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Date post: 23-Jan-2021
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ROME LIFE IN CHINA. ?? DEASTELL8 0F THE CELESTIAL .EMPIRE AND ITß INHABITANTS. Ail r«ri»t»tn«»r« Recat-ded with CoBtetmr·.. Tb· ?»?«»!?·-» anil Their Trratoient.No Railroad« t?« MlMlonary. Ih·. IVas. of this Bear, who for eight veers Bad chare« of a hospital near Fo.» Chow, China, had an interested ««*t of listeners in Colonel t"nt»haw's office Friday night, to whom ho related som«* of th* «-uoer tnan- 0*rs on I custom* of Ihe people of tho Flowery K»ng«l.iin. This gentleman was bom in R.chmow!. gra«luated at the Vir¬ ginia >î«*dioril College, and was ono of ths tret doctors who bad charge of Ihr city ambulance. He has travelled over the whole world, both l»y land and a«"., and *7ii»it4»d China Iffor«» when ? l«oy. In tho first part of his talk tho Doctor told of how all Chinees phvi.-ians carry in addition to thoir iustmmonta a case of Boodles of all sizes, in which thoy have front faith and uso «-nito fri-<iti"ntly. Arcedlo insert« «1 in tho stomach is ro- frarde«! as asuro curc-f-.r colic, and fre- «qnoatly has tb< «liv«;r.d offoct. oram ß t setmi.ts. Tho Mongolian phv«< itins will Insert Bumorousneedlos near tin» i«»int of a Ice af¬ fected I»v rhonroati.ni. Îhov thon «?tt???? the snbject to walk. The i.ationt will howl with pain, but the «!«.ci..r will toll him it rlooa not hurt sn'i to stop yelling. Thoir firmness to a trn-st degree ovoroomos tho Buffering of thf ir victims and a permanent rur« offen results after tho iiocdli-s aro withdrawn. Tho Chinese «loctors, continnod the Barrator, havo an ettensivo pharwacopia. Thoy heve a or··«)·· «aloBiel, BB1BR1BI minorai preparations nnd an infinite va¬ riety of vegetable .»«.asedia·, in tho use of which they an- «¡nn«' skilfuL 'l'ho moilical m«u hl re cr<fit fnith in pincrcr f«»r fovrr and altaos« ¿variably pro- aenbo it. Thoy are mat believers liLop- posites. and favor cold remedies fora 'Tiot Biekni -«s" their nume for f«-v« r. OTTTSID« llAltllARIANS. The Chinese, tho T»oct«»r went on to say, hardlv know tho «liff« rene.« hot we. ? an Am» riean, Englishman. Frenchman, or Getman. AU f mimi in Hi it lsnsns«B ere "outside barbarian*-. " and ns such aro looked down upon with tho utmost con¬ tempt. Ho wss sure that tlio Mont*oliiin«>as a class wore a very dirtv race. Thoy attach no importance whatever to cleanliness, bnt on their pari ilio Chinees think the short ««al of the man and th« tight-fitting dr»»«w of the woni'tn. showing tin» contour of her form, the height of indeconov. Tho Cuín«-·»«· woman. Ihe.r mo-lei of propriety, always weiir-i n loose carmçnt which pive« no suggestion of the form it if» intended lo hide, tho foot alone beiag exposed to «new. asnusn sr-rrixyrNTS, There is. wild the speaker, noir each lar?e citv in China what m known asa " coneaesion," whi< h is really tho English quarter. Tho 1.ml.lines in those nro on a Bnacniflceiit scale being of brick, «-tone, and like material·» The ¦ ofl'-n extend for miles alone suiw-rb rtissta The whole air of those " concession·." is on«» <>f onnplote- ??*.? and solnlitv. Tho (»round of th«·»»· BBsnaSJS to the Chinese empire, which con¬ cedes it to ihe Knrli*«h for u nominal annuel consideration, in fiio» an amount BOSBSaU that it is hardly worth mentioning, really intonde«! an tvl-nowl« dgment that the land belongs to China. Tur.:« lanoi-aoi. Tlie Chines· ??a??« for their dialect, which is easily l.nrned, ini'ans, "The Ian» lanea of tht« Mi«ld!e Kingdom." This mime is given throBSjh th· eonc.it of the na'ivos, who whorf thev draw a map of tho world make a l->»g roan«! spae«·. That Cluni». The* then make ? whole lot of little dots ull around. These are tho other coiuitri»-s. There are numerous «balecf-» indigenon·» to the vari.ms part«» of the countrv. Most of the Chin-unon ID this country com«. from Hone KoBff, and are l.y no means fuir rspSeseatatlTi s of th« ir r¡i«-e, who are g«-ne- rally short aud s«iii:itty. WAi.i.rn riTir-s. There are no railroads in China. Thev c>uld hardly be run. an each city is walled in. Dr. l»avis paid that to nt to Hone, Kent» from where «S lived ho had to come down tasT«Bg tn l*lanf river crn miles and then nuil down the <-",'ist for three (lavs. The ««ut'Stioii was «ft«n BBBed why it was that the BBUTT missionaries sent to China ha«l made f..i fitte«lBipr BBSBBOB the people. There it nothing StrsnM in this, ho said, when it is retín lnl.f-r·· I thai tli-· population of the empire is nli'.ut ,·>?5,()(??.(?)0. The country is the most populous in the world, boi ?·* ¿nulo BP «? uiimbt rs of cities not far Iront olio aimtli« r. The inner and western portion <»f the empir«· is unknown land to tbo missionaries, who seldom pea et? ate it. The native portions «»f th«» cities are very uiirepoescssiui,', lteing mostly bam- boo huts. ormi not WA»mtn. The better people anione tho tVlostinls. Dr. ivas said, «redeadlv opposed to opium, which wa« t?··?1\· forced «in thorn by th« English Oovornment. Tins he explain«··! was on account of a jrrovision tit it ned tn the treaty mide with F.nplan«l at the conclusion of the last war-in IK".·». Tho Knj»lish Government insisted that all tho opium from India should be curried to China, Tho latter was ptostiats and was bound t.» ace. pt. (if coiirso after the drug was hroucht to Cmna there were nume¬ rous merchants willinc to buv it and live on tho deiiravitv of th· |·«««»pie. It was this same overhearing policy of F.nglatid that led her to take possession of th«· islands of Boag Koac aud Hingapuro, to which she had no earthly ri»,-ht. Tho I>«»ctor hope· to revisit China at aome future time. OYSTEI^LEGISLATION. Sncc<-*ti·'!» tliat a Btistnoss-TBen's Corn- in I»« .... lie Appointed. Governor McKinnoy is giving the oyster industri-, one of th·· most intricate sut»- ioctsof legislation with which the Virginia law-makers bara to deal, his most earnest attention and in addition to what he has observed personally is in correspondence with a i;reat number of gentlemen well .posted in this mutt« r. When the I.e..·¡.-.hituro meet« again he will doubtless make some suggestions lodk. ing to having tho BNBBBt laws amended iu Several particulars. It is BBBinasOOd to bo tho Governor's idea that the (.onerai Assembly should appoint a commission of tho best???????· men in the State, to bo paid a reasoutble amoun! for their services, to take charge of the survey of the oyster-grounds aud consider nil «ittc-tions connected therewith aud Bulinili tneir report. BJQ GOBBLERS AND SMALL BANTAMS. Annual Inhibition of th· rotiltry and riiroon Aasoclatlon Next Tuesday. The onnu; I eshibition of tho llic.hmond Poultry und l'igeon Association com. snenc«es on 'Tuesday next at tcil west Uroad etrvx't. and will continue until tho lüth of the month. The entries show that fowls from many other States l.esiil«»-. Virginia will be on ex¬ hibition, and in large numbers. Among the barn-yard birds which arrived yester¬ day were a pair <>f ¦aannseaat türkcs, which were raised by Major A. w*. fjarbar. Beveral bantams, whose size was iu singu- lar contrast with tho turk.-vs, made the air quite noisy with their shrill erowings. The association has secured the use of «the poultry coops belonging to the Agri- cultural trJociety, and thefowls will be care¬ fully cared for. Harton lUstrr« In th« ll.. r.lu of I'rlntln»; and KtiyravlB»*. A novel use of the Hurton electric beat¬ ers is to bo made in tbe Government l>u- reau of Printing and Engraving, in wsah. tngton city. It may not bo generally known that the platt« from which bunk note« are printed have first to lie warmed when the ink uirubled into tho cuts after tbe manner of printing visiting cards. The ink is then <·!·¦;·.u ·! off th· face of the *ate while bot and the iui|>ressi<m Ufcia retofore «a*-stovos huve been used for tpurp<»B*«if Warnung ihese plate«, but 'ctions to these are many and ??·??·??· in order that no radical «hanget» .«Id be made in tbe shape of ths siiitul« Sow used, aud to which tho op rntivei r*b.oaieacou»t«-med.the electno-heat- , laresoconstrucU'dastoiltuitoiJiespaces ccupied by the gaa-stuves. The heaters wer«· etipt^edto Washington resterday by express. Hwiird, Kaeh ami Bolt I'r«SMBBBBI Mr. N. J. Smith, deputy commander *-»od Arni y Kepublic. accompanied by riîr , ¦*orlon. *id caiqp ou the staff f tlie Commander ?a Chief; and ? ?«ao¬ ja, «wmmander-elect of Phil. Kearney .?ortjJuÄ1*d í*rrttgut Poet. No. 1. of PorU- pwth, ««rw-Year'a ni-fht, and parUnpated tntheinetal'tion of the oftWr· .f that Feat, Commander Smith being tbe install. ^^r^L ,Aro»yeJ »«..'t >«ae waa estead. .' «ad to the «Tiaitiiii» comrad·.-· : und an elabo- Bate banquet waa «oread after the rexnilar «?ß-eaBoaifts of the «veoin« wer. con- mander fimttb. Thcso artirles were the Rift to Commander Wheeler after hiaele- vhtion I" tlie jtosition of a Br«>oklyn com¬ rade, who wa» earned off ti««· battle-field .»f Aiitietsm on tlie ba<»k «f tl«o rvptain. It wa» preoertfxl to tho Depaty of Virginia by the widow o{ tliet»x.il«'i>nty commander. Commander Smith will have tho pleasure an«! h«»ü«»r of retsiniDi· it <»?.t for tho bal¬ ance of tbe i«sii.»il"f his term.two months. THE ACADEMY AND THEATRE- .Utrootteas Hooked for th* «Took St tbo Two Hun«»··. Miss Nellie Mrrienry well rcmemberM «»m· «.? tlie bricht lights "f Salisbury's Troubadour», with thii-h organization »he won favor for her clever eoBaedy work. The play which she now brini;» to tit» Mo¬ zart Academy for the first tuno is deseribld as a romantic melodrama, tho scene· of which ar» Uid on th·« border» of BuataeiB California and Mcx.co. Mi·»» Mellenrv ap. pear» ia five r.'tlrt: WUd Kose, known as "Chain Lightning"; Franlaia (»ret-hen, a Overman emigrant ; Cbarlay lieefcr. a Mexican »ailor; Carlotta, an Italian »treet- sincer and the heirca» of tho Oolcond* mine. In euch »lie »in¡_»« appropriate oongs and íntrodu«**·» proitv dances. The »ocond act Is in Mexico, and something new and rich in stago-scttings promised in it. The eeoner.v was painted frömtvpical Moxi- can ranch.·». The company include» .John Wel.-«ur of tbe Tr.nihiidotir*. Jsmea Mao¬ ri ady. Joeer Qtowott, und Stella Han·. M:«» Mellenry's en^a^ement is for three nights, commencing to-morrow, and in¬ cludes a "Wednesday matinee "tp? wirs." This well-known and popular drama will be presented nt tbe Academy of Mu»ic next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday by tbe Lyceum trmip under the mauagoment of Danni Frohmnn. The play is one tliat appeal» chiefly to the cub iratod HBW, yet it na» a simplicity and artlessness thnt can he undegetood ut once and bus rendered it popular. "The Wife'will be st.ic.ci with all the art »tu calcuhition of the Lyceum people, and the company strong. ?????'...? MATCH. On Monday und Tuesday nights Meaara. Evan» A Hoey Brill aj»i»«ar at the Theatre m their amusing comedy " A Parlor Match," which was .seen in thi» city nl- itiii«! two year« ago. Since then the pia* ha» been somewliat chnngod, but is utili sani to be as eujoynhh» a.» erer. In the character of "Old Ho»«," tho tramp, Mr. Iloey ba» a part which is ex¬ clusively his own. Mr. Fvans, the book-acnt, is in quite a different style, DBl ««iiiully fanny. Tho three English Blatera, tho Ifieeee Ler·*,are entona 'he noweltiee and are highly eulo«ize«l not only for their beanti aad !'ra«.fnl figure·, bat also for their musical ? ml dancing accomplishments. "They'reAfter M«·," Mr. ll.n-v's topieal I »ong, spoken of BB very amusing und always exciting nancb enthasiaetn. On Monday muht t enrtaia will rise puni-tnallv nt s to enable parties to attend the lticnnniiil cernían. BOBEKT HOW NINO. Robert Downing. ti¡<» Anierieaa trage- dian, will upp. ar at tb· Theatre on next Wtedaesday/ in two prriormanc. s. At the matinée will be .-"'««? in Naunos's tiagedy "The OlacUator," in which part he hns a great rerratation. At tho evening performance be arili prodaoe his new play, 'Tho Sara .en." the work of the elder Dumas, said to be one of In» etrosigeet plays. Tii" characters ore all new, Mr. Downing's being that an Arabian alare. The eoatainee worn in "The Baracen" are said to add greatly to the beaatytjf the production. Thoae worn hv Engenie lilaire. tin· leading lady and a great favorite here, are the productions of the milliners of I'urLs. The scenery in by Bearer. Friday and Saturday the drama of "Hagland's Way." I ..it llnth Money anil Tickets. Several «lays ago a Floyd countv officer armed with· requisition arent toltaleigh cotiuty, W. Viu. aft« r uman who is charged with murder. Friday, about time for the officer to Mart home with his prisoner, Governor MoKin- my reeeired the following telegram " I inn beta with laoeaaa I. mona liav·· lost in\»tieketeand money. Fleas«· furnish traus- portstion at once." Ilio Chi »apeak.» and Ohio road, nt the reqneel of the (iorernor, wired him trans¬ portation t » Lynehbarg, and the Norfolk and Western road proTided for him irom thut point to Chn.stiannburg. Thank«. The Young Lndiesi' Auxiliary of the col- ored Young Men's Christiaff Association tali·· th: » means «>f thanking Mr. (inn«, the manag« r <? the house of A. Kaks ? Co., for the relinchón oa the clothes bought for the color.d orphana and his liberal gift of nice hats for each of them also t" Messrs. Held ? Thiilhiiin r for their liberal reduc¬ tions and articles given. I a wrimsKr. aa« a netwiUfut Sicht In Star· for th· Public. For soto timo past a mystery has hung around Ee«fei*S conn-r that has excit« d t¡:o curiosity of thu olded habitues of that popular restaurant. WiO.l-workors, <le. corators. picture-hangers, t»nd iipho'.etercrs have been seen to step in und out of a door that connects the centlemon'sdining- room With th»· Hank-street building, or what is sanara distinctively as the Baeeer building. WR that door has been sonled save to those who had tho oven sesame m the shape of some tool employed id skilled workmanship. WILL BT REMOVKP. On Monday, however, the seal will be. removed and reveal a sight that will both surpris;; and dolifht tho public. Yettter- day a Jhspaictt representativo was furnish¬ ed a wand of entrance and accord"! a "privato view" of what are truly these m«»«t artistic effects in tho form of dining- room additions to Mr. Rueger's establish¬ ment. , CXm ??-?????ß. Passing through the door mentioned one enters a eosv littlo hull. Opening Upon this hull to the right aro two doors, each leading into a room about 12x1«; feet, lioth of those rooms are sumptuous in every a|w pointtnent from *ho velvet carpets, which are in subdued tints, to the delicate deco- rntions of the walls and ceilings, the silypr chaudeliirs. th* luce urtnins and the rich lambrequin« that drape the windows, and the costly furniture. On tho walls of one of those rooms are pictures of action BBC» BjestiTS of tho chase, and «a thoat of tho otner ore ftill-lifo pictures by Ooodwin of game and fruit«. The general ofiect of each room is that of comfort combined with eiijuisito harmony and tasto. OVLT BUG« G???VE. Butas elegant as these apartments are they arc only faint hints of tho lieatitiful seno that bursts upon one's vi «ion apofl ent«-nng tho big room on tho left. This is a chrf wmemt of the decorator's ami «p. bolstever*· art. Th'.· apartment is ab trai lax:>0 feet and will s«-at BOBM twenty-five per-ons. ? lie carpeting is of the same ma- teriil and subdued tints us that «if tho ¦BMtllss rooms, and from tho chair-board r- . a chromatic scale of Harmonious colors that finally mere,· in tho soft blend¬ ing cloud effect of the ceiling. FIRST OP ITS CHAKACTKB. The wainscoting is in p'astieo reJicco.the first work of that character ever dono here.and is of light-blu··, gold, and ivory toae. Above this is tho panel iu ivory, which is surmounted by a Inez«· of the t-aiuo stvl·', and oral tho frieze and in bar. in« nv aita it in relief, tracery, and colorine the cornice coves to tbo folline. The ceiling picco proper a panni, ths long linos of which t?? parallel with the length of tho room ami break into olips.s. while fro;,i fttjixxg into the eloud- bleinle I centre of the panel are fruit and flower «naes, apoa wBieb are poised bird·· and butt« rthe.s. The reliefs of the ? as'f-i- rv*n>vowork the fri««· are bunches of gni|?· sand vino-, m nrale-«|Uecurv«»s. Th«» panel expanses of thc*WulIs ar·· brokSB l»y exquisite nul expeasire landaeape steh» ines, the chandeliers nr·- ol silver, and tho portieree, trortains, and bunbret|uins of tlie richo*t texture. When lighted up tho room prodaces the impressioa of qaiet Bplendor and sabdned ndiaai ·. The «l«-«>ruti<»iis aro the work Mr. Htiuiol, of tbo Southern decorativo Company. Al.t-IMI-ORTAVT. Hut tho nll-iinportiiut tuet is that thi situation below stairs in Mr. Uuegcr's es. tahli-linu-ìit hariiioinz«s with tho main | .aceeetion abort stair- that suggestion is a Lucullean feast. Mr. William Bnecef can spread one. This addition to his reetauraat the latesl development of a btutaeasetturtedbr his latheroa Hucgor's em ner, Ninth and Hank Htreets, aearly half a century a^o. aud which has kept paco with tho growth of the city and tho demand for the best, of ac«3omiaodationa. Raeger's has an enviable reputation all over the country rs a ladies' an«! gentle- men's restaurant, and that reputatioa is richly deserved. It has been won by stri« t attention to btudaess, by spiag on hand every delieucv the market affords, and by serving these delicacies in a stylo that cannot I.«« excelled. Ihe three rooks of the establishment, of which thu well- known Josso Washington is chief, yield the pillili to mine, and Mr. Baeeer, (is his business shows, has proved himself a «Staa¬ tes ..? tin· ait af oatetiag. His house is supplied with th«» choicest of foreign ami domestic wines aad liquors· his assistants Bad waiters lire drilled t«> perleition, anil he begins the aew year pr«-paru«i toaerre tho general public aaJ private partie· in apartments and with a bill-of-iuro that Bliebt be the envy of any city. Tho now addition bus a separate entrance on Hunk fitre-t, which leads to the 1..I.Ì.·.· of tl;· rooms, and from Uto · o'clock to-morrow tho rooms, which aro especially dmign- od for privat·- parties, will be open for in¬ spection by tho friends of the ostablisii- nitut. A PIÓSE rit INSTITUTION AtMt tbo Ortrtlfjrlnij· Sneeoss It ?a· Vet TTIth. The corporationn tliat stimulate tho de- Telopmemt <>f a city end confer benefit» on others than those who ore directly Interest- ed in their «nccoss are tbe corporations that are entitlod to be classed "institu¬ tions" of a community. Such a corpora¬ tion » the Richmond Perpetual building, Loan and Tm»t Company, tho pioneer company of its character in the coniniuri- ty. Thi» company was chartered in 117·. and by careful, conservativo management ha» not only proved a good investment for it» stockholder!·, but lia« been a most im¬ portant factor in building up Richmond and the i:>«;«.:hborin;r. city of Manchester. It« |»olicy ami financial plan have enabled many to posses» homos who without its aidcoald ii"t have done so. The company has during the last year paid a dividend of 10 per cent, to it» stock¬ holders, side· adding to its surplus», and at the last meeting of the dire tor» it wae determine.1, in comnlianee with a public demand for i m stock, to issue a new of a limited number of «hares. Thi» ex¬ cellent opportunity for investment Bap be taken advantage of bv applying at the company's office. No. 1?0 esst Main street, where the subtjeription-books aro nowf open. The reliability of this old com- pany is vouched not in least part by the'following list of officers Directors. E. L». Starke. Sampson iïirsb, John J. Wright, John E. Hankin», Philip O'Neill, T. Wiley Davi». D. Mitteldorf. r. N. R. Ravage, Henry Kosenheim, Albert Crei titrée, Isaac Tbàlhinier, Joseph Wal- lerstein. and William Heiler. Präsident, ?. I). Starke: Viev-Prr.-iident, O. Mitt!. dorter; OBenler, William Lorensteln. Trustee».Julina Strana, William J. Weet· w od, und R. B. Car.flln. Solicitor, Wil¬ liam ¿Hyson. THE LUCKY GUfcSSER. Ml·· Nannie Separi; Draw· "The Boston " Turnout. The Boaton'e committeoof award met at that establishment ycRterday at U oclock M. to decide the contest for the pony turn¬ out. ? he number of marbles waa IM aad there were fourteen contestants whoguesn- .d correctly. First t he parties drew for priority in draw- in·.: for the tnrnont, the names being called In order an Iha« appealed in tho WajwaiBBnfl Times. Mi.»« >.'uinie S.^park not being present the last nambertell to her. sin» In a lew mint''.·». WBB the last to draw, nn 1 drew the envelope with "pony turaoat" eocloeed. Bhe was the smallest an l roangeet among the contestant·», and ia a daaghter of Mr. II. A. Separk, of KM east Mein Street. The turnout w:is at once delirerad to Mis» Sat'.'irk in the pre·· eneo of .Mr. Jamee A. Gentry and Captain W. (?. Wall· r, of the committee. Tho happy and acoca tei little gasasi r wae ae> companied by !ipr eonain, Mr. W. K. I. Rasa, and the couple drove off amid enthu¬ siastic cheer» and good wir.hes. A Neir Kenl Rítate. Firm. Tlie firm of Carnea! ? Cftyle may sound a little new toron at tirsi, but }nat give them a little tim.· and they will show to the public what kind of jMtenal they Bromado of. Mr. J. D.«Cai*nealaaehad about fifteen v'-.ir·' .v.'. ri nee in the bnJlding busint·»». and «it th·« «nine time handling and dealing in real estate, which gives him ? knowledgo that very few have. Mr. J."Bidiiylo's e-.perioncn with Messrs. Button tir Co. for about nine year» ha» given him a name of hebte "ne of the best ooQeetoretobe found. They have f·.n·» into business not for the fun of it, but with th· determination tosaeceed. Now if von want t<» m| vourshr.reof theeredHof tiieir success just giwg them some of your property to handle. That ia all they ask. Mn«lc-Boxes nt Krilnrtlnn. Every Ifmdo-Boi in ur house has been reduced in order to ¡li-, -¦·· of the haar* stock left over from our holiday go tâe, Wai.tiu D. afoaaa «v Co,, 1005 Main streit, opposite post-offico. ? HI-.- Kr.lui-Hnn. Wo have made a big reduction in onr underwear of nt least :jj pee cent, on »omo gradea ria.? *2 goods now *?..??: tLAO now .·?1 : M now 7m. Wo cannot duplicate them at these prices. Aeoot Scurfs reduced from $1 to 5üc.; Fulls BjLOO to il. OoBsrsnu bnoTiinis. Too Many Muslr-Boxe«. Now is tho time to pet a Music-Box cheap. We havo marked all down to re¬ duce our ßtoek. Walteb D. ??ß?? ft Co., 08 Main street. Onrilonsvllle Kenl l»tnte. The firm of Fuldier ?" I.innov. Gordons- vill.·. Va., are prepared to buy and »ell lands in that growin : town. Give them a call. I Ne Risk ?a Thla. There is no safer investment to be found anywhere than good Richraond and Man- ch««»sU'r real estât«. There never was a more edvaDtagnous time to buy than the present. Mr. James B. Klirr., one of the most progressive real estate men in tho city, baa as nice an assortment "f ·*'* in¬ vestments as can be found, involving abso¬ lutely no riek. Mr. I Jam and his two as.*ov»iates, Messrs. L. M. Blanton and 0. H. Fuusten. are all comparatively young mon, whoso standing in the community is surpassed by none. Ä Old People are made to feel twenty years younger by Dr. Wilford Hall's Treatment. Try it, and stop taking medicine. _ HI« Ninth street, Tprlfht Piano »largaln* deverai moro have wo to offer. Walter D. Moses <fc Co., 1003 Main street, opposite post-office. Cabinet l'liotocr-»pii«. .1.35 Pra Dozz.«i~A Woan ntoB Blah ft Co. Rome wcks a-jo wo advertí tod to mako our fine fdA per dozen Cabinet Photo¬ graphs at il.89 for a period of fifteen days. but owing to tlie tremed,»us rush which ensued and which far exceeded our expec¬ tations we were compelled to resume our regular pnces a week sooner than was ad¬ vertised, »n ostieri givo aftrw of thennm-: 1>.T who were turn··«! away disappointed a chance we will commonco on to-day aud continuo until January tith to mako «itir BJ per dozen Cabinet Photographs for »§1.39 per dozen. BLaju- «t Co., 305 east liroad street, .-1--».»»». Major f.arbcr in New Quarters. Major A. W. Oarbcr, WBOSS Transfer and Goueral linilroad and Hto.-unsh.p Tickot- oilie. was for many years at the corner of Main nnd Tenth stroot«-, lias moved into the commodious building No. »301 east Main, where, with Intn-aassd fäeiUtias. he is aldo to oiler tho trnvcllint* public hotter accom¬ modations than over before. Tb· offices1 ar«· arranged with every conveniein-e. The ticket «f· partaient is under tho charge of Mr. William T. Darde.n, a «gentleman of long exjiirienc«) in the baainass. whoso knowledge of travel mutt.·!*, is second to nono in tho business, and who is over ready to givo information to all seeking it. .Tancer. To B. P. P. (Botanic Blood Beim» bs« b»f»n «Iren the credit of uurmtr ibat terrll.lo srmpiom of beredltary blood-pntson calle 1 etute: r. Allan (iront, »»parta, Oa. «.ritee: "A painful sore came on my lin ti hl ti was pronounced epl- tì:f-il»l f-ancer by jimnilnrnt phvs'.clíin*. I «l«o much I'Mn stiJ creai wnaltn«»«» in my bn<-s. Klebt dottles of II. It. I!. Sealed til* sor··, gave me »«r^iigtb, and rasilo mu well." O. F. Krtllar. Wrtebtsviilo. (J.v. wrtto«: " B. B. B. <s curing aa Blear i>u my nc-au e«l«l by all u> be a canoe r. .lames A. druer, Athens, (¡.-v. writ«*«: "For ten years I havo bsm. it staffer·* from a cancer on mr fsce, which dl3cb».rged offensive in ..tier. Not-iing I trtfil pave relief. Finally I gfive H. B. H. a trial. The disr-hari:·. gradually de- ereaeed snd tan cancer grew less until not» íbero Is nothing left except a n-ar." Kocli's I.ympli and ThcnnpeotT» Bromrne and Arsenic Spring Water ar· eliciting more attention from phyul- clar.s and invalids at present than tbe public bave any Idea of. TUO curo» ero nim ,st miracu¬ lous. POI«! MlLI.BB A CO. Mead· ? nailer's Carbnlio Moiith-Wn»*», a delightful toilet article, pleasant to the taste, puriflua tbe breath, and prevent· decay of tao teeth. Prepared only by T. ItOBSHrs Bakrb, Pharmacist, »lSeast Mala street Bold by druggists generally. rhllll])»·» Digestible Cocoa produe»*, a fooling of lightness an 1 b loyaocy as agnlusi that of wuleht. headache, and depre»- sloa, so common with the ordinary cocosa Your druggUt sad groeor havo 1:. Don't Negiert That Coutxh, but lake st odco Dr. David's Cough Syrup be¬ fore It Is too late. If your Bac'* acbes or you aro all worn out, good for nothing, It Is general debility. Brown's Iron Hitlers will euro yen, tnak* you 8ir«»ng, ri-asso your Uror, aad give a good a-,petite tones tho nerves. AUCTION SALES MONDAT. TlHBIBLAKl * FRAYSER. MA, M.. house¬ hold furniture, Ac, at SU;» Louisiana street. OEOKOB BT. ????. 11 A. M.. flberlff ß sale of plana«, furniture, picture», ,t.·. JAM KS ?. FLAM, t I*. M., two-story framodwsll- log No. 810 north Twenty-eovenUi street. TIMUKttLAKK A FRAYSEK, 11 M., liquors, to- bscco. tar-? ? tu re a, good will, ?a, al W* west liroad street. GKOKi.K W. MAYO. lOif and 11 A. M.. furnl- iure, Blovaa, piano, 4c. FOX ? KIDEK, 1- M., bananas snd orsoxo«. WILLIAM JENKINS & SON, 12 "J3 P. iL, lemons, oranger, cocosnut«, chestnuts, Ao. ???*?a.-..??f????ß??>?*^:~. ?-TÜTñii"G»7«»?t1t1??G?<3?*,?· * ""!-'ai»Maiii·.jiuj; μßp-t .._.·;··./·'_- G^';-". ??-??? l'Ili III II Suits that were EFORE the warm rays of a returning sun shall melt away the barriers to gentle spring, every vestige of the winter MUST BE GONE. There are no two ways about it.WE POSITIVELY WILL NOT CARRY A DOLLAR'S WORTH OF OUR PRES¬ ENT STOCK INTO OUR NEW BUILDING. We are striving diligently for dollars, but the love of gain shall never wean us from the STRAIGHT PATH OF DUTY. Suits that were $14. Single-Breasted Sack Suits. B__H»y ·« Suits that were $16.50. ?3 US ? I IXST O What IS to be done ihall be done AT ONCE. Now- while they are nseful.we have lowered to a ehadowy pittance qualities that are piante in the world of tailored excellence. Thousands of those bright and snappy Cassimeres, new and original patterns in Chev¬ iots, mixed Tweeds, fancy Homespuns, and mingled Worsteds that are marked $17, $16.50, $15, $14, $13.50, and $12, we have pat into a sale for one week only at: o Double-Breasted ack Suits. Three-Button Cutaway Frock SVLitS«. 34 O ÍES O w A thing you never dreamed of before. ONE HUNDRED PLAIN BLACK CHEVIOT and ONE HUNDRED PLAIN BLACK WORSTED SUITS ARE OFFERED ON THE SAME BLOCK Doesn't this look like business? :m3 O IST I IsT ? Suits that were $13.50. Four-Butto ? Cutaway Frock S-uJLts. Suits that were $15. . While others are tugging along with their "load of leavings" we are cutting and slashing right and left, sacrificing price on the altar of a policy that "ties us tighter" in the good graces of an appreciative public, and leaves us unhampered to spread before you next year-as WE DID THIS-ALWAYS DO--AND ALWAYS WILL-? BRAN-NEW STOCK Suits that were $12. A. SAKSê COMPANY. t ' ? ¦ «r " - =? I Climax Clearance! A BOLD DRIVE t? Beddcethe So bplus. Astounding Reductions IS tab, Dress Goods, Blankets. Comforts and Portieres! January G«, 1801. This marks tho initial of o*.ir "Climax Clearance ".a reduction salo tho like of which has nerer base soon iu Richmond. It is the " Climax "--tho lioidost and roost extreme effort to convint a heavy surplus into cash.a compulsory ladao tion to reap an early harvest! Aiayoa With us ? Last week .e took a hroatiiing sixp'.I to look over th«» ruin nn \ wr.¦.·:: wrought by the holidays to gather up the frag· mente, to n»imd out aa far &a possible departments di'cimat.'d by 'XmM nliop- pata. in t*. worl wo atoad «still after tho whirl and excitement of twelve bney months to see whero wo were and whither wo were heading. Our sales show a gain of n«arly 50 par cent over last vear, but OUR STOCK¡ 18 DOUBLE WHAT IT OUGHT To RE, Yes, moro than double ! It io to unload and put ourselves in simpo for early spring that wa inaugurato to-mor- tow a "ClimaxCh'arance," whichsimplv means that ALMOST ANY PRICE WILL BUY ANYTHING IN OUB STORE. Are you with us ? TKittei & ükcadit Climax Clearance OF Our Entire Coat Stock, CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE COAT STOCK. -j Yes. gettine right out of the Cloak and Coat bn m'osas. Haven't tho room to han- dli* tho va¬ riety we would wish, so we've decided t o the <!'·- purtment at once! Tun Massa Kos» una in a mer¬ can'.·, le sense. The Coat sea¬ son has pretty well ehot its bolt, and to sell now means TO GIVE AWAY. Tho sinalli st price looks big fur what you do not want. IIen<*o tho sacrifice which wo nh al I bo obliged to inako. hut w'j'ro going out.ami that's all there in to it Aro you with us V Perhaps tho host way to impress B] OO you tin« extr.'inityof the reductions made to close is tosubmitafewprirnsafippi· mens. AM) RUAR IN MINI). ONCE AND FOREVER, THAT EVERY FIGURE PUT DOWN PEER IS AN ACTUALITY--AN HONEST, BONA- EIDE STATEMENT ? E FACTS, so that when you come hero to-morrow, tho n«xt dav, or any other day, you will lind tho fullest performance awaiting you. WE AEE AMERICAN MER¬ CHANTS. Aie you with us? 35 Ladles' Jackets. $2. (imt from »4. SIT*«, end 13.) 64 Ladies' Hoth Jackets, .$3.75. (cut from $7, |0, and {5.) «15 Ladies' Fine Cloth Jackets, $5. (cut (rem 112, $10 ami {1) 45 Ladies' ?,??? Wraps, $5. (cut from fin, fit*, and ill) 13 Children's Loda Wraps, $5. (cat trom $10, {*}, and {7.50.) !0 Children's Lone Wraps. H to |Ut (cut from |i;, $0, tl, an 1IX) Ladies' PlusiT Wraps, $10. (cot from {18 mil |la<) Ladies' PlusiTwraps, $15. (cut from {30 and {,'5.) Ladies' Plush Wraps, $20. (cut from (40 ond (3Á) Do you realize what it is to buy a magnificent garment.a Genuino Seal- Flush Wrap that was 840 for S'il)? Do Îou ? Do you know that a wrap of this ind will last you, with ordinary euro. almost a lifetime? Always in eorre.t style, always comfortable, always rich- looking, always genteel ! Do you know that every garment, whether .lackt t or Wrap, in our houee is the best of its kind made.no Job, no moth-eaten, Bhelf- worn trash, but RIGHT KIND Off GOODS WHICH LADIF.S FANCY? We would havo you know this. Are you with OS ? "fluttet, & ktiooaÙ Climax Clearance OF Finest Dress Goods. ALLDRESSGOODS CUT TO ABOUT HALF PRÌCE1 Toa may havo wad this "haUariea" poaiaa balota (MOT OVTEROÜJ» 8XQ· w WIM.ITR a RHOADS.CnlInnert NATURE) nnd found npon inveetiRatioa ?hat you were paying full price, bo us the justice, which we deaorre, of b*s. liovirurthnt WHAT WH ????? HERE IH JilK G?G??· As wo said in our opr-mug paragraph WE ARE COM- PELLKI) TO CONVERT OUR SUR¬ PLUS STOCK INTO atOXET, and on tho liai bt he-loaf-^brttcr t bin-no brew I principio, we pat such prices on every yard of Dress Good· under our roof ss will actually force people to buy. And consider, pi. t«.·. that our pu·· ·¦·. low as thev are, repre¬ sent tlio highest q.inliti«?*. Let us tuke a few tbitiRs which catch onr oyo at this moment. Just follow tie. Hero is a lino ! of Wan», Nan-, Fab» y 1»rf--s j FaBBBO· in M i (.tvlis And in « variety of w< av- ings and color combinat ions' that an» simply j irrosi et i b 1 ß. Uaek stri ?«» «l with white in ? silk effects.tho aatno delicate. I threads rur thronprh cardinal grana I ; ? j»r.»niiiinc»»,l and invisible whit.« LUflB ! over th«» face of a rich prrccn ; a 1-itniis.r pattern, the stripes furti·, -rup.iit, I»· lutii'iil, n, -lottli-t-r· «»¡? «:?>»??-1 ; -? pa· cti'uir b!«;iKÌi:i:r <>f white ,iinl irown, in .tni'e.l ?'?μ·?, ¡.r,'liK».«e a very atTTeoablo conceit ; a chocolat«.» body b«>.«.rs ! white bars OttBnittgly I'loaded. They conn· several styles, whero »troot cos- tiinitmr mants, to the mont Hotel ile- LLL 88 INOHE8 IN WIDTH, and a " «¦.larter "tak·..s choice of them all. Tin« higher qualities ciinnot BO pat be· fore y.iti ? atolli·;« iitly. Just as well try to product» m cold-black type tint «flsnt Of a fine painting «a to attempt ? do- sonption of the innumurablo styles and IsnoBBj «nbodiarl Ib our funey bbsitt, As i.4 invariably tin» ca*e, th·· more m »- (iitim aud popular gradea go faster ami b.rttar tnaa higli-elaes novelties and thin eetvion with ne has been no BieentiOB, ·? that wo really are moat heavily over¬ stocked on expensive goodt», and these wo cut in this fashion : 11 Sly!« of Fancy Dress Goods. 25c. (.38 incuse wi·!·, cut from Mo. an j .Trisa.) 21 PiPfrs Plain and Fancy Dm* Good«, 57 l-?r, (.11 pure wool, 38 iir-lia» wlil«», ««tit from «SV. ani Ni«..Ser-ros, Ilouriiitt·*, Flannels, !j..tiretto«. 4.·.) Fino French Henriettas, 37ic. (pare fine t»l, cut from jOc. ani 4η.·.) Fine FrenclTFlannels, 33c. (beautiful strip»*· and plaida) Finest Raven-Black Heiriettu, 50c. (Hits lot Includes good* w «rib. ß?a aa« 85c.| Finest Raven-Black Screes, 50c. (38 lBcnes wido, he.vvjr flbro, worin ß?a) >>1 French Henrietta, S7}c. (tils Is our $1 gods -prie« slsewtiors I1-"j per yar.l.) TfUtSei & Ukoadî Climax Clearance OP Fine Wool Blankets. 10-4 WHITE DOUBLE BLANKETS ONLY 75C. »./vu.f jfj^sht^ F«8v resta 3 $_ *> 5»»t «?**^ ··ntiwl * --at nluiiibern nu¬ di r thee» b ? r ? a i n- bl it ? k ? t fl. Nothing but ... ·' ·>> pl.»a«ant- «./ a.?- ·*- iire.-ir.is can como to her who bnys two whole-Fonlod blrtiikits for tho price of one. We'ro fosrinllv loo« on BLANKETS and COMPOSTS, of tho better Krai.··-. peeially, ami we cut prices to kick than off this week. PradBBs hou-tt-wives who would ttavo inon»>y had Itetter mako special effort to secure trio bc>t at the earliest opportunity. Our wenl on it, the like cannot bo had aj^nin at tho price for ir.uny a day. These na no dam tad goods nur " seconds," sn« h as are ordi- imrilv sold by pretendin«/ competitors as bargains, frat TU H VE ti Y BEST (¿I ? MTV, puro and soft and ewe«t. Tonn·} housekeepers had better lay in a generous supply. White Double -3eil-B!ankets, 75c. (liM sire, prettr b«rd«»rs.) Heavy Double Bel-Blankets, $1.25. (30 pair 10-4 el/-» to bi »asaiBesi at tiila prie·.) $2 Double Bed-Blaukets, $1.50. (Is pair for rjargAtn-seoksrs.) $3.50 Double Bed-Blankets, $2.50. {\2 pair ouly, and ?-? lull six·.) $1 Blankets lor $3. (14 pair to <*lose out, worth a Juiiar mor· than we ask.) $1.50 All-Wool Blankets, $3.79. (»toh' l sell on »i-.'tit at 14.SO.) The Great Bargain Blankets $5. (In white or red, 6 pouals pur«. nee«? wool to every i'..u Is worm a dollar a pound.) Good Large Calico Bed-Comforts $1. (.«.ciur-aad-a-uuarter values.) Large Cretonne Bed-Comforts, $1.25. (lined La Tiirkey-re-d aad filled wltb downy ··¦ t- BSBV) Two-Dollar Bed-Comforts. $1.50. (weU made, well quiltod, well Glied.) Fine Satteen Comforts. $1.75 & $2. (twoaB«l-a-aaU-4eltar vsliws among ibis lor.) Dollar Croebrt Qnilu cot to ? ? ¿ß. (aa prettr as MarMi'.ioa, 73x93 IbcUb·.) ftUuei & Hnoadb Climax Clearance IS FINE PORTIERES. DADO BORDERS. CUT TO $5. Byuidlayrna «itiBara «««Bananaaa .Inek ??ß?. nn tw· G" -IM.ITR * ttnOADtV-ToviVI·,,^,, pf the -greatest evenU io tho tm «?»*?,? hiatory of Btehrotrn«.. We ,,,... fore, ander similar cirmwusi. BBfaaaaway lelo« tha baa of we never have bo» ? dritag I redaction», we do no-, jn Pi >K'J ) especially wall let «Iowa the ! that there'll tx, no trouble g them. Have »roa »·*? ??E U E8~ we mean fi rst q ".a; t t TIERES-soll at these pn.es? "* 12 Pair Porter-»·»·, ent to |5. («M· dado Border» ai M H, <'. ! r·*·>, «ntïr,,»,, card.a«:, tie. 4?) ' 8 Par Chen H*R t ana eut ? lombreiiulo frlof «d top »nd t>f.t'oni, h«M ·»,_ llvtelrtollertattS.) 4 Parr ChenÜio Portiere» cat to î (110 wat a loo* prlco f.»r ttv»ra, ta»y will tr%.t ,. PBUBBt) 2 Pair Finest Portieres cut to $ o, (The reculor Rrood-ttre-i p''.«·* fer M Ut» beeo t'.M «11 soesoo.) Muslin Dnderweab, Muslin Undebwear. In this, »s in all «Hier «l«*nar: the hall prt' · risei] ol tail the radaotioD· «ri· t Bible, bat that i1« «lio lo Iba some of tho gooUi ar» y Ladies' Cotaat Cenen eut I (taux were '7·,.·. »:. Fine .Corset-'Cove.rs cut to (Un»«· w»re ISCBlSB Fine Night-Kobcs cut to (Iheee «o'.J rrsrutkri·/f G BLU.) next, uD.l «rata « ;? ' l ívt«-*^ Hosiery <ln? \ \\\ I «'.v PAS1 : 1 y/ WO u.e.ui tl of biadi ] aaaraad a Will BO ' cr r;. ·¦. and Bill not sod the Crtitdrtìfì's He<»vy Ri!*hnl ? > (one color only, tint I·»» « l nt··.) Mistes'PhmìCmtàmmWt ¦ » >·¦' («Ite« 5 to ??, cu frota *?a) Ladies' : floto, loo, (think of 13c. tarlai -l'itrtor Lote.) Miase»' Fa.-t-i tea i ? BltetSloS«,'. cat from «: ' I Bit««·)' »ad m y'« " ??ßßß? < Basel I t>lr.esu, SS. '?'.,ls· ,;?» Beai Ladles'Fine Fr<»n'-¡i Balbrigasa II··-*, XTVat. (no seams, full rfunlnr, a.il full fa.r. ? Ut lot that will r»'i tty «ll-a;·· «a-.) Ladies' ."'tl'. /' (Impouibl· to lupli-ate Uuoofoodt.) »MISCELLANEOUS BáBOAIXS. MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS. c. Scarlet TittOed Wannet, |ta> j > much «uk·» tet · ? Embroid* r< ol I ¡ti in ¦¦ ¦/, 7" ? 25c. Scarlet TteHXed F'annel, We, (too .Fine (all ixlor· ot (Unn· ¡« at cut prista ) 83e. AarM lataïfetf ÊTaawsr, ß a ' (wo ore dot»rniln·· 1 to ··omf rt t 37K- »Vfr-ir'·' /'., | (cannot tOdup'.i.atod eny«vhern fur ti fMaA o/' fin-In>n Strie* ·" (ye·, 3c. o yard. H tasBee w. '. t.) .s'í/'/.vt AbI CurtaUdetg, 1 (for your chamber !··.!. lows oui li'. i ) tmdtmtf Heavy Fit ·¦¦ ·???> G (tjsc. would be clin·', for »o mach Baratta) Loll·»·»' inn« OaBaWMCsMaaf (or.r best velue· at BTtfe, »re in thtt lot) Ladies' omteeeitt* Jer t Wo '\ (Just the ttitne f r Indoor».wore (I.) Put hold ! Whaaa'a tl, aaadal Didn't we say that thia WBS SB a ||_»>hoaaa Charm.·«· 1 And it ia ! nothing under our rouf tint i* t. I and rut d«»ej)ly. Out-..t-t(. «.n can take advantage of tl dering early, and by w<ty of itiU riling tho kind pati oaga of (tienda "¦' '¦'« ordert o/ 93 (tod ? of ti· Ueerjf ehorgei, ft ii tant, how-jit r, «.· nal thu pr·; eut to order as earls iu as posnibl·'. ???? import..' » muriti»« apjiarent |0 any prn.liiit : On tho seôro «if merit we ebouli do about all the selling od ! this week, an«! if wo uust.th come pretty near doing it. 1 ! ¡a »ß ß seltình uge, and pooplo will they get the liest valu.« fur t A dollar hardly ev« r did batte« d it can do right here doling tL·.· Climax Clearance. uiuuiiiiKU iBÄtm ík\ flit ßi^iil, In ourelothlagconitorTaury tuet» doral t*·** Üoo m t£U bloom coaUeuaUr- TB«»T BS*· * inorked adtaaugo over a Juso rooo- ts»y '**·' Isle. AnotBoradv-toUs-oUtfiMUov are prs* perol for any mol of weother. Jutt « · ·" «oooerv»u>ry happons to b»« p*rueui«u'y ¦il*v Mocked »ad wo aro offerln,: »p«*»ot«i ladu - ·» B> porrhaeora, Dual bum ? «·??_?ß whea ·» ¦ ajrowB la jroor way. If jouiloabt«.»«"-·*· Oto Btso «Jiovo otaore for a-kla« o pe·"-'1.· asUaaatsaaaloosalUtobargBiatwoarv J' offorlaeia Overcoats and Suits ? MgAOAMS & fiSBRY.
Page 1: A. COMPANY. I · 2017. 12. 18. · ROMELIFEINCHINA.??DEASTELL80F THE CELESTIAL.EMPIREANDITß INHABITANTS. Ailr«ri»t»tn«»r« Recat-ded with CoBtetmr·.. Tb·?»?«»!.-» anil



Ail r«ri»t»tn«»r« Recat-ded with CoBtetmr·..Tb· ?»?«»!?·-» anil Their Trratoient.No

Railroad« t?« MlMlonary.

Ih·. IVas. of this Bear, who for eight veers

Bad chare« of a hospital near Fo.» Chow,China, had an interested ««*t of listeners inColonel t"nt»haw's office Friday night, towhom ho related som«* of th* «-uoer tnan-

0*rs on I custom* of Ihe people of thoFlowery K»ng«l.iin. This gentleman was

bom in R.chmow!. gra«luated at the Vir¬ginia >î«*dioril College, and was ono of thstret doctors who bad charge of Ihr cityambulance. He has travelled over thewhole world, both l»y land and a«"., and*7ii»it4»d China Iffor«» when ? l«oy.In tho first part of his talk tho Doctor

told of how all Chinees phvi.-ians carry inaddition to thoir iustmmonta a case ofBoodles of all sizes, in which thoy havefront faith and uso «-nito fri-<iti"ntly.Arcedlo insert« «1 in tho stomach is ro-

frarde«! as asuro curc-f-.r colic, and fre-«qnoatly has tb< «liv«;r.d offoct.

oram ß t setmi.ts.

Tho Mongolian phv«< itins will InsertBumorousneedlos near tin» i«»int of a Ice af¬fected I»v rhonroati.ni. Îhov thon «?tt????the snbject to walk. The i.ationt will howlwith pain, but the «!«.ci..r will toll him itrlooa not hurt sn'i to stop yelling. Thoirfirmness to a trn-st degree ovoroomos thoBuffering of thf ir victims and a permanentrur« offen results after tho iiocdli-s arowithdrawn.Tho Chinese «loctors, continnod the

Barrator, havo an ettensivo pharwacopia.Thoy heve a or··«)·· «aloBiel, BB1BR1BIminorai preparations nnd an infinite va¬

riety of vegetable .»«.asedia·, in tho use ofwhich they an- «¡nn«' skilfuL

'l'ho moilical m«u hl re cr<fit fnith inpincrcr f«»r fovrr and altaos« ¿variably pro-aenbo it. Thoy are mat believers liLop-posites. and favor cold remedies fora 'TiotBiekni -«s" their nume for f«-v« r.

OTTTSID« llAltllARIANS.The Chinese, tho T»oct«»r went on to say,

hardlv know tho «liff« rene.« hotwe. ? anAm» riean, Englishman. Frenchman, or

Getman. AU f mimi in Hi it lsnsns«Bere "outside barbarian*-. " and ns such arolooked down upon with tho utmost con¬

tempt.Ho wss sure that tlio Mont*oliiin«>as a

class wore a very dirtv race. Thoy attachno importance whatever to cleanliness,bnt on their pari ilio Chinees think theshort ««al of the man and th« tight-fittingdr»»«w of the woni'tn. showing tin» contourof her form, the height of indeconov. ThoCuín«-·»«· woman. Ihe.r mo-lei of propriety,always weiir-i n loose carmçnt which pive«no suggestion of the form it if» intended lohide, tho foot alone beiag exposed to«new.

asnusn sr-rrixyrNTS,There is. wild the speaker, noir each

lar?e citv in China what m known asa" coneaesion," whi< h is really tho Englishquarter. Tho 1.ml.lines in those nro on a

Bnacniflceiit scale being of brick, «-tone,and like material·» The ¦ ofl'-n extend formiles alone suiw-rb rtissta The whole airof those " concession·." is on«» <>f onnplote-??*.? and solnlitv. Tho (»round of th«·»»·BBsnaSJS to the Chinese empire, which con¬cedes it to ihe Knrli*«h for unominal annuelconsideration, in fiio» an amount BOSBSaUthat it is hardly worth mentioning, reallyintonde«! a« an tvl-nowl« dgment that theland belongs to China.

Tur.:« lanoi-aoi.Tlie Chines· ??a??« for their dialect,

which is easily l.nrned, ini'ans, "The Ian»lanea of tht« Mi«ld!e Kingdom." Thismime is given throBSjh th· eonc.it of thena'ivos, who whorf thev draw a map of thoworld make a l->»g roan«! spae«·. That i«Cluni». The* then make ? whole lot oflittle dots ull around. These are tho othercoiuitri»-s.There are numerous «balecf-» indigenon·»

to the vari.ms part«» of the countrv. Mostof the Chin-unon ID this country com«.

from Hone KoBff, and are l.y no means fuirrspSeseatatlTi s of th« ir r¡i«-e, who are g«-ne-rally short aud s«iii:itty.

WAi.i.rn riTir-s.There are no railroads in China. Thev

c>uld hardly be run. an each city is walledin.Dr. l»avis paid that to nt to Hone, Kent»

from where «S lived ho had to come downtasT«Bg tn l*lanf river crn miles and thennuil down the <-",'ist for three (lavs.The ««ut'Stioii was «ft«n BBBed why it was

that the BBUTT missionaries sent to Chinaha«l made f..i fitte«lBiprBBSBBOB the people.There it nothing StrsnM in this, ho said,when it is retín lnl.f-r·· I thai tli-· populationof the empire is nli'.ut ,·>?5,()(??.(?)0. Thecountry is the most populous in the world,boi ?·* ¿nulo BP «? uiimbt rs of cities not farIront olio aimtli« r. The inner and westernportion <»f the empir«· is unknown land totbo missionaries, who seldom peaet?ate it.The native portions «»f th«» cities are

very uiirepoescssiui,', lteing mostly bam-boo huts.

ormi not WA»mtn.

The better people anione tho tVlostinls.Dr. ivas said, «redeadlv opposed to opium,which wa« t?··?1\· forced «in thorn by th«English Oovornment.Tins he explain«··! was on account of a

jrrovision c« tit it ned tn the treaty midewith F.nplan«l at the conclusion of the lastwar-in IK".·».Tho Knj»lish Government insisted that all

tho opium from India should be curried toChina, Tho latter was ptostiats and was

bound t.» ace. pt. (if coiirso after the drugwas hroucht to Cmna there were nume¬rous merchants willinc to buv it and liveon tho deiiravitv of th· |·«««»pie.

It was this same overhearing policy ofF.nglatid that led her to take possession ofth«· islands of Boag Koac aud Hingapuro,to which she had no earthly ri»,-ht.Tho I>«»ctor hope· to revisit China at

aome future time.

OYSTEI^LEGISLATION.Sncc<-*ti·'!» tliat a Btistnoss-TBen's Corn-

in I»« .... lie Appointed.Governor McKinnoy is giving the oyster

industri-, one of th·· most intricate sut»-ioctsof legislation with which the Virginialaw-makers bara to deal, his most earnestattention and in addition to what he hasobserved personally is in correspondencewith a i;reat number of gentlemen well.posted in this mutt« r.

When the I.e..·¡.-.hituro meet« again hewill doubtless make some suggestions lodk.ing to having tho BNBBBt laws amended iuSeveral particulars.

It is BBBinasOOd to bo tho Governor'sidea that the (.onerai Assembly shouldappoint a commission of tho best???????·men in the State, to bo paid a reasoutbleamoun! for their services, to take chargeof the survey of the oyster-grounds audconsider nil «ittc-tions connected therewithaud Bulinili tneir report.

BJQ GOBBLERS AND SMALL BANTAMS.Annual Inhibition of th· rotiltry and

riiroon Aasoclatlon Next Tuesday.The onnu; I eshibition of tho llic.hmond

Poultry und l'igeon Association com.snenc«es on 'Tuesday next at tcil west Uroadetrvx't. and will continue until tho lüth ofthe month.The entries show that fowls from many

other States l.esiil«»-. Virginia will be on ex¬hibition, and in large numbers. Amongthe barn-yard birds which arrived yester¬day were a pair <>f ¦aannseaat türkcs,which were raised by Major A. w*. fjarbar.Beveral bantams, whose size was iu singu-lar contrast with tho turk.-vs, made the airquite noisy with their shrill erowings.The association has secured the use of

«the poultry coops belonging to the Agri-cultural trJociety, and thefowls will be care¬fully cared for.

Harton lUstrr« In th« ll.. r.lu of I'rlntln»;and KtiyravlB»*.

A novel use of the Hurton electric beat¬ers is to bo made in tbe Government l>u-reau of Printing and Engraving, in wsah.tngton city. It may not bo generallyknown that the platt« from which bunknote« are printed have first to lie warmedwhen the ink uirubled into tho cuts aftertbe manner of printing visiting cards.The ink is then <·!·¦;·.u ·! off th· face of the*ate while bot and the iui|>ressi<m Ufciaretofore «a*-stovos huve been used fortpurp<»B*«if Warnung ihese plate«, but'ctions to these are many and ??·??·??·

in order that no radical «hanget».«Id be made in tbe shape of ths siiitul«Sow used, aud to which tho op rntiveir*b.oaieacou»t«-med.the electno-heat-

, laresoconstrucU'dastoiltuitoiJiespacesccupied by the gaa-stuves.The heaters wer«· etipt^edto Washingtonresterday by express.

Hwiird, Kaeh ami Bolt I'r«SMBBBBIMr. N. J. Smith, deputy commander*-»od Arni y Kepublic. accompanied byriîr ,

¦*orlon. *id U· caiqp ou the stafff tlie Commander ?a Chief; and ? ?«ao¬ja, «wmmander-elect of Phil. Kearney.?ortjJuÄ1*d í*rrttgut Poet. No. 1. of PorU-pwth, ««rw-Year'a ni-fht, and parUnpatedtntheinetal'tion of the oftWr· .f thatFeat, Commander Smith being tbe install.^^r^L ,Aro»yeJ »«..'t >«ae waa estead.

.' «ad to the «Tiaitiiii» comrad·.-· : und an elabo-Bate banquet waa «oread after the rexnilar«?ß-eaBoaifts of the «veoin« wer. con-

mander fimttb. Thcso artirles were theRift to Commander Wheeler after hiaele-vhtion I" tlie jtosition of a Br«>oklyn com¬

rade, who wa» earned off ti««· battle-field .»fAiitietsm on tlie ba<»k «f tl«o rvptain. Itwa» preoertfxl to tho Depaty of Virginiaby the widow o{ tliet»x.il«'i>nty commander.Commander Smith will have tho pleasurean«! h«»ü«»r of retsiniDi· it <»?.t for tho bal¬ance of tbe i«sii.»il"f his term.two months.

THE ACADEMY AND THEATRE-.Utrootteas Hooked for th* «Took St tbo

Two Hun«»··.

Miss Nellie Mrrienry i« well rcmemberMa« «»m· «.? tlie bricht lights "f Salisbury'sTroubadour», with thii-h organization »hewon favor for her clever eoBaedy work.The play which she now brini;» to tit» Mo¬zart Academy for the first tuno is deseribldas a romantic melodrama, tho scene· ofwhich ar» Uid on th·« border» of BuataeiBCalifornia and Mcx.co. Mi·»» Mellenrv ap.pear» ia five r.'tlrt: WUd Kose, known as

"Chain Lightning"; Franlaia (»ret-hen,a Overman emigrant ; Cbarlay lieefcr. a

Mexican »ailor; Carlotta, an Italian »treet-sincer and the heirca» of tho Oolcond*mine. In euch »lie »in¡_»« appropriate oongsand íntrodu«**·» proitv dances. The »ocondact Is in Mexico, and something new andrich in stago-scttings ?» promised in it.The eeoner.v was painted frömtvpical Moxi-can ranch.·». The company include» .JohnWel.-«ur of tbe Tr.nihiidotir*. Jsmea Mao¬ri ady. Joeer Qtowott, und Stella Han·.M:«» Mellenry's en^a^ement is for three

nights, commencing to-morrow, and in¬cludes a "Wednesday matinee

"tp? wirs."This well-known and popular drama will

be presented nt tbe Academy of Mu»icnext Thursday, Friday, and Saturday bytbe Lyceum trmip under the mauagomentof Danni Frohmnn.The play is one tliat appeal» chiefly to

the cub iratod HBW, yet it na» a simplicityand artlessness thnt can he undegetood utonce and bus rendered it popular."The Wife'will be st.ic.ci with all the

art »tu calcuhition of the Lyceum people,and the company i» strong.

?????'...? MATCH.On Monday und Tuesday nights Meaara.

Evan» A Hoey Brill aj»i»«ar at the Theatrem their amusing comedy " A ParlorMatch," which was .seen in thi» city nl-itiii«! two year« ago. Since then the pia*ha» been somewliat chnngod, but is utilisani to be as eujoynhh» a.» erer.In the character of "Old Ho»«," tho

tramp, Mr. Iloey ba» a part which is ex¬

clusively his own. Mr. Fvans, n» thebook-acnt, is in quite a different style,DBl ««iiiully fanny.Tho three English Blatera, tho Ifieeee

Ler·*,are entona 'he noweltiee and are

highly eulo«ize«l not only for their beantiaad !'ra«.fnl figure·, bat also for theirmusical ?ml dancing accomplishments."They'reAfter M«·," Mr. ll.n-v's topieal I

»ong, i» spoken of BB very amusing undalways exciting nancb enthasiaetn.On Monday muht t enrtaia will rise

puni-tnallv nt s to enable parties to attendthe lticnnniiil cernían.

BOBEKT HOW NINO.Robert Downing. ti¡<» Anierieaa trage-

dian, will upp. ar at tb· Theatre on nextWtedaesday/ in two prriormanc. s. At thematinée h« will be .-"'««? in Naunos'stiagedy "The OlacUator," in which parthe hns a great rerratation. At tho eveningperformance be arili prodaoe his new play,'Tho Sara .en." the work of the elderDumas, said to be one of In» etrosigeetplays. Tii" characters ore all new, Mr.Downing's being that oí an Arabian alare.The eoatainee worn in "The Baracen"

are said to add greatly to the beaatytjfthe production. Thoae worn hv Engenielilaire. tin· leading lady and a greatfavorite here, are the productions of themilliners of I'urLs. The scenery in byBearer.Friday and Saturday the drama of"Hagland's Way."

I ..it llnth Money anil Tickets.Several «lays ago a Floyd countv officer

armed with· requisition arent toltaleighcotiuty, W. Viu. aft« r uman who is chargedwith murder.Friday, about time for the officer to Mart

home with his prisoner, Governor MoKin-my reeeired the following telegram " Iinn beta with laoeaaa I. mona liav·· lostin\»tieketeand money. Fleas«· furnish traus-portstion at once."

Ilio Chi »apeak.» and Ohio road, nt thereqneel of the (iorernor, wired him trans¬

portation t » Lynehbarg, and the Norfolkand Western road proTided for him iromthut point to Chn.stiannburg.

Thank«.The Young Lndiesi' Auxiliary of the col-

ored Young Men's Christiaff Associationtali·· th: » means «>f thanking Mr. (inn«, themanag« r <? the house of A. Kaks ? Co., forthe relinchón oa the clothes bought forthe color.d orphana and his liberal gift ofnice hats for each of them also t" Messrs.Held ? Thiilhiiin r for their liberal reduc¬tions and articles given. I

a wrimsKr.

aa« a netwiUfut Sicht In Star· for th·

Public.For soto timo past a mystery has hung

around Ee«fei*S conn-r that has excit« d

t¡:o curiosity of thu olded habitues of thatpopular restaurant. WiO.l-workors, <le.corators. picture-hangers, t»nd iipho'.etercrshave been seen to step in und out of a

door that connects the centlemon'sdining-room With th»· Hank-street building, or

what is sanara distinctively as the Baeeerbuilding. WR that door has been sonledsave to those who had tho oven sesame m

the shape of some tool employed id skilledworkmanship.

WILL BT REMOVKP.On Monday, however, the seal will be.

removed and reveal a sight that will bothsurpris;; and dolifht tho public. Yettter-day a Jhspaictt representativo was furnish¬ed a wand of entrance and accord"! a

"privato view" of what are truly thesem«»«t artistic effects in tho form of dining-room additions to Mr. Rueger's establish¬ment.

,CXm ??-?????ß.

Passing through the door mentioned one

enters a eosv littlo hull. Opening Uponthis hull to the right aro two doors, eachleading into a room about 12x1«; feet, liothof those rooms are sumptuous in every a|w

pointtnent from *ho velvet carpets, whichare in subdued tints, to the delicate deco-rntions of the walls and ceilings, the silyprchaudeliirs. th* luce urtnins and the richlambrequin« that drape the windows, andthe costly furniture. On tho walls of one

of those rooms are pictures of action BBC»

BjestiTS of tho chase, and «a thoat of thootner ore ftill-lifo pictures by Ooodwin ofgame and fruit«. The general ofiect ofeach room is that of comfort combinedwith eiijuisito harmony and tasto.

OVLT BUG« G???VE.Butas elegant as these apartments are

they arc only faint hints of tho lieatitifulseno that bursts upon one's vi «ion apoflent«-nng tho big room on tho left. This isa chrf wmemt of the decorator's ami «p.bolstever*· art. Th'.· apartment is abtrailax:>0 feet and will s«-at BOBM twenty-fiveper-ons. ? lie carpeting is of the same ma-

teriil and subdued tints us that «if tho¦BMtllss rooms, and from tho chair-boardr- . a chromatic scale of Harmoniouscolors that finally mere,· in tho soft blend¬ing cloud effect of the ceiling.

FIRST OP ITS CHAKACTKB.The wainscoting is in p'astieo reJicco.the

first work of that character ever donohere.and is of light-blu··, gold, and ivorytoae. Above this is tho panel iu ivory,which is surmounted by a Inez«· of thet-aiuo stvl·', and oral tho frieze and in bar.in« nv aita it in relief, tracery, andcolorine the cornice coves to tbofolline. The ceiling picco propera panni, ths long linos of whicht?? parallel with the length of thoroom ami break into olips.s. while fro;,i

fttjixxg into the eloud-bleinle I centre of the panel are fruit andflower «naes, apoa wBieb are poised bird··and butt« rthe.s. The reliefs of the ? as'f-i-

rv*n>vowork OÍ the fri««· are bunches ofgni|?· sand vino-, m nrale-«|Uecurv«»s. Th«»panel expanses of thc*WulIs ar·· brokSB l»yexquisite nul expeasire landaeape steh»ines, the chandeliers nr·- ol silver, and thoportieree, trortains, and bunbret|uins of tliericho*t texture. When lighted up tho roomprodaces the impressioa of qaiet Bplendorand sabdned ndiaai ·. The «l«-«>ruti<»iisaro the work Mr. Htiuiol, of tbo Southerndecorativo Company.

Al.t-IMI-ORTAVT.Hut tho nll-iinportiiut tuet is that thi

situation below stairs in Mr. Uuegcr's es.

tahli-linu-ìit hariiioinz«s with tho main |.aceeetion abort stair- that suggestion isa Lucullean feast. Mr. William Bnecefcan spread one. This addition to hisreetauraat I· the latesl development ofa btutaeasetturtedbr his latheroa Hucgor'sem ner, Ninth and Hank Htreets, aearlyhalf a century a^o. aud which has keptpaco with tho growth of the city and thodemand for the best, of ac«3omiaodationa.Raeger's has an enviable reputation alloverthe country rs a ladies' an«! gentle-men's restaurant, and that reputatioa is

richly deserved. It has been won bystri« t attention to btudaess, by k· spiag onhand every delieucv the market affords,and by serving these delicacies in a stylothat cannot I.«« excelled. Ihe three rooksof the establishment, of which thu well-known Josso Washington is chief, yieldthe pillili to mine, and Mr. Baeeer, (is hisbusiness shows, has proved himself a «Staa¬tes ..? tin· ait af oatetiag. His house is

supplied with th«» choicest of foreign amidomestic wines aad liquors· his assistantsBad waiters lire drilled t«> perleition, anilhe begins the aew year pr«-paru«i toaerretho general public aaJ private partie· in

apartments and with a bill-of-iuro thatBliebt be the envy of any city. Tho now

addition bus a separate entrance on Hunkfitre-t, which leads to the 1..I.Ì.·.· of tl;· '«

rooms, and from Uto · o'clock to-morrowtho rooms, which aro especially dmign-od for privat·- parties, will be open for in¬spection by tho friends of the ostablisii-nitut.


AtMt tbo Ortrtlfjrlnij· Sneeoss It ?a· VetTTIth.

The corporationn tliat stimulate tho de-Telopmemt <>f a city end confer benefit» onothers than those who ore directly Interest-ed in their «nccoss are tbe corporationsthat are entitlod to be classed "institu¬tions" of a community. Such a corpora¬tion » the Richmond Perpetual building,Loan and Tm»t Company, tho pioneercompany of its character in the coniniuri-ty. Thi» company was chartered in 117·.and by careful, conservativo managementha» not only proved a good investment forit» stockholder!·, but lia« been a most im¬

portant factor in building up Richmondand the i:>«;«.:hborin;r. city of Manchester.It« |»olicy ami financial plan have enabledmany to posses» homos who without itsaidcoald ii"t have done so.The company has during the last year

paid a dividend of 10 per cent, to it» stock¬holders, b« side· adding to its surplus», andat the last meeting of the dire tor» it wae

determine.1, in comnlianee with a publicdemand for im stock, to issue a new

of a limited number of «hares. Thi» ex¬

cellent opportunity for investment Bap betaken advantage of bv applying at thecompany's office. No. 1?0 esst Main street,where the subtjeription-books aro nowf

open. The reliability of this old com-

pany is vouched not in least part bythe'following list of officers Directors.E. L». Starke. Sampson iïirsb, JohnJ. Wright, John E. Hankin», PhilipO'Neill, T. Wiley Davi». D. Mitteldorf. r.

N. R. Ravage, Henry Kosenheim, AlbertCrei titrée, Isaac Tbàlhinier, Joseph Wal-lerstein. and William Heiler. Präsident,?. I). Starke: Viev-Prr.-iident, O. Mitt!.dorter; OBenler, William Lorensteln.Trustee».Julina Strana, William J. Weet·w od, und R. B. Car.flln. Solicitor, Wil¬liam ¿Hyson.


Ml·· Nannie Separi; Draw· "The Boston "


The Boaton'e committeoof award met atthat establishment ycRterday at U oclockM. to decide the contest for the pony turn¬out. ? he number of marbles waa IM aadthere were fourteen contestants whoguesn-.d correctly.First t he parties drew for priority in draw-

in·.: for the tnrnont, the names being calledInorder an Iha« appealed in tho WajwaiBBnflTimes. Mi.»« >.'uinie S.^park not beingpresent the last nambertell to her. sin»

In a lew mint''.·». WBB the last todraw, nn 1 drew the envelope with "ponyturaoat" eocloeed. Bhe was the smallestan l roangeet among the contestant·», andia a daaghter of Mr. II. A. Separk, of KMeast Mein Street. The turnout w:is atonce delirerad to Mis» Sat'.'irk in the pre··eneo of .Mr. Jamee A. Gentry and CaptainW. (?. Wall· r, of the committee. Thohappy and acoca tei little gasasi r wae ae>companied by !ipr eonain, Mr. W. K. I.Rasa, and the couple drove off amid enthu¬siastic cheer» and good wir.hes.

A Neir Kenl Rítate. Firm.

Tlie firm of Carnea! ? Cftyle may sounda little new toron at tirsi, but }nat givethem a little tim.· and they will show to thepublic what kind of jMtenal theyBromadoof. Mr. J. D.«Cai*nealaaehad about fifteenv'-.ir·' .v.'. ri nee in the bnJlding busint·»».and «it th·« «nine time handling and dealingin real estate, which gives him ? knowledgothat very few have.Mr. J."Bidiiylo's e-.perioncn with Messrs.

Button tir Co. for about nine year» ha»given him a name of hebte "ne of the bestooQeetoretobe found. They have f·.n·»into business not for the fun of it, but withth· determination tosaeceed. Now if vonwant t<» m| vourshr.reof theeredHof tiieirsuccess just giwg them some of yourproperty to handle. That ia all they ask.

Mn«lc-Boxes nt Krilnrtlnn.

Every Ifmdo-Boi in ur house has beenreduced in order to ¡li-, -¦·· of the haar*stock left over from our holiday go tâe,

Wai.tiu D. afoaaa «v Co,,1005 Main streit, opposite post-offico.

? HI-.- Kr.lui-Hnn.Wo have made a big reduction in onr

underwear of nt least :jj pee cent, on »omo

gradea ria.? *2 goods now *?..??: tLAOnow .·?1 : M now7m. Wo cannot duplicatethem at these prices. Aeoot Scurfs reducedfrom $1 to 5üc.; Fulls BjLOO to il.

OoBsrsnu bnoTiinis.

Too Many Muslr-Boxe«.Now is tho time to pet a Music-Box

cheap. We havo marked all down to re¬duce our ßtoek.

Walteb D. ??ß?? ft Co.,l· 08 Main street.

Onrilonsvllle Kenl l»tnte.The firm of Fuldier ?" I.innov. Gordons-

vill.·. Va., are prepared to buy and »elllands in that growin : town. Give them acall. I

Ne Risk ?a Thla.

There is no safer investment to be foundanywhere than good Richraond and Man-ch««»sU'r real estât«. There never was a

more edvaDtagnous time to buy than thepresent. Mr. James B. Klirr., one of themost progressive real estate men in thocity, baa as nice an assortment "f ·*'* in¬vestments as can be found, involving abso¬lutely no riek.Mr. I Jam and his two as.*ov»iates, Messrs.

L. M. Blanton and 0. H. Fuusten. are allcomparatively young mon, whoso standingin the community is surpassed by none.

Ä Old Peopleare made to feel twenty years younger byDr. Wilford Hall's Treatment.Try it, and stop taking medicine.

_HI« Ninth street,

Tprlfht Piano »largaln*deverai moro have wo to offer.

Walter D. Moses <fc Co.,1003 Main street, opposite post-office.

Cabinet l'liotocr-»pii«..1.35 Pra Dozz.«i~A Woan ntoB Blah

ft Co.Rome wcks a-jo wo advertí tod to mako

our fine fdA per dozen Cabinet Photo¬graphs at il.89 for a period of fifteen days.but owing to tlie tremed,»us rush whichensued and which far exceeded our expec¬tations we were compelled to resume our

regular pnces a week sooner than was ad¬vertised, »n ostieri givo aftrw of thennm-:1>.T who were turn··«! away disappointed achance we will commonco on to-day audcontinuo until January tith to mako «itir BJper dozen Cabinet Photographs for »§1.39per dozen.

BLaju- «t Co., 305 east liroad street,.-1--».»»».

Major f.arbcr in New Quarters.Major A. W. Oarbcr, WBOSS Transfer and

Goueral linilroad and Hto.-unsh.p Tickot-oilie. was for many years at the corner ofMain nnd Tenth stroot«-, lias moved intothe commodious building No. »301 east Main,where, with Intn-aassd fäeiUtias. he is aldoto oiler tho trnvcllint* public hotter accom¬modations than over before. Tb· offices1ar«· arranged with every conveniein-e. Theticket «f· partaient is under tho charge ofMr. William T. Darde.n, a «gentleman oflong exjiirienc«) in the baainass. whosoknowledge of travel mutt.·!*, is second tonono in tho business, and who is over readyto givo information to all seeking it.

.Tancer.To B. P. P. (Botanic Blood Beim» bs« b»f»n «Iren

the credit of uurmtr ibat terrll.lo srmpiom ofberedltary blood-pntson calle 1 etute: r.Allan (iront, »»parta, Oa. «.ritee: "A painful

sore came on my lin ti hl ti was pronounced epl-tì:f-il»l f-ancer by jimnilnrnt phvs'.clíin*. I «l«oh» much I'Mn stiJ creai wnaltn«»«» in my bn<-s.Klebt dottles of II. It. I!. Sealed til* sor··, gaveme »«r^iigtb, and rasilo mu well."O. F. Krtllar. Wrtebtsviilo. (J.v. wrtto«: " B. B.

B. <s curing aa Blear i>u my nc-au e«l«l by all u>be a canoe r..lames A. druer, Athens, (¡.-v. writ«*«: "For

ten years I havo bsm. it staffer·* from a canceron mr fsce, which dl3cb».rged offensive in ..tier.Not-iing I trtfil pave relief. Finally I gfive H.B. H. a trial. The disr-hari:·. gradually de-ereaeed snd tan cancer grew less until not» íberoIs nothing left except a n-ar."

Kocli's I.ympliand ThcnnpeotT» Bromrne and Arsenic SpringWater ar· eliciting more attention from phyul-clar.s and invalids at present than tbe publicbave any Idea of. TUO curo» ero nim ,st miracu¬

lous. POI«! MlLI.BB A CO.

Mead· ? nailer's Carbnlio Moiith-Wn»*»,a delightful toilet article, pleasant to the taste,puriflua tbe breath, and prevent· decay of taoteeth. Prepared only by

T. ItOBSHrs Bakrb, Pharmacist,»lSeast Mala street

Bold by druggists generally.

rhllll])»·» Digestible Cocoaprodue»*, a fooling of lightness an 1 b loyaocy as

agnlusi that of wuleht. headache, and depre»-sloa, so common with the ordinary cocosa YourdruggUt sad groeor havo 1:.

Don't Negiert That Coutxh,but lake st odco Dr. David's Cough Syrup be¬fore It Is too late.

If your Bac'* acbes or you aro all worn out,good for nothing, It Is general debility. Brown'sIron Hitlers will euro yen, tnak* you 8ir«»ng,ri-asso your Uror, aad give a good a-,petitetones tho nerves.


TlHBIBLAKl * FRAYSER. MA, M.. house¬hold furniture, Ac, at SU;» Louisiana street.

OEOKOB BT. ????. 11 A. M.. flberlff ß sale ofplana«, furniture, picture», ,t.·.

JAM KS ?. FLAM, t I*. M., two-story framodwsll-log No. 810 north Twenty-eovenUi street.

TIMUKttLAKK A FRAYSEK, 11 M., liquors, to-bscco. tar-? ?ture a, good will, ?a, al W*west liroad street.

GKOKi.K W. MAYO. lOif and 11 A. M.. furnl-iure, Blovaa, piano, 4c.

FOX ? KIDEK, 1- M., bananas snd orsoxo«.WILLIAM JENKINS & SON, 12 "J3 P. iL,

lemons, oranger, cocosnut«, chestnuts, Ao.

???*?a.-..??f????ß??>?*^:~. ?-TÜTñii"G»7«»?t1t1??G?<3?*,?· * ""!-'ai»Maiii·.jiuj; µßp-t .._.·;··./·'_- G^';-".

??-??? l'Ili III II

Suits thatwere

EFORE the warm rays of a returning sun shallmelt away the barriers to gentle spring, everyvestige of the winter MUST BE GONE. There


striving diligently for dollars, but the love of gain shallnever wean us from the STRAIGHT PATH OF DUTY.

Suits thatwere


Single-BreastedSack Suits.

B__H»y ·«

Suits thatwere




What IS to be done ihall be done AT ONCE. Now-while they are nseful.we have lowered to a ehadowypittance qualities that are piante in the world oftailored excellence. Thousands of those bright andsnappy Cassimeres, new and original patterns in Chev¬iots, mixed Tweeds, fancy Homespuns, and mingledWorsteds that are marked $17, $16.50, $15, $14,

$13.50, and $12, we have pat into a sale for one week only at:


Double-Breastedack Suits.

Three-ButtonCutaway Frock




A thing you never dreamed of before.ONE HUNDRED PLAIN BLACK CHEVIOT and




? Suits thatwere


Four-Butto?Cutaway Frock


Suits thatwere


.While others are tugging along with their "load of

leavings" we are cutting and slashing right and left,sacrificing price on the altar of a policy that "ties us

tighter" in the good graces of an appreciative public,and leaves us unhampered to spread before you nextyear-as WE DID THIS-ALWAYS DO--ANDALWAYS WILL-? BRAN-NEW STOCK

Suits thatwere



?¦ «r " - =? I

Climax Clearance!A BOLD DRIVE


Beddcethe So bplus.Astounding Reductions


tab, Dress Goods, Blankets.Comforts and Portieres!

January G«, 1801.This marks tho initial of o*.ir "Climax

Clearance ".a reduction salo tho like ofwhich has nerer base soon iu Richmond.It is the " Climax "--tho lioidost androost extreme effort to convint a heavysurplus into cash.a compulsory ladaotion to reap an early harvest! AiayoaWith us ?

Last week .e took a hroatiiing sixp'.Ito look over th«» ruin nn \ wr.¦.·:: wroughtby the holidays to gather up the frag·mente, to n»imd out aa far &a possibledepartments di'cimat.'d by 'XmM nliop-pata.in t*. worl wo atoad «still after thowhirl and excitement of twelve bneymonths to see whero wo were andwhither wo were heading. Oursales show a gain of n«arly 50 parcent over last vear, but OUR STOCK¡18 DOUBLE WHAT IT OUGHT ToRE, Yes, moro than double ! It io tounload and put ourselves in simpo forearly spring that wa inaugurato to-mor-tow a "ClimaxCh'arance," whichsimplvmeans that ALMOST ANY PRICEWILL BUY ANYTHING IN OUBSTORE. Are you with us ?

TKittei & ükcaditClimax Clearance


Our Entire Coat Stock,



Yes. gettineright out ofthe Cloak andCoatbnm'osas.Haven't thoroom to han-dli* tho va¬

riety we wouldwish, so we'vedecided t o

the <!'·-purtment atonce! TunMassa Kos»una in a mer¬can'.·, le sense.The Coat sea¬son has prettywell ehot its

bolt, and to sell now means TO GIVEAWAY. Tho sinalli st price looks bigfur what you do not want. IIen<*o thosacrifice which wo nh al I bo obliged toinako. hut w'j'ro going out.ami that'sall there in to it Aro you with us V

Perhaps tho host way to impress B] OOyou tin« extr.'inityof the reductions madeto close is tosubmitafewprirnsafippi· i·mens. AM) RUAR IN MINI). ONCEAND FOREVER, THAT EVERYFIGURE PUT DOWN PEER IS ANACTUALITY--AN HONEST, BONA-EIDE STATEMENT ?E FACTS, so

that when you come hero to-morrow,tho n«xt dav, or any other day, you willlind tho fullest performance awaitingyou. WE AEE AMERICAN MER¬CHANTS. Aie you with us?

35 Ladles' Jackets. $2.(imt from »4. SIT*«, end 13.)

64 Ladies' Hoth Jackets, .$3.75.(cut from $7, |0, and {5.)

«15 Ladies' Fine Cloth Jackets, $5.(cut (rem 112, $10 ami {1)

45 Ladies' ?,??? Wraps, $5.(cut from fin, fit*, and ill)

13 Children's Loda Wraps, $5.(cat trom $10, {*}, and {7.50.)

!0 Children's Lone Wraps. H to |Ut(cut from |i;, $0, tl, an 1IX)

Ladies' PlusiT Wraps, $10.(cot from {18 mil |la<)

Ladies' PlusiTwraps, $15.(cut from {30 and {,'5.)

Ladies' Plush Wraps, $20.(cut from (40 ond (3Á)

Do you realize what it is to buy a

magnificent garment.a Genuino Seal-Flush Wrap that was 840 for S'il)? Do

Îou ? Do you know that a wrap of thisind will last you, with ordinary euro.

almost a lifetime? Always in eorre.tstyle, always comfortable, always rich-looking, always genteel ! Do you knowthat every garment, whether .lackt t or

Wrap, in our houee is the best of its kindmade.no Job, no moth-eaten, Bhelf-worn trash, but RIGHT KIND OffGOODS WHICH LADIF.S FANCY?We would havo you know this. Are

you with OS ?

"fluttet, & ktiooaÙClimax Clearance



Toa may havo wad this "haUariea"poaiaa balota (MOT OVTEROÜJ» 8XQ·


NATURE) nnd found npon inveetiRatioa?hat you were paying full price, bo usthe justice, which we deaorre, of b*s.liovirurthnt WHAT WH ????? HEREIH JilK G?G??· As wo said in ouropr-mug paragraph WE ARE COM-PELLKI) TO CONVERT OUR SUR¬PLUS STOCK INTO atOXET, and ontho liaibthe-loaf-^brttcr tbin-no brew Iprincipio, we pat such prices on everyyard of Dress Good· under our roof sswill actually force people to buy.

And consider,pi. t«.·. that ourpu·· ·¦·. low asthev are, repre¬sent tlio highestq.inliti«?*. Letus tuke a fewtbitiRs whichcatch onr oyo atthis moment.Just follow tie.Hero is a lino !of Wan», Nan-,Fab» y 1»rf--s jFaBBBO· in M i(.tvlis And in «variety of w< av-

ings and colorcombinat ions'that an» simply jirrosi et i b 1 ß.Uaek stri ?«» «lwith white in ?silk effects.thoaatno delicate. I

threads rur thronprh cardinal grana I ;? j»r.»niiiinc»»,l and invisible whit.« LUflB

! over th«» face of a rich prrccn ; a1-itniis.r pattern, the stripes furti·, -rup.iit,I»· lutii'iil, n, -lottli-t-r· «»¡? «:?>»??-1 ; -? pa·cti'uir b!«;iKÌi:i:r <>f white ,iinl irown, in.tni'e.l ?'?µ·?, ¡.r,'liK».«e a very atTTeoabloconceit ; a chocolat«.» body b«>.«.rs !white bars OttBnittgly I'loaded. Theyconn· several styles, whero »troot cos-

tiinitmr mants, to the mont Hotel ile-LLL 88 INOHE8 IN WIDTH,

and a " «¦.larter "tak·..s choice of them all.Tin« higher qualities ciinnot BO pat be·fore y.iti ? atolli·;« iitly. Just as well tryto product» m cold-black type tint «flsntOf a fine painting «a to attempt ? do-sonption of the innumurablo styles andIsnoBBj «nbodiarl Ib our funey bbsitt,As i.4 invariably tin» ca*e, th·· more m »-

(iitim aud popular gradea go faster amib.rttar tnaa higli-elaes novelties and thineetvion with ne has been no BieentiOB, ·?that wo really are moat heavily over¬stocked on expensive goodt», and thesewo cut in this fashion :

11 Sly!« of Fancy Dress Goods. 25c.(.38 incuse wi·!·, cut from Mo. anj .Trisa.)

21 PiPfrs Plain and Fancy Dm* Good«, 57 l-?r,(.11 pure wool, 38 iir-lia» wlil«», ««tit from «SV. aniNi«..Ser-ros, Ilouriiitt·*, Flannels, !j..tiretto«.4.·.)

Fino French Henriettas, 37ic.(pare fine t»l, cut from jOc. ani 4η.·.)

Fine FrenclTFlannels, 33c.(beautiful strip»*· and plaida)

Finest Raven-Black Heiriettu, 50c.(Hits lot Includes good* w «rib. ß?a aa« 85c.|

Finest Raven-Black Screes, 50c.(38 lBcnes wido, he.vvjr flbro, worin ß?a)

>>1 French Henrietta, S7}c.(tils Is our $1 gods -prie« slsewtiors I1-"j per


TfUtSei & UkoadîClimax Clearance


Fine Wool Blankets.10-4 WHITEDOUBLE BLANKETS


»./vu.fjfj^sht^F«8v resta

3 $_ *> 5»»t «?**^ ··ntiwl * --atnluiiibern nu¬di r thee»b ? r ? a i n-bl it ? k ? t fl.Nothing but


·' ·>> pl.»a«ant-«./ a.?- ·*- iire.-ir.is can

como to her who bnys two whole-Fonlodblrtiikits for tho price of one. We'rofosrinllv loo« on BLANKETS andCOMPOSTS, of tho better Krai.··-.peeially, ami we cut prices to kick thanoff this week. PradBBs hou-tt-wiveswho would ttavo inon»>y had Itetter makospecial effort to secure trio bc>t at theearliest opportunity. Our wenl on it,the like cannot bo had aj^nin at tho pricefor ir.uny a day. These na no dam tadgoods nur " seconds," sn« h as are ordi-imrilv sold by pretendin«/ competitors as

bargains, frat TU H VE tiY BEST(¿I ? MTV, puro and soft and ewe«t.Tonn·} housekeepers had better lay in agenerous supply.White Double -3eil-B!ankets, 75c.

(liM sire, prettr b«rd«»rs.)

Heavy Double Bel-Blankets, $1.25.(30 pair 10-4 el/-» to bi »asaiBesi at tiila prie·.)

$2 Double Bed-Blaukets, $1.50.(Is pair for rjargAtn-seoksrs.)

$3.50 Double Bed-Blankets, $2.50.{\2 pair ouly, and ?-? lull six·.)

$1 Blankets lor $3.(14 pair to <*lose out, worth a Juiiar mor· than

we ask.)

$1.50 All-Wool Blankets, $3.79.(»toh' l sell on »i-.'tit at 14.SO.)

The Great Bargain Blankets $5.(In white or red, 6 pouals pur«. nee«? wool to

every i'..u Is worm a dollar a pound.)

Good Large Calico Bed-Comforts $1.(.«.ciur-aad-a-uuarter values.)

Large Cretonne Bed-Comforts, $1.25.(lined La Tiirkey-re-d aad filled wltb downy ··¦ t-


Two-Dollar Bed-Comforts. $1.50.(weU made, well quiltod, well Glied.)

Fine Satteen Comforts. $1.75 & $2.(twoaB«l-a-aaU-4eltar vsliws among ibis lor.)

Dollar Croebrt Qnilu cot to ? ? ¿ß.(aa prettr as MarMi'.ioa, 73x93 IbcUb·.)

ftUuei & HnoadbClimax Clearance



CUT TO $5.Byuidlayrna «itiBara «««Bananaaa

.Inek ??ß?. nntw· G"

-IM.ITR * ttnOADtV-ToviVI·,,^,,pf the -greatest evenU io tho tm «?»*?,?hiatory of Btehrotrn«.. We ,,,...

fore, ander similar cirmwusi.BBfaaaaway lelo« tha baa ofwe never have bo» ? dritag Iredaction», we do no-, jn Pi >K'J )especially wall let «Iowa the !that there'll tx, no trouble gthem. Have »roa »·*?

??EUE8~we mean fi rst q ".a; t tTIERES-soll at these pn.es?


12 Pair Porter-»·»·, ent to |5.(«M· dado Border» ai M H, <'. ! r·*·>, «ntïr,,»,,

card.a«:, tie. 4?) '

8 Par Chen H*R t anaeut ?lombreiiulo frlof«d top »nd t>f.t'oni, h«M ·»,_


4 Parr ChenÜio Portiere» cat to î

(110 wat a loo* prlco f.»r ttv»ra, ta»y will tr%.t ,.PBUBBt)

2 Pair Finest Portieres cut to $ o,(The reculor Rrood-ttre-i p''.«·* fer M .» Ut»

beeo t'.M «11 soesoo.)

Muslin Dnderweab,Muslin Undebwear.In this, »s in all «Hier «l«*nar:

the hall prt' .· · risei] ol tailthe radaotioD· «ri· t

Bible, bat that i1« «lio lo Ibasome of tho gooUi ar» .· y

Ladies' Cotaat Cenen eut I(taux were '7·,.·. »:.

Fine .Corset-'Cove.rs cut to(Un»«· w»re ISCBlSB

Fine Night-Kobcs cut to(Iheee «o'.J rrsrutkri·/f G BLU.)

next, uD.l«rata «w·


'l ívt«-*^ Hosiery <ln?

\ \\\ I «'.v PAS1 :

1 y/ WO u.e.ui tlof biadi ]aaaraad aWill BO '

cr r;. ·¦. and Billnot sod the

Crtitdrtìfì's He<»vy Ri!*hnl ? >

(one color only, tint I·»» « l nt··.)

Mistes'PhmìCmtàmmWt ¦ » >·¦'

(«Ite« 5 to ??, cu frota *?a)

Ladies' : floto, loo,(think of 13c. tarlai -l'itrtor Lote.)

Miase»' Fa.-t-i tea i ?BltetSloS«,'. cat from «:

' I

Bit««·)' »ad m y'« " ??ßßß? < Basel It>lr.esu, SS. '?'.,ls· ,;?» Beai

Ladles'Fine Fr<»n'-¡i Balbrigasa II··-*, XTVat.

(no seams, full rfunlnr, a.il full fa.r. ?

Ut lot that will r»'i tty «ll-a;·· «a-.)

Ladies' ."'tl'. /'

(Impouibl· to lupli-ate Uuoofoodt.)


c. Scarlet TittOed Wannet, |ta> j> much «uk·» tet ·?

Embroid* r< ol I ¡ti in ¦¦ ¦/, 7" ?

25c. Scarlet TteHXed F'annel, We,(too

.Fine(all ixlor· ot (Unn· ¡« at cut prista )

83e. AarM lataïfetf ÊTaawsr, ß a '(wo ore dot»rniln·· 1 to ··omf rt t

37K- »Vfr-ir'·' /'., |(cannot tOdup'.i.atod eny«vhern fur ti

fMaA o/' fin-In>n Strie* ·"

(ye·, 3c. o yard. H tasBee w. '. t.)

.s'í/'/.vt AbI CurtaUdetg, 1(for your chamber !··.!. lows oui li'. i )

tmdtmtf Heavy Fit ·¦¦ ·???> G(tjsc. would be clin·', for »o mach Baratta)

Loll·»·»' inn« OaBaWMCsMaaf <¡

(or.r best velue· at BTtfe, »re in thtt lot)

Ladies' omteeeitt* Jer t Wo '\(Just the ttitne f r Indoor».wore (I.)

Put hold ! Whaaa'a tl, aaadalDidn't we say that thia WBS SB a||_»>hoaaa Charm.·«· 1 And it ia !nothing under our rouf tint i* t. Iand rut d«»ej)ly. Out-..t-t(. «.n

can take advantage of tldering early, and by w<ty of itiU?· riling tho kind pati oaga of(tienda "¦''¦'«

ordert o/ 93 (tod ?

of ti· Ueerjf ehorgei, ft ii \·

tant, how-jit r, «.· nalthu pr·; eut to order as earls iu

as posnibl·'. ???? import..' »

muriti»« apjiarent |0 any prn.liiit :

On tho seôro «if merit we eboulido about all the selling od !this week, an«! if wo uust.thcome pretty near doing it. 1 ! ¡a »ß ß

seltình uge, and pooplo will

they get the liest valu.« fur t

A dollar hardly ev« r did batte« dit can do right here doling tL·.·Climax Clearance.

uiuuiiiiKU iBÄtm

ík\ flit ßi^iil,In ourelothlagconitorTaury tuet» doral t*·**

Üoo m t£U bloom coaUeuaUr- TB«»T BS*· *

inorked adtaaugo over a Juso rooo- ts»y '**·'

Isle. AnotBoradv-toUs-oUtfiMUov are prs*

perol for any mol of weother. Jutt « · ·"

«oooerv»u>ry happons to b»« p*rueui«u'y ¦il*v

Mocked »ad wo aro offerln,: »p«*»ot«i ladu - ·»

B> porrhaeora, Dual bum ? «·??_?ß whea ·» ¦

ajrowB la jroor way. If jouiloabt«.»«"-·*·Oto Btso «Jiovo a» otaore for a-kla« o pe·"-'1.·asUaaatsaaaloosalUtobargBiatwoarv J'


Overcoats and Suits ?

