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A Discontinuous Galerkin method with weighted averages for advection-diffusion equations with locally small and anisotropic diffusivity Alexandre Ern Annette F. Stephansen Paolo Zunino November 29, 2007 Abstract We propose and analyze a symmetric weighted interior penalty (SWIP) method to approximate in a Discontinuous Galerkin framework advection-diffusion equa- tions with anisotropic and discontinuous diffusivity. The originality of the method consists in the use of diffusivity-dependent weighted averages to better cope with locally small diffusivity (or equivalently with locally high P´ eclet numbers) on fitted meshes. The analysis yields convergence results for the natural energy norm that are optimal with respect to mesh-size and robust with respect to diffusivity. The convergence results for the advective derivative are optimal with respect to mesh- size and robust for isotropic diffusivity, as well as for anisotropic diffusivity if the cell P´ eclet numbers evaluated with the largest eigenvalue of the diffusivity tensor are large enough. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed scheme. discontinuous Galerkin, weighted averages, locally small diffusion with advection, anisotropic diffusion 1 Introduction Since their introduction over thirty years ago [19, 16], Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods have emerged as an attractive tool to approximate numerous PDEs in the en- gineering sciences. Here we are primarily interested in advection–diffusion equations with anisotropic (e.g., tensor-valued) and heterogeneous (e.g., non-smooth) diffusiv- ity. Such equations are encountered, for instance, in groundwater flow models which constitute the motivation for the present work. The analysis of DG methods to approximate advection–diffusion equations is ex- tensively covered in [15]. This work already addresses anisotropic and heterogeneous diffusivity. However, one particular aspect that deserves further attention is that where the diffusivity becomes very small in some parts of the computational domain. In- deed, in this case it is well-known that the presence of an advective field can trigger internal layers. In the locally vanishing diffusivity limit, the solution becomes discon- tinuous on the interfaces where the advective field flows from the vanishing-diffusivity Universit´ e Paris-Est, CERMICS, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 77455 Marne la Vall´ ee cedex 2, France ([email protected]). Andra, Parc de la Croix-Blanche, 1-7 rue Jean Monnet, 92298 Chˆ atenay-Malabry cedex, France. MOX, Dipartimento di Matematica ”F. Brioschi”, Politecnico di Milano, via Bonardi 9, 20133 Milano, Italy. 1
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A Discontinuous Galerkin method with weightedaverages for advection-diffusion equations with

locally small and anisotropic diffusivity

Alexandre Ern∗ Annette F. Stephansen† Paolo Zunino‡

November 29, 2007


We propose and analyze a symmetric weighted interior penalty (SWIP) methodto approximate in a Discontinuous Galerkin framework advection-diffusion equa-tions with anisotropic and discontinuous diffusivity. The originality of the methodconsists in the use of diffusivity-dependent weighted averages to bettercope withlocally small diffusivity (or equivalently with locally high Peclet numbers) on fittedmeshes. The analysis yields convergence results for the natural energy norm thatare optimal with respect to mesh-size and robust with respect to diffusivity. Theconvergence results for the advective derivative are optimal with respect to mesh-size and robust for isotropic diffusivity, as well as for anisotropic diffusivity if thecell Peclet numbers evaluated with the largest eigenvalue of the diffusivity tensorare large enough. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the performance ofthe proposed scheme. discontinuous Galerkin, weighted averages, locally smalldiffusion with advection, anisotropic diffusion

1 Introduction

Since their introduction over thirty years ago [19, 16], Discontinuous Galerkin (DG)methods have emerged as an attractive tool to approximate numerous PDEs in the en-gineering sciences. Here we are primarily interested in advection–diffusion equationswith anisotropic (e.g., tensor-valued) and heterogeneous(e.g., non-smooth) diffusiv-ity. Such equations are encountered, for instance, in groundwater flow models whichconstitute the motivation for the present work.

The analysis of DG methods to approximate advection–diffusion equations is ex-tensively covered in [15]. This work already addresses anisotropic and heterogeneousdiffusivity. However, one particular aspect that deservesfurther attention is that wherethe diffusivity becomes very small insomeparts of the computational domain. In-deed, in this case it is well-known that the presence of an advective field can triggerinternal layers. In the locally vanishing diffusivity limit, the solution becomes discon-tinuous on the interfaces where the advective field flows fromthe vanishing-diffusivity

∗Universite Paris-Est, CERMICS, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 77455 Marne la Vallee cedex 2, France([email protected]).

†Andra, Parc de la Croix-Blanche, 1-7 rue Jean Monnet, 92298 Chatenay-Malabry cedex, France.‡MOX, Dipartimento di Matematica ”F. Brioschi”, Politecnico di Milano,

via Bonardi 9, 20133 Milano, Italy.


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region towards the nonvanishing-diffusivity region. Thissituation has been analyzedin [10] and, more recently, in [5, 6]. For (very) small but positive diffusivity, the usualDG methods meet with difficulties in the presence of internallayers that are not suf-ficiently resolved by the mesh. Indeed, these methods are designed to weakly enforcecontinuity of the discrete solution across mesh interfaces, but because internal layersare under-resolved, the exact solution is better approximated by a discontinuous func-tion at the interfaces adjacent to internal layers. One possible remedy is to considera hard-wired modification of the DG method at those interfaces, as already proposedin [15] and, more recently, in [8]. However, a more satisfactory approach would beto design a DG method that can handle internal layers in an automated fashion. Thisis the purpose of the present work. The key ingredient is the use of weighted insteadof arithmetic averages in certain interface terms of the DG method, with weights de-pending on the diffusivity on both sides of the interface. The present method relies onthe (mild) assumption that fitted meshes are used, i.e., thatdiscontinuities in the dif-fusivity are aligned with the mesh. When this assumption is not possible (e.g., in thecase of nonlinear diffusivity), the present method is not expected to behave better thanthe usual DG methods, since all methods will suffer from the fact that they attempt toapproximate a rough solution within some mesh elements.

The idea of utilizing weighted averages stems from the mortar finite-element methodoriginally proposed by Nitsche [17, 18]. This method imposes weakly the continuityof fluxes between different regions. Various authors have highlighted the possibilityof using an average with weights that differ from one half; see [21, 14, 12, 13] whereseveral mortaring techniques are presented to match conforming finite elements on pos-sibly nonconforming computational meshes. In the cited works, weighted averages areintroduced as a generalization of standard averages and theanalysis is carried out inthe general framework, but a possible dependency of the weights on the coefficientsof the problem is not considered. This dependency was investigated recently in [3] forisotropic advection–diffusion problems, using a weightedinterior penalty techniquewith mortars; when applied elementwise, this approach yields a DG method. It wasshown in [3] that a specific choice of weights improves the stability of the schemewhen the diffusivity takes locally small values. The reasonwhy weighted averages areneeded to properly handle internal layers is rooted in the dissipative structure of the un-derlying Friedrichs’s system. The design of the corresponding DG bilinear form, wheredissipation at the discrete level is enforced by a consistency term involving averages,has been recently proposed in [7]. The extension to advection–diffusion equations in-cluding the locally vanishing diffusivity limit is analyzed in [6].

In the present work, we extend the DG method implicitly derived in [3] for isotropicdiffusivity to anisotropic problems. This task is not as simple as it may appear on firstsight since the presence of internal layers now depends on the spectral structure ofthe diffusivity tensor on both sides of each mesh interface.The spectral structure alsoraises the question of the appropriate choice of the penaltyterm in the DG method ateach mesh interface. The analysis presented below will tackle these issues.

We design and analyze one specific DG method with weighted averages, namelythe Symmetric Weighted Interior Penalty (SWIP) method, obtained by modifying thewell-known (Symmetric) Interior Penalty (IP) method [2, 1]. Many other well-knownDG methods, including the Local Discontinuous Galerkin method [4] and the Nonsym-metric Interior Penalty Galerkin method [20], can also be modified to fit the presentscope; for brevity, these developments are omitted herein.

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the setting under scrutiny andformulates the SWIP method, while Section 3 contains the error analysis in the natural


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energy norm for the problem. The estimate is fully robust, meaning that the constant inthe error upper bound is independent of both heterogeneities and anisotropies in the dif-fusivity. Section 4 is concerned with the error analysis on the advective derivative. Thederived estimate is again robust with respect to heterogeneities in the diffusivity, butthe constant in the error upper bound can in some cases dependon local anisotropies.Robustness is achieved for instance if the cell Peclet numbers evaluated with the largesteigenvalue of the diffusivity tensor are large enough. Numerical results, including com-parisons with the more usual IP methods, are presented in Section 5 and illustrate thebenefits of using weighted interior penalties to approximate advection–diffusion equa-tions with locally small and anisotropic diffusivity. Finally, Section 6 contains someconcluding remarks.

2 The SWIP method

Let Ω be a domain inRd with boundary∂Ω in space dimensiond ∈ 2,3. We con-sider the following advection-diffusion equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundaryconditions:

−∇·(K∇u)+β ·∇u+ µu = f in Ω,

u = 0 on∂Ω.(1)

Here µ ∈ L∞(Ω), β ∈ [W1,∞(Ω)]d, the diffusivity tensorK is a symmetric, positivedefinite field in[L∞(Ω)]d,d and f ∈ L2(Ω). The regularity assumption onβ can berelaxed, but is sufficient for the present purpose. The weak formulation of (1) consistsof findingu∈ H1

0(Ω) such that

(K∇u,∇v)0,Ω +(β ·∇u,v)0,Ω +(µu,v)0,Ω = ( f ,v)0,Ω ∀v∈ H10(Ω) (2)

where(·, ·)0,Ω denotes theL2-scalar product onΩ. Henceforth, we assume that

µ − 12∇·β ≥ µ0 > 0 a.e inΩ. (3)

Furthermore, we assume that the smallest eigenvalue ofK is bounded from below by apositive (but possibly very small) constant. Then, owing tothe Lax–Milgram Lemma,(2) is well–posed.

Let Thh>0 be a shape-regular family of affine triangulations of the domain Ω.The meshesTh may possess hanging nodes. For simplicity we assume that themeshescoverΩ exactly, i.e.,Ω is a polyhedron. A generic element inTh is denoted byT, hT

denotes the diameter ofT andnT its outward unit normal. Seth = maxT∈ThhT . We

assume without loss of generality thath ≤ 1. Let p ≥ 1. We define the classical DGapproximation space

Vh = vh ∈ L2(Ω);∀T ∈ Th,vh|T ∈ Pp, (4)

wherePp is the set of polynomials of total degree less than or equal top. Henceforth,we assume that the discontinuities in the diffusivity tensor are aligned with the mesh.This is a mild assumption in the context of linear problems. Moreover, for the sake ofsimplicity, we assume that the diffusivity tensorK is piecewise constant onTh. Thisassumption, which is reasonable in the context of groundwater flow models, can begeneralized by assuming a smooth enough behavior ofK inside each mesh element.


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We say thatF is an interior face of the mesh if there areT−(F) andT+(F) in Th

such thatF = T−(F)∩T+(F). We setT (F) = T−(F),T+(F) and letnF be the unitnormal vector toF pointing fromT−(F) towardsT+(F). The analysis hereafter doesnot depend on the arbitrariness of this choice. Similarly, we say thatF is a boundaryface of the mesh if there isT(F) ∈ Th such thatF = T(F)∩ ∂Ω. We setT (F) =T(F) and letnF coincide with the outward normal to∂Ω. All the interior (resp.,boundary) faces of the mesh are collected into the setF i

h (resp.,F ∂Ωh ) and we let

Fh = F ih ∪F ∂Ω

h . Henceforth, we shall often deal with functions that are double-valued onF i

h and single-valued onF ∂Ωh . This is the case, for instance, of functions

in Vh. On interior faces, when the two branches of the function in question, sayv,are associated with restrictions to the neighboring elementsT∓(F), these branches aredenoted byv∓ and the jump ofv acrossF is defined as

[[v]]F = v−−v+. (5)

On a boundary faceF ∈F ∂Ω, we set[[v]]F = v|F . Furthermore, on an interior faceF ∈F i

h, we define the standard (arithmetic) average asvF = 12(v− +v+). The subscript

F in the above jumps and averages is omitted if there is no ambiguity.TheL2-scalar product and its associated norm on a subsetR⊂ Ω (evaluated with

the appropriate Lebesgue’s measure) are indicated by the subscript 0,R. For s≥ 1,a norm (seminorm) with the subscripts,R designates the usual norm (seminorm) inHs(R). When the regionR is the boundary of a mesh element∂T and the argumentsin the scalar product or the norm are double-valued functions, it is implicitly assumedthat the value considered is that of the branch associated with the restriction toT. Fors≥ 1, Hs(Th) denotes the usual broken Sobolev space onTh and for v ∈ H1(Th),∇hv denotes the piecewise gradient ofv, that is,∇hv ∈ [L2(Ω)]d and for allT ∈ Th,(∇hv)|T = ∇(v|T). It is also convenient to setV(h) = H2(Th)+Vh.

The formulation of the SWIP method requires two parameters. As in the formula-tion of the usual IP method we introduce a single- and scalar-valued functionγ definedonFh. The purpose of this function is to penalize jumps across interior faces and val-ues at boundary faces. Additionally, we define a scalar- and double-valued functionωon F i

h. This function, which is not present in the usual IP method, is used to evaluateweighted averages of diffusive fluxes. On an interior faceF ∈ F i

h, the values taken bythe two branches ofω are denoted by(ω|F)∓, or simplyω∓ if there is no ambiguity.Henceforth, it is assumed that for allF ∈ F i

h, both values are non-negative and that

ω− +ω+ = 1. (6)

For v∈V(h), we define the weighted average of the diffusive fluxK∇hv on an interiorfaceF ∈ F i

h as

K∇hvω = ω−(K∇hv)− +ω+(K∇hv)+. (7)

For convenience, we extend the above definitions to boundaryfaces as follows: onF ∈ F ∂Ω

h , ω is single-valued and equal to 1, and we setK∇vω = K∇v.The SWIP bilinear formBh(·, ·) is defined onV(h)×V(h) as follows

Bh(v,w) = (K∇hv,∇hw)0,Ω +((µ −∇·β )v,w)0,Ω − (v,β ·∇hw)0,Ω

+ ∑F∈Fh


(γ[[v]], [[w]])0,F − (ntFK∇hvω , [[w]])0,F − (nt

FK∇hwω , [[v]])0,F)

+ ∑F∈F i


(β ·nFv, [[w]])0,F + ∑F∈F ∂Ω


12(β ·nFv,w)0,F . (8)


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The SWIP bilinear form can equivalently be expressed, after integrating the advectivederivative by parts, as

Bh(v,w) = (K∇hv,∇hw)0,Ω +(µv,w)0,Ω +(β ·∇hv,w)0,Ω

+ ∑F∈Fh


(γ[[v]], [[w]])0,F − (ntFK∇hvω , [[w]])0,F − (nt

FK∇hwω , [[v]])0,F)

− ∑F∈F i


(β ·nFw, [[v]])0,F − ∑F∈F ∂Ω


12(β ·nFv,w)0,F . (9)

Both (8) and (9) will be used in the analysis. The discrete problem consists of findinguh ∈Vh such that

Bh(uh,vh) = ( f ,vh)0,Ω ∀vh ∈Vh. (10)

The penalty parameterγ is defined as

∀F ∈ Fh, γ = αγK

hF+ γβ , (11)

whereα is a positive scalar (α can also vary from face to face) and where

∀F ∈ Fih, γK = (ω−)2δ−

Kn +(ω+)2δ+Kn (12)

∀F ∈ F∂Ωh , γK = δKn, (13)

∀F ∈ Fh, γβ = 12|β ·nF |, (14)

with δ∓Kn = nt

FK∓nF if F ∈ F ih andδKn = nt

FKnF if F ∈ F ∂Ωh . Note that the choice

for γβ amounts to the usual upwind scheme to stabilize the advective derivative. As forany symmetric IP method, the size of the penalty parameterα is assumed to be largeenough. This assumption is made for the rest of this work. Theminimal value forαdepends on the actual value of the constant arising in the trace inequality (17) statedbelow; it can be determined from the proof of Lemma 3.1 to ensure coercivity. Becausethey are standard, these developments are omitted.

For the error analysis in the energy norm (see Section 3), no other assumptionthan (6) is made for the weights. In particular, it is possible to chooseω∓ = 1

2, inwhich case the SWIP bilinear formBh reduces to the standard IP bilinear form withthe penalty parameter scaling as the standard average of thediffusivity in the normaldirection; this method has been analyzed in [11]. Note also that the choice made in[15] for the penalty parameter is different since it involves the maximum eigenvalue ofK.

For the error analysis in the advective derivative (see Section 4), a specific choiceof the weights differing fromω∓ = 1

2 has to be made to yield robust error estimateswith respect to the diffusivity. Specifically, we shall set

ω− =δ+


δ+Kn +δ−


, ω+ =δ−


δ+Kn +δ−


, (15)

and thus

∀F ∈ Fih, γK =



δ+Kn +δ−


. (16)


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Note that with this choiceγK = ω−δ−Kn = ω+δ+

Kn, and that 2γK is the harmonic aver-age of the normal component of the diffusivity tensor acrossthe interface. Observealso thatγK ≤ inf(δ−

Kn,δ+Kn), a point that becomes important to ensure even the con-

sistency of the method when the diffusivity is actually allowed to vanish locally, see[6]. The numerical results presented in Section 5 show that also in the energy norm,the DG method behaves better if the weights are chosen according to (15). Hence, werecommend this choice whenever the diffusivity exhibits heterogeneities.

3 Error analysis in the energy norm

The goal of this section is to establish an error estimate forthe SWIP method in theenergy norm, the estimate being robust with respect to heterogeneities and anisotropiesin the diffusivity. The analysis is performed using fairly standard arguments, i.e., byestablishing coercivity, consistency and continuity properties for the SWIP bilinearform in the spirit of Strang’s Second Lemma [9].

In the sequel, the symbol. indicates an inequality involving a positive constantC independent of the mesh family and of the diffusivity. The constantC can dependon‖β‖[W1,∞(Ω)]d , ‖µ‖L∞(Ω), µ−1

0 (see (3)), and the shape-regularity of the mesh family.Without loss of generality, it can be assumed that the problem data is normalized sothat ‖β‖[W1,∞(Ω)]d is of order unity. We will not be concerned with the dependencyon ‖µ‖L∞(Ω) since we are not interested in strong reaction regimes. The dependency

on µ−10 can be addressed by means of Poincare inequalities; this will not be further

discussed here. Owing to the shape-regularity of the mesh family, the following inversetrace and inverse inequalities hold: For allT ∈ Th and for allvh ∈Vh,

‖vh‖0,∂T . h−


T ‖vh‖0,T , (17)

‖∇hvh‖0,T . h−1T ‖vh‖0,T , (18)

which result from the shape regularity of the mesh familyThh>0.For a functionv∈V(h), we consider the following jump seminorms

|[[v]]|2σ = ∑F∈Fh

|[[v]]|2σ ,F , |[[v]]|2σ ,F = (σ [[v]], [[v]])0,F , (19)

with σ := γβ , σ := γK or σ := γ. The natural energy norm with which to equipV(h) is

‖v‖h,B = ‖v‖0,Ω +‖κ∇hv‖0,Ω + |[[v]]|γ (20)

whereκ denotes the (unique) symmetric positive definite tensor-valued field such thatκ2 = K a.e. inΩ.

LEMMA 3.1 (Coercivity)The bilinear formBh is ‖·‖h,B-coercive, i.e., for allvh ∈Vh,

Bh(vh,vh) & ‖vh‖2h,B. (21)

Proof. Let vh ∈Vh. Takingv = w = vh in (8) yields

Bh(vh,vh) = ‖κ∇hvh‖20,Ω +(µvh,vh)0,Ω − ((∇·β )vh,vh)0,Ω − (vh,β ·∇hvh)0,Ω

+ |[[vh]]|2γ − ∑


2(ntFK∇vhω , [[vh]])0,F

+ ∑F∈F i


(β ·nFvh, [[vh]])0,F + ∑F∈F ∂Ω


12(β ·nFvh,vh)0,F . (22)


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Integrating by parts the fourth term on the right hand side of(22) and owing to hypoth-esis (3), we obtain

(µvh,vh)0,Ω − ((∇·β )vh,vh)0,Ω − (vh,β ·∇hvh)0,Ω (23)

+ ∑F∈F i


(β ·nFvh, [[vh]])0,F + ∑F∈F ∂Ω


12(β ·nFvh,vh)0,F = ((µ − 1

2∇·β )vh,vh)0,Ω & ‖vh‖20,Ω.

Consider now the sixth term in the right-hand side of (22). Let F ∈ Fh. First, observethat owing to Young’s inequality


∓, [[vh]])0,F | = |2((κ∇hvh)∓,ω∓κ∓nF [[vh]])0,F |

≤ hFα0‖(κ∇hvh)∓‖2

0,F +1




hF[[vh]], [[vh]]



whereα0 > 0 can be chosen as small as needed. Using the trace inverse inequality (17)and the definition ofγK (12)-(13) yields

|2(ntFK∇hvhω , [[vh]])0,F | . α0‖κ∇hvh‖

20,T (F) +


|[[vh]]|2γK ,F .

The end of the proof is classical sinceα in (11) can be chosen to be large enough.

LEMMA 3.2 (Consistency)Let u solve (2) and letuh solve (10). Assume thatu ∈H2(Th). Then

∀vh ∈Vh, Bh(u−uh,vh) = 0 (24)

Proof. Let vh ∈Vh. Sinceu∈ H10(Ω), (9) yields

Bh(u,vh) = (K∇u,∇hvh)0,Ω +(µu,vh)0,Ω +(β ·∇u,vh)0,Ω − ∑F∈Fh

(ntFK∇uω , [[vh]])0,F .

Using the fact thatntFK∇u is continuous on interior faces yieldsnt

FK∇uω = (ω− +ω+)nt

FK∇u = ntFK∇u owing to (6). Hence, integrating by parts leads to

(K∇u,∇hvh)0,Ω − ∑F∈Fh

(ntFK∇uω , [[vh]])0,F = − ∑


(∇·(K∇u),vh)0,T .

As a result,

Bh(u,vh) = ∑T∈Th

(−∇·(K∇u)+β ·∇u+ µu,vh)0,T = ( f ,vh)0,Ω = Bh(uh,vh),

yielding (24).

We now establish a continuity property for the SWIP bilinear form Bh. To thispurpose, we introduce onV(h) the norm



= ‖v‖h,B +












. (25)

Let V⊥h = v∈V(h),∀vh ∈Vh,(v,vh)0,Ω = 0.


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LEMMA 3.3 (Continuity)The following holds:

∀(v,wh) ∈V⊥h ×Vh, |Bh(v,wh)| . ‖v‖

h,12‖wh‖h,B. (26)

Proof. Let (v,wh) ∈V⊥h ×Vh. The first two terms in (8) are easily bounded as

|(K∇hv,∇hwh)0,Ω|+ |((µ −∇·β )v,wh)0,Ω| . ‖v‖h,B‖wh‖h,B.

To bound the third term, letβ be the piecewise constant, vector-valued field equal tothe mean value ofβ on eachT ∈ Th. Then,

(v,β ·∇hwh)0,Ω = (v,β ·∇hwh)0,Ω +(v,(β −β )·∇hwh)0,Ω

= (v,(β −β )·∇hwh)0,Ω,

sinceβ ·∇hwh ∈Vh andv∈V⊥h . Moreover, sinceβ ∈ [W1,∞(Ω)]d,

∀T ∈ Th, ‖β −β‖[L∞(T)]d . hT ,

so that the inverse inequality (18) yields

|(v,β ·∇hwh)0,Ω| . ‖v‖0,Ω‖wh‖0,Ω ≤ ‖v‖h,B‖wh‖h,B.

Furthermore, proceeding as in the proof of Lemma 3.1 yields,for all F ∈ Fh,

|(ntFK∇hvω , [[wh]])0,F | .


∑T∈T (F)

h12T ‖κ∇hv‖0,∂T




F |[[wh]]|γK ,F


|(ntFK∇hwhω , [[v]])0,F | . h


F |[[v]]|γK ,F‖κ∇hwh‖0,T (F),

so that



|(ntFK∇vω , [[wh]])0,F |+ |(nt

FK∇whω , [[v]])0,F |)

. ‖v‖h,


For the remaining terms, we obtain


|(γ[[v]], [[wh]])0,F |+ ∑F∈F i


|(β ·nFv, [[wh]])0,F |+ ∑F∈F ∂Ω


|12(β ·nFv,wh)0,F |

. |[[v]]|γ |[[wh]]|γ + ∑F∈F i


‖v‖0,F |[[wh]]|γβ ,F ≤ ‖v‖h,


This completes the proof since‖·‖h,B ≤ ‖·‖h,


THEOREM 3.1 LetΠhu be theL2-projection ofu ontoVh. Then,

‖u−uh‖h,B . ‖u−Πhu‖h,

12. (27)


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Proof. Owing to Lemmata 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3,

‖uh−Πhu‖h,B .Bh(uh−Πhu,uh−Πhu)




. ‖u−Πhu‖h,

12. (28)

We complete the proof by applying the triangle inequality and using the fact that‖·‖h,B ≤ ‖·‖


REMARK 3.1 Estimate (27) yields an error upper bound in the natural energy normwith a constant independent of the diffusivity tensor. Furthermore, if the exact solutionis smooth enough locally on each mesh cell, namelyu∈ H p+1(Th), it is readily seenusing standard approximation properties for theL2-orthogonal projectorΠh, that theupper bound converges ashp, which is optimal.

We now prove that under some assumptions, the error estimatein theL2-norm canbe improved using the Aubin-Nitsche duality argument. Letλm,K denote the lowesteigenvalue ofK in Ω and setλM,K = max(1,λK) whereλK denotes the largest eigen-value ofK in Ω. We introduce the following dual problem: seekψ ∈ H1

0(Ω) suchthat

(K∇v,∇ψ)0,Ω +(β ·∇v,ψ)0,Ω +(µv,ψ)0,Ω = (v,u−uh)0,Ω ∀v∈ H10(Ω). (29)

We assume that elliptic regularity holds in the brokenH2-norm, namely that

‖ψ‖H2(Th). λ−1

m,K‖u−uh‖0,Ω. (30)

WhenK is uniform, it is well-known that the convexity ofΩ is sufficient to guaran-tee (30). This is no longer the case ifK is discontinuous. In this case, (30) implicitlyamounts to additional assumptions on the distribution ofK insideΩ.

THEOREM 3.2 In the above framework,

‖u−uh‖0,Ω ≤λ





‖u−uh‖h,B + infwh∈Vh




where for allv∈V(h),

‖v‖h,B+ = ‖v‖h,B +













. (32)

Proof. Step (i): observe that for allv∈V(h), using (8) yields

Bh(v,ψ) = (K∇hv,∇ψ)0,Ω +((µ −∇·β )v,ψ)0,Ω − (v,β ·∇ψ)0,Ω − ∑F∈Fh

(ntFK∇ψω , [[v]])0,F

= ∑T∈Th

(v,−∇·(K∇ψ)−β ·∇ψ +(µ −∇·β )ψ)0,T = (v,u−uh)0,Ω. (33)

Step (ii): define onV(h) the norm

‖v‖h,1 = ‖v‖h,





h−2T ‖v‖2




, (34)


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and let us prove that for all(v,w) ∈V(h)×V(h),

|Bh(v,w)| . ‖v‖h,B+‖w‖h,1. (35)

Indeed, indicating byTi , 1≤ i ≤ 8, the eight terms on the right-hand side of (9), andproceeding as in the proof of Lemma 3.3, it is clear that∑i 6=3 |Ti | . ‖v‖h,B+‖w‖



|T3| = |(β ·∇hv,w)0,Ω| . ∑T∈Th

‖∇hv‖0,T‖w‖0,T = ∑T∈Th

hT‖∇hv‖0,Th−1T ‖w‖0,T ≤ ‖v‖h,B+‖w‖h,1.

Hence, (35) holds.Step (iii): takingv = u−uh in (33), applying Lemma 3.2 and using (35) yields for allψh ∈Vh,

‖u−uh‖20,Ω = Bh(u−uh,ψ) = Bh(u−uh,ψ −ψh) . ‖u−uh‖h,B+‖ψ −ψh‖h,1.

Using standard interpolation results leads to


‖ψ −ψh‖h,1 . λ12


and taking into account (30) yields

‖u−uh‖0,Ω .λ



λm,Kh‖u−uh‖h,B+ . (36)

Using the inverse inequalities (17) and (18), we infer that for all vh ∈Vh,

‖vh‖h,B+ . ‖vh‖h,B +‖vh‖0,Ω +‖κ∇hvh‖0,Ω . ‖vh‖h,B. (37)

Applying the triangle inequality together with (37) leads to

‖u−uh‖h,B+ ≤ ‖u−wh‖h,B+ +‖uh−wh‖h,B+

. ‖u−wh‖h,B+ +‖uh−wh‖h,B

. ‖u−wh‖h,B+ +‖u−uh‖h,B, (38)

wherewh is arbitrary inVh. Substituting (38) into (36) yields (31).

COROLLARY 3.1 If the exact solutionu is in H p+1(Th), then

‖u−uh‖0,Ω .λM,K

λm,Khp+1‖u‖H p+1(Th)

. (39)

Proof. Use Theorem 3.2 and standard approximation properties ofVh.

4 Error analysis for the advective derivative

When the diffusivity takes small values, it is no longer possible to control the advectivederivative by means of Theorem 3.1. The goal of this section is to obtain a control of


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the error in the advective derivative that is possibly robust with respect to the diffusivity.Define onV(h) the norm

‖v‖h,Bβ = ‖v‖h,B +‖v‖h,β , (40)


‖v‖h,β =



hT‖β ·∇hv‖20,T



. (41)

To prove a convergence result in the‖·‖h,Bβ -norm, the first step is to derive a stabilityproperty for the SWIP bilinear formBh in this norm.

LEMMA 4.1 (Stability)Define

∀T ∈ Th, ∆K,T =

1 if ‖β‖[L∞(T)]d &λM,ThT



whereλM,T andλm,T are respectively the maximum and the minimum eigenvalue ofK|T . Set∆K = maxT∈Th

∆K,T . Then,




‖vh‖h,Bβ‖wh‖h,Bβ& ∆−1

K . (43)

REMARK 4.1 We stress the fact that the inf-sup condition is robust inthe isotropiccase and in the anisotropic case if the cell Peclet numbers evaluated with the largesteigenvalue of the diffusivity tensor are large enough. Notealso that the anisotropiesare local to the mesh element, i.e., ratios of eigenvalues between adjacent elements arenot considered. To achieve this result, the key point (see the control of|[[πh]]|


in theproof below) is that the choice (15) for the weights yieldsγK ≤ inf(δ−


Proof. Let vh ∈Vh and setS= supwh∈Vh\0Bh(vh,wh)‖wh‖h,Bβ

. We want to prove that‖vh‖h,Bβ .

∆KS.Step (i): owing to Lemma 3.1, we infer that

‖vh‖2h,B . S‖vh‖h,Bβ , (44)

so it only remains to control the advective derivative in‖vh‖h,Bβ .

Step (ii): letπh ∈Vh be such that for allT ∈ Th πh|T = hTβ ·∇hvh whereβ is definedin the proof of Lemma 3.3. Let us prove that

‖πh‖h,Bβ . ∆12K ‖vh‖h,Bβ . (45)

The inverse inequality (18) and the regularity ofβ yield for all T ∈ Th,

‖πh‖0,T . hT‖β ·∇hvh‖0,T +hT‖vh‖0,T , (46)

while the inverse inequality (17) yields for allF ∈ Fh

|[[πh]]|2γβ ,F . ∑

T∈T (F)

‖πh‖20,∂T . ∑

T∈T (F)


hT‖β ·∇hvh‖20,T +hT‖vh‖





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Hence, since∆K ≥ 1,

‖πh‖0,Ω + |[[πh]]|γβ . ‖vh‖h,Bβ ≤ ∆12K‖vh‖h,Bβ .

Let us estimateh−


F |[[πh]]|γK ,F for all F ∈ Fh. Observe first thatγK = ω∓δ∓Kn ≤ δ∓


if F ∈ F ih and γK = δKn if F ∈ F ∂Ω

h . Hence, if there is aT ∈ Th(F) such that

‖β‖[L∞(T)]d &λM,ThT

, then

h−1F |[[πh]]|

2γK ,F ≤ h−1

F λM,T‖[[πh]]‖20,F ≤ ∑

T∈T (F)


hT‖β ·∇hvh‖20,T +hT‖vh‖




Otherwise, for allF ∈ F ih,

h−1F γK [[πh]]

2 . hFγK


((β ·∇hvh)−)2 +((β ·∇hvh)


. hF


δ−K,n((β ·∇hvh)

−)2 +δ+K,n((β ·∇hvh)



and similarly forF ∈ F ∂Ωh . Hence, using the trace inverse inequality (17),

h−1F |[[πh]]|

2γK ,F . ∑

T∈T (F)

λM,T‖∇hvh‖20,T . ∑

T∈T (F)



20,T .

Thus,|[[πh]]|γ . ∆12K ‖vh‖h,Bβ . Furthermore, sinceκ is piecewise constant,

‖κ∇hπh‖0,T = hT‖β ·∇h(κ∇hvh)‖0,T . ‖κ∇hvh‖0,T ,

implying that‖κ∇hπh‖0,Ω . ‖vh‖h,B. Finally, the advective derivative ofπh is con-trolled by

‖πh‖2h,β . ∑


h−1T ‖πh‖

20,T . ‖vh‖

2h,Bβ ,

owing to (46). This proves (45).Step (iii): we can now examine the term‖vh‖

2h,β by making use of (9):

‖vh‖2h,β = Bh(vh,πh)− (K∇hvh,∇hπh)0,Ω − (µvh,πh)0,Ω

+ ∑T∈Th

(β ·∇hvh,hTβ ·∇hvh−πh)0,T + ∑F∈F i


(β ·nFπh, [[vh]])0,F

+ ∑F∈F ∂Ω


12(β ·nFvh,πh)0,F − ∑


(γ[[vh]], [[πh]])0,F

+ ∑F∈Fh


(ntFK∇hvhω , [[πh]])0,F +(nt

FK∇hπhω , [[vh]])0,F)

= Bh(vh,πh)+T1 +T2 +T3 +T4 +T5 +T6 +T7 +T8.

We observe that

|Bh(vh,πh)| ≤ S‖πh‖h,Bβ ≤ S∆12K ‖vh‖h,Bβ .


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It is also clear that

|T1|+ |T2|+ |T6|+ |T7|+ |T8| . ‖vh‖h,B‖πh‖h,B . S12 ∆

12K ‖vh‖

32h,Bβ .

Furthermore, using the inverse inequality (17) together with (46) yields

|T4|+ |T5| . |[[vh]]|γβ






. |[[vh]]|γβ



h−1T ‖πh‖




. ‖vh‖h,B‖vh‖h,Bβ . S12‖vh‖

32h,Bβ .


|T3| ≤ ∑T∈Th

hT |(β ·∇hvh,(β −β )·∇hvh)0,T | . ∑T∈Th

h2T‖β ·∇hvh‖0,T‖∇hvh‖0,T

. ∑T∈Th

hT‖β ·∇hvh‖0,T‖vh‖0,T . ‖vh‖h,Bβ‖vh‖0,Ω . S12‖vh‖

32h,Bβ .


‖vh‖2h,Bβ . ‖vh‖

2h,B +‖vh‖


. S‖vh‖h,Bβ +S∆12K ‖vh‖h,Bβ +S

12 ∆

12K ‖vh‖

32h,Bβ +S



. S∆12K ‖vh‖h,Bβ +S

12 ∆

12K ‖vh‖

32h,Bβ ,

where we have used the fact that∆K ≥ 1 in the last step. Applying twice Young’sinequality yields the desired result.

Proceeding as above, the following result is readily inferred:

THEOREM 4.1 In the above framework,

‖u−uh‖h,Bβ . ∆K infvh∈Vh


, (47)

where, for allv∈V(h),



= ‖v‖h,Bβ +












. (48)

REMARK 4.2 Estimate (47) yields an error upper bound on the advective derivativewith a constant depending on∆K . Robustness is recovered whenever∆K = 1, i.e., whenworking with an isotropic diffusivity tensor or when the cell Peclet numbers evaluatedwith the largest eigenvalue of the diffusivity tensor are large enough. Furthermore, ifu∈ H p+1(Th), the upper bound converges ashp+ 1

2 , which is optimal.

5 Numerical tests

5.1 A test case with discontinuous coefficients

To verify the convergence of the SWIP method and to make quantitative comparisonsbetween this and other IP methods, we consider the test problem proposed in [3],


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featuring discontinuous coefficients and where the exact solution is known analyti-cally. We split the domainΩ = [0,1]× [0,1] into two subdomains:Ω1 = [0, 1

2]× [0,1],Ω2 = [1

2,1]× [0,1]. The diffusivity tensorK is constant within each subdomain, anddefined as

K(x,y) =


ε(x) 00 1.0


whereε(x) is a discontinuous function across the interfacex = 12. Indicating with the

subscript 1 (resp. 2) the restriction to the subdomainΩ1 (resp.Ω2), we will considerdifferent values ofε1, while ε2 is set equal to 1. Lettingβ = (1,0)t , µ = 0 and f = 0,the exact solution is independent of they-coordinate, and is exponential with respect tothex-coordinate. The following conditions must be satisfied at the interface betweenthe two subdomains:



u(x,y) = limx→1


u(x,y), and limx→1

2−−ε1∂xu(x,y) = lim



Settingu(0,y) = 1, u(1,y) = 0 and applying the matching conditions, we obtain thevalue of the exact solution at the interface:



=exp( 1


1−exp( 12ε1



exp( 12ε1


1−exp( 12ε1






As a result, the exact solution in each subdomain can be expressed as

u1(x,y) =u(1

2,y)−exp( 12ε1

)+(1−u(12,y))exp( x


1−exp( 12ε1


u2(x,y) =−exp(1


2,y)exp(x− 12)



Table 1: Convergence rates of the SWIP method,p = 1h ‖u−uh‖h,B ‖u−uh‖h,β ‖u−uh‖0,Ω

0.1000 1.62e-01 1.49e-01 6.94e-03

0.0500 7.96e-02 5.45e-02 2.11e-03

0.0250 3.67e-02 1.87e-02 4.80e-04

0.0125 1.70e-02 6.37e-03 1.21e-04

order 1.11 1.55 1.98

To assess the accuracy of the SWIP method with respect to the mesh-size, we con-sider a family of uniform triangulationsThh>0 which are conforming with respectto the interface betweenΩ1 andΩ2. These triangulations are obtained starting froma uniform partition of∂Ω in sub-intervals of lengthh = 0.1, h = 0.05, h = 0.025 andh = 0.0125 respectively. The value of the penalty parameterα is henceforth set toα = 1.0 for P1 elements andα = 4.0 for P2 elements. The numerical results obtainedwith ε1 = 0.1 are reported in Tables 1 and 2, where the order of convergence is com-puted with respect to the last two rows of each table. We observe that the SWIP methodexhibits the orders of convergence predicted by the theory.


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Table 2: Convergence rates of the SWIP method,p = 2h ‖u−uh‖h,B ‖u−uh‖h,β ‖u−uh‖0,Ω

0.1000 2.31e-02 2.15e-02 6.80e-04

0.0500 4.63e-03 3.31e-03 4.29e-05

0.0250 1.17e-03 5.93e-04 5.20e-06

0.0125 2.95e-04 1.05e-04 6.41e-07

order 1.99 2.49 3.02

Table 3: Comparison of SWIP and IP methods:ε1 = 5e-2,p = 1method ‖u−uh‖h,B ‖u−uh‖h,β ‖u−uh‖0,Ω M

SWIP 1.583e-01 1.505e-01 4.586e-03 9.555e-04

IP-A 1.483e-01 1.403e-01 5.153e-03 5.882e-03

IP-B 1.338e-01 1.378e-01 5.903e-03 5.882e-03

We have also compared the performance of the SWIP method with respect to twoIP methods. The first method (IP-A) corresponds to the SWIP method with weightsω∓ = 1

2. The penalty parameterγK is thus the arithmetic average of the diffusivity inthe direction normal to the face. This method was analyzed in[11]. The second method(IP-B), proposed in [15], differs from IP-A in the choice of the penalty parameter:γK

is the arithmetic average of the maximum eigenvalue ofK on the triangles sharingthe faceF . We consider a uniform triangulationTh characterized byh = 0.05. Thequantitative analysis is based on the norms‖·‖h,B, ‖·‖h,β , ‖·‖0,Ω and the indicator

M = max(|maxΩ


(u)|, |minΩ


(u)|) (49)

which quantifies overshoots and undershoots of the calculated solution. The numer-ical results forp = 1 are found in Tables 3, 4, and in Figure 1. Table 3 deals withthe caseε1 = 5e-2; the inner layer is not very sharp and is resolved by the meshesunder consideration. We observe that the three methods deliver similar results for allthe quantities of interest. As the inner layer becomes sharper (ε1 = 5e-3, Table 4), theSWIP scheme performs better than the other IP methods, especially in the L2-normand in the indicatorM. The reason is that the weights permit sharper discontinuitiesin the calculated solution, leading to smaller oscillations in the internal layer, whereasthe other IP methods force the discrete solution to be almostcontinuous. As can beobserved in Figure 1, this limitation promotes instabilities in the neighborhood of the

Table 4: Comparison of SWIP and IP methods:ε1 = 5e-3,p = 1method ‖u−uh‖h,B ‖u−uh‖h,β ‖u−uh‖0,Ω M

SWIP 4.917e-01 1.280 1.474e-02 6.594e-02

IP-A 5.886e-01 1.303 4.973e-02 4.373e-01

IP-B 6.625e-01 1.634 7.553e-02 4.173e-01


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Table 5: Comparison of SWIP and IP methods:ε1 = 5e-3,p = 2method ‖u−uh‖h,B ‖u−uh‖h,β ‖u−uh‖0,Ω M

SWIP 4.33e-01 1.44e+00 1.69e-02 6.72e-02

IP-A 6.05e-01 1.54e+00 3.77e-02 1.85e-01

IP-B 6.52e-01 1.71e+00 4.52e-02 1.86e-01

internal layer. The spurious oscillations generated in thecaseε1 = 5e-3 lead to an over-shoot of about 40%. The robustness of the SWIP method with respect to standard IPschemes is also confirmed by further numerical tests concerning vanishing values ofε1

(Figure 2). Finally, Table 5 presents the results forε1 = 5e-3 andp= 2. We have in thiscase considered a coarser mesh yielding approximately the same number of degrees offreedom as in the simulations with linear polynomials. Then, the same conclusion asfor p = 1 can be reached. As the mesh is further refined (or the polynomial degree isfurther increased), the approximation space eventually becomes rich enough to com-pletely capture the internal layer, and the three methods (SWIP, IP-A and IP-B) exhibita similar behavior.

5.2 A test case with genuine anisotropic properties

To conclude the sequence of numerical tests, we consider a test case with genuineanisotropic properties. Because of the complexity of the problem, it is not possibleto compute analytically the exact solution. Consequently,the comparison between theSWIP and the IP methods will only be qualitative.

We consider the unit squareΩ = [0,1]× [0,1] split into four subdomains:Ω1 =[0, 2

3]× [0, 23], Ω2 = [2

3,1]× [0, 23], Ω3 = [2

3,1]× [23,1] and Ω4 = [0, 2

3]× [23,1]. The

diffusivity tensorK takes different values in each subregion:

K(x,y) =


1e−6 00 1.0


for (x,y) ∈ Ω1, Ω3,

K(x,y) =


1.0 00 1e−6


for (x,y) ∈ Ω2, Ω4.

For the advection term we consider a solenoidal fieldβ = (βx,βy)t with βx = 40x(2y−

1)(x−1) andβy =−40y(2x−1)(y−1). Unlike the previous test case, we note that thefield is neither constant nor orthogonal to the interfaces ofdiscontinuity ofK, but it isstill oriented along the direction of increasing diffusivity, thus triggering internal layers.The forcing term only depends on the radial coordinate originating at the center ofΩin the form f (x,y) = 10−2exp(−(r −0.35)2/0.005) with r2 = (x−0.5)2 +(y−0.5)2;this corresponds to a Gaussian hill with center atr = 0.35. Finally, we chooseµ = 1.For the simulations, we consider a quasi-uniform mesh withh = 0.025. The mesh isconforming with respect to the discontinuities ofK. A qualitative representation of thedata is found in Figure 3.

In the left column of Figure 4 we compare the solutions obtained with the SWIP andthe IP methods. The contour plots of the numerical solutionsconfirm that the methodsat hand behave differently in the neighborhood of the interfaces where the tensorK isdiscontinuous. We observe that the SWIP scheme approximatesthe internal layers bymeans of jumps, while the IP schemes attempt to recover a numerical solution which is


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Figure 1: Graphical comparison between the methods SWIP and IP-A. The test casewith ε1 = 5e-2 is reported on the left while the case withε1 = 5e-3 is on the right.In both casesε2 = 1. Each column shows the one-dimensional exact solutionu(x) ofthe test problem (top) and the numerical approximationuh obtained with the methodsSWIP (center) and IP-A (bottom), by means of piecewise-linear elements (p= 1). Thecase IP-B has been omitted since it is qualitatively equivalent to IP-A.


















































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Figure 2: The norm‖·‖0,Ω and the indicator (49) (denoted byM) are plotted for thevaluesε1 = 2−i , i = 0, . . . ,16. The methods SWIP, IP-A and IP-B are compared withrespect to these indicators for linear (top) and quadratic elements (bottom).








-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0














-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0M













-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0















-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0




Figure 3: Test case with genuine anisotropic properties. Onthe left, an illustration ofthe domain and its subregions together with a synoptic description of the diffusivitytensor. The advection fieldβ is shown on the right.










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almost continuous. Since the computational mesh is insufficiently refined, the schemeIP-A generates some slight undershoots near the interfaceswhereK is discontinuous.For the IP-B method the oscillations generated by the approximation of the internallayer are much more evident and propagate quite far away fromthe interfaces. Thisbehavior can be explained by observing that this type of penalty does not distinguishbetween the principal directions of the diffusivity tensor. Consequently, an excessivepenalty is applied along the direction of low diffusivity.

To strengthen these conclusions, we also consider a numerical test where the ad-vection field is the opposite of the one reported in Figure 3, i.e. it rotates clockwise.Following this advection field along the interfaces betweensubdomains, the diffusivitydecreases. These conditions lead to an exact solution whichis smooth in the neighbor-hood of the interfaces. In this case, the three methods are expected to behave similarly,as is confirmed by the numerical results reported in the rightcolumn of Figure 4.

6 Concluding remarks

The SWIP method analyzed in this paper is a DG method with weighted averagesdesigned to approximate satisfactorily advection-diffusion equations with anisotropicand locally small diffusivity. A thorough a priori error analysis has been carried out,yielding robust and optimal error estimates that have been supported by numericalevidence. The SWIP method is an interesting alternative to other IP methods since itcan approximate more sharply under-resolved internal layers caused by locally smalldiffusivity.

This work was partially supported by GdR MoMaS (PACEN/CNRS,ANDRA, BRGM,CEA, EDF, IRSN)


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Figure 4: Test case with genuine anisotropic properties. The advection field rotatescounterclockwise on the left (see figure 3) and clockwise on the right. The solutionobtained by the SWIP scheme is shown on the top while those relative to the IP-A andIP-B methods are depicted below.

0 10















0 10















0 10















0 10















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