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A day to remember the sacri=ces of Pakistan's martyrs

Date post: 09-Feb-2022
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September 30, 1947: Pakistan becomes member of United Nations (UN) by a unanimous vote of the Security Council. September 11, 1948: Founding father of nation Quaid-e-Azam dies in Karachi due to stroke. September 14, 1948: Khwaja Nazimuddin becomes Governor General of Pakistan. September 6, 1950: General Mohammad Ayub Khan, the first Pakistani, is appointed C-in-C of Pakistan Army. September 12, 1956: Huseyn Shaheed Suharwardy assumes office of appointed Prime Minister. September 16 1959: Government establishes Islamic Research Institute. September 9, 1960: Pakistan achieved its first Gold Medal in Olympics, defeating India in hockey by 1-0 at Rome. September 17, 1964: Fatima Jinnah filed her paper as candidate for the Presidential election. September 23, 1990: Sandak project signed between Pakistan and China at Beijing. September in History Positive Post is published to project positivity all around Pakistan amongst our youth and the entire nation. Our eforts are to inculcate patriotism and a sense of ownership in them. It is a compilation of news extracted by the students of Mass Communications and Media Studies of Greenwich University. Volume VIII, Issue-9, September 2018 F Students prove classical music .... F Google pays homage to Fatima .... F PM’s House to be converted ........ F Saudi Arabia, Pakistan agree ...... F Idea Croron Ka’- a reality ......... F Fifth patrol vessel inducted ....... F Making a strong debut for ........... F Pakistan is outrageously .............. F Cake will be submitted for ........... What’s inside: Top leadership sends out messages of unity; armed forces commemo- rate the day with a show of power. Pakistan, on September 6, commemorated the sacrifices made by its armed forces during the 1965 war. Various events were held all over the country to mark the occasion. Personnel from all military and paramilitary forces took part in these events. Prime Minister Imran Khan in his message said Pakistan believes in peaceful coexistence and wants to promote mutual cooperation with other countries, including its neighbours, on the basis of equal- ity. He said the people of Pakistan have the ability to brave all challenges while following Quaid-i-Azam's principles of Unity, Faith, and Discipline. President Mamnoon Hussain and Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa also sent out messages of unity on the occasion. Mobile app, website to promote tourism in KP On the directives of Senior Minister Muhammad Atif Khan, the sports, tourism, archaeology, culture, mu- seums and youth affairs department is launching a new mobile App and website to introduce Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as a tourism brand to the world to attract more tourists and visitors to the province. is was told at a meeting held with department’s secretary Shahid Zaman in the chair on Wednesday. Additional secretary Babar Khan, officials of Management Informa- tion System and others attended the meeting, according to a press release. e MIS team briefed the participants on the launch of mobile App and new website. e meeting was told that all data of tour operators, hotels, restaurants booking, tracking, tourist resorts, lakes, weather in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa would be uploaded on the website and mobile App to help tourists get information about these facilities at home before leaving for a particular destination. e officials said the department had taken tangible steps to boost archaeological, adventure, religious and cultural tourism and attract more foreign and domestic tourists to the province. e participants were informed that 75 per cent of tourist destinations, archaeological and heritage sites and Buddhism ruins of the country existed in Khy- ber Pakhtunkhwa. e followers of Buddhism and en- thusiasts of adventure tourism could be attracted to the province with the new app and website. e capacity of registered tour operators had been built through workshops and trainings to help them better facilitate the visiting tourists in the province, the meeting was told. During his maiden visit to the department recently, the senior minister had vowed to arrange activities at international level to apprise foreigners of the tourism potential and beautiful places in the province. Courtesy: Dawn A day to remember the sacrifces of Pakistan's martyrs

September 30, 1947: Pakistan becomes member ofUnited Nations (UN) by aunanimous vote of the SecurityCouncil.

September 11, 1948:Founding father of nationQuaid-e-Azam dies in Karachidue to stroke.

September 14, 1948: Khwaja Nazimuddin becomesGovernor General of Pakistan.

September 6, 1950:General Mohammad AyubKhan, the first Pakistani, isappointed C-in-C of PakistanArmy.

September 12, 1956:Huseyn Shaheed Suharwardyassumes office of appointed PrimeMinister.

September 16 1959:Government establishes IslamicResearch Institute.

September 9, 1960: Pakistan achieved its first GoldMedal in Olympics, defeatingIndia in hockey by 1-0 at Rome.

September 17, 1964: Fatima Jinnah filed her paper ascandidate for the Presidentialelection.

September 23, 1990:Sandak project signed betweenPakistan and China at Beijing.

September in History

Positive Post is published to project positivity all around Pakistan amongst our youth and the entire nation. Our efforts are to inculcate patriotism and a sense of ownership in them. It is a compilation of news extracted

by the students of Mass Communications and Media Studies of Greenwich University.

Volume VIII, Issue-9, September 2018

F Students prove classical music ....

F Google pays homage to Fatima ....

F PM’s House to be converted ........

F Saudi Arabia, Pakistan agree ......

F Idea Croron Ka’- a reality .........

F Fifth patrol vessel inducted .......

F Making a strong debut for ...........

F Pakistan is outrageously ..............

F Cake will be submitted for ...........

What’s inside:

Top leadership sends out messagesof unity; armed forces commemo-rate the day with a show of power.

Pakistan, on September 6,commemorated the sacrifices madeby its armed forces during the 1965war. Various events were heldall over the country to mark theoccasion. Personnel from allmilitary and paramilitary forcestook part in these events.

Prime Minister Imran Khan in hismessage said Pakistan believes inpeaceful coexistence and wants topromote mutual cooperation withother countries, including itsneighbours, on the basis of equal-ity.

He said the people of Pakistan havethe ability to brave all challengeswhile following Quaid-i-Azam'sprinciples of Unity, Faith, andDiscipline.

President Mamnoon Hussain andChief of Army Staff GeneralQamar Javed Bajwa also sent outmessages of unity on the occasion.Mobile app, website to promotetourism in KP

On the directives of Senior MinisterMuhammad Atif Khan, the sports,tourism, archaeology, culture, mu-seums and youth affairs departmentis launching a new mobile App andwebsite to introduce KhyberPakhtunkhwa as a tourism brand tothe world to attract more touristsand visitors to the province.

This was told at a meeting heldwith department’s secretary ShahidZaman in the chair on Wednesday.Additional secretary Babar Khan,officials of Management Informa-tion System and others attendedthe meeting, according to a pressrelease. The MIS team briefed theparticipants on the launch ofmobile App and new website.

The meeting was told that all dataof tour operators, hotels, restaurantsbooking, tracking, tourist resorts,lakes, weather in KhyberPakhtunkhwa would be uploadedon the website and mobile App tohelp tourists get information aboutthese facilities at home beforeleaving for a particular destination.

The officials said the departmenthad taken tangible steps to boost

archaeological, adventure, religiousand cultural tourism and attractmore foreign and domestic touriststo the province. The participantswere informed that 75 per cent oftourist destinations, archaeologicaland heritage sites and Buddhismruins of the country existed in Khy-ber Pakhtunkhwa.

The followers of Buddhism and en-thusiasts of adventure tourismcould be attracted to the provincewith the new app and website. Thecapacity of registered tour operatorshad been built through workshopsand trainings to help them betterfacilitate the visiting tourists in theprovince, the meeting was told.

During his maiden visit to thedepartment recently, the seniorminister had vowed to arrangeactivities at international level toapprise foreigners of the tourismpotential and beautiful places in theprovince.

Courtesy: Dawn

A day to remember the sacrifices of Pakistan's martyrs

Pakistan made it to the SAFF Cupsemi-finals for the first time since2005 after they beat a strugglingBhutan side 3-0 at the Banga-bandhu National Stadium inDhaka on Saturday.

The Green Shirts’ status in the last-four was confirmed later whenhosts Bangladesh were knocked outon goal difference after Nepal beatthem 2-0 and went through to thesemis courtesy goals by BimalGharti Magar and NawayugShrestha.

Jose Antonio Nogueira’s men faredway better than their opponents intheir third and last Group ‘A’ matchafter poor performances with theball in their first two outings in thetournament.against Nepal andBangladesh.

Riaz got Pakistan off the mark inthe 20th minute, drilling the ballpast Bhutan goalkeeper Jamphel atthe near post after a header by skip-per Saddam Hussain on a long ballset the K-Electric midfielder up.

Hosts Bangladesh crash out on goaldifference

Riaz rounded off defender RichenDorji at the edge of box to open hisway on goal.

Bashir doubled the lead nine min-utes later with a sliding finish fromalmost outside the box after a pre-cise pass from Mohammad Ali onthe right-flank found him runningbetween Bhutan’s centre-back pair-ing.Ali was in the midst of the Pakistanattack once again in the firstminute of injury time teeing upsubstitute Ahmed Faheem whocalmly placed it past the near postto seal victory.“We lost the chance of scoringmore goals but three goals was verygood for us,” Pakistan head coachNogueira said.

“This victory is for all the people inthe PFF and in Pakistan,” addedthe Brazilian.

Pakistan could have scored two

more goals had Bashir’s header inthe 10th and Riaz’s volley in the41st minute not hit the crossbar.In contrast to their game-playagainst Nepal and Bangladesh intheir previous two fixtures, Pakistandominated possession and createdmore chances than their theirstruggling opponents.

“It was very tough for us to scorethree goals and qualify and withGod’s grace we will try to win thesemi-final and qualify for the finalas well,” said Riaz.

Bhutan couldn’t create clear-cutchances but they had a couple ofchances in the last 10 minutes.

In the 82nd minute, Kabi Raj Raiheaded inches over the bar follow-ing a cross from substitute forwardKingay Rabgay before ChenchoGyeltshen’s shot at the near postwas saved five minutes later.

“The two guys upfront caused us alot of problems getting the ball inearlier,” said Nepal coach TrevorMorgan of the Pakistan strikers.“The second half was one of thebest 45 minutes we’ve had.”

India play Maldives in the lastGroup ‘B’ match on Sunday to fi-nalise the semi-final line-up.

Courtesy: Dawn

At the APMC's Nautarang event,it was evident that young peopleare also keen about classical music It fills practitioners and lovers ofmusic with great hope to knowthat the younger generation, someof them cusp millennials, are tak-ing a keen interest in classical andsemi-classical music.

This was evident, one more time,on Saturday evening at an event ti-tled ‘Nautarang’ organised by theAll Pakistan Music Conference(APMC) at the Alliance de Fran-caise, Karachi.

The concert went off to a delight-ful start when Tanveer Zaheer, stu-dent of Ustad Bashir Khan,presented two very popular com-positions made famous by artistssuch as Shafqat Amanat Ali andSajjad Ali. The first song that Tan-veer sang was ‘Khamaj’ whosevideo, shot by Saqib Malik, com-plemented the lyrics beautifully. Itwas so nice to notice that the

young man did not over-exert hisvocal ability. Although he couldhave gone for the harkatein that heseems to be capable of, he chose tokeep things uncomplicated. As aresult, his pitching did not falterand the audience was treated to afresh, simpler version of the song.His second offering was the AftabMuztar ghazal Her zulm tera yaadhai that Sajjad Ali has done com-plete justice to. Tanveer sang onlya couple of verses, perhaps rightlyso. Again, it was a nice perform-ance.

Another vocalist, Mustafa Dilpazir,followed Tanveer. He is the shaa-gird of Ustad Ghulam Shabbir. Hisfirst act was Taras khao ay moreyprabhu in a raga that he claimedwas seldom performed. It was evi-dent that the young man is an avidstudent of music. Still, Mustafaneeds to understand that he shouldnot be too conscious of his stagepresence. After all, singing, like allarts, requires an utter and completesubmission to the art form. Bybeing too aware of his self he tendsto lose focus, which affects his ren-

dition of straighter lines in partic-ular.

That being said, the audience likedhis performance as well as histhumri in raga champakali a lot,which was why he was requested tostay on stage for one more item.He obliged and sang a ghazal byNasir Kazmi, Kya lagey aankh kephir dil mein samaya koi.

The last artist of the evening wasthe young tabla player WaqasGulab, another student of UstadBashir Khan. His performance in‘teentaal’ (16-beat cycle) was quiteimpressive.

I feel compelled here to mentionthe name of sarangi player Gul. Heaccompanied the vocalists and thepercussionist on stage and soundedso mellifluous that occasionallyovershadowed those who weresupposed to be in the limelight.

Courtesy: Dawn


Students prove classical music has a bright future in Pakistan

Pakistan qualify for SAFF Cup semi-finalsafter 13 years, beat Bhutan 3-0

Google is paying tribute to Pak-istan’s legendary playwright FatimaSurayya Bajia with its doodle fea-ture on her 88th birthday (Septem-ber 1). Google honours prominentpersonalities and occasions withspecial logos that it calls 'doodles'.

In the past, Google also paidtribute to Pakistan’s prominent per-sonalities, Mehdi Hassan, Nus-rat Fateh Ali khan, Abdul SattarEdhi, Noor Jehan, Nazia Hassanand many others.

Surayya Bajia was born in Indiancity of Hyderabad on September 1,1930. She, along with her family,migrated to Pakistan after the par-

tition of the sub-continent.

Bajia had acquired extensive knowl-edge of Arabic, Persian, Englishand Urdu literature and history athome through without having anyformal degree. When her grandfa-ther and father died in Karachi, shetook up the responsibility of look-

ing after her younger siblings.

She brought all her siblings upwith care and made them all receivea good education almost all of themsuccessfully carved out their ownidentity in separate fields of art andculture.

Her brother Anwar Maqsood be-came a satirist and playwright, hersister Zehra Nigah became arenowned poetess while ZubaidaTariq turned into a cooking expert.

She received numerous awards, in-cluding the Pride of PerformanceAward for her services to the per-forming arts in Pakistan. In 2012,she was awarded Hilal-i-Imtiaz byPresident of Pakistan. Besides thelocal awards, she was given thehighest civil award of Japan.

She breathed her last on February10, 2016 at the age of 85.

Courtesy: The News


Google pays homage to Fatima Surayya Bajia on 88th birthday with doodle

Overseas Pakistanis will be able tovote in the October 14 by-pollsusing any internet-connected de-vice courtesy iVoting, the ElectionCommission of Pakistan (ECP)said on Tuesday.

“Voters need to register themselveson the ECP’s overseas voting web-site” on this account, ECPSpokesperson Nadeem Qasim said.The registration deadline expires onSeptember 15, he said.

ECP completes initial probe inRTS fiasco

Qasim said the ECP had collabo-rated with the National Databaseand Registration Authority(NADRA) over the initiative.“Overseas voters can check their el-igibility and also cast their vote byvisiting the website.”

To cast their votes online, overseas

Pakistanis should possess a Na-tional Identity Card for OverseasPakistani (NICOP), MachineReadable Passport (MRP) andmust be registered voters in con-stituencies where by-elections areset to take place. The ECPspokesperson said a video had beenprepared to aid voters in castingvotes too.

Over two dozen independents no-tify ECP on joining PTI

“The video is widely being circu-lated widely on the social media. Itwill also be aired on PTV duringprime time.” Qasim said.

A programme had also beenlaunched to raise awareness amongoverseas Pakistanis on i-Voting,Qasim said. A report on the resultsof the pilot project will be presentedbefore the Parliament, he said.

Courtesy: The Express Tribune

Online voting service for overseas Pakistanis introduced

PM’s House to be converted into postgraduate institute: minister

Education Minister ShafqatMehmood said on Thursday thatthe Prime Minister’s House wouldbe converted into a high-qualitypostgraduate institute.

Addressing a press conference re-garding the new government’splans for state-owned properties,the minister announced that addi-tional construction would also becarried out on the land behind theresidence meant for the premier.

“Prime Minister Imran Khan hasdecided that he will not stay in thePM’s House and governors will notstay in the official residences meantfor them to cut down costs,” headded.

According to the education minis-ter, the annual expenditure of PM’sHouse was Rs 470 million.

Therefore, it has been decided thatthe PM’s House will be turned into

a top-level educational instate,Mehmood said.

Speaking about reconstruction ofother official buildings, Mehmoodsaid Governor House in Lahorewould be used as a museum and artgallery, while park on the premiseswould be opened for public.

The Punjab House in Murree willbe turned into a tourist complex,while the Governor House inKarachi and the one in Balochistanwould be used as museums, he con-cluded.

Courtesy: Daily Times


The historical building of theSindh Governor House, which isbeing opened for families on Friday(today) as per order of Prime Min-ister Imran Khan, will be opendaily from 6am to 10am on work-ing days while on Sunday it will beopened in the evening only from4.30pm to 6.30pm.

According to official spokesmanSaleem Khan, in the first phase,only families will be allowed to visitspecific parts of Governor House.

According to an official communi-cation, for visiting Governor Housein form of a group, permission hasto be taken in writing in advance.

The people are reminded that beinga national asset it is the responsi-bility of all to look after GovernorHouse.

For safety purpose closed-circuittelevision cameras are already op-erating and as such damaging any

part of Governor House will betaken as a criminal act. In case ofany emergency Governor Housecould be vacated.

Similarly any person who is calledfor identification has to identifyhimself/herself. Governor House islocated on the original site of thenow-demolished GovernmentHouse, which was built in 1843 bySir Charles Napier while Sindhwas part of the British Raj.

The construction of the presentGovernor House started in 1936 byarchitect R.T. Russel. It was com-pleted in 1939 at a cost ofRs700,000.

Following independence, thebuilding became the residence ofGovernor General Quaid-i-AzamMuhammad Ali Jinnah.

The Quaid-i-Azam resided in thehouse until his death in September1948.

Courtesy: Dawn

Sindh Governor House’s daily visitinghours announced

A one-day tree plantation cam-paign titled 'Plant for Pakistan'will be carried out across thecountry today. Prime MinisterImran Khan is expected to inau-gurate the campaign by planting asapling in the federal capital.

Under the campaign, some 1.5million trees will be planted aspart of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insafgovernment's 10 billion treetsunami 2018 drive.

During the campaign, people willbe given free of cost saplings at190 distribution points across thecountry.

According to a statement issued

by the government, the purpose ofthe campaign is to encourage peo-ple, communities, organisations,business and industry, civil societyand government to collectivelyplant trees.

The day will also create awarenessabout benefits of forests and in-creasing forest cover in big citiesof the country.

Courtesy: Dawn

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia haveagreed to work out proposals forenhancing bilateral economic co-operation through identifying spe-cific areas in trade and investment.An understanding to this effect wasreached at the second meeting ofPak-Saudi Joint Working Groupon Trade and Investment. TheJWG was constituted in the 11thsession of Pak-Saudi Joint Minis-terial Commission held at Islam-abad in January 2018.

Secretary Commerce Younus Daghaand Saudi Deputy Minister for For-eign Trade Abdulrahman Alharbico-chaired the session. The Ambas-sador of Saudi Arabia to PakistanNawaf Saeed Al-Maliki as well asother officials from various min-istries participated in the meeting.

Dagha invited Saudi governmentand private sector to invest in oilrefining, petrochemicals and foodprocessing industry in Pakistan.

After official discussions, the Petro-leum Division and leading privatesector companies presented theirproject proposals. The follow up offirst JWG meeting was also dis-cussed to resolve non-tariff barriers,facilitating business visas, and logis-tic arrangements for the PakistanSingle Country Exhibition in Jed-dah as well as activating the JointBusiness Council.

Alharbi elaborated that the kingdomdesires to have close economic part-nership with Pakistan and the twocountries could cooperate and havejoint ventures in petro chemicals,food processing and other sectors.

The Saudi delegation also com-prised of six businessmen frompetrochemical and food sectors andtheir meetings were arranged withPakistani counterparts from meat,poultry, fruits and vegetables, riceand petrochemical.

The local companies presented de-tails of their meat and food pro-cessing plants which meet Saudistandards and have been registeredby the Food and Drug Agencythere. The touring delegation ex-pressed keen interest in the invest-ment projects and trade proposalsand the two agreed to take furthersteps expeditiously to materialisethese proposals, added the an-nouncement.

Courtesy: Dawn

1.5m trees will be planted today as part of'Plant for Pakistan' campaign

Saudi Arabia, Pakistan agree to boost trade ties

For Kanwal Ahmed, Soul SistersPakistan (SSP) a Facebook groupshe started five years ago was justan idea she developed for herselfand the women around her.

However, around two months ago,things changed when Facebookgot in touch with her with twoopportunities the first, a fellowshipin the first global Facebookcommunity leadership programme;and second, the social media giant’sinitiative for entrepreneurs incollaboration with ‘Idea Croron Ka’which is a reality show on Neo TVthat gives entrepreneurs theopportunity to pitch their ideas

to potential investors.

Joining Ms Ahmed on the realityshow segment are five otherwomen from Pakistan BinishUmair and Ishroon Nazish whorun the Karachi Schools Guidegroup on Facebook, Saba MohsinShaikh of Karachi Chefs at Home,Marham’s Asma Omer, RabiaAziz-Rizvi of Special NeedsPakistan and Nadia Patel Gangjeeof Sheops.

Ms Gangjee will also be participat-ing with the SSP’s founder in theFacebook leadership programme.

‘Idea Croron Ka’ - a reality show

The PMSS Kashmir, the fifthmaritime patrol vessel built inChina for the Pakistan MaritimeSecurity Agency, was inducted intothe PMSA’s fleet at a ceremony.

During his welcome address,Director General of PMSA RearAdmiral Zaka-ur-Rehman saidthat it was in response to evolvingmaritime challenges, law enforce-ment imperatives and nationalobligations that a capacity enhance-ment plan was proposed by thePMSA and subsequently approvedby the federal government.

He said the induction of anotherstate-of-the-art vessel into thePMSA fleet was of unique signifi-cance as it showed the agency’scommitment and resolve towardssafeguarding the China-PakistanEconomic Corridor and ensuringmaritime security.

He said the PMSA was committednot only to enforcing nationaljurisdiction and sovereignty in themaritime zones but also protecting

Pakistan’s economic interests in theExclusive Economic Zone.

The PMSA DG said the PMSSKashmir was a symbol of Pakistanis’solidarity with the people ofKashmir. “It is a recognition ofefforts of the people of Kashmirwho are engaged in a heroic strug-gle and continue to offer supremesacrifices for their right to self-determination in line with the UNresolution,” he added.

PMSA chief says evolving mar-itime challenges, law-enforcementimperatives and national obliga-tions necessitated acquisition ofPMSS Kashmir

Sardar Masood Khan, the president

of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, whowas the chief guest on the occasion,congratulated PMSA on theinduction of the ship and appreci-ated the enthusiasm and commit-ment of PMSA as well as theChinese Shipyard, which resultedin the construction and inductionof the ships.

He also praised the PMSA’s rolenot only in law-enforcement butalso in safeguarding the maritimeeconomic interests of Pakistan.

The chief guest also visited varioussections of the ship where he wasbriefed by the commanding officerof the PMSS Kashmir about itscapabilities.

Courtesy: Dawn


The Karachi Development Author-ity (KDA) will form a women’shockey team alongside its men’steam in a move aimed at providingequal opportunities to womenfolkof the metropolis.

This was announced by the directorgeneral of KDA SamiuddinSiddiqui while speaking as the chiefguest at the Defence Day ofPakistan exhibition hockey matchesfor men’s and women’s at theKarachi Hockey Association(KHA) Complex in Gulshan Iqbalon Thursday.

Acceding to the KHA secretarySyed Haider Hussain’s request, theDG KDA responded positively toset a precedent by offering contractto 16 women players soon amidstapplause.

It is pertinent to mention that theKDA had re-launched its men’shockey team about a year back. Hehad also raised players monthlyemoluments from Rs 12,000 to Rs20,000 recently.

Samiullah XI, Shehla Raza XI win

Defence Day ties

The DG KDA also paid glowingtributes to the personnel of armedforces who had sacrificed their livesfor the beloved motherland.

Meanwhile, inside right ShahzaibKhan’s hat-trick guided SamiullahXI to a fine win over Hanif KhanXI by 3-1 and win the men’s exhi-bition match.

Hunain Khalid slammed the con-solation goal for the losers.

Asma Shah XI held Shehla RazaXI to a one-all draw in the women’sexhibition match.

Iqra Javed put Shehla Raza XI infront in the 17th minute while

Ayesha Ali drew level for AsmaShah XI in the 17th minute.

The ceremony was attended amongothers by former Olympian Ja-hangir Butt, ex-international JamilAhmed Khan, KHA officials Gul-fraz Khan, Dr S. A. Majid, HaiderHussain and Ehtisham Warsi.

The KHA has also named a selec-tion committee to pick a women’steam for appointment in the KDA.To be headed by former notedOlympian Samiullah, the commit-tee includes Hanif Khan, HaiderHussain and former Pakistan goal-keeper Beenish Mohammad Ali. The date of the trials will be an-nounced soon.

Courtesy: Dawn

Fifth patrol vessel inducted into maritime agency’s fleet

he Punjab Governor, ChaudhrySarwar, has announced opening ofthe Governor House for the publicon Sundays, saying that all nationalassets belong to the people ofPakistan.

At a news conference, the governorsaid the historic building wouldinitially be opened for families onSundays between 10am and 6pm. Itwould also be opened for theschoolchildren on a formal requestto the administration, he added. He said the Governor House inMurree had already been madeaccessible to the public.

In the first phase, Mr Sarwar saidthe Governor House parks, lake,zoo and swimming pool were beingopened so that people could see thehistoric building.

He said the decision had beentaken on the instructions of PrimeMinister Imran Khan.

Mr Sarwar said the PTI wanted todispel the impression that Pakistanwas created for the elite.

He said the days had gone whenthe accountability used to startfrom officials in lower ranks.

The PTI government would startthe accountability from the primeminister, chief ministers and gover-nors, he added.

Courtesy: Dawn

Punjab GovernorHouse to be open for

public on Sundays

KDA unveils plan to form women’s hockey team soon

One of the most respected andacclaimed names in Pakistan’sfashion industry, Sania Maskatiyathis season elevated her brand valueby being the first designer fromPakistan to show at the covetedNew York Fashion Week. Partici-pating as part of the Council ofAspiring American FashionDesigners (CAAFD), Saniashowcased a Spring/Summer 2019collection for Sania Studio (her lineof western wear), which retained thecultural ethos of the brand in printand pattern. While Sania’s collec-tion looked every bit apt for theinternational runway, it was just asadaptable to fashion back home inPakistan. That is actually a verytricky balance, which not manydesigners have been able to strike.

Speaking to Arab News from theshow, Sania said that Sania Studiowas “reflective of the brand’svanguard fondness for combiningmodern reduction and antique

fantasy. She said she had tried toplay with rhythmic patterns,borrowed from ancient cultures,to “create a playfully pulsatingeffect, draped with futuristicplayfulness and poise, as its signa-ture element”. The collectiondisplayed all of Sania’s strengths asa designer; she had designed a rangeof Egyptian inspired prints on apalette of pink, cream and gold. Thesilhouettes were crisp and clean andunfussy and had great impact.

The CAAFD is a non profit organ-ization that helps young designersfrom all over the world breakthrough to the American market. Ifanyone, Sania Maskatiya has theskill and business potential to do so.We’d love to see her spread herwings and scale the world becausewe know she’ll be creating verystrong brand value for Pakistanwhile at it.

Courtesy: The Epress Tribune


Making a strong debut for Pakistan, SaniaMaskatiya shows at New York Fashion Week

Pakistan is outrageously fascinating, say Austrian artists exhibiting in the country

“I am impressed by their excitementand enthusiasm to learn more aboutPakistan," said the Ambassador ofAustria.

Ambassador of Austria Dr BrigittaBlaha inaugurated an exhibition ofcontemporary art by two Austrianartists, Anna Stangl and LindaWaber, at the Comsats Art Gallery.Dr Blaha said it is the artists’ firsttrip to Pakistan.

“I am impressed by their excitementand enthusiasm to learn more aboutPakistan. Linde keeps saying every-thing is outrageously fascinating,

and I am sure we will see some ofPakistan in their future work,” theambassador said.

Linde is a renowned artist andwriter who visited the studios ofPakistani artists.

“It was a wonderful experience tomeet the Pakistani artists, especiallythe famous poet Kishwar Naheed aswell as the painters Farrah Mah-mood, Zaira Zaka, Sana Arjumandand Raja Changez Sultan,” theartist said.

Anna, who conducted a two-day

workshop at the National Collegeof Arts (NCA), Rawalpindi and aone-day workshop on MixedMedia at Comsats, said: “I enjoyedworking with the students, both at

NCA and Comsats. I found someof them very talented and seriouslyworking towards becoming goodartists.”

Courtesy: Dawn

On the directives of SeniorMinister Muhammad Atif Khan,the sports, tourism, archaeology,culture, museums and youth affairsdepartment is launching a newmobile App and website tointroduce Khyber Pakhtunkhwa asa tourism brand to the world toattract more tourists and visitors tothe province.

This was told at a meeting held withdepartment’s secretary ShahidZaman in the chair on Wednesday.Additional secretary Babar Khan,officials of Management Informa-tion System and others attendedthe meeting, according to a pressrelease. The MIS team briefed theparticipants on the launch ofmobile App and new website.

The meeting was told that all dataof tour operators, hotels, restaurantsbooking, tracking, tourist resorts,lakes, weather in KPK would beuploaded on the website and mobileApp to help tourists get informa-tion about these facilities at homebefore leaving for a particulardestination.

The officials said the departmenthad taken tangible steps to boostarchaeological, adventure, religiousand cultural tourism and attractmore foreign and domestic touriststo the province. The participantswere informed that 75 per cent oftourist destinations, archaeologicaland heritage sites and Buddhismruins of the country existed in KPK.

The followers of Buddhism andenthusiasts of adventure tourismcould be attracted to the provincewith the new app and website. Thecapacity of registered tour operatorshad been built through workshopsand trainings to help them betterfacilitate the visiting tourists in theprovince, the meeting was told.

During his maiden visit to thedepartment recently, the seniorminister had vowed to arrangeactivities at international level toapprise foreigners of the tourismpotential and beautiful places in theprovince.

Courtesy: Dawn

Mobile app, website to promote tourism in KP


The movie could be in the runningfor 'Foreign Language Film Award’category at the 91st AcademyAwards

Arguably one of the best Pakistanimovies of recent times, it's nosurprise that Cake may find itself inthe running for an Oscar.

The Pakistani Academy SelectionCommittee, chaired by two-timeAcademy Award and Emmywinning documentary filmmakerSharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, hasselected Cake to be submitted forOscar consideration in the 'ForeignLanguage Film Award’ category atthe 91st Academy Awards.

The committee is chaired bytwo-time Academy Award andEmmy winning documentaryfilmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy and includes KamilaShamshi [Novelist], Saira Kazmi[Actress and Director}, HM Naqvi[Novelist], Hadiqa Kiani [singer,song writer, and philanthropist], AliSethi [Singer and writer]. Zoe Vic-caji [Singer, Song-writer, and musi-cal actress], Nadeem Farooq Paracha[ Journalist, author, and culturalcritic], Nabila Maqsood [Haistylistand entrepreneur], Khalid Malik[Actor and Radio Jockey] and FaisalQureishi [Actor].

Set in Karachi, Cake follows thelives of two sisters, one of whomlives abroad and the other is ‘left’behind. Burdened with guilt and re-sentments, the sisters confront oldsecrets and realize that some-times the only way for a family

to move on, is by finding a wayback. The film stars leading Pak-istani actors, Sanam Saeed, AaminaSheikh and Adnan Malik in pivotalroles and is the debut feature forwriter/director Asim Abbasi. It hasbeen produced by Sayed ZulfikarBukhari.Talking about the nod, Abbasi

shares,"I am extremely honoured tohave Cake representing Pakistanthis year, and grateful to the selec-tion committee for considering itworthy. My deepest gratitude formy Cake family, who worked sohard and with so much belief tobring this film to the audiences.2018 is proving to be a great yearfor Pakistani cinema. May it con-tinue to grow and may we alwaysfind the courage and the vision totell our stories our own way."

The Academy of Motion PictureArts and Sciences will choose thefinal nominees for all award cat-egories including Best ForeignLanguage Film in January 2019.The complete and final list of Oscarnominees will be announcedon January 22, 2019 with thepresentation show for the 91stAcademy Awards scheduled to takeplace on February 24, 2019.

Courtesy: Dawn

Cake will be submitted forOscar consideration

Lok Virsa theatre hosts festival to promote culture of Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan

The two-day Festival for Peace andRegional Convergence featured folkmusic from all three countries

Participants of the two-day Festivalfor Peace and Regional Convergenceattended a colourful cultural eveningon Wednesday featuring folk musicfrom Afghanistan, Tajikistan andPakistan.

The event was hosted by the trainingand research centre Media House atthe Lok Virsa rooftop theatre, forguests attending a festival to promotethe culture, art and customs ofAfghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan.

The evening began with perform-ances by folk musicians from KhyberPakhtunkhwa who performed fa-mous Pashto songs such as LarshaPekhawar Ta. Folk singers from Pun-jab, Sindh and Balochistan also per-formed and the Sindhi musicianWaheed Alan Faqeer received greatapplause for his famous song HumaHuma Kar Bhaya.

Three Tajik musicians also per-formed, and one of the singerswowed the audience with her rendi-tion of Punjabi and Indian songs.

Mohammad Khalil Goodar Zazaiand Tajjudin Chah Abi, two Afghansingers, were accompanied by threeother musicians with whom they per-formed both Pashto and Persiansongs.

Waheeda Shah, an audience member,said such events were very useful for thepromotion of regional connectivity.

“I am enjoying this colourful musicalnight and happy to see people fromvarious neighbouring countries andcities are sitting together and enjoy-ing their art and culture,” she toldDawn.

Such events are a good source of con-nectivity and a way to promote a

softer image of Pakistan and thisregion, she added.

Earlier, youth and peace ambassadorsfrom all three countries held varioussessions aimed at building strongyouth networks and connectivity incultural exchange, art and tourism topromote regional harmony.

This was part of MediothekAfghanistan’s Youth Ambassadors inPakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistaninitiative, which aims to provide aplatform to promote the art and cul-ture of all three countries.

Tajik, Afghan and Pakistani artistsperformed and young people whohad travelled between all three coun-tries spoke about their experiences.

At various sessions, youth ambassa-dors spoke about organising such acultural festival to bring peace to theregion and the role of the youth insuch activities. They believed thatgiven the large youth population ofthe region, they had the potential toplay a constructive role in paving theway for a lasting peace.

Media House Director Dr Shahja-han Sayed said: “Let the youth decidethe future of this region, as we havegiven this region a gift of war andterrorism. They are the hope for abright and peaceful future.”

The festival brought together morethan 150 participants, including localgovernment officials, diplomats, aca-demics, civil society activists, journal-ists, youth group representatives,artists and students.

Dr Sayed said the initiative aims toencourage the youth of Tajikistan,Afghanistan and Pakistan to exploitthe cultural commonalities of theircountries to restore a lasting peace andenduring stability across the region.

Courtesy: Dawn

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To understand the lifestyle, fashionand technological use in vitreousmaterials, ornamental culture andceramics used in the ancient Swat,international archaeologistslaunched different research studiesin Swat.

The international archaeologistsfrom the universities of Italy andUnited Kingdom have launchedthree different researches with thescientific agreement between theItalian Archaeological Mission inPakistan (ISMEO) and the KPDirectorate of Archaeology andMuseums, with the aim to under-stand the use of technology, mate-rial, types and techniques inceramics, ornamental stone beads,glass beads, bangles and other ma-terial used by the ancient peoplefrom Achaemenids to Kushanasliving in the ancient Swat.

Professor Ivana Angelini from theDepartment of Cultural Heritagein the University of Padova, Italy,along with another scholar CinziaBettineschi said that they under-took the vitreous materials fromBarikot in the framework of theIndo-Pakistani and Mediterraneanglass technology and trade routes. “The aim is to understand the evo-

lution of this high-status craft, interms of typology of the materials,compositional recipes and work-ing/production techniques,” theytold this correspondent.

They said that the ornamental ob-jects from Swat showed a widevariability of colours, shapes andtechnological solutions which tes-

tified early contacts with theMediterranean basin, but also a no-ticeable local taste in the choice ofthe most widespread typologies ofbangles, beads and pendants. Another researcher MubarizAhmad Rabbani, who has under-taken his PhD research on thestone beads of Barikot from theUniversity of Reading, UK, saidthat he was investigating, for exam-ple, how the beads were manufac-tured and how they developedacross at that periods.

“I am also trying to find out howthe inhabitants of Barikot used thebeads to adorn themselves and howthey used them to express theiridentity.Gandharan beads espe-cially from Swat have never beenscientifically and comprehensivelystudied before. Thus this study willshed light on a presently unex-plored chapter of Gandharan ar-chaeology,” he said.

He added that the study wouldeventually highlight that Gandharawas indeed an important centre ofinternational connections, diversity,openness and learning.

At the same time two young re-searchers, Emanuele Lant andIrene Caldana of the Padova Uni-versity under the supervision ofProf Massimo Vidale have under-taken a research study on the ce-ramics of Aligrama Swat.

They said that their research wasfocused on typological study of theceramics from Aligrama site whichwas excavated from 1966 to 1983. The researchers thanked KP Ar-chaeology and Museum Depart-ment director Abdul Samad andcurator of Swat Museum FaizurRahman for assisting them in theirresearches.


Archaeologists start research on culture of ancient Swat
