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A Cup of Tea With Michael Larsen

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My thanks to Tea Time With Testers for interviewing me as a feature story for their July 2013 issue. In this interview, I discuss discovering testing, dynamics of live blogging, technical skill development, return of investment on automation, an alternative to formal education and degrees, SummerQAmp and other topics.
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MKL Intervi ew

When he was younger he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. He started with a band that turned into his borderline compulsion for almost eight years….

A voice that has rocked concerts and shows years ago…is now one of the leading voices of Software Testing community. He is known for his multiple qualities in community. Some people know him because of his passionate blogging; some identify him as Headmaster of BBST classes and most of the people know him as ‘Testhead’!

Meet… Michael Larsen. What helped him reach there? What are his skills? What keeps him motivated?

Know it from the man himself….

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We would like to know about your journey as a tester. What made you choose software testing? (Do you mind if we ask about mention for your singing background?)

1. I  don’t  mind  at  all.  Truth  is,  when  I  was  younger  (read:  about  age 18), I was feeling fairly aimless. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, or who or what I wanted to be when I grew up. I met up with some friends at the college I was attending at the time, and our love of music helped us determine we wanted to start a band. We thought it would be a lark, but that lark turned into a borderline compulsion of mine for almost eight years. I learned several degrees worth of  “life  education”   in   those years. How to be my own boss. How to run my own company? How to be creative. How to sell. How to market. How to design. How to communicate. How to do public relations. Oh, yeah, and I learned how to sing and write music, too ;).

2. While   all   of   that   was   wonderful,   what   it   didn’t   do   was  provide me with much financial stability. Around the end of 1990 (when I had turned 23) I decided I need to do something that was more stable than what I had been doing (which was cleaning people’s  houses  by  day  and  rehearsing  or performing at night). My drummer at the time suggested that I go to the temp agency he had contracted with, as they helped him land a very lucrative job some months earlier. He’s  a  sales  and  design  rep  for  audio  systems,  and  he’s  really  good at it, but back then he was just getting started in that, and the temp agency placed him at the start of his career. I figured, what did I have to lose? I put myself out there, willing to do anything, with two stipulations. First, I had to work days so I could perform at night, and I had to work somewhere that would be cool with me having long hair (seems  funny  now,  but   in  1990,   I  was   the  singer   for   a  “hair  band”,  so  having  long  hair  was  officially part of the job ;-) )


That conversation got me placed in March of 1991 at a then little known software and Hardware Company called Cisco Systems. I came in as a temp to help arrange their engineering library, and here is where being a housekeeper full time for several years totally came to my aid! A job they anticipated would take two weeks took me two days. With a lot of time on my initial contract, I was introduced to the Release Engineering team. They asked if I knew anything about networking or computers. I explained that my knowledge extended to Desktop Publishing of flyers with PageMaker, keeping track of expenses in Lotus 1-2-3, keeping a mailing list in dBase III Plus, and writing lyrics occasionally in WordPerfect.

The entirety of my computer experience, in fact, resided in four  2.5”  floppy  disks  that  I  carried  with  me  always.  I  knew  a  little bit of DOS, played around with Macs, never touched a UNIX system, but they figured I knew enough that I could at least do some things. With that, I was shown how to type into a UNIX terminal that was next to a Bytek EEPROM programmer. If I was willing, I could help them by peeling the labels off of used EEPROMS, putting them into a foam tray and exposing them to high intensity UV light, then taking them out and checking to see if they were truly erased. From there, by typing some commands into the monitor, I could “program”   the   EEPROMS.   I   then   could   push   the   EEPROMS into a system board, power on a system, and see if the image worked.  From  there,  I’d  give  the  EEPROMS  to  someone  in  the  Release Engineering group, who would do something else with them. Long story short, I learned how to do that well enough and quickly enough  that  the  Release  Engineering  team  asked  if  I’d  be game to work with them longer, i.e. for six months or so. I agreed and, through that process, came to learn who the Release Engineering team was. Yes, some of them were build engineers, who compiled software into system images, but most of them, when you got down to it, were software testers. Thus, I came to software testing in a very lateral way, and stayed with it because I thought the people doing it were awesome (and many of them I am still friends with 20+ years later :-))

'Live Blog? He must be Michael Larsen!', is what we hear. What keeps you motivated? Writing 20 blogs a month, isn't it a big number?

My posting ability ebbs and flows. Sometimes I can post a lot, sometimes I post once or twice a week. It depends on a lot of what’s   going   on   at   the   time,   and   how   engaged   I   am.   “Live  Blogging”  was   something   I   started  doing  because   I   found   it  frustrating to try to take notes and then make posts after the fact. I felt like I was leaving way too much good information behind, plus doing follow-on posts was more difficult, since I had to rely on both recall and a quiet time late at night or early in the morning to put together traditional blog posts. In 2011,  I  decided  “why  don’t  I  just  state  up  front  that  I’m  going  to  “stream  of  consciousness”  write  what   I  am  experiencing,  and  give  people  the  choice  to  follow  along?”  I  knew  it  would  be chaotic, potentially messy, and at times less than coherent (and rife with spelling errors, too). The idea would be that   I   would   come   back   later   and   “clean   up”   what   I  originally wrote, rather than try to create something from scratch from my memory. The response to doing this was very  favorable,  so  now  I  will  often  “Live  Blog”  from  events  I  am attending, ranging from local meet-ups to international conferences. What keeps me motivated to do it? I like to learn, and I like to encourage others.

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4. Sometimes the best way to encourage others is to show my own struggles. Many blogs are presented as though the person writing   is   an   authority   or   expert.   I’ve   never   intended   for   that   to   be   the   approach   for   TESTHEAD.   I’ve   always   strived   to   be   a  student, and to show what I am learning as  I  am  learning  it.  Sometimes,  it  will  make  me  look  a  little  foolish  or  ignorant,  and  that’s  OK. The end goal is that I want to learn from my experiences, and if that learning helps inspire others to do the same (or something similar) then  that’s  a  bonus.


How much technical you think a tester should be? And what would you advise any tester to become good at it?

6. This is a multi-part question, and it can be approached from many different angles. When you say technical, do you mean that testers should be programmers in their own right? Do you mean that they should be experts in their particular knowledge domain? Do you mean that testers should be every bit as knowledgeable about the product as the end users of that product? Each means something  a  little  bit  different.  Let’s  take  them  one  at  a  time.


Technical == Programming Chops

Essential? Perhaps not. Helpful? Definitely! Does a software tester need to be as well versed as the software developers who are writing the actual code for the product?  No,  I  don’t  think  so,  but  if  you  have  that  interest  and  want  to  be,  then  go  for  it.  If  you  are  not enthused about programming, I do think you need to have some level of skill and understanding of computing to be able to communicate effectively with developers.  That  doesn’t  have  to  be  a  difficult  or  huge   commitment.  Programming at the Linux command prompt using bash or another shell scripting language can teach you a lot about conditions, flow control, variables, branching, functions, etc. Even if that were all the programming you ever learned how to do, you could be very helpful to your team just with that level of knowledge. If you can learn the programming languages that your development team uses, then that will certainly help you do more and be more  effective  with  your  team,  but  we  shouldn’t  equate  programming  skill  with  effective  testing. They are not the same thing.

Domain Knowledge

This  I  feel   is  critical.  You  could  be  an  expert  tester  in  one  area,  but  that  doesn’t  mean  that  you  will  necessarily be an expert in another area. I tested networking equipment for a decade, and that made me feel I could test anything. I was quickly corrected of that fact when I went to work for a company that made OS virtualization software. My networking skills helped a bit, but it was a totally different product and space, and it was an uphill climb to learn how to be effective in that space. I later worked with a company that made capacitance touch devices, and much of the conditions that made the product work had to do with physics and the way that the human body conducted electricity. That was a struggle, and ultimately I was unsuccessful there, because physics was not something I knew much about at the time. Later on, I worked with a company that made a product that helped immigration attorneys manage caseloads for people looking to get visas or apply for citizenship. Over the course of several years, I learned a lot about immigration law. Not enough to practice law, but enough so that I could understand the majority of the workflows that attorneys and paralegals had to go through. That experience helped make me a much more effective tester.

Application Knowledge

Software   testers   should  be  as   skilled   in   the  product   as   their   top   5%  of  users.   They  don’t  need   to  be   in the top 1%, or know everything about all aspects, but they need to be very in tune with the application, and as knowledgeable about it as a general Power User would be. In my mind, a truly effective tester should be able to step onto the customer service phone system and be able  to  talk  to  any  customer  about  their  problems,  and  be  able  to  help  get  to  the  bottom  of  issues.  Note,  I’m  not  saying  that a software tester needs to be a tech support person, but they should be knowledgeable enough about the product to slide into that role if needed. Customer Support engineers bring some additional skills to the table that some software testers will never be able to match, such as the finesse needed to talk a customer down off the ledge and calm them down, while at the same time helping them solve the problem, provide a workaround, or get to the bottom of an intractable (to them) issue. To this end, I have also often said that, if you want to, in a pinch, find some great software testers in your company without actually hiring another dedicated tester, check out the people working in tech support. Some amazing testers are already there!

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Your opinion on the ROI of test Automation and the need of it? Test  Automation  is  a  double  edged  sword.  It’s  important,  but  it’s over-sold,  and  often  it’s  improperly  sold.  Test  Automation  itself is not a silver bullet. Well crafted test automation, covering a broad area of mission critical areas, can be a lifesaver if a change to a code base breaks something important.  I’m  a  huge  fan of automated tests for regression purposes. Those tests have more than once helped me to determine if a new change has broken something important elsewhere.  It  doesn’t  happen  often  (maybe  99%  of   the  time  or more, the tests just run and nothing of interest is noted) but during those rare occasions when something does happen, and we have determined that the error is not a spurious failure (hey, those happen too), they have pointed to real issues that needed to be fixed. The return on investment can seem really   low   if   they   don’t   find   any   new  bugs, but people who are looking at test automation to find new bugs are, in my opinion, missing the point. Test automation   isn’t   an   investment   in   the   classic   sense.   It’s   a  hedge. You are putting these tests in place with the idea that, for a vast majority of the time, they are not going to tell you anything  new  or  exciting  about  your  product...  and  that’s  OK.  Their value is not whether or not they find new bugs, their value is in seeing if newly added code elsewhere broke something that was known to work before. At that moment, your automation can very quickly become priceless.

SummerQAmp. Please tell us more about it. SummerQAmp is an initiative here in the U.S.A. where students ages 16-24 can learn about software testing, and after doing so, get placed with companies as interns where they actually practice the skills that they have learned, with the goal to introduce these skills to students who may not have had a traditional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education. Because of that, we try to make the topics we present start from the basics and work their way up. Currently we have modules that Cover “What  is  Testing”,  What  is  Bias”,  “What  is  Context”,  “What  is  the   Software   Development   Lifecycle”   and   “How   Does   the  Web   Work”.   We   also   have   a   module   that   is   in   mid  development   on   “Bugs   and   Bug   Reporting”.   I   am   also  working  with  others  to  develop  a  “Lesson  0”  topic  around  the  Scientific Method, as we feel that would be a huge step towards helping potential testers really understand what it is that we do, and use science and history as a way to understand how software testing helps advance our knowledge.

So, do you see an alternative to formal education and costly degrees?

I think it definitely will help some people see the practical application of software testing, and it can be a part of a broader curriculum, whether that be through a traditional computer science degree, or through more self-directed learning. The goal is to help give potential testers both the understanding of what good software testing is, and to spark an interest for them to pursue it as a career in its own right. We also want to give them some solid skills that they can carry to whatever career they ultimately decide to pursue. The fact is, solid testing skills can help in many careers; finance, manufacturing, biology, geology, mining, and medicine all have areas where testing skills and the ability to think like a tester would be of great advantage.

What do you think about the test processes and maturity models? What would be your advice on reducing cost of testing?

I look at the maturity models and test practices the way that I look at test automation. I think they are important, but I also think they are over-sold.  I  am  not  a  fan  of  the  term  “best  practice”;   I   believe   that   a   practice   is   only   as   good as the context it is being used in, and the ability to adapt and use different methods and models effectively is more important that following a prescribed plan. Note, in some fields that are regulated and require a certain rigor to allow a product to be released, then yes, there are protocols that need to be followed. Understanding those protocols and where they need to be followed does matter. It can cause a messy legal fight if they are not, so to say that they are unimportant would be ignorant. What I think we can do, though, is look at and evaluate what processes we use and which ones are effective. At the same time, we need to consider which processes are wasteful or are just there because of historical precedent and may no longer be relevant. Costs can go down when we are focused on not just what is required, but to also see   what   requirements   just   don’t   need   to   be   there   any  longer, and either get rid of them, or focus our energies on areas where we actually can be more effective.

It's hard to imagine AST EdSIG without you. We would like to know more about your work, experience with AST and Miagi -Do.

First,   let’s  clarify   that   the  Association   for   Software  Testing’s  Education Special Interest Group is what we are talking about here ;) Second, it may surprise some people to know that prior to May of 2010, I had no involvement with AST, the BBST  courses,  or  AST’s  EDSIG  at  all.

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In March of 2010, I made a commitment to become more involved with the greater software testing community, and by get more involved, I meant to do something where I actually contributed to the community. That started with creating a blog called TESTHEAD. My whole goal for TESTHEAD was to share what I knew about software testing, plus  what  I  didn’t,  as  well  as  what  I  hoped  to  learn.  Through  that process, I learned about Miagi-do, which is a zero profit school of software testing. I chose to embark on a journey of discovery with other instructors of the school. For those interested, Markus Gartner was/is my sensei in the school. Even   though   I’m   now   a   Black   Belt/Instructor   in  Miagi-do, I still consider Markus my sensei, and probably always will :). Anyway, through my becoming a student, Markus suggested I look at AST and the BBST classes, with the initial goal of participating in the classes, but with the stretch goal of teaching the classes. I offered to teach, and Cem Kaner & Becky Fiedler took me up on the offer :). After participating in, assisting in and leading several sessions of all of the classes, I am now one of the Lead Instructors for all of the course offerings. That knowledge, along with understanding the weird quirks of the delivery software that we use to offer the classes, helped make me a good candidate to lead the EdSIG when the opportunity arose. I also wanted to see AST move into offering education at a different level, from which the SummerQAmp initiative came our way. I am hoping to see more opportunities that can help us bridge the gap between the academic and the practitioner. I consider myself much more a part of the latter, but I want to learn as much from the former as I can as well :).

How do you see BBST and other courses by AST helping testers? Could you please tell how different they are from other certifications available in market? First, the Black Box Software Testing courses (BBST) are skills based, and they are designed with the idea of helping people do  what’s  referred  to  as  “long  term  learning”.  While  we  use  workshops and quizzes to help with the learning process, we focus more attention on people writing long form answers to questions, having those answers reviewed by other participants and instructors, and defending their answers (or showing how they have learned something different and incorporated that learning into their answers). We feel that is a  great  way  to  learn,  and  that  it’s  a  much  deeper  experience.  It’s  also  a  lot  tougher  to  grade.  

Because of this, and many other factors, we decided that BBST  would  not  be  a  “certification”,  but   that  they  would  be  standalone courses that, if participants completed them, we would offer a certificate of completion to say that, yes, to our satisfaction, we feel that the participant did sufficient work and showed sufficient understanding that we, as instructors, and as an organization, would acknowledge that. We do not “certify”  the  skills  of  testers  who  have  taken  the  courses,  but  I do feel that the certificate of completion for each course (Foundations,  Bug  Advocacy,  Test  Design  and  our  Instructor’s  Course) shows a significant investment in their education and commitment to learning, and I commend each and every participant who has one of those certificates. They’ve  earned  them!

This discussion would be incomplete without talking about Weekend Testing Americas. Please tell us about it and how it can help new testers.

Weekend Testing Americas is, of course, a chapter that has grown out from the Weekend Testing movement founded in India. Ajay Balamurugadas and Markus Gartner encouraged me, because of my involvement with the sessions taking place in Europe, to help bring the initiative to the Western Hemisphere. Our sessions cover those from Honolulu, Hawaii to Sao Paulo, Brazil, from Nome, Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego, Chile, and everything in between. The idea behind Weekend Testing is that we offer a training ground for testers to come out and practice their craft. Very often, people only test the products that their companies make, and the ability to look at   other   products,   techniques   or   ideas   just   isn’t   there.  We  offer a place to take on missions and charters, as well as look at interesting applications and technologies, and do so in a way  that  doesn’t  require anyone to follow a particular model or approach of testing. My primary role in the Americas sessions has been to facilitate them and to help testers who participate practice software testing, learn some skills and techniques/approaches, and meet some great people in the process.

What benefit do you think attending conferences can add to overall growth of software tester?

Conferences  are  terrific  if  you  go  to  actually  “confer”.  Before  you   sign   on   to   attend   a   conference,   ask   yourself   “Why   are  you  going”?   If   it’s   to  hang  out  with  other   testers   and   learn  from  them,  that’s  cool,  but  you  may  find  it  more  beneficial  if  you go with a handful of questions.

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In March of 2010, I made a commitment to become more involved with the greater software testing community, and by get more involved, I meant to do something where I actually contributed to the community. That started with creating a blog called TESTHEAD. My whole goal for TESTHEAD was to share what I knew about software testing, plus  what  I  didn’t,  as  well  as  what  I  hoped  to  learn.  Through  that process, I learned about Miagi-do, which is a zero profit school of software testing. I chose to embark on a journey of discovery with other instructors of the school. For those interested, Markus Gartner was/is my sensei in the school. Even   though   I’m   now   a   Black   Belt/Instructor   in  Miagi-do, I still consider Markus my sensei, and probably always will :). Anyway, through my becoming a student, Markus suggested I look at AST and the BBST classes, with the initial goal of participating in the classes, but with the stretch goal of teaching the classes. I offered to teach, and Cem Kaner & Becky Fiedler took me up on the offer :). After participating in, assisting in and leading several sessions of all of the classes, I am now one of the Lead Instructors for all of the course offerings. That knowledge, along with understanding the weird quirks of the delivery software that we use to offer the classes, helped make me a good candidate to lead the EdSIG when the opportunity arose. I also wanted to see AST move into offering education at a different level, from which the SummerQAmp initiative came our way. I am hoping to see more opportunities that can help us bridge the gap between the academic and the practitioner. I consider myself much more a part of the latter, but I want to learn as much from the former as I can as well :).

How do you see BBST and other courses by AST helping testers? Could you please tell how different they are from other certifications available in market?

First, the Black Box Software Testing courses (BBST) are skills based, and they are designed with the idea of helping people do  what’s  referred  to  as  “long  term  learning”.  While  we  use  workshops and quizzes to help with the learning process, we focus more attention on people writing long form answers to questions, having those answers reviewed by other participants and instructors, and defending their answers (or showing how they have learned something different and incorporated that learning into their answers). We feel that is a  great  way  to  learn,  and  that  it’s  a  much deeper experience. It’s  also  a  lot  tougher  to  grade.

Because of this, and many other factors, we decided that BBST  would  not  be  a  “certification”,  but   that  they  would  be  standalone courses that, if participants completed them, we would offer a certificate of completion to say that, yes, to our satisfaction, we feel that the participant did sufficient work and showed sufficient understanding that we, as instructors, and as an organization, would acknowledge that. We do not “certify”  the  skills  of  testers  who  have  taken  the  courses,  but  I do feel that the certificate of completion for each course (Foundations,  Bug  Advocacy,  Test  Design  and  our  Instructor’s  Course) shows a significant investment in their education and commitment to learning, and I commend each and every participant  who  has  one  of  those  certificates.  They’ve earned them!

This discussion would be incomplete without talking about Weekend Testing Americas. Please tell us about it and how it can help new testers.

Weekend Testing Americas is, of course, a chapter that has grown out from the Weekend Testing movement founded in India. Ajay Balamurugadas and Markus Gartner encouraged me, because of my involvement with the sessions taking place in Europe, to help bring the initiative to the Western Hemisphere. Our sessions cover those from Honolulu, Hawaii to Sao Paulo, Brazil, from Nome, Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego, Chile, and everything in between. The idea behind Weekend Testing is that we offer a training ground for testers to come out and practice their craft. Very often, people only test the products that their companies make, and the ability to look at   other   products,   techniques   or   ideas   just   isn’t   there.  We  offer a place to take on missions and charters, as well as look at interesting applications and technologies, and do so in a way  that  doesn’t  require  anyone  to follow a particular model or approach of testing. My primary role in the Americas sessions has been to facilitate them and to help testers who participate, practice software testing, learn some skills and techniques/approaches, and meet some great people in the process.

What benefit do you think attending conferences can add to overall growth of software tester?

Conferences  are  terrific  if  you  go  to  actually  “confer”.  Before  you   sign   on   to   attend   a   conference,   ask   yourself   “Why   are  you  going”?   If   it’s   to hang out with other testers and learn from  them,  that’s  cool,  but  you  may  find  it  more  beneficial  if  you go with a handful of questions.

What technique could I use to help get a handle on test case overload? Could I learn more about a particular tool that we are considering? What is different about mobile testing or web testing as compared to traditional applications? Has someone else out there dealt with the pain and frustration of trying to implement a different testing approach? These are examples, but if you go with something like five questions in mind, structure your time so that you can get those questions answered, and give you ideas as to where to go from there, then yes, conferences can be time very well spent.  Here’s  another  hint...  you  may  find  that  you  get  those  questions answered while conversing with someone late at night at the hotel bar, or over lunch, or during one of the “tester   games”,   or   out   in   the   hallway between plenary sessions.  That’s  all   fine.   I  have  attended  conferences  where  my key takeaways, more often than not, happened outside of the track sessions. Your goal is not to attend sessions; your goal is to get your questions answered and be empowered to do better work with the answers you receive. How you get those answers is up to you ;).

AST, SummerQAmp, Scout camps, Miagi-Do, blogging, singing, presenting at conferences, testing at work and Weekend Testing Americas. Are we missing anything? We are curious to know how you really manage it. And want your advice on how to maintain balance between multiple activities.

I may not be the best person to ask how to balance, because I tend to be an all-in or all-out   kind   of   person.   I   don’t  “dabble”   in   activities, and honestly, I am terrible at apportioning time in a sparing manner. My time management approach is to find out which of my commitments   are   regular,   and   which   ones   are   “special  occasions”.   When   I   have   a   regular   commitment,   it’s  relatively easy to schedule for it. When I was producing a podcast every week, it was simple. I knew that I would need to devote about three to four hours over the course of a week to editing audio, setting up a show and having it ready to go by Thursday morning. It happened every week, so I made it work. I know that I have to report every day on my test status, so I can cover what I am able to between those meetings  and  put   the  attention  that   I  need  to   into   it.   If   I’m  running a BBST class, I know when the deadlines are, and what needs to be met and when. The more difficult challenge is focusing on things that may not be regular, or urgent, but the payoff for doing them could be tremendous. Those are nebulous, and sometimes I find it very hard to dedicate time to those endeavors.

Give  me  a  hard  and  fast  deadline,  and  I’ll  make  it  happen;  the  closer  the  better  :).  Tell  me  “Oh,  it’s  OK,  get  to  that  whenever  you   have   time”...   it   may   never   come   to   pass.   Sometimes   I  find  it  helpful  to  set  up  “class  schedules”  for  certain  things  I  want to do. When I do that, I try to give it the same amount of time I would to a class in a university (an hour a day three times a week or an hour and a half twice a week, etc.). The point is that I schedule it and I commit to that period of time. This works great  for  things  that  are  “nice  to  do”  or  “I  should  really  focus  on  that”  kind  of  initiatives.  Often,  they  are  things  that are not all that fun. On the flip side, I have to realize when I am spending too much time on the things that I find to be fun. Blogging for me is something I just go with. If I find I’m  writing  daily,  or  multiple  times  a  day,  I  go  with  it.  If  I  find  that   I   haven’t   written   for   a   while,   then   I   shift   to   “office  hours”   so   that   I   can   write   something.   Newton’s   Laws   of  Motion fit very well here. If you start doing something and you do it regularly, you will find that you have more ideas and energy to keep doing it. If you stop doing something, you will find that it can be very hard to get it started again.

What are 5 important skills that you think a tester must possess?

Curiosity: Be someone who takes pleasure in poking something  and  saying  “I  wonder  what  happens  if  I  do  this!”

Empathy: You   need   to   walk   a   mile   in   the   user’s   shoes   to  really understand what annoys them.

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Persuasion: Developers will consider a bug serious if you can show and persuade them it is serious.

Flexibility: Be willing and able to adapt to changing situations.

Patience: Know  that  testing  can  be  a  long  haul,  and  sometimes  it’s  not  a  lot  of  fun.  Hang  with  it,  though.  Even  the  worst  of  times  shall pass.

What would be your advice to our readers? And especially for people who want to become the next Michael Larsen?

Please  don’t  aspire  to  become  the  next  me.  Become  the  first  you.  That’s  way  more  important!  If,  however,  I  somehow  inspire  others to want to become a more dedicated tester, or get more involved in things that matter to them, then that would be a great  legacy.  I’d  suggest  finding  an  initiative  you  care  about;  one  you  would  be  willing  to  give  your  all  to.   It  might  be  an   open source project. It might be an education initiative; it might be trying to make the next great plug-in to some automation tool. Whatever it is, find it, get involved and be of service to the testing (and broader) community.

Do you read Tea-time with Testers? We would love to hear your opinion about us.

I do read Tea Time with Testers. I like the fact that it is not specifically aligned with a particular school or approach. Too often, we see  articles  that  are  all  about  “best  practices”  or  “Time  honored  traditions”,  and  while  there  is a place for that, I want to see what may  not  be   so   common,  or  may  be   rather   fringe   in   idea  or  opinion.   I’m  a  big   fan  of   real  world   and  actual  practitioner  based  information. I also like the fact that Tea-time with Testers reaches out to a broad community to help provide that balance. Alongside well recognized voices (James Bach, Johanna Rothman, Jerry Weinberg, etc.) there are also opportunities every issue for people like me to present their ideas and see them get traction with their peers. I consider it a good place to share (and find) real  world  stories  about  real  world  software  testing  and  what  actually  works.  If  nothing  else,  it  lets  me  know  that  I’m  not  the only one dealing with certain issues :).

Thank you Michael for your valuable time as well as for kind words about Tea-time with Testers. On behalf of TTwT family, I would like to thank you for the video pitch.

Dear Readers, you can watch below video to know what Michael and other experts have to say about us. Feel free to share it with your friends and fellow testers.

- Editor
