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A Boolprop Monster Mash Challenge: Chapter 5

Date post: 16-Jan-2017
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Page 1: A Boolprop Monster Mash Challenge: Chapter 5
Page 2: A Boolprop Monster Mash Challenge: Chapter 5

My babies are growing up so fast, it seems like only yesterday they were newly born and now they’re already learning to talk and walk. I still want one more but Branch said he has other plans, I don’t know what those plans are he’s being all mysterious

about it…

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I wish he would tell me what he’s up to, I hope he hasn’t reconsidered having five children, that would be devastating if he said four was all we’re going to have…I feel I need five to be truly happy. Doesn’t he understand my needs? He has his garden and I don’t tell him he can’t have one, so why is he not letting me have the last baby I want?

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My oldest is about to grow up, he will be starting school now, I can hardly believe it. I hope he finds lots of good friends there, other supernatural children like him would be a

big help I think.

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Jason discovered that he loves to read, my little Bookworm. I’m so happy he’s decided he likes reading. You can go to many more interesting places in books he has a world of

wonder awaiting him in books. He also wanted to become a Creature-Robot Breeder one day too.

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I did find out what Branch was planning, he had been out at that telescope every night looking for something he wouldn’t tell me what until now. He had been searching for aliens this whole time and one night he

finally got what he wanted and little green baby boy was found on our doorstep. Branch knew that his search had not been in vain; and he introduced me to Kelios. Kelios carried his alien father’s last name of Vajjer and I learned that he Hates the Outdoors and is Excitable. I will love him like any of my other children but he

cannot carry on the family since his last name is not Pryce.

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Soon enough my triplets were ready to join their big brother in school. Kylo became a Friendly little boy and wanted to have a Perfect Garden one day like his father.

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Aaron wanted to read and be like Jason, he too became a Bookworm. He told me that he would love to write books one day as an Illustrious Author. It’s a wonderful dream and I

want to read the books that Aaron will write one day.

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My only little girl Thera told me that she finds being up late to be quite peaceful, she became a Night Owl. When I asked her if she had any dreams she wanted to achieve one day she brightened up and told me that her trip to the theater inspired her so much that

she wanted to become a One Sim Band. My little girl has a talent for music.

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Kelios spent most of his younger years playing with his older siblings and I loved him to pieces, but I have that nagging feeling inside that I am still missing a piece of myself. I

had five children, though only four of them were mine. I feel awful for saying that, Kelios needed a mother as much as any of my biological children…

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He became a Perceptive little boy. He had a talent for magic and wanted to one day be known as a Master Magician.

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A few days before my adult birthday Branch surprised me with flowers and told me he hadn’t forgotten what I wanted and said he was going to give me that final baby I needed to be happy. I

was thrilled that he remembered I love that man so much. And when my final baby was born, my second daughter Elvira, I finally felt that hole inside me disappear. She was a Brave and Artistic little baby who loved Kids music, Cheesesteak, and the colour Lime like Kelios.

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Jason had been spending a lot of time star gazing like his father and one night while he was taking a break, something caught his attention and drew him outside, there were

strange lights in the sky.

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Jason told us that all he could remember was being hypnotized by the strange lights, he could not look away. Kelios simply smiled and said his daddy had come for a visit.

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And the next thing he remembered was feeling weightless as a beam of light came down from the sky and began to lift him into the air…

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He was gone for hours and I was afraid that the aliens would be mean to my baby boy up wherever they took him…

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It was raining when they brought him back, Branch was in the back cutting some gems that he had found and did not notice that Jason was ever gone. I asked Jason about it when he came in and all he said was that he didn’t want to talk about it. What did they do to my

little boy up there?

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But he did tell me that the alien said one more thing before he left: He was marked. I didn’t know what that meant, Kelios overheard us and he told us that it meant that they knew where to find Jason now and that they would be back for him when he was older. I don’t

know if I liked the sound of that…

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I put it aside for the moment, winter had finally arrived and soon we could all look forward to celebrating Snowflake Day. I never had one when I was a kid so I was really

looking forward to experiencing it for the first time with my kids.

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After all, isn’t that what Snowflake Day was all about? Being with family during the holidays, I wanted that more than anything in the world.
