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a i f f l E B t Rnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026524/1883-12-20/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Mahone waa...

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t H ¥ vmnaniy, : i pioemibe n, un. W. W. HALL, J. W. SLEDGE, PMrainoM. OoNOBKUJlAif Skinnw received hiicre u d WM ■worn in on Monday Hie oflcial Mi^oritj WM 777. M a»t Akpimom’i wuomi in London is "(hlatM ” h it b«M ph«MMira«I. The reeaipU for iis aighli w m 110 ,000 . BeoreUi7 FNUngbnyien Iim decided UuU tk> ic h w i tot rMekiBf tlw North polibyeeM Sof beHoeasli taimotifltblc. Mm . Cauuu b tlM Ifil hd; in ITukiagtoa. Praidwt ArtJinr k not ■arricd aid Mti. Id au d i it ia Mara- Hr- _ _ _ _ Tetajioa k galled Lord Teaajwa D'KTaooartof AMwoitk It it Mid U Mea|tled the palMt of aobUi^ to hie wife. Svioidh aad ootregM apoa WMuea ere ■tin pfereleat ereiywliere it aeeaia. Al- moetevefjr paper luHMoovata of oae or the otW. Bbvuai . kaadiad noaM weia eageged ia Chicago by lelegiaph laet waekfor dele- gstioai to Ika aelioaal leptiblican cwiTeation, Joae S, 1884, T n NatioMi ]>enoaratlo BzeoutiTe O oraktee will M at in ITaeUngloB Feb- loai7 22 ad fbr tlie pnrpoae of eeleotiag e pUoefor hoMiBg the aezt aoadaetiBg Odb- Tealioa. SovTH Canliaa deoUaee to have a di- Toroe law. “For batter «r woree" in that State Maaae ualil “deatli ui do part." We applaod the coaeerreti— of the “lit- tle ambtlion.” I t it (Hated that the (hmttj of Oen. A. S. JohaatoQ who W«I killed at Shiloh, h«v« beea vaM flmn (omrty to aflaenee the diiooreiy of a coal miae oa eome (and he enteied ia Tuue. QIad to hear it. T hi Engliah papen ate fliU eoaniMBta oa the marrelloni eanietc of the hat dajra of NoTeaber, which were follj ae conepic- uou* ia England ae in thia couatrjorltalj. No Mtiefactoiy ezpUaatioiie. howerer, are offered. A riot occurred in New Orieaai a few dayi ago at a ward meeting in which wv- eral were killed, bat ae it w u a Deniooralic meeting there ie no chance of a flirt of the bloody ahirt from the loyal portion of the country. S enatob Oolqititt, of Oeoigia, ww asked the othar day if it waa true that ex- OoT. Tildea habitually whiipered in the ear of anybody with whom he bad an audi- GDce, an he anawered, “Yea; but he whia- pers mighty good aenae." O'Donnell waa hnng Monday. The Sute DepartawBt made an effort to obtain a repriere but waa not aneoeeanil. The State P apaHaieut ia aerer inecearfU in Ruch matten. Fomgn powen take little notice of the United Statea when it does not suit their eoBTaaienee. I t w u differ- ent when Seward wae Secretary of war. The poUtieal oaaee in South CaroBaa turned out to be aothiag. Notwithataad- ing the fact that Judge B«kd preaided and the proaecution waa allowed to atand aiide juror« whenever it aaw flt not one of the defendanta waa convi *«d. Judge Bond had dome of the cases continued which ia looked upon aa being the end of then. Key. A. A. IKataon D. D. o f IKilminj;- ton. Win elected bishop of the new Episco- pal dioccee in this State. Dr. H'ataon is a man of ability and ener^, a learned the- ologian and poaaeaaee many requisites fi r the exalted position. He has accomplished a great deal of good and will hereafter do atUI more. TmcSiinate has elected new officers. The eauL-us of Republicans nominated An- son 0 . McCook for secretary and W. P. Canaday of thia State aa aergeaat at arm*. Mahone waa preaent aad advocated Qor- ham but dia eaucua would not nominate him. Mahone eonld not get the eaucua to endorae hia policy even to the extent of nominating hia fHend for an office. “Judah P. Benjaiiin,” says Senator Qibaon, of Louisiana, who haa just return- ed fVom Europe, “looka very much as he did thir^-odd yeaia ago whan I flr« knew him, only not quite so buoyant nore sedate and somewhat aaddened when he recalled old times uA M ftiends ia Louisiana; but his geniaHty, aaturalnM and kindness THiNathioaal Estetdva Oomaiitlae of the RepubUaan paHy met in IFaahiagton City last week and elected Seaator D. M. Sabin 6f Minaeaota Cbairauni. Senator Sabin u identiiied with n d th « fiuitiou of the party. The committee aelected Chi- cago ai the plaoe and T^pday, June 3rd 1884 aa the time fo» holding tike eonven- tioB. The adeetion of Chicago ia deemed a victMjr for Logaa aad Blaina who are said to have joined forcea with the inten- tion of controUiag the nomination, “T he Republieana," aaya the New York Timet, “hava ptMtiaal|y taken the poai> Uon that taxatioit m ait not be rednoed.” The KiMsapadteltyaiiiaiority. ItU the great BepaWlaaw ctpm. » ITell, ^ OeaMMWa aoaii* O e tsaue, They take th« jwaUoD that tiMtiMi auut be r e d u ^ immediatehr. T b ^ propose to revise the tariff quietly, moderately, but with a fixed determination. Thay intend tolettbe iidanMl ramaua akiM. They believe in A nfaai^g the aeeaaiaiiea of life HOW . 1 |m « jkaat eoM here-. VUs DejjpcweA ptatftn in iha yeaiiCeA IMl l«£l»«<illwhatU win. IfawMld rather he r i ^ that «|ee»a ttw M w t— Wi*legtow F O S T , TRE.roi^NuRirr N m D m o r the roa^v. S m irT H (.'ON'dUMM, akd th « youku* KMT MAH av iu i KUH.TKU TO TIUI MATIOVAt LaaieLATVU. A BRIKK SKKTOH o illlB CARBBl. We here present the wadeii of the Nswa with an exeeBeat Hkeaea of the younKvst mcmbor of the present UongMsa, sud the youu|Si3 st man cvar elected to our National l^eglslature. Geo. P. Post, uf Susquehanna, Pans- Mylvauia, eiyuys thia disUnguiahed honor, replanting the 15th District of Pennayl- vania, comprising the Counties of Brad- ford, Susouehanna, Wayne and Wyoming, Mr. Post IS only twenty-nine yean of age, ol' fine physical pMportiona, a amooth face strongly marked witk more than ordinary chsravter for one of bis yean, and is ona of thu must popular and promising young men of bis State. Mr. Poet was bom in Cuba, N. Y., S’ .'ptember 1, 1854, removing at the age uf seventy yeen to Oawm, in that State, where he resided until 1873, reeeiving hia education in the Oswego Ac^eaiy,and the Oswew Normal School. He then re- moved to Susquehanna, Pa,, shortly after enleriac the service of the Erie Railway, in whicn he waa soon promoted to a .posi- tinii of responsibility. He waa elected Mayor of Susquehanna when only twenty- two yean uf age, which porition he filled with dirtinguiAed ability. Mr. Post, while in tne railway aervii.« and during his mayorship, improved his evening hours by reading law, and so nat- urally apt was he in mastering the intrica- ciex Ilf Blackstnne, that in a few yean he was admitted to the bar. The politicians (if northern Pennsylvania began to aoe that Mr. Post had won a standing on the tidal wave of public popularity tlu t would eluct him to Congress as a Democrat in the 15th District, which in the previous Congressional election had given a repub- lican muority of 4,721. Coniaanently he was placed in nomination last tall by the democrats, and elected by a plurality of 2,454 votes over the lion. C. C. Ja»l- win (Ind. Ilcp..) whuiie term expired with the Forty-Seventh Congrei«. Thia great victory by a young man of only twenty- nine ycsrs of age over a gentleman who hud served acceptably in Congress, and who in age is many years his senior, is the g ^ t jst encomium that an uppreciatiTe constituency could bestow on the charac- ter and ability of Mr. Post. OTHKR HO.NOUS. Mr. Post is prominent in other than po- litical honors. He is a leading member of the Knights of Honor, hnving been Grand Director (executive h'ead) of the Gnnd Lodge of I'ennsylvnnia for three yean, and the rpproHcnIativc from liis State to the Supreme li<Kl^e of the \ ‘nited States for four yean, and in 188(» was one of the Presidential electors from Pennayl- Tania. He is one of the owners and edi- tors of the MiJiitrose Dt^mocrat, the oi^an of the democracy in his district, and has been an active campaign orator almost from boyhood up. Mr. Post is married, and has already be- come one of the most popular memben of Congress now in Washington. He is very unassuming, and impresses the student of human nature as a “coining man" our national affairs. Wh* A a|hiwJ|«o^^^ Den^y Aj^4er 2 , 2 o2, Mathah Biahoa 2 oo, Wade Bitfep 2 2ti, Wuah Kuneh 2 oo, D A G ftockell 2 2i’^uadB ri(l9»2 1i, Th<m» ' ley 2 m^G«o Betnfi^S 04.Noias(Rr] J ^ 00, Cott<^ 2 oo, J e n w (kM m 8 oo,’ iLfara« ConijiUiMl K 04, Olark 2 ao„0kwi LlarC 2 <y>, JK bC #w «U 8 Xwbyj CromU 2 oo, W i DaHi 2 35, F A V tM 2 27^oldo Davis 2 oo,Bauson Davia2 61 :iDan Pavia 2 85, Austin Davis 2 oo, Albert Davit 2 ou, Wi|».<Pa«i« i2 67, Fory Dexeieux 2 3tf, Simon l^vor- •ux 2 oo, Mack Dcvereux 2 oo, Sterling Duguctt 2 00, Wm Davit 2 oo, Reubin Da«is 2 00, FranhJtd iltjl OBI, Wyatt Ed- munds 2 3o, " ' munds 2 2o, JuDUK Godwyn of Norfolk has been charged by the bar of Norfolk with ini- p^>per couduct and an invottigation has been ordered by the Legisbiture. The churges were mudc irrespective of party. Articles of impeachment will probably be presented to thu Legislature. The following bills have been introdu- ced by memben ftom this State: By Senator Vance, for the erection of a public building at Charlotte. By iScalcs, of N. C., repealing the internal revenue laws. Also to refund certain direct taxes on land collected from citiieus in the late insurrectionary States. _ By Vancc, of N. C., to secure mor* effi- cient civil service reform; also for the pay- ment of certain mail oontracton in the Southern States prior to May, 1861; also to stop the coinage of trade doUan. By O'Hara, of N. C., to reimbune de- ^ ito n of the Freedmea's Loaning and Trust C^panv. By Cox, of N. C., to change the meth- od of collecting internal revenue tax on distilled spirits. Physician recommend Shriner’s Indiaa VermiAige in their practice as a superior ar- ticle for destroying and expelling wonu!'. Only 35 cts, a bottle. Betray no trust; divulge no secret. This is a free oonntry I rare, but you can't |[et Dr. Bull’s Cough Hynip Arm of chai|e, it cosii you a quarter every time. * f W T TueaMflie^^«veiWut<in entirely died out, because—well becanw people think tliere is mare' gqod oommon sense tn taking a bottle of Or. Bull’s Cungh Hymp than in carrying a lily. Deal gentfar with tha erring ones a« . God has dealt wtth ilMt. Hr. J. IX Oiilttilidiii, BeidsviUt, Kt C., sa>-s: wiA haa a m r M t latraentalgia ainot she «Md Biawi ^ turn Bitiaia. I^-. proved htr healA grettOlf." No«D«4(lNwk»ar|iMthtawaf aiv^ tart shows its beet Ihce first. Hr A. A. Hiller, Ami&eld P. 6., N. C., says: "Uy wife hat proved your ni^ivine to be guad t e nervonsrttss aad Heneral de- bility.” Inmsaed b* aciiili'iiiuiL «err dMieatlgt, paiiipu- lailtuiri«m,MesninU|itn-wiiri>uuirei« ennritnc IB wd aboul ttia Nuluu; » • iiiwm auti m aa3fflw .*8ssft,iA isr« AT L. A. a aice silnlgkaf jeweiiT, |atM iit(Jbi^ liadlts rnmmm,- Dims tri||aii^ Me«s' ^ e n r e a f ,s 4 l ^ Hositiy, lie., wMtl weaw alwayt jjilsasaHt» ■bow our ftUfrit. Msa. Eva Dxrir,'' Kdmuiida 8 oo, J o n a I. B ly bdmunds 2 55, Heniy Branch 2 2o, IRp Tbot Branch 20U, nuads Grant Kdmundt 2 00, Uenat Ei 3 62, Epraim . 2 00, llanrjr Qai7 '2 oo, Hany {Qw JU8 , Dock Gay W-ts, Jt^n llill 2 oo, Du^cy Hill 2 oo, Sam Hunter 2 oo{ Dick Hunter 2 00, Joe Higga 71e, Albert Higga 1 00 , Dick Hart 2 oo, Ksau Hall 2 o», John Hervey 2 UO, Jjouis Higgs 2 oo, Kli House 2 00, Madttd House 2 oo, Jerry Hale 2 oo, Bailey Johi^n 2 35, Auatin 2 oo, W H Jolulstoa i2 40, Aitbhell jjhlHtoli 2 ao, II p Johnston 2 oo, Milikin James 2 o8 , Jordan ^laea 71o, nairy Jamaa 1 81, m jamn 1 81, Joha jackton 2 oo, willia Jaek- sou 2 00, Isaac jotey 2 oo, Dick KencdaJ' 2 00, John liCWter 2 oo, lleniy Lewter 2 <ki Daniel Lcwtcr 2 oo. Hiuisimi Lawrence 2(k;, J K Lawreiiot 2 oo, Austin, l4!wis 3oc, san- dy Litiiiigpr 2 no, Jacob Lockhart 2 on, John Lewter 3 oo, Pi'ter Lewis 2 oo, I'lias Mabry 2 oo, a w Milikin 2 oo. Jack Oliver 2 00, L K Pope 2 00, jack Po)ie 2 oo. priiicc Jones 2 oo, Ben Joaet 2 oo, J < Pope 2 00, H M Pope 2 00, Richard Pattorson 2 oo, chtts Patterson 2 oo, Johnst«in Patter- son 2 oo, Moses Powell 2 oo, Luke pemler 3 ,'io, Wilson Pittman 2 oo, Miles Po|)e 2 oo, Daniel llale 2 4(i, n .U Keid 3 3o, Edgar Rodgen 1 00, inreston Riddick 2 < hi , jm; Hnwles 2 oo, sandy Robertson 2 no, j h Richards agent of niinonS 7o, Robin smith 2 00, Colin smith 2 oo, Louis iMutharland two dols, iieo sfacrrod 3 34, lien -shields two dols, iwin smith two dols, Daniel smith two dols, Austin spell two dols, uarry Til- lery two dols, Henderson Tillery two dols, .Maek Tillery two dols, Elijah Tillery 25c, whit Tillci^ three dols, j il Thomas two dols, 8oe Tillery two doU, Buck Thrower two dols, Aiuos Turner two dots, ueo Thomp- son two dols. Isaac Thomas 2 ol, Joe Mc- ohce 2 84, Turner Thompson tWo dols, Johnston Taylor two dols, <l Tillery two duls n Tillery two dols, iiryan Tillery two dol.«, 11 P Tillery two dols, Alex Toy two dots, strange Torrish two dols, jas wilkins two-dols, John wilkins two dols, Adkin williams two dots, wiley williams two dols, willisB williams 2 411, (leorge Washington 2 26, J K weir two dols, chas weaver two ford two doTs, r A'WeiiVer two '6's, Lcm Wooten two dols, Deinas wriglit two dols, peter williams two dols, peter wiley two dols, Peter wiloby two dols iiam wiloby two dols, Albert williams two dols. rlnoton I, imiXKLEYVn.LB XOWN’SHir, Walter Arrington 9 00, (iro Arrli 'J 08, Henry Ashe 3 11, Jos Aslie 3 00, Alston '2 110, Uuditon Alston 3 UO, Eugene •Ustou 'i00, Kobt Alston 3 03, Ben Alttra 300, N e d ^ |to u 3 00, Briirton AlaMt <03, Brinkley 3 ^ Wtam Brinkley i 04, O l Uatchelor 300, Chas Batchelor J r 3 00, Thns Bustin 3 00, Olios Brinkley 3 00, A C Boon 3 00, J J Boon 3 00, K T Boon 3 05, Drew Bell 3 00, Harrison Burt 3 00, John Burst 3 00, T B Browning 3 03, Norfleet Barnes 2 00, W H Bunn 3 UO, Daniel Bobbitt 3 00, Jim Bailey 3 03, Tom Bailey 3 00, Jason Battle 3 UO, Win Battle 1 03, Jerrv Buttle 3 03, Green Carlisle 3 UO, Zack CUrk 3 00, Jas Clark i Ott, Blitiin Oup» laud 3 00, Willis Ooppage 3 00, Isliani Cyrus 3 00, Jas C Coiiwuy 3 Oii, J H Clay 3 00, llcrry (.'lierry 3 00, Brown Daniel, 3 00, Wm Daniel 3 00, T T Daniel 3 15, David Davis 3 INI, Guilford Davis 3 00, i*hil Davis 3 UO, S K Deuby 3 00, Wm Doles 3 15, Kobt tJdmunds 313, J J Fletcher 3 30, J W Fletcher 3 00, Wm Green 3 03, Wm Owath- niey 3 03, Turner Hunter 3 00, Wm Hunter 3 0(1, W'm Harriikl Ben Hurrisoii 8 00, *ftin liIrS m i? 0 4 , Em- merson Harrison 3 05, Sam Harper 3 03, Cnswell Harvey 3 00, ,Fas Harvey 3 00, B D Harvey 3 00, Thos H Harvey 3 00, Simon Harvey 3 04, Abraham Harvey 3 00, Baldy Hardy 3 00, Goodloe Hedgepeth 3 OU, Himu'n H ^ p e th 3 00, J R Hig«i 3 18, liUke Haw- kins 303, Bei\i Hull 300, Simon Hamell 3 00, Kd Haniill 3 04, Geo Hewlin3 00, J H Hancock 3 00, W D Herbert 3 00, Peter Hil- liard 3 00, ,Fohn Johnson 3 04, Ned Johnson 3 03, Win Johnson 3 13, J D Johnson 3 30, 8ani B Jones 3 00, Sprig Jones 3 03, Wm Jones 3 fO, W vatt Jaaes 314, W H iJenkinti 3 18, H e n ^ j S e k io i r i 00,* K i^ l|i jL^O, J H Knight 300, Oeo W Lucas 3 08, Newseni Lee 3 07, Sam Lee 3 00, Lewis Lee 3 0,3, Conelins 3 1,5, Kemp Lee 3 00, Wm I^ee 1 00, Henry Lynch 3 00, Tom Lynch .3 3,5, Daniel Lynch 3 00, W H LiCnch 3 07, T P Lynch 3 03, Kaoaom Lynch 1 60, Geo Hoore' MM, SaiO' Haore - 3 13, CSmis Mitchell 3 00, Louis M ea^ 3 00, Harcus Maon 3 14, Henry HeWillifms 3 00, Henry MrWilliams agent Berry Batchelor 3 00, Menry Nieholson 3 00, Caswell Kicholson 3 00, Willis Neville 3 0,3, Harrison I’itts 1 10, Hewlei'soii Pitts 3 00, Haywood 1‘itts 3 00, Carter IMtts 3 00, Watson VitU 3 IH, That Pow«nii*OL'VVrrall r M a k 3 '3 r, 3 03, Care^Perty 3 03, Hack Perry 3 00, Mick Perry 3 04, Jim Parker 3 10, Jas Pitt- man 3 00, Pink Price 3 00, Nick Pyor 3 17, Kich’d Plummer 3 00, M 1C Powere 3 00, Wm liichardson 3 00, J L Richardson 3 13, RuAis Kichardson 3 1,5, Isham Richardson 3 07, Norfleet Uiehardson 3 34, John H Hich- ardain 3 13, Dituiel Uiehardson 3 03, John iiichaidion 3 00, Otoige Kewer 3 011^ Rieh’d Rosser 3 37, Alimhain Rosser 3 UO, Jat Rudd 83cts, Wm Kaun 3 00, John T Uenn 3 07, W T Saunders 2 00, liumh Sanderlin 3 02, M'esley .Silver 3 0.5, Ricks Silver 3 03, Gid Silver 3 00, Hardy Silver 3 01, Wm Sledge 3 03, lienj Sledge 3 00, Pink Smith 3 00, A G StokiM 3 00, J W Stokes 3 00, Jos itolo- Roloiium' 3 men 1,48, Snin Sykes 3 00, Tom Skilton 3 00 A M Sontliall 3 00, A J Sanderlin 3 00, L Snow 3 Oo, Ixiseiuo Stephensim 300, John H 30, Harrison Vaughan 300, Julian Wiggins 3 00, Richmond Wigi;ins 3 UO, Cutlendon "'ig^ns 3 OS, C W Wiggins 300, Neptune Wiggins 3 00, Allen 'Wiggins 3 03, Tom Wig- gins 3 00, Geo Wiggina 3 00, Harry Wiagiaa 3 10, Littleton W i^ u t 305, Simon WiagiiM 3 00, Andrew W H Ili^ 3 00, WUHe W iHUm 3 00, Plummer Williams 3 04, ^ lia Wil|iaaM 314, Tom Williams 3oo, B|tke WUHama 8 no, Sam W ilU i^ 3 oo, TOmWilUMilt 3oa Jim Williams S o3, Wm WiUlaait |iWiUiBni4 J r 3 00, Saadr WilHamt So3, iMoact Williama 2 02, Wiley WiUia 2 0 :i Alfred Willit 8 00, Beo Wood 200, Joy- a«r Wood 2 00, K A White 2 75, Noah iOBj two T<uli, Ortn west Anthom two dob, tft ABthonj two dols, Henry Bakar 817, J B Mkef two dq)», « e « v t M ltw tm (lal^ aa- ker two dub, chat Bakar two dw , k aaker two dols Harry Baker two dult Moody BaW two d ^ Diok Bakw 2 mkar 8 wm Btnks 2 20, j ■ Bryant twd dolt, aiAn' parry 8 10, Thtil ahuid two dolt, Jaek lar- ISnrtwb dolt, #dkw BriiWB 2 Ofj w b Btrfttld S 14, a i aUskwaH tM dala, mmj ailford Bfyaat 2 13, j j Bowen 2 80, w .'r. Biyaa 2, 10, oea'I Balding two dob,Abraai Batohelor two dolt, wath oirpeater Sf 05, Neal chapel two dalt, j t t OMaata 2 74, wtah chrk t 20, Ban dark 2 ^ mu dark 2 Oft, Adark tWod^Vtit tikrb 1 Neptune oltrk 2 15, Mort Clark two dolt, Boot cltrk twtt dolt, o (KNt two dolt, A J curry 3 61, b o oook 9 31, wm otldwell 8 00, J tt otrroU two dolt, ft camp two dolt, Htnr^ oamp two dalt, rrevnua capup 8 20 , Washington Drew two d d t, Bol 6 r«w two dolt, AlfVed Drew 2 O S h f t e Itaac Davit 2 05, U iddicfK vS two d<;fa, Kin- cliea ^ r it two d^k JohaAtTeiipoit8 44, That Dabne'r two dou, Abner Dawton 200, Peter Downiw 2 05, Daniel Dawton two dolt, licwiii' Dtoketi tWb' <lnlt| Iiifli^ett« Dicken two dols, Lafayette Devereux two dolt, Albert Davit 2 70, J in Dolberry 2 05, Itoht Kvtnt two dols, Dai^ Edwatdt 205, L M Kdwaidt two dols, N ithtn Kdmont 2 80, Sam Kvcrette two dols, Peter Ed- wards two dolt, Lawrenoe Howall two dols, jor Johnton two dolt, John Johiuon two dols, Joe Johnson two dolt, Qqo Johnton two dots, Jiai Johnton two dolt, L Janet 1 00 , Aaron Jamet 2 05, TUIman Janet two dols, Unnville Jonea two dolt, Wm Jonct*' two doh, Armstead Joaet two dols, Warrick Jones two dol^ Joe Jones 2 06, Jim Jonet 4X^r<lttlt( JNft’-'^^ea- 2 Jaek Joyner two dols, Anthony Jacobs two dols, Thos Joyner 2 (IS Arohcr Jones two dols,' Abritai-ISch '2-60j Lattbl.'ri'' Kiah 2 4(i, Hilliard Knight (vp dols, John King 2 07, Joe Lyn^ 1 10, Hy- man Little 2 48, Shade Ijewis 40 cts, Lewis Laror 2 30, Prince Lueas 2 20, lie^is Manning two dols, Fenner Mitch- ell two dols, Chas Modow 40 eta, Himpton Much two dols, Isom NichoUt two dols, Isaac Norfleet two dols, Blount two dob, Jacob Nelms 70 eta. Glia'! Pitt* two dols. Hardy I'nuLtwo dols, 'V r ^ t PoUock tyo dob, tluy Piigli two dob, Jw Powell two dols, Ashley Pender twodvb, Elijah Powel two dols, Eugene Pope two dob, Joe Phelps two dw , W A Pell two dob, Al- bert Powell two dob, W E Robertson 2 U2, Joe Uawb two dob, Kiah Rhodea 2 10 Burnett Rhodet two dob, Kiah Rey- nolds two dols, Joe Stvtge two dolt, Pom- ])CV Savage two dob, Jordan Saraga two dols, Chat Savage two dub. Shade Smith two dob, Henr)T Smith 2 3!l, P R Smith two dob. Council Smith two dolt, Harri- sim Smith two dob, Jat Smith 2 17, Nt- than Smith 2 08, Kenneth Staton 2 10, Wm Staton 2 34, Anthony Spruill 2 05, Thos Spruill 2 02, Ben Spruill 2 27, Jor- dan Spruill two dob, J H Spruill 2 07, A J Spruill 2 02, Jake Shioldt two dob, .lla n y Stvaji^ two dob, John Sherrod wwo dob, Daniel Shields two dob, Anthony P^hields two dols, Anthony Shields two dob, Hui Shields two dob, Hilliard Swau- iier two Wm Suggs 2 07, Lucius Skinner two J O Sestums 217, L P Sherrin two dols, Zadi Taylor two dob, Archer Taylor two dob, Wanen Tenytwo dd«, 8 (jewart Thomas 2 50, H J Thomas two dol^ Ja- cob Taylor two dob, Alex Taylor two dolt, Bell Trice two dols, liichd Turner, tw oM s Edie Thomas 1 00, Riohd Taylor two dob twentT cts, Jule Vaughaatwodoli, Robt VHUgban two dob, John Watson twa dols, Ferd Watson two dols, Albert Watson two dolt, Eli Watson two dob fire ets, Heniy Williaant.i«a jdtils.XIaUmoWilliaiBt two dols, HarkbtaWU^msftwa'Ma fife Chas W ill^ i tw^doLrWf V , <4ed^ Williams fi^o pols/p n ^j^>{ White 86 cts, HiiirHscAi WaSMnrtm ^ o dols, Ed Webb two dob, Thos Webb two dob five cts, Hyman Wilson two dols, Alex Walford two dols seventeen cts, J W Wade 40 ets, W H Whitaker two dolt, Henry Wells two dols five cts, Alex Wil- son two dob seven cts, Randal Whitmore two dob, Dan'l Whitmore two dob, Hill- iard Whitehead two dob, Dock Whitaker two dob five cts, W A Webb two dob, Wm Watson two dob, Henry Wilson two dols, Exum Walden two dob, Randal Whitaker two dob. ROSKNIATII TOWNSHIP. Mack Brown two dob, B Brantley two dols, a Arantley two dob, chos BurWell two dols, chas Baskerville two dob, Motes Bellamy two dob, step xeUany 2 05, Allen Btlbm^ 210, otear nggt two dob, Hy- man Biggs two dob, Andrew Bryant two dob, John Brantley two ^ b , Davis Bell 30c, wm Bankt twb' dob, oilljata Banks two dob. Davit Bullock two dob, s dokJaa Y Allen two dolt, T F Bowaoi tw o ^ K lfm A»4iev two dull. Lotti* BlasilM tva iahtUM or BrieMt 100 , Motet Arookt two dolt, Elyah Brooka bal- ance 74ctt, W u Bullock two dolt, Aadsrson Boyd two B.yd tuo dob, Browatwo dUsttreiMiiteeBats, Thte Bob- bitt tm Jobk .riMUMT j M i fu rt^ rte eW, GaoHMy A ' «#o dolt, CHI* Carter btiaMa 1 81 EfCllaMiNl two dob, Lawit Clantoa tw«4oli|BiicM Craaa woi dob dtie 2 ® lS m r^tloirt^dob, AlbMt Oae two dob, Lem Oerrlngt two dolt, Jerry Gerrinot Mp'4ok/A'Q two dob, WetUy R ^iM luiaItM r olt, Ch«Boe Harria dM itM ikj Stm'l Harrit two dob tW m « t,^ ^ aifflEB tR ? Hudgint two dob twentv-oae eta, wm Has- kint two dob ten eta, Mtok Jeffreys two dob. Bon Jeilhiyt t^ lM a, IQIliard Janoi two dob, ITillis Ji^«U,twu dpia, J 1) Jen- kins two; jjgis, J t a t e J JWiatnH two dnis, Enianucl J]^nttoa«fo4pl>S BwuniJohn- iton balance twaaty>ffllirtGr, "liT Ximbel two dub, M E £ i{ g 71 vts, N E K.vig two dob ninety-thA ^i, Aadtiaon Mason two dob ton cts, RolM Mead two doh,< Lot Marrow balance'Do cts, IKiboii N uttt two dob i r i l Mills two Kemp. N'cwell two dob four cts, Bun Newell two dob, JtsNewtoai two dole, L L D Putaey 14 67, S aiil Petsons two dob, Roibt Per- sons two dob, Rhoden Parker 1 00, J ir PoweU two duls, Andenon Short two dols, Asa Smith two dob, Albert Savage two dolt, Burt Squire two dob, John Hcott two dob twenty-foor ct«, Ifm J Scott two dob, Hiley T i^on two dob, J T WTiite 4 96, York It hitehead two ^ b forty ots, Hen- ry Hllliamt two dob, Htywood IKilliiint 17 cts, Heniy If'illiamt balance 1 1 -M, Ned Ifalker 40 ett, Chat Kollionffer two dob .ten cts, John Butts 4 00 AllVed Clanton two'dols. Chat Cofer two dols, B'm Falcon balanoe 10 cts, Z E Sherron 1 00. Bradley 1'^, Jon two do crocker t Turner ca two dob. two dan Dick two dols, aIcx Ethercdge two dols, Jerry Fountain two dols, Henry uunter two dols, i>eter iialo two dols, Robt IlymM tw}> Nathan lliggs two dob, T h o m W U Nopture Hyman 2 10, sen hoVQR John Hale 2 30, Ransom Harrit two dob, wm Hanson two dob, Richmond jones-two dob, CiJnc iSW S^wlrdV, Peter Landing two dob, uaniel Lee two dob. Rich Leggett 2 15, Rork Long two dob, Anthony Law- rence two dub, Albert Lewis two dob, Martha Landing 90c, Jat Lewb 2 07, Robt Lam two dolt, Baadid Uggett two dob. Jamea Mtbry two dob, Ltwienoe Mabiy two dols, H II Mitchell 1 35, Lemon Man- ning two dob, J tt Martin 2 05, Alex Mad- ry two dob, John Mabiy 4 20, Archcr .Morris 2 07, steward Medford two dob, Joseph ifeiUbM 2 0,Q, J ts Miokens., 2 05, Henry oibom t#o dols; iiiitt o g b ^ dob, aariand ogborn 2 05, Blount Pittman 2 27, Turner Pittman 200, Jas pittman 2 21, Joe pittman two dob, Kelly purvb two deb, Albert ptiee 2 34, irvm uawb two dob, aebom‘ 8|iaHrinan: two d«4s, n id i shidds two, Ban aaptoe two dob, wa» iinc mans two dob, Stephen aadth two dds, Ned smith 244, J L Maten Me, Aleosa sation two dtdsr pitt smith 2 13, ttewsit smith 2 16, Binion saTtije two dob, oeo beaOOB John w|jtak« ^o ^ gi^ woediy two dolt, nad vhit^aad ivo dab, Mtiy while 90s; o at wiBiaiik two dob, , chat well two d ^ *htp mm>m Mr» e W ^ ^ 0 4 ^ ll« WeUi S 16, 8 Q Ni^a^ |» o dub, tw# ls||lH ar- 245,BrtataPaold Cole«aiiI 00, -Ttly w t w l * y 4 t ^ l H WE|.D01f 1«WMSniP 0 w Adams two dob, Allen smith two dob, uabriel ALston two dob, wm Anthoqy two dols, w p Blake 2 34, Joo Bird two dob, Roliin Barnes two dub, j r Brown two dob, Tom Brickell one dul, Luwi;^ Bustin two dob, Frank Hartley two dob, G W Berryman two dob, Oliver Burton two dob, Wni Branch two dols, 1) R Ca- pell 2 17, Tom Carter two dols, Potor Cftrriugtcm two dob, Toni Carpuuter tw«i dub, J C Cheatham two ilols, Saui Cheak two dob, Win Cbristuiat two dub). Cain Clanton two dob, 'Henry Clanton two dols. Geo Coles 2 13, Robt Coles two dob, Ed Crawley one dol, Crusoe Daniel 2 20, Dud- ley Daniel two dols, Isham Pilgrim Daniel two dols, Robt Daniel two dols, Tom Dan- iel two dob. Nelson Davis two dob, Eaton two dels, Qodfjr^ E^pcs tiwo, dols| Jackson Exum 80c, Win Fliggart two dols, J M Foote (listed twice) ti 33, Britton Gary two dob, Calisjn Gay two dols, John Gary two dob, Wm Huitheoek two dols, B F Harp two dols, Lewis Harrison two dols, 0 W Hartumn three dob, Loster Hines 10c, Tom Hines 23c, Jos Hockaday two dols, Frank Hockaday 2 O.'i, J H Hockaday 2 58, A D Howard two dols, J C Howard two dols, W J Ilowiird two dob, Henry Aiighes two dols, Wash Hite two dols, \|rm Haines 2 07, WIS | Jehklns 53c, Artas Jones and Wm Ivey two dols, Orphic Jones two dols, JLtodfrey Jonus 2 U4, Henry Jackson two dols, Jax Jcmet 2 24, Sam Jones two dols. Wm Jones two dob, Henry Josi;y two dols, Kd Johnston two dols, P M John.ston two dols, J iG Lathain 2 33, Chas Long l.lc, Dick Long two dob, Ossian liong two dols, Simeon Long (listed and i>aid by Patience Long) 27c, U E .Morecock 2 20, Josh Moseley two dob, G J Moseley (exempt by b’d C(mi four dob, F S Manley two duls, An- thony .Martin 00c, Tom Mason two dob, David Mills 11c, J Archer Mills two dob. Jack Mills two duls, J H Mills 1 33, Wal- tham Parker 17c, D Perkiiu two plok J J Perkins ♦'w'doW, Dari)! Pi<rcc,2 (D4, llcn- dcrson Pierce two dols, Jake Picrct; two dob, Ned Pierce two dob, Jonas Pieroc 46c, K K Pontim two dols, H D Ponton two dols, M T Ponton two dult, Hardy Ponton 3 17, Turner Ponton two dob, Henry Nap Pope two dob, E A Pirtts 2 34, J M Powqil two dols, l ^ t Pow^ill two dols, Wm< Powers tio ' ads, Mwnry Reid two dob, John W Reid two dols, Lewis Richardson two dob, Frank Rook two dols. Geo Rook two dob, Roduiond Ruffin two. dob,. John Scott two dob, luniut Shaw two dob, Ridley Shetrin 2 34, M B Shephard two dob Chmtjr Simmons 4c, Frank Sledge two;d(ds, Sledge one duUar, Ed S im dw M two Tom Spruill two dob, J a S u m e v e lS ti dob, Joe Taykir two doWW ■ Til two dols, Robt Turner, jA tildyi. Turner Sr,, 30c, Hardy Walker two dob, Laiarus Walker two ^Is, Peter \>^itehead two dob, Mack Wilcox 13e, Robinson Williams two dob, Sam Williams two dob. BUTTKRWOOP township. Edward Alston 2 00, Zack Abt^^n 2 27, Willb Alston 2 00 , Nick Alton 2 00, Ja- cob Alston 2 00, J C Alston 2 00, Re- mus Alston 2 00, Wash Alston 2 00 , Fed Alston 2 00, R L Anderson 2 00, Plat Chickester200 , C W IX c k ^ '2 £7, Jas Dickens 2 00, Heniy Davb 2 00, Will Daniel 2 10, Everett Drue 2 02, Archie Griggs 2 16, H w x . Graluutt 2jtQ, Tom Hanfy2 00, J# Ilk rti 8 9 00;Sinu- Har- ris 2 20 , Mordecai Harris 2 00 , Tom Har- ris 2 00, Phil Harris 2 00, Peter Hawkins 2 00 , Frank Heptinstall 2 00 , Chandler Hayes 2 00, Sanmel Harvey 2 00, Sam Johnston 2 00 , Plummer Johnston 2 OQ, ‘Caswell Johaiton 2 03, R P Jonea i 00 Henry Butt 200, Heniy B tia ^ 2 00, Brinkley Cbyboi^ 200, Kfst KeHmey 2 97, Richard Keamy lOQ^ BoH Koamy. 2 04, R V s hmh 2 00, W P Pullen 2 «0, George 2 00, J G Plttsun 2 13, Geori 2 « 0, R n 9 ^ n s ito , ‘St Beavina two dolt, W P b!*I1 | wo W i , Amot Bdl 84a, H ilm taii BaU tiro M s, Bs» Beil twa doit, Jahn B BaU two4oh, TntMrBeUtUD do^ Frank Bennett twa dob, VUiMr Bennett two dob. Geo Bod;f iZQe, f o k Boon two dob, H enir Bradley W i^^D iok Bragg two dolih Oceio ddt,^Pilsr BnM k^tm M i, O w Bi ley 1 - uiget* two dob, Annaoiat Buigwyn two ■ ■ Sam Button WUIiaMal Ma.sam1!CHI«liiMi:^ ■iMaifft two deiii doli, Mfm* wmam j U t axwb two dob, m aeit ■ AdasM two dob, itaao Bunwtt 50c, Hal maeh two sallantoiWlAll Ben Ballard two dob Jts H Bryaut two dob, Alfred Beavint two dob, shade MMia 24o, Jtoob Branoh two dola i m k %mUm 2 17, Nelson Brown 2 25 osoar Bird two dols. Turner bub^ two dols, ftlaek- ham two dolt, Mb M117 iw« M , aIik Bradley 3 54, Ben Bryant two dob, J P Bredtov* 2 34, Davy BeB 218, BO John Bony two daliH Jta ▲ Puift tw» dob, Wat Bradley two dols, Iswis Crow- ell two doh, KH Orowell 2 10, Saat’l 0«hk> Edgar CUrk two dob, Heniy Crowell two dol^ Ben Ckrk 2 13, Alex Chwwell two dob, Wm Crowell two dols, John Clantoa 2 13,Chat Pttton two dolt, Sant'l Chaa- bers two dob, Sam Chnton 2 57, Joha Cullifertwo dola,:lUBdal Crowatt two dob, Henderson Chert two dols, Jss OottoB Dard 3 14, .Jleniy H DBMea 2 34, Gee Deatey two dob, N G Diukent two dols, Joha W Demptty two dolt Mask 0 Oig|sM two dols, Joe Dunstaa two dole, Q u m l Der- , Cioero Burnt two dob, two dds, Jarrel Buttia 82a, Gid E. lutta 2 18, J. E. Buttt two dob, Wat Chance two dob. Cherry & op 43e, Daa'I ‘tUanton two dob, T H Clant two dob, lat Clark two dob, Abram Cofield two b. Jo t Coleman two dob, AUVed Cole- « Jr two dob, B F Crowell two dob, ivid Daniel two dob, Heniy Daniel two dob, liob Davis 2 10, Albert Davit 3 85, Sam Deberry two dob, Bustin Dixon two dob, I Doggett two dob Drew Dnughaa 21)^ HerM DnagliaB tM dolt, Ohibt> Draughan two dob, Jacob Druughan two duls, Jas Foote two dob, John Forbes two duls and ninety-five cts, Jas Forbct two dob, Joe Gatlin two dob, Henry Goode two d ^ , baae Arteei^ tw4 doM Arnold Gimtw two ddb, Richard' Can- non two dob, Henry Harris two dob, Campbell Harris two dob, Turner Har- ria two dols, T. E. Harris two dob, John Hawkins two dub, David Hawkiag two dols, Jas Hedgepeth t«Ki dob, Heniy Her- bert two dob and fifty-one cts, Albert Hervey two dob, Anthony Holt two dob and a third, S. F. Howard two dob, VL two dols, Wiley Dai T Hughes t » *#ol4 ^m f f tw lj Dempsy two dob, Johal ZaA H unt|r'l R u n |^ tw f ^Wright Daniel two dob, dols, A. J. Johnson two dob, Mout John- ............... son two dob, Dudley Jones two dob, Andrew Jones two diM, Robt Jonet two dob and forty-four CU, P ^ Jones two dob, Jeffrey Jones two dob and eight ets. Geo Jones two dob and thirty-seren cts, Henry Jones two dob, Taylor Jones two dob, Rhoden Jones two dob, Herud Jones J r two dob, W Ellu Jones two dob, Rqwland two dob, Dudley Keeter two dob. Berry.King 15c, Solomon.Kiiw two dob, Sam King two dob, Robt King two dob, Ned Lane two dob, Lewb Lane, (wo dob, JoKo Lane two dob, John Law- rence two dob, John P Lawrenoetwo dob, Wiley LeiHttwo ,d«|r:Evpi Lriria. two dob, Peyton Lewii^ two dob, W^i Mabry two dob and ten ots, Belfield M abn two dols, Ilaidy Manning two dob n Mo- Daniel sixty-two cts, Lafayette McDaniel two dob, bU McGee, two dob, Duaean McGowaa two dob aiid fifty ots, Geiwge McLcnore two dob, Thurston McMahon two dob, Geo Mitolmm two dob, David Melvin two dob, Ed M ito ^ two ^o)s apd eighty-eight ots, Blount MitoKell'tWO d js, Crowford Moore Jr two dols, Peyton Moore two dob, Caswell Nerill two dob, Hilliard Nicholson two dob. Reuben No^ man two dob, R W OliTer two dob, tiuilford Parker 33 cts, Mark Fafter two dols, Joe Ridiard Parker two dale, Gid Perry two dob, Hilliard Petway two dob, E L. Pike two dols, Cioero P itt two dob, Moses Pittman two dob, David Pittman two dob Wm. Pittman two dob, Ben Eli Pittman two dol% John PittuMB J r tw«i dolt and three cts, Jas Pittman two dob, Lewis Pittman two dob, Ned Pittman two dob, John Pittman two dots. Ton Peterson two dob and sevanty-one olt, Isaac Pittman two dob, Armstead Ham- mer two dob, Whit P(m two dob, Lucbn Pope two dob, Able Powell dob, Wiley Powell dob, Austin Powell two dob, Henry Powell twi> dob, Jos Pngh two dols and twenty-six cts,Lewb Rogers two dob, David Saunders tw» . dols, J a t Scott dob/5iiSjj|Sc«4t*Sw» dob, Spoiy two dob, Wm Scott two dob, Jas Scott twenty-eight cts, Jas Seasons two dob, Chas Shearin two dob, Philbert Simmons two dols, A J Smith two dols, Thos Smith two dob, Chambers Spriiill l!wo dob and thirty-three cts, Talbert Sweeny 4 34, Clinton ^iykss-, two dob, AbuitteL Taybr two dob and teh cts, John 'Taylor two dob and thirteen ots. Soloman Taylor two dols, John Thomas two dob, John Thomas No two two dols, Hezikiah Tillery two dob, Jas Tillery two dob, Legrand Vaughtn two dob, Robt Walston two dob and thirty-seven, Dudly Washington two dob twenty-two cts, Harry Whitaker two dob and five ets, Saunders Whitaker two tU t, Motes Whitaker two dob, Allen Whita- ker two dob, Peter Whitaker dob, Joe M'^hataker t«ra]dMk> cAHlrt W U ffk iC A o dob, Jolfc Whitaker two dob, Joe Whit- aker No two two dub, Jas Whitaker two Dempqr Whitaker twp dob, L A ^ ita - ker two dols, Jerry Whitaker two dob, Dave Whitaker two dols, Essex Whita- ker two dob, Joe Henn Whit«ker two dob, Dare W hitakii 'two V<ro dob, W n Whitaker two II t ' AUnd Whitaker twa dob andu Thoa Whitaker No two two, e^ Pha W hiter two imd thirteen ots, John White No two two dob, Mat Whijtil ;twA'di Whitehead two dols, Ben^ two dols, P e ^ n W hM ^. _ Hanison WifUra two dob, A i^ W kins two dols^ ^jpotswoodi ' WUUan two dob, Thad O WtUiams two dob, B L Williams two dob, John B, WiUiam .two dols, John Wilson two dob, J B Winleld two dob, Andrew ITor^ two Oeo W orsley two dob, Dunnb TTright two dob.' ' I III utas;ra Jaokiai Ep|ia Dan'l Fenner two dob. Be« Ifi dob, HatkSmm twa i ala, Maiiiw a 9m- Bcr 1 00, VM'Vlpiiir^tii*. iota, Oao Vw- .ner J r two doi^'OliB'VtM M t two dob, Joe Eauloon two dob, Alhtad Rood two dob, M F Fenner 3 34 SdaiuBd Faalooa two dob, Guilford Gary two dob, Walter G uy two .debt Ml# Wa,-«Mi jGary two dob, Wyatt Gary two dolt, Oeo Gary 47c, Geo Gregory two dob, Frank Gary two dob, RoU (iary two dala, K K Hancock 1 51, Tobe Henrqr two dob, Itaac Hale two dob. Burton H e d t^ h two dols, Thot Harper' two dolt, Powell Harris two dob, Joho Hawkint two dob, Rybt Hux two deb, Thoa Hunter two diila, John Howlin two dob, Dtn'l Hill two dob, W M Hamlim two dpb, John H Haletwo dob, Wm Harper 2 34, Jat Hargrove 2 34 Billie Hewlu two dolt, J, J Harru 680, Jat Hudton two dob, Thoa Hines two dob, John Hunter two dob, Carliss Howard two dob, W A Howell two dob, J H Haustin two dols, W A Howell two dob, J H Haustin 34c, Jas Hines two dob, Ned Hardie two dob, Carey Ivy two dob, Hilliard Johnsqp 2 50 , Jaddt JphnioB two dob, Jfalkat Joyner twet dols, Bob ja n a tt two 4ol4 t^w is J o l ^ i l Mro doh, )<enbrd 'Jta i* two dols, ^ u tt j John^n iSM Johnson t^o iW D toM y JoansoA dob, W ^^ao^i)ii AihdMir|ote$ ro dolt, Auea ■, mu •lacKton two aoit, i^ing Joyner A Thonol n tO tr FAUCGTT 8 TOWNSHIP. Albert Ash two dob, Kemp Allen two dob, oeo Adams two dob, MaU Aaron two dolf. Matt Aaron two dob, c A-Ayeoek two dob, A Ayeook two ddt. A te two dob, John 8 Alston 2 23, AlfVed Branch two dols, sol Bennett two dob, w b Beal 2 27, Henry Bennttt 50o, June Bobbitt two dob, poter Brown tw «dplt.M H fts^taip dob, Douglas Britt tw65dal^W )*^yT|5iJ dob, Jake crawley two dob, John Bridgets, two dob, Thos curtu two dob, John Col- lins two dob, Henry Carlisle two.dob, w H jMuisI 3 64, Lee Dunn, d b niokeiii 2 36, wm Douglas two dob, ishant Baniel jrtw odob, MF Dickens two. J A iHokens twu dob, isaiah £ppa .two dob, jWager isdmuads J t 1 00, jiA n Torn nan- eis two dob, w B oregoiy 50e, Allen aan< ter two dob, Ben liahter two dob, Mont HarlAr t#o dob, Ben Hervey two d ^ oeo Mardy two dob, John Harrit two dob, R John Rux two dolt, fwrall Hux two dob, J^K M gepeth two dob, Heni 7 jiones two iN k ,i ^ h Jordan 2^ 05, Henry Johntoa »JM obfM «^tW o d»b„|Mhii 4ahwa« dob, Jta Johntom two dab, ««|1 inson two dob, Jas Johnson twa dab, rtow i«et|^y two4olr. i ; a i i ^ i ^ dob, Mark tw^ dob, J«tN iiHli two dols, ^ o k ^ n J'oBcs two Jones two dob, Buckner Jackson two dob. Sterling Jonet two dob, John Jonet two dob, BlU Jackton two dob, King Joyner two dob, " ............................ Latsiter* JasL.i ^d|ris, Jim Lowe two dds, ItMMoliowa iwo ijob, Diek Lewit two dob, Itaao I^Moe two dob, Thos Lowe two dob, Brittton Lowe two dob, Lainer two dols, IMnce Dynob two dob, Henry Merritt 2 10, R C Milekin 2 17, Alex Milb two dob, Thad Marks two dols, Simon Marrow two dob, Rich’d Milb two dob, Wilson Mitch- ell two dob, Hany Merritt 20o, Jordan W McNair two dob, J R Nivill a 18, Win R Neril twp dob, J ^ Nanie two dob, Alonu N orthing two dob, W A Nettles two dob, J ^ n H Cosby 3 43, Eamon Onsby two dob; Captah n tte a a two dob, Wm IVintoB two dob, Albert Purnell two dob, Jordan Puracll two dob, Joshua Purnell two dob, Hilliaid Prioe two dob, Sam Pittman two dob, AXnA, P om two dob, Put Ph% .tw odol^ Foit Parker two dols, W ikyn^riU r tw» data. W m P it^ 2 34, AlhtM llj Albert Piltmaa two dob, Rnonr 'Futsir two dob, Edmund PqgtoH two dak John PM nm ivo dtfla, Thao PudMr too d ij, Thoa Ponton two data* Jm ty Pkikaai tw ^ J ^ r Prloa 213, Axua Peaiton tWo d ik Chak Pleroe two dob, Rich’d Ptaa two dota, WmR«idtwodota,ViB iS u ^ Hal Reid 2 17, A io n D, Reynolds two dota, Wm Ritay two dob Gabriel Redwood two dob, Jta H Sweat two dob, John S b to 2 23, Jaok- wn Sdden 2 74 Ata sSSLr two dob, GrantdtaaMraga 2 44 , A«atin gpead d()ta, I ^ Smith two dob, Ptinoe Smith two dob, J D Stn^n 2 87, Bryant nU ety two dob, YinMBt Till«gr two dolfc John Pane two dob, Oeo Tilleiy two dob, P £ Thornton two dob, Ftaink TiHerj fty k r two dob, Burt Turner 2 80, Hen- deraon Tilley 2 18, Willii Tilbiy 2 47 two dob, Henry Tdletr 2 80, Abb W it 1 ^ two dob, Oeo W ett two data, John Whitaker two dob, Sam William tW d ^ , John Wigrint two dob, J, J. Wood- h^ir two dob, (Mm Wood two dok Rubt two dob, WakoB Wade two dob, John R Wade twa M t, J W Wihsoa ^ o dob, J C WiUifoid two d«h^ J . H . W dkint two ddl%! 111 Auttin W hklW aksri M A do^> two two ______ _ Browning two <Ut, j j . B ariitt *- U w Roden two dob An*ti« two ■tiatw o m s S il^ o T a a ir iBtS- tw o _________ a*7,Mt«WllflilW0 M s , Mllh tat, TkM twoMiMMiMf waihikiM t aol,TMtaU(Btwa4oli.rt^i- .... nuH t M i t h ■ AiSiai • aoM mm i«« ADTBRlE5SMsS5a" STATEMENT. Pnwuantwltli t>t piw liltni of wetloa 7U, m t Mt, vol. 1, of the «Oo4t eTNoia OuoUBa," ikt M- lawlntnportliMbaritteato U m pablie, ihowltt tko aassttr ofdaya, ■lla n o f < pti^dlMa t( Iko CotuiliiioiMnorHaUfia IMntT. 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 < 1 ■8 § A i 4 J.M.0riMar4, a.Joh«^. w.irwood, A. P>«noM, J. A.MorOtct, J.M.Oiltaw aixnvANBaiat. tow atatt. Th<Hnat2 13, ABthoagr Tw kr' 205, « !. Tajrlor two dob, John loodla * 07 ilfiad *■“^ 2 60, Biyaat two dda. cha» m fiilw o dob, itkm, S 'S M .ilS ‘« - 5 2 E 5 ,* S two ^ B a itm M iihsid to* W ard.i!ir^,*i^'»^ stisisa'w * ’^ 2 5 JttiMrjr 2, im. Avon P rw H t. W R WooiT^ * reb.ttta. A nNMOtt, WRWoea, JANerlMt, MWkKeiMod, sJolmtoB, lAehtth. A PnsKott, WRWood, M Whltohoad, J A MorAott, April I, APNMOtt, SJohmtoB, M WhUektad, JANoriloot, WKWoo« ; MarMh. 490 100. WRWoin, MWUtoho^, J ANorfloct, S Johmton, twi. sjohnston, JAMorfleot, AcffvacuHt WRWowf. JohaitiHi, JANorOool, M Whltohctd, MMlltk. : Wit Wood,» MWUlekt^ J AMorfloat, 1 , A .PraoooM , 1 Xnl:^Sid, Al>nwwM, I WRWood, S , J A Nortoot, t MWkitoiMtd, a A PNoeott, halfMar't JAHorlael, a MSSSSftad, K .iloaSar 10no to» ««' IhssL. SJoluirton, Sept Mb. MWMMi^ Oct. I" |1 *«! B “3 iS («• iS h u iS Im * iwfsw-
Page 1: a i f f l E B t Rnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026524/1883-12-20/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Mahone waa preaent aad advocated Qor- ham but dia eaucua would not nominate him. Mahone eonld

t H ¥

v m n a n i y , : i p i o e m i b e n , u n .


J . W. SLEDGE,P M rainoM .

OoNOBKUJlAif Skinnw received hiicre u d WM ■worn in on Monday

Hie oflcial Mi^oritj WM 777.

M a» t A kpim om ’i wuomi in London is "(hlatM ” h it b«M ph«MMira«I. The reeaipU for iis aighli w m 110 ,000 .

BeoreUi7 FNUngbnyien Iim decided

UuU tk> ic h w i to t rMekiBf tlw North polibyeeM S of beHoeasli taimotifltblc.

Mm . Ca u u u b tlM I f il h d ; in ITukiagtoa. P raidw t ArtJinr k not ■a rricd aid Mti. I d a u d i i t ia M ara-

H r- _ _ _ _

T etajioa k galled Lord Teaajw a D'KTaooartof AMwoitk I t it M id U Mea|tled the palM t of aobUi^ to hie wife.

S v io id h aad ootregM apoa WMuea ere ■tin pfereleat ereiywliere i t aeeaia. Al- moetevefjr paper luHMoovata of oae or the otW .

Bb v u a i. kaadiad noaM weia eageged ia Chicago by lelegiaph laet waekfor dele- gstioai to Ika aelioaal leptiblican cwiTeation, Joae S, 1884,

T n NatioMi ]>enoaratlo BzeoutiTe O oraktee will M at in ITaeUngloB Feb- loai7 22ad fbr tlie pnrpoae of eeleotiag e pUoefor hoMiBg the aezt aoadaetiBg Odb-


SovTH Canliaa deoUaee to have a di- Toroe law. “For batter «r woree" in that State Maaae ualil “deatli u i do part." We applaod the coaeerreti— of the “lit­tle ambtlion.”

I t it (Hated that the (hmttj of Oen. A. S. JohaatoQ who W«I killed at Shiloh, h«v« beea v a M flmn (omrty to aflaenee

the diiooreiy of a coal miae oa eome (and he enteied ia Tuue. QIad to hear it.

Th i Engliah papen ate fliU eoaniMBta oa the marrelloni eanietc of the hat dajra of NoTeaber, which were follj ae conepic- uou* ia England ae in thia couatrjorltalj. No Mtiefactoiy ezpUaatioiie. howerer, are offered.

A riot occurred in New Orieaai a few dayi ago at a ward meeting in which wv- eral were killed, bat ae it w u a Deniooralic meeting there ie no chance of a flirt of the bloody ahirt from the loyal portion of the country.

Senatob Oolqititt, of Oeoigia, ww asked the othar day if it waa true that ex- OoT. Tildea habitually whiipered in the ear of anybody with whom he bad an audi- GDce, an he anawered, “Yea; but he whia- pers mighty good aenae."

O'Donnell waa hnng Monday. The Sute DepartawBt made an effort to obtain a repriere but waa not aneoeeanil. The State P apaHaieut ia aerer inecearfU in Ruch matten. Fomgn powen take little notice of the United Statea when it does not suit their eoBTaaienee. I t w u differ­ent when Seward wae Secretary of war.

T h e poUtieal oaaee in South CaroBaa turned out to be aothiag. Notwithataad- ing the fact that Judge B«kd preaided and the proaecution waa allowed to atand aiide juror« whenever it aaw flt not one of the defendanta waa convi *«d. Judge Bond had dome of the cases continued which ia looked upon aa being the end of then.

Key. A. A. IKataon D. D. of IKilminj;- ton. Win elected bishop of the new Episco­pal dioccee in this State. Dr. H'ataon is a man of ability and ener^, a learned the­ologian and poaaeaaee many requisites fi r the exalted position. He has accomplished a great deal of good and will hereafter do atUI more.

TmcSiinate has elected new officers. The eauL-us of Republicans nominated An­son 0 . McCook for secretary and W. P. Canaday of thia State aa aergeaat at arm*. Mahone waa preaent aad advocated Qor- ham but dia eaucua would not nominate him. Mahone eonld not get the eaucua to endorae hia policy even to the extent of nominating hia fHend for an office.

“Ju d a h P. B en ja iiin ,” says Senator Qibaon, of Louisiana, who haa just return­ed fVom Europe, “looka very much as he did thir^-odd yeaia ago whan I flr« knew him, only not quite so buoyant nore sedate and somewhat aaddened when he recalled old times u A M ftiends ia Louisiana; but his geniaHty, aaturalnM and kindness

THiNathioaal E ste tdva Oomaiitlae of the RepubUaan paHy met in IFaahiagton City last week and elected Seaator D. M. Sabin 6f Minaeaota Cbairauni. Senator Sabin u identiiied with n d th « fiuitiou of the party. The committee aelected Chi­cago ai the plaoe and T^pday, June 3rd 1884 aa the time fo» holding tike eonven- tioB. The adeetion of Chicago ia deemed a victMjr for Logaa aad Blaina who are said to have joined forcea with the inten­tion of controUiag the nomination,

“T he Republieana," aaya the New York Timet, “hava ptMtiaal|y taken the poai> Uon that taxatioit m ait not be rednoed.” The KiMsapadteltyaiiiaiority. I tU the great BepaWlaaw ctpm .

» ITell, ^ OeaMMWa aoaii* O e tsaue, They take th« jwaUoD that tiMtiMi auu t be r e d u ^ immediatehr. T b ^ propose to revise the tariff quietly, moderately, but with a fixed determination. Thay intend to le ttb e iidanMl ramaua akiM. They believe in A n faa i^g the aeeaaiaiiea of life HOW. 1|m « jkaat eoM here-.

VUs DejjpcweA p ta tf tn in iha y e a i iC e A I M l l« £ l» « < i llw h a tU win. Ifaw M ld rather he r i ^ th a t «|ee»a ttw M w t— Wi*legtow

F O S T ,

TRE.roi^NuRirr NmDm o r the roa^v.S m irT H (.'ON'dUMM, a k d t h « y o u k u *


A BRIKK SKKTOH o i l l l B CA R B B l.

We here present the wadeii of the Nswa with an exeeBeat Hkeaea of theyounKvst mcmbor of the present UongMsa, sud the youu|Si3st man cvar elected to our National l^eglslature.

Geo. P. Post, uf Susquehanna, Pans- Mylvauia, eiyuys thia disUnguiahed honor, rep lan ting the 15th District of Pennayl- vania, comprising the Counties of Brad­ford, Susouehanna, Wayne and Wyoming, Mr. Post IS only twenty-nine yean of age, ol' fine physical pMportiona, a amooth face strongly marked witk more than ordinary chsravter for one of bis yean, and is ona of thu must popular and promising young men of bis State.

Mr. Poet was bom in Cuba, N. Y., S’.'ptember 1, 1854, removing at the age uf seventy yeen to O aw m , in that State, where he resided until 1873, reeeiving hia education in the Oswego Ac^eaiy,and the Oswew Normal School. He then re­moved to Susquehanna, Pa,, shortly after enleriac the service of the Erie Railway, in whicn he waa soon promoted to a .posi- tinii of responsibility. He waa elected Mayor of Susquehanna when only twenty- two yean uf age, which porition he filled with dirtinguiAed ability.

Mr. Post, while in tne railway aervii.« and during his mayorship, improved his evening hours by reading law, and so nat­urally apt was he in mastering the intrica- ciex Ilf Blackstnne, that in a few yean he was admitted to the bar. The politicians (if northern Pennsylvania began to aoe that Mr. Post had won a standing on the tidal wave of public popularity tlu t would eluct him to Congress as a Democrat in the 15th District, which in the previous Congressional election had given a repub­lican muority of 4,721. Coniaanently he was placed in nomination last tall by the democrats, and elected by a plurality of 2,454 votes over the lion. C. C. Ja»l- win (Ind. Ilcp..) whuiie term expired with the Forty-Seventh Congrei«. Thia great victory by a young man of only twenty- nine ycsrs of age over a gentleman who hud served acceptably in Congress, and who in age is many years his senior, is the g ^ t jst encomium that an uppreciatiTe constituency could bestow on the charac­ter and ability of Mr. Post.


Mr. Post is prominent in other than po­litical honors. He is a leading member of the Knights of Honor, hnving been Grand Director (executive h'ead) of the G nnd Lodge of I'ennsylvnnia for three yean, and the rpproHcnIativc from liis State to the Supreme li<Kl e of the \ ‘nited States for four yean, and in 188(» was one of the Presidential electors from Pennayl- Tania. He is one of the owners and edi­tors of the MiJiitrose Dt mocrat, the oi^an of the democracy in his district, and has been an active campaign orator almost from boyhood up.

Mr. Post is married, and has already be­come one of the most popular memben of Congress now in Washington. He is very unassuming, and impresses the student of human nature as a “coining man" our national affairs.

W h* A a |h iw J |« o ^ ^ ^D e n ^ y A j ^ 4 e r 2 ,2 o2, Mathah Biahoa 2 oo, Wade B itfep 2 2ti, Wuah Kuneh 2 oo, D A G ftockell 2 2 i ’ u a d B r i ( l 9 » 2 1 i, Th<m» ' ley 2 m^G«o B etnfi^S 04.Noias(Rr]

J ^ 00,Cott<^ 2 oo, Je n w (kM m 8 oo,’ iLfara« ConijiUiMl K 04, Olark 2 a o „ 0 k w i LlarC 2 <y>, JK bC#w «U 8 X w byj CromU 2 oo, W i DaHi 2 35, F A V tM 2 27^o ldo Davis 2 oo,Bauson Davia2 61 :iDan Pavia 2 85, Austin Davis 2 oo, Albert Davit 2 ou, Wi|».<Pa«i«

i2 67, Fory Dexeieux 2 3tf, Simon l^vor- •ux 2 oo, Mack Dcvereux 2 oo, Sterling Duguctt 2 00, Wm Davit 2 oo, Reubin Da«is 2 00, FranhJtd i l t j l OBI, W yatt Ed­munds 2 3o, " 'munds 2 2o,

JuDUK Godwyn of Norfolk has been charged by the bar of Norfolk with ini- p^>per couduct and an invottigation has been ordered by the Legisbiture. The churges were mudc irrespective of party.

Articles of impeachment will probably be presented to thu Legislature.

The following bills have been introdu­ced by memben ftom this State:

By Senator Vance, for the erection of a public building at Charlotte.By iScalcs, of N. C., repealing the internal revenue laws. Also to refund certain direct taxes on land collected from citiieus in the late insurrectionary States._ By Vancc, of N. C., to secure mor* effi­

cient civil service reform; also for the pay­ment of certain mail oontracton in the Southern States prior to May, 1861; also to stop the coinage of trade doUan.

By O'Hara, of N. C., to reimbune de- ^ i t o n of the Freedmea's Loaning and Trust C ^panv.

By Cox, of N. C., to change the meth­od of collecting internal revenue tax on distilled spirits.

P hysician recommend Shriner’s Indiaa VermiAige in their practice as a superior a r ­ticle for destroying and expelling wonu!'. Only 35 cts, a bottle.

Betray no trust; divulge no secret.

This is a free oonntry I rare, but you can 't |[et Dr. Bull’s Cough Hynip Arm of chai|e , i t cosii you a quarter every time.

* f W TTueaMflie^^«veiWut<in

entirely died out, because—well becanw people think tliere is mare' gqod oommon sense tn taking a bottle of Or. Bull’s Cungh Hymp than in carrying a lily.

Deal gentfar w ith tha erring ones a« . God has dealt wtth ilMt.

Hr. J . IX Oiilttilidiii, BeidsviUt, Kt C., sa>-s: wiA haa a m r M t latraentalgiaainot she «Md Biawi ^ turn Bitiaia. I ^ - . proved h tr healA grettOlf."

N o«D «4(lN w k»ar|iM thtaw af aiv^ ta r t shows its beet Ihce first.

Hr A. A. Hiller, Ami&eld P. 6 ., N. C., says: "U y wife h at proved your ni^ivine to be guad t e nervonsrttss aad Heneral de­bility .”

Inmsaed b* aciiili'iiiuiL «err dMieatlgt, paiiipu- lailtuiri«m,MesninU|itn-wiiri>uuirei« ennritnc IB wd aboul ttia Nuluu; » • iiiw m a u ti m

a a 3 f f l w . * 8 s s f t , i A i s r «

AT L. A. a aice s iln lg k a fjeweiiT, |atM iit(Jb i^ liadlts rnmmm,- Dims t r i | | a i i ^ Me«s' ^ e n r e a f , s 4 l ^ Hositiy, lie ., wMtl we aw alwayt jjilsasaH t» ■bow our ftUfrit.

Msa. Eva Dxrir,''

Kdmuiida 8 oo, J o n a I. Bly bdmunds 2 55,

Heniy Branch 2 2o, IRpTbot Branch 20U,

nuadsGrant Kdmundt2 00, U en at Ei3 62, Epraim .2 00, llanrjr Qai7 '2 oo, H any {Qw JU8 , Dock Gay W -ts, J t^ n llill 2 oo, D u^cy Hill 2 oo, Sam Hunter 2 oo{ Dick Hunter 2 00, Joe Higga 71e, Albert Higga 1 0 0 , Dick Hart 2 oo, Ksau Hall 2 o», John Hervey 2 UO, Jjouis Higgs 2 oo, Kli House 2 00, Madttd House 2 oo, Jerry Hale 2 oo, Bailey J o h i^ n 2 35, Auatin 2 oo, W H Jolulstoa i2 40, Aitbhell jjhlH toli 2 ao, II p Johnston 2 oo, Milikin James 2 o8 , Jordan ^laea 71o, nairy Jamaa 1 81, m jam n 1 81, Joha jackton2 oo, willia Jaek- sou 2 00, Isaac jotey 2 oo, Dick KencdaJ' 2 00, John liCWter 2 oo, lleniy Lewter 2 <ki Daniel Lcwtcr 2 oo. Hiuisimi Lawrence 2(k;, J K Lawreiiot 2 oo, Austin, l4!wis 3oc, san­dy Litiiiigpr 2 no, Jacob Lockhart 2 on, John Lewter 3 oo, Pi'ter Lewis 2 oo, I'lias Mabry 2 oo, a w Milikin 2 oo. Jack Oliver 2 00, L K Pope 2 00, jack Po)ie 2 oo. priiicc Jones 2 oo, Ben Joaet 2 oo, J < Pope 2 00, H M Pope 2 00, Richard Pattorson2 oo, chtts Patterson 2 oo, Johnst«in Patter­son 2 oo, Moses Powell 2 oo, Luke pemler3 ,'io, Wilson Pittman 2 oo, Miles Po|)e 2 oo, Daniel llale 2 4(i, n .U Keid 3 3o, Edgar Rodgen 1 00, inreston Riddick 2 <h i, jm; Hnwles 2 oo, sandy Robertson 2 no, j h Richards agent of niinonS 7o, Robin smith 2 00, Colin smith 2 oo, Louis iMutharland two dols, iieo sfacrrod 3 34, lien -shields two dols, iwin smith two dols, Daniel smith two dols, Austin spell two dols, uarry Til­lery two dols, Henderson Tillery two dols, .Maek Tillery two dols, Elijah Tillery 25c, whit Tillci^ three dols, j il Thomas two dols, 8oe Tillery two doU, Buck Thrower two dols, Aiuos Turner two dots, ueo Thomp­son two dols. Isaac Thomas 2 o l, Joe Mc- ohce 2 84, Turner Thompson tWo dols, Johnston Taylor two dols, <l Tillery two duls n Tillery two dols, iiryan Tillery two dol.«, 11 P Tillery two dols, Alex Toy two dots, strange Torrish two dols, jas wilkins two-dols, John wilkins two dols, Adkin williams two dots, wiley williams two dols, willisB williams 2 411, (leorge Washington 2 26, J K weir two dols, chas weaver two

ford two doTs, r A'WeiiVer two '6 's, Lcm Wooten two dols, Deinas wriglit two dols, peter williams two dols, peter wiley two dols, Peter wiloby two dols iiam wiloby two dols, Albert williams two dols.


im iX K LEY V n.LB XOWN’S H ir ,Walter Arrington 9 00, (iro Arrli

'J 08, Henry Ashe 3 11, Jos Aslie 3 00,Alston '2 110, Uuditon Alston 3 UO, Eugene •Ustou 'i 00, Kobt Alston 3 03, Ben A lttra 300, N e d ^ |to u 3 00, Briirton AlaM t <03,

Brinkley 3 ^ Wtam Brinkley i 04, O l Uatchelor 300, Chas Batchelor J r 3 00, Thns Bustin 3 00, Olios Brinkley 3 00, A C Boon 3 00, J J Boon 3 00, K T Boon 3 05, Drew Bell 3 00, Harrison Burt 3 00, John Burst 3 00, T B Browning 3 03, Norfleet Barnes2 00, W H Bunn 3 UO, Daniel Bobbitt 3 00, Jim Bailey 3 03, Tom Bailey 3 00, Jason Battle 3 UO, Win Battle 1 03, Jerrv Buttle3 03, Green Carlisle 3 UO, Zack CUrk 3 00, Jas Clark i Ott, Blitiin Oup» laud 3 00, W illis Ooppage 3 00, Isliani Cyrus 3 00, Jas C Coiiwuy 3 Oii, J H Clay 3 00, llcrry (.'lierry 3 00, Brown Daniel, 3 00, Wm Daniel 3 00, T T Daniel 3 15, David Davis 3 INI, Guilford Davis 3 00, i*hil Davis 3 UO, S K Deuby 3 00, Wm Doles 3 15, Kobt tJdmunds 313, J J Fletcher 3 30, J W Fletcher 3 00, Wm Green 3 03, Wm Owath- niey 3 03, Turner Hunter 3 00, Wm Hunter 3 0(1, W'm HarriiklBen Hurrisoii 8 00, *ftin liI rS m i? 0 4 , Em- merson Harrison 3 05, Sam Harper 3 03, Cnswell Harvey 3 00, ,Fas Harvey 3 00, B D Harvey 3 00, Thos H Harvey 3 00, Simon Harvey 3 04, Abraham Harvey 3 00, Baldy Hardy 3 00, Goodloe Hedgepeth 3 OU, Himu'n H ^ p e t h 3 00, J R Hig«i 3 18, liUke Haw­kins 303, Bei\i Hull 300, Simon Hamell 3 00, Kd Haniill 3 04, Geo Hewlin3 00, J H Hancock 3 00, W D Herbert 3 00, Peter H il­liard 3 00, ,Fohn Johnson 3 04, Ned Johnson 3 03, Win Johnson 3 13, J D Johnson 3 30, 8ani B Jones 3 00, Sprig Jones 3 03, Wm Jones 3 fO, W vatt Jaaes 314, W H iJenkin ti 3 18, H e n ^ jS e k io iri 00,* K i ^ l | ijL O, J H Knight 300, Oeo W Lucas 3 08, Newseni Lee 3 07, Sam Lee 3 00, Lewis Lee 3 0,3, Conelins 3 1,5, Kemp Lee 3 00, Wm I^ee 1 00, Henry Lynch 3 00, Tom Lynch .3 3,5, Daniel Lynch 3 00, W H LiCnch 3 07, T P Lynch 3 03, Kaoaom Lynch 1 60, Geo Hoore' MM, SaiO' Haore - 3 13, CSmis Mitchell 3 00, Louis M ea^ 3 00, Harcus Maon 3 14, Henry HeW illifms 3 00, Henry MrWilliams agent Berry Batchelor 3 00, Menry Nieholson 3 00, Caswell Kicholson 3 00, Willis Neville 3 0,3, Harrison I’itts 1 10, Hewlei'soii P itts 3 00, Haywood 1‘itts 3 00, Carter IMtts 3 00, Watson VitU 3 IH, That Pow«nii*OL'VVrrall rM ak 3 '3 r,3 03, C a re^P erty 3 03, Hack Perry 3 00, Mick Perry 3 04, Jim Parker 3 10, Jas P itt ­man 3 00, Pink Price 3 00, Nick Pyor 3 17, Kich’d Plummer 3 00, M 1C Powere 3 00, Wm liichardson 3 00, J L Richardson 3 13, RuAis Kichardson 3 1,5, Isham Richardson 3 07, Norfleet Uiehardson 3 34, John H Hich- ardain 3 13, Dituiel Uiehardson 3 03, John iiichaidion 3 00, Otoige Kewer 3 011 Rieh’d Rosser 3 37, Alimhain Rosser 3 UO, J a t Rudd 83cts, Wm Kaun 3 00, John T Uenn 3 07, W T Saunders 2 00, liumh Sanderlin 3 02, M'esley .Silver 3 0.5, Ricks Silver 3 03, Gid Silver 3 00, Hardy Silver 3 01, Wm Sledge 3 03, lienj Sledge 3 00, Pink Smith 3 00,A G StokiM 3 00, J W Stokes 3 00, Jos itolo-

Roloiium' 3men 1,48, Snin Sykes 3 00, Tom Skilton 3 00 A M Sontliall 3 00, A J Sanderlin 3 00, L Snow 3 Oo, Ixiseiuo Stephensim 300, John

H 30, Harrison Vaughan 300, Julian Wiggins 3 00, Richmond Wigi;ins 3 UO, Cutlendon " 'ig ^ n s 3 OS, C W Wiggins 300, Neptune Wiggins 3 00, Allen 'Wiggins 3 03, Tom Wig- gins 3 00, Geo Wiggina 3 00, Harry Wiagiaa 3 10, Littleton W i^ u t 305, Simon WiagiiM 3 00, Andrew W H Ili^ 3 00, WUHe W iH Um 3 00, Plummer W illiams 3 04, ^ l i a Wil|iaaM 314, Tom Williams 3oo, B |tke WUHama 8 no, Sam W ilU i^ 3 oo, TOmWilUMilt 3oa Jim Williams S o3, Wm WiUlaait

|iWiUiBni4 J r 3 00, Saadr WilHamt So3, iMoact Williama 2 02, Wiley WiUia 2 0 :i Alfred Willit 8 00, Beo Wood 200, Joy- a«r Wood 2 00, K A White 2 75, Noah

iOBj two T<uli, Ortn west Anthom two dob, t ft ABthonj two dols, Henry Bakar 817 , J B Mkef two dq)», « e « v tM l tw tm ( la l ^ a a -ker two dub, chat Bakar two dw , k aaker two dols Harry Baker two dult Moody BaW two d ^ Diok Bakw 2 m kar 8wm Btnks 2 20, j ■ Bryant twd dolt, aiAn' parry 8 10, Thtil ahuid two dolt, Jaek lar- ISnrtwb dolt, #dkw BriiWB 2 Ofj w b Btrfttld S 14, a i aUskwaH tM dala, mmj

ailford Bfyaat 2 13, j j Bowen 2 80, w .'r. Biyaa 2, 10, oea'I Balding two dob,Abraai Batohelor two dolt, wath oirpeater Sf 05, Neal chapel two dalt, j t t OMaata 2 74, wtah chrk t 20, Ban dark 2 ^ mu dark 2 Oft, A dark tW od^V tit tikrb 1 Neptune oltrk 2 15, Mort Clark two dolt, Boot cltrk twtt dolt, o (KNt two dolt, A J curry 3 61, b o oook 9 31, wm otldwell 8 00, J t t otrroU two dolt, ft camp two dolt, Htnr^ oamp two dalt, rrevnua capup 8 20 , Washington Drew two dd t, Bol 6 r«w two dolt, AlfVed Drew 2 O S h fte ItaacDavit 2 05, U idd ic fK vS two d<;fa, K in- cliea ^ r i t two d ^k JohaA tTeiipoit8 44, That Dabne'r two dou, Abner Dawton 200, Peter Downiw 2 05, Daniel Dawton two dolt, licwiii' Dtoketi tWb' <lnlt| Iiifli^ett« Dicken two dols, Lafayette Devereux two dolt, Albert Davit 2 70, J in Dolberry 2 05, Itoht Kvtnt two dols, D ai^ Edwatdt 205, L M Kdwaidt two dols, N ith tn Kdmont 2 80, Sam Kvcrette two dols, Peter Ed­wards two dolt, Lawrenoe Howall two dols,

jor Johnton two dolt, John Johiuon two dols, Joe Johnson two dolt, Qqo Johnton two dots, Jiai Johnton two dolt, L J a n e t1 00 , Aaron Jam et 2 05, TUIman Jan e t two dols, Unnville Jonea two dolt, Wm Jonct*' two doh, Armstead Joaet two dols, Warrick Jones two dol^ Joe Jones 2 06, Jim Jonet 4X^r<lttlt( JN ft’- '^ ^ e a - 2 Jaek Joyner two dols, Anthony Jacobs two dols, Thos Joyner 2 (IS Arohcr Jones two dols,' A britai-ISch '2-60j Lattbl.'ri'' Kiah 2 4(i, Hilliard Knight (vp dols, John King 2 07, Joe L y n ^ 1 10, Hy­man Little 2 48, Shade Ijewis 40 cts, Lewis Laror 2 30, Prince Lueas 2 20, lie^is Manning two dols, Fenner Mitch­ell two dols, Chas Modow 40 eta, Himpton Much two dols, Isom NichoUt two dols, Isaac Norfleet two dols, Blount two dob, Jacob Nelms 70 eta. Glia'! Pitt* two dols. Hardy I'nuLtwo dols, 'V r ^ t PoUock tyo dob, tluy Piigli two dob, Jw Powell two dols, Ashley Pender twodvb, Elijah Powel two dols, Eugene Pope two dob, Joe Phelps two dw , W A Pell two dob, Al­bert Powell two dob, W E Robertson2 U2, Joe Uawb two dob, Kiah Rhodea 2 10 Burnett Rhodet two dob, Kiah Rey­nolds two dols, Joe Stvtge two dolt, Pom - ])CV Savage two dob, Jordan Saraga two dols, Chat Savage two dub. Shade Smith two dob, Henr)T Smith 2 3!l, P R Smith two dob. Council Smith two dolt, Harri- sim Smith two dob, J a t Smith 2 17, Nt- than Smith 2 08, Kenneth Staton 2 10, Wm Staton 2 34, Anthony Spruill 2 05, Thos Spruill 2 02, Ben Spruill 2 27, Jor­dan Spruill two dob, J H Spruill 2 07, A J Spruill 2 02, Jake Shioldt two dob,

.l la n y Stvaji^ two dob, John Sherrodwwo dob, Daniel Shields two dob, AnthonyP^hields two dols, Anthony Shields two

dob, Hui Shields two dob, Hilliard Swau- iier two Wm Suggs 2 07, Lucius Skinner two J O Sestums 217, L P Sherrin two dols, Zadi Taylor two dob, Archer Taylor two dob, W anen Tenytw o dd«, 8 (jewart Thomas 2 50, H J Thomas two dol^ Ja ­cob Taylor two dob, Alex Taylor two dolt, Bell Trice two dols, liichd Turner, tw oM s Edie Thomas 1 00, Riohd Taylor two dob twentT cts, Jule Vaughaatwodoli, Robt VHUgban two dob, John Watson twa dols, Ferd Watson two dols, Albert Watson two dolt, Eli Watson two dob fire ets, Heniy Williaant.i«a jdtils.XIaUmoWilliaiBt two dols, H arkbtaW U ^m sftw a'M a fife Chas W i l l^ i tw^doLrW f V , <4ed^ Williams fi^o pols/ p n ^ j^> { White 86 cts, HiiirHscAi WaSMnrtm ^ o dols, Ed Webb two dob, Thos Webb two dob five cts, Hyman Wilson two dols, Alex Walford two dols seventeen cts, J W Wade 40 ets, W H Whitaker two dolt, Henry Wells two dols five cts, Alex Wil­son two dob seven cts, Randal Whitmore two dob, Dan'l Whitmore two dob, Hill­iard Whitehead two dob, Dock Whitaker two dob five cts, W A Webb two dob, Wm Watson two dob, Henry Wilson two dols, Exum Walden two dob, Randal Whitaker two dob.


Mack Brown two dob, B Brantley two dols, a Arantley two dob, chos BurWell two dols, chas Baskerville two dob, Motes Bellamy two dob, step xeUany 2 05, Allen Btlbm^ 210, otear n g g t two dob, Hy­man Biggs two dob, Andrew Bryant two dob, John Brantley two ^ b , Davis Bell 30c, wm Bankt twb' dob, oilljata Banks two dob. Davit Bullock two dob, s

d o k Ja a Y Allen two dolt, T F Bowaoi tw o ^ K lf m A»4iev two dull. Lotti* B lasilM tv a ia h tU M o r BrieM t 1 0 0 , Motet Arookt two dolt, Elyah Brooka bal­ance 74ctt, W u Bullock two dolt, Aadsrson Boyd two B.yd tuo dob,Browatwo dUsttreiMiiteeBats, Thte Bob­bitt tm Jo b k .riMUMT j M if u r t ^ r t e eW, G aoH M y A ' «#o dolt, CHI* Carter btiaMa 1 8 1 EfCllaMiNl two dob, Lawit Clantoa tw«4oli|BiicM Craaa w o i

dob d tie 2® l S m r ^ t l o i r t ^ d o b , AlbMt Oae two dob, Lem Oerrlngt two dolt, Jerry Gerrinot M p'4ok/A 'Q two dob, WetUy R ^ i M l u i a I t M r olt, Ch«Boe Harria d M itM ik jStm'l H arrit two dob tW m « t , ^ ^

a i f f l E B t R ?Hudgint two dob twentv-oae eta, wm Has- kint two dob ten eta, Mtok Jeffreys two dob. Bon Jeilhiyt t^ lM a , IQIliard Janoi two dob, ITillis Ji^«U,twu dpia, J 1) Jen­kins two; jjgis, J t a t e J JWiatnH two dnis, Enianucl J]^nttoa«fo4pl>S BwuniJohn- iton balance twaaty>ffllirtGr, "liT Ximbel two dub, M E £ i{ g 71 vts, N E K.vig two dob n in e ty -th A ^ i, Aadtiaon Mason two dob ton cts, RolM Mead two doh,< Lot Marrow balance'Do cts, IKiboii N uttt two dob i r i l Mills two Kemp. N'cwelltwo dob four cts, Bun Newell two dob, JtsN ew toai two dole, L L D Putaey 14 67, S a iil Petsons two dob, Roibt Per­sons two dob, Rhoden Parker 1 00, J i r PoweU two duls, Andenon Short two dols, Asa Smith two dob, Albert Savage two dolt, Burt Squire two dob, John Hcott two dob twenty-foor ct«, Ifm J Scott two dob, Hiley T i^ o n two dob, J T WTiite 4 96, York It hitehead two ^ b forty ots, Hen­ry Hllliamt two dob, Htywood IKilliiint 17 cts, Heniy If'illiamt balance 1 1-M, Ned Ifalker 40 ett, Chat Kollionffer two dob

.ten cts, John Butts 4 00 AllVed Clanton two'dols. Chat Cofer two dols, B'm Falcon balanoe 10 cts, Z E Sherron 1 00.

Bradley 1 '^, Jo n two docrocker tTurner catwo dob. twodan Dick

two dols, aIcx Ethercdge two dols, Jerry Fountain two dols, Henry uunter two dols, i>eter iialo two dols, Robt IlymM tw}>Nathan lliggs two dob, T hom W U Nopture Hyman 2 10, sen hoVQR John Hale 2 30, Ransom Harrit two dob, wm Hanson two dob, Richmond jones-two

dob, CiJnc iSW S^wlrdV, Peter Landing two dob, uaniel Lee two dob. Rich Leggett 2 15, Rork Long two dob, Anthony Law­rence two dub, Albert Lewis two dob, Martha Landing 90c, Jat Lewb 2 07, Robt Lam two dolt, Baadid Uggett two dob. Jamea Mtbry two dob, Ltwienoe Mabiy two dols, H II Mitchell 1 35, Lemon Man­ning two dob, J t t Martin 2 05, Alex Mad- ry two dob, John Mabiy 4 20, Archcr .Morris 2 07, steward Medford two dob, Joseph ifeiUbM 2 0,Q, J ts Miokens., 2 05, Henry oibom t# o dols; iiiitt o g b ^ dob, aariand ogborn 2 05, Blount Pittman 2 27, Turner Pittman 200, Jas pittman 2 21, Joe pittman two dob, Kelly purvb two deb, Albert ptiee 2 34, irvm uawb two dob, aebom‘8|iaHrinan: two d«4s, n id i shidds two, Ban aaptoe two dob, wa» iinc mans two dob, Stephen aadth two dds, Ned smith 24 4 , J L Maten Me, Aleosa sation two dtdsr pitt smith 2 13, ttew sit smith 2 16, Binion saTtije two dob, oeo

beaO O B John w |jtak « ^ o ^ g i^ woediy two dolt, n a d vh it^aad ivo dab, Mtiy while 90s; o a t wiBiaiik two dob, , chat well two d ^ *htp mm>m Mr» e

W ^ ^ 0 4 ^ l l « WeUi S 16, 8 Q Ni^a^ |» o dub, tw# ls ||lH a r -2 4 5 ,B rtataPaold Cole«aiiI 00, -Ttly w t w l * y 4 t ^ l H

WE|.D01f 1«WMSniP

0 w Adams two dob, Allen smith two dob, uabriel ALston two dob, wm Anthoqy two dols, w p Blake 2 34, Joo Bird two dob, Roliin Barnes two dub, j r Brown two dob, Tom Brickell one dul, Luwi; Bustin two dob, Frank Hartley two dob, G W Berryman two dob, Oliver Burton two dob, Wni Branch two dols, 1) R Ca- pell 2 17, Tom Carter two dols, Potor Cftrriugtcm two dob, Toni Carpuuter tw«i dub, J C Cheatham two ilols, Saui Cheak two dob, Win Cbristuiat two dub). Cain Clanton two dob, 'Henry Clanton two dols. Geo Coles 2 13, Robt Coles two dob, Ed Crawley one dol, Crusoe Daniel 2 20, Dud­ley Daniel two dols, Isham Pilgrim Daniel two dols, Robt Daniel two dols, Tom Dan­iel two dob. Nelson Davis two dob,Eaton two dels, Qodfjr^ E^pcs tiwo, dols| Jackson Exum 80c, Win Fliggart two dols, J M Foote (listed twice) ti 33, Britton Gary two dob, Calisjn Gay two dols, John Gary two dob, Wm Huitheoek two dols, B F Harp two dols, Lewis Harrison two dols, 0 W Hartumn three dob, Loster Hines 10c, Tom Hines 23c, Jos Hockaday two dols, Frank Hockaday 2 O.'i, J H Hockaday 2 58, A D Howard two dols, J C Howard two dols, W J Ilowiird two dob, Henry Aiighes two dols, Wash Hite two dols, \|rm Haines 2 07, WIS | Jehklns 53c, Artas Jones and Wm Ivey two dols, Orphic Jones two dols, JLtodfrey Jonus 2 U4, Henry Jackson two dols, Jax Jcmet 2 24, Sam Jones two dols. Wm Jones two dob, Henry Josi;y two dols, Kd Johnston two dols, P M John.ston two dols, J iG Lathain 2 33, Chas Long l.lc, Dick Long two dob, Ossian liong two dols, Simeon Long (listed and i>aid by Patience Long) 27c, U E .Morecock 2 20, Josh Moseley two dob, G J Moseley (exempt by b’d C(mi four dob, F S Manley two duls, An­thony .Martin 00c, Tom Mason two dob, David Mills 11c, J Archer Mills two dob. Jack Mills two duls, J H Mills 1 33, Wal­tham Parker 17c, D Perkiiu two plok J J Perkins ♦'w'doW, Dari)! Pi<rcc,2 (D4, llcn- dcrson Pierce two dols, Jake Picrct; two dob, Ned Pierce two dob, Jonas Pieroc 46c, K K Pontim two dols, H D Ponton two dols, M T Ponton two dult, Hardy Ponton 3 17, Turner Ponton two dob, Henry Nap Pope two dob, E A Pirtts 2 34, J M Powqil two dols, l ^ t Pow ill two dols, Wm< Powers tio ' ads, Mwnry Reid two dob, John W Reid two dols, Lewis Richardson two dob, Frank Rook two dols. Geo Rook two dob, Roduiond Ruffin two. d ob ,. John Scott two dob, luniut Shaw two dob, Ridley Shetrin 2 34, M B Shephard two dob Chmtjr Simmons 4c, Frank Sledge two;d(ds,Sledge one duUar, Ed S im dw M two Tom Spruill two dob, J a S u m e v e lS ti dob, Joe Taykir two doWW ■ Til two dols, Robt Turner, j A t i l d y i .Turner Sr,, 30c, Hardy Walker two dob, Laiarus Walker two ^ Is , Peter \>^itehead two dob, Mack Wilcox 13e, Robinson Williams two dob, Sam Williams two dob.

BUTTKRWOOP township.

Edward Alston 2 00, Zack Abt^^n 2 27, Willb Alston 2 00 , Nick Alton 2 00, Ja ­cob Alston 2 00, J C Alston 2 00, Re­mus Alston 2 00, Wash Alston 2 00 , Fed Alston 2 00, R L Anderson 2 00, Plat Chickester200 , C W I X c k ^ '2 £7, Jas Dickens 2 00, Heniy Davb 2 00, Will Daniel 2 10, Everett Drue 2 02, Archie Griggs 2 16, H w x . Graluutt 2jtQ, Tom H anfy2 00, J # I l k r t i 8 9 00;Sinu- Har­ris 2 20 , Mordecai Harris 2 00 , Tom Har­ris 2 00, Phil Harris 2 00, Peter Hawkins 2 00 , Frank Heptinstall 2 00 , Chandler Hayes 2 00, Sanmel Harvey 2 00, Sam Johnston 2 00 , Plummer Johnston 2 OQ, ‘Caswell Johaiton 2 03, R P Jonea i 00 Henry Butt 200, Heniy B t i a ^ 2 00, Brinkley C byboi^ 2 0 0 , Kfst KeHmey 2 97, Richard Keamy lOQ^ BoH Koamy. 2 04, R V s h m h2 00, W P Pullen 2 «0, George 2 00, J G P lttsun 2 13, Geori 2 « 0, R n 9 ^ n s i t o , ‘S t

Beavina two dolt, W P b!*I1 | wo W i , Amot Bdl 84a, H ilm ta i i BaU tiro M s, Bs» Beil twa doit, Jahn B BaU two4oh, TntMrBeUtUD d o ^ Frank Bennett twa dob, VUiMr Bennett two dob. Geo Bod;f iZQe, f o k Boon two dob, H en ir Bradley W i ^ ^ D io k Bragg two dolih Oceio

ddt,^Pilsr B n M k ^ tm M i, O w Biley 1 -

uiget* two dob, Annaoiat Buigwyn two “ “ ■ ■ Sam Button

WUIiaMal M a.sam 1!C H I«liiM i:^

■iMaifft two deiii do li, Mfm*


j U t axwbtwo dob, m a e it ■ AdasM two dob, itaao Bunwtt 50c, Hal m a e h two sallan to iW lA llBen Ballard two dob Jts H Bryaut two dob, Alfred Beavint two dob, shade MMia 24o, Jtoob Branoh two dola i m k %mUm 2 17, Nelson Brown 2 25 osoar Bird two dols. Turner b u b ^ two dols, ftlaek- ham two dolt, M b M117 iw« M , aIikBradley 3 54, Ben Bryant two dob, J PBredtov* 2 34, Davy BeB 21 8 , BO

John Bony two daliH J ta ▲ P u if t tw» dob, W at Bradley two dols, Isw is Crow­ell two doh, KH Orowell 2 10, Saat’l 0«hk>

Edgar CUrk two dob, Heniy Crowell two dol^ Ben Ckrk 2 13, Alex Chwwell two dob, Wm Crowell two dols, John Clantoa 2 13,Chat Pttton two dolt, Sant'l Chaa- bers two dob, Sam Chnton 2 57, Joha Cullifertwo dola,:lUBdal Crowatt two dob, Henderson C hert two dols, J ss OottoB

D ard 3 14, .Jlen iy H DBMea 2 34,

Gee D eatey two dob, N G Diukent two dols, Joha W Demptty two dolt Mask 0 Oig|sM two dols, Joe Dunstaa two dole, Q u m l Der-

, Cioero Burnt two dob, two dds, Jarrel Buttia 82a, Gid E.

lutta 2 18, J . E. Buttt two dob, Wat Chance two dob. Cherry & op 43e, Daa'I

‘tUanton two dob, T H Clant two dob, lat Clark two dob, Abram Cofield two b. Jo t Coleman two dob, AUVed Cole- « J r two dob, B F Crowell two dob, ivid Daniel two dob, Heniy Daniel two

dob, liob Davis 2 10, Albert Davit 3 85,Sam Deberry two dob, Bustin Dixon two dob, I Doggett two dob Drew Dnughaa 21)^ HerM DnagliaB tM dolt, Ohib t>Draughan two dob, Jacob Druughan two duls, Jas Foote two dob, John Forbes two duls and ninety-five cts, Jas Forbct two dob, Joe Gatlin two dob, Henry Goode two d ^ , baae Arteei^ tw4 doM Arnold Gimtw two ddb, Richard' Can­non two dob, Henry Harris two dob,Campbell Harris two dob, Turner Har­ria two dols, T. E. Harris two dob, John Hawkins two dub, David Hawkiag two dols, Jas Hedgepeth t«Ki dob, Heniy Her­bert two dob and fifty-one cts, Albert Hervey two dob, Anthony Holt two dob and a third, S. F. Howard two dob, VL two dols, Wiley Dai T Hughes t » *#ol4 ^ m f f t w l j Dempsy two dob, Jo h a lZaA H u n t|r 'l R u n |^ t w f ^Wright Daniel two dob,dols, A. J . Johnson two dob, Mout John- ...............son two dob, Dudley Jones two dob,Andrew Jones two diM, Robt Jonet two dob and forty-four CU, P ^ Jones two dob, Jeffrey Jones two dob and eight ets.Geo Jones two dob and thirty-seren cts,Henry Jones two dob, Taylor Jones two dob, Rhoden Jones two dob, Herud Jones J r two dob, W Ellu Jones two dob, Rqwland two dob, Dudley Keeter two dob. Berry.King 15c, Solomon.Kiiw two dob, Sam King two dob, Robt King two dob, Ned Lane two dob, Lewb Lane,(wo dob, JoKo Lane two dob, John Law­rence two dob, John P Lawrenoetwo dob,Wiley LeiHttwo ,d « |r:E v p i Lriria. two dob, Peyton Lewii^ two dob, W ^i Mabry two dob and ten ots, Belfield M abn two dols, Ilaidy Manning two dob n Mo- Daniel sixty-two cts, Lafayette McDaniel two dob, bU McGee, two dob, Duaean McGowaa two dob aiid fifty ots, Geiwge McLcnore two dob, Thurston McMahon two dob, Geo Mitolmm two dob, David Melvin two dob, Ed M ito ^ two ^o)s apd eighty-eight ots, Blount MitoKell'tWO d js ,Crowford Moore J r two dols, Peyton Moore two dob, Caswell Nerill two dob,Hilliard Nicholson two dob. Reuben No^ man two dob, R W OliTer two dob, tiuilford Parker 33 cts, Mark F afte r two dols, Joe Ridiard Parker two dale, Gid Perry two dob, Hilliard Petway two dob,E L. Pike two dols, Cioero P itt two dob,Moses Pittman two dob, David Pittman two dob Wm. Pittman two dob, Ben Eli Pittman two dol% John PittuMB J r tw«i dolt and three cts, Jas Pittman two dob,Lewis Pittman two dob, Ned Pittman two dob, John Pittman two dots. Ton Peterson two dob and sevanty-one olt,Isaac Pittman two dob, Armstead Ham­mer two dob, W hit P (m two dob, Lucbn Pope two dob, Able Powell dob, Wiley Powell dob, Austin Powell two dob,Henry Powell twi> dob, Jos Pngh two dols and twenty-six cts,Lewb Rogers twodob, David Saunders tw» . dols, J a t Scott

dob/5iiSjj|Sc«4t*Sw» dob, Spoiy two dob, Wm Scott two dob, Jas Scott twenty-eight cts, Jas Seasons two dob,Chas Shearin two dob, Philbert Simmons two dols, A J Smith two dols, Thos Smith two dob, Chambers Spriiill l!wo dob and thirty-three cts, Talbert Sweeny 4 34,Clinton iykss-, two dob, AbuitteL Taybr two dob and teh cts, John 'Taylor two dob and thirteen ots. Soloman Taylor two dols,John Thomas two dob, John Thomas No two two dols, Hezikiah Tillery two dob,Jas Tillery two dob, Legrand Vaughtn two dob, Robt Walston two dob and thirty-seven, Dudly Washington two dob twenty-two cts, Harry W hitaker two dob and five ets, Saunders W hitaker two tU t,Motes Whitaker two dob, Allen Whita­ker two dob, Peter Whitaker dob, Joe M'^hataker t«ra]dMk> cAHlrt W U ffk iC A o dob, Jolfc Whitaker two dob, Joe Whit­aker No two two dub, Jas Whitaker two Dempqr Whitaker twp dob, L A ^ i t a - ker two dols, Jerry Whitaker two dob,Dave Whitaker two dols, Essex Whita­ker two dob, Joe H enn Whit«ker two dob, Dare W hitakii 'two V<ro dob,W n Whitaker two I I t 'AUnd Whitaker tw a dob an d u

Thoa Whitaker No two two, e ^ Pha W h i te r two

imd thirteen ots, John W hite No two two dob, Mat Whijtil ;twA'di Whitehead two dols, Ben^ two dols, P e ^ n W h M ^ . _Hanison WifUra two dob, A i ^ W kins two dols ^jpotswoodi ' WUUan two dob, Thad O WtUiams two dob, B L Williams two dob, John B, WiUiam .two dols, John Wilson two dob, J B W inleld two dob, Andrew I T o r ^ two Oeo W orsley two dob, Dunnb TTright two

do b .' ' I III

u tas;raJaokiai

Ep|iaDan'l Fenner two dob. Be« Ifi dob, H a tk S m m twa i ala, Maiiiw a 9 m - Bcr 1 00, VM 'V lpiiir^tii*. iota, Oao Vw-.ner J r two doi^'O liB 'V tM M t two dob, Joe Eauloon two dob, Alhtad Rood two dob, M F Fenner 3 34 SdaiuBd Faalooa two dob, Guilford Gary two dob, Walter G uy two .debt Ml# W a,-«M ijGary two dob, W yatt Gary two dolt, Oeo Gary 47c, Geo Gregory two dob, Frank Gary two dob, RoU (iary two dala, K K Hancock 1 51, Tobe H enrqr two dob, Itaac Hale two dob. Burton H e d t ^ h two dols, Thot Harper' two dolt, Powell Harris two dob, Joho Hawkint two dob, Rybt Hux two deb, Thoa Hunter two diila, John Howlin two dob, D tn'l Hill two dob, W M Hamlim two dpb, John H Haletwo dob, Wm Harper 2 34, J a t Hargrove 2 34 Billie H ew lu two dolt, J , J H arru 680, J a t Hudton two dob, Thoa Hines two dob, John H unter two dob, Carliss Howard two dob, W A Howell two dob, J H Haustin two dols, W A Howell two dob, J H Haustin 34c, Jas Hines two dob, Ned Hardie two dob, Carey Ivy two dob, Hilliard Johnsqp 2 5 0 , Jaddt JphnioB two dob, Jfalkat Joyner twet dols, Bob ja n a tt two 4ol4 t^w is J o l ^ i l Mro doh, )<enbrd 'J ta i* two dols, ^ u t t j John^n iS M •Johnson t^o i W D to M y JoansoA dob, W ^ ^ao ^ i)ii A ih d M ir |o te $

“ ro dolt, Auea

■ , m u •lacKton two aoit, i^ing Joyner A

T h o n o l

n t O t r


Albert Ash two dob, Kemp Allen two dob, oeo Adams two dob, MaU Aaron two dolf. Matt Aaron two dob, c A-Ayeoek two dob, A Ayeook two ddt. A te two dob, John 8 Alston 2 23, AlfVed Branch two dols, sol Bennett two dob, w b Beal 2 27, Henry Bennttt 50o, June Bobbitt two dob, poter Brown tw « d p lt.M H fts^ ta ip dob,Douglas Britt tw 6 5 d a l^ W )* ^ y T |5 iJ

dob, Jake crawley two dob, John Bridgets, two dob, Thos curtu two dob, John Col­lins two dob, Henry Carlisle two.dob, w HjMuisI 3 64, Lee Dunn, d b niokeiii2 36, wm Douglas two dob, ishant Baniel jrtw odob , MF Dickens two. J A iHokens twu dob, isaiah £ppa .two dob, jWager isdmuads J t 1 00, jiA n Torn nan- eis two dob, w B oregoiy 50e, Allen aan< ter two dob, Ben liahter two dob, Mont HarlAr t#o dob, Ben Hervey two d ^ oeo Mardy two dob, John Harrit two dob, RJohn Rux two dolt, fwrall Hux two dob, J^ K M g e p e th two dob, Heni7 jiones two iN k , i ^ h Jordan 2 05, Henry Johntoa » J M o b fM « ^ tW o d»b„|M hii 4ahwa«

dob, J ta Johntom two dab, « « |1 inson two dob, Jas Johnson twa dab, rtow i« e t|^ y two4olr. i ; a i i ^ i ^

dob, Mark tw^ dob, J«tN iiHli

two dols, ^ o k ^ n J'oBcs two Jones two dob, Buckner Jackson two dob. Sterling Jonet two dob, John Jonet two dob, BlU Jackton two dob, King Joynertwo dob, " ............................Latsiter*J a s L . i

^d|ris, Jim Lowe two dds, ItMMoliowa iwo ijob, Diek Lewit two dob, Itaao I Moe two dob, Thos Lowe two dob, Brittton Lowe two dob, Lainer two dols, IMnce Dynob two dob, Henry M erritt 2 10, R C Milekin 2 17, Alex M ilb two dob, Thad Marks two dols, Simon Marrow two dob, Rich’d M ilb two dob, Wilson Mitch­ell two dob, H any M erritt 20o, Jordan W McNair two dob, J R Nivill a 18, Win R Neril twp dob, J ^ Nanie two dob, A lonu N o r th in g two dob, W A Nettles two dob, J ^ n H Cosby 3 43, Eamon Onsby two dob; Captah n t te a a two dob, Wm IVintoB two dob, Albert Purnell two dob, Jordan Puracll two dob, Joshua Purnell two dob, Hilliaid Prioe two dob, Sam Pittman two dob, AXnA, P o m two dob, P u t P h % .tw o d o l^ Foit Parker two dols, W ik y n ^riU r tw» data. W m P i t ^ 2 34 , AlhtM l l j Albert Piltmaa two dob, Rnonr 'F u tsir two dob, Edmund PqgtoH two d a k John P M n m iv o dtfla, Thao PudMr to o d i j , Thoa Ponton two data* J m ty Pkikaai t w

^ J ^ r Prloa 2 13 , A xua Peaiton tWo d ik Chak Pleroe two dob, Rich’d P ta a two dota, W m R «idtw odota,V iB i S u ^Hal Reid 2 17, A io n D, Reynolds two dota, Wm Ritay two dob Gabriel Redwood two dob, J ta H Sweat two dob, John S b to 2 23, Jaok- w n Sdden 2 74 A ta sS S L r two dob, GrantdtaaMraga 2 44 , A«atin gpead d()ta, I ^ Smith two dob, Ptinoe Smith two dob, J D S t n ^ n 2 87, Bryant nU ety two dob, YinMBt Till«gr two dolfc John Pane two dob, Oeo Tilleiy two dob, P £ Thornton two dob, Ftaink TiHerj

f ty k r two dob, Burt Turner 2 80, Hen- deraon Tilley 2 18, W illii Tilbiy 2 47

two dob, Henry Tdletr 2 80 , A bb W it 1 ^ two dob, Oeo W ett two data, John Whitaker two dob, Sam W illiam tW d ^ , John W igrint two dob, J , J . Wood- h ir two dob, (Mm Wood two d ok Rubt

two dob, WakoB Wade two dob, John R Wade twa M t, J W Wihsoa ^ o dob, J C WiUifoid two d«h^ J . H . W dkint two ddl%! 111A uttin W h k lW aksri M A do^> twotwo ______ _Browning two <Ut, j j . B a riitt * - U w Roden two dob An*ti« two

■tia tw om s S i l^ o T a a ir iB tS- tw o _________

a*7,Mt«WllflilW0 M s, Mllh tat, TkM

twoMiMMiMf waihikiM taol,TM taU (Btw a4oli.rt^i- ....nuH t M i t h ■ AiSiai • aoM m m i««

A D T B R lE 5 S M sS 5 a"

STATEMENT.Pnwuantwltli t>t p iw liltn i of wetloa 7U, m t

Mt, vol. 1, of the «Oo4t eTNoia OuoUBa," ikt M- lawlntnportliM baritteato Um pablie, ihowltt tko aassttr ofdaya, ■ l la n o f < pti dlMa t( IkoCotuiliiioiM norHaUfia IM ntT.

1 1

1 11 1

a 1<

1 ■8 §A

i 4

J.M .0riM ar4,a .Jo h « ^ .w .irw ood,A. P>«noM,J. A.MorOtct,


aixnvANBaiat. tow atatt.

Th<Hnat2 13, ABthoagr Twkr' 205, « !. Tajrlor two dob, John loodla * 07 ilfiad *■“ 2 60, Biyaat two dda. cha»

m fiilw o dob, itkm,

S ' S M . i l S ‘« - 5 2 E 5 ,* S

two ^ B a itm M iih s id to*W ard .i!ir^ ,* i^ '»^

s tis isa 'w * ’ 2 5

JttiMrjr2, im.

A von P r w H t . W R WooiT^ *

reb.ttta.A nN M O tt, WRWoea, JA N erlM t, MWkKeiMod, sJolmtoB,

lA e h t th .A PnsKott, WRWood,M Whltohoad,J A MorAott,

April I,APNMOtt,SJohmtoB,M WhUektad, JANoriloot, WKWoo« ;




WRWoin, MWUtoho^, J A Norfloct,S Johmton,



A cffvacuHtWRWowf.■ JohaitiH i,JANorOool,M Whltohctd,

MMlltk.: Wit Wood,»

M W U le k t^J A Morfloat, 1

, A .PraoooM, 1

Xnl: Sid,Al>nwwM, IW RW ood, S

, J A Nortoot, tMWkitoiMtd, aA PNoeott, halfMar't

JAHorlael, a


K . i l o a S a r

10 no to» ««'

I h s s L .SJoluirton,

Sept Mb.



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