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A hyper-democratic process for harnessing the collective wisdom of the people

Date post: 16-Feb-2016
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A hyper-democratic process for harnessing the collective wisdom of the people. “The science of dialogue is truly a science that enables people from all walks of life to become "systems thinkers." This is the sole rationale for its invention and evolution .” - Aleco Christakis. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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A hyper-democratic process for harnessing the collective wisdom of the people

PowerPoint Presentation

A hyper-democratic process for harnessing the collective wisdom of the peopleThe science of dialogue is truly a science that enables people from all walks of life to become "systems thinkers." This is the sole rationale for its invention and evolution.-Aleco Christakis

1. A diversity of points of view is essential when engaging stakeholders in a dialogue for defining and resolving a complex issue.2. Dialogue must be structured so that participants are not overloaded with too much information at once.3. Participants will understand the relative importance of their ideas only when they compare them with others in the group.4. Participants become wiser about the meaning of their own ideas when they begin to understand how different peoples ideas relate.Every person matters, so it is necessary to protect the autonomy and authenticity of every persons observations.6. The whole group learns and evolves as each participant sees how their ideas influence those of others.Six Principles of SDD

When engaged in dialogue we often think we have good (even great) ideas

We hear someone elses idea and decide its betterSDD promotes deeper learning & ultimately better solutions

In the process of getting the best ideas we learn humilityRequirement StatementsBefore Classification Complex Situation ANTICIPATIONClassification OfRequirement StatementsEnhancementPatternAPPLICATION STAGES OF THE CO-LABORATORY DIALOGUEAnticipating the System of Requirements of Harbor Springs Public Schools to ensure successful outcomes for ALL studentsRequirement StatementsBefore Classification Complex Situation ANTICIPATIONClassification OfRequirement StatementsEnhancementPatternWicked ProblemAPPLICATION STAGES OF THE CO-LABORATORY DIALOGUEAnticipating the System of Requirements of Harbor Springs Public Schools to ensure successful outcomes for ALL students

Requirement StatementsBefore Classification Complex Situation ANTICIPATIONClassification OfRequirement StatementsEnhancementPatternMany ideas generated in reaction to the triggering questionAPPLICATION STAGES OF THE CO-LABORATORY DIALOGUEAnticipating the System of Requirements of Harbor Springs Public Schools to ensure successful outcomes for ALL students

Requirement StatementsBefore Classification Complex Situation ANTICIPATIONClassification OfRequirement StatementsEnhancementPatternOrganized according to similiaritiesAPPLICATION STAGES OF THE CO-LABORATORY DIALOGUEAnticipating the System of Requirements of Harbor Springs Public Schools to ensure successful outcomes for ALL students

Requirement StatementsBefore Classification Complex Situation ANTICIPATIONClassification OfRequirement StatementsEnhancementPatternInfluence relationships determine likely leverage pointsAPPLICATION STAGES OF THE CO-LABORATORY DIALOGUEAnticipating the System of Requirements of Harbor Springs Public Schools to ensure successful outcomes for ALL students

Getting Started

Discovery Phase

Discovery Phase1Wicked ProblemAcknowledgement of a wicked problem. A wicked problem is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize. 2Core Planning Team

Establish a Core Planning Team (CPT) of 3-5 individuals. The CPT should be comprised of diverse perspectives. This team will assist with planning the Co-Lab, including decisions around archetype, triggering questions, stakeholders, and action plans. This team is essentially responsible for managing the discovery phase of the SDD application. Discovery Phase3ArchetypeDetermine the specific archetype that will be the most appropriate to address the situation. Consideration should not be based on time but rather the nature of the wicked problem and the desired outcomes of the Co-Lab (see Appendix A). 4Triggering Question

A triggering question (TQ) is used for each Co-Lab and serves to focus the discussion on the desired outcomes of the Co-Lab. Every word counts in the TQ and the nuances of individual words should not be overlooked. It often takes several revisions before the CPT finalizes a TQ, which may yet be amended after being introduced to participants the day of the Co-Lab.Discovery Phase5Establish DatesSchedule the Co-Lab(s) ASAP. Consider the following:The time commitment for participation is significant and participants may have prior commitments. Venue Finding an appropriate location (see Appendix B for room requirements) may take longer than anticipated. Lodging it is advantageous to reserve a block of rooms for participants, ideally at a comfortable relaxing location.Supports Arranging for audio, transcription services, etc. may take time and require contracts to be established. Discovery Phase6Stakeholder RecruitmentStakeholder Recruitment is crucial to the success of a Co-Lab. It is critical to include the requisite variety of diverse perspectives. Failure at this stage is likely to result in under-conceptualizing the problem and/or solution. Focus should initially be on the perspectives vs. individuals (See Appendix C for stakeholder recruitment considerations). Design Phase

Transformational Stages:Day 1: VISUALIZING THE IDEALDay 2: IDENTIFICATION OF BARRIERSDay 3: IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIONS TO OVERCOME BARRIERS AND APPROXIMATE THE IDEALEach day is comprised of the components represented in the subsequent slidesArchetype: Futures CreativeMust remain neutralProtect the autonomy and authenticity of participantsEnsures everyone is an equal at the table (controlling inequitable power relations)Sets the toneLays down the ground rulesRoles: Lead FacilitatorCapture ideas as they are formulatedCapture the dialogue as ideas are clarified (via remote transcription)Post & distribute Co-Lab artifactsData entryRoles: RecorderLessens the cognitive demandsGenerates better designsIncreases the speed of the design processMaintains participant-driven vs. expert-driven deliberationsTracks logic expressed in participant pair-wise decisionsGenerates visual displays of the outputs generated by participantsRoles: SoftwareStakeholders/participants generate, clarify, and construct relational maps that represent their collective wisdom (they are considered to be the content experts)Artifacts are produced, posted, and shared with stakeholders throughoutContent ProductionStakeholdersStakeholders are free to give total attention to the content Context is already fixedProcess is being managed by the facilitation teamIdeas are generated in response to the triggering question without fear of censure or criticism Their autonomy is respected and protectedUltimately they have complete control over the contentStep 1: Idea Generation

Concise bumper sticker statements that capture the essenceParticipants silently and independently generate ideas in response to the triggering question. Focus on identifying requirements characterizing the situation - Save details and elaboration until laterInclude only ONE idea in a single statement (Break complicated inequities into additional statements)Step 2: Clarification of IdeasYou understand it when you can explain it. At this stage, the authenticity of the author is protected. Participants must understand the authors idea they do not necessarily need to agree with it.

Step 3: Amendment & Naming of Clusters











IDEA36Step 4: Voting on Relative Importance

In the context of THE TRIGGERING QUESTION, what do you believe to be the topfive most important priorities?

Erroneous Priorities Effect Issues with highest awareness or popularity among participants may not be those with the most influence on other inequities, often leading to erroneous priorities

Effective priorities emerge ONLY after evolutionary, democratic, and authentic inquiry of the interdependencies among the ideas the next stage, influence mapping, minimizes the risk of erroneous prioritiesErroneous Priorities Effect

Suppose Harbor Springs School District is able to make progress in meeting:

(Requirement - X)

will this help SIGNIFICANTLY in meeting:

(Requirement - Y)

in the context of successful outcomes of the triggering question? Generic Question:Step 5: Influence MappingLEVEL I



LEVEL IVIDEA 63IDEA 3IDEA 9IDEA 22IDEA 13IDEA 8IDEA 33IDEA 57IDEA 57IDEA 11IDEA 2INFLUENCE MAP (ROOT CAUSES # 63, & 3)Ideas at the deeper levels of the map are the leverage points. Arrows leading up to other ideas signify influence and addressing these ideas are likely to have bigger impact on achieving the goal identified in the triggering question.

Stakeholders interactively design a Collaborative Action Plan (co-owned by them) through participation in the Structured DialogueThe outputs are interpreted, analyzed, and evaluated in response to agreed-upon criteria

Step 6: Collaborative Action PlanConclusions/Advantages

Honors diversity of perspectives while protecting the authenticity and autonomy of all stakeholdersConclusions/Advantages of Structured Dialogue

Establishes shared ownership of the wicked problem and enhances commitment to the collective action for implementationHonors diversity of perspectives while protecting the authenticity and autonomy of all stakeholdersConclusions/Advantages of Structured Dialogue

Avoids cognitive overloadEstablishes shared ownership of the wicked problem and enhances commitment to the collective action for implementationHonors diversity of perspectives while protecting the authenticity and autonomy of all stakeholdersConclusions/Advantages of Structured Dialogue

Minimizes the phenomenon of Erroneous Priorities through influence mapping & identification of leverage pointsAvoids cognitive overloadEstablishes shared ownership of the wicked problem and enhances commitment to the collective action for implementationHonors diversity of perspectives while protecting the authenticity and autonomy of all stakeholdersConclusions/Advantages of Structured DialogueAppendices

Appendix A:

Appendix B:

Appendix C:

Stakeholder RecruitmentThank you.
