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A :r EXTRAC FROM AN Officer' Journal, ON THE TH JANUARY, 81· 7; E OBS RVATIONS HUMBLY AND AFFECTIONATEL ADDRESSED TO THE I HABITA S oF ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND. PUBLISHED I AID OF TilE ''SOCIETY FOR IMPROVING THE CONDITIO OF THE POOR.-', "I am not ashamed of the Gospel ofChrist.-''-Rom. -16. If JESUS deign to work his will, By so unfit an instrument ; It will at once his goodness shew, .. prove povr'r omnipotent. RECOMMENDED BY T11E RE ,. .. DAVID ROWLA.r D. PRI TED BY :1. RYAN, .PRINTER TJIE ltlNG'S fOST EXCELL"'E T M .JESTY SI7 .

A :r


Officer' Journal, ON THE








"I am not ashamed of the Gospel ofChrist.-''-Rom. -16.

If JESUS deign to work his will, By so unfit an instrument ; It will at once his goodness shew, .. ~nd prove ~is povr'r omnipotent.


T11E RE ,. .. DAVID ROWLA.r D.








~Class o . ~



' r t ires ry little l{.no\vlcdge of 1nankind, to pre­ict, that the follo,ving pao-es viii cite a variety of

lings in the tninds of di erent read rs. Some, it is hop d, 'vill find a kindred spirit breathe through them, anrl not only heartily a pro e th ir g ene ·al design, but cor ially f rtl er it, by t eir er\~ent prayers for the use­ulness of this littl attet t; 1 ee ing in n1ind, that

'' God lzatlz cho en tlte "eak thi1z.~·s of the world, to co1~-.found the things w!tich are 111 • ·ltty~:l ~:~_ f any such read rs, ris \\ itl tl c·r so 1ls refresh 1, and dified, by any tl1ing tl1 y 11 .. e , let the1n 11ot forget, that tl1e uthor sta ds on a " liJJpery t>lacc,n and fi rventl)r desires to be re­I 1 1 bered, ' I en they 1 a ~ e free access to the Tl1rone of grac . I e desires no othe r re,vard.

any it is ~ ar cl 'vill cry o t '' Fa1zaticism, E'lzfltu­ia nt, ~ &.c. or by sucl1 c a t t tern , they t.tsually e ress

tl eir conte pt, of ny thina th~ t ap}Jears ]ike seriou eliBio n. ..Lf sucl1 r r rise; from this little ' ork,

1 itl er in1 rove in the ir l1 rts, 11or understandings, they n a find on1e c o n s( 1 tion in 1·eflecting that tl1eir 1oney 'vill ot e t r ' 11 a' a .. , but f: ithfully applied

to the relief oft ~ cir (li · r s:·ed f Jlo\v creatures. nd if tl1e utlJor is 1 d th i 1stru1n 1 t of contributing in any d egre e o c i b r f th sc objects, the ternal or 1 1ei poral a d· nt ge " hi e: ner, tio1, he rusts ~ o will al,va.rs gi ' .. hin1 g a e t ret r lessing fo · an

proacl I e 111ay 111 ct in th atter pt.


.,. I Cor. 1--27-



0 N T II E 1 0T II JANUARY, 181 7.

T \Vas a lovely mornit~g-the sun sweetly shone, and its reflection upon the glistening sno\v, gave sucl1 a

cheerftil aspect to the face of Nature, even on tl1is win­try isle, as must have invigorated the 1nind of every lover of the GOD of ature. Ho\v s\veet are even the most ordinary temporal blessings if vie,ved \Vith tl1~ eye of Faith !-The LORD gives his Sun and Rain to the just and the tlnjust-He is ''good to all, and His tender mercies are over all l1is woTks,_, ; but sure I an1, an un­godly n1a11 cannot taste these genial blessings, \vi.tl1 any thing like the heavenly relish a hutnble child of GOD finds in them : 1 e alone, can view the 'Vonders of N a­ture, and Pro\tidence, \Vith keen sensatio11s of deligl1t-

" For he with filial confidence inspir'd, Can lift to Heaven an unpresumptuous Eye, And smiling say-My Father made them all."-

erhaps I am rather singular in n1y feelings 'vitl1 regard to the vVeather : It appears sometimes, even po,verfully to influence my religious itnpressions, as well as my na­tural spirits. If the bright beatns ofthe rising Sun shine



my l1an. I) r 'vindo' ·, metl1inks rise 'vith a ''?'arrner l eart, a d ;.~ . 1r1t ntor le roted to the Sur of tl1e In ral orJc1,-e, en JE US, that '' Su of igh­teo sness;'' ' lose 0 lor_y l1atll 1 is n u on ny Soul; I c n 1 ar l~y forbear tl1~ r ing GO · l<lU , a I atTl dressing, f()f the fine day, as "re]] as for a cl eerfttl l1eart to enjoy it. can indeed y, Trulu tl e ~~l t i ·sweet, a1 d a plea­sant thino .. it is .. for tlte eye to b holl the S t1l -j- t at the san1e time I' ould ne ~erall<)\ ID)'S ,If t 111 r u .. or rCJ)i ne at ev ry clang of tl , at 1 o pl re, ut },va s I~ecp jn 1 1incl that it i '( 0 , \V l1o saith to the no'll, Be holt 01z

the earth ; likewise to the snzall 'rai1z, and to the g·reat rai 1

of" his stren!};th +- thinl{ it js · grie ous sin \Ve often cotll­Il it una,va es, i 1duJging a p evish dis C)nt r tet tetnlJer, a 1d fir ding ault, as it \Vere, 'vi l G , bout tl c 1 · n­c. ge 1ent of l1is r ' ti1cr, not consid ring, th· t ail, S1zow, vapozt1~, and torJny <A inG, all fu!fil his word IJ-Be­'var oft 1 · s, l 11 y Soul ! _tl. o prof esse ·t to trust l i in the gr ·a test c· ncerns, e\ 1 for by Salvation, '\\ l y . 1 ot tl n in tl1e least ?-

y tl e 0 race ofG ~ ve t er \V<:ls i o e f1egree s· 1ctifie l t(> 1 1c ; l(l cl eerless dens· t y o f t 1 e t n o }) 1 r ~, 1 y ' 1 r c. s t, n #" • cl t h e brigh zure of the ,,. lt h a,. , •tt (1 tl 1eri 1· 11

splendour of tl e of da_)-< 11 n' _ 1re e er to a im te llljt o I t<> o r alo t ,. as ( 1 · g es vit g .," an l1u bly join in 1 rai ·ng th .: IL 1i~ 1ty rchi ... ect.-01 ! rnay tl e ra "'S o 11is l ve con tly s~ ine up n me !-I h d occ~1 ·io1 to ~ .on l t_y to .. ttcry at so1 ., distance, and \Vith a li t h art, I set out, acco11 by a Sergeat - .,l e 1 tl '""e "l 1rst e , 1 it or11e plac s, O\ r (I cr ~gy n i e J~cs, ' l1icl1 o r-llung the ea; 111 c n./ I)' rt · h'-.J g · ssy 1 " ., a1 s i ry

SilO' · Eccles. x-7. t J b 7-6 .. n 148 sa)m-8.

ow, resente a tre c s ng ail, at 1 o · ee 1ed to th

f: l e ste 1l a ]aunc ar1 i nit_y! hat ar1 awful t o g t, t

t .. s 1p ort­t of repair,

t 0

een the fat. of 1y cot pa 1ion . r s to th ·s l1o r e mig t be li i g withoz't 0 irt the r· o1ld · or

ike, be efe ~ri g s riou reli io to a .. t . poser], '' ore con eni nt season"'"'! not he o car1r1g n rcy a 1 long sufferine: of~ gr ciotl p e1_ hi , a_ nd h . " IS ''arm ur1seet conveye s occas1on, vl at a at go,. sorr 'v Y<>ulcl reed :1y l1eart, to

t i he 'va lo t ~o ! l1o .v "OU cl co -sci nee, tl1at silent t onitor, rot1ght t re

ranee, the ny op ortunities "e let ss, of ear-estly, an affect·onately eseechi11g l1im o seek th

tl i gs that make for .ver]asti g peace. - O\ r itterly sho 1lcl I have acctlS t ys If, for 111y sin f 1l n gli.; -nee i exhorting hint to ''fl. .e from t e 'vrath to co ~ !--And how any ar ·i nels, ancl ac 1ait1tar ce l

ho "\VOttl wi h to ser e, an clo any tl1i <Y to o lio·e, a yet Conscience ll 1 e a not clear of" their blood, if t ey die ithout any 1 ore ligio tllc · tl1ey · oy at pr sent! I i h to bes eeh the 1, itl kincl i orttl-

ity to ,;, seek the one thin0

nee ' 1,~" jTet te tl f; ir1t attem t dies pon n1y li s · a se IS ft ar· of c isple sing t em, tern ts me to l1 1rt y o ". co scie JCe., ancl do

n1 a real injury .-Oh my ou ' hat a sla e art thou to h e ! This fatal rock, ho\v often l a.. split u on ·t! e as a ed of this co vardly self-] ve a <1 ray o g ace to clear thyself, an to tell t em hetlze'l~ tlzey will heaP or whether they ill forbear, hat t e ages of ·n, ·s Eternal eath, and that the o J ~ sus must reign

· 1n, hant


trium p ... ant Sovereign, ir1 their l1earts here, or they can 11ever tneet l1it11. witl1 joy at l1is Second coming-Let me lose 110 opportunit,y·, ut al\va.·rs be doing or ~aying some­tllinO' late and early, for the good of Souls, as I kno'v not 'vhicl1 word rr1ay prosper, this or tl at.* . ·

.... t\.t tl1e Battery a11 apport nity presented itself of giving a few Tracts to a little boy jn the Hut; a vile .false sl1a111e closed 1ny lips, a11cl prevented me from speal{iog for my LORD and the good of t e people, as iluty indispensabl}r required me.-'l~heScripture says, tlte ~ig .. ltteozts are bold as a !ion, a11d we see Sinners n1adly

4;, rusl1 tlpon the tl1icl< bosses of GOD,s bucklersn-may I be strengtl1ened tel \Yield 'vitl1 po,ver, ''the S\Vorcl of the Spirit, \\1 l1icl1 is the 1VC>rd of GOD !', We l1eard that a man l1ad bee11 frost burr1t in botl1 l1is legs; tl1at r1e had been OLlt all tl1e nigl1t in a boat, closed up in the Ice~ and tl1at 'vith great difficulty he l1&d retttrned tl1is morning. T-J7/zo can sta11cl be._fore lzis cold? -t It 'vas a mercy, though tl e frost was sev~re, the 'vind \Vas favorable, or l1e 'vou]d have been most pr<)babl.y· cast a\vay tlpon tl1e Sea.-I 'vonder 'vhether this r11an seriously ... reflected on tl1is l\.ind Providence to,vards hin1, or if he loves the LORD bet­ter tl1an l1e did before tl1is e\~ent l1appened ? +

On my returtl I called in at another Hut, and ha\"-. 1ng

* Eccles. 11-6. + 147 Psalm-17.

:}: I have been told since, there were four men in the Boat-they \vere driven by the wind into Deadman's .. Bay, where they remained all night-the \Veather was bitterly cold, but they endeavored to keep thesnselves warm by lying close, and placing their hands under a dog that was in the boat. Whether it arose

. from an imagination affected by the superstitious name of the llay, or from soo1e reality, the nlan told the Sergeant, he hea-rd a noise in the night, just like a dy. ing groan, 'vhich alarmed him very much, and caused him to pray heartily to At­mighty GOD, to send them de1i¥erance; and he added., that he believed hia prayer was answered~ for the wind changed to\vards mornios-, and they reached the Harbour-'l,wo of them lost their ~"oes.



i g forrnerly k o\vn tl1e man 'vho d'velt there, I en­tered int<> converse:1tion 'vith l1irn-- ike n1any other 1.1nfortunatc n eo, l1e had been adclicted to e - cessi,~e lrinki1 g. I l1a \ e seen him 111orc tl1an once 1 )"'ing

cJn tl1e roacl 1 ading to ltis l1ouse., <]nite s nse] """ , and a fine boy, his Son, standin~ besicle l in1, llnable to as­sist his arent! piteotls spectacle! O\V can tl1is man, 'Yl1o clegracles l1iiJlself to the level of a. b ast, and disho­nors the I-Iutnan atnre, expect his SC)tl to honor l1im?

utI l1ope he sees the sl1ockin~ 'vicl-ed ness ofsucl1 con­duct, an(l 'vill l~c ·P in . n1inci tl1ese a'Arful pas. ages of GOD's \Vorcl-Drltnlcards shall 11-ot inl~erit tlte lci11g·dor1t of GOD.-j--Tiroe to tl1e crowrt C!f.pride, to tlte Dr1t11-kards ~f Ephrai1n t-1Ti'oe to tlterrt thc1t r-ise 1.tp early in the nzo1·­'Jli1zg;·., that they 7nay .follow strortg"' drin-k., tl2at cortfi1llte :~till 'Jlig .. ht, ~till wi1ze i1ljlanze tlze"t 11-ffoe ltnto thenz tltat are 111ig"'ltty to drinlc z~i11-e, a1zcl rnert of· streng"'tlt to 1ni1zg·le stro1zg dri1zk; like,vise§. · I asked a few C)Uestions, ''if 1£e 've11t to Churcl1H-'' read tl1 Bi ]e,n &c. ?-l1e said ''he lil<ed going to the lVI eeting best, for he hacl ~tl \Va_ys l)een ac­cust<>nle(l to it."-.._L\]as! is not tl1is tl1e best reaso11 tl1at n1any can give of the l1ope tl at is in them ? 'l1l1ousands l1ave no other religion to boast of~ than tha.t -of Educa­tion and ,xample. '"11 hey go to ht1rcl1~ eeting, or the Mass, becau e they ha\~e al\ ays beer1 accustomed to it; '' tl1eir parents nd friends before tl1ern did tl1e sar e and tl ey intencl to <lo so like\vise',-Sucl1 rnecha ical professors of religicJn as these do 1nore di honour tl1an credit to all 1)arties. They never are sufficiently im­pressecl 'vitl1 tl1e infi1 ite itnportance of the hristian · eligion in general, to tal{e tl1e rouble of e .. a111ining tl1e

truth <1f their <>\\Tn· partictt1ar persuasion, or con1paring it \Vith the Holy Scriptures, and deep rooted }Jrejudice

fa tens + 1 Cor. 6-10. :t Is.a, 21-1. 11 I sa. 5-11- 22~ · eut.21-18 & 21

8 -

fast Jns the veil upon their hearts.. Had tltis man bee11 born and educated at Constantinople, no doubt he \Vould have been as good a Mussulinan, as l1e is a Cbt·istian

. 11ow, an<l lil<ed going to a 1 · osqt1e better than a Chris­tian assetn b1y~ for tl1is "v ise reason, becat1se ''he ha<l always been accusto1ned to it !"-I-Ie had no Bible! \vl at a shameful ne lect does flte Book <>f GOD n1eet 'vitl1 an'long tts professing Christians. fear there are many, in this town, \Vl1o l1ave 110t even in tl1eir possession, this sacred volun'le, 'vhicl1 proclairilS tl1e Salvation of our fal­len race, and she,vs us the iVay in 'vhich 've shc>uld '\valk !-Can these persons e .,er deceive themselves into a belief, that they can hold ~on1m-r nion with the Father of their Spirits, \vhilst fhe.y thus a,vfully neglect ancl des-

ise his revealed 'vord ? Ho\v many millions of Pagan idolators, and savage heathens, will rise~ up in jt1dgmer1t against tl1is o-eneration ! tlzey never had the opportunity of learning true \Visdonl fron1 the 'vord of GOD-they.

ever bacl the advar1tage of Bible Societies, &c.. fVoe unto tlzee Clzoraz·i12 ! TVoe ltnto thee Betltsaida ! it shall be 11zore ~olerable for the lancl of Sodom i1z the da.._y of JUdg­?ne1zt than, for thee. * And alas ! ho'v very criminal are tl1e best of .us in tl1is respect; not to speak of those ;v-ho never look into tl1eir Bibles from one week to ano­

ther-lJut how far short do 've fall of David's feel­ings-The law of thy mouth is better unto me, tha11. tllolt­sands qf Gold aTtd Silver, 0 ! how love I thy law! it is my meditation all tlze day. I rejoice at thy word as one that findeth g'reat spoil. ~ 0 my soul '' thirst after the sincere milk of the word that thou n1ayest gro'v therebyn in the kno,vledge and love of thy preciotlS Saviour !-.-In th .. course of conversation it turned out that this man's pa­rents, 'vere truly pious and religious persons. He spoke


* 1\fat. 11. ~ 119 Psalm.

(' !:)

.. .. a out a letter he l ad received fro111 his Motl1er, ,vhich l1e tl1ought "'~auld surprise tne. He evi<.ientl.Y seemed proud of l1is pious n1other, though a careless sinner l1in1-self. ;vhat an inconsistent creature is Man !-I read t.l1e letter, \vith great satisfacti n, and no sligl1t surprise---

' hen I left tl1e l1ouse, the sa\ Ollf of it rer11ained on tny . n1ind and lifted up 111y heart io prais , to our Redeem­ing GOD, and in hutnble intercession for the poor fel­lo\v sinners I had j 1st left-I after\vards borrowed tl1e letter, and endeavored to make it useful, by reading it, to several people; and wl1o can tell but it may have n1i-11istered grace to sonJe one or other.-A Person 1vl1ose eyes I trust G·OD has opened, and given ''to see tl1e light of his glory in t e face of Jesus Cl1rist," on l earing it, lan1ented, l1o\v 1nany simi ar etters he had received fron1 his Father, but l1ad tl1ought nothing of, at the titne, and after looking then'l over to see if his fa1nily 'vas welJ, had torn them u p.-If his father's ]etters 'vere in vain, it appears l1is pray~rs were not.-.r Irs. S. who has a pious 111other, but I fe.ar, is l1erself journeying in an op1)osite course, (for sl1e seldom attends any place of worship,) sl1ecl tears Ol"l .eariog it t·ead-Oh ·! may .. the Spirit of GOD lead l er to trl.le repentance !-As it has got torn and clirt.Y froa1 carrying it in n1y pocket, I copy tl1is humble Epistle l1ere, to perpetuate an in­stance of pious and affectionate Poverty-Surely the LORD has sl1e vn l1ere that he '' has chose1~ tlze poor of this worlcl rich itt faitlz .. ',-Is not the 1vord of prophecy fulfilled '' t/1-at a way-fa1·ing; 1nan tlzoug;h afool, shall not err in, hi~ _p:recepts.~,-I declare, love and l1onour the l1unilJle 'vriter of these lines, ill spelt, and badly 'vritten as ttey \Vere, in the original, tnore than the noblest, riche t, or most learned, of this world's children.



------·-v, Feb# 7th, 1 1 4 •

"My ever dear & alfectiou ·t o ... r and DAUGHTER,

Twas with gr at comfort I received your kind Jer fer, and am ~·cry happy to h at· of .:our bein in good henHh, vhich is the gr('at­e t hies ina you can have in this li re, if w use it to the glo y of GOD. \Ye re .. ceived your' last night- it alfords me great comfort to hear you arP seeking the LOR arrain. I can te' tify that he ha~ been very kind to me. You say hi's 'vays are in the ' hirlwiud.. have fouad "' h" promi . es are all yt:'a, ancl nmen 1 '

to the•n that love and fear him. 1'. S. sent word that he had hean] that you nnd your wife and son I ad nr·ri,red saf a{\· h. "r ou may be sure it was a great trouble to me to h ar of your g i 1g into the Army ,. I \~as ready t.o sny with Jacob of old, "all thi · makes agniust me," but nm happy to hernr you have found JE,... U in the rtiller -1 hope you will hold Ilim fast, for he is the " pearl of -reat pric / hich very ouc that find . , will prove, if they l1old fast the beginnin of thPir confldeuce-1 hop you will still persev~re in hrs blessed ways, and "put on the whole armour of Chri t," and not he ashamed of confessing him before men. 7

0U arc not ignorant of the rond io IJea~·en; Remember, it is a ''Strait' ay ;." it is through much tribulation we must cntPT the l(ingdom. l{eep humbl -lie at tl e feet of Christ-attend to constant Prayer, which is the only means of k flp in(T your armou1~ br~ight, '' rrhe more it is \l'orn the brighter it shin '' ttend to secret pray -r-._et up an altar in your own house.- \ly d~nr Child, I Im e a] ways found the I~Ol D a ,~P ry pre­sent help, in time of need, but [ 1nay say with shatne, I have not made that pro­gress in religion which I ought to have ctone-1 ho(.le lletsPy sees Che need of fleeino- "from the wrath to comP." \Vhat a happy thing to be united in heart and life, to go hand and heart to a ' hrone of grac . ! give my love to IIenry I~-- and tell him I hope he wi l "se·el- tho one thing needfnl."-I nrn gl·.d to hear you are so vell off, in rei!nrd to this world's good, for I seldom sit down to a meal's mcnt, but I wi h my 1·u1e V"Uiam had a bit-but in regard to our ituation, we arP pretty well off at vresent. Ve have a l1ouse to oursel1;e~, and

-,; e have been pretty well off fot" firing. ']'hey kePt> good fires in taftnrdshire; ~he first county in Englnud for coals-Our nllowance is 5-s. per week- our father i quite past doing any thing-, and I cannot get any tl1ing to do, but I an1 thanl,ful we are no wo1·se otr-'rhey talk of prol'iding a \Vorkhouse against ... pring-Joseph joins in kliad lovP to you all, he is in good health at presen, lllessed be GOD! he has a great desire to see \Villiam ; he was hired at 1.it-1-iUmmer to the Overseers for Os. until (~hristmas, he stops 'till next ChrL tma s, for£ 4 lOs.-I was very unl appy that I never heard from you, I thought you l1ad forgotten your parents in the F"lesh, and I had no directio 1s where to write to you- 7 oul' f._d.hflt' is quite settled to end his clays nt W y, but Joseph and I, ''rLh to he at Sutton again, and, if it should be the will of our hPaven1y Father to call him first, it would not be lo ng before he should return-\-Ve have a grnat desire to see you once more in the flesh ; but if we never should be per .. mitted.,. I hope \ e s all one day meet around the 'l'hrone of GOD, where part­ing will be no more for e~·er; which may GOD of his infinite n1ercy grant,. tl rough Jesus Christ our l .. ord-You dPsired we would forgive your unduti­fulness-we freely do-and may the I~OH. ) pardon you- sh~ll never cease to pray for you, so I conclude with our tlt es ings to you, your wife, and d'"ar li•tie Villiarn-A mcn." DE ... H.


ear cader, olJ erve e re ,, ... Jat sa11cti 0\7 cr-ty is-Vie ;v t 1e ~ v r of tl1e r ligion of J -i , (is-- laye(l tl1 u ·., -v--n i tl1e se l tte r (l ~ys ! and if tl1c '' y

s... r l1<.1 l ri 1 i 1 yotl r o'vn l1e art,'"' bre~ I,.. f<>rtl i11 g rat -ftll r a i · -, cl ~ r . .,. ~it 1 t e s l 1 .. t, '' l · ~ t lz e 0 D

1ny Oltl, and all tha.t is withi1z nle bles llis lzoly 11anze !':~ - :> rl.acl .. o are di r ssed in tl1 e se h rd ti 1 s-1 a y co 1for t · th · t .:rou for n1erl_y c njo,yed, are c t c>ff, atld

our ros p ec t i 11 li ~ are cor 1) r ti el) .. bad-p -rl1a s y ''Tere g .t g ri c 1, a11 incre a e d i11 goods, a11d 11o'v

o r ri c h e s l1a ... 1aae the Jsel\'Pes w· 11gs, a11d flo vn a' ~ a.y, a11d yotl ll<tve barely your a- ily breatl-· Are Yl)U

a ar 11t, an l1 c s Tot1r hild disa poi11tecl yo r l1o} e s, and pro "eel u 1clutiful ?-Learn fr n'l tl1is p~or old 1Y O­

rn~ll~ a le: son of Jatie11t fortitude, and c 1eerful s 1ffer· ng, :1 d in.1ita c tl e ro ic l iet.)r, tlltlt breatl1es tl rough her l1ut11 le e er.- itl'l an co-ed, 11 .1pless l1u sbat1d, fl ()

Ineans of O'Cl*"ill <"r su JIJOrt by the · bor ofl1 r .. n l an s , ancl o, ly 5 ... . a ' ?"eek:, to sup1Jort tl1em l oth , a cl111ire 1 e r aratitud , a cl t b s'v t re ig11ati o11 of l1e r s · it, to tl1e

1 1n 'vill, '' anz th.a 71.1,. fit l tve a re 'J o <~·orse qtf !" Ol1! r l1 r l of - i t1in~ · fid e E, and scoft1ng ~ or a ists! t

lla\ y e tc> o -I -.. r i1 xcl1 a1 ge for l lJOY J 11t of t · o loric> r ligion-tl1i c i' it1e r .alit.:r ?-'' <) 1 yotl 'vitl1 sacri. ~)· ic>t l1at1c s, a.tt pt to violate tl1i 1· s t '"c­fu ,g of· t] e I i r IJ1e, a d rr>b the of tile or 1.., COtlfi)r ~ l1at ·urvi\ tl1 l"""~.,.age of m· ... fortut e, 111 ~ lie a t.y-

ratll y ? icl it cv ~ .. l ppetl tl1at t c inflt1ence of yotlr le tenc i tu lJc I tl c tr 11illity of virtt1ous 11t, 1 e 1 er l tl1e gloon1 of u 11. at di str ss , or

<tc·gtav ~- t tl , l1 rr rs of tl e gr ve ? it 1 oss ible tl at this a y l1a 7 I, .. P~ en itl n1· ny instanc s ? Is it ro-1 a Ic t a t tl .. i 11 ~ l lla J P 11ed i11 o~e s ingl in t a 11 ce ?-

e r itor · to 1U l1: .. l L1 l ( i cJ, J·c n1t1r erers of tl1e I u 1n an

so 1,


soul, ho'v cat you ans'v r for it to y·our <> vn 1 arts?" ~~­E'en the pro (Ject of a ''rorkl1ouse, oes not excite a single expres ion of discoi1ter1t fro t i l1un1ble follo,v­er of tl1e - an b ! l1 does not t 1 rm r at d I" (l in , a s 1 at1y do, at .v ry unpleasatlt curre11 e or di ap oitlt­m r1t in life; ven 'vl e rl \ i<l 1cc sho' · r~ a r (1 ... ll­siQn of fa. 7 <1urs, on tl1 ir l eli I~ ] e s l1eacl , b t lil'-e tl1 ~

e, ext1acting S\V ct, r< m 110 -·oLl l1crl s, l1 e deriv~s good eve11 fron l1c1· '' 1<> 7" es at .," fit ·~ ~ in it £ ))un­dant matter of prai J to 1 r 0

ad r if Otl ar ricl1, e:1t1c possess cl oft 1is ' rld"s good, d )es ll ()t 7 0tlr Cor1scie 1ce sn'li e ) "<J , ' i l t l1 rc­coll cti<Jn <)f · 1.1r discontetlte<l repini11gs t1nd 1 G () 'S dealings \vitl1 you, even in t e mos t tri ·11g .o! 11s?

n the l1 igl t of your rosp e rity, vl en a gr~tc iou J ro­idence Silliled 011 .. ou, 'vl1e n :you 'vere '' blessecl i1~ tile

,fruit of· thy body., (IJ cl tlze ~fi · zt it of thy fJ;ro1rnd · CJ1lcl i1l tll~lf bcLsket._ a1td i1t tlzy Store;"' 'v 1e '' tho1t d ill.·t ~a ·lz t lty steps · irt bltffcr, aucl the 'roc/~ pozlrecl th e out 1·ive1 s ~f· oil ;' 1- I · o' s 1 tl o n1 l1 c -~· e tl e f] v o t t · c 1 i ·at· , 1 . of a t atlkfrtl l1 ~ rt ascer c] . 1 as s" et it cen. e t t 1at -~ ~ .. "\V hose '' IJlcss i I g t al: E.tl rich ar d ~ (ldet l1 IJO sorrc , ! '

O'\V 11t1n1ero a lta.ve IJ e11 yotlr l1ea t risings £gain t t 1e Giver of ev ry g<)Od gift, 'vl1et di a s ters i } 7 (>UI £ J. irs, or unto var event ir1 vc)ur fat il 7

'\ 7 re l1i s i e n atious oJ

t 'vards you? l ! I e 'vare 1 t b<~ puni ·l1 ., ou f~o"' c l1 ase i1 gratit 1 le. ott hav· reacl and to S}"Jare , - l at

is n1ore than 01...1 <leserve. e1. 1e 1 lJe r tl t '' to ' 11011

1nu~h is gi,,. 'n, of hi!ll sl1all 1 1 1cli 1 r ired,'"' " n l s ek for grc-: -- ~ , to ~ y a. tri lute f ] o ,~e, r )1" }ro ~ )r­tioned to tl a.t vl1icl1, is con1 itt e (l tc~ 'Ou- L ar11 tb· t it is 1 0 alone 'v l1o l1as rnad J _y·otJ to diftcr frol ) Tour poor brethren :1~-that all you p<)ssess, is ·s free gi t, ·i-


* Dr. BEATTJ E . t 2 .Job. 6 - + Cor. 4 - 7 .


ve11 to be used f()f his g ory-Co11sicler tl1atyou are a Ste,vard of the 1vealth entrt1sted to you, tl1at a strict ac­count nst e rendered at that ay whicl1 is approacll­ing, a11d rnake to yourself a friend of the mammon of ·unrigl tee> 1sness. '* ' hat \vill it avail you to ''heap up 1~iches,n in orcler to lea\~e your cl1ilclren a little richer than tl1eir neigl1bours, \Vill they save you frot tl1e Curse 'vl1icl'l tl1e righteous Judge 1vill pass against those, \vho negl ct to minister to the necessities of tl1eir bretl1ren ? i­Di<l )"Otl ever seri<.)usly reflect on tl1at a,vful passage of Scri t 1re, That it i easier for a ca1nel" to enter tlzrozLg;·lt a 1zeedle's e~ye, tharl for a rich 1nart to e1zter, into the king­donz of GOD. :1:

It is a hard tl1ing, (y a impossible, ht1manJy speak­ing) for ricl1 man to be ''poor iTt spirit/:~ and such on­ly cat1 inherit the kingdon1. of Heaven.-Are you really poor i11 spirit, and ·not higl1 minded ? Is it evident to all around you, tl1at you are not •)tlffed up, '' thi1tking .. of .'lfOUrse{f more hig1zly thart you Olto'ht to th.ink ?', Are you 1-indand 1neel{ to your dependants,-seek~ng _occasions of doing good-reacly to distrit ute-wiiling to conlmuni­cate ?-If so, and yo l1ave built this precious super­structure, on the right foundatio11-J sus CIIR IST-atld

trust in l1is merit alo11 , f()r al' ation,-tl1e11 sure I atn, Ricl1es are a l1lessing botl1 to .YOllrself, and all 'vithin tl1e ''ide spl1cre of your her1evolence. '' Tl1y light shall l>reak forth as tl1e 1110rt1ing, ancl thine l1 alth sl1all S}lring forth speediJy : and tl1y rigl1teo sness sl1all gc;> before thee; tl1e glory of the LORD sl1a11 be tl1y Rere\vard.:~, And tl1e LORD sl1all guide tl1ee continually, and satis­:(y thy soul in drougl1t, and n1 .. 1 e fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a 'vatered garde11, and like a spring of '\Vater, 'vhose 1vaters fail not. II

But * 16 Luke. + 25 1\{att. t Luke 18~25• II Isa. 58.


But if a secret pa11g no'v l1ea,Tes .)"' our consciou lJreast, and declares it is n9t thus '\Vith yoLl, tl1e be as­surecl~ Oh riclt sinn r, tl1at, ~' thougl-1 \V' Jil "t t lOtl lil'est, t otJ nlU)' .st lJless tl1y~ so 11: and n1e11 '\vill praise tl1ee, "\vhen tl1ou doest 'vell to thyself~"'-'* yet tl e time is c< m­ing 'vhen '' th(>l1 shalt lie do,vn i11 sorro,v,-'-' 'vhen tl1e jt1dgn1ent of the rnigl1ty G·O \vill slle\v, th::tt '' \Vl1at is highly esteemed among rr1en is ab<>minati<>n in hi sight.~, -Go to 1zow, ye ric-h 'tJ1e1z, 'lteep a'llcl hou'l for yoztr 1niseries that shall conze 11port yozt. - Oltr riclles are cor1"ltptecl, a11d your g·arnzents are rnoth.-eaten. o1t1 o·olcl and silver is ca12kered ; and the rztst of· them shall be a wit12ess ag·ai1z t you, a1zd shall eat yozLr flesh, as it were fire. e lzave heap­ed treasztre tog;cthe.r for the la.~t days. ' e have lived irt pleasure on tile ear~th a11d beerl wanto7l; ye hate 12ourislled yozLr lzearts as in a dtzy of· slaughter. i"'"

1 iy poor Reader! I do indeed 1 ity you, if your Povert_y· is not sanctifiecl to yc>u by tl1e l·t10\vlec1gc ot· your salvation, tl1rot gl1 the remissio11 of yotlr Sins. y heart bleeds, "\vhetl I reflect on tl1e \Vretch l state of those, 1vl1o are pini g ir1 'Vant, Sicl<.tless, or istress, an are li\ ing 'vitl1ot1t GOD in the \Vorld : 1vho .kno'v no­thing of Christ's love to tl1eir souls, l1ave no ·con1munion 'vith l1im-no fre lorn of access to a throne of grace to pour out their S()rro\vs i11to tl1e bosotn of tl1eir l1eavenly Father.-Tl1e tears tl1at l-Jitterly streatn from tl1eir weEjJ­ing eyes, under tl1e pressure of various 'vcles, are not put i to l1e LO D'S bottle. :t PossiiJ1v, in tLeir calamity they are often ready to folio,v the ad;,ice of J ob,s \vife-­to curse GOD and die !-dear eader, if ti1is i your 'vrctched conclition, I do indeed comn1iserate you, and l at is tl1e cattse of tll.Y' thus addressing yotl, in l1o1 s of

bri11ging conviction, l1orn.e to yotlr l1eart,- YO 1lcJ first

* 49 Psalm. t Jatnes 5. :t Psalm 56. probe


probe yottr 'VOtln<l, and tl1ei1 pour· i11 the Oil of COI1sol<­

tio11.-Have yol] then, ever fou11d JEsus i11 yo r trade r employme11t ? Do yoti rea11y k O\V that he is a Savi­

o1tr-tl at he can1e to sav·e his people from tl1eir sins? Can you call 1 im \vith ht1mble confidence your Sa ·iotlr? A .re you sa.ved fro~ sitl ?-I 'viii r1ot imagine yotl to be a drt1nkarcl, or tl1at yc>u allo\v yot rse]f to blasphe e GOD, or lightly to use l1is sacred name in cotlln'lon con­' rersation as many do; or that you grossly violate his - abbath, or comrr1o ly neglect tl1e solemnities of his pub­lic :\t-orship; I 'viii not s11p ose that you l1ave i11jurea -yo r neighbours, in their li\"es, or possessions, eitl1er by violence or fr<lud-but, is your mit1cl rene,ved by GOD's Spirit? Are your aflectio11S set t:lpon tl1ings a­lJove ? Are }7 0tl not conformed to this 'vorld ?-- o yott "va.lk hurnb1y with GOD every day in a constat1t sense of·l1is preset ce ? Do you trust in JEsus,s n1erits alone for Salvatioi1, and '' cozt11t all things but loss a1zd du11g~ to be fou'lzcl i1z llim, 11ot havi1zg yo1tr OW'll rig~JtteoztsJzess, but tlzat whiclz is of GOD by jaitll ? ~ H .ave yo11 set up an altar i11 yotlr l1ouse ? Do .you attend to secret prayer -and do you fine] a vital S\veettless in it? ·ail you go -l1and and heart \vitl1 tl1e wife of vottr bosorn to a tl1rone


of grace ? Is Christ ''all in all'"' to you?-- o yotl reckon l1in1 ''the cl1ief amongst 1",en thousartcl, ancl altogether lovely ?"-If you tl1us tl1inl< of111}r Saviour, then n1y poor Reader, I clai1n yoti for a brotl1er-I lo·ve you in "tl1 bo\ve1s of Jesus Christ; and \VC>tlld rather be in yotlr situation, ·· amidst all the evils of Poverty and distress, tl1an i11 thftt of tl1e richest rna11 it"l tl1is to,vn, who trusts in, llis ztncertairl u ealtll, aTtd boasts, iTt the nzztltitude of ltzs ·rrich,es-Reacl l1e parab]~ of Dives ancl Lazarus, in the I6tl1 cl1apter of St. Luke's Gospel and you 'viii discover


~ * Philip 3 .


wl1ence h1y judgment is f<)rmed.--011 ! tny C-llristian friend, no'v ·,, glori(y the LORD in the fires''- '' Cast allyo'lt1 .. careU]J01lltim,.for llecareth .. for .'lJOlt ;'' and '' illoug-lt tltefig tree do 1zot blosson.z, and the fields yield 110 1neat, tlzo·ugh the Flock is cut ciff .. fronz the fold, and the1-.e is 120

herd in the stalls"-though all tl1ings appear against ~you, -''_yet rtjoiee in the LORD, and g~Zor.lJ in, the GOD qf~ yoursalvation.n*-N<> doubt you need tl1e cl1astising rot-1 of affliction, or otlr Reconcilecl Father, 'vho '' fJitieth us as a Father pitictl1 his children," 'vc>u1d not cl1astc'n J·ou-­~' Bell.old, ltappy i.ll the 1na1~ -r~ho1n GOD co1·rectetlt; there-

.. fore despise 110t thou, the chastening qf tlze AlJniglzty."-f··­Perhaps you think, that 11ever 'vas sorro,v, like unto your sorro\v; that 111any grie\'·ous trials ,you could 1la\'e borne .. and l<isscd tl1e rocl-but no\v Nay tny fricn£1 give 1~ot way to this tlnbelief-intlulge not s .. uch ... al>surcl reasotlings-believe, '' tl1ougl1 against hoJJe," and de­pencl upon the 'vord of God's pron.1ise, that since yott are \vithin hi8 Co,·enant, all tltiug·s shall wo1·k to~·ether for your gooclt---be assured, He is

·~ Good, \vhen he _gives, supremely good, Nor less when he denjes ; E'en crosses, from his sov ' reign J1and , Are blessings in disguise."

fie sa\V tl1at such a disaste.r, a11d sucl1 a fai]ore, 'vas for yotJr good, and l1e loved )~ou too \Vell to Jlre,~ent it. - l-Ie sees that poverty in temporal tl1ings \vill J1romote. ~your snir.itt1al 've]fare, anc1 si11ce l1e jJaid the in1n1ense Jlrice ~f '' l1is o'vn precious }J]ood.,' for your ranso1n, lae kno,,~s tlle ·value of your immortal soul too 'vel), to spare you a ten1pora1 c·orrect~on. If }H~ take a\vay 111orc creature colllt(lrts tl1an l1c ever dicl }Jefor~., it js, that l1c 11.1ay mal{e J"oom for more of l1is l1eaven1y co11-1forts. l -Ie tll\varts

· Hab. 3-17. f .Job 5-l7. + Rom. 8. your

your 'vill that l1e may make yot1 resigned to l1is.- 0 ,y is the ti111e to ''Jet ,your ligl1t shine before men ;,.r ,vhilst the ttngocll_y- d<l nothing but fret and repine, and kick against GOD,S dealings, '']ike ~1 'vild bull in a net_,, Reme1nber that tlzou magntfy his wo1·lc wllich 1nert behold.­Prove that your religio11 is the same as tl1at of the Primi .. tive Christia,ns, 'vhich enablecl then1 c' to rejoice, thougl1 Jor a season, in heaviness through manifoltl temptations,,~ - 'l'his is fc>r the trial of your Faith, and~ blessed is th«. ma1z tltat eJtduretlz temptation, : for U.'lle1l he is triecllle slzall receive the crou)n of life, wlzich~ the LORD /lath promised to them that love lziln.f-Asyou have free access to GOD, tl1rc)ugl'l Otlr ~le(liator Jesus Christ, make kno,vn your · \vants---tell him )Tour sorro\vs and sup{)]jcate their rertto"!"' val, or ask for gr~tce to bear thetn patiently, if it is His 'vill to continue them-Plead his precious protnise, tlO\V'

in these times of deartl1 and scarcity, that '' !J01tr hreaa 1nay be g~iven, yozt, a'Jld that your waters may be szere"t~ In1itate the prayer of Agur-jeed nze witll .. foocl co'ILVe1lierlt

. for me, lest I be poor and steal, or take tile 'llame of· my GOD itt vain. '' rrhe LORD sl1all deliver the need_y when l1e crieth, tl-1e poor also, ancl him tl1at hatl1 no llel­Jler."IJ-Have you 110 l1elper-nothing in yourself-no­tiling \vithin your reacl1 to help you ?-rl,hen behold l1ere is a11 llelper-an alrr1ighty Friend-your friend, because yotl have no other-Ol1 my brother, roll all yotlr care llpon l1im, and st1re I am the clot1d that no'v <>yerhangs you, 'viii soon break,-tl1e stortn clisperse,-~nd f' the voice of Praise 'viii resound in the cl \veilings of the rigl1teous • .!-1

Bt1t, ol1 my poor Reader, 'vhat comfort ~an I offer you, if conscience has told you 'vhile r~adiQg these lines, that yQtl are not a child of GOD, througl1 adopting grace in Cl1rist J -estts. T 011e of these consolations can

be * 1 Peter I. + J,ames l-12. I{ Ps. 7~.

.~ 18

be given you, as long a " _you continue in your natural state, ''dead in trespasses and sins."-V rhile in this co11ditio.n both Poverty and Riches 'vould be a curse to yon.-If yotl have hitherto been ,going on in the broacl road that leadeth to destruction-contented 'vith as mucl1 religion as your neighbours-a for?n o._f g·odliness 'vithout the power-If you live in the habitual comn1ission of any one kno,vn sin, or in the on1ission of any one dut.y·, ei­ther to GOD or l\tlan-tl1en, my fello'v creature; suffer 110'\V, the worcl of exhortation, ancl 'I'urn fron1 your evil 'va_y·s, unto the Jiving GOD, 'vho ''casteth out none tlzat co1neth to hi1n.~'-Be advised by your sincere friend, and seel( first '' the kingdom of GO·D" 'vitl1 all yotlr heart -strive to attain that righteousness, peace audj·oy in, the holy Ghost, 'vhich is the earnest of the " inheritance of the saints in light;'~ and then, all things needfu], will be addecl unto you.* But it is in vain for you to rise early, and sit up late, and eat the bread of carefulness, 'vhilst :you neglect, to lay 'ltp treasure in !teave1z and to make your calling~ ancl election sure.-You are DO\V poor ancl 11eedy, yet, suppose you attain ever so mucl1 of this 'vorld's good-enjoy it as n1uch as you can-you must leave it at last, ancl "your glory shall not descend after yot\~_, ~and, "what shall a matiJ give in e,'rchanp;e for lzis sottl ?'' Therefore, let me beseech you, by the tender mercies of GOD, l1enceforth to devote yourself to l1is service-believe rne it is perfect freedom-for it is a labour of love; not of constraint; but ofa 'villing 111ind; and this is the only service our Master 'vill accept.-Take care that the chastisements of God do not harden you, l)ut aim to. in1prove them as David, 'vhen he said, F_~ is g·ood for rne to _ ha'!e bee1z a.fflicted, for bifore I wa.() afflict­ed I _ went _r~strq~, but now have I learnt tlty statut~s. _ t-

~ -....

Politicians • Matt. 6-33. t Ps. 119.


Politicians appea.r to IJe exercisit g tl1eir sagacity in discovering tl1c c" .uses of tl1 ~ preser1t unexat11})1e l <lis­tress 'in this co 1ntry: 111any of tl1eir observations are ,,..ery ingenious and 1nay be agreeable to Truth; but these gentlen1en do 11ot sea.rcl1 d ep into tl1e question ; 11either do tl1ey offer any sufficient ren1ecly tor tl1e evils tl1eir penetration brings to light. 'Vt)uld go furtl1er, and trace tl1e evil to its source. I- :t.)\V n1y speculations 'viii be received, I l{OO\V not . but I have only one po­]itical tnax·irn, ancl tl1at i~TI--JE LORD REIG1 -ETI-l.~ I }{OO\V that '' Rigl1te<>usness exalteth a fJCO-:­

l)le ,', and that GO ·will \isit 'vitl1 l1is \Vrath, those 'vl1o '' tur1 aside fron·1 l~in1, to tl1e-ir O\Yll crooked \va_ys ;-'-' and I l1ave 110 l1esitation in sa.)'·ing, tl1at, I firn1ly: believe the great :vicl<edness of tl1is Country, l1as dra,vn do\vn upon it tl1e righteous displeasure of I-Jim, tl1at ordereth all things in heaven and earth. '' Yoltr iJllfj'Uities lzave. iltT"Jzed away these tllings; a'lld your Sius ltave witl1holden good thing·s froJn !!Olt.""---j-· "\Vithout d 'vel ling on tl1e l1eatl1enisli aspect,. ,vhich many of tl1e Out-I-Ia.rbours present, to tl1e moral or religious observer, lool{ lJack a fe\v years, and · say, cot1ld Dissipation be carried to a greater ex·c~ss~ than it was, by all classes of people in this comm-unity ? "\Vas not rreligion its characteristic feature ? ' 'he tact is, the unprecedented pt asperity of tl1e 'l,rade of the Is­]and, seen1ed to have paralized religious feeling in tl1e --~ . minds of 1nost, and GOD, far fror11 being ir1 all theit~ ·,~ · thoughts, \VaS seJdon1 thought of-except perhaps, OC_:; 1 ~. casi(lna1ly on a Sunday, ' l1en, if the Coutlting-house·· · · ~~· t.

did not reqt1ire attendanc , tl1e bo y, langt1id front Sa- -··· t11rday's debat1cb, \Vas presented to pay tl1e en1pty con1- ·· plirnent of external l1o1nage i11 tl1e ho se of GOD!

, .,, hat licentiousness 'vas every 'vhere visible an1ong · the

* Ps. 97. + Jer. 5-25.


the lower orders of the Society ! 'vhat drttnkenness, and s'\tvearing_ in the streets on tl1e LOR"Q'S -~ay ! and ,vhat little exertiotl an the part of thc>se in authority~ to pre­''"ent it !-The flesh has crept up<>n tny bones sometimes returning ltotne on a Sunday Evening, through tl1e Up-· per street, on hearing the sound of the vic>l and the un­hallo,vecl voice of inebriate mirth in n1any l1ouses I pas­sed. Coulcl it n1uch astonish n1e some 1nonths after­''pards, to see these hot1ses i11 flan1es ? ancl a.re not thei1· Ruins yet preaching to Sinners, that thougl1 J l1dgme11t is delayed, .ret tl1e time 'vill c ·ome, 'vhe11 it shall be pourecl ou~ to the uttermost ?-To tl1e same soltrce I trace all the accumulated. evils that over\vl1elm tl1is co11ntry at present-S.IN. ''Sin is the cause of our present suffering. Judgment is gone forth ; and if -there be no turning from sin, J uclgment 'viii continue : · yea, if there be hardnef,S in sin under J udgn1ent, it is hot only tl1e forerunner of greater n1isery, but is also part <>f the sentence executecl."'"'~. Ephrai1n is join,ed to IdoZs; let hi1n alotle.* rl'l1ere i~ not a more terrible word in all the Bible ! ~len and Brethren, let me speak freely tinto you concerning this Scripture.-Is tltere no fear, that it is verified aar1ong us at this day ?---Do 've see tl1at universal turning to GOD in all ranks o.f peo­ple, 'vhich our calarnities \Vould naturally call for ? Is there any l1umble ackno,vledgment, of tl1e hand of GOD over us, arnidst all our distresses ? Are the places of 'vorship better filled with devotlt suppliq.nts than be- . fore ? Is there any alteration evident in our farnilies ? J-Ia,re any been constrained to cry out with Joshua-.-_4s for .me and rny ho·use, we will serve the LORD? Do we yet give "vay to Mirth ancl folly, Dancing, Feastin.g, and Extravagance ? 'vl1ilst our fello\V creatures, a.re dying in .


*Hosea 4-11

. ~.


our streets,-keen J1unger gna,ving their vita1s, a11d the cruel season laying tl1em along tl1e Sl10W, stiffened C OI"J>SCS ?-

'' Ah! little th_iok the gay licentious proud \Vhom pleasure, power and affluence surround ; 'I'hey, \Vho their thouglatless hours, in giddy mirth , And "·anton, often cruel riot, \Vaste ; A h ! little think they, while they dance &long, How many feel, this very motnent, death, And all the sad wariety of pain : llo\V many pine in want, and drink the cup Of baleful grief, or eat the bitter bread Of n1isery! sore pierc'd by wintry winds, How many shrink into the sordid hut Of cheerless Poverty !" (THOMPSON.)

My lJretl1ren, ma_y Jlc>t tlte Word of tl1e LORD, IJy ltis Prop"l1ets <>fold, be appliecl to us '''Thou hast (lespised n1ine holy tl1ings, and l1ast profanecl tny Sab­l)atlts. In thee are men that carry false reports-t}Jou· hast taken usury an(l increase, at1d thou l1ast greedily gained of thy neigl1bours lJ).,. extortio11, and hast forgotte11 1ne saitl1 the LORD GOD."''-·-'' He is a. _Merclta11f, the bala1lCes C!f deceit are i1z lzis hand: he loveth to oppress.n ~ -''For ~fro1n tlte least o..f them, eve1l u1zto tile g·reatest of tlzcn1, every o11e is g·ive11- to covetous1zess'"' -'' Bel1old, til ere­fore I l1ave stnittetl n1i11e l1and at tl1y disl1onest gai11 'vl1icl1 tl1ou l1ast made."''·t "'I l1ave stricken you, llut .Ye ha,·c 11ot griever) ; I have CONS{Jl\1ED )rou, but .)Te ·

l1ave refused to receive correction: ye have made your faces l1arder tl1an . a . Rock ; )1 e l1ave refusecl to return"'-' ---'' A1ttl I also lzave give11. yo'lt clea.11ness of teeilt in all your cities, a1ld wa1zt of bread i11, all .your place5, .1Jef ltave ye 11ot refzLr'lzed unto tne, saitll tlze LORD"+ '~ A11t/, irt tllat day, did the LORD GOD qf ltosts call to weepi1·1g·, a11d to mo1tr1zi·11g·, a11d to baldness, and to g·irding· witlz sack­clotlt ; a11d, bclzold, joy a1zd g;lacl1ze.~s, slaying oa.;·e'l't, a1zd

killi·11g· + Ezekiel 22. + Amos 4-6,


ltillin o· sh~eep, eatiJl.Q. fie. h, and drinking £1 ine-S'1t1·ely tlti iniquif.1J hall not be zJuro·ed .fro1Tl _you~ till ye die, saith tlze LORI) GOD of· Hosts~'*-'' lear ye, and gi' e ear; be not proud : ~ r tl1e . hatl1 spoke~. Give glory to the LO your GO , before he cause darkness, and before your feet stumble 11pon the darl 1 10 1ntains, and, vhileye look for ligl1t, he turn it into thesl1adov; of death,

and mal e it gross d · r l< 11 cs s. u t if . ., e \Vi II 11 o t hear it, 111y oul shall 'veep in s cr t places f(lr )"rOttr r- ride; and n1ine e) e shall \\reep sor , 11d r n clo,vn ' ··it.h tears,n­'' because tho kno,ve ·t not h tittle o · tl1y visitation.~~.-· ·

S n1e eaclcrs tuay concei\ e the strain of tt1ese re­n1arl har:sl1 ancl unfriendly- can only r ply, tl1at tl1ey are inc r ; 'lncl in r o'ard to tl e unkindnes of th n1, tl 4 f llo\V ing r -·rna rk on the su lJjcct of tr 1e fri n(L_ hiP~ viii." usti(y a 1y a · J .. r nt 11'lrshncss '' ·11all I say I

have a kin(ln' s for tly fri nd, \Vl1en.: woul not so tnucl1 as n1·nd l1i 1 <)f that })l" ipice he stoocl on the edge of, 11or offer to clr-- v 1 it ~ , 1( ? r i it ind eel r 1ore friet d-

l1ip to pleclcre l1i1 in tl1e a(~ger, or the poison ; or 'vhen I sc ~ l1in1 at th 1 i1 inl' of l eadlong les ruction t thru t l1irr1 for,,,.ard~ ancl tl1ro v r 1yself do\vn ~vith l1in1 ? - l1is is ind ed the vtay of tl1e \Vorlcl 's kindness, lJut .

1 0D cieliv r me frotn stella f rie d !-- ... can l1ave legi­ons of sucl s tl1e e in l l ell. ,. 'be e\?il h· th b en slle,ving n1e S\tCll ki11dn .ss constantly, ever since I kne\v '\V} at l1e \VUS; CJfferinb ll1C tl1e COL, r>any, anc} the delights of sin, t1rging me for\v r s to tl1en1- tbinl( he ]o,·es 111e mo t, that labour to do n1e tnost goocl _; and l1e tl1at enc1ea '"our to mal~e me blessed, does tl at-And tru1.Y can v

7 0ll ' l 01e ' rbat other very gr at use t lCre is of friencl l1ip!' (\Yhi h ~yet i one of the greate t desirables in this ' '"orld) besi l s tl1i . , of having one that :\Yil hearti1j?

1nind * Isaiah 22 . + I~ • c I 9.


n1ind tl1c 111al~ing of n1e better; anti so l1ell)ing 111e ft>r­,,·ards to\varcls that \vl1ich is ir1finiteJy and everlastin(1'1v


Ill)? greatest concerntlleu t."" * I rejc)ice, that GOD l1as strcngtl1enecl antl anir11a-_

ted 11.1y t;oul in this the beginning c>f n1y L"l1ristian l{ace, by brino·in<r before 111 v tl<)tice ctnother instance of real

0 b .J

Piety, in the lo,ver \vulk <>f 1ife-alt1lost arri\·ecl at the <)al, anc1, ·as it \vere, 'vithin sight of the gl<)ri<>us t)rizc.

- <>n1e tirr1e sit ce, the ergcant, n1enti<>necl in a forn1er' }Jage, lJrc>ught 111e a letter· he l1a<-l lately rt.·cei,·ecl front ltis nlothel-, <>lJscr,·ing, that l1e th<)ught it ,, .. ,)Ul(l please n1e a t11uch as the o11c he l1acJ beard tne rea(l ;-l1e said, that at the first reading ofit, l1e \vas olJligecl to tur11 as i d c l1 is he a.J s e , .. era 1 t. i ttl e s, for l1 e c () u 1 J no t f<.) r be a 1•

· shedding tears ;-a11cl in(lcecl scuing aside the 11arental relati<Hl, that n1an 111ust l1avc an unfeeling heart, \\~ ho ca11 reacl it untnovcd.-Surei.Y~ if this 1nan l1acl en inter­est i1.1 n1y tl n \Yorth_y· pra_yers before, it is no '-V d<>u bljr tr -ngth<: ned, ancl I shall _yet 11re,·ail \vitl1 G()D for l1in1.

'l'l1e LOf{D grant that be and e\·ery 1\eadcr of this truly {.latl1etic letter, n1ay follo'v tl1e g<)dly advice it co11tain !

ly dear CniLPREN,

1---s, July 17, 1816.

I received a letter from n1y dear 'Yilliam, dated last Octob(;lr, ~Hh grpaf jny, and one from n1y t!<'ar Joe the same timP. 'J'. P. received one sincP, \\- hf?aein you s::~y .)OU have not heard fron1 n1e these two years, which I am burprist.d at, as I have written so many to you both in that tim<». I have men­tionerl in se\·Prnl letters, that I rFceh·ed the o11e pound note rny clear William ~eut nlP., w;th thauks to him for it. I almost thought I should have seen you all before this time, anti that you would ha,·e beeu home»., as there are so many returned, and ha\·e got their tlischargP. Oh! my t~ear Children, I long to see­)- ou all once n1ore !-Last 'l'hursrlay I was t&ken faint, and brought up 3 vints of l>lootl .. and lay for dead, some tin1e--I bles~ GOD I am a. little better 110\~, and ha\e brouglsl up ~lone since, but I am very weak.-If you can cotne hon1e

~ I

· Dr. H. rci i.\nn ALr.E"Tll.lE , CJ ap1ain to Cn.\ltLE'3 2rl, llegiu Professor of Di\ inity :. t o~ror(1' a:-td I't·o\·ost of t .ton .


I should be very gla:c1, as I think my time in this world will not he long-but let me know when you e~pe-ct to come, as I am so weak, the sight of you un­expected, might do me hurt with so much joy.-Nothing would give me so much comfort in thi5 world, as the seeing of you all-hut I hope if we never meet-in this world, we sh:1ll meet in IIeaven.-1 bless GOD, go when I will, I laave a joyful hope of going to Heaven, there to meet your Father, your four l>rothers, and si:-,ter, with alL the rest of our friends that are gone before; and ( hope my dear children, you will lead your life here iu serving GOO, with all your might, and obey him in ull things. (~h·c your wl ole heart to Ilim ; he is worthy of all, and more thnn we can <lo.- eek first the kingdom of GOD, and his righteou ness, and all other things shall be added unto you.-Oh! what a joyful meeting it will be for u all, to meet around the 'fhroue of 60 D, to praise GOD and the Lamb for ever ! ·

" \Vhilc the ls.mp holds out to burn, 'The vilest sinner may return."

And if \Ve truly come to _him, he will accept of us \Vith joy-but we must com. n1it no wilful sin, for he that commits one, is guilty of the wholc.iir-This comes from your poor old mother, that is shortly to leave this world; do take my ad-

ice, and seek the. LORD while he may be found. If we live the life of the righ­teous, we shall also die the Jeath, and our last end will be like his. Who would have the D :.vii for their 1\tlaster, when we know what his wages are, ever­lasting destruction., fire anc brimstone, for ever and ever ?-but the gift of our J~ORD is, I~ife eternal, to dwell with him for ever. When you hear I am dead, don't mourn for me, but folto\ tn~, as this my hope is, that 1 am folJowing my blessed LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.

My dear Joe and 3 tsy, bring up your children in the fear and love of GOD, anrl to hooon1· and uhey you in all thin~s as their earthly parents. Teach their little ien\l r minds the way of truth, and to love the LOlt 0 with all their hearts-if you do not, their ouls will be required at your hands. You desire to know the news, bnt my dear, my thoughts are mostly above-it is a very bad time here with the poor-wages are so low, and with all trades-* * * * * * your cousin J. R.' wife is laying dying in a decline; she has 3 children ; but, -she is going to If ea ven. )o w ri tc to me as soon as you can, as I long to hear from you. Oh my dear Betsy, how gl!id should I be to see you once more. This letter is to you all ; as I am not ahle to write much, it may be the last, but I will write as long as I am permitted. GOD grant you mny receive this le ter. It made me very unhappy when I heard of the bad Fire; fearing lest any of you were hurt by it, mal· es me long to hear from you the more-Do, do, send as soon as you cnrt. All the neighbours' love to you-thE:-y all long to see you.-So no more at present from your eYer loving and affectionate mother 'tilldeath-E- C-g.-My hand shakes-my love to youall.-GOD bless you all.-Amen.''

"Fly, ye profane! or cl c tlraw near with awe, 'or here, resistless dem n t ration dwells;

II ere *'" James --10 .


e rP, tir ' d dissimulation drops her ma.s · Ilere, real and apparent are the same. ---- you see her hold on heaven ; 1Ieave n waits not the last moment, O\V ns iLs friend s On this side death; and points them out to 1nen; A lecture, silent, but of so vereign pow'r, To vice, confusion; and to virtue, peace !" (\.-OUNG.)

Let the ungodly scoff, a11d the 'vorldling sneer, at tl1e vein of fer' ent and tencler piety that rutls tl1rougl1 tl1is humble ]ctter·.- Oh! 111y Sou], wl1en Thoz.l dost cease to glorify GO - for l1is grace n1anifestecl in .tl1e ]o,vly ,\:ri ter, '' n1a.y 1 1y right _l1a11d forget l1er cut'lning !"­J:>raise III.~. 1 in tl1e l ighest, u llo lzid not llis face j .. 1'om sha1ne and SjJittinp;! ar1d though C<Jnte•npt l)c poured 1.1})0n thee atl.l<)ng 111e11, never cease to regard, ar1cl 11o­nour tl1e operati<Jn of llis llanfls.""-VVllat, though tl1ott art a little raised abo, .. c tl1e l1ur1lble spl1ere of life 1n 'vl1icl~ tl1is nged pilgriril has journ y ed-thougl1 decked 'vith more of the trappings ar1d tinsel of e x t e rnal rank, 11ever forget that tl1e Saints ''are all g lorious \vithin ,-' ' <ln(l tl1at ' ' tl1eir c] >thing is of 'vrougl1t gold ;n t hey a rc clothed "\Vith the garn1ents of alvation ;'" and tl1e 'vh ite rain1ent of JESU"S Rigl1teousness, coveretrJ them a s a Rohe.- Remen1ber, that 1nany that are last, shall be fir.st - Consicler tl1ine O\Yll tlttcr un,vorthiness, and let thy l1u1 -.ble cry e\"er LJe

"Oh! that the J.. .. ORD \l"ould count me meet, To \Vash his dear disci pies feet ! "

S oon 111ay tl1e l1appj1 tin c cotnc; 'vben thou sl1alt m eet the kin<lrccl Spir·t, tl1at in(Jited this l1t1mble lette r, arou n (l t l e 'l,hrone of GOD; ancl join 'vith the glorious arn1y i11 ascribing '' Blc sin.g--, a ·nd lzonozt'r, and g lory , a1zd p owe1·, ~l1l to Hi1n th.at sittetlt t1po1~ t h,e T hro11e, a 1zd to the .L atnb for ever a11cl ct:er ·" a11cl until tl1e n ,

'' till

26 "Still Oh my Soul prolong, ~·he never ceasing song; Christ, my theme, my hop£', my joy, Ilis be all my happy days; Praise my every hour en1ploy E very breath be spent iu praise !''--

Al\IE .... :r
