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A Loving Legacy! Chapter 1.2

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A Loving Legacy! Chapter 1.2
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Welcome back to A Loving Legacy! Here is a brief recap of last chapter: We met our heir Samantha Loving on her quest to begin a legacy. She soon fell in love and got married to Sinjin, who gave up his romance ways for her. They had twin daughters Charity and Aimee. Charity loved to skill and ended up being a knowledge sim and Aimee loved finances and became a fortune sim. Aimee really wanted to get into private school and asked her dad to cook a fancy meal for the headmaster. He ended up catching the kitchen on fire and died. Aimee tried to save him but failed. Onwards...
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Welcome back to A Loving Legacy!

Here is a brief recap of last chapter: We met our heir Samantha Loving on her quest to begin a legacy. She soon fell in love and got married to Sinjin, who gave up his romance ways for her. They had twin daughters Charity and Aimee. Charity loved to skill and ended up being a knowledge sim and Aimee loved finances and became a fortune sim. Aimee really wanted to get into private school and asked her dad to cook a fancy meal for the headmaster. He ended up catching the kitchen on fire and died. Aimee tried to save him but failed.


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Dear Diary,

I have never kept a diary before, but there has been a lot going on in the past couple of months, so I felt the need to write it all down. A couple months ago a tragic event happened in my family, that changed us all forever, it all happened the night Vince Walter, the private school headmaster, came over for dinner to interview our family for private school admission.

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With Aimee being a fortune and me, a knowledge sim, this was something we both really wanted. Our romance and pleasure sim parents though weren't that interested, but willing to help for our happiness. Unfortunately my mother and I were away at work the day Vince Walter came over for dinner, so it was all up to Aimee and our father to impress him. This was where the tragedy happened.

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That night when I returned home from work, I noticed the house being dead silent, this was abnormal for our family almost always has the stereo or television on at all times, so immediately I sensed something was not right. I called for dad and Aimee dying to hear the news about private school, but there was no response from either, something wasn't right and I intended to find out what.

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I then headed into the kitchen expecting to find some leftovers from dinner, but there was nothing there. I immediately noticed a horrible smell, that smelled like something had caught on fire, that was when I noticed the ashes on the ground along with the urn beside me, my insides began to panic. What had happened? I began to scream for my father and Aimee running all over the house looking for someone or something to tell me what was going on!

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I searched the entire house until finally in the last room I looked, our purple bathroom, I could see Aimee. She was sitting in the corner of the bathroom between the toilet and tub with her face between her knees, curled up in a ball. I remember hearing the sound of her nose sniffling and quiet weeps. I knelt down beside, my body shaking, she looked up at me her eyes red and her face expressionless.

"What happened?" I asked her my voice trembling, "Why is there an urn in the kitchen?" I then paused and stared at her trying not to breakdown, "Where's dad?" I added in a whisper for I had looked all over the house and I knew he wasn't here.

Aimee immediately looked down speechless and she began to cry quietly, "I couldn't save him!" she cried tears running down her face, "I failed and it's all my fault!"

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I leaned in closer to her having no idea what she was talking about insanely worried. "Aimee what happened?" I asked her whispering loudly still shaking, "I need to know what happened!"

Aimee was silent for about 2 minutes until she began to speak, "I told him to cook this fancy meal, then the fire, and I tried to put it out, then he was fading and falling, and I..I didn't know what to do, then he appeared!"

“Who?" I asked her for she had paused beginning to sob, "Who?" I repeated.

"Death" Aimee said looking at me with tears in her eyes, "And I failed at pleading to get him back from him too, this is all my fault!" Aimee then buried her head between her legs again beginning to sob.

"Aimee." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Please go away!" Aimee said through sobs burying herself deeper into a ball.

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I remember leaving the bathroom empty, why wasn't I crying, I had wondered. Feeling nothing at all was not what wanted. I didn't even know what to think about any of this, that couldn't be my father's urn, no it couldn't, he was just at the super market picking up some food. The more I tried to convince myself this, the more I knew it wasn't true. As I walked into the kitchen I saw my mother standing there dead still, looking stone cold.

"Charity!" she had said quietly staring at me with big pleading eyes, "Why is there an urn in the kitchen?"

I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say, how to do you even tell a story like this especially to the one who loved him most?

"Why is there an urn in the kitchen!" she repeated this time yelling. I told her the whole story and it was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. She left right after I told not saying anything, nothing at all.

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I could hear her crying through the living rooms walls, loud screeching sobs that would break anyones heart if heard. The sound made me cringe and I knew I had to get away for I couldn't handle this, any of this, for that morning when I had woken up my life was fine, and intended to keep it that way!

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I immediately called my boyfriend Randy and asked if we could go somewhere somewhat desperately.

"It's already 10:30" he had said a little apprehensive about going.

"I really need to leave my house and talk to someone!" I responded, "Please!" He agreed to meet me at the new restaurant in town.

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I didn't really know what to say to Randy when we sat down to eat because well I didn't even know how I was feeling at the time. I think our conversation went something along the lines of this...

"Thanks for meeting me here, it really means a lot."

"No problem, you sounded sort of desperate of the phone"


"Are you okay, did something happen?"

"My, my father died"

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I remember Randy's eyes getting really wide with a worried expression.

"Oh Charity! I don't even know what to say! I am so sorry! Is there anything I can do?"

"No, just act normal please, I'm still sort of in shock about the whole thing, and don't know what to think about it yet."

"Why don't we get some desert then?"

"That is just what I need right now!"

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That piece of cake was probably the best piece of cake I have ever had in my life, never in my life has a piece of cake been able to make me feel so good.

"So they sure gave us a great table!" I had joked.

"Oh sure if you call being right next to the bathrooms great!" he had smiled back.

I was already beginning to feel better ...

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... and much of that was due to Randy. He had bought me a beautiful pair of earrings after dinner, to help ease my pain I suppose. Even though I have never been much of a material girl, the earrings were just about the best gift I have ever received, in fact I am wearing them right now as I write this.

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"Randy thank you so much for the earrings" I had said wrapping my arms around him thinking that I had the best boyfriend in the whole world.

"Anything to make you happy Charity, I hope you're gonna be okay."

"Having you, I know I will be."

At that moment I realized, I was in love in Randy, but then again I felt like I couldn't love Randy for my father was gone and here I was on a date with my boyfriend.

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As time passed, we all began to deal with the death of dad in different ways. Mom spent much of her time taking long bubble baths by herself. She didn't speak much either. She basically went to work, took a bath, ate dinner, and went to bed. It was sad really, but I couldn't talk to her, for I had no idea what to even say. The sad thing is, I think she also gives into Aimee's theory that it was all Aimee's fault because she won't even look Aimee.

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I grieved by keeping myself busy with my studies and Randy. I found that if I kept busy all the time, that I wouldn't even think about it. Every once in awhile I would breakdown, especially if I found myself at dads grave or staring at his portrait, but it became easier overtime as I began to accept the fact that he was gone. I loved my father, but I convinced myself that he was in a better place now, and if he were here he would want me to be happy.

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The person who took it the worst though was Aimee, for she had seen him die and couldn't save him. She didn't do anything at all except lie in her bed staring at the ceiling. I tried many times to get her to do something, but they always failed. She had convinced herself that dads death was her fault and that she would never forgive herself. I know the death wasn't Aimee's fault though, she may have given him the recipe, but it still doesn't change the fact that we had no fire alarm or dad wasn't being smart. Also even if it was her fault, I know she tried to save him to the best of her abilities, and that itself means a lot.

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Recently though, I have begun feeling better, mostly due to Randy. I don't think I could have gone through any of this without him. I finally told him, I loved him. I was going to wait for him to say it first, but I decided heck with that for I love him, and I wanted him to know.

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I was thrilled when he said it back to me and then asked if I would go steady with him. Of course I said yes, as I was overcome with joy. It is official that Randy is the love of my life. I hope that one day we can get married.

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Even though the past couple of months have been really hard, things are beginning to look up, mom is talking and smiling again, I don't feel as guilty anymore, and best of all our house got a major makeover. We finally have a second floor! Unfortunately Aimee doesn't seem to be turning around, but hopefully in time it will happen.

Until next time,

Charity Loving

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Dear Diary?

Is this what I am supposed to say? I don't even know why the hell I am doing this. Charity forced this in my face claiming that writing really helped with her feelings and that I have to do it, but I mean how do you even write in a journal? I don't know, I'm just gonna say things how they happened.

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Well I guess I will start with the fact that the past couple of months have been the worst of my life! My father is gone, and its all because of me. Even my mom seems to think so, she hasn't talked to me in weeks. The first time she even looked at me was only about two months ago, where she just gave me a blank stare. She has every right to hate me though because it is my fault that dad is gone!

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But recently things have been horrible! Its been about a couple months since.... and well Charity and mom already seem to be over it! For example at dinner about a month ago..

"Aimee I have great news!" Charity said.

"What you can bring dad back?" I replied annoyed, nothing could be great anymore.

Charity grew sort of mad at me after I had said that and looked down upset trying to ignore my comment. "Randy and I are going steady!" she said with a smile and then gave Randy one of those mushy looks.

"Charity really how can you focus on relationships when dad is gone and especially with mom being alone!" I yelled at her!

Charity glared at me upset with hurt eyes, "Look Aimee its been awhile, I deserve to be happy and well mom if you haven't noticed she has sort of moved on to!"

I stood up extremely angry, "Charity really I can't believe you!" I yelled at her then storming out. What gave Charity the right to be happy anyway?

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Charity isn't the only who seems to have completely forgotten about dad, as I unfortunately found out a couple of weeks ago when I came home from work to see mom kissing some guy in our living room!

"Mom what the hell are you doing?" I yelled, angrier than I had been at Charity.

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"Aimee, calm down please" she told me, this was really the first time she had talked to me in awhile other than a couple of words. "How can I calm down!" I yelled at her, "Here you are kissing some guy like dad never even meant anything to you!"

"Aimee of course your father meant something to me, and I will never love anyone as much as I loved him, but I am a pleasure sim with the lifetime want of 50 dream dates which Jace is helping me with, and I do wish to be happy!" she replied.

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“Oh please mom, pleasure sim, lifetime want, you are just making up dumb excuses! I can't even believe you kissing someone like that, like dad didn't matter!" I screamed at her, I was so angry I could barley stand.

My mother sighed and stared at me, "Aimee I miss your father very much, but what do you want for me to miserable the rest of my life?"

I didn't say anything and stormed off angrily, I didn't necessarily want my mother to be miserable the rest of her life, but couldn't she find some other way to be happy than kissing some guy that wasn't dad, like knitting or something!

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But it isn't fair that here mom and Charity are all happy, when dad is gone! The worst part of my life these days though is probably the fact that I'm stuck at private school. The stupid headmaster called us out of sympathy to accept us in the school. I didn't want to go though, not at all, it was all because of stupid private school that dad is gone in the first place. Apparently though, once your in private school, you can't leave!

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Also to add to Charity being annoying, she pretty much just topped it two days ago when she decided to yell at me. It was right before school when we had just woken up, and I am not a morning person, so I immediately knew this was not going to go well.

"Aimee we need to talk!" she had snapped right as we got out of bed, "I understand you saw dad die, and I can't even imagine how hard that must of been, but seriously Aimee you need to get over it and realize it wasn't your fault, and stop trying to make everyone else around you miserable!"

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I couldn't believe Charity again, "Get over it! Get over it! Charity are you kidding me?" I yelled back at her, "I don't understand how you and mom can just walk around like nothing even happened! And as far and it being my fault, think about it Charity, it is. I am the one that gave him the recipe that caused the fire in the first place!"

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"Look Aimee, I miss dad just as much as you do, but its been awhile and I have begun to move on, it's what he would have wanted! And Aimee yeah you might of given his the recipe, but he wasn't smart for doing it or starting a fire in the first place. Also think about the fact that you faced death for him, you may have failed, but you tried and that's what matters, you tried. Dad would want all of us to move on and be happy instead of sitting around being miserable and forgetting our dreams!" She said and then walked away letting me ponder what she had said.

Charity did make a good argument, but still it was my fault because I told him to make the recipe and he was doing it to make me happy, and also she and mom were moving on way to fast, it wasn't fair to dad. Well okay, I am sick of this whole journal thing, and I really don't think it helped.

So yeah,

Aimee Loving

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Aimee couldn't sleep, she hadn't been able to since Sinjin died, for she believed that he was gone because of her, and that thought haunted every action she did making them all unbearable to do. This night as she was getting out of bed, it was because she heard something, something weird that made her get up and turn on her bed side lamp.

"Aimee.." she heard a voice whisper, a voice she knew, but it didn't sound the same. She stood up looking around her room to see nothing but her dresser and pictures on the wall.

"Aimee" the voice said again, louder, this time she recognized it, but it couldn't be, it wasn't possible.

"Dad?" she questioned confused, wondering if this was just her being crazy and talking to herself.

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Suddenly she saw him, but he wasn't the way he used to look, he was red and transparent.

"Aimee I've missed you" he said gliding toward her staring at his daughter's face as she began to cry.

"Oh daddy, I've missed you too and it's all my fault that you are gone!" she cried through sobs, breaking down completely, the most she had in all of the months since Sinjin died.

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"Get a hold of yourself!" Sinjin yelled jumping in front of Aimee, causing her to jump up and scream, "Aimee it is not your fault that I'm gone, and I know you tried to save me which means everything to me, and I am sick of watching you sit around being miserable and not letting anyone else be happy!"

"But dad.." she began.

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"No buts Aimee!" he spat quickly stopping her, "I want for you to move on and allow your mother and sister to move on as well. I want you to enjoy private school and get back to working on your 10 year plan of success!" he cried, "Plus Aimee your mother has been doing a horrible job with the bills on her own!" he added with a smile, "And always remember Aimee that I am always with you every step of the way and here when you need me!"

Aimee let out a sad smile and stared at the ghostly figure that was her father, she missed him so much, but was happy to know that he was still here even if it was only in spirt.

"So will you please do that for me?" he asked.

Aimee nodded feeling the best she had since Sinjin's death, "Yes I won't let you down!" "Thats my girl!" Sinjin smiled then disappeared through the wall.

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"Were you just talking to yourself?" Charity asked walking in Aimee's room with an eyebrow raised, "Have you really gone mad?"

Aimee smiled staring at her sister, whom she had missed talking to, "No, but Charity I owe you an apology."

"Hold up! Aimee did you just smile?" she asked.

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She immediately hugged Aimee with a big smile, "I am so glad your back!"

"Trust me I am too, and I really am sorry for being an idiot for the past couple of months, I really am happy for you and Randy, and whatever else has happened in your life!"

"It's okay Aimee you had every reason to be so upset, I'm sorry for yelling at you that one time as well, I am just glad you're back to yourself, I have missed you!"

"I've missed you too Charity, more than you know!"

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And Aimee did stick to Sinjin's request, immediately starting with getting back to handling the families finances, for Samantha like Sinjin said had not been doing a very good job with them.

"I can not believe how far behind mom has been on the bills, it is an outrage!"

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And by getting back to her 10 year plan, which had been horribly neglected.

"Do I see you doing school work again?"

"Yep, you don't even know how far behind I am, if I want to get back on track with my plan, my grades need to go way up!"

Charity grinned, she was so happy that Aimee was finally back to normal.

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And best of all Aimee finally accepted Jace and Samantha.

"Hey mom, hey Jace, glad to see you guys are having a good time on your dat?!"

"Aimee?" Samantha questioned turning away from Jace to stare at her daughter's smiling face, "Can I talk to you in the study for a second after I get some clothes on?"

"Yeah sure mom, I want to get out of these work clothes anyway."

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After they both changed Samantha and Aimee headed into the study to talk.

"Aimee are you really alright with Jace and I?"

"Yeah mom, and look I am really sorry for yelling at you and about it and all, I wasn't being fair, you have every right to be happy!"

"No hunny its okay, you also had every right to be upset, but Jace is never going replace your father, we have no desire to get married."

"I know that mom."

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"Look Aimee, I also owe you an apology" Samantha started, "For awhile I did sort of blame Sinjin's death on you, but I also wasn't being fair because it wasn't your fault Aimee. I know you stood up to death for him, and that must of taken more courage than I could ever imagine, and Aimee that's the most important part, that you tried your hardest."

Aimee smiled, she had heard this so many times, "I know that now mom, thanks"

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"I love you Aimee, always remember that!" Samantha cried leaning into Aimee for a hug.

"I love you to mom!" Aimee smiled.

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Aimee was finally back normal, enjoying life like she had before the event. She still missed her dad and always will, but she knew that he wanted her to happy, and that was what she could give him. She was bring friends home from school again, focusing on her plan, and just living her life with a smile.

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Yep, things were pretty much back to normal in the Loving household. Well, as normal things could get at the Lovings.

"What is that light what is going on?"

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Yes, the aliens took Charity on quite an adventure abducting her right into space. Several hours later they brought her back to earth, not in a very gentle way that is.

"That was awesome!" Charity screamed crashing into the ground, but she made it up okay with a big smile on her face.

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"Charity, Charity, thank goodness you are safe, I was so worried! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?"

"No mom relax, they sort of just looked at me and stuff, they only do stuff to males, not females, and it was so cool!" Charity said excitedly heading into the house.

Samantha did not really understand the mind of knowledge sims, and wondered how being abducted into some weird glowing spaceship with aliens could ever be considered "cool".

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But Samantha herself was also associating with weird creatures except this time they were on land. She began to have quite a fascination and liking for the lead wolf, Cookie, giving him love every time he came by.

"You're a cute little wolf aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are!" she cooed.

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Samantha was also having much success at her job becoming a Headliner, which was only one promotion away from the top. Soon enough she will be a Prestidigitator, and finally be on top of the entertainment career which she had worked so hard at.

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Meanwhile Aimee and Charity sat on the sofa in Aimee's room pondering that tomorrow would be their last day of being teenagers before heading of to collage.

"I can't believe we are heading off to collage tomorrow!" Charity said sounding nervous.

"I know time flies doesn't it? But I'm ready for collage, to live on my own and grow up!"

"Are you at all nervous about it because well I sort of am," Charity mumbled thinking about the future.

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"Of course I am a little bit Charity, but think about we are going to be with each and can't you taste the freedom!"

Charity took a fake bite and smiled, "Yeah I can taste and it sure tastes good!"

"It's going to be an awesome four years Charity, trust me!" Aimee said smiling at her sister.

"Yeah okay I trust you," Charity responded leaning into her sister for a hug.

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Very early the next morning the girls got ready to leave. Samantha told them she wanted to talk to them before they left, so the girls sat down on the sofa to listen to their mother.

"Pssh, nice dress mom," Aimee grunted as she looked up at her mother.

"It for work!" Samantha cried defensively giving her daughter a small glare.

"Now before you girls go" Samantha began, "I would like to remind you that this is a legacy and one of you is required to become heir. Normally this would be my decision to make, but I'm weak! I can't do it! I love both of you girls and think that you both will make wonderful heirs, so I'm leaving it up to you two to decide." Samantha then paused tears welling up in her eyes, "I can't believe you girls are leaving.”

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"Oh please mom it's college and you can visit us whenever, but then again please don't take that offer seriously!" Aimee grinned saying goodbye to her mother.

Samantha laughed, "I'm gonna miss you Aimee, but I know with your plan and everything you will have everything under control, just try to have some fun too!"

"That I can do." Aimme kissed her mom goodbye and then headed out the door.

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Next Charity stood up to say goodbye.

"Bye hunny, have fun at college, and please try to not have your head in a book the whole time!" Samantha said hugging her other daughter goodbye.

"I'll try mom," Charity smiled, "You''ll be okay by yourself right?"

"Yes, don't worry about me, I'll be just fine, and if not I always have Jace."

Charity grinned and headed out the door.

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"Bye," Samantha called waving as she watched her girls drive away. Beside her another figure waved goodbye as well just as proud to see his daughters off to college.

This is where I will end, thanks so much for reading, I know a lot of it was somewhat depressing. I decided to do journal entries with the girls because it was the best way to show their feelings about the whole event, but until next time, bye!
