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A Case of Pulmonary Cement Embolism Managed through...

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Case Report A Case of Pulmonary Cement Embolism Managed through Symptomatic Treatment Alex R. Waler, 1 Kyle J. Sanchez, 1 Amay A. Parikh, 1,2 and Okorie N. Okorie 2 1 University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando, FL, USA 2 Advent Health, Orlando, FL, USA Correspondence should be addressed to Okorie N. Okorie; [email protected] Received 6 March 2020; Revised 22 April 2020; Accepted 21 May 2020; Published 5 June 2020 Academic Editor: Kenneth S. Waxman Copyright © 2020 Alex R. Waler et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Objective. This case describes symptomatic pulmonary cement embolism as a rare postvertebroplasty complication and highlights its critical yet ill-dened management. Background. Pulmonary cement embolism (PCE) is a feared complication of vertebroplasty in the treatment of vertebral fractures. While the majority of PCEs are asymptomatic, symptomatic PCEs often present with chest pain, tachycardia, signs of severe respiratory distress, and death. Computer tomography angiogram (CTA) allows visualization of cement within the pulmonary vasculature. Despite the well-established risk of PCE, clinical management is unclear with limited research on treatment options. Reported treatments include anticoagulation, embolectomy, CPR, and supportive care and observation. Report. We report the case of a 75-year-old woman who experienced shortness of breath, tachypnea, tachycardia, hypertension, and hypoxemia ve days following a corrective surgery for a compression fracture of L3 with pedicle screw xation, fusion of L2 through L4, and L2 vertebral body cement augmentation with polymethyl methacrylate. Results. Breath sounds were diminished bilaterally with respiratory alkalosis and hypoxemia evident on arterial blood gas. CTA revealed intravasated cement throughout the right lung, including the pulmonary artery and upper and middle lobar arteries. The proposed mechanism is embolization of cement particles from the lumbar veins, which also showed intravasation. Due to the inorganic nature of the occluding material, the use of a thrombolytic agent was ruled against. Treatment included bronchodilators, 3 L of oxygen via nasal cannula, and prophylactic antibiotics, pulmonary toilet, and incentive spirometry. Symptomatic management was continued until she was discharged from the hospital in a stable condition. Conclusions. Postvertebroplasty pulmonary cement embolisms can be managed conservatively, without the use of anticoagulant or thrombolytic agents. This case illustrates a variation of care for this rare presentation and adds to the sparse literature on the management of PCEs. 1. Introduction Vertebroplasty is commonly used to treat vertebral fractures. During this procedure, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cement is injected under uoroscopic or computerized tomography (CT) guidance resulting in the reduction or ter- mination of pain in 70% to 90% of cases [1]. During the pro- cedure, the cement maintains viscosity for an average of 20 minutes, according to the commercial product reports on PMMA [2]. The pliability of the cement during this time is responsible for its occasional extravasation into the venous system and spinal canal, which is a known complication of vertebroplasties. While leakage of the cement outside the vertebral body occurs in up to 65% of cases [3], pulmonary cement embolism (PCE) has been recorded to occur much less often, varying from 4.6% to 23% of cases [4, 5]. PCEs are believed to originate from cement extravasation into the basivertebral veins, which drain into the inferior vena cava (IVC) and ultimately lodge in the pulmonary capillaries. Cement inltration of the IVC is currently the only signi- cant risk factor associated with PCE [5]. However, the vascu- lar anatomy, the fracture pattern, the force with which the cement is applied, and the viscosity of the cement likely play a crucial role in the development of PCE [3, 6]. While the vast majority of PCEs are asymptomatic [7], clinical presentation can vary, with dyspnea being the most Hindawi Case Reports in Critical Care Volume 2020, Article ID 2425973, 4 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/2425973
Page 1: A Case of Pulmonary Cement Embolism Managed through ...downloads.hindawi.com/journals/cricc/2020/2425973.pdf · Case Report A Case of Pulmonary Cement Embolism Managed through Symptomatic

Case ReportA Case of Pulmonary Cement Embolism Managed throughSymptomatic Treatment

Alex R. Waler,1 Kyle J. Sanchez,1 Amay A. Parikh,1,2 and Okorie N. Okorie 2

1University of Central Florida College of Medicine, Orlando, FL, USA2Advent Health, Orlando, FL, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Okorie N. Okorie; [email protected]

Received 6 March 2020; Revised 22 April 2020; Accepted 21 May 2020; Published 5 June 2020

Academic Editor: Kenneth S. Waxman

Copyright © 2020 Alex R. Waler et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Objective. This case describes symptomatic pulmonary cement embolism as a rare postvertebroplasty complication and highlightsits critical yet ill-defined management. Background. Pulmonary cement embolism (PCE) is a feared complication of vertebroplastyin the treatment of vertebral fractures. While the majority of PCEs are asymptomatic, symptomatic PCEs often present with chestpain, tachycardia, signs of severe respiratory distress, and death. Computer tomography angiogram (CTA) allows visualization ofcement within the pulmonary vasculature. Despite the well-established risk of PCE, clinical management is unclear with limitedresearch on treatment options. Reported treatments include anticoagulation, embolectomy, CPR, and supportive care andobservation. Report. We report the case of a 75-year-old woman who experienced shortness of breath, tachypnea, tachycardia,hypertension, and hypoxemia five days following a corrective surgery for a compression fracture of L3 with pedicle screwfixation, fusion of L2 through L4, and L2 vertebral body cement augmentation with polymethyl methacrylate. Results. Breathsounds were diminished bilaterally with respiratory alkalosis and hypoxemia evident on arterial blood gas. CTA revealedintravasated cement throughout the right lung, including the pulmonary artery and upper and middle lobar arteries. Theproposed mechanism is embolization of cement particles from the lumbar veins, which also showed intravasation. Due to theinorganic nature of the occluding material, the use of a thrombolytic agent was ruled against. Treatment includedbronchodilators, 3 L of oxygen via nasal cannula, and prophylactic antibiotics, pulmonary toilet, and incentive spirometry.Symptomatic management was continued until she was discharged from the hospital in a stable condition. Conclusions.Postvertebroplasty pulmonary cement embolisms can be managed conservatively, without the use of anticoagulant orthrombolytic agents. This case illustrates a variation of care for this rare presentation and adds to the sparse literature on themanagement of PCEs.

1. Introduction

Vertebroplasty is commonly used to treat vertebral fractures.During this procedure, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)cement is injected under fluoroscopic or computerizedtomography (CT) guidance resulting in the reduction or ter-mination of pain in 70% to 90% of cases [1]. During the pro-cedure, the cement maintains viscosity for an average of 20minutes, according to the commercial product reports onPMMA [2]. The pliability of the cement during this time isresponsible for its occasional extravasation into the venoussystem and spinal canal, which is a known complication ofvertebroplasties. While leakage of the cement outside the

vertebral body occurs in up to 65% of cases [3], pulmonarycement embolism (PCE) has been recorded to occur muchless often, varying from 4.6% to 23% of cases [4, 5]. PCEsare believed to originate from cement extravasation into thebasivertebral veins, which drain into the inferior vena cava(IVC) and ultimately lodge in the pulmonary capillaries.Cement infiltration of the IVC is currently the only signifi-cant risk factor associated with PCE [5]. However, the vascu-lar anatomy, the fracture pattern, the force with which thecement is applied, and the viscosity of the cement likely playa crucial role in the development of PCE [3, 6].

While the vast majority of PCEs are asymptomatic [7],clinical presentation can vary, with dyspnea being the most

HindawiCase Reports in Critical CareVolume 2020, Article ID 2425973, 4 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2020/2425973

Page 2: A Case of Pulmonary Cement Embolism Managed through ...downloads.hindawi.com/journals/cricc/2020/2425973.pdf · Case Report A Case of Pulmonary Cement Embolism Managed through Symptomatic

common complaint in symptomatic patients. Other reportedsymptoms include tachypnea, tachycardia, cyanosis, chestpain, cough, hemoptysis, sweating, and even death postver-tebroplasty [6]. These symptoms often arise within 48 hoursof vertebroplasty, but delayed onset of dyspnea has also beenreported multiple days after the surgery or after discharge [3].Diagnosis of PCE can be made solely on chest X-ray withhigh density markings in the pulmonary artery distribution[4, 8]. However, the majority of clinicians opt for a CT scanfor its improved detail. The cement emboli appear on CTscans as radiodensities of more than 1,000HU (Hounsfieldunits), which differentiates this condition from the hypoden-sities created by thrombotic emboli [8]. With the majority ofPCE being asymptomatic, some clinicians recommendordering a routine chest X-ray and/or CT scan on all patientsfollowing vertebroplasty [7, 8].

While the diagnosis of symptomatic PCE can be easilyconfirmed by imaging, there are no standard guidelines onthe management of PCE, and the treatment selection is oftendependent on the severity of each individual case [7]. Treat-ment options include anticoagulation, embolectomy, CPR,and supportive care and observation. Anticoagulation is theelected treatment reported in most symptomatic cases [9],while asymptomatic cases are often treated conservativelywith symptomatic management and close clinical observa-tion [6]. For most symptomatic CFE cases, clinicians followthe standard treatment guidelines for thromboembolic pul-monary emboli by initiating anticoagulation with intrave-nous or subcutaneous heparin to bridge long-term oralwarfarin use for three to six months [6]. However, some casereports have shown that embolectomy drastically reducespatient morbidity and mortality [9, 10]. Postembolectomy,Tozzi et al. reported that the resected cement was almostentirely coated by thrombus despite the coadministration ofanticoagulation [9], which may argue the futility of anticoa-gulation. Still, others contend that the risk of death postem-bolectomy for CFE may not be worth its potential benefit[11]. Due to the mechanically occlusive and inorganic natureof cement emboli, the use of anticoagulation is based on phy-sician preference [12].

2. Case Presentation

This patient was a 75-year-old Caucasian female with noknown comorbidities who experienced shortness of breath,tachypnea, tachycardia, hypertension, and hypoxemia fivedays after an elective, corrective surgery for a compressioninsufficiency fracture of L3 with concurrent revision of previ-ous vertebral hardware.

The patient elected for revisional surgery following acompression deformity at the L3 superior endplate with lossof previous L3 pedicle screw fixation. Bilateral L3 pediclescrews were replaced as well as replacement of previous L2through S1 rods. At L2, the placement of new fenestratedpedicle screws was completed with the aid of fluoroscopicguidance. The methyl methacrylate delivery system was thenused to introduce the vertebral body cement through the fen-estrated pedicles. During the injection, a small amount ofcement extravasated anteriorly to anterolaterally on the right,

as visualized by fluoroscopy, and delivery was stopped. AfterCT confirmed acceptable placement of hardware, the screwswere connected, rods were cross-linked, and closing proce-dures were followed (Figure 1).

Despite adequate healing of her surgical site and no otherpostoperative complications, the patient presented on post-operative day five with tachycardia (106 beats per minute),hypertension (189/49mmHg), and rapidly desaturating oxy-gen levels (90% on room air). There were bilaterally dimin-ished breath sounds on physical exam, and the patient wasimmediately given oxygen via nasal cannula. Arterial bloodgas was notable for respiratory alkalosis (pH: 7.495, PaCO2:

Spin: –90Tilt: 0

Figure 1: CT showing the placement of hardware prior to closing.

Figure 2: CT angiogram showing cement emboli (arrows) in theright lung.

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32.8) and hypoxemia (PaO2: 55). Due to the patient’s appar-ent hemodynamic instability and respiratory distress, she wastransferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) with the pre-sumptive diagnosis of postoperative pulmonary embolism.

Diagnostic CT angiogram (CTA) revealed intravasatedcement in the right pulmonary artery, right upper lobarartery, right middle lobar artery, right middle segmental pul-monary artery branches, and multifocal areas within theupper subsegmental branches (Figure 2). The impression atthis time was embolization of cement particles from the lum-bar veins, which also showed CT evidence of intravasation.Additionally, mild bilateral pleural effusions and a rightupper lobe consolidation were noted.

Due to the inorganic nature of the occluding material andmild hypoxemia, the consensus of the multidisciplinary teamwas to not initiate anticoagulation for the patient. In additionto using routine pulmonary toilet and incentive spirometry,the patient was given nebulized albuterol and ipratropium,3 liters of oxygen via nasal cannula, and prophylactic cefe-pime and vancomycin. A positive airway pressure systemand analgesics were ordered for use as needed.

Symptomatic management with careful observation ofher vital signs and hemodynamic status was employedthroughout her stay in the hospital. On postoperative day 8,the patient was discharged home on room air with opiatesand nonopiate analgesics and instructions to follow-up out-patient in two weeks with neurosurgery.

3. Discussion

Cement pulmonary embolisms are frequent sequelae of oper-ations involving PMMA, such as vertebroplasties, that oftengo undetected due to their asymptomatic nature [7]. Symp-tomatic CPEs are less common, and their management iscontroversial and generally based on physician preference[12]. However, most reported cases of symptomatic CPEsare treated with anticoagulation [9]. Our patient presentedwith dyspnea, hypoxemia, and tachycardia on postoperativeday five, which raised a high clinical suspicion for acute bio-logical pulmonary embolism [13]. However, routine CTArevealed widespread cement emboli. The decision of whetheror not to use blood-thinning agents was difficult, and therisks and benefits of using blood-thinning agents were takeninto consideration. Since cement is an inorganic substance,the only theoretical benefit of using agents that manipulatethe clotting cascade is dissolution of thrombus deposited onthe surface of cement particles and to prevent new clot fromforming. It was decided that the risk of postoperative bleed-ing from anticoagulation or thrombolytic therapy was greaterthan the potential benefit. The physicians chose to treat withconservative, symptomatic management. With three days ofsupportive care and observation, the patient recovered andwas discharged home without acute ramifications.

By treating conservatively, the risk of postoperativebleeding from anticoagulant or thrombolytic therapy waseliminated, and the patient avoided undergoing an invasiveembolectomy. The case adds to the sparse literature on themanagement of symptomatic CPEs and helps illustrate thatsupportive care alone is an effective treatment modality

[14]. We cannot draw any conclusions on the long-termprognosis of conservative therapy or risk of recurrence basedon the acute resolution of her symptoms alone. Additionalstudies are needed to investigate any potential long-termcomplications of cement pulmonary emboli, especially inpatients treated with anticoagulation versus symptomaticmanagement, in order to develop guidelines on the standardof care for a CPE.

Data Availability

No data were used to support this study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.


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