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HAL Id: hal-00652286 https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00652286v2 Submitted on 13 Feb 2012 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. A language of patterns for subterm selection Georges Gonthier, Enrico Tassi To cite this version: Georges Gonthier, Enrico Tassi. A language of patterns for subterm selection. ITP, Aug 2012, Prince- ton, United States. pp.361-376, 10.1007/978-3-642-32347-8_25. hal-00652286v2
Page 1: A language of patterns for subterm selection · A language of patterns for subterm selection Georges Gonthier1 ;2and Enrico Tassi 3 1 Microsoft Research Cambridge 2 INRIA - Microsoft

HAL Id: hal-00652286https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00652286v2

Submitted on 13 Feb 2012

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

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A language of patterns for subterm selectionGeorges Gonthier, Enrico Tassi

To cite this version:Georges Gonthier, Enrico Tassi. A language of patterns for subterm selection. ITP, Aug 2012, Prince-ton, United States. pp.361-376, �10.1007/978-3-642-32347-8_25�. �hal-00652286v2�

Page 2: A language of patterns for subterm selection · A language of patterns for subterm selection Georges Gonthier1 ;2and Enrico Tassi 3 1 Microsoft Research Cambridge 2 INRIA - Microsoft

A language of patterns for subterm selection

Georges Gonthier1,2 and Enrico Tassi2,3

1 Microsoft Research Cambridge2 INRIA - Microsoft Research joint centre

3 INRIA, Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Ecole Polytechnique

[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract. This paper describes the language of patterns that equipsthe SSReflect proof shell extension for the Coq system. Patterns areused to focus proof commands on subexpressions of the conjecture underanalysis in a declarative manner. They are designed to ease the writingof proof scripts and to increase their readability and maintainability.A pattern can identify the subexpression of interest approximating thesubexpression itself, or its enclosing context or both. The user is free tochoose the most convenient option.Patterns are matched following an extremely precise and predictable dis-cipline, that is carefully designed to admit an efficient implementation.In this paper we report on the language of patterns, its matching algo-rithm and its usage in the formal library developed by the MathematicalComponents team to support the verification of the Odd Order Theorem.

1 Introduction

In the design of proof languages many aspects have to be considered. Amongthem, the one that interests us the most is efficiency, both in writing proof scriptsand in fixing them when they break.

Efficiency in writing and maintaining scripts is a crucial aspect for a lan-guage to be successfully adopted in a large development like the MathematicalComponents library. That library comprises more than ten thousands lemmas,spread over one hundred files totalling over 113 thousand lines of code. For thisdevelopment the SSReflect proof language was chosen, after its successful usein the formalization of the Four Color Theorem [11].

SSReflect is an extension of the Coq system, and inherits some of itsstrengths and weaknesses. The higher order logic of Coq allows to use compu-tation as a form of proof and to enforce many invariants through its rich typesystem. These features were key ingredients in the formalization of Four ColorTheorem, as well as in the development of many decision procedures [7,12], ininterfacing Coq with external tools [20,2] and in organizing mathematical theo-ries into higher-level packages [9,18]. The down side of this sophistication is that

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s7th Framework Programme under grant agreement nr. 243847 (ForMath).

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all basic operations, such as term comparison or term matching, have to takecomputation into account, thus becoming harder to predict due to the additionalcomplexity.

SSReflect achieves efficiency in writing proof scripts giving the user a veryprecise and predictable language to assemble together carefully stated lemmas.The language is designed to be compact and compositional, with very few basicbuilding blocks. Among them rewriting plays a special role and is indeed themost often used proof command. We describe how we improved its expressivenesswhile retaining, and in some circumstances even improving, its predictability.

To achieve efficiency in maintaining scripts the language constructs areequipped with a precise semantics that forces failures to happen early and locally.This is supplemented by support for script readability. SSReflect encouragesto mix declarative steps, which assert intermediate results, and procedural state-ments that prove them. Declared statements are check points from which theuser is likely to start replaying a broken proof, and the closer the failure is toone of these check points the easier is the fix. In this paper we describe how therewrite command was made more declarative and less ambiguous.

Rewriting in particular, but also any other command that deals with subex-pressions of the current conjecture, can in fact be rather ambiguous. Similarsubexpressions are quite common in large conjectures and rewrite rules usuallyadmit several different instantiations, each of which may occur multiple times.The two sources of ambiguity are thus: 1) the instantiation of the rewriting rulearguments to obtain a completely specified expression; 2) the selection of theoccurrences of this expression to be affected. The standard approach to copewith the first source of ambiguity is to manually instantiate the rewriting rule.This approach requires the user to remember the nature and the order or namesof the arguments of any rule, and thus hardly scales to a library with thousandsof rewriting rules. Occurrences are usually selected by numbers. As we will show,this turns out to be rather inconvenient for script maintenance.

In this paper we describe the different approach adopted in the SSReflectproof language. The user is given a language of patterns to express in a conciseand precise way which subterms of the current conjecture are affected by proofcommands like rewrite.

The SSReflect Coq extension version 1.3pl2 for Coq 8.3 is available fordownload at the Mathematical Components web site[1]. The reader is not re-quired to be acquainted with the specific logic of Coq or the proof language ofSSReflect, but may find the reference manuals of the two tools [14,10] helpful.

In Section 2 we describe the language of patterns and give some examples ontheir intended use. Section 3 details the term matching algorithm. Section 4 com-pares our approach with the ones adopted in Coq, Matita and Isabelle/Isar.

2 A Language of Patterns

Most lines in a SSReflect proof script are procedural: they modify the currentconjecture without explicitly stating the expected result. The rewrite com-mand, whose argument is a list of rules, is a perfect example of this: instead of

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displaying a list of conjectures and expecting the system (and reader) to guesshow to change one line into the next, the user quotes explicitly the rules namesthat justify the changes, and lets Coq do them sequentially. As Coq can usuallyreliably figure out how to apply each rule, this avoids a repetition of the parts ofthe conjecture that are not concerned by each change, and this is good for bothwriting and maintaining.

For example, consider these inequalities taken from Theorem 14.7 [4], that isthe main result of the Local Analysis part of the Odd Order Theorem:

g ≤

(1 +




(kMi)−1 +


((kMi)−1 − (2z)−1)

)· g

g ≤

(1 +




(kMi)−1 +


(kMi)−1 + (−(2z)−1 · |MX|)

)· g

Rather than spelling out the second term above, we explicitly describe how toturn the fist inequality into the second one: the rightmost summation is splitinto two simpler ones using big_split; then the resulting summation of con-stant terms

∑Mi∈MX(−(2z)−1) is solved with sumr_const. This manipulation

is expressed by the following command:

rewrite big_split sumr_const.

This is clearer and much more concise than the complex term it yields; indeed,in the actual proof we add more rules to carry out further simplifications.

However, sometimes guidance is needed, and we claim that it is best provideddeclaratively, using a little pattern language. Patterns are declarative in the sensethat the user writes (an approximation of) the subterm that should be affected bya proof command. We will however assign a precise procedural interpretation tothe pattern language in order to preserve the predictability of proof commands. Itis also worth mentioning that the subterm a proof command may be focused on isoften much smaller than the whole conjecture, and can usually be approximatedby an even smaller pattern. So compactness is also retained.

We now give an informal presentation of patterns by some examples. Weshow how ambiguities in the execution of the rewrite proof command can beavoided thanks to a pattern and why the solution we propose is superior toexisting ones.

Example 1 (Simple pattern).This example lies in the context of the algebraic hierarchy [9] of the SSRe-

flect library, where the infix notation for subtraction is a short hand for theaddition of the opposite.

Infix "a - b" = (a + -b).

Lemma addrC x y : x + y = y + x.

Lemma addNKr x y : x + (- x + y) = y.

Lemma example : a + (b * c - a) + a = b * c + a.

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The idea in the proof that will follow is to cancel the leftmost a with itsopposite -a, thanks to addNKr. To rewrite with that lemma a preliminary stepto move -a closer to a is needed: commutativity of addition must be used onthe correct subexpression. Unluckily there are many occurrences of the additionoperation. If no extra information is provided, the left hand side of the rule is thevery ambiguous pattern (_ + _), where _ denotes a wild card. Its first instanceencountered in pre-visit order is (a + (b * c - a) + a) that is not not thedesired one, so additional information to disambiguate the rule is really needed.

To cope with this first form of ambiguity, instantiation, we have to specifythe values of the quantified variables x and y to addrC. The standard approachadopted in many procedural proof languages, like the Coq’s standard one, is toinstantiate these variables manually, as in one of the following commands:

rewrite (addrC (b * c) (-a)) rewrite (addrC (x := b * c))

Both the previous commands turn the conjecture in the following one. From nowon we will use a wave to underline the effect of a proof command.

a +::(-




:) + a = b * c + a

In the first case x and y are passed as arguments to the lemma by position.The left hand side of the rule becomes (b * c - a). This expression has justone instance in the conjecture, thus the second kind of ambiguity, occurrenceselection, does not occur. The second command passes the argument for x byname and leaves y undefined. The left hand side of the rule is thus a pattern(b * c + _) where _ is a wild card. The system looks for an instance of thatpattern in a prefix traversal of the conjecture, again finding the correct instance.

As anticipated in the introduction the main problem of this approach is thatthe user has to remember the order in which the variables of a rewrite ruleare abstracted, or their names. What looks easy for the simple common lemmaaddrC quickly becomes an issue in the context of a large formalization like theone for the Odd Order Theorem, comprising over ten thousands lemmas.

The approach we propose is not only solving this usability issue but is alsomore compact, as shown in the following snippet.

rewrite [_ - a]addrC

The square brackets prefixing the rewrite rule addrC delimit the pattern(_ - a). The pattern has a single, non ambiguous instance in the conjecture,namely (b * c - a). Prefixing the rewriting rule name with a pattern the usersubstitutes the inferred pattern with a more specific one, better approximatingthe instance on which she wants to focus the proof command. ut

A good interface design is most crucial to the usability of a theory library,and achieving one often requires several rounds of incremental refinement. Whena potential improvement is identified, the statement of many lemmas is changedaccordingly and their proofs are likely to break and thus require time consum-ing maintenance work. The general approach of the SSReflect language tolowering the cost of these refactoring activities is to detect failures as early aspossible.

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Example 2 (Proof script breakage). The lemma of the previous statement couldbe replaced (on purpose or by accident) by the following one:

a + (b * c:+

::a) + a = b * c + a.

The user provided pattern [_ - a] seen before has no instance in this conjecturethus failure is immediately detected. On the contrary the command where x isinstantiated by name with (b * c) would continue to produce an output, evenif a different one. In that case the pattern (b * c + _) does have an instanceoccurring twice in the conjecture, namely (b * c + a). Instead of signalling anerror, the system changes the conjecture into the following one.

a +:(:a::+:::b:::*


:) + a =


Failure will then happen at a later stage, with a conjecture that is very differentfrom the one the author of the original proof script was seeing. Moreover theoriginal intention of the user to move (-a) to the left can be recognized in thepattern [_ - a] but not in the instantiation (addrC (x := b * c)). ut

As mentioned in the introduction the logic of Coq identifies terms up toconversion, i.e., unfolding of definitions and recursive functions computation. Todevelop a large library in a convenient way, the user often defines new conceptsin terms of preexisting ones. In most cases part of the theory already developednaturally transports to the new concepts. As we see in the following examplethis may introduce an additional degree of ambiguity the user has to deal with.

Example 3 (Pattern forcing definition unfolding). In the context of the libraryon lists the user finds the function map to apply a function over a list and someof its properties. The related lemma eq_in_map states that a function f can bereplaced with another function g if f and g are point wise equal (denoted =1) onthe list they are mapped on. map_comp proves that mapping two functions in arow is the same as mapping their functional composition (denoted with \o). idis the identify function.

Lemma eq_in_map s f g : {in s, f =1 g} -> map f s = map g s.

Lemma map_comp f g s : map (f \o g) s = map f (map g s).

Lemma map_id s : map id s = s.

The iota function builds the list of consecutive integers given the first ele-ment and the list length. On top of map and iota the user defines the graph ofa function over an integer interval [0,n[ as the list of its values on that interval.An obvious property is that if a function f behaves as the identity on the graphof g on a given interval, then the graph of (f \o g) is equal to the graph of gon the same interval.

Definition graph f n := map f (iota 0 n).

Lemma graph_comp f g n (pf : {in graph g n, f =1 id}) :

graph (f \o g) n = graph g n.

The property follows trivially from the theory of lists, but the conjecturedoes not mention any list operation. Nevertheless the map_comp rewrite rule canbe used as follows:

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rewrite [graph _ n]map_comp

The first instance of the pattern [graph _ n], traversing the conjecture(graph (f \o g) n = graph g n) from left to right, is (graph (f \o g) n).This is where the map_comp rule can apply. In fact, unfolding the definition ofgraph exposes (map (f \o g) (iota 0 n)) that is clearly an instance of thepattern (map (_ \o _) _) given by the rule map_comp. The resulting conjectureis reported below.






::0::n:):) = graph g n.

One can then complete the proof rewriting with the eq_in_map lemma, whosehypothesis is indeed equivalent to the pf assumption, and then conclude withmap_id. ut

One could argue that in the previous example the system is not “cleverenough” and could exploit the fact that graph is defined in terms of map to findthe subterms to be rewritten. According to our experience this would make therewrite command less predictable. For example consider a conjecture in whichboth graph and map occur in that order. The graph occurrence may be rewritteneven if the user does not know that graph is defined in terms of map. Moreoverthe user still needs a way to focus on map if that is what she wants.

The usual alternative approach is to manually unfold some of the occurrencesof graph to expose map. This is again not only more verbose, but less informa-tive in the script. With the pattern [graph _ n] the user clearly states that thewhole matched expression is an instance of the left hand side of the rewritingrule. If graph is redefined with a different expression that strictly contains anoccurrence of map, the script with the pattern breaks immediately, while the onejust unfolding graph may signal an error at a later stage.

The previous examples may look a bit artificial, and in fact they were chosento be reasonably self contained at the cost of resulting a bit simplistic. On thecontrary the one below is taken from the quite involved proof of the Wielandtfixpoint [13] Theorem formalized by A. Mahboubi. It is a rather technical re-sult required to prove the Odd Order Theorem, and was one of the motivatingexamples for contextual patterns, that are introduced immediately after.

Example 4 (Contextual pattern). The context of this example is group theoryand the study of group morphisms. The system prints above the double bar thehypotheses accumulated by the user so far. In particular that X is equal to theimage of the morphism fact_g over X quotiented by the kernel of g. The userneeds to rewrite the first occurrence of X with the imgX equation in order toadvance in her proof.

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nkA : joing_group A X \subset ’N(’ker g)

fact_g := factm skk nkA : coset_groupType (’ker g) -> gT

imgX : X = fact_g @* (X / ’ker g)


minnormal (fact_g @* (A / ’ker g)) X ->

minnormal (A / ’ker g) (X / ’ker g)

Here the rewrite rule is fully instantiated, thus the ambiguity is given by thefact that its left hand side X occurs at least twice in the conjecture (the implica-tion below the double bar). In fact, the notation system of Coq hides many otheroccurrences of X. The morphism image construction @* is polymorphic over thetype of the morphism fact_g, that is itself a dependently typed construction. Inparticular it depends on the assumption nkA whose type mentions X. The logic ofCoq features explicit polymorphism, like system F , so types occur as argumentsof polymorphic functions even if some syntactic sugar hides them. As it turnsout, the occurrence of X we are interested in is number twenty-nine, even if itthe first one displayed by the system.

The pattern we propose to unambiguously identify that desired occurrenceuses its enclosing context. In the following snippet, R is a name bound in theexpression following the in keyword.

rewrite [R in minnormal _ R]imgX

The intended meaning is to focus the rewrite command on the subtermidentified by R in the first occurrence of the context (minnormal _ R). Whilebeing more verbose than the occurrence number {29}, it is way easier to write,since no guessing is needed. Moreover in case the script breaks the original intentof the user is clearly spelled out. ut

2.1 Syntax and Semantics

The syntax is defined by two grammar entries: 〈c-pattern〉 for contextual patternsand 〈r-pattern〉 for their superset rewrite patterns. Contextual patterns are meantto identify a specific subterm, and can be used as arguments of the SSReflectcommands set, elim and : (colon), see [10, Sections 4.2 and 5.3], respectivelyused to declare abbreviations, perform induction or generalize the current con-jecture. Rewrite patterns are a strict superset of contextual patterns adding thepossibility of identifying all the subterms under a given context. They can beused as arguments of the SSReflect rewrite command, see [10, Section 7].

〈c-pattern〉 ::= [〈tpat〉 as | 〈tpat〉 in] 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉 | 〈tpat〉〈r-pattern〉 ::= 〈c-pattern〉 | in [〈ident〉 in] 〈tpat〉

Here 〈tpat〉 denotes a term pattern, that is a generic Coq term, possiblycontaining wild cards, denoted with _ (underscore).

We now summarize the semantics of both categories of patterns. We shall callredex the pattern designed to identify the subterm on which the proof commandwill have effect. We shall also use the word match in an informal way recalling

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the reader’s intuition to pattern matching. The precise meaning of matching willbe described in Section 3.

Contextual patterns 〈c-pattern〉 For every possible pattern we identify theredex and define which subterms are affected by a proof command that uses suchpattern. We then point out the main subtleties with some examples.

〈tpat〉 is the degenerate form of a contextual pattern, where the context is indeedempty. The redex is thus the whole 〈tpat〉. The subterms affected by thissimple form of pattern are all the occurrences of the first instance of theredex. See Example 5.

〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉 is the simplest form of contextual pattern. The redex is thesubterm of the context 〈tpat〉 bound by 〈ident〉. The subterm affected are allthe subterms identified by the redex 〈ident〉 in all the occurrences of the firstinstance of 〈tpat〉. See Example 6.

〈tpat〉1 as 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉2 is a form of contextual pattern where the redexis explicitly given as 〈tpat〉1. It refines the previous pattern by specifying apattern for the context hole named by 〈ident〉. The subterms affected arethus the ones bound by 〈ident〉 in all the occurrences of the first instanceof 〈tpat〉2[〈tpat〉1/〈ident〉], i.e., 〈tpat〉2 where 〈ident〉 is replaced by 〈tpat〉1. SeeExample 8.

〈tpat〉1 in 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉2 is the last form of contextual pattern and is meantto identify deeper contexts in two steps. The redex is given as 〈tpat〉1 andthe subterms affected are all the occurrences of its first instance inside thesubterms bound by 〈ident〉 in all the occurrences of the first instance of〈tpat〉2. The context described by this pattern is thus made of two parts: anexplicit one given by 〈tpat〉2, and an implicit one given by the matching ofthe redex 〈tpat〉1 that could occur deep inside the term identified by 〈ident〉.See Example 7.

Example 5. We have already seen in Example 4 the first form of pattern. Herewe give another example to stress that all the occurrences of the first instanceof the pattern are affected. Take the conjecture:

(a - b) + (b - c) = (a - b) + (d - b)

The proof command rewrite [_ - b]addrC changes the conjecture as followsbecause the first instance of the pattern (_ - b) is (a - b), and not (d - b)

since the conjecture is traversed in pre visit order.


:b::+::a:) + (b - c) =


:b::+::a:) + (d - b)

The subterm (a - b) has another occurrence in the right hand side of theconjecture that is affected too. ut

The second form of contextual pattern comes handy when the subterm ofinterest occurs immediately under a context that is easy to describe.

Example 6. Take the following conjecture:

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0 = snd (0 * c, 0 * (a + b))

To prove this conjecture it is enough to use the annihilating property of 0 on(a + b) and compute away the snd projection. Unfortunately that propertyalso applies to (0 * c). We can easily identify (0 * (a + b)) with the sec-ond form of contextual pattern, mentioning the context symbol snd and mark-ing with X the argument we are interested in. The resulting command is thusrewrite [X in snd (_, X)]mul0n. ut

A typical example of the last form is with the set command, that creates alocal definition grabbing instances of the definendum in the conjecture.

Example 7. Take the following conjecture:

a + b = f (a^2 + b) - c

To make it more readable one may want to abbreviate with n the expression(a^2 + b). The command set n := (_ + b in X in _ = X) binds to n allthe occurrences of the first instance of the pattern (_ + b) in the right handside only of the conjecture.

a + b = f::n - c

Note that the pattern (_ + b) could also match (a + b) in the left hand side ofthe conjecture, but the (in X in _ = X) part of the contextual pattern focusesthe right hand side only. From now on we will always underline with a straightline the subterm selected by the context part of a pattern (i.e., the subtermidentified by the bound variable X in the previous example). ut

In Section 2.3 we describe how the user can define shortcuts for commonlyused contexts, and thus write the previous pattern as: set n := (_ + b in RHS).

We give an example of the third 〈c-pattern〉 form together with the examplesfor 〈r-pattern〉s.

Rewrite patterns 〈r-pattern〉 The rewrite command supports two more pat-terns obtained by prefixing the first two 〈c-pattern〉s with the in keyword. Theintended meaning is that the pattern identifies all subterms of the specified con-text. Note that the rewrite command can always infer a redex from the shapeof the rewrite rule. For example the addrC rule of Example 1 gives the redexpattern (_ + _).

in 〈tpat〉 is the simplest form of rewrite pattern. The redex is inferred fromthe rewriting rule. The subterms affected are all the occurrences of the firstinstance of the redex inside all the occurrences of the first instance of 〈tpat〉.

in 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉 is quite similar to the last form of contextual pattern seenabove, but the redex is not explicitly given but instead inferred from therewriting rule. The subterms affected are all the occurrences of the firstinstance of the redex inside the subterms identified by 〈ident〉 in all theoccurrences of the first instance of 〈tpat〉.

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Example 8. The first form of 〈r-pattern〉 is handy when we want to focus on thesubterms of a given context. Take for example the following conjecture:

f (a + b) (2 * (a + c)) + (c + d) + f a (c + d) = 0

The command rewrite [in f _ _]addrC focuses the matching of the redexinferred from the addrC lemma, (_ + _), to the subterms of the first instanceof the pattern (f _ _). Thus the conjecture is changed into

f:(:b::+::a:) (2 * (a + c)) + (c + d) + f a (c + d) = 0

If the user had in mind to exchange a with c instead, she could have used apattern like [in X in f _ X]addrC, to focus the matching of the redex on thesecond argument of f, obtaining:

f (a + b) (2 *:(

:c::+::a)) + (c + d) + f a (c + d) = 0

The last form of 〈c-pattern〉 could be used to focus on the last occurrence of(c + d). The pattern [_ + d as X in f _ X] would first match the contextsubstituting (_ + d) for X. The pattern (f _ (_ + d)) focuses on the secondoccurrence of f, then the X identifier selects only its second argument that isexactly where the rewriting rule addrC is applied.

f (a + b) (2 * (a + c)) + (c + d) + f a (:d::+::c) = 0

It is important to note that even if the rewrite proof command always infers aredex from the rewrite rule, a different redex can be specified using a 〈c-pattern〉.This is especially convenient when the inferred redex is masked by a definition,as in Example 3 .

2.2 Matching order

In the previous examples we implicitly followed a precise order when matchingthe various 〈tpat〉s part of a 〈c-pattern〉 or 〈r-pattern〉. For example we alwaysmatched the context part first. We now make this order explicit.

〈tpat〉, 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉 All the subterms of the conjecture are matched against〈tpat〉.

〈tpat〉1 as 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉2 All the subterms of the conjecture are matchedagainst 〈tpat〉2[〈tpat〉1/〈ident〉].

〈tpat〉1 in 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉2 First, subterms of the conjecture are matched against〈tpat〉2. Then the subterms of the instantiation of 〈tpat〉2 identified by 〈ident〉are matched against 〈tpat〉1.

in 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉 First, subterms of the conjecture are matched against 〈tpat〉.Then the subterms of the instantiation of 〈tpat〉 identified by 〈ident〉 arematched against the inferred redex (that is always present since this patternhas to be used with the rewrite proof command).

in 〈tpat〉 First, subterms of the conjecture are matched against 〈tpat〉. Then theinstantiation of 〈tpat〉 is matched against the inferred redex.

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If one of the first four patterns is used in conjunction with rewrite, the instanceof the redex is then matched against the pattern inferred from the rewriting rule.The matching order is very relevant to predict the instantiation of patterns.

Example 9. For example in the pattern ((_ + _) in X in (_ * X)), the match-ing of the sub pattern (_ + _) is restricted to the subterm identified by X. Takethe following conjecture:

a + b + (a * ((:a

::+::b) * d)) = 0

The dash underlined subterm would be a valid instance of (_ + _) but isskipped since it does not occur in the right context. In fact (_ * X) is matchedfirst. The subterm corresponding to X is ((a + b) * d). Then its subterms arematched against (_ + _) and the first, and only, occurrence is underlined witha wave. ut

2.3 Recurring contexts

Whilst being quite expressive, contextual patterns tend to be a bit verbose andquite repetitive. For example to focus on the right hand side of an equationalconjecture, one may have to specify the pattern (in X in _ = X).

With a careful use of the notational mechanism of Coq we let the user defineabbreviations for common contexts, corresponding to the 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉 partof the pattern. The definition of the abbreviation RHS is as follows.

Notation RHS := (X in _ = X)%pattern.

There the notational scope %pattern interprets the infix in notation in a peculiarway, encoding in a non ambiguous way the context (X in _ = X) in a simple〈tpat〉. Then, when the system parses (in RHS) as an instance of in 〈tpat〉 itrecognizes the context encoded in 〈tpat〉 and outputs the abstract syntax tree forin 〈ident〉 in 〈tpat〉.

3 Term matching

We now give a precise description of the matching operation for 〈tpat〉. The mainconcerns are performances and predictability.

Predictability has already been discussed in relation to Example 3. A lemmathat talks about the map function should affect occurrences of the map functiononly, even if other subterms are defined in terms of map, unless the user reallymeans that. Indeed the most characterizing feature of the logic of Coq is toidentify terms up to definition unfolding and computation. That allows to com-pletely omit proof steps that are pure computations, for example (0 + x) and x

are just equal (not only provably equal) for the standard definition of addition.Performance is a main concern when one deals with large conjectures. To take

advantage of the computational notion of comparison the logic offers, one couldbe tempted to try to match the pattern against any subterm, even if the subtermshares no similarity with the pattern itself. A higher order matching procedure

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could find that the pattern actually matches up to computation, and instantiatethe pattern variables accordingly. Nevertheless, this matching operation couldbe expensive. Especially because it is expected to fail on most of the subtermsand failure is certain only after both the pattern and the subterm are reducedto normal forms.

The considerations about performances and predictability lead to the idea ofkeyed matching. The matching operation is attempted only on subterms whosehead constant is equal to the head constant (the key) of the pattern, verbatim.Arguments of the key are matched using the standard higher order matchingalgorithm of Coq, which takes computation into account.

Take for example the conjecture (huge + x * (1 - 1) = 0) and the rewriterule muln0 that gives the redex (_ * 0). The key of the redex * is compared withthe head of all the subterms of the conjecture. This traversal is linear in size ofthe conjecture. The higher order matching algorithm of Coq is thus run on thecandidate subterms identified by the keyed filtering phase, like (x * (1 - 1)).In that case the second argument of the pattern, 0, matches (1 - 1) up toreduction. The huge subterm, assuming it contains no *, is quickly skipped,and the expensive but computation aware matching algorithm of Coq is nevertriggered on its subterms.

3.1 Gadgets

To adhere to the keyed matching discipline, that is different from the stan-dard one implemented in Coq, we had to implement our own stricter matchingalgorithm inside the SSReflect extension, piggybacking on Coq’s general uni-fication procedure. This gave us the opportunity to tune it towards our needs,adding some exceptions for unit types, abstract algebraic structures, etc.

Unit types are types that have only one canonical inhabitant. In a library ofthe extent of the SSReflect’s one, there are many of them. For example thereis only one matrix of 0 rows or 0 columns, there is only one natural number inthe interval subtype [0,1[, there is only one 0-tuple, etc.

In the statement of the canonicity lemma for these types, the inferred redexis just a wild card, i.e., there is no key. In the following example the type ’I_n

denotes the subtype of natural numbers strictly smaller than n.

Lemma ord1 (x : ’I_1) : x = 0.

A pattern with no key results in a error message in SSReflect. NeverthelessSSReflect supports a special construction to mark wild cards meant to actas a key. In that case the search is driven by the type of the wild card. In thefollowing example the (unkeyed x) notation denotes any subterm of type ’I_1.

Notation unkeyed x := (let flex := x in flex).

Lemma ord1 (x : ’I_1) : unkeyed x = 0.

Another notable exception is the case in which the key is a projection. Thelogic of Coq can represent dependently typed records [17], that are non homo-geneous n-tuples where the type of the i-th element can depend on the values

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of the previous i− 1 elements. This is a key device to model abstract algebraicstructures [18,9,19,7], like a Monoid as a record with three fields: a type mT, abinary operation mop on mT and the associative property for mop.

Structure Monoid := {

mT : Type;

mop : mT -> mT -> mT;

massoc : assoc mop }

mT (M : Monoid) : Type

mop (M : Monoid) : mt M -> mt M -> mt M

massoc (M : Monoid) (x y z : mt M) :

mop M x (mop M y z) = mop M (mop M x y) z

Constants mT, mop and massoc are projections for the corresponding record fields.Their types are reported on the right.

If we look at the statement of any lemma equating Monoid expressions wenote that the key for the operation is mop, as in the statement of massoc thatleads to the pattern (mop _ _ (mop _ _ _)).Algebraic reasoning is interesting because all the results proved in the abstractsetting apply to any instance of the algebraic structure. For example lists andconcatenation form a Monoid. Nevertheless, any conjecture about lists is going touse the concrete concatenation operation cat. The higher order matching algo-rithm of Coq can be instrumented to exploit the fact that there exists a canonicalMonoid over lists and is thus able to match (mop _ _ _) against (cat s1 s2)

assigning to the first wild card this canonical Monoid structure. Unfortunately,our matching algorithm would fail to match any occurrence of cat against thekey mop, because they not equal verbatim.The exception to the keyed matching discipline we considered is to compare asverbatim equal keys that happen to be projections with any of their canonicalvalues. For example the key mop will match list concatenation, but also integeraddition etc. and any other operation that is declared to form a Monoid. Notethat this matching requires to correctly align the pattern with the term to bematched. In case of the term (cat s1 s2), the pattern (mop _ _ _) has to bematched as follows: the cat term has to be matched against the initial partof the pattern (mop _), that corresponds to the projection applied to the un-known Monoid structure. Then the following two arguments s1 and s2 have tobe matched against the two wild cards left.

The last exception is for patterns with a flexible key but some arguments,like (_ a b). The intended meaning is that the focus is on the application ofa function whose last two arguments are a and b. This kind of pattern lacks akey and its match is attempted on any subterms. This is very convenient whenthe head constant of the expression to be focused is harder to write than thearguments. For example the expression ([predI predU A B & C] x) representsthe application of a composite predicate to x. This expression can be easilyidentified with the pattern (_ x).

3.2 Verbatim matching of the pattern

There is an important exception to the keyed matching discipline worth explain-ing in more details. We begin with a motivating example, showing a situation inwhich the keyed matching prevents the user from freely normalizing associativity.

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Example 10 (Motivating example).

Lemma example n m : n + 2 * m = m + (m + n)

by rewrite addnA addnC !mulSn addn0.

Without the verbatim matching phase, the application of the first rewriterule, addnA, would turn the conjecture into:




:) = m + (m + n)

In fact, the redex inferred from addnA is (_ + (_ + _)), and the first occurrenceof its key + is in the left hand side of the conjecture. Since the definition ofmultiplication for natural numbers is computable Coq compares (2 * m) and(m + (1 * m)) as equal. Thus (n + (m + (1 * m))) is successfully matchedagainst the redex failing the user expectations. Thus the user is forced to add apattern like (m + _) to addnA that is somewhat unnatural, since there is onlyone visible occurrence of the redex (_ + (_ + _)). ut

To address this issue, the term pattern matching algorithm performs twophases. In the first no reduction takes place, and syntactic sugar, like hiddentype arguments or explicit type casts, is taken into account, essentially erasinginvisible arguments from the pattern and the conjecture. The second phase isdriven by the pattern key and allows full reduction on its arguments.

Once the pattern is instantiated the search for its occurrences is again keyed,and arguments are compared pairwise allowing conversion. For example con-sider the pattern (_ + _) and its first instance (1 + m). Other occurrences aresearched using + as the key, and arguments are compared pairwise. Thus a termlike (0 + (1 + m)), that is indeed computationally equal to (1 + m), is not anoccurrence of (1 + m), since 1 does not match 0 and m does not match (1 + m).On the contrary (1 + (0 + m)) is an occurrence of (1 + m).

4 Related works

The first comparison that has to be made is with the standard Coq mechanismto identify subexpressions. As of version 8.3, the main Coq mechanism is thepattern command ([5, Section 6.3.3]) that β-expands the conjecture with respectto a term the user has to spell out completely. The upcoming 8.4 release willadd support for patterns to some commands like set, but the discipline that willbe followed to match these patterns is still unclear. Coq’s rewrite commandemploys a peculiar algorithm to find the first instance of the pattern inferredlooking at the rewrite rule. To our knowledge this search is not key driven.

Matita is a lightweight ITP based on the same logic of Coq that integratessome technologies born in the context of MoWGLI project that aimed at puttingthe Coq library on the web. It features a MathML rendering widget (see [15,Section 5.1.1]) that supports the visual selection of meaningful subexpressionsin the style of [6]. The user can focus any proof command using the mouse (see[3, Section 3.2]). This action is recorded in the proof script with a quite verboseand not very readable representation of the paths from the root of the conjecture

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to the selected subterms. In addition to visual selection the user can specify apattern that is matched following an unkeyed discipline. In the developmentversion of the system key driven matching has been adopted at least for therewrite and elim proof commands.

The Isabelle prover [16] implements a framework on top of which differentlogics and proof languages are built. The most used combination is higher or-der logic and the declarative proof language Isar [21]. In this setting some of thecomplexity introduced by the logic of Coq disappear. For example terms are notconsidered to be equal taking definitions into account. Moreover in the declar-ative style proposed by Isar language the user spells out the conjecture morefrequently, and some automation tries to prove it, finding for example whichoccurrences need to be rewritten. Nevertheless the lower level of the systemdeals with what is called “term surgery”, see for example the subst command([21, Section 9.2.2]). In this setting occurrences are identified by a term pat-tern tpat and a list of occurrence numbers. The unification engine is asked tounify (_ tpat) with the current conjecture following Huet’s higher order unifica-tion algorithm. The algorithm synthesizes a λ-expression for the unknown headsymbol, and in this process it emits some occurrences of the bound variable in aprecise order, standing for subterms unified with tpat. Occurrence numbers sup-plied to the subst command refer to occurrences of the bound variable, followingtheir creation order.

5 Conclusion

This paper presents the language of patterns adopted by the SSReflect proofshell extension for the Coq system. The language was introduced in SSReflectversion 1.3 in March 2011 mainly to improve the effectiveness of the rewrite

proof command. Version 1.4 makes the pattern language consistently availableto all language constructs that have to identify subexpressions of the conjecture.

The choices made in the design of the pattern language and its semanticsare based on the experience gathered in the Mathematical Components teamon the formal proof of the Odd Order Theorem during the last five years, andthe implementation has been validated by roughly one year of intense use. As oftoday this formalization comprises 113,384 lines of code, of which 34,077 containa rewrite statements. Of these 2,280 have been changed to take advantage of thepattern language, and some other 2,005 lines (of which 1,705 contain a rewrite

command) still make use of occurrence numbers and could be modified too.A line of ongoing development is to separate the code implementing the

pattern matching algorithm and the parsing of patterns concrete syntax fromthe rest of the SSReflect extension, making a separate extension. This willallow proof commands provided by other Coq extensions to benefit from thesame pattern language. A possible application is in the AAC Coq extensionthat automates proofs dealing with associativity and commutativity. In factin [8] Braibant and Pous express the need for a linguistic construct to selectsubexpressions other than occurrence numbers.

We thank Frederic Chyzak for some very productive discussions on the topic.

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