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A Measure for scientific thinking

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  • 7/28/2019 A Measure for scientific thinking


    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    A Measure for Scientific ThinkingCarlo Magno

    De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines

    AbstractThe present study further explains the nature of scientific thinking by exploring and

    confirming its factors. Scientific thinking is defined as the thought processes that are used in

    science, including the cognitive processes involved in theory generation, experiment design,

    hypothesis testing, data interpretation, and scientific discovery (Dunbar, 1997). A scale was

    constructed where the items reflect the potent characteristics of scientists as identified from

    previous research. A total of 240 items were initially constructed referring to characteristics

    of scientific thinking and it was administered to 528 college students taking a science

    course. The underlying factors of the 240 items were identified using a principal

    components analysis. Analysis of the scree plot showed that four factors can explain the

    total variance of 60.94%. The grouping of the items was reviewed and they were identified

    as practical inclination, analytical interest, intellectual independence, and discourse

    assertiveness. These new set of factors were administered to a similar sample (N=1839) andthe factors were confirmed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The results showed

    that the four factors of scientific thinking significantly increase with each other. The model

    also had an adequate fit (RMS Standard Residual=.02, RMSEA=.06, PGI=.95, GFI=.95).

    These domains can serve as pillars of scientific thinking and the results closed the gap in

    the process of identifying further characteristics.

    Keywords: Scientific thinking, practical inclination, analytical interest, intellectualindependence, and discourse assertiveness

    IntroductionTheories, technology, models, and solutions to problems are produced

    from the generated thoughts of scientists. The scientist as the person who works in

    the sciences posses characteristics that is at some extent more prominent than in

    other fields. The activities, processes, and traits exemplified by scientists are

    explained much by characterizing their thoughts or how they think. This concept is

    called scientific thinking. Scientific thinking involves systematically exploring the

    environment, constructing models as a basis for understanding the evidence of it,

    and revising those models as new evidence is generated. In this perspective, the

    scientist is like a child in the process of learning who endeavors to make sense of

    their environments by processing data and constructing mental models (Inhelder &

    Piaget, 1958; Kuhn, 1989). Likewise, Dunbar (1999) identified that scientific

    thinking involves thought processes that are used in science including the cognitiveprocess involved in theory generation, experiment design, hypothesis testing, data

    interpretation, and scientific discovery (p. 730). Moreover, according to Gorman

    (2006), these activities engaged by scientists as mentioned must be measured as a

    set of traits and dispositions that have something to do with whether one becomes

    interested in science as a career or related careers that require scientific thinking

    (Gorman, 2008). There is a rich literature explaining the nature of scientific

    thinking as dispositions (i.e., Bachtold & Werner, 1972; Busse & Mansfield, 1984;

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    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    Feist, 1998; Helmreich, Spence, & Pred, 1988; Van Zelst & Kerr, 1954). There is a

    need to study scientific thought in a psychological perspective (Feist, 2006). A

    psychological perspective in the study of scientific thought can (1) provide a model

    to understand and further explain expertise and exemplified skills, (2) derive

    processes that help educators develop students with potential scientific-related

    careers, (3) focus on skills that further strengthen the scientific thinking forpractitioners in science, and (4) integrate other psychological variables to create

    theories to explain it.

    In the educational setting, there is a greater call to develop students who can

    think scientifically. This is usually carried out by training students with research

    skills (Feuer, Towner, & Shavelson, 2002; McGinn & Roth, 1999; Pine &

    Aschbacher, 2006). An education centered on building a scientific culture

    promotes better research. This culture also establishes the practice of openness,

    continuous reflection, and judgment. Brown, Collins, and Duguid (1989) described

    this approach as cognitive-apprenticeship models where students are enculturated

    into the practice of laboratory sciences.

    The present study involves the construction of the concept of scientific

    thinking derived from the conceptualizations of different authors [such as Kuhn

    (1989), Dunbar (1999), Rosser (1999), Feist, 2006, and others]. In order to facilitate

    building the construct of scientific thought, a measure was developed where the

    items reflect, represent, and exemplify the processes involved in scientific thinking

    based on cognitive, personality (disposition), social, and motivational perspectives.

    The identified domains of scientific thinking through an exploratory factor analysis

    were further confirmed in a measurement model to arrive at a final solution of a

    typology for the construct. To ensure the functionality of the items for each

    scientific thinking domain, the one-parameter partial credit Rasch model was used.

    Conceptualization of Scientific ThinkingIt is important to present first the different perspectives formed about

    scientific thinking. These perspectives provide the backbone of conceptualizing a

    construct for scientific thinking as a model.

    Scientific thinking was initially explained as a metaphor on how the child

    thinks and learns (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958). Towards the 1980s this metaphorwas

    still considered valid because of the body of research that demonstrated the

    similarity of scientific generation of thoughts and how the child process information

    (i.e., Brown & Kane, 1988; Carey, 1985). In this aspect, Karmiloff-Smith (1988)

    described the similarity in terms of the child spontaneously discover how the world

    works by building theories and not simply by observing facts like a scientist.

    Towards the end of this decade, Kuhn (1989) started to argue about the analogymade between scientific thinking and child learning. A point of argument includes

    the nave type of thinking that occurs in a child which made it different with the way

    adults and scientists think. This difference was shown in Kuhns different studies

    engaging different age groups to respond to situation that would allow researchers to

    explain how they scientifically think (such as forming evidence, ability to generate

    alternative theories, and ability generate counterarguments). Kuhn (1989) explained

    the patterns of difference in terms of differentiation and coordination of theory and

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    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    evidence where at some point in time (during childhood), both theory and evidence

    are differentiated and lacks integration. This lack of integration eventually

    developed into a coordinated form or logical complement (occurs in most adults).

    The coordination of theory and evidence is described as a paramount of scientific

    thinking. The difference in the pattern of thinking from child to adult in the

    differentiation and coordination of theory and evidence is described as adevelopmental perspective. One implication of Kuhns findings show that scientific

    thinking as coordination between theory and evidence is most likely evident for

    adults specifically for the college sample. Kuhn further explained that the

    coordination between theory and practice develops along a continuum of

    metacognition. As an individual develops, their ability to be aware and take control

    of their own learning also improves. This developing awareness and control for

    ones learning explains much the skills in generating and evaluating evidence and

    coordination with theory. The studies of Kuhn elaborate scientific thinking as

    reflected in the attainment of control over the interaction of theories and evidence

    in one's own thinking. The general skills that encompass scientific thinking

    therefore involve: The scientistbeing able to consciously articulate a theory that he

    or she accepts, knows what evidence does and could support it, and what evidence

    does or would contradict it, and is able to justify why the coordination of available

    theories and evidence has led him or her to accept that theory and reject others

    purporting to account for the same phenomena (p. 674).

    At the onset of the 1990s differentperspectives were proposed that further

    characterized scientific thinking as a construct. These perspectives organize

    different taxonomies of scientific thinking based on how it is studied.

    One classification in conceptualizing scientific thinking is explaining the

    approach taken by scientists in their work. Dunbar (1999) classified scientific

    thinking in terms of the experimental approach, computational approach, and real

    world investigations. The experimental approach is the orientation of scientific

    thinking that involves problem solving, hypothesis testing, and concept formation.The nature of the computational model in scientific thinking involves building

    computational models that is tested mathematically. The real world investigations

    explain how scientific thinking is studied based on the attitudes and characteristics

    reported by scientists. These three approaches explain how scientific thinking is

    focused and studied. This classification was further refined in the succeeding

    studies. These two approaches in looking at scientific thinking were further broken

    down to four ways (Dunbar & Fugelsang, 2005):

    (1) Ex vivo research, in which a scientist is taken out of her or his

    laboratory and investigated using in vitro tasks. (2) In silico research,

    involving computational simulation and modeling of the cognitive processes

    underlying scientific thinking, including a diversity of approaches and case-studies (Dasgupta, 1994; Magnani, Nersessian, & Thagard, 1999; Shrager &

    Langley, 1990). (3) Sub specie historiae research, focusing on detailed

    historical accounts of scientific and technological problem-solving (Gooding

    & Addis, 1993; Nersessian, 1984; Tweney, 1989; Tweney, Mears, &

    Spitzmuller, 2005). (4) In magnetico research, using techniques like MRI to

    study brain patterns during problem-solving, including potentially both in

    vitro and in vivo research (Dunbar & Fugelsang, 2005) (p. 113).

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    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    Another approach in scientific thinking was proposed by Rosser (1999)

    where scientific thinking has typologies of domain-general thinking and domain

    specific thinking. Domain general thinking is the aspects of scientific thinking that

    can be used in a variety of contexts including designing and conducting

    experiments, drawing inferences from data, and evaluating the validity of

    conclusions (p.1000). This typology of scientific thinking involves strategies,heuristics, and methods that can be applied in different situations. On the other

    hand, the domain-specific thinking is the kind of thinking that occurs in ordinary

    situations and which overlaps or similar with scientific thinking. This kind of

    thinking operates when ordinary people arrives and uses their own theories. This

    form of thinking is also termed as nave thinking given the case (Kuhn, 1989).

    Another classification involving scientific thinking is being an expert and

    novice. Scientific thinking is a construct exhibited by expert that is defined as

    someone who has spent many hours training or solving problems in a domain such

    as geology, dance, linguistics, or auto repair (Ericsson & Lehman, 1996). Further

    characterizations of experts are abstract thinking skills, problem-solving strategies,

    storage and recall of a wide array of information, and ability to work flexibly within

    a knowledge domain all exemplify what it means to be an expert (Bransford et al.,

    2000). The scientist as an expert generates complex cognitive tasks by analyzing

    underlying knowledge required by accurately interpreting concepts (Reif & Allen,

    1992). These characteristics are exemplified in scientific thinking.

    In another perspective, the characteristics of scientists as they engage in

    producing their theories are described in scientific epistemology. Scientific

    epistemology is manifested in the creation of scientific knowledge, instrumentation,

    technical discourse, social relations, and visual displays used in scientific

    publications (Kirby, 2003). The theoretical beliefs of scientists would affect their

    evaluation and generation of evidence. The organizing influence of theoretical

    concepts on forms of cognition range from simple categorization to complex

    scientific thought (Alloy & Tabachnik, 1984; Fischhoff & Beyth-Marom, 1983;Holland et al., 1986; Murphy & Medin, 1985; Neisser, 1987). In another aspect,

    Liang, Lee, and Tsai (2010) explains that the nature of science and epistemological

    beliefs share commonalities. They pointed out that both are concerned with

    certainty and developmental process of scientific knowledge and the process of

    knowing science. In their study they conceptualized science epistemological beliefs

    as source (scientific knowledge resides in authorities), certainty (evaluating scientific

    belief as the right answer), development (scientific knowledge as evolving and

    changing), and justification (role of experiments). They found in their study that

    development and justification beliefs about science significantly increase the

    variance in deep motive and deep strategy as approach to learning. This means that

    the belief that science is evolving and its testability nature in experiments makesstudents engage in both deep motive strategy. The studies presented by Kirby

    (2003) and Liang, Lee and Tsai (2010) contributes to the manifestations of scientific

    thinking in the form of beliefs. Epistemological beliefs in science explain much how

    scientists direct their thinking about the nature and source of science.

    Other approaches in studying scientific thinking used personality and

    interest frameworks for identifying characteristics inclined for scientists (Feist,

    2006). The Big Five Factor Model was translated for scientists and examined

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    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    which traits have positive and negative poles (Costa & McCrae, 1995). Hollands

    hexagonal model of vocational interest was also applied among scientists, engineers,

    and mathematicians and found specific map of traits that are geared in their

    orientations. Some studies compared scientists and non-scientists and found

    dominant characteristics of scientists like being extrovert, objective, mechanistic,

    and rational (Arthur, 2001; Conway, 1988; Costa, McCrae, & Holland, 1984; Hart,1982; Johnson, Germer, Efran, & Overton, 1988; Simonton, 2000). Moreover, in a

    metanalysis conducted by Feist (1998), he categorized scientific thinking into three

    meaningful categories: Cognitive, motivational, and social. For the cognitive traits,

    they found that scientists were more open to experience, flexible in thought, and

    more creative. For the motivational aspect, scientists were more driven, ambitious,

    and intrinsically motivated. For the social aspect, scientists were more dominant,

    arrogant, hostile, self-confident, argumentative, and assertive.

    The Present StudyPresently there is a host of scientific thinking characteristics that widely vary

    according to each studys perspective (Bransford et al. 2000; Dunbar, 1999; Feist,

    2006; Kirby, 2003; Rosser, 1999). The problem with some approaches is that the

    characteristics identified are not specific to scientific thinking (e. g., Feist, 2006).

    There is a need to make an explicit construction of the scientific thinking by

    identifying its own typology and measure. The present study created a measure for

    scientific thinking and the items reflect the different perspectives and frameworks

    presented. The factor structure of the scientific thinking was uncovered and this was

    further confirmed.

    MethodParticipantsTwo set of participants were used in the present study. For the initial

    sample, 528 college students were selected purposively from different universities in

    the National Capital Region in the Philippines. The inclusion criteria includes

    students who: (1) are currently in the proposal or data gathering phase of their

    thesis because this allows them to have experience of actual scientific method, (2)

    are working with their mentor in the study, (3) have written other research reports

    prior to their thesis, and (3) are majors in any courses in the social sciences (i.e.,

    psychology, behavioral science, educational psychology, science education, etc.).

    This initial sample was used to identify the factors of scientific thinking.

    Another sample composed of 1839 college students was selected using the

    same selection criteria. This sample was used to confirm the factor structureproduced from the initial analysis. The description of the sample for this set is very

    similar with the first.

    InstrumentThe items of scientific thinking were based on the characterization of the

    thought processes exemplified by scientist from the frameworks presented

  • 7/28/2019 A Measure for scientific thinking


    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    (coordination of evidence and theory, metacognition, experimental approach,

    computational approach domain-general and domain specific thinking, expert and

    novice, science epistemology, cognitive, motivational and social aspects). The items

    are comprised of dispositions and the kind of thinking that happens in the idea

    generation and work of scientists. There were 240 items generated based on the

    descriptions of the frameworks identified. The items were reviewed by two expertsin cognitive psychology and they determined whether the items are relevant.

    Relevance of an item is judged whether they are within the frameworks provided.

    Items that are rated by two reviewers as not relevant were removed or revised for

    clarity. A 4-point Lickert scale was used for each item (4=strongly agree, 3=agree,

    2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree).

    ProcedureThe scale with 240 items was first pretested to 528 students who are

    currently doing their thesis. Examiners were trained how to administer the scale to

    ensure consistency of procedures across different administration. Students were

    instructed to answer as honestly as possible and there are no right and wrong

    answers. Principal components analysis was used for the initial data to uncover the

    factor structure of the scientific thinking. The number of factors was determined by

    examining the eigenvalues (higher than 1.0 in a scree plot). The items with factor

    loadings above .4 were accepted for the next form of the scale. The items were

    regrouped according to the factor where they highly load.

    The items in the previous analysis were again administered to another set of

    1839 respondents (with similar characteristics as the first) and the factors structure

    was tested using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The CFA can show whether

    each factor is significant for the measured construct. The overall fit of the

    measurement model was also tested.

    Item analysis was conducted for each factor by the estimation of Rasch itemand person fit scores. The Rasch model ensures that each factor is unidimensional

    and do not contain sources of variations. The software WINSTEPS was used for

    the Rasch model item analysis. The analysis can determine (a) if the difficulty levels

    of the items reflect the full range of respondents' trait levels, and (b) how well the 4-

    point scale captures the distinctions between each category of agreement. This

    software package begins with provisional central estimates of item difficulty and

    person ability parameters, compares expected responses based on these estimates

    to the data, constructs new parameter estimates using maximum likelihood

    estimation, and then reiterates the analysis until the change between successive

    iterations is small enough to satisfy a preselected criterion value (Linacre, 2006).

    Although the estimates are called difficulty which refers to correct responses (suchas ability measures), the Rasch model is applicable for non-cognitive measures

    where difficulty would refer to extreme low scores in a measure.

    ResultsA principal components analysis was initially conducted among 240 items of

    the scientific thinking scale. An examination of the scree plot showed that four

  • 7/28/2019 A Measure for scientific thinking


    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    factors can be produced because the eigenvalues are close from the fourth factor to

    the fifth. The four factors extracted accounts for 60.94% of the total variance. The

    remaining factors extracted were not considered because the same total variances

    were produced and that were also low. The varimax rotation method was used

    because it accounts for larger factor loadings under each of the four factors

    extracted. The items with factor loadings below .40 were removed and 123 itemswere retained.

    The 123 items were classified under each of the new factor solution. The

    names of the factors were generated based on the common content of the items

    that loaded together. The first factor contain items reflecting the real world

    experience (Dunbar, 1999), domain specific thinking (Rosser, 1999), and scientific

    thinking as everyday thinking (Kuhn, 1989) and it was labeled as practical

    inclination with 24 items (e. g., I can improvise tools to fix objects). The second

    factor extracted contain items indicating strategies, heuristics, methods (Kuhn,

    1989), computational approach (Dunbar, 1999), and justification science

    epistemology (Liang, Lee, & Tsai, 2010) used to generate scientific knowledge and

    this was labeled as analytical interest with 31 items (e. g., I enjoy following step-

    by-step procedures in completing tasks.). The third factor contain items that show

    expert thinking (Ericsson & Lehman, 1996), intrinsic motivation, autonomy (Feist,

    2006), experimental approach (Dunbar, 1999), and certainty science epistemic

    belief (Liang, Lee, & Tsai, 2010)which was labeled as intellectual independence

    with 35 items (e. g., I do not let others influence me in my work without hard

    evidence). The last factor was dominated by items about the social aspect of

    scientific thinking as proposed by Feist (2006). The items are about being

    dominant, arrogant, hostile, self-confident, argumentative, and assertive. This factor

    was named as discourse assertiveness with 33 items (e. g., I engage when

    someone argues with me).

    The four factors of the scientific thinking scale were confirmed in another

    sample (N=1839) with similar characteristics as the first set. To prove the evidenceof a four factor solution, it should show a better fit as compared to a one-factor

    model, two-factor model, or a three-factor model by comparing its fit indices.

    In a one factor model, one latent variable for scientific thinking was tested

    where all 123 items were used as indicators. In the two-factor model, practical

    inclination and analytical interest were combined in one latent variable (r=.89**)

    and intellectual independence and discourse assertiveness (r=.86**) in another. In

    the three factor model, discourse assertiveness is one latent variable, another for

    intellectual independence, and one for practical inclination and analytical interest

    together. The combination of factors was selected based on a zero-order correlation

    of the four factors (see Table 1). The last model tested is the four-factor model that

    was generated from the previous principal components analysis. The best fittingmodel is determined by comparing the fit indices of the models produced using

    change in chi-square (2), Root Means Square Standardized Residual (RMS), Root

    Mean Square Error Approximation (RMSEA), Akaike Information Criterion

    (AIC), Schwartz Bayesian Criterion (SBC), Browne-Cudeck Cross Validation

    (BCC). These indices should show low values to that indicates better fit.

  • 7/28/2019 A Measure for scientific thinking


    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    Table 1Zero Order C orrelation of the Four Factors of Scientific Thinking

    Factors M SD (1) (2) (3) (4)

    (1) Practical Inclination 3.04 0.62 ---

    (2) Analytical Interest 2.99 0.62 .89** ---(3) Intellectual


    3.06 0.61 .88** .89** ---

    (4) Discourse


    3.06 0.61 .83** .81** .86** ---


  • 7/28/2019 A Measure for scientific thinking


    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    calibrations for practical inclination are, -9.12, 1.23, 2.74, and 5.16, for analytical

    interest, -12.51, -2.32, -.71, and 1.34, for intellectual independence, -7.60, .93, 2.24,

    and 4.43, and for discourse assertiveness, -7.74, 1.16, 2.15, and 4.44. All average

    step functions are increasing monotonically indicating that a 4-point scale for each

    factor attained scale ordering where there is a high probability of observance of

    certain scale categories.To determine if the items under each factor has a unidimensional structure,

    item fit mean square (MNSQ) was computed. MNSQ INFIT values within 1.3 and

    less than 0.7 are acceptable. High values of item MNSQ indicate a lack of

    construct homogeneity with other items in a scale, whereas low values indicate

    redundancy with other items (Linacre & Wright 1998). Four Rasch analyses were

    conducted separately for each factor. For practical inclination, item 3 (I am

    bothered when structures are not built properly) had an infit of 3.05 which is above

    1.3 indicating that this item lack construct homogeneity with other items. All other

    items for practical inclination fitted the Rasch Model. For analytical interest, item

    55 (I like to engage in activities that involves critical thinking) with an infit of 2.05

    also lacks construct homogeneity. For intellectual independence, three items also

    lacked construct homogeneity (I evaluate the outcomes of science and technology; I

    support conclusions that I draw from accurate evidence; Conclusions are valid

    when they are based on scientific observations). For discourse assertiveness, two

    items lack construct homogeneity (I engage when someone argues with me; I am

    comfortable facing others whom I know do not like my ideas). These items do not

    share a similarity as with the pool of items in the factor. These items can either be

    removed or revised.

    DiscussionThe study was able to construct a four factor model of scientific thinking

    that is composed of four domains: Practical Inclinations, analytical interest,intellectual independence, and discourse assertiveness. These four domains are

    empirically derived through factor analysis and further confirmed having the best fit

    for the observations. These four constructs also significantly increase with each

    other indicating convergent validity (correlations) and high internal consistencies

    (Cronbachs alpha). The Rasch model also showed that very few items in each

    factor lack construct homogeneity which can still be improved and none of the

    items were redundant.

    Having derived the four domains explains scientific thinking better with its

    exclusive characteristics. Previous studies (i.e., Feist, 2006) identified scientific

    thinking by using other measures (mostly personality) and concluding that certain

    variables are present for a sample of scientists. These characteristics then made ittypical of scientific thinking. However, the present study generated specific

    constructs that are scientific thinking in nature. Previous studies also explain

    scientific thinking by classifying the type of thinking for a given approach (i.e.,

    Dunbar, 1999; Rosser, 1999) which describes more of the activities engaged by

    scientists and not patterns of scientific thinking. However, the present study arrived

    with specific labels that exemplify and describe the thinking of scientists.

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    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    The four specific domains in the present study are practical inclination,

    analytical interest, intellectual independence, and discourse assertiveness. A model

    that is comprised of these four factors is an attempt to unite different perspectives

    in characterizing scientific thinking. This derived and confirmed model indicates

    that these four domains significantly increase with each other. It follows that if an

    individual have a strong tendency to manifest one domain, they would likelyexemplify in the other domains. For example, an individual who exemplify the use

    of mathematical heuristics in solving problems encountered in daily phenomenon

    would (practical inclination) most likely be strategic in thinking for other tasks

    (analytical interest). In another case, individuals who show expertise and strong

    background on a specialized knowledge (intellectual independence) have a

    tendency to be high in asserting their ideas during conversations and debates.

    Practical inclination was derived from items reflecting the real world

    experience (Dunbar, 1999), domain specific thinking (Rosser, 1999), and scientific

    thinking as everyday thinking (Kuhn, 1989). This involves items that typify scientific

    thinking in ordinary living such as everyday reasoning, and math applications.

    Everyday reasoning may involve encountering problems that needs solution and the

    kind of thinking required is backed up by theory and evidence. There may also be

    scenarios that require the use of mathematics such as purchasing and budgeting.

    This concept is consistent to Sternberg, Castejn, Hautamki, and Grigorenkos

    (2001) practical intelligence where the individual thinks of adapting to, shaping of,

    and selecting of real-world environments. People high in practical intelligence are

    strong in using, implementing, and applying ideas and products. This kind of

    thinking is represented in everyday parlance by expressions such as I am able to

    apply theories in dealing with household chores or I can predict the durability of

    materials by looking at its specific characteristics.

    Analytical interest is a range of thinking that involves mental strategies,

    heuristics, methods (Kuhn, 1989), computational approach (Dunbar, 1999), and

    justification science epistemology (Liang, Lee, & Tsai, 2010) used to generatescientific knowledge. The goal in analytical interest is to discover knowledge, and

    such thinking deals with concepts, hypotheses and theories, and abstractions. The

    scientific method is emphasized in this kind of thinking. The thinking involved in

    the use of scientific method is linear and hierarchical and the individual is

    independent of personal and cultural value system so that results can be repeated

    by anyone. For example, Santi and Higgins (2005) explained that geologists or

    hydrogeologists can gain the technical knowledge and skills they need through

    experience and self-education. Part of this skill is analytical interest. Analytical

    thinking skills can be taught through a variety of exercises that enhance the geology

    curriculum without adding new topics, including in-class discussion questions,

    homework and laboratory problems, and add-ons to mapping and semesterprojects. Dunn (1982) described analytical thinkers to be linear sequential and

    logical. Analytic individuals capture and remember information best when it is

    presented in a step-by-step, methodical, sequential, little by little, leading toward an

    understanding of the concept or lessons presented. Analytics are usually persistent

    because they follow directions to complete a task and do things sequentially.

    They move from the beginning of a task to the end in a series of small, focused and

    goal-oriented steps.Analytical interest is manifested in statements such as I believe

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    The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment

    December 2010, Vol. 6(1)

    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    that the scientific method is the best way in acquiring accurate data or I believe

    that processes needs to be systematic to make it work efficiently.

    Intellectual independence includes expertise (Ericsson & Lehman, 1996),

    intrinsic motivation, autonomy (Feist, 2006), experimental approach (Dunbar,

    1999), and certainty science epistemic belief (Liang, Lee, & Tsai, 2010).

    Intellectual independence can be defined as the ability of a learner to makeknowledge claims independent of the traditional authorities of the teacher and

    textbook (Oliver & Nichols, 2001). It involves awareness that knowledge could be

    created as a result of the examination of empirical evidence that is independent of

    the traditional authority. Intellectual independence is manifested by a person who is

    an investigator, who seeking by means of his own efforts to find out what is truth-

    not a mere imitator or verifier of the results obtained by others. The conclusions

    reached must be deductions from the evidence observed, not statements

    memorized from a text or learned from a teacher. The laws and principles derived

    must be inferences warranted by the conclusions from the evidence. In describing

    an intellectual independent student, they should learn to trust his own powers and

    grow strong in the assurance of first-hand knowledge. They test and observe for

    themselves, and receive nothing upon mere authority. No other exercise so

    develops the freedom and confidence of independent thinking (Poteat, 1999).

    Poteat (1999) dissuaded teaching that would encourage students to accept assertions

    "upon mere authority." Examples of statements for intellectual independence are I

    explore my own ideas and provide evidence for its truthfulness or I dislike

    teachers that discourage students from arguing their ideas with others.

    Discourse assertiveness includes the thinking that characterizes dominance,

    arrogance, hostility, self-confidence, argumentative, and assertive. Paterson (2000)

    defined assertiveness as the ability to express ones needs, wants, and feelings

    directly and honestly and to see the needs of others as equally important. It is the

    ability to say "no" or "yes," as appropriate, to requests-to express positive/negative

    feelings and conveniently initiate, sustain or terminate a social discuss (Lazarus,1973). Examples of statements for discourse assertiveness include I engage when

    someone argues with me or I can express my opinion even when others may not

    agree with me.

    The four domains derived in the study form the pillars of scientific thinking.

    Having an integrated typology of scientific thinking forms a foundation for a unified

    conceptualization as a variable. In the present study, scientific thinking is described

    as (1) composed of four domains (practical inclination, analytical interest,

    intellectual independence, and discourse assertiveness), (2) the identified domains

    are interrelated. Having an initial construct of scientific thinking allows other

    researchers to use and further test the construct to strengthen its generalizability.

    The insight into scientific thinking advance understanding in science learning. Sincethe dispositions of scientific thinking are identified, these can be included in the set

    of expectations for students who major in the sciences or undergoing a science

    curriculum. A science curriculum that is geared in developing students who would

    be engaged in scientific work can use the derived model of scientific thinking as

    basis of the outcome or students produced in the program. Research in the past 30

    years have emphasized the development of scientific thinking

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    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


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    reported to have low scores (i.e., TIMSS). One possible intervention is to clarify

    and refocus the competencies, skills, and traits that students need to develop to

    succeed in science. The derived model of scientific thinking can function as a set of

    traits that provide benchmark for students to develop.

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    Appendix AFour-Factor Measurement Mo del of Critical Thinking

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    2010 Time Taylor Academic JournalsISSN 2094-0734


    About the AuthorDr. Carlo Magno is presently a faculty of the Counseling and Educational

    Psychology Department of the De La Salle University, 2401 Taft Ave, Manila,

    Philippines. This study was funded by the University Research and Coordination

    Office of the said university. Correspondence can be addressed to the author [email protected]
