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A happier self magazine issue1

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Edition #1




Happy 2016!

Page 2: A happier self magazine issue1

Change Your Attitude,

Change Your Life! When your life goes in a direction that you’d rather not experience, it’s often hard to deal with the challenge. You try many different ways to get yourself on the right track, but nothing you’re doing seems to work. Does that sound familiar? If it does, you’ve undoubtedly noticed that having the ideal life isn’t always easy to come by. However, enjoying a fulfilling life has very

little to do with how your cards are dealt, but

rather how you play them. As the saying goes, “Life is 1% what happens to you and 99% how you deal with it.” How you deal with life’s situations ultimately determines your quality of life. The attitude you display in any circumstance will inevitably impact the outcome of it. But you’re probably wondering, “How else am I supposed to react to a negative event than to feel negatively about it?” Let’s take a look at an example and how a change in attitude can improve your situation: The Traffic Scenario

Let’s say you’re driving and you’re about to come upon an amber light, which you’d rather not stop at because you’re late. So you speed up and actually run through the red light instead, and end up being stopped by a police officer, who is now writing you a ticket.

You’re angry and annoyed because you’re late for a meeting at the office. Your anger overflows and you suddenly start to shove the police officer. As a result, you get a second ticket for assaulting an officer. Your negative attitude has

resulted in receiving two tickets instead of one,

and you’re still late for the meeting! Let’s look at how a change in attitude could have impacted the outcome for the better:

• Leaving home a little earlier would have bought you enough time so you wouldn’t have to speed through the light in the first place.

• Stopping at the yellow light would have resulted in a two-minute delay instead of the 20-minute delay you experienced with the police officer!

• Accepting your wrong-doing and acknowledging it to the police officer could have resulted in leniency with the first offense. You might have gotten off without a ticket at all.

• Containing your anger would definitely have prevented the ticket for the second offense.

• You’re now down at least $200, which you were planning to use to complete your credit card payments. A more positive attitude would have saved some money and enabled you to follow through on your credit card payment plan.



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That example clearly shows how a change in attitude can significantly change the outcome of a situation you’re thrown into – or one which you’ve created all on your own! It is instinctual to want to respond to the tone of a situation with an equal tone. But when that tone’s negative, you’ll

almost always end up being worse off. The minute you start to change your attitude

towards life’s challenges, you’ll start to feel

accomplished at the end of a challenge as

opposed to feeling conquered by it. When you remember that you have the power to choose your reaction, you’ll have the power to determine the outcome of a situation! If your ultimate goal in life is to be truly happy, stop and take a look at how much control you have over most outcomes. Once you have stopped long enough to realize that only you can determine how happy you feel, you’ll automatically start making the choices and attitude adjustments that will help you achieve that happiness! you want to project for your business.

10 Tips to Looking and Feeling Confident If you’re self-confident, you believe that your uniqueness is worthy of admiration and that you belong. It has the power to alter how the world perceives and treats you. Your level of self-

confidence influences your future. People intuitively recognize how much self-confidence you have and respond accordingly. One of the easiest ways to experience greater confidence is to take on the thoughts, mannerisms, and movements of confident people. Others will begin treating you with more respect, which will boost your confidence even more. Feel and look better with a few simple tips:

• Speak more slowly. Think about the most confident people you know. Think about James Bond. How does he speak? Slowly and authoritatively as you’re responding to something said to you. Take a deep breath and pause for a second. Take your time and speak slowly.

• Avoid trying to please everyone. It’s an unachievable goal anyway. If you’re truly confident, you don’t feel the need to be accepted by everyone. Be kind and polite, but don’t spend your time trying to be a pleaser. When you spend too much time on others and ignore yourself, they come to the conclusion that you must not be that important.

2 • A HAPPIER SELF ONLINE REPORT Brought to you by: Andrea Kalaydjian ahappierself.com

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Page 4: A happier self magazine issue1

A HAPPIER SELF ONLINE REPORT Brought to you by: Andrea Kalaydjian ahappierself.com

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• Have the proper level of eye contact. If your eye contact is poor, it can be challenging to develop it. Start slowly and make the effort to slowly increase your eye contact during all your interactions with others.

• Remember that it’s not a staring contest, but too little eye contact is a very strong sign that you lack self-confidence.

• Visualize yourself being confident in all situations. Imagine yourself being confident at work, with a stranger, and on a date. Spending a few minutes visualizing each

day is a great way to mentally practice being confident. In fact, imagine applying all of these tips in the situations where you feel your confidence is lagging.

• Slow your movements and gestures. Again, think of James Bond. His gestures are slow and smooth. Quick, twitchy movements are interpreted as a sign of social discomfort. Try to be elegant and graceful.

• Move with purpose. Consider how your co-workers walk down the hall at your workplace. The lower-level people tend to walk with a lack of purpose and direction. It’s almost as if they’re mindlessly wandering around.

• Then consider how the most powerful person at work walks. She’s not rushed, but she’s not wasting time and knows where she’s going.

• Stand up straight. Your mom told you a hundred times. You feel and look better when you stand tall. Look straight ahead.

• Avoid fidgeting. All of your movements

have a purpose when you’re confident. There’s no reason to bounce your leg, wave your hands around, or to pick at yourself.

• Exercise. Thirty minutes of exercise is a great way to look and feel better. Exercise has a positive effect on your mood and attitude. Firming up your body is sure to boost your confidence, too.

• Think confident thoughts. You can think any thoughts you choose, so make your thoughts positive! Tell yourself that you’re confident and people respect you. Whatever you continuously say to yourself will eventually become your reality.

Avoid underestimating the importance of confidence. Some success experts claim

confidence is the best predictor of success. If you’re not feeling confident, boosting your self-confidence might be the best way to enhance all aspects of your life. Add a single tip each week until you’ve incorporated all of them. Experience the positive effects greater confidence has on your life.


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If there’s one thing that many wise people throughout history have realized, it's that life has a unique sense of humor. Why else would happiness be something that

almost everyone wants and covets, yet only few

ever realize in their lifetimes? Another similar joke that life plays on all of us is that happiness is often achieved by those who stop seeking it out. This may seem counterintuitive at first, however, as we explain some of the common beliefs happy people share, it will become readily apparent how those who don't seek happiness are the most likely to find it! Consider using these strategies of happy folk

to help bring more happiness into your life:

• Foster an attitude of appreciation. It's possible that you take certain aspects of your life for granted. This could include anything from having a car, shelter, food to eat and many other aspects of your lifestyle that a majority of the people on this planet could only dream of.

• Be realistic about achieving goals. Expecting success overnight, unless you have just won the lottery, is a sure recipe for disappointment. Happy people are realistic

and pragmatic when it comes to setting and

achieving their goals.

• Put others first. Achieving happiness can sometimes be the opposite of what you might think. You may be wondering how you can bring yourself closer towards achieving happiness if you put others first.

If you take some time to begin integrating the above approaches into your daily living, you'll find that happiness has always been just around the corner – waiting for you to discover it.



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