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A Look into the Past - Branham.it€¦ · ON DECEMBER 18, 1965, William Branham and his family were...

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A Look into the Past . . .

AND THE FUTUREDear Partners and New Friends:

The news of Rev. William Branham's death came as a great shock to all of us who lovedhim. It is a matter of history that his ministry under God spearheaded an apostolic revivalthat swept around the world, In our article, "William Branham As I Knew Him," we haveattempted to evaluate his ministry and its impact and to answer the question asked byso many, why did he have to go? We well remember what happened right after the close ofWorld War II. The great evangelists, Dr. Charles S. Price, Aimee Semple McPherson, andSmith Wiggiesworth all died within a short space of time. Many people began wonderingif the days of revival were over. In fact some preached that they were over. But almostsimultaneously with their passing. God raised up William Branham and after him many othersto carry on a new wave of revival that has reothed nearly every nation of the freeworld. God's command to Joshua at the death of Moses is ours today.

"Moses my servant is dead: now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and ollthis people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every placethat the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given you, as I said unto Moses"(.1sh. 1;2-3).

We who were associated with William Branham during the years he come intoprominence have sttong convictions that the hour has come for a new move, a new revivalthat will reap the fields of ripened grain. We also feel that this will be the last great revivalbefore the coming of Christ. It is a strange coincidence that with this issue dedicated toWilliam Branham we should be about to make one of the most important announcementsthat we have ever made. We believe that this step we are about to take will have far-reachingconsequences. It pertains to Christ's words in Matthew 9:37-38. Watch for this announcementto be made in the magazine next month.

In the meantime the opportunities of the for-flung Native Church Crusade operationdaily increase. Only because our friends continue to stand by us are we able to meet thesetremendous responsibilities of building churches which ore worth in the aggregate manymillions of dollars. Bvt the money is a small thing in comparison to the value of the tensof thousands of souls being won to Christ, Some of these converts accept Christ under thefiercest opposition. S. G. Elton of Nigeria writes of a field in a new tribe just opened up,"In the Nupe tribe we now hove several groups of converts . . . but they are always facingsevere persecution. A man who becomes a Christian suddenly finds his tax is trebled hiscrops are burned .. , his children are not allowed in school his livestock is stolen. Yetin spite of all we still get converts and are able to help them under the Native ChurchCrusade plan. We have completed five buildings in that tribe to date."

Perhaps you were one of the sponsors of these churches. Or is this your month tosponsor a Native Church? Or do you wish to sponsor a literature project? You con send FullGospel books to as many families as you wish for 5c a family. No opportunity as this hasever been presented before (see pages 6-9).

To all those who write us this month, we are sending as a special gift our new bookThe United States in Prophecy. This is a startling book containing facts about America neverbefore published. It shows why we ore at war with Vietnam and how it will end.Write me today and get your book by return mail.

THE VOICE OF HEALING, February, 1966, Vol, XVIII, No. 11. GordanLindsay, Editor. Published monthly by The Voice of Healing PublishingCa., P. 0. Box 8658, Dallas, Texas 75216. a non-profit organixolion,under the taws of Louislana, with editorial and publkatioe offices at

Your partner,

Gordon Lindsay

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ON DECEMBER 18, 1965, William Branham and his familywere on their way to Jeffersonville, Indiana, tor the Christmasseason. His son Billy Paul and the younger Branham boy,Joseph, were riding in another car ahead.

Suddenly Billy Paul saw an oncoming automobile weavingon the highway. He maneuvered his own car and managed toescape being struck by the vehicle. After a moment he lookedback but could not onserve his father s car following. Turningback he saw the terrible tragedy that had taken place. Theweaving car driven by a drunken driver had plowed into the carin which the Branham family was riding. The speedometer ofthe Branham car was locked at 65 miles per hour. The oncom-ing car was going just as fast, so that the total impact wasequivalent to a total of 130 miles per hour.

Rarely does anyone escape an impact made at this speed. Twoin the oncoming car were instantly killed, Brother Branham,thrown through the windshield, lay half in and half out but stillretained consciousness and was able to talk to Billy PAUL He.Sister Branham. and their daughter Sarah were critically injured.Considerable time elapsed before they were extricated from thewreckage and were taken to the Northwest Texas Hospital atAmarillo. Just a few days lateron Christmas EveBrotherBranham died.

ittiam TSranbam

As I Knew Himby Gordon Lindsay

We attended the funeral at Jeffersonville. Indiana, December29. 1965. Rev. and Mrs. T. L. Osborn, Rev. A. C. Vakkz, Rev.Mattson-Boze and myself were asked to sit on tht platform.Local ministers Donald Ruddell, Willard Collins. and RaymondJackson brought brief messages. The main message wasgiven by Orman Neville, the associate pastor of the BranhamTabernacle.

Rev. Neville read a few lines taken from Brother Branharn'slast service in California. They were, "Aren't you glad thatChrist has the keys to open the door called death? He will guideme over the river. Someday I must come to that door. I will bewrapped in robes of righteousne&s. He will call me from thedead. He has promised, and I believe it."

The Man William Branhamwas associated with William Branham as his manager for

several years during the time his ministry spearheaded the greatdeliverance revival that swept around the world. 1, therefore,am taking the liberty of making a few comments on the life ofa man that has had so great an impact upon Me world.

To know Brother Branham was to love him. His nature wastender anti kind, and his sensibilities reacted deeply to the

FIEBRUAltY, 15'66

suffering and pain of others. So great was his compassion far thesick and afflicted that he at times permitted his own health tosuffer while praying long hours for endless lines of sick. For awhile he carried, as it were, the weight of a suffering world uponhis frail shoulders, until at last God made it known unto himthat his rponsibility must be shared by others.

There was a characteristic in his minisny that made himintensely loved by the multitudes who heard himit was hissimple humility_ In his earlier years he had known nothing butthe pangs of poverty, hardship, and crushing sorrows, a manwho had even the little of life wrenched from his grasp. As hewould often tell the story, his family was the poorest of thepoor. For a long time he was unable to afford thc most meagerof household conveniences. Once he lost an easy chair to a financecompany, not being able to keep up the payments. To payexpenses hc worked as an Indiana game warden hut was tookind-hearted to impose fines, although that was his only sourceof income.

While managing Brother Branham's meetings, we often raninto problems with !how who wished to use his great influence

(Confirmed on Pake I 11

The emoting photograph taken at the Houston Coliseum, January 25, 1950,before an audience of 8,000 people. Many strange phenomena hare takenplace in the ministry of William Branham. The writer was always carefulto document such events that came to his attention. He therefore employedthe noted Examiner of Ouestioned Documents, George J. Lacy of Houston,Texas to make a thorough examination of the film. After the most elaboratetesting, he proved that the phetograph was absolutely genuine and noretouching or double negative was posslalo. A Houston clergyman hadviolently attacked Brother Branham's ministry and this seemed to be God'sway of attesting to the genuineness of Brother Branham's minithY.



(Continued from Page 3)to help propagate some particular doctrine.Brother Branham took a firm stand onthis. and we published a statement thatour brother was not endorsing this orthat view, but that God had called himto unite the church and not to divide it.

Those attending these great campaignswill remember how Brother Branhamwould come to the platform and again ina most humble spirit tell the people thatGod had called him as a prophet to min-ister to the people of all churches and notto wrangle over doctrine. His great call-ing was to bring the truth of the super-natural ministry to the hearts of thepeople of our generation that they mightknow that Christ was a living reality. Inever cease marveling at the great effecthe had upon people of all walks of life.Multitudes are Christians today becauseWilliam Branham lived.

Nevertheless, I was surprised by thepersistence of some who insisted on usingWilliam Branham's name to advance somepeculiar doctrine.

But that was not Brother Branham's de-sire. In writing an introduction to hisbook William Branham, A Man SentFrom God, published in 1951, whichBrother Branham carefully read before itwent to press, we said, "When it comesto the consideration of doctrinal points, itis a different matter. He does not con-sider himself a theologian or an arbiter oftheological controversies. Despite his greatinfluence with multitudes of people, hedoes not lend that. influence to press homehis own views on doctrinal points. Someunauthorizedly have attempted to use hisname as a means of promoting theirown personal views. He has been forcedto repudiate such attempts kindly butfirmly. His mission is to unite the peopleof God, not to divide them further indoctrinal controversy."

Only when it came to the matter ofhis own call was there no doubt or hesi-tancy. When under the anointing of Godhe spoke fearlessly, and the gift as I wit-nessed it was practically infallible. In themany hundreds of times I saw him speakunder the anointing, he would unerringlyspeak forth the secrets of men's heartsthings which he had no ponible way ofknowing. The person's life was oftenchanged from that hour on.The QuestionWhy?

It is only human for people to ques-tion why God would take Brother Bran-ham at this time when his life has hadsuch great usefulness. Before we can an-swer this, we would first have to explainwhy John the Baptist, -the greatest manborn of woman" of his day was cut off

IfIllitUAIY, 1966

at the age of thirty. Jesus was at theheight of his ministry at that time, butHe did not turn his finger to save John'slife. This seeming neglect in fact inspireda doubt in John's mind as to whetherJesus was the Christ (Matt. 11:3).

Stephen was a young man, mightilyanointed of God, whom the Lord wasblessing with great miracles, signs, andwonders. He too was cut off in the veryprime of his ministry.

limn, the brother of John, one of theapostles, gave his life for the cause whenhe might have been a great blessing inpreaching the gospel of the Lord JesusChrist for many years.

Jesus Himself finished His earthly min-istry at 33 years of age, instead of the70 ordinarily given to man.

Joseph, the husband of Mary, themother of Jesus, apparently died whileJesus was at home. He appears nowherein the gospel narrative after Jesus beganHis ministry. In fact while on the cross,Jesus asked His disciple John to take careof His mother, which He hardly wouldhave done if Joseph were still alive_

"There is not lacking proof that Godfor reasons of His own takes some of Hischoicest saints from the earth while theyare in the very prime of life. Such wasthe ease a Elijah. The period of his min-istry lasted about 14 years. There is noindication whatsoever that he was an oldman, His life was marked by a series ofmiracles such as were never known inIsrael since the days of Moses. Duringthe latter pan of his ministry it shoneat its very brightest. Yet Elijah was sud-denly taken from the earth.

The death or trial of some great sainthas often had the peculiar result of stir-ring up those who have been left behind,When Paul was put in prison, instead ofother ministers being discouraged fromgoing forward, it had the effect of makingthem more determined than ever to laborfor Christ (Phil. 1:14).

Then too, God may see that a man'sspecial ministry has reached its fruitionand it is time to take him home. Moseswanted to Iead the children of Israel overJordan, and it appeared that Israel neededhim more then than at any other time,but God reserved this ministry of takingthe people over Jordan for anotherJoshua.

One thing seems to be clear. Godtakes some of His outstanding leaders outof the way so that others whom He hasspecially anointed will be emboldened tostep out in faith. The disciples of Johnthe Baptist were much incensed becauseJesus was getting a larger hearing andmaking more converts than John (John3:26: 4:1). Until Elijah was taken, hisgreat successor Elisha was no more than

the ''son of Shaphat who poured water onthe hands of Elijah" (11 Kgs. 3:11).James, one of the three leading apostleshad to die a violent death before thepeople would begin really praying for theapostles. Apparently the church of Jerusa-lem's praying without ceasing savedPeter from a similar fate (Acts 12). Upuntil then they thought of Peter as theman to be called when they wanted adead person to be raised or as a manwhose very shadow healed the sick, ratherthan a man who needed prayer (Acts

(Continued on Page 14)

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"Lay not up for yourselves treasuresupon earth, where moth and rust dothcorrupt, and where thieves break throughand steal: but lay up for yourselvestreasures in heaven, where neither mothnor rust cloth corrupt, and where thievesdo not break through and steal: For whereyour treasure is, there will your heart bealso" (Matt. 6:19-21).

Have you included The Voice of Heatingin your will? What better way is there touse your resources than to build nativechurches in foreign countries and tospread the gospel by sending literature tothe millions who will never hear unlessyou make provision for them in your will,

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The Voice of Hooting Cox 116511 Dallas, Tomos

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swmm. mow.



WILLIAM BRANHAM(Continued from Page II)

5:19; 9:3643). All this was true, butPeter needed the prayers of the peoplemore than ever before. Acts 14:8-18shows some of the things that men whoare greatly anointed of God have to gothrough.

We do not believe that the death ofGod's people is at the mercy of the ele-ments. hot that if they put their soulsinto the hands of God in faith. God willkeep them all the days of their life onearth, and when that time is over willtate them home to glory.

"Thou shalt guide 11 le with thy coun-sel, and afterwerd receive to glory. Whomhave 1 in heaven but thee? and there isnone upon earth that I desire beside thee"(Pen 73:24-25).

One thing can be said for certain, Fewmen in the time allotted for their ministryhave accomplished as much as our BrotherBranham. The testimony of the writer isthat his ministry has powerfully affectedhis own life. He considered it a greathonor to have been associated with Wil-liam Branl-nim during the years theyworked together.

SKETCHES ..(cuniinued erten Page 5)

serving His people as long as Ile allowsme to live."

It is interesting to note the reactions ofthose who heard Brother Branham tell thestory that first night I heard it in Sacra-mento. The people, as a whole, receivedhis message with great interest, But oneskeptical minister pointed out that hisclaim to have seen an angel was a suresign that the man was under an hallucina-tion! It is strange, indeed, that we have.gotten so far away from apostolic minis-try. Mary, the mother of Jesus, saw anangel. Christ's disciples were visited byangels. Peter was released from prison byan angel.

Our first meeting in the states withBrother Branham was in 1947 in theMunicipal Auditorium in Portland, Ore-gon. On the third day an event took placeat a dramatic nature that showed the peo-ple the power of faith. Here arc the actualwords which 1 wrote about that event:

"The services of the first two nightsaroused tremendous interest; and now onthe third night the building was filled withpeople waiting again for the speaker toappear. The writer, who was directing thisbrief campaign in pretearing to turn theservice over to the evangelist asked thepeople to stand to their feet and sing theehorua. 'Only believe, only believe, allthings arc possible, only believe.' Whilethe congregation sang, a slight little manwith modest demeanor and a friendly smile


entered, then came arid stood behind thepulpit. The singing ceased, and a hush fellover the audience as they listened intentlywhen he began to speak. As he proceeded,it. was apparent that the listeners wereimpreereel by the graciousness of the speak-er as well as his evident sincerity and hu-mility, The evangelist, taking the thoughtor faith inspired by the chorus that hadbeen sung, began the theme of the mes-sage. 'Yes,' said he, 'all things are possibleto him thet believeth. There is nothingthat can stand before faith in God, and ifthe people here tonight will believe Godwith rne, we shall see that God will honorthat faith and confirm it before the eyesof this entire congregation.'

"As the audience listened with rapt at-tention to the slight little figure on theplatform, no one antkipated 'the startlingdrama that was about to unfold. Certainly,I had no intuition, and the interruptionwhich was about to occur could not havebeen more uewelcorne. For suddenly ourattention was directed to a man far backin the building who was making rapidstrides, apparently in the direction of theplatform. At first we suppeeed that someemergency had arisen; perhaps someonehad fainted or taken seriously ill in theauditorium. But as he drew near, we ob-served with no little misgiving that hiscountenance bore a demoniac grin, as tosuggest that the man was demented orviolently insane and apparently had brokenaway from those who had him in theircare. Wc were to learn later what indeedwould have been more disturbing bed weknown it at the time, that the man wasnot insane, in that he did not know whathe was doing, but was a notorious andvicious character who had previously runafoul of the law for disturbing and break-ing up religious services. Jail sentenceshad not taught him a leesson, and now see-ing his opportunity to cause a large ccen-motion and again break up a service, hehad come forward for that purpose.

"Up the steps he strode without paus-ing. Now he was on the platform assum-ing a menacing attitude that by this timewas attracting the attention of the entirecongregation. Two sturdy policemenstanding in thc wings, becoming aware ofthe distraction, were about io come for-ward and lay hands on the disturber, butwe could see that this would result in ascuffle and the excitement created couldwell ruin the service. Moreover, the evan-gelist had apparently put himself on thespot, for he had just deelated that allthings were possible to him that believedand that God would always back up Hisservants who put their trust in Him. In-deed, the meeting had reached such a highstate of expectation, that reliance on theofficers of the law, though perhaps entirely

justifiable in the present instance, did notseem to be the divine order. We knewnothing dee to do but hastily wave theofficers back and call attention to theevangelist as to what was taking place.But he himself was already conscious thatsomOthing wm wrong. Spealthlg qWalyto the audience and requesting that thepeople unite with him in silent prayer, heturned to meet the strange challenge ofthis evil antagonist.

"As he did ea., the man with the evilgleam in his countenance, which remindedone of the hideous grins the heathen en-grave on the laces of their idols, began toaccuse and curse the speaker impudently.'You are of the devil, and deceiving thepepolee he shouted, -an impostor, a snakein the grass, a fake, and I am going toshow these people that you are' It was abold challenge, and every one in that audi-ence could see that it was not an idlethreat. As the intruder continued to revilethe evangelist, hissing and spitting, hemade motion to carry out his threats. Tothe audience it appeared to be art evilmoment for the little figure on the plat-form, and most of them must have felt CVceedingly sorry for him. The officers at-tempted again to come to his aid but westwaved away, and now in rejecting theirassistance, the speaker bed deliberately ac-cepted the challenge of this wicked antag-onist, whose size and fierceness had con-vinced the audience that he was able tocarry out his boasts. No doubt, Critics whohad slipped into the auditorium out ofcuriosity expected a swift and pitiful con-clusion to the uneepected drama that wasnow coming to a climax. Certainly, theycould sec that there was no room for trick-ery. The man on the platform would haveto have the goods or else lake the conse-quences.

"In the moment of suspense that fol-lowed. one C{3uld not help being remindedof the story of the challenge of long ago,when the bold Goliath cursed little Davidin the name of his gods and boasted thathe would tear him limb from limb. Thestartled congregation, as the hOtts of Israelmust have been in their day, looked on thescene with wonder and excitement, hardlyknowing what to expect next, but fearingthe worst. The gathering of ministers onthe platform reviewed the situation withno little dismay, knowing that unless Goddid a very unusual thing and backed upthe speaker in a supernatural manner, theevil intruder who had successfully brokenup religious services in the past, wouldnow do so again. Some were much dis-turbed that the policemen had not beenpermitted to take charge of the situationand believed that this error of judgmentwould allow this demon-possessed man notonly to ruin the meeting and thus bring


t kitvtkMhurdkq ElWILLIAM BRANHAM

FOR FOUR YEARS the editor of The Voice of Healinglabored with William Branham, and the results of those fouryears speak for themselves. Many were inspired to launch outin the faith ministry, and a revival was spearheaded that shookthe nations. It was, therefore, a great shock when we heard ofthe passing of our brother on Christmas Eve of 1965. In mem-ory of this man who was so unusually used of God, we art carry-ing sonic excerpts from our book The Gordon Lindsay Story.The first tells about the coming of the angel into his room thatlaunched William Branham into his great ministry. Here is thestory told by his own lips.

"I must tell you of the angel and the coming of the Gift. I

shall never forget the time, May 7, 1946, a very beautiful seasonof the year in Indiana. where I was still working as a gamewarden. I had come home for lunch and was just going aroundthe house taking off my gun, when a very dear friend of mine,Prod Wiseman, a brother to my piano player in the church,approached me and asked me to go to Madison with him thatafternoon. I told him it was impossible as I had to patrol, andwhile walking around the house under a maple tree, it seemedthat the whole top of the tree let loose. It seemed that somethingcame down through that tree like a great rushing wind ... theyran to me ... My wife came from the house frightened and askedme what was wrong. Trying to get hold of myself, I sat down andtold her that after all these twenty odd years of being consciousof this strange feeling, the time had come when I had to find outwhat it was all about. The crisis had come! I told her and mychild goodbye, and warned her that if I did not come back in afew days, perhaps I might never return.

"That afternoon I went away to a secret place to pray andread the Bible, I became deep in prayer; it seemed that my wholesoul would tear from me. I cried before God ... I laid my faceto the ground . I looked up to God and cried, 'If you willforgive me for the way that I have done, I'll try to do better ...I'm sorry that I've been so neglectful all these years in doing thework you wanted me to do ... Will you speak to me some way,God? If you don't help me, I can't go on.'

"Then along in the night, at about the eleventh hour, I badquit praying and was sitting up when I noticed a light flickeringin the room. Thinking someone was coming with a flashlight Ilooked out of the window, but there was no one, and when Ilooked back, the light was spreading out on the floor, becomingwider. Now I know this seem very strange to you, as it did tome also. As the light was spreading, of course I became excitedand started from the chair, but as I looked up, there hung thatgreat star. However, it did not have five points like a star, butlooked more like a ball of fire or tight shining down upon thefloor. Just then I heard someone walking across the floor, whichstartled me again, as I knew of no one who would be comingthere besides myself. Now, through the light, I saw the feet of aman coming toward me. as naturally as you would walk to me.He appeared to be a man who, in human weight, would weighabout two hundred pounds, clothed in a white robe. He had asmooth face, no beard, dark hair down to his shoulders, of ratherdark complexion, with a very pleasant countenance, and coming

closer, his eyes caught with mine. Seeing how fearful I was, bebegan to speak. 'Fear not. I am sent Irons the presence of Al-mighty God to tell you that your peculiar life and your mis-understood ways have been to indicate that God has sent you totake a gift of divine beating to the peoples of the world. 11 youwill believe and be sincere, and can get the people to believe you,nothing shall stand before your prayer, not even cancer.'

"Needless to say, I began praying for the sick people. I do notclaim to take the place of a doctor . . I know that doctors areable to assist nature, but they are only men ... God is Almighty.The great things which have taken place during these months aretoo numerous ever to be recorded, hut God has confirmed theangel's words time after time. Deaf, dumb, blind, all manners ofdiseases have been healed, and thousands of testimonies are onrecord to date. I do not have any power of my own to do this...I am a helpless human until I feel His presence. Many peoplewho have attended these meetings know that their diseases andsins have been told them, right from the platform. Please donot misunderstand my poor, illiterate way of trying to convey allthis to you. I say it that you might have a clearer understandingof bow to take advantage of God's gift. He told rne to be sincereand get people to believe, and that is what I am trying to do.God always has something or someone to work through, and Iam only an instrument used by Him. No mortal can take thecredit for performing a miracle. and I am just a mortal. I do notknow how much longer God will permit me to do this, but byHis grace, I intend to serve Him the best that I know how by

(Continued on Page 14)

Oral Roberts attended the Branham campaign in KansasCity in 1948. The above is a rare photograph showing, fromleft to right, Young Brown, Jack Moore, William Branham,Oral Roberts, and Cordon Lindsay.


An early campaign with William Branham in Taconw, Washington, April, 1948.

Above: Log cabin near Berks-ville, Kentucky, where Wil-liam Branham teas born. April6, 1909.

Left: Dead boy raised to life.This hide boy was picked upby the Branham Party afterbeing fatally struck by a car.

reproach on the cause .of Christ, but alsomight actually result in physical injury tothe speaker.

"Seconds passed, however, without theawaited climax happening. Presently, itappeared that something was hindering theehalleneer from carrying out his evil de-signs. For sortie reason he was not pro-ceeding with the exiNution of his boasts ofphysical violence hut was rather content-ing himself in hissing and spitling andLittering the most fearful imprecations.Softly, but determinedly, the voice of theevangelist now could be heard rebukingthe evil power that dominated the man.His words, spoken so quietly that theycould be heard only a short distance, weresaying. 'Satan, because you have chal-

lenged the servant of God before this greatcongregation, you must bow before me.In the name of Jesus Christ, you shall fallat my feet.' The words were repeated sev-eral times. The challenger ceased tO speak,and it was evident that it was now he whowas laboring under a strain. Strong ashe and the wicked forces were that con-trolled him, strengthened by every evilspirit in the building, apparently they weregradually succumbing to another powerthat was greater than they, a power thatreeponded to the whisper of the name ofJesus! Soon it was evident that the manrealized that he was being overcome, butnothing he could do apparently could re-verse the situation. A tense battle of spirit-ual forces now summoned every bit ofstrength that he had. Reads of perspira-tion broke out on his face as he put fortha last desperate effort, but it was all to noavail. Suddenly, he who a few minutesbefore had so brazenly defied the man ofGod with his fearful threats and accuse.-lions gave an awful groan and slumped tothe floor sobbing in a hysterical manner.For quite a while he lay there writhing inthe dust. as the evangelist calmly proceed-ed with the service as if nothing hadhappened,

"Needless to say, the great congrega-tion was awed by the scene that had tran-spired before them, in which God so sig-nally vindicated His servant, and loudpraises to God filled the spacious audi-tontine The policemen too, startled bywhat they had witnessed, openly acknowl-edged that God was in their midst. Needwe record that in the healing service whichfollowed, a wave of glory was manifestthat will never be forgotten by those whowere present_ Many miracles of. healingtook place that night as a multitude ofpeople were ministered to in the prayerline."

Mrs, T. L. Osborn was in this meeting,and she was so imprised that she told herhusband. He came the next night and wasso moved that actording to his tastimony,


he secluded himself in prayer and fastinguntil God gave him a great faith ministry.

In the year 1950 we went with theBranham party to Finland. One event hap-pened while we were in Kuopio which willnever be torgotten by members of theparty. It was the raising to life of a childthat had been killed in an automobile ac-cident, the circumstances of which hadbeen previously shown to Brother Bran-ham in a vision. We shall let the pastor atKuopio at that time tell the story.

"One Friday afternoon a remarkableand startling incident took place whichmeant much to Brother Branham and tothose of us who happened to bc its wit-nesses. Three carloads of us made an un-forgettable trip to nearby Puijo Ohserva-don Tower, situated on a beautiful scenicelevation, The outing was one of the mostprecious I can remember, because of theblessing of God upon us. Then as we werereturning from POO, a terrible accidentoccurred. The car ahead was unable toavoid striking two small boys who ranout into the street in front of it, throwingone down on the sidewalk. and the otherfive yards away into a field. One uncon-scious boy was carried into a car justahead of us and the other, Kari Ho !ma,was lifted into our ear and placed in the

arms of Brother Branham and Miss ham-son, who were sitting in the back seat.Brothers Moore and Lindsay were in thefront seat with me.

"As we hurried to the hospital, I askedthrough Miss Isaacson, the interpreter,how the boy was. Brother Branham, withhis finger on the boy's pulse, answeredthat the boy seemed to he dead, since thepulse did not beat at all. Then BrotherBranham placed his hand over the boy'sheart and realized that it was not function-ing. He further checked the boy's respira-tion and could detect no breath. Then heknelt down on the floor of the car andbegan to pray. And Brothers Lindsay andMoore prayed too that the Lord wouldhave mercy. As we neared the hospital fiveor six minutes later, I glanced back, andto my surprise, the boy opened his eyes.As we carried the boy into the hospital,he began to cry, and I realized that amiracle had taken place."

Many outstanding miracles of God havetaken place through the ministry of Wil-liam Branham. The souls who have foundChrist as Saviour, those who have beenhealed, and those whose lives have beenchanged through his dedicated ministrywill he forever thankful that this servantof God came their way,

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