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A case of atypical insertion of the levator scapulae

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Folia Morphol. Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 232–235 Copyright © 2006 Via Medica ISSN 0015–5659 www.fm.viamedica.pl C A S E R E P O R T 232 Address for correspondence: Dr. M. Loukas, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Department of Anatomical Sciences, St. George’s University School of Medicine, True Blue Campus, Grenada, West Indies, tel: 473 444 4175 × 2014, fax: 473 444 2887, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] A case of atypical insertion of the levator scapulae M. Loukas 1, 2 , R.G. Louis Jr. 2 , W. Merbs 1 1 Department of Anatomical Sciences, St. George’s University, Grenada, West Indies 2 Department of Education and Development, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA [Received 17 January 2006; Accepted 5 July 2006] Anatomical variations in the musculature of the spine have the potential to cause functional and postural abnormalities, which in turn could lead to chronic myo- fascial and skeletal pain. We present a unilateral case of a 71-year-old Caucasian female in which the left levator scapulae muscle gave rise to an accessory head that inserted, by way of a flat aponeurotic band, to the ligamentum nuchae, the tendon of the rhomboideus major and the superior aspect of the serratus poste- rior superior muscle. The innervation was provided by a branch of the dorsal scapular nerve. By exerting unilateral traction on the vertebrae and surrounding musculature, this unusual variation might have resulted in clinical consequences including scoliosis and movement abnormalities of the head and neck as well as myofascial pain syndrome. Key words: levator scapulae, serrratus posterior superior, occipitoscapularis, cervical musculature, scoliolis, myofascial pain syndrome INTRODUCTION For centuries anatomists and clinicians have been assiduous in their study of detailed anatomy, includ- ing variations in the human musculoskeletal system, and yet anatomical anomalies which have not previ- ously been reported in the literature continue to be found. In standard anatomical texts the levator scap- ulae is described as a band-like muscle, originating from the transverse processes of C1–C4 and insert- ing on the superior angle and medial border of the scapula [7, 10]. According to Bergmann et al. [2], the levator scapulae muscle is enclosed by two ma- jor connective tissue fasciculi, each with varied and independent attachments. These two parts have been classified in the following way by Wood. The dorsal fasciculus arises from the dorsal portion of the cer- vical vertebrae and inserts into the serratus posteri- or superior, the rhomboids or onto the spinous pro- cesses of the vertebrae [11–13]. The ventral fascicu- lus arises from the cervical vertebrae and runs down- ward to insert on the ventral surface of the subscap- ularis or serratus posterior superior. In addition, a fasciculus can arise from the mastoid process, run with the splenius capitis and insert onto the medial angle of the scapula [13]. Several variations on this pattern have been re- ported in the literature. Most commonly the levator scapulae may arise from an expanded or narrowed range of cervical vertebrae [2]. In addition, slips may extend to the temporal or occipital bones, the rhom- boids, serratus anterior, serratus posterior superior and the trapezius muscles [13]. Other variations in- clude extensions to the clavicle, first and second ribs and spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae. In many cases these variations consist of small bands of muscle or tendon that are clinically insignificant. However, reports exist in the literature which describe chronic upper or shoulder pain possibly associated
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Folia Morphol. Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 232–235

Copyright © 2006 Via MedicaISSN 0015–5659

www.fm.viamedica.plC A S E R E P O R T


Address for correspondence: Dr. M. Loukas, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Department of Anatomical Sciences, St. George’s University School ofMedicine, True Blue Campus, Grenada, West Indies, tel: 473 444 4175 × 2014, fax: 473 444 2887, e-mail: [email protected],[email protected]

A case of atypical insertion of the levatorscapulaeM. Loukas1, 2, R.G. Louis Jr.2, W. Merbs1

1Department of Anatomical Sciences, St. George’s University, Grenada, West Indies2Department of Education and Development, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

[Received 17 January 2006; Accepted 5 July 2006]

Anatomical variations in the musculature of the spine have the potential to causefunctional and postural abnormalities, which in turn could lead to chronic myo-fascial and skeletal pain. We present a unilateral case of a 71-year-old Caucasianfemale in which the left levator scapulae muscle gave rise to an accessory headthat inserted, by way of a flat aponeurotic band, to the ligamentum nuchae, thetendon of the rhomboideus major and the superior aspect of the serratus poste-rior superior muscle. The innervation was provided by a branch of the dorsalscapular nerve. By exerting unilateral traction on the vertebrae and surroundingmusculature, this unusual variation might have resulted in clinical consequencesincluding scoliosis and movement abnormalities of the head and neck as well asmyofascial pain syndrome.

Key words: levator scapulae, serrratus posterior superior,occipitoscapularis, cervical musculature, scoliolis, myofascial painsyndrome

INTRODUCTIONFor centuries anatomists and clinicians have been

assiduous in their study of detailed anatomy, includ-ing variations in the human musculoskeletal system,and yet anatomical anomalies which have not previ-ously been reported in the literature continue to befound. In standard anatomical texts the levator scap-ulae is described as a band-like muscle, originatingfrom the transverse processes of C1–C4 and insert-ing on the superior angle and medial border of thescapula [7, 10]. According to Bergmann et al. [2],the levator scapulae muscle is enclosed by two ma-jor connective tissue fasciculi, each with varied andindependent attachments. These two parts have beenclassified in the following way by Wood. The dorsalfasciculus arises from the dorsal portion of the cer-vical vertebrae and inserts into the serratus posteri-or superior, the rhomboids or onto the spinous pro-cesses of the vertebrae [11–13]. The ventral fascicu-

lus arises from the cervical vertebrae and runs down-ward to insert on the ventral surface of the subscap-ularis or serratus posterior superior. In addition,a fasciculus can arise from the mastoid process, runwith the splenius capitis and insert onto the medialangle of the scapula [13].

Several variations on this pattern have been re-ported in the literature. Most commonly the levatorscapulae may arise from an expanded or narrowedrange of cervical vertebrae [2]. In addition, slips mayextend to the temporal or occipital bones, the rhom-boids, serratus anterior, serratus posterior superiorand the trapezius muscles [13]. Other variations in-clude extensions to the clavicle, first and second ribsand spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae. Inmany cases these variations consist of small bandsof muscle or tendon that are clinically insignificant.However, reports exist in the literature which describechronic upper or shoulder pain possibly associated

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M. Loukas et al., Accessory levator scapulae

with deviations from the common pattern of originor insertion [6].

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) in the cervicaland upper thoracic regions is a common medicalproblem. The muscles involved include the trapezius,multifidi, the splenius cervicis, levator scapulae, su-praspinatus or infraspinatus [4]. Considering thedelicate mechanical balance required to maintainproper posture and vertebral column alignment,a muscular variation could lead to structural chang-es which in turn may lead to soft tissue skeletal pain.

We present a case in which the left levator scap-ulae gave rise to an accessory head with broad in-sertion by way of a flat aponeurotic band to the lig-amentum nuchae, the tendon of the rhomboideusmajor and the superior aspect of the serratus poste-rior superior muscle.

CASE REPORTThe variation was discovered during a faculty

prosection of the posterior cervical and upper tho-racic region in the Medical Gross Anatomy Labora-tory at St. George’s University School of Medicine

during the autumn semester of 2005. The anomalywas found in a 71-year-old Caucasian female whodied of pulmonary embolism. The specimen had pre-viously been fixed in formalin-phenol-alcohol solu-tion and showed no evidence of cervicospinal or tho-racic procedures or any other major musculoskeletalabnormalities.

During the dissection, the left trapezius mus-cle was detached from its origin and reflected lat-erally toward its insertion upon the scapula. Byreflecting the splenius capitis and rhomboidiusmajor and minor muscles medially, the levatorscapulae could be visualised. After arising from thetransverse processes of the axis and the posteriortubercles of the transverse processes of the thirdand fourth cervical vertebrae, the belly of the leva-tor scapulae split to form two distinct heads. Thelateral head inserted upon the superior angle andmedial border of the scapula. The medial, or ac-cessory, head initially travelled inferomedially, par-allel to the fibres of the splenius cervicis, beforewidening into a thick aponeurotic band, whichinserted broadly upon several structures (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Figure demonstrates the levator scapulae including the accessory head with its broad aponeuroticinsertion to the ligamentum nuchae, rhomboideus major muscle and the serrratus posterior superior muscle.A single star indicates the flat, broad, triangular aponeurosis of the accessory levator scapulae. A double starindicates the muscular head of the accessory levator scapulae.

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Folia Morphol., 2006, Vol. 65, No. 3

The most superior portion of this aponeurosis fusedwith the ligamentum nuchae at the level of C6 (Fig. 2).More inferiorly, the muscle inserted into the ten-don of the rhomboideus major as well as the fi-bres of the serratus posterior superior. The apo-neurosis of the medial head was tough and re-quired sharp dissection in order to expose the in-nervation, which arose deeply from a small branchof the dorsal scapular nerve. No other anomaliesor variations of cervical, thoracic or lumbar mus-culature were noted.


ough search of the literature is essential, not onlyfor comparison with other reports but also to deter-mine the appropriate nomenclature. Consideringboth the common origin of this muscle from thecervical transverse processes and its innervation by

Figure 2. Figure is a diagrammatic representation of the accesso-ry head of the levator scapulae. Clearly visible is the broad apo-neurotic insertion of the accessory head of the levator scapulae.

the dorsal scapular nerve, the authors have decidedto describe this structure as an accessory head ofthe levator scapulae.

The comparative study of musculature canpresent many challenges as a result of the variabilitybetween and within species, as well as the changesthat occur in functionality. Phylogenetically, the epax-ial trunk musculature may be considered as arisingfrom a single dorsolateral trunk muscle, the dorsalistrunci, which exists in fish. In tetrapods this trunkmusculature is reduced, possibly owing to the dom-inant role of limb musculature in the propulsion ofthese species. In this case the accessory head of thelevator scapulae appears to be reminiscent of thecostocervicalis in the Sphenodon [9]. Because of theirjagged appearance most of the muscles of this groupcame to be known as the “serratus” muscles. How-ever, the most anterior portion was termed the “leva-tor scapulae” according to its insertion and func-tion. The time frame in which this change occurredis difficult to pinpoint, but the transition probablycoincided with the appearance of a more developedpectoral girdle, as these animals slowly made theirexodus from the ocean.

Several authors have performed studies that haveexamined the normal anatomy and variations of thelevator scapulae muscle. According to Mori [8],a deviant slip can arise from the medial margin of thelevator scapulae, which runs medially and downwardto insert onto the spinous process of the second tho-racic vertebra, on the dorsal surface of the serratusposterior superior or on the dorsolumbar fascia.

Macalister also reported several variations for thelevator scapulae, including an origin from the tem-poral and occipital bones as well as a number ofpossible slips to various structures in the cervical andupper thoracic regions [5]. It is interesting to note,however, that none of the aforementioned authorshave described any cases in which the levator scap-ulae had a broad insertion by way of a thick apo-neurotic band. It is with this key difference that thepresent report becomes clinically significant. Just asthoracolumbar aponeurosis has the potential to af-fect spinal alignment, so too this large aponeuroticcomponent may lead to an increased likelihood ofdisruption of the normal curvature and stability ofthe vertebral column [10].

Although some anatomical data are present,there are few reports in the literature which addressthe clinical consequences of such variations. A studyby Menachem et al. [6] examined patients present-ing with a common clinical picture of pain over the

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upper medial angle of the scapula. In these patientspain radiated to the neck and shoulder but rarely tothe arm. Additionally, movements that stretched thelevator scapulae on the affected side aggravated thesymptoms. According to Menachem et al. [6], thissyndrome may be caused by anatomical variationsin the insertion of the levator scapulae and origin ofthe serratus anterior. Because of the post-mortemnature of our discovery we are unable to determinewhether the patient suffered from any complications.However, it is possible that in the present case thebroad aponeurotic insertion of the levator scapulaecould have led to MPS.

It is important to consider that there may bemultiple aetiological agents which can independentlycause the common symptoms of MPS, namely cervi-cogenic headache, neck and shoulder pain and de-creased cervical range of motion. Support for theanatomical basis of MPS derives from the study byFerrante et al. [3], who report that direct injection ofbotulinum toxin type A (BotoxA) into trigger pointsdid not improve cervicothoracic MPS. By using anagent known to cause muscle paralysis those authorshoped to gain some insight into the aetiology of MPS.The failure of BotoxA to relieve symptoms suggeststhat the symptoms are not myopathic and may, infact, be more structurally derived.

Further evidence for this theory is provided bythe study of Arokoski et al. [1], who employed a novelcomputerised soft tissue stiffness meter to evaluate,amongst other features, the levator scapulae mus-cle. Soft tissue stiffness values of the myofascial trig-ger points in the levator scapulae muscles were eval-uated bilaterally and a linear positive relationship wasfound between the indenter force and the dynamiccompressive modulus of elastomer stiffness [1]. Byusing this method to evaluate the present case, itstands to reason that the increased stiffness couldbe a direct result of the increased amount of fibroustissue present within the aponeurotic insertion ofthe levator scapulae.

Another study by Kung et al. [4] found that acu-puncture is a fairly effective method for pain reliefof patients with chronic MPS in the cervical and up-per back regions. Unfortunately, no data were pro-vided as to the degree of soft tissue stiffness prior totreatment. An interesting study might focus on

a combination of these two seemingly effective tech-niques in order to provide data regarding the rela-tionship between the degree of soft tissue stiffnessand the effectiveness of BotoxA or acupuncture intreating MPS. In view of the potential for clinicalconsequences and the various possibilities for treat-ment, it remains important to report unusual ana-tomical variations as they arise.


(2005) Feasibility of the use of a novel soft tissue stiff-ness meter. Physiol Meas, 26: 215–228.

2. Bergman R, Thompson SA, Afifi AK (1988) Compendi-um of Human Anatomic Variation. Urban andSchwarzenberg, Inc. Baltimore, MD. pp. 9, 18.

3. Ferrante FM, Bearn L, Rothrock R, King L (2005) Evi-dence against trigger point injection technique for thetreatment of cervicothoracic myofascial pain with bo-tulinum toxin type A. Anesth, 103: 377–383.

4. Kung YY, Chen FP, Chaung HL, Chou CT, Tsai YY, Hwang SJ(2001) Evaluation of acupuncture effect to chronicmyofascial pain syndrome in the cervical and upperback regions by the concept of Meridians. AcupunctElectrother Res, 26: 195–202.

5. Macalister A (1875) Additional observations on mus-cular anomalies in human anatomy (third series), witha catalogue of the principal muscular variations hith-erto published. Trans Roy Irish Acad Sci, 25: 1–134.

6. Menachem A, Kaplan O, Dekel S (1993) Levator sca-pulae syndrome: an anatomic-clinical study. Bull HospJt Dis, 53: 21–24.

7. Moore KL, Dalley AF (2005) Clinically oriented anato-my. 5th Ed. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore,MD, pp. 758–759.

8. Mori M (1964) Statistics on the musculature of theJapanese. Okajimas Fol Anat Jap, 40: 195–300.

9. Romer AS, Parsons T (1986) The vertebrate body.6th Ed. Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. Orlando, FL, pp. 287.

10. Standring S, Ellis H, Healy C, Johnson D, Williams A(eds.) (2005) Gray’s anatomy: pectoral girdle, shoul-der region and axilla. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, pp.836–837, 734–735.

11. Wood J (1867) On human muscular variations in theirrelation to comparative anatomy. J Anat Physiol, 15:44–59.

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