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DIGITAL FORENSIC RESEARCH CONFERENCE A Forensically Robust Method For Acquisition Of iCloud Data By Kurt Oestreicher From the proceedings of The Digital Forensic Research Conference DFRWS 2014 USA Denver, CO (Aug 3 rd - 6 th ) DFRWS is dedicated to the sharing of knowledge and ideas about digital forensics research. Ever since it organized the first open workshop devoted to digital forensics in 2001, DFRWS continues to bring academics and practitioners together in an informal environment. As a non-profit, volunteer organization, DFRWS sponsors technical working groups, annual conferences and challenges to help drive the direction of research and development. http:/dfrws.org
Page 1: A forensically robust method for acquisition of …...A forensically robust method for acquisition of iCloud data Kurt Oestreicher* Champlain College, 163 South Willard Street, Burlington,


A Forensically Robust Method For

Acquisition Of iCloud Data


Kurt Oestreicher

From the proceedings of

The Digital Forensic Research Conference


Denver, CO (Aug 3rd - 6th)

DFRWS is dedicated to the sharing of knowledge and ideas about digital forensics

research. Ever since it organized the first open workshop devoted to digital forensics

in 2001, DFRWS continues to bring academics and practitioners together in an

informal environment.

As a non-profit, volunteer organization, DFRWS sponsors technical working groups,

annual conferences and challenges to help drive the direction of research and



Page 2: A forensically robust method for acquisition of …...A forensically robust method for acquisition of iCloud data Kurt Oestreicher* Champlain College, 163 South Willard Street, Burlington,

A forensically robust method for acquisition of iCloud data

Kurt Oestreicher*

Champlain College, 163 South Willard Street, Burlington, VT 05401, USA

Keywords:AppleiCloudCloud forensicsOS X 10.9MavericksMac forensics

a b s t r a c t

The acquisition of data stored on cloud services has become increasingly important todigital forensic investigations. Apple, Inc. continues to expand the capabilities of its cloudservice, iCloud. As such, it is critical to determine an effective means for forensic acqui-sition of data from this service and its effect on the original file data and metadata.This research examined files acquired from the iCloud service via the native Mac OS Xsystem synchronization with the service. The goal was to determine the operating systemlocations of iCloud-synched files. Once located, the secondary goal was to determine if thefile hash values match those of the original files and whether file metadata, particularlytimestamps, are altered.© 2014 Digital Forensics Research Workshop. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Research problem

The acquisition of data stored on cloud services hasbecome increasingly important to digital forensic in-vestigations. Apple, Inc. continues to expand the capabil-ities of its cloud service, iCloud. As of June 2013, iCloud had320 million user accounts with over 900 billion iMessagesand 125 billion photo uploads (Kahn, 2013).

This is a tremendous source of data for digital in-vestigators but the problem is establishing a forensicallyrobust method for acquiring this data from iCloud.With therecent updates to both the iCloud service and the intro-duction of the newest Mac operating system, OS X 10.9Mavericks, many of the data structures and their locationsin the file system have changed. As a result, a method hadto be developed not only for downloading this data to anexamination computer and verifying the integrity of theacquired data, but also locating where the iCloud-synchedfiles are stored in the file system.

For the purposes of this research, data integrity wasestablished by comparing the MD5 hash values of theoriginal files to those of the acquired files. Recent researchaddressing the retrieval of files and file metadata stored onsimilar providers: Dropbox, Google Drive, and MicrosoftSkyDrive established that, while the MD5 hash valuesremained unchanged, the timestamp metadata was unre-liable (Quick and Choo, 2013). Therefore, the research alsocompared the metadata of the original files to those of theacquired files to establish if and how the timestamps hadbeen altered.

Field of research

Apple, Inc. first introduced iCloud in October 2011 as afree cloud storage, synchronization, and computing service.The primary purpose of iCloud is to allow users of Apple'siPhone, iPad, and Mac computers to seamlessly synchro-nize their data between devices. At launch time, thefollowing iCloud services were available:

! Users could synchronize their contacts, calendars, emailand notes across devices as well as access the datathrough the iCloud.com web interface.

* Tel.: þ1 860 532 0474; fax: þ1 203 349 2425.E-mail address: [email protected].

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Digital Investigation

journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/locate/di in

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.diin.2014.05.0061742-2876/© 2014 Digital Forensics Research Workshop. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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! Users could enable their devices to be backed up toiCloud. This backup includedmusic, apps, books, CameraRoll (photos and videos), device settings, and app data

! Documents created through Apple's iWork softwaresuite could be stored in iCloud and pushed to all devices.Third party developers that utilized the iCloud Storageapplication programming interface (API) could allowfiles from their applications to be stored on iCloud

! If enabled, a feature called Photo Stream would auto-matically upload up to 1000 photos from the user's de-vice for storage and synchronization across platforms

! iTunes Match allowed for users to upload, store, anddownload up to 25,000 music titles for an additional feeof $24.99/year (Apple Inc., 2011).

Over the last two years, Apple has continued to expandthe iCloud features. At the 2013 World Wide DeveloperConference, Apple announced the introduction of the iWorksuite of applications: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote as free,web-based productivity solutions (Mangalindan, 2013).This expands the previous capability of simply storing andsynchronizing these documents by also allowing users tocreate and edit these documents with any web browser.

Research questions

In order to solve the problem of developing a forensi-cally sound method for acquiring the data from an iClouduser account, several questions have to be answered:

! Where are the iCloud-synched files located on theoperating system?

! Are the files downloaded during the acquisition processidentical to the original files?

! Are the MD5 hash values identical?! If the values are different, compare the two files to

attempt to establish what has changed.! Has the timestamp metadata been changed?! If the metadata has been changed is it forensically



The forensic integrity of recovered evidence is critical toinvestigators. Metadata such as timestamps could beessential to establishing a suspect's alibi or involvement incriminal activity. The primary intent of this research was toestablish a best practice for acquiring iCloud data anddetermine how original user data or metadata was alteredin the process.

Additionally, this research outlines where the iClouduser data is stored on the OS X 10.9 Mavericks file system.This will assist investigators not only with iCloud acquisi-tions but also with traditional dead-box analysis of OS X10.9 systems. This is significant because Apple has recentlychanged the stored locations for these files.


The primary purpose of this paper is to conduct quan-titative research into the movement and storage of specific

file types from the initial client, to the iCloud server, to asecondary client. The secondary client serves as the ex-amination machine used by an examiner when collectingforensic data from the iCloud servers.

This paper first examines similar cloud research that hasbeen conducted on other platforms and the results of thatresearch. A methodology for acquiring and validating theiCloud acquisition process is then explained in detail. Theresults of the research are then discussed along with anyconclusions made.

In October 2013, Apple introduced its new Mac oper-ating system, OS X 10.9 Mavericks. Alongside thisannouncement, Apple also introduced changes to its iCloudservice and the synchronization capabilities that it has withOS X 10.9. This resulted in application artifacts being relo-cated to different areas of the file system. It has alsosignificantly changed the key file structures of its iWorkapplications: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote to providemoreseamless synchronization across the Mac, iCloud, and iOSplatforms (Heer, 2013). Therefore, in an attempt to providethe most up-to-date analysis possible, the research wasconducted using the latest public releases of OS X 10.9,iCloud, and iWork applications as of December 5, 2013.

Like most cloud services, Apple's data storage centersare located in multiple jurisdictions, creating complicationsfor investigators seeking authorization to access this data.Apple has data centers located in North Carolina, Oregon,and California with a fourth center under development inNevada (Dilger, 2013). This research does not address theseconcerns and the assumption is made that all legal andjurisdictional authorities have been obtained prior toaccessing cloud data.

Literature review

A review was conducted for peer-reviewed articles thatare relevant to this research topic. A brief summary of theresearchmethods, findings, limitations, and conclusions foreach study is provided and any similar conclusions orconflicting findings are discussed.

Quick and Choo (2013) conducted research to determineif files uploaded, stored, and subsequently acquired fromcloud storage providers: Dropbox, Google Drive, andMicrosoft SkyDrive, were altered in any way. The re-searchers used data from the Enron corpus and createdresearch account with the three service providers. For eachservice provider, they set up a virtual machine (VM),enabled Wireshark for tracking traffic between the VM andthe provider, and used Microsoft Expression Encoder torecord video of the entire process. The original files werehashed and timestamps recorded. Then in each case, thefiles were uploaded/downloaded to the providers usingboth the web browser interface as well as the providers'client application. After each of these instances wascompleted, the virtual machine was stopped and the imagepreserved for analysis with FTK, EnCase, and XRY.

The researchers determined that, in all cases, the hashvalues remained unchanged throughout. This indicatedthat the data in the files were unaltered. However, thetimestamps were not reliable and were manipulated byeach service. These stamps also varied depending on

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whether the native client application was used versus theweb browser interface. The fact that the datawas unalteredbut that timestamps are unreliable is very important toinvestigations relying on this cloud data.

As part of their research, they identified several otherproviders that should be researched in the future todetermine if files stored on their servers are altered in anyway. Forensic reliability of data acquired from iCloud stor-age was identified as a future research area.

Dykstra and Sherman (2012) focused on the forensicreliability of data downloaded from Amazon ElasticCompute Cloud (EC2) servers. One of the main differencesbetween EC2 and iCloud is that EC2 functions as anInfrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) solution. With IaaS pro-viders, the consumer has direct control over the creationand usage of a virtual machine that installed on the hostserver. The nature of IaaS is such that a forensic investigatorhas the capability of uploading a traditional acquisition toolsuch as EnCase or FTK to the virtual machine and thencreating a forensic image of the entire virtual machine thatcan then be analyzed through traditional stand-alonecomputer forensic techniques.

The researchers utilized several different techniques foracquiring the data off of the EC2 virtual machine. The firsttwo techniques involved using the virtual machine tocreate a forensic image and then using EnCase Enterprise orFTK to analyze the image. These techniques are not relevantto iCloud forensic examination because there is no currentiCloud capability for end-user creation of virtual machines.

The third technique is more relevant to iCloud dataretrieval in that the researchers used the Amazon WebService (AWS) to export the data. This process is similar towhat might occur if the provider was issued a subpoena.Amazon exports the data requested to an external drive,maintains chain-of-custody, and ships the drive directly tothe requestor. Along with the drive, Amazon also includes areport of the data exported that includes “date and time ofthe transfer, location on the storage device, MD5 checksum,and number of bytes” (Dykstra and Sherman, 2012).

Unlike the iCloud retrieval process, Amazon exports thefiles to a physical hard drive whereas iCloud files aredownloaded via the Internet. However, the researchersconcluded that the files that were exported from Amazonand shipped to them had the same hash values as theoriginal files. This indicates that utilizing this technique thecloud data was unaltered. One possible avenue for futureresearch would be to submit a request to Apple for iClouddata to be exported in this fashion to a physical drive that isshipped to the researcher. The data could then be analyzedto see if it had been altered from the initial uploaded files.

Chung et al. (2012) focused on four popular cloud ser-vice providers: Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Docs, andEvernote. Rather than focus on the data stored on theservers themselves, the researchers examine the systemartifacts left on the client computers of Mac and Windowscomputers when the services are accessed.

These artifacts that are created by accessing the cloudservices can have significant forensic value. All of the ser-vices researched can be accessed via a web browser so theresearchers looked at the artifacts created by two popularbrowsers, Internet Explorer and Firefox. While there are

definitely some useful artifacts left behind while using webbrowser access, most of the data resides in the temporaryInternet files and Internet history areas. These artifacts aretypically limited to indicating which sites were accessedand at what times.

Several of the providers, however, have native applica-tions that can be installed on the client computers. Theseapplications create various artifacts that are much moreuseful to forensic investigations. For example, Dropbox andEvernote synchronize the files stored on the cloud serverwith the client computer hard drive. As a result, an inves-tigator should be able to obtain all of the actual documentsand associated metadata from the client device itself. Theresearchers conducted a case study in which files fromSystem A were uploaded to Dropbox and subsequentlylocated on System B after having been synchronized withthe cloud server.

One potential problem with the above study is that theresearchers simply tracked the file names rather thancreate hashes of the files at each phase to indicate that theoriginal file was not altered in any way.

The research is useful and can be applied to studiesinvolving iCloud. The iCloud service installs various files onthe client operating system, which are synchronized ver-sions of those same files on the iCloud server. A study ofthese artifacts may be incorporated as part of this researchtopic regarding iCloud file acquisition. However, crypto-graphic hashes should be used to ensure that the files areidentical in all cases.

Martini and Choo (2012) focused on the framework forconducting investigations involving cloud computing. Assuch, it is essentially a discussion of the authors' theory onhowcloud investigations differ fromconventional computerforensic investigations. No research is discussed as to thereliability of data files extracted from specific cloud services.

The article is relevant to cloud research because it de-tails specific concerns that occur with the acquisition ofcloud data versus other types of data acquisition. The au-thors believe that unlike traditional frameworks, evidencesource identification and preservation are the first andprimary concern followed by acquisition. They also statethat, while IaaS services may have the capability ofexporting an image of a virtual hard disk, Software as aService (SaaS) providers may only permit downloading ofindividual data files.

The authors also compare acquisition of cloud data tothat of live forensics. However, they state that the acquisi-tion of cloud data is more susceptible to legal issuesbecause the data must often be acquired by a third partyand not by the investigators themselves. The researchersalso point out that the preservation of file metadata is oftencritical to investigations and that the absence of validmetadata may render the recovered data inadmissible incourt.

Methodology and methods

Overarching methodology

To conduct this research, two identical virtual machinesrepresenting the subject computer and examination

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computer were created with a clean install of Mac OS X 10.9along with the Pages, Numbers, and Keynote applications.Throughout the process, snapshots were taken at variousstages and then compared so as to locate theartifacts createdby the iCloud service. A new iCloud accountwas established,new iClouddatawas createdon the subjectmachine, and thedata was synchronized with the cloud service.

The second virtual machine was started and synchro-nized with the newly created iCloud account. This repre-sented an examiner performing a live acquisition of thedata. Analysis was then performed to locate the iCloud ar-tifacts created on the system. The downloaded files werecompared with the original files to determine if the filesand metadata were the same and, if not, what the differ-ences were.

Initial configuration

The host computer used to conduct this research con-sisted of a mid-2012 MacBook Pro with retina display,configured with a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 processor and 8 GB1600 MHz DDR3 memory. The host operating system wasrunning Mac OS X 10.9 (13A603) (Apple Inc.).

A new virtual machine (VM1), representing the subject'scomputer, was created using VMware Fusion ProfessionalVersion 6.0.2 (1398658) and a clean install of OS X 10.9(13A603) (VMware). The following applications where theninstalled on VM1: Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. The virtualmachine was then shutdown and a snapshot taken (Snap-shot 1). A clone of this snapshot was created for the ex-aminer's machine (VM2) (Fig. 1).

VM1 was then restarted and the researcher signed upfor a new iCloud account through the system settingsapplication. Once the signup was complete, documents anddata were created in the various iCloud enabled applica-tions (Table 1). Once the data was populated, VM1 wasshutdown and a second snapshot (Snapshot 2) was taken.

Data collection

Since this was a live acquisition and cloud based ser-vices can be changed at any time, the virtual machine

window was video recorded using the screen capturesoftware Voila v.3.6 (Global Delight Technologies Pvt. Ltd.).

The examination machine (VM2) was started and aninitial snapshot (Snapshot 3) was taken. The researcherthen logged into iCloud through the system settings usingthe previously created iCloud credentials. Once theconfigurationwas complete, another snapshot (Snapshot 4)was taken without shutting down the virtual machine.Since some apps do not synch until they are first opened,each of the previous applications was opened and dataallowed to synch. The virtual machine was then shutdownand a final snapshot (Snapshot 5) was taken.


Both of the virtual machines were closed and the hostmachine was then used to conduct the analysis. The firststep was to determine what files were added or changedbetween each snapshot. This allowed the researcher todiscover the locations of file locations from the variousiCloud applications and also to locate any other iCloudartifacts.

VisualDiffer v.1.5.7 for Mac can take two volumes andcompare them based on file timestamps and sizes todetermine what has changed between two snapshots(Ficano) (Fig. 2). Since VMware Fusion Snapshots are storedas .vmdk files, they had to be converted to be used with thistool. AccessData's Forensic Toolkit (FTK) Imager has theability to take a .vmdk snapshot and create a RAW imagefile from it (AccessData Group). Each of the snapshots wasloaded into FTK Imager and RAW files were created.

After the RAW files were created, the extension waschanged to .dmg so that the images could bemounted in OSX and used with VisualDiffer. This was accomplished byright clicking on the RAW file and selecting “Get Info”. Thisopens a dialog box where the extensions were changed to.dmg and the option to lock the file was checked. Lockingthe files makes it a read-only file and ignores any otherpermission. The end result was a read-only, .dmg file forFig. 1. Virtual machine configuration.

Table 1Initial data load.

Application Action

Contacts v.8.0 (1365) New contact created with name andphone number

Mail v.7.0 (1822) New email created, addressed to sender,and sent

Calendar v.7.0 (1835) New event createdReminders v.2.0 (187) New reminder createdSafari v.7.0 (9537.71) Safari web browser opened, typed URL:

publicdomanpictures.net entered, pagebookmarked, right-click on photo andsaved to iPhoto.

iPhoto v.9.5.1 (902.17) Automatically opened from Safari,downloaded picture selected anddragged to Photo Stream menu item.

Pages v.5.0.1 (1478) New Pages document created andsaved to iCloud

Numbers v.3.0.1 (1483) New Numbers document created andsaved to iCloud

Keynote v.6.0.1 (1486) New Keynote document created andsaved to iCloud.

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each snapshot. Double clicking on these .dmg snapshotsmounts them in OS X. At this point, they could be loadedinto VisualDiffer for comparison. One convenient feature ofVisualDiffer is the option to only show mismatched files.This option allowed the examiner to quickly narrow theresults to show only those files that were added or changedsince the previous snapshot.

Using this method, Snapshot 2 was compared to Snap-shot 1. This displayed all changes or additions that werecreated on the file system as a result of signing up for iCloudand creating the various data entries. Files that changedsince the previous snapshot are colored in red. Files thatwere added since the previous snapshot are colored in blue(Fig. 3).

Once these files and their locations were recorded, thenext phase was to compare the files from the originalsnapshot (Snapshot 2) to the examiner-downloaded snap-shot (Snapshot 5) to determine if theymatched. The imagesfor Snapshots 2 and 5 were then added as evidence to FTK4.2.2 for further analysis. Each of the iCloud data files wasanalyzed and the associated MD5 hash values and time-stamps were compared.

Fig. 4 illustrates the discovered file locations and paths,along with the timestamps and MD5 hash values. Eachapplication data file is listed and color-coded according tothe associated snapshot.


File locations

As a result of the snapshot comparison, it appears thatall of the iCloud-synched user documents are located invarious subfolders within the/Users/user/Library/folder(Table 2). The standard applications that are part of theMacOS 10.9 distribution; Contacts, Mail, Calendar, Reminder,and Safari; all have their own unique subfolders directlyunder the/Users/user/Library/parent folder. Non-preinstalled application data; such as Pages, Number, andKeynote; are all contained in the subfolder/Users/user/Li-brary/Mobile Documents/. The exception to this is iPhoto

Fig. 2. VisualDiffer volume selection.

Fig. 3. Changes to file system.

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Fig. 4. File comparison e original versus examiner download.

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which, although it is not a preinstalled application, has itsdata folder directly under the parent/Users/user/Library/.

For the preinstalled applications; Contacts, Mail, Cal-endar, and Reminders; the operating system generates afolder with a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) to house theindividual user documents.

Although this is normal operating system behavior,when using this technique for downloading iCloud data,investigators will first need to determine the unique GUIDsubfolder names in order to locate the underlying files(Table 3). Within the calendar folders, a subfolder named“Events” contains the individual calendar entries. For thisresearch, the individual event MD5 hash values werecompared and found to not match the originals.

MD5 hash values

The MD5 hash value analysis had mixed results withsome data having matching hashes and others being mis-matched. All of the non-preinstalled application data files;iPhoto, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote; had matching MD5hashes between the original and the acquired files. Thepreinstalled Reminders application had mismatched MD5hash values but the Mail application inbox files hadmatching MD5 hash values. Although it is appears that theoperating system generates unique names for inbox files asthey are downloaded, the matching hash values indicatethat no changes were made to the file data as a result of thesynchronization process.

The other preinstalled applications, however, haddifferent MD5 hash values for the file data. When thesedifferences were discovered, each of the files was examinedin FTK to examine the contents of the file data. The textualdata had been created by the researcher for each applicationwas identical between the original and the acquire versionsof the files. This leads the researcher to hypothesize that

some underlying data is changed as a result of the syn-chronization schema for built-in applications.


There were significant differences between the meta-data handling of the non-preinstalled applications versusthe preinstalled applications. For that reason, discussion ofthe metadata analysis will be divided between these twotypes.

Non-preinstalled applications (iPhoto, Keynote, Pages,Numbers)

Metadata analysis of the data resulted in similar find-ings. The non-preinstalled applications all had matchingModified timestamps (Table 4). With the exception ofKeynote, they also had matching Created timestamps. TheKeynote Created timestamp for the acquired data was 1 slater than the timestamp of the original. There was also adifference between the Accessed timestamps on all theiWork applications. For Pages, Numbers, and Keynote; all ofthe Accessed timestamps on the acquired data was 2e3 searlier than that of the original data. The Accessed time-stamps for iPhoto also did notmatch with the timestamp ofthe acquired file. The Accessed timestamp on the acquiredphoto correlates to when iPhoto was opened on the ex-aminers machine for synching.

What is interesting to note is that for all of the iWorkapplications; Pages, Numbers, and Keynote; the Created,Accessed, and Modified timestamps of the acquired fileswere identical to the Modified timestamps of the originals.

Preinstalled applications (Contacts, Mail, Calendar, Reminders,Safari)

Metadata analysis of the preinstalled applicationsestablished that none of the timestamp data from theacquired files matched those of the originals. In all cases,the timestamps of the acquired files correlated to whenthose files were downloaded to the examiner machine(Snapshot 5).


While it was originally anticipated that there would bevariations in the timestamps based on the results ofresearch on other cloud providers, it was not thought thatMD5 hash values would not match for some of the datafiles.

In conducting live acquisition from any cloud service,the first issue that must be addressed is ensuring that theprocess is “forensically sound”. Casey (2011) definesforensically sound as follows:

From a forensic standpoint, the acquisition processshould change the original evidence as little as possibleand any changes should be documented and assessed inthe context of the final analytical results. Provided theacquisition process preserves a complete and accuraterepresentation of the original data, and its authenticityand integrity can be validated, it is generally consideredforensically sound.

Table 2Application data file paths.

Application Data file path

Contacts /Users/user/Library/ApplicationSupport/AddressBook/Sources/

Mail /Users/user/Library/Mail/Calendar /Users/user/Library/Calendars/Reminders /Users/user/Library/Calendars/Safari /Users/user/Library/Safari/iPhoto /Users/user/Pictures/iPhoto Library.photolibrary/Pages /Users/user/Library/Mobile

Documents/com~apple~Pages/Documents/Numbers /Users/user/Library/Mobile

Documents/com~apple~Numbers/Keynote /Users/user/Library/Mobile


Table 3Subfolder GUID name differences.

Snapshot Subfolder

Snapshot 2 /Users/user/Library/Calendars/F87CD4FA-5B1D-4E6E-B5D7-3F0AB61E5C50.caldav/

Snapshot 5 /Users/user/Library/Calendars/74FA4B91-AA8C-4F7C-A84D-8028C1588220.caldav/

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Based on this definition, the results of this researchindicate that data downloaded from iCloud using theabove-described method is forensically sound for applica-tions that use the iCloud synching service. The videorecording of the live acquisition process is important tomeeting to the documentation requirement. For the non-preinstalled applications researched, the MD5 hash valuesand the timestamps on the acquired data correlated withthose of the originals, establishing data integrity.

To meet the forensic soundness criteria for the prein-stalled applications, however, there are questions that mustbe answered about the differences in the MD5 hash values.Although the research showed that the textual content ofthese documents was unchanged, it may be more chal-lenging for an investigator to prove the files are sufficientlysimilar to satisfy the courts.

Further work

This research was limited to the examination of filestransferred from a Mac OS X 10.9 machine to the iCloudserver, and then acquired on a secondary Mac OS X 10.9machine. Additional research would need to be conductedto determine if the same results occur between differentmodels of Mac computers or using different versions of OSX. This paper also does not explore the incorporation of iOSdevices such as the Apple iPhone or iPad in the iCloudsynchronization schema and any effects that iCloud has onfiles synched across these devices.

There is obviously some part of the iCloud synchroni-zation schema that results in changes to the data files forpreinstalled OS X applications. Further research into thissynchronization schema and what changes are made to

these files would be helpful for investigators attempting toestablish the authenticity of documents acquired fromiCloud.

Although the timestamps in the non-preinstalled ap-plications are essentially the same to the original files, thereis a difference of 1e3 seconds that this research has notexplained. Although it is hypothesized that all the time-stamps of the acquired files reflect the modified time-stamps from the original, further analysis needs to beconducted to examine why this anomaly exists.


AccessData Group, LLC. Forensic toolkit. Accessdata.com; n.d.Apple, Inc. Apple e OS X Mavericks; n.d.Apple, Inc. Apple introduces iCloud. Apple.com; 2011.Casey E. Digital evidence and computer crime. 3rd ed. Waltham, MA:

Elsevier, Inc; 2011.Chung H, Park J, Lee S, Kang C. Digital forensic investigation of cloud

storage services. Digit Investig 2012;9:81e95.Dilger DE. Apple's iCloud reigning over the greenest data centers on the

planet. Appleinsider.com; 2013.Dykstra J, Sherman AT. Acquiring forensic evidence from infrastructure-

as-a-service cloud computing: exploring and evaluating tools, trust,and techniques. Digit Investig 2012;9:S90e8.

Ficano D. VisualDiffer; n.d.Global Delight Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Voila; n.d.Heer N. Exploring the new iWork for Mac file formats, Pixel Envy;

2013.Kahn J. Apple at Q3 call: iCloud reaches 320M accounts, 900B iMessages,

125B photo uploads. 9to5mac.com; 2013.Mangalindan JP. Apple WWDC 2013 liveblog e Fortune Tech. Tech.

Fortune.Cnn.com; 2013.Martini Ben, Choo K-KR. An integrated conceptual digital forensic

framework for cloud computing. Digit Investig 2012;9:71e80.Quick D, Choo K-KR. Forensic collection of cloud storage data: does the act

of collection result in changes to the data or its metadata? DigitInvestig; 2013.

VMware, Inc. Windows for Mac Desktop Virtualization; n.d.

Table 4Non-preinstalled application timestamp analysis.

Application Version Created Accessed Modified

iPhoto Original 12/5/2013 3:42:47 PM 12/5/2013 3:42:47 PM 12/5/2013 3:42:47 PMAcquired 12/5/2013 3:42:47 PM 12/5/2013 3:52:48 PM 12/5/2013 3:42:47 PM

Pages Original 12/5/2013 3:44:20 PM 12/5/2013 3:44:22 PM 12/5/2013 3:44:20 PMAcquired 12/5/2013 3:44:20 PM 12/5/2013 3:44:20 PM 12/5/2013 3:44:20 PM

Numbers Original 12/5/2013 3:45:00 PM 12/5/2013 3:45:03 PM 12/5/2013 3:45:00 PMAcquired 12/5/2013 3:45:00 PM 12/5/2013 3:45:00 PM 12/5/2013 3:45:00 PM

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