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A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing

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Chapman University Chapman University Chapman University Digital Commons Chapman University Digital Commons Engineering Faculty Articles and Research Fowler School of Engineering 8-28-2020 A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing Jordan Ott Mike Pritchard Natalie Best Erik Linstead Milan Curcic See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/engineering_articles Part of the Digital Communications and Networking Commons, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Commons, OS and Networks Commons, Other Computer Engineering Commons, Other Computer Sciences Commons, and the Programming Languages and Compilers Commons
Page 1: A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing

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Engineering Faculty Articles and Research Fowler School of Engineering


A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing

Jordan Ott

Mike Pritchard

Natalie Best

Erik Linstead

Milan Curcic

See next page for additional authors

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Page 2: A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing

A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing

Comments Comments This article was originally published in Scientific Programming in 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8888811

Creative Commons License Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Copyright The authors

Authors Authors Jordan Ott, Mike Pritchard, Natalie Best, Erik Linstead, Milan Curcic, and Pierre Baldi

Page 3: A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing

Research ArticleA Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing

Jordan Ott,1 Mike Pritchard,2 Natalie Best,3 Erik Linstead,3 Milan Curcic,4

and Pierre Baldi 1

1Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA2Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA3Fowler School of Engineering, Chapman University, Orange, CA, USA4Department of Ocean Sciences, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Pierre Baldi; [email protected]

Received 20 April 2020; Accepted 7 August 2020; Published 28 August 2020

Academic Editor: Manuel E. Acacio Sanchez

Copyright © 2020 Jordan Ott et al. (is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Implementing artificial neural networks is commonly achieved via high-level programming languages such as Python and easy-to-use deep learning libraries such as Keras. (ese software libraries come preloaded with a variety of network architectures, provideautodifferentiation, and support GPUs for fast and efficient computation. As a result, a deep learning practitioner will favor training aneural network model in Python, where these tools are readily available. However, many large-scale scientific computation projectsare written in Fortran, making it difficult to integrate with modern deep learning methods. To alleviate this problem, we introduce asoftware library, the Fortran-Keras Bridge (FKB). (is two-way bridge connects environments where deep learning resources areplentiful with those where they are scarce. (e paper describes several unique features offered by FKB, such as customizable layers,loss functions, and network ensembles. (e paper concludes with a case study that applies FKB to address open questions about therobustness of an experimental approach to global climate simulation, in which subgrid physics are outsourced to deep neural networkemulators. In this context, FKB enables a hyperparameter search of one hundred plus candidate models of subgrid cloud andradiation physics, initially implemented in Keras, to be transferred and used in Fortran. Such a process allows the model’s emergentbehavior to be assessed, i.e., when fit imperfections are coupled to explicit planetary-scale fluid dynamics. (e results reveal apreviously unrecognized strong relationship between offline validation error and online performance, in which the choice of theoptimizer proves unexpectedly critical. (is in turn reveals many new neural network architectures that produce considerableimprovements in climate model stability including some with reduced error, for an especially challenging training dataset.

1. Introduction

(e Fortran programming language was originally de-veloped in the 1950s and published in 1957. It was createdto help programmers implement solutions for scientificand engineering problems on the IBM 704 computer,which at the time needed to be written in machine orassembly language. Fortran has been regarded as revolu-tionary and possibly one of the most influential softwareproducts in history [1]. Having evolved many times sinceits creation, with the most recent release in 2018, eachversion adds new features and capabilities. Fortran initiallygained popularity and remains a widely used language dueto its fast and efficient computational ability. Additionally,

Fortran’s strength is its backward compatibility, whichallows modern compilers to build code written in the 60sand 70s.

(ough not as popular as it once was, Fortran is still usedin specialized fields, including oceanography, solid me-chanics, computational physics, earthquake simulation,climate modeling, and aerospace. Because of Fortran’scontinued use, a great deal of legacy code and new codeexists. Unfortunately, it is difficult to rewrite all existing codebases in more mainstream languages, due to their size andcomplexity. (erefore, when algorithms and extensive li-braries are created in modern languages, backwards com-patible methods must be developed to make them availablein older legacy code, such as Fortran.

HindawiScientific ProgrammingVolume 2020, Article ID 8888811, 13 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8888811

Page 4: A Fortran-Keras Deep Learning Bridge for Scientific Computing

In recent years, the rise of machine learning and deeplearning has led to successful applications in various do-mains. Substantial improvements in the size of the trainingsets and available computing power have led to a new waveof implementations [2, 3]. In turn, this success has increasedthe usage and dissemination of deep learning. (esemethods have been applied to a variety of domains, e.g.,ranging from remote sensing [4, 5] to computer vision[6–10], and to games [11, 12]. Specifically, within scientificcomputing, many advancements have been achievedthrough the application of neural networks. Neural networkshave been augmented with physically informed capabilities[13, 14], better suiting them for conservation restrictions.Learning partial differential equations [15, 16] has provedvaluable in multiple scientific domains.

(e success and popularity of deep learning have in-spired the creation of powerful software libraries written inseveral modern programming languages. However, Fortranis not among the modern languages that benefit from thesedeep learning libraries. (is absence leaves Fortran pro-grammers with few options to implement deep neuralnetworks.

(e implementation of deep neural networks, in Fortran,may be achieved via two primary pathways. One solution isto rewrite all existing deep learning libraries in Fortran. (esecond solution is to leverage existing frameworks andbridge available functionalities to Fortran. (e former isextremely arduous and time consuming, considering the sizeand scope of existing deep learning packages and the diz-zying pace of their evolution [17–19]. (e latter approach,which this paper describes, is to allow users to leverage thepower of existing frameworks while providing a bridgebetween paradigms where deep learning resources areplentiful and those where they are scarce. In this way, we canleverage aspects of currently available deep learning softwarelibraries, such as Keras [20], and bring them to large-scalescientific computing packages written in Fortran. To thisend, we propose the Fortran-Keras Bridge (FKB), a two-waybridge connecting models in Keras with ones available inFortran. (e source code is publicly available and can befound in https://github.com/scientific-computing/FKB. Webegin by reviewing existing Fortran projects that wouldbenefit from the integration of FKB.

2. Fortran Projects

FKB can be integrated with many existing large-scale andcomputationally intensive projects written in Fortran. (eseprojects will benefit from the easy integration of neuralnetwork models, which FKB makes possible.

For example, Fortran is used to do a great deal of work inclimate and ocean modeling. For instance, the US-producedCommunity Earth System Model [21] is written in object-oriented Fortran-90; this is the most widely used climatemodel in the world, so are the other climate simulation codesused by the US Department of Energy [22] and the NationalOceanographic and Atmospheric Administration’s Geo-physical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory [23]. Meanwhile, theNucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO)[26]

engine is used for studying ocean circulation problems onregional and global scales andmaking future predictions andis also written in Fortran. (e Hybrid Coordinate OceanModel (HYCOM)[27], also used for ocean modeling, ex-tends traditional ocean models to allow for a smoothtransition from the deep ocean to coastal regimes. Re-searchers have also developed models for the modeling ofwaves and wind stress [26]. (e Weather Research andForecasting Model (WRF) is arguably the most widely usednumerical weather prediction models for regional decisionsupport [27]. Since its release in 2000, the number of WRFregistrations has grown to over 36,000. WRF produces at-mospheric simulations with support for special applications,including air chemistry, hydrology, wildland fires, hurri-canes, and regional climate, and is again a Fortran-basedmodel.

Fortran has found continued use in solid mechanicspackages for implementing finite element methods. Popularpackages such as ANSYS [28], ABAQUS [29], and LS-DYNA[30] are written in Fortran or accept Fortran subroutines.Similarly, in earthquake modeling, the SPECFEM3D [31]package leverages Fortran for simulations.

(e list goes on. Code Saturne [32], developed byElectricite de France, and NEK5000 [33] are Fortran open-source computational fluid dynamics packages. Code_Sa-turne allows for user customization via Fortran subroutines,which is just one application domain for FKB. NEK5000 isactively used in the Center for Exascale Simulation of Ad-vanced Reactors (CESAR) projects. Fortran has also beencontinually used for molecular modeling within chemistryand physics. (e Chemistry at Harvard MacromolecularMechanics (CHARMM) Development Project has produceda powerful molecular simulation program in Fortran [34].(is simulation program not only primarily targets bio-logical systems but can also be used for inorganic materials.A similar tool, NWChem, has been developed by the Mo-lecular Sciences Software Group at the Pacific NorthwestNational Laboratory [35]. NWChem is a computationalchemistry software that includes quantum chemical andmolecular dynamics functionalities. Within the molecularphysics domain, Fluktuierende Kaskade (FLUKA) is aproprietary tool for calculations of particle transport andinteractions with matter [36].

(e models mentioned above and projects can leveragethe FKB library to leverage neural networks within theircodebases. For example, neural networks have proven usefulin modeling sea surface temperature cooling for typhoonforecasting [37].(erefore, the integration of FKB with toolssuch as NEMO, HYCOM, or WRFmodels is a possibility. Ina recent study of computational fluid dynamics, Ling et al.solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations,similar to Code_Saturne and NEK5000. By implementingdeep neural networks, the authors report that the archi-tecture improved prediction accuracy [38]. Finally, the Flukatool contains a wide range of molecular physics applications,including dosimetry calculations. Vega-Carrillo et al. haveshown neural networks aided in the calculation of neutrondoses [39]. For global climate simulation, there is proof thatdeep neural networks can offer skillful alternatives to

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assumption-prone approximations of subgrid cloud andturbulence physics in the atmosphere [40, 41]. We hope thatthe FKB library enables Fortran users to expand their re-search and projects to include neural networks.

Having reviewed several Fortran-based projects that canleverage FKB, we now introduce the two sides of this bridge.(e following sections will develop the foundations onwhich to anchor each side of this two-way bridge. We startby introducing the deep learning anchor.

3. The Python Anchor (Deep Learning)

Many programming languages offer tools and libraries forimplementing artificial neural networks. However, in recentyears, Python has emerged as the clear favorite within thisdomain. Metrics in Figure 1 display Python’s dominance.Python is used nearly 50% more than the second mostpopular language; R. Python’s ubiquitous presence in ma-chine learning makes it the obvious choice to leverageexisting libraries for Fortran. (e question then becomes,which available software library within Python is best suitedto bridge to Fortran?

Of the available deep learning libraries, Keras [18] is themost popular among practitioners (Figure 1(b)). Keras is anApplication Programming Interface (API) built on top ofTensorFlow [17], which provides users the ability to im-plement quickly, train, and test networks. (is convenienceencapsulates much of the low-level complexity one mustmanage when implementing deep networks from scratch.Keras abstracts many of the complicated aspects of Ten-sorFlow while still providing customizability and ease of use.(is combination makes Keras the first choice of many fordeep learning applications. As a result of its popularity andease of use, Keras is the clear choice on which to build oneend of the two-way bridge.

Figure 2 depicts the positioning of the Python anchor,FKB/P, within the deep learning ecosystem. (e Keras APIleverages Python to build deep neural networks. FKB/Presides on top of Keras to access models produced fromKeras and transmit them to the Fortran anchor, FKB/F. (isstructure allows for integration with Fortran applicationsthat wish to leverage deep neural network architectures.Having described the deep learning anchor within Python,Section 4 develops the foundation for anchoring the bridgewith Fortran.

4. The Fortran Anchor (Scientific Computing)

Several attempts have been made to implement neuralnetworks in Fortran, with some success [43–47]. However,many implementations resort to hacking a single-use neuralnetwork by hand, or binding code from other languages [47].Along these lines, one may consider accessing Pythonfunctionality directly from Fortran, by running a Pythoninstance within Fortran. While providing flexibility and easeof use, this is vulnerable to extreme deficiencies in speed andcomputational resources. As a result, this solution becomesuntenable for large-scale computation projects such as theones described in Section 2.

(ere are a small number of existing neural networklibraries in Fortran [46–48]. (e most recent and well de-veloped library is Neural Fortran [46], a lightweight neuralnetwork library, written natively in Fortran. (e NeuralFortran library provides the ability to implement artificialneural networks of arbitrary size with data-based parallel-ism. Additionally, in benchmark studies, Neural Fortran wasshown to have comparable compute performance with Keraswhile maintaining a lower memory footprint. (is libraryoffers a foundation to anchor the Fortran side of the two-waybridge, FKB/F. By extending and building on top of-NeuralFortran, we can convert Keras models to ones readilyavailable in Fortran and implement them in existing Fortranprojects.

(e positioning of FKB within the scientific computingecosystem is shown in Figure 2. (e Fortran anchor, FKB/F,can use models originally constructed and trained in Keras,which can then be transferred to Fortran via FKB/P. To usethese models, the Fortran side of FKB implements a neuralnetwork library. (is portion of FKB can be used withinlarge-scale scientific computation software, such as theprojects identified in Section 2.

By leveraging FKB, it becomes seamless to train net-works in Python and transfer them to Fortran, to run insidelarge-scale simulations. Similarly, neural network modelsconstructed in Fortran can be transferred to Python foradditional analysis, expansion, and optimization-includinghyperparameter searches using available tools in Python[20, 49, 50]. As both sides of the bridge have been properlyintroduced, the following section will describe the specificfeatures and functionalities of FKB.

5. Features of FKB

Once a neural network is trained in high-level APIs such asKeras, the practitioner has few practical avenues for usingthis model in Fortran-based projects. One approach maybeto hard code network operations inside Fortran whilemanually moving parameters from the Keras model. Severalexamples of this can been seen in climate modeling[41, 51–53].

To provide one specific example, in [41], the authorstrained a deep neural network (DNN) to represent subgridcloud and convective energy transport processes, in Keras.To assess its credibility, they needed to test the DNN’s two-way interactions when thousands of replicates of it wereembedded within a coarse-resolution global atmosphericmodel, written in Fortran neural network-emulated cloudsinteracting with deterministic physical calculations ofplanetary geophysical fluid dynamics. As the global atmo-spheric simulator does not offer native neural networksupport, the authors hardcoded their DNN model into theglobal simulation software framework. (is approach hasobvious disadvantages. Every minor change made to themodel in Keras requires rewriting the Fortran code. If onewishes to test a suite of models in Fortran, this approachbecomes untenable.

As each network may require different hyperparametersand, as a result, necessitates rewriting and compiling the

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Fortran code for every new model. (is process drasticallylimits the breadth of available models to be tested within thesimulator. (is bottleneck is currently a significant road-block to ongoing debates in the climate simulation com-munity, more broadly, about whether or not to use DNNrepresentations of subgrid physics in next-generation cli-mate modeling. Insufficient testing of diverse candidateneural networks (NN) means that little is known about howminor imperfections in the fit of one NN can amplify whenthe NN is coupled to fluid dynamics, which is just beginningto be explored [54].

(ese issues demand a solution, in the form of a bridgebetween Keras and Fortran. (e FKB software solves theseissues via two key elements. First, it provides a neuralnetwork library implemented in Fortran (FKB/F). Second, itoffers the ability to parse existing Keras models into formatsconsistent with the Fortran neural network library (FKB/P).As a result, users can switch, seamlessly, back and forthbetween Python and Fortran.(is context provides a way foriterative neural network tuning (Python) and testing (For-tran), with a simple way to translate between the twosoftware environments. Additionally, FKB offers currentlyunavailable Fortran specific features for neural networks. Itwill be useful to highlight those new features while doc-umenting the format to which FKB adheres. (e followingsections describe the Python and Fortran anchors’ features,FKB/P and FKB/F, respectively.

5.1. FKB/P. Keras models—once built, trained, andsaved—are stored in Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5)files. (ese files contain the network architecture, weights,biases, and additional information-optimizers, learningrates, gradients, etc. From the HDF5 file, FKB/P parses thenetwork architecture, extracting the number of layers, ac-tivation functions, nodes per layer, and all weights andbiases. (is information is converted to match the Fortranneural network configuration in FKB/F. (is allows users tobuild an equivalent network in Fortran, which can easily beloaded and used within a Fortran environment. If anymodifications to the model are made inside Fortran, FKB/Pwill parse this back into the equivalent HDF5 file to be usedin Keras once again.

On the contrary, networks may be initially constructedin Fortran. After initial training and testing, a user canswitch to Keras for further evaluation. From Keras, users canconduct additional testing or hyperparameter tuning wherethese tools are readily available [49].

(e ability to seamlessly pass neural network architec-tures between Python and Fortran is essential for anypractitioner working in this space. (is bridge allows usersto take advantage of the high-level Keras API—training oncomputationally efficient GPUs—then to insert their trainedmodel into a Fortran codebase. (e functionality providedbridges the chasm between Keras and Fortran.

5.2. FKB/F. (e Fortran anchor of FKB leverages and ex-tends the original Neural Fortran library. Below, we in-troduce newly implemented features tomake Neural Fortranmore flexible and able to communicate on the two-waybridge.

5.2.1. Custom Layers. To implement neural networks inFortran, FKB leverages and extends the Neural Fortran li-brary [46]. (e prototype Neural Fortran library format thatwe build on was only capable of implementing a fullyconnected layer. Forward and backward operations occurred





20% 40% 60% 80%Usage Percentage






10% 20% 30% 40% 50%Usage Percentage


Figure 1: (a) Usage of programming languages for machine learning and data science. Statistics are from the 2018 Kaggle ML and DS survey[40]. (b) Usage metrics of deep learning frameworks. Statistics are from the 2019 Kaggle State of Data Science andMachine Learning Report[42].


Neural Fortran


Large-scale scientificcomputation



Deep learning

Figure 2: Positioning of FKB within Fortran and Pythonecosystems.

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outside this layer in the network module. An example of thisis shown in Algorithm 1. From the algorithm, one canobserve hardcoded matrix multiplication of layer weights,the addition of biases, and the activation functions inside thenetworkmodule.(is network-level subroutine accesses andmodifies individual layer attributes. (is rigid format isinconsistent with modern neural network implementationparadigms [17–19], but it makes it impossible to implementother layers or custom operations. To increase the library’sflexibility, operations must be encapsulated inside the layer,consistent with current practice.

In FKB, we introduce an extendable layer type module(Algorithm 2). To implement a layer, one simply extends thelayer type and specifies the construction of the forward andbackward functions. Adhering to this format offers severaladvantages. By restructuring the format of the library, weoffer the ability to implement arbitrary layers. Additionally,in the network module, all layers are stored in an array ofpointers. (is leads to the encapsulated version shown inAlgorithm 2 wherein a forward pass, in the network module,calls the layer-specific forward function. In this way, alloperations are confined to the layer module, and the outputfrom one layer is passed as input to the next.

FKB supports fully connected or dense layers, dropout[55, 56], and batch normalization [57]. Algorithm 3 is anexample of extending the layer_type to implement a batchnormalization layer. (is format translates to increasedfunctionality and customizability to the user. As a result,more standard layers from Keras are available, while givingusers the flexibility to implement their own customoperations.

5.2.2. Training in Fortran. It is necessary to distinguishbetween the terms offline versus online for the followingsection. (ese terms serve to distinguish two different set-tings in which a neural network can be used in a Fortrancomputing package. Both settings can make use of historicalor simulated data to train an artificial network. (e dis-tinguishing feature is how the predictions of a model areused. In an online setting, predictions from the model areused to evolve a physical process.(e predictions at one timestep affect how the system acts at the following time step. Asa result, inputs to the model will change based on how themodel acted in the past. In offline settings, this is not thecase. Predictions made in the past do not affect the input tothe model in the future.

In many cases, offline training may be sufficient to learna model, if enough prior data is available. However, in somecases, online training may be the method of choice. To thisend, FKB is equipped to handle backpropagation for gra-dient descent optimization of a specified cost function.

(e layer encapsulationmentioned above of forward andbackward operations (Section 5.2.1) becomes extremelyvaluable in training. Instead of all computations occurringwithin the network module [46], they are contained in layer-specific functions. Much like the forward pass, backwardoperations occur in the layer. In this fashion, each layer isresponsible for computing its gradients with respect to its

parameters and returning the gradient with respect to thelayer below it.

Online training can serve a variety of purposes. First, aneural network model may be learned entirely in Fortran,based on the evolving state variables during the integrationof a physical dynamical system simulation, and thentransferred to Keras after the fact. In this setting, the groundtruth, from the simulator, is passed to the network for it tocalculate its errors and update its parameters accordinglythrough backpropagation. Second, online training couldserve to provide gentle corrections to an imperfect pre-trained model, for instance, to hedge against the amplifi-cation of its imperfections that are only revealed once theNN is coupled to other physical calculations. Here, a modelis trained offline in Keras and transferred to Fortran (Section5.1). In some cases, for a variety of reasons, the offlinetraining data may have a differing distribution than that ofthe online data. In such a setting, it proves beneficial to offerslight corrections to the network. Finally, a secondary modelmay be constructed to learn and compensate for the defi-ciencies in the primary model. In this way, the two networkswork together to balance out any instability issues.

(e ease of use and proper format directly results fromthe encapsulation of layer operations. Online training offersa solution to tackle a suite of potential problems. As a result,models may be updated with slight corrections or learnedentirely online.

5.2.3. Custom Loss Functions. In many applications, prac-titioners may wish to optimize a unique quantity, a functionother than a mean squared error or crossentropy. (is iscommon when target variables interact or additional in-formation is known about their relationship in a desiredapplication. For example, in modeling any physical system,predictions from a neural network must not violate physicalconstraints, energy cannot be created or destroyed in thesystem. To satisfy this restriction, a loss function can bewritten to quantify the amount of violation of physicalproperties. (is construction can then be minimized toalleviate constraint infractions [13].

(e implementation of custom loss functions is standardfor high-level APIs such as Keras, TensorFlow, and PyTorchto provide this ability in their codebase [17–19]. As FKB isdesigned for those working in the physical sciences whereenvironmental, physical, or application-specific constraintsare common, it provides the ability to implement customloss functions. To take advantage of this functionality, usersmust implement their desired loss function, just as theywould in Keras. As FKB does not provide automatic dif-ferentiation, the derivatives with respect to the input are alsorequired for training. Once these functions have beenspecified, they can be dropped into the existing frameworkand run normally, much like Keras.

(is capability is demonstrated through the imple-mentation of the crossentropy loss function in Algorithm 4.To implement this previously unavailable loss function, wefirst declare two functions. First, the crossentropy scalar loss.Second, the loss with respect to the input logits is derived.

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(ese two functions are then referenced as the loss andd_loss, respectively. By providing this functionality, usersmay leverage a variety of loss functions that can be used tominimize application-specific quantities. Once described,they may be included with the existing framework and usedduring online training.

5.2.4. Ensembles. Ensembles consist of different models,each trained on the same, or bootstrapped, data. (e outputof the ensemble will be an average of all its member’s

predictions. In machine learning, ensembles of modelstypically perform better than any one of its members alone.(e ensemble strategy exploits the fact that each model willmake different errors. (erefore, when averaged together,these predictions becomemore accurate, as certain errors getsmoothed out. A consensus from machine learning prac-titioners is ensembling and gives 1-2% improvement inperformance [58].

As a result of this averaging, ensembles provide a boostin performance as well as additional robustness. In domains,where physical constraint violations yield stability issues,

pure subroutine fwdprop(self, x)

! Performs the forward propagation and stores arguments to activation

! functions and activations themselves for use in backprop.class(network_type), intent(in out): self

real(rk), intent(in): x()integer(ik): n

associate(layers �> self % layers)layers(1) % a� x

do n� 2, size(layers)layers(n) % z� matmul(transpose(layers(n-1) % w), layers(n-1) % a) + layers(n) % b

layers(n) % a� self % layers(n) % activation(layers(n) % z)end do

end associateend subroutine fwdprop

ALGORITHM 1: Original code from [46]. Layer operations occur inside the network module, limiting flexibility.

function output(self, input) result(last_layer_output)

...! iterate through layers passing activation forward

do n� 1, size(layers)call layers(n) % p % forward(layers(n-1) % p % o)

end do! get output from last layer

last_layer_output� layers(size(layers)) % p % oend function output

ALGORITHM 2: Forward pass in the FKB network module. Each layer simply calls its own forward function. (e technical operations occurwithin each layer.

! BatchNorm layer-extends from base layer_type

! Implements batch normalizationtype, extends(layer_type): BatchNorm

! epsilon parameterreal(rk): epsilon

containsprocedure, public, pass(self): forward �> batchnorm_forwardprocedure, public, pass(self): backward �> batchnorm_backward

end type BatchNorm

ALGORITHM 3: Example of extending the layer_type to implement batch normalization.

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ensembles may be applied to dampen these problems. Byaveraging across many networks, the instability of any onemodel will be drastically reduced in the presence of moresound predictions.

(e functionality provided requires the user to specify adirectory that contains the models of interest and a desiredamount of noise. (e ensemble type will read in each modeland construct a network corresponding to each of them. Toget a prediction from the ensemble, an input vector is passedto it. For nonzero amounts of noise, Gaussian noise isapplied to the input vector each time it is passed to anensemble member. (is allows each member to see a slightlydifferent variant of the input, increasing the robustness ofprediction around that point. (is operation runs in parallelusing OpenMP, where each network can be given its threadto expedite computation; such an approach could easily beadapted via OpenACC for GPU-based threading of largeensemble network calculations. Following the computation,the predictions are averaged together, and the final output isgiven.

6. Case Study

(e following section provides a case study demonstratingan application of FKB to experimental next-generationclimate modeling. (e Superparameterized CommunityAtmospheric Model version 3.0 (SPCAM3) is used for allsimulations in this study. Superparameterization is an ap-proach that confronts the decade-long problem of repre-senting subgrid cloud physics in climate models byembedding thousands of limited-domain explicit submodelsof moist convection within a conventional planetary-scalemodel of the large-scale atmosphere [59–62]. (is approachtends to involve two orders of magnitude more computa-tional intensity per unit area of the simulated earth, butrecently Rasp et al. used a deep neural network to emulate allof the expensive subgrid cloud resolving models’ (CRM)influence on the planetary host at drastically reducedcomputational expense [41]. (is study, along with others inthe emerging climate modeling literature [51] have dem-onstrated the potential advantages of a data-driven approach

for addressing the critical unresolved effects of clouds andconvection on planetary climate, as compared to previous,heuristic-based, approximations to subgrid physics. How-ever, the idea of emulating turbulence in climate simulationis still an emerging one, with unclear trade-offs, includingfrequent instabilities when NN emulators are coupled withfluid dynamics, which the community is seeking to learnhow to control [51]. It has even been questioned whether theoffline skill of such emulators, during their training, ispredictive of their online performance [63, 64], an importantopen question.

(ese questions are understudied primarily due to thelack of the simple software interface that FKB now enablesfor climate scientists to test diverse candidate neural net-works and ensembles within planetary climate models.

To illustrate an advance on this front, we now apply FKBto shed new light on two related questions currently indebate:

(1) Does offline performance translate to online modelperformance [63, 64]?

(2) Which neural network hyperparameters most affectonline performance?

Using FKB, the study can be broken into two stages.First, a suite of 108 candidate neural network models ofconvection are trained, via Keras, on simulated data from theSPCAM3. Second, the models are converted to Fortran andrun online (i.e., coupled to planetary fluid dynamics) in theSPCAM3 simulator. (e number of steps serves as a pre-liminary metric of performance until catastrophic failure. Itis clear that, in the absence of the FKB library, runninghundreds of candidate neural network submodels of con-vection within the Fortran-based model of the rest of theplanet’s atmosphere would be nearly impossible. As eachnetwork contains various hyperparameters, each with dif-ferent weights and biases learned during training, includinglayer-specific properties such as optional use of dropout orbatch normalization. To leverage the FKB library withSPCAM3, we simply compile the neural network library inadvance and link it to the compilation of SPCAM3. Doc-umentation steps for the implementation of this case study

real(rk) function crossentropy_loss(self, y_true, y_pred)

! Given predicted and expected output, returns the scalar loss

class(network_type), intent(in out): selfreal(rk), intent(in): y_true(), y_pred()

loss� - sum(y_true ∗ log(y_pred))end function loss

function d_crossentropy_loss(self, y_true, y_pred) result(loss)! Given predicted and expected output

! returns the loss with respect to softmax inputclass(network_type), intent(in out): self

real(rk), intent(in): y_true(), y_pred()real(rk), allocatable: loss()

loss� y_pred - y_trueend function d_loss

ALGORITHM 4: Implementation of crossentropy loss function and the corresponding derivation with respect to the input logits.

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are provided in https://github.com/scientific-computing/FKB/blob/master/SPCAM_Instructions.md.

(e input to this neural network model is a 94-di-mensional vector. Features include vertically resolved vec-tors representing the large-scale (host model) temperature,humidity, meridional wind vertical structure, surface pres-sure, incoming solar radiation, sensible heat flux, and latentheat flux scalars. (e output of the network is a 65-di-mensional vector composed of the embedded models’ in-fluence on their host, i.e., the sum of the CRM and radiativeheating rates, the CRM moistening rate, the net radiativefluxes at the top of the atmosphere and surface of the Earth,and the precipitation.

(e training data used here are challenging to fit, as theycome from an enhanced version of the CRM training datathat was originally studied by [41]. In superparameterizedsimulations, one can control the degrees of freedom of theinterior resolved scale through the room available for in-teresting forms of subgrid storm organization to form. Onecan control the physical extent (i.e., number of columns usedin) each embedded CRM array [65]. In [41], CRM arrayswith only 8 columns (32-km extent, given the 4-km hori-zontal resolution) were used. Here, we quadruple the extent(from 32 km to 128 km, i.e., from 8 columns to 32 columns)to improve its physical realism. Despite several attempts,these data have never been fit successfully. NNs trained fromthe enriched data tend to produce crashes within just a fewsimulated weeks after they are embedded in the climatemodel (see discussion of “NN-unstable” by [54], for details).

Our working hypothesis is that historical failures in free-running tests when emulators are trained on higher qualityCRM training data reflect a broader issue of insufficienthyperparameter tuning in climate model applications. Toaddress this, we conducted neural network optimization viaa random search using SHERPA [49], a Python library forhyperparameter tuning. We detail the hyperparameters ofinterest in Table 1, as well as the range of available optionsduring the search.(e hyperparameters of interest consistedof whether or not to use batch normalization, the amount ofdropout, the leaky ReLU coefficient, learning rate, nodes perlayer, the number of layers, and the optimizer. (e randomsearch algorithm has the advantage of making no as-sumptions about the structure of the hyperparameter searchproblem and is ideal for exploring a variety of settings.

We attained 108 candidate neural network modelconfigurations, each trained for 25 epochs with earlystopping monitoring the validation loss. Following theoffline training stage, the neural network models wereconverted into their Fortran counterparts and ran insideSPCAM3. We underscore that this critical step would havebeen prohibitive using standard tools that have requiredmanual translation of each candidate model. However, byleveraging the FKB library, each model was loaded inde-pendently into Fortran and run as the subgrid physicsemulator inside SPCAM3’s host planetary model, of thelarge-scale atmospheric state. Each model was coupled tofluid dynamics, to run a wide ensemble of prognostic testsacross an unprecedented diversity of candidate neural

network architectures. Each of the one hundred and eightcandidate neural network models—with their variousnumbers of layers, layer-specific settings (batch normali-zation, relu magnitude, etc), nodes per layer, weights, andbiases—were run online, all without rewriting any Fortrancode.

In order to address the first question and evaluate aneural network model’s performance, we compare its vali-dation MSE during training with the time-to-failure of theonline tests in which 8,192 instances of the NN, spaced atregular intervals around the globe, are coupled interactivelyto their host global atmospheric model of large-scale geo-physical fluid dynamics. (is yields Figure 3, which shedsnew light on the offline vs. online relationship.

(e results in this figure demonstrate a relationshipbetween offline validation error and online performance.(ere is a distinct, negative, relationship between offlineMSE and online stability (Spearman correlation of −0.73;p� 4.961e−19). Intriguingly, the mean-squared error loss ofour multilayer perceptron is a reasonable predictor of sta-bility once coupled to the climate model, insofar as the time-to-failure is concerned. (is finding is interesting in thecontext of the recent speculation by [64] that such a rela-tionship might not exist using similar NNs in a similarsetting, as well as the comments by [63] about similar in-congruities even in reduced-order dynamical systems whenemulated with GANs.

Of course, stability alone is a necessary but not a suf-ficient condition of prognostic success, which also requiresan in-depth analysis of biases in the simulated climate.Figure 4 shows the time evolution of the tropospherictemperature and humidity biases, colorized by the offlinevalidation error. (ese metrics reveal that, although oursearch has uncovered many runs that are “stable,”can runwithout catastrophically crashing for several months, mostof these runs would not be very useful in an operationalsetting. Almost all NNs exhibit major errors in the simulatedclimate, having drifted to erroneous attractors with rootmean square errors in temperature frequently above 10K.However, the NN that produced the best offline validationerror stands out as having the combined desired qualities ofstability and skill with temperature biases of less than 2K,competitive with [41]. Interestingly, coupling instead to theensemble mean of a few of the best-ranked models (magentadashed lines) does not outperform coupling to the best fit

Table 1: Hyperparameter space.

Name Options Parameter typeBatch normalization [yes, no] ChoiceDropout [0, 0.25] ContinuousLeaky ReLUcoefficient [0–0.4] Continuous

Learning rate [0.00001–0.01] Continuous(log)

Nodes per layer [125, 256, 512] DiscreteNumber of layers [4–11] Discrete

Optimizer [Adam, RMSProp,SGD] Choice

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model, the value of having found it using SHERPA(Figure 4).

In short, we have produced a successful coupled sim-ulation that was particularly challenging without formalhyperparameter tuning and FKB. (is result suggests thatsufficient hyperparameter tuning may be critical to solvingchronic instability in climate model applications of DNNsfor subgrid physics.

(e second question naturally arises as to which of thehyperparameters are most impactful to the online perfor-mance. To assess this, Figures 4(b)–4(i) decompose thesensitivity of the baseline relationship to individual hyper-parameter choices. (e choice of the optimizer is shown tocorrelate most strongly with online performance (Figure 3).(is finding is confirmed by Spearman values, as shown inTable 2. (e optimizer hyperparameter has the largest

absolute correlation value with online performance. Noother hyperparameter shows as clear a distinction in cor-relation that is evident in the choice of the optimizer, in-cluding the network depth and total number of parameters,which are known to be important to offline fits for thisproblem [66], but are surprisingly not as predictive ofcoupled skill as the choice of the optimizer, whose impacthas not previously been isolated (for this application).

Further investigation into the specific optimizer usedreveals the SGD optimizer to perform poorly; NNs fit withSGD never run longer than 1,000 steps when coupled online(Figure 3). Again the visual intuition from Figure 3 isconfirmed by Spearman correlation values. SGD, Adam, andRMSProp have Spearman values of -0.6670, 0.5936, 0.0586,respectively.(ese values demonstrate that the use of SGD isnegatively correlated with online performance, whereas






s (lo


0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025Validation MSE







s (lo


0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025Validation MSE

Batch normalization








s (lo


0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025Validation MSE













s (lo


0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025Validation MSE

0.350.300.25 0.200.15 0.10 0.05


y Re








s (lo


0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025Validation MSE

0.0070.0060.005 0.0040.003 0.002 0.001










s (lo


0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025Validation MSE

Dense nodes128256512

(f )






s (lo


0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025Validation MSE









s (lo


0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025Validation MSE





500000 Tota

l par









eps (


0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025Validation MSE


Figure 3: Offline performance-validation mean squared error (MSE) vs. online performance number of steps until crash. (a) All models. (b)By batch normalization usage. (c) By dropout amount. (d) By leaky ReLU coefficient. (e) By learning rate. (f ) By number of dense nodes perlayer. (g) By number of layers. (h) By total number of model parameters. (i) By optimizer type.

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Adam positively correlates with online performance. (isresult leads one to speculate that increased improvements inonline skill may be realized from more advanced optimizerswith enhanced gradient update schedules.

Finally, after answering the two questions motivatingthis case study, we can compare the results of the bestperforming model with that of previously published modelsof [41] when applied to the challenging limit of CRMs with32-km horizontal extent. (e model proposed by Rasp et al.was a single deep neural network.(e hyperparameter spaceof this model was not fully explored online in large part dueto the laborious process required to transfer those modelsinto Fortran.(e Rasp et al. model (provided by the authors)ran for 128 steps before crashing due to instability issues.(efive best models achieved in this study ran to completion of a5-year simulation, i.e., for 87,840 steps; of these, two of thefive models further exhibited root mean square errors insimulated tropospheric temperature of less than 2 degreesCelsius. (is dramatic improvement in stability is a directresult of the ease with which a wide variety of models(identified by SHERPA) can be transferred between Pythonand Fortran (thanks to FKB). We also note that this method

is preferable to another approach that was recently proposedto begin stabilizing the same model, through small-ampli-tude Gaussian input perturbation [54], a strategy that, whilepromising, adds computational expense and introduces out-of-sample extrapolation issues that can be avoided with thebrute-force optimization and wide-ensemble prognostictesting path to stabilization we have outlined here.

(is case study has investigated two closely entangledquestions: (1) does offline performance correspond to onlinemodel performance? and (2) what neural network hyper-parameters most affect online performance? Both of thesequestions have been answered by leveraging the FKB library.(e library offers the ability to expeditiously transfer modelstrained in Keras to Fortran, where they may be run online inexisting simulators. In the absence of FKB, neither one ofthese questions could be approached without unreasonablehuman intervention, as the operational target is a climatemodel with over a hundred thousand lines of code written inFortran.

7. Conclusion

(e ubiquitousness of deep learning has resulted from ex-tensive free and open-source libraries [17, 46, 58]. Deeplearning’s success and popularity merit its integration inlarge-scale computing packages, such as those written inFortran. Instead of rewriting all existing libraries in Fortran,we introduced a two-way bridge between low-level, Fortran,and Python through the FKB Library. (e library providesresearchers the ability to implement neural networks intoFortran code bases while being able to transfer them backand forth with Keras.

Fortran, which has been a staple within computationallyintensive fields for decades, will undoubtedly see continueduse due to its fast computational ability and vast amounts of


of T

(p ≥


.9 h

Pa) l





5 10 15 20 25Time (simulated months)
















Neural networksEnsembles



of Q

(p ≥


.9 h

Pa) l




5 10 15 20 25Time (simulated months)












Neural networksEnsembles



n lo



Figure 4: (e time-evolution of the tropospheric (a) temperature and (b) humidity biases, colorized by the offline validation error.

Table 2: Spearman correlation of corresponding hyperparameterwith online performance and associated p value.

Correlation p-valueBatchNorm 0.0859 3.7896e−01Dropout 0.1919 4.7591e−02Leaky ReLU 0.0055 9.5465e−01Learning rate −0.2087 3.0923e−02Dense nodes 0.1427 1.4249e−01Layers 0.0410 6.7491e−01Optimizer −0.6998 5.0177e−17Parameters 0.1528 1.1609e−01

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legacy code. (e FKB library enables users to access manyfeatures of the Keras API directly in Fortran, including theability to create custom layers and loss functions to suit theirneeds. We demonstrate the integrability of FKB through ourcase study involving the SPCAM3 simulator. An advantageof FKB is its ease of use, demonstrated by its ability to becompiled in advance and once linked can be easily leveragedin existing large-scale simulators, as we have illustrated forthe application of multiscale physical simulations of theglobal atmosphere.

Data Availability

Code is made publicly available in https://github.com/scientific-computing/FKB. Steps documenting the casestudy are documented in https://github.com/scientific-computing/FKB/blob/master/SPCAM_Instructions.md.

Conflicts of Interest

(e authors declare that there are no conflicts of interestregarding the publication of this paper.


(e work of JO and PB is supported by NSF NRT (Grant1633631). MP acknowledges NSF funding from OAC-1835863 and AGS-1734164. (is research also used HPCresources of the Extreme Science and Engineering DiscoveryEnvironment (XSEDE), which was supported by the Na-tional Science Foundation under Grant no. ACI-1548562[67] and allocation number TG-ATM190002.


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