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A MEDITATION FOR CHRISTMAS - Holy Trinity Voice/2012...His name JESUS. (St. Matthew 1:18-25) Father...

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A MEDITATION FOR CHRISTMAS By a Monk of the Eastern Church ‘The shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the lord hath made known unto us’ (Luke 2:15). Let us, too, go even to Bethlehem. In spirit, let us climb that hill ‘unto the hills, from whence cometh my help’ (Psalm 121:1). Climbing up to Bethlehem, implies an effort; but shall we let such a great occasion slip by? ‘Joseph went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem…to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child…’( Luke 2:4,5). It is no longer Caesar Augustus, but the King of kings who decrees that ‘all the world should be taxed…everyone into his own city’ (Luke 2:1, 3). Each person must declare sincerely which city he has chosen, to which group he allies himself. Some will choose Rome; others Athens. Shall I choose riches, or power, or intelligence? No. Those cities are not for me. I shall not even choose Jerusalem, the place where God manifests his glory. During my earthly life, I wish to be a citizen of Bethlehem, and to have that humility and that poverty as my share; with Mary, with Joseph and with Jesus, I would like my name enrolled in the little town which may be despised or ignored by men, but is so great before God. ‘Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy…unto you is born this day…a Savior…’ (Luke 2:10, 11). The birth of Jesus at Bethlehem is not a far-distant historical event which is of no concern to me. And, if it does concern me, it is not merely be- cause I am a member of the great human collectivity. The message of Christmas is not addressed to humanity in general; it is addressed to each person in particular. It reads each soul in a way that is unique and exceptional. This joy is announced to Continued on Page 3
Page 1: A MEDITATION FOR CHRISTMAS - Holy Trinity Voice/2012...His name JESUS. (St. Matthew 1:18-25) Father Bill, Father Paul and the Parish Council extend the blessings and joy of the Christmas

A MEDITATION FOR CHRISTMAS By a Monk of the Eastern Church

‘The shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the lord hath made known unto us’ (Luke 2:15). Let us, too, go even to Bethlehem. In spirit, let us climb that hill ‘unto the hills, from whence cometh my help’ (Psalm 121:1). Climbing up to Bethlehem, implies an effort; but shall we let such a great occasion slip by?

‘Joseph went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem…to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child…’(Luke 2:4,5). It is no longer Caesar Augustus, but the King of kings who decrees that ‘all the world should be taxed…everyone into his own city’ (Luke 2:1, 3). Each person must declare sincerely which city he has chosen, to which group he allies himself. Some will choose Rome; others Athens. Shall I choose riches, or power, or intelligence? No. Those cities are not for me. I shall not even choose Jerusalem, the place where God manifests his glory. During my earthly life, I wish to be a citizen of Bethlehem, and to have that humility and that poverty as my share; with Mary, with Joseph and with Jesus, I would like my name enrolled in the little town which may be despised or ignored by men, but is so great before God.

‘Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy…unto you is born this day…a Savior…’ (Luke 2:10, 11). The birth of Jesus at Bethlehem is not a far-distant historical event which is of no concern to me. And, if it does concern me, it is not merely be-cause I am a member of the great human collectivity. The message of Christmas is not addressed to humanity in general; it is addressed to each person in particular. It reads each soul in a way that is unique and exceptional. This joy is announced to

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The Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

The Voice

Inside this Issue:

A Meditation for Christmas.............. 1

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!............... 2

SCS Nativity Program........................ 2

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker ...... 4

President’s Message......................... 5

Fr. Bill’s Recommended Reading...... 5

Church Organizations ...................... 6

Christmas Outreach.......................... 8

Sweet Treats from the Greeks ......... 9

Parish Announcements.................... 9

Transitions........................................ 9

Stewardship Message....................... 10

Stewardship List .............................. 10

Church Information ......................... 14

Parish Calendar ............................... 15

Community Christmas Card.............. 16

For the electronic version of THE VOICE visit our website at:


Volume : 12 Number : 12 Month : December 2012

Important Announcement

The St. Nicholas Dinner Dance scheduled for

December 1st has been cancelled.

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Jo-

seph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Then Joseph

her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was

minded to put her away secretly. But while he thought about these things, behold, an an-

gel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid

to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And

she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people

from their sins.” So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the

Lord through the prophet, saying: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son,

and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Then Joseph,

being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him

his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called

His name JESUS.

(St. Matthew 1:18-25)

Father Bill, Father Paul and the Parish Council extend the blessings

and joy of the Christmas Season to all the members of our

Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas family.

Sunday, December 16th

Our Sunday Church School will present their Annual

Nativity Program. Join us in a celebration of the birth of

our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012

me in a different way than to any one else; it is to me and for me that Savior is born. Let us recognize the Nativity of Christ as a very personal gift. Let us receive this gift with faith and thankfulness.

‘And lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was’ (Matthew 2:9). The Magi fol-lowed the light which was given to them faithfully: being obedient to this light, they were led by it to the child. If I try to be faithful to the full meas-ure of light that God has given me, if I have the courage to leave all to follow the star, if I decide to be true and obedient to my conscience (whatever may happen), and ready to ‘bear witness of the Light…that was the true , which lighteth every man that cometh into the world’ (John 1: 7,9), the divine light will not fail, despite my ignorance, to lead me—not in any abstract way, but through all the concrete circumstances of life, and whenever it is needed—right up to the Child in whom I have placed all my hope.

‘And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn’ (Luke 2:7). This birth in a manger declares that Jesus wants to be counted among the poor-est, among the most humble; he will be found among the disinherited, the sick, the prisoners, the sinners. I would rather be poor with Jesus than to be rich without Jesus. I prefer to be in a cave with Jesus, Mary and Joseph than in the inn where there is not room for them. Then, too, we must accept the fact that, for those who love Jesus, there is no place in the world. ‘The Son of man hath not where to lay his head’ (Luke 9:58).

‘And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes…’(Luke 2:12). I seek a God and a Lord, and I find a tiny child. The message of Christmas is a message of childhood; ‘Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein’ (Luke 18:17). God does not ask us to renounce the adult knowledge and discretion needed to accomplish earthly tasks, but, in our relations with him, he wants us to return to the trusting simplicity of a child. The child has faith in his father; he walks hand in hand with him; he knows that his father will lead him where he needs to go, he knows that his father will protect him, feed and shelter him; he allows himself to be led by his father, eyes shut, without the least anxiety. When he speaks to his father, he does not try to use any complicated formula, he says quite simply and affectionately what he wants to say. And this is what the little child of Bethlehem symbolizes for us. Furthermore, the Jesus’s childhood is more than a model to be imitated; it is one of those mysteries of the Savior’s life which, although they are historical and transitory, also have an eternal reality; Christmas is a favorable time at which to honor the mystery of Jesus’s childhood.

‘They saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, an myrrh’ (Matthew 2:11). Like the Magi, we offer our treasures and we offer the little child the most precious things we have. In spirit we offer gold, the sign of Jesus’s sovereignty over all riches and all created things, a sign also of our own detachment from earthly goods. In spirit we offer incense, the sign of adoration, for Jesus is not only the king of the universe, he is our God. We offer in spirit myrrh, the spice with which we honor in advance the death and burial of Jesus and through which too, is represented our own renunciation of bodily pleasures. Lord Jesus, accept my offering.

‘And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that had heard and seen…’ (Luke 2:20). Lord Je-sus, before we leave Bethlehem, or come to the end of this feast of the Nativity, allow us to see something of what the shep-herds saw, to hear something of what they heard, and to receive in our hearts the message which is preaches to us from the manger.

‘Ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular’ (1Corinthians 12:27). The feast of Christmas is the feast of the mystical Body, for it is through the Incarnation that men have become members of Christ. Whatever theological interpretation we give to this great scriptural and patristic affirmation of our incorporation into Christ, we must believe that with the Incarna-tion, and ineffable union—that passes all understanding—began, in human flesh, between Jesus Christ and men. Beyond the particular historical event which took place at Bethlehem and through which the Son of God took on a visible human body, another event took place that concerns the whole human race: God, in becoming incarnate, in some way weds and assumes

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012

human nature which we all share and creates between himself and us a relationship which, without its ever ceasing to be that the Creator and his creature, is also that between the body and its members. There is union without confusion. Christ-mas allows us to become most deeply conscious of what is our true nature¸ human nature, regenerated by Jesus Christ.

‘And the Word was made flesh’ (John 1:14). These words summarize and express the feast of Christmas perfectly. If we give them their full meaning, we will understand that they do not only concern the mystery by which the Son and Word of the Father became man: this formula also carries an implication of a moral and practical order. Our flesh is often a source of temptation and sin to us. May the Word of God therefore become flesh in us, may it enter into our body. May the power of this Word (for there can be no question of its being and Incarnation in substance) pass from the exterior to the interior, and so, into our bodies; then the law of the Spirit will prevail over the law of the flesh. Christmas will have a true meaning for us only if our own flesh becomes transformed, changed and ruled by the Word made flesh.



The Feast of Our Father among the Saints


Wednesday, December 5: Great Vespers and Fellowship at 7:00 P.M. Thursday, December 6: Matins and Divine Liturgy at 8:30 A.M.

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012


The Jesus Storybook Bible Every Story Whispers His Name

By Sally Lloyd-Jones

This book tells of God’s great story of salvation. It tells the entire “Story” beneath all the stories of the Bible. And at the center of the Story, there is a baby, the Child upon whom everything would depend. From Noah to Moses to King David, every story whispers Jesus’ name. Jesus is like the missing piece in a puzzle—the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together.

This book is beautifully written and illustrated and invites children to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the center of God’s great story of salvation—and at the center of their story, too.

This is one of the finest children’s Bibles on the market and is highly recommended. This book is available in our Parish Bookstore for $23.00.

Changing of the guard and term-limits are concepts that have been readily embraced by the Orthodox Church as a way to encourage myriad perspectives and active participation in parish leadership for the many. Concep-tually, this is a wonderful approach, but often falls a bit flat since many are not willing or able to serve. There

are many, talented people with tremendous ideas who worship with us every Sunday, but seem unwilling to take the next step. Why?

Leading isn’t fun. For almost every consideration brought to Parish Council, some or many within the parish disagree with the

go-forward approach and voice their disapproval of the chosen path. This is to be expected. This is what a democracy is in

action. We live in a country where voicing an opinion is an unalienable right. It’s a core tenet of the Constitution. Many

around the world cannot make a similar claim, and because of this, we shoulder great responsibility when we disagree. This

responsibility embraces becoming engaged, actively involved and making a difference in our progress. It’s not a passive path;

it can’t and doesn’t work that way. It requires a vision of the future, a willingness to defend the vision and work persistently

toward its outcome. There’s obviously something that draws us back week-in, week-out. Passivity is an approach, but there

are far more effective ways to have an impact.

Over the past four years I believe our parish has grown. The growth (our vision) encompassed sustainability of our parish,

financial security and the expansion of our Ministries. Financial stewardship has grown each of the last three years. While we

have not become a total stewardship parish, we endeavor in the right direction. The Endowment fund is halfway toward its

minimum stated goal, a tremendous improvement in less than a year. Cash flow is solid as God has blessed us with wonderful

leadership and weather during the past four Panegyris. Our current renovation building debt will be paid off before the end

of next year. We have a Parish Administrator in place who is a wonderful advocate for the Church and who is an invaluable

asset in its day-to-day management. We are hiring a Lay-Assistant to further expand our ministries. This will engage more of

our parishioners and call even more people to our doors. Our community outreach, through the burgeoning Good Shepherd

Pantry and our adoption of families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, shows our neighbors who we really are.

Forward progress; step by step. Big picture vision.

We stride forward and are in a better place. We need to accelerate the momentum. We need your ideas, energy, help and

involvement. Many are called. Unfortunately few answer. Will you?

Parish Council President's Message by Chris Chryssovergis

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012


We hope everyone enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. We enjoyed working with Maids of Athena and everyone who volunteered to put meals together for the food pantry and families this year.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Outreach Sunday. The Chili Cook Off was also held, and was met with great en-thusiasm from all participants and organizations. We are grateful to everyone who prepared chili for this event and by doing so, helped to continue the message of Outreach and fellowship throughout the coffee hour. Winners are as fol-lows: Best Cincinnati Style: Dena Naser, Best Southwest: Carol Stefanopoulos, Best Vegetarian: Cara Chryssovergis, Best Miscellaneous: Jay Williams “Hickory Smoked Goat Meat” chili, Best White Chicken Chili: Nick Georgiton, Best Overall: Pete Rodish “Gyro” style, and the People’s Choice award went also to Pete Rodish with the “Gyro” style chili! Our judges this year were Ianthe Schulte, Georgianne Gaz, and Elaine Snyder. Peter Aamodt had planned to judge, but was detained. Thank you everyone!

Operation Petticoat ended on Veteran’s Day, Sunday Novem-ber 11, and was a great success. Items were taken to the local Kiwanis chapter where they are collected by the military for distribution. Thank you to everyone who so generously donated items that may not be readily available to our fe-male soldiers. We thank Ann Jonson and Over 50’s and Mel-ody Dargis and the Daughter’s of Penelope for partnering with us for this collection effort.

Our annual “Coats & Quilts” collection is currently in pro-gress. It will end in mid-December, but you still have time to donate a warm coat or quilt for those less fortunate. Please place your item in a plastic bag and place it in the box at church. Items will be taken to the City Gospel Mission this year.

Our “Dine Inn & Help Out” buffet Christmas dinner will be held here at church on December 11 at 6:30 p.m. Menu is posted in our bulletin board here at church. Price per person is $25 which includes cocktails and dessert. We are due to give a count to the caterer right about now, so if you have not made your reservation with payment, please see Diane Kevin, Georgianne Gaz, or Melanie McNulty so you may be included. Please bring an item for the food pantry and place it under the tree!

Sweet Treats from the Greeks is finally here! Our members and friends have been baking for several weeks and prepara-tions for the sale are underway. The sale begins Friday, De-

cember 7 at 10:00 a.m. and will continue through Sunday, December 9. Please remember our sale to family and friends, and visit us here at church for a delicious selection of pastries for the holidays.

Philoptochos will host the reception following St. Nicholas Vespers on Wednesday, December 5 at 7:00 p.m. Please see Melanie McNulty, Georgianne Gaz, or Dede Humbert with your food item or dessert that you would like to bring.

A very Merry Christmas to everyone!

Outreach Sunday Annual Chili Cook Off

The Judges - Ianthe Schulte, Elaine Snyder and Georgianne Gaz

The Winners with Fr. Bill & Fr. Paul - Nick Georgiton, Carol Stefanopoulos, Jay Williams, Pete Rodish. Not Pictured: Dena Naser & Cara Chryssovergis

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012

The Maids of Athena have been very busy leading up to the

holiday season. For OXI day in October, the Maids teamed

up with the Hellenic dancers to put on a Greek day at St. Jo-

seph’s Orphanage. We educated the boys about Greece and

our heritage, showed them how to Greek dance and make

Greek pizzas, and served dinner of Greek pizzas, pastitio,

Greek salad, and baklava.

The Maids are again selling vasilopita loaves for the holi-

days. Vasilopita is translated as “Sweet Bread of Basil”. It

symbolizes the hope that the New Year will be filled with the

sweetness of life, liberty, health, and happiness. A coin is

placed in the bread and whoever receives the portion of the

vasilopita with the coin is considered Blessed for the New

Year. Loaves are $5 each and can be ordered at any time

throughout the month. See one of the Maids after church,

email [email protected], or at the end of the

month look for our table following Divine Liturgy. Orders can

be picked up starting Sunday, December 23.

Maids are also selling beautiful hand-painted ornaments in

the shapes of globes and crosses made by nuns in a Wiscon-

sin monastery. Globes are $20 each and crosses are $15

each. If interested in purchasing, please find the Maids after

Divine Liturgy or email [email protected].

MAIDS OF ATHENA…Nikki Frankenstein

Thank you everyone for supporting the Operation Petticoat. This year we focused on women soldiers only. It was very successful.

We would like to thank Ted McKay for making the chili for the Over Fifty Club for Outreach Sunday. We only had one entry this year.

Our sympathy to Jim and Jinny Balli and John and Chris Mor-ris on the passing of their brother-in-law, Lee Marsh, who passed away in early November. We lit a candle in his mem-ory. He and his wife, Effie, were members of the Club. May his memory be eternal.

Our next luncheon will be our Christmas luncheon on Decem-ber 15 at church. We will have entertainment that we think you will like.

We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a healthy and safe New Year.

OVER FIFTY CLUB…Ann Jonson We would like to announce that we are still continuing the

food collection drive from Thanksgiving. We will be creating

Christmas dinner baskets for local families in need. All dona-

tions will be greatly appreciated! Items needed include: tur-

keys or hams, mashed potatoes, stuffing, canned vegetables,

bread mix, canned yams/sweet potatoes, frozen pumpkin pie

or pumpkin pie crust and filling, and canned cranberries.

Questions can be directed to [email protected] or

contact Nikki at 513-325-6629. Thank you for your gracious


Finally, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas/Kala Xris-

touyenna and Happy New Year/Xronia Polla on behalf of

the Maids! Thank you all for all of your support and well

wishes throughout the year! We hope you all had an amazing

2012, and wish you the best for 2013!

Outreach Sunday and our Annual Chili Cook Off held Novem-ber 3 were very successful, informative and fun. One of our own, Jay Williams, won in the miscellaneous chili competi-tion category! Way to go “Jay”!!!!

On Tuesday November 13, Daughters, Over 50’s and Philop-tochos delivered all of your generous donations for Opera-tion Petticoat, “A Collection for Female Soldiers”. Thank you to everyone who assisted in this project. That evening the AHEPA Family held their Annual Thanksgiving Dinner. The food was delicious, but best of all was the Family getting to-gether.

Thank you for joining us on Sunday November 18th for coffee hour to celebrate Daughters of Penelope Founder’s Day. DOP was founded November 16, 1929.

We invited all past Presidents of DOP to our November 27th meeting to honor them. Many thanks to the past Presidents who were able to attend and to all of the ladies that helped put this enjoyable evening together.

We will still be taking orders and delivering BAKLAVA this month, so don’t forego the finest this side of Greece. We guarantee the highest quality ingredients. We will have a ta-ble set up on Sundays for your convenience to stop by and place your orders, or contact Melody Dargis 513-729-8484. This fundraiser supports our scholarships and many charities.

We have our Christmas Party instead of a meeting on Tues-day December 4. Questions? contact Melody 513-729-8484

I would like to close with wishing you and yours a blessed and safe Christmas.


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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012


Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

The Annual SCS Nativity Program will take place on Decem-ber 16, directly following the Divine Liturgy. Please support our students in this endeavor. It is a great way for the stu-dents to explore the true meaning of Christmas. Unfortu-nately in our society of gadgets and stuff, we often forget to pause and celebrate the greatest gift of all, our salvation sent to the world as a small baby for the sole purpose of redeem-ing the world. Sing along with the children as we celebrate --Christ is Born!

Some things to look forward to in 2013:

SCS Family Day and Open House

St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival

Sunday of Orthodoxy Procession

Also, keep up the great work with the canned food drive. So far we have collected over 1200 items. We are well on our way to our goal of 2500 items. Maybe we can get to 3000 by the end of the year!

The Preschool class is typically open for children that are 3 years old. This year we have a very small roster. The teach-ers of this class would like to open the registration up to any-one that will turn three during this school year. Please see Maria Panagis or Jenny Adamson in the preschool classroom for more information about this opportunity.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer your time and talents, please contact Cara Chryssovergis at 513-777-8281 or [email protected]. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR SCS.

The Men's Ministry Christmas caroling is coming up again soon! Saturday, December 8th

, we will depart from Church at 10am. This outreach to people who are in nursing homes or shut ins at their own homes has been well received in years past. We would like to encourage you to give us the names and contact information of someone in our Church commu-nity who you think might appreciate a visit whether family or not. If you can join us on the caroling day, we welcome you! This event is for everyone in the family and your friends. We usually sing several traditional carols in English with one or two in Greek (other languages welcome). Musicians wel-come. Contact Jim Raptis, (513)375-5039 [email protected] or call the Church office.


GREEK SCHOOL…Alexandros Laftsidis

Dear friends of the Greek Language School,

We would like to thank you all for the honor to come to our OXI Day celebration. We are grateful for joining us on that day. We would also like to thank all the parents and friends who helped us organizing this celebration.

Our organist Mr. Hun Lee and his mother would like to thank all the parishioners who have held Hun steadily in their prayers. James and I visited Hun on November 12th to de-liver a generous check from the special tray that was passed for him. He and his mother were very grateful. We were honored to be in the presence of a miracle. Hun is regaining his speech in four languages. He knew us, and asked us to tell all of you how much he loves and misses you. And, finally, he walked with assistance to the piano, where he played the left hand of Bach's 1st Invention while his teacher played the right. Praise God for this miracle.

CHOIR…Janice Kellaris

Christmas Outreach: Helping Our Neighbors

Thanks to the efforts of our community and through the leadership of Philoptochos and the Maids of Athena, we helped more than 100 families with a Thanksgiving din-ner. We now turn our attention to the task of helping feed families at Christmas. Let’s celebrate the birth of Jesus by sharing our blessings with those in need.

Thank you to all of the individuals that have given so generously to make this

ministry possible!

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012

Sweet Treats from the Greeks Holiday Greek Pastry Sale

Friday, December 7th: 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. Saturday, December 8th: 10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Sunday, December 9th: Noon – 3:00 P.M.

Goodies available at the Bake Sale: Baklava - Kourabiethes - Pasta Flora - Koulouria - Melomakaroma - Kataifi - Galaktobouriko

Spanakopites and Triropites will again be available - perfect savory appetizer for your holiday parties!

Brought to you by Ladies Philoptochos Society




Jason Quinn Walls was welcomed into the Orthodox Faith through the Sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation on October 13, 2012. His Sponsor is Michael Palassis.


The Newlyweds: Chryssoula Palassis and Jason Walls Sponsor: Presvytera Elaine Stavropoulos

Date: October 27, 2012


Helen Belitsos, age 92, on November 12, 2012 Athena Christakos, age 89, on November 15, 2012

The New Christian: Evgenia Elisabet Parents: Haralambos and Athanaseea (Furkas) Denas

Sponsors: Angelo and Maria (Grammas) Vasiliou Date: October 13, 2012

The New Christian: Elena Marie Parents: Mark and Kristin (Lambrinides) Gaskins

Sponsor: Rebecca Lambrinides Date: October 14, 2012

The New Christian: Lucas Parents: Gregory and Victoria (Papaioannou) Deibig Sponsors: Daniel and Christina (Papaioannou) Priest

Date: November 3, 2012

The New Christian: Jordan Denae Parents: Zaza and Anya (Krivonos) Eristavi

Sponsor: Lidiia Gryshyna Date: November 10, 2012

Parish Announcements

Congratulations to Leslie Ghiz, who won a Judge position on the Court of Common Pleas in Hamilton County.

Blood Drive Reminder for April 27, 2013. Why such an early notice? If you are a regular blood donor, thank you very much for your outreach to our tri-state community! For you to be able to donate at our Church blood drive, the last day for a double red blood cell donation is January 4, and the last day for a whole blood donation is March 1. Hoxworth Blood Center scheduling number is (513) 451-0910 .

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012

2012 STEWARDSHIP LIST THROUGH 11-16-12 Let’s make this year our most successful year ever!

Thank you for the continued support of our Church and her ministries.

Aamodt, Peter & Karen Adinamis, George & Robyn Akroush, Mike & Kathy Alex, James L. & Koula Anagnostou, Elias & Helen Anagnostou, Emmanuel & Julie Anastasiou, Demetra Andreadis, Paul Andreadis, Sophie S. Andrews, Evan & Terry Antoniades, Anthony & Tracey Apostol, Katherine Apostolides, Vasso A. Argeros, Aristea Arvanetes, Gregory & Sandra Assaley, Lewis & Patricia Balkenbusch, Matt & Nicole

Barnhart, Thomas & Sylvia Batsakes, George P. Batsakis, Chris & Lydia Beish, Andrew Beish, Daniel & Karen Beish, Lindsay & Digger Bujnoch Belitsos, Helen† Bender, Christina E. Bender, Robert & Kathy Berry, Scott C. & Chris Betas, Christina Betas, Maria Bidzos, James Bikas, George M. & Anna Bikas, Michael & Anna Bilionis, Charles & Angela Black, Dr. William & Lenora

Blackstone, Mark & Angela D. Blavos, Sylvia Borcoman, Tate & Nicole Borod, Gregory & Gloria Bottomley, Stephen & Stephanie Boulmetis, Samuel N. & Anita Boumis, Peter & Kimberly Bouras, Peter† & Anna Brausch, Robert & Julie Bridges, Herstle & Mina Brown, Bryan & Nickie Brown, William & George-Ann Burton, Matthew D. & Kathy Caddell, Chris & Eleni Callos, Harry & Angie Caneris, Adonis & Ana Maria Caneris, Anthony & Antoinette

Stewardship Message

Stewardship is an important part of our Orthodox faith and is part of a total commitment to Christ. Stewardship

is part of a Christian lifestyle and represents a loving way to give back to God for everything He has provided us.

Stewardship in the Orthodox Faith helps us live and practice the teachings of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. It

confirms our belief in our faith. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese refers to the three T's of stewardship: Time,

Talents and Treasure, for the glory of God.

Our Stewardship Program consists of four facets:

Ordinary Stewardship is the regular practice of returning to God a portion of all that God has given us. It’s

an acknowledgement that all that we have is a gift from God. This includes spreading the teachings of

Christ. The concept of giving regularly of our treasure for God's work on earth is as much a spiritual practice

as are prayer and worship.

Time and Talents means getting involved with the Church through participation in ministries and by offering

our time and talents to help further the Church's mission.

Extraordinary Stewardship involves the special occasions that arise in the life of our community that call us

to give beyond what is ordinary. These occasions encourage us to participate in sacrificial giving and help

the community realize critically important goals and satisfy fundamental needs.

Legacy Stewardship addresses the matter of sharing the accumulations of our lives. It is an opportunity to

provide a planned gift and represents both a legacy to future generations yet unborn and a final testimony

of our belief in our Orthodox faith.

As 2012 comes to a close, prayerfully consider how you can help our Church expand our ministries through each

facet of Stewardship.

Source Material: http://www.saintdemetrios.com/Community/Stewardship.dsp

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012

Caneris, Dr. Onassis A. Caneris, Thomas & Joanna Cardullias, Dr. Peter & Elaine Carey, Lee & Tula Carras, Evan & Betsy Carumpalos, Constantine Cassis, Constantine & Carrie Cassis, Fr. William & Presvytera Anastasia Chaldekas, William & Bess Chantilas, George Chantilas, James & Dr. Lydia Chapas, Lefty Charnas, Terry & Koula Chichura, Marcus & Michelle Chowning, Steven & Christina Christman, Carl & Margaret Christofield, Angeliki Christoforidis, Alexander & Jennifer Christon, Angelos & Deanna Christopher, Spiro & Olga Christopoulos, Vassiliki Christos, Mary J. Christos, Mary M. Chryssovergis, Chris & Cara Chryssovergis, Leza & Joel Gulker Claffie, Sean & Angela Colak, Tony & Joan Colyer, Donna Colyer, Jeff & Laura Colyer, Keith & Diane Condorodis, Anestis J. & Janeen D. Condorodis, Dr. Constandinos J. & Carolyn Cook, Barbara Cook, Frank & Karen Cooper, Charles & Aphrodite Coures, George & Joyce† Cranley, John & Dena D'Orazio, Steve & Angela Dadas, Alex & Rosalyn Dalambakis, Chris & Judy Dalton, Andrew & Maria Dargis, David & Melody Demakes, Mina Denas, Haralambos & Athoniseea Dimas, Gregory & Evelyn Patsavos Dimitriades, Zissis & Helen Dimitroff, Robert S.† Economacos, Demetrios & Christine Economacos, Eleni Economacos, Tom & Jennifer Economakis, Tina Economou, Robert Edgington, Paul & Mary Lou Elias, Nicholas & Monica Elias, Tom & Tina Eliopoulos-Rosenbloom, Connie Ernst, James H. & Sue Evangelou, Dimitri & Katie Evangelou, Sofia Fakoukakis, Emanuel & Susan

Fekkos, Haralambos & Loella Ann Fielden, Brad & Tricia Fillios, Alexandra Fletcher, Christopher & Gabrielle Fotopoulos, Christine Francis, Dean & Kathy Franklin, Gari Frantzis, Kosta & Tammy Freeman, Maria Freudenberg, Grey & Eleni Fritz, Christine Fritz, Margaret Furkas, Kostadinos & Lisa Galanes, George Gaier, Jeffrey & Chris Anne Gaskins, Mark & Kristin Gelis, James & Kathy Genest, Anne Georgacopoulos, Demetrios & Jaime Georgeton, Chris P. & Barbara Georgeton, John P. & Kimberly Georgeton, John C. & Ann Georgeton, Nickoletta Georgeton, Peter C. Georgeton, Peter T. & Nancy Georgiades, Peri & Cheri Rekow Georgiou, Dean Georgiou, George & Maria Georgiton, John N. & Jenny Georgiton, Nick Georgiton, Peter J. & Betsy Georgopoulos, Tasos & Eileen Georgostathis, Gus & Connie Georgostathis, Gus & Eleni Georgostathis, James Georgostathis, Joanne Georgostathis, Maria Georgoulakis, Athanasios & Sofia Geromes, Alexander Gerros, Carl & Mary Ghiz, Leslie Ghizas, John & Helen Giovis, Chris A. & Jean M. Giovis, Thomas Glaser, Brian & Stella Gormas, Pete Gortsas, Alex† Grammas, George & Pam Grammas, James & Tasia Grammas, Mary Grammas, Peter & Panagiota Greene, David & Maria Gregory, Dean & Hedy Gregory, Matula Gregory, Thomas & Pamela Gregory, Victoria Guethlein, Sophia Haddad, Saba & Elise Haralamos, George & Eleni Haralamos, Mike G. & Akrivi

Harper, Loren Hayden, Jason & Rebecca Herrmann, Dennis & Stacy Hill, Ann “Tasha” Himonidis, Chris & Ruth Hodges, Nick & Millie Humbert, Randy & Dede Iatrides, Panawiota Ioannides, Tasos & Anna Ioannou, Maria & John Ioannou, Michael & Meagan Johnson, John & Antigone Jones, Demus J. & Betty Jones, Carolyn Jones, James A. & Jo Ann Jonson, Alexander & Ann Jonson, Chris C. & Loy Jonson, George N. & Sophia Jonson, James G. & Thelma Jonson, Luke & Lauren Jonson, Paul C. & Cheryl Kachoris, John & Kelly Kalemanis, Gary & Maria Kalemanis, George & Nikki Kalomeres, George C. Kambelos, John P. & Erato Kambelos, Dr. Peter J. Kambelos, Stratos & Hope Kanaris, Christos Kanaris, Kostantinos & Katy Kanelos, John K. and Christine Kaniaris, Eleni Kaniaris Jr., John Kapourales, Harry & Vivian Kapourales, Louis Kappas, James P. Karageorge, Dimitri & Athena Karampas, George & Diane Karas, Bill J. & Lynn Karas, Katherine Karas, Ted & Dixie Karras, Giorgio & Erene Kasprzycki, Peter & Edyta Katsanis, Claire C. Katsanis, James & Diane Katsaounis, Nick & Fay Kavouras, George & Fran Kehayes, Christine Kehayes, Peggy Kehayes, William & Melissa Kellam, Helen Kellaris, James & Janice Kelley, Michael & Pauline Keough, Brian & Tina Kereiakes, James & Helen Kevin, Patrick & Diane Kezios, Bessie Kindle, Jeffrey & Belinda Kissopoulos, Nick & Effy Kladakis, John & Teddi

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012

Klug, Chris & Maria Knoll, Crystal Kontonickas, Mary Kontopos, Maria Kontopos, Pete & Katerina Kontopos, Vagelis & Amanda Kontsis, George & Melissa Koros, Kostas & Dina Korvessis, Anthony & Georgia Lydia Koskinaris, Athanasios & Helen Kostopoulos, Nikolaos & Dana Koufoudakis, Tony Kramvousanos Family Kranias, George & Litsa Kranias, Stratos & Amanda Krondilou, Ted & Rose Kunkemoeller, Thomas & Janice Kurlas, Louise T Kyrios, Irini Kyrios, Tassos & Maria Lagos, Tom & Matina Lambrinides, Nicholas & Diane Lambrinides, Ted & Kimberly Lambrinides, Thomas J. & Mary Ann Landers, Lauren Lazares, Gus J. Lazares, John K. & Patricia Leon, Gus A. & Kathryn Leon, John & Sarah LesChander, Scott L. & Alexandra Leslie, Wayne & Peggy Levenderis, Bill & Jill Liaros, Vasilios & Evangelia Liston, Robert & Eleni Locklear, Ray & Niki Loukoumidis, George & Stacey Love, David & Iris Macaskill, Stuart & Stacy Makris, George J. & Katherine Maleas, Pete C. & Pearl Mamaligas, Mike & Joann Manolakas, Alexander & Vera

Marinakis, Bill D. & Evonne Marinakis, George D. & Eleni Marinakis, Panagiota Marinakis, Teddy D. & Katie Maris, George & Tricia Markos, Andreas & Christina Mavridoglou, George & Penny Mavridoglou, Konstantinos Mavridoglou, Michael & Laura Mavridoglou, Nicholas & Jessica McKay, Betty Jo McLeish, David & Kiki McNulty, Michael & Marisa McNulty, Robin & Melanie Megois, Lee S. & Stephanie Merianos, Ted Meyer, Andy & Maria Miller, Clayton & Cleo Miller, Peter Mirkopoulos, Nicholas & Mare Mirkos, Steve & Edyta Mirkos, Marilyn & Thomas† Misali, A. J. "Ike" & Marge Misali, John P. & Deborah Misali, Paul J. Misali, Sam & Mary Jean Mitropoulos, Pete & Konstantina Mohler, David & Angel Mokas, Mary Monroe, Angeliki Moraites, Eleni Moraites, Dr. Richard S. & Aphrodite Morris, John & Christine Moulas, Dean & Catherine Muennich, Sam & Melissa Murray, Stella P. Nadaud, Catherine Naser, Jacoub & Dina Nathan, Jaimie & Amy Neuendorf, David & Patricia Neuendorf, Matthew Nicholas, Eugene & Cindy

Nicholas, Nick & Helen Nichols, Lee Nichols, Ron & Philanthy Niehoff, Barbara & Frank†

Nikias, Charles P. & Vicki

Nikias, Vasilia Nitsis, Dimitrius & Leisa Nourtsis, Sam & Alexandra Nyktas, George W. Orphanos, Peter & Angela Pachmayer, Michael & Rita Palassis, Chryssoula Palassis, Michael & Alison Palassis, Nick & Maria Paliobagis, Vasiliki Palioyras, George Panagiotidis, John Panagis, Nick & Maria Pangalos, Vincent & Billie Panos, Aphrodite Panos, Lula Pantel, Alex E. & Julie Pantel, Nicholas J. Paolucci, Anthony & Angie Papaioannou, Thomas & Mary Paparodis, Bess Papas, James & Demetra Papathanas, Harry & Joyce Papathanas, Katherine Papathanas, Mary Kay Papathanasiou, Konstantinos & Tammy Pappas, Andrew S. & Julie Pappas, Martha H. Pappas, Vasilios T. & Christine Parsenios, Doris Parsenios, Lewis G. Parthenakis, Nicholas & Angie Pascal, Betsy Pascal, James Pastrimas, Emanuel & Lisa Payiatis, Paul & Patricia

“I chose and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.”

John 15:16

The parishioners listed here have made a commitment and/or contribution

towards 2012 Stewardship. If you have not made your Stewardship Pledge

for 2012, we encourage you to do so today. Pledge Cards are available

through the Church Office or can be obtained by contacting any member of

the Parish Council or the Clergy.

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012

Perdikakis-Patterson, Constance & Brett Patterson Perdikakis, Gus G. & Jo Ann Perdikakis, Lynn Peters, Claire Petkos, Joannis & Christina Petrou, George A. Petrou, James & Carrie Photos, Alta Pilipovich, George & Cynthia Plomaritis, Peter & Elsa Polen, Joe & Stephanie Politis, Michael & Carmen Polychroniou, Constantine & Christine Poneris, Constantino & Tara Poneris, Nikitas & Rena Ponticos, George D. Ponticos, Koula Poplos, Theodore & Stephanie Prasinos, Jim & Nicki Prasinos, John & Zoe Priest, Daniel & Christina Psihountas, Mary Quill, Kevin & Mary Quinn, Jeff & Shannon Quinn, Kyle Ramstetter, Robert & Lisa Randall, Paul & Dee Raptis, James & Maria Raptis, James & Olga Raptis, John Reich, Joseph & Stacy Riber, Sam & Filio Richardson, Josh & Nicole Riemann, Christopher & Blanca Rodish, Peter & Suzanne Romanos, Constantine & Carla Romanos, Michael & Carla Rombes, Tom & Angie Rombis, Petros & Sofia Rood, John & Jennifer Rose, Marvin & Chrysoula Rosenbaum, David & Maria Saba, George & Youhana Sakellariou, Maria B. Sakelos, John & Kathleen Sampson, Angeline Sampson, Tony & Mary Ann Sansalone, Anthony & Angeleke Sarakatsannis, George & Marie Sarakatsannis, Nicholas J. & Vicki Sarakatsannis, Nicholas L. & Carla Sarakatsannis, Olympia Sarakatsannis, Panny & Judy Sarakatsannis, Spiro N. Sarros, George H. & Alexandra Sarros, Harry J. Sarros, John H. Schmidberger, Gary & Elizabeth Schmitz, Thomas & Cathy

Schneider, Elizabeth R. Schooley, Barbara Schuler, Bill & Julie Schulte, Nick & Ianthe Schultz, James & Sarah Schutter, Michael & Lynne Semertzides, Dr. John & Evie Semertzides, Manos & Elizabeth Semertzides, Nick & Eleni Seremetis, Afrodite K. Seremetis, Gregory G. Seremetis, Stratin & Marjory Sias, Georgios N. & Kathy Sideris, Danny & Amy Sideris, Mina Sideris, Nick & Jane Siegel, August C. Siegel, Daniel R. & Marianthi Simos, Marianthi Sims, David & Penelope Sittloh, Joel & Paula Snider, Luke & Dacia Snyder, Milan & Elaine Spanorigas, Nicholas & Becky Spanos, Van & Litsa Sparks, Ryan & Sophia Sperelakis, Dr. Nicholas & Dolores Spirtoff, John & Vicki Spyridon, Pearl Stacey, Christine Staios, Olga Stamatakos, Dino & Diamanto Stamatakos, Gus & Vivi Stamatakos, Tom Stanifer, Randy & Eleni Stathis, Angelos & Aspasia Stathis, Lee & Evie Stavros, Cathy Stefanopoulos, Andrew & Carol Stenger, Doug & Lauren Stephan, Charles M. Stephan, George Stephan, Kara Stephan, Melinda Stephan, Michael Stephan, Nicholas & Alyssa Steppe, Greg & Ellene Stergiopoulos, Michael W. & Christina Stergiopoulos, William M. & Janis Stergiopulos, Anna Stergiopulos, Nick & Corey Stiros, Paul & Melpo Afstarlou Stone, Christy & Stephanie Storch, Mark & Angela Storgion, John Strain, Richard & Katherine Strike, George L. † Strike, Louis Stringas, Emanuel & Katherine Stroplos, George & Susan

Stroplos, Gus & Terry Suhar, Sylvia Tarazi, Lillian Tassopoulos, Michael & Ritsa Thomakos, Artemis Thomakos, Stan & Michelle Tipis, Eleni Toleski, Steve & Tatsa Traiforos, James & Christina Tremoulis, John N. & Sunday Trennepohl, Mike & Tina Trester, Ron & Maria Triantafilou, George & Eleni Triantafilou, Rita Trivett, Michael & Matina Trohanis, Mary V. Truebenbach, Fr. Paul & Presvytera Lavinia Tsacalis, William & Marie Turner, Elaine & Dan Valcarcel, John & JoAnne Vasilakis, Vasilios & Maria Vasiliou, Demetrios & Gloria Vassil, William J. Veres, Helen

Veres, Leon Vessey, Lenie Vidas, Angelis & Evridiki Vidas, Chris & Kim Vidas, Cynthia Vidas, Ethel Vidas, Evangelia P. Vidas, George Vidas, Olga Vidas, Sofia A. Vidas, Ted & Zoe Vlahakis, Tom & Carol Vollhardt III, Arthur & AnnaMarie Watson, Douglas & Akrivi Weis, Daniel & Anastasia Weisenborn, Maria & Cary Wellman, Helen N. Wilson, Wallace & Michelle Witt, Alan J. & Bessie Wolff, Frank & Jaclyn Giovis Wolff Xanthakos, Stavra & Helmut Roehrig Zeilman, John & Anna Zaferes, George P. & Diane Zaferes, Katherine (Tina) Zaferes, Patricia J. Zaferes, Patricia P. Zaferes, Thomas & Eleni Zaferes, Toula Zagorianos, Kristos & Kathy Zaharopoulos, Antonios & Dimitra Zalants, Larry & Anitsa Zeidan, Stephanie Zeilman, John & Anna Zigoris, Mark & Irene Zolotas, Pete & Papy

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THE VOICETHE VOICE DecemberDecember 2012

Clergy Presiding Priest: Very Rev. Father William Cassis

Assistant: Rev. Father Paul Truebenbach

Staff Parish Administrator: Eugene Nicholas

Facilities Manager: Chris Jonson

Parish Council

Organizations and Ministries

Philoptochos Society: Diane Kevin, President

Parish Choir: Janice Kellaris, Director

Cantors: Louis Kapourales, Tasos Ioannides

Altar Boys: Gus Siegel, Father William Cassis, Father Paul Truebenbach

Sunday Church School: Cara Chryssovergis, Director

Greek School: Alexandros Laftsidis, Director

GOYA: Father Paul Truebenbach, GOYA Ministry Team

HOPE and JOY Groups: Father Paul Truebenbach, Ministry Team

Mothers Club: Catherine Stavros

AHEPA: Andrew Stefanopoulos

Daughters of Penelope: Melody Dargis, President

Over 50s Club: Ann Jonson

Parish Bible Study and Orthodoxy 101: Father William Cassis

Orthodox Reading Group: Father Paul Truebenbach

Outreach/Samaritan Fund: Father William Cassis,

Father Paul Truebenbach, Eugene Nicholas

Agios Demetrios Society: Jim Grammas, Maria Panagis

PANEGYRI: Frank Cook

Parish Bookstore: Beth Uhimchuk

Office Hours: Weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Worship Schedule: Matins, 8:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 a.m.

Other Services as scheduled.

Officers Members

Christopher Chryssovergis, President Frank Cook

Dr. Peter Kambelos, Vice-President Brad Fielden

Nick Georgiton, Treasurer Tasos Ioannides

Ianthe Schulte, Asst. Treasurer George Kalemanis

Peter Aamodt, Secretary Ron Nichols

Eleni Haralamos, Asst. Secretary John Sakelos

Andrew Stefanopoulos

Our Mission

THE VOICE is the official monthly

newsletter of Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas

Greek Orthodox Church in Cincinnati,

Ohio. Our Parish was founded in 1907

and serves Orthodox Christians

throughout the tri-state area. Our mis-

sion is to reach out to all members of

the Community by providing relevant

information on the religious, spiritual

and cultural life of the Parish; news on

the accomplishments of Parish mem-

bers and organizations, and editorial

points of view.

The next deadline for submitting

news to the "Voice" is

December, 9 2012

Submissions can be dropped off or

mailed to the Church Office or

e-mailed to

[email protected] or

[email protected]

Our Church website can be found




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December 2012 For the most updated Calendar, visit www.holytrinity.oh.goarch.org

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



8:15 a.m. Matins 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy Mothers Club ‘Breakfast with Santa’


6:30 p.m. Orthodox Reading Group



7:00 p.m. Great Vespers for St. Nicholas No Orthodoxy 101


St. Nicholas the Wonderworker 8:30 a.m. Matins and Divine Liturgy


10:00 am-6:00 pm

Sweet Treats Sale

6:30 p.m. HOPE

and JOY Meeting


10:00 am-5:00 pm

Sweet Treats Sale

10:00 a.m. Men’s

Ministry Caroling


8:15 a.m. Matins 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy 12:00 pm-3:00 pm

Sweet Treats Sale


6:30 p.m. Orthodox Reading Group


6:30 p.m.



6:30 p.m.


7:00 p.m.

Mothers Club



St. Spyridon the Wonderworker 8:30 a.m. Matins and Divine Liturgy

7:00 p.m. Orthodoxy 101 Final Session

13 14 15

12:00 p.m. Over Fifty Lunch 1:00 p.m. SCS Nativity Program Dress Rehearsal


8:15 a.m. Matins 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy SCS Nativity Program Greek School Kalanta


6:30 p.m. Orthodox Reading Group

18 19 20

6:00 p.m. Parish Council Dinner & Mtg.

21 22


8:15 a.m. Matins 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy No SCS


Christmas Eve

8:30 a.m.

Vesperal Divine


6:00 p.m.

Matins and

Divine Liturgy of



The Nativity of

the Lord

8:30 a.m.

Matins and

Divine Liturgy

26 27

St. Stephen the First-Martyr 8:30 a.m. Matins and Divine Liturgy

28 29


8:15 a.m. Matins 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy No SCS


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Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 7000 Winton Road Cincinnati, OH 45224 Tel: (513) 591-0030 Fax: (513) 591-0043 www.holytrinity.oh.goarch.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED





‘Tis the season to join the members of our Parish in expressing Christmas greetings to one another by participating in our annual COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CARD. This is a wonderful way to extend holiday greetings to one another, and a successful means of raising funds for our beloved Parish. You can be part of our annual Christmas Card by filling out this form and returning it to the Church Office no later than Monday, December 3, along with a contribution of $30.00 per family. Your participation and support are greatly appreciated.

Please list my/our family on the COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CARD as follows:




