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A Dangerous Journey – Page 1 A Dangerous Journey A children’s play adapted from John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress Characters: Christian Christian’s wife 2 children Evangelist Goodwill 9 choir members ‘voices’ Ms. Wiseman of the World Doubting Thomasina Fearful 2 lions Faithful Apollyon Miss Loves Things Miss Arrogance Lord Hategood 4 townspeople Atheist [Choir comes filing in singing “Step by Step” while on stage the narrator sits, preoccupied as she reads a book.] – begin with chorus and then have Christian step out on stage and sing 2 nd verse Choir: Step by Step CHORUS: Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You I will seek You in the morning And I will learn to walk in Your ways And step by step You'll lead me And I will follow You all of my days Christian: Sometimes I think of Abraham How one star he saw had been lit for me He was a stranger in this land And I am that, no less than he And on this road to righteousness Sometimes the climb can be so steep I may falter in my steps But never beyond Your reach Choir: CHORUS And I will follow You all of my days And I will follow You all of my days And step by step You'll lead me And I will follow You all of my days And I will follow You all of my days (Sometimes the night was beautiful) And I will follow You all of my days

A Dangerous Journey – Page 1

A Dangerous Journey

A children’s play adapted from John Bunyan’s

Pilgrim’s Progress

Characters: Christian

Christian’s wife 2 children Evangelist Goodwill

9 choir members ‘voices’ Ms. Wiseman of the World

Doubting Thomasina Fearful 2 lions Faithful

Apollyon Miss Loves Things

Miss Arrogance Lord Hategood 4 townspeople


[Choir comes filing in singing “Step by Step” while on stage the narrator sits, preoccupied as she reads a book.] – begin with chorus and then have Christian step out on stage and sing 2nd verse

Choir: Step by Step

CHORUS: Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You

I will seek You in the morning And I will learn to walk in Your ways

And step by step You'll lead me And I will follow You all of my days

Christian: Sometimes I think of Abraham

How one star he saw had been lit for me He was a stranger in this land And I am that, no less than he

And on this road to righteousness Sometimes the climb can be so steep

I may falter in my steps But never beyond Your reach


And I will follow You all of my days And I will follow You all of my days

And step by step You'll lead me And I will follow You all of my days And I will follow You all of my days (Sometimes the night was beautiful) And I will follow You all of my days

A Dangerous Journey – Page 2

[Choir takes their places on stage and sitting, turn to face the narrator who is reading a book, the cover of which is ‘Pilgrim’s Progress.] [5]

Little One: [Gets up and pokes the narrator] Hey you!

Narrator: Oh! Hello! I didn’t notice you, I’m sorry! But welcome to all of you. [pause] The reason I didn’t see you right away was because I was reading this book [holds up the book and waves it a little] It’s a wonderful book and sometimes I get so caught up in the story, I forget everything else. [smiles a little] That actually reminds me of a friend of mine who also read a book and became so involved in it that he couldn’t think of anything else. In fact, it changed his life. Shall I tell you his story?

Choir Voice 1: Oh yes!

Choir Voice 2: Please!

Choir Voice 3: That would be great! [10]

Choir Voice 4: I love stories!

Narrator: All right then, and listen carefully, because this story is a little bit about you too. [settles in] Once upon a time there was a man called Christian who lived in a city called Destruction. He wasn’t very rich but he worked quite hard and earned enough money to buy all the food and clothes which his family needed. He had a lovely little home and plenty of family and friends to talk and laugh with. For a long time he thought he was very happy. And then one day he found a book…

Scene 1 Christian: [comes into a room full of cobwebs and boxes etc. – he

calls over his shoulder] Yes dear, I’ll look for the box of camping supplies and bring it down. [looks around him and brushes cobwebs away and rubs dust off of some boxes]Oh my, I haven’t been up here in a while – I had no idea it had gotten so dusty. I ought to send the kids up here to clean up this mess. Now, where is that box? [looks around, lifts up a box and then another – crawls behind a large trunk, and while out of sight slips on a large back pack and re-emerges on the other side of the trunk, but comes out only far enough that the pack is still hidden from view for the audience behind the trunk. He reaches out, picks up a book] Hello? What’s this old book? I don’t think I’ve ever read it before. [opens the cover]Let’s see what we have here, I always enjoy a good story. [begins to read] Hmmm, in the beginning…alright, so far, so good…oh, now hold on! [brow becomes furrowed] What on earth?! [quickly turns a page] Wait a second…if this is true then we’re in big trouble! [pause] This is terrible! [runs his hand through his hair and then continues to turn the pages] No – no – this can’t be right! What am I going to do? [takes out a handkerchief and wipes his brow] Wait – I don’t understand what this means! I think that I am in big trouble – there is going to be a great judgement and I don’t know what I must do to be saved from it. [closes the book, takes a breath and then blows his nose] I can’t let my family see me like this. I have to pull myself together … Maybe I just need to get out of this dusty attic and then everything will settle down again [attempts to get up and suddenly discovers he can’t do so easily because of his burden] What has happened? What’s this thing on my back? Oh no -this book must be true! [looks frantically around while trying to grasp at the burden, turning his neck and trying to see what is on his back. His wife comes in]

A Dangerous Journey – Page 3

Wife: Christian! There you are! I was looking everywhere for you startled, notices Christian is upset]– is something wrong? What’s happened to you?

Christian: I found and read this book, it…it has terrible news, dear. [15]

Wife: What are you talking about?

Christian: One day, maybe soon, a terrible fire is going to sweep right through our city and destroy everything.

Wife: Is that all? Christian! That’s just a silly old book. [Christian is startled because she seems so unconcerned] You can’t believe everything you read. You know what? I bet you’re just tired. Anyways, who would want to set fire to our beautiful town?

Christian: No, it’s true, I’m sure of it. And now I have this heavy burden [indicates his back] This author writes about treason and I realized that I am guilty of it – we are all guilty of betraying our King! And then when I tried to stand up I found this burden on my back.

Wife: Oh that’s just ridiculous. I’ve never seen or heard of a fire like that and besides we don’t have a king. What does that author know? No, no, all you need is a good night’s sleep, here come with me. [20]

Christian: Please read this book [tries to push the book into her hands she flings her arms up as if to shield herself from it]

Wife: Certainly not! I don’t want any part of your nonsense! You must pull yourself together, you are going to scare the children.

Christian: No, please listen to me, I am very concerned – we must leave this place!

Wife: Leave all our family and friends? Are you crazy? If you want to be miserable and leave, go ahead, but don’t expect me or the children to join you. We will never leave, we love it here.

[Wife leaves the stage and a very dejected Christian follows her] [25]

Narrator: Christian didn’t know what to do, he felt very lonely and was desperate to know how to escape the coming destruction, but he loved his family dearly and didn’t want to leave them. He began to walk alone in the fields surrounding the city, read the book he had found and sometimes even pray to God for help. The burdens on his back and heart were very heavy. And then one day…

Scene 2 [Christian is standing, leaning against a tree and reading when a man approaches him – he has a walking cane and is carrying a Bible]

Evangelist: Hello there!

Christian: [quickly takes out his kerchief and mops his nose] Oh hi.

Evangelist: My name is Evangelist. I say, is everything all right? Whatever seems to be wrong? [leans in to peer closely at Christian’s face] [30]

Christian: Wrong? Well, the truth is, I am. Wrong, that is. Wrong about everything.

Evangelist: Oh?

Christian: Yes, you will probably think I’m crazy, (everyone else I know sure does) but I’ve been reading this book and it tells me that I deserve to die and will die; the worst part is that I know –deep down I know - that it is right.

A Dangerous Journey – Page 4

Evangelist: I don’t think you’re crazy

Christian: [somewhat surprised] You don’t? [35]

Evangelist: No, not at all.

Christian: Do you know this book then?

Evangelist: I know it and love it dearly but it sounds like you don’t understand it completely.

Christian: There is more then! I knew it! What does it mean? What must I do to be saved? I only know that if I stay here, I will die.

Evangelist: Why not leave then? [40]

Christian: Because I don’t know a safe place to go to.

Evangelist: Ah then, that is where I can help you. [points at the fields] Do you see that light?

Christian: I think so.

Evangelist: Walk straight towards it and you will arrive at a gate. Stay on the path, mind you, that is very important because your journey will be a dangerous one. Go straight to the gate and knock – the gatekeeper will tell you what to do after that. If you follow his directions you will find yourself ending up in the New Jerusalem, safe in the King’s country.

Christian: Thank you, thank you Evangelist [shaking Evanglist’s hand] I’m going to leave at once. Won’t you come with me? [45]

Evangelist: Not yet – the King has work yet for me to do in your old city.

[Christian shakes Evangelist’s hand and then starts off. Evangelist leaves the stage and Christian’s wife and two children rush past Evangelist to start calling]

Wife: Christian, come back! Where are you going? Come back!

Christian: I cannot – I must go to find life and safety - please won’t you and the children come with me?

Wife: You’re crazy. Don’t be foolish. Stay here where we are so comfortable, forget about that book and settle down again.[moves close to Christian and speaks kindly, persuasively and puts her hand on his arm] [50]

Christian: I don’t want to leave you, I want to stay, please believe me. Leaving you is almost more than I can bear. Please come with me.

Wife: You are a fool. [angrily turns away and gathers the children close to her] We will never go with you.

Christian: I have to go - I need to find the One who wrote this book. Please, won’t you come? [kneels down to his children and holds out his arms]

Wife: Never. We will never leave.

[Chrisitan gets up and slowly walks away] [55]

A Dangerous Journey – Page 5

Choir: Knowing Jesus (All I Once Held Dear) (By Graham Kendrick)

All I once held dear, built my life upon All this world reveres, and wars to own

All I once thought gain I have counted loss Spent and worthless now, compared to this

Knowing you, Jesus, knowing you,

There is no greater thing You're my all, you're the best

You're my joy, my righteousness And I love you, Lord

Now my heart's desire is to know you more

To be found in you and known as yours To possess by faith what I could not earn

All-surpassing gift of righteousness

Knowing you, Jesus, knowing you, There is no greater thing

You're my all, you're the best You're my joy, my righteousness

And I love you, Lord

Oh, to know the power of your risen life And to know You in Your sufferings

To become like you in your death, my Lord So with you to live and never die

Knowing you, Jesus, knowing you,

There is no greater thing You're my all, you're the best

You're my joy, my righteousness And I love you, Lord

[Christian continues to walk – struggling with his burden – a woman very smartly dressed, enters the stage opposite and walks toward Christian]

Scene 3 Ms. Wiseman of the World: Hello…why, you look worn out, you

poor man. Are you travelling far?

Christian: Well, I’m just starting out on what I think might be a long journey. Right now all I know is that I want to make it as far as that gate before nightfall.[points]

Ms. Wiseman of the World: It seems to me that you would have a much easier time of it if you got rid of that burden on your back. [60]

Christian: I realize that, of course. In fact, that’s why I’m heading to the gate. A man I met, called Evangelist, helped me by showing me the way to go in order to get rid of this wretched burden.

Ms. Wiseman of the World: [blows air out of his cheeks to show he thinks what Evangelist has said is a little ridiculous, he takes off his sunglasses and shines them a little] He certainly showed you one way, but that is an extremely dangerous path to follow.

Christian: What?

Ms. Wiseman of the World: I am known to my friends as Ms. Wiseman of the World and I think I just might be able to help you out. Tell me, how’d you get that thing on your back anyway?

Christian: I was reading this book [holds it up] and suddenly there it was! [65]

Ms. Wiseman of the World: Ah ha! I knew it! [puts his sunglasses back on the top of his head] That sort of thing is always happening when ordinary people start trying to understand that book.

Christian: I don’t know about that, to tell you the truth I don’t think what you are saying is entirely—

A Dangerous Journey – Page 6

Ms. Wiseman of the World: [cuts in and puts up his hand in front of Christian as if to stop him] No, no, I am right. But don’t worry, there is an easier way out of your problem here.

Christian: Oh? I’d love to find an easier way.

Ms. Wiseman of the World: Trust me, trust me, I’ve been around and learnt a few things in my day. Listen, look over there [points in the distance] There is a village just past that hill and off the path a little. The town is called Self Righteousness. There is a fine man there, a friend of mine, in fact, whose name is Mr. Obey the Law. [70]

Christian: Mr. Obey the Law?

Ms. Wiseman of the World: That’s right. He’s a fine fellow, and if you do exactly what he says, you’ll have that burden off your back in no time.

Christian: That sounds good to me

[Ms. Wiseman of the World claps him on the shoulder]

Ms. Wiseman of the World: Excellent, you’ve got nothing to lose after all - except your burden, of course, [laughs at his own joke] and you know I wouldn’t be surprised at all if you settled down there. Self Righteousness is a lovely little village, everyone works hard to do the right thing. [75]

[They shake hands]

Christian: Thank you then and goodbye.

[Ms. Wiseman of the World strides off and Christian continues]

Christian: It is a little farther off the path than I first thought. [begins to stagger a little as though the burden is becoming heavier ]

*sound effect of roaring fire* [80]

Christian: Just a little further, I hope. [stops and gasps in dismay as he looks up] What on earth?! There is fire coming from the hillside –[pauses a moment] – it is moving quickly, if I go on those flames will destroy me.

[On the Mountainside are graven the words ‘Mount Sinai’ - Evangelist enters the stage and walks quickly towards Christian]

Evangelist: Christian! What are you doing here? This isn’t the way I sent you!

Christian: Evangelist! Am I glad to see you – please - we must hurry, there is death around this corner.

[The two run a little to opposite side of stage] [85]

*sound of fire diminishes slowly and then disappears*

Evangelist: You ought to have listened to me, Christian. Did you think that you could do this thing on your own terms?

Christian: I thought maybe there was an easier way to finish this.

Evangelist: There is only one way to be rid of your burden, and that is by following the King’s highway.

Christian: Someone told me about another way. [90]

Evangelist: [puts his hand on Christian’s shoulder] Christian, that man you heard about, Mr. Obey the Law…he has never once removed someone’s burden. We never remove our burdens by trying to be good or nice. That might seem like a reasonable or even righteous path, but the truth is that the way you were walking leads only to death.

Christian: I thought maybe if I tried to work my way to repaying the King that maybe…

Evangelist: You can work really hard and have the best record ever, but in the end if your have only your record to fall back on, you will be lost.

Christian: I can never be enough.

A Dangerous Journey – Page 7

Evangelist: You can never even be a little bit [95]

Christian: If even my best efforts are only marks against me, then it is hopeless, Evangelist!

Evangelist: Not hopeless, dear friend because there is One whose record is blameless. One whose record we can fall back on if we look to Him. The treason we are both guilty of, well, He took the punishment for it, Christian.

Christian: Show me the way.

Evangelist: It is the way of the cross. [pauses] Go now back to the path and this time –

Christian: I know – stay on it! [100]

[The two embrace]

Evangelist: Good bye and God bless!

[Gate has been pushed onto the stage while they have been talking]

Christian: [begins to jog as best he can towards the gate, arrives and looks up and points above it as he reads:] Knock and the door will be opened to you. [He knocks]

*sound effects of footsteps running* [105]

[The gate swings open and Christian is pulled quickly through]

*sound effect of bullets whistling through the air and then thudding into wood are heard loudly*

Christian: What was that?

Goodwill: Bullets from well trained snipers.

Christian: Who would? What? I don’t understand! [110]

Goodwill: Not far from here is an enemy castle owned by Captain Beelzebub, he hates our Prince. He and his men keep a look out for people coming to this gate and shoot to kill anyone who tries to enter.

Christian: I almost had a bullet in my back instead of this burden.

Goodwill: It seems that way, but I’ll tell you a secret. I’m Goodwill, the gatekeeper of the King, and I’ve never lost one of His pilgrims yet.

Christian: Then why do they keep shooting?

Goodwill: They hate the King and fool themselves into thinking they can hurt Him. [115]

Christian: I think that most of my life I’ve just ignored Him, but there have been times when I’ve hated Him too.

Goodwill: So did I. But He wouldn’t let me stay that way – and do you know, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for Him now. As you can see, He’s put me to work.

Christian: I need to talk with Him.

Goodwill: If you follow this path [indicate with his hand] you will meet Him.

Christian: Thank you [walks on and then turns to wave] [120]

Scene 4 [intro. to Man of Sorrows softly begins]

Narrator: Christian continued on his way, his mind full of hope. Before long, his path ran between two thick walls. Along these in huge letters was written a single word: SALVATION. As he read it, Christian was filled with excitement for he felt sure he was now close to the place of which Evangelist and Goodwill had spoken, the only place where burdened people could be set free.

And then there it was. Not a magnificent throne room of gold, not an imposing courtroom with a stern judge awaiting him, but only a simple and most importantly empty cross. The moment he reached it, Christian’s burden simply fell off his back, rolled down the slope and disappeared from sight.

A Dangerous Journey – Page 8

*sound effect of rolling, thumping burden – sound lessens until it is quiet*

Christian: Free! At last I am free…praise God I am free. [reaches out his hand to the cross and then overwhelmed, falls to his knees and bows his head] [125]

[the choir sings and Christian changes into new clothes while hidden from view by the choir]

Choir: Man of Sorrows (Hillsong)

Man of sorrows Lamb of God

By His own betrayed The sin of man and wrath of God

Has been on Jesus laid

Silent as He stood accused Beaten mocked and scorned Bowing to the Father's will He took a crown of thorns


Oh that rugged cross My salvation

Where Your love poured out over me Now my soul cries out

Hallelujah Praise and honour unto Thee

Sent of heaven God's own Son

To purchase and redeem And reconcile the very ones Who nailed Him to that tree

[Choir parts and Christian steps forward, now dressed in white to sing:]

BRIDGE Now my debt is paid

It is paid in full By the precious blood That my Jesus spilled

Now the curse of sin Has no hold on me

Whom the Son sets free Oh is free indeed

[Bridge repeated with entire choir joining in ] [130]

See the stone is rolled away

Behold the empty tomb Hallelujah God be praised He's risen from the grave


Narrator: Free at last, Christian met three angels sent by the king.

One told him ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ another gently took away his muddy, tattered clothes and helped him put on clean, new ones, and the third drew a special shape on his forehead which marked him as belonging to the Prince. He was also given a scroll that he was to keep reading during his journey. Then he continued on his way, eager to arrive at the New Jerusalem, the home the Prince was preparing for all His pilgrims. He read and chatted with other travellers he met along the way.

[Christian enters the stage reading the scroll as he walks. On the opposite side comes Fearful and Doubting Thomasina, walking quickly and looking behind them until the bump into Christian]

A Dangerous Journey – Page 9

Scene 5 Christian: Hey! Watch out there, you’re going the wrong way!

Fearful: That’s for sure! [135]

Doubting Thomasina: No doubt about it!

Fearful: We want to go in the opposite direction of heaven.

Christian: Are you crazy?!

Fearful and Doubting Thomasina: [look at each other in surprise and then back at Christian] No

Fearful: Actually, I’m not crazy, I’m Fearful and this is my friend Doubting Thomasina. We passed Crazy a few miles back. [140]

Doubting Thomasina: No doubt about it!

Christian: [looks disbelievingly at him] Don’t you want to continue on to the New Jerusalem?

Fearful: We were on our way there but the farther we went the harder things got.

Doubting Thomasina: Now we have finally had enough and are going home.

Christian: I am going home too, only my home is with the Prince now. [145]

Fearful: Not for me, I don’t think He can bring us safely there, especially after seeing those lions!

Doubting Thomasina: Horrible!

Christian: Lions! What lions?

Fearful: The ones near the castle. It was the last straw. I mean, we’ve put up with a lot for this Prince leaving our lovely homes and everyone we loved, but we aren’t going to risk being mauled to death by ferocious wild beasts, thank you very much!

Doubting Thomasina: Absolutely not! [150]

Christian: You talk about risk, but to turn back to where I’ve come from is certain death. I’d rather continue on my journey.

Fearful: Suit yourself! [begins to walk away and then whispers to Doubting Thomasina] Frankly, I think he just might be the one who’s crazy

Doubting Thomasina: No doubt about it!

[Christian continues on, shaking his head a little, looks down at his scroll and then glances up. He shades his eyes as if trying to see better]

Christian: That must be the Palace Beautiful the scroll talks about, I’ll be glad to stop for a bit and rest. [155]

[begins to walk only to suddenly stop and drop his scrol]

*a very loud roaring splits the air, ends with continuous growling and occasional roars*

Christian: They are huge! I don’t think I can pass – I cannot see how

Loud voice: Don’t be afraid, the lions are chained and cannot hurt you if you walk in the middle of the path. Trust me and come.

Christian: [takes a moment to collect himself, picks up the scroll and then obeys – the lions continue to growl and roar but cannot reach Christian. He passes by them and the roaring recedes. He reaches the palace gate and knocks [160]

A Dangerous Journey – Page 10

Narrator: Christian was welcomed into the Palace by four sisters, Charity, Prudence, Piety and Discretion. They fed him and gave him a room to rest and showed him a wonderful view from the top of the castle, a view that allowed him to catch just a glimpse of the light coming from the New Jerusalem. Before they sent him on his way again, they gave him an army uniform and rifle and reminded him that he would not be alone on the journey ahead. They also reminded him to read the scroll and remember that of the many pilgrims who had gone before him, not a single one had perished. Not one. In fact, reading their stories would remind Christian of the Prince’s faithfulness in bringing his pilgrims home. And so he read:

[Music intro begins while children recite the next lines]

Choir member #5: God was faithful when my brothers threw me into a pit and then sold me as a slave. He used me to later save those same brothers and their families from starving to death during a famine.

Choir member #6: God was faithful when spies entered my house and warned me that my city was going to be destroyed. He used me to save my family from death when the walls of the city fell.

Choir member #7: God was faithful when I squared off against a giant of a man who carried an enormous sword, while all I had was a slingshot. He used me to save my nation from death by blood thirsty invaders. [165]

Choir member #8: God was faithful when I was thrown into a lions’ den. God shut their mouths, saving me from death and used me to show the king how great the God I served is.

Choir member #9: God was faithful when I had a baby before I was married. The king tried to kill my baby and all the babies in our city but God brought us safely away to another land. He later used my Son to save the whole world.

[Children who say previous lines sing the first verse together]

Choir: Find Us Faithful

We're pilgrims on the journey Of the narrow road

And those who've gone before us line the way Cheering on the faithful, encouraging the weary

Their lives a stirring testament to God's sustaining grace

Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses Let us run the race not only for the prize

But as those who've gone before us Let us leave to those behind us

The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives

CHORUS: Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

May the fire of our devotion light their way May the footprints that we leave

Lead them to believe And the lives we live inspire them to obey

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

After all our hopes and dreams have come and gone And our children sift through all we've left behind

May the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover Become the light that leads them to the road we each must find


Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful

A Dangerous Journey – Page 11

Scene 6 Narrator: When Christian left the Palace he was on the King’s

highway and he felt confident in his new army uniform. But the way, although smooth at first, soon began to descend into a valley which the sun seemed to be shut out of and the rocks cut at his feet. Christian began to have trouble seeing the way ahead and soon heard terrible sounds in the darkness. [170]

*sound effect growling, thunder, animals hissing and other scary sounds*

[Fear gripped his heart and he was terrified. He cried out for the Prince to save him and that was when the voice of another pilgrim broke through the fog.]

Faithful: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid of any evil, for You are with me.

Narrator: The darkness seemed to lift and Christian turned to find the pilgrim who had said those words.

Christian: Your words – they were – well, thank you. [175]

Faithful: No – I need to thank you, your call for help to the Prince gave me courage.

Christian: It was a call made with little faith.

Faithful: Even the smallest faith is able to take hold of our mighty King. [puts his hand on Christian’s shoulder] It doesn’t depend on us, friend.

Christian: Wait a moment, I think I know you! Are you Faithful? I think I knew you back when I lived in the City of Destruction. I am so glad to meet up with you!

Faithful: Christian! Is it really you? You look very different from the despairing man who left our city! [the two men embrace] [180]

Christian: I think that is because I am not the same man. I have been to the cross, you see. I have been made new.

Faithful: Come, we’ll go together, the journey will seem less tiring if we go together.

Christian: Yes, let’s – but let’s hop the fence here and walk beside the path, it’s much less rough and the grass will be easy on our feet after that last terrible stretch we walked.

[the two pilgrims ‘appear’ to raise their legs over a fence and continue walking together]

Christian: I want to know how you came to this point. [185]

Faithful: And you need to tell me all that has happened since you left our city.

[puts his arm around Christian’s shoulders and the two walk together]

Narrator: While the two pilgrims continued on they failed to notice that the path swung away from the green grass they were walking on. Soon it was evening and the friends realized they had left the King’s Highway. They reassured each other that in the morning they would retrace their steps and quickly be on their way. They settled down for the night and slept but in the morning they were in for quite a shock.

A Dangerous Journey – Page 12

Scene 7 Christian: Faithful? Faithful! Oh – you are here. Where on earth

are we?

Faithful: I don’t know – it’s so cold in here, it must be morning but it’s still so dark! I can’t see the sun. [wraps his arms around himself] [190]

Christian: Some sort of prison, do you think?

Faithful: Prison? Wait, that makes me think of – hey, do you still have your scroll?

Christian: [looks around] yes – here it is. Why?

Faithful: I think I remember reading about a castle with a terrible master. [begins to glance through the scroll] The Giant Despair, I think his name was.

Christian: A giant? How bad can that be? [200]

Faithful: Pretty bad. He loves to find wandering pilgrims, capture them and bring them to his castle only to leave them to die, imprisoned in his jails

Christian: Not exactly a big friendly giant then? [Faithful shakes his head] not jolly, green, likes vegetables?

Faithful: No – this is more the Fee Fi Fo Fum type.

Christian: Oh – not the crushing bones to make his bread and all that?

Faithful: His name is Despair. [205]

Christian: [looks down at his arms and squeezes them] I’m not sure my bones are right for bread anyway, they’re pretty scrawny. [looks at Faithful up and down] you, on the other hand –

Faithful: Hey! Cut it out! No bones for bread here. C’mon, Christian, we’ve got to try to find a way out before he shows up.

Christian: These walls feel damp [peers upward slightly] I don’t think we can climb up the stone.

[the two friends begin to run their hands along the wall, searching for a way out]

Faithful: Look! There’s a door! Let’s get out of here. [210]

[both pilgrims move to the door and try to open it – it is locked. Then a large giant walks past and bangs on the door loudly with his fist, shouting ‘There is no one here who will help you!’ before leaving. They bang on the door and cry out for help, to be let out, but there is no answer – they look at each for a few moments, shaking their heads in disbelief]

Faithful: Nothing – there is no answer. He must have left again.

Christian: We must be completely alone.

Faithful: It seems that way. I [he hesitates slightly] I think that this is our fault, you know.

Christian: Yes, I do know. Evangelist warned me to stay on the path. [215]

Faithful: I thought if we only had a small break, an easy go of it just for a little bit on the soft grass –

Christian: -we were fools...if the Giant has actually left his castle, we might die here now, alone.

[both Christian and Faithful slouch down against the stone wall of their prison]

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Narrator: The two pilgrims leaned against their prison walls and continued to go over and over in their minds how they had disobeyed their King. More than the cold or the their hunger, it was their guilt that began to feel overwhelming and slowly after many, many lonely hours which turned into days, they began to despair of ever leaving.

[piano and cello begin playing quietly Jesus Paid It All intro] [220]

Christian: I do not think that I can bear knowing how I let the King down again. I almost wish I had died in Destruction. Maybe it is better to die now.

Choir (soloist): Jesus Paid It All

I hear the Saviour say, “Thy strength indeed is small,

Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in Me, thy all in all.”

Faithful: No [hesitates and then shakes his head] no, we cannot turn away from Him now, who else has the words of life? Here – [grabs the scroll from Christian’s hands] maybe if we read...listen to this part: “God showed His love for us in this way, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Do you hear that Christian? He knew all the wrong or selfish things we would do, including this, and He still chose to save us.

Christian: [takes the scroll from Faithful] Let me read that. There’s more, Faithful, listen “If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts,”

Faithful: Do you hear that Christian? He is greater than our sin. [225]

Christian: [still reading]‘ Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, not death, not life, not angels or powers –“

Faithful: – or any giants that live in cold, wretched castles.

Christian: Not even the darkness and sin of our own hearts.

[the two men smile at each other and stand up]

Choir (soloist):

Lord, now indeed I find, Thy power and Thine alone, Jesus died my soul to save, And melt my heart of stone.

Jesus paid it all!

All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain,

He washed it white as snow. [230]

Christian: The King is good and He is faithful, we cannot let the darkness of this place make us forget that. We were never alone, Faithful.

Faithful: Christian, look! [points to the door which has swung open while they have been talking]

Christian: It’s opened! Quickly, Faithful, let’s get out of here before the giant returns!

[the two friends run through the door]

Narrator: Christian and Faithful escaped out of the castle and quickly found their way back to the King’s Highway. They had forgotten for a bit the promise of their King to never leave nor forsake them, but once they were reminded of His promises, it was the key to their escape from the Giant Despair and his prison. [235]

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Scene 8 [The two pilgrims are murmuring quietly as they walk, while another man – Apollyon, dressed in bright green – enters stage opposite]

Apollyon: Hey you there! Where have you come from? [loudly and abrasively]

Christian: From the City of Destruction

Apollyon: Ah ha! Then you are mine!

Christian: What are you talking about? We don’t know you and besides we belong to no one but the Prince. Faithful, let’s leave. [240]

Faithful: No, wait, I think I recognize this creature. He is that terrible devil Apollyon, the deadly enemy of the Prince. We are no longer yours, Apollyon, serving you brought nothing but misery and your wages are death.

Apollyon: [clearly backtracks and tries another tactic] Hmmmm…I see… well, why don’t you just return home, and I’ll see what can be done to improve things there.

Christian: I have promised to serve only our Prince now and He is a far better Master than you were.

Apollyon: You don’t really mean that. Besides if you follow Him, you will suffer. All of His servants end up suffering. Come back to me.

Faithful: We do often share in His suffering, but that cannot destroy us and one day we will also share His home. [245]

Apollyon: What? Do you really think He’ll welcome you? Don’t be foolish! You both remember how in the dungeon you nearly gave up and forgot His promises? Or how you, Christian, tried to get rid of your burden the wrong way? Or how you almost ran at the sight of lions?

Christian: You are right, and there are many other things you could mention.

Apollyon: Hah!

Faithful: But you have forgotten to mention the most important thing of all. He no longer lives under the shadow of death, He lives under the shadow of the cross.

Apollyon: Such talk is nonsense and simply reminds me why I hate your Prince! [slowly backing up to a sheet hanging up] I hate Him and all His subjects. I will kill you rather than see you go to Him! You alone cannot stand against me. [disappears behind the sheet and transforms into a dragon] [250]

Christian: You are wrong.

Faithful: We are not alone.

Christian: No, for we are on the King’s highway.

Apollyon: [laughing] You don’t scare me! I promise you I will kill you both!

Narrator: And as Apollyon transformed into his true horrific shape he fought Christian and Faithful in a desperate battle that lasted hours until both men were terribly tired. [255]

*sound effects of fighting and fire and roaring*

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Choir: The Battle Belongs to the Lord

In heavenly armour we'll enter the land The battle belongs to the Lord

No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand The battle belongs to the Lord

We sing glory and honor Power and strength to the Lord [repeat]

The power of darkness comes in like a flood The battle belongs to the Lord

He's raised up a standard, the power of His blood The battle belongs to the Lord

We sing glory and honor Power and strength to the Lord [repeat]

Narrator: Seeing their weariness, Apollyon rushed to finish them.

Apollyon: I’ve got you now!

Faithful: Never! [260]

Christian: Our Prince is stronger – He has already broken the power of sin, you cannot win!

Choir: [last verse of song] When your enemy presses in hard do not fear

The battle belongs to the Lord Take courage my friend, your redemption is near

The battle belongs to the Lord

We sing glory and honor Power and strength to the Lord [repeat]

Apollyon: [yells and retreats]

[Christian staggers and Faithful catches him but then the two both fall to their knees. Coming up behind them and then rushing to them when he catches sight of their state is Evangelist]

Evangelist: Faithful! Christian! You’ve been in a battle! [265]

Christian: Yes, it was Apollyon.

Evangelist: Here, this will give you strength; it is food from the tree of life.

Faithful: [eats a little] I don’t understand. He left, but we didn’t deliver a fatal blow.

Evangelist: No, that blow was struck a long time ago by the Prince. Apollyon still tries to wound pilgrims but he can never win because he, himself is fatally wounded.

Christian: I think I feel a little stronger already. [270]

Evangelist: I am glad to see you now on the right path even though it isn’t always easy to walk on. [pause] It will get harder you know.

Christian: Can you tell us what to expect?

Evangelist: I know that a town called Vanity lies ahead and that her people hate Christ. They will be out for your blood.

Faithful: It is good there are two of us then, we can help each other.

Evangelist: [standing up] I must head in another direction; there are many other pilgrims for me to meet. Remember this though: no matter what happens, your life is safely hidden with Christ in God. [275]

Christian: Thank you and goodbye [Evangelist heads off and waves]

Faithful: Good bye!

Narrator: Christian and Faithful said goodbye to their friend and went on their way. They left behind the valley they had been in and soon entered the town Evangelist had told them about. The town of Vanity was famous for its market called Vanity Fair where every kind of worthless pleasure was sold in order to tempt pilgrims from the path.

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Scene 9 Christian: [looking around at all the stalls] Look at all these

things they are selling! I’ve never seen such a display!

Miss Loves Things (a blind woman with a dark glasses and a white cane): Get your jewellery here! Every pretty thing you’ve ever wanted! Gadgets too! Phones, ipods, tablets – whatever you need to be connected, we’ve got it! [280]

Christian: Look Faithful! [joking around, he grabs a scarf and wraps it around his head]

Faithful: Christian, really –

Christian: You don’t think it’s my colour? What about this one then? And one for you too! [he puts a hat on Faithful]

Faithful: [laughs a little but takes his hat off and places it back on the table] Not for me, Christian, and it will cost you more than the few coins you might pay for it.

Miss Arrogance: Want something new to wear? Pants, dresses, scarves, hats! Come take a look and you won’t be disappointed! [285]

Faithful: It is all worthless, Christian,

[as he says this one of the stall keepers folds his arms and raises his eyebrows significantly. He swats a neighbouring keeper on the chest and points at Faithful]

Miss Loves Things: Get a load of this fellow, Miss Arrogance. He doesn’t like what we’re selling.

Miss Arrogance: You’re right, Miss Loves Things. Listen, you there, you may not want to buy what we offer, young ‘sir,’ but there’s no need to bad mouth us.

Faithful: I’m sorry to have offended you, I didn’t mean to. [waits a moment and then pleads] Don’t you see though, there is something far more valuable to seek after? [290]

Miss Loves Things: Think you’re so much better than us do you?

Miss Arrogance: I know who you are! You’re two of the ‘Prince’s’ men, aren’t you? Your kind is always causing trouble when you come around.

Miss Loves Things: The last one who came through Vanity actually convinced my cousin to leave and join up with the King’s men! [pulls a club or bat out from behind his stall]

Christian: Whoa! Hold on, please! [raising his hands in defense] We’re not looking for trouble. We only wish to travel through on our way to the New Jerusalem.

Miss Loves Things: What? This place isn’t good enough for you? [295]

Miss Arrogance: [shoves Faithful from behind] You’re awfully proud of yourselves, aren’t you? Going to try to get more people to move from here and head off to this ‘New Jerusalem’ of yours?

Miss Loves Things: [snorts] As if it even exists!

Faithful: It does and our Prince lives there waiting for us.

Miss Loves Things: Your Prince! He’s not my Prince, that’s for sure! And if He were here I would tell Him that to His face!

Miss Arrogance: Come on, Miss Loves Things; let’s take them to the judge. [pulls out a rifle] [300]

Narrator: Christian and Faithful didn’t put up a fight but instead allowed themselves to be dragged through the streets by these angry women. When they finally faced the judge of the city, whose name was Lord Hategood, both pilgrims did not hesitate to speak boldly.

[Christian and Faithful stand facing a man sitting high behind a podium]

Christian: We have no interest in causing trouble here, sir. We are simply pilgrims on our way to the heavenly city.

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Hategood: You claim not to be trouble makers, but look at this crowd all worked up! If you aren’t criminals, (which I highly doubt), you must be completely crazy! All this foolish talk about a heavenly city as if there really were a Prince.

Faithful: There is a Prince. His name is Jesus and we are His loyal subjects. [305]

Hategood: How dare you speak that name to me! As if you know better than me – I, who am a judge of this land! [waves his hands towards the pilgrims as he asks] Is there a witness against the accused?

Miss Loves Things: I clearly saw these men suggest that their so-called Prince wouldn’t approve of our Lord Beelezebub. They were very disrespectful and tried to stir up traitors to join them.

Miss Arrogance: Miss Loves Things is right, Lord Hategood. You know we are a very tolerant society, [magistrate nods in solemn agreement and crowd murmurs agreement] You know how we always let everyone do what makes them happy and right in their own eyes. These prisoners, however, dared to suggest that there is only one way to be happy. One way to be saved and that is by following their Prince.

Hategood: Preposterous! [crowd murmurs angrily] What do you have to say for yourselves? And I must warn you, we will not tolerate intolerance!

Faithful: I will speak for us. We are men of peace and do not seek to hurt anyone, in fact we wish the very opposite –we wish to offer life! I confess before you now that there is only one true God and He alone is worthy of all our loyalty. He freely offers life to all of you here, simply repent and turn to Him. [310]

Hategood: Repent of what?! We have done nothing wrong! You condemn yourself by your own words! [pauses to catch his breath] You are a cowardly traitor and my judgement is death. If your God is so great let us see if He will save you.

Faithful: He already has.

Hategood: [becomes furious] You insolent man! Seize him – take him away and burn him at the stake. [as an after thought he goes on while waving his hand towards Christian] And beat the other one.

Christian: No! [frantically pulling at Faithful as he is pulled away and off stage] No – Faithful! Take me! Take me instead! Please! Faithful!

Faithful: [calls out before he is pulled off stage] Christian! It will be okay – do not fear for me. They may kill my body, but my life is safe, for it is hidden with Christ in God – He is stronger than death. [315]

Christian: No, please! Faithful! [pulled offstage]

Narrator: [intro to song begins during the reading of this section] The mockery of a trial was over almost before it was begun and Faithful was put to death by the men and women of Vanity. The townspeople saw him burned at the stake and thought they had won. But they could not see with the eyes of faith, eyes that Christian was blessed with and so was able to see Faithful being swept up through the clouds and into heaven. Faithful joined many other men and women who had gone before him, pilgrims who had also chosen to lay their lives down for the sake of faith in Christ, knowing He was stronger than death.

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Choir: Christ is Stronger

There is love that came for us Humbled to a sinner’s cross

You broke my shame and sinfulness You rose again victorious

Faithfulness none can deny

Through the storm and through the fire There is truth that sets me free Jesus Christ who lives in me

You are stronger, You are stronger Sin is broken, You have saved me

It is written, Christ is risen Jesus You are Lord of all

No beginning and no end

You’re my hope and my defense You came to seek and save the lost

You paid it all upon the cross

You are stronger, You are stronger Sin is broken, You have saved me

It is written, Christ is risen Jesus You are Lord of all

So let Your name be lifted higher Be lifted higher, be lifted higher So let Your name be lifted higher Be lifted higher, be lifted higher

You are stronger, You are stronger Sin is broken, You have saved me

It is written, Christ is risen Jesus You are Lord of all

Narrator: Christian was beaten and then flung into prison but it was not God’s plan to call him home right then. Soon he was released so that he found himself again on the King’s highway.

Scene 10 Christian: [appears to have been beaten, clothing torn, dirty and

bloody] I hope I am almost at the end of the journey, I am very tired and want to see my King. [320]

[coming from behind Christian, a cantankerous, old man arrives. He has a cane and glasses]

Atheist: What are you going on about boy?

Christian: Oh hello. I was just thinking about heaven.

Atheist: Fool!

Christian: I beg your pardon? [325]

Atheist: I, sir, am Atheist and I can clearly see [looks down his glasses at Christian] that you are very ignorant.

Christian: I’m sorry?

Atheist: Well and you ought to be sorry. To take so difficult a journey and then have nothing to show for it at the end of it all.

Christian: You don’t think I shall be able to get into the New Jerusalem? To live with the Prince?

Atheist: Can’t get into what doesn’t exist! Hah! [pokes Christian with his pipe] Put that in your pipe and smoke it! I’ve been looking for this city for thirty years and I tell you, heaven does not exist! [330]

Christian: Why? Because you can’t find it?

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Atheist: Exactly, m’boy! No proof of the place!

Christian: Mr. Atheist, I’ll lay odds you’ve never visited the sun either but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I believe the sun exists not because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

Atheist: Foolish logic, that my boy. If the Prince were real, He would show Himself to me now. I’d believe then.

Christian: If the king of heaven and earth were to suddenly appear right now, you still wouldn’t believe, I have no doubt that instead you would scorn Him for being at your beck and call. [335]

Atheist: I am my own king! [shakes his cane at Christian and then brushes past him]

Christian: I can see that sir, but you will still not be able to save yourself.

Atheist: [as he leaves] I don’t need any saving, I can overcome anything by my own intellect and strength.

Christian: [turning back to say to Atheist’s departing back] You cannot beat death, sir, and it will surely come to you as it does to all men.

[turns again to face forward] [340]

Christian: Is that? I think it is! It is the King’s country! Oh, it is beautiful! Only a little farther now and I will be safely there.

Evangelist: Christian!

Christian: [turning to see Evangelist coming up] Evangelist! Are you here too, then?

Evangelist: Only for a moment, friend, to help you cross.

Christian: Cross? Cross over what? [345]

Evangelist: The river just ahead [he points]

Christian: I can see the gate to the city just on the other side, but the river before it, it seems to be very fast and deep. Surely there is some other way.

Evangelist: No, you must go through the river to reach the gate. There is no bridge.

Christian: Please, there must be another way.

Evangelist: Not for you. [350]

Christian: Can you not come with me and we will help each other?

Evangelist: Jesus is not calling me home just yet. You must go alone, but remember all His faithfulness up ‘til now. Look to Jesus, He will finish what He has begun.

Christian: [takes a step out] I will not turn back now. He is just over there, waiting for me.

Evangelist: [laying his hand on Christian’s arm] Christian, He is with you even now.

Christian: [takes another step and hesitates] I cannot – I think I will not be able to, the waters will swallow me up! [355]

Evangelist: God will not forsake you Christian! Remember all that He has done. He has never forsaken a single pilgrim, save One, and that was on the cross. Because of that, He will never forsake another. Go now and look to your Prince – look to Jesus. And listen – you can hear the choirs of heaven already!

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Choir: 10 000 Reasons By Matt Redman

[Chorus]: Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul

Worship His holy name Sing like never before

O my soul I'll worship Your holy name

The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning It's time to sing Your song again

Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me Let me be singing when the evening comes

[Chorus]: Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul

Worship His holy name Sing like never before

O my soul I'll worship Your holy name

You're rich in love, and You're slow to anger Your name is great, and Your heart is kind

For all Your goodness I will keep on singing Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

[Chorus]: Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul

Worship His holy name Sing like never before

O my soul I'll worship Your holy name

And on that day when my strength is failing The end draws near and my time has come

Still my soul will sing Your praise unending Ten thousand years and then forevermore

[pause before the chorus and choir remains standing]

Narrator: The waters did not overwhelm Christian for the arm of His Prince carried him. And then he was across and what a welcome awaited him there! The gates were wide open and the city rang for joy as the choirs of heaven burst into song.

Choir: [Chorus]: Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul

Worship His holy name Sing like never before

O my soul I'll worship Your holy name

Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name Lord, I'll worship Your holy name

Sing like never before O my soul

I'll worship Your holy name Jesus, I'll worship Your holy name

I'll worship Your holy name [360]

Narrator: Christian had not arrived at the New Jerusalem because he had been a perfect pilgrim, (although in the end he was made perfect). He arrived there because once he had been brought to the cross, nothing could separate him from the love of God – not his own mistakes and not all the work of the devil or man. Christian may have stumbled but the King he served never would. And thus Christian finally arrived home. God had been faithful and step by step had led him all the way home.

[music from ‘Step by Step’ begins while the narrator speaks. Choir parts for a moment and Christian looks upward radiant as he cries out]

Christian: “Father! My King and my God!”

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[stands together again] reprise chorus of Step by Step

Choir: Step by Step (reprise)

CHORUS: Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You

I will seek You in the morning And I will learn to walk in Your ways

And step by step You'll lead me And I will follow You all of my days [365]

[the song ends with 1 child echoing the last two lines of the song]

And step by step You'll lead me And I will follow You all of my days
