. The Bible relies on absolute truth, so by questioning absolute truth, they directly oppose the Bible, without necessarily taking an opposing position. Truth is whatever corresponds to reality. There is no other definition of truth that is not self-defeating and absurd. By 1
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“Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?” – John 38:37-8

This exchange perfectly demonstrates the conflict between the state and truth that we

witness to this very day. Being a monopoly on legitimate violence, which is maintained by

violence, the state imposes its version of truth on the people through violent force, thus Christ

was crucified. Christ came to bear witness to the truth. When confronted with the Truth Himself,

the state had no recourse but to question the very nature of truth. What is truth? This question is

almost a cliché in the sense that philosophers are always thought of as asking it. The question is

key to the way that philosophy undermines truth. The Bible relies on absolute truth, so by

questioning absolute truth, they directly oppose the Bible, without necessarily taking an opposing


Truth is whatever corresponds to reality. There is no other definition of truth that is not

self-defeating and absurd. By questioning the very nature of truth, philosophy moves truth from

the realm of the absolute to the realm of the relative or subjective. This produces relative or

subjective morality, which is really nothing more than nihilism. The Bible relies on absolute

truth, so by questioning absolute truth, we remove the credibility of the Bible. Being deceived

into a nihilist worldview, we are able to function in this society, even though it has completely

gone off the rails in terms of morality and truth. This is the Satanic trap which allows us to be

caught in a web of lies and confusion. When we do not know what the truth is, then we cannot

distinguish truth from lies, which means we can be manipulated and deceived. We rely on

authourities, rather than our own minds and hearts. The key vector for this kind of propaganda is


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the public education system, which feeds into the academy. The academy then produces the

“knowledge” which our society and nation-states work with. This is what we use to construct our

worldviews and make decisions.

The occult relies on this notion of subjective truth. This is in direct opposition to the

Bible’s fundamental premise of absolute truth, founded on God the Father and Jesus Christ. This

is why we can entertain the idea of a global, Satanic conspiracy being hidden right under our

noses for all these millennia. What they have done is elevated the notion of subjective truth to the

norm in society, through philosophy, so that the Bible is just another book, Christianity is just

another religion, and we all find our own truth independently using philosophy.

The classic example of state reversal of the truth is the modern “conspiracy theory”.

These are historical events and processes which are considered suspect by a large segment of the

population, sometimes even by a majority, but which the state, the media, the academy, and their

agents, actively seek to cover up. People who question these narratives too ardently are vilified

and marginalized. This essay will discuss three of these events: the JFK assassination, the moon

landing, and the events of September 11, 2001. By examining a few aspects of these seminal

events in detail, this essay will demonstrate that we have been lied to on a scale few people are

willing to acknowledge or even grasp, but which the Bible explains perfectly as the age old plan

of the devil.


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Before we look at these conspiracy theories, we need to discuss the nature of state

propaganda in our society. In the Oxford Dictionary of World History, we find this definition of

propaganda: “The attempt to shape or manipulate people's beliefs or actions by means of

information (true or false), arguments, or symbols. Propaganda may be printed, broadcast, or

visual.” The entry goes on to explain that all governments engage in propaganda to some extent,

very often with a “cynical disregard for the truth” (Oxford, 2014). This last part is a statement

with which few would disagree or risk appearing hopelessly naïve, yet somehow people are not

very suspicious of our system of education, which is not only funded and regulated by the

government, but which we are mandated to attend from a young age. Kids are made to go to

school, obey the teacher, and they are then graded on their efforts like livestock. Would this not

be the most effective way of indoctrinating people through propaganda?

Public education has become a staple of life in Western liberal democracies, and is

usually compulsory. Through public education, the state seeks to shape and manipulate our

beliefs through systematic instruction in schools and universities. The manipulation of our

beliefs in public education can be seen from early on through such rituals as singing the national

anthem, Remembrance Day ceremonies, and the constantly repeated refrain about how lucky we

are to live in a country as wealthy and free as Canada. While public education was praised by

academics with an almost religious zeal in the era of settlement, it has received increasing

criticism over the decades since (Clifford, p. 210). Some of the most persuasive condemnation

has come from such economic thinkers as Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard, who argue

that central planning reduces economic efficiency (Gaither, 2012). From this perspective on

economics, taxation is nothing more than theft, government is a coercive intrusion into the


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marketplace, and the state’s violent coercion can never produce any net gain in human

flourishing or wealth generation (Kyriazi, 2004). Some have taken this line of thinking to its

logical conclusion, but their views have not been well received by the academy (Konkin II,

2005). The state serves our enemy, but it trains us to be its obedient servants from childhood

through education.

According to this view public education, especially now that it has become compulsory,

is simply a system of indoctrination. Public education teaches us all about the benefits of the

state, of democracy, and of education itself. We are constantly told in school that we must study

hard, get good grades, and hopefully move on to post-secondary education or we will never get a

“good job” and will therefore be relegated to a life of penury. This creates a feeling of

dependence in the student, not only on the education system, but on the state and its economic

arrangements. This is one of the most subtle forms of propaganda to which we are exposed:

“learn this or you will be an outcast”. It also engenders a sense of inferiority in the student,

inferiority in terms of intellect, because if we do not achieve great things in school, we are

considered less intelligent than those who do. This makes it very difficult to challenge the

official dogma which we receive from the public education system. Without the credentials we

earn by obeying the state funded education system, we will not even be qualified to participate in

society, let alone criticize the state system of propaganda itself. How do we get the credentials of

the education system? By repeating what we learned in that system, and not seriously

challenging it.

In the typical reductio ad Nazism, the Oxford Dictionary of World History explains that

Hitler and Goebbels were highly skilled propagandists who managed to indoctrinate the Germans

with scientific racism, expansionist fantasies, and careful censorship of the opinions of


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foreigners. We are reminded that the success of this kind of propaganda hinged on at least some

support for these ideas already lurking in the hearts of the Germans, so that responsibility for the

atrocities of World War II cannot be entirely placed with the leaders (Oxford, 2014). Here we

see the association of the bad elements of propaganda with Nazism, which tends to place the

victors of the war above such criticism. Since America, Canada, Britain and other Western

liberal democracies are obviously not grotesquely evil savages like the dreaded Nazis, we can be

sure that their propaganda will never be used for such nefarious purposes as promoting war and

covering up atrocities. And whenever they are implicated in this kind of activity, as they

inevitably are all the time, they can always point to the Nazis as the boogie man to say that at

least they are “democratic” and have never committed crimes of such magnitude as the


Of course Weimar Germany was also a democracy, and the idea that the Western liberal

democracies do not engage in propaganda to support military aggression is ridiculous. British

propaganda during the First World War was so effective that they inspired the propaganda

program of the Nazis. They were not concerned with truth but with promoting military

engagement in the “Great War”. On an “unprecedented scale” the British people were inundated

with highly exaggerated images and stories of German atrocities in Belgium against women and

children, in order to tug at the heart-strings and support a gendered narrative “through accounts

of rape, mutilation, and barbarism” (Gullace, 1997). The First World War is now widely

considered unnecessary, a complete disaster and a waste of human life on a previously

unparalleled level, fought for nothing more than the imperial expansion of the various hostile

parties. This era of propagandistic hyperbole has been credited with much of the bad reputation


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that propaganda has in modern times, as it became a bad word after the excesses of Britain

during the Great War (Robertson, 2014).

In America, after winning a second-term on a “he kept us out of the war” ticket,

Woodrow Wilson immediately launched a massive and extremely aggressive propaganda

campaign aimed at getting the American people to support the war, which they were corralled

into shortly thereafter, including a draft (Brewer, 2007). So he campaigned on his record of

maintaining peace, then immediately started moving towards war after winning, even forcing

people to enter the army against their will. We are now taught that World War I was a war of

imperialist expansion, but World War II was a just war, because of the need to stop the inhuman

cruelty of the Nazis. But before World War II, the First World War was considered a just war,

and Germany was seen as the villainous aggressors in that conflict as well. They were so

demonized, and the reparations they had to pay so odious, that this is usually considered one of

the main reasons for their return to aggression in World War II.

In recent years the relationship between the media and the state has allowed for more

subtle and effective propaganda. The media is dependent on the administration in power for

their access to political stories and interviews, so they are reluctant to investigate wrongdoing

and effectively criticize. Regardless of what we may think of the real nature of the attacks on the

World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001, what is clear to most commentators is

that the Bush administration was able to capitalize on the state of crisis the attacks created, to

launch the war on Iraq and minimize opposition. Few people who are informed about the Iraq

debacle think that it was truly about finding non-existent weapons of mass destruction, but many

people do not realize that the invasion of Iraq was a plan that was more than a decade in the



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Shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, American strategic analysts had begun to

reshape their foreign policy goals, away from isolationism and toward interventionism and

unilateralism. The ultimate expression of this new ideal was the Project for a New American

Century (PNAC), which called for the invasion and long-term occupation of countries identified

as “problem areas” by the Washington elite. Immediately after the attacks, high-level officials in

the Bush administration and former PNAC members such as Donald Rumsfeld and Paul

Wolfowitz were calling for an invasion of Iraq, despite having no evidence that suggested

Saddam Hussein’s involvement (Quiggin, 2003). Although they were not able to fulfill their

goal at that time, they were later able to cook up the misinformation about WMDs in order to

finally launch an invasion less than two years later. Wrapping himself in the flag, with the

nation in a state of crisis following the attacks, Bush was able to skillfully use his bully pulpit to

rally the nation to his cause (Casey, 2002). What was supposed to be a short military excursion

ended up becoming an over ten-year occupation, with hundreds of thousands of civilian

casualties and millions of Iraqis displaced. This is the level of control that propaganda has over

our society, that politicians can simply make up a story about their enemy, and all of a sudden we

are attacking and occupying them for over a decade. When the truth comes out about why we

went in, no one in power is really punished for it except for a few scapegoats, and all that’s left is

to clean up the mess.

This supports the famous quote from Nazi general Herman Goering, "Of course the

people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and

it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist

dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can

always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they


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are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to

greater danger."

This is a critical look at the late modern history of war, but what if history itself is

propaganda? History is written by the victors, and the state is the victors wherever they exert

state power. History is produced by the state system of education, so what reason do we have to

simply take it at face value? What if this whole version of history that we are given, the very idea

that we are free citizens in a democracy, is itself a form of propaganda? Here in Canada, our

head of state is officially the Queen of England. All the Members of Parliament, many high-

ranking civil servants, and all new citizens to Canada must swear their allegiance to “Her

Majesty”. Her face appears on our money and we have national holidays named after her

ancestors. She is the richest woman in the world. We continue to not only celebrate her birthday,

but we are fed news stories about her children and grandchildren. Her face appears on our

currency. Yet we are told that Canada is an independent country and the Queen is merely a

figurehead. Does this make sense? America is supposedly a democracy and the worldwide

guardian of freedom, but even their own scholars agree it is better described as an oligarchy

(Gilens & Page, 2014). What if this is all a mirage, a carefully crafted narrative, meant to distract

us, to make us think we are free, while we are slowly corralled toward a global society?

When we learn about a war, there are two kinds of history happening. Some of the

narrative we get is impossible to deny. These events are easily verified, well documented, and

have numerous, independent witnesses, such as the claim that the allies stormed the beaches of

Normandy on June 6, 1944. Other parts of the historical narrative we get are impossible to

independently verify, are not well-documented, and do not have numerous independent

witnesses, such as the notion that Hitler killed himself in his bunker, or the idea that Roosevelt


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had foreknowledge about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. We must simply accept the state’s

word on these events, despite the evidence to the contrary (Dunstan & Williams, 2013) (Stinnett,

2001). We can see that no matter how suspicious certain events are in the minds of the people,

these narratives being questioned could overthrow the entire system, so they will never be

allowed to be spoken. The Roosevelt - Pearl Harbor conspiracy theory was officially investigated

by the U.S. government 9 times within a few years, then again in 1995, but of course nothing

was ever “proven”. Independent investigations into these events are suppressed, the official

narrative is protected at all costs, but as independently-minded people, we can still ask questions.

If there is a conspiracy of that magnitude, the actors within it could never admit it, so a U.S.

government investigation into these matters is asking the fox to watch the hen house.

One aspect of history which is impossible to deny, especially since the First World War,

is the trend or process known as globalization. This process began in earnest with the founding

of the League of Nations in 1920, which was a direct result of the Paris Peace Conference at the

end of the war, and was meant to protect international peace. Although the League of Nations

failed to stop the Second World War from happening, this did not stop the nations of the world

from trying again, by founding the United Nations after that war. Along with this new

international government, the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944 allowed greater financial

cooperation between member states all over the world as well. Since then the interdependence

and interconnectivity of world governments, international business and finance, and international

migration, have increased at a faster and faster pace.

From what we are told, all of this appears to be just the natural progress of history. As

man has increased his technological capability in terms of communication and transportation,

this obviously feeds into greater international travel, interaction, commerce, and migration, thus


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we are simply witnessing the culmination of history. This is based on the kind of history that

falls into the category with storming the beach at Normandy, the kind the whole world sees, the

surface history. But if we are suspicious about the other kind of history, the kind that occurs

behind closed doors, in which we are only party to the specific details released by the powers

that be, then this kind of trend should cause us to become wary. We can see these international

arrangements greatly benefit super rich elites, massive corporations, and political flunkies of all

stripes, but what does globalization do for the common man? Has it improved our lives or has it

made them more difficult and expensive? Families in N. America used to have nice lives on one

income, now most families need two and they’re still barely getting by. Why does this trend

continue, supposedly spontaneously, if it does not benefit most people? Are we being herded

toward a world government, by actors who are part of a worldwide conspiracy?

One view of world history, as well as a forecast of future world events, which lines up

with the idea of a globalization conspiracy, is a literal reading of the Bible. Not coincidentally,

this understanding of the Bible is universally rejected by governments, educators, and the media.

The Bible tells us that in the end-times the enemies of God will create a world government (Rev

13:1, Dan 7:16:24), that they will form a world religion (Rev 17:1-18), and that these will be

signs of the coming of the Lord. The Bible also tells us that “The kings of the earth set

themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed”

(Psalm 2:2). Could this passage be describing the very conspiracy which we might suspect is

taking place in the halls of power? As we examine the conspiracy theories around the JFK

assassination, the moon landing, and the events of September 11, 2001, we will see that is

exactly what it is describing, and the time is coming soon when this conspiracy will no longer be

a secret.


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The John F. Kennedy Assassination

The term “conspiracy theory” has become a pejorative in the modern parlance,

considered irrational on the same level as religious fundamentalism (Cooper, 2010). Few people

realize that the denigration of the conspiracy theorist was part of state policy, a propaganda

operation by the Central Intelligence Agency. In the wake of the assassination of president John

F. Kennedy, and the obvious cover-up produced by the Warren Commission, many had begun to

ask very awkward questions. Through its propaganda operations and its connections in the

mainstream media, the CIA demonized the term “conspiracy theory” to the point that its very

mention in official channels now shuts down all discussion (deHaven-Smith, 2014).

Once again the critical thinker must ask why it would be necessary for a state agency to

launch such an operation if there was nothing to hide. We might also ask why the CIA feels the

need to keep files relevant to the JFK assassination classified to this very day, over 50 years later

(Porter, 2013). We are told this is for “national security”, but does this make any sense? After

spending decades demonizing anyone who asked questions about the assassination, the CIA still

refuses to release information pertinent to that investigation, more than half a century later. This

is not just any murder, but the president of the United States. Was it a coup? Let us examine this

event more closely.


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There have been a plethora of theories about the real nature of the events of that fateful,

autumn day in Dallas, some I am more partial to than others (Dark Legacy: George Bush And

The Murder Of John Kennedy, 2013). However, according to the 10 month investigation by the

Warren Commission, Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Before he could stand trial, just two days

later in fact, he was murdered by Jack Ruby, who was also acting alone (Warren Commission

Report). This conclusion was contradicted by the investigation of the United States House Select

Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), which argued that Kennedy was “probably assassinated

as a result of a conspiracy” (Stokes, p. 2). Their investigation concluded that there was “a high

probability that two gunmen fired at [the] President” (Stokes, pp. 90-3;65). Although the HSCA

recommended further investigation based on audio evidence of a second shooter, subsequent

investigations were not conclusive and further inquiries were stopped. The state halted its

investigations, but the people have never stopped being suspicious about the events of that day,

with polls showing the majority of Americans believe the assassination was carried out by a

group of conspirators (Swift, 2013) (The Associated Press, 2015). This ongoing suspicion has

hatched a vast array of conspiracy theories, so many we might suspect that this too is part of the

propaganda, a way of confusing any real investigation, making it impossible to find truth in the

tangled web of lies.

Now there are literally hundreds of problems with the official story of this assassination.

The idea that Oswald was acting alone is ludicrous, but in the era of subjective, state-imposed

truth, this simply does not matter. No matter how many problems are found with the official

story, no matter how many connections are made between the events of that day and people in

power now (such as the Bush family), no official action will be taken. Most people simply write

this off as the way of the world, but we should consider this more carefully than that. If a


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government does not properly investigate the murder of its head of state, this would be a good

reason to believe that the state has been captured.

There is one aspect of the official story that shows that it is an absurd myth: the so-called

“magic bullet theory”. This is the idea that a number of wounds to both Kennedy and the front

seat passenger Governor John Connally were caused by the same bullet. It is widely accepted by

both official story and conspiracy theory proponents that unless this single bullet did all of that

damage, the notion that Oswald acted alone falls apart (Bugliosi, p. 456). Because the whole

event was captured on the infamous Zapruder film, and because the Warren Commission found

that Kennedy and Connally had both been wounded between frame #210 and #240 of that film,

there would not have been enough time for Oswald to fire off two shots from his bolt-action rifle

(Warren Commission Report, p. 105). The single bullet is supposed to have passed through 15

layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, 15 inches of soft tissue, a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of

rib, and shattered a radius bone, all while keeping its copper jacket completely intact and barely

being deformed at all (United States Government Printing Office, 1964). It was later found on

Governor Connally’s gurney in the hospital, with no blood or tissue on it.

Now the various problems with the magic bullet theory (or the “single bullet theory” as it

is known by official story proponents) are too many to go into here. For each and every one that

pops up, there is always some expert to explain why the theory is still plausible. For example,

when the Warren Commission was conducting its investigation, it handed the bullet and other

bullet fragments found in Connally’s body over to the FBI to conduct a neutron activation

analysis (NAA), a way of looking for trace elements in a sample of matter (Hoover, 1964). They

found that the data was inconclusive as to the origin. Later the HSCA had a physicist named

Vincent Guinn reanalyze their data and conduct some further tests. He concluded the fragments


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probably came from two different bullets, which was consistent with the single bullet hypothesis

(HSCA Hearings - Volume 1, 1979). Of course, the fact that we only find evidence for two

bullets hardly proves there were no more than two, as absence of evidence is not evidence of

absence. Chemist Ken Rahn and a ballistics expert who worked on both the Warren Commission

and the HSCA named Larry Sturdivan claimed that is was a statistical impossibility that the

fragment in Connally’s wrist could have come from any other bullet (Rahn & Sturdivan, 2004).

Then in 2006, forensic scientists Erik Randich and Patrick Grant published an article claiming

that there were serious problems with the original analysis by Guinn, claiming that “there is no

justification for concluding that two, and only two, bullets were represented by the evidence”

(Randich & Grant, 2006). This idea had first been put forward Arthur Snyder of the Stanford

Linear Accelerator Laboratory in 2001 (Snyder, 2001). This conclusion was later opposed in a

paper by Rahn, which was then responded to by Grant in a defense of his and Randich’s work.

All this is occurring almost 50 years after the event in question.

The fact is that these issues can be debated endlessly, with neither side ever being able to

prove their case. All these scholars are doing is looking at the data we have and offering a

possible explanation, using abductive logic. No one can actually test their interpretation, because

we cannot run an experiment on a historical event, so we are stuck believing either one

explanation or another. We have no way of confirming or denying their interpretation because

we are not “experts” in this kind analysis, but the very fact that different experts defend

contradictory positions on the same issue shows that we are not dealing with objective facts.

These debates come down to one opinion or another, with no way of settling the issue



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What we should notice is that these discussions are not even related to whether Kennedy

was killed by a lone gunman, the overall theory which itself has massive issues and problems

that have been expounded by conspiracy theorists for decades. These inquiries are strictly related

to the magic bullet and whether that is possible. Within the official theory there are numerous

such sub-theories, which are themselves highly dubious, and impossible to prove or disprove.

Any particular problem with any aspect of of these conspiracies, will itself morph into another

debatable issue, that can never be solved. Any conspiracy theory is “debunked” by the official

narrative proponents, which is then debated endlessly. Nothing anyone says can ever produce

enough doubt to force the state to act, because they can always find another expert to oppose any

opinion that contradicts their theory. Its an endless debate, and in an endless, unsolvable debate,

might makes right. The state will not allow any serious challenge to a narrative that it requires

for its functioning, and if our governments are controlled by a conspiracy, then they cannot

function if they are exposed.

Debunking works by isolating any single data which conspiracy theorists point to as

anomalous, and coming up with a logical explanation for it in isolation. The “magic bullet”

theory is an example of how this strategy can produce an entirely new debate. Within the magic

bullet thesis, if people object on the grounds of the “pristine” condition of the bullet, others will

counter that this is not out of the ordinary. If people object to the idea that the bullet would have

to change direction in mid flight for no reason, this will somehow be accounted for using esoteric

physics equations and science bafflegab. There is no way that the official story that Oswald acted

alone can remain viable, unless a single bullet did all of these things, so that is what happened. If

you explain that this would require the bullet to do something we would not normally expect, the

state will come up with an explanation for why it is possible, backed by expert testimony, so they


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can sow doubt and confusion. While anything is possible, the magic bullet still remains

extremely unlikely, and is only one among hundreds of anomalies that have been detected in the

official story, but by bogging down the conspiracy theorist in endless debates about the magic

bullet, they can make it seem as if there is another side to this argument. It makes it seem as if

the onlooker, who does not know much about this event, need not bother looking into it, because

experts have already refuted all the major objections to the official story.

Rather than constantly pointing out the numerous problems with the official story, and

getting bogged down in endless debates, we might point out where their debunking is completely

irrational and opposed to truth. Then it would be worth asking, why there is such a drive to

debunk a theory that is not true, even to the point of deliberately deceiving people, unless it

actually is true? One good example is a 2004 Discovery Channel documentary called “Beyond

the Magic Bullet”, episode 2 of season 3 on “Unsolved History” (Discovery Channel, 2004). The

culmination of the episode was a test designed to simulate the conditions of the magic bullet

shot, in order to prove once and for all that the magic bullet theory was realistic. They produced

two highly accurate models of the human torso, complete with simulated muscle, skin, and bone

structure, called anatomical surrogates. They replicated the shot by placing a sniper on a crane at

the correct height. They were very careful about details, even adjusting the angle of the targets to

simulate the 3 degree incline of the roadway in Dealey Plaza. All of this was extremely well

done and very realistic as far as we can see, with professional, scientific diligence. This

documentary, and this particular experiment especially, are often held up as evidence that the

magic bullet theory is not only perfectly valid, but the only plausible explanation (Von Plein,

2008) (Lallanilla, 2013). Everyone in the show insists they have put this issue to rest.


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There is enough material for another essay in terms of all the fallacious arguments this

documentary uses to “prove” the single bullet theory true, but the most damning evidence is their

clear attempt to deceive the viewer. There is a significant amount of material available there as

well, but I will concentrate on the climactic simulated shot into the anatomical surrogates. The

magic bullet is supposed to have entered Kennedy’s back, then exited his throat (through his tie-

knot), then entered Connally’s back, passing through his body and shattering his wrist bone,

before burying itself in his thigh.

The wound in Kennedy’s neck is key to proving this documentary deliberately set out to

deceive viewers. After the shot is taken by the sniper, it is replayed in super slow-motion and a

line is drawn with computer generated graphics depicting the path of the bullet. As you can see

in this screen capture of that moment, the bullet does not pass anywhere near the Kennedy

dummy’s neck (the one representing Kennedy is in the rear).


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For this bullet to cause the wounds that the magic bullet theory proposes, it would have

had to change from a downward direction to upward inside of Kennedy’s torso, exit his neck,

then turn downward again in mid-air and travel through Connally’s body. The diagram below

does not depict the difference in elevation between the front and back seat, but still gives a good

approximation of the supposed path of the magic bullet. Even if the Kennedy figure were

elevated, the bullet would still need to change direction twice in his torso, or once and then again

in mid-air, to exit his neck and enter Connally’s body.

Despite the fact that anyone with eyes can see the Discovery channel’s test bullet did not

enter or exit the neck portion of the Kennedy dummy, the narrator says this, “…our high speed


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camera can capture the path of the bullet. It struck Kennedy in the neck, streaking through to

Connally…” ( https://youtu.be/n-5xfTKqf1A?t=4599 ). They absolutely refuse to discuss the

lack of an exit wound in the neck. They are showing you that the bullet does not strike the neck

of the dummy, yet at the same time they are verbally claiming that it did. It’s a complete reversal

of the truth, like Pilate and Jesus. This is the audacity of the devil’s plan, hiding in plain sight.

It’s almost as if people know they are being lied to, but do not care. If people watch this

documentary, watch them lie, and just shrug it off, they are like Pilate, asking “What is truth?”,

even as the truth stares them in the face.

For the rest of the show everyone studiously attempts to ignore the fact that this

simulation completely failed to support the magic bullet theory. Rather than prove it, this

experiment actually provides good evidence that the magic bullet thesis is impossible, because it

fails to exit the Kennedy dummy’s neck. This demonstration should have killed the magic bullet

myth, instead it is held up as proof that it happened. What is most damning is the way they try so

hard to deny the obvious facts and deceive the audience. If there is no conspiracy, why would

they be so deceitful? They note that the bullet fails to penetrate the simulated thigh of the

Connally dummy, and that it is slightly more deformed than the magic bullet, because they have

a valid explanation for this: their bullet hit two ribs in the Connally dummy, while only one of

Connally’s ribs was damaged in the real event. But by ignoring the critical detail that their

simulation failed to produce the hypothesized effect, failed to exit the neck, the Discovery

Network exposes itself as unscientific. They are nothing but a corrupt tool of the elite.

The documentary continues to obfuscate and confuse by having a professional medical

examiner inspect the dummies. Although the doctor’s diagram of the Kennedy dummy is shown,


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with an exit wound in the chest, not the neck, the narrator glosses this over without mentioning it

(https://youtu.be/n-5xfTKqf1A?t=4942 ).

This documentary shows that the media is controlled by the conspiracy that killed

Kennedy. Why else would the Discovery Channel risk their reputation? The Huffington Post

also repeated the lie, reporting that the simulation “duplicated almost exactly the path of travel

postulated by proponents of the single-bullet theory” (Lallanilla, 2013). Wikipedia has this as an

example of the magic bullet theory being saved, repeating again that it “almost exactly

duplicated the path of travel specified in the single bullet theory” (Wikipedia, 2013). By

constantly repeating these ideas, the media manipulates the masses into believing the devil’s lies.

The media provide us with the information the elite want us to know, and they push theories and

worldviews that they want us to hold.


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The Moon Landing Hoax

We can see the mainstream media is complicit in the conspiracy. They promote the

official line on the JFK assassination, and they do the same for the moon landing hoax. As with

the official story of the JFK assassination, they cannot actually prove that anyone ever landed on

the moon, so they are left trying to “debunk” the conspiracy theories.

A brief internet search will reveal an absolute plethora of debunking sites and documents

on this topic, there are also numerous documentaries and special episodes of various shows on

why the moon landing was not a hoax, right up to the present day, more than 40 years after the

fact. No high profile scientist or intellectual can even entertain moon landing conspiracy theories

or they will no longer be high profile. The official explanation is that anyone who endorses such

an idea is obviously crazy, so they should not be high profile intellectuals, but this is just what

we would expect them to say if they were hiding something. Most people will not even allow

themselves to think critically about the matter, because to do so would be to admit that the entire

system we live in and almost everything we know could be a lie.

As with the JFK assassination, we should ask ourselves why these conspiracy theories are

so prevalent and so enduring, why the constant need for more debunking, if there are not major

problems with the official story? As with the debunking sites, a quick search on the net will

reveal a lot of information on problems with the official story; so this essay will concentrate on a

few key issues (Sibrel, 2001) (Thomas, 2008). What is important to remember when theorizing

about a satanic conspiracy, is that if people are allowed to put out books and movies about the


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conspiracy, its because the devil allowed it. Much of what we see in terms of conspiracy

theories is really disinformation. With Kennedy they blame everyone from the Mafia, to the

Cubans, to the Vatican, to LBJ, but by the way the media helps them cover it up, we can see the

conspiracy is much bigger than that. With the moon landing we see the conspiracy goes to the

international level. The only way a conspiracy of this magnitude could be concealed is if all the

national space programs of the world were on board. This is not outside the realm of possibility,

as all space agencies are state-owned and operated. Only super-rich elites like Elon Musk and

Richard Branson are able to do any space travel independently and they have not yet succeeded

in doing anything of the kind. Their efforts may be a part of the propaganda, another layer, to

add credibility to the moon landing myth.

All arguments about moon rocks and reflecting mirrors are completely self-referential

and have plausible alternative explanations. Nobody else has been to the moon, no one really has

any way of knowing what the moon is or what it is made of, so we have no way of knowing

whether they are actually moon rocks. If NASA were pulling the wool over our eyes, we would

be none the wiser. For those geologists who claim that they can definitely confirm that these

rocks are from the moon, that’s complete nonsense because the only people who could know for

certain are people who had been on the moon and tested rocks there. These scientists simply

accept what they are told by NASA, then based on that model, they run tests that confirm the


As for the argument about reflective lasers on the moon, the Dec. 1966 issue of National

Geographic printed a story called the “The Laser’s Bright Magic”, by Thomas Meloy. He states,

“Four years ago a ruby laser considerably smaller than those now available shot a series of pulses

at the moon, 240, 000 miles away. The beams illuminated a spot less than two miles in diameter


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and were reflected back to earth with enough strength to be measured by ultrasensitive

equipment” (Meloy, p. 876). We have long had the ability to bounce other electromagnetic

signals off of the moon as well, such as radio. The fact that they even hold these examples up as

somehow being proof of a moon landing is itself a strike against their case, because they do not

prove they went to the moon by any means, so why mention them?

Also like JFK, the moon landing hoax theories have given birth to an entire industry of

“debunkers”, or people who seek to discredit conspiracy theorists. Debunkers typically pick a

few of the weaker objections of conspiracy theorists, pretend that these are the only ones of any

import, and then “debunk” them as if that resolves the issue. Although they purport to be using

logic and reason to expose the irrational paranoia of the conspiracy theorist, the truth is their

arguments are nothing but strawmen. A good example is the television show “Mythbusters”,

which devoted a full episode to debunking the moon landing conspiracies. They simply pick a

few of the weakest objections, or oversimplify some of the stronger objections, in order to

produce a program that supports the conspiracy. We might ask whether Mythbusters would even

have a TV show if they played the other side of this debate.

An example of the way Mythbusters oversimplifies the arguments of conspiracy theorists

is their examination of the photographic evidence. NASA took thousands of photographs of the

moon landing, which have been poured over by conspiracy theorists, who have pointed out

hundreds of anomalies with them. Some of these were not well thought-out, but they are the most

famous, mostly because debunkers focus on them and ignore the ones they cannot explain away.

Mythbusters picked just two, the idea that the shadows are not parallel with each other as we

would expect when the only light source is the sun, and idea that we can see Buzz Aldrin in one

photo even though he is standing in a shadow. Mythbusters built some replicas of the moon


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landing scene and demonstrated that these objections were not valid, fair enough (Myth Busters,

2008) (Myth Busters, 2008). But this ignores a lot of other problems. This is only one issue with

each of two photographs, ignoring the hundreds of other issues in all the thousands of other

photographs. The argument about shadows not being parallel is incredibly weak anyway and not

one forwarded by serious conspiracy theorists. If there are two light sources producing these

shadows, why isn’t there a whole second set of shadows?

Another strategy of the debunkers which we see in the Mythbusters program, is to base

their debunking on the model we receive from NASA and other agencies associated with the

conspiracy. So with the photograph of Buzz Aldrin in the shadow of the LEM, the conspiracy

argument is that the photograph shows Aldrin too brightly lit up, since he is standing in the

shadows. He must have another light source focused on him. MythBusters claimed that because

the dust of the moon is reflective, this would create enough ambient light to see Aldrin as we do.

But how do MythBusters know the albedo (light reflectivity) of the moon dust? They asked

NASA. Using the information they got from NASA, they reproduced a lunar surface with that

albedo and took a picture, producing a well-lit photograph (Myth Busters, 2008). But why would

we ask the very people who we suspect of a conspiracy? Mythbusters was actually working with

NASA, in order to prove NASA is not a hoax operation. If there is a conspiracy, then

MythBusters is as much a part of that system as NASA.


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Looking at this and other Apollo images, its worth asking why there is not more light. We

see the moon as this amazingly bright light in the sky, they claim the moon is over 200,000 miles

away, so wouldn’t the moon have to be extremely bright to provide as much light as it does to

earth from that distance? The moon appears so bright from earth that it looks like its giving off

its own light. Yet standing on the moon, in broad daylight which is supposedly reflected back to

earth, there’s barely enough light to see Aldrin and there are shadows everywhere. They will

always provide some technical explanation of why the moon in these photographs is bright

enough to be seen from earth, but their technical explanation requires us to accept their model of


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the solar system and their other assumptions about the cosmos, which may all be part of the

conspiracy. If we are inclined to believe that they are faking manned space flight, then we would

also be inclined to question all modern cosmology, such as heliocentrism, relativity, even the

shape of the earth, and definitely their model of the moon.

One example of a photograph that debunkers studiously ignore is listed as AS11-40-5922

on the NASA website (Apollo 11 Lunar Surface Journal, 2006). As you can see below, it

appears that the “lunar module” was put together with construction paper, tin foil, and scotch

tape. The debunkers ignore problems such as this because they are difficult to explain and are

damning evidence. They concentrate on issues that are easily explained, and most people have

neither the time nor the interest to think critically about these explanations, so the conspiracy

theory is “debunked”.


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If there is a conspiracy, we can safely assume the entertainment industry, the media, the

publishers, etc are all as much a part of the military industrial complex as the politicians,

weapons contractors, and NASA. That’s why MythBusters works with NASA on their hoax

denial, why Discovery Channel covers up the magic bullet fiasco, why they always push science

fiction in books, movies, and TV. The media and education are the propaganda arm of the

government, so they will always be in line with the agenda. They protect the narrative of their

employers. Relying on them to tell us the truth, is not only naïve in the extreme, but also


Did you ever notice that there are no Hollywood movies that recreate the moon landing?

In all the thousands of space and science-fiction related movies produced since the Apollo

missions, why has Hollywood never produced a live-action retelling of the moon landing? Is it

because they might do too good of a job? They might end up making the original moon landing

hoax look even more fake because theirs looks too realistic.

We do occasionally get some very interesting comments from members of elite circles

though. One recent example is Bill Clinton’s remarks on page 156 of his 2004 autobiography,

“My Life”, discussing a summer job he had in the summer of ’69 (emphasis added):

Just a month before, Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong had left their colleague, Michael Collins, aboard spaceship Columbia and walked on the Moon, beating by five months President Kennedy‘s goal of putting a man on the Moon before the decade was out. The old carpenter asked me if I really believed it happened. I said sure, I saw it on television. He disagreed; he said that he didn‘t believe it for a minute, that―”them television fellers” could make things look real that weren‘t. Back then, I thought he was a crank. During my eight years in Washington, I saw some things on TV that made me wonder if he wasn’t ahead of his time.


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This comment has excited much debate in conspiracy circles, but what is interesting is

the quick response from establishment intellectuals. Roger D. Launius of the Smithsonian calls

Clinton’s friend part of the American “Cult of Conspiracy”, tracing conspiracy theories back to

the earliest days after the moon landing. Quoting Clinton as I have above, he restates that last

line I placed in bold with, “He then allowed that a healthy criticism of everything was not

necessarily a bad idea” (Launius, 2015). There is an important difference between what Clinton

said, and what Launius paraphrases; Clinton literally admitted to wondering if this man was not

ahead of his time. Why change the quote? Why the deception? From the very beginning, and to

this day, they are constantly pushing out denials about these conspiracy events. Why is that?

They do not have to constantly put out denials about other historical events, why these


Launius relies on the old chestnut that a conspiracy of this magnitude could not possibly

remain hidden within a government, quoting historian David Aaronovitch,

A hoax on such a grand scale would necessarily involve hundreds if not thousands of participants. There would be those who has planned it all in some Washington office; those in NASA who had agreed; the astronauts themselves, who would have been required to continue with the hoax for the whole of their lives, afraid even of disclosing something to their most intimate friends at the most intimate moments; the set of designers, the photographers, the props department, the security men, the navy people who pretended to fish the returning spacemen out of the ocean and many, many more. It was pretty much impossible for such an operation to be mounted and kept secret, and inconceivable that anybody in power would actually take the risk that it might be blown.

While state agencies will always repeat the refrain that a conspiracy of this magnitude is

impossible, I will continue to reply that we have no way of knowing that. There really would not

need to be that many conspirators, and they control the whole conversation, especially by

demonizing conspiracy theorists, so why is it so likely that they would have been revealed?


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Maybe if the conspiracy is that the level of the American government or below, but what if it is

in control of American politics and media? No one in politics or high profile careers of any kind

can express serious doubt about he moon landing, let alone talk about the Illuminati. The media

worldwide is certainly highly concentrated and controlled by a tiny handful of massive

corporations (Downing, p. 296) (Lorimer & Scannell, 1994). Is it really inconceivable that they

could collude to promote specific elite agendas?

And its not as if every NASA employee has to be “in the know”. In a complex

organization like NASA, everything is very compartmentalized, only a few highly placed

individuals would need to know many details. Although the NASA employees would have

helped the Apollo missions achieve launch and helped retrieve them after re-entry, all other

communication was through high level government officials and could easily have been staged.

The astronauts could have stayed in the upper atmosphere the whole time, with no one the wiser.

We are not talking about a conspiracy within the American government, we are talking about a

conspiracy, which has the American government under complete control, along with the rest of

world governments. The Bible certainly seems to imply that a conspiracy of this magnitude is

taking place. All the elements that would be involved if such a conspiracy were taking place,

from the government, to the academy, to most of the Christians, all deny the Bible is literally


People like Launius and Aaronovitch are basically a part of the system controlled by this

conspiracy. Elite, bourgeois intellectuals, they can never say anything that would upset their

privileged positions, or they will no longer have those positions. They might really believe in the

moon landing and other myths of our society, or they might be plants with at least some direct

knowledge of the actual inner workings, we do not know. The important thing to remember is


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that these state agents keep repeating these mantras about how conspiracies are impossible,

which is completely baseless. The fact that these state agents repeatedly assert without proof that

this is impossible, implies that it is highly probable. The other thing they constantly try to deny is

the Bible, but the Bible would explain all of these conspiracies as a Satanic plot. We have no

reason to believe them over the Bible, especially when we see the evidence of a conspiracy all

around us.

The fact that Clinton mentioned the moon landing hoax in his book, which was

immediately picked up on by the conspiracy community, which was then immediately reacted to

by the Smithsonian, is all part of the same system. Clinton is obviously a part of the global

conspiracy on some level, even if only as a figurehead or patsy (Xendrius, 2009). They create

confusion, making it more and more difficult to see the big picture. If a conspiracy theorist thinks

that Clinton mentioning this shows he was suspicious about the moon landing, this would feed

into the idea that NASA is bilking the American tax payer, but that most parts of the state

apparatus are still friendly. One might still consider democracy to be legitimate, and Clinton to

have been a good actor, while getting bogged down in the conspiracy theory, and missing the big


This is similar to the connection drawn between Stanley Kubrick and the Apollo moon

landing, with many arguing he was the one who filmed the hoax. By focusing on Kubrick as

somehow outside of the system and working against them by revealing their secrets, the

magnitude and complexity of the conspiracy is underestimated. This analysis is then expanded

into his other movies, with connections being drawn between them and the conspiracy. Jay

Weidner’s interpretation of “The Shining” for instance, explains a number of things which

clearly connect many of the movie’s departures from the source material to the moon landing,


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but he bases it all on his own interpretation of the symbolism, with no outside reference. His

argument thus has no basis and is easily dismissed, adding to the confusion (Weidner, 2009).

Weidner argues that Kubrick used the movie as a way of revealing his role in directing the moon

landing hoax, but he also claims that NASA really did go to the moon. He’s just endlessly

speculating about the symbolism in Kubrick’s movies, without acknowledging the possibility

that there might be something bigger going on.

The important thing to remember is that if they faked the moon landing, then there are a

lot of other things that might have been faked, or just stories we are being told, part of the mind

control. If every high profile scientist and intellectual on the planet supports the moon landing

narrative, then if it was a hoax that means all science needs to be reevaluated. Almost everything

we learn in public education and the media might be propaganda, from history, to evolution

theory, to heliocentrism, to old earth, to the Big Bang and relative time. All manned space flight

might be faked (Blakely, 2014). The whole idea of a Cold War with the U.S.S.R., of national

governments themselves, might be a stage show. Jay Weidner could be staged for all we know,

and he could easily be a shill. We are talking about an age-old plan by the devil and millions of

fallen angel minions, to deceive the whole world (Rev. 12:9). Practically everything we think we

know might be a lie. Again we have to separate history which can be easily independently

verified, from history which takes place behind closed doors, or the vast majority of history as

we get it. The same can be said of science.

This is all perfectly logical. Its not as if we tend to think society was more democratic in

the past. If anything we recognize that historically politics was extremely corrupt and the people

were extremely gullible and easily manipulated. Kings have always been assassinated by secret

conspiracies, which are then dramatized again and again, like Julius Caesar. We just think we are


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special and it could never work on us. The more likely scenario is that these kind of hoaxes and

staged events are an age-old historical practice by the ruling class, which has now reached the

level of sophistication that they can fake moon landings and kill presidents with a worldwide

audience. The world wars, the great revolutions of the enlightenment, might have been

orchestrated by playing national populations off of each other, using propaganda and fear

mongering. These events then become deeply internalized symbolic images, played over and

over again in popular culture, of which the conspiracy culture is no less a part. All of this

corroborates the Bible’s idea of an age old conspiracy by the “kings of the world”.

Stanley Kubrick’s last movie, “Eyes Wide Shut”, depicted elites at masked parties

performing pagan sex rituals, human sacrifice, and hinted at pedophilia networks. He was found

dead shortly thereafter and reportedly some of the movie was edited before it was released

(Suspicious Deaths, 2010). This got people talking about Kubrick “revealing” the so-called

Illuminati, a cabal of Luciferians who seem to be the human agents in charge of the devil’s plans

for the earth, through politics, religion, finance, literature, and education. There are a number of

theories out about the Illuminati, some closer to the truth than others, but all are out because the

Illuminati allowed it, so none are completely true (Makow, 2009).

Evidence of their involvement in sex parties is well established, such as the recent

scandal involving financier Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew of England, and Harvard lawyer Alan

Dershowitz (Lewis, 2015) (Corbett, 2015). We also have decades of rumours and cover-ups

regarding pedophilia in British parliament (Boffey, 2014) (McCoy, 2014). These kind of affairs

are actually uncovered and then covered up again in all Western countries, such as America with

the Franklin cover-up in Nebraska, the call-boy ring scandal in the White House in 1989, or the

rumours about Bohemian Grove (DeCamp, 2011) (Rodriguez, 1989); or Belgium with the Marc


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Detroux scandal (Osborn, 2002). The ever increasing reports of child abuse within the Vatican,

and illicit Hollywood pedophile parties, are also cited as evidence of an Illuminati pedophile

network (Bruni & Burkett, 2002) (Berg, 2014) (SEK4110, 2011).

While some might try to delve into the symbolism of Kubrick’s movies, to try to uncover

what his movie can tell us about the Illuminati, I would point out that Kubrick was as much a

part of the system as anyone. If our theory is that a conspiracy uses media outlets like the

Discovery Channel to cover up presidential assassinations and moon landing hoaxes, then they

obviously control Hollywood movies as well. For all we know they might have told him to make

a movie revealing their secrets and then killed him as a sacrifice.

The important thing to remember is that the very idea that these people could have even

gone to the moon is just an utterly ridiculous myth. People who deny this obvious fact are

complicit. Again rather than delve into the voluminous information available on why their story

makes no sense, a few comments from elites on these issues reveal much. Werner Von Braun

was the lead designer of the Saturn V rocket that was used for the Apollo missions. He was also

a former Nazi SS man and led the design of the infamous V2 rocket with which the Germans

proceeded to demolish the British countryside, attacking civilian populations. Before Kennedy

made his famous speech about the moon mission however, Von Braun wrote this on page 14 of

his 1953 book, “Conquest of the Moon” (emphasis added):


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It is commonly believed that man will fly directly from the earth to the moon, but to do this, we would require a vehicle of such gigantic proportions that it would prove an economic impossibility. It would have to develop sufficient speed to penetrate the atmosphere and overcome the earth’s gravity and, having travelled all the way to the moon, it must still have fuel to land safely and make the return trip to the earth. Furthermore, in order to give the expedition a margin of safety, we would not use one ship alone, but a minimum of three. Calculation have been carefully worked out on the type of vehicle we would need for a non-stop flight to the moon and return. The figures speak for themselves: each rocket ship would be taller than New York’s Empire State Building (1250 feet) and weigh about ten times the tonnage of the Queen Mary, or some 800,000 tons (Von Braun, 1953).

So the man who would later be the head rocketeer for the Apollo program, did not think a

launch from earth could even get to the moon, just 15 years before Apollo 11. He called for so

much fuel to do it that that the rocket would have to be more than 3 times as big, and weigh

almost 6 times as much, as the Saturn V later turned out (NASA, 2014). The distance to the

moon is supposedly 240 000 miles, so that means that we sent 8 trips that far back in the 1970s,

and every other trip before or since into “space” has been less than 400 miles. So 240,000 miles a

few times almost 50 years ago, no further than 400 miles before that or ever since. Why the

immense gap? Just think for a minute about how utterly ridiculous that story is. We are told that

America has never gone back because of the expense and because the moon has no useful

minerals, but that does not explain anything else, such as why no other trip has gone anywhere

further than 400 miles. Imagine waiting that long between successive trips to the New World

back in the age of explorations. Nobody felt like going 500 miles? No other country can

reproduce the 1960s technology of the Saturn V? Is it not more likely that we simply do not have

the technology to exceed 400 miles yet and that the moon landings were faked?

By the mid-60s it was clear that Von Braun was right and there was no way any rocket

was going from earth to the moon. Gus Grissom, captain of Apollo 1, had so many problems


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with the program that he hung a lemon on the door of the spacecraft, just one of many protests he

and his fellow crew members had made about the problems with the technology and safety

record (White, 2006). He and his crew mates once sent a picture of them all praying around the

capsule to the manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, saying “It isn't that we don't

trust you, Joe, but this time we've decided to go over your head” (Murray & Cox, 1990). On the

day of his fateful “accident”, commenting on the ineffective communication system, Grissom

famously asked, “How are we going to get to the moon if we can’t talk between three


Being as vocal as Grissom was about the problems with the Apollo program, was it

necessary for the conspiracy to “take him out”? The fire that killed him and his crew was during

what was supposed to be a safe test, with no pyrotechnical apparatus activated, the subject of yet

another conspiracy theory. As with the JFK assassination, the moon landing conspiracy is rife

with numerous sub-theories, each of which is denied at all costs for all time by the state. If Gus

and his crew were murdered it will never be admitted to, but we have a number of very good

reasons to suspect the fire was more than what it seems. Grissom’s son Scott investigated but he


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was not granted access to the charred space capsule until the 1990s. Why might this be? Finding

a “fabricated metal plate” behind an instrument panel, he argued that this was a clear sign of

sabotage, because flipping that switch would create a spark and cause a fire in the high oxygen

atmosphere of the cabin. His theory was corroborated by a an engineer from major aeronautics

company McDonnell-Douglas named Clark MacDonald, who had found an electrical short to be

the cause of the fire, and who claimed NASA had destroyed his report to stifle criticism of the

space program. (Teitel, 2013).

Scott Grissom’s theory was that NASA did not want his father to be the first man on the

moon, because of their colorful history, but this is seen as a weak motive. Many high-ranking

officials left the program entirely as a result of this affair, and the whole space program was

almost scrapped supposedly, so as a motive, this appears weak. But if the whole space program

were a lark and had no chance of going to the moon, then shutting people like Grissom up would

have been a very serious motive. It would also ensure the silence of other astronauts in the


What we can see with this examination of the moon landing is that, like the Kennedy

assassination, the government cannot definitively prove their case, so they seek to debunk the

conspiracy theories and cover things up. Because they have no way of ending the debate,

because they have no real evidence that they ever went to the moon, they must instead endlessly

attempt to debunk any conspiracy theory. While conspiracy theorists will continue to find

problems with the official story, the powers that be cannot admit it. For scientists and other

people involved in these fields, even if they begin to suspect a conspiracy, admitting it will not

only ruin their careers, but it will mean their entire worldview is wrong and they have been

fooled. This is too much for many people to admit, so they refuse to, but this is not logical.


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September 11, 2001

As with JFK and the moon landing, the events of September 11, 2001 have been subject

to innumerable conspiracy theories and even more debunking, and of course the powers that be

can never admit any involvement. But the scale of this event was far beyond any other

conspiracy of the past, and the stakes are higher, so the level of disinformation is greater than

ever before as well. If JFK was a conspiracy, then we have a coup. If the moon landing was a

conspiracy, then we have an international cabal. But 9/11 is the smoking gun of a global, ages-

old, Satanic agenda. It shows us that this is much bigger, a conspiracy going back centuries at

least, one that is only explainable by the agency of a supernatural power: the devil.

Right off the bat, it has to be understood that the official story is completely absurd

(Corbett J. , 2011) (Martino, 2013). The fact that so many people believe this story, and the

authorities knew they would, is a result of the other two conspiracy theories we have discussed.

Once they knew they could kill the king in front of the whole world, and fake a moon landing in

front of the whole world, they knew they could kill a few thousand people and start a war in front

of the whole world. Just as with JFK and the moon landing, the Sept. 11 attacks have many

problems within the official story, with each giving birth to innumerable sub-conspiracy theories

and debunkings, which are themselves impossible to ever solve and will be debated until the end

of the world. As with the magic bullet, experts debate both sides of technical issues, with neither

side able to provide definitive proof. As with the moon landing, weaker objections are answered,

stronger ones ignored or strawmanned. Objections are responded to within the conventional

model of global political and economic relations, with no attempt to respond to the idea of an

international conspiracy or a spiritual enemy. These ideas are simply dismissed with prejudice.

Entire websites are dedicated to debunking the conspiracy theories, but we should ask ourselves


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why that is? Too much debunking is similar to Hamlet’s mother’s comment, “The lady doth

protest too much, methinks”. There would be no need to repeatedly deny something so

vociferously, unless it were true.

Like the other conspiracy theories, much information remains hidden from public view

because of “national security” concerns. 28 pages of a 2002 Senate report have been redacted,

which many consider to be evidence of Saudi involvement (Alexander & Foster, 2015). Footage

of the attack on the Pentagon was withheld except for a few frames, none of which show a plane

(Hoffman, 2006). There still is no satisfactory answer as to the source of the anthrax that was

sent out to numerous government agencies within a week after the attacks, although links

between the hijackers and the anthrax were detected (Greenwald, 2011) (Broad & Johnston,

2002). The media reported that OBL was the authourities’ working premise from within minutes

after the attacks began (CBS , 2009). Really? How did Bush know within hours that his enemy

was “terrorists and those who harbor them?” (Scott, 2012). How could they know it was OBL,

with enough certainty to bomb and invade Afghanistan, within weeks? Why did they refuse the

Taliban’s request for evidence against OBL? Why did the Bush administration fight the

establishment of an independent investigation? It took over a year for the 9/11 Commission to

get underway, yet the JFK and Pearl Harbor commissions began within a week (Paltrow, 2003).

Why was the 9/11 Commission so drastically underfunded (Burger, 2003)? Would it not be a

priority to investigate the most horrific crime ever committed on U.S. soil?

Most damning of all is the fact that airplanes simply cannot take down buildings like that,

and a third building came down which had not even been hit by a plane. It is simply a physical

impossibility for those buildings to come down the way they did, meaning there was some kind

of controlled demolition. But like the magic bullet, there are always “experts” who can be paid


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enough to think whatever their employers want them to think. Thus we have the World Trade

center Disaster Study, by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a state

agency that will bend over backward to defend the ridiculous official story, no matter how

preposterous it is. Once experts have decided something is true in our society, it is part of what

are known as “facts”, which is all the government needs to justify its actions. The experts say

the facts are such and such, basically OBL directed 19 Saudis to fly airplanes into these buildings

and they collapsed, causing a third building to collapse as well, so those are the facts. This is the

state imposed truth, even if there is an entire movement of experts who believe it is impossible

and want further investigation (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, 2015) (Pilots for 9/11

Truth, 2015). The truth is there are very good reasons to believe commercial airplanes were not

even used in the attacks and that the television coverage was all staged (Shack, 2007).

They knew all along what they were going to do, and who they were going to blame it on.

Why else would George Bush feel the need to proclaim before the world, at the UN General

Assembly not two months after the attacks, “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories

concerning the attacks of September 11th - malicious lies that attempt to shift blame away from

the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty” (Bush, 2001) (bush911video, 2006)? Why would

that be such an important point to make, in front of the whole world, right from the get go? If it

really were an attack from Al-Quaeda, and they really did have proof, then a comment like that

would never even cross his mind. If these conspiracy theories are so baseless, why would they

still be going strong almost 15 years later? As with the CIA’s propaganda against JFK

investigators, and the constant barrage of moon landing “debunkers”, Bush went on the attack

against the conspiracy theorists from the outset, and that attack has never relented. As John


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Harrington wrote, “Treason doth never prosper, what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare

call it treason.”

Based on the still unproven theory that a small group of Saudis crashed planes into the

World Trade Centre and the Pentagon under the direction of OBL, America went on to attack

and occupy the sovereign state of Afghanistan for going on 14 years. They attacked and still

occupy an entire country, along with invading and occupying Iraq, and numerous other illegal

military incursions into countries like Pakistan, because of a small group of criminals, who were

not even from that region. The Taliban, who had no great love for Al Quaeda at the time, offered

to give up Osama Bin Laden if America were able to produce evidence of his involvement, but

this was ignored. Within six weeks of the attacks, while Afghanistan was being bombed, Bush

continued to deny repeated offers by the Taliban to return OBL. He replied, “There's no need to

discuss innocence or guilt. We know he's guilty” (The Guardian, 2001). Yet they have still never

produced definitive proof that OBL was responsible for or planned the September 11 attacks

(Griffin, 2013).

Of course the nation-state of Afghanistan not only had every right to request evidence of

OBL’s supposed involvement, they had a duty to do so under international law. Regardless of

what the Taliban said or did, they were going to be invaded and occupied, because that is what

the powers that be dictated. The entire nation was behind the administration on this. Later Iraq

would follow suit, all by skillful use of propaganda, just as the PNAC plan had called for so

many years ago. Just as the Nazi Herman Goehring wrote so many decades ago, “the people can

always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they

are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to

greater danger”.


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Most people now understand that the Afghan Mujahedeen, who OBL had journeyed there

to fight alongside, were American allies during their war with the U.S.S.R. Although the

American government denies any aid went directly to OBL and his fighters, we should know

how much their word is worth (BBC News, 2004). Many are also aware of the links between the

Bush family and the Bin Ladens, OBL’s super-rich, construction tycoon family from Saudi

Arabia. On the very morning of 9/11, Bush Sr. actually attended a meeting with OBL’s brother;

a meeting of one of the most powerful, secretive companies in the world, the Carlyle Group

(Aragon, 2001). Both the Bush and Bin Laden families are closely connected to the Saudi royals

(Unger, p. 101).

Afghanistan’s opium crop, the largest in the world, had been suffering severely during

the brief period of Taliban control. During the war with Russia, the CIA was in control. Once

they left the Taliban did their best to eliminate the opium trade. When the Americans came back

in after September 11, opium production immediately took off again. This was thanks in no

small part to the Americans installing Hamid Karzai as the leader of Afghanistan, whose brother

was a well-connected opium smuggler. They have recently ruled out opium eradication again

because they just cannot come up with an alternative crop that makes enough money for the local

farmers, even though they have been trying to do that for over a decade too (India Times, 2015)

(YouTube, 2010). There’s an interesting comment on the India Times page of an article about


Parwani (Kabul, Afghanistan)

27 Aug, 2015 01:05 PM

This is very interesting. In Afghanistan, the main cultivators of poppy are the Pashto tribe, which are the same tribe with ex- and current president of Afghanistan. It is totally a wrong perception that people in the south and east of Afghanistan are cultivating poppies due to poverty. In reality, it is just a very highly


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lucrative business for Pashton politicians. In the north and central parting Afghanistan, where the none-Pashtoons are the main habitants, the poverty situation is much more extreme than south and east, the none-Pashtoons are not welling to grow illicit drug in their forms, as it is forbidden in Islam. In Afghanistan most people believe that Americans are behind the cultivation, if they are not, why they supporting a president that has allowed cultivation of drugs in the past 14 years and have increase it every year.


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We are expected to believe OBL was hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan for years

(9/11 Press For Truth, 2006). Meanwhile the Americans occupied the country and protected the

opium fields. Then he was in Tora Bora, but no one could find him there (Hirsh, 2005). Then he

hid out under the noses of the CIA in Abbottabad for years (MacAskill, 2011). Then when they

finally found him, they sent in the Navy SEALs, who did not video tape it, for no good reason

(Swinford, 2011). Although he did not retaliate or use his wife as a human shield, this is what

we were told, and then these highly trained, veteran fighters panicked and killed this unarmed

man, the most valuable intelligence asset in the world. Then they dumped his body in the ocean

before they told anybody (Sydney Herald, 2011). Then over a dozen of that SEAL teams


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members died shortly thereafter in an Afghanistan helicopter crash (FOX, 2011). Nothing to see

here folks.

Even without discussing any conspiracy theory whatsoever, based entirely on the official

version of events, there is no moral or legal basis for any of this. Based on the official story of

9/11 and the events since, Bush and Obama should both be indicted for war-crimes. Instead Bush

refused to even testify under oath at the 9/11 Commission, Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace

Prize, and America and NATO expanded their military adventurism into a ruthless drone-

bombing campaign, expanded their aggression on numerous fronts, were implicated in attempts

to start wars in Syria, the Ukraine, etc. None of this makes any sense, and this is all considered

accepted, mainstream fact.

As with the other conspiracies discussed here, the reason the truth of September 11th can

never be uncovered is that the powers that be are the only group with police powers. No one can

really hold them to account, no one can even speak their name. They decide who will investigate

these events, so they decide what version will be released. Whether it is the ten U.S. government

investigations into Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor, or the Warren Commission cover-up, or the

moon landing debunkers, or the 9/11 Commission, they will produce the narrative that the

powers that be allow. If anyone says the word “Illuminati”, they will be immediately ridiculed,

marginalized, and/or sent for psychiatric assessment. This applies to the upper levels of any state

agencies, any major corporation or bank. Some people might whisper about rumours they had

heard in back rooms, some may joke about it, some people may be secret participants in the

conspiracy, but these things simply cannot be spoken of openly in polite company. This is how

the occult works: hidden in plain sight.


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Accepting the official story of 9/11, despite the obvious problems with it, despite the

obvious cover-ups, and despite the violent, imperialist agenda it was used to justify, is

tantamount to complicity with the conspirators, complicity by apathy. Complicity in the murder

of thousands that day, and hundreds of thousands more in the wars to follow. I’m not saying you

need to necessarily believe my theories about it, but people who try to defend the imposed

version of this historical event, are ignoring evidence in favour of magical thinking about liberal

democracy. Numerous members of the 9/11 Commission, including the co-chairs, actually came

out and said that it was a cover-up (Kean & Hamilton, 2007). Why on earth would there be a


If there is a cover-up, when the state employs agents to independently investigate an

event, then that means the government is in violation of the law and of democratic principles.

When that event is the JFK assassination, it means the American state has been captured. When

that event is the moon landing, it means world governments are controlled by a secret super-

government. When that event is the September 11 attacks, then we are talking about complete

moral depravity on a scale we can barely imagine, something truly Satanic. The real enemy is the

devil himself, but he is in complete control of the state, the media, and the financial system.

I am not suggesting a revolution, because that is just adopting the violent politics of the

state. We will become what we despise. I am merely suggesting that people look to God in these

final days. If the democratic state is covering up aspects of 9/11, then they are controlled by

some kind of unimaginably evil faction of ruthless psychopaths. The state serves the enemy of

God, which is why they killed Jesus, why they can never admit the Bible even might be literally

true, and why they can never admit the truth about conspiracy theories. The truth is that the


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government is controlled by the devil. The conspiracy is Satanic, which is why it is so literally



The occult significance of the numbers 9 and 11 are not well understood. Almost all

Western magic is derived from the Bible in one way or another. One major reason 9 and 11 are

significant is because of Chapter 9 verse 11 of the Book of Revelations:

“And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless

pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue

hath his name Apollyon.”

Occultist will generally downplay the significance of this verse, ascribing the importance

of 9 and 11 to magical or pagan origins. This verse is also usually downplayed by mainstream

Bible commentators nowadays, as not referring to the anti-Christ (Bible Hub, 2015). But it was

not always so and there are many reasons to doubt this position. Abaddon is the name of the

lowest hell, the abode of destruction in ancient Hebrew (Proverbs 15:11 and 27:20; Job 26:6).

Here this being is named as the angel of the bottomless pit, implying he is somehow in charge of

that dark place. Apollyon means “Destroyer” in ancient Greek, which may refer to the

destruction of John’s Apocalyptic vision in Revelations. Earlier in this chapter, “the fifth angel

sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the

bottomless pit”(Rev. 9:1); this star is often associated with Satan himself (Isaiah, 1611) (Halley,

2008). Satan is cast to the earth from heaven and given the key to the bottomless pit, presumably

by God, to unleash the angel of the lowest realm of hell, the destroyer, the antichrist. Both names


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of the antichrist, Abaddon and Apollyon, appear in the expanded Satanic Bible under a list of

“infernal names” which are used in magical evocations of the devil (LaVey, 1976). Abaddon is

one of the “sacred words” in the 17th degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

In the occult, the significance of these two numbers, and of their associated date of

September 11, cannot be over emphasized. Tisha B’Av, the day of fasting on which Jews

commemorate the destruction of both the first and second Temple in Jerusalem, when they were

carried away to Babylon as slaves and when they were scattered from Israel by the Romans, is

the 9th day of the 11 month of the Hebrew civil calendar (Karesh & Hurvitz, 2008). There are

nine Satanic statements in LaVeyan Satanism (LaVey, p. 33) and in Western numerology, 11 is

the first master number, the number of illumination (of the Illuminati?) (Goodwin, p. 11).

Looking at the twin towers, they also resemble an 11, and they each have 110 floors (always

drop the zero in Western numerology). The twin towers are like the twin pillars of Freemasonry,

the pillar of mercy and the pillar of severity, which represent an 11 as well. Freemasonry is an

occult organization, a so-called “secret society”, and can be used as a kind of umbrella term for

all secret societies, which are all connected to the occult and to Satanism ultimately. The card-

carrying Freemasons among the presidents and founding fathers of America are well documented

(Freemason Information). There are rumours about many more including Obama (Masonology,

2013). Being a secret society, many members hide their association, so it is impossible to know

how many are really members.

September 11 proves to be a very important date in the history of at least one of the 9/11

attack sites as well. On September 11, 1941, exactly 60 years before the attacks, they held the

ground breaking ceremony for the Pentagon. The Pentagon’s construction was under the


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auspices of a highly noted Freemasonic president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, he of the Pearl Harbor

conspiracy (Grand Lodge Pennsylvania, 2011).

Now the occult meaning of the Pentagon has many layers. The pentagon, as a geometric

shape, is always produced by connecting the inner points around the center of a pentagram. The

pentagram is the five pointed star, a symbol long associated with Freemasonry (Grand Lodge of

B.C. and Yukon, 2015). The Freemasonic order for women, known as the Order of the Eastern

Star, uses an inverted pentagram for its symbol, seen here beside the goat of Mendes symbol

popularized by Eliphas Levi as well as the Church of Satan when it appeared on the front cover

of the Satanic Bible.


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Although esoteric writers like Anton Lavey, Aleistar Crowley, and occult writer Manley

P. Hall identify the inverted pentagram with the devil and black magic, establishment sources

continue to deny any connection. The pentagram is also a well-known symbol in witchcraft, or

Wicca, but considered positive. Pythagoras, who is often upheld as the first Grandmaster of

Freemasonry, identified the pentagram with man and with the 5 elements: earth, fire, wind,

water, and mind (Grand Lodge of B.C. and Yukon, 2015). The perihelion of Venus marks a

broken pentagram in the sky every four years, so this symbol became associated with the

Phoenician goddess of that planet: the goddess of sex and war, Astarte, the horned goddess,

referred to as Ashtoreth in the Bible (Gen. 14:5; Joshua 12:4). This is perhaps the true etymology

of the word “star” and the origin of its association with this shape. The planet Venus is the

morning star, which the Bible associates with Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12).

So the pentagram was an ancient pagan symbol. As we read on page 2 of Eliphas Levi’s

“History of Magic”, “For alchemists it is the sign of the quintessence, for magicians it is the


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Great Arcanum, for Kabalists the sacred pentagram” (Levi, 1860). Levi saw magic as the true

expression of Catholicism, and Catholicism as the true expression of Christ’s message. After

falling in love while at the Saint Sulpice seminary (of Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code” fame),

he left without being ordained. Levi’s books had a deep impact on the workings of many

subsequent secret societies and magical groups, such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,

as well as their ex-member Aleister Crowley, the leading Satanist of the 20th century. Crowley

actually claimed to be a reincarnation of Levi (Sutin, 2000). Levi drew this famous picture of the

goat-god Baphomet, the god often ascribed to the Freemasons, although they deny it (Grand

Lodge of B.C. and Yukon, 2015). This is the god the Templars were supposedly destroyed for

worshipping and is often associated with the devil himself, even by Levi (Levi, p. 269). You can

see the pentagram occupies a central place in this image.


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The fact that the Pentagon has its shape is no accident, and neither is its placement in

relation to the layout of Washington D.C. While establishment Freemasons will always try and

claim that the pentagram was never associated with evil or Satanism as such until writers such as

Levi, Crowley, and Manley P. Hall picked up on it, they are neglecting to address the Bible’s

take on it. As mentioned, the Bible references Ashtoreth several times, all negatively as a false


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goddess. The Freemasons’ hero King Solomon, loses favour with God when he turns to the

worship of Ashtoreth (1 Kings 11:5). She is referred to as an “abomination” before God (2 Kings

23:13). The establishment will mention the pentagram is a symbol of health in Wicca, because

witchcraft is just another religion in the era of subjective truth, but the Bible strictly forbids

witchcraft of any kind (Gal. 5:20; Mic. 5:12; 1 Sam. 15:23). The pentagram is a symbol of pagan

worship, so it is in direct opposition to the God of the Bible and Jesus. Small wonder that the

pentagram is such a key element of the American flag and many others around the world. We

often see it associated with the police. These are the symbols of the occult theocracy that rules

this world.


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It’s a well documented fact that much of Washington D.C. is laid out with Freemasonic

symbolism in the streets (Onstott, 2011) (Campbell, 2005). With so many of the founding fathers

and presidents being Freemasons, this was bound to happen, so it is not considered a sign of a

conspiracy. We could look at it the other way of course, that the very fact that establishment

sources admit there were all these high-level Freemasons involved in the founding of America,

and they admit that they helped design the capital with Freemasonic symbolism in the urban

planning and architecture, but still try to deny that there is a conspiracy, indicates that there

probably is a conspiracy. No amount of bending over backward and pretending can explain away

the fact that there is an inverted pentagram laid out in the streets of Washington D.C., with the

downward point, the point aimed at hell, landing directly on the White House.

The red lines are the actual streets as they are laid out on Google Earth. The blue lines are

what it would look like if the streets were extended across parks and other areas to complete the

pentagram, with the point landing directly on the White House, the seat of American power.


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Of course debunkers immediately jump on the incompleteness of the actual streets to

form the pentagram. If these Illuminati Freemasons are so powerful they ask, why can they not

use their influence to complete the pentagram? If they basically rule the world, why can’t they

control urban planning in one of their capital cities? As usual, the tendency of these debunkers to

be deliberately deceptive is usually a good indicator they have no leg to stand on.

Rationalwiki.org, a debunking website, explains that “Vermont and Connecticut Avenues do not

extend south of K street so there is no point below that, and ergo, no bottom point of any

pentagram pointing at the White House” (Rationalwiki, 2011). This is completely untrue as you

can see below. Vermont Ave. and Connecticut Ave. end at K St. only temporarily, then resume

again on the same path and angle as they approach the White House (this is indicated in red and

the K St. is also highlighted in red). The two streets end at parks, but in the other image you can

see that they even designed two of the parks to continue depicting the same line toward the

White House, with the paths through the parks proceeding at the same angle. It stops again at

Lafayette Square, but the symbolism being employed here is clear: the streets mark out the lines

of an inverted pentagram.


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Otherwise debunkers will often note that one arm of the pentagram is broken, meaning

the shape is not finished (Morris, p. 172). Because Rhode Island Ave. does not extend west of

Connecticut Ave., one arm of the pentagram is incomplete. This may be because the debunkers


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simply do not understand some of the more esoteric aspects of Satanic magic, but it seems more

likely they are deliberately trying to deceive us. In Manley P. Hall’s The Secret Teachings of All

Ages, we read that the pentagram can be changed in a number of different ways for black magic

purposes, “The star may be broken at one point by not permitting the converging lines to touch;

it may be inverted by having one point down and two up; or it may be distorted by having the

points of varying lengths.” If the pentagram is there for the purpose of black magic, then the arm

being broken is part of that plan.

We also read of the broken pentagram in Goethe’s Faust (von Goethe, p. III (The Study))

Goethe was himself one of most highly recognized Freemasons in Germany, and is still well-

remembered by the brotherhood (McNairn, 2008). If anyone knew about a Satanic conspiracy

within Freemasonry, he did. In the play, when the demon Mephistopheles is trying to leave, he

tells Faust that he cannot because of the pentagram. The pentagram has worked on the spirit, not

because it is complete, but because it is broken:


The pentagram prohibits thee?

Why, tell me now, thou Son of Hades,

If that prevents, how cam'st thou in to me?

Could such a spirit be so cheated?


Inspect the thing: the drawing's not completed.


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The outer angle, you may see,

Is open left—the lines don't fit it.

Interestingly Goethe’s pentagram is “open” on the same side as the D.C. pentagram. One

wonders whether Washington and Goethe were in communication, with each other or with some

darker power. It is certainly possible that Brent Morris, the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide

to Freemasonry, who is himself a 33° Freemason, simply did not know that the broken

pentagram is a black magic talisman. That might explain why he continually uses this excuse to

explain away the Washington pentagram (Morris, p. 172). We could give him the benefit of the

doubt and say he just does not know, that’s he’s never heard of Manley P. Hall, or is unfamiliar

with Goethe, that he’s just a useful idiot being employed by the elite. These are all unlikely, but

the important thing is what we think, and we should not be so easily persuaded by these

arguments. The debunkers would have us believe that this shape appears in the streets of

Washington by accident. I challenge anyone reading this to locate another, similar pentagram in

the actual street layout of a city, anywhere in the world, let alone one that is inverted with the

point ending on the head of state’s home.

I am aware of one building made in the pentagram shape near St. Peter’s Basilica in

Vatican City, which is another Illuminati capital, so that corroborates rather than disproves the

theory. In addition there is a large inverted pentagram in the Kazakhstan countryside, known as

the “Soviet Red Star” (copy-paste the following co-ordinates into Google Maps: 52°28'47.1"N

62°11'08.4"E). It was created during the Soviet era, the remains of a camp, not built into any

urban streets, but carved in the ground. This is not far from another curious Illuminati centre,

Astana, the newly redesigned capital city of Khazakstan (Vigilant Citizen, 2009). Like


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Washington, Astana is an example of a planned city, and also like Washington it is flooded with

Freemasonic symbolism. These pentagrams are better explained as part of the Illuminati’s plans

than as random occurrences. Remember that these are not found in the street layout of a city. I

have yet to see another city in the world that has anything comparable to the pentagram in

Washington D.C.

Morris asserts that the inverted pentagram was never associated with evil before Eliphas

Levi, so the designers of Washington D.C. could never have had such an idea in their heads

(Morris, p. 172). From previously claiming that there is no pentagram because the arm is broken,

now he is basically conceding that it is an inverted pentagram, but that this was not a symbol of

evil when they designed Washington D.C. Nothing to see here folks! Of course the fact that Levi

was the first to write about this aspect of the pentagram does not prove he was the first to know

of it. If we assume black magic is superstition and nonsense, then it would seem logical to

conclude that Levi simply made this up. But if we are considering a literal interpretation of the


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Bible, then black magic is contacting evil spirits, the fallen angels or the devil himself. This kind

of practice could extend all the way back to the mystery religions that were found in many

ancient civilizations. The rituals of these cults were kept under the strictest secrecy, under pain of

death. The fact Levi was the first to reveal this information may be related to the Enlightenment

liberalizing people’s views. In the 18th century there was a major revival of interest in the occult,

the so-called “Dark Enlightenment” (Granholm, p. 43). The debunkers and the whole system

always begins from the assumption that the Bible is not literally true, so when they argue that

something is highly unlikely, or even impossible, it is often from their incorrect worldview that

they have inferred this idea.

What we see is that they have people literally writing books, making websites, and likely

even trolling social media sites, all in an effort to debunk conspiracy theories. Its just a

transparent attempt to cover up the truth through more confusion. Brent Morris, 33rd °

Freemason, would not tell us, even if he did know something. Why publish all these books

telling us that you’re not a criminal organization. If not, why is there a giant inverted pentagram

in Washington D.C. pointed at the White House? Why is the military headquartered in a building

in the shape of an inverted pentagon, which produces another inverted pentagram (seen here in

the inner courtyard of the Pentagon building).


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The occult ruling class knows why these pentagrams are there. We can make some

educated guesses, using the Bible as a guide. Its the same reason an inverted pentagram is the

shape of the American Medal of Honor, the highest decoration awarded by the U.S. Armed

Forces, below 13 pentagrams in the ribbon. 13 is another highly occulted number, especially in

Freemasonry. This is probably because Christ had 12 disciples with Himself making 13, but also

because there are 13 names for the antichrist in the New Testament, although there are numerous

other wild theories, including the idea that there are supposedly 13 Illuminati bloodlines

(Missler, 1995) (Springmeier, 1998) (De Ruiter, 2015). America has 13 stripes on its flag, and it

began its history with 13 colonies. This too is by design, part of the devil’s plan. All of these

things are part of a plan and it all ties into Freemasonry and the Bible.


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If we start from a different perspective than the debunkers, try acknowledging that

another reality may exist that is greater than our understanding, we may be able to connect some

dots here. If the Bible is true, then that would change our view of world history considerably. In

the Bible, the devil is the ruler of this world, so that means the ruling class we see serves the

devil (John 12:31)(Psalms 2:2). This would line up with the idea of a global conspiracy that

stages events like the JFK assassination, the moon landing, and 9/11. It would also explain why

there is a giant inverted pentagram in the layout of Washington D.C., pointed directly at the

White House. This means the Biblical view of history is superior to the conventional view,

because it has greater explanatory power, with fewer unproven assumptions. The Bible being a

true revelation by God, telling us the story of creation from the beginning to the end, explains

everything we see, while conventional history has to endlessly debunk alternate theories, bending

over backward to preserve some kind of logical consistency. In order for the establishment to

maintain their overall worldview, they have to constantly debunk any conspiracy theory, but the

Bible explains all the conspiracy theories, as well as explaining why these evil people rule the

world: they serve the god of this world, the devil.


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