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A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with ... · Arun Kumar Center for Astrophysics...

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A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with Lunar Teleoperated Assembly Tasks Arun Kumar Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 [email protected] Benjamin Mellinkoff Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 [email protected] Wendy Bailey Martin Engineering Management Program University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 [email protected] Mason Bell Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 [email protected] Alex Sandoval Ball Aerospace 10 Longs Peak Drive Broomfield, CO 80021 [email protected] Jack Burns Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 [email protected] Abstract— Low-latency telerobotics can enable more intricate surface tasks on extraterrestrial planetary bodies than has ever been previously attempted. In order for humanity to create a sustainable lunar presence, well-developed collaboration be- tween humans and robots is necessary to perform complex tasks. This paper presents a methodology to assess the human factors, situational awareness (SA) and cognitive load (CL), associated with teleoperated assembly tasks. Currently, telerobotic assem- bly on an extraterrestrial body has never been attempted, and a valid methodology to assess the associated human factors has not been developed. The Telerobotics Laboratory at the University of Colorado-Boulder created the Telerobotic Simulation System (TSS) which enables remote operation of a rover and a robotic arm. The TSS was used in a laboratory experiment designed as an analog to a lunar mission. The operator’s task was to assem- ble a radio interferometer. Each participant completed this task under two conditions, remote teleoperation (limited SA) and local operation (optimal SA). The goal of this experiment was to establish a methodology to accurately measure the operator’s SA and CL while performing teleoperated assembly tasks. A successful methodology would yield results showing greater SA and lower CL while operating locally. Performance metrics measured in this experiment showed greater SA and lower CL in the local environment, supported by a 27% increase in the mean time to completion of the assembly task when operating remotely. Subjective measurements of SA and CL did not align with the performance metrics. This brought into question the validity of the subjective assessments used in this experiment when applied to telerobotic assembly tasks. Results from this experiment will guide future work attempting to accurately quantify the human factors associated with telerobotic assembly. Once an accurate methodology has been developed, we will be able to measure how new variables affect an operator’s SA and CL in order to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of telerobotic assembly tasks. 978-1-7281-2734-7/20/$31.00 c 2020 IEEE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. I NTRODUCTION ................................... 2 2. RELATED WORK ................................. 2 3. I MPLEMENTATION ................................ 3 4. EXPERIMENT ..................................... 5 5. RESULTS .......................................... 7 6. DISCUSSION ...................................... 9 7. CONCLUSION ..................................... 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................... 10 REFERENCES ........................................ 10 BIOGRAPHY ......................................... 12 1 arXiv:2005.08120v1 [cs.RO] 16 May 2020
Page 1: A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with ... · Arun Kumar Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 Arun.Kumar-1@colorado.edu

A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associatedwith Lunar Teleoperated Assembly Tasks

Arun KumarCenter for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy

University of Colorado BoulderBoulder, CO 80302

[email protected]

Benjamin MellinkoffCenter for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy

University of Colorado BoulderBoulder, CO 80302

[email protected]

Wendy Bailey MartinEngineering Management Program

University of Colorado BoulderBoulder, CO 80302

[email protected]

Mason BellCenter for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy

University of Colorado BoulderBoulder, CO 80302

[email protected]

Alex SandovalBall Aerospace

10 Longs Peak DriveBroomfield, CO [email protected]

Jack BurnsCenter for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy

University of Colorado BoulderBoulder, CO 80302

[email protected]

Abstract—Low-latency telerobotics can enable more intricatesurface tasks on extraterrestrial planetary bodies than has everbeen previously attempted. In order for humanity to createa sustainable lunar presence, well-developed collaboration be-tween humans and robots is necessary to perform complex tasks.This paper presents a methodology to assess the human factors,situational awareness (SA) and cognitive load (CL), associatedwith teleoperated assembly tasks. Currently, telerobotic assem-bly on an extraterrestrial body has never been attempted, and avalid methodology to assess the associated human factors has notbeen developed. The Telerobotics Laboratory at the Universityof Colorado-Boulder created the Telerobotic Simulation System(TSS) which enables remote operation of a rover and a roboticarm. The TSS was used in a laboratory experiment designed asan analog to a lunar mission. The operator’s task was to assem-ble a radio interferometer. Each participant completed this taskunder two conditions, remote teleoperation (limited SA) andlocal operation (optimal SA). The goal of this experiment wasto establish a methodology to accurately measure the operator’sSA and CL while performing teleoperated assembly tasks. Asuccessful methodology would yield results showing greater SAand lower CL while operating locally. Performance metricsmeasured in this experiment showed greater SA and lower CLin the local environment, supported by a 27% increase in themean time to completion of the assembly task when operatingremotely. Subjective measurements of SA and CL did not alignwith the performance metrics. This brought into question thevalidity of the subjective assessments used in this experimentwhen applied to telerobotic assembly tasks. Results from thisexperiment will guide future work attempting to accuratelyquantify the human factors associated with telerobotic assembly.Once an accurate methodology has been developed, we will beable to measure how new variables affect an operator’s SAand CL in order to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness oftelerobotic assembly tasks.

978-1-7281-2734-7/20/$31.00 c©2020 IEEE


1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. RELATED WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. IMPLEMENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34. EXPERIMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55. RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76. DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10BIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12









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Page 2: A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with ... · Arun Kumar Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 Arun.Kumar-1@colorado.edu

1. INTRODUCTIONNASA has proposed the Artemis program that aims to puthumans back on the Moon by 2024 for the first time sincethe Apollo program. Furthermore, NASA plans to createa sustainable human presence on the Moon by 2028 [1].Current technology is not advanced enough to allow astro-nauts to safely perform the majority of tasks necessary tocreate a sustainable lunar presence. However, collaborationbetween humans and robots can accomplish tasks that aretoo difficult or risky for astronauts. For example, there isevidence of water ice in shadowed craters near the lunarsouth pole [2]. This ice can provide great scientific insightsabout the Moon and serve as a valuable resource during lunarmissions. However, the crater temperature varies between40K and 110K which is outside the operating conditionsof current space suits [3]. Robots could be sent into thesecraters to extract the ice without the need for direct astronautinvolvement. Currently, the latency between the Earth andthe Moon hinders the performance (time to completion) oftelerobotic tasks [4]. To fully leverage planetary roboticsfor lunar colonization, humanity needs infrastructure on theMoon and in lunar orbit.

NASA’s first step in creating a sustainable human lunar pres-ence is the construction of a lunar and deep space researchand exploration laboratory. Astronauts are limited to 21 daysaboard the Orion crew capsule so to enable long durationlunar missions, NASA is currently constructing a space sta-tion to orbit the Moon, the Gateway. The Gateway will belaunched to Near-Rectilinear Halo Orbit (NHRO) [5]. InNHRO, the gateway will complete an orbit every seven days,on the seventh day drawing closest to the moon’s surface.From NHRO, the Gateway can serve as a communicationrelay between Earth ground stations and the unexplored lunarfarside.

The presence of astronauts on the Gateway would enable low-latency teleoperation of lunar rovers. When the orbit of theGateway is at the equivalent distance of Earth-Moon L2 ap-proximately 60,000 km from the lunar surface, the expectedlatency between the Gateway and the lunar surface will be0.4 seconds. This latency is within the human cognitivehorizon, meaning operators on the Gateway will notice aslight delay when controlling surface assets, but the delaywill not significantly hinder performance [6]. The minimaldelay between the Gateway and the lunar surface enablesmore advanced surface telerobotic tasks than has ever beenattempted on an extraterrestrial body.

Our research team is involved with a scientific mission requir-ing intricate surface telerobotics, FARSIDE (Farside Arrayfor Radio Science Investigation of the Dark Ages and Exo-planets). FARSIDE is a concept mission designed to placea low radio frequency interferometric array on the farside ofthe Moon [7, 8]. The lunar farside is the only location in theinner solar system free of human-generated radio frequencyinterference [9]. A radio interferometer on the lunar farsidecould probe the Dark Ages and the Cosmic Dawn of theuniverse. The mission design requires a rover and a lander.The rover would be teleoperated to deploy antenna nodesfrom the lander on to the lunar surface.

Assembly Experiment

This paper details the methodology and execution of a smallscale laboratory simulation of the FARSIDE mission. Sincetelerobotic assembly tasks have never been attempted onan extraterrestrial body, this research serves to determine a

methodology to accurately assess the situational awareness(SA) and cognitive load (CL) of an operator while per-forming telerobotic assembly tasks analogous to a roboticlunar mission. Data from this experiment may serve as abaseline for future experiments in which hardware, software,and procedural changes will be employed in order to moreaccurately assess the human factors involved with teleroboticassembly. Once an accurate methodology has been devel-oped, researchers can optimize human performance duringtelerobotic assembly operations by measuring how changesto a telerobotic system affect the associated human factors.

2. RELATED WORKCurrent State of Surface Telerobotics

Surface telerobotics on planetary bodies has been primarilyused for reconnaissance and geological exploration tasksdue to the high latency between the robot and the operator.Robotic precursor missions will be a necessary part of theArtemis program to determine how astronauts should allocatetheir limited time on the lunar surface. Robotic reconnais-sance increases scientific understanding of the area, reducestravel risk, and improves astronauts’ productivity and SA[10,11]. The Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs) utilized dailycommand sequencing to coordinate the rovers’ tasks due tothe high latency between Earth and Mars [12]. While com-mand sequencing may not be the most efficient way to controla rover, the MERs demonstrated that command sequencingis an effective workaround to latency considering the rovers’longevity and scientific discoveries [13]. Since the Gatewaywill enable low-latency communication with the lunar sur-face, there is a unique opportunity to push the boundaries oflunar robotics by performing more intricate surface tasks thananything previously attempted. In present day, teleroboticsis commonly used for in-space assembly tasks. The SpecialPurpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) on the ISS consistsof two symmetrical seven-joint arms that are teleoperated toperform in-space assembly tasks such as changing batteries,replacing cameras, and servicing satellites [12, 14]. In thecoming decade, robotic assembly missions will play a majorrole in establishing the necessary infrastructure on the lunarsurface for a sustainable human presence. Habitats will needto be built and deployed on the surface. 3D printing withlunar regolith will allow for parts to be built on the Moon,rather than sent to the Moon reducing launch costs. Theseparts could be assembled to form larger structures or tools[15]. The biological risks of operating on the lunar surfacewithout the necessary infrastructure make robots the bestsuited to assemble the initial infrastructure before humansspend long periods of time on the Moon. Our laboratoryis pursuing research regarding surface telerobotic assemblytasks in order to determine the operational requirements forfuture planetary telerobotic assembly missions.

Human Factors Associated with Telerobotics

Human factors play a crucial role in assessing the quality oftelerobotic systems. The functionality of teleoperated robotsis limited by the SA and CL of the operator. A single operatorerror could result in complete mission failure. For certaintelerobotic applications, this could mean the loss of a largeinvestment in a space mission or the loss of a patient’s life onthe operating table. In order to improve teleoperated systems,it is necessary to accurately quantify the associated humanfactors. This allows researchers to relatively measure changesin SA and CL. SA and CL are multifaceted concepts whichmakes direct measurement difficult. Endsley describes SA


Page 3: A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with ... · Arun Kumar Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 Arun.Kumar-1@colorado.edu

as, “the perception of elements in the environment withina volume of time and space, the comprehension of theirmeaning, and the projection of their status in the near future”[16]. CL can be defined as the workload on an opera-tor’s cognitive system caused by performing a task [17, 18].Researchers have found a negative correlation between SAand CL [19]. Performance metrics (most commonly taskduration) are often used to gain insight on an operator’sSA and CL, but there is no defined relationship betweenperformance and objective measurements of SA and CL [20].On the other hand, subjective measurements can be designedto address the multifaceted nature of human factors. Previousresearch has shown a positive correlation between subjectiveperceptions of telepresence and task performance [21]. Sheri-dan defines telepresence as sensing information about theteleoperator (robot being controlled) and task environmentand communicating the information to the human operator[22]. This definition implies a positive correlation betweentelepresence and an operator’s SA. By substitution, subjectivemeasurements of SA positively correlate with performancemetrics of telerobotic tasks, and subjective measurements ofCL negatively correlate with performance metrics of teler-obotic tasks. Typically surveys are used to subjectivelymeasure human factors, however the validity and reliability ofsurveys can vary based on the application [23, 24]. Previousresearch has not determined a methodology to accuratelyassess the human factors associated with telerobotic assemblytasks. The correlation between subjective measurements ofhuman factors and performance serves as a way to validate themethodology presented in this paper to assess an operator’sSA and CL while performing teleoperated assembly tasks.

Figure 1. Armstrong Rover: Equipped with two Camerasand Crustcrawler Pro-Series Robotic Arm. This picture wastaken at the NASA Ames Research Center in their SSERVI

Regolith Testbed / Lunar Lab.

3. IMPLEMENTATIONTelerobotic Simulation System

The goal of this work was to define a way to assess an op-erator’s SA and CL while performing teleoperated assemblytasks. To assess these factors, we required a mobile roboticsystem with the ability to pick and place objects as well as

an interface that enables teleoperation of the robotic system.We named this robotic system and interface the TeleroboticSimulation System (TSS).

For this experiment, a commercial-off-the-shelf rover was in-tegrated with a 6 degree-of-freedom Crustcrawler Pro-SeriesRobotic Arm and two cameras to create the “ArmstrongRover” (Figure 1). The rover’s drive system is comprised of atwo wheel differential drive with two casters for support. Thisprovides the rover the ability to move forward, backward, androtate in place.

The location of the cameras was an essential aspect of theTSS because it was the primary feedback from Armstrongto the operator. The TSS only utilized two cameras. Thesecameras are sufficient for assembly, as more than one viewallows for the visualization of depth within the field of view[25]. Two video streams gave the operator enough feedbackto mentally form a 3D landscape without overwhelming theoperator with excessive feedback. Camera one was placed ona stand above the robotic arm with pan and tilt capabilities.This allowed the operator to view the surroundings of therover for navigation and provided an aerial view of the endeffector which was highly effective when picking up objects.Camera two was placed on the base of the robotic arm withonly tilt functionality. Since this camera was attached tothe robotic arm, the camera would pan as the robotic armmoved. This ensured that the end effector could alwaysbe viewed from camera two. This camera was integral forplacing objects. When the robotic arm is holding an object,the view of the ground from camera one is obstructed by theobject. Feedback from camera two provides the operator withsufficient information to precisely place objects. Views fromthese cameras while deploying an object are shown in Figure3.

Operators controlled Armstrong from a desktop computerusing an Xbox controller. Inputs from the Xbox controllerwere sent from the desktop to a Raspberry Pi microcontrolleron Armstrong via a local area network. Rover movementcommands were serially transmitted from the Raspberry Pi toan Arduino which controlled the drive motors on Armstrong.Arm movement commands were processed on the operator’sdesktop using ROS and MoveIt. MoveIt solved the inversekinematics necessary to allow the operator to move the endeffector along the X, Y, and Z axes. Individual joint statevalues were sent from the desktop to the onboard RaspberryPi and then applied to the individual joint actuators of therobotic arm. A visual of the data transfer throughout the TSSis shown in Figure 2.


Page 4: A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with ... · Arun Kumar Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 Arun.Kumar-1@colorado.edu

Figure 2. This system flow chart shows the connectionsbetween all the individual components of the TSS.

To prevent the operator from applying too much torque tothe servo motors on the robotic arm, the end effector wasconfined to an invisible cube. The end effector’s locationwith reference to the walls of the invisible cube was displayedon the user interface (Figure 4). If the end effector reachedone of the confining walls of the cube, the arm would stopmoving and the Xbox controller would vibrate as feedbackto the operator. Real-time joint state values of the roboticarm were sent back from the Raspberry Pi to the desktopand displayed on RViz, a ROS plugin that provides a 3Dvisualization of the current state of the robotic arm (Figure5). The interface also contained the video feeds from bothcameras on the rover. The camera streams were displayedon a web page that allowed the operator to full-screen eithercamera or view both cameras simultaneously (figure 3).

Figure 3. Dual view camera user interface providing theoperator large real time imaging of the assembly in process

Figure 4. Gripper/Arm movement limits as part of thefeedback user interface

Figure 5. Real-Time updating rover model as part of thefeedback user interface

Radio Interferometer

The assembly task in this experiment was the constructionof a radio interferometer. The radio interferometer used inthis experiment consisted of three radio antennas. The threeantennas are powered and transmit data via a magnetic microUSB connection. 3D printed modules were designed forthe antennas and the micro USB cables (Figure 6). Themodules allow Armstrong to easily interact with the radiointerferometer hardware. An antenna module houses oneantenna and one half of a magnetic micro USB connection.A USB module houses the other half of the magnetic microUSB connection. Placing the USB module inside the trunkof the antenna module (as depicted in Figure 6) creates an


Page 5: A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with ... · Arun Kumar Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 Arun.Kumar-1@colorado.edu

operational antenna unit. Three assembled antenna unitscreate a radio interferometer. This assembly task requiresthe operator to precisely pick and place objects which is alarge component of construction. However, this task does notencompass all facets of assembly.

Figure 6. Fully assembled and deployed antenna unit. Theblack case is the antenna module. The white case is the USB

module. The modules are connected via a magnetic microUSB.

4. EXPERIMENTIn order to assess the human factors associated with teler-obotic assembly tasks, we designed an experiment with hu-man factors as the dependent variable and assembly location(remote teleoperation or local operation) as the independentvariable. Participants completed the assembly task whileremotely teleoperating Armstrong and locally operating Arm-strong. Data collected during the experiment included perfor-mance metrics (specific metrics will be discussed later in thissection) and subjective measurements of SA and CL.

Figure 7. The Mock Lander equipped with the requiredparts for three antenna array units. The antenna modules areblack, and the USB modules are white. Unit 1 has alreadybeen placed, unit 2 is being assembled, and unit 3 remains

on the lander.


There were two separated rooms used in this experiment, theoperations room and the command room. The operationsroom was where Armstrong executed the assembly task (Fig-ure 7). In this room, a mock lander was placed against thewall with the necessary components to assemble three fullantenna units. Three circular targets marked the deploymentlocation for each unit. There was a computer station inoperations room used for local operation of Armstrong. Thecommand room also contained a computer station. This roomwas used for remote teleoperation of Armstrong. The partic-ipant’s goal was to operate Armstrong to assemble a radiointerferometer in both the local and remote environments.


This experiment consisted of three phases: training phase,remote phase, and local phase. To begin, the participantwas placed in the command room. The training sessionconsisted of an explanation of the TSS, followed by a controlsdemo. First, the researcher transferred Armstrong from theoperations room to the command room. All cameras onArmstrong were pointed out to the subject to give the subjectan understanding of the video feedback system. Next, theresearcher gave a verbal explanation of how to control therover in addition to a handout with the button layout of theXbox controller. The participant was allowed to refer to thishandout at any point during the experiment. The operatorwas then given five minutes to practice the controls with therobot in sight. Next, we explained the assembly task to theparticipant. The participant was given an antenna moduleand USB module to obtain a clear understanding of eachof the components and how they connect. The participantwas instructed to attach the USB module to the antennamodule with their own hands to ensure they understood theassembly task. With the rover now back in the operationsroom, we allotted 10 minutes for the subject to practice thesecontrols while teleoperating Armstrong. Practice consisted ofassembling one full antenna unit with no failure constraints ordata gathering. After 10 minutes, the subject was instructedto stop entering commands.

After the conclusion of the training phase, the participantmoved on to either the remote phase or the local phase. Everyodd numbered participant began in the remote phase, andevery even numbered participant began in the local phase.During the remote phase, the subject was located in thecommand room teleoperating Armstrong in the operationsroom via the TSS. We instructed the participant to begin as-sembling and deploying the first antenna unit. The participantwas allotted 15 minutes for the assembly and deployment ofeach antenna unit. We began timing as soon as the operatorbegan inputting commands. There were 4 main sub-tasksthat must be completed in the correct order for each antennaunit. (1) First, the antenna module must be picked up fromthe lander. (2) The antenna module must be deployed ontothe specified target. We told the participant to aim for thecenter of the target. (3) Next, the USB case must be pickedup from the lander. (4) Finally, the USB case must bemated with the antenna case via the magnetic micro USBconnection. After mating the USB case and the antenna case,the antenna unit is complete. After assembling one antennaunit, the researcher moved Armstrong to the second startinglocation. The participant repeated this process two additionaltimes in order to assemble the full radio interferometer. Twopossible failure modes existed: if the operator dropped anyof the components (antenna module or USB module) duringassembly, or if the participant was unable to complete the


Page 6: A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with ... · Arun Kumar Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 Arun.Kumar-1@colorado.edu

assembly in the allotted 15 minutes. When the operatordropped a component, time was paused while the researcherreturned Armstrong to the starting position and the droppedmodule to its starting location on the lander. We recordedthe failure, and time resumed when the participant began tooperate the rover again. If the operator exceeded the timelimit, we recorded the failure, and the experiment proceededas if the antenna installation was completed.

During the local phase, the participant was brought into theoperations room and placed at the computer station. Theparticipant repeated the same assembly procedure as theremote phase, however they did not receive video feedbackvia the computer interface. Instead, we instructed participantsto rely on their own vision while operating Armstrong. Thesame time limits and failure modes existed in the local phaseas in the remote phase.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics measured during the experiment in-cluded time to completion, number of failures, and antennaunit placement. Time to completion was recorded when theantenna module was deployed onto the target and when themicro USB connection was completed. Failures were loggedby indicating the type of failure (dropped module or time limitexceeded), the assembly location (local or remote operation),the unit number (antenna unit one, two, or three), and themodule type if a module was dropped (antenna module orUSB module). The distance from the center of the antennaunit to the center of the target was measured to determineaccuracy of deployment. We chose these metrics becausethey correlate to the operator’s SA and CL [21].

Subjective Measurements

To more thoroughly assess the human factors associated withtelerobotic assembly tasks, we employed subjective measure-ments of SA and CL in addition to the measured performancemetrics. The Situational Awareness Rating Technique wasused to measure SA, and the NASA Task Load Index wasused to measure CL. Both surveys were administered elec-tronically. A positive correlation between the performancemetrics and the SART scores, and a negative correlationbetween the performance metrics and the TLX scores wouldserve as evidence that the methodology accurately quantifieshuman factors.

Situational Awareness Rating Technique— The SituationalAwareness Rating Technique (SART) was administeredtwice. Once after the local phase and once after the remotephase. The SART is designed to measure the SA of a personduring a task. This subjective rating is determined after theparticipant rates a series of questions on a scale of 1 to 7 (7being the highest). The ten questions originate from threedifferent domains: attentional demand, attentional supply andunderstanding [26]. The breakdown of these three categoriesinto the ten respective questions is shown below in Table 1.

Table 1. This chart details the origins of the 10 questionSART analysis. Each question stems from one of the three

domains: Attentional Demand, Attentional Supply,Understanding

After the participant has answered all ten questions, theresearcher calculates the final SART score using the formulashown in equation 1, where U = Summed Understanding, D= Summed Demand, and S = Summed Supply. Using theoutline in table 1, the summation for U, D and S are derivedfrom the scores to their corresponding questions. A higherscore correlates to higher SA [26].

SART = U − (D − S) (1)

NASA Task Load Index—The NASA Task Load Index surveywas also administered after both the local and remote phase.We chose this survey because it is the most widely validatedmethod of assessing cognitive workload. [23] We used thissurvey to measure the participants overall workload during atask, by focusing on six different scales: Mental Demands,Physical Demands, Temporal Demands, Performance, Effort,and Frustration. There are two parts to each of the six scales, aweight and a rating. The weights are determined after askingthe subject 15 pairwise comparisons of the 6 scales, coveringeach possible combination of the scales. Each comparisonpresented two of the scales, leaving the subject to chosewhich contributed more to the workload of the task. A tallysheet is used to keep track of the number of times the subjecthas picked each scale. After all of the comparisons, thenumber of tallies correlates to that scale’s weight. The ratingsare determined by having the user rate each scale on a rangefrom 0 to 100. The higher the rating, the greater impact thesubject felt that scale had on the task [27]. Each scales ratingcan be multiplied by its weight to determine the weightedrating. To calculate the final task load index, the administratorfollows the formula in equation 2.

TLX =∑

Weighted Ratings ÷ 15 (2)


Page 7: A Methodology to Assess the Human Factors Associated with ... · Arun Kumar Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO 80302 Arun.Kumar-1@colorado.edu

System Usability Scale—The System Usability Scale surveyis only administered after both the local and remote phasesare completed. This scale rates the usability of the TSS. Theratings will be taken into account when considering areas ofimprovement for future iterations of this experiment. TheSUS asks the participant to rate ten questions, related to easeof system use, on a scale of 0 to 5 (0 = Strongly Disagree, 5= Strongly Agree). The final SUS score can be calculated bymultiplying the sum of all ratings by two.


15 participants between the age of 18-25 were recruited fromThe University of Colorado Boulder. All participants con-sented to the experiment, and the experiment was approvedby the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Prior to beginningthe experiment, each participant completed a demographicsurvey. Data collected details the participant’s gender, age,robotics familiarity, and gaming experience.

Based on empirical evidence from previous experimentationand the associated variation with the time-based evaluationof telerobotic tasks, the sample size necessary to detect ashift in the mean level of assembly time was calculatedto be 15 participants. This calculation was based on twoassumptions. First, the nature of the study was exploratory,meaning that the standard deviation related to assembly tasksprior to this work was not known. As such, it was assumedthat the minimum treatment effect size would be roughly1.5 times the estimate for the population standard deviation.Using this assumption, the power to detect a shift in themean with a sample size of 15 was calculated to be 0.9531.Second, it is recognized that the sample size necessary todetect differences in ordinal data as used in the SART andNASA TLX surveys would need to be much larger to detectdifferences. However, the ability and capacity to facilitate asample size larger than 15 participants were not possible atthe time of the study.

5. RESULTSAnalysis for Number of Failures

To determine the cause of failures, we used an ExhaustiveCHAID (Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection) test[28]. The dependent variable was the number of failures,and three explanatory variables were used in the algorithm:assembly type (antenna module or USB module), assemblylocation (local or remote) and assembly unit (unit 1, 2, or 3).Results of this test are displayed in Figure 8.

The first split with a p-value of less than 0.001 indicatedthat the strongest predictor of failure was assembly type.Operators were more likely to encounter a failure whendeploying the USB module than when deploying an antennamodule. The second strongest predictor of failure with ap-value of 0.008 was the assembly unit within the USBassembly type. Operators were more likely to encounter afailure when deploying the second or third USB module thanwhen deploying the first USB module. It is important tonote that assembly location was not a statistically significantpredictor of failure.

Analysis for Assembly Time

We logged time to completion for each individual antennaand USB module. Each logged assembly time has threeconditions, assembly type, assembly unit, and assembly lo-cation. We used a repeated measures ANOVA on the mean

Figure 8. This decision tree depicts the percentage offailures between unit types as well as unit numbers for the

USB module only.

levels of assembly time, including the factors of assemblyunit, assembly type and assembly location to test severalhypotheses [29]. The null hypotheses stated that the meanof assembly time between the factors of assembly type,assembly location and assembly units were equivalent, and nointeractions between factors exist. The alternative hypothesesstated that the mean of assembly time between the factors ofassembly type, assembly location and assembly units werenot equivalent. The factor of participant was blocked so theeffects of its variability were not included in the error term.Based on the results of the ANOVA on the mean, several ofthe null hypotheses were rejected at the 95% confidence levelincluding assembly type F(1, 154) = 23.333, p = 0.000003,assembly unit F(2, 154) = 4.5914, p = 0.011568, assemblylocation F(2, 154) = 8.838, p = 0.003425 and the alternativehypothesis was accepted.

There was a statistically significant difference for the treat-ment of assembly location with respect to mean levels ofassembly time. The mean assembly time in the remote settingwas statically longer than the mean assembly time in the localsetting (Figure 9).


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In addition to assembly location, the true means for assemblytime by assembly type were also significantly different. Theantenna assembly took less time to assemble than the USBassembly. Figure 10 shows a means plot of the true means ofassembly time by assembly type.

Post-Hoc Analysis—Since the mean times to completion werenot equivalent between assembly units, we conducted a post-hoc analysis to determine which groups were different fromeach other. We evaluated all pairwise comparisons using theGames-Howell post-hoc test on the means due to unequalvariance in the factor of assembly unit [30]. Table 2 showsthe results of the Games-Howell post-hoc test on the samplemeans between all assembly units. The sample mean forUnits 1 and 2 were equivalent at the 95% confidence level.Units 2 and 3 were equivalent at the 95% confidence level.The sample mean of Unit 1 was significantly different thanUnit 3 at the 95% confidence level. Figure 11 shows themeans plot of the true means at the 95% confidence level ofthe mean assembly time for each of the three units.

Table 2. Assembly Unit: Post-Hoc Analysis

Analysis of Subjective Measurements

Survey results were used to compare the SA and CL of theoperator between the local and remote assembly locations.We analyzed the cumulative scores of the surveys as well asthe responses to individual question.

Figure 9. Means Plot of Time to completion by AssemblyLocation

Figure 10. Means Plot of Time to Completion by AssemblyType

Figure 11. Means Plot of Time to completion by AssemblyUnit Number

Situational Awareness Rating Technique— After using anAnderson Darling Test [31] to confirm that all SART datawas drawn from the same sample population, we applieda Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA [32] to determine variation of


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situation awareness between the remote and local environ-ment. In addressing the cumulative scores, no evidence of asignificant variation was found between the remote and localSART scores, with a resultant p-value of 0.2432. Since thisdisagreed with the performance metrics, we analyzed surveyresponses to individual questions in attempt to find the sourceof the disagreement. After performing a Kruskal-WallisANOVA on each question, one question showed greater SA inthe local environment at the 95% confidence level. However,four more questions showed greater SA in the local environ-ment at the 85% confidence level.

NASA Task Load Index—When analyzing the NASA TLX,we used a similar procedure to the SART analysis. We firstused an Anderson Darling Test [31] to ensure that all of thecollected data was drawn from the same sample population.We then utilized a Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA [32] in searchof variation between the remote and local environments.Both cumulative and individual question scores showed nosignificant variation.

6. DISCUSSIONThe primary goal of this experiment was to develop a method-ology to accurately assess the human factors associated withteleoperated assembly tasks. We believed that our methodol-ogy was successful if the results showed a positive correlationbetween subjective measurements of SA and performancemetrics and a negative correlation between subjective mea-surements of CL and performance metrics. In addition tothe correlations, we were also looking for an increase inSA from the remote to local environment. The performancemetrics showed an increase in SA and a decrease in CLfrom the remote to local environment, but we did not seethe expected correlations between the performance metricsand the subjective measurements of SA and CL. Resultsfrom the performance metrics show that the assembly taskwas sufficiently difficult to highlight changes in SA andCL between environments. However, the results from thesubjective measurements of SA and CL revealed the need forchanges in the methodology moving forward.


Results from the SART and NASA TLX did not meet ourcriteria for a successful methodology. A successful method-ology would have shown a consistent increase in SA fromthe remote to local setting. While we did observe somestatistically significant increase in SA between settings, itwas not enough to convince us that the methodology wasaccurately assessing human factors. The SART and TLXuse a procedure that takes answers from individual questions,and equates them to a final cumulative score. Our originalmethod of analysis only accounted for each participant’sfinal score. This yielded results stating that there was nostatistical difference in SA and CL between the local andremote environments.

We then conducted further investigation of each survey, tofind an explanation for these results. Further examinationof the SART and TLX surveys revealed that some ques-tions could have multiple interpretations and other questionscontained wording that could confuse the participant. Forexample, question nine of the SART asks, “How usefulis the received information with respect to achieving yourtask?” It is our belief that participants may have had dif-ferent understandings of what was considered as “receivedinformation.” In the local setting, some participants may have

only considered information on the user interface as “receivedinformation” while other participants may have consideredtheir eyesight of the operating room and the information onthe user interface as “received information” which is how weintended participants to interpret the question. Since the timeto completion in the local environment was faster than theremote environment, results from this SART question shouldhave shown a statistical increase in information utility fromthe remote to local environment as well. When we designedthis experiment, we planned to analyze the cumulative scoresfrom the surveys in order to quantify the subjective mea-surements of SA and CL, so we did not alter any of thesurveys. However, certain questions from the official surveyscontained confusing language and did not feel applicablesuch as the question gauging “arousal” in the situation fromthe SART survey. This made us believe that the cumulativescores from the surveys were normalized, and that we shouldproceed with a different method of analysis.

SART—We decided to analyze the SART on a question-by-question basis because we believed the cumulative scoreswere normalized. This analysis revealed trends of greater SAin the local environment, but it was not enough to convinceus that the methodology was accurately assessing SA. Webelieve that editing the wording of questions in the survey andadding more participants to future experiments will make thesubjective measurements of SA align with the performancemetrics.

NASA TLX— Following a similar approach to our SARTanalysis, we decided to analyze each dimension of the TLXindividually, rather than analyzing the adjusted ratings. Thesix scales assessed are mental demands, physical demands,temporal demands, performance, effort, and frustration. Pre-vious studies have identified the benefits of analyzing theindividual dimensions of the NASA TLX to better assessthe factors that contribute to workload [33]. Each questionwas analyzed between remote and local environments. His-tograms of the responses coupled with mean response valuesrevealed trends of a greater CL in the remote environment,but this was not supported by the statistical analysis with nosignificant results. A final factor to consider is the workloadand fatigue put into filling out the surveys. According toNoyes and Bruneau, a computer based administration of theNASA TLX causes a greater workload on the subject than apaper-based survey [33]. This could potentially lead partici-pants to rush through the survey, invalidating the results. Webelieve adding more participants and physically administer-ing the survey will make the subjective measurements of CLcorrelate with the performance metrics as expected.

SUS—Results of the SUS help us determine what parts of oursystem should be improved for more effective teleoperation.We calculated an average score of 73.8 from the participants’responses which ranks the TSS slightly above average [34].This result tells us that our hardware and software are ad-equate to execute this methodology. However, there is stillroom for system improvements in future experiments.

Applications to Lunar Missions

Though this pilot study was intended to determine an ef-fective methodology for assessing human factors associatedwith telerobotic assembly tasks, the experiment still provideduseful insights that could be applied to future lunar missions.For example, our results showed that there is a similar successrate between local and remote operation. However, the taskis completed significantly faster when operating locally. Thisfurther supports the claim that lunar teleoperated assembly


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tasks are viable from the Gateway (remote), albeit less ef-ficient than if performed from the lunar surface (local). Toincrease the efficiency of teleoperation, a third person cameracould be placed in a location viewing the rover and the assem-bly task. This camera is analogous to the participant’s visionof the operating room in the local phase of our experiment.We believe that direct observation of the operating roomstrongly contributed to the decreased time to completion fromthe remote to local environment. Quick assembly will beimperative to future lunar missions, as assembly during thelunar night would be very difficult due to lighting and roveroperational constraints.

Future Work

Moving forward, important procedural changes to our exper-iment have become evident. To improve the methodology,we need to adjust the subjective assessment of SA and CLto ensure it is representative of the operator’s experience andit aligns with the performance metrics. In the next iterationof this experiment, we will alter the NASA TLX and SARTsurveys to ensure every question is interpreted in the sameway and relevant to the experiment. We will also consideradding new survey(s) to assess human factors. One surveyin specific is the Situational Awareness for SHAPE (SASHA)which not only assesses SA but also workload and trust inthe system [35]. Since the SART primarily assess SA andthe TLX primarily assess workload, we could verify resultsfrom the SART and TLX by comparing them to resultsfrom SASHA. To ensure the surveys accurately representthe operator’s experience, we will interview participants afterthey have completed the experiment regarding their thoughtson the surveys. During this interview, we will ask theparticipants to describe the change (if any) in SA and CLbetween the remote and local environment.

In addition to subjective measurement changes, we will re-vamp the training phase of our experiment to ensure thateach participant is receiving the exact same training priorto the experiment. We will do this by creating a trainingvideo, which will be watched by each participant prior tothe experiment. In our current methodology there was not astrict script for the training phase, but rather identified topicsthat needed to be explained to the participant. The word-by-word explanation for these topics could have varied betweenparticipants considering the training phase was not alwaysdelivered to the participant by the same researcher.

After ensuring our methodology is accurately assessing thehuman factors associated with telerobotic assembly tasks,new variables can be introduced to the experiment. Somevariables to consider are varied latency, varied frame rate,and new camera perspectives. Previous research has founda threshold frame rate of five frames per second while tele-operating a rover for geological exploration [4]. We wouldlike to apply this to an assembly task, which requires moreprecision than a surveying task.

In terms of new perspectives for teleoperation, virtual realityis a promising option. By adding a stereoscopic camerato a rover, the user would have the ability to see as iflooking directly though the eyes of the rover. An element ofaugmented reality could also come into play, turning the userinterface into a more informative head-up display. This wouldallow operators to see everything in three dimensions, withoutlooking between two 2-D video feeds. Perspective can alsobe added by allowing the users a camera view providing athird person view of the assembly room and rover, to mimicthe point of view seen when locally operating a robot. Per-

fecting the methodology described in this paper would allowus assess new and innovative methods of teleoperation forassembly tasks which will significantly aid the colonizationof the Moon.

7. CONCLUSIONWe developed a methodology with the goal of assessing thehuman factors associated with teleoperated assembly tasks.Participants used our rover control system, the TSS, to as-semble a radio interferometer through local operation of therover and remote teleoperation of the rover. We measuredperformance metrics including time to completion, numberof failures, and unit placement and administered surveys toassess the operators SA and CL in both environments. Tovalidate our subjective assessment of SA and CL, we lookedfor correlations between the subjective measurements andthe performance metrics. The performance metrics sug-gested greater SA and lower CL in the local environmentcompared the remote environment. However, the subjectivemeasurements did not provide sufficient evidence of variationof SA and CL between the two environments. We believethe subjective measurements did not accurately assess theoperator’s SA and CL. Because of the disagreement betweenour measurements, we are modifying our methodology forfuture experiments. By reassessing each survey, we can makesure that all questions are posed in such a way that will notcreate any confusion. We will also add more participants tothe experiment in order to amplify any variation in SA andCL between environments. Once an accurate methodologyhas been developed, we will be able to assess the effects ofnew variables on an operator’s SA and CL while performingtelerobotic assembly.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work is directly supported by the NASA Solar Sys-tem Exploration Virtual Institute cooperative agreement80ARC017M0006. We would also like to acknowledge ournon-author contributors, Dan Szafir, Michael Walker, MidhunMenon, and Joseph Minafra, for their assistance with ourresearch.

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Arun Kumar is pursuing a B.S. de-gree in Mechanical Engineering at theUniversity of Colorado Boulder and isexpected to graduate in May 2020. Heis the manager of the Telerobotics Labin the Center for Astrophysics and SpaceAstronomy. He is also a member of theNASA SSERVI Network for Explorationand Space Science (NESS) team.

Mason Bell is currently pursuing a B.S.degree in Computer and Electrical En-gineering at the University of ColoradoBoulder, and is expected to graduate inMay 2021. He is a member of the Centerfor Astrophysics and Space Astronomysundergraduate telerobotics group. He isalso a member of the NASA SSERVI Net-work for Exploration and Space Science(NESS) team.

Benjamin Mellinkoff graduated fromthe University of Colorado Boulder witha B.S. and M.S. degree in Aerospace En-gineering with an emphasis in Aerosp-ace Systems: Controls. Before grad-uation, he worked as the manager ofthe Center for Astrophysics and SpaceAstronomy’s Telerobotics Lab. He isalso a member of the NASA SSERVI Net-work for Exploration and Space Science

(NESS) team.

Alex Sandoval received his B.S. in Elec-trical and Computer Engineering fromthe University of Colorado Boulder in2019. His interest in aerospace startedafter taking notice of the growing envi-ronment among space companies, spaceactivities, and space people making animpact across the industry. After sup-porting a space robotics research groupalong with other rover, radio, and em-

bedded work, he has started a role at Ball Aerospace as arobotics software engineer for a research and developmentprogram trying to start to make an impact as well.

Wendy Bailey Martin is the W. Ed-wards Deming Professor of Manage-ment in the Lockheed-Martin Engineer-ing Management Program, teaching inthe area of Quality Science. She earnedher undergraduate degree in Mechani-cal Engineering from Purdue University,and a Masters of Engineering from theLockheed-Martin Engineering Manage-ment Program at the University of Col-

orado Boulder, with an emphasis in six sigma, quality systemsand applied statistics. Prior to her graduate degree, she wastrained in statistical methods by Luftig Warren International(LWI). Wendy also worked for 14 years at Anheuser-Busch,where she became skilled in the application of statistics in anindustrial environment.

Jack Burns is a Professor in the De-partment of Astrophysical and PlanetarySciences and Vice President Emeritusfor the University of Colorado. Heis also Director of the NASA-fundedSSERVI Network for Exploration andSpace Science (NESS). Burns is anelected Fellow of the American PhysicalSociety and the American Associationfor the Advancement of Science. He re-

ceived NASAs Exceptional Public Service Medal in 2010 andNASAs Group Achievement Award for Surface Teleroboticsin 2014. Burns was a member of the Presidential TransitionTeam for NASA in 2016/17. Burns recently served as seniorVice President of the American Astronomical Society.

