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A cultural hearth is a source area from which new ideas radiate. Neolithic / Agricultural revolution...

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A cultural hearth is a source area from which new ideas radiate. Neolithic / Agricultural revolution – about 10,000 years ago people stopped hunting and gathering and began to grow food. Advances in agriculture lead to increased crop production. Not everyone in a given population needs grow their own crops - one farmer can produce enough crops to support more than one family. This then allows people to engage in other activities besides crop raising, animal husbandry, hunting or gathering. As a result of these other activities (specialization), new ideas develop and lead to advancements in science, astronomy,

A cultural hearth is a source area from which new ideas radiate.

Neolithic / Agricultural revolution – about 10,000 years ago people stopped hunting and gathering and began to grow food. Advances in agriculture lead to increased crop production.

Not everyone in a given population needs grow their own crops - one farmer can produce enough crops to support more than one family.

This then allows people to engage in other activities besides crop raising, animal husbandry, hunting or gathering.

As a result of these other activities (specialization), new ideas develop and lead to advancements in science, astronomy, mathematics, religion, art, and political systems. These ideas then are spread to surrounding areas.

The white dashed line shows the extent of glacial activity.

The original humans spread from Africa into the Middle East. From there, into Central Asia and then north into Europe and south into India. Humans then traveled south into the islands and Australia and north into China and eastern Russia. Humans then crossed the land bridge into North America and traveled east to the New England area and South into Middle and South America.

culture hearths later culture hearths

• Near a river

• in a temperate climate

• on arable land

• abundance of food

Mesopotamia is a region, not a country.The land between 2 rivers – the Tigris & Euphrates. The following groups lived in Mesopotamia: the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians,  Assyrians, Chaldeans, and to some degree the Hittites, Phoenicians and Persians


• Code of Laws – Hammurabi’s Code

• Writing – Cuneiform

• System for calculating time and angles based on 60 – sexagesimal system

Two major civilizations – the Harappa & Mohenjo Daro

The Indus River Valley spread and merged with the Ganges River Valley in India.


• Town planning – grid system for roads

• sanitation system – covered drains

• water from wells

• grainaries, docks, and warehouses

• uniform weights and measurements

• copper, bronze, lead, and tin


• mathematic advances

•reliable farming with irrigation

• engineering, mining, and plumbing

• pyramids

• medical - cures for diarrhea, burns, indigestion, cataracts, surgery, and mummification

• papyrus paper and hieroglyphics


• wheel barrow, horse harness, row cultivation, and plow

• water chain pump (water goes up)

• metal casting

• Su Song’s mechanical clock – water-driven astronomical clock

• crossbow, rudder, gas lamp, block printing, abacus, paper, porcelain, silk, kites, playing cards

Other things that have spread between cultures:

• Disease

• Language

• Food

• Religion

• Ideas

• Inventions

• culture

Urban Urban AreasAreas

Urban AreasUrban Areas •Urban – having something to do with cities. People make a living in ways other than farming.

•Urban areas grouped by:

- population or

- economic activities

Kinds of Kinds of Urban Urban AreasAreas

•Cities are defined differently in different areas of the world.

•Suburbs – areas around a city – large central city

•Metropolitan Area – land of a central city and all of its suburbs.

Urban Urban FunctionsFunctions

(Eco. (Eco. Activities)Activities)


•Government – national, state, provincial capitals.


•Trade/office – generally will be located in a central area.

•Other functions:

- recreation ctrs

- educational ctrs

- religious ctrs

History of History of CitiesCities

•Started about 6,000 years ago.

•First cities:

- Mesopotamia (SW Asia)

•Specialization started to develop:

- artisans - merchants

- farmers - ruling elite (military or

religious leaders)

along the Tigris/Euphrates Rivers

- 4,000 BCE

•Running the cities – (usually the ruling elite)- wrote the laws- levied taxes- supervised public building

Earliest Earliest Great CityGreat City

•Rome – ctr of Roman Empire

- built all over Europe

- roads still used today

Sketch a map

- developed the grid system to lay out their cities (later spread all over Europe)

- brought water from the mountains by aqueducts

•Fall of the Roman Empire

- invasion of Germanic tribes

Middle Middle AgesAges

•Villages and cities started to increase again after the Dark Ages

•Trade between the villages would develop into large cities. Two of the largest cities would be Paris and London.

IndustriaIndustrial l RevolutioRevolutionn

•Next large growth of cites – started in Europe and would spread to N. America in the late 1700s. Machines begin to do work of humans.

ImmigratiImmigration & 2on & 2ndnd AgriculturAgricultural al RevolutionRevolution

•Helped spread urbanization in the 20th c.

•Dramatically increased the size of cities in North America.

Urban Urban EnvironmEnvironmentent

•Shaped by human activities

- cities have to deal with problems and increasing population

Urban Urban LandscapLandscapee

•Site and situation

-influence whether people will settle in certain area

- 2 factors influence this:



-actual physical features (landforms, waterways, climate, etc.)

Relative Relative locationlocation


-position of a place in relation to all places around it.

What What factors do factors do we need for we need for a city?a city?

•Water (fresh)

•Abundant food source

•Fertile land

•Good climate

•Natural protection

These are These are characteristicharacteristics of Site.cs of Site.


•Near a trade center

•River – for transportation

•Located near natural resources.

These are These are characteristicharacteristics of cs of SituationSituation

•A city’s good situation guarantees its influence over the area•A central business district (CBD) has areas around it that supply it with raw materials and farm products – called the HINTERLAND.

•The hinterland gets its manufactured products and services from the city.

Impact of Impact of Urban Urban DevelopmenDevelopmentt

•People change the natural landscape to build the city.- animal/plant habitats are destroyed

- arable land being used for development

Hinterland CBD

Burgess Burgess ModelModel


• Cultures create institutions – organizations developed by society to make social roles clear and to take care of social needs. These institutions are centered in cities.

• Schools – teach values of society and prepare for adulthood

• Government – protect from outsiders, promote social cooperation, and regulate behavior

• Religious centers – teach values of society and guide proper behavior

Urban Urban ClimateClimate

•urban areas are warmer than rural areas.

•Cities are “URBAN HEAT ISLANDS” (can be up to 3º warmer)

•Buildings change wind patterns.

Social Social structurestructure

• Upper Class – earns or inherits wealth and owns a large share of the property in the society. They lead a luxurious lifestyle and often serve in leadership roles in the society.

•Middle Class – This is the intermediate group of educated and mostly successful people – managers, professionals, shop keepers, and small business owners.

•Working Class – composed of manual workers who work in factories, mining, and transportation, or who work as independent craftsmen

•Peasants – these are the farm workers or owners of small farms mainly engaged in subsistence agriculture. Little education and limited experience of the world outside the village.

•Lower Class – often uneducated and unskilled. They take the least desirable and worst-paying jobs.

Urban LifeUrban Life •Common urban problems

- unemployment

- providing services

- racial/religious conflict

- environmental pollution

- decline of the CBD

World World Patterns of Patterns of Urban Urban DevelopmeDevelopmentnt

•48% of the world’s people live in urban areas.

•Developed countries – 75%

•Developing countries – 35% live in cities

•Last 20 years in developing countries - rapid population growth.

• By 2025 – 60% of the world’s population will live in cities. All but one of the largest cities in the world will be in developing countries.


• Non-Renewable – fossil fuels– Coal, natural gas, petroleum– Fossil fuels also used for petrochemical

products– Supplies of fossil fuels is a key factor for a

country’s economic success.– Unfortunately as fossil fuels are burned they

release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere which may be a contributing factor to global climate change.

• Renewable Energy– Water power – hydroelectric – power derived from

running water (dams) over 10% of US energy– Wind power – wind turbines (modern windmill)

create electricity. However takes many and large spaces to produce sufficient amounts.

– Geothermal power – heat from Earth’s interior. Plants are built where volcanoes and hot springs are plentiful.

– Solar power – energy from the sun. Special solar panels can absorb solar energy and convert it to electricity. However, panels are still expensive so the use of solar power is usually limited to upper class.

1. Tokyo, Japan - 32,450,000 2. Seóul, South Korea - 20,550,000 3. Mexico City, Mexico - 20,450,000 4. New York City, USA - 19,750,000 5. Mumbai, India - 19,200,000 6. Jakarta, Indonesia - 18,900,000 7. Sáo Paulo, Brazil - 18,850,000 8. Delhi, India - 18,680,000 9. Õsaka/Kobe, Japan - 17,350,000 10. Shanghai, China - 16,650,000

World’s 10 largest urban areas:

Tokyo – Yokohama: population 32,450,000 largest urban area in the world. Tokyo is home to Mitsubishi, Fuji, Nissan, and Tokyo Electron Limited.

Seoul - 20,550,000 people –very high population density. Home to LG Group, Samsung, Kia, and Hyudai

20,450,000 million largest in Latin America. Pemex (petroleum) and tourism

are major industries

New York City – USA’s largest city – 19,750,000 people. Major publishing, textile, insurance, real estate, retail, media, chemical, securities, and financial centers make home here

Mumbai – 19,200,00 people – India’s largest city Mahim Bay is a tourist destination but others live in poverty. Home to major tech support centers, financial services, banking, textile, and Hindi language film industries.

Jakarta, Indonesia – people. The poor live on floating houses and houses on stilts. Home to insurance, government, textiles, and oil and gas industries.

10.6 million – largest in Soouth America – favela (slums)

population – 612,000. Home to petrochemical, tourism,

telecommunications, food & beverage, and auto making


Delhi, India – India’s second largest city – population is18,680,000 India has 1/6th of the world’s people. Major information, petrochemical, textile, and pharmaceutical industries.

Õsaka/Kobe, Japan was once the capital. Now it is an industrial giant population is 17,350,000. Japan is very densely populated. Home to financial services, Hitachi, publishing, and many other electronic companies.

Shanghai, China is China’s largest city located on the Yangtze River – population 16,650,000. Major manufacturing area specializing in electronics and information products, ship building, chemicals, automobile manufacturing, petrochemicals, and publishing.
