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A Career in Healthcare: Why All Other Choices Are Not as Interesting

Date post: 18-Aug-2015
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A Career in Healthcare? Why healthcare is the most interesting and important career you can choose
  1. 1. A Career in Healthcare? Why healthcare is the most interesting and important career you can choose
  2. 2. Benjamin Resner BA Physics, Cornell 1990 Masters Degree from MIT Media Lab 2001 CTO & Co-Founder of Ambient Devices Pivoting to Healthcare. Why?
  3. 3. This is beyond AWFUL! What if other industries were run like healthcare? Why is this so bad?
  4. 4. We dont sell batteries here This Would be a Toy Store Perhaps uptown, but theyre closed now.
  5. 5. Fragmentation Why cant I leave my doctors office with a fresh bottle of pills? Why do I have to go elsewhere? No coordination between specialists and primary care. If I visit an ER in Florida, they know NOTHING about my medical history and my doctor knows nothing about that visit
  6. 6. This Would Be Airline Ticket
  7. 7. This Would Be Paying With Credit
  8. 8. Healthcare is Slow To Modernize Prevalence of paper records Privacy & Fear of Lawsuits are lame and tired excuses High patient churn means long-term benefits of technology investment will be reaped by someone else (see Fragmentation) Just because a doctor is using a computer doesnt mean theyre getting full benefit
  9. 9. This Would be Auto Repairs Ill let you know the cost when Im done
  10. 10. Immune From Market Forces Little correlation between payers and consumers. Little end-user price transparency (try calling hospitals for estimate of knee-replacement costs?) Few consequences for marginal care Little knowledge of outcomes for both patient and doctor.
  11. 11. Applebees is more advanced than ER! Managing rooms in ER Managing Tables at Applebees
  12. 12. Summary of Defects Fragmentation Slow to Modernize Immune from Market Forces Everything else has gotten so much better, theres more money to spend on healthcare
  13. 13. Path Forward Healthcare has a lot of low-hanging fruit no need to wait for tech to advance. Simply applying the last 20 30 years of technology innovation will yields huge benefits This is NOT a technical challenge. Weeklong iPhone Battery is a technical challenge. If we include actual progress in life sciences, then change becomes even more dramatic.
  14. 14. Role of Doctors Doctors are certainly important but their role will change. Team-based approach Will look more like airline pilots. Will come to accept centralized executive control with well-defined autonomy This transition will require contributions from lots of non-medical staff YOU! Challenges to healthcare will be solved by doctors as much as challenges to airlines were solved by pilots
  15. 15. HITECH Act of 2009 $25.9 billion to promote use of interoperable electronic medical records (EMR) Healthcare is only industry that has to be PAID to modernize
  16. 16. Other Careers? Lets take a look at other major career paths and their appetite for change WARNING: This is snarky!
  17. 17. Housing in 1800
  18. 18. Housing Today
  19. 19. Housing 2050? Yeah, right
  20. 20. Transportation 1950
  21. 21. Transportation Today
  22. 22. Transportation 2050? Yeah, right
  23. 23. Self Driving Cars OK, This is interesting! Combines technical AND design problems Also Zipcar, Lyft, Uber, Hailo
  25. 25. Energy Today Innovation means new sources of HYDROCARBONS (e.g. fracking) Innovation means new sources of HYDROCARBONS (e.g. fracking)
  26. 26. Energy 2050? Future depends on hydrocarbons becoming EXPENSIVE as much as it does on alternatives becoming CHEAP Future depends on hydrocarbons becoming EXPENSIVE as much as it does on alternatives becoming CHEAP
  27. 27. Air Travel? Concorde: 1969 2003 R.I.P.
  28. 28. Social Networks
  29. 29. Entertainment / Leisure Yes, lots of true innovation here!Yes, lots of true innovation here!
  30. 30. More Verticals Retail Food Defense Government Appetite for Change?Appetite for Change?
  31. 31. Closing Advice Find what you love to do (e.g. management, accounting, industrial design, robotics, etc.) Do this in healthcare because their hunger for innovation is the greatest. Youll be solving some of the hardest and most important problems facing modern society. Youll get to move faster than any other industry of commensurate size.
