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chroniclingamerica.loc.gov › lccn › sn83045462 › ...SUBURBAN NEWS AXACOSTIA. Miss Mildred D....

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SUBURBAN NEWS AXACOSTIA. Miss Mildred D. Rawlings died last night at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fugitt, at 203 Monroe street. Miss Rawlings had been an attendant at St. Elizabeth's and about a year ago was taken sick, since which time she has been suffering with consumption. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the home of Mrs.Fugltt.Rev. James McLaren of the Methodist Church being the officiating clergyman. The re¬ mains will conveyed to McKendree Church cemetery. In Prince George's coun¬ ty. for Interment. A. M. Green and George O. Walson, trus¬ tees. sold yesterday afternoon, at public auction, lot No. 1. Avalon terrace, and the house and bam. Mr. J. Edwin Mlnnlx was the purchaser at W.230. Electa Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, held an Interesting meeting In the Masonic Hall last night. Worthy Matron l)odge presiding. Three new members were Initiated and applications of several others presented. A large number of visitors from the city were present and a host of guests from Ruth Chapter of Brlghtwood. After the transaction of the business of the or¬ der refreshments were served in the au¬ ditorium. The Young Bachelors' Club held full sway at Buena Vista yesterday afternoon. Their parade and tournament attracted considera¬ ble attention. From an amusing point of view every witness of the profession was more than pleased. John Roach in negro disguise acted as advance guard of the procession as It filed along Monroe street. The tournament passed off successfully, the following persons being the winners of the prizes: Dr. J. A. Watson, first prize; Harry Perkins, second prize; Charlie Pyles, third prize; Andrew Beyer, fouith prize, and George Fowler, fifth prize. A ball after the tournament lasted until a late hour. There was a row In Hillsdale last night when Officers Hagan and Allen attempted to arrest Daniel Webster, colored, for being drunk and disorderly. Webster was driving a wagon up the hill at the terminus of the street car Hue when Officer Hagan attempt¬ ed the arrest. A large crowd of negroes gathered and cries of "He shan't take him" were uttered, when the officer got In the wagon and proceeded to drive the vehicle containing Webster to the Anacostia police station. Abraham Webster, son of the prisoner, rushed through the crowd and, seizing the head of the horse, attempted to turn htm in a direction opposite to the plans of the officer. ORcer Allen came to bis partner's assistance and after con¬ siderable resistance the two colored men were quieted down and forced through the crowd of negroes. Webster the elder was charged with being drunk and disorderly, while Webster the younger had two charges preferred against him. viz, profamty and Interfering with an officer. HYATTSYILLE. Golden Chain Lodge, I. O. G T., gave an interesting entertainment last evening at Magruder's Hall. A number of Good Templars from Langdon were present. The program was as follows: Remarks by H. O. Emmons, P. C. T.; vocal solo, F. A. Pieston; recitation, Miss Jessie Davis; vo¬ cal solo. Miss Aiia Bo wen; recitation. Miss Eliza Baukhages; vocal solo, Wm. Cole; re¬ citation, Miss Grace Stands; remarks by F. H. Smith; vocal solo. A. It. Holden; reading. Miss Emily Storment; vocal solo, Miss Haddie Thompson; vocal solo, Miss Hattle Harvey; remarks by Mr. Dewey; re¬ citation, Mr. Bellfleld; reading, Mr. Piatt; recitation. Miss Leona Sherman; vocal solo. Miss Cole. The Village Improvement Association has been the cause of many improvements be¬ ing made in this tor n. and is rapidly In¬ creasing Id membership. It will meet at Magruder's Hall next Monday night. Several young men. who had evidently been Imbibing copiously of the fiery fluid, passed througn Hyattsville last night, and amused themselves by firing off pistols when they reached the edge of Wines' woods. One shot came near hitting a man who was in the woods at the time. Bailiff Barr Is on the track of the youthful offen¬ ders. A numbe: of the members of Golden Rule Lodge, No. 45, I. O. M.. will visit Cap¬ ital, Columbia and other Washington lodges of tha: order in the early part of next month. BHOOKLAXD. Mr. Barrows and Mr. Wilson will return :o Brookland next week to remain with Mr. Cox on Dover street during the winter and resume their law studies in Washington. After a pleasant summer tpent at Cedar Grange, Miss Saiah Qujckenbush has gone to her home In Delaware county. New York, accompanied by her brother, Isaac Quack- cnbush, whose Injured shoulder la still Im¬ proving. Mrs. J. R- Halsllp and son and Mrs. Fischer were the recent guests of Mrs. Noel B. Parks of Dover street. Miss Lulu Kendall, who spent some time In Brookland this summer as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bobbins, was married last Saturday evening at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Kendall of Norfolk. Va.. to Charles E. Stormont of New Haven, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Stormont have gone on a northern tour and will give a reception at their home In New Haven on Tuesday next. C. M. Ward and R. G. Ward of South Carolina have recently been visiting their sister. Mrs. M. V. Burr of University Heights. The choir meeting of St. Clement's P. E. mission was held at the home of Mrs. C. L. Jackson on Providence street. The confir¬ mation class of St. Clement's met last even¬ ing. BRIGHT WOOD. Extensive preparations are being made for the celebration of the twenty-first anni¬ versary of Stansbury Lodge, No. 24, F. A. A. M.. which occurs In December. Miss Nannie Nalley Is visiting relatives at Chlllum Castle, Maryland. Miss Emma Wilson of Woodslde has gone to Paynervllle, Ohio, to attend school. Mrs. C. W. Meyers, who has been quite pick. Is sufficiently recovered to be out. Mrs. John Joy Edscn and Miss Bessie Ed- son have come back from Massachusetts, Where they spent the summer, and are at the Warner place. Will Page of Takoma, who has been sick with typhoid fever. Is convalescent. Miss Emma Wollard has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas Brown, at the Marshall Brown place. KEXSISUTO.Y. Much Interest Is being taken in the en¬ tertainment for the benefit of the Noyes library, which is to take place In the pub- lishit g company's hall on Friday evening. The young people who are to take part have been working hard for some time past to make the affair a success. "Blue Beard," his seven good wives, and Fatlma will be on exhibition in eight highly-col¬ ored tableaux. Recitations by amateur tal¬ ent will vary the program and scenes from old masters will be depicted by young misses, and there will be other pleasant features. On Monday next the republicans will open the campaign In Montgomery county with a mass meeting at thla plase, beginning at 7u») p.m. Geor. L. Wellington, republican candidate for Congress from this district, will address the meeting. The other speak¬ ers will be Alphonso Hart. John C. Motter, David B. Sloan, Harry M. Clabaugh, Reno B. Harp, John A. Poe and Gen. Allen Ruth¬ erford. Charles A. Wagner has returned from a three weeks' visit to Virginia. Rallying day exercises will be held In the Warner Memorial Church, on Saturday af¬ ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. There will be special music by the choir. Several ad¬ dresses by prominent speakers on practi¬ cal Christian work will be delivered. LAXGDOJf. O. W. Goodwin, who has been sojourning for a time at Garfield Hospital, under treat¬ ment for lnfiairmatory rheumatism, has re¬ turned much improved in health. Miss Verdle Catterton. who has been on a rlsit to relatives In Anne Arundel county, Md. has returned to Wlldwood Terrace. Miss M. C. King of Rose Lawn leaves to¬ day for an extended visit with friends at Jersey City, N. J. The family of William Smith at Rivas Ma- tlon are suffering unusual affliction, six members of the family being down with diphtheria. Cr.e child died Sunday, and oth¬ ers are not expected to live. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark of Green Vale entertained a party of friends Monday evening. J. H. Wright of Carlton. N. C., is here on a visit ».o the family of hla uncle, Thomas C. Collins of Cincinnati street. The effort to secure additional school fa¬ cilities for Langdon and vicinity has not materialised. The school appropriations would not warrant an extension at this time, and the pupils for the higher grades were, on Monday, transferred to other schools. A delegation of about thirty people, mem¬ bers of Langdon Lodge of Good Templars, paid an official visit to Golden Chain Lodge of HyattsviUe last evening. Among the number were Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. L J. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Piatt, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dewey, Rev. Church Tabor, Mrs. F. A. Snyder, Mrs. C. A. Baker, Mrs. J. G. Durfey, William M. Belfleld. Charles Adriancea Walter C. Irey. W. E. Dewey, Oscar Harvey. George Clark, Harry Clark and Misses Hattie Grimes, Hattie Harvey, Clara Harvey, Venlie Cat- tcrton, Mamie Loor. Martha Radtka and Hilda Radtka. Accompanying the lodge were Messrs. Benjamin Loor. Charles Ste- vens.BenJamin Harvey,Edward Snyder.Wal¬ ter Berry, Mrs. Wilton Harvey and Misses Edith Grimes and Fannie Littleford. FALLS CHl'RCH. A very pretty wedding took place in the Presbyterian Church yesterday at noon, the contracting parties being Miss Cora T. Rathbun, youngest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Rathbun of this town, and Her¬ bert M. Clagett. formerly of Maryland, Bow of Mexico. There was a large assemblage of relatives end friends of the parties. The church was handsomely decorated with wild flowers, principally goldenrod. The bride, preceded by the ushers, entered the church leaning on the arm of her intended husband, and proceeded to the altar to the strain of Lohengrin's wedding march. A gate made of cedar trimmed with wild flowers and rosea was before the altar, through which the bridal couple passed. The bride waj prettily attired in a traveling suit of dark blue, and carried a bouquet of La France roses. Mrs. M. M. Erwln was organist for the occasion, and the ushers were Messrs. Dunbar Clagett. Dr. T. C. Quick, George T. Mankin and Charles Parker. Rev. D. L. Rathbun, father of the bride, performed the marriage ceremony. The happy couple, Im¬ mediately after the ceremony, drove to the city and took the afternoon train for Mex¬ ico. and will make their home at Cerralvo, In that country, where the groom is engaged In business. Among those from a distance ct the wadding were ti<e following fr m Maryland: Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stone, Mrs. John Claggett and daughters. Kettle and Blanche; Mrs. Daniel Zelgler and daughter*, Cora and Florence; Mrs. Joshua Grein and daughter. Miss Lizzie Rice. Messrs. Mont¬ gomery and Carter Claggett. Those from Washington were Dr. and Mrs. Piatt, Mr. and Mrs. George Birch, Mrs. R. E. L. ..Mlsa Allce Blackford, Mrs. Lynch! Dr. Kelley. Miss Laura L. Pyle of Washington has purchased a lot in the Sherwood subdivision iar 1800. Walter G. Falkner and Miss Bettie Mon- roe are visiting the family of A. R. Jacobs The memorial exercises by Pioneer Lodge r3,- he'd last n'Sht, in mem- Charles Gulager, a member of the lodge, was attended by a larj;e number of the members of the lodge. ROCKVILLE. In the orphans' court yesterday the fol¬ lowing business was transacted: First and final administration accounts on the per¬ sonal estates of their respective deccdents were passed by David H. Boulc, executor of Mary E. Boulc; John C. Wilson, cxecu- tor of Sarah E. Boutwell; Martha E. Selby and E. H. Etchlson, administrators of How¬ ard M. Selby, and Gecrge H. Culver and Margaret Culver, administrators of Thomas Culver. Eleanor J. Watkins, administratrix of Oliver T. Watkins, filed Inventory of personal estate of said deceased, and was granted tn order of court to sell the same. Susan A. Beall, administratrix of Catharine Ann Whalen, tiled Inventory of real estate of said deceased. The audit of the estate of Solomcn Plummer, deceased, was ratlflcj and confirmed by the court, and Samuel S. H^ys, executor of said deceased, was dl- rected to pay claims according to the same. Levi C. Zeigler, guardian to Ernest F. Har¬ ris and Ephraim G. Harris, was author¬ ized to Invest a part of his said wards- principal in loans, secured by mortgage. The county commissioners held a meeting here yesterday, at which a considerable amount of routine business was transacted. The contract for furnishing coal for the court house and jail was awarded to Wm W. Welsh, at *1.10 and Jtt.21 per ton of 2,240 pounds. The contract for furnishing wood for the same was awarded to Mrs. Margaret A. Coleman, at $2 per cord for pine, and S3 per cord for oak wood. The following accounts for work on public roads and bridges were passed and ordered to be paid: First district.Ulysses Griffith, 100.20; Perry Ensey, J8H.10. Second district .Wm. H. Jackson (piking), KHi.Ul*; L. W. Page, $20; Francis 8. King, $25.30; John H. Burdett (bridge), $11.00; same (piking), $5.30. Third district.Thomas A. Hickman, $21.90- James C. Norris (piking), $310.45. Fourth district.Crittenden Ray, 129.06; Philip Shearer, 125.90. Fifth district.Philip Shear¬ er, $39.80; Thomas F. Thompson (bridge), $14.20; Philip Shearer (bridge). $31.5«L Capt. George Haycock, U. S. M. C., has fold to Edward F. Droop of Washington tor $3,000, his handsome residence and grounds on Rockvllle Heights. A bond of conveyance has been filed among the land records of this county, whereby L. Walter Weed and wife convey- to the Bethesda Mining Company of Balti¬ more city the well-known "Huddleston Farm" of 104 acres, situated near Bethes¬ da, this county. The price to be paid for the same is $100,000, of which $3,5oo is to be paid in cash and the balance at any time within one year from September IS, ISM. Many fine specimens of gold have been fonpd on this place, and it is the intention of the company purchasing the same to at once commence mining on an extensive scale. The clerk of the circuit court has this week Issued marriage licenses to the fol¬ lowing persons: Albert W. Felka and Miss Marian O. Poss; Jr.o. W. Hurst and Miss Grace Dlggs; Richard H. Florence and Miss Leila R. Osmond; Joseph A. Hagan and Katie T. McCarthy. PAPA AHD THE BLOOMERS. He Wm m Patleat Mas aad aa Alec- tloaate Father, bat- Prom the Chicago Record. There's one girl in this town who will never, never wear bloomers again. Like all women, she wasn't content with a neat little riding skirt and jaunty jacket and sailor hat. She wanted bloomers as hideous as they make them, a vulgar cap with long scoopish visor and a sweater that made her look so disgustingly masculine that a sensible girl would enjoy throwing her and her unwomanly duds into old l<ake Michigan. This girl was an only daughter, a spoiled child, who undoubtedly would get Pike's Peak or a country home in Africa were she to cry for either of them. Therefore when she said "I shall wear bloomers," that set¬ tled the question for onc« and always. One night she and her father went wheel¬ ing. Her admiring parent wasn't particu¬ larly pleased with his daughter's outfit, but he thought: "Oh, well. It's all right If all girls dress that way." But this night little daughter's wheel broke down and little daughter had to walk home. Her father happened to be walking Just behind her, and as they passed be¬ neath a bright electric light he caught a fair view of his athletic child. He said not a word, but entered a drug store and called a cab. After they got home he merely re¬ marked: "If I ever see you In those awful things again I'll disown you." She hasn't worn bloomers since. . a . A Hnirnn Brute. From the Tammany Times. Col. Yerger returned home very late and in a demoralized condition. "Here you are again," said Mrs. Yerger, as she met him at the head of the stairs. "Yesh, my dear, here I am," replied the colonel, meekly. "You are a brute. Here It Is 12 o'clock. It will be almost daylight before I get through telling you what I think of you. Here I have to lose my sleep on your ac¬ count, and I'll feel bad all 'day tomorrow. You are a vagabond on the face of the .iirth, etc." HOW THE DL'ST FLIES. I Patient Observation on the Limit of lilkt I'nder Varying Conditions. From the Gentleman'! Magazine. The other day Mr. Altken laid before the Royal Society of Edinburgh the results of 15,000 observations of the density of dust particles made in different parts of the world during the last few years. This Is a monument of patient observation, unfortu- nately made In his search for health. It must be kept In mind that the greater num¬ ber of dust particles found in the air the greater Is the condensation of the vapor and the thicker in the atmosphere. The limit of visibility through the haze Is thus determined. Mountains are fixed upon which are at known distances from the ob¬ server, say twenty, fifty and seventy miles. If the nearest mountain Is Just visible the limit Is twenty, if half visible the limit is forty, if the tnlrd part only of the farthest mountain Is visible the limit of visibility Is 210, and so on. The observations were made at Kingalr- loch and Alford, in Scotland, and at Kigi Kulm, In Switzerland. If these were abso¬ lutely accurate, both as to the counting of the dust particles and ;he determination of the limit of visibility throug'a the haze, then the product of the number of particles In a cubic Inch, multiplied by the number representing the limit, should be a constant. The nearer the perfect accuracy, the nearer Is the constant thus determined to the av- erage of the onstants. For example, at Klngalrloch, when the air was very dry (humidity from 7 degrees to 10 degrees), the number of dust particles per cubic inch was I il.tWO, when the limit of visibility wjs 100; therefore the constant (the product of these numbers) is 2,368,000. Now, the average for several hundreds of observations, when the limit of visibility varied from 13 to 230. was UMuOMk which shows the clo3er.ess of the observations. Again, at Alford, with the same humidity, the means of nundreds of observations brough out l,!i!i8,T:«; as the constant; and at Rlgl Kulm the constant was l,iW7,37tl, a re- markably close figure. Indeed. This re¬ markable result is sufficient test of the ac¬ curacy of Mr. Altken's observations in counting particles and In determining dis¬ tances. OXU ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is plerjant and refreshing to i.he taste, atid acta gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys, -¦iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys¬ tem effectually, dispels colds, head¬ aches and fevers mid cures hr.bitunj constipation. Syrop of Figs is tha only remedy of its kind ever pro¬ duced, pleasing to the taste and ac¬ ceptable to the Btoniaeh, prompt ia its action and truly beneficial in iu effects, prepared only from the mor» healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popul ir remedy known. oyrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 41 bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any oue who wishes to try it. I)o not accept any wbsti ute. CAL TORN I A FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO. C4L LOU '"US. KY IFW YCfiX. K. V. AUCTION SALES. FITUIH BAYS. O. O. SLOAX & CO., AUCTHJNKEKS. 11'>7 Q ST. (Successors to Latimer & Sloau.) Furniture in residence No. 807 8tih street northwest at Public Auction. ON MONItAY, OCTOMB raff, UN, AT TBI O'CLOCK A.M., we will sell at residence No. S07 8th street northwest, the following eff«*els: OAK AND WALNUT CHAMBER SUITES, HAIlt MATTRESSES, PIIJjOWS AM) KoLSTEltS, KK1 SSEI^S ANI> INGRAIN CARPETS, MAT¬ TINGS, ODD P1ECKS OF CHAMBER FI UM- Tt'RE, SOFAS, WARDROBES, DESK, DINING I BOOM FURNITURE,. COTS AND MATTRESSES AND A GENERAL LINK OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. TO W11IC1I TDK ATTENTION OF TUB PUBLIC AND DEALERS IS INVITED. Terms cash. O. G. SLOAN & CO., se2C dts Auctioneers. By Samuel Samis'lag, AUCTIONEER. I will sell, at public auction, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH, 1KU4, in store room No. 1239 Eleventh street southeast, the en¬ tire stock oI Jewelry formerly kept by 11. Schmlnke on Pennsylvania avenue. The goods are nearly all first-class articles.sollil gold.as only first-class articles were kept by former holder, consisting of 250 Plain and Ornamental Rings, 2 Diamond Kings, 50 Solid Gold Charms, loo Pins of dilTercut de¬ scriptions, lot of Chains, solid gold; pairs Gold Stuus, 50 pairs Gold Sleeve Hut tons, 5 Gold Sj>ce- tacles, 500 pairs of all kinds Spectacles, 12 Fine Silver Kelts, 1UO pairs Earrings, Thimbles, 25 Sil¬ ver Watches, one Fine Regulator, 40 Clocks of different descriptions. Silver Ware of great variety, Rodger*' Best Table Ware and a good many articles generally kept in a first-class jewelry store. The goods will be offered as a wLole or iii lots to suit purchasers. At ONE O'CLOCK the fixtures will be sold. An excellent best-made Safe, three fine Cases. The trade is expressly invited. Se25-3t. SAM SAMSTAG, Auctioneer. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES* SALE OF NEARLY NEW TIIREE- 8TORY BRICK HOUSE, NO. 18 QIINCY STREET. NEAR NORTH CAPITOL STREET. WEST ECKINGTON. By virtue of a deed of trust duly recorded In Liber No. 1803, folio 461) et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, we shall sell In front of the premises, on TUESDAY, THE NINTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. l*t»4. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the following described land and premises, with the improve¬ ments, easements, rights, ways and appurtenances thereuuto belonging, pituate and lying in the countv of Washington, District of Columbia, namely: All of lot numbered 59 in Carusl and Miller, trustees', subdivision of lots in square num¬ bered 4, West Eckicgton, as per plat recorded in Liber county number 9, folio 47, of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms: One-third cash, balance in one and two years, notes to bear 6 per cent per annum interest, payable semi-annually, to i>e secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the 3tlon of the purchaser. Deposit of $200 required the time of sale. Conveyancing, 6ic., at pur¬ chaser's cost. Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale iu some newspaper published in Washington, D. C. ^ MAIILON ASHFORD, CLEMENT W. HOWARD, se23-d&ds Trustees. THOMAS DOWLING & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 612 E at. n.w, TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. KNOWN AS NUMBER 2122 EIGHTH STKEETL-NORTHWEST.AT AUCTION, virtue of a d^r of trust, bearing date July 8. 1891, and duly recorded In Liber 1594, folio 3&8 et seq., one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party se¬ cured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH, 1894, at HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following property, viz: Part of lot numbered one hundred and fifty-seven (157), iu Joseph Prather's subdivision of Mt. Pleasant, as recorded in Liber Levy Court 2, folio 24, of the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia, be¬ ginning for the same at the northeast comer of said lot, running thence south along the line of Eighth street extended twenty (20) feet; thence west one hundred and eleven (111) feet and ten (10) Inches; thence north twenty (20) feet, and thence east one hundred and eleven (111) feet and ten (10) inches, to place of beginning. Terms: One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with interest at six per cent, awl secured by a deed of trust upon the property, or all cash, at the purchaser's option. All conveyancing aud recording st purchaser's cost. |100 deposit re¬ quired at time of sale. IVORY O. KIMBALL. Trustee. .el7-eo&ds W. CLARENCE DUVALL, Trustee. AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTERNOON. BATCLIFFE, DARK It CO., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SAlfi CW BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, No. 14t)2 BINNEY STREET, ON COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. By Tlrtuc of a- of trust, duly recorded In Liber X'o. 1826, anil folio 40 et seq.. one of the land record* for the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undet signed trustees will offer for sale, J^y pn^Jlc auction. In front or the premises, on WEDNKJ- DAY, THE TWJEyrX-SlXTH 1»AY OF JHSPTEM- LEK, A. D. 1894? Vr FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following deserll>ed land and premises, situate lu the city of WasMtagfon, District of Columbia, and designated as lot fourteen (14), In Zeno B. Bab¬ bitt's subdlvish n of lots In block forty-one (41), ot north grounds, Columbia College sul division, as per plat, recorded In Liber county 9, folio 15, of the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia, to¬ gether with the improvements, ways, rights, &e. This property will be sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $5,OO0, the particulars of which will be fully stated at the sale. Terms: Over and above the said trust, cash. A deposit of $200 required upon acceptance or bid. If the terms of sale are not compiled with iu fifteen days from the day of sale, the trustees re¬ serve the right to resell the property, at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after live days' advertisement of such resale in some news- paper published la Washington, D. C. All con¬ veyancing and recording at purchaser's cost. FRANK I). FUOTKlt, WILLIAM A. WEl.LS, sel4-d&ds Trustees. THOMAS DOWLIXG ft CO., AUCTIONEERS, 012 E st. n.w. THREE-STORY BRICkTiESIDENCE AND STORE, NO. 020 EIGHTEENTH STUEET NORTH\\ LSI. AT AUCTION. ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY- SIXTH, 18SM, AT HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., we will sell, in front of th«» premises, the south half of lot 27, square 100, fronting 22 feet 0 inches on the west side of 18th street by a depth of 101 feet to an alley, Improved by a three- story-and-cellar brick residence, containing twelve rooms, store room and stable in the rear. Terms: Sold subject to an incumbrance ot $0,000, payable in one and three years, tmlancc in cash. A deposit o? $200 required at time of sale. Conveyancing and .ecording at purchaser's cost. se20-d&ds C. G. SLOAN & OG., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF ntEMISES No. S269 V; STREET, IN GEORGETOWN. By virtue of a deed of tiust, dated July 18, 1803, end recorded In Liber 1S43, folio 105 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, I will sell at public auction, in front of the prem¬ ises. on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY- IS XTH. at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. part of lot ?lghteeu (181 In square thirty-seven <37i. in Old Georgetown, bexicnin;; on the north line of Bridge street (now M street), 540 feet 7 Indies west flora the west line of 32d street, thence wesi wardl.v with said line of M street 20 feet inches. and theme north with that width 95 feet. Said rci.l estate is improved by a brick building, used as a residence and drug store. The property will be sold subject to a deed of trust securlug an in dehteum ss on account of which $5,734.84 is now due. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money In cash, one-third in one year and one-third In two years, or all cash, at the purchaser's »| tiou, de- feried payments to l»e represented by notes of the purchaser, dated on the day of sale, beailng in¬ terest at the rate of 0 per «cut per annum, pay able semi-annually, and secured by -le''*.' of t.u.st on the property sold. A dej>osit of $200 to trade at the sale. Terms to ih.» complied will- within tifteen days from the day of sale, or the trustee reserves the right :o resell tl*e property a! the rink and cost of the d»pit!h4": purHmscr. aft»»i the days' advertisement In The Evening feta*- Taxes to date of s tic will :»« *1 out of the pro cet'ds thereof. WHITEITEID KIN LAY, Trustee, m-LVlOt UN F st. n.w. FLTIIIi; Dill RATCUFFE, DARlt & CO., AUCTIONEERS. TBI ST FES' SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY IN lill.LSDALE. AN At < MIA. DISTRICT OF CO I.I'.MBIA. AlUM'T r.NK ACRE OF GROUND. SPLENDIDLY l/JCATED. By virtue of a certain decree, («f>sed In equltv (nuw> No. 15031, Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, wherein Frances Smith is complainant and Namy Smith et al. are defendants, the under¬ signed, as trustees. Will sell, at public auction, in lic.it of til:* premises, on FRIDAY, the FIFTH DAY or OCTOBER. A.D. l.v.»4. at HAI,F-PASI FOlR O'CLOCK, iP.M. (4:30 P.M.), the following des< ril ed real estate* In the District of Columbia, known mid dc^'r^mj, as lot No. one (1> in section No. three (3> l:i "the subdivision of the trustees of Harry Farm, act on!trig to the plat thereof recorded in the otlice of the Purveyor of the District of Co¬ lumbia. The p.ii4*el 'of land contains nearly an a«-re of xahnble I.iad. susceptible to suUlivision foi building lots (Aiincostla). Terms of sale prescribed by decree: One-half cash, and the balance iu two equal installments at one and two years from day of sale, with in¬ terest from thv of sale at the rate of 0 per centum per annum. th> iV;n d najincuts to be secured on the property sold, or all <ash, at the purchaser's option. A deposit of $100 will be required at the time of sale. If. tujuus of sale an* not complied with iu ten days from day of sale the trustees ic- serve the right to resell the property ut the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser or purchasers, after live days' notice in The Kwiiinx Star news¬ paper. All rn»>ip<ilsi and rrnwdili at tbe esst of the purchaser ,or pnu ha>.*rs. JAMI^ FRANCIS SMITH, No. 400 La. ave. n.w. J. THOMAS SOTHORON, No. 412 5th st. n.w. se25-dJfcds Trustees. DUNCAN SON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. IN SQUARE No. 000. EIGHTH STREET SOUTH EAS1', BE 1'WEEN VIRGINIA AVENUE AND L SITtEEl'. By virtue of a deed of t: ust,_ dated February 1G, 1891, and recorded iu Liber 1549, folio 382, of the 'and records If the District of Columbia, wc shall sell, at public auction, in front of the prem¬ ises, on TUESDAY. OCTOBER SECOND, A. D. 1894, AT HALF PAST FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., all that part of original lot six tl»), in square ulue hundred and six (900). which is described iu said deed of fust, to which reference is hereby made. Said real estate fronts 21) feet 10 inches ou 8tli street, und is improved by u desirable brick dwell* il»g. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money in cash; one-third in oue year, and oue-third iu two years, or all cash, at purchaser's option. De¬ ferred payments to be represented by the purchas¬ er's notes, secured by deed of trust on the prop¬ erty sold, and bearing interest, payable semi¬ annually, at the rate of six per cent tier annum from the day of sale, on which day said notes are to b*» dated. Terms to be complied with within til teen days from the day of sale, or the trustees reserve the right to resell the property, at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days* notice in The Evening Star newspaper. A deposit of $200 will be required Mt *be time of sale. All conveyancing and re<*ordlng at pur¬ chaser's cost. Taxes will be paid out of the pro¬ ceeds of sale up to the day of sale. JOHN RIDOUT, GEORGE W. LESTER, selO-d&ds Trustees. ~~THOMAS LH)WL1NG 4k CO.. AUCTIONEERS, 012 E STREET N.W. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEIIOIjD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. CONSISTING OF OAK, CHERRY AND WALNUT CHAMBER SETS. HAIR MATTRESSES. BEDDING. DIN¬ ING ROOM TABLES AND CHAIRS. ROCKERS. SIDEBOARDS. PARLOR SETS, WARDROBES, CARPETS, TOILET SETS, ETC., ETC.; ALL CONTAINED AND BEING IN THE HOTEL FK EDONT A. 1321 AND 1323 11 STREET NORTH WEST. By virtue of a deed of trust to us, bearing date September 1, 1803, and duly recorded In Liber 1845, folio 184 et seq., of the hind records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the parties secured thereby, we, the undersigned trus¬ tees, will sell, at public auction, on the prem¬ ises, beginning on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER THIRD, 1*04, AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. all and singular, the Goods and Chattels, Fixtures and Household Furniture, being In and upon the mes¬ suage or tenement and appurtenances, known as the Hotel Fredonla, 1321 aud 1323 11 street north- * Terms of sale: Furniture to be sold in sets or in detail, as is usual in such sales. All purchases of $100 or less, cash; all over that sum, oue-lialf cash, balance iu three <3) mouths, secured by promissory no*e, with Interest, secured to satlsfac- tlon of w DANENHOWER, Jr., WASHINGTON DANENHOWEK, sc24-8t Trustee,. DUNCANSON BKOS.. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTFES' SALE 0FV LARGE BRICK DWELLTN'O, in L ATE No. 1824 N" STREET NORTH¬ WEST. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust to ur, dated Jure a, 1893, and duly recorded June 13, 1M. In Liber No. 1833, folio 128 et seq., of the land rfunla of the District of Columbia, and at the ro¬ quet of the patty secured thereby, wc, the uuder- slgn.d tiustees. will sell, at public auction. In front o' the premises, "on MONDAY, the FIKST DAY of OCTOBER, A.D. 1MM, at FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following descrltied land and premises, situate In the city of Washington, District of Co¬ lumbia, and designated as and being all of lot 38, lu Etion C. lugeriuli's subdl\lsion of square 13U, us the same la recorded In the office of the sui.^yor of the District of Columbia in Book J. H. K.. pate 17t», improved l>y*a lurge brick dwelling. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, and the balance In two equal Installments, pajabla In one aud two years, with interest at six tW per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, frrtm day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all caah, at the option of the purrhaaer. A deposit of |2ftO will be required of the purchaser at the tlm, of sale. All conveyancing, retarding and notarial fee, at the coat of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be com¬ plied with within ten days from day of sale, other¬ wise the trustee, rwerve the right to resell the property at the .risk and coat of the defaulting iiurchaser. I CONSTANTINE H. WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM E. EDMONSTON, Trustee,. Address, 500 5th st. n.w. NATH'L WILSON", Attorney for Party Secured, .el8-d&ds Nus. 622-C24 P st. n.w. RATCLIFFE, DARR * CO., AUCTIONEERS. DESIRABLE HOUSE OF EIGHT ROOMS, WITH LARGE FRONT AND RACK YARDS, 137 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE NORTHEAST; NEARLY NEW, WITH ALL MODERN IM¬ PROVEMENTS. GOOD CHANCE FOR IN¬ VESTMENT OR TO SECURE A HOME. By virtue of a deed of trust, given to ur and duly recorded in I .liter 1(130, foilo 170, the under¬ signed trustees will offer for Bale, ut public auc¬ tion, In front of the premiss, on FRIDAY, SEP¬ TEMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH, 1V.H. at IIAI4-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., sub lot #y, In square 723, together with the Improvements, consisting of a good new brick house of eight rooms. Terms: One-third cash, the residue in one and two years, with 0 per cent Interest, or all csh, at the otition of the jairchaser. A dei«sit cl J2U0 le- quired at time of sale. FRANK T. BROWNING, <10 0th st. n.w., JOHN a SWORMSTEDT, ti27 F r. n.w., selS-d^d.' Trustee,. AUCTION SALES. TOMORROW. Horses. Horses. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. S. BENSINGEK. AUCTIONEER. WASHINGTON HOUSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAP., No. MO LA. AVE. PEREMTTOUY SALE OF FORTY HEAD OF HORSES ANI) MARKS. TOMORROW (THURSDAY) MORNING, SEFTEM- BER TWENTY-SEVENTH, at TEN O'CLOCK, will Ik sold, within the luu:ir, 40 head of llonun and Mares. In this lot will tie found some extra work¬ er* and fine, s|>ec<ly drivers. Stock to suit any kind of business. The attention of buyers la called to this PEREMPTORY SAI.E. It S. BEN SINGER. Auctioneer. THOMAS DOWLLNG 4 CO., Auctioneers. Groceries at Auction, COMPRISING TEAS. COFFEES. SPICES. CANNED GOODS. TO¬ BACCO AND CIGARS, SOAl-S. CRACKERS, FISH MOLASSES AND SIRUI-S, CONDIMENTS, BROOMS. FLOUR. WASHBOARDS, TIN WARE, SCALES, OIL CAN, ICE BOX, TEA CANS, I .AMI'S AND SHADES, SHELVING, Ac. On THURSDAY MORNING, SE1TEMBEIt TWEN¬ TY-BEVENTIt, 1MU4,<11111 uiencliiK at TEN O'CLOCK, we shall sell the entire wwitrnts of grocery store corner of Vermont avenue and V street northwest. Terms cash. THOMAS DOWL1NG & Co., se22-dts Auctioneers. C G. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, HOT G ST. (Successors to I-attmer & Sloan.) Elegant Mahogany Case Upright Piano, by the Shaw Piano Co., Superb Hahogany China CabU net, with Mirror Back, Handsome Piano Lamp; eflegant Satin Damask. Overstuffed Parlor Suite; BKAITLFI/L PASTKIA FANCY ROC&KU8, 8TOOLS AND TABLKS, MAKlfLK MANTEL CIAK'K, MIKKOtt-BACK OAK HALL HACK, MIA' TIFL'L MlltltOUB YCK OAK SIDEBOARD, MA&SIVE OAK EXTENSION TAltLE, ONE OF THE BKNT OAK LTIUCHT ItEFRUiEttATOlLS, HANDSOME OAK CHINA CLU8ET. IJEAITI FCL CANE SEAT OAK PINING <11A IKS, FINE OAK SECH6TAItV, MTKUll LOlNtiE BEAl- TIFLLLY CI'IIOIjSTEUEU IN SATIN DAMASK, FINE D INN Eli SERVICE. GLAH8WA UK. NEAR¬ LY NEW OAS STUVK. FINE KKI SSKUS CAtt- FETS AND KL'tiK, WHITE ENAMEL CMII, CAUVED OAK FltAME CilEVAL MIUKOit. OAK WAKDUOIIES. LACE HANOINCiS. FINE CHENILLE I MKT I KICKS. OAK CHAMBER SlITKS. IIAIlt MATTItFSSES. PILLOW J- AND H/S1EKS. HALL AND STA1K CAUPETS. TOILET S!-:TN. C<#»KIN<; ITENSIIoS. A<\. Ac. On Mil l!SDAY. SE1TEMHEU TWENTV-SEV- ENTII, 1K'.»4, AT IIALF-I*VST TEN (I'CLIN'K A. M., nt rcslih-m* No. 1425 rWih itrret, Wwt Wash¬ ington, we will Bell one of the lM»*t collection* of houMeho!<l effutf we have offered the public for wme time. The good* are ell flrst-clas* an«J lu s|>l«'ii«I!<l (-o'uLtkoii -Ju«t as |?ck.<1 new. I? will Imi 3" furniture huntere to attend this sale. F wtreet can* pis* the door. Ti rnw. <:»ah. wLMhUb C. Q. si.oan & OO., Auctioneer®. To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Horse, Carriage or Harness Go to S. Beosimiger's Horse <& Carriage $>4© Louisiana Avenue. The Largest Stock of Carriages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, Carts and Harness In This City. Auction Sale off Horses, Carriages and Harness Every TUESDAY, THURS- DAY and SATURDAY, TEN A. M. se22,26,29 RATCL1FFE, DARK & CO.. Auctioneers. RECEIVERS' SAIE OK _ VERY VALUABLE IM DWELLING ON If. III StUEET BE1WEEN UIIODE ISLAND AVENUE AND o STRFET NORTHWEST; AIX( VALUABLE IMPRl i\ Kl> PltOlhKTY AT HIE NORTHEAST CORNER OK 15TH AND 1" SrilKK IS NORTH WEST BEING KNOWN AS NOS. Ut3, 14ft-,. 1407 j> STREET NORTH WKST AND 1503 13TH STREET NORTH WEST, BY AUCTION. Under aud hv virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia iiasscd on the 20th day of September, 18U3, and also an older of said court passed oa the 17th day of Septemlicr, IMU, both lu equity cause No. 1 tu.11. Marv A Ashburn vs. Ann Dumi et al., the uo<l.'r*'ign<>d receivers of the estate of Patrick B. Dunn, de- ceased, will sell at public auction, at the times hereinafter named, on the respective pri'inlscs meutioiKKl, ami on the terms hereinafter set forth the following parcels of real estale, situated in the city of WusMugton, in the District of Columbia, namely; ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY SEV¬ ENTH AT HAIJ-- PAST FOUR P.M.. |iarts of lots nine (9), ten (1'Jl, eleven till and twelve (12) In square three hundred ami tlfty (360). descril>ed as follows. Beginning at a |ioint ou 10th street 56 feet and 1 Inch from the northeast corner of lot 10, running thence south along the line of said street 38 feel 11 s Inches to a |»'int 6'£ Inches south from the northeast comer of lot 12; th.-n.e west 100 feet and 1 inch to the rear line of lot 12; thence north 20 feet NW Inches, more or less, to the south line of lot a: thence east 40 feet and 1 linh; thence north to a point due west from the l>eglniiiug point; thence east fit feet to the I spinning; comprising the premises known as Nos. 210 and 212 loth street northwest, which will be sold seimrately. ON FRIDAY, SEP I EMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH. 1804, AT HALF PAST POUR P.M., lots numbered ninety <001 and iiiuety-on.; oil) In Kate I. Bmun's subdivision of original lot 71, In square numltered four hundred and ninety-live t495i, as |«er plat re¬ corded 111 llook 14, page 07. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, comprising premises known as Nos. 400 and 406^* E street southwest, which will be sold separately. These are good renting houses. ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY-NINTH. 1*01. AT HALE-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. part of lot numbered thlity In square numbered one hundred and ntpcty-flve (1051. described as fol¬ lows: Beginning on lEtli street at a point 19 feet and 7 Inches north from the southeast corner of said lot 30. ami ruunlng north 19 feet and 7 In. lies: thence west 110 feet; thence south 19 feet aud 7 Indies; thence east 00 feet to the beginning, being premises known as 1328 15th street, and excellent renting property. ON MONDAY, tKTOBER FIRST. 1894, AT HALF- PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. [wrts of lots num¬ bered twelve 021 and thirteen tl3) In William F. and John A. Drury's sutstlvlsion of square num¬ bered 200, as rei orded In Book B, page 30. of the records of the <rftl<-e of the surveyor or the District of Columbia, lieginning for the same at the south¬ west comer of said lot 12 and running thence north with the line of 15th street alsty irtOi feet, thence east Beventy-sli feet and six Inches; thence south sixty (601 feet to North P street; throe" west along the line of P street to the point of be¬ ginning. Tills parcel has several distinct buildings on It, which the receiver* reserve the right to sell sepal ately. The terms of each one of said sale* are as fol¬ lows: One-third cash, lialance In one and two years, with Interest at six per cent, secured by deed of trust on the property. A deposit of $300 In cash must lie mnde for each parcel purchased at time of purchase. Terms of sale to be compiled with within fifteen days from day of sale, or receivers will have the right to resell at tbe risk and cost of defaulting purchaser. All above property Is sold free of Incumbrances, and the purchaser Is not re¬ quired to see to the sppllcatlon of tbe purchase money. ARTHUR A. BIRNET, CLARENCE A. BRANDENBURG. sel7-d4ds Receivers. rilTDEB PAYS. a G. SLOAN & CO.. AUCTIONEERS, 1407 G ST.. (Successors to Latimer A Sloan.) TRUSTEES' SALE OF A VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, ON N STREET NEAR FIRST STREET SOUTHEAST. WASHINGTON. D. a By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated tbe 19tb day of July A. D. 1803, and duly recorded In Lllier No. 1820, »t folio 300 et seq., one of tbe land records for the District of Columbia, aud at tbe written request of the iiarty secured thereby, we will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on MONDAY. OCTOBER FIRST. 1804, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the fol¬ lowing described land and premises, situate In the city of Washington, District aforesaid, and desig¬ nated as and being all of orlglual lot numl>ered six (6), and tbe west four (4) feet and two (21 Inches front by the depth of original lot numbcie4 five (5), In square numbered seven hundred and one (701), according to the plat or plan of the said city. Terms of sale; One-third cash, balance in one and two yeats, with Interest, payable semi-annu¬ ally, and secured by a deed of trust on the prop¬ erty, or all cash. All conveyancing and recording at purchaser's coat. A deposit of $100 will be tequlred at time of sale. Terms to he compiled with In fifteen days from day of sale, or the prop¬ erty may be resold, at tbe risk and cost of tna defaulting purchaser. JOSIAH W. McLACHLKN, >OUN A. MASSIE, selO-d&ds Trustees. AUCTION SALES. riTIRE DATS. a G. SLOAN h CX»., AlCTKtXKKliS, 1407 G ST. (Successor* to Latimer 6 Sloan.) All the Furniture in the residence of the late Gen. Zeilen, U. S. Marine .Corps, No. 911617th street, opposite Farragut Square, at Public Auc¬ tion. COMPULSING FINE MOQUETTE AND BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS, HALL AND STAIR CAKK1H, HANDSOME OAK HA! 1, RACK, OVERSTUFFED PARLOR SUITE. MUSIC RACK. BRONZES. BRASS 1 "ENI>KR. WALNUT SIDEBOARD, EXTENSION TABLE AND LEATHER SEAT DIMNO CHAIRS, BREAK¬ FAST TABLE, MAHOGANY BOOK CASE. FINE WALNUT CHAMBER SUITES, SPRINGS, HAIR MATTRESSES. l'lUiOWS AND BOL¬ STERS, LACE HANGINGS, CHIFFONIERS. WARDROBES, LOUNGES, TOILET SETS. CHAIRS AND TABIJCS, ODD PIECES OF C HAMBER FURMTl RE, ROCKERS, PIC- TIRES, KITCHEN FURNITURE, A*X, AC., OX THURSDAY. OCTOBER FOURTH. 1«9I. AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. at rwldcnco No. 9l« Farragut square (17th nt.), we will bell the entire effects at mentioned aliove, to which we Invite general at¬ tention. I" street cars pa** the d«ior. Terms cash. House for rent. C. G. SLOAN A (X)., se2ti-dts Auctioneers. THU.VAS DOWLING A CO.. AUCTIONEEltS. No. 012 E st. n.w. VALUABLE UNIMPROVED PROPERTY NEAR THE TERMINUS OF THE KLEtTRIC RAIL¬ ROAD AND THE UNIVERSITY STATION. AND AI-SO 0P1MSITE THE TOWN HALL IN BR< OKLAND. D. C., AT AUCTION. On THURSDAY, OCIOBER FOURTH, 1«94, at HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. *e will sell the al»ove described proi»erty. fronting 92 feet on the Bnnker Hill road, and containing 40,128 squars feet. Ibis property can he subdivided into build¬ ing lets to u g.vat advantage, and should command the atteutiou of Investors and speculators. Terns: One-half of the i*irchasc money in cash, and balance to salt. $luo deposit required at time of sale All recording and conveyancing at pur¬ chaser's cost se26-d&<la WALTER B. WILLIAMS A CO., AUCTIONEERS. EXECUTOR AND TRUSTEE S SALE OF IMPROV¬ ED REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the trust refXM»ed in me bj the will of Maria Louisa Triplett, deceased, I will offer at public auction, at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER SEC- OND, 1894, in front of the premises. No. 1817 Cedar strict noithwest, Washington, D. C.# sub lot 65 in square 132. Terms: one-third ca?h, ooe-third in one year and one third in two years after date, deferred pay¬ ments to 1h» seenred by deed of trust on pro|»erty sold. d'iKwlt on day of sale. Coutcyaucing and recording at c<»st <«f purchaser. Term# to be ¦omplied with within fifteen days from day of aale. or deposit forfeited and pnqierty resold at risk and coat of defaulting purchaser. L. CABELL WILLIAMSON, sc26-d&ds EiH-ulor and Trustee. ItATVUFFE, DARK 4 CO.AUCTION KEILS. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN'. TO PAY LI VERY CHARGES, Ac., ONE GRAY MARE. On SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER TWEN¬ TY-NINTH, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK M., me will sell, in front of tiie rooms of Ratclifle, l>arr A Co., 920 Peiuia. ave. n.w., to pay chaises, A*., ONE GUM' >*A ilE. All parties Interested vsill pie-use take notice. JAS. P. GEY EK A CO., . *e2i)-3t 485»t C at. n.w._ DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEE** SALE OF FIVE HANDSOME TWO- ST» iRY -AND ('ELLA R Bill* K DWELLINGS, KNOWN AS PREMISES NOS. 82. M. h6. 88 AND 90 -M" STREET NORTHWEST. Tlll&E HOUSES WILL BE OFFERED SEPARATELY. THUS AFFORDING THE UOMESEEKER A MOST EX<'ELLEN T OPPORTUNITY FOR THE It'RCHASE OF AN ATTRACTIVE PROPERTY. By virtue of five certain deeds of trust, dated the thirtieth <2t9thi day of Jul**, A. D. 1893, and re¬ corded among the land r'H-wrd* of the District of Columbia ill IJber No. 1834, folios respectively 198 et seq., 2u2 et seq., 2u7 et seq., 211 et seq. and 215 et seq., and at the request of the holders of the uotes, we will offer sejiarately, at public auc¬ tion, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY, THE ELEVENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D.. 1894. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the fol¬ lowing described real estate, situate in the ilty of Washington, District of Coluiul»ia, to wit: All thorn* certain pieces or j»a reels of land and premise* kiuwn and distinguished as and being lots num¬ bered two hundred aud uiueteen (2191, two hundred and twenty (22U«. two hundred and twenty-one (.221), two hundred aud twenty-two (222), two hun¬ dred and tv.enty-thrce (223) of W. Flnley Baslm's subdivision of the north seventy-five (75) feet of original lot thirteen (13), In square numbered aix h ulid red aud twenty (ti20i, as per plat recorded In Book 20. page 14CI. of the records of the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia, together with the Improvements thereon. Til. of jtale: one-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, and the lislsnce to be i»atd In two equal installments respectively In one and two years, secured by a deed of trust upon the property sold. with interest thereon, payable semi-annually, at the rate of 0 per centum per annum until paid, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A (Mtsit of $2iXi on each lot will be required at the time of sale. Sale to be closed in fifteen days from the day of sale, otherwise the property will t»e resold at the rink and coat of defaulting pur¬ chaser after five days' advertisement in sutne newa- laiper published in the city of Washington. Con veyanciug at cost of purchaser. LOUIS D. WINE. Trustee. CLARENCE B. R11EEM. Trustee. sc2T><dAds 916 F at. n.w. DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES* SALE OF THREE NEAT AND AT¬ TRACTIVE TWO-SToRY AND BASEMENT PRICK DWELLINGS IN THE NORTHWEST SECTION OF THE CITY. KNOWN AS PREM ISES No*. 212. 214 AND 22U ARTHUR PLACE. THESE PROPERTIES WILL BE OFFERED SEI ARATELY. i By viitue of three certain deeds of trust, dated the seventeenth (17th» day of June. A.D. 1893. and reemded anion? the land re< ords of the District of Columbia. Liber 1812, folios, respectively, 419 et seq., 429 -*t seq., and 433 et seq., and at the re¬ quest of the holders of the notes secured thereby, we will offer, separately, at public auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY, the TENTH DAY of OCTOBER, A.D. 1*94, at HALF- PAST FOUR O CI/H/K P.M., the following describ¬ ed property, situated in the city of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit: All those certain pieces or parcels of land and prerais- s. known ai distinguished as and being iota numbered seventy- nine (79). eighty-two (82) and eighty-three (83) of Crosby S. Noyea et al. subdivision of lota forty- thrc»e (43) to fifty (50). Inclusive, of the Washing¬ ton and Georgetown Railroad Co.'s subdivision of lots In square num!»ercd six hundred and thirty- three (G33). as said Noyes et al. subdivision is duly recorded in Ub»»r 15. folio 83, of the records of the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia, together with the improvements thereon. Terms of sale: One-third of'the purchase mon* to lie paid In <*ash, and the balance to be paid In two equal Installments, respectively, in one and two years, secured by a deed of trust upon the property sold, with interest, {tayable semi annually, at the iate of 6 per cent |»er annum, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $200 will be required on each lot at the time of aale. Sale to be dosed in fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the property will be resold st the rlak and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement in some newsjtaper published in Washington, D. C. Conveyancing at cost of pur¬ chaser. LOUS D. WINE. Trustee. po2«ldAds CLARENCE B. RHEEM. Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SaLE. In pursuance and by virtue of that certain deed of trust executed by Tllghman Hat taway and wife, recorded among the laud records of the District of Columbia, in letter 707, at folio 203, et seq., and also of the decree i«ssed by the Supreme Court of said District on tue third day of July, 1894, In equity cause No. 14525. default having been made in the i«yment of the money mentioned In the said decree, the undersigned will, st FIVE O'CLOCK P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, THE THIRD DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 1894, on the premises, sell st nubile suction, to the highest bidder, the land and premises mentioned and descrllted in asId deed and In the said equity cause, to wit: All those certain lots and parcels of ground In the Dis¬ trict of Columbia designated and known as lots numbered nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, four¬ teen, fifteen and sixteen of section 3 of Dr. A. C. Taber's survey of April, 1872. of Ltix-olnville. Terms of sale: One-half cash, of which $75 shall be paid on a«-ccptance of bid, to be forfeited In case of failure of full compliance with terms of pale within ten days thews iter; the other half to be paid lc one year from date of sale, with . per cent i»er annum Interest, or sll cash, at the purchaser's option. All expenses of conveyancing and rocordlng to be at the cost of the purchaser. WILLIAM A. MELOY, Trustee, Office, 118 C st. n.w. DUNCANSON BROS.. Auctioneers. se22-eoAds DUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CONSISTING OF LARGE FOUR STORY BRICK DWELUNG OR APART¬ MENT HOUSE. NUMBER 13(19 SEVENTEENTH STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of s certsln deed of trust to us, feted August 16, 1892, and duly recorded August 29, 1892, In Liber No. 1720, folio 252 et acq., of the land records of the Dis¬ trict of Colnmbls, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we. the undersigned trustees, will sell, st public suction. In front of the premises, on MONDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1894, st FIVE O'CLOCK P.M , the following described land and premises, situate In the cltj of Washington, In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being all of lot ik>. In Merrb-k's subdivision of lots in sousre 181, as the same Is recorded In the offioe or the surveyor of the Dis¬ trict aforesaid, in Book K. F., page 17, the aaid lot being situated at the southeast ..orner of O and Seventeenth streets northwest, together with the Improvements, consisting of a large dwelling house admirably adapted for apartments or occupancy by a large family. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, and the balance In two equal Installments, payable in one and two years, with Interest at six (6) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, iecured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $u<j0 will be required of the purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyaming, recording and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. T^rms of sale to be complied with within ten days frcm day of sale, otherwise the trustees r»*erve the right to resell the property st the risk aud cost of the defaulting purchaser. W. E. EDMONSTON. CONSTANTINE II. WILLIAMSON, Trustees. Address. 500 5th st. n.w. NATH'L WIU50N, Attorney for Party Secured, Ko. .22 and 4 F st. n.w. »i-25 UAds AUCTION SALES. ri'TlHE DAI'S. THOMAS DOYLDKS A CO.. AUCTION DO^ " 612 E It. VALUABLE IMPKOYEI> PROPHtTT, BEING NO, S41S S STREET. OEORUBTOWN. U. C, AX AUCTION On MONK AT. OCTOltER FIRST. ISM. at HALT- PAST FOUR 0'd> ICK P.M.. we will aell. In front of 11* premlaea, |wrt of lot 27, square 121. froat. In* iSU fart oo the mirth side of 8 street betweea 34th and 35th street* liy a depth of lw< fret, Im¬ proved by a comfortable two-story frame dwelling MM. Terms: Oaab. Cnovcyaactag, Ac., at purchaser'* coat. A drfmalt of lluu will be required at tin* of aalc. ae25-dM* Ul'NCANSON BROS.. Auctioneer. TRl'STEES- RALE OF A NEW TWfVSTORT AND f"KlJ.Alt RRnWN-STONE ANU BRICK LiWELlr INO, t CONTAINING KTBi ROOMS AND BATH, NO. luiiy It STREET SOUTHEAST. By vlrtw of a certain deed of trout to ua. da tad December 18. All lHtt. and duly iraM M Ulier 1s»R, folio 4<i» et acq., one of the land ret- onlH of the 1 Istrl.-t of ('ofumbla, and at the re¬ quest of the patty secured thereby. we will aell at Blillc auction. In front of the nrerolscs, on TUE8- IY, THE SBCONIt HAT op OOloliKR. A.D. 1«M. Wlnnlnc at FIVE O'CLOCK I'M . all ttat certain piece or pan-el of land aud premises taaat and dlsttnculabed aa aud lieln* lot nuinlietad twenty-nine iWi. In Charles Ueaaforil's suisln taioa of lota In aqua re numix-rcd nine bundn-d and allty- nlae (MM), aa per |ilat re.-nrd.-d la the oOfe-e of tbe aurveyor of the Dlatrlct of Columbia In Book 30. at folio 121, together with the Improvement* therena, consisting of the bmwn-atoae aud brl--k dwelling nnmliercd 10M* B atreet s.«it beast Terma of aale: one third "ash, balance in tvaa years from date of sale, with Inten-at at . per cent per annum, nayable aeml-annually and aa- cured by a deed of truat on the property aold. or all caah. at the option of the purcbaaer. All ca%- veyauclng and recordln* at niircbaaer's mat. A deposit of (2UU will be required at the time of Mia. Terma of aalc to be compiled with In tea dan ftuin day of Mle, otheralar traateea reserve tba right to reaell at the rlak and coat of defaulllaf purcbaaer or purcbaaer*. CUVTOX H. EMERSON. JAMES A CAH11J-. Truat eta, ael9-dAd« GS E at. a.«T. DUN CAN SON BROS.. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF THREE BRICK IfflHi, IMiS. SITUATE NUMBERS 715. 717 AND 71* ELEVENTH STREE1 NORTHEAST. By virtue of three certain deeds of truat to ua, eacfc heartnr date An. 11 27. 1MKI. and duly iriHil May 1. ltKO, la Liber IHjtl. ...Una 41. 4S and M, respectively. of tbe laud records of tbc Klstrlct of (olumbla, and at the requeat of the party **- cured thereby, we. the undersigned trustees, will aell. at public auction, la froat of tbe n-surctlva pr.mla.-a. oo TUESDAY, THE SECOND DAY G# OCTOBER. A. D. ltttH. AT HALF I'A ST FOLU O'CI-OCK P.M., tbe folio*luf dea.-rit.ed pieces ar parcel* of real estate and premises, alt.ute In tba city of Washington. Klatrlct of Uolumlda, and known and dcslKU.ited aa lota SI, 82 and ti Daroeille'a aubdlvlaion af orl(laal lot 4. In aquara I.S2, aa Mid subdivision la recorded la the uBce ol the surveyor of tbe IMatrlct of Colunit.la. In Bogb 20, page 112. each of aaid lota having a froalaag* of MAS feet oo lltb atreet nortbeaat. by a depth of 85 feet, and each Improved by a new brick dwelliac- Bach lot. wllb It* laiprovemcuta, will be aold separately. Terma of aale- In reapect of each of tba aaid lota, one-third of tbe |»urchaae moaey la ta la paid In caah, and th lialance la two equal la- atallaiente, pari ble It one and two years, with iutei.-st at tbe rate of 0 per ceat per ai.uum, from tbe day of ule, payable eeml annuaII<, arcwi by deed of truat upon tbe property aold. or all cash, at the option ot tbe purchaaer. A d< of f 1 <«¦ will be required of tbe purcbaaer aa lot at time of ule. All conveyancing. rec< and notarial fees at tbc coat of purchaser. Tei of aale to be coin plied with within tea days day of Mle, otberwlae tbe traateea reserve tba right to reaell tbe property la default at tbc aud coat of tbe defaulting purcbaaer. WILLIAM E. EDMONSTON. CONSTAN TINE U. WILLIAMSON, Truateaa. NATHANIEL WILSON. Attorney for party at cared. aelv-dAdi RATVLIFFE, DARR A OO.. AUCTION ELKS. TKUSTEEB" RALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVKO AND UNLMI'ROVED REAL KST ATE. ON SOUTH CAPiTtiL D AND CANAL STREETS HOI THWBT AND ON C STRKET I'KTW KKX DELAWARE AVENUE AND SOU TH CAPITOL STREETS SOUTHWEST. By virtue of a de«-d of truat given to ua. and dnly recorded In Lllier No. 1530. at folio 4ml et aeq.. one of tbe land recorda of tbe District of Colum¬ bia, aud at tbe requeat of tbe party i-ecured tbera- by, tbe undersigned will offer for Mle at puhlla au.tion, in front of live pr>mla^a. on Tl BsDAT, THE SECOND DAY OF OCTOBER. A D 1MM, AT HALT-PAST Firt'R O CLUCK P. M tlie fol- lowing deacribed laud and premlaea, situate In tba ctty t>f Waablagton. District of Columbia, und daa- lguated aa part of mjuare all hundred an.1 thirty- nine t*131*1. beginning for tbe Mine at the north corner of Mid aqua re, lielna tbe lnt.-rao.tioa of South D and Canal streets, and nianing tiieaoa «a*t- wardlv along tbe line of South D street two bua- dr. d and aUty-tbm- and eight-tentba <2«£l Si feet ta South Capttol atree;. theme south along South Oap- Itol street acreaty-three and four litiudredtha <71.4) feet; thence a.it at right aagles with South Capitol street one hundred and elgtty-ali end forty- flve-bnndredtha (1HH 45* feet to dual street: 11 .-oca along the line of Canal atreet one hundred aad all and forty-nine-buudredtba <106.4111 feet to tbe placa of beginning, containing 1C.517S square feet, and being parts of lots two (2i aad three .3i in Mlq square, together with the improvements . onstatlag of a brick dw -lllag. kis<aa as No. 401 Snnlh Cap¬ itol atreet southwest, with frame staldea in d shrM Immediately thereafter we will offer I jr Mle at public auction, in fr.n.t of tbe premise*, let nln« 19*. in square all bundrid and tblrv-ae.cn «37). Part of a.|uare numtw-t all hundred and 'blrty-alM <«*ii wilt be aold anbject to aa ln.-umt.raac* (3.<«0 and inter.at Said Incvabrince is payahi* In Bve i5i year* from January 17, 'bta. ts-nrlug la¬ ter.-at at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, pay* ¦ble semi-annually, secured by deed >f truat aa th* premlaea. aaid trust 'leing recorded in lilier N*. 1233. at folio 75 et aeq one ot i.be land record* it tbe Dlatrlct of Columbia. Lot aim W*. square «37. will be aold aubjeet M an Incumbrance of »3.<»«i aad Intereat. aa.ld la- cunibran. e being payable In 8 yeara from May IT, 18M0, with Interest at tbe rate «i . |»-r eat par annum, payable aeml-annually. and secured by d**4 of truat. recorded la lll>er No 14*W, at rollo 4*4 at aeq.. one of tbe land ncorda af tba Dtat.i t af Oa- lumhla. Terms of Mle: On each |>lece. aae-third af purcbaae moaey to be [oil In cash; the residue la two equal pa.menta. In one and two years from tba Mle. tbe deferred payments to he seared be ? , <nl*? u'° property aold and to bear interest from tbe day of aale at tbe rate of « cent per annum until paid, payable srml uuoaarly. 2L?T. "J"100 01 ,b* Parc'ias-r. A & PMit^of $250. oa each piece will be requl-sl th# property Is knocked down. Terms of saio to fti* .5'"2! within fifteen daya from tl* day aale. ottierwlae tbe trusteea reaerve the right ta jracjl the property at th ¦ risk and coat of tba da- tenltlnc porchaaer. All conveyaacl*. m ortlaT Ac., at tbe coat of tbe irtirclaia.-r. WM n WIODWARD. Tnaatoa. aelft-dAda l^WIS IIOPFENMAIER. Tniataa. DUNCANSON Bit* >S., AUOTIONEERS. TRU^rEK!' RALEOFVa IX-A BL* REAL ESTATE M-t 1414 PIERCE PLtCK VORTHWIXT. u ^. certain deed of truat to us datad March 7. iSM, and duly re.-.trded Mar. li 21 IMA In Ul»t No. 1776, folio 434 et aeq., of the Wm records of tbe Dlatrlct of Columbia, aud at [*3.'"*' ,b* party secured thereby, we. tba undersigned trustee*, will sell, at pui.llc aacttta In front of tbe promise*, on I'RII I AY Till r'FTH P V Tb.°S2S Aa n lS2 « Vive I, P.M., tlie folloilog dcK'iihfd land ¦nd *.* ^ city of WanbliMtoa. to th«» I *l«trlcft of Columbia, and m aod in S lot 1M, in ^tantoo'a suiKlivlaloa of lot* in aaaat# 2(W, aa tb# ume to re- «»rd#d in th# office of tM mrr#yor .t the Dtotrt^ of t»Kmhla. In Jut*T H. K.. paf# MS, together with the lnipro%.meat*, cowtotlnj of a three-atory brtv* dwellim;. km ««No. 1414 Pierce pla«v northwest. TKKMS OF SALfi: One third of th# pureteM m°a7.to.tT, P*M mai h.l.n.v l^Tn equal Installments, payable la oae and t«o mk with Intel eat at all <«> per centum per aa2*£ payable aeml-anaaally. front dav of Mle a. cnr»4 |3 deed of truat uu.« tbe pn*er<y aoS. ar allii .t tbe Ofition Of tbe liurcliaaer. A denosll of Itiffl will be required of tW purchaaer aT^hc tlm*3 aale. All conveyancing, recrdl* and ¦ - - at tbe cost of the purchaaer. Terma of aalc to ha complied with within ten daya from day of af otberwlae tbe trustees reserve the right to laaall porcKalr"* rt* "4 coat of tbe d. faJuSS WIIXJAM E. EDMON8TON, I CONSTANTIN'E H. WILLIAMSON Truateaa. BOO 5th at. a.w., * 4 tar tb* THOMAS DOWUNO A QOl. AIinraK Fiaia . .12 E at. b.w. HAS2f^E (>F HOUSEIMIJ) » T2. bk s"lj' at Aucnov. now- TAINED IN RESIDENCE NO 617 Ii/*K1DA AJ-ENUE. BETWEEN FIFTH AND sStI STREETS NORTH WEST. CONSISTING IN PART OT Handsome Parlor Suite la allk damask. Partar Fuititturr in odd piccs-s. Elegant Walnut l».s* Oaaa, Hall, Stair and other Carpets. Handaom. .iiamnaf Furniture In walnut. M. T. uud oak auites. wltfc a number of odd pie.es: ciilffonlera. Che. al Pre. era. Toilet Ware, Mattn-aaea, W. W. spring*, Fancy and other Ihs-k.-rs, Center Tabi.a, Hand¬ some Oak Buffet. Elegaut Box lillar Oak Eite Table, handaotne set of Oak Diuluc Ro.nu c'baiia, nearly new Ooaublnatloo Cblaa Set. (Slaw W*ra, Cutlery, Kitchen Furniture. C<«Ala| l'ten-lla. O** Stove, Ac. We will sell, on FUIliAY. SKI 'I KM BEE T^*EVrY'-EltiHTH. 1«»4. at TEN O ID« k AH., tbe entire contents of al-ove raald.-nee I'rlvata parties ceperlally sb<«ild attend tM* Mle. se25At a a. SLOAN * 00., Al CTIONEERh. 14»: o~IE (Su-HMon to Latimer A Sloan ) mrSTTRS' BALK or TUB VAU ABLE RRSV I»EN<nE KNOWN AS NO. t006 R IWl NOKTH WEFT, WAMIINOTON. D. C. By Tlrtne of a certain d#ed of tniat. dated tto 6th 4mx of February. A.D. 1§B0, and duly ro- cord«»d In LU»#r No. 1451, at folio 4B1 et *eq.. 09a of tbe land records for tbe Dtotrlrt of < «>lumbto, and at thr requeat of tt*- jarty ae< urod thereby, w# mill aell, ft puM> aui-tloo. In front of tM prenibea. on THftHDAT. OtTTOREIt »I RTH, 1«H. at HALF PAST Ft I R O'CLOCK P.M.. th# follow inc d<«crli>ed land und premise*, alioata IA the city of Waahlngton. IMatrlct nfon-s. id, and doHlgt.jitod and txMng lot numl>cr#d one hundred and tllrty-thre# (1331. <»f II. II. \Vard«M V KulidtTl- slon of lot* in aqua re numbered ninety thr«»e and reifi-ded in Iio«»k 15. t«i(re 46, In the office Of th# »tinef«»r of the District of Columbia, tog«*tbar with th# lmprorem<»ntt». eirnUtlnc of a h«ndaoaa» resldrmc, kno.rn aa No. 1>XKJ R atreet Lorthweat* Wathir^ton, I>. CX Terms of sal#: One-third of tbc purchase mooer in cafch, and th# balance In ooe and two years, wltfc interest, payable eetul-amuullr, a^d poured by deed of trust on the property; or all < asl». Au convejar !nc atwl recording at purchaser'* <-o#»t. A depoflt of faSHt will b«' n-qulred at time of «al#. If the terma of sale be not <omp!lcd with in fifteen days fn.m dav of aal«\ the trustee* r«>rve thf rlfitt to re**-!l the property at th# risk and cost of th? defaultlnf |»ur<baser, after such public notion as they may Uecci ne- c.-sary. CIIAS. C. CLO\T!TT, JAM12J y. JOUN.STON. ae2l^A<to Tru.ee*


Miss Mildred D. Rawlings died last nightat the home of her sister, Mrs. Fugitt, at203 Monroe street. Miss Rawlings hadbeen an attendant at St. Elizabeth's andabout a year ago was taken sick, sincewhich time she has been suffering withconsumption. The funeral will take placetomorrow from the home of Mrs.Fugltt.Rev.James McLaren of the Methodist Churchbeing the officiating clergyman. The re¬mains will t« conveyed to McKendreeChurch cemetery. In Prince George's coun¬ty. for Interment.A. M. Green and George O. Walson, trus¬

tees. sold yesterday afternoon, at publicauction, lot No. 1. Avalon terrace, and thehouse and bam. Mr. J. Edwin Mlnnlx wasthe purchaser at W.230.Electa Chapter, Order of the Eastern

Star, held an Interesting meeting In theMasonic Hall last night. Worthy Matronl)odge presiding. Three new members wereInitiated and applications of several otherspresented. A large number of visitors fromthe city were present and a host of guestsfrom Ruth Chapter of Brlghtwood. Afterthe transaction of the business of the or¬der refreshments were served in the au¬ditorium.The Young Bachelors' Club held full sway

at Buena Vista yesterday afternoon. Theirparade and tournament attracted considera¬ble attention. From an amusing point ofview every witness of the profession wasmore than pleased. John Roach in negrodisguise acted as advance guard of theprocession as It filed along Monroe street.The tournament passed off successfully, thefollowing persons being the winners of theprizes: Dr. J. A. Watson, first prize; HarryPerkins, second prize; Charlie Pyles, thirdprize; Andrew Beyer, fouith prize, andGeorge Fowler, fifth prize. A ball afterthe tournament lasted until a late hour.There was a row In Hillsdale last night

when Officers Hagan and Allen attemptedto arrest Daniel Webster, colored, for beingdrunk and disorderly. Webster was drivinga wagon up the hill at the terminus of thestreet car Hue when Officer Hagan attempt¬ed the arrest. A large crowd of negroesgathered and cries of "He shan't take him"were uttered, when the officer got In thewagon and proceeded to drive the vehiclecontaining Webster to the Anacostia policestation. Abraham Webster, son of theprisoner, rushed through the crowd and,seizing the head of the horse, attemptedto turn htm in a direction opposite to theplans of the officer. ORcer Allen came tobis partner's assistance and after con¬siderable resistance the two colored menwere quieted down and forced through thecrowd of negroes. Webster the elder wascharged with being drunk and disorderly,while Webster the younger had two chargespreferred against him. viz, profamty andInterfering with an officer.


Golden Chain Lodge, I. O. G T., gave aninteresting entertainment last evening atMagruder's Hall. A number of GoodTemplars from Langdon were present. Theprogram was as follows: Remarks by H.O. Emmons, P. C. T.; vocal solo, F. A.Pieston; recitation, Miss Jessie Davis; vo¬cal solo. Miss Aiia Bowen; recitation. MissEliza Baukhages; vocal solo, Wm. Cole; re¬citation, Miss Grace Stands; remarks byF. H. Smith; vocal solo. A. It. Holden;reading. Miss Emily Storment; vocal solo,Miss Haddie Thompson; vocal solo, MissHattle Harvey; remarks by Mr. Dewey; re¬citation, Mr. Bellfleld; reading, Mr. Piatt;recitation. Miss Leona Sherman; vocal solo.Miss Cole.The Village Improvement Association has

been the cause of many improvements be¬ing made in this tor n. and is rapidly In¬creasing Id membership. It will meet atMagruder's Hall next Monday night.Several young men. who had evidentlybeen Imbibing copiously of the fiery fluid,passed througn Hyattsville last night, andamused themselves by firing off pistolswhen they reached the edge of Wines'woods. One shot came near hitting a manwho was in the woods at the time. BailiffBarr Is on the track of the youthful offen¬ders.A numbe: of the members of Golden

Rule Lodge, No. 45, I. O. M.. will visit Cap¬ital, Columbia and other Washington lodgesof tha: order in the early part of nextmonth.


Mr. Barrows and Mr. Wilson will return:o Brookland next week to remain with Mr.Cox on Dover street during the winter andresume their law studies in Washington.After a pleasant summer tpent at Cedar

Grange, Miss Saiah Qujckenbush has goneto her home In Delaware county. New York,accompanied by her brother, Isaac Quack-cnbush, whose Injured shoulder la still Im¬proving.Mrs. J. R- Halsllp and son and Mrs.

Fischer were the recent guests of Mrs. NoelB. Parks of Dover street.Miss Lulu Kendall, who spent some time

In Brookland this summer as the guest ofMr. and Mrs. W. F. Bobbins, was marriedlast Saturday evening at the home of herparents. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Kendall ofNorfolk. Va.. to Charles E. Stormont ofNew Haven, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Stormonthave gone on a northern tour and will givea reception at their home In New Haven onTuesday next.C. M. Ward and R. G. Ward of South

Carolina have recently been visiting theirsister. Mrs. M. V. Burr of UniversityHeights.The choir meeting of St. Clement's P. E.

mission was held at the home of Mrs. C. L.Jackson on Providence street. The confir¬mation class of St. Clement's met last even¬ing.


Extensive preparations are being made forthe celebration of the twenty-first anni¬versary of Stansbury Lodge, No. 24, F. A. A.M.. which occurs In December.Miss Nannie Nalley Is visiting relatives at

Chlllum Castle, Maryland.Miss Emma Wilson of Woodslde has goneto Paynervllle, Ohio, to attend school.Mrs. C. W. Meyers, who has been quitepick. Is sufficiently recovered to be out.Mrs. John Joy Edscn and Miss Bessie Ed-

son have come back from Massachusetts,Where they spent the summer, and are atthe Warner place.Will Page of Takoma, who has been sick

with typhoid fever. Is convalescent.Miss Emma Wollard has been the guest ofher sister, Mrs. Chas Brown, at theMarshall Brown place.


Much Interest Is being taken in the en¬tertainment for the benefit of the Noyeslibrary, which is to take place In the pub-lishit g company's hall on Friday evening.The young people who are to take parthave been working hard for some time pastto make the affair a success. "BlueBeard," his seven good wives, and Fatlmawill be on exhibition in eight highly-col¬ored tableaux. Recitations by amateur tal¬ent will vary the program and scenes fromold masters will be depicted by youngmisses, and there will be other pleasantfeatures.On Monday next the republicans will openthe campaign In Montgomery county with

a mass meeting at thla plase, beginning at7u») p.m. Geor. L. Wellington, republicancandidate for Congress from this district,will address the meeting. The other speak¬ers will be Alphonso Hart. John C. Motter,David B. Sloan, Harry M. Clabaugh, RenoB. Harp, John A. Poe and Gen. Allen Ruth¬erford.Charles A. Wagner has returned from a

three weeks' visit to Virginia.Rallying day exercises will be held In the

Warner Memorial Church, on Saturday af¬ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. There will bespecial music by the choir. Several ad¬dresses by prominent speakers on practi¬cal Christian work will be delivered.


O. W. Goodwin, who has been sojourningfor a time at Garfield Hospital, under treat¬

ment for lnfiairmatory rheumatism, has re¬

turned much improved in health.Miss Verdle Catterton. who has been on a

rlsit to relatives In Anne Arundel county,Md. has returned to Wlldwood Terrace.Miss M. C. King of Rose Lawn leaves to¬

day for an extended visit with friends atJersey City, N. J.The family of William Smith at Rivas Ma-

tlon are suffering unusual affliction, sixmembers of the family being down withdiphtheria. Cr.e child died Sunday, and oth¬ers are not expected to live.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark of Green

Vale entertained a party of friends Mondayevening.

J. H. Wright of Carlton. N. C., is here ona visit ».o the family of hla uncle, ThomasC. Collins of Cincinnati street.The effort to secure additional school fa¬

cilities for Langdon and vicinity has notmaterialised. The school appropriationswould not warrant an extension at thistime, and the pupils for the higher gradeswere, on Monday, transferred to otherschools.A delegation of about thirty people, mem¬

bers of Langdon Lodge of Good Templars,paid an official visit to Golden Chain Lodgeof HyattsviUe last evening. Among thenumber were Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Newman,Mr. and Mrs. L J. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Piatt, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dewey, Rev.Church Tabor, Mrs. F. A. Snyder, Mrs. C.A. Baker, Mrs. J. G. Durfey, William M.Belfleld. Charles Adriancea Walter C. Irey.W. E. Dewey, Oscar Harvey. George Clark,Harry Clark and Misses Hattie Grimes,Hattie Harvey, Clara Harvey, Venlie Cat-tcrton, Mamie Loor. Martha Radtka andHilda Radtka. Accompanying the lodgewere Messrs. Benjamin Loor. Charles Ste-vens.BenJamin Harvey,Edward Snyder.Wal¬ter Berry, Mrs. Wilton Harvey and MissesEdith Grimes and Fannie Littleford.


A very pretty wedding took place in thePresbyterian Church yesterday at noon,the contracting parties being Miss Cora T.Rathbun, youngest daughter of Rev. andMrs. D. L. Rathbun of this town, and Her¬bert M. Clagett. formerly of Maryland, Bowof Mexico. There was a large assemblageof relatives end friends of the parties. Thechurch was handsomely decorated with wildflowers, principally goldenrod. The bride,preceded by the ushers, entered the churchleaning on the arm of her intended husband,and proceeded to the altar to the strain ofLohengrin's wedding march. A gate madeof cedar trimmed with wild flowers androsea was before the altar, through whichthe bridal couple passed. The bride wajprettily attired in a traveling suit of darkblue, and carried a bouquet of La Franceroses. Mrs. M. M. Erwln was organist forthe occasion, and the ushers were Messrs.Dunbar Clagett. Dr. T. C. Quick, George T.Mankin and Charles Parker. Rev. D. L.Rathbun, father of the bride, performed themarriage ceremony. The happy couple, Im¬mediately after the ceremony, drove to thecity and took the afternoon train for Mex¬ico. and will make their home at Cerralvo,In that country, where the groom is engagedIn business. Among those from a distancect the wadding were ti<e following fr mMaryland: Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stone, Mrs.John Claggett and daughters. Kettle andBlanche; Mrs. Daniel Zelgler and daughter*,Cora and Florence; Mrs. Joshua Grein anddaughter. Miss Lizzie Rice. Messrs. Mont¬gomery and Carter Claggett. Those fromWashington were Dr. and Mrs. Piatt, Mr.and Mrs. George Birch, Mrs. R. E. L.

..Mlsa Allce Blackford, Mrs. Lynch!Dr. Kelley.Miss Laura L. Pyle of Washington haspurchased a lot in the Sherwood subdivisioniar 1800.Walter G. Falkner and Miss Bettie Mon-roe are visiting the family of A. R. JacobsThe memorial exercises by Pioneer Lodge

r3,- he'd last n'Sht, in mem-Charles Gulager, a member ofthe lodge, was attended by a larj;e numberof the members of the lodge.

ROCKVILLE.In the orphans' court yesterday the fol¬

lowing business was transacted: First andfinal administration accounts on the per¬sonal estates of their respective deccdentswere passed by David H. Boulc, executorof Mary E. Boulc; John C. Wilson, cxecu-tor of Sarah E. Boutwell; Martha E. Selbyand E. H. Etchlson, administrators of How¬ard M. Selby, and Gecrge H. Culver andMargaret Culver, administrators of ThomasCulver. Eleanor J. Watkins, administratrixof Oliver T. Watkins, filed Inventory ofpersonal estate of said deceased, and wasgranted tn order of court to sell the same.Susan A. Beall, administratrix of CatharineAnn Whalen, tiled Inventory of real estateof said deceased. The audit of the estateof Solomcn Plummer, deceased, was ratlflcjand confirmed by the court, and SamuelS. H^ys, executor of said deceased, was dl-rected to pay claims according to the same.Levi C. Zeigler, guardian to Ernest F. Har¬ris and Ephraim G. Harris, was author¬ized to Invest a part of his said wards-principal in loans, secured by mortgage.The county commissioners held a meetinghere yesterday, at which a considerableamount of routine business was transacted.The contract for furnishing coal for thecourt house and jail was awarded to WmW. Welsh, at *1.10 and Jtt.21 per ton of2,240 pounds. The contract for furnishingwood for the same was awarded to Mrs.Margaret A. Coleman, at $2 per cord forpine, and S3 per cord for oak wood. Thefollowing accounts for work on publicroads and bridges were passed and orderedto be paid: First district.Ulysses Griffith,100.20; Perry Ensey, J8H.10. Second district.Wm. H. Jackson (piking), KHi.Ul*; L. W.Page, $20; Francis 8. King, $25.30; John H.Burdett (bridge), $11.00; same (piking), $5.30.Third district.Thomas A. Hickman, $21.90-James C. Norris (piking), $310.45. Fourthdistrict.Crittenden Ray, 129.06; PhilipShearer, 125.90. Fifth district.Philip Shear¬er, $39.80; Thomas F. Thompson (bridge),$14.20; Philip Shearer (bridge). $31.5«LCapt. George Haycock, U. S. M. C., hasfold to Edward F. Droop of Washingtontor $3,000, his handsome residence andgrounds on Rockvllle Heights.A bond of conveyance has been filed

among the land records of this county,whereby L. Walter Weed and wife convey-to the Bethesda Mining Company of Balti¬more city the well-known "HuddlestonFarm" of 104 acres, situated near Bethes¬da, this county. The price to be paid forthe same is $100,000, of which $3,5oo is tobe paid in cash and the balance at any timewithin one year from September IS, ISM.Many fine specimens of gold have beenfonpd on this place, and it is the intentionof the company purchasing the same to atonce commence mining on an extensivescale.The clerk of the circuit court has thisweek Issued marriage licenses to the fol¬

lowing persons: Albert W. Felka and MissMarian O. Poss; Jr.o. W. Hurst and MissGrace Dlggs; Richard H. Florence and MissLeila R. Osmond; Joseph A. Hagan andKatie T. McCarthy.


He Wm m Patleat Mas aad aa Alec-tloaate Father, bat-

Prom the Chicago Record.There's one girl in this town who will

never, never wear bloomers again.Like all women, she wasn't content with

a neat little riding skirt and jaunty jacketand sailor hat. She wanted bloomers ashideous as they make them, a vulgar capwith long scoopish visor and a sweater thatmade her look so disgustingly masculinethat a sensible girl would enjoy throwingher and her unwomanly duds into old l<akeMichigan.This girl was an only daughter, a spoiledchild, who undoubtedly would get Pike's

Peak or a country home in Africa were sheto cry for either of them. Therefore whenshe said "I shall wear bloomers," that set¬tled the question for onc« and always.One night she and her father went wheel¬

ing. Her admiring parent wasn't particu¬larly pleased with his daughter's outfit,but he thought: "Oh, well. It's all right Ifall girls dress that way."But this night little daughter's wheel

broke down and little daughter had to walkhome. Her father happened to be walkingJust behind her, and as they passed be¬neath a bright electric light he caught afair view of his athletic child. He said nota word, but entered a drug store and calleda cab. After they got home he merely re¬marked: "If I ever see you In those awfulthings again I'll disown you."She hasn't worn bloomers since.

. a .

A Hnirnn Brute.From the Tammany Times.Col. Yerger returned home very late and

in a demoralized condition."Here you are again," said Mrs. Yerger,

as she met him at the head of the stairs."Yesh, my dear, here I am," replied the

colonel, meekly."You are a brute. Here It Is 12 o'clock.

It will be almost daylight before I getthrough telling you what I think of you.Here I have to lose my sleep on your ac¬count, and I'll feel bad all 'day tomorrow.You are a vagabond on the face of the.iirth, etc."


I Patient Observation on the Limit oflilkt I'nder Varying Conditions.

From the Gentleman'! Magazine.The other day Mr. Altken laid before the

Royal Society of Edinburgh the results of15,000 observations of the density of dustparticles made in different parts of theworld during the last few years. This Is amonument of patient observation, unfortu-nately made In his search for health. Itmust be kept In mind that the greater num¬ber of dust particles found in the air thegreater Is the condensation of the vaporand the thicker in the atmosphere. Thelimit of visibility through the haze Is thusdetermined. Mountains are fixed uponwhich are at known distances from the ob¬server, say twenty, fifty and seventy miles.If the nearest mountain Is Just visible thelimit Is twenty, if half visible the limit isforty, if the tnlrd part only of the farthestmountain Is visible the limit of visibility Is210, and so on.The observations were made at Kingalr-

loch and Alford, in Scotland, and at KigiKulm, In Switzerland. If these were abso¬lutely accurate, both as to the counting ofthe dust particles and ;he determination ofthe limit of visibility throug'a the haze,then the product of the number of particlesIn a cubic Inch, multiplied by the numberrepresenting the limit, should be a constant.The nearer the perfect accuracy, the nearerIs the constant thus determined to the av-erage of the onstants. For example, atKlngalrloch, when the air was very dry(humidity from 7 degrees to 10 degrees), thenumber of dust particles per cubic inch was

I il.tWO, when the limit of visibility wjs 100;therefore the constant (the product of thesenumbers) is 2,368,000.Now, the average for several hundreds of

observations, when the limit of visibilityvaried from 13 to 230. was UMuOMk whichshows the clo3er.ess of the observations.Again, at Alford, with the same humidity,the means of nundreds of observationsbrough out l,!i!i8,T:«; as the constant; and atRlgl Kulm the constant was l,iW7,37tl, a re-markably close figure. Indeed. This re¬markable result is sufficient test of the ac¬curacy of Mr. Altken's observations incounting particles and In determining dis¬tances.

OXU ENJOYSBoth the method and results whenSyrup of Figs is taken; it is plerjantand refreshing to i.he taste, atid actagently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys,-¦iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys¬tem effectually, dispels colds, head¬aches and fevers mid cures hr.bitunjconstipation. Syrop of Figs is thaonly remedy of its kind ever pro¬duced, pleasing to the taste and ac¬ceptable to the Btoniaeh, prompt iaits action and truly beneficial in iueffects, prepared only from the mor»healthy and agreeable substances, itsmany excellent qualities commend itto all and have made it the mostpopul ir remedy known.oyrup of Figs is for sale in 50c

and 41 bottles by all leading drug¬gists. Any reliable druggist whomay not have it on band will procure it promptly for any oue whowishes to try it. I)o not accept anywbsti ute.CAL TORNIA FIG SYRUP CO



O. O. SLOAX & CO., AUCTHJNKEKS. 11'>7 Q ST.(Successors to Latimer & Sloau.)

Furniture in residence No.807 8tih street northwestat Public Auction.

ON MONItAY, OCTOMB raff, UN, AT TBIO'CLOCK A.M., we will sell at residence No. S078th street northwest, the following eff«*els:OAK AND WALNUT CHAMBER SUITES, HAIlt


By Samuel Samis'lag,AUCTIONEER.

I will sell, at public auction, on FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH, 1KU4, in storeroom No. 1239 Eleventh street southeast, the en¬tire stock oI Jewelry formerly kept by 11. Schmlnkeon Pennsylvania avenue. The goods are nearly allfirst-class articles.sollil gold.as only first-classarticles were kept by former holder, consisting of250 Plain and Ornamental Rings, 2 Diamond Kings,50 Solid Gold Charms, loo Pins of dilTercut de¬scriptions, lot of Chains, solid gold; pairs GoldStuus, 50 pairs Gold Sleeve Hut tons, 5 Gold Sj>ce-tacles, 500 pairs of all kinds Spectacles, 12 FineSilver Kelts, 1UO pairs Earrings, Thimbles, 25 Sil¬ver Watches, one Fine Regulator, 40 Clocks ofdifferent descriptions. Silver Ware of great variety,Rodger*' Best Table Ware and a good many articlesgenerally kept in a first-class jewelry store. Thegoods will be offered as a wLole or iii lots to suitpurchasers.At ONE O'CLOCK the fixtures will be sold. Anexcellent best-made Safe, three fine Cases.The trade is expressly invited.Se25-3t. SAM SAMSTAG, Auctioneer.


records of the District of Columbia, we shall sellIn front of the premises, on TUESDAY, THENINTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. l*t»4. ATHALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the followingdescribed land and premises, with the improve¬ments, easements, rights, ways and appurtenancesthereuuto belonging, pituate and lying in thecountv of Washington, District of Columbia,namely: All of lot numbered 59 in Carusl andMiller, trustees', subdivision of lots in square num¬bered 4, West Eckicgton, as per plat recorded inLiber county number 9, folio 47, of the recordsof the office of the surveyor of the District ofColumbia.Terms: One-third cash, balance in one and two

years, notes to bear 6 per cent per annum interest,payable semi-annually, to i>e secured by deed oftrust on the property sold, or all cash, at the

3tlon of the purchaser. Deposit of $200 requiredthe time of sale. Conveyancing, 6ic., at pur¬chaser's cost. Terms of sale to be complied withwithin fifteen days from day of sale, otherwisetrustees reserve the right to resell the property atthe risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, afterfive days' advertisement of such resale iu somenewspaper published in Washington, D. C.^ MAIILON ASHFORD,

CLEMENT W. HOWARD,se23-d&ds Trustees.THOMAS DOWLING & CO., AUCTIONEERS,612 E at. n.w,


virtue of a d^r of trust, bearing date July8. 1891, and duly recorded In Liber 1594, folio3&8 et seq., one of the land records of the Districtof Columbia, and at the request of the party se¬cured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell,in front of the premises, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBERTWENTY-EIGHTH, 1894, at HALF PAST FOURO'CLOCK P.M.. the following property, viz: Partof lot numbered one hundred and fifty-seven (157),iu Joseph Prather's subdivision of Mt. Pleasant, asrecorded in Liber Levy Court 2, folio 24, of thesurveyor's office of the District of Columbia, be¬ginning for the same at the northeast comer ofsaid lot, running thence south along the line ofEighth street extended twenty (20) feet; thencewest one hundred and eleven (111) feet and ten(10) Inches; thence north twenty (20) feet, andthence east one hundred and eleven (111) feet andten (10) inches, to place of beginning.Terms: One-third cash, balance in one and two

years, with interest at six per cent, awl securedby a deed of trust upon the property, or all cash,at the purchaser's option. All conveyancing audrecording st purchaser's cost. |100 deposit re¬quired at time of sale.

IVORY O. KIMBALL. Trustee..el7-eo&ds W. CLARENCE DUVALL, Trustee.




By Tlrtuc of a- of trust, duly recorded InLiber X'o. 1826, anil folio 40 et seq.. one of theland record* for the District of Columbia, and atthe request of the party secured thereby, theundet signed trustees will offer for sale, J^y pn^Jlcauction. In front or the premises, on WEDNKJ-DAY, THE TWJEyrX-SlXTH 1»AY OF JHSPTEM-LEK, A. D. 1894? Vr FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. thefollowing deserll>ed land and premises, situate luthe city of WasMtagfon, District of Columbia, anddesignated as lot fourteen (14), In Zeno B. Bab¬bitt's subdlvish n of lots In block forty-one (41), otnorth grounds, Columbia College sul division, as perplat, recorded In Liber county 9, folio 15, of thesurveyor's office of the District of Columbia, to¬gether with the improvements, ways, rights, &e.This property will be sold subject to a prior deedof trust for $5,OO0, the particulars of which willbe fully stated at the sale.Terms: Over and above the said trust, cash. A

deposit of $200 required upon acceptance or bid.If the terms of sale are not compiled with iufifteen days from the day of sale, the trustees re¬serve the right to resell the property, at the riskand cost of the defaulting purchaser, after livedays' advertisement of such resale in some news-paper published la Washington, D. C. All con¬veyancing and recording at purchaser's cost.


sel4-d&ds Trustees.




SIXTH, 18SM, AT HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCKP.M., we will sell, in front of th«» premises, thesouth half of lot 27, square 100, fronting 22 feet0 inches on the west side of 18th street by adepth of 101 feet to an alley, Improved by a three-story-and-cellar brick residence, containing twelverooms, store room and stable in the rear.Terms: Sold subject to an incumbrance ot

$0,000, payable in one and three years, tmlancc incash. A deposit o? $200 required at time of sale.Conveyancing and .ecording at purchaser's cost.se20-d&ds


STREET, IN GEORGETOWN.By virtue of a deed of tiust, dated July 18,

1803, end recorded In Liber 1S43, folio 105 et seq..of the land records of the District of Columbia, Iwill sell at public auction, in front of the prem¬ises. on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY-

IS XTH. at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M..part of lot ?lghteeu (181 In square thirty-seven <37i.in Old Georgetown, bexicnin;; on the north line ofBridge street (now M street), 540 feet 7 Indieswest flora the west line of 32d street, thence wesiwardl.v with said line of M street 20 feet T» inches.and theme north with that width 95 feet. Saidrci.l estate is improved by a brick building, usedas a residence and drug store. The property willbe sold subject to a deed of trust securlug an indehteum ss on account of which $5,734.84 is nowdue.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money

In cash, one-third in one year and one-third In twoyears, or all cash, at the purchaser's »| tiou, de-feried payments to l»e represented by notes of thepurchaser, dated on the day of sale, beailng in¬terest at the rate of 0 per «cut per annum, payable semi-annually, and secured by -le''*.' of t.u.ston the property sold. A dej>osit of $200 totrade at the sale. Terms to ih.» complied will-within tifteen days from the day of sale, or thetrustee reserves the right :o resell tl*e property a!the rink and cost of the d»pit!h4": purHmscr. aft»»ithe days' advertisement In The Evening feta*-Taxes to date of s tic will :»« *1 out of the procet'ds thereof.

WHITEITEID M« KINLAY, Trustee,m-LVlOt UN F st. n.w.




By virtue of a certain decree, («f>sed In equltv(nuw> No. 15031, Supreme Court of the District ofColumbia, wherein Frances Smith is complainantand Namy Smith et al. are defendants, the under¬signed, as trustees. Will sell, at public auction, inlic.it of til:* premises, on FRIDAY, the FIFTHDAY or OCTOBER. A.D. l.v.»4. at HAI,F-PASIFOlR O'CLOCK, iP.M. (4:30 P.M.), the followingdes< ril ed real estate* In the District of Columbia,known mid dc^'r^mj, as lot No. one (1> in sectionNo. three (3> l:i "the subdivision of the trustees ofHarry Farm, act on!trig to the plat thereof recordedin the otlice of the Purveyor of the District of Co¬lumbia. The p.ii4*el 'of land contains nearly ana«-re of xahnble I.iad. susceptible to suUlivisionfoi building lots (Aiincostla).Terms of sale prescribed by decree: One-half

cash, and the balance iu two equal installmentsat one and two years from day of sale, with in¬terest from thv of sale at the rate of 0 per centumper annum. th> d« iV;n d najincuts to be secured onthe property sold, or all <ash, at the purchaser'soption. A deposit of $100 will be required at thetime of sale. If. tujuus of sale an* not compliedwith iu ten days from day of sale the trustees ic-serve the right to resell the property ut the riskand cost of the defaulting purchaser or purchasers,after live days' notice in The Kwiiinx Star news¬paper. All rn»>ip<ilsi and rrnwdili at tbe esstof the purchaser ,or pnu ha>.*rs.

JAMI^ FRANCIS SMITH,No. 400 La. ave. n.w.J. THOMAS SOTHORON,No. 412 5th st. n.w.se25-dJfcds Trustees.


AVENUE AND L SITtEEl'.By virtue of a deed of t: ust,_ dated February1G, 1891, and recorded iu Liber 1549, folio 382, ofthe 'and records If the District of Columbia, wc

shall sell, at public auction, in front of the prem¬ises, on TUESDAY. OCTOBER SECOND, A. D.1894, AT HALF PAST FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., allthat part of original lot six tl»), in square uluehundred and six (900). which is described iu saiddeed of fust, to which reference is hereby made.Said real estate fronts 21) feet 10 inches ou 8tlistreet, und is improved by u desirable brick dwell*il»g.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase moneyin cash; one-third in oue year, and oue-third iu

two years, or all cash, at purchaser's option. De¬ferred payments to be represented by the purchas¬er's notes, secured by deed of trust on the prop¬erty sold, and bearing interest, payable semi¬annually, at the rate of six per cent tier annumfrom the day of sale, on which day said notes areto b*» dated. Terms to be complied with withintil teen days from the day of sale, or the trusteesreserve the right to resell the property, at therisk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, afterfive days* notice in The Evening Star newspaper.A deposit of $200 will be required Mt *be time ofsale. All conveyancing and re<*ordlng at pur¬chaser's cost. Taxes will be paid out of the pro¬ceeds of sale up to the day of sale.




By virtue of a deed of trust to us, bearing dateSeptember 1, 1803, and duly recorded In Liber1845, folio 184 et seq., of the hind records of theDistrict of Columbia, and at the request of theparties secured thereby, we, the undersigned trus¬tees, will sell, at public auction, on the prem¬ises, beginning on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBERTHIRD, 1*04, AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. all andsingular, the Goods and Chattels, Fixtures andHousehold Furniture, being In and upon the mes¬suage or tenement and appurtenances, known asthe Hotel Fredonla, 1321 aud 1323 11 street north-*Terms of sale: Furniture to be sold in sets or

in detail, as is usual in such sales. All purchasesof $100 or less, cash; all over that sum, oue-lialfcash, balance iu three <3) mouths, secured bypromissory no*e, with Interest, secured to satlsfac-tlon of



WEST.Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust to ur, dated

Jure a, 1893, and duly recorded June 13, 1M. InLiber No. 1833, folio 128 et seq., of the landrfunla of the District of Columbia, and at the ro¬quet of the patty secured thereby, wc, the uuder-slgn.d tiustees. will sell, at public auction. Infront o' the premises, "on MONDAY, the FIKSTDAY of OCTOBER, A.D. 1MM, at FIVE O'CLOCKP.M., the following descrltied land and premises,situate In the city of Washington, District of Co¬lumbia, and designated as and being all of lot 38,lu Etion C. lugeriuli's subdl\lsion of square 13U, usthe same la recorded In the office of the sui.^yorof the District of Columbia in Book J. H. K.. pate17t», improved l>y*a lurge brick dwelling.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money

to be paid In cash, and the balance In two equalInstallments, pajabla In one aud two years, withinterest at six tW per centum per annum, payablesemi-annually, frrtm day of sale, secured by deed oftrust upon the property sold, or all caah, at theoption of the purrhaaer. A deposit of |2ftO will berequired of the purchaser at the tlm, of sale. Allconveyancing, retarding and notarial fee, at thecoat of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be com¬plied with within ten days from day of sale, other¬wise the trustee, rwerve the right to resell theproperty at the .risk and coat of the defaultingiiurchaser. I


Address, 500 5th st. n.w.NATH'L WILSON", Attorney for Party Secured,.el8-d&ds Nus. 622-C24 P st. n.w.



By virtue of a deed of trust, given to ur andduly recorded in I .liter 1(130, foilo 170, the under¬signed trustees will offer for Bale, ut public auc¬tion, In front of the premiss, on FRIDAY, SEP¬TEMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH, 1V.H. at IIAI4-PASTFOUR O'CLOCK P.M., sub lot #y, In square 723,together with the Improvements, consisting of agood new brick house of eight rooms.Terms: One-third cash, the residue in one and

two years, with 0 per cent Interest, or all csh, atthe otition of the jairchaser. A dei«sit cl J2U0 le-quired at time of sale.

FRANK T. BROWNING,<10 0th st. n.w.,JOHN a SWORMSTEDT,ti27 F r. n.w.,selS-d^d.' Trustee,.






TOMORROW (THURSDAY) MORNING, SEFTEM-BER TWENTY-SEVENTH, at TEN O'CLOCK, willIk sold, within the luu:ir, 40 head of llonun andMares. In this lot will tie found some extra work¬er* and fine, s|>ec<ly drivers. Stock to suit any kindof business. The attention of buyers la called tothis PEREMPTORY SAI.E.

It S. BENSINGER. Auctioneer.THOMAS DOWLLNG 4 CO., Auctioneers.

Groceries at Auction,COMPRISING


On THURSDAY MORNING, SE1TEMBEIt TWEN¬TY-BEVENTIt, 1MU4,<11111 uiencliiK at TEN O'CLOCK,we shall sell the entire wwitrnts of grocery storecorner of Vermont avenue and V street northwest.Terms cash. THOMAS DOWL1NG & Co.,se22-dts Auctioneers.C G. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, HOT G ST.

(Successors to I-attmer & Sloan.)


wme time. The good* are ell flrst-clas* an«J lus|>l«'ii«I!<l (-o'uLtkoii -Ju«t as |?ck.<1 new. I? willImi 3" furniture huntere to attend this sale. F wtreetcan* pis* the door. Ti rnw. <:»ah.wLMhUb C. Q. si.oan & OO., Auctioneer®.

To Buy, Sell or Exchange a

Horse, Carriage orHarness

Go to

S. Beosimiger'sHorse <& Carriage$>4© Louisiana Avenue.

The Largest Stock ofCarriages, Buggies,Spring Wagons,Carts and HarnessIn This City.Auction Sale off

Horses, Carriages andHarness


TEN A. M.se22,26,29



DWELLING ON If. III StUEET BE1WEENUIIODE ISLAND AVENUE AND o STRFETNORTHWEST; AIX( VALUABLE IMPRl i\ Kl>PltOlhKTY AT HIE NORTHEAST CORNEROK 15TH AND 1" SrilKK IS NORTH WESTBEING KNOWN AS NOS. Ut3, 14ft-,. 1407 j>STREET NORTH WKST AND 1503 13THSTREET NORTH WEST, BY AUCTION.Under aud hv virtue of a decree of the SupremeCourt of the District of Columbia iiasscd on the20th day of September, 18U3, and also an older ofsaid court passed oa the 17th day of Septemlicr,IMU, both lu equity cause No. 1 tu.11. Marv AAshburn vs. Ann Dumi et al., the uo<l.'r*'ign<>dreceivers of the estate of Patrick B. Dunn, de-ceased, will sell at public auction, at the timeshereinafter named, on the respective pri'inlscsmeutioiKKl, ami on the terms hereinafter set forththe following parcels of real estale, situated in thecity of WusMugton, in the District of Columbia,namely;ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY SEV¬ENTH AT HAIJ-- PAST FOUR P.M.. |iarts of lotsnine (9), ten (1'Jl, eleven till and twelve (12) In

square three hundred ami tlfty (360). descril>ed asfollows. Beginning at a |ioint ou 10th street 56feet and 1 Inch from the northeast corner of lot10, running thence south along the line of saidstreet 38 feel 11s Inches to a |»'int 6'£ Inchessouth from the northeast comer of lot 12; th.-n.ewest 100 feet and 1 inch to the rear line of lot 12;thence north 20 feet NW Inches, more or less,to the south line of lot a: thence east 40feet and 1 linh; thence north to a point duewest from the l>eglniiiug point; thence east fit feetto the Ispinning; comprising the premises knownas Nos. 210 and 212 loth street northwest, whichwill be sold seimrately.ON FRIDAY, SEP I EMBER TWENTY-EIGHTH.1804, AT HALF PAST POUR P.M., lots numberedninety <001 and iiiuety-on.; oil) In Kate I. Bmun'ssubdivision of original lot 71, In square numlteredfour hundred and ninety-live t495i, as |«er plat re¬corded 111 llook 14, page 07. of the records of theoffice of the surveyor of the District of Columbia,comprising premises known as Nos. 400 and 406^*E street southwest, which will be sold separately.These are good renting houses.ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY-NINTH.1*01. AT HALE-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. partof lot numbered thlity In square numbered

one hundred and ntpcty-flve (1051. described as fol¬lows: Beginning on lEtli street at a point 19 feetand 7 Inches north from the southeast corner ofsaid lot 30. ami ruunlng north 19 feet and 7 In. lies:thence west 110 feet; thence south 19 feet aud 7Indies; thence east 00 feet to the beginning, beingpremises known as 1328 15th street, and excellentrenting property.ON MONDAY, tKTOBER FIRST. 1894, AT HALF-

PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. [wrts of lots num¬bered twelve 021 and thirteen tl3) In William F.and John A. Drury's sutstlvlsion of square num¬bered 200, as rei orded In Book B, page 30. of therecords of the <rftl<-e of the surveyor or the Districtof Columbia, lieginning for the same at the south¬west comer of said lot 12 and running thencenorth with the line of 15th street alsty irtOi feet,thence east Beventy-sli feet and six Inches; thencesouth sixty (601 feet to North P street; throe"west along the line of P street to the point of be¬ginning. Tills parcel has several distinct buildingson It, which the receiver* reserve the right to sellsepal ately.The terms of each one of said sale* are as fol¬

lows: One-third cash, lialance In one and two years,with Interest at six per cent, secured by deed oftrust on the property. A deposit of $300 In cashmust lie mnde for each parcel purchased at timeof purchase. Terms of sale to be compiled withwithin fifteen days from day of sale, or receiverswill have the right to resell at tbe risk and costof defaulting purchaser. All above property Is soldfree of Incumbrances, and the purchaser Is not re¬quired to see to the sppllcatlon of tbe purchasemoney. ARTHUR A. BIRNET,

CLARENCE A. BRANDENBURG.sel7-d4ds Receivers.



LOT, ON N STREET NEAR FIRST STREETSOUTHEAST. WASHINGTON. D. aBy virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated tbe

19tb day of July A. D. 1803, and duly recorded InLllier No. 1820, »t folio 300 et seq., one of tbeland records for the District of Columbia, audat tbe written request of the iiarty secured thereby,we will sell at public auction. In front of thepremises, on MONDAY. OCTOBER FIRST. 1804,AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the fol¬lowing described land and premises, situate In thecity of Washington, District aforesaid, and desig¬nated as and being all of orlglual lot numl>eredsix (6), and tbe west four (4) feet and two (21Inches front by the depth of original lot numbcie4five (5), In square numbered seven hundred andone (701), according to the plat or plan of thesaid city.Terms of sale; One-third cash, balance in one

and two yeats, with Interest, payable semi-annu¬ally, and secured by a deed of trust on the prop¬erty, or all cash. All conveyancing and recordingat purchaser's coat. A deposit of $100 will betequlred at time of sale. Terms to he compiledwith In fifteen days from day of sale, or the prop¬erty may be resold, at tbe risk and cost of tnadefaulting purchaser.


selO-d&ds Trustees.


a G. SLOAN h CX»., AlCTKtXKKliS, 1407 G ST.(Successor* to Latimer 6 Sloan.)

All the Furniture in theresidence of the lateGen.Zeilen, U. S. Marine.Corps, No. 911617th street,opposite FarragutSquare, at Public Auc¬tion.


TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. at rwldcnco No. 9l« Farragutsquare (17th nt.), we will bell the entire effects atmentioned aliove, to which we Invite general at¬tention. I" street cars pa** the d«ior. Terms cash.House for rent. C. G. SLOAN A (X).,se2ti-dts Auctioneers.THU.VAS DOWLING A CO.. AUCTIONEEltS.

No. 012 E st. n.w.


On THURSDAY, OCIOBER FOURTH, 1«94, atHALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. *e will sellthe al»ove described proi»erty. fronting 92 feet onthe Bnnker Hill road, and containing 40,128 squarsfeet. Ibis property can he subdivided into build¬ing lets to u g.vat advantage, and should commandthe atteutiou of Investors and speculators.Terns: One-half of the i*irchasc money in cash,and balance to salt. $luo deposit required at timeof sale All recording and conveyancing at pur¬chaser's cost se26-d&<laWALTER B. WILLIAMS A CO., AUCTIONEERS.EXECUTOR AND TRUSTEE S SALE OF IMPROV¬

ED REAL ESTATE.By virtue of the trust refXM»ed in me bj the

will of Maria Louisa Triplett, deceased, I willoffer at public auction, at HALF-PAST FOURO'CLOCK P.M., ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER SEC-OND, 1894, in front of the premises. No. 1817Cedar strict noithwest, Washington, D. C.# sublot 65 in square 132.Terms: one-third ca?h, ooe-third in one year and

one third in two years after date, deferred pay¬ments to 1h» seenred by deed of trust on pro|»ertysold. d'iKwlt on day of sale. Coutcyaucingand recording at c<»st <«f purchaser. Term# to be¦omplied with within fifteen days from day of aale.or deposit forfeited and pnqierty resold at riskand coat of defaulting purchaser.




TY-NINTH, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK M., me willsell, in front of tiie rooms of Ratclifle, l>arr ACo., 920 Peiuia. ave. n.w., to pay chaises, A*.,

ONE GUM' >*AilE.All parties Interested vsill pie-use take notice.

JAS. P. GEY EK A CO., .*e2i)-3t 485»t C at. n.w._



By virtue of five certain deeds of trust, dated thethirtieth <2t9thi day of Jul**, A. D. 1893, and re¬corded among the land r'H-wrd* of the District ofColumbia ill IJber No. 1834, folios respectively 198et seq., 2u2 et seq., 2u7 et seq., 211 et seq. and215 et seq., and at the request of the holders ofthe uotes, we will offer sejiarately, at public auc¬tion, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY,THE ELEVENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D.. 1894.AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the fol¬lowing described real estate, situate in the ilty ofWashington, District of Coluiul»ia, to wit: Allthorn* certain pieces or j»a reels of land and premise*kiuwn and distinguished as and being lots num¬bered two hundred aud uiueteen (2191, two hundredand twenty (22U«. two hundred and twenty-one(.221), two hundred aud twenty-two (222), two hun¬dred and tv.enty-thrce (223) of W. Flnley Baslm'ssubdivision of the north seventy-five (75) feet oforiginal lot thirteen (13), In square numbered aixh ulidred aud twenty (ti20i, as per plat recorded InBook 20. page 14CI. of the records of the surveyor'soffice of the District of Columbia, together with theImprovements thereon.Til. of jtale: one-third of the purchase money

to be paid In cash, and the lislsnce to be i»atd Intwo equal installments respectively In one and twoyears, secured by a deed of trust upon the propertysold. with interest thereon, payable semi-annually,at the rate of 0 per centum per annum until paid,or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. Ad« (Mtsit of $2iXi on each lot will be required at thetime of sale. Sale to be closed in fifteen daysfrom the day of sale, otherwise the property willt»e resold at the rink and coat of defaulting pur¬chaser after five days' advertisement in sutne newa-laiper published in the city of Washington. Conveyanciug at cost of purchaser.

LOUIS D. WINE. Trustee.CLARENCE B. R11EEM. Trustee.

sc2T><dAds 916 F at. n.w.



reemded anion? the land re< ords of the District ofColumbia. Liber 1812, folios, respectively, 419 etseq., 429 -*t seq., and 433 et seq., and at the re¬quest of the holders of the notes secured thereby,we will offer, separately, at public auction, infront of the premises, on WEDNESDAY, theTENTH DAY of OCTOBER, A.D. 1*94, at HALF-PAST FOUR O CI/H/K P.M., the following describ¬ed property, situated in the city of Washington.District of Columbia, to wit: All those certainpieces or parcels of land and prerais- s. known aidistinguished as and being iota numbered seventy-nine (79). eighty-two (82) and eighty-three (83) ofCrosby S. Noyea et al. subdivision of lota forty-thrc»e (43) to fifty (50). Inclusive, of the Washing¬ton and Georgetown Railroad Co.'s subdivision oflots In square num!»ercd six hundred and thirty-three (G33). as said Noyes et al. subdivision isduly recorded in Ub»»r 15. folio 83, of the recordsof the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia,together with the improvements thereon.Terms of sale: One-third of'the purchase mon*to lie paid In <*ash, and the balance to be paid Intwo equal Installments, respectively, in one andtwo years, secured by a deed of trust upon theproperty sold, with interest, {tayable semi annually,at the iate of 6 per cent |»er annum, or all cash,at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $200will be required on each lot at the time of aale.Sale to be dosed in fifteen days from day of sale,otherwise the property will be resold st the rlakand cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days'advertisement in some newsjtaper published inWashington, D. C. Conveyancing at cost of pur¬chaser.

LOUS D. WINE. Trustee.po2«ldAds CLARENCE B. RHEEM. Trustee.TRUSTEE'S SaLE.In pursuance and by virtue of that certain deedof trust executed by Tllghman Hat taway and wife,recorded among the laud records of the District ofColumbia, in letter 707, at folio 203, et seq., andalso of the decree i«ssed by the Supreme Court ofsaid District on tue third day of July, 1894, Inequity cause No. 14525. default having been madein the i«yment of the money mentioned In thesaid decree, the undersigned will, st FIVEO'CLOCK P.M. ON WEDNESDAY, THE THIRDDAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 1894, on the premises,sell st nubile suction, to the highest bidder, theland and premises mentioned and descrllted in asIddeed and In the said equity cause, to wit: Allthose certain lots and parcels of ground In the Dis¬trict of Columbia designated and known as lotsnumbered nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, four¬teen, fifteen and sixteen of section 3 of Dr. A. C.Taber's survey of April, 1872. of Ltix-olnville.Terms of sale: One-half cash, of which $75 shallbe paid on a«-ccptance of bid, to be forfeited Incase of failure of full compliance with terms ofpale within ten days thewsiter; the other half tobe paid lc one year from date of sale, with .per cent i»er annum Interest, or sll cash, at thepurchaser's option.All expenses of conveyancing and rocordlng tobe at the cost of the purchaser.

WILLIAM A. MELOY, Trustee,Office, 118 C st. n.w.DUNCANSON BROS.. Auctioneers. se22-eoAdsDUNCANSON BROS., AUCTIONEERS.

TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVEDREAL ESTATE. CONSISTING OF LARGEFOUR STORY BRICK DWELUNG OR APART¬MENT HOUSE. NUMBER 13(19 SEVENTEENTHSTREET NORTHWEST.By virtue of s certsln deed of trust to us, fetedAugust 16, 1892, and duly recorded August29, 1892, In Liber No. 1720, folio 252 etacq., of the land records of the Dis¬trict of Colnmbls, and at the request of theparty secured thereby, we. the undersigned trustees,will sell, st public suction. In front of the premises,on MONDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OF OCTOBER.A.D. 1894, st FIVE O'CLOCK P.M , the followingdescribed land and premises, situate In the cltjof Washington, In the District of Columbia, anddesignated as and being all of lot ik>. In Merrb-k'ssubdivision of lots in sousre 181, as the same Isrecorded In the offioe or the surveyor of the Dis¬trict aforesaid, in Book K. F., page 17, the aaidlot being situated at the southeast ..orner of O andSeventeenth streets northwest, together with theImprovements, consisting of a large dwelling houseadmirably adapted for apartments or occupancy bya large family.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase moneyto be paid In cash, and the balance In two equalInstallments, payable in one and two years, withInterest at six (6) per centum per annum, payablesemi-annually, from day of sale, iecured by deedof trust upon the property sold, or all cash, atthe option of the purchaser. A deposit of $u<j0will be required of the purchaser at the time ofsale. All conveyaming, recording and notarial fees

at the cost of the purchaser. T^rms of sale to becomplied with within ten days frcm day of sale,otherwise the trustees r»*erve the right to resellthe property st the risk aud cost of the defaultingpurchaser.

W. E. EDMONSTON.CONSTANTINE II. WILLIAMSON,Trustees. Address. 500 5th st. n.w.

NATH'L WIU50N, Attorney for Party Secured,Ko. .22 and 4 F st. n.w. »i-25 UAds



612 E It.


On MONKAT. OCTOltER FIRST. ISM. at HALT-PAST FOUR 0'd> ICK P.M.. we will aell. In frontof 11* premlaea, |wrt of lot 27, square 121. froat.In* iSU fart oo the mirth side of 8 street betweea34th and 35th street* liy a depth of lw< fret, Im¬proved by a comfortable two-story frame dwellingMM.Terms: Oaab. Cnovcyaactag, Ac., at purchaser'*coat. A drfmalt of lluu will be required at tin*of aalc. ae25-dM*

Ul'NCANSON BROS.. Auctioneer.

TRl'STEES- RALE OF A NEW TWfVSTORT ANDf"KlJ.Alt RRnWN-STONE ANU BRICK LiWELlrINO, tCONTAINING KTBi ROOMS ANDBATH, NO. luiiy It STREET SOUTHEAST.By vlrtw of a certain deed of trout to ua. da tadDecember 18. All lHtt. and duly iraM MUlier 1s»R, folio 4<i» et acq., one of the land ret-onlH of the 1 Istrl.-t of ('ofumbla, and at the re¬quest of the patty secured thereby. we will aell atBlillc auction. In front of the nrerolscs, on TUE8-IY, THE SBCONIt HAT op OOloliKR. A.D.1«M. Wlnnlnc at FIVE O'CLOCK I'M . all ttatcertain piece or pan-el of land aud premises taaatand dlsttnculabed aa aud lieln* lot nuinlietadtwenty-nine iWi. In Charles Ueaaforil's suisln taioaof lota In aquare numix-rcd nine bundn-d and allty-nlae (MM), aa per |ilat re.-nrd.-d la the oOfe-e of tbeaurveyor of the Dlatrlct of Columbia In Book 30. atfolio 121, together with the Improvement* therena,consisting of the bmwn-atoae aud brl--k dwellingnnmliercd 10M* B atreet s.«it beastTerma of aale: one third "ash, balance in tvaa

years from date of sale, with Inten-at at . percent per annum, nayable aeml-annually and aa-cured by a deed of truat on the property aold. orall caah. at the option of the purcbaaer. All ca%-veyauclng and recordln* at niircbaaer's mat. Adeposit of (2UU will be required at the time of Mia.Terma of aalc to be compiled with In tea danftuin day of Mle, otheralar traateea reserve tbaright to reaell at the rlak and coat of defaulllafpurcbaaer or purcbaaer*.


Truateta,ael9-dAd« GS E at. a.«T.



By virtue of three certain deeds of truat to ua,eacfc heartnr date An. 11 27. 1MKI. and duly iriHilMay 1. ltKO, la Liber IHjtl. ...Una 41. 4S and M,respectively. of tbe laud records of tbc Klstrlctof (olumbla, and at the requeat of the party **-cured thereby, we. the undersigned trustees, willaell. at public auction, la froat of tbe n-surctlvapr.mla.-a. oo TUESDAY, THE SECOND DAY G#OCTOBER. A. D. ltttH. AT HALF I'AST FOLUO'CI-OCK P.M., tbe folio*luf dea.-rit.ed pieces arparcel* of real estate and premises, alt.ute In tbacity of Washington. Klatrlct of Uolumlda, andknown and dcslKU.ited aa lota SI, 82 and tiDaroeille'a aubdlvlaion af orl(laal lot 4. In aquaraI.S2, aa Mid subdivision la recorded la the uBce olthe surveyor of tbe IMatrlct of Colunit.la. In Bogb20, page 112. each of aaid lota having a froalaag*of MAS feet oo lltb atreet nortbeaat. by a depthof 85 feet, and each Improved by a new brickdwelliac- Bach lot. wllb It* laiprovemcuta, willbe aold separately.Terma of aale- In reapect of each of tba aaid

lota, one-third of tbe |»urchaae moaey la ta lapaid In caah, and th lialance la two equal la-atallaiente, pari ble It one and two years, withiutei.-st at tbe rate of 0 per ceat per ai.uum, fromtbe day of ule, payable eeml annuaII<, arcwiby deed of truat upon tbe property aold. or allcash, at the option ot tbe purchaaer. A d<of f 1 <«¦ will be required of tbe purcbaaer aalot at time of ule. All conveyancing. rec<and notarial fees at tbc coat of purchaser. Teiof aale to be coinplied with within tea daysday of Mle, otberwlae tbe traateea reserve tbaright to reaell tbe property la default at tbcaud coat of tbe defaulting purcbaaer.



Attorney for party atcared. aelv-dAdi



By virtue of a de«-d of truat given to ua. anddnly recorded In Lllier No. 1530. at folio 4ml et aeq..one of tbe land recorda of tbe District of Colum¬bia, aud at tbe requeat of tbe party i-ecured tbera-by, tbe undersigned will offer for Mle at puhllaau.tion, in front of live pr>mla^a. on Tl BsDAT,THE SECOND DAY OF OCTOBER. A D 1MM,AT HALT-PAST Firt'R O CLUCK P. M tlie fol-lowing deacribed laud and premlaea, situate In tbactty t>f Waablagton. District of Columbia, und daa-lguated aa part of mjuare all hundred an.1 thirty-nine t*131*1. beginning for tbe Mine at the northcorner of Mid aqua re, lielna tbe lnt.-rao.tioa ofSouth D and Canal streets, and nianing tiieaoa «a*t-wardlv along tbe line of South D street two bua-dr. d and aUty-tbm- and eight-tentba <2«£l Si feet taSouth Capttol atree;. theme south along South Oap-Itol street acreaty-three and four litiudredtha<71.4) feet; thence a.it at right aagles with SouthCapitol street one hundred and elgtty-ali end forty-flve-bnndredtha (1HH 45* feet to dual street: 11 .-ocaalong the line of Canal atreet one hundred aad alland forty-nine-buudredtba <106.4111 feet to tbe placaof beginning, containing 1C.517S square feet, andbeing parts of lots two (2i aad three .3i in Mlqsquare, together with the improvements . onstatlagof a brick dw -lllag. kis<aa as No. 401 Snnlh Cap¬itol atreet southwest, with frame staldea in d shrMImmediately thereafter we will offer I jr Mle atpublic auction, in fr.n.t of tbe premise*, let nln«19*. in square all bundrid and tblrv-ae.cn «37).Part of a.|uare numtw-t all hundred and 'blrty-alM<«*ii wilt be aold anbject to aa ln.-umt.raac*(3.<«0 and inter.at Said Incvabrince is payahi*In Bve i5i year* from January 17, 'bta. ts-nrlug la¬ter.-at at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, pay*¦ble semi-annually, secured by deed >f truat aa th*premlaea. aaid trust 'leing recorded in lilier N*.1233. at folio 75 et aeq one ot i.be land record* ittbe Dlatrlct of Columbia.Lot aim W*. square «37. will be aold aubjeet Man Incumbrance of »3.<»«i aad Intereat. aa.ld la-cunibran. e being payable In 8 yeara from May IT,18M0, with Interest at tbe rate «i . |»-r eat parannum, payable aeml-annually. and secured by d**4of truat. recorded la lll>er No 14*W, at rollo 4*4 ataeq.. one of tbe land ncorda af tba Dtat.i t af Oa-lumhla.Terms of Mle: On each |>lece. aae-third afpurcbaae moaey to be [oil In cash; the residue latwo equal pa.menta. In one and two years from tbaMle. tbe deferred payments to he seared be

? , <nl*? u'° property aold and to bearinterest from tbe day of aale at tbe rate of «cent per annum until paid, payable srml uuoaarly.2L?T. "J"100 01 ,b* Parc'ias-r. A &PMit^of $250. oa each piece will be requl-slth# property Is knocked down. Terms of saio to fti*.5'"2! within fifteen daya from tl* day o«aale. ottierwlae tbe trusteea reaerve the right tajracjl the property at th ¦ risk and coat of tba da-tenltlnc porchaaer. All conveyaacl*. m ortlaTAc., at tbe coat of tbe irtirclaia.-r.WM n WIODWARD. Tnaatoa.aelft-dAda l^WIS IIOPFENMAIER. Tniataa.DUNCANSON Bit* >S., AUOTIONEERS.

TRU^rEK!' RALEOFVaIX-ABL* REAL ESTATEM-t 1414 PIERCE PLtCK VORTHWIXT.u ^. certain deed of truat to us datadMarch 7. iSM, and duly re.-.trded Mar. li 21 IMAIn Ul»t No. 1776, folio 434 et aeq., of the Wmrecords of tbe Dlatrlct of Columbia, aud at[*3.'"*' ,b* party secured thereby, we. tbaundersigned trustee*, will sell, at pui.llc aactttaIn front of tbe promise*, on I'RII IAY Till r'FTH

PV Tb.°S2S Aa n lS2 « Vive I,P.M., tlie folloilog dcK'iihfd land ¦nd *.*

^ city of WanbliMtoa. to th«» I *l«trlcftof Columbia, and m aod in Slot 1M, in ^tantoo'a suiKlivlaloa of lot* in aaaat#2(W, aa tb# ume to re- «»rd#d in th# office of tMmrr#yor .t the Dtotrt^ of t»Kmhla. In Jut*TH. K.. paf# MS, together with the lnipro%.meat*,cowtotlnj of a three-atory brtv* dwellim;. km««No. 1414 Pierce pla«v northwest.TKKMS OF SALfi: One third of th# pureteMm°a7.to.tT, P*M mai h.l.n.v l^Tnequal Installments, payable la oae and t«o mkwith Intel eat at all <«> per centum per aa2*£payable aeml-anaaally. front dav of Mle a. cnr»4 |3deed of truat uu.« tbe pn*er<y aoS. ar allii.t tbe Ofition Of tbe liurcliaaer. A denosll of Itifflwill be required of tW purchaaer aT^hc tlm*3aale. All conveyancing, recrdl* and ¦ - -

at tbe cost of the purchaaer. Terma of aalc to hacomplied with within ten daya from day of afotberwlae tbe trustees reserve the right to laaallporcKalr"* rt* "4 coat of tbe d. faJuSS


BOO 5th at. a.w.,* 4

tar tb*

THOMAS DOWUNO A QOl. AIinraK Fiaia..12 E at. b.w.

HAS2f^E (>F HOUSEIMIJ) »T2. bk s"lj' at Aucnov. now-TAINED IN RESIDENCE NO 617 Ii/*K1DA

AJ-ENUE. BETWEEN FIFTH AND sStISTREETS NORTH WEST.CONSISTING IN PART OTHandsome Parlor Suite la allk damask. PartarFuititturr in odd piccs-s. Elegant Walnut l».s* Oaaa,Hall, Stair and other Carpets. Handaom. .iiamnafFurniture In walnut. M. T. uud oak auites. wltfc

a number of odd pie.es: ciilffonlera. Che. al Pre.era. Toilet Ware, Mattn-aaea, W. W. spring*,Fancy and other Ihs-k.-rs, Center Tabi.a, Hand¬some Oak Buffet. Elegaut Box lillar Oak EiteTable, handaotne set of Oak Diuluc Ro.nu c'baiia,nearly new Ooaublnatloo Cblaa Set. (Slaw W*ra,Cutlery, Kitchen Furniture. C<«Ala| l'ten-lla. O**Stove, Ac. We will sell, on FUIliAY. SKI 'I KM BEET^*EVrY'-EltiHTH. 1«»4. at TEN O ID« k AH.,tbe entire contents of al-ove raald.-nee I'rlvataparties ceperlally sb<«ild attend tM* Mle. se25Ata a. SLOAN * 00., Al CTIONEERh. 14»: o~IE

(Su-HMon to Latimer A Sloan )


By Tlrtne of a certain d#ed of tniat. dated tto6th 4mx of February. A.D. 1§B0, and duly ro-cord«»d In LU»#r No. 1451, at folio 4B1 et *eq.. 09aof tbe land records for tbe Dtotrlrt of < «>lumbto,and at thr requeat of tt*- jarty ae< urod thereby,w# mill aell, ft puM> aui-tloo. In front of tMprenibea. on THftHDAT. OtTTOREIt »I RTH,1«H. at HALF PAST Ft I R O'CLOCK P.M.. th#follow inc d<«crli>ed land und premise*, alioata IAthe city of Waahlngton. IMatrlct nfon-s. id, anddoHlgt.jitod a« and txMng lot numl>cr#d one hundredand tllrty-thre# (1331. <»f II. II. \Vard«M V KulidtTl-slon of lot* in aqua re numbered ninety thr«»eand reifi-ded in Iio«»k 15. t«i(re 46, In the office Ofth# »tinef«»r of the District of Columbia, tog«*tbarwith th# lmprorem<»ntt». eirnUtlnc of a h«ndaoaa»resldrmc, kno.rn aa No. 1>XKJ R atreet Lorthweat*Wathir^ton, I>. CXTerms of sal#: One-third of tbc purchase mooer

in cafch, and th# balance In ooe and two years, wltfcinterest, payable eetul-amuullr, a^d poured bydeed of trust on the property; or all < asl». Auconvejar !nc atwl recording at purchaser'* <-o#»t. Adepoflt of faSHt will b«' n-qulred at time of «al#.If the terma of sale be not <omp!lcd with in fifteendays fn.m dav of aal«\ the trustee* r«>rve thfrlfitt to re**-!l the property at th# risk and cost ofth? defaultlnf |»ur<baser, after such public notionas they may Uecci ne- c.-sary.


ae2l^A<to Tru.ee*
