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A Dream for Sleepless Nights, an Alchemical Fairy Tale

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  • 7/29/2019 A Dream for Sleepless Nights, an Alchemical Fairy Tale


    Dream for a Sleepless NightAn Alchemical Fairy Tale

    Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D.

    Copyright2004 by Thom F. Cavalli, Ph.D. All rights reserved.This book and CD, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in

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    any form without permission.

    Table of Contents

    Introduction: 4 7

    One Dream

    The Dream Story: 8 - 81

    Dream for a Sleepless Night


    Sweet Dreams


    Recalling Dreams


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    One Dream

    This book is a gift to those who suffer insomnia. For my

    entire adult life I, along with an estimated 40 million others,

    have been plagued by this terrible problem. I know the pain

    of being pulled out of sleep in the middle of the night.

    Sleeping pills, meditation, prayer, herbs and analysis have

    done little to ease my pain. Despite having followed ordersgiven by well meaning doctors and therapists, undergoing

    sleep studies and trying alternative methods, still my

    restless mind had found no peace. Even though insomnia

    brings with it fatigue and a certain dulling of consciousness,

    making the following day painful, the worst part of insomnia

    is the interruption and loss of dreams.

    I value my inner life and dreaming seems to be the most

    direct way of accessing my unconscious. Without my dreams

    I feel like a tree severed from its roots. The unconscious is

    the ground on which I stand and without this terra firma

    beneath my feet, I lose my balance and become disoriented.

    My feelings lack conviction, my body aches and my thoughts

    ring hollow. I have logged, interpreted and studied my

    dreams for over three decades without having found a

    definitive cause for this insomnia, much less a cure. Then,


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    one night out of the blue my head touched the pillow and I

    didnt wake till morning. This in itself was exceptional but

    the dream I had that night was extraordinary. It was a Big


    I offer this dream without any interpretation. Sometimes,

    despite our best intentions to derive meaning from dreams,

    the interpretations only get in the way of a potential healing

    experience offered by the unconscious. I will only say that

    the dream I had is part of an even bigger dream that Ibelieve each of us accesses every night. The ancient

    alchemists believed that the real gold meant experiencing

    the One Thing.

    This One Thing can appear in many forms. For example,

    when two lovers merge they cease to be separate beings.

    Even on our currency we find this One Thing expressed in

    the alchemical motto, e pluribus unum, Out of Many, the


    The beautiful story, Stone Soup, tells of a poor woman who

    had nothing to eat. Using her wit and imagination, she

    placed a small stone in a pot with some water and began to

    stir. When people passed by and inquired about her soup she

    told them that she was preparing a feast. They suggested

    adding ingredients to improve her soup and gladly, she


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    accepted their offering. Each in turn, a baker, farmer,

    butcher, contributed something until there really was a tasty

    soup. Out of the Many, One delicious soup was created from

    loving contributions given to this shrewd, old alchemist. They

    offered to pay for a bowl but she would hear nothing of the

    kind. She traveled from one town to the next, mixing up her

    magical brew and in this way, bellies were filled with loving

    bowls of soup.

    Perhaps the reason most efforts to cure insomnia fail is dueto the fact that the problem and its solution are rooted in the

    unconscious. An old homeopathic principle, Like cures like,

    suggests that only a dream can cure someone who doesnt

    dream. I recognize the circularity of this thinking, for how

    can we have a healing dream if we dont dream? In my case,

    the problem had apparently reached a crisis and the

    unconscious simply broke through whatever conscious

    resistance was interfering with sleep and blessed me with a

    dream that clearly addressed this problem. Instead of

    wandering the house aimlessly when you find yourself

    unable to sleep, or getting angry with yourself, you may

    want to read this dream. While I had this dream, I cannot

    solely claim it as my own. A big dream belongs to all of us

    and especially one that offers healing, should be shared.


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    The dream is one way that my healing unconscious is

    speaking to your problem. There are certain things in life

    that define being human. Along with eating, drinking,

    sleeping and dying, dreaming is one of the biologically

    mandated habits we all have. You may want to personalize

    the dream later, but I suggest you allow some time to simply

    enjoy the dreams story without analyzing or interpreting it.

    You may find yourself having big dreams of your own,

    bringing medicines that transform your worst nightmare

    into a wonderful gift. Isnt that the way things happen in



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    Awakening from Insomnia

    A Big Dream

    Insomnia is a cancer on the sleeping soul. Cancer is life run

    amok, cells dividing uncontrollably. These are baby cells

    whose parent is fast asleep.

    Here in the wooded mountains of Thailand, just outside

    Chang Mai, my eyes popped open in the middle of the night

    just as they regularly do eight thousands miles away in my

    home in California. My wife lies peacefully asleep

    undisturbed by my chronic problem, while I stare at the

    mosquito netting cocooning our bed. In my fantasy I wish for

    a metamorphosis to free me from this demon that refuses to


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    let me drift into the calm of the night.

    Long ago I submitted to this nighttime intruder and now in

    desperation, I reach for the medicine bottle without

    hesitation. Still, some hours go by before the tranquilizer

    takes effect and I shut down.

    Foreign scents and unfamiliar sounds invade my awakening

    mind. My head swirls with the barking of birds. My fingers

    reach across the bed but come up empty. Cynthia is long

    gone, probably looking for a good place to have breakfast. I

    roll out of bed and like a good soldier ready myself to face the

    adventure awaiting me in this strange land.

    I am right. A note leads me to a small shop where I find

    Cynthia sipping tea. Her smile brightens when she sees me.

    Refreshed upon seeing her, I ask what looks good on the

    menu. We have only just arrived in this area a few days ago

    and still feel like strangers in this new land. There is some

    adjustment required to being in a country where people treat


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    animals like neighbors and even the sun seems to have a

    slightly different hue. No sooner had we finished our

    breakfast when the sound of loud clanging cymbals gathered

    a small crowd of people in front of a nearby temple.

    In Chang Mai there are temples on every corner, but this

    particular one caught my eye when we first arrived. Unlike

    most temples in Thailand that are covered in gold, this one

    appeared rather plain and lifeless. Colorful banners waved

    from the middle of the crowd, each one inscribed with words

    and symbols I did not recognize. Flashes of black, red and

    white rippled in the wind. Unabashedly we rushed to the

    scene and dove into the crowd like herons seizing fish from

    the sea.

    Sometimes being different helps. As we snaked our way

    through the crowd, the locals drew back as if we were lepers.

    Within minutes we were at the very heart of the circle, face

    to face with a man who seemed like a character straight out

    of a movie. At about 6 feet in height very unusual for this


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    part of the world- stood an old man, wearing garments that

    appeared to be a cross between the animal skins of Native

    Americans and the multicolored robes of Tibetan Buddhists.

    His hair and beard were silver white. Judging by the deep

    furrows that lined his eyes, nose and mouth Id guess he

    must have been at least 80 years old. He rocked in perfect

    rhythm to the cymbals. Lifting either foot with each beat he

    looked as if he were climbing an invisible ladder.

    The ringing cymbals stopped abruptly. The man stood

    perfectly upright and opened his eyes for the first time.

    We were standing directly in front of him. His eyes were the

    color of the sky and his gaze penetrated my body. Though

    tired I suddenly became energized as if an alien light was

    glowing in my stomach and shooting straight up to my solar

    plexus. The crowd grew quiet as he spoke a few words in his

    native tongue. It felt odd to hear not one sound among so

    many people. He kept repeating the same words and with

    each repetition it became increasingly obvious that he was


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    expecting a response from me.

    I do not know any Thai but it was clear that this mans words

    held power. He was a shaman from the high mountain

    country and I intuitively knew that this encounter could not

    be put off to chance. I also knew that shamans communicate

    telepathically but being a dense human being from the West

    I wasnt able to understand what this man was trying to tell

    me. Fortunately a young boy in the crowd grasped what was

    happening and stepped forward to help. He translated that

    the priest wanted to know what I value most but understood

    least. The riddle stumped me and I felt awkward and self-

    conscious. The silence of the crowd made me even more

    uncomfortable but at the same time seemed to suck an

    answer right out of me.

    My soul, my soul, I said after several minutes. The boy

    translated and the old man responded after taking several

    deep breaths. He then asked, What is in need of healing?

    Without pausing this time I told him that I have great


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    difficulty with sleep. Translated, this came back as my not

    being about to let go of the light. He then told me that he

    had a cure for this problem but that it would require putting

    my soul in his care for a while. This unnerved me and I could

    sense Cynthia taking a step back. She whispered out of the

    corner of her mouth that this might be a good time to get

    out of here. But I was torn.

    Thoughts bounced back and forth in my mind until it felt as if

    there were two of me engaged in a debate. I struggled

    between running like the devil and holding onto my soul.

    This seemed like magic - how could I trust this old man? Yet

    on the other hand, the whole thing seemed like nonsense -

    so what harm was there in going along with the game?

    Im not a religious man but I do live a spiritual life. My soul is

    as important to me as my arms and legs. Putting my soul in

    this old mans care filled me with mixed emotions: fear,

    intrigue and hope. I decided to take the matter very

    seriously. Here was an offer that might cure me of my

    dreadful insomnia. I was sorely tempted to trust the old man.


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    My rational voice chimed in and reasoned that this old man

    didnt appear to be Mephistopheles after all and what he

    offered was to care for my soul, not take it.

    Time became elastic. What was probably five minutes felt

    like an hour. As an intuitive person I struggled to use reason

    but in the end rationality retreated and intuition decided the

    matter. Had I known that the one word I was about to utter

    would send me on the journey I was about to take, Im not

    sure the answer would have been the same.

    Okay. I said in an uncertain voice.

    Having given my response this time without the help of my

    translator - the cymbals recommenced but now the old man

    began to turn in circles with his arms outstretched. He

    dipped his wings like a bird twice with each revolution. As

    if an analgesic were taking hold of me I lost a bit of

    consciousness every time I saw the old mans face. His eyes

    were closed and before I could count to ten so were mine. I


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    am told that I then slumped to the ground and while my wife

    froze in panic the old man placed a white sheet over my still


    Magicians use sheets to make things disappear, but in this

    case I was still there when the sheet was removed moments

    later. What was missing was my being awake. Id lost

    consciousness. My eyes were closed and I was breathing. I

    was not dead.

    The crowd gasped as soon as they saw me lying there. The

    shaman had indeed worked his magic and there I was fast

    asleep on the ground in a strange city at the foot of an

    ancient temple. To the people the show was over but for me

    it was just beginning. The crowd unraveled like a colorful ball

    of yarn and when the last of them was gone, so was the old


    Cynthia was beside herself. After several failed attempts to

    rouse me, she ran for help.


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    In the hospital my head and chest were covered with

    electrodes. Needles jumped and eerie blue lightening bolts

    sketched out the status of my brain activity across luminous

    screens. The doctors examined me and concluded there

    wasnt anything wrong with me, other than that I was

    apparently in a very deep sleep. They stopped short of

    calling my condition a coma and assured Cynthia that I was

    not in any medical danger. I was simply fast asleep and

    clearly, by all indications, actively dreaming.

    The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost secret

    recesses of the soul.

    C. G. Jung

    In ancient Greece it is believed that the gods, bent on

    punishing people, decided to do so by answering their

    prayers. I had asked for sleep and sleep is what I got. Like

    the male version of sleeping beauty I lay fast asleep


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    dreaming within a dream that only good would come of this

    while my soul nestled itself in the palm of an old mans

    wrinkled hand.

    The smell of dark green infused my nostrils and all about me

    I felt a bed of leaves envelop me like a warm, cozy nest. I

    could not tell whether my eyes were open or closed, but

    either way all I could see was black. I shuttled back and forth

    between fear and a deep sense of surrender to this

    overwhelming sleep Id fallen into. At last I was asleep. I had

    long yearned for this moment. I didnt want it to stop. I could

    not say how long Id been lying in that forest. I could not see

    my watch. My mind wandered and I thought of a

    conversation Cynthia and I once had about dreaming. She is

    an amazing dreamer, one of those people who remember

    every detail of their dreams. Added to her boundless

    memory was the ability to travel in her dreams, change

    shape and even awaken in her dreams something known

    as lucid dreaming. I could perform none of these

    extraordinary feats. At best, I was lucky to even get to sleep


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    and stay down the night through.

    After a while the thought hit me and I could no longer avoid

    the reality that I was indeed asleep but simultaneously

    aware of my condition. I must have been having one of those

    lucid dreams. Still I could see nothing. Only when sounds of

    whispering buzzed all round me did I jump to my feet. I

    grabbed my glasses and put them on. Like night goggles

    they cut beams of eerie green light every which way I

    looked. I was in a wooded forest surrounded by tall trees,

    giant ferns and purple grasses. Again I heard the whispers

    coming out of the woods but could not make any sense of

    such random sounds. This continued long enough for me to

    realize that each whisper was part of a sound, incomplete in

    itself, but when joined with other sounds they collected into

    a sentence. They were emanating from the tiny mouth of a

    very small man.

    I shone my green light directly on him. He could not have

    been more than four feet high even including the tall conical


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    hat he wore on his head. The shock sobered me instantly as I

    realized I was looking at a gnome. One by one other heads

    popped out of the woods. Eerily little people began to

    encircled me. But the whispers all collected and came to

    focus on the first of these small men. Out of his mouth I

    distinctly these words:

    We know your problem and what you have to do. You need

    to go through Sleepy Hollow.

    I responded by asking who he was. The whispers gathered

    again and the chief gnome introduced himself, I am Sir

    Bastian, ruler of Ebony Wood.

    Bewildered I began to ask questions in hopes of orienting

    myself. Where was I? Was I asleep? Was I dead or alive?

    Why should we help you? You have come here uninvited

    and now you ask these many questions?


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    I pleaded with Sir Bastian at first with reason, then by

    begging for courtesy, then simply by begging. There was a

    growing fear in me that if these gnomes should leave me I

    would never find my way out of this place.

    What have you to give us to make our time worthwhile?

    It was an oddly worded question. Another riddle, I thought.

    Here, take my watch.

    While this seemed to please Sir Bastian, my apparent ability

    to match wits with him pleased him far more.

    So I asked: What is Sleepy Hollow? Is it the way out of


    It is the first way out, or if you please, the first way in. Do

    you want out or in?

    Now I was completely confused. Clearly time and space had


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    little meaning in these woods. Thinking myself rather clever I

    responded by saying I wanted to be inside out. This

    absolutely delighted Sir Bastian. In fact the whole of his

    colony began to laugh.

    Very well then its off to Sleepy Hollow we go.

    However wide awake they may have been before they

    entered that sleepy region, they are sure, in a little time, to

    inhale the witching influence of the air, and begin to grow

    imaginative, to dream dreams and see apparitions.

    FromThe Legend of Sleepy Hollow

    The path wound through a canopy of ferns and bamboo

    trees. Sir Bastian leading the way in front of me with a long

    line of gnomes following close behind. I had the eerie feeling

    that I wasnt actually going anywhere but rather simply

    peddling my legs as I tossed and turned in my bed.

    Suddenly, our journey came to a halt and Sir Bastian pointed

    to a huge tree with a trunk that had two enormous legs split

    apart. In the center was a pit of darkness, imperious even to


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    my green light.

    There is where you must go to get in and to get out. This is

    where you will be turned inside out.

    This seemed ominous. I wondered to myself whether I could

    trust these little tricksters.

    Will you be going with me? I asked.

    I, said Sir Bastian, will meet you on the other side.

    How can I trust that what you are saying is true?

    If this is as you believe a dream, then I and everything

    around you is part of your dream. The question then is: Do

    you trust yourself?

    He had a point there. This certainly could not be anything

    other than a dream and that being the case, even this

    Sleepy Hollow was part of my dream. This reasoning offered


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    just enough reassurance for me to approach the mighty oak.

    I came as close as I could to the hollow without actually

    entering it. It appeared to be solid but its bark resembled an

    oil slick or the surface of molten tar. Cautiously I reached out

    to touch it with my finger. Instantly I was pulled into in a

    thick morass, as if Id fallen into the deepest regions of


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    space. I tumbled head over heels until I had neither head nor

    heels. Strange words seemed to resound from above. I could

    barely make out Sir Bastians voice repeating over and over

    again: solve et coagula, solve et coagula. A lot of good that

    was doing me! I had no idea what he meant and worse

    began to feel like I was disintegrating. The cells of my body

    loosened and I seemed to be coming apart. Chaos was all I

    could think of. I am in chaos. The thought reverberated in

    the emptiness for I had no head to contain it or anything


    Chaos is the massa confusa, the prima materia out of

    which form first emerges. The nigredo is the initial stage of

    the alchemical work. It means blackening - in it one

    discovers the shadows of the unconscious.

    Out of the darkness dropped a speck of light, rocking back

    and forth through space like a metallic snowflake. It seemed

    to crystallize as it fell, its silvery arms laced in an intricate


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    pattern, shimmering like a diamond point of light. Suddenly

    my perspective shifted and I became one of many sparkling

    points of light falling gently onto a river down below. Upon

    making contact with the water, the river immediately came

    alive around me. I felt its rushing currents course through

    the black slick that was all that remained of my body.

    Although consciousness had reconnected with my body I had

    absolutely no control.

    Suddenly I recalled that in dreams it is possible to shift ones

    attention from one place to another. Though I no longer

    seemed to have a physical body, nor eyes, I could see the

    fast moving river and the tall line of trees speeding past me.

    Instantly my consciousness shot up to the treetops above

    and gazed back down upon the black slick Id become, while

    the river continued to carry me downstream. Up ahead the

    river became completely black. I thought I had reached the

    end of the world.

    In desperation I pleaded with the river currents appearing


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    as ghostly spirits mermaid creatures darting in and out of

    the cold, icy water. Steer me right I cried. Steer me away!

    My prayers were answered but not before my body hit the

    solid black mass that lay along the rivers edge. I bounced

    off the mass and smashed into the rocks by the shore.

    Miraculously I didnt die, but I became certain that death

    could take me at any moment. I was going to die and

    without a watch I had no way of knowing when that would


    Still in black ooze form, I moved through the rocks along the

    shore. Like a river snake, I slithered through crevices until I

    found myself contained in a pool shaped by boulders in the

    form of a human. Here in this mold of rock and stone, my

    sense of humor returned and I mused to myself, I am the

    shadow of the man I used to be.

    I wondered how I could possibly regain my body? As I lay

    formless and still, a black liquid being, I began to remember

    what I once looked like. And then I realized that that was it;


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    remembering was the secret!

    Solve and Coagula is the primary recipe of alchemy. We

    must first break up the ego mass through a process or

    operation known as solutio, then by re-membering that we

    are more than mere flesh return to the spiritual form of an

    earlier existence.

    Carefully I remembered my body from head to toe re-

    membered my body from head to toe - and eventually I was

    able to gradually emerge from the pool intact. I lay down on

    the rocky shore, feeling like a shadow, and once again began

    to hear the words of the little man.

    As promised, said Sir Bastian. Here I am.

    Yes indeed there you are. And here I am, having barely

    escaped that terrible river with my life.

    But, you did. Youve passed the first trial.


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    The first?! I yelled. How many more trials are there before

    I can get out of this awful place?

    You are an odd creature, replied Sir Bastian calmly. First,

    you long for sleep. Then finally getting it, you want to wake


    Well, if this is sleep then indeed I do want to wake up. How

    do I do that? I demanded.

    You must cross the Bridge of Day Light.

    And where, I pray, might that be?

    Before I received a response, I was suddenly overcome by

    hunger. I felt so ravenous that I immediately and blindly

    began stuffing everything I could into my mouth. Berries,

    bark, leaves, grass and even dirt I swallowed whole. Like a

    devouring monster I gobbled a stand of mushrooms and

    chased them down with water from the river. Immediately,


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    my head began to spin and my stomach began to churn in

    rhythm with my racing heart.

    It must have been the mushrooms that brought on the

    avalanche of hallucinations. Like a cracked mirror, reality

    shattered into a thousand shards of glass. Reflected in each

    were strange images of dinosaurs, stars, musical

    instruments, bones and creatures I could not identify. Most

    disconcerting was an effect of light and darkness in rapid

    alternation. Day and night were flickering like a strobe light,

    completely disorienting me.

    I am dying. I cried out at the top of my lungs. Through the

    haze of my bleary vision I saw Sir Bastian. Lying flat on my

    back looking up at him he appeared as tall as a giant. I am

    dying. I cried out again. Please help me!

    No sooner have you passed your first trial and already you

    are rushing into the second task. What is your hurry?


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    Please help me, was all I could manage to say.

    You lost your body and now youre losing your mind. What a

    mess you are!

    I detected a bit of glee in his voice but I failed to see the

    humor. I was slipping away quickly.

    Without showing the least concern for my dreadful state, Sir

    Bastian demanded, Tell me everything you know.

    What do you mean, everything I know? That will take


    Thats not a problem, and he pointed to the watch. We

    have no problem with that; we can just wind this watch

    every time it runs down.

    Desperately I agreed. Struggling to put words together I

    began by telling him my name, where I was born, who my

    parents are, where I went to school, which foods I liked and


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    which I hated This went on for what seemed an

    interminable time and every so often I could see Sir Bastian

    rewinding my watch.

    Thats it, I said at last, I have told you everything. There is

    no more to tell.

    Not true. Insisted Sir Bastian defiantly. You have not told

    me your last thought, for if you had, you would cease to be.

    I had to agree. At the very least his statement forced me to

    collect my thoughts and the hallucinations began to

    dissipate. This was another one of his riddles. I would surely

    be dead if I were to tell him my last thought. When your

    heart takes its last beat, I thought, your blood stops

    circulating and you die. So it seemed to follow that once your

    brain had its last thought, you were through with this life.

    But, something in this logic wasnt quite right. My brain was

    a more complicated matter, or so I thought at the time. My

    brain also has a mind of its own, which is something quite


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    different than my heart. Now I was getting somewhere. The

    two are not equivalent. Since my brain isnt the same thing

    as my mind then death comes only when the former quits.

    My mind, on the other hand, can stop without the brain

    having to die.

    As if he were reading my thoughts Sir Bastian echoed my

    words, Now we are getting somewhere. But, he added

    whimsically, Where can you go when you tell me your last


    Oddly enough, I began to understand. The more I

    concentrated on this riddle the more my mind drew

    together. By now the nausea had begun to ease and the

    hallucinations had ceased entirely. My mind was utterly clear

    and I could think of nothing more to say.

    At the end of my long recitation I had not a single thought

    left to tell and I certainly did not die. On the contrary, I felt

    more alive than ever. My mind seemed to be set free from


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    my head. I was in a thoughtless space, free to wander in

    many and all directions simultaneously. My body served to

    anchor me in the sylvan wood as my consciousness

    traversed the universe unfettered. My meditation was

    abruptly cut short when I heard Sir Bastian say, Youve

    learned one of many more operations youll need to guide

    you safely across the Bridge of Day Light. Now we must go.

    This time I didnt even ask where we were headed. For such

    a little man he certainly could walk at a quick pace. Of

    course, being short gave him the advantage of not having to

    duck under branches or push aside tree limbs. He walked

    with a decided step, but I noticed how silently he moved

    through the woods. We walked for what must have been

    many hours. Since he still had my watch I had only the dim

    glow of early light to give me some sense of time. Although

    it was still quite dark I no longer depended on my night

    goggles to see. Wed reached an open glen covered with

    high grasses when he finally stopped to give me further



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    You are ready for the next trial. In order to reach the Bridge

    of Day Light you must go to the White Queen.

    How do I get there? Will you not show me the way?

    I cannot enter the glen but it is here that you will meet a

    guide who will take you to the Castle of the Moon. I will see

    you on the other side. And with these words he vanished.

    For the first time I was alone. The glen spread out before me

    like a magic carpet. I had no idea what to expect or whom

    this guide might be or how long it would take before he

    would come. I settled down on a mound of grass that

    overlooked a lovely clearing; not far behind me were the

    woods, dark and impenetrably dense. The predawn light in

    the sky made everything just barely visible. I shuddered as I

    remembered that I was in fact asleep and this was all a

    dream. And where, I wondered, was this body of mine lying

    in waking reality? Was I still in the midst of that crowd, or


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    had Cynthia taken me back to the inn? And what about my

    soul? Was the shaman keeping it safe or was he up to no


    Thoughts pulled me in two directions. I couldnt possibly

    enjoy this sleep if it meant Id never awaken again. I wasnt

    finished with my life but neither was I finished with this

    strange realm. For better or worse, the choice was not mine.

    I had to submit to whatever fate this place had in store for

    me. I favored this conclusion to other, more dreadful

    possibilities. Whenever I began thinking of escape fear rose

    up in my heart like hissing snake.

    I reassured myself that this was all a dream. Despite the fact

    that I was quite alert and even pinched myself from time to

    time I knew most assuredly that I was dreaming. While

    pondering these thoughts, I heard the trees rustling in the

    nearby forest. Odd, I thought, since there was no wind. I

    stood and strained my eyes to see what was stirring. Might

    this be my guide?


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    I could discern tree trunks jutting straight up in a long line

    bordering the glen. But from time to time a white line

    seemed to dart between them. Each time I moved toward

    the trees the rustling stopped and it was no longer possible

    to see what the white line might be. I resumed my position

    on the ground and regained the state of mind I had been

    enjoying before the rustling began. Restraint paid off. The

    head of pure white horse appeared not twenty yards away.

    Excitement welled up within me but I knew intuitively that

    the shy creature would only run if I tried to advance.

    I even avoided making eye contact. Instead I observed

    obliquely from the corner of my eye until I was rewarded

    with a sight I would not soon forget. Standing among the tall

    grass, draped by dark woods behind and a misty gray sky

    overhead, I saw a unicorn. Where doubt did from time to

    time cause me to question whether this was a dream or not,

    it now made not a difference in the world. It was love at first



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    Love is the only emotion I can use to describe the vision that

    my tired eyes beheld. I was entranced by this lovely white

    creature whose mane was the color of clouds and whose

    body gleamed like marble. We were two aliens meeting for

    the first time. Such a meeting is profound and we each

    needed time to adjust.

    There was no way of knowing how much time had passed.

    We stood in suspended animation like two figures in a

    painting, each of us gazing at the other among tall yellow

    grasses; rocks in the foreground and the dark wooded forest


    The reverie was broken by a gentle wave of her head. The

    gesture indicated that I was to follow her. Not until this

    moment did I realize that my guide was not another gnome

    or fairy, but this sublime creature. Never before did I really

    believe that such animals existed. But here I was gazing at

    this beautiful unicorn knowing she would take me to the


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    castle of the White Queen.

    She turned and galloped into the woods. I followed.

    Whenever I thought Id lost sight of her she would patiently

    reappear and give a gentle wave of her head. We traveled

    up a steep path that wound its way around a mountain, a full

    days journey. I was tired and hungry; sweat beaded my

    brow and trickled into salty rivulets that streamed down my


    As our ascent continued, trees became sparse and patches

    of earth opened up to expose large sheets of granite.

    Fatigue drew my gaze downward and my breath became

    labored; the path grew steadily steeper. My guide began

    nudging me deftly, being careful to keep from skewering me

    with the sharp tip of her horn.

    Suddenly the words Its about time rang out from nowhere.

    I didnt have to raise my head to know the crooked mouth

    out of which these words flowed. There stood Sir Bastian on


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    a huge boulder, peering down at me. The unicorn was

    nowhere in sight.

    Where has she gone? was my only reply.

    She has joined her coven, said Sir Bastian. Can you not

    see them?

    I climbed up onto the boulder where Sir Bastian had planted

    himself and searched the crest of the mountain, but could

    only see a panorama of gray skies hanging over a multitude

    of rocks.

    How thoughtless of me, Sir Bastian mused. She has

    thought of everything. Thats why shes a queen and I am

    but a mere squire.

    Without explanation, Sir Bastian ordered me to shut my

    eyes. I did as I was told. Then he told me to open them

    slowly, blink several times and then cautioned me to prepare


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    myself for what I was about to behold.

    He took the curved handle of his cane and pointing it upward

    to a cloud began to pull on it. At first this struck me as rather

    funny and I laughed out loud when at one point he was

    literally hanging, cane in hand, from the cloud. Somehow he

    found his gravity again and with a steadfast tug drew what

    appeared to be stage curtains across my line of vision. In the

    blink of an eye the entire scene shifted and I was privy to

    one of the most amazing sights Id ever seen.

    Where before only rocks appeared scattered about, now

    stood a pure white castle with spires piercing the sky from

    hundreds of turrets. Above the two spires hung a crescent

    moon. It was the first light I had seen since entering this

    realm. I was momentarily blinded. When I regained my vision

    the glare or fog or mist or whatever it was began to dissipate

    and in further amazement I once again spied my guide. She

    stood shoulder to shoulder with thousands of other unicorns

    surrounding the castle.


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    As I approached, every unicorn lowered its head in an

    ominous gesture: Stay back!

    What is happening? I asked. I must see the Queen.

    You fool, answered Sir Bastian, look at yourself. Do you

    really think her majesty will entertain a dirty, butt naked cod

    such as yourself?

    Besides, he continued, you have neither an invitation or

    even a gift that might curry favor with her lady.

    But these last words were lost on me as sudden shame

    overcame me and I went running for cover. How could I not

    have realized that I was wandering naked since emerging

    from the awful river Styx? Not only had I just been caught in

    this dreadful condition by a herd of angelic beauties, I had

    just spent a full days journey with the most fair of them all -

    my guide.


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    Can you help me, Sir Bastian? I pleaded.

    Once again you ask and once again I ask why? came his

    diffident response.

    Because service is the greatest passion. I replied,

    surprised to hear these words coming from my lips. I turned

    around to see if there might be someone else whod spoken

    these words (but there was not).

    Very well, then, lets be on our way, was all he said.

    Sir Bastian led me to a beautiful meadow where a small pool

    lay nestled within a crowd of birch trees. Steam swirled just

    above its surface as dragonflies darted about in search of a

    tasty meal. I plunged into the natural spring. The dirt that

    had coated my entire body instantly melted away. I

    submerged myself several times and felt deep contentment.

    Sir Bastian sat on a large toadstool smoking his pipe. The

    aroma seemed to be a mix of cherry bark and mustard seed.

    As my eyes closed half way, a white osprey alighted directly


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    atop my head. Sir Bastian put down his pipe and whispered

    under his breath, a blessing from the skies.

    Having a large bird perched itself atop your head is an eerie

    feeling. As awkward as it seemed, I did indeed feel blessed

    and in some mysterious way confirmed. I felt clean inside

    and out. Still, I was as naked as a blue jay. Without any

    thought as to how I might dry off, Sir Bastian ordered me to

    leave. I obeyed and emerged from the spring feeling



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    We returned to the nearby wood and followed a stream that

    sparkled with tiny fairies. The stream led into a dark cave

    where the sound of running water chortling over rocks

    emanated from within.

    This, my friend is where you will get yourself clothes fit for a

    king, or should I say Queen, said Sir Bastian pointing with

    his cane.

    You must be kidding, I protested. Im not going in there.

    Suit yourself then, said he, obviously amused with the pun.

    How will I get a new suit in that devils hole?

    Do you have an aversion to spiders? responded the



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    Not particularly, I replied. In fact, I found spiders rather


    Spiders are known to spin out the web of Life. They can be

    tricksters, but ones whose tricks serve to have us do

    negative things that eventually put us on the right track.

    Well these spiders are masters of the loom. Theyve clothed

    just about every creature that roams this forest. Bear hides,

    bird feathers, snake skinsall crafted by these fine tailors.

    How about the clothes you wear? Did they dress you?

    Sir Bastian laughed. Had they I would have no use for a


    This caught me off guard. It never occurred to me that Sir

    Bastian was married.


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    Married indeed. I have 27 children, and yes, all by my sweet


    Do you not miss her? You have been with me for some time


    We will get to that in due time, but right now lets get you


    I drew courage from his words. Ever so carefully, I slowly

    crept into the dark cave. Hearing Sir Bastians words echo off

    the walls I was soon able to lift myself upright and precede

    into the darkness.

    Now do be careful, stick to the stream and walk straight

    ahead. The water falls to either side of the stream. His

    words bounced off the walls leaving in their trail a din of

    resonating reassurance. Keep your eyes open, stay



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    I kept my balance by keeping my hands pressed to the low

    ceiling. As I proceeded I first felt moss that then seemed to

    degrade into some kind of disgusting sticky substance.

    Determinedly I marched forward. Dozens of tiny legs began

    stitching a web around my wrists and arms. I could feel the

    spiders working quickly to weave a soft fabric around my

    entire body. Within minutes it was finished. Propelled by

    horror and delight, I rushed toward the entrance, anxious to

    see their handiwork.

    Very well done indeed, said Sir Bastian seeing my new

    garments. It was in fact a job well done: shirt and tights,

    cape and cap as green as the trees and as snug fitting as


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    bark. Embroidery tastefully accented each piece with signs

    and insignias that gave a noble appearance. Unfortunately I

    had no idea what any of the symbols meant.

    We have only one thing left to do before you can present

    yourself to her Royal Highness.

    Before I could asked what this might be, Sir Bastian

    explained that since I didnt have a formal invitation I might

    gain entry by winning her favor with a gift. She loves


    If the Queen is as beautiful as you say she is, then I would

    think she has many suitors who must regularly bring her


    Right you are, my noble friend. Sir Bastian responded. So

    that is why you must bring her the most unique rose in the

    entire Queendom.


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    So off we were once more, this time to find the garden of the

    hundred-petalled white rose. Cleaned and dressed up, my

    confidence reached new heights. My step had an extra

    spring and I felt excited as we drew near the only place

    where the special rose could be found. We arrived at a

    clearing in the wood. Before us was a very large labyrinth

    surrounded by a gate. I could clearly see the white rose

    bobbing just above the labyrinthine hedges. The fence was

    taller than I and the gate was securely bolted with a huge

    iron lock.

    A labyrinth is a unicursal (single path) magical tool. It is

    magical in that through the conscious use of the labyrinth

    answers to questions come, spiritual awareness can be

    enhanced, the path ahead, in the confusion of the

    labyrinths convoluted path, can somehow become clear.

    Seg Lonegney

    How do I gain entry? I asked Sir Bastian.


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    Again you ask and again I say, what have you to give me

    for my service? was his by now familiar reply.

    Havent we been over this already? I sighed to myself.

    But this time Sir Bastian knew well what was to be


    Around my neck you see a key. It is the instrument that will

    admit you through the gate but at the cost of losing me.

    I was stunned. Why?! I asked, repeating the question over

    and over again, Why must I lose you to obtain this flower?

    Without the flower you have no power. The rose unlocks the

    Queens heart and it is her heart that you must win if ever

    you hope to awaken from this dream.

    Realizing once again that this was indeed a dream did little

    to console me. Despite his riddles Sir Bastian had been a

    trustworthy friend and without him I was already feeling very


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    sad. He was right, but that didnt stop the tears from welling

    up in my eyes.

    So now we have a deal. With these words Sir Bastian drew

    out of his pocket a small silver flask. He brought it to my

    cheek whereupon a tear slipped into the vial. He deftly

    corked the vial with a stopper to preserve the tear, and said

    that the salt would always remind him of our friendship.

    Will I never see you again? I cried, wiping tears from my

    eyes in an uncharacteristic, emotional display.

    On the contrary. You will see me every time you sit down on

    the green grass or wander through the woods. I will be

    hiding in every plant and flower, every burrow, hill and

    mountain. I am in the meadows and the brooks, the caves

    and the underbrush. This place is my home and I know it

    well. It is my wisdom and now it is yours.

    Gnomes are the elemental of the earth. As their name


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    implies they hold the gnosis, the wisdom of nature.

    I didnt really understand his words. Feelings were clouding

    the possibility of thinking clearly. Then, he placed the key in

    my hand. This time he didnt disappear but rather simply

    turned and walked away. At one point in the distance I

    thought I saw him raise his left hand to say goodbye, but he

    never looked back.

    The key fit easily into the old lock. I turned it slowly and the

    lock dropped like an anvil. The gate swung open and the

    path was clearly visible, guarded by tall hedges on either

    side. Directly in front of me stood a sign with the words, The

    Rose gives Honey to the Bee. Another riddle! Unable to

    determine which might be the best route to take I began

    wandering aimlessly. Then as I regained my senses I

    contemplated the maze, stopping every now and then to

    decide which way to go. Isnt this like life? I thought to

    myself. Should I go left or right or keep to the straight path?

    In an ordinary situation the shortest distance between two


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    points would be a straight line, but this place was clearly not

    ordinary and neither for that matter, has much of my life

    been so simple! Id often followed meandering paths to find

    that although it took longer to reach my goal my life was

    much richer as a result. Could this explain the meaning of

    that strange sign?

    This situation was not so different. In fact, I had a decided

    advantage that I made me feel sure I could find the best

    path leading to the center. Although the hedges were tall I

    could either jump up a bit or stand on my tiptoes and see the

    white rose gleaming in the light of the moon. By bobbing up


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    and down I knew I would find my way to her without too

    much difficulty.

    Making my way through the maze I found myself driven by

    an overwhelming desire to behold the rose and in turn to

    meet her mistress. It was truly a love attraction that

    compelled me to put one foot in front of the other. One

    wrong turn and sadness arose in my heart; two wrong turns

    and I became dreadfully downtrodden. What had to be done

    was clear: allow myself to surrender to the attraction that

    was leading me straight to my hearts desire.

    Finally, one sharp right turn delivered me to the prize. I

    beheld four narrow paths in the form of a cross that led

    through a garden of black roses. There at the very center

    was the rose of a hundred petals. I was the bee and she the


    I felt utter love gazing at this magnificent white rose. Unable

    to move I dropped to the ground. I suddenly did not even


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    have the energy to determine which path led to my beloved.

    As strange as this may sound, given my condition, I must

    have fallen asleep. And in this sleep I had a dream within a

    dream: in it the white rose turned into a fair damsel with the

    hundred-petalled blossom crowning her veiled head. She

    descended from her throne and walked directly toward me. I

    felt as if a missing part of my self was rejoining my body and

    I became whole again.

    When I opened my eyes the dream had become a reality.

    Only it wasnt a beautiful lady sitting beside me but the

    white rose. As I stood up, so did she. Her petalled head

    reached to my chest and her lower branches served ably as

    feet. She placed her leafy-hand in mine and I followed her

    out of the labyrinth.

    What if you slept?

    And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed?

    And what if in your dream

    You went to heaven and there plucked


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    A strange and beautiful flower?

    And what if, when you awoke,

    You had the flower in your hand?

    Ah! What then?


    The absurdity of walking while holding a branched hand did

    not escape me but it was a lovely absurdity that pleased me

    very much.

    We soon found ourselves facing the herd of unicorns that

    surrounded the Castle of the Moon. By this time there was

    more light, and I turned my gaze upwards. What had been a

    crescent had now blossomed into a perfectly round full

    moon. Clean and dressed up in my green garment, armed

    with a precious gift, the white steeds stepped aside and each

    in turn dropped to one knee in a graceful, welcoming



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    As I entered the main chamber my empty stomach churned

    and again hunger pangs shot through my body. Ridiculous! I

    was finally about to meet the White Queen and all I could

    think about was food. It seemed that every pore in my body

    screamed out to be fed. I tightened my grasp on the delicate

    branched hand, being careful not to squeeze too hard.

    So I see youve brought my sister. The words echoed off

    the vaulted ceiling. At the end of the great hall, standing on

    a raised patio, was a petite woman with long pins sticking

    out from her black hair. Her back was to me, but I was sure

    the words came from her.

    I took a step back when in a sudden ballet-like pirouette she

    turned and faced me. This could not be the queen, I thought.

    This is a geisha.

    Who are you? I demanded.


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    My eardrums were instantly inundated with voices

    ricocheting off the leaden windows, huge wooded thrusts,

    stone galleys and gilded birdcage.

    Cleopatra. Maria. Cybele. Isis. Kwan Yin. Aphrodite.

    I fell to the ground and the rose bowed before the white-

    robed geisha.

    I have many names but you may call me Chang Mai.

    A memory flashed through my head and my mind drifted

    momentarily to a far away place. Gathering my senses once

    again I managed to ask, Are you the White Queen?

    What is a queen without a king? I await the day when I am

    indeed once again a true Queen.

    I dont understand. I confessed, but she was busy now

    placing her sister in a crystal vase.


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    You are hungry. She stated plainly. Let us retire to the

    dining hall. And with that she stepped gracefully into an

    adjoining room. The table was set with tall silver

    candelabras, two shiny silver plates and matching

    silverware. Before she took her seat I had the chance to

    study her. She was stunningly beautiful. Her robe was made

    of white silk embroidered with swans and bamboo. She wore

    tall wooden slippers that held feet no bigger than my hands.

    Her face looked like a Kabuki mask: pure white with slashes

    of black and red to accentuate her eyes. As she sat down her

    eyes met mine and I saw two silver orbs set perfectly in

    white opal. She caught herself quickly and broke her

    unintended gaze.

    She sat quietly for a few moments. Then, with her head

    slightly bowed she began to sing a song. Her voice reminded

    me of a nightingale.


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    With this prayer we bless this food that will help make us

    more gentle in our ways. With these words she removed the

    silver lids from three large serving bowls. Before me lay a

    bounty so grand it immediately brought to mind the best

    Thanksgiving meals Id ever had. Mushrooms garnished in

    garlic, mashed potatoes, four different salads, breads

    twisted into the forms of butterflies, giant corncobs and

    sweet potatoes; all quite tempting but I nevertheless noticed

    the conspicuous absence of meat. My hunger had not the

    patience to inquire about this obvious oversight. Instead, on

    receiving her signal to commence I unleashed my appetite.

    So famished was I, not a word was exchanged between us

    the entire meal.

    After what seemed an hour, she opened one last small silver

    tray and offered its contents to me. To my surprise it was a

    fortune cookie with four leaves folded inward like a flower.

    For some odd reason I felt amused. I smiled and quietly took

    the cookie in hand, cracking it open. The message inside

    read: Sow your seed on white foliated earth.


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    I hadnt the slightest idea what this riddle was trying to say,

    but I knew there must be a hidden meaning.

    Before you leave, said the Queen, you will leave a part of

    yourself and when you go you will take a part of me with

    you. She then gathered herself up and for the first time

    smiled. She poured two small timbales of sake. We tapped

    our glasses and I offered a toast in response to her

    mysterious words, May our exchange bless this day. She


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    sipped, I chugged and that is all I remember until I found

    myself lying in a sea of white satin sheetsquite alone.

    I lay still for a long time going over the whole affair in my

    mind my entrance through a parade of unicorns, the shock

    at discovering that the Queen was a geisha, the magnificent

    dinner laid out with sterling silver plates and goblets and of

    course, the very curious voices that introduced their lady. As

    I pondered the name she gave I recalled the city where I had

    fallen into this slumber. Then, it occurred to me clearly that

    Chang Mai wasnt a place named after the queen; rather the

    queen was in fact a place. Not a place in the geographic

    sense but a place as in a state of mind, after all, I was asleep

    and this was indeed a dream. The realization was dizzying. I

    might have even woken up at this point if I werent still in

    the clutches of the shamans spell.

    As I lay looking up at the curtained ceiling above my bed my

    thoughts were interrupted by shadows dancing across the

    canap. Amidst the shadows tiny sparks twinkled like stars


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    and slowly spinning planets. I could make out certain

    constellations and even a few planets but to my horror I

    realized that my perception was not from good old planet

    earth. I kept checking and rechecking but I slowly grew

    certain that I must be on another planet. The shock

    catapulted me out of bed. I craned my head out the window

    and gazed upward but still I could not see the full moon that

    had greeted me on my arrival. I turned to peer down the side

    of the tall tower and in every direction the ground was as

    silver-white as the moons surface. I shivered in fear and

    jumped back into bed. Having rectified my perspective it

    appeared that I was looking at the heavens from the surface

    of the moon.

    Was this the white earth that the queen had spoken of


    My mind grew weary, my eyes closed and soon my thoughts

    sank like ships slipping over the horizon.


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    I awakened with no thoughts of the night. So this must be

    what Cynthia had described as dreamless sleep. It was as if

    the editor had simply removed a portion of the film and

    spliced it back together, leaving out whatever might have

    occurred between sleeping and waking. In fact, this well

    described my experience since arriving in the palace. I

    seemed to jump from one scene to the next without

    experiencing the usual continuity that gives life its flow. One

    minute I was in bed, I found myself suddenly strolling with

    the geisha queen in her garden with no transition in

    between. Mystically, the moon appeared again, above the

    castle towers.

    Did you sleep well? inquired the queen, looking as lovely

    as ever.

    I cant really say, but I did come to realize that you are the

    place, or should I say a state of mind that can only come in a



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    You are more right than you know. Let me explain.

    We were sitting by a well, which may be the reason Chang

    Mais voice took on a strange resonance. She spoke with a

    depth Id not heard before; it didnt quite fit the small frame

    of this demure woman.

    Dreams are not the sole province of human beings. They

    are the place where the past recedes to the time, for

    whatever reason, we no longer have use for the present.

    Now, for the first time I felt that I was in the presence of a

    royal figure. Chang Mai spoke with authority and I was rapt

    with attention to hear what she had to say.

    We all, gods and humans, descended from the Great

    Mother. She begot mountains, stars and fishes. The whole

    universe is her progeny. True, it was through their holy

    embrace that Spirit and Soul spawned all that we see, hear,

    touch, smell and imagine, but only through the grace of the

    Mother did the world became manifest. It is their embrace


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    that all things imitate in hopes of adding to her bounty.

    There was a time when the Great Mother was honored and

    the cloak of her majesty was respected throughout the earth

    and the heavens. Although she asked for no more than love,

    what she received in return was envy. This was inevitable

    since humans are prone to forget their maker when they

    themselves taste the sweet ambrosia of creation. To bring a

    child out of chaos and into life is a miracle. It blinds both

    parents to the darkness out of which creation first arises.

    The great darkness that resides behind every act of creation

    passes into the land of dreams. So tight is the grip that holds

    onto the miracle of birth that a greater miracle is lost and

    forgotten. This has been the fate of both Mother Soul and

    Father Spirit. Their holy embrace has been reduced to

    meaningless sensations, sex has replaced lovemaking, and

    sentimentality mimics true feelings.

    You cant sleep because as it is well known, you live in an

    age of anxiety. The sacred art of healing has also drifted into

    dreamland and medicines that are anti-nature have been


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    substituted for remedies that once recalled the healing

    powers of Soul and Spirit. This has all become necessary to

    achieve a single purpose: human beings can and will

    become gods. The Soul may be locked within the dreams of

    man and Spirit within the woman, but through the fourfold

    interaction of each element the world will be made whole

    again. The anxiety that keeps you awake at night is not a

    sickness but rather a calling to the great new age that is

    coming. You are here to advance the evolution of conscious

    wholeness. You are the catalyst the Mercury- that will bring

    dream into manifest reality. By order of the Queen you will

    not awaken until this deed is done.

    I was unnerved by her pronouncement and frightened by her

    command. Feebly, I summoned the courage to ask, Those

    voices I heard when we first met I stumbled with the next

    words but she completed my thought.

    are my many voices. Yes, I am the Great Mother.


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    My mind took off in ten different directions at once, but my

    body anchored me too well. I could not move. Then, another

    splice and it was back between the sheets again. I was

    numb. I kept repeating to myself out loud, Is she really the

    Great Mother? Why had she chosen me to bring her back

    from the darkness of the past? I am just a mortal human

    being and she is a goddess. Why on earth does she need me

    to do this deed? Can I?

    This time there was no cosmos staring down upon me.

    Beneath the white satin sheets I was as naked as a newborn

    baby. I wanted to enter the dreamless sleep and forget this

    burden that had been laid upon my shoulders. But my eyes

    were wide open and the Queens words spun around in my

    head like bees looking for the rose. A silhouette appeared

    from behind the linen curtains and I knew without having to

    think that the Great Mother had come for me.


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    Naked she stood in the moonlight like a shining alabaster

    goddess of Venus. The white make-up was gone and her

    flesh glistened with the freshness of morning dew.

    There is, I now know, a point beyond sex and even

    lovemaking that brings two beings together, regardless of

    whether they are human or divine, into a dimension that is

    perfectly harmonized with every atom in the universe. Were

    consciousness not retained the two would merely disappear

    and the whole enterprise would be meaningless. But, when

    two beings can hold the awareness of such a meeting,

    nothing less than a miracle occurs.


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    We sat face-to-face, arms around each others shoulders; the

    silver eyes of her eyes as she peered into mine, made my

    eyes feel like gold. Our breathing became naturally

    synchronized and with each breath we sank into the others

    skin. The circulation of our blood became one system; our

    bodies lost their individual distinction and we were one big,

    lovely animal having four arms and four legs. I was blessed

    with the thoughts of a goddess and she discovered what

    humans think. My seed impregnated her soul; Spirit and Soul

    conjoined in holy matrimony. For one split instant of a

    second the earth stood still, the planets stopped in their

    orbits and for the first time the sun finally broke through the


    I awakened to brilliant sunshine and in an instant found

    myself standing before the White Queen in the Great Hall.

    The unicorns formed a huge ring around us. It appeared that

    a formal wedding was about to begin. Light streamed

    through every window forming crosses on the stonewalls and

    wooden floor. The Queen spread her arms wide as if she


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    were about to take flight. My green vestments had been

    replaced with white silk garments. The ceremony was about

    to begin when the sunbeams that only a moments before

    were shafts of golden white light, suddenly sharpened into

    arrows that struck randomly about the room.

    Pandemonium broke out as the horses reared up and bolted

    aimlessly around the room. Some of them were killed

    instantly when struck by the suns sharp rays. I could barely

    see through the dust that had been raised, nor could I hear

    over the din of furniture being crushed and overturned.


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    Despite the uproar the Queen held her countenance and

    spoke to me, saying that I should leave immediately but not

    forget my charge. Save me from this dream, bring me back

    to my mother Earth! With this she descended the steps of

    her throne. She tore the veil from her face and cupped it into

    my right hand. Then she took hold of the unicorn that had

    been my guide. She whispered something into her ear and

    the unicorn bowed her front two legs to the ground. Alight

    upon this noble beast. She will take you as far as she can go.

    Then you must release her.

    I hurriedly jumped on the horses back and we hastened

    quickly out of the castle. I turned one last time to see the

    queen. By now the sun bolts were threatening to bring down

    the entire castle. The queen seemed unfazed by the

    impending collapse. Her last words to me were, The sun is

    rising. Go and defeat the Devil that stands between you and

    the Light.


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    Immediately upon exiting the castle I very nearly fell off my

    horse. My eyes, having grown accustomed to the dim

    moonlight, were not prepared for the full blast of the suns

    rays. The trees that had previously appeared dark and

    mysterious were now transformed into leafless twigs. What

    was left of the forest now became an endless open expanse

    of sand a wilderness. We rode without stopping until at last

    I could not see any remnants of the Castle of the Moon nor

    anything in any other direction.

    This was a desert like none other Id ever experienced. There

    were no dunes, palm trees or any vegetation at all. In fact,

    the desert floor was absolutely flat and devoid of all life.

    My horse rode valiantly, but I could feel her pace slowing

    down. The sun blazed relentlessly overhead. I took the

    Queens veil and placed it over my face. The scent of the

    moon was woven into the silk and it sustained me long after

    the unicorn could go no further. Her thick hide had become

    like the texture of clay and I feared that she would soon


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    melt; an image I could not bear. I dismounted. Her eyes were

    downcast. I thanked her and sent her on her way. Go home,

    go to your Lady and be well.

    My white vestments were soaked with sweat. I turned round

    and round looking in every direction for some sign of life.

    There was none. The white sand made no sound as I plodded

    haplessly not knowing in what direction I was heading. It all

    seemed to be a hallucination. Heat shimmered upwards in

    waves, distorting the horizon. Words randomly flew about in

    my mind as I held onto memories. Without them I would

    disappear. They provided me the compass I lacked: I knew

    not where I was going but at least I knew where Id been. I

    tried attaching bits of memory to my present state of

    misfortune. And that gave rise to the image of the fortune

    cookie and its cryptic message: Sow your golden seeds in

    white foliated earth.

    Certainly this sand must be the white earth, but what was I

    to make of the word foliated. It wasnt a word in my


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    vocabulary. I toyed with it awhile and through association

    recalled that women undergo foliation in their beauty

    treatments. Images came to mind of flesh being stretched

    and pulled, smoothing out wrinkles and crows feet. Then it

    occurred to me that contrary to the weight I should be

    feeling from fatigue, quite the opposite was happening. I was

    feeling lighter, brighter and whiter. A wind began to blow

    from behind. At first it came in waves as if to nudge me

    along. With each gust I felt as if gravity was being drained

    from my body. I was being foliated; being made elastic,

    growing thinner and thinner. I was losing my weight. My

    clothes flapped in the wind like flags lashed to a pole. Once

    the wind had become constant and I knew what to do - I let


    If there is any one experience that makes you feel like a god

    it is flying. And here I was sailing along, arms outstretched,

    feeling like Icarus. Unlike him however, I had no wings and

    no desire to fly close to the broiling sun. In fact, the wind

    carried me along parallel to the sand below not more than


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    twenty to thirty feet above the ground. I felt as light as a

    feather as I flew off into the unknown. It was an exhilarating

    sensation that seemed to last for an eternity.

    My bliss was abruptly cut short when I suddenly crashed

    head on into a huge, red tent. I literally bounced off its

    angular roof and flew backwards to the ground. I could feel

    some of the gravity returning to my body, sufficient enough

    to allow me to walk without flying off again. I sat there

    pondering this strange and massive tent out of which arose

    plumes of smoke and the smell of rotten eggs.

    The winds died down and the presence of sound returned. I

    heard the flutter of the tents canvas walls billowing like sails

    on a boat. Summoning up my courage I made my way to the

    entrance. Deftly I opened the front panel and found myself

    nose to nose with a brown-skinned, turbaned man. The point

    of his sharp dagger was beneath my chin, causing my head

    to tilt back slightly. Despite my fright I stared directly into his

    eyes as if this would keep me safe.


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    Its about time, he said at last. He studied my face as if it

    were a map of a familiar place. As he lowered his dagger, air

    rushed back into my lungs and my heart starting beating


    How did you know it was me? I managed to ask.

    Have you looked around? There is no one else here but you,

    so whom else might I have expected?

    Confused and a bit delirious I dropped into one of the many

    cushions spread about the tent.

    Even in your condition you must be hungry. Have you a

    stomach to hold this soup Ive made?

    It was actually a good question and I had to put my hand to

    my abdomen to make certain that I could indeed hold

    something down.


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    Yes, I replied, I am hungry.

    He took out two bowls and with a metal ladle poured the

    soup. I removed the Queens kerchief noticing a small bloody

    red tear in it. The soup tasted awful. I couldnt imagine what

    it was made of. But its effect on me was welcome. It

    consolidated my body, adding greater weight that pressed

    me deeper into the pillow. My light-headedness was also

    diminishing and I was thinking more clearly. Still I hadnt

    regained my normal weight and from time to time I would

    slip off into the air. It was a bit embarrassing.

    We ate without saying a word; in between bites we looked at

    each other. This time, it was he who looked familiar to me.

    He realized this and said straight out, I told you I would care

    for your soul.


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    I was dumbfounded. It was the shaman! My emotions twisted

    and turned like two birds mating in mid air, oblivious to the

    earth that was fast approaching.

    Its you! I shouted accusingly. You got me into this

    nightmare and then disappeared.

    You asked for my help. You asked for sleep and so here you

    are, fast asleep. He responded casually.

    Well thats just fine, but how the hell do I get myself out of

    here?! I couldnt get too angry because I knew now more

    than ever that I needed his help.

    I said I would care for your soul and so I have. You met her

    and nearly married her but obviously there is still work to be


    You are talking about the Queen. She is my soul?


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    Of course, how could you not have known that? Why pray

    tell would she come to you and even be willing to marry?

    She said she was the Great Mother.

    Indeed she is, as all souls are.

    I was still stunned by my realization that this was the

    shaman. But even greater than my curiosity about his arrival

    or the Queens identity was my desire to get out of this crazy


    You got me into this sleep, now how do you propose to get

    me out? I want to wake up, I said, half-demanding, half

    pleading with him.

    Your wish is my command. He said in such a way that I

    could not tell whether he was joking or not.


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    laboratory door. It was made of lead and had a strange

    picture engraved into it. There were the images of two

    people, a man and a woman in a very unusual position: the

    woman was bent over on the left and the man was in a

    sitting position on the right; their buttocks nearly touched

    and both their left arms were extended behind them. There

    were four birds, each seated on their heads and feet. Below

    them was a circle containing three hearts with snakes

    emanating out of each.


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    The picture unnerved me. At the same time my curiosity

    grew to a pitch. I held it in check sufficiently so that I kept

    myself from entering the laboratory. Again, losing my

    concentration I found myself floating off to the other side of

    the room. In a clever move I thought I might sneak around to

    the back of the tent and satisfy my curiosity with a quick

    peek. I stole my way to the rear of the tent and as quietly as

    possible lifted the canvas just high enough to look in.

    Astonished by what I saw I dropped the canvas quickly and

    ran back to the entrance. I took my seat pretending that Id

    not moved an inch.

    Fortunately the door was still shut, giving me enough time to

    regain my composure. How could it be that there was no

    laboratory? All I saw was the inside of this very same room. I

    had no time to digest this thought for at that moment the

    shaman returned carrying a large, heavy goblet.


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    Your spirit is restless. This will settle you down and prepare

    you for your next lesson.

    Although I wasnt exactly sure what my first lesson was, I

    took the goblet and poured its contents down in one gulp. It

    felt as if Id swallowed an anchor.

    Grimacing and choking I managed to ask, What was that?


    Silence is Golden

    Knowing I could no longer speak, the alchemist said bluntly,

    One of the first rules of good sleep is not to be chattering

    away when your body is trying to rest. Talking in your sleep

    shows that you have not properly shifted from daytime

    talking to the other faculties that reign during sleep. For

    example, seeing and listening are the skills that will help you

    get the most out of sleep. Nature paralyzes your body for


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    this reason: so that when you are dreaming you will pay

    attention. But, like the saying goes you can lead a horse to

    water but you cant make him drink. You have much to learn

    about putting your mind in harmony with the work. Now that

    you are unable to talk perhaps you will listen. But, I enlist

    your cooperation. Listening with your inner mind is more

    than just hearing sounds. Thus far you have managed to

    learn many of the operations of the Art. For the most part

    you have been lucky. Mercurius has looked down on you with

    favor. But remember miracles favor a prepared mind. Your

    journey through Sleepy Hollow taught you the essence of

    alchemy. We must dissolve not just our problems in order to

    arrive at solutions but in the Work we dissolve our entire

    being in order to be born anew.

    This was your initiation and you did well to re-assemble

    yourself using imaginatio or what you call remembering.

    Mercurius blessed you again when you were allowed into the

    labyrinth of the Self and there found the hundred-petalled


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    rose. This gave you access to your Soul, the White Queen.

    She gave you a taste of what her wisdom feels like, but you

    were not sufficiently ready to have her take permanent

    residence in your body. For this you needed to be purified.

    The kindly spirits of the winds blew most of those gross

    particles out of you: bad habits, negative thoughts, and

    disbelief in the world beyond the physical one. You have

    learned something of Natures power: the water or solutio,

    earth or coagulatio, air and its operation ofsublimatio and

    now you face your final lesson: the trial by fire, calcinatio.

    I froze at the thought of what this trial by fire might involve.

    Come with me. He said in a more gentle voice. He led me

    outside the tent and into the flat desert. The sun was near

    the horizon and the full moon was rising in the opposite

    direction. We waited in silence until the sky was mixed with

    an equal share of day and night. The shaman alchemist

    walked twenty paces away from me and with eyes closed he

    stretched out his arms and his delicate long hands. He


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    became a silhouette against the purple sky. At first my eyes

    focused on the black cross formed by his figure, but then my

    eyes lit up as I saw two celestial globes in either hand. I

    could not tell the difference. Was he holding the sun in the

    right hand and the moon in his left? Rationally, I knew how

    much larger the sun was but at this very moment the two

    were perfectly equal in size.

    Although I could not see his face I heard him say, The Sun

    and the Shadow complete the work. The recipe was not

    especially spoken to me, but rather he was speaking it for

    the world to hear. But, his next words were clearly meant for

    my ears. You must create the inner space where all things

    great and small have room to exist. Both Queen and King

    must be made to feel at home in your mind. Night is not the

    enemy to day. Day is not the enemy of night. They are two

    sides to the same coin as is everything in life. Your task is to

    create the condition where they are held together. Then

    possibly all opposites might integrate and become the One.


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    Then, he switched again to addressing the world, As Above,

    So Below for the Making of the One Thing.

    In order to find equanimity you must be at one with the

    movements of the earth, its mother, the moon and its father,

    the sun. With this I watched as he went through a set of

    yoga-like movements. First, he spread his feet and arms far

    apart, making the silhouette of his body appear like a star.

    He then drew his feet together and stretched out his arms

    forming the image of a black cross. He held each position for

    a several minutes. Next, he brought both arms down to his

    sides and moved his feet apart. This time the silhouette

    looked like an arrow. And finally, he brought both feet back

    together and raised his arms above his head joining his

    hands as if to pray. He stood in this way, perfectly straight.

    The shadow dance continued through these motions in

    complete silence: star, cross, arrow, line.

    After a hundred or so repetitions I began to feel their effect.

    As I stood speechless I felt movement under my feet. The


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    more I concentrated on it the more it increased, until at last I

    feared losing my balance. I realized that I was feeling the

    movement the earth. Yes, this was earth again. It was

    familiar but shocking. I literally felt the earth revolving on its

    axis. The alchemist then changed to his arrow position and

    my attention was directed to the full moon. This time I felt no

    movement, but rather an affinity between the earth and the

    moon. I reflected on the fact that the moon does not rotate

    on her axis. She is always looking at us like a dreaming soul

    mirroring the suns distant light.

    The alchemist moved again into his star position and again I

    felt the movement palpably in my body. Both moon and

    earth this time were rotating in orbit around the sun. This

    movement was much subtler and I had to concentrate more

    deeply to feel the effect. By this time, my body instinctively

    mimicked the alchemists movements and with each

    repetition the internal effect became more pronounced. In

    time I felt the whole orchestration of movements, even that

    of the sun speeding through space. It was a calculus of


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    celestial movement that I could bear for only an instant

    before I collapsed dizzied
