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A Metro Station in Nacka Thesis Booklet, Spring Semester 2013, Veronica Skeppe, Performative Design Studio, KTH School of Architecture
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A Metro Station in Nacka

Thesis Booklet, Spring Semester 2013, Veronica Skeppe, Performative Design Studio, KTH School of Architecture

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Summery Thesis / Design Questions Design Techniques

Definitions Site, Nacka Municipality

Why a Metro to Nacka?

Three Metro Stations in Nacka

Site for an End Metro Station and Bus Terminal in Nacka Forum, Nacka

















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My thesis project intends to investigate the relationship of pattern and geometry. Through a series of design technique studies, a metro station in the Stockholm suburb Nacka will be developed.

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Thesis / Design Questions

My thesis takes its departure in the relationship between pattern and geometry. I intend to investigate continuous and discontinuous patterns and how they correlate and don’t correlate to the geometry of a continuous surface modeled in a 3d software.

Numerous of designs and models have investigated the relation between patterns and continuous surfaces in contoured models milled in a cnc-mill. One example is the models of Bernard Cache, who in the 1980s was a pio-neer in cnc-milling. A more recent example is Hella Jongerius Turtle Table (Natura Design Magistra) from 2009, in which she also use contoured layers of colored resin.

In both examples, patterns is a result of sheets of wood (and resin, in Jongerius Turtle Table) stacked and glued together and then subtracted by a cnc-mill after a digital surface model. Pattern is a direct effect of geom-etry. Pattern describe the topography of the surface geometry.

In my thesis project I want to propose an update to these contour designs. I want to break the continuity of pattern and surface geometry. Can geom-etry start to follow pattern instead? Can geometry and pattern start to do two separate things, follow their own logic and sometimes meet and some-times not?

Cover of “Earth Moves”, Bernard Cache, 1995

Turtle Table (Natura Design Magistra), 2009, Hella Jongerius

Thesis / Design Questions

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Design Techniques

To investigate the relationship between pattern and surface geometry I will make my own stocks and cnc-mill them. By making interrupting implants into a wooden stock, the pattern continuity will be stopped. This can be de-veloped into a complex three dimensional stock of nesting disparate forms, figures and objects. A 3d modeled surface will relate to these implants in conscious match and mismatch.

It is a digging design technique, related to Noriko Ambes art work in which she is often “digging” in to magazines and books creating the unexpected from what is found underneath. The top layer picture gets diffused and altered.

It is also an additive technique, in the stacking and implanting. In the meet-ing of this adding and subtracting techniques I hope both expected and unexpected meetings and blendings of geometry and patterns to occur.

Noriko Ambes, A Thousand of Self, 2007Diagram of implants into a “traditional” stacked stock.

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Implantverb (used with object)to plant securely.Medicine/Medical . to insert or graft (a tissue, organ, or inert substance) into the body.

nounMedicine/Medical .. any device or material, especially of an inert substance, used for repairing or replacing part of the body.

Through the use of the design technique “implant” the relationship to the ground will be the main design focus. Figures holding different kind of programs and functions will be embedded and nested into the ground and each other. The implants will have different relationships to the ground depending on program requirements. The metro station will for example be mostly underground, but it will be entered from above the ground. The implant or a series of implants will have to deal with that transition. The un-derground parts of the program will also need some light and it would be preferable with natural day light. Implants can be subtracted and then be a technique for transporting light.

The implants have to relate to the inherent linearity of a metro station.

An “implant” where the geometry of the “milled” surface cor-relate. The pattern of the red surface continuous over and smoothen the bor-der of the “implant” and the surface compound.

An “implant” and the surface compound do not correlate. The “implant” interrupt pattern continuity.

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PatternA pattern, from the French patron (‘template’), is a type of theme of recurring events or objects, sometimes referred to as elements of a set of objects.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern

What interests me in pattern is the relationship between figure and field. One or a couple of figures repeated into a unrecognizable or almost un-recognizable pattern of dark and light as in the M.C. Escher example. In the same example you can see how a recognizable figure transform and smoothens out to abstraction. In the Homa Delvaray example I like how pattern are enclosed in a thick contour line but yet in certain places leave the enclosure and start to blend with the other fields. Figural elements, as the fly, also act as a bridge or a blender between the fields.

In my project two dimensional patterns will relate to three dimensional fig-ures. Patterns will both be two dimensional and three dimensional. Patterns will not be a result of repetition but rather by implants of figures and how these figures are digged out by the mill.

GeometryGeometry (Ancient Greek: γεωμετρία; geo- “earth”, -metron “measurement”) is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative posi-tion of figures, and the properties of spacehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometry

With geometry I first o all define as the surface designed in the computer. The surface is then milled out and becomes a physical model.

Painting Exhibition of Ali Mohammadi, 2008, Homa Delvaray, croped

Eight Heads, woodcut, April 1922, M.C. Escher

Contouran outline or silhouettea contour line on a contour map, or the corresponding line on the ground or sea bedhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contour

Contour lines describe the geometry of a surface.

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Compound SurfaceCompoundfrom earlier compounen, from Old French compondre to collect, set in order, from Latin compōnere ]

— n1. a substance that contains atoms of two or more chemical elements held together by chemical bonds2. any combination of two or more parts, aspects, etchttp://dictionary.reference.com/browse/compound?s=t

A compound surface is a continuous surface which is unifying a number of diverse geometries, for example normative planar elements and double curved surfaces into a whole. In architecture the compound is relevant as a way of making complex formal relations which are not the deconstructive collage or the parametric smooth surface.

In my project I intend to investigate the compound in relation to the pat-tern that will occur on a peace of glue laminated wood, designed with a series of implants.

planar elementsMusée des Arts et des Civilisations-Musée du Quai Branly, France, 1999, Peter Eisenman

Vase of Vases, 2008, Maxim Velčovský

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Site, Nacka Municipality

Nacka is a suburb located to the east of Stockholm. It reaches from the city center borders of Stockholm out towards the archipelago and the neigh-boring municipal Värmdö. Nacka is almost 100 sqm and a little more than 92 000 people lives in Nacka. The number of inhabitants is steadily increas-ing.

Nacka consists of many different neighborhoods of apartment buildings from the Swedish record years, new apartment buildings, villas, terraced houses and parmanented summer houses. The nature, many lakes and the sea are present in Nacka. Nacka has many Nature Reserves such as Nackare-sarvatet and Nyckelviken.

The main communication flow in Nacka has a east-west direction, to and from Stockholm. It consists of a motorway through Nacka to Värmdö. It branches in central Nacka with an arm to Saltsjöbaden. The main public transport are busses to and from Slussen in Stockholm. A commuter railway from 1893 traffic between Slussen and Saltsjöbaden. 2002 the tram from Alvik, west of Stockholm, started to go to Sickla Udde, in west Nacka. There are developed plans to connect the tram line with Saltsjöbanan to relief Slussen.

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Why a Metro to Nacka?

A metro to Nacka has been an on and off debate for decades. In march 2012 the political majorities in Stockholm, Nacka and Värmdö agreed that a continuation of the blue line from Kungsträdgården towards the east and Nacka was priority to get a well functioned and efficient public transport system in the region. The pressure on the public transport in Nacka is today large and will increase. A feasibility study was initiated and is to be finished in the end of 2013.

In a conversation with Marianne Möller at Nacka kommun I learned that the cheapest and therefore the most likely alternative for a metro line in Nacka is that the tracks are located in an exploded tunnel under Alphyddan and Finntorp toward the end station Nacka Forum. Three stations are likely in Nacka. One in relation to Sickla and the large shopping area Sickla köp-kvarter, perhaps also close to the housing area Fintorp. One around Saltsjö Järla and the housing area there as well as the large High school Nacka Gymnasium. The end station is as mentioned planned to Nacka Forum, which in many ways act as the center of Nacka. A bus terminal and garage, for buses within Nacka and towards Värmdö is planned in relation to the metro station.

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Large commercial area. Sickla Köpkvarter, with apartment build-ings in Alphyddan and Sickla is surrounding. Also a cinema and a library exists. Nacka Municipal plans to transform the area to a “inner city” like environment. Housing and commerce mixed. The Metro line is a part of that transformation.


Housing area from different years. The houses at Ekudden is from the 1960’s. The neighboring Järla-Sjö is from late 1990’s. A large High school, Nacka Gymnasium, with sport facilities and a public bath, is located north of the excising station of Saltsjöbanan, Saltsjö-Järla.

Nacka Forum

Nacka is a large Municipal with many different areas and local centers. But if one had to point out the center of Nacka it would be the Nacka Forum area. Nacka Forum is a shopping center from 1989. It is situated between Värm-dövägen and the motorway towards Värmdö. Close to the east of Nacka Fo-rum is an apartment building area from the 1990s and some newer houses from the 2010s. The villa area Storängen is to the south. Toward the north across the motorway and through a tunnel is Nacka Strand and Jarlaberg. The City Hall of Nacka is located a few hundred meter west of Nacka Forum.

The Municipal wants to locate the end station of the metro line in this area. The aim is also to connect Nacka Strand with the Nacka Forum area, per-haps by covering the motorway.

In relation to the station a bus terminal for the Nacka and Värmdö buses is planed. Housing and densification in terms of housing and commercial is also something the municipal wants.



Nacka Forum

Three Metro Stations in Nacka

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Nacka Police Station

Motorway between Stockholm and Värmdö

Nacka Strand, Housing and commercial area

Jarlaberg, Housing and area

Nacka City Hall Storängen, Housing Area

Nacka Forum, Housing Area

Nacka Forum Shopping Centre

Nacka District Court

Site for an End Metro Station and Bus Terminal in Nacka Forum, Nacka

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Program and its relation to the ground

Metro Station: platforms under ground, entrances above groundBus Terminal: above and under groundSL center: partly above groundFacilities for employees: above groundOffices: above groundKiosk: above and under groundCafé: above groundRestaurant: above groundShops: above groundGallery Space: under groundA branch of the Nacka Library: above groundThe Youth Center: above groundA public plaza and or park areaWaiting Halls: above and under ground

Metro Station and Bus Terminal in Nacka Forum

Metro StationA metro line from Kungsträdgården will connect with Nacka with Stock-holm city center and its northern suburbs.

Bus TerminalFor buses trafficing Nacka and Värmdö.

SL centerLarger ticket office and information center.

Facilities for employeesBreak rooms, changing rooms, etc.

Public Plaza / ParkThe Metro Station and Bus Terminal of Nacka Forum will be part of a more defined center of Nacka. Nacka has a need of outdoor public spaces. A meeting place not defined by commercial interests as in a galleria space.

Gallery SpaceStockholm has a tradition of art in the metro stations. Every station in the Stockholm metro system has art more or less integrated in the station architecture. The nacka Forum station will have “art pockets” like Odenplan station in Stockholm, for permanent and non permanent exhibitions.

LibraryMany Stockholm metro stations has a library, like Östermalmstorg and Bredäng for example. This will be a branch of the existing library in Nacka Forum.

Youth CenterA youth center exist on site today and will be relocated within the station area

“Sensationen”, Thale Vangen, 2011, exhibition space, Odenplan

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City Hall Station, New York, closed since 1945

U-Bahnhof St.-Quirin-Platz , München, 1997, Büro Hermann + Öttl

Komsomolskaya, 1935, Moscow

Mayakovskaya, 1938, Moscow

Slough Bus Station, Slough, bblur architec-ture, 2012

Bilbao Metro, Spain, Foster + Partners, 1988-1995

Embryologic House, 1998, Greg Lynn

Stuttgart Train Station, Christoph Ingen-hoven

Stations in Stockholm with both metro and buses are for exampel Liljeholmen and Gullmarsplan.

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Earth Moves The Furnishing of Territories, Bernard Cache, 1995Metro 2033: Den sista tillflykten, Dmitrij Gluchovskij, 2005Metro 2034: försvaret av Sevastopolskaja, Dmitrij Gluchovskij, 2009, på sv 2011Lessons from Molecular Gastronomy, David RuyAtlas of Novel Tectonics, Reiser + Umemoto, Princeton Architectural PressFolding in Architecture, Architectural Design, 2004, Greg Lynn

Source:Nacka kommuns homepage: www.nacka.se/web/trafik_vagar/trafikprojekt/tunnelbana/Sidor/default.aspx

Stockholm Public Transport: sl.se/sv/Om-SL/SL-planerar-och-bygger/Tunnelbana-till-Nacka/Forstudien/

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JANUARYM 7 PROJECT STARTT 8 Design Technique Studies W 9 scale 1:1T 10F 11S 12S 13

M 14 Design Technique StudiesT 15 W 16T 17F 18S 19S 20

M 21 Design Technique StudiesT 22W 23T 24F 25S 26S 27

M 28 Program, Site and MassingT 29 scale 1:400 and 1:200W 30T 31

FEBRUARYF 1 Program, Site and MassingS 2 scale 1:400 and 1:200S 3

M 4 Program, Site and MassingT 5 scale 1:400 and 1:200W 6T 7 F 8S 9S 10

M 11 Program, Site and MassingT 12 scale 1:400 and 1:200W 13T 14F 15S 16

S 17

M 18 Program, Site and MassingT 19 scale 1:400 and 1:200W 20T 21F 22S 23S 24

M 25 Program, Site and MassingT 26 scale 1:400 and 1:200W 27T 28

MARCHF 1 Detailed Study/PartiS 2 scale 1:50S 3

M 4T 5 W 6T 7 F 8 S 9S 10

M 11 MID REVIEW (???)T 12 Detailed Study/PartiW 13 scale 1:50T 14F 15S 16S 17

M 18T 19W 20T 21F 22S 23

Thesis Project, Spring Semester 2013S 24

M 25T 26W 27T 28F 29S 30S 31

APRILM 1T 2W 3T 4F 5S 6S 7

M 8T 9W 10T 11F 12S 13S 14

M 15T 16W 17T 18F 19S 20S 21

M 22T 23W 24T 25F 26S 27S 28

M 29T 30

MAYW 1T 2F 3S 4S 5

M 6T 7W 8T 9F 10S 11S 12

M 13T 14W 15T 16F 17S 18S 19

M 20T 21W 22T 23F 24 PROJECT END ??S 25S 26

M 27T 28W 29T 30F 31


M 3T 4W 5T 6F 7S 8S 9

M 10T 11W 12T 13F 14S 15S 16

M 20T 21W 22T 23F 24S 25S 26
