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A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK “PATHWAY TO ENGLISH” FOR GRADE X SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (A Qualitative Descriptive Research) A THESIS Written as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Grade Education Degree of English Language Teaching By: Yulia Umi Arifa (S891202065) ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT GRADUATE SCHOOL TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY SEBELAS MARET UNIVERSITY 2016
Page 1: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK “PATHWAY TO … · vi ABSTRAK Yulia Umi Arifa. S891202065. Analisis Isi Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Pathway to English Untuk Kelas X Sekolah




(A Qualitative Descriptive Research)


Written as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Grade Education

Degree of English Language Teaching


Yulia Umi Arifa







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Page 3: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK “PATHWAY TO … · vi ABSTRAK Yulia Umi Arifa. S891202065. Analisis Isi Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Pathway to English Untuk Kelas X Sekolah


Page 4: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK “PATHWAY TO … · vi ABSTRAK Yulia Umi Arifa. S891202065. Analisis Isi Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Pathway to English Untuk Kelas X Sekolah



This is to certify that I write this thesis entitled “Content Analysis of

English Textbook Pathway to English for Grade X Senior High School”. It is

not a plagiarism or made by others. Anything related to others’ work is written in

quotation, the source of which is listed on the bibliography.

If then this pronouncement proves incorrect, I am ready to accept any

academic punishment, including the withdrawal or cancellation of my academic


Surakarta, November 2016

Yulia Umi Arifa

Page 5: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK “PATHWAY TO … · vi ABSTRAK Yulia Umi Arifa. S891202065. Analisis Isi Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Pathway to English Untuk Kelas X Sekolah



Yulia Umi Arifa. S891202065. A Content Analysis of English Textbook

Pathway to English for Grade X Senior High School. Thesis. Consultant I: Dra.

Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D, consultant II: Dra. Diah Kristina, MA.,

Ph.D. English Education Department of Graduate Program. Sebelas Maret

University. 2016.

The main objective of the research are to: (1) discover whether Pathway to

English Elective Program (PEEP) textbook for grade X meets the characteristics

of good English textbook; and (2) find out whether Pathway to English Elective

Program (PEEP) for grade X reflects graduate competences, basic competences,

teaching and learning process, and assessment standard of 2013 Curriculum.

This study is a textbook evaluation research. The procedure used in this

research is adapted from Ur (2009) which includes: (1) deciding on criteria, (2)

applying criteria, and (3) summary. After determining the criteria, which over

fourteen aspects, the textbook analyzed. The fourteen aspects are (a) Attitude,

knowledge, and skills, (b) The Basic Competences, (c) Authentic material, (d)

Unit components (objectives, explanations, activities, and evaluation), (e) Balance

of units, (f) Appropriateness with Scientific Approach, (g) 2013 Curriculum

evaluation standard, (h) Opening, (i) Closing, (j) Language development, (k)

Grammar accuracy, (l) Instruction, (m) Font, and (n) Pictures. An evaluator asked

to evaluate the textbook using the selected criteria. The evaluator asked to fill out

a questionnaire. Lastly, in the summary step, the researcher made conclusions

were made based on the data analysis result.

The findings of this research are: (1) PEEP for grade X fulfils thirteen out

of fourteen good characteristics of English textbooks. PEEP did not fulfil balance

of the units. (2) PEEP for grade X reflects graduate competences, basic

competences, teaching and learning process, and assessment standard of 2013

Curriculum. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that PEEP for

grade X is a good textbook for teaching learning English based on 2013

Curriculum requirements.

Finally, it is hoped that this research can be useful for the English teaching

and learning process, especially with the 2013 Curriculum. By knowing the

strengths and weaknesses of PEEP, teachers can adjust the teaching materials and

activities. Lastly, material developers can take into account the findings of this

research when developing their own materials or textbooks.

Keywords: content analysis, student book, curriculum 2013.

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Yulia Umi Arifa. S891202065. Analisis Isi Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Pathway

to English Untuk Kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas. Tesis. Consultant I: Dra.

Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D, consultant II: Dra. Diah Kristina, MA.,

Ph.D. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Program Pascasarjana. Universitas Sebelas

Maret. 2016.

Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) menemukan apakah buku

teks Pathway to English Elective Program (PEEP) untuk siswa tingkat X

memenuhi karakteristik-karakteristik buku pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang baik;

dan (2) mengidentifikasi apakah apakah buku teks Pathway to English Elective

Program (PEEP) untuk murid tingkat X merefleksikan kompetensi lulusan,

kompetensi dasar, proses belajar mengajar, dan standard penilaian kurikulum


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluasi buku. Prosedur yang digunakan

dalam penelitian ini diadaptasi dari Ur (2009) yaitu: (1) menentukan kriteria, (2)

mengaplikasikan kriteria, dan ringkasan. Setelah menentukan kriteria yang terdiri

dari empat belas aspek, buku dianalisa. Empat belas aspek tersebut adalah (a)

Tingkah laku, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan, (b) Kompetensi Dasar, (c) Materi

yang asli, (d) Komponen unit (obyektif, penjelasan, kegiatan, dan evaluasi), (e)

Keseimbangan unit, (f) Kesesuaian dengan pendekatan ilmiah, (g) standard

evaluasi kurikulum 2013, (h) Pembukaan, (i) Penutup, (j) Pengembangan bahasa,

(k) Grammar, (l) Perintah, (m) Bentuk huruf, dan (n) Gambar. Seorang evaluator

diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner. Terakhir, pada tahap ringkasan, peneliti

membuat kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil dari analisis data.

Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) PEEP untuk siswa tingkat X memenuhi tiga

belas kriteria dari empat belas kriteria buku Bahasa Inggris yang baik. PEEP tidak

memenuhi kriteria keseimbangan unit. (2) PEEP untuk siswa tingkat X

merefleksikan kompetensi lulusan, kompetensi dasar, proses belajar mengajar, dan

standard penilaian kurikulum 2013. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, dapat

disimpulkan bahwa PEEP untuk siswa tingkat X adalah sebuah buku teks yang

baik untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013.

Akhirnya, diharapkan penelitian ini dapat berguna untuk proses

pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, terutama dengan kurikulum baru. Dengan

mengetahui kelebihan dan kelemahan PEEP, guru dapat menyesuaikan materi dan

kegiatan mengajar. Terakhir, pengembang materi dapat mempertimbangkan hasil

penelitian ini ketika mereka mengembangkan materi atau buku teks.

Kata kunci: analisis isi, buku siswa, kurikulum 2013.

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Allah is my best protector and saviour.

(Yulia Umi Arifa)

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This thesis is whole-heartedly dedicated to those who support me to keep on

pursuing the better future:

My beloved parents

My beloved brothers

My beloved sister

Page 9: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK “PATHWAY TO … · vi ABSTRAK Yulia Umi Arifa. S891202065. Analisis Isi Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Pathway to English Untuk Kelas X Sekolah



In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful. Praise is

due to Allah, that eventually I have been able to complete this thesis as a partial

fulfilment of the requirements for the Graduate Degree of English Education

Department. I would like to express my special gratitude to the following for their

contributions throughout the completion of this study.

I would like to express my appreciation to Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih,

M.Ed., Ph.D., my first consultant, for all her consultation, guidance,

encouragement, help, and feedback all the way through the process of writing this

thesis. My gratitude also goes to Dra. Diah Kristina, MA., Ph.D., my second

consultant, for her continuous consultation, guidance, help, and feedback during

the completion of this study.

I am also sincerely grateful to Zahrudin, S.Pd an evaluator of this analysis

research for his involvement throughout the data collection of the research. I also

wish to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd., the Dean of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd., the Head of the

English Department of Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret University, and all

lecturers in the Department of English Language Education, Sebelas Maret

University for the knowledge and skills that I have got throughout the undertaking

of my study.

In addition, my special thanks are due to my beloved mother and father,

my brothers and sister and all supporting people I cannot mention by name who

have been invaluable source of support for me over the years.

I really hope that this research can provide contribution to the

improvement of educational practice, especially for teaching learning English

with the 2013 Curriculum. Therefore, all suggestions and criticism for the better

improvement will be welcomed.

Surakarta, 18 November 2016

Yulia Umi Arifa

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TITLE ............................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL .................................................................................................. ii

LEGITIMATION ......................................................................................... iii

PRONOUNCEMENT .................................................................................. iv

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................v

ABSTRAK .................................................................................................... vi

MOTTO ....................................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION ............................................................................................ viii

AKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...............................................................................x

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................... xii

LIST OF ABBREVIATION ...................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .................................................................1

A. Background of the Research ................................................................1

B. Questions of the Research .....................................................................4

C. Purpose of the Research .......................................................................4

D. Significance of the Research ................................................................5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................7

A. Theoretical Review ..............................................................................7

1. English Language Teaching in Indonesia ......................................7

a. School-Based Curriculum (KTSP) ...........................................8

b. The 2013 Curriculum .............................................................10

2. Textbook ......................................................................................12

a. Instructional Material .............................................................12

b. Definition of Textbook ............................................................15

c. The Development of the Design and Use of Textbook ..........17

d. The Role of Textbook ............................................................19

e. Design of Textbook ................................................................21

3. Evaluation of Textbook ................................................................24

a. Textbook Evaluation ..............................................................24

b. Textbook Evaluation Stage ....................................................27

c. Some Textbook Evaluation Criteria .......................................29

1) Textbook Evaluation Criteria by Cunningsworth ............29

2) Textbook Evaluation Criteria by Ur .................................32

3) Textbook Evaluation Criteria by Mukundan ....................33

B. Review of Relevant Research ............................................................34

C. Conceptual Framework ......................................................................35

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH .............................37

A. Design of the Research .......................................................................37

B. Collection of Data ...............................................................................38

C. Analysis of Data .................................................................................39

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CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ......................................41

A. The Criteria of Good English Textbook ............................................42

1. Content Coverage ........................................................................42

a. Attitude, Knowledge, and Skill Analysis Data .....................42

b. The Basic Competence Analysis Data ..................................42

c. Authenticity Analysis Data ...................................................43

2. Presentation .................................................................................44

a. Presentation Technique .........................................................44

1) Units Components Analysis Data ..................................44

2) Balance of the Units Analysis Data ...............................46

b. Teaching Method .................................................................47

1) The Appropriateness with the Scientific Approach .......47

2) The 2013 Curriculum Evaluation Standard ...................47

c. Presentation Completeness ...................................................48

1) Opening Analysis Data ..................................................48

2) Closing Analysis Data ....................................................49

3. Language .....................................................................................50

a. Language Development ........................................................50

b. Grammar Accuracy ...............................................................50

c. Instruction Analysis ..............................................................51

4. Graphics ......................................................................................51

a. Font .......................................................................................51

b. Pictures ..................................................................................51

B. Curriculum 2013 Requirement ............................................................53

1. Graduate Competences .................................................................53

a. Attitude Analysis Data ...........................................................54

b. Knowledge Analysis Data ......................................................55

c. Skill Analysis Data .................................................................57

2. Basic Competences ......................................................................58

3. Teaching Learning Process ..........................................................71

4. Assessment Standard ...................................................................75

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .........................78

A. Conclusions ........................................................................................78

B. Suggestions ........................................................................................79

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................82

APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 86

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Table 2.1 Graduate Competence Standard of Curriculum 2013 … 11

Table 2.2 BSNP Textbook Evaluation Checklist ………................. 26

Table 2.3 Instrument for Evaluating Textbook …………………… 36

Table 4.1 The Criteria of a Good English Textbook ……………... 41

Table 4.2 Students’ Activity in Pathway to English Textbook …… 43

Table 4.3 The Number of Pages of Each Chapter ………………... 46

Table 4.4 The Summary of the Findings and Discussion of the

Criteria of a Good English Textbook …………………..


Table 4.5 The Grade X English Subject Core Competence ……… 54

Table 4.6 Examples of Pages Containing Attitude Core

Competences ……………………………………………


Table 4.7 Examples of Pages Containing Knowledge Core

Competences ………………............................................


Table 4.8 Examples of Pages Containing Skill Core

Competences ……………………………………………


Table 4.9 The Grade X English Subject Basic Competences …….. 58

Table 4.10 Basic Competences of Chapter 1 ………………………. 60

Table 4.11 Basic Competences of Chapter 4 ………………………. 61

Table 4.12 Basic Competences of Chapter 6 ………………………. 62

Table 4.13 Basic Competences of Chapter 8 ………………………. 63

Table 4.14 Basic Competences of Chapter 10 ……………………... 66

Table 4.15 Basic Competences of Chapter 11 ……………………... 67

Table 4.16 Basic Competences of Chapter 12 ……………………... 68

Table 4.17 Basic Competences of Chapter 13 ……………………... 69

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BSNP Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan

KBK Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi

KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

PEEP Pathway to English Elective Program

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Appendix 1 Instrument ……………………………………….. 86
